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2014/01 edition (entry into force 2014/01/01)

Article 6 Inspections and checks 6.1 General

6.1.1 Materials, workmanship, structures and welded connections are to be subjected, at the be innin of the work, durin construction and after completion, to inspections by the !hipbuilder suitable to check compliance with the applicable re"uirements, appro#ed plans and standards$ 6.1.2 %he !hipbuilder is to make a#ailable to the !ur#eyor a list of the manual welders and weldin operators and their respecti#e "ualifications$ %he !hipbuilder&s internal or anisation is responsible for ensurin that welders and operators are not employed under improper conditions or beyond the limits of their respecti#e #alid "ualifications and that weldin procedures are adopted within the appro#ed limits and under the appropriate operatin conditions$ 6.1.3 %he !hipbuilder is responsible for ensurin that the operatin conditions, weldin procedures and work schedule are in accordance with the applicable re"uirements, appro#ed plans and reco nised ood weldin practice$ 6.1.4 %he !hipbuilder is responsible for ensurin that non'destructi#e e(amination ()*+) procedures and plans are adhered to durin the construction and that )*+ reports are made a#ailable to the !ociety$

6.2 Non-destructive examination

6.2.1 )on'destructi#e e(amination techni"ues refer to the testin methods applicable to the detection of surface imperfections (,isual %estin , Ma netic particle %estin , -i"uid penetrant %estin ) or sub'surface imperfections (.ltrasonic %estin , /adio raphic %estin )$ 6.2.2 )*+ of hull welds are to be performed in accordance with written procedures accepted by the !ociety$ !uch procedures are to contain appropriate details about the applied codes or standards, testin method, e"uipment, calibration, testin conditions and personnel "ualification$ 0or each

)*+ techni"ue, appropriate details means typically the details described in 123! /ecommendation 20$ 6.2.3 %he )*+ acceptance criteria defined by the !hipbuilder are to be submitted to the !ociety and should comply with the 123! /ecommendation 20 or with a reco ni4ed standard which has been accepted by the !ociety$ 5here applicable, specific criteria defined in 3h 12, !ec 2, for special structural details are to be refered to$ 6.2.4 2ll finished welds are to be subjected to #isual testin by the !hipbuilder&s "ualified personnel$ 6.2.5 2fter completion of the weldin operation and workshop inspection, the structure is to be presented to the !ur#eyor for eneral #isual e(amination at a suitable sta e of fabrication$ 2s far as possible, the results on non'destructi#e e(aminations are to be submitted$ 6.2.6 /adio raphic testin is to be carried out on the welded connections of the hull in accordance with 67$89$ %he results are to be made a#ailable to the !ociety$ %he sur#eyor may re"uire to witness some testin preparations$ 6.2. %he !ociety may accept radio raphic testin to be replaced by ultrasonic testin $ 6.2.! %he !hipbuilder&s )*+ plan describin the e(tent, type and location of )*+ is to be submitted to the !ociety for acceptance$ 6.2." 5hen the non'destructi#e e(aminations re#eal the presence of unacceptable indications, the rele#ant connection is to be repaired to an e(tent and accordin to a procedure a reed with the !ur#eyor$ %he repaired 4one is then to be submitted to non'destructi#e e(amination, usin a method deemed suitable by the !ur#eyor to #erify that the repair is satisfactory$ 2dditional e(aminations may be re"uired by the !ur#eyor on a case by case basis$ 6.2.1#

.ltrasonic and ma netic particle testin may also be re"uired by the !ur#eyor in specific cases to check the base material$

6.3 $adio%raphic testin%

6.3.1 /adio raphic testin is to be carried out on the welded butts of shell platin , stren th deck platin as well as of members contributin to the lon itudinal stren th$ /adio raphic %estin may also be re"uired for the joints of members subject to hea#y stresses$ %he re"uirements 67$8$29 to 67$8$:9 constitute eneral rules; the number of radio raphs may be increased where re"uested by the !ur#eyor, mainly where #isual inspection or radio raphic soundin s ha#e re#ealed major defects, specially for butts of sheerstrake, strin er plate, bil e strake or keel plate$ <ro#isions alteration to these rules may be accepted by the !ociety when justified by the or anisation of the !hipbuilder or of the inspection department= the inspection is then to be e"ui#alent to that deduced from 67$8$29 to 67$8$:9$ 6.3.2 2s far as automatic weldin of the panels butt welds durin the premanufacturin sta e is concerned, the !hipbuilder is to carry out random non'destructi#e testin of the welds (radio raphic or ultrasonic testin ) in order to ascertain the re ularity and the constancy of the weldin inspection$ 6.3.3 1n the midship area, radio raphies are to be taken at the joinin s of panels$ +ach radio raphy is situated in a butt joint at a cross'shaped weldin $ 1n a i#en ship cross'section bounded by the panels, a radio raphy is to be made of each butt of sheerstrake, strin er, bil e and keel plate= in addition, the followin radio raphies are to be taken;

bottom platin ; two deck platin ; two side shell platin ; two each side$

0or ships where > ? * @ 1: m, only one radio raphy for each of the abo#e items is re"uired$ %his re"uirement remains applicable where panel butts are shifted or where some strakes are built independently from the panels$ 1t is recommended to take most of these radio raphies at the intersections of butt and panel seams$ !till in the midship area, radio raphic testin is to be carried out, at random, of the followin main members of the structure;

butts of continuous lon itudinal bulkheads butts of lon itudinal stiffeners, deck and bottom irders contributin to the o#erall stren th assembly joints of insert plates at the corners of the openin s$

Moreo#er, radio raphic testin is to be carried out, at random, of the weldin s of the bil e keel and of intermediate flat$ 6.3.4 Autwards the midship area, a pro ramme of radio raphic testin at random is to be set up by the !hipbuilder in a reement with the !ur#eyor for the major points$ 1t is further recommended;

to take a number of radio raphies of the #ery thick parts and those comprisin restrained joint, such as sternframes, shaft brackets, stabiliser recesses, masts to take a complete set of radio raphies or to increase the number of radio raphies for the first joint of a series of identical joints$ %his recommendation is applicable not only to the assembly joints of prefabricated members completed on the slip, but also to joints completed in the workshop to prepare such prefabricated members$

6.3.5 5here a radio raphy is rejected and where it is decided to carry out a repair, the !hipbuilder is to determine the len th of the defecti#e part, then a set of radio raphies of the repaired joint and of adjacent parts is to be taken$ 5here the repair has been decided by the inspection office of the !hipbuilder, the film showin the initial defect is to be submitted to the !ur#eyor to ether with the film taken after repair of the joint$

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