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1-What elements form anterior wall of the axillary fossa-B-reater and lesser pectoral muscles.

2-What disease r most char for the axillary fossa skin B-ydradenitis,C-uruncle 3-Where is the axillary ein located under relation to the same artery in the axillary fossa!-a-the ein is located in front n medially "-Where r the #rachial plexus #undles loated under relation to the same artery in the axillary fossa!-c-in front,medially and latterally $-%ow is the median ner e form in the axillary fossa!-c-#y mer&in& the elements of lateral and medial #undles of the #rachial plexus. '-What #undle of the #rachial plexus forms the radial ner e!-c-posterior . (-What #undle of the #rachial plexus forms the axillary ner e in the axillary fossa !-c-posterior. )-%ow many parts of the axillary artery are distin&uished on an extent of the axiillary re&ion !-c-3 *-Where may the #rachial artery pulsation #e found!-d-in a middle of medial surface of the shoulder. 1+-%ow is the medial ner e located under relation to the #rachial artery in the upper third of the shoulder !-claterally 11-%ow is the median ner e located in the relation to the #rachial artery in the el#ow fossa!-c-laterllay ,dmedially 12-What #ranches is the radial ner e di ided on in the anterior lateral sulcus of the el#ow fossa!-a-superficial n deep. 13-%ow is the ulnar ner e located in relation to the ulnar artery on an extent of the forearm !-d-medially. 1"-Where is median ner e located in upper third of the forearm!-#-#etween round pronator muscle head. 1$-Where is the median ner e located in the middle third of forearm!-a-#etween superficial and deep di&ital flexors. 1'-What di&ital flexor tends syno ial sheaths dama&e may cause the pus spread into the piro&o s cellular space!-c-ulnar n radial #ursas. 1(-What passes throu&h the radial canal of hand!-c-tend of radial flexor of hand. 1)-What dama&e is most dan&erous in tissue lesion in the proximal part thenar!-c-of the mo in& #ranch of the medial ner e d the oppostin failure of pollix. 1*-what is located d in fascial palmary com..!-e-all a#o e mention elemens. 2+-wht is u shaped phle&mon !-a-purulent tendo a&initisof 1st and $th fin&ures. 21-where shd the section #e made on the hand fin&ures in the purulent tendo e&initis!-e-on ant..late..surfaces out side of the interphalan&eal ,oints. 22-%.W many mus.layers r distin&uished in the &lutial re&ion !-c-3 23-what ascular ner ous formation passes throu&h the supra piriform aperture!-a-upper &lutial artery,#-upper &lutial ner e. 2"-wht ascular ner ous formatn pass throu&h infrapiriform aperture!-#-inter.pudendal art.and pudendal ner e,d-post.cutanious femoral ner e ,e-ischiadic ner e. 2$-where is the ischiadic ner e located the most supficially !-a-&luteal fold 2'-show the ways of &luteal phle&mon spread !-a-in to pel ic ca ity,c-to post surface of femer,d-in to lum#er re&ion. 2(-specify how many aperture r distin&uish in &luteal resion!-c-3 2)- show the communication of theinter muscular cellular!-a- d cellulad tissue of &luteal re&ion ,c- d cellular tissue of the su#popliteal recess. 2*-show the #ranches of the ischiadic ner e at the upper #order of su#politeal recess!-a-ti#ial ner e ,# common fi#ular ner e . 3+-wht parts r di ided in to the space under the in&unl li&ament !-d-muscular and ascular lacunas. 31wht r the walls of the femoral canal!-a-femoral ein ,super ficial and deep lea es of the wide femoral fascia 32-wht exist fr the mus.lacuna!-d-iliolum#ar mus. and femoral ner e . 33-wht forms the lower aperture of adducter s canal!-d-it the aperture in the tendinous mem.of &reat a#ductor. 3"-what exits throu&h the anterior aperture of the a#ducter canal !-c-su#cutanious ner e and decendin& poplitial art. 3$-how is the femoral ein located in relation to the similar art in the a#ducter canal!-c-#ehind/outside0. 3'. how is the femoral ein located in relation to the similar art in the upper third of the thi&h!-a-medialy. 3( how many facial compartment for the different &p of the muscle r in the thi&h!-c-3 3)-which mus.form the popliteal fossa!-a-m.semitend,-#-semimem.-c-#icep femoris.-d-&astrosnemious. 3*-wht form the #ottom of the poplitial fossa !-c-planum poplitial femoris,d-slantin& popliteal li&.-e-popliteal muscle. "+-how is the ti#ial ner e usually located in relation to the post ti#ial artery in the cruropoliteal canal!-#laterally "1-wht passes throu&h the lower musculofi#ular canal!-c-fi#ular artery "2-wht does the term 1li&ation of the art on an extent2mean!-c-li&ation of an art out side of a wound . "3- wht does the term direct access to the art means.-c-access strictely on pro,ecti e line of art. ""-which tools are used for li&ation of art alon& its len&th !-#-deschamps li&atin& needle. "$-wht merthod s r impro in& the collateral circulation is the most wide spread!-c-li&atin& of the similar ein "'-how is the pro,ecti e line of the radial art. Carried out !-#-fr the middle of the ulner fossa to the puls point .

"(-how is the pro,ecti e line of the axillary art carried out !-a-alon& post #otder of hairs &rowth#,-#-on #order of ant and middle third of the width of the axillary fossa,-c-it is continuation upwards of the pro,ecti e line of the #rachial art. ")-wht access is used at exposin& of the #rachial art!-#-rounda#out. "*-where is it the most rationally to li&ete the #rachial art for #etter collateral functionin& !-c-a little #elow the le el of #ranchin& the deep #rachial art. $+-wht le el shd the axillary art #e li&ated on !-#-a little a#o e the le el of #ranchin& the su# scapular art. $1-wht position shd the lower lim# ha e for drawin& the pro,ecti e line of the femoral art #y cain.-c-the le& is #ended in the hip nad knee ,oint and rotated outside. $2-how the pro,ecti e line of post ti#ial art drawn!-c-fr the point on distance 1cm fr internal ed&e of ti#ia to a half of the distance #et..medial malleolus and achill li&ament. $3-what le el is the most rational for li&atin& the femoral art in the upper third of thi&h !-c-#elow the le el of #ranchin& the deep femoral art. $"- how is the pro,ecti e line of radial ner e drawn on the upper arm!-#-throu&h the points on middle of post ed&e of the deltoid mus.3 the lower part of lateral trou&h of the #iceps. $$-What artery follows the radial ner e in the upper arm!-a-deep #rachial artery. $'-Why is the radial ner e position near#y 1sur&ical cer ix2of the humerus dan&erous!-c-#rakin& the ner e. $(-%ow is the pro,ecti e line of the ischiadic ner e drawn!-c-from the middle of the distance #etween the ischiadic tu#erosity n the &reater trochanter to the lateral epicondyle of femur. $)-What mucle co er #ehind the ischiadic ner e in the thi&h!-a-lon& head of the #iceps of thi&h,-#m.semitendinosus,-c-m.&emellus inferior. $*-What does the term neuroma mean!-#-thickenin& that is formed on the proximal end of the er e after full #reakin&. '+-What len&th diastase must #e #etween the ner e ends at its suturin&!-a-1mm ,-#-2-3mm. '1-What r the re4irements to the tendinious suture!-#-pro idin& of smooth surface of tends,-d-preser ation of essel n supplyin& of tend. '2-Where is the point for the shoulder ,oint puncture located!-d-on the middle of the anterior ed&e of the deltoid muscle. '3-Where does the section #e&in at arthotomy of the shoulder ,oint #y 5a&en#ack!-#-from the acromion . '"-What ner e #ranches may #e dama&e at arthrotomy of the shoulder ,oint #y 5a&en#ack!-#-radial. '$-Where is the point of a needle enternin& at the shoulder ,oint puncture located!-a-#etween the lateral ed&e of olecranon n inferor ed&e of lateral epicondyle. ''-%ow is the section at the knee ,oint empiema usually performed !-a-on each side of patella. '(-What is ,oint resection!-c-complete or partial remo al of the ,oint surfaces. ')-What is the arthrotomy!-a-openin& of the ,oint ca ity. '*-What the does the term a lim# amputiton mean!-#-remo al of distal part of a lim# on #one extent. (+-What indication for lim# amputiton r primaries!-c-complete #reakin& of the distal part of lim# ,-e-opened dama&e of lim# ,which includes full #reakin& of ascular ner ous #undles #one fra&mentation n destruction more than 263 of soft tissue. (1-What kinds of amputation do u know!-a-circular,-#-cross. (2-What should #e done after circular section of the periostenium at the usin& supraperiostal method of periosteum processin&!-a-mo e the perosteum proximally on $-1+mm. (3Where is the location of the postoperati e scar more desira#le!-#-on non workin& surface . ("-What complication is the most typical for the osseoplastic shin amputation #y 7iro&o !-#-necrosis of the calcaneal tu#erosity at dama&in& the calcaneal artery. ($-What #one is included into structure of the ra& at the osseoplastic hip amputation #y 8reatty 9himano sky-9tocks-:l#ert!-c-patella. ('-What amputations r more often used in 1accident sur&ery2-c-circular. ((-What amputations r more often used in peacetime!-a-scrappy. ()-What direction must the section of the soft tissues ha e at primary sur&ical de#ridement of a wound in the frontoparieto occipital re&ion!-a-lon&itudinal!-#-spindle shaped. (*-What shape should a wound # made at primary sur&ical de#ridement of the soft tissues in the frontoparieto-occipital re&ion!-#-spindle shaped. )+-What tissues enter into structure of the scalp !-#-skin ,cellular tissue n tendinious helmet. )1-What characterrises the hematoma of the su# cutanios cellular tissue in the fronto-parieto-occipital re&ion!a-it has #ump shape. )2-What characteri;es su# periostal hematoma in the fronto-parieto-occipital re&ion!-#-its spread within the sin&le #one #orders. )3-What characteri;es the su# aponeurotic hematoma in the fronto-pareito occipital re&ion!-c-it freely mo es within the #orders of the fronto-pareito-occipital re&ion. )"-%ow many layers the #ones of the skull fornix ha e!-c-3 )$-What should u do when u ha e found a #i& osseous splinter which is connected with periosteumn n the #one of the skull fornix,in a wound at primary sur&ical de#ridement in the fronto-pareito-occipital re&ion!-#-this splinter should #e keepin&. )'-What matted r used to temporarily arrest the #leedin& from the #one essles in the fro.-pari.-occ. <e&ion!a-di&ital pressin& on the essels on the wound circle,-#-usin& the stop-the #leedin& clamps wiyh the pointed ends,-e-imposin& special homeostasis sutures. )(-What methods r used for temporare stopin& the #leedin& from the soft tissues essles in the frot.-pari.-occ. <e&ion!-e-tamponed of the wound with the cat&ut .

))-What wounds of the head r reffered to as penetratin&!-c-which r connected with a dama&e of the duramatter . )*-Which layers of the skull fornix #ones r dama&e to most of all in skull trauma,which is accompanied #y the fractures !-c-internal plate. *+-=repanation with the remo al of a #one fra&ment is called!-#-resectional *1-What atery #raches a.menin&ea media!-#-maxillary. *2-=he schene ,is used for orientation& in craniocere#ral topo&raphy , is called!-e->ronlain Bryuso as scheme. *3-What aperture does the middle menin&eal artery pass thru&h!-e-spine aperture. *"-%ow s the main trunk of the middle menin&ael artery pro,ected in the >ronlain Bryuso as scheme!-#-on croosin& of anterior ertical n lower hori;ontal. *$-What distance should the periosteaum #e sectioned on from the cutanious wound #ordes at osteoplastic trepanation !-a-1cm *'-What direction should #e the periosteun #e seprated in octeoplastic trepanation !-#-to the wound ed&es. *(-Which tools should #e used to seprate the osseous scrap at the skull trepenetation!-d-yansens forceps,-edal&rens forceps. *)-%ow is the pro&ecti e line of the parotid &lands deffernt duct directed!-#-from the ear &oat #asis to the mouth an&le. **-What direction should the sections ha e in purulent parotits!-#-radially from the year &oat. 1++-Where is the point of the facial artery di&ital pressure located!-d-on the middle of the lower ,aw #ody at anterior ed&e of the masseteric muscle. 1+1-Choose the names of the chewin& muscle .-#-m.massetr,-c-m.temporalis,-f-m.ptery&oideus medillis ,-&m.ptery&oideus lateralis. 1+2-9oft co ers of the skull consist of !-c-' layers 1+3-7us spread form the mastoid process in to the si&moid sinus is possi#le !-c throu&h the mastoid exit 1+"-what ner e pro ide mo in& inner ation of the face mimic muscle ! #-facial n tri&eminal ,c-tri&eminal 1+$-what way of the pus spread at parotisis is the most possi#le !-# into anterior paraphyn&eal space,d-into the exeternal auditory pass 1+'- %ow the trasition of the purulent em#olus intothe ca ernous sinus is possi#le!-a-trou&h the upper or#ital ein,#-throu&h the lower or#ital ein ,d-throu&h the ptery&oid enous plexus 1+(-What anatomic formation may #e dama&ed when the mastoid process main cell is openin& !-#- facial ner e ,d-si&miod enous sinus ,e-ca ity of the midlle ear 1+) Which trepanation trian&le may#e used for definition of location of the imp. :natomic formation n recanali;ation of the main cell of mastoid process!-d-9chipeau. 1+*-=he temporal #one consist of the follow layers in the scales area !-a-external plate , -c-internal plate. 11+-=he ein which connects the enous plexus of the nose ca ity with the duramatter upper lon&itudinal enus plexus n allow enternin& of infected throm#us into the duramatter sinuses from the nose ca ity pass throu&h!-a-#lind aperture. 111-=he face superficial tissue are supplied #y follow arteries!-a-maxillary ,-c-facial ,-d-trans ersal facial. 112-=he skin of the face is inner ated #y !-a-facial ner e ,-#-tri&eminal ner e 113-<etropharah&yeal cellular space is limited #y !-a-pre ertre#al fascia 11"-=he different duct of parotiod &land opens !-#-into esti#ule of mouth. 11$-What anatomic formation passes throu&h paratoid &land!-#-facial ner e 11'-=he maxillary artery is the #ranch of d-external carotid artery. 11(-What should u do when the epeidural hematoma in the temporal re&ion increases!-d-li&ation of the middle menin&eal artery. 11)-?t should remem#er when the trepanation of the mastoid process is performed a#out location of !-c-facial ner e ,-d-si&moid sinus. 11*-%ow many fascisas did 9he kunenko distin&uished on the neck!-e-$ 12+-Which of fascias di ide the neck anatomically on the ante. n the post. part !-#-2 121What is the source of superficial ner e of the neck!-a-cer ical plexus 122-Where is the exit point of the neck superficial ner e pro,ected!-c-on the middle of posterior ed&e of sterno cleido-mastad muscle 123-What r the feature of the fourth facial of the neck!-a-prescence of parietal n is. 5ea es ,-#-formatoon of a asculo ner ous #undles a&inas ,-c-formaton of fascial compartment of neck or&ans, -e- presence of the cellular tissue #etween the parietal and isceral lea es. 12"- What fascias is the suprasternal cellular space situated #etween!-#- 2 and 3. 12$- What cellular space is the unpaired enous plexus of the thyroid &land located in! -#-pre isceral. 12'- What cellular space of the neck connects with anterior mediastinum! #- 7re isceral. 12(- What cellular space of the neck connects with posterior mediastinum!-d- pro ete#ral. 12)- What fascias should #e cut at accessin& to the external carotid artery within the carotid trian&le! c-first, second and fourth. 12*- What fascias should #e cut at exposin& the fascial artery within the su#mendi#ular trian&le! #- first and second. 13+- What element is medially located in main ascular ner ous #undle of the neck medial trian&le! acommon carotid artery. 131- Where the upper point of common carotid artery pro,ecti e line is located! c- @iddle of the distance #etween the lower ,aw an&le and the top of mastoid process. 132- Where the lower point of common carotid artery pro,ecti e line is located! #- .n the #order #etween medial and lower thirds of the cla icle len&th.

133- What le el is the common carotid artery #ifurcation more often located at! #- Apper ed&e of thyroid &land. 13"- What attri#utes may help to distin&uish the external carotid arteries from the internal ones within the operational wound! a- 7resence of departin& #ranches, -c-medial location. 13$- What artery #ranches lin&ual artery! a- external carotid. 13'- What artery is exposed throu&h the 7ro&o Bs trian&le on the neck! d- lin&ual. 13(- %ow is the method of the simultaneous #lockade of the sympathetic trunk and the a&us ner e on the neck called! c- Cishne skyBs #lockade. 13)- What anatomic formation does the second fascia of the neck or superficial leaf of the proper fascia of the neck make the compartments for! a- 9ternocleidmastoid musclesD -#- 9ternohyoid musclesD -d9u#mandi#ular sali ary &land. 13*- What anatomic formations made the 7iro&o Bs trian&le, which is used for li&atin& the lin&ual artery! #@ylohyoid muscleD -c- =endinous part of posterior enter of the di&astric muscleD -c- %ypo&lossal ner e. 1"+- Where the common carotid artery should #e pressed for temporary stop the #leedin&! #- =o the trans erse process of the 'th cer ical erte#ra. 1"1- What ner es enter into structure of the asculo-ner ous #undle of the neck! a- Ca&us ner e. 1"2- Where the external carotid artery is typically li&ated! d- :#o e departin& upper thyroidal artery. 1"3- =he compartment for the asculo-ner ous #undle of the neck is formed #yE -d- median FsplanchnicG fascia. 1""- What fascias of the neck are met within the scapular trape;oid trian&le! c- Hirst, second and third. 1"$- What fascias should #e cut at lower tracheostomy! d- :ll fascias excludin& fifth. 1"'- What element is laterally located within the asculo-ner ous #undle of lateral trian&le. 1"(- What attri#utes distin&uist the sympathetic trunk from the a&us ner e! a-7resence of the nodules and the #ranches that are connected with itsD -d- 5ocation under the fifth fasciaD -e- 5imited mo ement. 1")- %ow are the deep intermuscular spaces, which are located under the fifth fascia within lateral of the neck, named! a- 7rescalenicD -#- ?nterscalenic. 1"*- Where the thoracic duct is poured in! a- ?nto left 7iro&o Bs enous an&le. 1$+- %ow many parts with characteristic topo&raphy are di ided on the extent of the su#cla ian artery! c- 3. 1$1- What le el is the first narrowin& FstrictureG of the esopha&us located at! #- ' th cer ical erte#ra. 1$2- =he place of the formation of the phrenic ner e isE -c- Cer ical plexus. 1$3- Conicotomy is performed at a le elE -c- Between circoad and thyroid cartila&e. 1$"- What explains the occurance of cere#ral essels air em#olism after operation on neck or&an! #- Iense accreation of the ein of the neck with fascia. 1$$- =racheostomy is di ided on upper middle and lower under relation toD -a- Cricoid cartila&e. 1$'- What position should the patient occupy at tracheostomy! d- 9emisittin& position with the head that is thrown #ack. 1$(- What anatomic landmarks should #e com#ine in the neck re&ion at tracheostomy, which is made strictly on the median line! a- Apper incisure of the thyroid cartila&eD -c- @iddle of the chinD -e- @iddle of the ,u&ular incisure of the chest#one. 1$)- What essels should #e li&ated or replaced at upper tracheostomy! a- median ein of the neck. 1$*- What essels should #e li&ated or replaced at lower tracheostomy! a- median ein of the neck cCenous ,u&ular arch. d- Jon paired enous plexus of the thyroid &land. 1'+- %yperemia of the face at the a&o-symathetic #lockade is explained #yD -a- Blockade of the a&us ner eD -c- Blockade of the sympathetic trunk. 1'1-What pectoral fascia forms the #rest capsule !-#-#-fascia superficialis 1'2-7iont to ;or&ius lymph node location .-d- under external ed&e of the &reater pectoral muscle on the 3 rd ri# le el 1'3- What incision is used for lancin& of purulent mastitis !-a-radial unde the relation to the mammilla,-#arched on a course of transiti e crease. 1'"-What inercoastal spaces r widest!-a-1st ,-#-2nd ,-c-3rd . 1'$-Which of the chest wall layers the intercoastal neouro ascular #undle is situated in!-#-#etween intercoastal muscle. 1'(-What is intercaostal fissure!-#- a space #etween the external n internal intercoastal muscle. 1')-What artery is the internal pectoral artery come from!-#-from the cle icular artery . 1'*-Which of the chest wall layers the internal thoracic arteries located!-c-#etween the internal intercoastal muscle n tras erse thorac fascia.,-d-within the su#plerual cellular tissue. 1(+-What position of patient should ha e at the thoracocentessis!-c-in sittin& position& with the #ent trunk. 1(1-Where the thoracocentieses for free pleural effusion should #e met!-c-in the lowest effusion point. 1(2-What ri#ed&e the thoracoscentesis prick is made #y!-a-near upper ed&e. 1(3-%ow is the periosteaum dissected at the su# parioosteal ri# rissection!-e-% wise. 1("-Where the posterior periosteal leaf is cut #y the scalpel to drain the pleural ca ity after ri# resection!-c- on middle. 1($-Which of the chest wall layer should fixF#e suture withG the draina&e after the ri# resection!-c-the skin 1('-Which of the anatomic chest wall layers should #e dama&e for callin& the penetratin& wound!-d-all a#o e mentoned layer n endothorac fascia. 1((-What kind of wound pneumothorax do u know!-a- open ,-#-closed ,-c- al e 1()-What kind of pneumothorax r the most the se ere disorders o#ser e at !-c- al e. 1(*-What is the aim of the makin& cer icle a&o sympathetic #lockade in the chest wound!-c-as a remedy for fi&htin& with pleiro pulmonary shock. 1)+ %ow many serious ca ities r in the chest!-c-3

1)1-What or&ans is located on the #order #etween anterior n posteriormedia stiunum!-c-the trachea n the primary #ronchus. 1)2-What anatomic formation r located alon& the upper hollow ein ri&ht wall!-c-ri&ht phrenic ner e. 1)3-What ner e r located on the left anterior syrface of aorta arch!-#-left a&us ner e ,-c-ri&ht phrenic ner e ,-d- left pfrenic ner e 1)"-=he left recuurent ner e usually #ranche off the left a&us at a le el!-#-at the lower anterior wall of the arch of aorta ,-c-at the lower ed&e of the arch of aorta. 1)$-=he ri&ht recurrent ner e usually #ranche of f the ri&ht a&us at a le el!-#-at the lower ri&ht cle icular artery 1)'-What point is the thoracocentieses perform often in !-a-in lurrey point 1)( %ow many pericardial recess r distin&uished !-c-3 1))-What essels rounds the ri&ht lun& root from the top!-d-hemia;y&ous ein 1)*-What order r the elements of the left lun& root located from the top to the #ottom!-#-pulmonary artery primary #ronches,pulmonary ein 1*+-What order r the elements of the ri&ht lun& root located from the top to the #ottom!-a-primary #ronches ,pulmonary artery ,pulmonary ein 1*1-What anatomic formations is thoracic trunk located in posterior media stinum #etween !-#-#etween the thoracic aorta n a;y&os ein 1*2-What surface of the esopha&us r the left a&us #ranches located on!-a-anterior 1*3-9pecify what #ranches come from the arch of aorta!-#-the ri&ht common carotid ,-d-the left cla icular artery 1*"-9how how the lower hollow ein is located in relation to pericardil!-c-partially inside 1*$-9how how the recess r distin&uished in the pleural ca ity!-a-costodiaphra&matic,-#-anterior costomediastinal,-c-posterior costomediastinal ,-d-diaphra&momediastinl 1*'-What recess is punctuated at the fluid accumulation within the pleiural ca ity!-a-costodiphra&matic 1*(-Choose the anatomic formation which r concerned the anterior mediastinum!-a-hollow eins ,-#-phrenic ner e ,-d-heart 1*)-What recess is punctuated at the fluid accumulation within the pericardial ca ity!-#-anteror lower 1**-9how what eseles r ,oint #y the #otallo duct!-#-pulmonary artery n arch of aorta 2++-7oint the esopha&us surface with mo#ili;ation may cause dama&e of the thoracic duct!-#-posterior duct 2+1-Which of the heart wall layers r sutured at the heart wouindin& !-#-epicardium ,endocardium n myocardium 2+2-9pecify what specific sur&ical tool r used for su#periostal ri# resection!-a-fara#efs rasp,-c-doyen ri# rasp,e-luers forcep 2+3-9pecify what anatomic a#lormanities enter into structure of fallos tetrad!-a-constiction of pulmonary artery ,-#-upper diffect of interartial septum,-d-dextraposition of the aorta,-e-hypertrophy of the ri&ht entrile myocardium 2+"-What anatomic formation ed&e the anterior lateral a#dominal wall!-a-ri# arches,-d-in&uinal li&ament 2+$-What name the a#dominal ca ity!-c-a space,which is #ordered #y the intra peritoneal fascia 2+'-What or&ans r located in the ri&ht su#coastal area!-a-part of ri&ht li er lo#e ,-c-a part of ri&ht kidney 2+(-What ner e inner ate the muscles of the anterior lateral a#dominal wall!-#-lateral n anterior #ranches of the inter coastal ner e (th n 12th ,-c-the #ranches of lum#ar plexus 2+)-What anatomic formation form the anterior wall of the rectus a#dominal muscle of a&ina in the a#dominal wall upper part!-#-yhe aponeurosis of the ext n the int slantin& a#dominal muscle 2+*-What layer is located #ehind the trans erse a#dominal muscle!-c-the intra peritoneal fascia 21+-What anatomic formation form the whi&ht line of the a#domen!-d-the tend #undle #undles of ' th wide a#dominal muscle 211-Which of the layers has the a#dominal wall near the na al!-a-the skin ,-d-the um#ilicil fascia ,-f-the peritoneum 212-What formation r the #orders of the in&uinal trian&le!-#-in&uinal li&ament. ,-c-the hori;ontal line from the ed&e #etween the external n the middle 3 rd of len&th of the in&uinal li&ament,-dthe ext ed&e of the strai&ht a#dominal muscle 213-What is ih&uinal space!-#-the distance #etween the in&uinal li&ament n the lower ed&e of the internal slantin& n trans erse a#dominal muscle 21"-What forms the ext aperture of the in&uinal canal!-c-spilltin& of aponeorosis of the external slantin& a#dominal muscle 21$-What fossa corresponds the internal aperture of the un&uinal canal!-a-lateral in&uinal fossa ,-#-medial in&uinal fossa 21'-Who more often suffers from the in&uinal hernias!-a-a man 21(-What is pre condition for formin& the in&uinal hernias!-#-precence of wide ih,uinal space ,-f-unsufficient de elopment of the muscular n aponeurotic layers formin& the walls of in&uinal canal 21)What kind of hernias re4ire strai&htnin& the in&uinal canal posteror wall!-#-sta&htin& in&uinal hernia 21*-What layers r sewed to the in&uinal li&ament durin& the strai&htnin& #y martin !-a-the apoeurosis of the ext slantin& a#dominal muscle 22+-What anatomic formation includes the aperture of the femoral canal!-c-the wide femoral fascia 221-What anatomic formation r sewed to&ether durin& femoral harniotomy #y the femoral way!-#-the in&uinal li&ament with the pectineal 222-%ow it should round the na al durin& median laparotomy !-#-on the left

223-What is the ed&e #etween the upper n the lower floor of the a#dominal ca ity!-c-trans erse colon ,root of its mecentry 22"-What r or&an located in the upper floor of the a#dominal ca ity!-a-li er n &all #la #- the stomach ,-c- the spleen ,-d-the upper half of duodnun ,-e-the pancreas 22$-What elements enter into the structure of hepato dodnun li&ament !-a-the portal ein ,-c-the common #ile duct ,-e-the proper &astric artery 22'-What #ranches the celiac duct di ided !-a-the left &astric artery ,-d-splenic artery ,-e-common hepatic artery 22(-%ows the cecaeum co ered #y peritoneum in most cases !-e-from all side 22)-%ows the symoid colon co ered #y the peritoneum in most cases!-e-from all side 22*-What anatomy formation form the omental window6-a-lower hollow ein ,-#-hepato duodenal li&ament,-clo#e of li er,-d-upper pole of ri&ht kidney 23+-What fetures distin&uished the lar&e n small #owel!-a-on precence of omental appendix,-c-in precence of swalloin& ,-d-in perscence of ascular tenious 231-Whuch of the sutured material is used for the imposin& the dirty intetstinal sutures!-c-cat&ut ,-d-metal #rackets 232-Which of the di&esti e tract coats has the most meachanical dura#ility !-c-su#serous 233-Which part of the di&esti e tract should #e sie ed #y the dou#le line sutures!-a-the stomach ,-#-the duodanam ,-c-the smaDD intestine 23"-Which part of the di&esti e tract should #e sie ed #y the triple line sutures!-c-the small intestine 23$-What kind of artificial external sutures of the hollow or&ans do u know!-c-the tu#ular ,-d-lip 23'-Wat kind of stomach is formed #y the tapro er method6-a-circular 23(-What r the indication of imposin& the stoma on the stomach!-a-#y pylorosteonis,-c-inopera le cancerof the esopha&us or cardiac part of stomach,-d-esopha&us stenoses,-e-esopha&eal #rake 23)What part of the stomach is the ru##er tu#e put durin& it;el &astronomy!-c-in the essels area #etween the small n lar&e cur ature 23*-Where the tu#e ends should #e directed when immersed into stomach &leam durin& it;el &astronomy!a-to the pyloric part 2"+-What is &astropaxy!-d-the stomach fixin& to a parietal peritoneum #y se eral sutures for isolatin& the a#dominal ca ity from the stomach contains 2"1-Which if the suture is rationally used for preakin& wounds on the small intestine!-a-site serous muscular 2"2-Why the wounds of the hollow or&ans r surrounded in cross direction!-c-for a oidin& &lem constriction 2"3-What amount of small intestine is the indication of intestine resection while the wouds suturin& is contra indicated!-#-more than 163rd of the intestinal circle 2""-What layers r &rasped durin& imposin& the holders suture!-#-serous mascular case 2"$-What kinds of anas tomosis is the most physiolo&y for small intestine!-c-end to end 2"'-What is the name of mesentry defect sutury!-e-all r correct 2"(-Why does the approach refered #y mc.#runey olko ich refer to as alternati e !-#-#ecause of discrepencyof skin section line with the muscle sepration 2")-What ariants of the appendix location do u know!-f-all r correct 2"*-%ow is the spleen co ered #y the peritoneum in most cases!-a-it is an out peritoneal area in the place of contact with contact with the diapra&ram n in the &ate area 2$+-What ways r of final #leedin& stopin& r used at the dama&e of parenchimatous or&ans!-a- essel li&ation ,-d-tissue suturin& #y u shape sutures ,-e-usin& the special kind of sutures with temponade omentum ,-f-usin& of the u shape sututres with the temponate #y the omentum on essel le& 2$1-What r the main principles of suturin& paren.matous or&an !-#-usin& all the u shape suture pre entin& the tissue cuttin& n promotin& s4uee;in& of the most of the #leedin& essels ,-c-&raspinn into the sutures in the fi#orous case to a oid the sutures cuttin& ,-d-usin& the &reater omentum for the homeostasis n for the pre ention of sutures cuttin& ,-e-&arspin& into the suture apart of muscle 2$2-Ioes the splectotonomy effect on the health!-#-it may #e caused of the immuno defiancy upto the lethality 2$3-What course of fi#re does the ext slantin& a#dominal muscle!-c-from #elow upwards n outside inside 2$"-%ow many elements may #e distin&usied in the in &uinal canal!-c-"walls n2 apeture 2$$-What is pre&astric fissure #ordered #y !-a-diaphar&m,c-left lo#e of hepar f- anterior &astric surface. 2$'- What features allow to distin&uish the trans erse colon from others parts of the colon! c- 7resence of the &reater omentum. 2$(- Which of the di&esti e tract coats has the most plastic features! d- 9erous. 2$)- %ow much time does the serous accretion take! #- 2" hours. 2$*- Which of the di&esti e tract coats are the &reatest arterial and enous plexuses located in! c9u#serous. 2'+- What is &astrostomy! #- ?mposin& the artificial external stoma on the stomac,. 2'1- What kind of stomas is used to close the or&an aperture after the drain remo al! #- =u#ular. 2'2- What si;e must the &leam of the &astrointestinal anastomosis ha e! #- '-)cm. 2'3- Why is the 1pars nuda2 sutured durin& the intestinal resection! #- for restoration of a continuity of the serous coat. 2'"- %ow are the intestinal clamps imposed on the small intestine #efore its resection! c-.J an&le opened to the free ed&e of the intestine. 2'$- Why is the intestinal section performed in slantin& direction durin& the small intestine resection F@adelun&Bs methodG ! #- Hor impro ement of #lood supply to the free ed&e in the anastomosis re&ion. cHor increasin& of the cross section of the anastomosis. 2''- Who offered the pararectal approach to the appendix! e- 5ennander.

2'(- What distincti e features of the caecum do you know! a- :#sence of the mesentery. #- :#sence of the lipoid appendices. 2')- ?s the appendix mo#ili;ation performed durin& appendectomy! #- ?t is performed #y consecuti e #anda&in& of the mesentery with li&ature needle or clamps and than cuttin& of the mesentery. 2'*- What complications are possi#le durin& splenectomy! e- :ll listed. 2(+- Where the &astric wall dama&e may arise durin& the spleen mo#ili;ation #ecause of shorter len&th of the &astrosplenic li&ament! #- ?n upper part of this li&ament. 2(1- What splenic li&ament cuttin& allows to mo#ili;e the spleen maximum and to deduce it into the wound! a- 7hrenosplenic. 2(2- What are the features distin&uishin& the operations on the small intestine and on the lar&e intestine! #=he lar&e intestine has thinner wall than the small intestine. d- =he small intestine has more contaminated contents than the small intestine. e- Jon uniform distri#ution of the muscular fi#res in the lar&e intestine wall. 2(3- What suture is rationally used on the lar&e intestine! e- 5ine 4uantity is defined #y character of patholo&ic process. 2("- What kinds of the anastomosis on the lar&e intestine e are prefera#le Fif the conditions would allowG! c9ide to side. e- :ll kinds are safe. 2($- What approach is performed durin& imposin& of anus praeternaturalis! a- 9lantin& alternate approach on 2-" cm a#o e the in&uinal li&ament and in parallel to it. 2('- =he practical peritonaeum is sewed with the skin durin& imposin& of anus praeternaturalis. #- Hor isolatin& the layers of the cellular tissue of the a#dominal wall. 2((- :re the operations 1colostomy2 and 1imposin& of anus praeternaturalis2 differ! c- :re distin&uished only #y the indications not #y techni4ue. 2()- What distin&uishes the operation 1colostomy2 from 1imposin& of anus praeternaturalis2! a- .nly #y that anus praeternaturalis is imposed on the si&moid colon. d- By presence so called 1led&e2. 2(*- Why is the si&moid colon serous coat connected with parietal peritonaeum durin& imposin& of anus praeternaturalis! c- Hor pre ention the a#dominal ca ity contamination. 2)+- When may the si&moid colon &leam #e opened after scheduled operationK..-c- 7ast 2-3 days. 2)1- What parts of the colon may #e the colostomy #e performed in! a- the cecum.-#- colon. f- the si&moid colon. 2)2- What are ed&es of the lum#ar re&ion! a- 12th ri#D -c- crest of the ileum #one. 2)3- %as the retroperitoneal space the same #orders with the lum#ar re&ion! #- ?t has considera#ly lar&er ed&es than the lum#ar re&ion. 2)"- %as the lum#ar cellular tissue thickness distri#uted! d- non uniformly the thickness is more in #ottom part. 2)$- What elements form lum#ar trian&le FpetitBs troam&leG! a- Lxternal slantin& a#dominal muscleD -e- =he widest muscle of the #ackD-f- Crest of ileum #one. 2)'- What elements form the lum#ar rhom# F5es&aft-8runfieldG! #- =he internal slantin& a#dominal muscleE -d- 12th ri#. e- =he widest muscle of #ack. &- =he posterior lower &ear muscle. 2)(- What is the practical alue of 7etitBs trian&le and 5es&aft-8runfieldBs rhom#!-a- ?ts are the places of hernia exit #- its are the places of purulent exit from the retroperitoneal space. 2))- What characteri;e the approach to the kidney #yBer&man-?sraeli! a- ?t is out peritoneal approach. 2)*- What are the anterior and posterior #orders of the retroperitoneal space! a- the parietal peritonaeum. #-fascia endoa#dominalis. 2*+- Which of the cellular layers are distin&uished in the retroperitoneal space! #- =extus cellulosus retroperitonealis. d- the cellular tissue around the kidney. e- the cellular tissue #ehin& colon. 2*1- Which of the specific sur&ical tools is imposed on the renal artery durin& nephrectomy!-c- Hedoro Bs clamp. 2*2- 5ist the #order of the small pel is. a- 7el is #one #elow the ed&e line. #- 9acral #one c- Coccy&eal #one. 2*3- Jame the small pel is muscles. c- m.le ator ani. d- c.muscle. e- deep tr. 7er. @uscle. 2*"- 5ist the parietal cellular spaces of the su#peritoneal floor of the pel is. a- 7re esical.-#- lateral parietal.c- <etrorectal. 2*$- 5ist the isceral cellular spaces of the su#peritoneal floor of the pel is. #- 7eri esical. c-7erarectal. dparametral. 2*'- Why is the #reak of the upper &luteal artery dan&erous! a- ?schemia of the &luteal re&ion. #- mo in& of the central endKKKKK-c- Crashin& of the ischiadic ner eKK.. 2*(- What artery does left ureter cross more often at transformation into the pel ic department! c- Common iliac. 2*)- What artery does the ri&ht ureter cross moreKKKKK..-a- external iliac. 2**- 9pecify what artery supplies the perineal department of the rectum! c- internal pudendal. 3++- What ed&es the ischiorectal fossa from lateral side! #- int. o#turator muscle. 3+1- What forms the pudendal canal where the internal pudendal artery and ein and pudendal ner e pass throu&h! #- fascia of the internal o#turator muscle. 3+2- %ow is the section performed for the openin& the internal iliac artery!-#- ?n parallel to the in&uinal li&ament a#o e it so that the section middle coincides with a pro,ecti e line of the artery. 3+3- What points are the ends of the common iliac artery pro,ecti e line! a- na al. d- middle of the in&uinal li&ament.

3+"- %ow is the ureter located under the relation to the internal iliac and uterine arteries!-c- =he ureter is located ahead of the internal iliac and #ehind of the uterine arteries. 3+$- ?s the openin& of the a#dominal ca ity performed at cystostomy #y reason of acute urine delay! #- Jo. 3+'- 5ist the li&aments fixin& the o ary.-#- 7roper o arian li&ament. c- 9uspensory li&ament of o ary. d@eso ary. 3+(- What di ides the #one pel ic #ase on the lar&e and small pel is! a- Ld&e line. 3+)- Where is a point of a needle enterin& durin& intrapel ic #lock anesthesia #y 9hokolniko located! c- .n 1 cm inside of the upper anterior iliac spine. 3+*- Where does the needle ad ance durin& intrapel ic #lock anesthesia #y 9hokolniko ! a- ?n front #ack. 31+- 9pecify throu&h what apertures the inflammation process may spread into the &luteal re&ion. a9uprapiriform. #- ?nfrapiriform. 311- 9pecify what coat of the #ladder wall shouldBnt #e &rasped at suturin& #y reason of the #ladder dama&e. c- @ucous.

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