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I Percy

THE SNAKE-HAIRED LADIES WERE starting to annoy Percy. They should ha e died three days ago !hen he dro""ed a crate o# $o!ling $alls on the% at the Na"a &argain 'art. They should ha e died t!o days ago !hen he ran o er the% !ith a "olice car in 'artine(. They de#initely should ha e died this %orning !hen he cut o## their heads in Tilden Par). No %atter ho! %any ti%es Percy )illed the% and !atched the% cru%$le to "o!der* they +ust )e"t re-#or%ing li)e large e il dust $unnies. He couldn,t e en see% to outrun the%. He reached the to" o# the hill and caught his $reath. Ho! long since he,d last )illed the%'ay$e t!o hours. They ne er see%ed to stay dead longer than that. The "ast #e! days* he,d hardly sle"t. He,d eaten !hate er he could scrounge . ending %achine gu%%i $ears* stale $agels* e en a /ac) in the 0rac) $urrito* !hich !as a ne! "ersonal lo!. His clothes !ere torn* $urnt and s"lattered !ith %onster sli%e. He,d only sur i ed this long $ecause the t!o sna)e-haired ladies . gorgons* they called the%sel es . couldn,t see% to )ill hi% either. Their cla!s didn,t cut his s)in. Their teeth $ro)e !hene er they tried to $ite hi%. &ut Percy couldn,t )ee" going %uch longer. Soon he,d colla"se #ro% e1haustion* and then* as hard as he !as to )ill* he !as "retty sure the gorgons !ould #ind a !ay. Where to runHe scanned his surroundings. 2nder di##erent circu%stances* he %ight, e en+oyed the ie!. To his le#t* golden hills rolled inland* dotted !ith la)es* !oods and a #e! herds o# co!s. To his right* the #latlands o# &er)eley and 3a)land %arched !est . a ast che4uer$oard o# neigh$ourhoods* !ith se eral %illion "eo"le !ho "ro$a$ly did not !ant their %orning interru"ted $y t!o %onsters and a #ilthy de%igod. 5urther !est* San 5rancisco &ay glittered under a sil ery

ha(e. Past that* a !all o# #og had s!allo!ed %ost o# San 5rancisco* lea ing +ust the to"s o# s)yscra"ers and the to!ers o# the 6olden 6ate &ridge. A ague sadness !eighed on Percy,s chest. So%ething told hi% he,d $een to San 5rancisco $e#ore. The city had so%e connection to Anna$eth . the only "erson he could re%e%$er #ro% his "ast. His %e%ory o# her !as #rustratingly di%. The !ol# had "ro%ised he !ould see her again and regain his %e%ory . i# he succeeded in his +ourney. Should he try to cross the $ayIt !as te%"ting. He could #eel the "o!er o# the ocean +ust o er the hori(on. Water al!ays re i ed hi%. Salt !ater !as the $est. He,d disco ered that t!o days ago !hen he had strangled a sea %onster in the 0ar4uine( Strait. I# he could reach the $ay* he %ight $e a$le to %a)e a last stand. 'ay$e he could e en dro!n the gorgons. &ut the shore !as at least t!o %iles a!ay. He,d ha e to cross an entire city. He hesitated #or another reason. The she-!ol# Lu"a had taught hi% to shar"en his senses . to trust the instincts that had $een guiding hi% south. His ho%ing radar !as tingling li)e cra(y no!. The end o# his +ourney !as close . al%ost right under his #eet. &ut ho! could that $e- There !as nothing on the hillto". The !ind changed. Percy caught the sour scent o# re"tile. A hundred yards do!n the slo"e* so%ething rustled through the !oods . sna""ing $ranches* crunching lea es* hissing. 6orgons. 5or the %illionth ti%e* Percy !ished their noses !eren,t so good. They had al!ays said they could s%ell hi% $ecause he !as a de%igod . the hal#-$lood son o# so%e old Ro%an god. Percy had tried rolling in %ud* s"lashing through cree)s* e en )ee"ing air-#reshener stic)s in his "oc)ets so he,d ha e that ne!-car s%ell* $ut a""arently de%igod stin) !as hard to %as). He scra%$led to the !est side o# the su%%it. It !as too stee" to descend. The slo"e "lu%%eted eighty #eet* straight to the roo# o# an a"art%ent co%"le1 $uilt into the hillside. 5i#ty #eet $elo! that* a high!ay e%erged #ro% the hill,s $ase and !ound its !ay to!ards &er)eley.

6reat. No other !ay o## the hill. He,d %anaged to get hi%sel# cornered. He stared at the strea% o# cars #lo!ing !est to!ards San 5rancisco and !ished he !ere in one o# the%. Then he reali(ed the high!ay %ust cut through the hill. There %ust $e a tunnel 7 right under his #eet. His internal radar !ent nuts. He !as in the right "lace* +ust too high u". He had to chec) out that tunnel. He needed a !ay do!n to the high!ay . #ast. He slung o## his $ac)"ac). He,d %anaged to gra$ a lot o# su""lies at the Na"a &argain 'art8 a "orta$le 6PS* duct ta"e* lighter* su"erglue* !ater $ottle* ca%"ing roll* a 0o%#y Panda Pillo! Pet 9as seen on T:; and a S!iss ar%y )ni#e . "retty %uch e ery tool a %odern de%igod could !ant. &ut he had nothing that !ould ser e as a "arachute or a sled. That le#t hi% t!o o"tions8 +u%" eighty #eet to his death* or stand and #ight. &oth o"tions sounded "retty $ad. He cursed and "ulled his "en #ro% his "oc)et. The "en didn,t loo) li)e %uch* +ust a regular chea" $all"oint* $ut* !hen Percy unca""ed it* it gre! into a glo!ing $ron(e s!ord. The $lade $alanced "er#ectly. The leather gri" #itted his hand li)e it had $een custo% designed #or hi%. Etched along the guard !as an Ancient 6ree) !ord Percy so%eho! understood8 Ana)lus%os . Ri"tide. He,d !o)en u" !ith this s!ord his #irst night at the Wol# House . t!o %onths ago- 'oreHe,d lost trac). He,d #ound hi%sel# in the courtyard o# a $urnt-out %ansion in the %iddle o# the !oods* !earing shorts* an orange T-shirt and a leather nec)lace !ith a $unch o# strange clay $eads. Ri"tide had $een in his hand* $ut Percy had had no idea ho! he,d got there* and only the aguest idea !ho he !as. He,d $een $are#oot* #ree(ing and con#used. And then the !ol es ca%e 7 Right ne1t to hi%* a #a%iliar oice +olted hi% $ac) to the "resent8 <There you are=, Percy stu%$led a!ay #ro% the gorgon* al%ost #alling o## the edge o# the hill. It !as the s%iley one . &eano. 3)ay* her na%e !asn,t really &eano. As near as Percy could #igure* he !as dysle1ic* $ecause !ords got t!isted around !hen he tried to read. The #irst ti%e he,d seen the gorgon* "osing as a &argain 'art greeter !ith a $ig green $utton that read8 Welco%e= 'y na%e is STHEN3* he,d thought it said $eano. She !as still !earing her green &argain 'art e%"loyee est o er a #lo!er-"rint dress. I# you loo)ed +ust at her $ody* you %ight thin) she !as so%e$ody,s du%"y old grand%other . until you loo)ed do!n and reali(ed she had rooster #eet. 3r you loo)ed u" and sa! $ron(e $oar

tus)s stic)ing out o# the corners o# her %outh. Her eyes glo!ed red* and her hair !as a !rithing nest o# $right green sna)es. The %ost horri$le thing a$out her- She !as still holding her $ig sil er "latter o# #ree sa%"les8 0ris"y 0heese ,n, Wieners. Her "latter !as dented #ro% all the ti%es Percy had )illed her* $ut those little sa%"les loo)ed "er#ectly #ine. Stheno +ust )e"t toting the% across 0ali#ornia so she could o##er Percy a snac) $e#ore she )illed hi%. Percy didn,t )no! !hy she )e"t doing that* $ut i# he e er needed a suit o# ar%our he !as going to %a)e it out o# 0ris"y 0heese ,n, Wieners. They !ere indestructi$le. <Try one-, Stheno o##ered. Percy #ended her o## !ith his s!ord. <Where,s your sister-, <3h* "ut the s!ord a!ay*, Stheno chided. <>ou )no! $y no! that e en 0elestial $ron(e can,t )ill us #or long. Ha e a 0heese ,n, Wiener= They,re on sale this !ee)* and I,d hate to )ill you on an e%"ty sto%ach., <Stheno=, The second gorgon a""eared on Percy,s right so #ast he didn,t ha e ti%e to react. 5ortunately she !as too $usy glaring at her sister to "ay hi% %uch attention. <I told you to snea) u" on hi% and )ill hi%=, Stheno,s s%ile !a ered. <&ut* Euryale 7, She said the na%e so it rhy%ed !ith 'uriel. <0an,t I gi e hi% a sa%"le #irst-, <No* you i%$ecile=, Euryale turned to!ards Percy and $ared her #angs. E1ce"t #or her hair* !hich !as a nest o# coral sna)es instead o# green i"ers* she loo)ed e1actly li)e her sister. Her &argain 'art est* her #lo!ery dress* e en her tus)s !ere decorated !ith ?@A o## stic)ers. Her na%e $adge read8 Hello= 'y na%e is DIE* DE'I63D S02'= <>ou, e led us on 4uite a chase* Percy /ac)son*, Euryale said. <&ut no! you,re tra""ed* and !e,ll ha e our re enge=, <The 0heese ,n, Wieners are only BC.DD*, Stheno added hel"#ully. <6rocery de"art%ent* aisle three., Euryale snarled. <Stheno* the &argain 'art !as a #ront= >ou,re going nati e= No!* "ut do!n that ridiculous tray and hel" %e )ill this de%igod. 3r ha e you #orgotten that he,s the one !ho a"ori(ed 'edusa-, Percy ste""ed $ac). Si1 %ore inches* and he,d $e tu%$ling through thin air. <Loo)* ladies* !e, e $een o er this. I don,t e en re%e%$er )illing 'edusa. I don,t re%e%$er anything= 0an,t !e +ust call a truce and tal) a$out your !ee)ly s"ecials-, Stheno ga e her sister a "outy loo)* !hich !as hard to do !ith giant $ron(e tus)s. <0an !e-,

<No=, Euryale,s red eyes $ored into Percy. <I don,t care !hat you re%e%$er* son o# the sea god. I can s%ell 'edusa,s $lood on you. It,s #aint* yes* se eral years old* $ut you !ere the last one to de#eat her. She still has not returned #ro% Tartarus. It,s your #ault=, Percy didn,t really get that. The !hole <dying then returning #ro% Tartarus, conce"t ga e hi% a headache. 3# course* so did the idea that a $all"oint "en could turn into a s!ord* or that %onsters could disguise the%sel es !ith so%ething called the 'ist* or that Percy !as the son o# a $arnacle-encrusted god #ro% #i e thousand years ago. &ut he did $elie e it. E en though his %e%ory !as erased* he )ne! he !as a de%igod the sa%e !ay he )ne! his na%e !as Percy /ac)son. 5ro% his ery #irst con ersation !ith Lu"a the !ol#* he,d acce"ted that this cra(y %essed-u" !orld o# gods and %onsters !as his reality. Which "retty %uch suc)ed. <Ho! a$out !e call it a dra!-, he said. <I can,t )ill you. >ou can,t )ill %e. I# you,re 'edusa,s sisters . li)e the 'edusa !ho turned "eo"le to stone . shouldn,t I $e "etri#ied $y no!-, <Heroes=, Euryale said !ith disgust. <They al!ays $ring that u"* +ust li)e our %other= EWhy can,t you turn "eo"le to stone- >our sister can turn "eo"le to stone.F Well* I,% sorry to disa""oint you* $oy= That !as 'edusa,s curse alone. She !as the %ost hideous one in the #a%ily. She got all the luc)=, Stheno loo)ed hurt. <'other said I !as the %ost hideous., <Guiet=, Euryale sna""ed. <As #or you* Percy /ac)son* it,s true you $ear the %ar) o# Achilles. That %a)es you a little tougher to )ill. &ut don,t !orry. We,ll #ind a !ay., <The %ar) o# !hat-, <Achilles*, Stheno said cheer#ully. <3h* he !as gorgeous= Di""ed in the Ri er Sty1 as a child* you )no!* so he !as in ulnera$le e1ce"t #or a tiny s"ot on his an)le. That,s !hat ha""ened to you* dear. So%eone %ust, e du%"ed you in the Sty1 and %ade your s)in li)e iron. &ut not to !orry. Heroes li)e you al!ays ha e a !ea) s"ot. We +ust ha e to #ind it* and then !e can )ill you. Won,t that $e lo ely- Ha e a 0heese ,n, Wiener=, Percy tried to thin). He didn,t re%e%$er any di" in the Sty1. Then again* he didn,t re%e%$er %uch o# anything. His s)in didn,t #eel li)e iron* $ut it !ould e1"lain ho! he,d held out so long against the gorgons. 'ay$e i# he +ust #ell do!n the %ountain 7 !ould he sur i e- He didn,t !ant to ris) it . not !ithout so%ething to slo! the #all* or a sled* or 7 He loo)ed at Stheno,s large sil er "latter o# #ree sa%"les. H%% 7 <Reconsidering-, Stheno as)ed. <:ery !ise* dear. I added so%e gorgon,s $lood to these* so your death !ill $e 4uic) and "ainless., Percy,s throat constricted. <>ou added your $lood to the 0heese ,n, Wieners-,

</ust a little., Stheno s%iled. <A tiny nic) on %y ar%* $ut you,re s!eet to $e concerned. &lood #ro% our right side can cure anything* you )no!* $ut $lood #ro% our le#t side is deadly ., <>ou di%!it=, Euryale screeched. <>ou,re not su""osed to tell hi% that= He !on,t eat the !ieners i# you tell hi% they,re "oisoned=, Stheno loo)ed stunned. <He !on,t- &ut I said it !ould $e 4uic) and "ainless., <Ne er %ind=, Euryale,s #ingernails gre! into cla!s. <We,ll )ill hi% the hard !ay . +ust )ee" slashing until !e #ind the !ea) s"ot. 3nce !e de#eat Percy /ac)son* !e,ll $e %ore #a%ous than 'edusa= 3ur "atron !ill re!ard us greatly=, Percy gri""ed his s!ord. He,d ha e to ti%e his %o e "er#ectly . a #e! seconds o# con#usion* gra$ the "latter !ith his le#t hand 7 Kee" the% tal)ing* he thought. <&e#ore you slash %e to $its*, he said* <!ho,s this "atron you %entioned-, Euryale sneered. <The goddess 6aia* o# course= The one !ho $rought us $ac) #ro% o$li ion= >ou !on,t li e long enough to %eet her* $ut your #riends $elo! !ill soon #ace her !rath. E en no!* her ar%ies are %arching south. At the 5east o# 5ortune* she,ll a!a)en* and the de%igods !ill $e cut do!n li)e . li)e ., <Li)e our lo! "rices at &argain 'art=, Stheno suggested. <6ah=, Euryale stor%ed to!ards her sister. Percy too) the o"ening. He gra$$ed Stheno,s "latter* scattering "oisoned 0heese ,n, Wieners* and slashed Ri"tide across Euryale,s !aist* cutting her in hal#. He raised the "latter* and Stheno #ound hersel# #acing her o!n greasy re#lection. <'edusa=, she screa%ed. Her sister Euryale had cru%$led to dust* $ut she !as already starting to re-#or%* li)e a sno!%an un-%elting. <Stheno* you #ool=, she gurgled as her hal#-%ade #ace rose #ro% the %ound o# dust. <That,s +ust your o!n re#lection= 6et hi%=, Percy sla%%ed the %etal tray on to" o# Stheno,s head* and she "assed out cold. He "ut the "latter $ehind his $utt* said a silent "rayer to !hate er Ro%an god o ersa! stu"id sledding tric)s and +u%"ed o## the side o# the hill.

II Percy

THE THIN6 A&32T PL2''ETIN6 D3WNHILL at #i#ty %iles an hour on a snac) "latter . i# you reali(e it,s a $ad idea !hen you,re hal#!ay do!n* it,s too late. Percy narro!ly %issed a tree* glanced o## a $oulder* and s"un a three-si1ty as he shot to!ards the high!ay. The stu"id snac) tray did not ha e "o!er steering. He heard the gorgon sisters screa%ing and caught a gli%"se o# Euryale,s coral-sna)e hair at the to" o# the hill* $ut he didn,t ha e ti%e to !orry a$out it. The roo# o# the a"art%ent $uilding loo%ed $elo! hi% li)e the "ro! o# a $attleshi". Head-on collision in ten* nine* eight 7 He %anaged to s!i el side!ays to a oid $rea)ing his legs on i%"act. The snac) "latter s)ittered across the roo# and sailed through the air. The "latter !ent one !ay. Percy !ent the other. As he #ell to!ards the high!ay* a horri$le scenario #lashed through his %ind8 his $ody s%ashing against an S2:,s !indshield* so%e annoyed co%%uter trying to "ush hi% o## !ith the !i"ers. Stu"id si1teen-year-old )id #alling #ro% the s)y= I,% late= 'iraculously* a gust o# !ind $le! hi% to one side . +ust enough to %iss the high!ay and crash into a clu%" o# $ushes. It !asn,t a so#t landing* $ut it !as $etter than tar%ac. Percy groaned. He !anted to lie there and "ass out* $ut he had to )ee" %o ing. He struggled to his #eet. His hands !ere scratched u"* $ut no $ones see%ed to $e $ro)en. He still had his $ac)"ac). So%e!here on the sled ride he,d lost his s!ord* $ut Percy )ne! it !ould e entually rea""ear in his "oc)et in "en #or%. That !as "art o# its %agic. He glanced u" the hill. The gorgons !ere hard to %iss* !ith their colour#ul sna)e hair and their $right green &argain 'art ests. They !ere "ic)ing their !ay do!n the slo"e* going slo!er than Percy $ut !ith a lot %ore control. Those chic)en #eet %ust, e $een good #or cli%$ing. Percy #igured he had %ay$e #i e %inutes $e#ore they reached hi%. Ne1t to hi%* a tall chain-lin) #ence se"arated the high!ay #ro% a neigh$ourhood o# !inding streets* cosy houses and eucaly"tus trees. The #ence !as "ro$a$ly there to )ee" "eo"le #ro% getting onto the high!ay and doing stu"id things . li)e sledding into the #ast lane on snac) trays . $ut the chain-lin) !as #ull o# $ig holes. Percy could easily sli" through into the neigh$ourhood. 'ay$e he could #ind a car and dri e !est to the ocean. He didn,t li)e stealing cars* $ut o er the "ast #e! !ee)s* in li#e-and-death situations* he,d <$orro!ed, se eral* including a "olice cruiser. He,d %eant to return the%* $ut they ne er see%ed to last ery long.

He glanced east. /ust as he,d #igured* a hundred yards u"hill the high!ay cut through the $ase o# the cli##. T!o tunnel entrances* one #or each direction o# tra##ic* stared do!n at hi% li)e eye soc)ets o# a giant s)ull. In the %iddle* !here the nose !ould ha e $een* a ce%ent !all +utted #ro% the hillside* !ith a %etal door li)e the entrance to a $un)er. It %ight ha e $een a %aintenance tunnel. That,s "ro$a$ly !hat %ortals thought* i# they noticed the door at all. &ut they couldn,t see through the 'ist. Percy )ne! the door !as %ore than that. T!o )ids in ar%our #lan)ed the entrance. They !ore a $i(arre %i1 o# "lu%ed Ro%an hel%ets* $reast"lates* sca$$ards* $lue +eans* "ur"le T-shirts and !hite trainers. The guard on the right loo)ed li)e a girl* though it !as hard to tell #or sure !ith all the ar%our. The one on the le#t !as a stoc)y guy !ith a $o! and 4ui er on his $ac). &oth )ids held long !ooden sta##s !ith iron s"ear ti"s* li)e old-#ashioned har"oons. Percy,s internal radar !as "inging li)e cra(y. A#ter so %any horri$le days* he,d #inally reached his goal. His instincts told hi% that i# he could %a)e it inside that door he %ight #ind sa#ety #or the #irst ti%e since the !ol es had sent hi% south. So !hy did he #eel such dread5urther u" the hill* the gorgons !ere scra%$ling o er the roo# o# the a"art%ent co%"le1. Three %inutes a!ay . %ay$e less. Part o# hi% !anted to run to the door in the hill. He,d ha e to cross to the %edian o# the high!ay* $ut then it !ould $e a short s"rint. He could %a)e it $e#ore the gorgons reached

hi%. Part o# hi% !anted to head !est to the ocean. That,s !here he,d $e sa#est. That,s !here his "o!er !ould $e greatest. Those Ro%an guards at the door %ade hi% uneasy. So%ething inside hi% said8 This isn,t %y territory. This is dangerous. <>ou,re right* o# course*, said a oice ne1t to hi%. Percy +u%"ed. At #irst he thought &eano had %anaged to snea) u" on hi% again* $ut the old lady sitting in the $ushes !as e en %ore re"ulsi e than a gorgon. She loo)ed li)e a hi""ie !ho,d $een )ic)ed to the side o# the road %ay$e #orty years ago* !here she,d $een collecting trash and rags e er since. She !ore a dress %ade o# tie-dyed cloth* ri""ed-u" 4uilts* and "lastic grocery $ags. Her #ri((y %o" o# hair !as grey-$ro!n* li)e root-$eer #oa%* tied $ac) !ith a "eace-sign head$and. Warts and %oles co ered her #ace. When she s%iled* she sho!ed e1actly three teeth. <It isn,t a %aintenance tunnel*, she con#ided. <It,s the entrance to ca%"., A +olt !ent u" Percy,s s"ine. 0a%". >es* that,s !here he !as #ro%. A ca%". 'ay$e this !as his ho%e. 'ay$e Anna$eth !as close $y. &ut so%ething #elt !rong. The gorgons !ere still on the roo# o# the a"art%ent $uilding. Then Stheno shrie)ed in delight and "ointed in Percy,s direction. The old hi""ie lady raised her eye$ro!s. <Not %uch ti%e* child. >ou need to %a)e your choice., <Who are you-, Percy as)ed* though he !asn,t sure he !anted to )no!. The last thing he needed !as another har%less %ortal !ho turned out to $e a %onster. <3h* you can call %e /une., The old lady,s eyes s"ar)led as i# she,d %ade an e1cellent +o)e. <It is /une* isn,t it- They na%ed the %onth a#ter %e=, <3)ay 7 Loo)* I should go. T!o gorgons are co%ing. I don,t !ant the% to hurt you., /une clas"ed her hands o er her heart. <Ho! s!eet= &ut that,s "art o# your choice=, <'y choice 7, Percy glanced ner ously to!ards the hill. The gorgons had ta)en o## their green ests. Wings s"routed #ro% their $ac)s . s%all $at !ings* !hich glinted

li)e $rass. Since !hen did they ha e !ings- 'ay$e they !ere 3rna%ental. 'ay$e they !ere too s%all to get a gorgon into the air. Then the t!o sisters lea"ed o## the a"art%ent $uilding and soared to!ards hi%. 6reat. /ust great. <>es* a choice*, /une said* as i# she !ere in no hurry. <>ou could lea e %e here at the %ercy o# the gorgons and go to the ocean. >ou,d %a)e it there sa#ely* I guarantee. The gorgons !ill $e 4uite ha""y to attac) %e and let you go. In the sea* no %onster !ould $other you. >ou could $egin a ne! li#e* li e to a ri"e old age* and esca"e a great deal o# "ain and %isery that is in your #uture., Percy !as "retty sure he !asn,t going to li)e the second o"tion. <3r-, <3r you could do a good deed #or an old lady*, she said. <0arry %e to the ca%" !ith you., <0arry you-, Percy ho"ed she !as )idding. Then /une hi)ed u" her s)irts and sho!ed hi% her s!ollen "ur"le #eet. <I can,t get there $y %ysel#*, she said. <0arry %e to ca%" . across the high!ay* through the tunnel* across the ri er., Percy didn,t )no! !hat ri er she %eant* $ut it didn,t sound easy. /une loo)ed "retty hea y. The gorgons !ere only #i#ty yards a!ay no! . leisurely gliding to!ards hi% as i# they )ne! the hunt !as al%ost o er. Percy loo)ed at the old lady. <And I,d carry you to this ca%" $ecause . -, <&ecause it,s a )indness=, she said. <And i# you don,t the gods !ill die* the !orld !e )no! !ill "erish and e eryone #ro% your old li#e !ill $e destroyed. 3# course* you !ouldn,t re%e%$er the%* so I su""ose it !on,t %atter. >ou,d $e sa#e at the $otto% o# the sea 7, Percy s!allo!ed. The gorgons shrie)ed !ith laughter as they soared in #or the )ill. <I# I go to the ca%"*, he said* <!ill I get %y %e%ory $ac)-, <E entually*, /une said. <&ut $e !arned* you !ill sacri#ice %uch= >ou,ll lose the %ar) o# Achilles. >ou,ll #eel "ain* %isery and loss $eyond anything you, e e er )no!n. &ut you %ight ha e a chance to sa e your old #riends and #a%ily* to reclai% your old li#e.,

The gorgons !ere circling right o erhead. They !ere Pro$a$ly studying the old !o%an* trying to #igure out !ho the ne! "layer !as $e#ore they struc). <What a$out those guards at the door-, Percy as)ed. /une s%iled. <3h* they,ll let you in* dear. >ou can trust those t!o. So* !hat do you say- Will you hel" a de#enceless old !o%an-, Percy dou$ted /une !as de#enceless. At !orst* this !as a tra". At $est* it !as so%e )ind o# test. Percy hated tests. Since he,d lost his %e%ory* his !hole li#e !as one $ig #ill-in-the-$lan). He !as HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* #ro% HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. He #elt li)e HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH* and i# the %onsters caught hi%* he,d $e HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Then he thought a$out Anna$eth* the only "art o# his old li#e he !as sure a$out. He had to #ind her. <I,ll carry you., He scoo"ed u" the old !o%an. She !as lighter than he e1"ected. Percy tried to ignore her sour $reath and her calloused hands clinging to his nec). He %ade it across the #irst lane o# tra##ic. A dri er hon)ed. Another yelled so%ething that !as lost in the !ind. 'ost +ust s!er ed and loo)ed irritated* as i# they had to deal !ith a lot o# ratty teenagers carrying old hi""ie !o%en across the high!ay here in &er)eley. A shado! #ell o er hi%. Stheno called do!n glee#ully* <0le er $oy= 5ound a goddess to carry* did you-, A goddess/une cac)led !ith delight* %uttering* <Whoo"s=, as a car al%ost )illed the%. So%e!here o## to his le#t* Euryale screa%ed* <6et the%= T!o "ri(es are $etter than one=, Percy $olted across the re%aining lanes. So%eho! he %ade it to the %edian ali e. He sa! the gorgons s!oo"ing do!n* cars s!er ing as the %onsters "assed o erhead. He !ondered !hat the %ortals sa! through the 'ist . giant "elicans- 3##-course hang gliders- The !ol# Lu"a had told hi% that %ortal %inds could $elie e +ust a$out anything . e1ce"t the truth. Percy ran #or the door in the hillside. /une got hea ier !ith e ery ste". Percy,s heart "ounded. His ri$s ached. 3ne o# the guards yelled. The guy !ith the $o! noc)ed

an arro!. Percy shouted* <Wait=, &ut the $oy !asn,t ai%ing at hi%. The arro! #le! o er Percy,s head. A gorgon !ailed in "ain. The second guard readied her s"ear* gesturing #rantically at Percy to hurry. 5i#ty #eet #ro% the door. Thirty #eet. <6otcha=, shrie)ed Euryale. Percy turned as an arro! thudded into her #orehead. Euryale tu%$led into the #ast lane. A truc) sla%%ed into her and carried her $ac)!ards a hundred yards* $ut she +ust cli%$ed o er the ca$* "ulled the arro! out o# her head* and launched $ac) into the air. Percy reached the door. <Than)s*, he told the guards. <6ood shot., <That should, e )illed her=, the archer "rotested. <Welco%e to %y !orld*, Percy %uttered. <5ran)*, the girl said. <6et the% inside* 4uic)= Those are gorgons., <6orgons-, The archer,s oice s4uea)ed. It !as hard to tell %uch a$out hi% under the hel%et* $ut he loo)ed stout li)e a !restler* %ay$e #ourteen or #i#teen. <Will the door hold the%-, In Percy,s ar%s* /une cac)led. <No* no it !on,t. 3n!ard* Percy /ac)son= Through the tunnel* o er the ri er=, <Percy /ac)son-, The #e%ale guard !as dar)er-s)inned* !ith curly hair stic)ing out the sides o# her hel%et. She loo)ed younger than 5ran) . %ay$e thirteen. Her s!ord sca$$ard ca%e do!n al%ost to her an)le. Still* she sounded li)e she !as the one in charge. <3)ay* you,re o$ iously a de%igod. &ut !ho,s the .-, She glanced at /une. <Ne er %ind. /ust get inside. I,ll hold the% o##., <Ha(el*, the $oy said. <Don,t $e cra(y., <6o=, she de%anded. 5ran) cursed in another language . !as that Latin- . and o"ened the door. <0o%e on=, Percy #ollo!ed* staggering under the !eight o# the old lady* !ho !as de#initely getting hea ier. He didn,t )no! ho! that girl Ha(el !ould hold o## the gorgons $y hersel#* $ut he !as too tired to argue. The tunnel cut through solid roc)* a$out the !idth and height o# a school hall!ay. At #irst* it loo)ed li)e a ty"ical %aintenance tunnel* !ith electric ca$les* !arning signs* #use $o1es on the !alls and light$ul$s in !ire cages along

the ceiling. As they ran dee"er into the hillside* the ce%ent #loor changed to tiled %osaic. The lights changed to reed torches* !hich $urned $ut didn,t s%o)e. A #e! hundred yards ahead* Percy sa! a s4uare o# daylight. The old lady !as hea ier no! than a "ile o# sand$ags. Percy,s ar%s shoo) #ro% the strain. /une %u%$led a song in Latin* li)e a lulla$y* !hich didn,t hel" Percy concentrate. &ehind the%* the gorgons, oices echoed in the tunnel. Ha(el shouted. Percy !as te%"ted to du%" /une and run $ac) to hel"* $ut then the entire tunnel shoo) !ith the ru%$le o# #alling stone. There !as a s4ua!)ing sound* +ust li)e the gorgons had %ade !hen Percy had dro""ed a crate o# $o!ling $alls on the% in Na"a. He glanced $ac). The !est end o# the tunnel !as no! #illed !ith dust. <Shouldn,t !e chec) on Ha(el-, he as)ed. <She,ll $e o)ay . I ho"e*, 5ran) said. <She,s good underground. /ust )ee" %o ing= We,re al%ost there., <Al%ost !here-, /une chuc)led. <All roads lead there* child. >ou should )no! that., <Detention-, Percy as)ed. <Ro%e* child*, the old !o%an said. <Ro%e., Percy !asn,t sure he,d heard her right. True* his %e%ory !as gone. His $rain hadn,t #elt right since he had !o)en u" at the Wol# House. &ut he !as "retty sure Ro%e !asn,t in 0ali#ornia. They )e"t running. The glo! at the end o# the tunnel gre! $righter* and #inally they $urst into sunlight. Percy #ro(e. S"read out at his #eet !as a $o!l-sha"ed alley se eral %iles !ide. The $asin #loor !as ru%"led !ith s%aller hills* golden "lains and stretches o# #orest. A s%all clear ri er cut a !inding course #ro% a la)e in the centre and round the "eri%eter* li)e a ca"ital 6. The geogra"hy could, e $een any!here in northern 0ali#ornia . li e oa)s and eucaly"tus trees* gold hills and $lue s)ies. That $ig inland %ountain . !hat !as it called* 'ount Dia$lo. rose in the distance* right !here it should $e. &ut Percy #elt li)e he,d ste""ed into a secret !orld. In the centre o# the alley* nestled $y the la)e* !as a s%all city o# !hite %ar$le $uildings !ith red-tiled roo#s. So%e had do%es and colu%ned "orticoes* li)e national %onu%ents.

3thers loo)ed li)e "alaces* !ith golden doors and large gardens. He could see an o"en "la(a !ith #reestanding colu%ns* #ountains and statues. A #i e-storey-tall Ro%an coliseu% glea%ed in the sun* ne1t to a long o al arena li)e a racetrac). Across the la)e to the south* another hill !as dotted !ith e en %ore i%"ressi e $uildings . te%"les* Percy guessed. Se eral stone $ridges crossed the ri er as it !ound through the alley and* in the north* a long line o# $ric)!or) arches stretched #ro% the hills into the to!n. Percy thought it loo)ed li)e an ele ated train trac). Then he reali(ed it %ust $e an a4ueduct. The strangest "art o# the alley !as right $elo! hi%. A$out t!o hundred yards a!ay* +ust across the ri er* !as so%e sort o# %ilitary enca%"%ent. It !as a$out a 4uarter %ile s4uare* !ith earthen ra%"arts on all #our sides* the to"s lined !ith shar"ened s"i)es. 3utside the !alls ran a dry %oat* also studded !ith s"i)es. Wooden !atchto!ers rose at each corner* %anned $y sentries !ith o ersi(ed %ounted cross$o!s. Pur"le $anners hung #ro% the to!ers. A !ide gate!ay o"ened on the #ar side o# ca%"* leading to!ards the city. A narro!er gate stood closed on the ri er$an) side. Inside* the #ortress $ustled !ith acti ity8 do(ens o# )ids going to and #ro% $arrac)s* carrying !ea"ons* "olishing ar%our. Percy heard the clan) o# ha%%ers at a #orge and s%elled %eat coo)ing o er a #ire. So%ething a$out this "lace #elt ery #a%iliar* yet not 4uite right. <0a%" /u"iter*, 5ran) said. <We,ll $e sa#e once ., 5ootste"s echoed in the tunnel $ehind the%. Ha(el $urst into the light. She !as co ered !ith stone dust and $reathing hard. She,d lost her hel%et* so her curly $ro!n hair #ell around her shoulders. Her ar%our had long slash %ar)s in #ront #ro% the cla!s o# a gorgon. 3ne o# the %onsters had tagged her !ith a ?@A 355 stic)er. <I slo!ed the% do!n*, she said. <&ut they,ll $e here any second., 5ran) cursed. <We ha e to get across the ri er., /une s4uee(ed Percy,s nec) tighter. <3h* yes* "lease. I can,t get %y dress !et., Percy $it his tongue. I# this lady !as a goddess* she

%ust, e $een the goddess o# s%elly* hea y* useless hi""ies. &ut he,d co%e this #ar. He,d $etter )ee" lugging her along. It,s a )indness* she,d said. And i# you don,t the gods !ill die* the !orld !e )no! !ill "erish and e eryone #ro% your old li#e !ill $e destroyed. I# this !as a test* he couldn,t a##ord to get an 5. He stu%$led a #e! ti%es as they ran #or the ri er. 5ran) and Ha(el )e"t hi% on his #eet. They reached the ri er$an)* and Percy sto""ed to catch his $reath. The current !as #ast* $ut the ri er didn,t loo) dee". 3nly a stone,s thro! across stood the gates o# the #ort. <6o* Ha(el., 5ran) noc)ed t!o arro!s at once. <Escort Percy so the sentries don,t shoot hi%. It,s %y turn to hold o## the $addies., Ha(el nodded and !aded into the strea%. Percy started to #ollo!* $ut so%ething %ade hi% hesitate. 2sually he lo ed the !ater* $ut this ri er see%ed 7 "o!er#ul* and not necessarily #riendly. <The Little Ti$er*, said /une sy%"athetically. <It #lo!s !ith the "o!er o# the original Ti$er* ri er o# the e%"ire. This is your last chance to $ac) out* child. The %ar) o# Achilles is a 6ree) $lessing. >ou can,t retain it i# you cross into Ro%an territory. The Ti$er !ill !ash it a!ay., Percy !as too e1hausted to understand all that* $ut he got the %ain "oint. <I# I cross* I !on,t ha e iron s)in any %ore-, /une s%iled. <So !hat !ill it $e- Sa#ety* or a #uture o# "ain and "ossi$ility-, &ehind hi%* the gorgons screeched as they #le! #ro% the tunnel. 5ran) let his arro!s #ly. 5ro% the %iddle o# the ri er* Ha(el yelled* <Percy* co%e on=, 2" on the !atchto!ers* horns $le!. The sentries shouted and s!i elled their cross$o!s to!ards the gorgons. Anna$eth* Percy thought. He #orged into the ri er. It !as icy cold* %uch s!i#ter than he,d i%agined* $ut that didn,t $other hi%. Ne! strength surged through his li%$s. His senses tingled li)e he,d $een in+ected !ith ca##eine. He reached the other side and "ut the old !o%an do!n as the

ca%",s gates o"ened. Do(ens o# )ids in ar%our "oured out. Ha(el turned !ith a relie ed s%ile. Then she loo)ed o er Percy,s shoulder* and her e1"ression changed to horror. <5ran)=, 5ran) !as hal#!ay across the ri er !hen the gorgons caught hi%. They s!oo"ed out o# the s)y and gra$$ed hi% $y either ar%. He screa%ed in "ain as their cla!s dug into his s)in. The sentries yelled* $ut Percy )ne! they couldn,t get a clear shot. They,d end u" )illing 5ran). The other )ids dre! s!ords and got ready to charge into the !ater* $ut they,d $e too late. There !as only one !ay. Percy thrust out his hands. An intense tugging sensation #illed his gut* and the Ti$er o$eyed his !ill. The ri er surged. Whirl"ools #or%ed on either side o# 5ran). 6iant !atery hands eru"ted #ro% the strea%* co"ying Percy,s %o e%ents. The giant hands gra$$ed the gorgons* !ho dro""ed 5ran) in sur"rise. Then the hands li#ted the s4ua!)ing %onsters in a li4uid ice gri". Percy heard the other )ids yel"ing and $ac)ing a!ay* $ut he stayed #ocused on his tas). He %ade a s%ashing gesture !ith his #ists* and the giant hands "lunged the gorgons into the Ti$er. The %onsters hit $otto% and $ro)e into dust. 6littering clouds o# gorgon essence struggled to re-#or%* $ut the ri er "ulled the% a"art li)e a $lender. Soon e ery trace o# the gorgons !as s!e"t do!nstrea%. The !hirl"ools anished* and the current returned to nor%al. Percy stood on the ri er$an). His clothes and his s)in stea%ed as i# the Ti$er,s !aters had gi en hi% an acid $ath. He #elt e1"osed* ra! 7 ulnera$le. In the %iddle o# the Ti$er* 5ran) stu%$led around* loo)ing stunned $ut "er#ectly #ine. Ha(el !aded out and hel"ed hi% ashore. 3nly then did Percy reali(e ho! 4uiet the other )ids had $eco%e. E eryone !as staring at hi%. 3nly the old lady /une loo)ed un#a(ed. <Well* that !as a lo ely tri"*, she said. <Than) you* Percy /ac)son* #or $ringing %e to 0a%" /u"iter., 3ne o# the girls %ade a cho)ing sound. <Percy 7 /ac)son-,

She sounded as i# she recogni(ed his na%e. Percy #ocused on her* ho"ing to see a #a%iliar #ace. She !as o$ iously a leader. She !ore a regal "ur"le cloa) o er her ar%our. Her chest !as decorated !ith %edals. She %ust ha e $een a$out Percy,s age* !ith dar)* "iercing eyes and long $lac) hair. Percy didn,t recogni(e her* $ut the girl stared at hi% as i# she,d seen hi% in her night%ares. /une laughed !ith delight. <3h* yes. >ou,ll ha e such #un together=, Then* +ust $ecause the day hadn,t $een !eird enough already* the old lady $egan to glo! and change #or%. She gre! until she !as a shining se en-#oot-tall goddess in a $lue dress* !ith a cloa) that loo)ed li)e goat,s s)in o er her shoulders. Her #ace !as stern and stately. In her hand !as a sta## to""ed !ith a lotus #lo!er. I# it !as "ossi$le #or the ca%"ers to loo) %ore stunned* they did. The girl !ith the "ur"le cloa) )nelt. The others #ollo!ed her lead. 3ne )id got do!n so hastily he al%ost i%"aled hi%sel# on his s!ord. Ha(el !as the #irst to s"ea). </uno., She and 5ran) also #ell to their )nees* lea ing Percy the only one standing. He )ne! he should "ro$a$ly )neel too* $ut a#ter carrying the old lady so #ar* he didn,t #eel li)e sho!ing her that %uch res"ect. </uno* huh-, he said. <I# I "assed your test* can I ha e %y %e%ory and %y li#e $ac)-, The goddess s%iled. <In ti%e* Percy /ac)son* i# you succeed here at ca%". >ou, e done !ell today* !hich is a good start. Perha"s there,s ho"e #or you yet., She turned to the other )ids. <Ro%ans* I "resent to you the son o# Ne"tune. 5or %onths he has $een slu%$ering* $ut no! he is a!a)e. His #ate is in your hands. The 5east o# 5ortune co%es 4uic)ly* and Death %ust $e unleashed i# you are to stand any ho"e in the $attle. Do not #ail %e=, /uno shi%%ered and disa""eared. Percy loo)ed at Ha(el and 5ran) #or so%e )ind o# e1"lanation* $ut they see%ed +ust as con#used as he !as. 5ran) !as holding so%ething Percy hadn,t noticed $e#ore . t!o s%all clay #las)s !ith cor) sto""ers* li)e "otions* one in each hand. Percy had no idea !here they,d co%e #ro%* $ut he sa!

5ran) sli" the% into his "oc)ets. 5ran) ga e hi% a loo) li)e8 We,ll tal) a$out it later. The girl in the "ur"le cloa) ste""ed #or!ard. She e1a%ined Percy !arily* and Percy couldn,t sha)e the #eeling that she !anted to run hi% through !ith her dagger. <So*, she said coldly* <a son o# Ne"tune* !ho co%es to us !ith the $lessing o# /uno., <Loo)*, he said* <%y %e%ory,s a little #u((y. 2%* it,s gone* actually. Do I )no! you-, The girl hesitated. <I a% Reyna* "raetor o# the T!el#th Legion. And 7 no* I don,t )no! you., That last "art !as a lie. Percy could tell #ro% her eyes. &ut he also understood that i# he argued !ith her a$out it here* in #ront o# her soldiers* she !ouldn,t a""reciate it. <Ha(el*, said Reyna* <$ring hi% inside. I !ant to 4uestion hi% at the "rinci"ia. Then !e,ll send hi% to 3cta ian. We %ust consult the auguries $e#ore !e decide !hat to do !ith hi%., <What do you %ean*, Percy as)ed* <Edecide !hat to do !ithF %e-, Reyna,s hand tightened on her dagger. 3$ iously she !as not used to ha ing her orders 4uestioned. <&e#ore !e acce"t anyone into ca%"* !e %ust interrogate the% and read the auguries. /uno said your #ate is in our hands. We ha e to )no! !hether the goddess has $rought us a ne! recruit 7, Reyna studied Percy as i# she #ound that dou$t#ul. <3r*, she said %ore ho"e#ully* <i# she,s $rought us an ene%y to )ill.,



PER0> WASN,T S0ARED 35 6H3STS* !hich !as luc)y. Hal# the "eo"le in ca%" !ere dead. Shi%%ering "ur"le !arriors stood outside the ar%oury* "olishing ethereal s!ords. 3thers hung out in #ront o# the $arrac)s. A ghostly $oy chased a ghostly dog do!n the street. And at the sta$les a $ig glo!ing red dude !ith the head o# a !ol# guarded a herd o# 7 Were those unicornsNone o# the ca%"ers "aid the ghosts %uch attention* $ut as Percy,s entourage !al)ed $y* !ith Reyna in the lead and 5ran) and Ha(el on either side* all the s"irits sto""ed !hat they !ere doing and stared at Percy. A #e! loo)ed angry. The little $oy ghost shrie)ed so%ething li)e <6reggus=, and turned in isi$le. Percy !ished he could turn in isi$le too. A#ter !ee)s on his o!n* all this attention %ade hi% uneasy. He stayed $et!een Ha(el and 5ran) and tried to loo) incons"icuous. <A% I seeing things-, he as)ed. <3r are those ., <6hosts-, Ha(el turned. She had startling eyes* li)e #ourteen-)arat gold. <They,re Lares. House gods., <House gods*, Percy said. <Li)e 7 s%aller than real gods* $ut larger than a"art%ent gods-, <They,re ancestral s"irits*, 5ran) e1"lained. He,d re%o ed his hel%et* re ealing a $a$yish #ace that didn,t go !ith his %ilitary haircut or his $ig $urly #ra%e. He loo)ed li)e a toddler !ho,d ta)en steroids and +oined the 'arines. <The Lares are )ind o# li)e %ascots*, he continued. <'ostly they,re har%less* $ut I, e ne er seen the% so agitated., <They,re staring at %e*, Percy said. <That ghost )id called %e 6reggus. 'y na%e isn,t 6reg., <6raecus*, Ha(el said. <3nce you, e $een here a !hile* you,ll start understanding Latin. De%igods ha e a natural sense #or it. 6raecus %eans 6ree)., <Is that $ad-, Percy as)ed. 5ran) cleared his throat. <'ay$e not. >ou, e got that ty"e o# co%"le1ion* the dar) hair and all. 'ay$e they

thin) you,re actually 6ree). Is your #a%ily #ro% there-, <Don,t )no!. Li)e I said* %y %e%ory is gone., <3r %ay$e 7, 5ran) hesitated. <What-, Percy as)ed. <Pro$a$ly nothing*, 5ran) said. <Ro%ans and 6ree)s ha e an old ri alry. So%eti%es Ro%ans use graecus as an insult #or so%eone !ho,s an outsider . an ene%y. I !ouldn,t !orry a$out it., He sounded "retty !orried. They sto""ed at the centre o# ca%"* !here t!o !ide stone-"a ed roads %et at a T. A street sign la$elled the road to the %ain gates as :IA PRAET3RIA. The other road* cutting across the %iddle o# ca%"* !as la$elled :IA PRIN0IPALIS. 2nder those %ar)ers !ere hand-"ainted signs li)e &ERKELE> ? 'ILESI NEW R3'E J 'ILEI 3LD R3'E K*CL@ 'ILESI HADES C*MJ@ 'ILES 9"ointing straight do!n;I REN3 C@L 'ILESI and 0ERTAIN DEATH8 >32 ARE HERE= 5or certain death* the "lace loo)ed "retty clean and orderly. The $uildings !ere #reshly !hite!ashed* laid out in neat grids li)e the ca%" had $een designed $y a #ussy %aths teacher. The $arrac)s had shady "orches* !here ca%"ers lounged in ha%%oc)s or "layed cards and dran) sodas. Each dor% had a di##erent collection o# $anners out #ront dis"laying Ro%an nu%erals and arious ani%als . eagle* $ear* !ol#* horse and so%ething that loo)ed li)e a ha%ster. Along the :ia Praetoria* ro!s o# sho"s ad ertised #ood* ar%our* !ea"ons* co##ee* gladiator e4ui"%ent and toga rentals. A chariot dealershi" had a $ig ad ertise%ent out #ront8 0AESAR NLS WOANTIL30K &RAKES* N3 DENARII D3WN= At one corner o# the crossroads stood the %ost i%"ressi e $uilding . a t!o-storey !edge o# !hite %ar$le !ith a colu%ned "ortico li)e an old-#ashioned $an). Ro%an guards stood out #ront. 3 er the door!ay hung a $ig "ur"le $anner !ith the gold letters SPGR e%$roidered inside a laurel !reath. <>our head4uarters-, Percy as)ed. Reyna #aced hi%* her eyes still cold and hostile. <It,s called the "rinci"ia.,

She scanned the %o$ o# curious ca%"ers !ho had #ollo!ed the% #ro% the ri er. <E eryone $ac) to your duties. I,ll gi e you an u"date at e ening %uster. Re%e%$er* !e ha e !ar ga%es a#ter dinner., The thought o# dinner %ade Percy,s sto%ach ru%$le. The scent o# $ar$ecue #ro% the dining hall %ade his %outh !ater. The $a)ery do!n the street s%elled "retty !onder#ul too* $ut he dou$ted Reyna !ould let hi% get an order to go. The cro!d dis"ersed reluctantly. So%e %uttered co%%ents a$out Percy,s chances. <He,s dead*, said one. <Would $e those t!o !ho #ound hi%*, said another. <>eah*, %uttered another. <Let hi% +oin the 5i#th 0ohort. 6ree)s and gee)s., Se eral )ids laughed at that* $ut Reyna sco!led at the%* and they cleared o##. <Ha(el*, Reyna said. <0o%e !ith us. I !ant your re"ort on !hat ha""ened at the gates., <'e too-, 5ran) said. <Percy sa ed %y li#e. We, e got to let hi% ., Reyna ga e 5ran) such a harsh loo) that he ste""ed $ac). <I,d re%ind you* 5ran) Phang*, she said* <you are on Pro$atio yoursel#. >ou, e caused enough trou$le this !ee)., 5ran),s ears turned red. He #iddled !ith a little ta$let on a cord round his nec). Percy hadn,t "aid %uch attention to it* $ut it loo)ed li)e a na%e tag %ade out o# lead. <6o to the ar%oury*, Reyna told hi%. <0hec) our in entory. I,ll call you i# I need you., <&ut ., 5ran) caught hi%sel#. <>es* Reyna., He hurried o##. Reyna !a ed Ha(el and Percy to!ards the head4uarters. <No!* Percy /ac)son* let,s see i# !e can i%"ro e your %e%ory., The "rinci"ia !as e en %ore i%"ressi e inside. 3n the ceiling glittered a %osaic o# Ro%ulus and Re%us under their ado"ted %a%a she-!ol# 9Lu"a had

told Percy that story a %illion ti%es;. The #loor !as "olished %ar$le. The !alls !ere dra"ed in el et* so Percy #elt li)e he !as inside the !orld,s %ost e1"ensi e ca%"ing tent. Along the $ac) !all stood a dis"lay o# $anners and !ooden "oles studded !ith $ron(e %edals . %ilitary sy%$ols* Percy guessed. In the centre !as one e%"ty dis"lay stand* as i# the %ain $anner had $een ta)en do!n #or cleaning or so%ething. In the $ac) corner* a stair!ell led do!n. It !as $loc)ed $y a ro! o# iron $ars li)e a "rison door. Percy !ondered !hat !as do!n there . %onsters- Treasure- A%nesiac de%igods !ho had got on Reyna,s $ad sideIn the centre o# the roo%* a long !ooden ta$le !as cluttered !ith scrolls* note$oo)s* ta$let co%"uters* daggers and a large $o!l #illed !ith +elly $eans* !hich see%ed )ind o# out o# "lace. T!o li#e-si(ed statues o# greyhounds . one sil er* one gold . #lan)ed the ta$le. Reyna !al)ed $ehind the ta$le and sat in one o# t!o high-$ac)ed chairs. Percy !ished he could sit in the other* $ut Ha(el re%ained standing. Percy got the #eeling he !as su""osed to also. <So 7, he started to say. The dog statues $ared their teeth and gro!led. Percy #ro(e. Nor%ally he li)ed dogs* $ut these glared at hi% !ith ru$y eyes. Their #angs loo)ed shar" as ra(ors. <Easy* guys*, Reyna told the greyhounds. They sto""ed gro!ling* $ut )e"t eyeing Percy as though they !ere i%agining hi% in a doggie $ag. <They !on,t attac)*, Reyna said* <unless you try to steal so%ething* or unless I tell the% to. That,s Argentu% and Auru%., <Sil er and 6old*, Percy said. The Latin %eanings "o""ed into his head li)e Ha(el had said they !ould. He al%ost as)ed !hich dog !as !hich. Then he reali(ed that that !as a stu"id 4uestion. Reyna set her dagger on the ta$le. Percy had the ague #eeling he,d seen her $e#ore. Her hair !as $lac) and glossy as olcanic roc)* !o en in a single $raid do!n her $ac). She had the "oise o# a s!ord #ighter . rela1ed

yet igilant* as i# ready to s"ring into action at any %o%ent. The !orry lines around her eyes %ade her loo) older than she "ro$a$ly !as. <We ha e %et*, he decided. <I don,t re%e%$er !hen. Please* i# you can tell %e anything ., <5irst things #irst*, Reyna said. <I !ant to hear your story. What do you re%e%$er- Ho! did you get here- And don,t lie. 'y dogs don,t li)e liars., Argentu% and Auru% snarled to e%"hasi(e the "oint. Percy told his story . ho! he,d !o)en u" at the ruined %ansion in the !oods o# Sono%a. He descri$ed his ti%e !ith Lu"a and her "ac)* learning their language o# gestures and e1"ressions* learning to sur i e and #ight. Lu"a had taught hi% a$out de%igods* %onsters and gods. She,d e1"lained that she !as one o# the guardian s"irits o# Ancient Ro%e. De%igods li)e Percy !ere still res"onsi$le #or carrying on Ro%an traditions in %odern ti%es . #ighting %onsters* ser ing the gods* "rotecting %ortals and u"holding the %e%ory o# the e%"ire. She,d s"ent !ee)s training hi%* until he !as as strong and tough and icious as a !ol#. When she !as satis#ied !ith his s)ills* she,d sent hi% south* telling hi% that* i# he sur i ed the +ourney* he %ight #ind a ne! ho%e and regain his %e%ory. None o# it see%ed to sur"rise Reyna. In #act* she see%ed to #ind it "retty ordinary . e1ce"t #or one thing. <No %e%ory at all-, she as)ed. <>ou still re%e%$er nothing-, <5u((y $its and "ieces., Percy glanced at the greyhounds. He didn,t !ant to %ention Anna$eth. It see%ed too "ri ate* and he !as still con#used a$out !here to #ind her. He !as sure they,d %et at a ca%" . $ut this one didn,t #eel li)e the right "lace. Also* he !as reluctant to share his one clear %e%ory8 Anna$eth,s #ace* her $londe hair and grey eyes* the !ay she laughed* thre! her ar%s around hi% and ga e hi% a )iss !hene er he did so%ething stu"id. She %ust ha e )issed %e a lot* Percy thought. He #eared that i# he s"o)e a$out that %e%ory to anyone

it !ould e a"orate li)e a drea%. He couldn,t ris) that. Reyna s"un her dagger. <'ost o# !hat you,re descri$ing is nor%al #or de%igods. At a certain age* one !ay or another* !e #ind our !ay to the Wol# House. We,re tested and trained. I# Lu"a thin)s !e,re !orthy* she sends us south to +oin the legion. &ut I, e ne er heard o# so%eone losing his %e%ory. Ho! did you #ind 0a%" /u"iter-, Percy told her a$out the last three days . the gorgons !ho !ouldn,t die* the old lady !ho turned out to $e a goddess and #inally %eeting Ha(el and 5ran) at the tunnel in the hill. Ha(el too) the story #ro% there. She descri$ed Percy as $ra e and heroic* !hich %ade hi% unco%#orta$le. All he,d done !as carry a hi""ie $ag lady. Reyna studied hi%. <>ou,re old #or a recruit. >ou,re !hat* si1teen-, <I thin) so*, Percy said. <I# you s"ent that %any years on your o!n* !ithout training or hel"* you should $e dead. A son o# Ne"tune- >ou,d ha e a "o!er#ul aura that !ould attract all )inds o# %onsters., <>eah*, Percy said. <I, e $een told that I s%ell., Reyna al%ost crac)ed a s%ile* !hich ga e Percy ho"e. 'ay$e she !as hu%an a#ter all. <>ou %ust, e $een so%e!here $e#ore the Wol# House*, she said. Percy shrugged. /uno had said so%ething a$out hi% slu%$ering* and he did ha e a ague #eeling that he,d $een aslee" . %ay$e #or a long ti%e. &ut that didn,t %a)e sense. Reyna sighed. <Well* the dogs ha en,t eaten you* so I su""ose you,re telling the truth., <6reat*, Percy said. <Ne1t ti%e* can I ta)e a "olygra"h-, Reyna stood. She "aced in #ront o# the $anners. Her %etal dogs !atched her go $ac) and #orth. <E en i# I acce"t that you,re not an ene%y*, she said* <you,re not a ty"ical recruit. The Gueen o# 3ly%"us si%"ly doesn,t a""ear at ca%"* announcing a ne! de%igod. The last ti%e a %a+or god isited us in "erson li)e that 7, She

shoo) her head. <I, e only heard legends a$out such things. And a son o# Ne"tune 7 that,s not a good o%en. Es"ecially no!., <What,s !rong !ith Ne"tune-, Percy as)ed. <And !hat do you %ean* Ees"ecially no!F-, Ha(el shot hi% a !arning loo). Reyna )e"t "acing. <>ou, e #ought 'edusa,s sisters* !ho ha en,t $een seen in thousands o# years. >ou, e agitated our Lares* !ho are calling you a graecus. And you !ear strange sy%$ols . that shirt* the $eads on your nec)lace. What do they %ean-, Percy loo)ed do!n at his tattered orange T-shirt. It %ight ha e had !ords on it at one "oint* $ut they !ere too #aded to read. He should ha e thro!n the shirt a!ay !ee)s ago. It !as !orn to shreds* $ut he couldn,t $ear to get rid o# it. He +ust )e"t !ashing it in strea%s and !ater #ountains as $est he could and "utting it $ac) on. As #or the nec)lace* the #our clay $eads !ere each decorated !ith a di##erent sy%$ol. 3ne sho!ed a trident. Another dis"layed a %iniature 6olden 5leece. The third !as etched !ith the design o# a %a(e* and the last had an i%age o# a $uilding . %ay$e the E%"ire State &uilding. !ith na%es Percy didn,t recogni(e engra ed around it. The $eads #elt i%"ortant* li)e "ictures #ro% a #a%ily al$u%* $ut he couldn,t re%e%$er !hat they %eant. <I don,t )no!*, he said. <And your s!ord-, Reyna as)ed. Percy chec)ed his "oc)et. The "en had rea""eared as it al!ays did. He "ulled it out* $ut then reali(ed he,d ne er sho!n Reyna the s!ord. Ha(el and 5ran) hadn,t seen it either. Ho! had Reyna )no!n a$out itToo late to "retend it didn,t e1ist 7 He unca""ed the "en. Ri"tide s"rang to #ull #or%. Ha(el gas"ed. The greyhounds $ar)ed a""rehensi ely. <What is that-, Ha(el as)ed. <I, e ne er seen a s!ord li)e that., <I ha e*, Reyna said dar)ly. <It,s ery old . a 6ree) design. We used to ha e a #e! in the ar%oury $e#ore 7, She sto""ed hersel#. <The %etal is called 0elestial

$ron(e. It,s deadly to %onsters* li)e I%"erial gold* $ut e en rarer., <I%"erial gold-, Percy as)ed. Reyna unsheathed her dagger. Sure enough* the $lade !as gold. <The %etal !as consecrated in ancient ti%es* at the Pantheon in Ro%e. Its e1istence !as a closely guarded secret o# the e%"erors . a !ay #or their cha%"ions to slay %onsters that threatened the e%"ire. We used to ha e %ore !ea"ons li)e this* $ut no! 7 !ell* !e scra"e $y. I use this dagger. Ha(el has a s"atha* a ca alry s!ord. 'ost legionnaires use a shorter s!ord called a gladius. &ut that !ea"on o# yours is not Ro%an at all. It,s another sign you,re not a ty"ical de%igod. And your ar% 7, <What a$out it-, Percy as)ed. Reyna held u" her o!n #orear%. Percy hadn,t noticed $e#ore* $ut she had a tattoo on the inside8 the letters SPGR* a crossed s!ord and torch* and* under that* #our "arallel lines li)e score %ar)s. Percy glanced at Ha(el. <We all ha e the%*, she con#ir%ed* holding u" her ar%. <All #ull %e%$ers o# the legion do., Ha(el,s tattoo also had the letters SPGR* $ut she only had one score %ar)* and her e%$le% !as di##erent8 a $lac) gly"h li)e a cross !ith cur ed ar%s and a head8

Percy loo)ed at his o!n ar%s. A #e! scra"es* so%e %ud and a #lec) o# 0ris"y 0heese ,n, Wiener* $ut no tattoos. <So you, e ne er $een a %e%$er o# the legion*, Reyna said. <These %ar)s can,t $e re%o ed. I thought "erha"s 7, She shoo) her head* as i# dis%issing an idea. Ha(el leaned #or!ard. <I# he,s sur i ed as a loner all this ti%e* %ay$e he,s seen /ason., She turned to Percy. <Ha e you e er %et a de%igod li)e us $e#ore- A guy in a "ur"le shirt* !ith %ar)s on his ar% ., <Ha(el., Reyna,s oice tightened. <Percy,s got enough to !orry a$out.,

Percy touched the "oint o# his s!ord* and Ri"tide shran) $ac) into a "en. <I ha en,t seen anyone li)e you guys $e#ore. Who,s /ason-, Reyna ga e Ha(el an irritated loo). <He is 7 he !as %y colleague., She !a ed her hand at the second e%"ty chair. <The legion nor%ally has t!o elected "raetors. /ason 6race* son o# /u"iter* !as our other "raetor until he disa""eared last 3cto$er., Percy tried to calculate. He hadn,t "aid %uch attention to the calendar out in the !ilderness* $ut /uno had %entioned that it !as no! /une. <>ou %ean he,s $een gone eight %onths* and you ha en,t re"laced hi%-, <He %ight not $e dead*, Ha(el said. <We ha en,t gi en u"., Reyna gri%aced. Percy got the #eeling this guy /ason %ight, e $een %ore to her than +ust a colleague. <Elections only ha""en in t!o !ays*, Reyna said. <Either the legion raises so%eone on a shield a#ter a %a+or success on the $attle#ield . and !e ha en,t had any %a+or $attles . or !e hold a $allot on the e ening o# /une t!enty-#ourth* at the 5east o# 5ortuna. That,s in #i e days., Percy #ro!ned. <>ou ha e a #east #or tuna-, <5ortuna*, Ha(el corrected. <She,s the goddess o# luc). Whate er ha""ens on her #east day can a##ect the entire rest o# the year. She can grant the ca%" good luc) 7 or really $ad luc)., Reyna and Ha(el $oth glanced at the e%"ty dis"lay stand* as i# thin)ing a$out !hat !as %issing. A chill !ent do!n Percy,s $ac). <The 5east o# 5ortune 7 The gorgons %entioned that. So did /uno. They said the ca%" !as going to $e attac)ed on that day* so%ething a$out a $ig $ad goddess na%ed 6aia* and an ar%y* and Death $eing unleashed. >ou,re telling %e that day is this !ee)-, Reyna,s #ingers tightened around the hilt o# her dagger. <>ou !ill say nothing a$out that outside this roo%*, she ordered. <I !ill not ha e you s"reading %ore "anic in the ca%"., <So it,s true*, Percy said. <Do you )no! !hat,s going to

ha""en- 0an !e sto" it-, Percy had +ust %et these "eo"le. He !asn,t sure he e en li)ed Reyna. &ut he !anted to hel". They !ere de%igods* the sa%e as hi%. They had the sa%e ene%ies. &esides* Percy re%e%$ered !hat /uno had told hi%8 it !asn,t +ust this ca%" at ris). His old li#e* the gods and the entire !orld %ight $e destroyed. Whate er !as co%ing do!n* it !as huge. <We, e tal)ed enough #or no!*, Reyna said. <Ha(el* ta)e hi% to Te%"le Hill. 5ind 3cta ian. 3n the !ay you can ans!er Percy,s 4uestions. Tell hi% a$out the legion., <>es* Reyna., Percy still had so %any 4uestions that his $rain #elt li)e it !ould %elt. &ut Reyna %ade it clear the audience !as o er. She sheathed her dagger. The %etal dogs stood and gro!led* inching to!ards Percy. <6ood luc) !ith the augury* Percy /ac)son*, she said. <I# 3cta ian lets you li e* "erha"s !e can co%"are notes 7 a$out your "ast.,



3N THE WA> 32T 35 0A'P* Ha(el $ought hi% an es"resso drin) and a cherry %u##in #ro% &o%$ilo the t!o-headed co##ee %erchant. Percy inhaled the %u##in. The co##ee !as great. No!* Percy thought* i# he could +ust get a sho!er* a change o# clothes and so%e slee"* he,d $e golden. 'ay$e e en I%"erial golden. He !atched a $unch o# )ids in s!i%suits and to!els head into a $uilding that had stea% co%ing out o# a ro! o# chi%neys. Laughter and !atery sounds echoed #ro% inside* li)e it !as an indoor "ool . Percy,s )ind o# "lace. <&ath house*, Ha(el said. <We,ll get you in there $e#ore dinner* ho"e#ully. >ou ha en,t li ed until you, e had a Ro%an $ath., Percy sighed !ith antici"ation. As they a""roached the #ront gate* the $arrac)s got $igger and nicer. E en the ghosts loo)ed $etter . !ith #ancier ar%our and shinier auras. Percy tried to deci"her the $anners and sy%$ols hanging in #ront o# the $uildings. <>ou guys are di ided into di##erent ca$ins-, he as)ed. <Sort o#., Ha(el duc)ed as a )id riding a giant eagle s!oo"ed o erhead. <We ha e #i e cohorts o# a$out #orty )ids each. Each cohort is di ided into $arrac)s o# ten . li)e roo%%ates* )ind o#., Percy had ne er $een great at %aths* $ut he tried to %ulti"ly. <>ou,re telling %e there,s t!o hundred )ids at ca%"-, <Roughly., <And all o# the% are children o# the gods- The gods ha e $een $usy., Ha(el laughed. <Not all o# the% are children o# %a+or gods. There are hundreds o# %inor Ro%an gods. Plus* a lot o# the ca%"ers are legacies . second or third

generation. 'ay$e their "arents !ere de%igods. 3r their grand"arents., Percy $lin)ed. <0hildren o# de%igods-, <Why- Does that sur"rise you-, Percy !asn,t sure. The last #e! !ee)s he,d $een so !orried a$out sur i ing day to day. The idea o# li ing long enough to $e an adult and ha e )ids o# his o!n . that see%ed li)e an i%"ossi$le drea%. <These Legos ., <Legacies*, Ha(el corrected. <They ha e "o!ers li)e a de%igod-, <So%eti%es. So%eti%es not. &ut they can $e trained. All the $est Ro%an generals and e%"erors . you )no!* they all clai%ed to $e descended #ro% gods. 'ost o# the ti%e* they !ere telling the truth. The ca%" augur !e,re going to %eet* 3cta ian* he,s a legacy* descendant o# A"ollo. He,s got the gi#t o# "ro"hecy* su""osedly., <Su""osedly-, Ha(el %ade a sour #ace. <>ou,ll see., That didn,t %a)e Percy #eel so great* i# this dude 3cta ian had Percy,s #ate in his hands. <So the di isions*, he as)ed* <the cohorts* !hate er . you,re di ided according to !ho your godly "arent is-, Ha(el stared at hi%. <What a horri$le idea= No* the o##icers decide !here to assign recruits. I# !e !ere di ided according to god* the cohorts !ould $e all une en. I,d $e alone., Percy #elt a t!inge o# sadness* li)e he,d $een in that situation. <Why- What,s your ancestry-, &e#ore she could ans!er* so%eone $ehind the% yelled* <Wait=, A ghost ran to!ards the% . an old %an !ith a %edicine-$all $elly and a toga so long he )e"t tri""ing on it. He caught u" to the% and gas"ed #or air* his "ur"le aura #lic)ering around hi%. <This is hi%-, the ghost "anted. <A ne! recruit #or the 5i#th* "erha"s-, <:itellius*, Ha(el said* <!e,re sort o# in a hurry., The ghost sco!led at Percy and !al)ed around hi%*

ins"ecting hi% li)e a used car. <I don,t )no!*, he gru%$led. <We need only the $est #or the cohort. Does he ha e all his teeth- 0an he #ight- Does he clean sta$les-, <>es* yes and no*, Percy said. <Who are you-, <Percy* this is :itellius., Ha(el,s e1"ression said8 /ust hu%our hi%. <He,s one o# our LaresI ta)es an interest in ne! recruits., 3n a near$y "orch* other ghosts snic)ered as :itellius "aced $ac) and #orth* tri""ing o er his toga and hi)ing u" his s!ord $elt. <>es*, :itellius said* <$ac) in 0aesar,s day . that,s /ulius 0aesar* %ind you . the 5i#th 0ohort !as so%ething= T!el#th Legion 5ul%inata* "ride o# Ro%e= &ut these days- Disgrace#ul !hat !e, e co%e to. Loo) at Ha(el here* using a s"atha. Ridiculous !ea"on #or a Ro%an legionnaire . that,s #or ca alry= And you* $oy . you s%ell li)e a 6ree) se!er. Ha en,t you had a $ath-, <I, e $een a little $usy #ighting gorgons*, Percy said. <:itellius*, Ha(el interru"ted* <!e, e got to get Percy,s augury $e#ore he can +oin. Why don,t you chec) on 5ran)- He,s in the ar%oury doing in entory. >ou )no! ho! %uch he alues your hel"., The ghost,s #urry "ur"le eye$ro!s shot u". <'ars Al%ighty= They let the "ro$atio chec) the ar%our- We,ll $e ruined=, He stu%$led o## do!n the street* sto""ing e ery #e! #eet to "ic) u" his s!ord or rearrange his toga. <3-h-h-)ay*, Percy said. <Sorry*, Ha(el said. <He,s eccentric* $ut he,s one o# the oldest Lares. &een around since the legion !as #ounded., <He called the legion 7 5ul%inata-, Percy said. <EAr%ed !ith LightningF*, Ha(el translated. <That,s our %otto. The T!el#th Legion !as around #or the entire Ro%an E%"ire. When Ro%e #ell* a lot o# legions +ust disa""eared. We !ent underground* acting on secret orders #ro% /u"iter hi%sel#8 stay ali e* recruit de%igods and their children* )ee" Ro%e going. We, e $een doing that e er since* %o ing around to !here er Ro%an in#luence !as strongest. The last #e! centuries* !e, e

$een in A%erica., As $i(arre as that sounded* Percy had no trou$le $elie ing it. In #act* it sounded #a%iliar* li)e so%ething he,d al!ays )no!n. <And you,re in the 5i#th 0ohort*, he guessed* <!hich %ay$e isn,t the %ost "o"ular-, Ha(el sco!led. <>eah. I +oined u" last Se"te%$er., <So 7 +ust a #e! !ee)s $e#ore that guy /ason disa""eared., Percy )ne! he,d hit a sore s"ot. Ha(el loo)ed do!n. She !as silent long enough to count e ery "a ing stone. <0o%e on*, she said at last. <I,ll sho! you %y #a ourite ie!., They sto""ed outside the %ain gates. The #ort !as situated on the highest "oint in the alley* so they could see "retty %uch e erything. The road led do!n to the ri er and di ided. 3ne "ath led south across a $ridge* u" to the hill !ith all the te%"les. The other road led north into the city* a %iniature ersion o# Ancient Ro%e. 2nli)e the %ilitary ca%"* the city loo)ed chaotic and colour#ul* !ith $uildings cro!ded together at ha"ha(ard angles. E en #ro% this #ar a!ay* Percy could see "eo"le gathered in the "la(a* sho""ers %illing around an o"en-air %ar)et* "arents !ith )ids "laying in the "ar)s. <>ou, e got #a%ilies here-, he as)ed. <In the city* a$solutely*, Ha(el said. <When you,re acce"ted into the legion* you do ten years o# ser ice. A#ter that* you can %uster out !hene er you !ant. 'ost de%igods go into the %ortal !orld. &ut #or so%e . !ell* it,s "retty dangerous out there. This alley is a sanctuary. >ou can go to college in the city* get %arried* ha e )ids* retire !hen you get old. It,s the only sa#e "lace on earth #or "eo"le li)e us. So* yeah* a lot o# eterans %a)e their ho%es there* under the "rotection o# the legion., Adult de%igods. De%igods !ho could li e !ithout #ear* get %arried* raise a #a%ily. Percy couldn,t 4uite !ra" his %ind around that. It see%ed too good to $e true. <&ut i# this alley is attac)ed-,

Ha(el "ursed her li"s. <We ha e de#ences. The $orders are %agical. &ut our strength isn,t !hat it used to $e. Lately* the %onster attac)s ha e $een increasing. What you said a$out the gorgons not dying 7 !e, e noticed that too* !ith other %onsters., <Do you )no! !hat,s causing it-, Ha(el loo)ed a!ay. Percy could tell that she !as holding so%ething $ac) . so%ething she !asn,t su""osed to say. <It,s . it,s co%"licated*, she said. <'y $rother says Death isn,t ., She !as interru"ted $y an ele"hant. So%eone $ehind the% shouted* <'a)e !ay=, Ha(el dragged Percy out o# the road as a de%igod rode "ast on a #ull-gro!n "achyder% co ered in $lac) Ke lar ar%our. The !ord ELEPHANT !as "rinted on the side o# his ar%our* !hich see%ed a little o$ ious to Percy. The ele"hant thundered do!n the road and turned north* heading to!ards a $ig o"en #ield !here so%e #orti#ications !ere under construction. Percy s"at dust out o# his %outh. <What the . -, <Ele"hant*, Ha(el e1"lained. <>eah* I read the sign. Why do you ha e an ele"hant in a $ullet"roo# est-, <War ga%es tonight*, Ha(el said. <That,s Hanni$al. I# !e didn,t include hi%* he,d get u"set., <We can,t ha e that., Ha(el laughed. It !as hard to $elie e she,d loo)ed so %oody a %o%ent ago. Percy !ondered !hat she,d $een a$out to say. She had a $rother. >et she had clai%ed she,d $e alone i# the ca%" sorted her $y her godly "arent. Percy couldn,t #igure her out. She see%ed nice and easygoing* %ature #or so%e$ody !ho couldn,t ha e $een %ore than thirteen. &ut she also see%ed to $e hiding a dee" sadness* li)e she #elt guilty a$out so%ething. Ha(el "ointed south across the ri er. Dar) clouds !ere gathering o er Te%"le Hill. Red #lashes o# lightning !ashed the %onu%ents in $lood-coloured light. <3cta ian is $usy*, Ha(el said. <We,d $etter get o er

there., 3n the !ay* they "assed so%e goat-legged guys hanging out on the side o# the road. <Ha(el=, one o# the% cried. He trotted o er !ith a $ig grin on his #ace. He !ore a #aded Ha!aiian shirt and nothing #or "ants e1ce"t thic) $ro!n goat #ur. His %assi e A#ro +iggled. His eyes !ere hidden $ehind little round rain$o!-tinted glasses. He held a card$oard sign that read8 WILL W3RK SIN6 TALK 63 AWA> 53R DENARII. <Hi* Don*, Ha(el said. <Sorry* !e don,t ha e ti%e ., <3h* that,s cool= That,s cool=, Don trotted along !ith the%. <Hey* this guy,s ne!=, He grinned at Percy. <Do you ha e three denarii #or the $us- &ecause I le#t %y !allet at ho%e* and I, e got to get to !or)* and ., <Don*, Ha(el chided. <5auns don,t ha e !allets. 3r +o$s. 3r ho%es. And !e don,t ha e $uses., <Right*, he said cheer#ully* <$ut do you ha e denarii-, <>our na%e is Don the 5aun-, Percy as)ed. <>eah. So-, <Nothing., Percy tried to )ee" a straight #ace. <Why don,t #auns ha e +o$s- Shouldn,t they !or) #or the ca%"-, Don $leated. <5auns= Wor) #or the ca%"= Hilarious=, <5auns are* u%* #ree s"irits*, Ha(el e1"lained. <They hang out here $ecause* !ell* it,s a sa#e "lace to hang out and $eg. We tolerate the%* $ut ., <3h* Ha(el is a!eso%e*, Don said. <She,s so nice= All the other ca%"ers are* li)e* E6o a!ay* Don.F &ut she,s* li)e* EPlease go a!ay* Don.F I lo e her=, The #aun see%ed har%less* $ut Percy still #ound hi% unsettling. He couldn,t sha)e the #eeling that #auns should $e %ore than +ust ho%eless guys $egging #or denarii. Don loo)ed at the ground in #ront o# the% and gas"ed. <Score=, He reached #or so%ething* $ut Ha(el screa%ed* <Don* no=, She "ushed hi% out o# the !ay and snatched u" a s%all shiny o$+ect. Percy caught a gli%"se o# it $e#ore Ha(el sli""ed it into her "oc)et. He could ha e s!orn it

!as a dia%ond. <0o%e on* Ha(el*, Don co%"lained. <I could, e $ought a year,s !orth o# doughnuts !ith that=, <Don* "lease*, Ha(el said. <6o a!ay., She sounded sha)en* li)e she,d +ust sa ed Don #ro% a charging $ullet"roo# ele"hant. The #aun sighed. <A!* I can,t stay %ad at you. &ut I s!ear* it,s li)e you,re good luc). E ery ti%e you !al) $y ., <6ood$ye* Don*, Ha(el said 4uic)ly. <Let,s go* Percy., She started +ogging. Percy had to s"rint to catch u". <What !as that a$out-, Percy as)ed. <That dia%ond in the road ., <Please*, she said. <Don,t as)., They !al)ed in uneasy silence the rest o# the !ay to Te%"le Hill. A croo)ed stone "ath led "ast a cra(y assort%ent o# tiny altars and %assi e do%ed aults. Statues o# gods see%ed to #ollo! Percy !ith their eyes. Ha(el "ointed out the Te%"le o# &ellona. <6oddess o# !ar*, she said. <That,s Reyna,s %o%., Then they "assed a %assi e red cry"t decorated !ith hu%an s)ulls on iron s"i)es. <Please tell %e !e,re not going in there*, Percy said. Ha(el shoo) her head. <That,s the Te%"le o# 'ars 2ltor., <'ars 7 Ares* the !ar god-, <That,s his 6ree) na%e*, Ha(el said. <&ut* yeah* sa%e guy. 2ltor %eans Ethe A engerF. He,s the second-%ost i%"ortant god o# Ro%e., Percy !asn,t thrilled to hear that. 5or so%e reason* +ust loo)ing at the ugly red $uilding %ade hi% #eel angry. He "ointed to!ards the su%%it. 0louds s!irled o er the largest te%"le* a round "a ilion !ith a ring o# !hite colu%ns su""orting a do%ed roo#. <I,% guessing that,s Peus . uh* I %ean* /u"iter,s- That,s !here !e,re heading-, <>eah., Ha(el sounded edgy. <3cta ian reads auguries there . the Te%"le o# /u"iter 3"ti%us 'a1i%us., Percy had to thin) a$out it* $ut the Latin !ords clic)ed into English. </u"iter 7 the $est and the greatest-, <Right.,

<What,s Ne"tune,s title-, Percy as)ed. <The coolest and %ost a!eso%e-, <2%* not 4uite., Ha(el gestured to a s%all $lue $uilding the si(e o# a toolshed. A co$!e$co ered trident !as nailed a$o e the door. Percy "ee)ed inside. 3n a s%all altar sat a $o!l !ith three dried-u"* %ouldy a""les. His heart san). <Po"ular "lace., <I,% sorry* Percy*, Ha(el said. <It,s +ust 7 Ro%ans !ere al!ays scared o# the sea. They only used shi"s i# they had to. E en in %odern ti%es* ha ing a child o# Ne"tune around has al!ays $een a $ad o%en. The last ti%e one +oined the legion 7 !ell* it !as JD@Q* !hen 0a%" /u"iter !as located across the $ay in San 5rancisco. There !as this huge earth4ua)e ., <>ou,re telling %e a child o# Ne"tune caused that-, <So they say., Ha(el loo)ed a"ologetic. <Any!ay 7 Ro%ans #ear Ne"tune* $ut they don,t lo e hi% %uch., Percy stared at the co$!e$s on the trident. 6reat* he thought. E en i# he +oined the ca%"* he !ould ne er $e lo ed. His $est ho"e !as to $e scary to his ne! ca%" %ates. 'ay$e i# he did really !ell they,d gi e hi% so%e %ouldy a""les. Still 7 standing at Ne"tune,s altar* he #elt so%ething stirring inside hi%* li)e !a es ri""ling through his eins. He reached in his $ac)"ac) and dug out the last $it o# #ood #ro% his tri" . a stale $agel. It !asn,t %uch* $ut he set it on the altar. <Hey 7 uh* Dad., He #elt "retty stu"id tal)ing to a $o!l o# #ruit. <I# you can hear %e* hel" %e out* o)ay- 6i e %e %y %e%ory $ac). Tell %e . tell %e !hat to do., His oice crac)ed. He hadn,t %eant to get e%otional* $ut he !as e1hausted and scared* and he,d $een lost #or so long that he !ould, e gi en anything #or so%e guidance. He !anted to )no! so%ething a$out his li#e #or sure* !ithout gra$$ing #or %issing %e%ories. Ha(el "ut her hand on his shoulder. <It,ll $e o)ay. >ou,re here no!. >ou,re one o# us.,

He #elt a!)!ard* de"ending on an eighth-grade girl he $arely )ne! #or co%#ort* $ut he !as glad she !as there. A$o e the%* thunder ru%$led. Red lightning lit u" the hill. <3cta ian,s al%ost done*, Ha(el said. <Let,s go., 0o%"ared to Ne"tune,s toolshed* /u"iter,s te%"le !as de#initely o"ti%us and %a1i%us. The %ar$le #loor !as etched !ith #ancy %osaics and Latin inscri"tions. Si1ty #eet a$o e* the do%ed ceiling s"ar)led gold. The !hole te%"le !as o"en to the !ind. In the centre stood a %ar$le altar* !here a )id in a toga !as doing so%e sort o# ritual in #ront o# a %assi e golden statue o# the $ig dude hi%sel#8 /u"iter the s)y god* dressed in a sil) NNNL "ur"le toga* holding a lightning $olt. <It doesn,t loo) li)e that*, Percy %uttered. <What-, Ha(el as)ed. <The %aster $olt*, Percy said. <What are you tal)ing a$out-, <I ., Percy #ro!ned. 5or a second* he,d thought he re%e%$ered so%ething. No! it !as gone. <Nothing* I guess., The )id at the altar raised his hands. 'ore red lightning #lashed in the s)y* sha)ing the te%"le. Then he "ut his hands do!n* and the ru%$ling sto""ed. The clouds turned #ro% grey to !hite and $ro)e a"art. A "retty i%"ressi e tric)* considering the )id didn,t loo) li)e %uch. He !as tall and s)inny* !ith stra!-coloured hair* o ersi(ed +eans* a $aggy T-shirt and a droo"ing toga. He loo)ed li)e a scarecro! !earing a $edsheet. <What,s he doing-, Percy %ur%ured. The guy in the toga turned. He had a croo)ed s%ile and a slightly cra(y loo) in his eyes* li)e he,d +ust $een "laying an intense ideo ga%e. In one hand he held a )ni#e. In the other hand !as so%ething li)e a dead ani%al. That didn,t %a)e hi% loo) any less cra(y. <Percy*, Ha(el said* <this is 3cta ian., <The graecus=, 3cta ian announced. <Ho! interesting., <2h* hi*, Percy said. <Are you )illing s%all ani%als-,

3cta ian loo)ed at the #u((y thing in his hand and laughed. <No* no. 3nce u"on a ti%e* yes. We used to read the !ill o# the gods $y e1a%ining ani%al guts . chic)ens* goats* that sort o# thing. No!adays* !e use these., He tossed the #u((y thing to Percy. It !as a dise%$o!elled teddy $ear. Then Percy noticed that there !as a !hole "ile o# %utilated stu##ed ani%als at the #oot o# /u"iter,s statue. <Seriously-, Percy as)ed. 3cta ian ste""ed o## the dais. He !as "ro$a$ly a$out eighteen* $ut so s)inny and sic)ly "ale* he could, e "assed #or younger. At #irst he loo)ed har%less* $ut as he got closer Percy !asn,t so sure. 3cta ian,s eyes glittered !ith harsh curiosity* li)e he %ight gut Percy +ust as easily as a teddy $ear i# he thought he could learn so%ething #ro% it. 3cta ian narro!ed his eyes. <>ou see% ner ous., <>ou re%ind %e o# so%eone*, Percy said. <I can,t re%e%$er !ho., <Possi$ly %y na%esa)e* 3cta ian . Augustus 0aesar. E eryone says I $ear a re%ar)a$le rese%$lance., Percy didn,t thin) that !as it* $ut he couldn,t "in do!n the %e%ory. <Why did you call %e Ethe 6ree)F-, <I sa! it in the auguries., 3cta ian !a ed his )ni#e at the "ile o# stu##ing on the altar. <The %essage said8 The 6ree) has arri ed. 3r "ossi$ly8 The goose has cried. I,% thin)ing the #irst inter"retation is correct. >ou see) to +oin the legion-, Ha(el s"o)e #or hi%. She told 3cta ian e erything that had ha""ened since they %et at the tunnel . the gorgons* the #ight at the ri er* the a""earance o# /uno* their con ersation !ith Reyna. When she %entioned /uno* 3cta ian loo)ed sur"rised. </uno*, he %used. <We call her /uno 'oneta. /uno the Warner. She a""ears in ti%es o# crisis* to counsel Ro%e a$out great threats., He glanced at Percy* as i# to say8 li)e %ysterious 6ree)s* #or instance. <I hear the 5east o# 5ortuna is this !ee)*, Percy said.

<The gorgons !arned there,d $e an in asion on that day. Did you see that in your stu##ing-, <Sadly* no., 3cta ian sighed. <The !ill o# the gods is hard to discern. And these days* %y ision is e en dar)er., <Don,t you ha e 7 I don,t )no!*, Percy said* <an oracle or so%ething-, <An oracle=, 3cta ian s%iled. <What a cute idea. No* I,% a#raid !e,re #resh out o# oracles. No!* i# !e,d gone 4uesting #or the Si$ylline $oo)s* li)e I reco%%ended ., <The Si$a-!hat-, Percy as)ed. <&oo)s o# "ro"hecy*, Ha(el said* <!hich 3cta ian is o$sessed !ith. Ro%ans used to consult the% !hen disasters ha""ened. 'ost "eo"le $elie e they $urned u" !hen Ro%e #ell., <So%e "eo"le $elie e that*, 3cta ian corrected. <2n#ortunately our "resent leadershi" !on,t authori(e a 4uest to loo) #or the% ., <&ecause Reyna isn,t stu"id*, Ha(el said. <. so !e ha e only a #e! re%aining scra"s #ro% the $oo)s*, 3cta ian continued. <A #e! %ysterious "redictions* li)e these., He nodded to the inscri"tions on the %ar$le #loor. Percy stared at the lines o# !ords* not really e1"ecting to understand the%. He al%ost cho)ed. <That one., He "ointed* translating as he read aloud8 <Se en hal#-$loods shall ans!er the call. To stor% or #ire the !orld %ust #all ., <>es* yes., 3cta ian #inished it !ithout loo)ing8 <An oath to )ee" !ith a #inal $reath* and #oes $ear ar%s to the Doors o# Death., <I . I )no! that one., Percy thought thunder !as sha)ing the te%"le again. Then he reali(ed his !hole $ody !as tre%$ling. <That,s i%"ortant., 3cta ian arched an eye$ro!. <3# course it,s i%"ortant. We call it the Pro"hecy o# Se en* $ut it,s se eral thousand years old. We don,t )no! !hat it %eans. E ery ti%e so%eone tries to inter"ret it 7 Well* Ha(el can tell you. &ad things ha""en.,

Ha(el glared at hi%. </ust read the augury #or Percy. 0an he +oin the legion or not-, Percy could al%ost see 3cta ian,s %ind !or)ing* calculating !hether or not Percy !ould $e use#ul. He held out his hand #or Percy,s $ac)"ac). <That,s a $eauti#ul s"eci%en. 'ay I-, Percy didn,t understand !hat he %eant* $ut 3cta ian snatched the &argain 'art "anda "illo! that !as stic)ing out o# the to" o# his "ac). It !as +ust a silly stu##ed toy* $ut Percy had carried it a long !ay. He !as )ind o# #ond o# it. 3cta ian turned to!ards the altar and raised his )ni#e. <Hey=, Percy "rotested. 3cta ian slashed o"en the "anda,s $elly and "oured its stu##ing o er the altar. He tossed the "anda carcass aside* %uttered a #e! !ords o er the #lu##* and turned !ith a $ig s%ile on his #ace. <6ood ne!s=, he said. <Percy %ay +oin the legion. We,ll assign hi% a cohort at e ening %uster. Tell Reyna that I a""ro e., Ha(el,s shoulders rela1ed. <2h 7 great. 0o%e on* Percy., <3h* and* Ha(el*, 3cta ian said. <I,% ha""y to !elco%e Percy into the legion. &ut !hen the election #or "raetor co%es u"* I ho"e you,ll re%e%$er ., </ason isn,t dead*, Ha(el sna""ed. <>ou,re the augur. >ou,re su""osed to $e loo)ing #or hi%=, <3h* I a%=, 3cta ian "ointed at the "ile o# gutted stu##ed ani%als. <I consult the gods e ery day= Alas* a#ter eight %onths* I, e #ound nothing. 3# course* I,% still loo)ing. &ut i# /ason doesn,t return $y the 5east o# 5ortuna !e %ust act. We can,t ha e a "o!er acuu% any longer. I ho"e you,ll su""ort %e #or "raetor. It !ould %ean so %uch to %e., Ha(el clenched her #ists. <'e. Su""ort. >ou-, 3cta ian too) o## his toga* setting it and his )ni#e on the altar. Percy noticed se en lines on 3cta ian,s ar% . se en years o# ca%"* Percy guessed. 3cta ian,s %ar) !as a har"* the sy%$ol o# A"ollo. <A#ter all*, 3cta ian told Ha(el* <I %ight $e a$le to hel"

you. It !ould $e a sha%e i# those a!#ul ru%ours a$out you )e"t circulating 7 or* gods #or$id* i# they turned out to $e true., Percy sli""ed his hand into his "oc)et and gra$$ed his "en. This guy !as $lac)%ailing Ha(el. That !as o$ ious. 3ne sign #ro% Ha(el* and Percy !as ready to $ust out Ri"tide and see ho! 3cta ian li)ed $eing at the other end o# a $lade. Ha(el too) a dee" $reath. Her )nuc)les !ere !hite. <I,ll thin) a$out it., <E1cellent*, 3cta ian said. <&y the !ay* your $rother is here., Ha(el sti##ened. <'y $rother- Why-, 3cta ian shrugged. <Why does your $rother do anything- He,s !aiting #or you at your #ather,s shrine. /ust 7 ah* don,t in ite hi% to stay too long. He has a distur$ing e##ect on the others. No!* i# you,ll e1cuse %e* I ha e to )ee" searching #or our "oor lost #riend* /ason. Nice to %eet you* Percy., Ha(el stor%ed out o# the "a ilion* and Percy #ollo!ed. He !as sure he,d ne er $een so glad to lea e a te%"le in his li#e. As Ha(el %arched do!n the hill* she cursed in Latin. Percy didn,t understand all o# it* $ut he got son o# a gorgon* "o!er-hungry sna)e* and a #e! choice suggestions a$out !here 3cta ian could stic) his )ni#e. <I hate that guy*, she %uttered in English. <I# I had %y !ay ., <He !on,t really get elected "raetor* !ill he-, Percy as)ed. <I !ish I could $e certain. 3cta ian has a lot o# #riends* %ost o# the% $ought. The rest o# the ca%"ers are a#raid o# hi%., <A#raid o# that s)inny little guy-, <Don,t underesti%ate hi%. Reyna,s not so $ad $y hersel#* $ut i# 3cta ian shares her "o!er 7, Ha(el shuddered. <Let,s go see %y $rother. He,ll !ant to %eet you., Percy didn,t argue. He !anted to %eet this %ysterious

$rother* %ay$e learn so%ething a$out Ha(el,s $ac)ground . !ho her dad !as* !hat secret she !as hiding. Percy couldn,t $elie e she,d done anything to $e guilty a$out. She see%ed too nice. &ut 3cta ian had acted li)e he had so%e #irst-class dirt on her. Ha(el led Percy to a $lac) cry"t $uilt into the side o# the hill. Standing in #ront !as a teenage $oy in $lac) +eans and an a iator +ac)et. <Hey*, Ha(el called. <I, e $rought a #riend., The $oy turned. Percy had another one o# those !eird #lashes8 li)e this !as so%e$ody he should )no!. The )id !as al%ost as "ale as 3cta ian* $ut !ith dar) eyes and %essy $lac) hair. He didn,t loo) anything li)e Ha(el. He !ore a sil er s)ull ring* a chain #or a $elt and a $lac) T-shirt !ith s)ull designs. At his side hung a "ure-$lac) s!ord. 5or a %icrosecond !hen he sa! Percy* the $oy see%ed shoc)ed . "anic)ed e en* li)e he,d $een caught in a searchlight. <This is Percy /ac)son*, Ha(el said. <He,s a good guy. Percy* this is %y $rother* the son o# Pluto., The $oy regained his co%"osure and held out his hand. <Pleased to %eet you*, he said. <I,% Nico di Angelo.,


HAPEL 5ELT LIKE SHE,D /2ST INTR3D20ED t!o nuclear $o%$s. No! she !as !aiting to see !hich one e1"loded #irst. 2ntil that %orning* her $rother Nico had $een the %ost "o!er#ul de%igod she )ne!. The others at 0a%" /u"iter sa! hi% as a tra elling odd$all* a$out as har%less as the #auns. Ha(el )ne! $etter. She hadn,t gro!n u" !ith Nico* hadn,t e en )no!n hi% ery long. &ut she )ne! Nico !as %ore dangerous than Reyna* or 3cta ian* or %ay$e e en /ason. Then she,d %et Percy. At #irst* !hen she sa! hi% stu%$ling u" the high!ay !ith the old lady in his ar%s* Ha(el had thought he %ight $e a god in disguise. E en though he !as $eaten u"* dirty and stoo"ed !ith e1haustion* he,d had an aura o# "o!er. He had the good loo)s o# a Ro%an god* !ith sea-green eyes and !ind$lo!n $lac) hair. She,d ordered 5ran) not to #ire on hi%. She thought the gods %ight $e testing the%. She,d heard %yths li)e that8 a )id !ith an old lady $egs #or shelter* and !hen the rude %ortals re#use . $oo%* they get turned into $anana slugs. Then Percy had controlled the ri er and destroyed the gorgons. He,d turned a "en into a $ron(e s!ord. He,d stirred u" the !hole ca%" !ith tal) a$out the graecus. A son o# the sea god 7 Long ago* Ha(el had $een told that a descendant o# Ne"tune !ould sa e her. &ut could Percy really ta)e a!ay her curse- It see%ed too %uch to ho"e #or. Percy and Nico shoo) hands. They studied each other !arily* and Ha(el #ought the urge to run. I# these t!o $usted out the %agic s!ords* things could get ugly. Nico didn,t a""ear scary. He !as s)inny and slo""y in his ru%"led $lac) clothes. His hair* as al!ays* loo)ed li)e he,d +ust rolled out o# $ed. Ha(el re%e%$ered !hen she,d %et hi%. The #irst ti%e

she,d seen hi% dra! that $lac) s!ord o# his* she,d al%ost laughed. The !ay he called it <Stygian iron,* all serious-li)e . he,d loo)ed ridiculous. This scra!ny !hite $oy !as no #ighter. She certainly hadn,t $elie ed they !ere related. She had changed her %ind a$out that 4uic) enough. Percy sco!led. <I . I )no! you., Nico raised his eye$ro!s. <Do you-, He loo)ed at Ha(el #or e1"lanation. Ha(el hesitated. So%ething a$out her $rother,s reaction !asn,t right. He !as trying hard to act casual* $ut !hen he had #irst seen Percy* Ha(el had noticed his %o%entary loo) o# "anic. Nico already )ne! Percy. She !as sure o# it. Why !as he "retending other!iseHa(el #orced hersel# to s"ea). <2% 7 Percy,s lost his %e%ory., She told her $rother !hat had ha""ened since Percy had arri ed at the gates. <So* Nico 7, she continued care#ully* <I thought 7 you )no!* you tra el all o er. 'ay$e you, e %et de%igods li)e Percy $e#ore* or 7, Nico,s e1"ression turned as dar) as Tartarus. Ha(el didn,t understand !hy* $ut she got the %essage8 Dro" it. <This story a$out 6aia,s ar%y*, Nico said. <>ou !arned Reyna-, Percy nodded. <Who is 6aia* any!ay-, Ha(el,s %outh !ent dry. /ust hearing that na%e 7 It !as all she could do to )ee" her )nees #ro% $uc)ling. She re%e%$ered a !o%an,s so#t slee"y oice* a glo!ing ca e and #eeling her lungs #ill !ith $lac) oil. <She,s the earth goddess., Nico glanced at the ground as i# it %ight $e listening. <The oldest goddess o# all. She,s in a dee" slee" %ost o# the ti%e* $ut she hates the gods and their children., <'other Earth 7 is e il-, Percy as)ed. <:ery*, Nico said gra ely. <She con inced her son* the Titan Kronos . u%* I %ean* Saturn . to )ill his dad* 2ranus* and ta)e o er the !orld. The Titans ruled #or a long ti%e. Then the Titans, children* the 3ly%"ian gods* o erthre! the%., <That story see%s #a%iliar., Percy sounded sur"rised*

li)e an old %e%ory had "artially sur#aced. <&ut I don,t thin) I e er heard the "art a$out 6aia., Nico shrugged. <She got %ad !hen the gods too) o er. She too) a ne! hus$and . Tartarus* the s"irit o# the a$yss . and ga e $irth to a race o# giants. They tried to destroy 'ount 3ly%"us* $ut the gods #inally $eat the%. At least 7 the #irst ti%e., <The #irst ti%e-, Percy re"eated. Nico glanced at Ha(el. He "ro$a$ly !asn,t %eaning to %a)e her #eel guilty* $ut she couldn,t hel" it. I# Percy )ne! the truth a$out her* and the horri$le things she,d done 7 <Last su%%er*, Nico continued* <Saturn tried to %a)e a co%e$ac). There !as a second Titan !ar. The Ro%ans at 0a%" /u"iter stor%ed his head4uarters on 'ount 3thrys* across the $ay* and destroyed his throne. Saturn disa""eared ., He hesitated* !atching Percy,s #ace. Ha(el got the #eeling her $rother !as ner ous that %ore o# Percy,s %e%ory %ight co%e $ac). <2%* any!ay*, Nico continued* <Saturn "ro$a$ly #aded $ac) to the a$yss. We all thought the !ar !as o er. No! it loo)s li)e the Titans, de#eat stirred u" 6aia. She,s starting to !a)e. I, e heard re"orts o# giants $eing re$orn. I# they %ean to challenge the gods again* they,ll "ro$a$ly start $y destroying the de%igods 7, <>ou, e told Reyna this-, Percy as)ed. <3# course., Nico,s +a! tensed. <The Ro%ans don,t trust %e. That,s !hy I !as ho"ing she,d listen to you. 0hildren o# Pluto 7 !ell* no o##ence* $ut they thin) !e,re e en !orse than children o# Ne"tune. We,re $ad luc)., <They let Ha(el stay here*, Percy noted. <That,s di##erent*, Nico said. <Why-, <Percy*, Ha(el cut in* <loo)* the giants aren,t the !orst "ro$le%. E en 7 e en 6aia isn,t the !orst "ro$le%. The thing you noticed a$out the gorgons* ho! they !ouldn,t die* that,s our $iggest !orry., She loo)ed at Nico. She !as getting dangerously close to her o!n secret no!* $ut #or so%e reason Ha(el trusted Percy. 'ay$e $ecause he !as also an outsider* %ay$e $ecause he,d sa ed 5ran) at

the ri er. He deser ed to )no! !hat they !ere #acing. <Nico and I*, she said care#ully* <!e thin) that !hat,s ha""ening is 7 Death isn,t ., &e#ore she could #inish* a shout ca%e #ro% do!n the hill. 5ran) +ogged to!ards the%* !earing his +eans* "ur"le ca%" shirt and deni% +ac)et. His hands !ere co ered !ith grease #ro% cleaning !ea"ons. As it did e ery ti%e she sa! 5ran)* Ha(el,s heart Per#or%ed a little s)i"-$eat ta"-dance . !hich really irritated her. Sure* he !as a good #riend . one o# the only "eo"le at ca%" !ho didn,t treat her as i# she had a contagious disease. &ut she didn,t li)e hi% in that !ay. He !as three years older than she !as* and he !asn,t e1actly Prince 0har%ing* !ith that strange co%$ination o# $a$y #ace and $ul)y !restler,s $ody. He loo)ed li)e a cuddly )oala $ear !ith %uscles. The #act that e eryone al!ays tried to "air the% u" . the t!o $iggest losers at ca%"= >ou guys are "er#ect #or each other . +ust %ade Ha(el %ore deter%ined not to li)e hi%. &ut her heart !asn,t !ith the "rogra%%e. It !ent nuts !hene er 5ran) !as around. She hadn,t #elt li)e that since 7 !ell* since Sa%%y. Sto" it* she thought. >ou,re here #or one reason . and it isn,t to get a ne! $oy#riend. &esides* 5ran) didn,t )no! her secret. I# he )ne!* he !ouldn,t $e so nice to her. He reached the shrine. <Hey* Nico 7, <5ran)., Nico s%iled. He see%ed to #ind 5ran) a%using* %ay$e $ecause 5ran) !as the only one at ca%" !ho !asn,t uneasy around the children o# Pluto. <Reyna sent %e to get Percy*, 5ran) said. <Did 3cta ian acce"t you-, <>eah*, Percy said. <He slaughtered %y "anda., <He 7 3h. The augury- >eah* teddy $ears %ust ha e night%ares a$out that guy. &ut you,re in= We need to get you cleaned u" $e#ore e ening %uster., Ha(el reali(ed the sun !as getting lo! o er the hills. Ho! had the day gone so #ast- <>ou,re right*, she said.

<We,d $etter ., <5ran)*, Nico interru"ted* <!hy don,t you ta)e Percy do!n- Ha(el and I !ill $e along soon., 2h-oh* Ha(el thought. She tried not to loo) an1ious. <That,s . that,s a good idea*, she %anaged. <6o ahead* guys. We,ll catch u"., Percy loo)ed at Nico one %ore ti%e* as though he !ere still trying to "lace a %e%ory. <I,d li)e to tal) !ith you so%e %ore. I can,t sha)e the #eeling ., <Sure*, Nico agreed. <Later. I,ll $e staying o ernight., <>ou !ill-, Ha(el $lurted. The ca%"ers !ere going to lo e that . the son o# Ne"tune and the son o# Pluto arri ing on the sa%e day. No! all they needed !as so%e $lac) cats and $ro)en %irrors. <6o on* Percy*, Nico said. <Settle in., He turned to Ha(el* and she got the sense that the !orst "art o# her day !as yet to co%e. <'y sister and I need to tal)., <>ou )no! hi%* don,t you*, Ha(el said. They sat on the roo# o# Pluto,s shrine* !hich !as co ered !ith $ones and dia%onds. As #ar as Ha(el )ne!* the $ones had al!ays $een there. The dia%onds !ere her #ault. I# she sat any!here too long* or +ust got an1ious* they started "o""ing u" all around her li)e %ushroo%s a#ter a rain. Se eral %illion dollars, !orth o# stones glittered on the roo#* $ut #ortunately the other ca%"ers !ouldn,t touch the%. They )ne! $etter than to steal #ro% te%"les . es"ecially Pluto,s . and the #auns ne er ca%e u" here. Ha(el shuddered* re%e%$ering her close call !ith Don that a#ternoon. I# she hadn,t %o ed 4uic)ly and snatched that dia%ond o## the road 7 She didn,t !ant to thin) a$out it. She didn,t need another death on her conscience. Nico s!ung his #eet li)e a little )id. His Stygian iron s!ord lay $y his side* ne1t to Ha(el,s s"atha. He ga(ed across the alley* !here construction cre!s !ere !or)ing in the 5ield o# 'ars* $uilding #orti#ications #or tonight,s ga%es. <Percy /ac)son., He said the na%e li)e an incantation. <Ha(el* I ha e to $e care#ul !hat I say. I%"ortant things are at !or) here. So%e secrets need to stay secret. >ou o# all

"eo"le . you should understand that., Ha(el,s chee)s #elt hot. <&ut he,s not li)e 7 li)e %e-, <No*, Nico said. <I,% sorry I can,t tell you %ore. I can,t inter#ere. Percy has to #ind his o!n !ay at this ca%"., <Is he dangerous-, she as)ed. Nico %anaged a dry s%ile. <:ery. To his ene%ies. &ut he,s not a threat to 0a%" /u"iter. >ou can trust hi%., <Li)e I trust you*, Ha(el said $itterly. Nico t!isted his s)ull ring. Around hi%* $ones $egan to 4ui er as i# they !ere trying to #or% a ne! s)eleton. !hene er he got %oody* Nico had that e##ect on the dead* )ind o# li)e Ha(el,s curse. &et!een the%* they re"resented Pluto,s t!o s"heres o# control8 death and riches. So%eti%es Ha(el thought Nico had got the $etter end o# the deal. <Loo)* I )no! this is hard*, Nico said. <&ut you ha e a second chance. >ou can %a)e things right., <Nothing a$out this is right*, Ha(el said. <I# they #ind out the truth a$out %e ., <They !on,t*, Nico "ro%ised. <They,ll call a 4uest soon. They ha e to. >ou,ll %a)e %e "roud. Trust %e* &i., He caught hi%sel#* $ut Ha(el )ne! !hat he,d al%ost called her8 &ianca. Nico,s real sister . the one he,d gro!n u" !ith. Nico %ight care a$out Ha(el* $ut she,d ne er $e &ianca. Ha(el !as the si%"ly the ne1t $est thing Nico could %anage . a consolation "ri(e #ro% the 2nder!orld. <I,% sorry*, he said. Ha(el,s %outh tasted li)e %etal* as i# gold nuggets !ere "o""ing u" under her tongue. <Then it,s true a$out Death- Is Alcyoneus to $la%e-, <I thin) so*, Nico said. <It,s getting $ad in the 2nder!orld. Dad,s going cra(y trying to )ee" things under control. 5ro% !hat Percy said a$out the gorgons* things are getting !orse u" here* too. &ut loo)* that,s !hy you,re here. All that stu## in your "ast . you can %a)e so%ething good co%e out o# it. >ou $elong at 0a%" /u"iter., That sounded so ridiculous Ha(el al%ost laughed. She didn,t $elong in this "lace. She didn,t e en $elong in this century.

She should ha e )no!n $etter than to #ocus on the "ast* $ut she re%e%$ered the day !hen her old li#e had $een shattered. The $lac)out hit her so suddenly she didn,t e en ha e ti%e to say* 2h-oh. She shi#ted $ac) in ti%e. Not a drea% or a ision. The %e%ory !ashed o er her !ith such "er#ect clarity that she #elt she !as actually there. Her %ost recent $irthday. She,d +ust turned thirteen. &ut not last Dece%$er . JK Dece%$er JDRJ* the last day she had li ed in Ne! 3rleans.



HAPEL WAS WALKIN6 H3'E AL3NE #ro% the riding sta$les. Des"ite the cold e ening* she !as $u((ing !ith !ar%th. Sa%%y had +ust )issed her on the chee). The day had $een #ull o# u"s and do!ns. Kids at school had teased her a$out her %other* calling her a !itch and a lot o# other na%es. That had $een going on #or a long ti%e* o# course* $ut it !as getting !orse. Ru%ours !ere s"reading a$out Ha(el,s curse. The school !as called St Agnes Acade%y #or 0oloured 0hildren and Indians* a na%e that hadn,t changed in a hundred years. /ust li)e its na%e* the "lace %as)ed a !hole lot o# cruelty under a thin eneer o# )indness. Ha(el didn,t understand ho! other $lac) )ids could $e so %ean. They should, e )no!n $etter* since they the%sel es had to "ut u" !ith na%e-calling all the ti%e. &ut they yelled at her and stole her lunch* al!ays as)ing #or those #a%ous +e!els8 <Where,s those cursed dia%onds* girl- 6i%%e so%e or I,ll hurt you=, They "ushed her a!ay at the !ater #ountain* and thre! roc)s at her i# she tried to a""roach the% on the "layground. Des"ite ho! horri$le they !ere* Ha(el ne er ga e the% dia%onds or gold. She didn,t hate anyone that %uch. &esides* she had one #riend . Sa%%y . and that !as enough. Sa%%y li)ed to +o)e that he !as the "er#ect St Agnes student. He !as 'e1ican A%erican* so he considered hi%sel# coloured and Indian. <They should gi e %e a dou$le scholarshi"*, he said. He !asn,t $ig or strong* $ut he had a cra(y s%ile and he %ade Ha(el laugh. That a#ternoon he,d ta)en her to the sta$les !here he !or)ed as a groo%. It !as a <!hites only, riding clu$* o# course* $ut it !as closed on !ee)days and* !ith the !ar on* there !as tal) that the clu$ %ight ha e to shut do!n

co%"letely until the /a"anese !ere !hi""ed and the soldiers ca%e $ac) ho%e. Sa%%y could usually snea) Ha(el in to hel" ta)e care o# the horses. 3nce in a !hile they,d go riding. Ha(el lo ed horses. They see%ed to $e the only li ing things that !eren,t scared o# her. Peo"le hated her. 0ats hissed. Dogs gro!led. E en the stu"id ha%ster in 'iss #inley,s classroo% s4uea)ed in terror !hen she ga e it a carrot. &ut horses didn,t %ind. When she !as in the saddle* she could ride so #ast that there !as no chance o# ge%stones cro""ing u" in her !a)e. She al%ost #elt #ree o# her curse. That a#ternoon* she,d ta)en out a tan roan stallion !ith a gorgeous $lac) %ane. She gallo"ed into the #ields so s!i#tly* she le#t Sa%%y $ehind. &y the ti%e he caught u"* he and his horse !ere $oth !inded. <What are you running #ro%-, He laughed. <I,% not that ugly* a% I-, It !as too cold #or a "icnic* $ut they had one any!ay* sitting under a %agnolia tree !ith the horses tethered to a s"lit-rail #ence. Sa%%y had $rought her a cu"ca)e !ith a $irthday candle* !hich had got s%ashed on the ride $ut !as still the s!eetest thing Ha(el had e er seen. They $ro)e it in hal# and shared it. Sa%%y tal)ed a$out the !ar. He !ished he !ere old enough to go. He as)ed Ha(el i# she !ould !rite hi% letters i# he !ere a soldier going o erseas. <,0ourse* du%%y*, she said. He grinned. Then* as i# %o ed $y a sudden i%"ulse* he lurched #or!ard and )issed her on the chee). <Ha""y $irthday* Ha(el., It !asn,t %uch. /ust one )iss* and not e en on the li"s. &ut Ha(el #elt li)e she !as #loating. She hardly re%e%$ered the ride $ac) to the sta$les* or telling Sa%%y good$ye. He said* <See you to%orro!*, li)e he al!ays did. &ut she !ould ne er see hi% again. &y the ti%e she got $ac) to the 5rench Guarter* it !as getting dar). As she a""roached ho%e* her !ar% #eeling #aded* re"laced $y dread.

Ha(el and her %other . Gueen 'arie* she li)ed to $e called . li ed in an old a"art%ent a$o e a +a(( clu$. Des"ite the $eginning o# the !ar* there !as a #esti e %ood in the air. Ne! recruits !ould roa% the streets* laughing and tal)ing a$out #ighting the /a"anese. They,d get tattoos in the "arlours or "ro"ose to their s!eethearts right on the side!al). So%e !ould go u"stairs to Ha(el,s %other to ha e their #ortunes read or to $uy char%s #ro% 'arie Le es4ue* the #a%ous gris-gris 4ueen. <Did you hear-, one !ould say. <T!o $its #or this good-luc) char%. I too) it to a guy I )no!* and he says it,s a real sil er nugget. Worth t!enty dollars= That oodoo !o%an is cra(y=, 5or a !hile* that )ind o# tal) $rought Gueen 'arie a lot o# $usiness. Ha(el,s curse had started out slo!ly. At #irst it see%ed li)e a $lessing. The "recious stones and gold only a""eared once in a !hile* ne er in huge 4uantities. Gueen 'arie "aid her $ills. They ate stea) #or dinner once a !ee). Ha(el e en got a ne! dress. &ut then stories started s"reading. The locals $egan to reali(e ho! %any horri$le things ha""ened to "eo"le !ho $ought those good-luc) char%s or got "aid !ith Gueen 'arie,s treasure. 0harlie 6asceau1 lost his ar% in a har ester !hile !earing a gold $racelet. 'r Henry at the general store dro""ed dead #ro% a heart attac) a#ter Gueen 'arie settled her ta$ !ith a ru$y. 5ol)s started !his"ering a$out Ha(el . ho! she could #ind cursed +e!els +ust $y !al)ing do!n the street. These days only out-o#-to!ners ca%e to isit her %other* and not so %any o# the%* either. Ha(el,s %o% had $eco%e short-te%"ered. She ga e Ha(el resent#ul loo)s. Ha(el cli%$ed the stairs as 4uietly as she could* in case her %other had a custo%er. In the clu$ do!nstairs* the $and !as tuning their instru%ents. The $a)ery ne1t door had started %a)ing #ritters #or to%orro! %orning* #illing the stair!ell !ith the s%ell o# %elting $utter. When she got to the to"* Ha(el thought she heard t!o oices inside the a"art%ent. &ut !hen she "ee)ed into the "arlour* her %other !as sitting alone at the sSance

ta$le* her eyes closed* as i# in a trance. Ha(el had seen her that !ay %any ti%es* "retending to tal) to s"irits #or her clients . $ut not e er !hen she !as $y hersel#. Gueen 'arie had al!ays told Ha(el her gris-gris !as <$un) and ho)u%,. She didn,t really $elie e in char%s or #ortune telling or ghosts. She !as +ust a "er#or%er* li)e a singer or an actress* doing a sho! #or %oney. &ut Ha(el )ne! her %other did $elie e in so%e %agic. Ha(el,s curse !asn,t ho)u%. Gueen 'arie +ust didn,t !ant to thin) it !as her #ault . that so%eho! she had %ade Ha(el the !ay she !as. <It !as your $lasted #ather*, Gueen 'arie !ould gru%$le in her dar)er %oods. <0o%ing here in his #ancy sil er-and-$lac) suit. The one ti%e I actually su%%on a s"irit* and !hat do I get5ul#ils %y !ish and ruins %y li#e. I should, e $een a real 4ueen. It,s his #ault you turned out this !ay., She !ould ne er e1"lain !hat she %eant* and Ha(el had learned not to as) a$out her #ather. It +ust %ade her %other angrier. As Ha(el !atched* Gueen 'arie %uttered so%ething to hersel#. Her #ace !as cal% and rela1ed. Ha(el !as struc) $y ho! $eauti#ul she loo)ed* !ithout her sco!l and the creases in her $ro!. She had a lush %ane o# gold-$ro!n hair li)e Ha(el,s* and the sa%e dar) co%"le1ion* $ro!n as a roasted co##ee $ean. She !asn,t !earing the #ancy sa##ron ro$es or gold $angles she !ore to i%"ress clients . +ust a si%"le !hite dress. Still* she had a regal air* sitting straight and digni#ied in her gilded chair as i# she really !ere a 4ueen. <>ou,ll $e sa#e there*, she %ur%ured. <5ar #ro% the gods., Ha(el sti#led a screa%. The oice co%ing #ro% her %other,s %outh !asn,t hers. It sounded li)e an older !o%an,s. The tone !as so#t and soothing* $ut also co%%anding . li)e a hy"notist gi ing orders. Gueen 'arie tensed. She gri%aced in her trance* then s"o)e in her nor%al oice8 <It,s too #ar. Too cold. Too dangerous. He told %e not to.,

The other oice res"onded8 <What has he e er done #or you- He ga e you a "oisoned child= &ut !e can use her gi#t #or good. We can stri)e $ac) at the gods. >ou !ill $e under %y "rotection in the north* #ar #ro% the gods, do%ain. I,ll %a)e %y son your "rotector. >ou,ll li e li)e a 4ueen at last., Gueen 'arie !inced. <&ut !hat a$out Ha(el 7, Then her #ace contorted in a sneer. &oth oices s"o)e in unison* as i# they,d #ound so%ething to agree on8 <A "oisoned child., Ha(el #led do!n the stairs* her "ulse racing. At the $otto%* she ran into a %an in a dar) suit. He gri""ed her shoulders !ith strong* cold #ingers. <Easy* child*, the %an said. Ha(el noticed the sil er s)ull ring on his #inger* then the strange #a$ric o# his suit. In the shado!s* the solid $lac) !ool see%ed to shi#t and $oil* #or%ing i%ages o# #aces in agony* as i# lost souls !ere trying to esca"e #ro% the #olds o# his clothes. His tie !as $lac) !ith "latinu% stri"es. His shirt !as to%$stone grey. His #ace . Ha(el,s heart nearly lea"ed out o# her throat. His s)in !as so !hite it loo)ed al%ost $lue* li)e cold %il). He had a #la" o# greasy $lac) hair. His s%ile !as )ind enough* $ut his eyes !ere #iery and angry* #ull o# %ad "o!er. Ha(el had seen that loo) in the ne!sreels at the %o ie theater. This %an loo)ed li)e that a!#ul Adol# Hitler. He had no %oustache* $ut other!ise he could, e $een Hitler,s t!in . or his #ather. Ha(el tried to "ull a!ay. E en !hen the %an let go* she couldn,t see% to %o e. His eyes #ro(e her in "lace. <Ha(el Le es4ue*, he said in a %elancholy oice. <>ou, e gro!n., Ha(el started to tre%$le. At the $ase o# the stairs* the ce%ent stoo" crac)ed under the %an,s #eet. A glittering stone "o""ed u" #ro% the concrete li)e the earth had s"at out a !ater%elon seed. The %an loo)ed at it* unsur"rised. He $ent do!n. <Don,t=, Ha(el cried. <It,s cursed=, He "ic)ed u" the stone . a "er#ectly #or%ed e%erald.

<>es* it is. &ut not to %e. So $eauti#ul 7 !orth %ore than this $uilding* I i%agine., He sli""ed the e%erald in his "oc)et. <I,% sorry #or your #ate* child. I i%agine you hate %e., Ha(el didn,t understand. The %an sounded sad* as i# he !ere "ersonally res"onsi$le #or her li#e. Then the truth hit her8 a s"irit in sil er and $lac)* !ho,d #ul#illed her %other,s !ishes and ruined her li#e. Her eyes !idened. <>ou- >ou,re %y 7, He cu""ed his hand under her chin. <I a% Pluto. Li#e is ne er easy #or %y children* $ut you ha e a s"ecial $urden. No! that you,re thirteen* !e %ust %a)e "ro isions ., She "ushed his hand a!ay. <>ou did this to %e-, she de%anded. <>ou cursed %e and %y %other- >ou le#t us alone-, Her eyes stung !ith tears. This rich !hite %an in a #ine suit !as her #ather- No! that she !as thirteen* he sho!ed u" #or the #irst ti%e and said he !as sorry<>ou,re e il=, she shouted. <>ou ruined our li es=, Pluto,s eyes narro!ed. <What has your %other told you* Ha(el- Has she ne er e1"lained her !ish- 3r told you !hy you !ere $orn under a curse-, Ha(el !as too angry to s"ea)* $ut Pluto see%ed to read the ans!ers in her #ace. <No 7, He sighed. <I su""ose she !ouldn,t. 'uch easier to $la%e %e., <What do you %ean-, Pluto sighed. <Poor child. >ou !ere $orn too soon. I cannot see your #uture clearly* $ut so%e day you !ill #ind your "lace. A descendant o# Ne"tune !ill !ash a!ay your curse and gi e you "eace. I #ear* though* that is not #or %any years 7, Ha(el didn,t #ollo! any o# that. &e#ore she could res"ond* Pluto held out his hand. A s)etch"ad and a $o1 o# coloured "encils a""eared in his "al%. <I understand you en+oy art and horse$ac) riding*, he said. <These are #or your art. As #or the horse 7, His eyes glea%ed. <That* you,ll ha e to %anage yoursel#. No! I

%ust s"ea) !ith your %other. Ha""y $irthday* Ha(el., He turned and headed u" the stairs . +ust li)e that* as i# he,d chec)ed Ha(el o## his <to do, list and had already #orgotten her. Ha""y $irthday. 6o dra! a "icture. See you in another thirteen years. She !as so stunned* so angry* so u"side-do!n con#used that she +ust stood "araly(ed at the $ase o# the ste"s. She !anted to thro! do!n the coloured "encils and sto%" on the%. She !anted to charge a#ter Pluto and )ic) hi%. She !anted to run a!ay* #ind Sa%%y* steal a horse* lea e to!n and ne er co%e $ac). &ut she didn,t do any o# those things. A$o e her* the a"art%ent door o"ened* and Pluto ste""ed inside. Ha(el !as still shi ering #ro% his cold touch* $ut she cre"t u" the stairs to see !hat he !ould do. What !ould he say to Gueen 'arie- Who !ould s"ea) $ac) . Ha(el,s %other* or that a!#ul oiceWhen she reached the door!ay* Ha(el heard arguing. She "ee)ed in. Her %other see%ed $ac) to nor%al . screa%ing and angry* thro!ing things around the "arlour !hile Pluto tried to reason !ith her. <'arie* it,s insanity*, he said. <>ou,ll $e #ar $eyond %y "o!er to "rotect you., <Protect %e-, Gueen 'arie yelled. <When ha e you e er "rotected %e-, Pluto,s dar) suit shi%%ered* as i# the souls tra""ed in the #a$ric !ere getting agitated. <>ou ha e no idea*, he said. <I, e )e"t you ali e* you and the child. 'y ene%ies are e ery!here a%ong gods and %en. No!* !ith the !ar on* it !ill only get !orse. >ou %ust stay !here I can ., <The "olice thin) I,% a %urderer=, Gueen 'arie shouted. <'y clients !ant to hang %e as a !itch= And Ha(el . her curse is getting !orse. >our "rotection is )illing us., Pluto s"read his hands in a "leading gesture. <'arie* "lease ., <No=, Gueen 'arie turned to the closet* "ulled out a leather alise and thre! it on the ta$le. <We,re lea ing*, she

announced. <>ou can )ee" your "rotection. We,re going north., <'arie* it,s a tra"*, Pluto !arned. <Whoe er,s !his"ering in your ear* !hoe er,s turning you against %e ., <>ou turned %e against you=, She "ic)ed u" a "orcelain ase and thre! it at hi%. It shattered on the #loor* and "recious stones s"illed e ery!here . e%eralds* ru$ies* dia%onds. Ha(el,s entire collection. <>ou !on,t sur i e*, Pluto said. <I# you go north* you,ll $oth die. I can #oresee that clearly., <6et out=, she said. Ha(el !ished Pluto !ould stay and argue. Whate er her %other !as tal)ing a$out* Ha(el didn,t li)e it. &ut her #ather slashed his hand across the air and dissol ed into shado!s 7 li)e he really !as a s"irit. Gueen 'arie closed her eyes. She too) a dee" $reath. Ha(el !as a#raid the strange oice %ight "ossess her again. &ut !hen she s"o)e she !as her regular sel#. <Ha(el*, she sna""ed* <co%e out #ro% $ehind that door., Tre%$ling* Ha(el o$eyed. She clutched the s)etch"ad and coloured "encils to her chest. Her %other studied her li)e she !as a $itter disa""oint%ent. A "oisoned child* the oices had said. <Pac) a $ag*, she ordered. <We,re %o ing., <Wh-!here-, Ha(el as)ed. <Alas)a*, Gueen 'arie ans!ered. <>ou,re going to %a)e yoursel# use#ul. We,re going to start a ne! li#e., The !ay her %other said that* it sounded as i# they !ere going to create a <ne! li#e, #or so%eone else . or so%ething else. <What did Pluto %ean-, Ha(el as)ed. <Is he really %y #ather- He said you %ade a !ish ., <6o to your roo%=, her %other shouted. <Pac)=, Ha(el #led* and suddenly she !as ri""ed out o# the "ast. Nico !as sha)ing her shoulders. <>ou did it again., Ha(el $lin)ed. They !ere still sitting on the roo# o# Pluto,s shrine. The sun !as lo!er in the s)y. 'ore dia%onds had sur#aced around her* and her eyes stung #ro% crying.

<S-sorry*, she %ur%ured. <Don,t $e*, Nico said. <Where !ere you-, <'y %other,s a"art%ent. The day !e %o ed., Nico nodded. He understood her history $etter than %ost "eo"le could. He !as also a )id #ro% the JDR@s. He,d $een $orn only a #e! years a#ter Ha(el* and had $een loc)ed a!ay in a %agic hotel #or decades. &ut Ha(el,s "ast !as %uch !orse than Nico,s. She,d caused so %uch da%age and %isery 7 <>ou ha e to !or) on controlling those %e%ories*, Nico !arned. <I# a #lash$ac) li)e that ha""ens !hen you,re in co%$at ., <I )no!*, she said. <I,% trying., Nico s4uee(ed her hand. <It,s o)ay. I thin) it,s a side e##ect #ro% 7 you )no!* your ti%e in the 2nder!orld. Ho"e#ully it,ll get easier., Ha(el !asn,t so sure. A#ter eight %onths* the $lac)outs see%ed to $e getting !orse* as i# her soul !ere atte%"ting to li e in t!o di##erent ti%e "eriods at once. No one had e er co%e $ac) #ro% the dead $e#ore . at least* not the !ay she had. Nico !as trying to reassure her* $ut neither o# the% )ne! !hat !ould ha""en. <I can,t go north again*, Ha(el said. <Nico* i# I ha e to go $ac) to !here it ha""ened ., <>ou,ll $e #ine*, he "ro%ised. <>ou,ll ha e #riends this ti%e. Percy /ac)son . he,s got a role to "lay in this. >ou can sense that* can,t you- He,s a good "erson to ha e at your side., Ha(el re%e%$ered !hat Pluto told her long ago8 A descendant o# Ne"tune !ill !ash a!ay your curse and gi e you "eace. Was Percy the one- 'ay$e* $ut Ha(el sensed it !ouldn,t $e so easy. She !asn,t sure e en Percy could sur i e !hat !as !aiting in the north. <Where did he co%e #ro%-, she as)ed. <Why do the ghosts call hi% the 6ree)-, &e#ore Nico could res"ond* horns $le! across the ri er. The legionnaires !ere gathering #or e ening %uster. <We,d $etter get do!n there*, Nico said. <I ha e a #eeling

tonight,s !ar ga%es are going to $e interesting.,



3N THE WA> &A0K* HAPEL TRIPPED 3:ER A 63LD &AR. She should ha e )no!n not to run so #ast* $ut she !as a#raid o# $eing late #or %uster. The 5i#th 0ohort had the nicest centurions in ca%". Still* e en they !ould ha e to "unish her i# she !as tardy. Ro%an "unish%ents !ere harsh8 scru$$ing the streets !ith a tooth$rush* cleaning the $ull "ens at the coliseu%* getting se!n inside a sac) #ull o# angry !easels and du%"ed into the Little Ti$er . the o"tions !ere not great. The gold $ar "o""ed out o# the ground +ust in ti%e #or her #oot to hit it. Nico tried to catch her* $ut she too) a s"ill and scra"ed her hands. <>ou o)ay-, Nico )nelt ne1t to her and reached #or the $ar o# gold. <Don,t=, Ha(el !arned. Nico #ro(e. <Right. Sorry. It,s +ust 7 +ee(. That thing is huge., He "ulled a #las) o# nectar #ro% his a iator +ac)et and "oured a little on Ha(el,s hands. I%%ediately the cuts started to heal. <0an you stand-, He hel"ed her u". They $oth stared at the gold. It !as the si(e o# a $read loa#* sta%"ed !ith a serial nu%$er and the !ords 2.S. TREAS2R>. Nico shoo) his head. <Ho! in Tartarus . -, <I don,t )no!*, Ha(el said %isera$ly. <It could, e $een $uried there $y ro$$ers or dro""ed o## a !agon a hundred years ago. 'ay$e it %igrated #ro% the nearest $an) ault. Whate er,s in the ground* any!here close to %e . it +ust "o"s u". And the %ore alua$le it is ., <The %ore dangerous it is., Nico #ro!ned. <Should !e co er it u"- I# the #auns #ind it 7, Ha(el i%agined a %ushroo% cloud $illo!ing u" #ro% the road* char-$roiled #auns tossed in e ery direction. It !as too horri$le to consider. <It should sin) $ac) underground a#ter I lea e* e entually* $ut +ust to $e

sure 7, She,d $een "ractising this tric)* $ut ne er !ith so%ething so hea y and dense. She "ointed at the gold $ar and tried to concentrate. The gold le itated. She channelled her anger* !hich !asn,t hard . she hated that gold* she hated her curse* she hated thin)ing a$out her "ast and all the !ays she,d #ailed. Her #ingers tingled. The gold $ar glo!ed !ith heat. Nico gul"ed. <2%* Ha(el* are you sure 7 -, She %ade a #ist. The gold $ent li)e "utty. Ha(el #orced it to t!ist into a giant* lu%"y ring. Then she #lic)ed her hand to!ards the ground. Her %illion-dollar doughnut sla%%ed into the earth. It san) so dee"* nothing !as le#t $ut a scar o# #resh dirt. Nico,s eyes !idened. <That !as 7 terri#ying., Ha(el didn,t thin) it !as so i%"ressi e co%"ared to the "o!ers o# a guy !ho could reani%ate s)eletons and $ring "eo"le $ac) #ro% the dead* $ut it #elt good to sur"rise hi% #or a change. Inside the ca%"* horns $le! again. The cohorts !ould $e starting roll call* and Ha(el had no desire to $e se!n into a sac) o# !easels. <Hurry=, she told Nico* and they ran #or the gates. The #irst ti%e Ha(el had seen the legion asse%$le* she,d $een so inti%idated she,d al%ost slun) $ac) to the $arrac)s to hide. E en a#ter $eing at ca%" #or nine %onths* she still #ound it an i%"ressi e sight. The #irst #our cohorts* each #orty )ids strong* stood in ro!s in #ront o# their $arrac)s on either side o# the :ia Praetoria. The 5i#th 0ohort asse%$led at the ery end* in #ront o# the "rinci"ia* since their $arrac)s !ere tuc)ed in the $ac) corner o# ca%" ne1t to the sta$les and the latrines. Ha(el had to run right do!n the %iddle o# the legion to reach her "lace. The ca%"ers !ere dressed #or !ar. Their "olished chain %ail and grea es glea%ed o er "ur"le T-shirts and +eans. S!ord-and-s)ull designs decorated their hel%ets. E en their leather co%$at $oots loo)ed #erocious !ith their iron cleats* great #or %arching through %ud or

sto%"ing on #aces. In #ront o# the legionnaires* li)e a line o# giant do%inoes* stood their red and gold shields* each the si(e o# a re#rigerator door. E ery legionnaire carried a har"oonli)e s"ear called a "ilu%* a gladius* a dagger and a$out a hundred "ounds o# other e4ui"%ent. I# you !ere out o# sha"e !hen you ca%e to the legion* you didn,t stay that !ay #or long. /ust !al)ing around in your ar%our !as a #ull-$ody !or)out. Ha(el and Nico +ogged do!n the street as e eryone !as co%ing to attention* so their entrance !as really o$ ious. Their #ootste"s echoed on the stones. Ha(el tried to a oid eye contact* $ut she caught 3cta ian at the head o# the 5irst 0ohort s%ir)ing at her* loo)ing s%ug in his "lu%ed centurion,s hel%et !ith a do(en %edals "inned on his chest. Ha(el !as still seething #ro% his $lac)%ail threats earlier. Stu"id augur and his gi#t o# "ro"hecy . o# all the "eo"le at ca%" to disco er her secrets* !hy did it ha e to $e hi%- She !as sure he !ould ha e told on her !ee)s ago* e1ce"t that he )ne! her secrets !ere !orth %ore to hi% as le erage. She !ished she,d )e"t that $ar o# gold so she could hit hi% in the #ace !ith it. She ran "ast Reyna* !ho !as cantering $ac) and #orth on her "egasus Sci"io . nic)na%ed S)i""y $ecause he !as the colour o# "eanut $utter. The %etal dogs Auru% and Argentu% trotted at her side. Her "ur"le o##icer,s ca"e $illo!ed $ehind her. <Ha(el Le es4ue*, she called* <so glad you could +oin us., Ha(el )ne! $etter than to res"ond. She !as %issing %ost o# her e4ui"%ent* $ut she hurried to her "lace in line ne1t to 5ran) and stood at attention. Their lead centurion* a $ig se enteen-year-old guy na%ed Da)ota* !as +ust calling her na%e . the last one on the roll. <Present=, she s4uea)ed. Than) the gods. Technically* she !asn,t late. Nico +oined Percy /ac)son* !ho !as standing o## to one side !ith a cou"le o# guards. Percy,s hair !as !et #ro% the

$aths. He,d "ut on #resh clothes* $ut he still loo)ed unco%#orta$le. Ha(el couldn,t $la%e hi%. He !as a$out to $e introduced to t!o hundred hea ily ar%ed )ids. The Lares !ere the last ones to #all in. Their "ur"le #or%s #lic)ered as they +oc)eyed #or "laces. They had an annoying ha$it o# standing hal#!ay inside li ing "eo"le* so that the ran)s loo)ed li)e a $lurry "hotogra"h* $ut #inally the centurions got the% sorted out. 3cta ian shouted* <0olours=, The standard-$earers ste""ed #or!ard. They !ore lion-s)in ca"es and held "oles decorated !ith each cohort,s e%$le%s. The last to "resent his standard !as /aco$* the legion,s eagle $earer. He held a long "ole !ith a$solutely nothing on to". The +o$ !as su""osed to $e a $ig honour* $ut /aco$ o$ iously hated it. E en though Reyna insisted on #ollo!ing tradition* e ery ti%e the eagleless "ole !as raised* Ha(el could #eel e%$arrass%ent ri""ling through the legion. Reyna $rought her "egasus to a halt. <Ro%ans=, she announced. <>ou, e "ro$a$ly heard a$out the incursion today. T!o gorgons !ere s!e"t into the ri er $y this ne!co%er* Percy /ac)son. /uno hersel# guided hi% here* and "roclai%ed hi% a son o# Ne"tune., The )ids in the $ac) ro!s craned their nec)s to see Percy. He raised his hand and said* <Hi., <He see)s to +oin the legion*, Reyna continued. <What do the auguries say-, <I ha e read the entrails=, 3cta ian announced* as i# he,d )illed a lion !ith his $are hands rather than ri""ing u" a stu##ed "anda "illo!. <The auguries are #a oura$le. He is 4uali#ied to ser e=, The ca%"ers ga e a shout8 <A e=, Hail= 5ran) !as a little late !ith his <a e,* so it ca%e out as a high-"itched echo. The other legionnaires snic)ered. Reyna %otioned the senior o##icers #or!ard . one #ro% each cohort. 3cta ian* as the %ost senior centurion* turned to Percy. <Recruit*, he as)ed* <do you ha e credentials- Letters o# re#erence-,

Ha(el re%e%$ered this #ro% her o!n arri al. A lot o# )ids $rought letters #ro% older de%igods in the outside !orld* adults !ho !ere eterans o# the ca%". So%e recruits had rich and #a%ous s"onsors. So%e !ere third-or #ourth-generation ca%"ers. A good letter could get you a "osition in the $etter cohorts* so%eti%es e en s"ecial +o$s li)e legion %essenger* !hich %ade you e1e%"t #ro% the grunt !or) li)e digging ditches or con+ugating Latin er$s. Percy shi#ted. <Letters- 2%* no., 3cta ian !rin)led his nose. 2n#air= Ha(el !anted to shout. Percy had carried a goddess into ca%". What $etter reco%%endation could you !ant- &ut 3cta ian,s #a%ily had $een sending )ids to ca%" #or o er a century. He lo ed re%inding recruits that they !ere less i%"ortant than he !as. <No letters*, 3cta ian said regret#ully. <Will any legionnaires stand #or hi%-, <I !ill=, 5ran) ste""ed #or!ard. <He sa ed %y li#e=, I%%ediately there !ere shouts o# "rotest #ro% the other cohorts. Reyna raised her hand #or 4uiet and glared at 5ran). <5ran) Phang*, she said* <#or the second ti%e today* I re%ind you that you are on "ro$atio. >our godly "arent has not e en clai%ed you yet. >ou,re not eligi$le to stand #or another ca%"er until you, e earned your #irst stri"e., 5ran) loo)ed li)e he %ight die o# e%$arrass%ent. Ha(el couldn,t lea e hi% hanging. She ste""ed out o# line and said* <What 5ran) %eans is that Percy sa ed $oth our li es. I a% a #ull %e%$er o# the legion. I !ill stand #or Percy /ac)son., 5ran) glanced at her grate#ully* $ut the other ca%"ers started to %utter. Ha(el !as $arely eligi$le. She,d only got her stri"e a #e! !ee)s ago* and the <act o# alour, that earned it #or her had $een %ostly an accident. &esides* she !as a daughter o# Pluto* and a %e%$er o# the disgraced 5i#th 0ohort. She !asn,t doing Percy %uch o# a #a our $y gi ing hi% her su""ort. Reyna !rin)led her nose* $ut she turned to 3cta ian.

The augur s%iled and shrugged* li)e the idea a%used hi%. Why not- Ha(el thought. Putting Percy in the 5i#th !ould %a)e hi% less o# a threat* and 3cta ian li)ed to )ee" all his ene%ies in one "lace. <:ery !ell*, Reyna announced. <Ha(el Le es4ue* you %ay stand #or the recruit. Does your cohort acce"t hi%-, The other cohorts started coughing* trying not to laugh. Ha(el )ne! !hat they !ere thin)ing8 Another loser #or the 5i#th. 5ran) "ounded his shield against the ground. The other %e%$ers o# the 5i#th #ollo!ed his lead* though they didn,t see% ery e1cited. Their centurions* Da)ota and 6!en* e1changed "ained loo)s* li)e8 Here !e go again. <'y cohort has s"o)en*, Da)ota said. <We acce"t the recruit., Reyna loo)ed at Percy !ith "ity. <0ongratulations* Percy /ac)son. >ou stand on "ro$atio. >ou !ill $e gi en a ta$let !ith your na%e and cohort. In one year,s ti%e* or as soon as you co%"lete an act o# alour* you !ill $eco%e a #ull %e%$er o# the T!el#th Legion 5ul%inata. Ser e Ro%e* o$ey the rules o# the legion and de#end the ca%" !ith honour. Senatus Po"ulus4ue Ro%anus=, The rest o# the legion echoed the cheer. Reyna !heeled her "egasus a!ay #ro% Percy* li)e she !as glad to $e done !ith hi%. S)i""y s"read his $eauti#ul !ings. Ha(el couldn,t hel" #eeling a "ang o# en y. She,d gi e anything #or a horse li)e that* $ut it !ould ne er ha""en. Horses !ere #or o##icers only* or $ar$arian ca alry* not #or Ro%an legionnaires. <0enturions*, Reyna said* <you and your troo"s ha e one hour #or dinner. Then !e !ill %eet on the 5ield o# 'ars. The 5irst and Second 0ohorts !ill de#end. The Third* 5ourth and 5i#th !ill attac). 6ood #ortune=, A $igger cheer !ent u" . #or the !ar ga%es and #or dinner. The cohorts $ro)e ran)s and ran #or the %ess hall. Ha(el !a ed at Percy* !ho %ade his !ay through the cro!d !ith Nico at his side. To Ha(el,s sur"rise* Nico !as $ea%ing at her.

<6ood +o$* Sis*, he said. <That too) guts* standing #or hi%., He had ne er called her Sis $e#ore. She !ondered i# that !as !hat he had called &ianca. 3ne o# the guards had gi en Percy his "ro$atio na%e"late. Percy strung it on his leather nec)lace !ith the strange $eads. <Than)s* Ha(el*, he said. <2%* !hat e1actly does it %ean . your standing #or %e-, <I guarantee your good $eha iour*, Ha(el e1"lained. <I teach you the rules* ans!er your 4uestions* %a)e sure you don,t disgrace the legion., <And 7 i# I do so%ething !rong-, <Then I get )illed along !ith you*, Ha(el said. <Hungry- Let,s eat.,



AT LEAST THE 0A'P 533D WAS 633D. In isi$le !ind s"irits . aurae . !aited on the ca%"ers and see%ed to )no! e1actly !hat e eryone !anted. They $le! "lates and cu"s around so 4uic)ly the %ess hall loo)ed li)e a delicious hurricane. I# you got u" too #ast* you !ere li)ely to get $eaned $y $eans or "otted $y a "ot roast. Ha(el got shri%" gu%$o . her #a ourite co%#ort #ood. It %ade her thin) a$out $eing a little girl in Ne! 3rleans* $e#ore her curse set in and her %o% got so $itter. Percy got a cheese$urger and a strange-loo)ing soda that !as $right $lue. Ha(el didn,t understand that* $ut Percy tried it and grinned. <This %a)es %e ha""y*, he said. <I don,t )no! !hy 7 $ut it does., /ust #or a %o%ent* one o# the aurae $eca%e isi$le . an el#in girl in a !hite sil) dress. She giggled as she to""ed o## Percy,s glass* then disa""eared in a gust. The %ess hall see%ed es"ecially noisy tonight. Laughter echoed o## the !alls. War $anners rustled #ro% cedar ceiling $ea%s as aurae $le! $ac) and #orth* )ee"ing e eryone,s "lates #ull. The ca%"ers dined Ro%an style* sitting on couches around lo! ta$les. Kids !ere constantly getting u" and trading "laces* s"reading ru%ours a$out !ho li)ed !ho% and all the other gossi". As usual* the 5i#th 0ohort too) the "lace o# least honour. Their ta$les !ere at the $ac) o# the dining hall ne1t to the )itchen. Ha(el,s ta$le !as al!ays the least cro!ded. Tonight it !as she and 5ran)* as usual* !ith Percy and Nico and their centurion Da)ota* !ho sat there* Ha(el #igured* $ecause he #elt o$ligated to !elco%e the ne! recruit. Da)ota reclined glu%ly on his couch* %i1ing sugar into his drin) and chugging it. He !as a $ee#y guy !ith curly $lac) hair and eyes that didn,t 4uite line u" straight* so

Ha(el #elt li)e the !orld !as leaning !hene er she loo)ed at hi%. It !asn,t a good sign that he !as drin)ing so %uch so early in the night. <So., He $ur"ed* !a ing his go$let. <Welco%e to the Percy* "arty., He #ro!ned. <Party* Percy. Whate er., <2%* than)s*, Percy said* $ut his attention !as #ocused on Nico. <I !as !ondering i# !e could tal)* you )no! 7 a$out !here I %ight ha e seen you $e#ore., <Sure*, Nico said a little too 4uic)ly. <The thing is* I s"end %ost o# %y ti%e in the 2nder!orld. So unless I %et you there so%eho! ., Da)ota $elched. <A%$assador #ro% Pluto* they call hi%. Reyna,s ne er sure !hat to do !ith this guy !hen he isits. >ou should ha e seen her #ace !hen he sho!ed u" !ith Ha(el* as)ing Reyna to ta)e her in. 2%* no o##ence., <None ta)en., Nico see%ed relie ed to change the to"ic. <Da)ota !as really hel"#ul* standing #or Ha(el., Da)ota $lushed. <>eah* !ell 7 She see%ed li)e a good )id. Turned out I !as right. Last %onth* !hen she sa ed %e #ro%* uh* you )no!., <3h* %an=, 5ran) loo)ed u" #ro% his #ish and chi"s. <Percy* you should ha e seen her= That,s ho! Ha(el got her stri"e. The unicorns decided to sta%"ede ., <It !as nothing*, Ha(el said. <Nothing-, 5ran) "rotested. <Da)ota !ould, e $een tra%"led= >ou stood right in #ront o# the%* shooed the% a!ay* sa ed his hide. I, e ne er seen anything li)e it., Ha(el $it her li". She didn,t li)e to tal) a$out it* and she #elt unco%#orta$le* the !ay 5ran) %ade her sound li)e a hero. In truth* she,d $een %ostly a#raid that the unicorns !ould hurt the%sel es in their "anic. Their horns !ere "recious %etal . sil er and gold . so she,d %anaged to turn the% aside si%"ly $y concentrating* steering the ani%als $y their horns and guiding the% $ac) to the sta$les. It had got her a #ull "lace in the legion* $ut it had also started ru%ours a$out her strange "o!ers . ru%ours that re%inded her o# the $ad old days. Percy studied her. Those sea-green eyes %ade her unsettled.

<Did you and Nico gro! u" together-, he as)ed. <No*, Nico ans!ered #or her. <I #ound out that Ha(el !as %y sister only recently. She,s #ro% Ne! 3rleans., That !as true* o# course* $ut not the !hole truth. Nico let "eo"le thin) he,d stu%$led u"on her in %odern Ne! 3rleans and $rought her to ca%". It !as easier than telling the real story. Ha(el had tried to "ass hersel# o## as a %odern )id. It !asn,t easy. Than)#ully* de%igods didn,t use a lot o# technology at ca%". Their "o!ers tended to %a)e electronic gadgets go hay!ire. &ut the #irst ti%e she !ent on #urlough to &er)eley* she had nearly had a stro)e. Tele isions* co%"uters* iPods* the Internet 7 It %ade her glad to get $ac) to the !orld o# ghosts* unicorns and gods. That see%ed %uch less o# a #antasy than the t!enty-#irst century. Nico !as still tal)ing a$out the children o# Pluto. <There aren,t %any o# us*, he said* <so !e ha e to stic) together. When I #ound Ha(el ., <>ou ha e other sisters-, Percy as)ed* al%ost as i# he )ne! the ans!er. Ha(el !ondered again !hen he and Nico had %et* and !hat her $rother !as hiding. <3ne*, Nico ad%itted. <&ut she died. I sa! her s"irit a #e! ti%es in the 2nder!orld* e1ce"t that the last ti%e I !ent do!n there 7, To $ring her $ac)* Ha(el thought* though Nico didn,t say that. <She !as gone., Nico,s oice turned hoarse. <She used to $e in Elysiu% . li)e* the 2nder!orld "aradise . $ut she chose to $e re$orn into a ne! li#e. No! I,ll ne er see her again. I !as +ust luc)y to #ind Ha(el 7 in Ne! 3rleans* I %ean., Da)ota grunted. <2nless you $elie e the ru%ours. Not saying that I do., <Ru%ours-, Percy as)ed. 5ro% across the roo%* Don the #aun yelled* <Ha(el=, Ha(el had ne er $een so glad to see the #aun. He !asn,t allo!ed in ca%"* $ut o# course he al!ays %anaged to get in. He !as !or)ing his !ay to!ards their ta$le*

grinning at e ery$ody* snea)ing #ood o## "lates* and "ointing at ca%"ers8 <Hey= 0all %e=, A #lying "i((a s%ac)ed hi% in the head* and he disa""eared $ehind a couch. Then he "o""ed u"* still grinning* and %ade his !ay o er. <'y #a ourite girl=, He s%elled li)e a !et goat !ra""ed in old cheese. He leaned o er their couches and chec)ed out their #ood. <Say* ne! )id* you going to eat that-, Percy #ro!ned. <Aren,t #auns egetarian-, <Not the cheese$urger* %an= The "late=, He sni##ed Percy,s hair. <Hey 7 !hat,s that s%ell-, <Don=, Ha(el said. <Don,t $e rude., <No* %an* I +ust ., Their house god :itellius shi%%ered into e1istence* standing hal# e%$edded in 5ran),s couch. <5auns in the dining hall= What are !e co%ing to- 0enturion Da)ota* do your duty=, <I a%*, Da)ota gru%$led into his go$let. <I,% ha ing dinner=, Don !as still sni##ing around Percy. <'an* you, e got an e%"athy lin) !ith a #aun=, Percy leaned a!ay #ro% hi%. <A !hat-, <An e%"athy lin)= It,s real #aint* li)e so%e$ody,s su""ressed it* $ut ., <I )no! !hat=, Nico stood suddenly. <Ha(el* ho! a$out !e gi e you and 5ran) ti%e to get Percy oriented- Da)ota and I can isit the "raetor,s ta$le. Don and :itellius* you co%e too. We can discuss strategies #or the !ar ga%es., <Strategies #or losing-, Da)ota %uttered. <Death &oy is right=, :itellius said. <This legion #ights !orse than !e did in /udea* and that !as the #irst ti%e !e lost our eagle. Why* i# I !ere in charge ., <0ould I +ust eat the sil er!are #irst-, Don as)ed. <Let,s go=, Nico stood and gra$$ed Don and :itellius $y the ears. No$ody $ut Nico could actually touch the Lares. :itellius s"luttered !ith outrage as he !as dragged o## to the "raetor,s ta$le. <3!=, Don "rotested. <'an* !atch the ,#ro=,

<0o%e on* Da)ota=, Nico called o er his shoulder. The centurion got u" reluctantly. He !i"ed his %outh . uselessly* since it !as "er%anently stained red. <&ac) soon., He shoo) all o er* li)e a dog trying to get dry. Then he staggered a!ay* his go$let sloshing. <What !as that a$out-, Percy as)ed. <And !hat,s !rong !ith Da)ota-, 5ran) sighed. <He,s o)ay. He,s a son o# &acchus* the !ine god. He,s got a drin)ing "ro$le%., Percy,s eyes !idened. <>ou let hi% drin) !ine-, <6ods* no=, Ha(el said. <That !ould $e a disaster. He,s addicted to red Kool-Aid. Drin)s it !ith three ti%es the nor%al sugar* and he,s already ADHD . you )no!* attention de#icitOhy"eracti e. 3ne o# these days* his head is going to e1"lode., Percy loo)ed o er at the "raetor,s ta$le. 'ost o# the senior o##icers !ere in dee" con ersation !ith Reyna. Nico and his t!o ca"ti es* Don and :itellius* stood on the "eri"hery. Da)ota !as running $ac) and #orth along a line o# stac)ed shields* $anging his go$let on the% li)e they !ere a 1ylo"hone. <ADHD*, Percy said. <>ou don,t say., Ha(el tried not to laugh. <Well 7 %ost de%igods are. 3r dysle1ic. /ust $eing a de%igod %eans that our $rains are !ired di##erently. Li)e you . you said you had trou$le reading., <Are you guys that !ay too-, Percy as)ed. <I don,t )no!*, Ha(el ad%itted. <'ay$e. &ac) in %y day* they +ust called )ids li)e us Ela(yF., Percy #ro!ned. <&ac) in your day-, Ha(el cursed hersel#. Luc)ily #or her* 5ran) s"o)e u"8 <I !ish I !as ADHD or dysle1ic. All I got is lactose intolerance., Percy grinned. <Seriously-, 5ran) %ight, e $een the silliest de%igod e er* $ut Ha(el thought he !as cute !hen he "outed. His shoulders slu%"ed. <And I lo e ice crea%* too 7, Percy laughed. Ha(el couldn,t hel" +oining in. It !as good to sit at dinner and actually #eel li)e she !as a%ong

#riends. <3)ay* so tell %e*, Percy said* <!hy is it $ad to $e in the 5i#th 0ohort- >ou guys are great., The co%"li%ent %ade Ha(el,s toes tingle. <It,s 7 co%"licated. Aside #ro% $eing Pluto,s )id* I !ant to ride horses., <That,s !hy you use a ca alry s!ord-, She nodded. <It,s stu"id* I guess. Wish#ul thin)ing. There,s only one "egasus at ca%" . Reyna,s. The unicorns are +ust )e"t #or %edicine* $ecause the sha ings o## their horns cure "oisoning and stu##. Any!ay* Ro%an #ighting is al!ays done on #oot. 0a alry 7 they )ind o# loo) do!n on that. So they loo) do!n on %e., <Their loss*, Percy said. <What a$out you* 5ran)-, <Archery*, he %uttered. <They don,t li)e that either* unless you,re a child o# A"ollo. Then you, e got an e1cuse. I ho"e %y dad is A"ollo* $ut I don,t )no!. I can,t do "oetry ery !ell. And I,% not sure I !ant to $e related to 3cta ian., <0an,t $la%e you*, Percy said. <&ut you,re e1cellent !ith the $o! . the !ay you "egged those gorgons- 5orget !hat other "eo"le thin)., 5ran),s #ace turned as red as Da)ota,s Kool-Aid. <Wish I could. They all thin) I should $e a s!ord #ighter $ecause I,% $ig and $ul)y., He loo)ed do!n at his $ody* li)e he couldn,t 4uite $elie e it !as his. <They say I,% too stoc)y #or an archer. 'ay$e i# %y dad !ould e er clai% %e 7, They ate in silence #or a #e! %inutes. A dad !ho !ouldn,t clai% you 7 Ha(el )ne! that #eeling. She sensed Percy could relate* too. <>ou as)ed a$out the 5i#th*, she said at last. <Why it,s the !orst cohort. That actually started !ay $e#ore us., She "ointed to the $ac) !all* !here the legion,s standards !ere on dis"lay. <See the e%"ty "ole in the %iddle-, <The eagle*, Percy said. Ha(el !as stunned. <Ho!,d you )no!-, Percy shrugged. <:itellius !as tal)ing a$out ho! the legion lost its eagle a long ti%e ago . the #irst ti%e* he

said. He acted li)e it !as a huge disgrace. I,% guessing that,s !hat,s %issing. And #ro% the !ay you and Reyna !ere tal)ing earlier* I,% guessing your eagle got lost a second ti%e* %ore recently* and it had so%ething to do !ith the 5i#th 0ohort., Ha(el %ade a %ental note not to underesti%ate Percy again. When he,d #irst arri ed* she,d thought he !as a little goo#y #ro% the 4uestions he,d as)ed . a$out the 5east #or Tuna and all . $ut clearly he !as s%arter than he let on. <>ou,re right*, she said. <That,s e1actly !hat ha""ened., <So !hat is this eagle* any!ay- Why is it a $ig deal-, 5ran) loo)ed around to %a)e sure no one !as ea esdro""ing. <It,s the sy%$ol o# the !hole ca%" . a $ig eagle %ade o# gold. It,s su""osed to "rotect us in $attle and %a)e our ene%ies a#raid. Each legion,s eagle ga e it all sorts o# "o!er* and ours ca%e #ro% /u"iter hi%sel#. Su""osedly /ulius 0aesar nic)na%ed our legion E5ul%inataF . ar%ed !ith lightning . $ecause o# !hat the eagle could do., <I don,t li)e lightning*, Percy said. <>eah* !ell*, Ha(el said* <it didn,t %a)e us in inci$le. The T!el#th lost its eagle the #irst ti%e !ay $ac) in ancient days* during the /e!ish Re$ellion., <I thin) I sa! a %o ie li)e that*, Percy said. Ha(el shrugged. <0ould $e. There ha e $een lots o# $oo)s and %o ies a$out legions losing their eagles. 2n#ortunately it ha""ened 4uite a #e! ti%es. The eagle !as so i%"ortant 7 !ell* archaeologists ha e ne er reco ered a single eagle #ro% ancient Ro%e. Each legion guarded theirs to the last %an* $ecause it !as charged !ith "o!er #ro% the gods. They,d rather hide it or %elt it do!n than surrender it to an ene%y. The T!el#th !as luc)y the #irst ti%e. We got our eagle $ac). &ut the second ti%e 7, <>ou guys !ere there-, Percy as)ed. They $oth shoo) their heads. <I,% al%ost as ne! as you., 5ran) ta""ed his "ro$atio "late. </ust got here last %onth. &ut e eryone,s heard the story. It,s $ad luc) to e en tal) a$out this. There !as this

huge e1"edition to Alas)a $ac) in the eighties 7, <That "ro"hecy you noticed in the te%"le*, Ha(el continued* <the one a$out the se en de%igods and the Doors o# Death- 3ur senior "raetor at the ti%e !as 'ichael :arus* #ro% the 5i#th 0ohort. &ac) then the 5i#th !as the $est in ca%". He thought it !ould $ring glory to the legion i# he could #igure out the "ro"hecy and %a)e it co%e true . sa e the !orld #ro% stor% and #ire and all that. He tal)ed to the augur* and the augur said the ans!er !as in Alas)a. &ut he !arned 'ichael it !asn,t ti%e yet. The "ro"hecy !asn,t #or hi%., <&ut he !ent any!ay*, Percy guessed. <What ha""ened-, 5ran) lo!ered his oice. <Long* grueso%e story. Al%ost the entire 5i#th 0ohort !as !i"ed out. 'ost o# legion,s I%"erial gold !ea"ons !ere lost* along !ith the eagle. The sur i ors !ent cra(y or re#used to tal) a$out !hat had attac)ed the%., I )no!* Ha(el thought sole%nly. &ut she )e"t silent. <Since the eagle !as lost*, 5ran) continued* <the ca%" has $een getting !ea)er. Guests are %ore dangerous. 'onsters attac) the $orders %ore o#ten. 'orale is lo!er. The last %onth or so* things ha e $een getting %uch !orse* %uch #aster., <And the 5i#th 0ohort too) the $la%e*, Percy guessed. <So no! e eryone thin)s !e,re cursed., Ha(el reali(ed her gu%$o !as cold. She si""ed a s"oon#ul* $ut the co%#ort #ood didn,t taste ery co%#orting. <We, e $een the outcasts o# the legion since 7 !ell* since the Alas)a disaster. 3ur re"utation got $etter !hen /ason $eca%e "raetor ., <The )id !ho,s %issing-, Percy as)ed. <>eah*, 5ran) said. <I ne er %et hi%. &e#ore %y ti%e. &ut I hear he !as a good leader. He "ractically gre! u" in the 5i#th 0ohort. He didn,t care !hat "eo"le thought a$out us. He started to re$uild our re"utation. Then he disa""eared., <Which "ut us $ac) at s4uare one*, Ha(el said $itterly. <'ade us loo) cursed all o er again. I,% sorry* Percy. No! you )no! !hat you, e got yoursel# into.,

Percy si""ed his $lue soda and ga(ed thought#ully across the dining hall. <I don,t e en )no! !here I co%e #ro% 7 $ut I, e got a #eeling this isn,t the #irst ti%e I, e $een an underdog., He #ocused on Ha(el and %anaged a s%ile. <&esides* +oining the legion is $etter than $eing chased through the !ilderness $y %onsters. I, e got %ysel# so%e ne! #riends. 'ay$e together !e can turn things around #or the 5i#th 0ohort* huh-, A horn $le! at the end o# the hall. The o##icers at the "raetor,s ta$le got to their #eet . e en Da)ota* his %outh a%"ire-red #ro% Kool-Aid. <The ga%es $egin=, Reyna announced. The ca%"ers cheered and rushed to collect their e4ui"%ent #ro% the stac)s along the !alls. <So !e,re the attac)ing tea%-, Percy as)ed o er the noise. <Is that good-, Ha(el shrugged. <6ood ne!s8 !e get the ele"hant. &ad ne!s ., <Let %e guess*, said Percy. <The 5i#th 0ohort al!ays loses., 5ran) sla""ed Percy on the shoulder. <I lo e this guy. 0o%e on* ne! #riend. Let,s go chal) u" %y thirteenth de#eat in a ro!=,



AS HE 'AR0HED T3 THE WAR 6A'ES* 5ran) re"layed the day in his %ind. He couldn,t $elie e ho! close he,d co%e to death. That %orning on sentry duty* $e#ore Percy sho!ed u"* 5ran) had al%ost told Ha(el his secret. The t!o o# the% had $een standing #or hours in the chilly #og* !atching the co%%uter tra##ic on High!ay CR. Ha(el had $een co%"laining a$out the cold. <I,d gi e anything to $e !ar%*, she said* her teeth chattering. <I !ish !e had a #ire., E en !ith her ar%our on* she loo)ed great. 5ran) li)ed the !ay her cinna%on-toast-coloured hair curled around the edges o# her hel%et* and the !ay her chin di%"led !hen she #ro!ned. She !as tiny co%"ared to 5ran)* !hich %ade hi% #eel li)e a $ig clu%sy o1. He !anted to "ut his ar%s round her to !ar% her u"* $ut he,d ne er do that. She,d "ro$a$ly hit hi%* and he,d lose the only #riend he had at ca%". I could %a)e a really i%"ressi e #ire* he thought. 3# course* it !ould only $urn #or a #e! %inutes* and then I,d die 7 It !as scary that he e en considered it. Ha(el had that e##ect on hi%. Whene er she !anted so%ething* he had the irrational urge to "ro ide it. He !anted to $e the old-#ashioned )night riding to her rescue* !hich !as stu"id* as she !as !ay %ore ca"a$le at e erything than he !as. He i%agined !hat his grand%other !ould say8 5ran) Phang riding to the rescue- Ha= He,d #all o## his horse and $rea) his nec). Hard to $elie e it had $een only si1 !ee)s since he,d le#t his grand%other,s house . si1 !ee)s since his %o%,s #uneral. E erything had ha""ened since then8 !ol es arri ing at his grand%other,s door* the +ourney to 0a%" /u"iter* the

!ee)s he,d s"ent in the 5i#th 0ohort trying not to $e a co%"lete #ailure. Through it all* he,d )e"t the hal#-$urnt "iece o# #ire!ood !ra""ed in a cloth in his coat "oc)et. Kee" it close* his grand%other had !arned. As long as it is sa#e* you are sa#e. The "ro$le% !as that it $urned so easily. He re%e%$ered the tri" south #ro% :ancou er. When the te%"erature dro""ed $elo! #ree(ing near 'ount Hood* 5ran) had $rought out the "iece o# tinder and held it in his hands* i%agining ho! nice it !ould $e to ha e so%e #ire. I%%ediately* the charred end $la(ed !ith a searing yello! #la%e. It lit u" the night and !ar%ed 5ran) to the $one* $ut he could #eel his li#e sli""ing a!ay* as i# he !ere $eing consu%ed rather than the !ood. He,d thrust the #la%e into a sno!$an). 5or a horri$le %o%ent it )e"t $urning. When it #inally !ent out* 5ran) got his "anic under control. He !ra""ed the "iece o# !ood and "ut it $ac) in his coat "oc)et* deter%ined not to $ring it out again. &ut he couldn,t #orget it. It !as as though so%eone had said* <Whate er you do* don,t thin) a$out that stic) $ursting into #la%e=, So* o# course* that,s all he thought a$out. 3n sentry duty !ith Ha(el* he !ould try to ta)e his %ind o## it. He lo ed s"ending ti%e !ith her. He as)ed her a$out gro!ing u" in Ne! 3rleans* $ut she got edgy at his 4uestions* so they %ade s%all tal) instead. /ust #or #un* they tried to s"ea) 5rench to each other. Ha(el had so%e 0reole $lood on her %other,s side. 5ran) had ta)en 5rench in school. Neither o# the% !as ery #luent* and Louisiana 5rench !as so di##erent #ro% 0anadian 5rench it !as al%ost i%"ossi$le to con erse. When 5ran) as)ed Ha(el ho! her $ee# !as #eeling today* and she re"lied that his shoe !as green* they decided to gi e u". Then Percy /ac)son had arri ed. Sure* 5ran) had seen )ids #ight %onsters $e#ore. He,d #ought "lenty o# the% hi%sel# on his +ourney #ro% :ancou er. &ut he,d ne er seen gorgons. He,d ne er seen a goddess in "erson. And the !ay Percy had controlled the Little Ti$er . !o!. 5ran) !ished he had

"o!ers li)e that. He could still #eel the gorgons, cla!s "ressing into his ar%s and s%ell their sna)y $reath . li)e dead %ice and "oison. I# not #or Percy* those grotes4ue hags !ould ha e carried hi% a!ay. He,d $e a "ile o# $ones in the $ac) o# a &argain 'art $y no!. A#ter the incident at the ri er* Reyna had sent 5ran) to the ar%oury* !hich had gi en hi% !ay too %uch ti%e to thin). While he "olished s!ords* he re%e%$ered /uno* !arning the% to unleash Death. 2n#ortunately 5ran) had a "retty good idea o# !hat the goddess %eant. He had tried to hide his shoc) !hen /uno had a""eared* $ut she loo)ed e1actly li)e his grand%other had descri$ed . right do!n to the goat-s)in ca"e. She chose your "ath years ago* 6rand%other had told hi%. And it !ill not $e easy. 5ran) glanced at his $o! in the corner o# the ar%oury. He,d #eel $etter i# A"ollo !ould clai% hi% as a son. 5ran) had $een sure his godly "arent !ould s"ea) u" on his si1teenth $irthday* !hich had "assed t!o !ee)s ago. Si1teen !as an i%"ortant %ilestone #or Ro%ans. It had $een 5ran),s #irst $irthday at ca%". &ut nothing had ha""ened. No! 5ran) ho"ed he !ould $e clai%ed on the 5east o# 5ortuna* though #ro% !hat /uno had said they,d $e in a $attle #or their li es on that day. His #ather had to $e A"ollo. Archery !as the only thing 5ran) !as good at. >ears ago* his %other had told hi% that their #a%ily na%e* Phang* %eant <%aster o# $o!s, in 0hinese. That %ust ha e $een a hint a$out his dad. 5ran) "ut do!n his "olishing rags. He loo)ed at the ceiling. <Please* A"ollo* i# you,re %y dad* tell %e. I !ant to $e an archer li)e you., <No* you don,t*, a oice gru%$led. 5ran) +u%"ed out o# his seat. :itellius* the 5i#th 0ohort,s Lar* !as shi%%ering $ehind hi%. His #ull na%e !as 6aius :itellius Reticulus* $ut the other cohorts called hi% :itellius the Ridiculous. <Ha(el Le es4ue sent %e to chec) on you*, :itellius

said* hi)ing u" his s!ord $elt. <6ood thing* too. Loo) at the state o# this ar%our=, :itellius !asn,t one to tal). His toga !as $aggy* his tunic $arely #itted o er his $elly and his sca$$ard #ell o## his $elt e ery three seconds* $ut 5ran) didn,t $other "ointing that out. <As #or archers*, the ghost said* <they,re !i%"s= &ac) in %y day* archery !as a +o$ #or $ar$arians. A good Ro%an should $e in the #ray* gutting his ene%y !ith s"ear and s!ord li)e a ci ili(ed %an= That,s ho! !e did it in the Punic Wars. Ro%an u"* $oy=, 5ran) sighed. <I thought you !ere in 0aesar,s ar%y., <I !as=, <:itellius* 0aesar !as hundreds o# years a#ter the Punic Wars. >ou couldn,t ha e $een ali e that long., <Guestioning %y honour-, :itellius loo)ed so %ad his "ur"le aura glo!ed. He dre! his ghostly gladius and yelled* <Ta)e that=, He ran the s!ord* !hich !as a$out as deadly as a laser "ointer* through 5ran),s chest a #e! ti%es. <3uch*, 5ran) said* +ust to $e nice. :itellius loo)ed satis#ied and "ut his s!ord a!ay. <Perha"s you,ll thin) t!ice a$out dou$ting your elders ne1t ti%e= No! 7 it !as your si1teenth $irthday recently* !asn,t it-, 5ran) nodded. He !asn,t sure ho! :itellius )ne! this* since 5ran) hadn,t told anyone e1ce"t Ha(el* $ut ghosts had !ays o# #inding out secrets. Ea esdro""ing !hile in isi$le !as "ro$a$ly one o# the%. <So that,s !hy you,re such a gru%"y gladiator*, the Lar said. <2nderstanda$le. The si1teenth $irthday is your day o# %anhood= >our godly "arent should ha e clai%ed you* no dou$t a$out it* e en i# !ith only a s%all o%en. Perha"s he thought you !ere younger. >ou loo) younger* you )no!* !ith that "udgy $a$y #ace., <Than)s #or re%inding %e*, 5ran) %uttered. <>es* I re%e%$er %y si1teenth*, :itellius said ha""ily. <Wonder#ul o%en= A chic)en in %y under"ants., <E1cuse %e-,

:itellius "u##ed u" !ith "ride. <That,s right= I !as at the ri er changing %y clothes #or %y Li$eralia. Rite o# "assage into %anhood* you )no!. We did things "ro"erly $ac) then. I,d ta)en o## %y childhood toga and !as !ashing u" to don the adult one. Suddenly* a "ure!hite chic)en ran out o# no!here* di ed into %y loincloth and ran o## !ith it. I !asn,t !earing it at the ti%e., <That,s good*, 5ran) said. <And can I +ust say8 too %uch in#or%ation-, <'%., :itellius !asn,t listening. <That !as the sign I !as descended #ro% Aescula"ius* the god o# %edicine. I too) %y cogno%en* %y third na%e* Reticulus* $ecause it %eant undergar%ent* to re%ind %e o# the $lessed day !hen a chic)en stole %y loincloth., <So 7 your na%e %eans 'r 2nder!ear-, <Praise the gods= I $eca%e a surgeon in the legion* and the rest is history., He s"read his ar%s generously. <Don,t gi e u"* $oy. 'ay$e your #ather is running late. 'ost o%ens are not as dra%atic as a chic)en* o# course. I )ne! a #ello! once !ho got a dung $eetle ., <Than)s* :itellius*, 5ran) said. <&ut I ha e to #inish "olishing this ar%our ., <And the gorgon,s $lood-, 5ran) #ro(e. He hadn,t told anyone a$out that. As #ar as he )ne!* only Percy had seen hi% "oc)et the ials at the ri er* and they hadn,t had a chance to tal) a$out it. <0o%e no!*, :itellius chided. <I,% a healer. I )no! the legends a$out gorgon,s $lood. Sho! %e the ials., Reluctantly* 5ran) $rought out the t!o cera%ic #las)s he,d retrie ed #ro% the Little Ti$er. S"oils o# !ar !ere o#ten le#t $ehind !hen a %onster dissol ed . so%eti%es a tooth* or a !ea"on* or e en the %onster,s entire head. 5ran) had )no!n !hat the t!o ials !ere i%%ediately. &y tradition they $elonged to Percy* !ho had )illed the gorgons* $ut 5ran) couldn,t hel" thin)ing* What i# I could use the%<>es., :itellius studied the ials a""ro ingly. <&lood ta)en #ro% the right side o# a gorgon,s $ody can cure any disease* e en $ring the dead $ac) to li#e. The goddess

'iner a once ga e a ial o# it to %y di ine ancestor* Aescula"ius. &ut $lood ta)en #ro% the le#t side o# a gorgon . instantly #atal. So* !hich is !hich-, 5ran) loo)ed do!n at the ials. <I don,t )no!. They,re identical., <Ha= &ut you,re ho"ing the right ial could sol e your "ro$le% !ith the $urnt stic)* eh- 'ay$e $rea) your curse-, 5ran) !as so stunned he couldn,t tal). <3h* don,t !orry* $oy., The ghost chuc)led. <I !on,t tell anyone. I,% a Lar* a "rotector o# the cohort= I !ouldn,t do anything to endanger you., <>ou sta$$ed %e through the chest !ith your s!ord., <Trust %e* $oy= I ha e sy%"athy #or you* carrying the curse o# that Argonaut., <The 7 !hat-, :itellius !a ed a!ay the 4uestion. <Don,t $e %odest. >ou, e got ancient roots. 6ree) as !ell as Ro%an. It,s no !onder /uno ., He tilted his head* as i# listening to a oice #ro% a$o e. His #ace !ent slac). His entire aura #lic)ered green. <&ut I, e said enough= At any rate* I,ll let you !or) out !ho gets the gorgon,s $lood. I su""ose that ne!co%er Percy could use it* too* !ith his %e%ory "ro$le%., 5ran) !ondered !hat :itellius had $een a$out to say and !hat had %ade hi% so scared* $ut he got the #eeling that #or once :itellius !as going to )ee" his %outh shut. He loo)ed do!n at the t!o ials. He hadn,t e en thought o# Percy,s needing the%. He #elt guilty that he,d $een intending to use the $lood #or hi%sel#. <>eah. 3# course. He should ha e it., <Ah* $ut i# you !ant %y ad ice 7, :itellius loo)ed u" ner ously again. <>ou should $oth !ait on that gorgon $lood. I# %y sources are right* you,re going to need it on your 4uest., <Guest-, The doors o# the ar%oury #le! o"en. Reyna stor%ed in !ith her %etal greyhounds. :itellius chic)ens* $ut he did not li)e the "raetor,s dogs. anished. He %ight ha e li)ed

<5ran)., Reyna loo)ed trou$led. <That,s enough !ith the ar%our. 6o #ind Ha(el. 6et Percy /ac)son do!n here. He,s $een u" there too long. I don,t !ant 3cta ian 7, She hesitated. </ust get Percy do!n here., So 5ran) had run all the !ay to Te%"le Hill. Wal)ing $ac)* Percy had as)ed tons o# 4uestions a$out Ha(el,s $rother* Nico* $ut 5ran) didn,t )no! that %uch. <He,s o)ay*, 5ran) said. <He,s not li)e Ha(el ., <Ho! do you %ean-, Percy as)ed. <3h* u% 7, 5ran) coughed. He,d %eant that Ha(el !as $etter loo)ing and nicer* $ut he decided not to say that. <Nico is )ind o# %ysterious. He %a)es e ery$ody else ner ous* $eing the son o# Pluto* and all., <&ut not you-, 5ran) shrugged. <Pluto,s cool. It,s not his #ault he runs the 2nder!orld. He +ust got $ad luc) !hen the gods !ere di iding u" the !orld* you )no!- /u"iter got the s)y* Ne"tune got the sea and Pluto got the sha#t., <Death doesn,t scare you-, 5ran) al%ost !anted to laugh. Not at all= 6ot a %atch- Instead he said* <&ac) in the old ti%es* li)e the 6ree) ti%es* !hen Pluto !as called Hades* he !as %ore o# a death god. When he $eca%e Ro%an* he got %ore 7 I don,t )no!* res"ecta$le. He $eca%e the god o# !ealth* too. E erything under the earth $elongs to hi%. So I don,t thin) o# hi% as $eing real scary., Percy scratched his head. <Ho! does a god $eco%e Ro%an- I# he,s 6ree)* !ouldn,t he stay 6ree)-, 5ran) !al)ed a #e! ste"s* thin)ing a$out that. :itellius !ould, e gi en Percy an hour-long lecture on the su$+ect* "ro$a$ly !ith a Po!erPoint "resentation* $ut 5ran) too) his $est shot. <The !ay Ro%ans sa! it* they ado"ted the 6ree) stu## and "er#ected it., Percy %ade a sour #ace. <Per#ected it- Li)e there !as so%ething !rong !ith it-, 5ran) re%e%$ered !hat :itellius had said8 >ou, e got ancient roots. 6ree) as !ell as Ro%an. His grand%other had said so%ething si%ilar. <I don,t )no!*, he ad%itted. <Ro%e !as %ore success#ul

than 6reece. They %ade this huge e%"ire. The gods $eca%e a $igger deal in Ro%an ti%es . %ore "o!er#ul and !idely )no!n. That,s !hy they,re still around today. So %any ci ili(ations $ase the%sel es on Ro%e. The gods changed to Ro%an $ecause that,s !here the centre o# "o!er !as. /u"iter !as 7 !ell* %ore res"onsi$le as a Ro%an god than he had $een !hen he !as Peus. 'ars $eca%e a lot %ore i%"ortant and disci"lined., <And /uno $eca%e a hi""ie $ag lady*, Percy noted. <So you,re saying the old 6ree) gods . they +ust changed "er%anently to Ro%an- There,s nothing le#t o# the 6ree)-, <2h 7, 5ran) loo)ed around to %a)e sure there !ere no ca%"ers or Lares near$y* $ut the %ain gates !ere still a hundred yards a!ay. <That,s a sensiti e to"ic. So%e "eo"le say 6ree) in#luence is still around* li)e it,s still a "art o# the gods, "ersonalities. I, e heard stories o# de%igods occasionally lea ing 0a%" /u"iter. They re+ect Ro%an training and try to #ollo! the older 6ree) style . li)e $eing solo heroes instead o# !or)ing as a tea% the !ay the legion does. And $ac) in the ancient days* !hen Ro%e #ell* the eastern hal# o# the e%"ire sur i ed . the 6ree) hal#., Percy stared at hi%. <I didn,t )no! that., <It !as called &y(antiu%., 5ran) li)ed saying that !ord. It sounded cool. <The eastern e%"ire lasted another thousand years* $ut it !as al!ays %ore 6ree) than Ro%an. 5or those o# us !ho #ollo! the Ro%an !ay* it,s )ind o# a sore su$+ect. That,s !hy* !hate er country !e settle in* 0a%" /u"iter is al!ays in the !est . the Ro%an "art o# the territory. The east is considered $ad luc)., <Huh., Percy #ro!ned. 5ran) couldn,t $la%e hi% #or #eeling con#used. The 6ree)ORo%an stu## ga e hi% a headache* too. They reached the gates. <I,ll ta)e you to the $aths to get you cleaned u"*, 5ran) said. <&ut #irst 7 a$out those ials I #ound at the ri er., <6orgon,s $lood*, Percy said. <3ne ial heals. 3ne is deadly "oison.,

5ran),s eyes !idened. <>ou )no! a$out that- Listen* I !asn,t going to )ee" the%. I +ust ., <I )no! !hy you did it* 5ran)., <>ou do-, <>eah., Percy s%iled. <I# I,d co%e into ca%" carrying a ial o# "oison* that !ould, e loo)ed $ad. >ou !ere trying to "rotect %e., <3h 7 right., 5ran) !i"ed the s!eat o## his "al%s. <&ut i# !e could #igure out !hich ial !as !hich* it %ight heal your %e%ory., Percy,s s%ile #aded. He ga(ed across the hills. <'ay$e 7 I guess. &ut you should hang on to those ials #or no!. There,s a $attle co%ing. We %ay need the% to sa e li es., 5ran) stared at hi%* a little $it in a!e. Percy had a chance to get his %e%ory $ac)* and he !as !illing to !ait in case so%eone else needed the ial %ore- Ro%ans !ere su""osed to $e unsel#ish and hel" their co%rades* $ut 5ran) !asn,t sure anyone else at ca%" !ould ha e %ade that choice. <So you don,t re%e%$er anything-, 5ran) as)ed. <5a%ily* #riends-, Percy #ingered the clay $eads round his nec). <3nly gli%"ses. 'ur)y stu##. A girl#riend 7 I thought she,d $e at ca%"., He loo)ed at 5ran) care#ully* as i# %a)ing a decision. <Her na%e !as Anna$eth. >ou don,t )no! her* do you-, 5ran) shoo) his head. <I )no! e ery$ody at ca%"* $ut no Anna$eth. What a$out your #a%ily- Is your %o% %ortal-, <I guess so 7 she,s "ro$a$ly !orried out o# her %ind. Does your %o% get to see you %uch-, 5ran) sto""ed at the $athhouse entrance. He gra$$ed so%e to!els #ro% the su""ly shed. <She died., Percy )nitted his $ro!. <Ho!-, 2sually 5ran) !ould lie. He,d say an accident and shut o## the con ersation. 3ther!ise his e%otions got out o# control. He couldn,t cry at 0a%" /u"iter. He couldn,t sho! !ea)ness. &ut* !ith Percy* 5ran) #ound it easier to tal).

<She died in the !ar*, he said. <A#ghanistan., <She !as in the %ilitary-, <0anadian. >eah., <0anada- I didn,t )no! ., <'ost A%ericans don,t., 5ran) sighed. <&ut* yeah* 0anada has troo"s there. 'y %o% !as a ca"tain. She !as one o# the #irst !o%en to die in co%$at. She sa ed so%e soldiers !ho !ere "inned do!n $y ene%y #ire. She 7 she didn,t %a)e it. The #uneral !as right $e#ore I ca%e do!n here., Percy nodded. He didn,t as) #or %ore details* !hich 5ran) a""reciated. He didn,t say he !as sorry* or %a)e any o# the !ell-%eaning co%%ents 5ran) al!ays hated8 3h* you "oor guy. That %ust $e so hard on you. >ou ha e %y dee"est condolences. It !as li)e Percy had #aced death $e#ore* li)e he )ne! a$out grie#. What %attered !as listening. >ou didn,t need to say you !ere sorry. The only thing that hel"ed !as %o ing on . %o ing #or!ard. <Ho! a$out you sho! %e the $aths no!-, Percy suggested. <I,% #ilthy., 5ran) %anaged a s%ile. <>eah. >ou )ind o# are., As they !al)ed into the stea% roo%* 5ran) thought o# his grand%other* his %o% and his cursed childhood* than)s to /uno and her "iece o# #ire!ood. He al%ost !ished he could #orget his "ast* the !ay Percy had.


5RANK DIDN,T RE'E'&ER '20H A&32T the #uneral itsel#. &ut he re%e%$ered the hours leading u" to it . his grand%other co%ing out into the $ac)yard to #ind hi% shooting arro!s at her "orcelain collection. His grand%other,s house !as a ra%$ling grey stone %ansion on t!el e acres in North :ancou er. Her $ac)yard ran straight into Lynn 0anyon Par). The %orning !as cold and dri((ly* $ut 5ran) didn,t #eel the chill. He !ore a $lac) !ool suit and a $lac) o ercoat that had once $elonged to his grand#ather. 5ran) had $een startled and u"set to #ind that they #itted hi% #ine. The clothes s%elled li)e !et %oth$alls and +as%ine. The #a$ric !as itchy $ut !ar%. With his $o! and 4ui er* he "ro$a$ly loo)ed li)e a ery dangerous $utler. He,d loaded so%e o# his grand%other,s "orcelain in a !agon and toted it into the yard* !here he set u" targets on old #ence"osts at the edge o# the "ro"erty. He,d $een shooting so long his #ingers !ere starting to lose their #eeling. With e ery arro!* he i%agined he !as stri)ing do!n his "ro$le%s. Sni"ers in A#ghanistan. S%ash. A tea"ot e1"loded !ith an arro! through the %iddle. The sacri#ice %edal* a sil er disc on a red-and-$lac) ri$$on* gi en #or death in the line o# duty* "resented to 5ran) as i# it !ere so%ething i%"ortant* so%ething that %ade e erything all right. Th!ac). A teacu" s"un into the !oods. The o##icer !ho ca%e to tell hi%8 <>our %other is a hero. 0a"tain E%ily Phang died trying to sa e her co%rades., 0rac). A $lue-and-!hite "late s"lit into "ieces. His grand%other,s chastise%ent8 'en do not cry. Es"ecially Phang %en. >ou !ill endure* 5ai. No one called hi% 5ai e1ce"t his grand%other. What sort o# na%e is 5ran)- she !ould scold. That is

not a 0hinese na%e. I,% not 0hinese* 5ran) thought* $ut he didn,t dare say that. His %other had told hi% years ago8 There is no arguing !ith 6rand%other. It,ll only %a)e you su##er !orse. She,d $een right. And no! 5ran) had no one e1ce"t his grand%other. Thud. A #ourth arro! hit the #ence"ost and stuc) there* 4ui ering. <5ai*, said his grand%other. 5ran) turned. She !as clutching a shoe$o1-si(ed %ahogany chest that 5ran) had ne er seen $e#ore. With her high-collared $lac) dress and se ere $un o# grey hair* she loo)ed li)e a schoolteacher #ro% the JL@@s. She sur eyed the carnage8 her "orcelain in the !agon* the shards o# her #a ourite tea sets scattered o er the la!n* 5ran),s arro!s stic)ing out o# the ground* the trees* the #ence"osts and one in the head o# a s%iling garden gno%e. 5ran) thought she !ould yell* or hit hi% !ith the $o1. He,d ne er done anything this $ad $e#ore. He,d ne er #elt so angry. 6rand%other,s #ace !as #ull o# $itterness and disa""ro al. She loo)ed nothing li)e 5ran),s %o%. He !ondered ho! his %other had turned out to $e so nice . al!ays laughing* al!ays gentle. 5ran) couldn,t i%agine his %o% gro!ing u" !ith 6rand%other any %ore than he could i%agine her on the $attle#ield . though the t!o situations "ro$a$ly !eren,t that di##erent. He !aited #or 6rand%other to e1"lode. 'ay$e he,d $e grounded and !ouldn,t ha e to go to the #uneral. He !anted to hurt her #or $eing so %ean all the ti%e* #or letting his %other go o## to !ar* #or scolding hi% to get o er it. All she cared a$out !as her stu"id collection. <Sto" this ridiculous $eha iour*, 6rand%other said. She didn,t sound $eneath you., To 5ran),s astonish%ent* she )ic)ed aside one o# her #a ourite teacu"s. <The car !ill $e here soon*, she said. <We %ust tal)., ery irritated. <It is

5ran) !as du%$#ounded. He loo)ed %ore closely at the %ahogany $o1. 5or a horri$le %o%ent* he !ondered i# it contained his %other,s ashes* $ut that !as i%"ossi$le. 6rand%other had told hi% there !ould $e a %ilitary $urial. Then !hy did 6rand%other hold the $o1 so gingerly* as i# its contents grie ed her<0o%e inside*, she said. Without !aiting to see i# he !ould #ollo!* she turned and %arched to!ards the house. In the "arlour* 5ran) sat on a el et so#a* surrounded $y intage #a%ily "hotos* "orcelain ases that had $een too large #or his !agon and red 0hinese calligra"hy $anners. 5ran) didn,t )no! !hat the calligra"hy said. He,d ne er had %uch interest in learning. He didn,t )no! %ost o# the "eo"le in the "hotogra"hs* either. Whene er 6rand%other started lecturing hi% a$out his ancestors . ho! they,d co%e o er #ro% 0hina and "ros"ered in the i%"ortOe1"ort $usiness* e entually $eco%ing one o# the !ealthiest 0hinese #a%ilies in :ancou er . !ell* it !as $oring. 5ran) !as #ourth-generation 0anadian. He didn,t care a$out 0hina and all these %usty anti4ues. The only 0hinese characters he could recogni(e !ere his #a%ily na%e8 Phang. 'aster o# $o!s. That !as cool. 6rand%other sat ne1t to hi%* her "osture sti##* her hands #olded o er the $o1. <>our %other !anted you to ha e this*, she said !ith reluctance. <She )e"t it since you !ere a $a$y. When she !ent a!ay to the !ar* she entrusted it to %e. &ut no! she is gone. And soon you !ill $e going* too., 5ran),s sto%ach #luttered. <6oing- Where-, <I a% old*, 6rand%other said* as i# that !ere a sur"rising announce%ent. <I ha e %y o!n a""oint%ent !ith Death soon enough. I cannot teach you the s)ills you !ill need* and I cannot )ee" this $urden. I# so%ething !ere to ha""en to it* I !ould ne er #orgi e %ysel#. >ou !ould die., 5ran) !asn,t sure he,d heard her right. It sounded li)e she had said his li#e de"ended on that $o1. He !ondered !hy he,d ne er seen it $e#ore. She %ust ha e )e"t it loc)ed in the attic . the one roo% 5ran) !as #or$idden to

e1"lore. She,d al!ays said she )e"t her %ost alua$le treasures u" there. She handed the $o1 to hi%. He o"ened the lid !ith tre%$ling #ingers. Inside* cushioned in el et lining* !as a terri#ying* li#e-altering* incredi$ly i%"ortant 7 "iece o# !ood. It loo)ed li)e dri#t!ood . hard and s%ooth* scul"ted into a !a y sha"e. It !as a$out the si(e o# a T: re%ote control. The ti" !as charred. 5ran) touched the $urnt end. It still #elt !ar%. The ashes le#t a $lac) s%udge on his #inger. <It,s a stic)*, he said. He couldn,t #igure out !hy 6rand%other !as acting so tense and serious a$out it. Her eyes glittered. <5ai* do you )no! o# "ro"hecies- Do you )no! o# the gods-, The 4uestions %ade hi% unco%#orta$le. He thought a$out 6rand%other,s silly gold statues o# 0hinese i%%ortals* her su"erstitions a$out "utting #urniture in certain "laces and a oiding unluc)y nu%$ers. Pro"hecies %ade hi% thin) o# #ortune coo)ies* !hich !eren,t e en 0hinese . not really . $ut the $ullies at school teased hi% a$out stu"id stu## li)e that8 0on#ucius say 7 all that gar$age. 5ran) had ne er e en $een to 0hina. He !anted nothing to do !ith it. &ut* o# course* 6rand%other didn,t !ant to hear that. <A little* 6rand%other*, he said. <Not %uch., <'ost !ould ha e sco##ed at your %other,s tale*, she said* <&ut I did not. I )no! o# "ro"hecies and gods. 6ree)* Ro%an* 0hinese . they intert!ine in our #a%ily. I did not 4uestion !hat she told %e a$out your #ather., <Wait 7 !hat-, <>our #ather !as a god*, she said "lainly. I# 6rand%other had had a sense o# hu%our* 5ran) !ould ha e thought she !as )idding. &ut 6rand%other ne er teased. Was she going senile<Sto" ga"ing at %e=, she sna""ed. <'y %ind is not addled. Ha en,t you e er !ondered !hy your #ather ne er ca%e $ac)-, <He !as 7, 5ran) #altered. Losing his %other !as "ain#ul enough. He didn,t !ant to thin) a$out his #ather*

too. <He !as in the ar%y* li)e 'o%. He !ent %issing in action. In Ira4., <&ah. He !as a god. He #ell in lo e !ith your %other $ecause she !as a natural !arrior. She !as li)e %e . strong* $ra e* good* $eauti#ul., Strong and $ra e* 5ran) could $elie e. Picturing 6rand%other as good or $eauti#ul !as %ore di##icult. He still sus"ected she %ight $e losing her %ar$les* $ut he as)ed* <What )ind o# god-, <Ro%an*, she said. <&eyond that* I don,t )no!. >our %other !ouldn,t say* or "erha"s she didn,t )no! hersel#. It is no sur"rise a god !ould #all in lo e !ith her* gi en our #a%ily. He %ust ha e )no!n she !as o# ancient $lood., <Wait 7 !e,re 0hinese. Why !ould Ro%an gods !ant to date 0hinese 0anadians-, 6rand%other,s nostrils #lared. <I# you $othered to learn the #a%ily history* 5ai* you %ight )no! this. 0hina and Ro%e are not so di##erent* nor as se"arate as you %ight $elie e. 3ur #a%ily is #ro% 6ansu Pro ince* a to!n once called Li-/ien. And $e#ore that 7 as I said* ancient $lood. The $lood o# "rinces and heroes., 5ran) +ust stared at her. She sighed in e1as"eration. <'y !ords are !asted on this young o1= >ou !ill learn the truth !hen you go to ca%". Perha"s your #ather !ill clai% you. &ut* #or no!* I %ust e1"lain the #ire!ood., She "ointed at the $ig stone #ire"lace. <Shortly a#ter you !ere $orn* a isitor a""eared at our hearth. >our %other and I sat here on the couch* +ust !here you and I are sitting. >ou !ere a tiny thing* s!addled in a $lue $lan)et* and she cradled you in her ar%s., It sounded li)e a s!eet %e%ory* $ut 6rand%other told it in a $itter tone* as i# she )ne!* e en then* that 5ran) !ould turn into a $ig lu%$ering oa#. <A !o%an a""eared at the #ire*, she continued. <She !as a !hite !o%an . a g!ai "oh . dressed in $lue sil)* !ith a strange cloa) li)e the s)in o# a goat., <A goat*, 5ran) said nu%$ly. 6rand%other sco!led. <>es* clean your ears* 5ai

Phang= I,% too old to tell e ery story t!ice= The !o%an !ith the goat-s)in !as a goddess. I can al!ays tell these things. She s%iled at the $a$y . at you . and she told your %other* in "er#ect 'andarin* no less8 EHe !ill close the circle. He !ill return your #a%ily to its roots and $ring you great honour.F, 6rand%other snorted. <I do not argue !ith goddesses* $ut "erha"s this one did not see the #uture clearly. Whate er the case* she said* EHe !ill go to ca%" and restore your re"utation there. He !ill #ree Thanatos #ro% his icy chains .F, <Wait* !ho-, <Thanatos*, 6rand%other said i%"atiently. <The 6ree) na%e #or Death. No! %ay I continue !ithout interru"tions- The goddess said* EThe $lood o# Pylos is strong in this child #ro% his %other,s side. He !ill ha e the Phang #a%ily gi#t* $ut he !ill also ha e the "o!ers o# his #ather.F, Suddenly 5ran),s #a%ily history didn,t see% so $oring. He des"erately !anted to as) !hat it all %eant . "o!ers* gi#ts* $lood o# Pylos. What !as this ca%"* and !ho !as his #ather- &ut he didn,t !ant to interru"t 6rand%other again. He !anted her to )ee" tal)ing. <No "o!er co%es !ithout a "rice* 5ai*, she said. <&e#ore the goddess disa""eared* she "ointed at the #ire and said* EHe !ill $e the strongest o# your clan* and the greatest. &ut the 5ates ha e decreed he !ill also $e the %ost ulnera$le. His li#e !ill $urn $right and short. As soon as that "iece o# tinder is consu%ed . that stic) at the edge o# the #ire . your son is destined to die.F, 5ran) could hardly $reathe. He loo)ed at the $o1 in his la"* and the s%udge o# ash on his #inger. The story sounded ridiculous* $ut suddenly the "iece o# dri#t!ood see%ed %ore sinister* colder and hea ier. <This 7 this ., <>es* %y thic)-headed o1*, 6rand%other said. <That is the ery stic). The goddess disa""eared* and I snatched the !ood #ro% the #ire i%%ediately. We ha e )e"t it e er since., <I# it $urns u"* I die-,

<It is not so strange*, 6rand%other said. <Ro%an* 0hinese . the destinies o# %en can o#ten $e "redicted* and so%eti%es guarded against* at least #or a ti%e. The #ire!ood is in your "ossession no!. Kee" it close. As long as it is sa#e* you are sa#e., 5ran) shoo) his head. He !anted to "rotest that this !as +ust a stu"id legend. 'ay$e 6rand%other !as trying to scare hi% as so%e sort o# re enge #or $rea)ing her "orcelain. &ut her eyes !ere de#iant. She see%ed to $e challenging 5ran)8 I# you do not $elie e it* $urn it. 5ran) closed the $o1. <I# it,s so dangerous* !hy not seal the !ood in so%ething that !on,t $urn* li)e "lastic or steel- Why not "ut it in a sa#e de"osit $o1-, <What !ould ha""en*, 6rand%other !ondered* <i# !e coated the stic) in another su$stance. Would you* too* su##ocate- I do not )no!. >our %other !ould not ta)e the ris). She couldn,t $ear to "art !ith it* #or #ear so%ething !ould go !rong. &an)s can $e ro$$ed. &uildings can $urn do!n. Strange things cons"ire !hen one tries to cheat #ate. >our %other thought the stic) !as only sa#e in her "ossession* until she !ent to !ar. Then she ga e it to %e., 6rand%other e1haled sourly. <E%ily !as #oolish* going to !ar* though I su""ose I al!ays )ne! it !as her destiny. She ho"ed to %eet your #ather again., <She thought 7 she thought he,d $e in A#ghanistan-, 6rand%other s"read her hands* as i# this !as $eyond her understanding. <She !ent. She died $ra ely. She thought the #a%ily gi#t !ould "rotect her. No dou$t that,s ho! she sa ed those soldiers. &ut the gi#t has ne er )e"t our #a%ily sa#e. It did not hel" %y #ather* or his #ather. It did not hel" %e. And no! you ha e $eco%e a %an. >ou %ust #ollo! the "ath., <&ut 7 !hat "ath- What,s our gi#t . archery-, <>ou and your archery= 5oolish $oy. Soon you !ill #ind out. Tonight* a#ter the #uneral* you %ust go south. >our %other said i# she did not co%e $ac) #ro% co%$at* Lu"a !ould send %essengers. They !ill escort you to a "lace !here the children o# the gods can $e trained #or their

destiny., 5ran) #elt as i# he !ere $eing shot !ith arro!s* his heart s"litting into "orcelain shards. He didn,t understand %ost o# !hat 6rand%other said* $ut one thing !as clear8 she !as )ic)ing hi% out. <>ou,d +ust let %e go-, he as)ed. <>our last #a%ily-, 6rand%other,s %outh 4ui ered. Her eyes loo)ed %oist. 5ran) !as shoc)ed to reali(e she !as near tears. She,d lost her hus$and years ago* then her daughter* and no! she !as a$out to send a!ay her only grandson. &ut she rose #ro% the couch and stood tall* her "osture as sti## and correct as e er. <When you arri e at ca%"*, she instructed* <you %ust s"ea) to the "raetor in "ri ate. Tell her your great-grand#ather !as Shen Lun. It has $een %any years since the San 5rancisco incident. Ho"e#ully they !ill not )ill you #or !hat he did* $ut you %ight !ant to $eg #orgi eness #or his actions., <This is sounding $etter and $etter*, 5ran) %u%$led. <The goddess said you !ould $ring our #a%ily #ull circle., 6rand%other,s oice had no trace o# sy%"athy. <She chose your "ath years ago* and it !ill not $e easy. &ut no! it is ti%e #or the #uneral. We ha e o$ligations. 0o%e. The car !ill $e !aiting., The cere%ony !as a $lur8 sole%n #aces* the "atter o# rain on the gra eside a!ning* the crac) o# ri#les #ro% the honour guard* the cas)et sin)ing into the earth. That night* the !ol es ca%e. They ho!led on the #ront "orch. 5ran) ca%e out to %eet the%. He too) his tra el "ac)* his !ar%est clothes* his $o! and his 4ui er. His %other,s sacri#ice %edal !as tuc)ed in his "ac). The charred stic) !as !ra""ed care#ully in three layers o# cloth in his coat "oc)et* ne1t to his heart. His +ourney south $egan . to the Wol# House in Sono%a* and e entually to 0a%" /u"iter* !here he s"o)e to Reyna "ri ately as 6rand%other had instructed. He $egged #orgi eness #or the great-grand#ather he )ne! nothing a$out. Reyna let hi% +oin the legion. She ne er did tell hi% !hat his great-grand#ather had done* $ut she

o$ iously )ne!. 5ran) could tell it !as $ad. <I +udge "eo"le $y their o!n %erits*, Reyna had told hi%. <&ut do not %ention the na%e Shen Lun to anyone else. It %ust re%ain our secret* or you,ll $e treated $adly., 2n#ortunately* 5ran) didn,t ha e %any %erits. His #irst %onth at ca%" !as s"ent )noc)ing o er ro!s o# !ea"ons* $rea)ing chariots and tri""ing entire cohorts as they %arched. His #a ourite +o$ !as caring #or Hanni$al the ele"hant* $ut he,d %anaged to %ess that u"* too . gi ing Hanni$al indigestion $y #eeding hi% "eanuts. Who )ne! ele"hants could $e "eanutintolerant- 5ran) #igured Reyna !as regretting her decision to let hi% +oin. E ery day* he !o)e u" !ondering i# the stic) !ould so%eho! catch #ire and $urn* and he !ould cease to e1ist. All o# this ran through 5ran),s head as he !al)ed !ith Ha(el and Percy to the !ar ga%es. He thought a$out the stic) !ra""ed inside his coat "oc)et* and !hat it %eant that /uno had a""eared at ca%". Was he a$out to die- He ho"ed not. He hadn,t $rought his #a%ily any honour yet . that !as #or sure. 'ay$e A"ollo !ould clai% hi% today and e1"lain his "o!ers and gi#ts. 3nce they got out o# ca%"* the 5i#th 0ohort #or%ed t!o lines $ehind their centurions* Da)ota and 6!en. They %arched north* s)irting the edge o# the city* and headed to the 5ield o# 'ars . the largest* #lattest "art o# the alley. The grass !as cro""ed short $y all the unicorns* $ulls and ho%eless #auns that gra(ed here. The earth !as "itted !ith e1"losion craters and scarred !ith trenches #ro% "ast ga%es. At the north end o# the #ield stood their target. The engineers had $uilt a stone #ortress !ith an iron "ortcullis* guard to!ers* scor"ion $allistae* !ater cannons and no dou$t %any other nasty sur"rises #or the de#enders to use. <They did a good +o$ today*, Ha(el noted. <That,s $ad #or us., <Wait*, Percy said. <>ou,re telling %e that #ortress !as $uilt today-, Ha(el grinned. <Legionnaires are trained to $uild. I# !e had to* !e could $rea) do!n the entire ca%" and re$uild it

so%e!here else. Ta)e %ay$e three or #our days* $ut !e could do it., <Let,s not*, Percy said. <So you attac) a di##erent #ort e ery night-, <Not e ery night*, 5ran) said. <We ha e di##erent training e1ercises. So%eti%es death$all . u%* !hich is li)e "aint$all* e1ce"t !ith 7 you )no!* "oison and acid and #ire $alls. So%eti%es !e do chariots and gladiator co%"etitions* so%eti%es !ar ga%es., Ha(el "ointed at the #ort. <So%e!here inside* the 5irst and Second 0ohorts are )ee"ing their $anners. 3ur +o$ is to get inside and ca"ture the% !ithout getting slaughtered. We do that* !e !in., Percy,s eyes lit u". <Li)e ca"ture-the-#lag. I thin) I li)e ca"ture-the-#lag., 5ran) laughed. <>eah* !ell 7 it,s harder than it sounds. We ha e to get "ast those scor"ions and !ater cannons on the !alls* #ight through the inside o# the #ortress* #ind the $anners and de#eat the guards* all !hile "rotecting our o!n $anners and troo"s #ro% ca"ture. And our cohort is in co%"etition !ith the other t!o attac)ing cohorts. We sort o# !or) together* $ut not really. The cohort that ca"tures the $anners gets all the glory., Percy stu%$led* trying to )ee" ti%e !ith the le#t-right %arching rhyth%. 5ran) sy%"athi(ed. He,d s"ent his #irst t!o !ee)s #alling do!n. <So !hy are !e "ractising this* any!ay-, Percy as)ed. <Do you guys s"end a lot o# ti%e laying siege to #orti#ied cities-, <Tea%!or)*, Ha(el said. <Guic) thin)ing. Tactics. &attle s)ills. >ou,d $e sur"rised !hat you can learn in the !ar ga%es., <Li)e !ho !ill sta$ you in the $ac)*, 5ran) said. <Es"ecially that*, Ha(el agreed. They %arched to the centre o# the 5ield o# 'ars and #or%ed ran)s. The Third and 5ourth 0ohorts asse%$led as #ar as "ossi$le #ro% the 5i#th. The centurions #or the attac)ing side gathered #or a con#erence. In the s)y a$o e the%* Reyna circled on her "egasus* Sci"io* ready to "lay

re#eree. Hal# a do(en giant eagles #le! in #or%ation $ehind her . "re"ared #or a%$ulance airli#t duty i# necessary. The only "erson not "artici"ating in the ga%e !as Nico di Angelo* <Pluto,s a%$assador,* !ho had cli%$ed an o$ser ation to!er a$out a hundred yards #ro% the #ort and !ould $e !atching !ith $inoculars. 5ran) "ro""ed his "ilu% against his shield and chec)ed Percy,s ar%our. E ery stra" !as correct. E ery "iece o# ar%our !as "ro"erly ad+usted. <>ou did it right*, he said in a%a(e%ent. <Percy* you %ust, e done !ar ga%es $e#ore., <I don,t )no!. 'ay$e., The only thing that !asn,t regulation !as Percy,s glo!ing $ron(e s!ord . not I%"erial gold* and not a gladius. The $lade !as lea#-sha"ed* and the !riting on the hilt !as 6ree). Loo)ing at it %ade 5ran) uneasy. Percy #ro!ned. <We can use real !ea"ons* right-, <>eah*, 5ran) agreed. <5or sure. I, e +ust ne er seen a s!ord li)e that., <What i# I hurt so%e$ody-, <We heal the%*, 5ran) said. <3r try to. The legion %edics are "retty good !ith a%$rosia and nectar* and unicorn draught., <No one dies*, Ha(el said. <Well* not usually. And i# they do ., 5ran) i%itated the oice o# :itellius8 <They,re !i%"s= &ac) in %y day* !e died all the ti%e* and !e li)ed it=, Ha(el laughed. </ust stay !ith us* Percy. 0hances are !e,ll get the !orst duty and get eli%inated early. They,ll thro! us at the !alls #irst to so#ten u" the de#ences. Then the Third and 5ourth 0ohorts !ill %arch in and get the honours* i# they can e en $reach the #ort., Horns $le!. Da)ota and 6!en !al)ed $ac) #ro% the o##icers, con#erence* loo)ing gri%. <All right* here,s the "lan=, Da)ota too) a 4uic) s!ig o# Kool-Aid #ro% his tra el #las). <They,re thro!ing us at the !alls #irst to so#ten u" the de#ences., The !hole cohort groaned. <I )no!* I )no!*, 6!en said. <&ut %ay$e this ti%e !e,ll

ha e so%e luc)=, Lea e it to 6!en to $e the o"ti%ist. E ery$ody li)ed her $ecause she too) care o# her "eo"le and tried to )ee" their s"irits u". She could e en control Da)ota during his hy"eracti e $ug-+uice #its. Still* the ca%"ers gru%$led and co%"lained. No$ody $elie ed in luc) #or the 5i#th. <5irst line !ith Da)ota*, 6!en said. <Loc) shields and ad ance in turtle #or%ation to the %ain gates. Try to stay in one "iece. Dra! their #ire. Second line ., 6!en turned to 5ran),s ro! !ithout %uch enthusias%. <>ou se enteen* #ro% &o$$y o er* ta)e charge o# the ele"hant and the scaling ladders. Try a #lan)ing attac) on the !estern !all. 'ay$e !e can s"read the de#enders too thin. 5ran)* Ha(el* Percy 7 !ell* +ust do !hate er. Sho! Percy the ro"es. Try to )ee" hi% ali e., She turned $ac) to the !hole cohort. <I# any$ody gets o er the !all #irst* I,ll %a)e sure you get the 'ural 0ro!n. :ictory #or the 5i#th=, The cohort cheered hal#-heartedly and $ro)e ran)s. Percy #ro!ned. <EDo !hate er-F, <>eah*, Ha(el sighed. <&ig ote o# con#idence., <What,s the 'ural 0ro!n-, he as)ed. <'ilitary %edal*, 5ran) said. He,d $een #orced to %e%ori(e all the "ossi$le a!ards. <&ig honour #or the #irst soldier to $reach an ene%y #ort. >ou,ll notice no$ody in the 5i#th is !earing one. 2sually !e don,t e en get into the #ort $ecause !e,re $urning or dro!ning or 7, He #altered* and loo)ed at Percy. <Water cannons., <What-, Percy as)ed. <The cannons on the !alls*, 5ran) said* <they dra! !ater #ro% the a4ueduct. There,s a "u%" syste% . hec)* I don,t )no! ho! they !or)* $ut they,re under a lot o# "ressure. I# you could control the%* li)e you controlled the ri er ., <5ran)=, Ha(el $ea%ed. <That,s $rilliant=, Percy didn,t loo) so sure. <I don,t )no! ho! I did that at the ri er. I,% not sure I can control the cannons #ro% this #ar a!ay., <We,ll get you closer., 5ran) "ointed to the eastern !all o# the #ort* !here the 5i#th 0ohort !ouldn,t $e attac)ing. <That,s !here the de#ence !ill $e !ea)est. They,ll ne er

ta)e three )ids seriously. I thin) !e can snea) u" "retty close $e#ore they see us., <Snea) u" ho!-, Percy as)ed. 5ran) turned to Ha(el. <0an you do that thing again-, She "unched hi% in the chest. <>ou said you !ouldn,t tell any$ody=, I%%ediately 5ran) #elt terri$le. He,d got so caught u" in the idea 7 Ha(el %uttered under her $reath. <Ne er %ind. It,s #ine. Percy* he,s tal)ing a$out the trenches. The 5ield o# 'ars is riddled !ith tunnels #ro% o er the years. So%e are colla"sed* or $uried dee"* $ut a lot o# the% are still "assa$le. I,% "retty good at #inding the% and using the%. I can e en colla"se the% i# I ha e to., <Li)e you did !ith the gorgons*, Percy said* <to slo! the% do!n., 5ran) nodded a""ro ingly. <I told you Pluto !as cool. He,s the god o# e erything under the earth. Ha(el can #ind ca es* tunnels* tra"doors ., <And it !as our secret*, she gru%$led. 5ran) #elt hi%sel# $lushing. <>eah* sorry. &ut i# !e can get close ., <And i# I can )noc) out the !ater cannons 7, Percy nodded* li)e he !as !ar%ing to the idea. <What do !e do then-, 5ran) chec)ed his 4ui er. He al!ays stoc)ed u" on s"ecial arro!s. He,d ne er got to use the% $e#ore* $ut %ay$e tonight !as the night. 'ay$e he could #inally do so%ething good enough to get A"ollo,s attention. <The rest is u" to %e*, he said. <Let,s go.,



5RANK HAD NE:ER 5ELT S3 S2RE o# anything* !hich %ade hi% ner ous. Nothing he "lanned e er !ent right. He al!ays %anaged to $rea)* ruin* $urn* sit on or )noc) o er so%ething i%"ortant. >et he )ne! this strategy !ould !or). Ha(el #ound the% a tunnel !ith no "ro$le%. In #act* 5ran) had a snea)ing sus"icion she didn,t +ust #ind tunnels. It !as as though tunnels %anu#actured the%sel es to suit her needs. Passages that had $een #illed in years ago suddenly un-#illed* changing direction to lead Ha(el !here she !anted to go. They cre"t along $y the light o# Percy,s glo!ing s!ord* Ri"tide. A$o e* they heard the sounds o# $attle . )ids shouting* Hanni$al the ele"hant $ello!ing !ith glee* scor"ion $olts e1"loding and !ater cannons #iring. The tunnel shoo). Dirt rained do!n on the%. 5ran) sli""ed his hand inside his ar%our. The "iece o# !ood !as still sa#e and secure in his coat "oc)et* though one good shot #ro% a scor"ion %ight set his li#eline on #ire 7 &ad 5ran)* he chided hi%sel#. 5ire is the <5-!ord,. Don,t thin) a$out it. <There,s an o"ening +ust ahead*, Ha(el announced. <We,ll co%e u" ten #eet #ro% the east !all., <Ho! can you tell-, Percy as)ed. <I don,t )no!*, she said. <&ut I,% sure., <0ould !e tunnel straight under the !all-, 5ran) !ondered. <No*, Ha(el said. <The engineers !ere s%art. They $uilt the !alls on old #oundations that go do!n to $edroc). And don,t as) ho! I )no!. I +ust do., 5ran) stu%$led o er so%ething and cursed. Percy $rought his s!ord around #or %ore light. The thing 5ran) had tri""ed on !as glea%ing sil er.

He crouched do!n. <Don,t touch it=, Ha(el said. 5ran),s hand sto""ed a #e! inches #ro% the chun) o# %etal. It loo)ed li)e a giant Hershey,s Kiss* a$out the si(e o# his #ist. <It,s %assi e*, he said. <Sil er-, <Platinu%., Ha(el sounded scared out o# her !its. <It,ll go a!ay in a second. Please don,t touch it. It,s dangerous., 5ran) didn,t understand ho! a lu%" o# %etal could $e dangerous* $ut he too) Ha(el seriously. As they !atched* the chun) o# "latinu% san) into the ground. He stared at Ha(el. <Ho! did you )no!-, In the light o# Percy,s s!ord* Ha(el loo)ed as ghostly as a Lar. <I,ll e1"lain later*, she "ro%ised. Another e1"losion roc)ed the tunnel* and they #orged ahead. They "o""ed out o# a hole +ust !here Ha(el had "redicted. In #ront o# the%* the #ort,s east !all loo%ed. 3## to their le#t* 5ran) could see the %ain line o# the 5i#th 0ohort ad ancing in turtle #or%ation* shields #or%ing a shell o er their heads and sides. They !ere trying to reach the %ain gates* $ut the de#enders a$o e "elted the% !ith roc)s and shot #la%ing $olts #ro% the scor"ions* $lasting craters around their #eet. A !ater cannon discharged !ith a +a!rattling THR2'* and a +et o# li4uid car ed a trench in the dirt right in #ront o# the cohort. Percy !histled. <That,s a lot o# "ressure* all right., The Third and 5ourth 0ohorts !eren,t e en ad ancing. They stood $ac) and laughed* !atching their <allies, get $eaten u". The de#enders clustered on the !all a$o e the gates* yelling insults at the tortoise #or%ation as it staggered $ac) and #orth. War ga%es had deteriorated into <$eat u" the 5i#th,. 5ran),s ision !ent red !ith anger. <Let,s sha)e things u"., He reached in his 4ui er and "ulled out an arro! hea ier than the rest. The iron ti" !as sha"ed li)e the nose cone o# a roc)et. An ultrathin gold ro"e trailed #ro% the #letching. Shooting it accurately u" the !all !ould ta)e %ore #orce and s)ill than %ost archers

could %anage* $ut 5ran) had strong ar%s and good ai%. 'ay$e A"ollo is !atching* he thought ho"e#ully. <What does that do-, Percy as)ed. <6ra""ling hoo)-, <It,s called a hydra arro!*, 5ran) said. <0an you )noc) out the !ater cannons-, A de#ender a""eared on the !all a$o e the%. <Hey=, he shouted to his $uddies. <0hec) it out= 'ore icti%s=, <Percy*, 5ran) said* <no! !ould $e good., 'ore )ids ca%e across the $attle%ents to laugh at the%. A #e! ran to the nearest !ater cannon and s!ung the $arrel to!ards 5ran). Percy closed his eyes. He raised his hand. 2" on the !all* so%e$ody yelled* <3"en !ide* losers=, KA-&33'= The cannon e1"loded in a star$urst o# $lue* green and !hite. De#enders screa%ed as a !atery shoc)!a e #lattened the% against the $attle%ents. Kids to""led o er the !alls $ut !ere snatched $y giant eagles and carried to sa#ety. Then the entire eastern !all shuddered as the e1"losion $ac)ed u" through the "i"elines. 3ne a#ter another* the !ater cannons on the $attle%ents e1"loded. The scor"ions, #ires !ere doused. De#enders scattered in con#usion or !ere tossed through the air* gi ing the rescue eagles 4uite a !or)out. At the %ain gates* the 5i#th 0ohort #orgot a$out their #or%ation. 'ysti#ied* they lo!ered their shields and stared at the chaos. 5ran) shot his arro!. It strea)ed u"!ard* carrying its glittering ro"e. When it reached the to"* the %etal "oint #ractured into a do(en lines that lashed out and !ra""ed round anything they could #ind . "arts o# the !all* a scor"ion* a $ro)en !ater cannon and a cou"le o# de#ending ca%"ers* !ho yel"ed and #ound the%sel es sla%%ed against the $attle%ents as anchors. 5ro% the %ain ro"e* handholds e1tended at t!o-#oot inter als* %a)ing a ladder. <6o=, 5ran) said. Percy grinned. <>ou #irst* 5ran). This is your "arty., 5ran) hesitated. Then he slung his $o! on his $ac) and $egan to cli%$. He !as hal#!ay u" $e#ore the de#enders

reco ered their senses enough to sound the alar%. 5ran) glanced $ac) at 5i#th 0ohort,s %ain grou". They !ere staring u" at hi%* du%$#ounded. <Well-, 5ran) screa%ed. <Attac)=, 6!en !as the #irst to un#ree(e. She grinned and re"eated the order. A cheer !ent u" #ro% the $attle#ield. Hanni$al the ele"hant tru%"eted !ith ha""iness* $ut 5ran) couldn,t a##ord to !atch. He cla%$ered to the to" o# the !all* !here three de#enders !ere trying to hac) do!n his ro"e ladder. 3ne good thing a$out $eing $ig* clu%sy and clad in %etal8 5ran) !as li)e a hea ily ar%oured $o!ling $all. He launched hi%sel# at the de#enders* and they to""led li)e "ins. 5ran) got to his #eet. He too) co%%and o# the $attle%ents* s!ee"ing his "ilu% $ac) and #orth and )noc)ing do!n de#enders. So%e shot arro!s. So%e tried to get under his guard !ith their s!ords* $ut 5ran) #elt unsto""a$le. Then Ha(el a""eared ne1t to hi%* s!inging her $ig ca alry s!ord li)e she !as $orn #or $attle. Percy lea"ed onto the !all and raised Ri"tide. <5un*, he said. Together they cleared the de#enders o## the !alls. &elo! the% the gates $ro)e. Hanni$al $arrelled into the #ort* arro!s and roc)s $ouncing har%lessly o## his Ke lar ar%our. The 5i#th 0ohort charged in $ehind the ele"hant* and the $attle !ent hand-to-hand. 5inally* #ro% the edge o# the 5ield o# 'ars* a $attle cry !ent u". The Third and 5ourth 0ohorts ran to +oin the #ight. <A little late*, Ha(el gru%$led. <We can,t let the% get the $anners*, 5ran) said. <No*, Percy agreed. <Those are ours., No %ore tal) !as necessary. They %o ed li)e a tea%* as i# the three o# the% had $een !or)ing together #or years. They rushed do!n the interior ste"s and into the ene%y $ase.



A5TER THAT* THE &ATTLE WAS 'A>HE'. 5ran)* Percy and Ha(el !aded through the ene%y* "loughing do!n anyone !ho stood in their !ay. The 5irst and Second 0ohorts . "ride o# 0a%" /u"iter* a !ell-oiled* highly disci"lined !ar %achine . #ell a"art under the assault and the sheer no elty o# $eing on the losing side. Part o# their "ro$le% !as Percy. He #ought li)e a de%on* !hirling through the de#enders, ran)s in a co%"letely unorthodo1 style* rolling under their #eet* slashing !ith his s!ord instead o# sta$$ing li)e a Ro%an !ould* !hac)ing ca%"ers !ith the #lat o# his $lade and generally causing %ass "anic. 3cta ian screa%ed in a shrill oice . %ay$e ordering the 5irst 0ohort to stand their ground* %ay$e trying to sing so"rano . $ut Percy "ut a sto" to it. He so%ersaulted o er a line o# shields and sla%%ed the $utt o# his s!ord into 3cta ian,s hel%et. The centurion colla"sed li)e a soc) "u""et. 5ran) shot arro!s until his 4ui er !as e%"ty* using $lunt-ti""ed %issiles that !ouldn,t )ill $ut le#t so%e nasty $ruises. He $ro)e his "ilu% o er a de#ender,s head* then reluctantly dre! his gladius. 'ean!hile* Ha(el cli%$ed onto Hanni$al,s $ac). She charged to!ards the centre o# the #ort* grinning do!n at her #riends. <Let,s go* slo!"o)es=, 6ods o# 3ly%"us* she,s $eauti#ul* 5ran) thought. They ran to the centre o# the $ase. The inner )ee" !as irtually unguarded. 3$ iously the de#enders ne er drea%ed an assault !ould get this #ar. Hanni$al $usted do!n the huge doors. Inside* the 5irst and Second 0ohort standard-$earers !ere sitting around a ta$le "laying 'ytho%agic !ith cards and #igurines. The cohort,s e%$le%s !ere "ro""ed carelessly against one !all. Ha(el and Hanni$al rode straight into the roo%* and the standard-$earers #ell $ac)!ards out o# their chairs.

Hanni$al ste""ed on the ta$le* and ga%e "ieces scattered. &y the ti%e the rest o# the cohort caught u" !ith the%* Percy and 5ran) had disar%ed the ene%ies* gra$$ed the $anners and cli%$ed onto Hanni$al,s $ac) !ith Ha(el. They %arched out o# the )ee" triu%"hantly !ith the ene%y colours. The 5i#th 0ohort #or%ed ran)s around the%. Together they "araded out o# the #ort* "ast stunned ene%ies and lines o# e4ually %ysti#ied allies. Reyna circled lo! o erhead on her "egasus. <The ga%e is !on=, She sounded as i# she !ere trying not to laugh. <Asse%$le #or honours=, Slo!ly the ca%"ers regrou"ed on the 5ield o# 'ars. 5ran) sa! "lenty o# %inor in+uries . so%e $urns* $ro)en $ones* $lac) eyes* cuts and gashes* "lus a lot o# ery interesting hairdos #ro% #ires and e1"loding !ater cannons . $ut nothing that couldn,t $e #i1ed. He slid o## the ele"hant. His co%rades s!ar%ed hi%* "ounding hi% on the $ac) and co%"li%enting hi%. 5ran) !ondered i# he !as drea%ing. It !as the $est night o# his li#e . until he sa! 6!en. <Hel"=, so%e$ody yelled. A cou"le o# ca%"ers rushed out o# the #ortress* carrying a girl on a stretcher. They set her do!n* and other )ids started running o er. E en #ro% a distance* 5ran) could tell it !as 6!en. She !as in $ad sha"e. She lay on her side on the stretcher !ith a "ilu% stic)ing out o# her ar%our . al%ost li)e she !as holding it $et!een her chest and her ar%* $ut there !as too %uch $lood. 5ran) shoo) his head in dis$elie#. <No* no* no 7, he %uttered as he ran to her side. The %edics $ar)ed at e eryone to stand $ac) and gi e her air. The !hole legion #ell silent as the healers !or)ed . trying to get gau(e and "o!dered unicorn horn under 6!en,s ar%our to sto" the $leeding* trying to #orce so%e nectar into her %outh. 6!en didn,t %o e. Her #ace !as ashen grey. 5inally one o# the %edics loo)ed u" at Reyna and

shoo) his head. 5or a %o%ent* there !as no sound e1ce"t !ater #ro% the ruined cannons tric)ling do!n the !alls o# the #ort. Hanni$al nu((led 6!en,s hair !ith his trun). Reyna sur eyed the ca%"ers #ro% her "egasus. Her e1"ression !as as hard and dar) as iron. <There !ill $e an in estigation. Whoe er did this* you cost the legion a good o##icer. Honoura$le death is one thing* $ut this 7, 5ran) !asn,t sure !hat she %eant. Then he noticed the %ar)s engra ed in the !ooden sha#t o# the "ilu%8 0HT I LE6I3 NII 5. The !ea"on $elonged to the 5irst 0ohort* and the "oint !as stic)ing out the #ront o# her ar%our. 6!en had $een s"eared #ro% $ehind . "ossi$ly a#ter the ga%e had ended. 5ran) scanned the cro!d #or 3cta ian. The centurion !as !atching !ith %ore interest than concern* as i# he !ere e1a%ining one o# his stu"id gutted teddy $ears. He didn,t ha e a "ilu%. &lood roared in 5ran),s ears. He !anted to strangle 3cta ian !ith his $are hands* $ut at that %o%ent* 6!en gas"ed. E eryone ste""ed $ac). 6!en o"ened her eyes. The colour ca%e $ac) to her #ace. <Wh-!hat is it-, She $lin)ed. <What,s e eryone staring at-, She didn,t see% to notice the se en-#oot har"oon stic)ing out through her chest. &ehind 5ran)* a %edic !his"ered* <There,s no !ay. She !as dead. She has to $e dead., 6!en tried to sit u"* $ut couldn,t. <There !as a ri er* and a %an as)ing 7 #or a coin- I turned around and the e1it door !as o"en. So I +ust 7 I +ust le#t. I don,t understand. What,s ha""ened-, E eryone stared at her in horror. No$ody tried to hel". <6!en., 5ran) )nelt ne1t to her. <Don,t try to get u". /ust close your eyes #or a second* o)ay-, <Why- What ., </ust trust %e., 6!en did !hat he as)ed.

5ran) gra$$ed the sha#t o# the "ilu% $elo! its ti"* $ut his hands !ere sha)ing. The !ood !as slic). <Percy* Ha(el . hel" %e., 3ne o# the %edics reali(ed !hat he !as "lanning. <Don,t=, he said. <>ou %ight ., <What-, Ha(el sna""ed. <'a)e it !orse-, 5ran) too) a dee" $reath. <Hold her steady. 3ne* t!o* three=, He "ulled the "ilu% out #ro% the #ront. 6!en didn,t e en !ince. The $lood sto""ed 4uic)ly. Ha(el $ent do!n to e1a%ine the !ound. <It,s closing on its o!n*, she said. <I don,t )no! ho!* $ut ., <I #eel #ine*, 6!en "rotested. <What,s e eryone !orried a$out-, With 5ran) and Percy,s hel"* she got to her #eet. 5ran) glo!ered at 3cta ian* $ut the centurion,s #ace !as a %as) o# "olite concern. Later* 5ran) thought. Deal !ith hi% later. <6!en*, Ha(el said gently* <there,s no easy !ay to say this. >ou !ere dead. So%eho! you ca%e $ac)., <I 7 !hat-, She stu%$led against 5ran). Her hand "ressed against the ragged hole in her ar%our. <Ho! . ho!-, <6ood 4uestion., Reyna turned to Nico* !ho !as !atching gri%ly #ro% the edge o# the cro!d. <Is this so%e "o!er o# Pluto-, Nico shoo) his head. <Pluto ne er lets "eo"le return #ro% the dead., He glanced at Ha(el as i# !arning her to stay 4uiet. 5ran) !ondered !hat that !as a$out* $ut he didn,t ha e ti%e to thin) a$out it. A thunderous oice rolled across the #ield8 DEATH L3SES ITS H3LD. THIS IS 3NL> THE &E6INNIN6. 0a%"ers dre! !ea"ons. Hanni$al tru%"eted ner ously. Sci"io reared* al%ost thro!ing Reyna. <I )no! that oice*, Percy said. He didn,t sound "leased. In the %idst o# the legion* a colu%n o# #ire $lasted into the air. Heat seared 5ran),s eyelashes. 0a%"ers !ho had $een soa)ed $y the cannons #ound their clothes instantly

stea%-dried. E eryone scra%$led $ac)!ards as a huge soldier ste""ed out o# the e1"losion. 5ran) didn,t ha e %uch hair* $ut !hat he did ha e stood straight u". The soldier !as ten #eet tall* dressed in 0anadian 5orces desert ca%ou#lage. He radiated con#idence and "o!er. His $lac) hair !as cut in a #lat-to""ed !edge li)e 5ran),s. His #ace !as angular and $rutal* %ar)ed !ith old )ni#e scars. His eyes !ere co ered !ith in#rared goggles that glo!ed #ro% inside. He !ore a utility $elt !ith a sidear%* a )ni#e holster and se eral grenades. In his hands !as an o ersi(ed 'JQ ri#le. The !orst thing !as that 5ran) #elt dra!n to hi%. As e eryone else ste""ed $ac)* 5ran) ste""ed #or!ard. He reali(ed the soldier !as silently !illing hi% to a""roach. 5ran) des"erately !anted to run a!ay and hide* $ut he couldn,t. He too) three %ore ste"s. Then he san) to one )nee. The other ca%"ers #ollo!ed his e1a%"le and )nelt. E en Reyna dis%ounted. <That,s good*, the soldier said. <Kneeling is good. It,s $een a long ti%e since I, e isited 0a%" /u"iter., 5ran) noticed that one "erson !asn,t )neeling. Percy /ac)son* his s!ord still in hand* !as glaring at the giant soldier. <>ou,re Ares*, Percy said. <What do you !ant-, A collecti e gas" !ent u" #ro% t!o hundred ca%"ers and an ele"hant. 5ran) !anted to say so%ething to e1cuse Percy and "lacate the god* $ut he didn,t )no! !hat. He !as a#raid the !ar god !ould $last his ne! #riend !ith that e1tra-large 'JQ. Instead* the god $ared his $rilliant !hite teeth. <>ou, e got s"un)* de%igod*, he said. <Ares is %y 6ree) #or%. &ut to these #ollo!ers* to the children o# Ro%e* I a% 'ars . "atron o# the e%"ire* di ine #ather o# Ro%ulus and Re%us., <We, e %et*, Percy said. <We 7 !e had a #ight 7, The god scratched his chin* as i# trying to recall. <I #ight a lot o# "eo"le. &ut I assure you . you, e ne er #ought %e as 'ars. I# you had* you,d $e dead. No!* )neel* as $e#its a

child o# Ro%e* $e#ore you try %y "atience., Around 'ars,s #eet* the ground $oiled in a circle o# #la%e. <Percy*, 5ran) said* <"lease., Percy clearly didn,t li)e it* $ut he )nelt. 'ars scanned the cro!d. <Ro%ans* lend %e your ears=, He laughed . a good* hearty $ello!* so in#ectious it al%ost %ade 5ran) s%ile* though he !as still shi ering !ith #ear. <I, e al!ays !anted to say that. I co%e #ro% 3ly%"us !ith a %essage. /u"iter doesn,t li)e us co%%unicating directly !ith %ortals* es"ecially no!adays* $ut he has allo!ed this e1ce"tion* as you Ro%ans ha e al!ays $een %y s"ecial "eo"le. I,% only "er%itted to s"ea) #or a #e! %inutes* so listen u"., He "ointed at 6!en. <This one should $e dead* yet she,s not. The %onsters you #ight no longer return to Tartarus !hen they are slain. So%e %ortals !ho died long ago are no! !al)ing the earth again., Was it 5ran),s i%agination* or did the god glare at Nico di Angelo<Thanatos has $een chained*, 'ars announced. <The Doors o# Death ha e $een #orced o"en* and no one is "olicing the% . at least* not i%"artially. 6aia allo!s our ene%ies to "our #orth into the !orld o# %ortals. Her sons the giants are %ustering ar%ies against you . ar%ies that you !ill not $e a$le to )ill. 2nless Death is unleashed to return to his duties* you !ill $e o errun. >ou %ust #ind Thanatos and #ree hi% #ro% the giants. 3nly he can re erse the tide., 'ars loo)ed around* and noticed that e eryone !as still silently )neeling. <3h* you can get u" no!. Any 4uestions-, Reyna rose uneasily. She a""roached the god* #ollo!ed $y 3cta ian* !ho !as $o!ing and scra"ing li)e a cha%"ion gro eller. <Lord 'ars*, Reyna said* <!e are honoured., <&eyond honoured*, said 3cta ian. <So #ar $eyond honoured ., <Well-, 'ars sna""ed.

<Well*, Reyna said* <Thanatos is the god o# death* the lieutenant o# Pluto-, <Right*, the god said. <And you,re saying that he,s $een ca"tured $y giants., <Right., <And there#ore "eo"le !ill sto" dying-, <Not all at once*, 'ars said. <&ut the $arriers $et!een li#e and death !ill continue to !ea)en. Those !ho )no! ho! to ta)e ad antage o# this !ill e1"loit it. 'onsters are already harder to dis"atch. Soon they !ill $e co%"letely i%"ossi$le to )ill. So%e de%igods !ill also $e a$le to #ind their !ay $ac) #ro% the 2nder!orld . li)e your #riend 0enturion Shish Ke$a$., 6!en !inced. <0enturion Shish Ke$a$-, <I# le#t unchec)ed*, 'ars continued* <e en %ortals !ill e entually #ind it i%"ossi$le to die. 0an you i%agine a !orld in !hich no one dies . e er-, 3cta ian raised his hand. <&ut* ah* %ighty all-"o!er#ul Lord 'ars* i# !e can,t die* isn,t that a good thing- I# !e can stay ali e inde#initely ., <Don,t $e #oolish* $oy=, 'ars $ello!ed. <Endless slaughter !ith no conclusion- 0arnage !ithout any "oint- Ene%ies that rise again and again and can ne er $e )illed- Is that !hat you !ant-, <>ou,re the god o# !ar*, Percy s"o)e u". <Don,t you !ant endless carnage-, 'ars,s in#rared goggles glo!ed $righter. <Insolent* aren,t you- Perha"s I ha e #ought you $e#ore. I can understand !hy I,d !ant to )ill you. I,% the god o# Ro%e* child. I a% the god o# %ilitary %ight used #or a righteous cause. I "rotect the legions. I a% ha""y to crush %y ene%ies under#oot* $ut I don,t #ight !ithout reason. I don,t !ant !ar !ithout end. >ou !ill disco er this. >ou !ill ser e %e., <Not li)ely*, Percy said. Again* 5ran) !aited #or the god to stri)e hi% do!n* $ut 'ars +ust grinned li)e they !ere t!o old $uddies tal)ing trash. <I order a 4uest=, the god announced. <>ou !ill go north and #ind Thanatos in the land $eyond the gods. >ou !ill

#ree hi% and th!art the "lans o# the giants. &e!are 6aia= &e!are her son* the eldest giant=, Ne1t to 5ran)* Ha(el %ade a s4uea)ing sound. <The land $eyond the gods-, 'ars stared do!n at her* his gri" tightening on his 'JQ. <That,s right* Ha(el Le es4ue. >ou )no! !hat I %ean. E eryone here re%e%$ers the land !here the legion lost its honour= Perha"s i# the 4uest succeeds* and you return $y the 5east o# 5ortuna 7 "erha"s then your honour !ill $e restored. I# you don,t succeed* there !on,t $e any ca%" le#t to return to. Ro%e !ill $e o errun* its legacy lost #ore er. So %y ad ice is8 don,t #ail., 3cta ian so%eho! %anaged to $o! e en lo!er. <2%* Lord 'ars* +ust one tiny thing. A 4uest re4uires a "ro"hecy* a %ystical "oe% to guide us= We used to get the% #ro% the Si$ylline $oo)s* $ut no! it,s u" to the augur to glean the !ill o# gods. So i# I could +ust run and get a$out se enty stu##ed ani%als and "ossi$ly a )ni#e ., <>ou,re the augur-, the god interru"ted. <>-yes* %y lord., 'ars "ulled a scroll #ro% his utility $elt. <Anyone got a "en-, The legionnaires stared at hi%. 'ars sighed. <T!o hundred Ro%ans* and no one,s got a "en- Ne er %ind=, He slung his 'JQ onto his $ac) and "ulled out a hand grenade. There !ere %any screa%ing Ro%ans. Then the grenade %or"hed into a $all"oint "en* and 'ars $egan to !rite. 5ran) loo)ed at Percy !ith !ide eyes. He %outhed8 0an your s!ord do grenade #or%Percy %outhed $ac)* No. Shut u". <There=, 'ars #inished !riting and thre! the scroll at 3cta ian. <A "ro"hecy. >ou can add it to your $oo)s* engra e it on your #loor* !hate er., 3cta ian read the scroll. <This says* E6o to Alas)a. 5ind Thanatos and #ree hi%. 0o%e $ac) $y sundo!n on /une t!enty-#ourth or die.F, <>es*, 'ars said. <Is that not clear-,

<Well* %y lord 7 usually "ro"hecies are unclear. They,re !ra""ed in riddles. They rhy%e* and 7, 'ars casually "o""ed another grenade o## his $elt. <>es-, <The "ro"hecy is clear=, 3cta ian announced. <A 4uest=, <6ood ans!er., 'ars ta""ed the grenade to his chin. <No!* !hat else- There !as so%ething else 7 3h* yes., He turned to 5ran). <0,%ere* )id., No* 5ran) thought. The $urnt stic) in his coat "oc)et #elt hea ier. His legs turned !o$$ly. A sense o# dread settled o er hi%* !orse than the day the %ilitary o##icer had co%e to the door. He )ne! !hat !as co%ing* $ut he couldn,t sto" it. He ste""ed #or!ard against his !ill. 'ars grinned. <Nice +o$ ta)ing the !all* )id. Who,s the re# #or this ga%e-, Reyna raised her hand. <>ou see that "lay* re#-, 'ars de%anded. <That !as %y )id. 5irst o er the !all* !on the ga%e #or his tea%. 2nless you,re $lind* that !as an ':P "lay. >ou,re not $lind* are you-, Reyna loo)ed li)e she !as trying to s!allo! a %ouse. <No* Lord 'ars., <Then %a)e sure he gets the 'ural 0ro!n*, 'ars de%anded. <'y )id* here=, he yelled at the legion* in case anyone hadn,t heard. 5ran) !anted to %elt into the dirt. <E%ily Phang,s son*, 'ars continued. <She !as a good soldier. 6ood !o%an. This )id 5ran) "ro ed his stu## tonight. Ha""y late $irthday* )id. Ti%e you ste""ed u" to a real %an,s !ea"on., He tossed 5ran) his 'JQ. 5or a s"lit second 5ran) thought he,d $e crushed under the !eight o# the %assi e assault ri#le* $ut the gun changed in %idair* $eco%ing s%aller and thinner. When 5ran) caught it* the !ea"on !as a s"ear. It had a sha#t o# I%"erial gold and a strange "oint li)e a !hite $one* #lic)ering !ith ghostly light. <The ti" is a dragon,s tooth*, 'ars said. <>ou ha en,t learned to use your %o%,s talents yet* ha e you- Well . that s"ear !ill gi e you so%e $reathing roo% until you do.

>ou get three charges out o# it* so use it !isely., 5ran) didn,t understand* $ut 'ars acted li)e the %atter !as closed. <No!* %y )id 5ran) Phang is gonna lead the 4uest to #ree Thanatos* unless there are any o$+ections-, 3# course* no one said a !ord. &ut %any o# the ca%"ers glared at 5ran) !ith en y* +ealousy* anger* $itterness. <>ou can ta)e t!o co%"anions*, 'ars said. <Those are the rules. 3ne o# the% needs to $e this )id., He "ointed at Percy. <He,s gonna learn so%e res"ect #or 'ars on this tri"* or die trying. As #or the second* I don,t care. Pic) !ho%e er you !ant. Ha e one o# your senate de$ates. >ou all are good at those., The god,s i%age #lic)ered. Lightning crac)led across the s)y. <That,s %y cue*, 'ars said. <2ntil ne1t ti%e* Ro%ans. Do not disa""oint %e=, The god eru"ted in #la%es* and then he !as gone. Reyna turned to!ards 5ran). Her e1"ression !as "art a%a(e%ent* "art nausea* li)e she,d #inally %anaged to s!allo! that %ouse. She raised her ar% in a Ro%an salute. <A e* 5ran) Phang* son o# 'ars., The !hole legion #ollo!ed her lead* $ut 5ran) didn,t !ant their attention any %ore. His "er#ect night had $een ruined. 'ars !as his #ather. The god o# !ar !as sending hi% to Alas)a. 5ran) had $een handed %ore than a s"ear #or his $irthday. He,d $een handed a death sentence.



PER0> SLEPT LIKE A 'ED2SA :I0TI' . !hich is to say* li)e a roc). He hadn,t crashed in a sa#e* co%#orta$le $ed since 7 !ell* he couldn,t e en re%e%$er. Des"ite his insane day and the %illion thoughts running through his head* his $ody too) o er and said8 >ou !ill slee" no!. He had drea%s* o# course. He al!ays had drea%s* $ut they "assed li)e $lurred i%ages #ro% the !indo! o# a train. He sa! a curly-haired #aun in ragged clothes running to catch u" !ith hi%. <I don,t ha e any s"are change*, Percy called. <What-, the #aun said. <No* Percy. It,s %e* 6ro er= Stay "ut= We,re on our !ay to #ind you. Tyson is close . at least !e thin) he,s the closest. We,re trying to get a loc) on your "osition., <What-, Percy called* $ut the #aun disa""eared in the #og. Then Anna$eth !as running along $eside hi%* reaching out her hand. <Than) the gods=, she called. <5or %onths and %onths !e couldn,t see you= Are you all right-, Percy re%e%$ered !hat /uno had said . #or %onths he has $een slu%$ering* $ut no! he is a!a)e. The goddess had intentionally )e"t hi% hidden* $ut !hy<Are you real-, he as)ed Anna$eth. He !anted so %uch to $elie e it that he #elt li)e Hanni$al the ele"hant !as standing on his chest. &ut her #ace $egan to dissol e. She cried* <Stay "ut= It,ll $e easier #or Tyson to #ind you= Stay !here you are=, Then she !as gone. The i%ages accelerated. He sa! a huge shi" in a dry doc)* !or)ers scra%$ling to #inish the hull* a guy !ith a $lo!torch !elding a $ron(e dragon #igurehead to the "ro!. He sa! the !ar god stal)ing to!ards hi% in the sur#* a s!ord in his hands.

The scene shi#ted. Percy stood on the 5ield o# 'ars* loo)ing u" at the &er)eley Hills. 6olden grass ri""led* and a #ace a""eared in the landsca"e . a slee"ing !o%an* her #eatures #or%ed #ro% shado!s and #olds in the terrain. Her eyes re%ained closed* $ut her oice s"o)e in Percy,s %ind8 So this is the de%igod !ho destroyed %y son Kronos. >ou don,t loo) li)e %uch* Percy /ac)son* $ut you,re alua$le to %e. 0o%e north. 'eet Alcyoneus. /uno can "lay her little ga%es !ith 6ree)s and Ro%ans* $ut in the end* you !ill $e %y "a!n. >ou !ill $e the )ey to the gods, de#eat. Percy,s ision turned dar). He stood in a theatre-si(ed ersion o# the ca%",s head4uarters . a "rinci"ia !ith !alls o# ice and #ree(ing %ist hanging in the air. The #loor !as littered !ith s)eletons in Ro%an ar%our and I%"erial gold !ea"ons encrusted !ith #rost. In the $ac) o# the roo% sat an enor%ous shado!y #igure. His s)in glinted !ith gold and sil er* as i# he !ere an auto%aton li)e Reyna,s dogs. &ehind hi% stood a collection o# ruined e%$le%s* tattered $anners and a large golden eagle on a sta## o# iron. The giant,s oice $oo%ed in the ast cha%$er. <This !ill $e #un* son o# Ne"tune. It,s $een aeons since I $ro)e a de%igod o# your cali$re. I a!ait you ato" the ice., Percy !o)e* shi ering. 5or a %o%ent he didn,t )no! !here he !as. Then he re%e%$ered8 0a%" /u"iter* the 5i#th 0ohort $arrac)s. He lay in his $un)* staring at the ceiling and trying to control his racing heart$eat. A golden giant !as !aiting to $rea) hi%. Wonder#ul. &ut !hat unner ed hi% %ore !as that slee"ing !o%an,s #ace in the hills. >ou !ill $e %y "a!n. Percy didn,t "lay chess* $ut he !as "retty sure that $eing a "a!n !as $ad. They died a lot. E en the #riendlier "arts o# his drea% !ere distur$ing. A #aun na%ed 6ro er !as loo)ing #or hi%. 'ay$e that,s !hy Don had detected a . !hat had he called it- . an e%"athy lin). So%e$ody na%ed Tyson !as searching #or hi%* too* and Anna$eth had !arned Percy to stay !here he !as.

He sat u" in his $un). His roo%%ates !ere rushing around* getting dressed and $rushing their teeth. Da)ota !as !ra""ing hi%sel# in a long "iece o# red-s"ec)led cloth . a toga. 3ne o# the Lares !as gi ing hi% "ointers on !here to tuc) and #old. <&rea)#ast ti%e-, Percy as)ed ho"e#ully. 5ran),s head "o""ed u" #ro% the $un) $elo!. He had $ags under his eyes li)e he hadn,t sle"t !ell. <A 4uic) $rea)#ast. Then !e, e got the senate %eeting., Da)ota,s head !as stuc) in his toga. He staggered around li)e a Kool-Aid-stained ghost. <2%*, Percy said* <should I !ear %y $edsheets-, 5ran) snorted. <That,s +ust #or the senators. There,re ten o# the%* elected yearly. >ou, e got to $e at ca%" #i e years to 4uali#y., <So ho! co%e !e,re in ited to the %eeting-, <&ecause 7 you )no!* the 4uest., 5ran) sounded !orried* li)e he !as a#raid Percy !ould $ac) out. <We ha e to $e in on the discussion. >ou* %e* Ha(el. I %ean* i# you,re !illing 7, 5ran) "ro$a$ly didn,t %ean to guilt hi%* $ut Percy,s heart #elt "ulled li)e ta##y. He had sy%"athy #or 5ran). 6etting clai%ed $y the !ar god in #ront o# the !hole ca%" . !hat a night%are. Plus* ho! could Percy say no to that $ig "outy $a$y #ace- 5ran) had $een gi en a huge tas) that !ould %ost li)ely get hi% )illed. He !as scared. He needed Percy,s hel". And the three o# the% had %ade a good tea% last night. Ha(el and 5ran) !ere solid* de"enda$le "eo"le. They,d acce"ted Percy li)e #a%ily. Still* he didn,t li)e the idea o# this 4uest* es"ecially since it ca%e #ro% 'ars* and es"ecially a#ter his drea%s. <I* u% 7 I,d $etter get ready 7, He cli%$ed out o# $ed and got dressed. The !hole ti%e* he thought a$out Anna$eth. Hel" !as on the !ay. He could ha e his old li#e $ac). All he had to do !as stay "ut. At $rea)#ast* Percy !as conscious o# e eryone loo)ing at hi%. They !ere !his"ering a$out the "re ious night8 <T!o gods in one day 7,

<2n-Ro%an #ighting 7, <Water cannon u" %y nose 7, He !as too hungry to care. He #illed u" on "anca)es* eggs* $acon* !a##les* a""les and se eral glasses o# orange +uice. He "ro$a$ly !ould ha e eaten %ore* $ut Reyna announced that the senate !ould no! con ene in the city* and all the #ol)s in togas got u" to lea e. <Here !e go., Ha(el #idgeted !ith a stone that loo)ed li)e a t!o-carat ru$y. The ghost :itellius a""eared ne1t to the% in a "ur"le shi%%er. <&ona #ortuna* you three= Ah* senate %eetings. I re%e%$er the one !hen 0aesar !as assassinated. Why* the a%ount o# $lood on his toga ., <Than)s* :itellius*, 5ran) interru"ted. <We should get going., Reyna and 3cta ian led the "rocession o# senators out o# ca%"* !ith Reyna,s %etal greyhounds dashing $ac) and #orth along the road. Ha(el* 5ran) and Percy trailed $ehind. Percy noticed Nico di Angelo in the grou"* !earing a $lac) toga and tal)ing !ith 6!en* !ho loo)ed a little "ale $ut sur"risingly good considering she,d $een dead the night $e#ore. Nico !a ed at Percy* then !ent $ac) to his con ersation* lea ing Percy %ore sure than e er that Ha(el,s $rother !as trying to a oid hi%. Da)ota stu%$led along in his red-s"ec)led ro$e. A lot o# other senators see%ed to $e ha ing trou$le !ith their togas* too . hi)ing u" their he%s* trying to )ee" the cloth #ro% sli""ing o## their shoulders. Percy !as glad he !as !earing a regular "ur"le T-shirt and +eans. <Ho! could Ro%ans %o e* in those things-, he !ondered. <They !ere +ust #or #or%al occasions*, Ha(el said. <Li)e tu1edos. I $et the Ancient Ro%ans hated togas as %uch as !e do. &y the !ay* you didn,t $ring any !ea"ons* did you-, Percy,s hand !ent to his "oc)et* !here his "en al!ays stayed. <Why- Are !e not su""osed to-, <No !ea"ons allo!ed inside the Po%erian Line*, she said.

<The !hat line-, <Po%erian*, 5ran) said. <The city li%its. Inside is a sacred Esa#e (oneF. Legions can,t %arch through. No !ea"ons allo!ed. That,s so senate %eetings don,t get $loody., <Li)e /ulius 0aesar getting assassinated-, Percy as)ed. 5ran) nodded. <Don,t !orry. Nothing li)e that has ha""ened in %onths., Percy ho"ed he !as )idding. As they got closer to the city* Percy could a""reciate ho! $eauti#ul it !as. The tiled roo#s and gold do%es glea%ed in the sun. 6ardens $loo%ed !ith honeysuc)le and roses. The central "la(a !as "a ed in !hite and grey stone* decorated !ith statues* #ountains and gilded colu%ns. In the surrounding neigh$ourhoods* co$$lestone streets !ere lined !ith #reshly "ainted to!n houses* sho"s* ca#Ss and "ar)s. In the distance rose the coliseu% and the horse-racing arena. Percy didn,t notice they,d reached the city li%its until the senators in #ront o# hi% started slo!ing do!n. 3n the side o# the road stood a !hite %ar$le statue . a li#e-si(e %uscular %an !ith curly hair* no ar%s and an irritated e1"ression. 'ay$e he loo)ed %ad $ecause he,d $een car ed only #ro% the !aist u". &elo! that* he !as +ust a $ig $loc) o# %ar$le. <Single #ile* "lease=, the statue said. <Ha e your IDs ready., Percy loo)ed to his le#t and right. He hadn,t noticed $e#ore* $ut a line o# identical statues ringed the city at inter als o# a$out a hundred yards. The senators "assed through easily. The statue chec)ed the tattoos on their #orear%s and called each senator $y na%e. <6!endolyn* senator* 5i#th 0ohort* yes. Nico di Angelo* a%$assador o# Pluto . ery !ell. Reyna* "raetor* o# course. Han)* senator* Third 0ohort . oh* nice shoes* Han)= Ah* !ho ha e !e here-, Ha(el* 5ran) and Percy !ere the last ones. <Ter%inus*, Ha(el said* <this is Percy /ac)son. Percy* this is Ter%inus* the god o# $oundaries.,

<Ne!* eh-, said the god. <>es* "ro$atio ta$let. 5ine. Ah* !ea"on in your "oc)et- Ta)e it out= Ta)e it out=, Percy didn,t )no! ho! Ter%inus could tell* $ut he too) out his "en. <Guite dangerous*, Ter%inus said. <Lea e it in the tray. Wait* !here,s %y assistant- /ulia=, A little girl a$out si1 years old "ee)ed out #ro% $ehind the $ase o# the statue. She had "igtails* a "in) dress and an i%"ish grin !ith t!o %issing teeth. </ulia-, Ter%inus glanced $ehind hi%* and /ulia scurried in the other direction. <Where did that girl go-, Ter%inus loo)ed the other !ay and caught sight o# /ulia $e#ore she could hide. The little girl s4uealed !ith delight. <3h* there you are*, said the statue. <5ront and centre. &ring the tray., /ulia scra%$led out and $rushed o## her dress. She "ic)ed u" a tray and "resented it to Percy. 3n it !ere se eral "aring )ni es* a cor)scre!* an o ersi(ed container o# sun lotion and a !ater $ottle. <>ou can "ic) u" your !ea"on on the !ay out*, Ter%inus said. </ulia !ill ta)e good care o# it. She,s a trained "ro#essional., The little girl nodded. <Pro-#ess-ion-al., She said each sylla$le care#ully* li)e she,d $een "ractising. Percy glanced at Ha(el and 5ran)* !ho didn,t see% to #ind anything odd a$out this. Still* he !asn,t !ild a$out handing o er a deadly !ea"on to a )id. <The thing is*, he said* <the "en returns to %y "oc)et auto%atically* so e en i# I gi e it u" ., <Not to !orry*, Ter%inus assured hi%. <We,ll %a)e sure it doesn,t !ander o##. Won,t !e* /ulia-, <>es* 'r Ter%inus., Reluctantly* Percy "ut his "en on the tray. <No!* a #e! rules* since you,re ne!*, Ter%inus said. <>ou are entering the $oundaries o# the city "ro"er. Kee" the "eace inside the line. >ield to chariot tra##ic !hile !al)ing on "u$lic roads. When you get to the Senate House* sit on the le#t-hand side. And* do!n there . do you see !here I,% "ointing-,

<2%*, Percy said* <you don,t ha e any hands., A""arently this !as a sore "oint #or Ter%inus. His %ar$le #ace turned a dar) shade o# grey. <A s%art alec* eh- Well* 'r Rule 5louter* right do!n there in the #oru% . /ulia* "oint #or %e* "lease ., /ulia duti#ully set do!n the security tray and "ointed to!ards the %ain "la(a. <The sho" !ith the $lue a!ning*, Ter%inus continued* <that,s the general store. They sell ta"e %easures. &uy one= I !ant those +eans e1actly one inch a$o e the an)les and that hair regulation cut. And tuc) your shirt in., Ha(el said* <Than) you* Ter%inus. We need to get going., <5ine* #ine* you %ay "ass*, the god said testily. <&ut stay on the right side o# the road= And that roc) right there . No* Ha(el* loo) !here I,% "ointing. That roc) is entirely too close to that tree. 'o e it t!o inches to the le#t., Ha(el did !hat she !as told* and they continued do!n the "ath* Ter%inus still shouting orders at the% !hile /ulia did cart!heels across the grass. <Is he al!ays li)e that-, Percy as)ed. <No*, Ha(el ad%itted. <Today he !as laid $ac). 2sually he,s %ore o$sessi eOco%"ulsi e., <He inha$its e ery $oundary stone around the city*, 5ran) said. <Kind o# our last line o# de#ence i# the city,s attac)ed., <Ter%inus isn,t so $ad*, Ha(el added. </ust don,t %a)e hi% angry* or he,ll #orce you to %easure e ery $lade o# grass in the alley., Percy #iled that in#or%ation. <And the )id- /ulia-, Ha(el grinned. <>eah* she,s a cutie. Her "arents li e in the city. 0o%e on. We,d $etter catch u" to the senators., As they a""roached the #oru%* Percy !as struc) $y the sheer nu%$er o# "eo"le. 0ollege-age )ids !ere hanging out at the #ountain. Se eral o# the% !a ed at the senators as they "assed. 3ne guy in his late t!enties stood at a $a)ery counter* #lirting !ith a young !o%an !ho !as $uying co##ee. An older cou"le !as !atching a little $oy in dia"ers and a %iniature 0a%" /u"iter shirt toddle a#ter

seagulls. 'erchants !ere o"ening their sho"s #or the day* "utting out signs in Latin that ad ertised "ottery* +e!ellery and hal#-"rice tic)ets #or the Hi""odro%e. <All these "eo"le are de%igods-, Percy as)ed. <3r descended #ro% de%igods*, Ha(el said. <Li)e I told you* it,s a good "lace to go to college or raise a #a%ily !ithout !orrying a$out %onster attac)s e ery day. 'ay$e t!o* three hundred "eo"le li e here- The eterans act as* li)e* ad isers and reser e #orces as needed* $ut %ostly they,re +ust citi(ens li ing their li es., Percy i%agined !hat that !ould $e li)e8 getting an a"art%ent in this tiny re"lica o# Ro%e* "rotected $y the legion and Ter%inus the 30D $order god. He i%agined holding hands !ith Anna$eth at a ca#S. 'ay$e !hen they !ere older* !atching their o!n )id chase seagulls across the #oru% 7 He shoo) the idea out o# his head. He couldn,t a##ord to indulge in that )ind o# thin)ing. 'ost o# his %e%ories !ere gone* $ut he )ne! this "lace !asn,t his ho%e. He $elonged so%e!here else* !ith his other #riends. &esides* 0a%" /u"iter !as in danger. I# /uno !as right* an attac) !as co%ing in less than #i e days. Percy i%agined that slee"ing !o%an,s #ace . the #ace o# 6aia . #or%ing in the hills a$o e ca%". He i%agined hordes o# %onsters descending into this alley. I# you don,t succeed* 'ars had !arned* there !on,t $e any ca%" le#t to return to. Ro%e !ill $e o errun* its legacy lost #ore er. He thought a$out the little girl /ulia* the #a%ilies !ith )ids* his ne! #riends in the 5i#th 0ohort* e en those silly #auns. He didn,t !ant to "icture !hat %ight ha""en to the% i# this "lace !as destroyed. The senators %ade their !ay to a $ig !hite-do%ed $uilding on the !est end o# the #oru%. Percy "aused at the door!ay* trying not to thin) a$out /ulius 0aesar getting slashed to death at a senate %eeting. Then he too) a dee" $reath and #ollo!ed Ha(el and 5ran) inside.



THE SENATE H32SE INTERI3R loo)ed li)e a high school lecture hall. A se%icircle o# tiered seats #aced a dais !ith a "odiu% and t!o chairs. The chairs !ere e%"ty* $ut one had a s%all el et "ac)age on the seat. Percy* Ha(el and 5ran) sat on the le#t side o# the se%icircle. The ten senators and Nico di Angelo occu"ied the rest o# the #ront ro!. The u""er ro!s !ere #illed !ith se eral do(en ghosts and a #e! older eterans #ro% the city* all in #or%al togas. 3cta ian stood in #ront !ith a )ni#e and a &eanie &a$y lion* +ust in case anyone needed to consult the god o# cutesy collecti$les. Reyna !al)ed to the "odiu% and raised her hand #or attention. <Right* this is an e%ergency %eeting*, she said. <We !on,t stand on #or%alities., <I lo e #or%alities=, a ghost co%"lained. Reyna shot hi% a cross loo). <5irst o# all*, she said* <!e,re not here to ote on the 4uest itsel#. The 4uest has $een issued $y 'ars 2ltor* "atron o# Ro%e. We !ill o$ey his !ishes. Nor are !e here to de$ate the choice o# 5ran) Phang,s co%"anions., <All three #ro% the 5i#th 0ohort-, called out Han) #ro% the Third. <That,s not #air., <And not s%art*, said the $oy ne1t to hi%. <We )no! the 5i#th !ill %ess u". They should ta)e so%e$ody good., Da)ota got u" so #ast he s"illed Kool-Aid #ro% his #las). <We !ere "lenty good last night !hen !e !hi""ed your "ode1* Larry=, <Enough* Da)ota*, Reyna said. <Let,s lea e Larry,s "ode1 out o# this. As 4uest leader* 5ran) has the right to choose his co%"anions. He has chosen Percy /ac)son and Ha(el Le es4ue., A ghost #ro% the second ro! yelled* <A$surdus= 5ran) Phang isn,t e en a #ull %e%$er o# the legion= He,s on "ro$atio. A 4uest %ust $e led $y so%eone o# centurion

ran) or higher. This is co%"letely ., <0ato*, Reyna sna""ed. <We %ust o$ey the !ishes o# 'ars 2ltor. That %eans certain 7 ad+ust%ents., Reyna cla""ed her hands* and 3cta ian ca%e #or!ard. He set do!n his )ni#e and &eanie &a$y and too) the el et "ac)age #ro% the chair. <5ran) Phang*, he said* <co%e #or!ard., 5ran) glanced ner ously at Percy. Then he got to his #eet and a""roached the augur. <It is %y 7 "leasure*, 3cta ian said* #orcing out the last !ord* <to $esto! u"on you the 'ural 0ro!n #or $eing #irst o er the !alls in siege !ar#are., 3cta ian handed hi% a $ron(e $adge sha"ed li)e a laurel !reath. <Also* $y order o# Praetor Reyna* to "ro%ote you to the ran) o# centurion., He handed 5ran) another $adge* a $ron(e crescent* and the senate e1"loded in "rotest. <He,s still a "ro$ie=, one yelled. <I%"ossi$le=, said another. <Water cannon u" %y nose=, yelled a third. <Silence=, 3cta ian,s oice sounded a lot %ore co%%anding than it had the "re ious night on the $attle#ield. <3ur "raetor recogni(es that no one $elo! the ran) o# centurion %ay lead a 4uest. 5or good or ill* 5ran) %ust lead this 4uest . so our "raetor has decreed that 5ran) Phang %ust $e %ade centurion., Suddenly Percy understood !hat an e##ecti e s"ea)er 3cta ian !as. He sounded reasona$le and su""orti e* $ut his e1"ression !as "ained. He care#ully cra#ted his !ords to "ut all the res"onsi$ility on Reyna. This !as her idea* he see%ed to say. I# it !ent !rong* Reyna !as to $la%e. I# only 3cta ian had $een the one in charge* things !ould ha e $een done %ore sensi$ly. &ut* alas* he had no choice $ut to su""ort Reyna* $ecause 3cta ian !as a loyal Ro%an soldier. 3cta ian %anaged to con ey all that !ithout saying it* si%ultaneously cal%ing the senate and sy%"athi(ing !ith the%. 5or the #irst ti%e* Percy reali(ed this scra!ny* #unny-loo)ing scarecro! o# a )id %ight $e a dangerous ene%y. Reyna %ust ha e recogni(ed this* too. A loo) o#

irritation #lashed across her #ace. <There is an o"ening #or centurion*, she said. <3ne o# our o##icers* also a senator* has decided to ste" do!n. A#ter ten years in the legion* she !ill retire to the city and attend college. 6!en o# the 5i#th 0ohort* !e than) you #or your ser ice., E eryone turned to 6!en* !ho %anaged a $ra e s%ile. She loo)ed tired #ro% the "re ious night,s ordeal* $ut also relie ed. Percy couldn,t $la%e her. 0o%"ared to getting s)e!ered !ith a "ilu%* college sounded "retty good. <As "raetor*, Reyna continued* <I ha e the right to re"lace o##icers. I ad%it it,s unusual #or a ca%"er on "ro$atio to rise directly to the ran) o# centurion* $ut I thin) !e can agree 7 last night !as unusual. 5ran) Phang* your ID* "lease., 5ran) re%o ed the lead ta$let #ro% round his nec) and handed it to 3cta ian. <>our ar%*, 3cta ian said. 5ran) held u" his #orear%. 3cta ian raised his hands to the hea ens. <We acce"t 5ran) Phang* Son o# 'ars* to the T!el#th Legion 5ul%inata #or his #irst year o# ser ice. Do you "ledge your li#e to the senate and "eo"le o# Ro%e-, 5ran) %uttered so%ething li)e* <2d-dud., Then he cleared his throat and %anaged8 <I do., The senators shouted* <Senatus Po"ulus4ue Ro%anus=, 5ire $la(ed on 5ran),s ar%. 5or a %o%ent his eyes #illed !ith terror* and Percy !as a#raid his #riend %ight "ass out. Then the s%o)e and #la%e died* and ne! %ar)s !ere seared onto 5ran),s s)in8 SPGR* an i%age o# crossed s"ears* and a single stri"e* re"resenting the #irst year o# ser ice. <>ou %ay sit do!n., 3cta ian glanced at the audience as i# to say8 This !asn,t %y idea* #ol)s. <No!*, Reyna said* <!e %ust discuss the 4uest., The senators shi#ted and %uttered as 5ran) returned to his seat. <Did it hurt-, Percy !his"ered. 5ran) loo)ed at his #orear%* !hich !as still stea%ing.

<>eah. A lot., He see%ed %ysti#ied $y the $adges in his hand . the centurion,s %ar) and the 'ural 0ro!n . li)e he !asn,t sure !hat to do !ith the%. <Here., Ha(el,s eyes shone !ith "ride. <Let %e., She "inned the %edals to 5ran),s shirt. Percy s%iled. He,d only )no!n 5ran) #or a day* $ut he #elt "roud o# hi%* too. <>ou deser e it* %an*, he said. <What you did last night- Natural leadershi"., 5ran) sco!led. <&ut centurion ., <0enturion Phang*, called 3cta ian. <Did you hear the 4uestion-, 5ran) $lin)ed. <2% 7 sorry. What-, 3cta ian turned to the senate and s%ir)ed* li)e* What did I tell you<I !as as)ing*, 3cta ian said li)e he !as tal)ing to a three-year-old* <i# you ha e a "lan #or the 4uest. Do you e en )no! !here you are going-, <2% 7, Ha(el "ut her hand on 5ran),s shoulder and stood. <Weren,t you listening last night* 3cta ian- 'ars !as "retty clear. We,re going to the land $eyond the gods . Alas)a., The senators s4uir%ed in their togas. So%e o# the ghosts shi%%ered and disa""eared. E en Reyna,s %etal dogs rolled o er on their $ac)s and !hi%"ered. 5inally Senator Larry stood. <I )no! !hat 'ars said* $ut that,s cra(y. Alas)a is cursed= They call it the land $eyond the gods #or a reason. It,s so #ar north that the Ro%an gods ha e no "o!er there. The "lace is s!ar%ing !ith %onsters. No de%igod has co%e $ac) #ro% there ali e since ., <Since you lost your eagle*, Percy said. Larry !as so startled* he #ell $ac) on his "ode1. <Loo)*, Percy continued* <I )no! I,% ne! here. I )no! you guys don,t li)e to %ention that %assacre in the JDL@s ., <He %entioned it=, one o# the ghosts !hi%"ered. <. $ut don,t you get it-, Percy continued. <The 5i#th 0ohort led that e1"edition. We #ailed* and !e ha e to $e res"onsi$le #or %a)ing things right. That,s !hy 'ars is

sending us. This giant* the son o# 6aia* he,s the one !ho de#eated your #orces thirty years ago. I,% sure o# it. No! he,s sitting u" there in Alas)a !ith a chained death god* and all your old e4ui"%ent. He,s %ustering his ar%ies and sending the% south to attac) this ca%"., <Really-, 3cta ian said. <>ou see% to )no! a lot a$out our ene%y,s "lans* Percy /ac)son., 'ost insults Percy could shrug o## . $eing called !ea) or stu"id or !hate er. &ut it da!ned on hi% that 3cta ian !as calling hi% a s"y . a traitor. That !as such a #oreign conce"t to Percy* so not !ho he !as* he al%ost couldn,t "rocess the slur. When he did* his shoulders tensed. He !as te%"ted to s%ac) 3cta ian on the head again* $ut he reali(ed 3cta ian !as $aiting hi%* trying to %a)e hi% loo) unsta$le. Percy too) a dee" $reath. <We,re going to con#ront this son o# 6aia*, he said* %anaging to )ee" his co%"osure. <We,ll get $ac) your eagle and unchain this god 7, He glanced at Ha(el. <Thanatos* right-, She nodded. <Letus* in Ro%an. &ut his old 6ree) na%e is Thanatos. When it co%es to Death 7 !e,re ha""y to let hi% stay 6ree)., 3cta ian sighed in e1as"eration. <Well* !hate er you call hi% 7 ho! do you e1"ect to do all this and get $ac) $y the 5east o# 5ortuna- That,s the e ening o# the t!enty-#ourth. It,s the t!entieth no!. Do you e en )no! !here to loo)- Do you e en )no! !ho this son o# 6aia is-, <>es., Ha(el s"o)e !ith such certainty that e en Percy !as sur"rised. <I don,t )no! e1actly !here to loo)* $ut I ha e a "retty good idea. The giant,s na%e is Alcyoneus., That na%e see%ed to lo!er the te%"erature in the roo% $y #i#ty degrees. The senators shi ered. Reyna gri""ed her "odiu%. <Ho! do you )no! this* Ha(el- &ecause you,re a child o# Pluto-, Nico di Angelo had $een so 4uiet that Percy had al%ost #orgotten he !as there. No! he stood in his $lac) toga. <Praetor* i# I %ay*, he said. <Ha(el and I 7 !e learned a

little a$out the giants #ro% our #ather. Each giant !as $red s"eci#ically to o""ose one o# the t!el e 3ly%"ian gods . to usur" that god,s do%ain. The )ing o# giants !as Por"hyrion* the anti-/u"iter. &ut the eldest giant !as Alcyoneus. He !as $orn to o""ose Pluto. That,s !hy !e )no! o# hi% in "articular., Reyna #ro!ned. <Indeed- >ou sound 4uite #a%iliar !ith hi%., Nico "ic)ed at the edge o# his toga. <Any!ay 7 the giants !ere hard to )ill. According to "ro"hecy* they could only $e de#eated $y gods and de%igods !or)ing together., Da)ota $elched. <Sorry* did you say gods and de%igods 7 li)e* #ighting side $y side- That could ne er ha""en=, <It has ha""ened*, Nico said. <In the #irst giant !ar* the gods called on heroes to +oin the%* and they !ere ictorious. Whether it could ha""en again* I don,t )no!. &ut !ith Alcyoneus 7 he !as di##erent. He !as co%"letely i%%ortal* i%"ossi$le to )ill $y god or de%igod* as long as he re%ained in his ho%e territory . the "lace !here he !as $orn., Nico "aused to let that sin) in. <And i# Alcyoneus has $een re$orn in Alas)a ., <Then he can,t $e de#eated there*, Ha(el #inished. <E er. &y any %eans. Which is !hy our JDL@s e1"edition !as doo%ed to #ail., Another round o# arguing and shouting $ro)e out. <The 4uest is i%"ossi$le=, shouted a senator. <We,re doo%ed=, cried a ghost. <'ore Kool-Aid=, yelled Da)ota. <Silence=, Reyna called. <Senators* !e %ust act li)e Ro%ans. 'ars has gi en us this 4uest* and !e ha e to $elie e it is "ossi$le. These three de%igods %ust tra el to Alas)a. They %ust #ree Thanatos and return $e#ore the 5east o# 5ortuna. I# they can retrie e the lost eagle in the "rocess* so %uch the $etter. All !e can do is ad ise the% and %a)e sure they ha e a "lan., Reyna loo)ed at Percy !ithout %uch ho"e. <>ou do

ha e a "lan-, Percy !anted to ste" #or!ard $ra ely and say* No* I don,t=That !as the truth* $ut loo)ing around at all the ner ous #aces Percy )ne! he couldn,t say it. <5irst* I need to understand so%ething., He turned to!ards Nico. <I thought Pluto !as the god o# the dead. No! I hear a$out this other guy* Thanatos* and the Doors o# Death #ro% that "ro"hecy . the Pro"hecy o# Se en. What does all that %ean-, Nico too) a dee" $reath. <3)ay. Pluto is the god o# the 2nder!orld* $ut the actual god o# death* the one !ho,s res"onsi$le #or %a)ing sure souls go to the a#terli#e and stay there . that,s Pluto,s lieutenant* Thanatos. He,s li)e 7 !ell* i%agine Li#e and Death are t!o di##erent countries. E ery$ody !ould li)e to $e in Li#e* right- So there,s a guarded $order to )ee" "eo"le #ro% crossing $ac) o er !ithout "er%ission. &ut it,s a $ig $order* !ith lots o# holes in the #ence. Pluto tries to seal u" the $reaches* $ut ne! ones )ee" "o""ing u" all the ti%e. That,s !hy he de"ends on Thanatos* !ho,s li)e the $order "atrol* the "olice., <Thanatos catches souls*, Percy said* <and de"orts the% $ac) to the 2nder!orld., <E1actly*, Nico said. <&ut no! Thanatos has $een ca"tured* chained u"., 5ran) raised his hand. <2h 7 ho! do you chain Death-, <It,s $een done $e#ore*, Nico said. <In the old days* a guy na%ed Sisy"hus tric)ed Death and tied hi% u". Another ti%e* Hercules !restled hi% to the ground., <And no! a giant has ca"tured hi%*, Percy said. <So* i# !e could #ree Thanatos* then the dead !ould stay dead-, He glanced at 6!en. <2% 7 no o##ence., <It,s %ore co%"licated than that*, Nico said. 3cta ian rolled his eyes. <Why does that not sur"rise %e-, <>ou %ean the Doors o# Death*, Reyna said* ignoring 3cta ian. <They are %entioned in the Pro"hecy o# Se en* !hich sent the #irst e1"edition to Alas)a ., 0ato the ghost snorted. <We all )no! ho! that turned

out= We Lares re%e%$er=, The other ghosts gru%$led in agree%ent. Nico "ut his #inger to his li"s. Suddenly all the Lares !ent silent. So%e loo)ed alar%ed* li)e their %ouths had $een glued together. Percy !ished he had that "o!er o er certain li ing "eo"le 7 li)e 3cta ian* #or instance. <Thanatos is only "art o# the solution*, Nico e1"lained. <The Doors o# Death 7 !ell* that,s a conce"t e en I don,t co%"letely understand. There are %any !ays into the 2nder!orld . the Ri er Sty1* the Door o# 3r"heus . "lus s%aller esca"e routes that o"en u" #ro% ti%e to ti%e. With Thanatos i%"risoned* all those e1its !ill $e easier to use. So%eti%es it %ight !or) to our ad antage and let a #riendly soul co%e $ac) . li)e 6!en here. 'ore o#ten* it !ill $ene#it e il souls and %onsters* the snea)y ones !ho are loo)ing to esca"e. No!* the Doors o# Death . those are the "ersonal doors o# Thanatos* his #ast lane $et!een Li#e and Death. 3nly Thanatos is su""osed to )no! !here they are* and the location shi#ts o er the ages. I# I understand correctly* the Doors o# Death ha e $een #orced o"en. 6aia,s %inions ha e sei(ed control o# the% ., <Which %eans 6aia controls !ho can co%e $ac) #ro% the dead*, Percy guessed. Nico nodded. <She can "ic) and choose !ho to let out . the !orst %onsters* the %ost e il souls. I# !e rescue Thanatos* that %eans at least he can catch souls again and send the% $elo!. 'onsters !ill die !hen !e )ill the%* li)e they used to* and !e,ll get a little $reathing roo%. &ut unless !e,re a$le to reta)e the Doors o# Death* our ene%ies !on,t stay do!n #or long. They,ll ha e an easy !ay $ac) to the !orld o# the li ing., <So !e can catch the% and de"ort the%*, Percy su%%ed u"* <$ut they,ll +ust )ee" co%ing $ac) across., <In a de"ressing nutshell* yes*, Nico said. 5ran) scratched his head. <&ut Thanatos )no!s !here the doors are* right- I# !e #ree hi%* he can reta)e the%., <I don,t thin) so*, Nico said. <Not alone. He,s no %atch #or 6aia. That !ould ta)e a %assi e 4uest 7 an ar%y o# the

$est de%igods., <5oes $ear ar%s to the Doors o# Death*, Reyna said. <That,s the Pro"hecy o# Se en 7, She loo)ed at Percy* and #or +ust a %o%ent he could see ho! scared she !as. She did a good +o$ o# hiding it* $ut Percy !ondered i# she,d had night%ares a$out 6aia* too . i# she,d seen isions o# !hat !ould ha""en !hen the ca%" !as in aded $y %onsters that couldn,t $e )illed. <I# this $egins the ancient "ro"hecy* !e don,t ha e resources to send an ar%y to these Doors o# Death and "rotect the ca%". I can,t i%agine e en s"aring se en de%igods ., <5irst things #irst., Percy tried to sound con#ident* though he could #eel the le el o# "anic rising in the roo%. <I don,t )no! !ho the se en are* or !hat that old "ro"hecy %eans* e1actly. &ut #irst !e ha e to #ree Thanatos. 'ars told us !e only needed three "eo"le #or the 4uest to Alas)a. Let,s concentrate on succeeding !ith that and getting $ac) $e#ore the 5east o# 5ortuna. Then !e can !orry a$out the Doors o# Death., <>eah*, 5ran) said in a s%all oice. <That,s "ro$a$ly enough #or one !ee)., <So you do ha e a "lan-, 3cta ian as)ed sce"tically. Percy loo)ed at his tea%%ates. <We go to Alas)a as #ast as "ossi$le 7, <And !e i%"ro ise*, Ha(el said. <A lot*, 5ran) added. Reyna studied the%. She loo)ed li)e she !as %entally !riting her o!n o$ituary. <:ery !ell*, she said. <Nothing re%ains e1ce"t #or us to ote on !hat su""ort !e can gi e the 4uest . trans"ortation* %oney* %agic* !ea"ons., <Praetor* i# I %ay*, 3cta ian said. <3h* great*, Percy %uttered. <Here it co%es., <The ca%" is in gra e danger*, 3cta ian said. <T!o gods ha e !arned us !e !ill $e attac)ed #our days #ro% no!. We %ust not s"read our resources too thin* es"ecially $y #unding "ro+ects that ha e a sli% chance o# success., 3cta ian loo)ed at the three o# the% !ith "ity* as i# to say* Poor little things. <'ars has clearly chosen the least

li)ely candidates #or this 4uest. Perha"s that is $ecause he considers the% the %ost e1"enda$le. Perha"s 'ars is "laying the long odds. Whate er the case* he !isely didn,t order a %assi e e1"edition* nor did he as) us to #und their ad enture. I say !e )ee" our resources here and de#end the ca%". This is !here the $attle !ill $e lost or !on. I# these three succeed* !onder#ul= &ut they should do so $y their o!n ingenuity., An uneasy %ur%ur "assed through the cro!d. 5ran) +u%"ed to his #eet. &e#ore he could start a #ight* Percy said* <5ine= No "ro$le%. &ut at least gi e us trans"ortation. 6aia is the earth goddess* right- 6oing o erland* across the earth . I,% guessing !e should a oid that. Plus* it,ll $e too slo!., 3cta ian laughed. <Would you li)e us to charter you an aero"lane-, The idea %ade Percy nauseous. <No. Air tra el 7 I ha e a #eeling that !ould $e $ad* too. &ut a $oat. 0an you at least gi e us a $oat-, Ha(el %ade a grunting sound. Percy glanced o er. She shoo) her head and %outhed* 5ine. I,% #ine. <A $oat=, 3cta ian turned to the senators. <The son o# Ne"tune !ants a $oat. Sea tra el has ne er $een the Ro%an !ay* $ut he isn,t %uch o# a Ro%an=, <3cta ian*, Reyna said sternly* <a $oat is little enough to as). And "ro iding no other aid see%s ery ., <Traditional=, 3cta ian e1clai%ed. <It is ery traditional. Let us see i# these 4uesters ha e the strength to sur i e !ithout hel"* li)e true Ro%ans=, 'ore %uttering #illed the cha%$er. The senators, eyes %o ed $ac) and #orth $et!een 3cta ian and Reyna* !atching the test o# !ills. Reyna straightened in her chair. <:ery !ell*, she said tightly. <We,ll "ut it to a ote. Senators* the %otion is as #ollo!s8 the 4uest shall go to Alas)a. The senate shall "ro ide #ull access to the Ro%an na y doc)ed at Ala%eda. No other aid !ill $e #orthco%ing. The three ad enturers !ill sur i e or #ail on their o!n %erits. All in #a our-,

E ery senator,s hand !ent u". <The %otion is "assed., Reyna turned to 5ran). <0enturion* your "arty is e1cused. The senate has other %atters to discuss. And* 3cta ian* i# I %ay con#er !ith you #or a %o%ent., Percy !as incredi$ly glad to see the sunlight. In that dar) hall* !ith all those eyes on hi%* he,d #elt li)e the !orld !as riding on his shoulders . and he !as #airly sure he,d had that e1"erience $e#ore. He #illed his lungs !ith #resh air. Ha(el "ic)ed u" a large e%erald #ro% the "ath and sli""ed it in her "oc)et. <So 7 !e,re "retty %uch toast-, 5ran) nodded %isera$ly. <I# either o# you !ants to $ac) out* I !ouldn,t $la%e you., <Are you )idding-, Ha(el said. <And "ull sentry duty #or the rest o# the !ee)-, 5ran) %anaged a s%ile. He turned to Percy. Percy ga(ed across the #oru%. Stay "ut* Anna$eth had said in his drea%. &ut i# he stayed "ut this ca%" !ould $e destroyed. He loo)ed u" at the hills* and i%agined 6aia,s #ace s%iling in the shado!s and ridges. >ou can,t !in* little de%igod* she see%ed to say. Ser e %e $y staying* or ser e %e $y going. Percy %ade a silent o!8 a#ter the 5east o# 5ortuna* he !ould #ind Anna$eth. &ut* #or no!* he had to act. He couldn,t let 6aia !in. <I,% !ith you*, he told 5ran). <&esides* I !ant to chec) out the Ro%an na y., They !ere only hal#!ay across the #oru% !hen so%eone called* </ac)son=, Percy turned and sa! 3cta ian +ogging to!ards the%. <What do you !ant-, Percy as)ed. 3cta ian s%iled. <Already decided I,% your ene%y- That,s a rash choice* Percy. I,% a loyal Ro%an., 5ran) snarled. <>ou $ac)sta$$ing* sli%y ., &oth Percy and Ha(el had to restrain hi%. <3h* dear*, 3cta ian said. <Hardly the right $eha iour #or a ne! centurion. /ac)son* I only #ollo!ed you $ecause Reyna charged %e !ith a %essage. She !ants you to

re"ort to the "rinci"ia !ithout your . ah . t!o lac)eys* here. Reyna !ill %eet you there a#ter the senate ad+ourns. She,d li)e a "ri ate !ord !ith you $e#ore you lea e on your 4uest., <What a$out-, Percy said. <I,% sure I don,t )no!., 3cta ian s%iled !ic)edly. <The last "erson she had a "ri ate tal) !ith !as /ason 6race. And that !as the last ti%e I e er sa! hi%. 6ood luc) and good$ye* Percy /ac)son.,



PER0> WAS 6LAD RIPTIDE HAD RET2RNED to his "oc)et. /udging #ro% Reyna,s e1"ression* he thought he %ight need to de#end hi%sel#. She stor%ed into the "rinci"ia !ith her "ur"le cloa) $illo!ing* and her greyhounds at her #eet. Percy !as sitting in one o# the "raetor chairs that he,d "ulled to the isitor,s side* !hich %ay$e !asn,t the "ro"er thing to do. He started to get u". <Stay seated*, Reyna gro!led. <>ou lea e a#ter lunch. We ha e a lot to discuss., She "lun)ed do!n her dagger so hard the +elly-$ean $o!l rattled. Auru% and Argentu% too) their "osts on her le#t and right and #i1ed their ru$y eyes on Percy. <What,d I do !rong-, Percy as)ed. <I# it,s a$out the chair ., <It,s not you., Reyna sco!led. <I hate senate %eetings. When 3cta ian gets tal)ing 7, Percy nodded. <>ou,re a !arrior. 3cta ian is a tal)er. Put hi% in #ront o# the senate* and suddenly he $eco%es the "o!er#ul one., She narro!ed her eyes. <>ou,re s%arter than you loo)., <6ee* than)s. I hear 3cta ian %ight get elected "raetor* assu%ing the ca%" sur i es that long., <Which $rings us to the su$+ect o# doo%sday*, Reyna said* <and ho! you %ight hel" "re ent it. &ut $e#ore I "lace the #ate o# 0a%" /u"iter in your hands* !e need to get a #e! things straight., She sat do!n and "ut a ring on the ta$le . a $and o# sil er etched !ith a s!ord-and-torch design* li)e Reyna,s tattoo. <Do you )no! !hat this is-, <The sign o# your %o%*, Percy said. <The 7 uh* !ar goddess., He tried to re%e%$er the na%e $ut he didn,t !ant to get it !rong . so%ething li)e $ologna. 3r sala%i- <&ellona* yes., Reyna scrutini(ed hi% care#ully. <>ou

don,t re%e%$er !here you sa! this ring $e#ore- >ou really don,t re%e%$er %e or %y sister* Hylla-, Percy shoo) his head. <I,% sorry., <It !ould, e $een #our years ago., </ust $e#ore you ca%e to ca%"., Reyna #ro!ned. <Ho! did you . -, <>ou, e got #our stri"es on your tattoo. 5our years., Reyna loo)ed at her #orear%. <3# course. It see%s so long ago. I su""ose you !ouldn,t recall %e e en i# you had your %e%ory. I !as +ust a little girl . one attendant a%ong so %any at the s"a. &ut you s"o)e !ith %y sister* +ust $e#ore you and that other one* Anna$eth* destroyed our ho%e., Percy tried to re%e%$er. He really did. 5or so%e reason* Anna$eth and he had isited a s"a and decided to destroy it. He couldn,t i%agine !hy. 'ay$e they hadn,t li)ed the dee"-tissue %assage- 'ay$e they,d had $ad %anicures<It,s a $lan)*, he said. <Since your dogs aren,t attac)ing %e* I ho"e you,ll $elie e %e. I,% telling the truth., Auru% and Argentu% snarled. Percy got the #eeling they !ere thin)ing* Please lie. Please lie. Reyna ta""ed the sil er ring. <I $elie e you,re sincere*, she said. <&ut not e eryone at ca%" does. 3cta ian thin)s you,re a s"y. He thin)s you !ere sent here $y 6aia to #ind our !ea)nesses and distract us. He $elie es the old legends a$out the 6ree)s., <3ld legends-, Reyna,s hand rested hal#!ay $et!een her dagger and the +elly $eans. Percy had a #eeling that i# she %ade a sudden %o e she !ouldn,t $e gra$$ing #or the candy. <So%e $elie e 6ree) de%igods still e1ist*, she said* <heroes !ho #ollo! the older #or%s o# the gods. There are legends o# $attles $et!een Ro%an and 6ree) heroes in relati ely %odern ti%es . the A%erican 0i il War* #or instance. I ha e no "roo# o# this and* i# our Lares )no! anything* they re#use to say. &ut 3cta ian $elie es the 6ree)s are still around* "lotting our do!n#all* !or)ing !ith

the #orces o# 6aia. He thin)s you are one o# the%., <Is that !hat you $elie e-, <I $elie e you ca%e #ro% so%e!here*, she said. <>ou,re i%"ortant* and dangerous. T!o gods ha e ta)en a s"ecial interest in you since you arri ed* so I can,t $elie e you,d !or) against 3ly%"us 7 or Ro%e., She shrugged. <3# course* I could $e !rong. Perha"s the gods sent you here to test %y +udge%ent. &ut I thin) 7 I thin) you !ere sent here to %a)e u" #or the loss o# /ason., /ason 7 Percy couldn,t go ery #ar in this ca%" !ithout hearing that na%e. <The !ay you tal) a$out hi% 7, Percy said. <Were you t!o a cou"le-, Reyna,s eyes $ored into hi% . li)e the eyes o# a hungry !ol#. Percy had seen enough hungry !ol es to )no!. <We %ight ha e $een*, Reyna said* <gi en ti%e. Praetors !or) closely together. It,s co%%on #or the% to $eco%e ro%antically in ol ed. &ut /ason !as only "raetor #or a #e! %onths $e#ore he disa""eared. E er since then* 3cta ian has $een "estering %e* agitating #or ne! elections. I, e resisted. I need a "artner in "o!er . $ut I,d "re#er so%eone li)e /ason. A !arrior* not a sche%er., She !aited. Percy reali(ed she !as sending hi% a silent in itation. His throat !ent dry. <3h 7 you %ean 7 oh., <I $elie e the gods sent you to hel" %e*, Reyna said. <I don,t understand !here you co%e #ro%* any %ore than I understood it #our years ago. &ut I thin) your arri al is so%e sort o# re"ay%ent. >ou destroyed %y ho%e once. No! you, e $een sent to sa e %y ho%e. I don,t hold a grudge against you #or the "ast* Percy. 'y sister hates you still* it,s true* $ut 5ate $rought %e here to 0a%" /u"iter. I, e done !ell. All I as) is that you !or) !ith %e #or the #uture. I intend to sa e this ca%"., The %etal dogs glared at hi%* their %ouths #ro(en in snarl %ode. Percy #ound Reyna,s eyes a lot harder to %eet. <Loo)* I,ll hel"*, he "ro%ised. <&ut I,% ne! here. >ou, e got a lot o# good "eo"le !ho )no! this ca%" $etter than I

do. I# !e succeed on this 4uest* Ha(el and 5ran) !ill $e heroes. >ou could as) one o# the% ., <Please*, Reyna said. <No one !ill #ollo! a child o# Pluto. There,s so%ething a$out that girl 7 ru%ours a$out !here she ca%e #ro% 7 No* she !on,t do. As #or 5ran) Phang* he has a good heart* $ut he,s ho"elessly naT e and ine1"erienced. &esides* i# the others #ound out a$out his #a%ily history at this ca%" ., <5a%ily history-, <The "oint is* Percy* you are the real "o!er on this 4uest. >ou are a seasoned eteran. I, e seen !hat you can do. A son o# Ne"tune !ouldn,t $e %y #irst choice* $ut i# you return success#ully #ro% this %ission the legion %ight $e sa ed. The "raetorshi" !ill $e yours #or the ta)ing. Together* you and I could e1"and the "o!er o# Ro%e. We could raise an ar%y and #ind the Doors o# Death* crush 6aia,s #orces once and #or all. >ou !ould #ind %e a ery hel"#ul 7 #riend., She said that !ord li)e it could ha e se eral %eanings* and he could "ic) !hich one. Percy,s #eet started ta""ing on the #loor* an1ious to run. <Reyna 7 I,% honoured* and all. Seriously. &ut I, e got a girl#riend. And I don,t !ant "o!er* or a "raetorshi"., Percy !as a#raid he,d %a)e her %ad. Instead she +ust raised her eye$ro!s. <A %an !ho turns do!n "o!er-, she said. <That,s not ery Ro%an o# you. /ust thin) a$out it. In #our days* I ha e to %a)e a choice. I# !e are to #ight o## an in asion* !e %ust ha e t!o strong "raetors. I,d "re#er you* $ut i# you #ail on your 4uest* or don,t co%e $ac)* or re#use %y o##er 7 Well* I,ll !or) !ith 3cta ian. I %ean to sa e this ca%"* Percy /ac)son. Things are !orse than you reali(e., Percy re%e%$ered !hat 5ran) said a$out the %onster attac)s getting %ore #re4uent. <Ho! $ad-, Reyna,s nails dug into the ta$le. <E en the senate doesn,t )no! the !hole truth. I, e as)ed 3cta ian not to share his auguries* or !e,d ha e %ass "anic. He,s seen a great ar%y %arching south* %ore than !e can "ossi$ly de#eat. They,re led $y a giant .,

<Alcyoneus-, <I don,t thin) so. I# he is truly in ulnera$le in Alas)a* he,d $e #oolish to co%e here hi%sel#. It %ust $e one o# his $rothers., <6reat*, Percy said. <So !e, e got t!o giants to !orry a$out., The "raetor nodded. <Lu"a and her !ol es are trying to slo! the% do!n* $ut this #orce is too strong e en #or the%. The ene%y !ill $e here soon . $y the 5east o# 5ortuna at the ery latest., Percy shuddered. He,d seen Lu"a in action. He )ne! all a$out the !ol# goddess and her "ac). I# this ene%y !as too "o!er#ul #or Lu"a* 0a%" /u"iter didn,t stand a chance. Reyna read his e1"ression. <>es* it,s $ad* $ut not ho"eless. I# you succeed in $ringing $ac) our eagle* i# you release Death so !e can actually )ill our ene%ies* then !e stand a chance. And there,s one %ore "ossi$ility 7, Reyna slid the sil er ring across the ta$le. <I can,t gi e you %uch hel"* $ut your +ourney !ill ta)e you close to Seattle. I,% as)ing you #or a #a our* !hich %ay also hel" you. 5ind %y sister* Hylla., <>our sister 7 the one !ho hates %e-, <3h* yes*, Reyna agreed. <She !ould lo e to )ill you. &ut sho! her that ring as a to)en #ro% %e* and she %ay hel" you instead., <'ay-, <I can,t s"ea) #or her. In #act 7, Reyna #ro!ned. <In #act I ha en,t s"o)en to her in !ee)s. She,s gone silent. With these ar%ies "assing through ., <>ou !ant %e to chec) on her*, Percy guessed. <'a)e sure she,s o)ay., <Partially* yes. I can,t i%agine she,s $een o erco%e. 'y sister has a "o!er#ul #orce. Her territory is !ell de#ended. &ut i# you can #ind her she could o##er you alua$le hel". It could %ean the di##erence $et!een success and #ailure on your 4uest. And i# you tell her !hat,s ha""ening here ., <She %ight send hel"-, Percy as)ed. Reyna didn,t ans!er* $ut Percy could see the

des"eration in her eyes. She !as terri#ied* gras"ing #or anything that could sa e her ca%". No !onder she !anted Percy,s hel". She !as the only "raetor. The de#ence o# the ca%" rested on her shoulders alone. Percy too) the ring. <I,ll #ind her. Where do I loo)- What )ind o# #orce does she ha e-, <Don,t !orry. /ust go to Seattle. They,ll #ind you., That didn,t sound encouraging* $ut Percy sli""ed the ring onto his leather nec)lace !ith his $eads and his "ro$atio ta$let. <Wish %e luc)., <5ight !ell* Percy /ac)son*, Reyna said. <And than) you., He could tell the audience !as o er. Reyna !as ha ing trou$le holding hersel# together* )ee"ing u" the i%age o# the con#ident co%%ander. She needed so%e ti%e $y hersel#. &ut at the door o# the "rinci"ia* Percy couldn,t resist turning. <Ho! did !e destroy your ho%e . that s"a !here you li ed-, The %etal greyhounds gro!led. Reyna sna""ed her #ingers to silence the%. <>ou destroyed the "o!er o# our %istress*, she said. <>ou #reed so%e "risoners !ho too) re enge on all o# us !ho li ed on the island. 'y sister and I 7 !ell* !e sur i ed. It !as di##icult. &ut in the long run I thin) !e are $etter o## a!ay #ro% that "lace., <Still* I,% sorry*, Percy said. <I# I hurt you* I,% sorry., Reyna ga(ed at hi% #or a long ti%e* as i# trying to translate his !ords. <An a"ology- Not ery Ro%an at all* Percy /ac)son. >ou,d %a)e an interesting "raetor. I ho"e you,ll thin) a$out %y o##er.,



L2N0H 5ELT LIKE A 52NERAL PART>. E ery$ody ate. Peo"le tal)ed in hushed tones. No$ody see%ed "articularly ha""y. The other ca%"ers )e"t glancing o er at Percy li)e he !as the cor"se o# honour. Reyna %ade a $rie# s"eech !ishing the% luc). 3cta ian ri""ed o"en a &eanie &a$y and "ronounced gra e o%ens and hard ti%es ahead* $ut "redicted the ca%" !ould $e sa ed $y an une1"ected hero 9!hose initials !ere "ro$a$ly 30TA:IAN;. Then the other ca%"ers !ent o## to their a#ternoon classes . gladiator #ighting* Latin lessons* "aint$all !ith ghosts* eagle training and a do(en other acti ities that sounded $etter than a suicide 4uest. Percy #ollo!ed Ha(el and 5ran) to the &arrac)s to "ac). Percy didn,t ha e %uch. He,d cleaned u" his $ac)"ac) #ro% his tri" south and had )e"t %ost o# his &argain 'art su""lies. He had a #resh "air o# +eans and an e1tra "ur"le T-shirt #ro% the ca%" 4uarter%aster* "lus so%e nectar* a%$rosia* snac)s* a little %ortal %oney and ca%"ing su""lies. At lunch* Reyna had handed hi% a scroll o# introduction #ro% the "raetor and ca%" senate. Su""osedly* any retired legionnaires they %et on the tri" !ould hel" the% i# sho!n the letter. He also )e"t his leather nec)lace !ith the $eads* the sil er ring and the "ro$atio ta$let* and o# course he had Ri"tide in his "oc)et. He #olded his tattered orange Tshirt and le#t it on his $un). <I,ll $e $ac)*, he said. He #elt "retty stu"id tal)ing to a T-shirt* $ut he !as really thin)ing o# Anna$eth* and his old li#e. <I,% not lea ing #or good. &ut I ha e to hel" these guys. They too) %e in. They deser e to sur i e., The T-shirt didn,t ans!er* than)#ully. 3ne o# their roo%%ates* &o$$y* ga e the% a ride to the $order o# the alley on Hanni$al the ele"hant. 5ro% the

hillto"s* Percy could see e erything $elo!. The Little Ti$er sna)ed across golden "astures !here the unicorns !ere gra(ing. The te%"les and #oru%s o# Ne! Ro%e glea%ed in the sunlight. 3n the 5ield o# 'ars* engineers !ere hard at !or)* "ulling do!n the re%ains o# last night,s #ort and setting u" $arricades #or a ga%e o# death$all. A nor%al day #or 0a%" /u"iter . $ut on the northern hori(on* stor% clouds !ere gathering. Shado!s %o ed across the hills* and Percy i%agined the #ace o# 6aia getting closer and closer. Wor) !ith %e #or the #uture* Reyna had said. I intend to sa e this ca%". Loo)ing do!n at the alley* Percy understood !hy she cared so %uch. E en though he !as ne! to 0a%" /u"iter* he #elt a #ierce desire to "rotect this "lace. A sa#e ha en !here de%igods could $uild their li es . he !anted that to $e "art o# his #uture. 'ay$e not the !ay Reyna i%agined* $ut i# he could share this "lace !ith Anna$eth 7 They got o## the ele"hant. &o$$y !ished the% a sa#e +ourney. Hanni$al !ra""ed the three 4uesters !ith his trun). Then the ele"hant ta1i ser ice headed $ac) into the alley. Percy sighed. He turned to Ha(el and 5ran) and tried to thin) o# so%ething u"$eat to say. A #a%iliar oice said* <IDs* "lease., A statue o# Ter%inus a""eared at the su%%it o# the hill. The god,s %ar$le #ace #ro!ned irrita$ly. <Well- 0o%e along=, <>ou again-, Percy as)ed. <I thought you +ust guarded the city., Ter%inus hu##ed. <6lad to see you* too* 'r Rule 5louter. Nor%ally* yes* I guard the city* $ut #or international de"artures I li)e to "ro ide e1tra security at the ca%" $orders. >ou really should, e allo!ed t!o hours $e#ore your "lanned de"arture ti%e* you )no!. &ut !e,ll ha e to %a)e do. No!* co%e o er here so I can "at you do!n., <&ut you don,t ha e ., Percy sto""ed hi%sel#. <2h* sure., He stood ne1t to the ar%less statue. Ter%inus conducted a rigorous %ental "at do!n.

<>ou see% to $e clean*, Ter%inus decided. <Do you ha e anything to declare-, <>es*, Percy said. <I declare this is stu"id., <H%"h= Pro$atio ta$let8 Percy /ac)son* 5i#th 0ohort* son o# Ne"tune. 5ine* go. Ha(el Le es4ue* daughter o# Pluto. 5ine. Any #oreign currency or* ahe%* "recious %etals to declare-, <No*, she %uttered. <Are you sure-, Ter%inus as)ed. <&ecause last ti%e ., <No=, <Well* this is a gru%"y $unch*, said the god. <Guest tra ellers= Al!ays in a rush. No!* let,s see . 5ran) Phang. Ah= 0enturion- Well done* 5ran). And that haircut is regulation "er#ect. I a""ro e= 3## you go* then* 0enturion Phang. Do you need any directions today-, <No. No* I guess not., </ust do!n to the &ART station*, Ter%inus said any!ay. <0hange trains at T!el#th Street in 3a)land. >ou !ant 5ruit ale Station. 5ro% there* you can !al) or ta)e the $us to Ala%eda., <>ou guys don,t ha e a %agical &ART train or so%ething-, Percy as)ed. <'agic trains=, Ter%inus sco##ed. <>ou,ll $e !anting your o!n security lane and a "ass to the e1ecuti e lounge ne1t. /ust tra el sa#ely* and !atch out #or Poly$otes. Tal) a$out sco##la!s . $ah= I !ish I could throttle hi% !ith %y $are hands., <Wait . !ho-, Percy as)ed. Ter%inus %ade a straining e1"ression* li)e he !as #le1ing his none1istent $ice"s. <Ah* !ell. /ust $e care#ul o# hi%. I i%agine he can s%ell a son o# Ne"tune a %ile a!ay. 3ut you go* no!. 6ood luc)=, An in isi$le #orce )ic)ed the% across the $oundary. When Percy loo)ed $ac)* Ter%inus !as gone. In #act* the entire alley !as gone. The &er)eley Hills see%ed to $e #ree o# any Ro%an ca%". Percy loo)ed at his #riends. <Any idea !hat Ter%inus !as tal)ing a$out- Watch out #or 7 Political so%ething or other-,

<Poh-LI&-uh-tease-, Ha(el sounded out the na%e care#ully. <Ne er heard o# hi%., <Sounds 6ree)*, 5ran) said. <That narro!s it do!n., Percy sighed. <Well* !e "ro$a$ly +ust a""eared on the s%ell radar #or e ery %onster !ithin #i e %iles. We,d $etter get %o ing., It too) the% t!o hours to reach the doc)s in Ala%eda. 0o%"ared to Percy,s last #e! %onths* the tri" !as easy. No %onsters attac)ed. No$ody loo)ed at Percy li)e he !as a ho%eless !ild child. 5ran) had stored his s"ear* $o! and 4ui er in a long $ag %ade #or s)is. Ha(el,s ca alry s!ord !as !ra""ed in a $edroll slung on her $ac). Together the three o# the% loo)ed li)e nor%al high schoolers on their !ay to an o ernight tri". They !al)ed to Roc)ridge Station* $ought their tic)ets !ith %ortal %oney* and ho""ed on the &ART train. They got o## in 3a)land. They had to !al) through so%e rough neigh$ourhoods* $ut no$ody $othered the%. Whene er the local gang %e%$ers ca%e close enough to loo) in Percy,s eyes* they 4uic)ly eered a!ay. He,d "er#ected his !ol# stare o er the last #e! %onths . a loo) that said8 Ho!e er $ad you thin) you are* I,% !orse. A#ter strangling sea %onsters and running o er gorgons in a "olice car* Percy !asn,t scared o# gangs. Pretty %uch nothing in the %ortal !orld scared hi% any %ore. In the late a#ternoon* they %ade it to the Ala%eda doc)s. Percy loo)ed out o er San 5rancisco &ay and $reathed in the salty sea air. I%%ediately he #elt $etter. This !as his #ather,s do%ain. Whate er they #aced* he,d ha e the u""er hand as long as they !ere at sea. Do(ens o# $oats !ere %oored at the doc)s . e erything #ro% #i#ty-#oot yachts to ten-#oot #ishing $oats. He scanned the sli"s #or so%e sort o# %agic essel . a trire%e* %ay$e* or a dragon-headed !arshi" li)e he,d seen in his drea%s. <2% 7 you guys )no! !hat !e,re loo)ing #or-, Ha(el and 5ran) shoo) their heads. <I didn,t e en )no! !e had a na y., Ha(el sounded as i#

she !ished there !asn,t one. <3h 7, 5ran) "ointed. <>ou don,t thin) 7 -, At the end o# the doc) !as a tiny $oat* li)e a dinghy* co ered in a "ur"le tar". E%$roidered in #aded gold along the can as !as S.P.G.R. Percy,s con#idence !a ered. <No !ay., He unco ered the $oat* his hands !or)ing the )nots li)e he,d $een doing it his !hole li#e. 2nder the tar" !as an old steel ro!$oat !ith no oars. The $oat had $een "ainted dar) $lue at one "oint* $ut the hull !as so crusted !ith tar and salt it loo)ed li)e one %assi e nautical $ruise. 3n the $o!* the na%e Pa1 !as still reada$le* lettered in gold. Painted eyes droo"ed sadly at the !ater le el* as i# the $oat !ere a$out to #all aslee". 3n $oard !ere t!o $enches* so%e steel !ool* an old cooler* and a %ound o# #rayed ro"e !ith one end tied to the %ooring. At the $otto% o# the $oat* a "lastic $ag and t!o e%"ty 0o)e cans #loated in se eral inches o# scu%%y !ater. <&ehold*, 5ran) said. <The %ighty Ro%an na y., <There,s got to $e a %ista)e*, Ha(el said. <This is a "iece o# +un)., Percy i%agined 3cta ian laughing at the%* $ut he decided not to let it get hi% do!n. The Pa1 !as still a $oat. He +u%"ed a$oard* and the hull hu%%ed under his #eet* res"onding to his "resence. He gathered u" the gar$age in the cooler and "ut it on the doc). He !illed the scu%%y !ater to #lo! o er the sides and out o# the $oat. Then he "ointed at the steel !ool and it #le! across the #loor* scru$$ing and "olishing so #ast* the steel $egan to s%o)e. When it !as done* the $oat !as clean. Percy "ointed at the ro"e* and it untied itsel# #ro% the doc). No oars* $ut that didn,t %atter. Percy could tell that the $oat !as ready to %o e* +ust a!aiting his co%%and. <This,ll do*, he said. <Ho" in., Ha(el and 5ran) loo)ed a little stunned* $ut they cli%$ed a$oard. Ha(el see%ed es"ecially ner ous. When they had settled on the seats* Percy concentrated* and the $oat sli""ed a!ay #ro% the doc). /uno !as right* you )no!. The slee"y oice o# 6aia

!his"ered in Percy,s %ind* startling hi% so $adly the $oat roc)ed. >ou could ha e chosen a ne! li#e in the sea. >ou !ould ha e $een sa#e #ro% %e there. No! it,s too late. >ou chose "ain and %isery. >ou,re "art o# %y "lan* no! . %y i%"ortant little "a!n. <6et o## %y shi"*, Percy gro!led. <2h* !hat-, 5ran) as)ed. Percy !aited* $ut the oice o# 6aia !as silent. <Nothing*, he said. <Let,s see !hat this ro!$oat can do., He turned the $oat to the north* and in no ti%e they !ere s"eeding along at #i#teen )nots* heading #or the 6olden 6ate &ridge.



HAPEL HATED &3ATS. She got seasic) so easily it !as %ore li)e sea "lague. She hadn,t %entioned this to Percy. She didn,t !ant to %ess u" the 4uest* $ut she re%e%$ered ho! horri$le her li#e had $een !hen she and her %other had %o ed to Alas)a . no roads. E ery!here they !ent* they,d had to ta)e the train or a $oat. She,d ho"ed her condition %ight ha e i%"ro ed since she,d co%e $ac) #ro% the dead. 3$ iously not. And this little $oat* the Pa1* loo)ed so %uch li)e that other $oat they,d had in Alas)a. It $rought $ac) $ad %e%ories 7 As soon as they le#t the doc)* Ha(el,s sto%ach started to churn. &y the ti%e they "assed the "iers along the San 5rancisco E%$arcadero* she #elt so !oo(y she thought she !as hallucinating. They s"ed $y a "ac) o# sea lions lounging on the doc)s* and she s!ore she sa! an old ho%eless guy sitting a%ong the%. 5ro% across the !ater* the old %an "ointed a $ony #inger at Percy and %outhed so%ething li)e Don,t e en thin) a$out it. <Did you see that-, Ha(el as)ed. Percy,s #ace !as red in the sunset. <>eah. I, e $een here $e#ore. I 7 I don,t )no!. I thin) I !as loo)ing #or %y girl#riend., <Anna$eth*, 5ran) said. <>ou %ean* on your !ay to 0a%" /u"iter-, Percy #ro!ned. <No. &e#ore that., He scanned the city li)e he !as still loo)ing #or Anna$eth until they "assed under the 6olden 6ate &ridge and turned north. Ha(el tried to settle her sto%ach $y thin)ing o# "leasant things . the eu"horia she,d #elt last night !hen they,d !on the !ar ga%es* riding Hanni$al into the ene%y )ee"* 5ran),s sudden trans#or%ation into a leader. He,d loo)ed li)e a di##erent "erson !hen he,d scaled the !alls* calling on the 5i#th 0ohort to attac). The !ay he,d s!e"t the

de#enders o## the $attle%ents 7 Ha(el had ne er seen hi% li)e that $e#ore. She,d $een so "roud to "in the centurion,s $adge to his shirt. Then her thoughts turned to Nico. &e#ore they had le#t* her $rother had "ulled her aside to !ish her luc). Ha(el ho"ed he,d stay at 0a%" /u"iter to hel" de#end it* $ut he said he,d $e lea ing today . heading $ac) to the 2nder!orld. <Dad needs all the hel" he can get*, he said. <The 5ields o# Punish%ent loo) li)e a "rison riot. The 5uries can $arely )ee" order. &esides 7 I,% going to try to trac) so%e o# the esca"ing souls. 'ay$e I can #ind the Doors o# Death #ro% the other side., <&e care#ul*, Ha(el said. <I# 6aia is guarding those doors ., <Don,t !orry., Nico s%iled. <I )no! ho! to stay hidden. /ust ta)e care o# yoursel#. The closer you get to Alas)a 7 I,% not sure i# it,ll %a)e the $lac)outs $etter or !orse., Ta)e care o# %ysel#* Ha(el thought $itterly. As i# there !as any !ay the 4uest !ould end !ell #or her. <I# !e #ree Thanatos*, Ha(el told Nico* <I %ay ne er see you again. Thanatos !ill send %e $ac) to the 2nder!orld 7, Nico too) her hand. His #ingers !ere so "ale* it !as hard to $elie e Ha(el and he shared the sa%e godly #ather. <I !anted to gi e you a chance at Elysiu%*, he said. <That !as the $est I could do #or you. &ut no! I !ish there !as another !ay. I don,t !ant to lose %y sister., He didn,t say the !ord again* $ut Ha(el )ne! that,s !hat he !as thin)ing. 5or once* she didn,t #eel +ealous o# &ianca di Angelo. She +ust !ished that she had %ore ti%e !ith Nico and her #riends at ca%". She didn,t !ant to die a second ti%e. <6ood luc)* Ha(el*, he said. Then he %elted into the shado!s . +ust li)e her #ather had se enty years $e#ore. The $oat shuddered* +olting Ha(el $ac) to the "resent. They entered the Paci#ic currents and s)irted the roc)y coastline o# 'arin 0ounty.

5ran) held his s)i $ag across his la". It "assed o er Ha(el,s )nees li)e the sa#ety $ar on an a%use%ent ride* !hich %ade her thin) o# the ti%e Sa%%y had ta)en her to the carni al during 'ardi 6ras 7 She 4uic)ly "ushed that %e%ory aside. She couldn,t ris) a $lac)out. <>ou o)ay-, 5ran) as)ed. <>ou loo) 4ueasy., <Seasic)ness*, she con#essed. <I didn,t thin) it !ould $e this $ad., 5ran) "outed li)e it !as so%eho! his #ault. He started digging in his "ac). <I, e got so%e nectar. And so%e crac)ers. 2%* %y grand%other says ginger hel"s 7 I don,t ha e any o# that* $ut ., <It,s o)ay., Ha(el %ustered a s%ile. <That,s s!eet o# you* though., 5ran) "ulled out a saltine. It sna""ed in his $ig #ingers. 0rac)er e1"loded e ery!here. Ha(el laughed. <6ods* 5ran) 7 Sorry. I shouldn,t laugh., <2h* no "ro$le%*, he said shee"ishly. <6uess you don,t !ant that one., Percy !asn,t "aying %uch attention. He )e"t his eyes #i1ed on the shoreline. As they "assed Stinson &each* he "ointed inland* !here a single %ountain rose a$o e the green hills. <That loo)s #a%iliar*, he said. <'ount Ta%*, 5ran) said. <Kids at ca%" are al!ays tal)ing a$out it. &ig $attle ha""ened on the su%%it* at the old Titan $ase., Percy #ro!ned. <Were either o# you there-, <No*, Ha(el said. <That !as $ac) in August* $e#ore I . u%* $e#ore I got to ca%". /ason told %e a$out it. The legion destroyed the ene%y,s "alace and a$out a %illion %onsters. /ason had to $attle Krios . hand-to-hand co%$at !ith a Titan* i# you can i%agine., <I can i%agine*, Percy %uttered. Ha(el !asn,t sure !hat he %eant* $ut Percy did re%ind her o# /ason* e en though they loo)ed nothing ali)e. They had the sa%e aura o# 4uiet "o!er* "lus a )ind o# sadness* li)e they,d seen their destiny and )ne! it !as only a %atter o# ti%e $e#ore they %et a %onster they couldn,t $eat.

Ha(el understood the #eeling. She !atched the sun set in the ocean* and she )ne! she had less than a !ee) to li e. Whether or not their 4uest succeeded* her +ourney !ould $e o er $y the 5east o# 5ortuna. She thought a$out her #irst death* and the %onths leading u" to it . her house in Se!ard* the si1 %onths she,d s"ent in Alas)a* ta)ing that little $oat into Resurrection &ay at night* isiting that cursed island. She reali(ed her %ista)e too late. Her ision !ent $lac)* and she sli""ed $ac) in ti%e. Their rental house !as a cla"$oard $o1 sus"ended on "ilings o er the $ay. When the train #ro% Anchorage rolled $y* the #urniture shoo) and the "ictures rattled on the !alls. At night* Ha(el #ell aslee" to the sound o# icy !ater la""ing against the roc)s under the #loor$oards. The !ind %ade the $uilding crea) and groan. They had one roo%* !ith a hot "late and an ice$o1 #or a )itchen. 3ne corner !as curtained o## #or Ha(el* !here she )e"t her %attress and storage chest. She,d "inned her dra!ings and old "hotos o# Ne! 3rleans on the !alls* $ut that only %ade her ho%esic)ness !orse. Her %other !as rarely ho%e. She didn,t go $y Gueen 'arie any %ore. She !as +ust 'arie* the hired hel". She,d coo) and clean all day at the diner on Third A enue #or #isher%en* railroad !or)ers and the occasional cre! o# na y %en. She,d co%e ho%e s%elling li)e PineSol and #ried #ish. At night* 'arie Le es4ue !ould trans#or%. The :oice too) o er* gi ing Ha(el orders* "utting her to !or) on their horri$le "ro+ect. Winter !as the !orst. The :oice stayed longer $ecause o# the constant dar)ness. The cold !as so intense that Ha(el thought she !ould ne er $e !ar% again. When su%%er ca%e* Ha(el couldn,t get enough sun. E ery day o# su%%er acation* she stayed a!ay #ro% ho%e as long as she could* $ut she couldn,t !al) around to!n. It !as a s%all co%%unity. The other )ids s"read ru%ours a$out her . the !itch,s child !ho li ed in the old shac) $y the doc)s. I# she ca%e too close* the )ids +eered

at her or thre! $ottles and roc)s. The adults !eren,t %uch $etter. Ha(el could, e %ade their li es %isera$le. She could, e gi en the% dia%onds* "earls or gold. 2" here in Alas)a* gold !as easy. There !as so %uch in the hills Ha(el could, e $uried the to!n !ithout hal# trying. &ut she didn,t really hate the locals #or "ushing her a!ay. She couldn,t $la%e the%. She s"ent the day !al)ing the hills. She attracted ra ens. They,d ca! at her #ro% the trees and !ait #or the shiny things that al!ays a""eared in her #ootste"s. The curse ne er see%ed to $other the%. She sa! $ro!n $ears* too* $ut they )e"t their distance. When Ha(el got thirsty* she,d #ind a sno!%elt !ater#all and drin) cold* clean !ater until her throat hurt. She,d cli%$ as high as she could and let the sunshine !ar% her #ace. It !asn,t a $ad !ay to "ass the ti%e* $ut she )ne! e entually she,d ha e to go ho%e. So%eti%es she thought a$out her #ather . that strange "ale %an in the sil er-and-$lac) suit. Ha(el !ished he,d co%e $ac) and "rotect her #ro% her %other* %ay$e use his "o!ers to get rid o# that a!#ul :oice. I# he !as a god* he should $e a$le to do that. She loo)ed u" at the ra ens and i%agined they !ere his e%issaries. Their eyes !ere dar) and %aniacal* li)e his. She !ondered i# they re"orted her %o e%ents to her #ather. &ut Pluto had !arned her %other a$out Alas)a. It !as a land $eyond the gods. He couldn,t "rotect the% here. I# he !as !atching Ha(el* he didn,t s"ea) to her. She o#ten !ondered i# she had i%agined hi%. Her old li#e see%ed as distant as the radio "rogra%%es she listened to* or President Roose elt tal)ing a$out the !ar. 3ccasionally the locals !ould discuss the /a"anese and so%e #ighting on the outer islands o# Alas)a* $ut e en that see%ed #ar a!ay . not nearly as scary as Ha(el,s "ro$le%. 3ne day in %idsu%%er* she stayed out later than usual* chasing a horse. She,d seen it #irst !hen she had heard a crunching

sound $ehind her. She turned and sa! a gorgeous tan roan stallion !ith a $lac) %ane . +ust li)e the one she,d ridden on her last day in Ne! 3rleans* !hen Sa%%y had ta)en her to the sta$les. It could, e $een the sa%e horse* though that !as i%"ossi$le. It !as eating so%ething o## the "ath* and #or a second Ha(el had the cra(y i%"ression it !as %unching one o# the gold nuggets that al!ays a""eared in her !a)e. <Hey* #ella*, she called. The horse loo)ed at her !arily. Ha(el #igured it %ust $elong to so%eone. It !as too !ell groo%ed* its coat too slee) #or a !ild horse. I# she could get close enough 7 What- She could #ind its o!ner- Return itNo* she thought. I +ust !ant to ride again. She got !ithin ten #eet* and the horse $olted. She s"ent the rest o# the a#ternoon trying to catch it . getting %addeningly close $e#ore it ran a!ay again. She lost trac) o# ti%e* !hich !as easy to do !ith the su%%er sun staying u" so long. 5inally she sto""ed at a cree) #or a drin) and loo)ed at the s)y* thin)ing it %ust $e around three in the a#ternoon. Then she heard a train !histle #ro% do!n in the alley. She reali(ed it had to $e the e ening run to Anchorage* !hich %eant it !as ten at night. She glared at the horse* gra(ing "eace#ully across the cree). <Are you trying to get %e in trou$le-, The horse !hinnied. Then 7 Ha(el %ust, e i%agined it. The horse s"ed a!ay in a $lur o# $lac) and tan* #aster than #or)ed lightning . al%ost too 4uic) #or her eyes to register. Ha(el didn,t understand ho!* $ut the horse !as de#initely gone. She stared at the s"ot !here the horse had stood. A !is" o# stea% curled #ro% the ground. The train !histle echoed through the hills again* and she reali(ed ho! %uch trou$le she !as in. She ran #or ho%e. Her %other !asn,t there. 5or a second Ha(el #elt relie ed. 'ay$e her %o% had had to !or) late. 'ay$e

tonight they !ouldn,t ha e to %a)e the +ourney. Then she sa! the !rec)age. Ha(el,s curtain !as "ulled do!n. Her storage chest !as o"en and her #e! clothes stre!n across the #loor. Her %attress had $een shredded as i# a lion had attac)ed it. Worst o# all* her dra!ing "ad !as ri""ed to "ieces. Her coloured "encils !ere all $ro)en. Pluto,s $irthday gi#t* Ha(el,s only lu1ury* had $een destroyed. Pinned to the !all !as a note in red on the last "iece o# dra!ing "a"er* in !riting that !as not her %other,s8 Wic)ed girl. I,% !aiting at the island. Don,t disa""oint %e. Ha(el so$$ed in des"air. She !anted to ignore the su%%ons. She !anted to run a!ay* $ut there !as no!here to go. &esides* her %other !as tra""ed. The :oice had "ro%ised that they !ere al%ost done !ith their tas). I# Ha(el )e"t hel"ing* her %other !ould $e #reed. Ha(el didn,t trust the :oice* $ut she didn,t see any other o"tion. She too) the ro!$oat . a little s)i## her %other had $ought !ith a #e! gold nuggets #ro% a #isher%an* !ho had a tragic accident !ith his nets the ne1t day. They had only one $oat* $ut Ha(el,s %other see%ed ca"a$le on occasion o# reaching the island !ithout any trans"ortation. Ha(el had learned not to as) a$out that. E en in %idsu%%er* chun)s o# ice s!irled in Resurrection &ay. Seals glided $y her $oat* loo)ing at Ha(el ho"e#ully* sni##ing #or #ish scra"s. In the %iddle o# the $ay* the glistening $ac) o# a !hale ra)ed the sur#ace. As al!ays* the roc)ing o# the $oat %ade her sto%ach 4ueasy. She sto""ed once to $e sic) o er the side. The sun !as #inally going do!n o er the %ountains* turning the s)y $lood red. She ro!ed to!ards the $ay,s %outh. A#ter se eral %inutes* she turned and loo)ed ahead. Right in #ront o# her* out o# the #og* the island %ateriali(ed . an acre o# "ine trees* $oulders and sno! !ith a $lac) sand $each. I# the island had a na%e* she didn,t )no! it. 3nce Ha(el had %ade the %ista)e o# as)ing the to!ns#ol)* $ut they had stared at her li)e she !as cra(y. <Ain,t no island there*, said one old #isher%an* <or %y

$oat !ould, e run into it a thousand ti%es., Ha(el !as a$out #i#ty yards #ro% the shore !hen a ra en landed on the $oat,s stern. It !as a greasy $lac) $ird al%ost as large as an eagle* !ith a +agged $ea) li)e an o$sidian )ni#e. Its eyes glittered !ith intelligence* so Ha(el !asn,t %uch sur"rised !hen it tal)ed. <Tonight*, it croa)ed. <The last night., Ha(el let the oars rest. She tried to decide i# the ra en !as !arning her* or ad ising her* or %a)ing a "ro%ise. <Are you #ro% %y #ather-, she as)ed. The ra en tilted its head. <The last night. Tonight., It "ec)ed at the $oat,s "ro! and #le! to!ards the island. The last night* Ha(el told hersel#. She decided to ta)e it as a "ro%ise. No %atter !hat she tells %e* I !ill %a)e this the last night. That ga e her enough strength to ro! on. The $oat slid ashore* crac)ing through a #ine layer o# ice and $lac) silt. 3 er the %onths* Ha(el and her %other had !orn a "ath #ro% the $each into the !oods. She hi)ed inland* care#ul to stic) to the trail. The island !as #ull o# dangers* $oth natural and %agical. &ears rustled in the undergro!th. 6lo!ing !hite s"irits* aguely hu%an* dri#ted through the trees. Ha(el didn,t )no! !hat they !ere* $ut she )ne! they !ere !atching her* ho"ing she,d stray into their clutches. At the centre o# the island* t!o %assi e $lac) $oulders #or%ed the entrance to a tunnel. Ha(el %ade her !ay into the ca ern she called the Heart o# the Earth. It !as the only truly !ar% "lace Ha(el had #ound since %o ing to Alas)a. The air s%elled o# #reshly turned soil. The s!eet* %oist heat %ade Ha(el #eel dro!sy* $ut she #ought to stay a!a)e. She i%agined that i# she #ell aslee" here her $ody !ould sin) into the earthen #loor and turn to %ulch. The ca e !as as large as a church sanctuary* li)e the St Louis 0athedral $ac) ho%e on /ac)son S4uare. The !alls glo!ed !ith lu%inescent %osses . green* red and "ur"le. The !hole cha%$er thru%%ed !ith energy* an

echoing $oo%* $oo%* $oo% that re%inded Ha(el o# a heart$eat. Perha"s it !as +ust the sea,s !a es $attering the island* $ut Ha(el didn,t thin) so. This "lace !as ali e. The earth !as aslee"* $ut it "ulsated !ith "o!er. Its drea%s !ere so %alicious* so #it#ul* that Ha(el #elt hersel# losing her gri" on reality. 6aia !anted to consu%e her identity* +ust as she,d o er!hel%ed Ha(el,s %other. She !anted to consu%e e ery hu%an* god and de%igod that dared to !al) across her sur#ace. >ou all $elong to %e* 6aia %ur%ured li)e a lulla$y. Surrender. Return to the earth. No* Ha(el thought. I,% Ha(el Le es4ue. >ou can,t ha e %e. 'arie Le es4ue stood o er the "it. In si1 %onths* her hair had turned as grey as lint. She,d lost !eight. Her hands !ere gnarled #ro% hard !or). She !ore sno! $oots and !aders and a stained !hite shirt #ro% the diner. She ne er !ould ha e $een %ista)en #or a 4ueen. <It,s too late., Her %other,s #rail oice echoed through the ca ern. Ha(el reali(ed !ith a shoc) that it !as her oice . not 6aia,s. <'other-, 'arie turned. Her eyes !ere o"en. She !as a!a)e and conscious. This should ha e %ade Ha(el #eel relie ed* $ut it %ade her ner ous. The :oice had ne er relin4uished control !hile they !ere on the island. <What ha e I done-, her %other as)ed hel"lessly. <3h* Ha(el* !hat did I do to you-, She stared in horror at the thing in the "it. 5or %onths they,d $een co%ing here* #our or #i e nights a !ee) as the :oice re4uired. Ha(el had cried* she,d colla"sed !ith e1haustion* she,d "leaded* she,d gi en in to des"air. &ut the :oice that controlled her %other had urged her on relentlessly. &ring alua$les #ro% the earth. 2se your "o!ers* child. &ring %y %ost alua$le "ossession to %e. At #irst* her e##orts had $rought only scorn. The #issure in the earth had #illed !ith gold and "recious stones*

$u$$ling in a thic) sou" o# "etroleu%. It loo)ed li)e a dragon,s treasure du%"ed in a tar "it. Then* slo!ly* a roc) s"ire $egan to gro! li)e a %assi e tuli" $ul$. It e%erged so gradually* night a#ter night* that Ha(el had trou$le +udging its "rogress. 3#ten she concentrated all night on raising it* until her %ind and soul !ere e1hausted* $ut she didn,t notice any di##erence. >et the s"ire did gro!. No! Ha(el could see ho! %uch she,d acco%"lished. The thing !as t!o storeys high* a s!irl o# roc)y tendrils +utting li)e a s"ear ti" #ro% the oily %orass. Inside* so%ething glo!ed !ith heat. Ha(el couldn,t see it clearly* $ut she )ne! !hat !as ha""ening. A $ody !as #or%ing out o# sil er and gold* !ith oil #or $lood and ra! dia%onds #or a heart. Ha(el !as resurrecting the son o# 6aia. He !as al%ost ready to !a)e. Her %other #ell to her )nees and !e"t. <I,% sorry* Ha(el. I,% so sorry., She loo)ed hel"less and alone* horri$ly sad. Ha(el should ha e $een #urious. Sorry- She,d li ed in #ear o# her %other #or years. She,d $een scolded and $la%ed #or her %other,s un#ortunate li#e. She,d $een treated li)e a #rea)* dragged a!ay #ro% her ho%e in Ne! 3rleans to this cold !ilderness* and !or)ed li)e a sla e $y a %erciless e il goddess. Sorry didn,t cut it. She should ha e des"ised her %other. &ut she couldn,t %a)e hersel# #eel angry. Ha(el )nelt and "ut her ar% round her %other. There !as hardly anything le#t o# her . +ust s)in and $ones and stained !or) clothes. E en in the !ar% ca e* she !as tre%$ling. <What can !e do-, Ha(el said. <Tell %e ho! to sto" it., Her %other shoo) her head. <She let %e go. She )no!s it,s too late. There,s nothing !e can do., <She 7 the :oice-, Ha(el !as a#raid to get her ho"es u"* $ut i# her %other !as really #reed then nothing else %attered. They could get out o# here. They could run a!ay* $ac) to Ne! 3rleans. <Is she gone-, Her %other glanced #ear#ully around the ca e. <No* she,s here. There,s only one %ore thing she needs #ro% %e. 5or that* she needs %y #ree !ill.,

Ha(el didn,t li)e the sound o# that. <Let,s get out o# here*, she urged. <That thing in the roc) 7 it,s going to hatch., <Soon*, her %other agreed. She loo)ed at Ha(el so tenderly 7 Ha(el couldn,t re%e%$er the last ti%e she,d seen that )ind o# a##ection in her %other,s eyes. She #elt a so$ $uilding in her chest. <Pluto !arned %e*, her %other said. <He told %e %y !ish !as too dangerous., <>our . your !ish-, <All the !ealth under the earth*, she said. <He controlled it. I !anted it. I !as so tired o# $eing "oor* Ha(el. So tired. 5irst I su%%oned hi% 7 +ust to see i# I could. I ne er thought the old gris-gris s"ell !ould !or) on a god. &ut he courted %e* told %e I !as $ra e and $eauti#ul 7, She stared at her $ent* calloused hands. <When you !ere $orn* he !as so "leased and "roud. He "ro%ised %e anything. He s!ore on the Ri er Sty1. I as)ed #or all the riches he had. He !arned %e the greediest !ishes cause the greatest sorro!s. &ut I insisted. I i%agined li ing li)e a 4ueen . the !i#e o# a god= And you 7 you recei ed the curse., Ha(el #elt as i# she !ere e1"anding to the $rea)ing "oint* +ust li)e that s"ire in the "it. Her %isery !ould soon $eco%e too great to hold inside* and her s)in !ould shatter. <That,s !hy I can #ind things under the earth-, <And !hy they $ring only sorro!., Her %other gestured listlessly around the ca ern. <That,s ho! she #ound %e* ho! she !as a$le to control %e. I !as angry !ith your #ather. I $la%ed hi% #or %y "ro$le%s. I $la%ed you. I !as so $itter that I listened to 6aia,s oice. I !as a #ool., <There,s got to $e so%ething !e can do*, Ha(el said. <Tell %e ho! to sto" her., The ground tre%$led. 6aia,s dise%$odied oice echoed through the ca e. 'y eldest rises* she said* the %ost "recious thing in the earth . and you ha e $rought hi% #ro% the de"ths* Ha(el Le es4ue. >ou ha e %ade hi% ane!. His a!a)ening cannot $e sto""ed. 3nly one thing re%ains.

Ha(el clenched her #ists. She !as terri#ied* $ut no! that her %other !as #ree* she #elt li)e she could con#ront her ene%y at last. This creature* this e il goddess* had ruined their li es. Ha(el !asn,t going to let her !in. <I !on,t hel" you any %ore=, she yelled. &ut I a% done !ith your hel"* girl. I $rought you here #or one reason only. >our %other re4uired 7 incenti e. Ha(el,s throat constricted. <'other-, <I,% sorry* Ha(el. I# you can #orgi e %e* "lease . )no! that it !as only $ecause I lo ed you. She "ro%ised to let you li e i# ., <I# you sacri#ice yoursel#*, Ha(el said* reali(ing the truth. <She needs you to gi e your li#e !illingly to raise that . that thing., Alcyoneus* 6aia said. Eldest o# the giants. He %ust rise #irst* and this !ill $e his ne! ho%eland . #ar #ro% the gods. He !ill !al) these icy %ountains and #orests. He !ill raise an ar%y o# %onsters. While the gods are di ided* #ighting each other in this %ortal World War* he !ill send #orth his ar%ies to destroy 3ly%"us. The earth goddess,s drea%s !ere so "o!er#ul they cast shado!s across the ca e !alls . ghastly shi#ting i%ages o# Na(i ar%ies raging across Euro"e* /a"anese "lanes destroying A%erican cities. Ha(el #inally understood. The gods o# 3ly%"us !ould ta)e sides in the $attle as they al!ays did in hu%an !ars. While the gods #ought each other to a $loody standstill* an ar%y o# %onsters !ould rise in the north. Alcyoneus !ould re i e his $rother giants and send the% #orth to con4uer the !orld. The !ea)ened gods !ould #all. The %ortal con#lict !ould rage #or decades until all ci ili(ation !as s!e"t a!ay* and the earth goddess a!a)ened #ully. 6aia !ould rule #ore er. All this* the goddess "urred* $ecause your %other !as greedy and cursed you !ith the gi#t o# #inding riches. In %y slee"ing state* I !ould ha e needed decades %ore* "erha"s e en centuries* $e#ore I #ound the "o!er to resurrect Alcyoneus %ysel#. &ut no! he !ill !a)e and* soon* so shall I= With terri$le certainty* Ha(el )ne! !hat !ould ha""en

ne1t. The only thing 6aia needed !as a !illing sacri#ice . a soul to $e consu%ed #or Alcyoneus to a!a)en. Her %other !ould ste" into the #issure and touch that horri$le s"ire . and she !ould $e a$sor$ed. <Ha(el* go., Her %other rose unsteadily. <She,ll let you li e* $ut you %ust hurry., Ha(el $elie ed it. That !as the %ost horri$le thing. 6aia !ould honour the $argain and let Ha(el li e. Ha(el !ould sur i e to see the end o# the !orld* )no!ing that she,d caused it. <No., Ha(el %ade her decision. <I !on,t li e. Not #or that., She reached dee" into her soul. She called on her #ather* the Lord o# the 2nder!orld* and su%%oned all the riches that lay in his ast real%. The ca ern shoo). Around the s"ire o# Alcyoneus* oil $u$$led* then churned and eru"ted li)e a $oiling cauldron. Don,t $e #oolish* 6aia said* $ut Ha(el detected concern in her tone* %ay$e e en #ear. >ou !ill destroy yoursel# #or nothing= >our %other !ill still die= Ha(el al%ost !a ered. She re%e%$ered her #ather,s "ro%ise8 so%e day her curse !ould $e !ashed a!ayI a descendant o# Ne"tune !ould $ring her "eace. He,d e en said she %ight #ind a horse o# her o!n. 'ay$e that strange stallion in the hills !as %eant #or her. &ut none o# that !ould ha""en i# she died no!. She,d ne er see Sa%%y again* or return to Ne! 3rleans. Her li#e !ould $e thirteen short* $itter years !ith an unha""y ending. She %et her %other,s eyes. 5or once* her %other didn,t loo) sad or angry. Her eyes shone !ith "ride. <>ou !ere %y gi#t* Ha(el*, she said. <'y %ost "recious gi#t. I !as #oolish to thin) I needed anything else., She )issed Ha(el,s #orehead and held her close. Her !ar%th ga e Ha(el the courage to continue. They !ould die* $ut not as sacri#ices to 6aia. Instincti ely Ha(el )ne! that their #inal act !ould re+ect 6aia,s "o!er. Their souls !ould go to the 2nder!orld* and Alcyoneus !ould not rise . at least not yet. Ha(el su%%oned the last o# her !ill"o!er. The air turned searing hot. The s"ire $egan to sin). /e!els and

chun)s o# gold shot #ro% the #issure !ith such #orce that they crac)ed the ca ern !alls and sent shra"nel #lying* stinging Ha(el,s s)in through her +ac)et. Sto" this= 6aia de%anded. >ou cannot "re ent his rise. At $est* you !ill delay hi% . a #e! decades. Hal# a century. Would you trade your li es #or thatHa(el ga e her an ans!er. The last night* the ra en had said. The #issure e1"loded. The roo# cru%$led. Ha(el san) into her %other,s ar%s* into the dar)ness* as oil #illed her lungs and the island colla"sed into the $ay.



<HAPEL=, 5RANK SH33K HER AR'S* sounding "anic)ed. <0o%e on* "lease= Wa)e u"=, She o"ened her eyes. The night s)y $la(ed !ith stars. The roc)ing o# the $oat !as gone. She !as lying on solid ground* her $undled s!ord and "ac) $eside her. She sat u" groggily* her head s"inning. They !ere on a cli## o erloo)ing a $each. A$out a hundred #eet a!ay* the ocean glinted in the %oonlight. The sur# !ashed gently against the stern o# their $eached $oat. To her right* hugging the edge o# the cli##* !as a $uilding li)e a s%all church !ith a searchlight in the stee"le. A lighthouse* Ha(el guessed. &ehind the%* #ields o# tall grass rustled in the !ind. <Where are !e-, she as)ed. 5ran) e1haled. <Than) the gods you,re a!a)e= We,re in 'endocino* a$out a hundred and #i#ty %iles north o# the 6olden 6ate., <A hundred and #i#ty %iles-, Ha(el groaned. <I, e $een out that long-, Percy )nelt $eside her* the sea !ind s!ee"ing his hair. He "ut his hand on her #orehead as i# chec)ing #or a #e er. <We couldn,t !a)e you. 5inally !e decided to $ring you ashore. We thought %ay$e the seasic)ness ., <It !asn,t seasic)ness., She too) a dee" $reath. She couldn,t hide the truth #ro% the% any %ore. She re%e%$ered !hat Nico had said8 I# a #lash$ac) li)e that ha""ens !hen you,re in co%$at 7 <I . I ha en,t $een honest !ith you*, she said. <What ha""ened !as a $lac)out. I ha e the% once in a !hile., <A $lac)out-, 5ran) too) Ha(el,s hand* !hich startled her 7 though "leasantly so. <Is it %edical- Why ha en,t I noticed $e#ore-, <I try to hide it*, she ad%itted. <I, e $een luc)y so #ar* $ut it,s getting !orse. It,s not %edical 7 not really. Nico says

it,s a side e##ect #ro% %y "ast* #ro% !here he #ound %e., Percy,s intense green eyes !ere hard to read. She couldn,t tell !hether he !as concerned or !ary. <Where e1actly did Nico #ind you-, he as)ed. Ha(el,s tongue #elt li)e cotton. She !as a#raid i# she started tal)ing she,d sli" $ac) into the "ast* $ut they deser ed to )no!. I# she #ailed the% on this 4uest* (on)ed out !hen they needed her %ost 7 she couldn,t $ear that idea. <I,ll e1"lain*, she "ro%ised. She cla!ed through her "ac). Stu"idly* she,d #orgotten to $ring a !ater $ottle. <Is 7 is there anything to drin)-, <>eah., Percy %uttered a curse in 6ree). <That !as du%$. I le#t %y su""lies do!n at the $oat., Ha(el #elt $ad as)ing the% to ta)e care o# her* $ut she,d !o)en u" "arched and e1hausted* as i# she,d li ed the last #e! hours in $oth the "ast and the "resent. She shouldered her "ac) and s!ord. <Ne er %ind. I can !al) 7, <Don,t e en thin) a$out it*, 5ran) said. <Not until you, e had so%e #ood and !ater. I,ll get the su""lies., <No* I,ll go., Percy glanced at 5ran),s hand on Ha(el,s. Then he scanned the hori(on as i# he sensed trou$le* $ut there !as nothing to see . +ust the lighthouse and the #ield o# grass stretching inland. <>ou t!o stay here. I,ll $e right $ac)., <>ou sure-, Ha(el said #ee$ly. <I don,t !ant you to ., <It,s #ine*, said Percy. <5ran)* +ust )ee" your eyes o"en. So%ething a$out this "lace 7 I don,t )no!., <I,ll )ee" her sa#e*, 5ran) "ro%ised. Percy dashed o##. 3nce they !ere alone* 5ran) see%ed to reali(e he !as still holding Ha(el,s hand. He cleared his throat and let go. <I* u% 7 I thin) I understand your $lac)outs*, he said. <And !here you co%e #ro%., Her heart$eat stu%$led. <>ou do-, <>ou see% so di##erent #ro% other girls I, e %et., He $lin)ed* then rushed on. <Not li)e 7 $ad di##erent. /ust the

!ay you tal). The things that sur"rise you . li)e songs* or T: sho!s* or slang "eo"le use. >ou tal) a$out your li#e li)e it ha""ened a long ti%e ago. >ou !ere $orn in a di##erent ti%e* !eren,t you- >ou ca%e #ro% the 2nder!orld., Ha(el !anted to cry . not $ecause she !as sad* $ut $ecause it !as such a relie# to hear so%eone say the truth. 5ran) didn,t act re olted or scared. He didn,t loo) at her as i# she !ere a ghost or so%e a!#ul undead (o%$ie. <5ran)* I ., <We,ll #igure it out*, he "ro%ised. <>ou,re ali e no!. We,re going to )ee" you that !ay., The grass rustled $ehind the%. Ha(el,s eyes stung in the cold !ind. <I don,t deser e a #riend li)e you*, she said. <>ou don,t )no! !hat I a% 7 !hat I, e done., <Sto" that., 5ran) sco!led. <>ou,re great= &esides* you,re not the only one !ith secrets., Ha(el stared at hi%. <I,% not-, 5ran) started to say so%ething. Then he tensed. <What-, Ha(el as)ed. <The !ind,s sto""ed., She loo)ed around and noticed he !as right. The air had $eco%e "er#ectly still. <So-, she as)ed. 5ran) s!allo!ed. <So !hy is the grass still %o ing-, 3ut o# the corner o# her eye* Ha(el sa! dar) sha"es ri""le through the #ield. <Ha(el=, 5ran) tried to gra$ her ar%s* $ut it !as too late. So%ething )noc)ed hi% $ac)!ards. Then a #orce li)e a grassy hurricane !ra""ed around Ha(el and dragged her into the #ields.



HAPEL WAS AN ENPERT 3N WEIRD. She,d seen her %other "ossessed $y an earth goddess. She,d created a giant out o# gold. She,d destroyed an island* died and co%e $ac) #ro% the 2nder!orld. &ut getting )idna""ed $y a #ield o# grass- That !as ne!. She #elt as i# she !ere tra""ed in a #unnel cloud o# "lants. She,d heard o# %odern-day singers +u%"ing into cro!ds o# #ans and getting "assed o erhead $y thousands o# hands. She i%agined this !as si%ilar . only she !as %o ing a thousand ti%es #aster* and the grass $lades !eren,t adoring #ans. She couldn,t sit u". She couldn,t touch the ground. Her s!ord !as still in her $edroll* stra""ed to her $ac)* $ut she couldn,t reach it. The "lants )e"t her o## $alance* tossing her around* slicing her #ace and ar%s. She could $arely %a)e out the stars through the tu%$le o# green* yello! and $lac). 5ran),s shouting #aded into the distance. It !as hard to thin) clearly* $ut Ha(el )ne! one thing8 She !as %o ing #ast. Where er she !as $eing ta)en* she,d soon $e too #ar a!ay #or her #riends to #ind her. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the tu%$ling and tossing. She sent her thoughts into the earth $elo! her. 6old* sil er . she,d settle #or anything that %ight disru"t her )idna""ers. She #elt nothing. Riches under the earth . (ero. She !as a$out to des"air !hen she #elt a huge cold s"ot "ass $eneath her. She loc)ed onto it !ith all her concentration* dro""ing a %ental anchor. Suddenly the ground ru%$led. The s!irl o# "lants released her and she !as thro!n u"!ard li)e a cata"ult "ro+ectile. 'o%entarily !eightless* she o"ened her eyes. She t!isted her $ody in %idair. The ground !as a$out t!enty

#eet $elo! her. Then she !as #alling. Her co%$at training )ic)ed in. She,d "ractised dro""ing #ro% giant eagles $e#ore. She tuc)ed into a roll* turned the i%"act into a so%ersault* and ca%e u" standing. She unslung her $edroll and dre! her s!ord. A #e! yards to her le#t* an outcro""ing o# roc) the si(e o# a garage +utted #ro% the sea o# grass. Ha(el reali(ed it !as her anchor. She,d caused the roc) to a""ear. The grass ri""led around it. Angry oices hissed in dis%ay at the %assi e clu%" o# stone that had $ro)en their "rogress. &e#ore they could regrou"* Ha(el ran to the roc) and cla%$ered to the to". The grass s!ayed and rustled around her li)e the tentacles o# a gigantic undersea ane%one. Ha(el could sense her )idna""ers, #rustration. <0an,t gro! on this* can you-, she yelled. <6o a!ay* you $unch o# !eeds= Lea e %e alone=, <Schist*, said an angry oice #ro% the grass. Ha(el raised her eye$ro!s. <E1cuse %e-, <Schist= &ig "ile o# schist=, A nun at St Agnes Acade%y had once !ashed Ha(el,s %outh !ith lye soa" #or saying so%ething ery si%ilar* so she !asn,t sure ho! to res"ond. Then* all around her roc) island* the )idna""ers %ateriali(ed #ro% the grass. At #irst glance they loo)ed li)e :alentine angels . a do(en chu$$y little 0u"id $a$ies. As they ste""ed closer* Ha(el reali(ed they !ere neither cute nor angelic. They !ere the si(e o# toddlers* !ith rolls o# $a$y #at* $ut their s)in had a strange greenish hue* as i# chloro"hyll ran through their eins. They had dry* $rittle !ings li)e cornhus)s* and tu#ts o# !hite hair li)e corn sil). Their #aces !ere haggard* "itted !ith )ernels o# grain. Their eyes !ere solid green* and their teeth !ere canine #angs. The largest creature ste""ed #or!ard. He !ore a yello! loincloth* and his hair !as s"i)y* li)e the $ristles on a stal) o# !heat. He hissed at Ha(el and !addled $ac) and #orth so 4uic)ly* she !as a#raid his loincloth %ight #all o##. <Hate this schist=, the creature co%"lained. <Wheat cannot gro!=,

<Sorghu% cannot gro!=, another "i"ed u". <&arley=, yelled a third. <&arley cannot gro!. 0urse this schist=, Ha(el,s )nees !o$$led. The little creatures %ight ha e $een #unny i# they !eren,t surrounding her* staring u" at her !ith those "ointed teeth and hungry green eyes. They !ere li)e 0u"id "iranhas. <>-you %ean the roc)-, she %anaged. <This roc) is called schist-, <>es* greenstone= Schist=, the #irst creature yelled. <Nasty roc)., Ha(el $egan to understand ho! she,d su%%oned it. <It,s a "recious stone. It,s alua$le-, <&ah=, said the one in the yello! loincloth. <5oolish nati e "eo"le %ade +e!ellery #ro% it* yes. :alua$le- 'ay$e. Not as good as !heat., <3r sorghu%=, <3r $arley=, The others chi%ed in* calling out di##erent ty"es o# grain. They circled the roc)* %a)ing no e##ort to cli%$ it . at least not yet. I# they decided to s!ar% her* there !as no !ay she could #end o## all o# the%. <>ou,re 6aia,s ser ants*, she guessed* +ust to )ee" the% tal)ing. 'ay$e Percy and 5ran) !eren,t too #ar a!ay. 'ay$e they,d $e a$le to see her* standing so tall a$o e the #ields. She !ished that her s!ord glo!ed li)e Percy,s. The yello!-dia"ered 0u"id snarled. <We are the )ar"oi* s"irits o# the grain. 0hildren o# the Earth 'other* yes= We ha e $een her attendants since #ore er. &e#ore nasty hu%ans culti ated us* !e !ere !ild. We !ill $e again. Wheat !ill destroy all=, <No* sorghu% !ill rule=, <&arley shall do%inate=, The others +oined in* each )ar"os cheering #or his o!n ariety. <Right., Ha(el s!allo!ed her re ulsion. <So you,re Wheat* then . you in the yello!* u%* $ritches., <H%%%%*, said Wheat. <0o%e do!n #ro% your schist* de%igod. We %ust ta)e you to our %istress,s ar%y. They

!ill re!ard us. They !ill )ill you slo!ly=, <Te%"ting*, Ha(el said* <$ut no than)s., <I !ill gi e you !heat=, said Wheat* as i# this !ere a ery #ine o##er in e1change #or her li#e. <So %uch !heat=, Ha(el tried to thin). Ho! #ar had she $een carried- Ho! long !ould it ta)e her #riends to #ind her- The )ar"oi !ere getting $older* a""roaching the roc) in t!os and threes* scratching at the schist to see i# it !ould hurt the%. <&e#ore I get do!n 7, She raised her oice* ho"ing it !ould carry o er the #ields. <2%* e1"lain so%ething to %e* !ould you- I# you,re grain s"irits* shouldn,t you $e on the gods, side- Isn,t the goddess o# agriculture 0eres ., <E il na%e=, &arley !ailed. <0ulti ates us=, Sorghu% s"at. <'a)es us gro! in disgusting ro!s. Lets hu%ans har est us. Pah= When 6aia is %istress o# the !orld again* !e !ill gro! !ild* yes=, <Well* naturally*, Ha(el said. <So this ar%y o# hers* !here you,re ta)ing %e in e1change #or !heat ., <3r $arley*, &arley o##ered. <>eah*, Ha(el agreed. <This ar%y is !here* no!-, </ust o er the ridge=, Sorghu% cla""ed his hands e1citedly. <The Earth 'other . oh* yes= . she told us8 ELoo) #or the daughter o# Pluto !ho li es again. 5ind her= &ring her ali e= I ha e %any tortures "lanned #or her.F The giant Poly$otes !ill re!ard us #or your li#e= Then !e !ill %arch south to destroy the Ro%ans. We can,t $e )illed* you )no!. &ut you can* yes., <That,s !onder#ul., Ha(el tried to sound enthusiastic. It !asn,t easy* )no!ing 6aia had s"ecial re enge "lanned #or her. <So you . you can,t $e )illed $ecause Alcyoneus has ca"tured Death* is that it-, <E1actly=, &arley said. <And he,s )ee"ing hi% chained in Alas)a*, Ha(el said* <at 7 let,s see* !hat,s the na%e o# that "lace-, Sorghu% started to ans!er* $ut Wheat #le! at hi% and )noc)ed hi% do!n. The )ar"oi $egan to #ight* dissol ing into #unnel clouds o# grain. Ha(el considered %a)ing a run #or it. Then Wheat re-#or%ed* holding Sorghu% in a headloc). <Sto"=, he yelled at the others. <'ultigrain

#ighting is not allo!ed=, The )ar"oi solidi#ied into chu$$y 0u"id "iranhas again. Wheat "ushed Sorghu% a!ay. <3h* cle er de%igod*, he said. <Trying to tric) us into gi ing secrets. No* you,ll ne er #ind the lair o# Alcyoneus., <I already )no! !here it is*, she said !ith #alse con#idence. <He,s on the island in Resurrection &ay., <Ha=, Wheat sneered. <That "lace san) $eneath the !a es long ago. >ou should )no! that= 6aia hates you #or it. When you th!arted her "lans* she !as #orced to slee" again. Decades and decades= Alcyoneus . not until the dar) ti%es !as he a$le to rise., <The JDL@s*, &arley agreed. <Horri$le= Horri$le=, <>es*, Wheat said. <And our %istress still slee"s. Alcyoneus !as #orced to $ide his ti%e in the north* !aiting* "lanning. 3nly no! does 6aia $egin to stir. 3h* $ut she re%e%$ers you* and so does her son=, Sorghu% cac)led !ith glee. <>ou !ill ne er #ind the "rison o# Thanatos. All o# Alas)a is the giant,s ho%e. He could $e )ee"ing Death any!here= >ears it !ould ta)e you to #ind hi%* and your "oor ca%" has only days. &etter you surrender. We !ill gi e you grain. So %uch grain., Ha(el,s s!ord #elt hea y. She,d dreaded returning to Alas)a* $ut at least she,d had an idea !here to start loo)ing #or Thanatos. She,d assu%ed that the island !here she had died hadn,t $een co%"letely destroyed* or "ossi$ly had risen again !hen Alcyoneus !o)e. She had ho"ed that his $ase !ould $e there. &ut i# the island !as really gone she had no idea ho! to #ind the giant. Alas)a !as huge. They could search #or decades and ne er #ind hi%. <>es*, Wheat said* sensing her anguish. <6i e u"., Ha(el gri""ed her s"atha. <Ne er=, She raised her oice again* ho"ing it !ould so%eho! reach her #riends. <I# I ha e to destroy you all* I !ill. I a% the daughter o# Pluto=, The )ar"oi ad anced. They gri""ed the roc)* hissing as i# it !ere scalding hot* $ut they $egan to cli%$. <No! you !ill die*, Wheat "ro%ised* gnashing his teeth. <>ou !ill #eel the !rath o# grain=,

Suddenly there !as a !histling sound. Wheat,s snarl #ro(e. He loo)ed do!n at the golden arro! that had +ust "ierced his chest. Then he dissol ed into "ieces o# Weeta$i1.



53R A HEART&EAT* HAPEL WAS +ust as stunned as the )ar"oi. Then 5ran) and Percy $urst into the o"en and $egan to %assacre e ery source o# #i$re they could #ind. 5ran) shot an arro! through &arley* !ho cru%$led into seeds. Percy slashed Ri"tide through Sorghu% and charged to!ards 'illet and 3ats. Ha(el +u%"ed do!n and +oined the #ight. Within %inutes* the )ar"oi had $een reduced to "iles o# seeds and arious $rea)#ast cereals. Wheat started to re-#or%* $ut Percy "ulled a lighter #ro% his "ac) and s"ar)ed a #la%e. <Try it*, he !arned* <and I,ll set this !hole #ield on #ire. Stay dead. Stay a!ay #ro% us* or the grass gets it=, 5ran) !inced li)e the #la%e terri#ied hi%. Ha(el didn,t understand !hy* $ut she shouted at the grain "iles any!ay8 <He,ll do it= He,s cra(y=, The re%nants o# the )ar"oi scattered in the !ind. 5ran) cli%$ed the roc) and !atched the% go. Percy e1tinguished his lighter and grinned at Ha(el. <Than)s #or yelling. We !ouldn,t ha e #ound you other!ise. Ho!,d you hold the% o## so long-, She "ointed to the roc). <A $ig "ile o# schist., <E1cuse %e-, <6uys*, 5ran) called #ro% the to" o# the roc). <>ou need to see this., Percy and Ha(el cli%$ed u" to +oin hi%. As soon as Ha(el sa! !hat he !as loo)ing at* she inhaled shar"ly. <Percy* no light= Put a!ay your s!ord=, <Schist=, He touched the s!ord ti"* and Ri"tide shran) $ac) into a "en. Do!n $elo! the%* an ar%y !as on the %o e. The #ield dro""ed into a shallo! ra ine* !here a country road !ound north and south. 3n the o""osite side o# the road* grassy hills stretched to the hori(on* e%"ty o# ci ili(ation e1ce"t #or one dar)ened con enience store at

the to" o# the nearest rise. The !hole ra ine !as #ull o# %onsters . colu%n a#ter colu%n %arching south* so %any and so close that Ha(el !as a%a(ed they hadn,t heard her shouting. She* 5ran) and Percy crouched against the roc). They !atched in dis$elie# as se eral do(en large* hairy hu%anoids "assed $y* dressed in tattered $its o# ar%our and ani%al #ur. The creatures had si1 ar%s each* three s"routing on either side* so they loo)ed li)e ca e%en e ol ed #ro% insects. <6egenes*, Ha(el !his"ered. <The Earth$orn., <>ou, e #ought the% $e#ore-, Percy as)ed. She shoo) her head. </ust heard a$out the% in %onster class at ca%"., She,d ne er li)ed %onster class . reading Pliny the Elder and those other %usty authors !ho descri$ed legendary %onsters #ro% the edges o# the Ro%an E%"ire. Ha(el $elie ed in %onsters* $ut so%e o# the descri"tions !ere so !ild she had thought they %ust $e +ust ridiculous ru%ours. 3nly no!* a !hole ar%y o# those ru%ours !as %arching $y. <The Earth$orn #ought the Argonauts*, she %ur%ured. <And those things $ehind the% ., <0entaurs*, Percy said. <&ut 7 that,s not right. 0entaurs are good guys., 5ran) %ade a cho)ing sound. <That,s not !hat !e !ere taught at ca%". 0entaurs are cra(y* al!ays getting drun) and )illing heroes., Ha(el !atched as the horse-%en cantered "ast. They !ere hu%an #ro% the !aist u"* "alo%ino #ro% the !aist do!n. They !ere dressed in $ar$arian ar%our o# hide and $ron(e* ar%ed !ith s"ears and slings. At #irst* Ha(el thought they !ere !earing :i)ing hel%ets. Then she reali(ed they had actual horns +utting #ro% their shaggy hair. <Are they su""osed to ha e $ull,s horns-, she as)ed. <'ay$e they,re a s"ecial $reed*, 5ran) said. <Let,s not as) the%* o)ay-, Percy ga(ed #urther do!n the road and his #ace !ent

slac). <'y gods 7 0yclo"es., Sure enough* lu%$ering a#ter the centaurs !as a $attalion o# one-eyed ogres* $oth %ale and #e%ale* each a$out ten #eet tall* !earing ar%our co$$led out o# +un)yard %etal. Si1 o# the %onsters !ere yo)ed li)e o1en* "ulling a t!o-storey-tall siege to!er #itted !ith a giant scor"ion $allista. Percy "ressed the sides o# his head. <0yclo"es. 0entaurs. This is !rong. All !rong., The %onster ar%y !as enough to %a)e anyone des"air* $ut Ha(el reali(ed that so%ething else !as going on !ith Percy. He loo)ed "ale and sic)ly in the %oonlight* as i# his %e%ories !ere trying to co%e $ac)* scra%$ling his %ind in the "rocess. She glanced at 5ran). <We need to get hi% $ac) to the $oat. The sea !ill %a)e hi% #eel $etter., <No argu%ent*, 5ran) said. <There are too %any o# the%. The ca%" 7 !e ha e to !arn the ca%"., <They )no!*, Percy groaned. <Reyna )no!s., A lu%" #or%ed in Ha(el,s throat. There !as no !ay the legion could #ight so %any. I# they !ere only a #e! hundred %iles north o# 0a%" /u"iter* their 4uest !as already doo%ed. They could ne er %a)e it to Alas)a and $ac) in ti%e. <0o%e on*, she urged. <Let,s 7, Then she sa! the giant. When he a""eared o er the ridge* Ha(el couldn,t 4uite $elie e her eyes. He !as taller than the siege to!er . thirty #eet* at least . !ith scaly re"tilian legs li)e a Ko%odo dragon #ro% the !aist do!n and green-$lue ar%our #ro% the !aist u". His $reast"late !as sha"ed li)e ro!s o# hungry %onstrous #aces* their %ouths o"en as i# de%anding #ood. His #ace !as hu%an* $ut his hair !as !ild and green* li)e a %o" o# sea!eed. As he turned his head #ro% side to side* sna)es dro""ed #ro% his dreadloc)s. :i"er dandru## . gross. He !as ar%ed !ith a %assi e trident and a !eighted net. /ust the sight o# those !ea"ons %ade Ha(el,s sto%ach clench. She,d #aced that ty"e o# #ighter in

gladiator training %any ti%es. It !as the tric)iest* snea)iest* %ost e il co%$at style she )ne!. This giant !as a su"ersi(e retiarius. <Who is he-, 5ran),s oice 4ui ered. <That,s not ., <Not Alcyoneus*, Ha(el said !ea)ly. <3ne o# his &rothers* I thin). The one Ter%inus %entioned. The grain s"irit %entioned hi%* too. That,s Poly$otes., She !asn,t sure ho! she )ne!* $ut she could #eel the giant,s aura o# "o!er e en #ro% here. She re%e%$ered that #eeling #ro% the Heart o# the Earth as she had raised Alcyoneus . as i# she !ere standing near a "o!er#ul %agnet* and all the iron in her $lood !as $eing dra!n to!ards it. This giant !as another child o# 6aia . a creature o# the earth so %ale olent and "o!er#ul that he radiated his o!n gra itational #ield. Ha(el )ne! they should lea e. Their hiding "lace on to" o# the roc) !ould $e in "lain sight to a creature that tall i# he chose to loo) in their direction. &ut she sensed so%ething i%"ortant !as a$out to ha""en. She and her #riends cre"t a little #urther do!n the schist and )e"t !atching. As the giant got close* a 0yclo"s !o%an $ro)e ran)s and ran $ac) to s"ea) !ith hi%. She !as enor%ous* #at and horri$ly ugly* !earing a chain-%ail dress li)e a %uu%uu . $ut ne1t to the giant she loo)ed li)e a child. She "ointed to the closed-u" con enience store on to" o# the nearest hill and %uttered so%ething a$out #ood. The giant sna""ed $ac) an ans!er* as i# he !as annoyed. The #e%ale 0yclo"s $ar)ed an order to her )indred* and three o# the% #ollo!ed her u" the hill. When they !ere hal#!ay to the store* a searing light turned night into day. Ha(el !as $linded. &elo! her* the ene%y ar%y dissol ed into chaos* %onsters screa%ing in "ain and outrage. Ha(el s4uinted. She #elt li)e she,d +ust ste""ed out o# a dar) theatre into a sunny a#ternoon. <Too "retty=, the 0yclo"es shrie)ed. <&urns our eye=, The store on the hill !as encased in a rain$o!* closer and $righter than any Ha(el had e er seen. The light !as anchored at the store* shooting u" into the hea ens*

$athing the countryside in a !eird )aleidosco"ic glo!. The lady 0yclo"s he#ted her clu$ and charged at the store. As she hit the rain$o!* her !hole $ody $egan to stea%. She !ailed in agony and dro""ed her clu$* retreating !ith %ulti-coloured $listers all o er her ar%s and #ace. <Horri$le goddess=, she $ello!ed at the store. <6i e us snac)s=, The other %onsters !ent cra(y* charging the con enience store* then running a!ay as the rain$o! light $urned the%. So%e thre! roc)s* s"ears* s!ords and e en "ieces o# their ar%our* all o# !hich $urned u" in #la%es o# "retty colours. 5inally the giant leader see%ed to reali(e that his troo"s !ere thro!ing a!ay "er#ectly good e4ui"%ent. <Sto"=, he roared. With so%e di##iculty* he %anaged to shout and "ush and "u%%el his troo"s into su$%ission. When they,d 4uieted do!n* he a""roached the rain$o!-shielded store hi%sel# and stal)ed around the $orders o# the light. <6oddess=, he shouted. <0o%e out and surrender=, No ans!er #ro% the store. The rain$o! continued to shi%%er. The giant raised his trident and net. <I a% Poly$otes= Kneel $e#ore %e so I %ay destroy you 4uic)ly., A""arently* no one in the store !as i%"ressed. A tiny dar) o$+ect ca%e sailing out o# the !indo! and landed at the giant,s #eet. Poly$otes yelled* <6renade=, He co ered his #ace. His troo"s hit the ground. When the thing did not e1"lode* Poly$otes $ent do!n cautiously and "ic)ed it u". He roared in outrage. <A chocolate %u##in- >ou dare insult %e !ith a chocolate %u##in-, He thre! the ca)e $ac) at the sho"* and it a"ori(ed in the light. The %onsters got to their #eet. Se eral %uttered hungrily* <0hocolate %u##in- Where chocolate %u##ins-, <Let,s attac)*, said the lady 0yclo"s. <I a% hungry. 'y $oys !ant snac)s=, <No=, Poly$otes said. <We,re already late. Alcyoneus

!ants us at the ca%" in #our days, ti%e. >ou 0yclo"es %o e ine1cusa$ly slo!ly. We ha e no ti%e #or %inor goddesses=, He ai%ed that last co%%ent at the store* $ut got no res"onse. The lady 0yclo"s gro!led. <The ca%"* yes. :engeance= The orange and "ur"le ones destroyed %y ho%e. No! 'a 6as)et !ill destroy theirs= Do you hear %e* Leo- /asonPi"er- I co%e to annihilate you=, The other 0yclo"es $ello!ed in a""ro al. The rest o# the %onsters +oined in. Ha(el,s !hole $ody tingled. She glanced at her #riends. </ason*, she !his"ered. <She #ought /ason. He %ight still $e ali e., 5ran) nodded. <Do those other na%es %ean anything to you-, Ha(el shoo) her head. She didn,t )no! any Leo or Pi"er at ca%". Percy still loo)ed sic)ly and da(ed. I# the na%es %eant anything to hi%* he didn,t sho! it. Ha(el "ondered !hat the 0yclo"s had said8 3range and "ur"le ones. Pur"le . o$ iously the colour o# 0a%" /u"iter. &ut orange 7 Percy had sho!n u" in a tattered orange shirt. That couldn,t $e a coincidence. &elo! the%* the ar%y $egan to %arch south again* $ut the giant Poly$otes stood to one side* #ro!ning and sni##ing the air. <Sea god*, he %uttered. To Ha(el,s horror* he turned in their direction. <I s%ell sea god., Percy !as sha)ing. Ha(el "ut her hand on his shoulder and tried to "ress hi% #lat against the roc). The lady 0yclo"s 'a 6as)et snarled. <3# course you s%ell sea god= The sea is right o er there=, <'ore than that*, Poly$otes insisted. <I !as $orn to destroy Ne"tune. I can sense 7, He #ro!ned* turning his head and sha)ing out a #e! %ore sna)es. <Do !e %arch or sni## the air-, 'a 6as)et scolded. <I don,t get %u##ins* you don,t get sea god=, Poly$otes gro!led. <:ery !ell. 'arch= 'arch=, He too) one last loo) at the rain$o!-encased store* then ra)ed his

#ingers through his hair. He $rought out three sna)es that see%ed larger than the rest* !ith !hite %ar)ings around their nec)s. <A gi#t* goddess= 'y na%e* Poly$otes* %eans E'any-to5eedF= Here are so%e hungry %ouths #or you. See i# your store gets %any custo%ers !ith these sentries outside., He laughed !ic)edly and thre! the sna)es into the tall grass on the hillside. Then he %arched south* his %assi e Ko%odo legs sha)ing the earth. 6radually* the last colu%n o# %onsters "assed o er the hills and disa""eared into the night. 3nce they !ere gone* the $linding rain$o! shut o## li)e a s"otlight. Ha(el* 5ran) and Percy !ere le#t alone in the dar)* staring across the road at a closed-u" con enience store. <That !as di##erent*, 5ran) %uttered. Percy shuddered iolently. Ha(el )ne! he needed hel"* or rest* or so%ething. Seeing that ar%y see%ed to ha e triggered so%e )ind o# %e%ory* lea ing hi% shell-shoc)ed. They should get hi% $ac) to the $oat. 3n the other hand* a huge stretch o# grassland lay $et!een the% and the $each. Ha(el got the #eeling the )ar"oi !ouldn,t stay a!ay #ore er. She didn,t li)e the idea o# the three o# the% %a)ing their !ay $ac) to the $oat in the %iddle o# the night. And she couldn,t sha)e the dread#ul #eeling that i# she hadn,t su%%oned that schist she,d $e a ca"ti e o# the giant right no!. <Let,s go to the store*, she said. <I# there,s a goddess inside* %ay$e she can hel" us., <E1ce"t a $unch o# sna)e things are guarding the hill no!*, 5ran) said. <And that $urning rain$o! %ight co%e $ac)., They $oth loo)ed at Percy* !ho !as sha)ing li)e he had hy"other%ia. <We, e got to try*, Ha(el said. 5ran) nodded gri%ly. <Well 7 any goddess !ho thro!s a %u##in at a giant can,t $e all $ad. Let,s go.,



5RANK HATED 0H303LATE '255INS. He hated sna)es. And he hated his li#e. Not necessarily in that order. As he trudged u" the hill* he !ished that he could "ass out li)e Ha(el . +ust go into a trance and e1"erience so%e other ti%e* li)e $e#ore he got dra#ted #or this insane 4uest* $e#ore he #ound out his dad !as a godly drill sergeant !ith an ego "ro$le%. His $o! and s"ear sla""ed against his $ac). He hated the s"ear* too. The %o%ent he got it* he silently s!ore he,d ne er use it. A real %an,s !ea"on . 'ars !as a %oron. 'ay$e there had $een a %i1-u". Wasn,t there so%e sort o# DNA test #or gods, )ids- Perha"s the godly nursery had accidentally s!itched 5ran) !ith one o# 'ars,s $u## little $ully $a$ies. No !ay !ould 5ran),s %other ha e got in ol ed !ith that $lustering !ar god. She !as a natural !arrior* 6rand%other,s oice argued. It is no sur"rise a god !ould #all in lo e !ith her* gi en our #a%ily. Ancient $lood. The $lood o# "rinces and heroes. 5ran) shoo) the thought out o# his head. He !as no "rince or hero. He !as a lactoseintolerant )lut(* !ho couldn,t e en "rotect his #riend #ro% getting )idna""ed $y !heat. His ne! %edals #elt cold against his chest8 the centurion,s crescent* the 'ural 0ro!n. He should, e $een "roud o# the%* $ut he #elt li)e he,d only got the% $ecause his dad had $ullied Reyna. 5ran) didn,t )no! ho! his #riends could stand to $e around hi%. Percy had %ade it clear that he hated 'ars* and 5ran) couldn,t $la%e hi%. Ha(el )e"t !atching 5ran) out o# the corner o# her eye* li)e she !as a#raid he %ight turn into a %uscle-$ound #rea). 5ran) loo)ed do!n at his $ody and sighed. 0orrection8 e en %ore o# a %uscle-$ound #rea). I# Alas)a really !as a

land $eyond the gods* 5ran) %ight stay there. He !asn,t sure he had anything to return to. Don,t !hine* his grand%other !ould say. Phang %en do not !hine. She !as right. 5ran) had a +o$ to do. He had to co%"lete this i%"ossi$le 4uest* !hich at the %o%ent %eant reaching the con enience store ali e. As they got closer* 5ran) !orried that the store %ight $urst into rain$o! light and a"ori(e the%* $ut the $uilding stayed dar). The sna)es Poly$otes had dro""ed see%ed to ha e anished. They !ere t!enty yards #ro% the "orch !hen so%ething hissed in the grass $ehind the%. <6o=, 5ran) yelled. Percy stu%$led. While Ha(el hel"ed hi% u"* 5ran) turned and noc)ed an arro!. He shot $lindly. He thought he,d gra$$ed an e1"loding arro!* $ut it !as only a signal #lare. It s)idded through the grass* $ursting into orange #la%e and !histling8 W33= At least it illu%inated the %onster. Sitting in a "atch o# !ithered yello! grass !as a li%ecoloured sna)e as short and thic) as 5ran),s ar%. Its head !as ringed !ith a %ane o# s"i)y !hite #ins. The creature stared at the arro! (i""ing $y as i# !ondering* What the hec) is thatThen it #i1ed its large* yello! eyes on 5ran). It ad anced li)e an inch!or%* hunching u" in the %iddle. Where er it touched* the grass !ithered and died. 5ran) heard his #riends cli%$ing the ste"s o# the store. He didn,t dare turn and run. He and the sna)e studied each other. The sna)e hissed* #la%es $illo!ing #ro% its %outh. <Nice cree"y re"tile*, 5ran) said* ery a!are o# the dri#t!ood in his coat "oc)et. <Nice "oisonous* #ire-$reathing re"tile., <5ran)=, Ha(el yelled $ehind hi%. <0o%e on=, The sna)e s"rang at hi%. It sailed through the air so #ast* there !asn,t ti%e to noc) an arro!. 5ran) s!ung his $o! and s%ac)ed the %onster do!n the hill. It s"un out o# sight* !ailing* <Screeeee=,

5ran) #elt "roud o# hi%sel# until he loo)ed at his $o!* !hich !as stea%ing !here it had touched the sna)e. He !atched in dis$elie# as the !ood cru%$led to dust. He heard an outraged hiss* ans!ered $y t!o %ore hisses #urther do!nhill. 5ran) dro""ed his disintegrating $o! and ran #or the "orch. Percy and Ha(el "ulled hi% u" the ste"s. When 5ran) turned* he sa! all three %onsters circling in the grass* $reathing #ire and turning the hillside $ro!n !ith their "oisonous touch. They didn,t see% a$le or !illing to co%e closer to the store* $ut that !asn,t %uch co%#ort to 5ran). He,d lost his $o!. <We,ll ne er get out o# here*, he said %isera$ly. <Then !e,d $etter go in., Ha(el "ointed to the hand"ainted sign o er the door8 RAIN&3W 3R6ANI0 533DS U LI5EST>LES. 5ran) had no idea !hat that %eant* $ut it sounded $etter than #la%ing "oisonous sna)es. He #ollo!ed his #riends inside. As they ste""ed through the door* lights ca%e on. 5lute %usic started u" li)e they,d !al)ed onto a stage. The !ide aisles !ere lined !ith $ins o# nuts and dried #ruit* $as)ets o# a""les* and clothing rac)s !ith tie-dyed shirts and gau(y Tin)er &ell-ty"e dresses. The ceiling !as co ered in !ind chi%es. Along the !alls* glass cases dis"layed crystal $alls* geodes* %acra%S drea% catchers and a $unch o# other strange stu##. Incense %ust ha e $een $urning so%e!here. It s%elled li)e a $ou4uet o# #lo!ers !as on #ire. <5ortune-teller,s sho"-, 5ran) !ondered. <Ho"e not*, Ha(el %uttered. Percy leaned against her. He loo)ed !orse than e er* li)e he,d $een hit !ith a sudden #lu. His #ace glistened !ith s!eat. <Sit do!n 7, he %uttered. <'ay$e !ater., <>eah*, 5ran) said. <Let,s #ind you a "lace to rest., The #loor$oards crea)ed under their #eet. 5ran) na igated $et!een t!o Ne"tune statue #ountains. A girl "o""ed u" #ro% $ehind the granola $ins. <Hel" you-,

5ran) lurched $ac)!ards* )noc)ing o er one o# the #ountains. A stone Ne"tune crashed to the #loor. The sea god,s head rolled o## and !ater s"e!ed out o# his nec)* s"raying a rac) o# tie-dyed %an satchels. <Sorry=, 5ran) $ent do!n to clean u" the %ess. He al%ost goosed the girl !ith his s"ear. <Ee"=, she said. <Hold it= It,s o)ay=, 5ran) straightened slo!ly* trying not to cause any %ore da%age. Ha(el loo)ed %orti#ied. Percy turned a sic)ly shade o# green as he stared at the deca"itated statue o# his dad. The girl cla""ed her hands. The #ountain dissol ed into %ist. The !ater e a"orated. She turned to 5ran). <Really* it,s no "ro$le%. Those Ne"tune #ountains are so gru%"y-loo)ing they $u% %e out., She re%inded 5ran) o# the college-age hi)ers he so%eti%es sa! in Lynn 0anyon Par) $ehind his grand%other,s house. She !as short and %uscular* !ith lace-u" $oots* cargo shorts and a $right yello! T-shirt that read R.3.5.L. Rain$o! 3rganic 5oods U Li#estyles. She loo)ed young* $ut her hair !as #ri((y !hite* stic)ing out on either side o# her head li)e the !hite o# a giant #ried egg. 5ran) tried to re%e%$er ho! to s"ea). The girl,s eyes !ere really distracting. The irises changed colour #ro% grey to $lac) to !hite. <2h 7 sorry a$out the #ountain*, he %anaged. <We !ere +ust ., <3h* I )no!=, the girl said. <>ou !ant to $ro!se. It,s all right. De%igods are !elco%e. Ta)e your ti%e. >ou,re not li)e those a!#ul %onsters. They +ust !ant to use the restroo% and ne er $uy anything=, She snorted. Her eyes #lashed !ith lightning. 5ran) glanced at Ha(el to see i# he,d i%agined it* $ut Ha(el loo)ed +ust as sur"rised. 5ro% the $ac) o# the store* a !o%an,s oice called8 <5leecy- Don,t scare the custo%ers* no!. &ring the% here* !ill you-, <>our na%e is 5leecy-, Ha(el as)ed. 5leecy giggled. <Well* in the language o# the ne$ulae

it,s actually ., She %ade a series o# crac)ling and $lo!ing noises that re%inded 5ran) o# a thunderstor% gi ing !ay to a nice cold #ront. <&ut you can call %e 5leecy., <Ne$ulae 7, Percy %uttered in a da(e. <0loud ny%"hs., 5leecy $ea%ed. <3h* I li)e this one= 2sually no one )no!s a$out cloud ny%"hs. &ut* dear %e* he doesn,t loo) so good. 0o%e to the $ac). 'y $oss !ants to %eet you. We,ll get your #riend #i1ed u"., 5leecy led the% through the "roduce aisle* $et!een ro!s o# au$ergines* )i!is* lotus #ruit and "o%egranates. At the $ac) o# the store* $ehind a counter !ith an old-#ashioned cash register* stood a %iddle-aged !o%an !ith oli e s)in* long $lac) hair* ri%less glasses and a T-shirt that read8 The 6oddess Is Ali e= She !ore a%$er nec)laces and tur4uoise rings. She s%elled li)e rose "etals. She loo)ed #riendly enough* $ut so%ething a$out her %ade 5ran) #eel sha)y* li)e he !anted to cry. It too) hi% a second* then he reali(ed !hat it !as . the !ay she s%iled !ith +ust one corner o# her %outh* the !ar% $ro!n colour o# her eyes* the tilt o# her head* li)e she !as considering a 4uestion. She re%inded 5ran) o# his %other. <Hello=, She leaned o er the counter* !hich !as lined !ith do(ens o# little statues . !a ing 0hinese cats* %editating &uddhas* Saint 5rancis $o$$le heads and no elty di""y drin)ing $irds !ith to" hats. <So glad you,re here. I,% Iris=, Ha(el,s eyes !idened. <Not the Iris . the rain$o! goddess-, Iris %ade a #ace. <Well* that,s %y o##icial +o$* yes. &ut I don,t de#ine %ysel# $y %y cor"orate identity. In %y s"are ti%e* I run this=, She gestured around her "roudly. <The R.3.5.L. 0o-o" . an e%"loyee-run coo"erati e "ro%oting healthy alternati e li#estyles and organic #oods., 5ran) stared at her. <&ut you thro! chocolate %u##ins at %onsters., Iris loo)ed horri#ied. <3h* they,re not +ust chocolate %u##ins., She ru%%aged under the counter and $rought out a "ac)age o# chocolate-co ered ca)es that loo)ed

e1actly li)e %u##ins. <These are gluten-#ree* no-sugar-added* goat-%il)-and-sea!eed-$ased cu"ca)e si%ulations., <All natural=, 5leecy chi%ed in. <I stand corrected., 5ran) suddenly #elt as 4ueasy as Percy.

ita%in-enriched* soy-#ree*

Iris s%iled. <>ou should try one* 5ran). >ou,re lactose intolerant* aren,t you-, <Ho! did you ., <I )no! these things. &eing the %essenger goddess 7 !ell* I do learn a lot* hearing all the co%%unications #ro% the gods and so on., She tossed the ca)es on the counter. <&esides* those %onsters should $e glad to ha e so%e healthy snac)s. Al!ays eating +un) #ood and heroes. They,re so unenlightened. I couldn,t ha e the% tro%"ing through %y store* tearing u" things and distur$ing our #eng shui., Percy leaned against the counter. He loo)ed li)e he !as going to thro! u" all o er the goddess,s #eng shui. <'onsters %arching south*, he said !ith di##iculty. <6oing to destroy our ca%". 0ouldn,t you sto" the%-, <3h* I,% strictly non- iolent*, Iris said. <I can act in sel#-de#ence* $ut I !on,t $e dra!n into any %ore 3ly%"ian aggression* than) you ery %uch. I, e $een reading a$out &uddhis%. And Taois%. I ha en,t decided $et!een the%., <&ut 7, Ha(el loo)ed %ysti#ied. <Aren,t you a 6ree) goddess-, Iris crossed her ar%s. <Don,t try to "ut %e in a $o1* de%igod= I,% not de#ined $y %y "ast., <2%* o)ay*, Ha(el said. <0ould you at least hel" our #riend here- I thin) he,s sic)., Percy reached across the counter. 5or a second 5ran) !as a#raid he !anted the cu"ca)es. <Iris-%essage*, he said. <0an you send one-, 5ran) !asn,t sure he,d heard right. <Iris-%essage-, <It,s 7, Percy #altered. <Isn,t that so%ething you do-, Iris studied Percy %ore closely. <Interesting. >ou,re #ro% 0a%" /u"iter* and yet 7 3h* I see. /uno is u" to her tric)s.,

<What-, Ha(el as)ed. Iris glanced at her assistant* 5leecy. They see%ed to ha e a silent con ersation. Then the goddess "ulled a ial #ro% $ehind the counter and s"rayed so%e honeysuc)le-s%elling oil around Percy,s #ace. <There* that should $alance your cha)ra. As #or Iris-%essages . that,s an ancient !ay o# co%%unication. The 6ree)s used it. The Ro%ans ne er too) to it . al!ays relying on their road syste%s and giant eagles and !hatnot. &ut yes* I i%agine 7 5leecy* could you gi e it a try-, <Sure* $oss=, Iris !in)ed at 5ran). <Don,t tell the other gods* $ut 5leecy handles %ost o# %y %essages these days. She,s !onder#ul at it* really* and I don,t ha e ti%e to ans!er all those re4uests "ersonally. It %esses u" %y !a., <>our !a-, 5ran) as)ed. <'%%. 5leecy* !hy don,t you ta)e Percy and Ha(el into the $ac)- >ou can get the% so%ething to eat !hile you arrange their %essages. And #or Percy 7 yes* %e%ory sic)ness. I i%agine that old Poly$otes 7 !ell* %eeting hi% in a state o# a%nesia can,t $e good #or a child o# P . that is to say* Ne"tune. 5leecy* gi e hi% a cu" o# green tea !ith organic honey and !heat ger% and so%e o# %y %edicinal "o!der nu%$er #i e. That should #i1 hi% u"., Ha(el #ro!ned. <What a$out 5ran)-, Iris turned to hi%. She tilted her head 4ui((ically* +ust the !ay his %other used to . as i# 5ran) !ere the $iggest 4uestion in the roo%. <3h* don,t !orry*, Iris said. <5ran) and I ha e a lot to tal) a$out.,



5RANK W32LD,:E PRE5ERRED T3 go !ith his #riends* e en i# it %eant he had to endure green tea !ith !heat ger%. &ut Iris ro"ed her ar% through his and led hi% to a ca#S ta$le at a $ay !indo!. 5ran) set his s"ear on the #loor. He sat across #ro% Iris. 3utside in the dar)* the sna)e %onsters restlessly "atrolled the hillside* s"e!ing #ire and "oisoning the grass. <5ran)* I )no! ho! you #eel*, Iris said. <I i%agine that hal#-$urnt stic) in your "oc)et gets hea ier e ery day., 5ran) couldn,t $reathe. His hand !ent instincti ely to his coat. <Ho! do you .-, <I told you. I )no! things. I !as /uno,s %essenger #or ages. I )no! !hy she ga e you a re"rie e., <A re"rie e-, 5ran) $rought out the "iece o# #ire!ood and un!ra""ed it #ro% its cloth. As un!ieldy as 'ars,s s"ear !as* the "iece o# tinder !as !orse. Iris !as right. It !eighed hi% do!n. </uno sa ed you #or a reason*, the goddess said. <She !ants you to ser e her "lan. I# she hadn,t a""eared that day !hen you !ere a $a$y and !arned your %other a$out the #ire!ood* you !ould, e died. >ou !ere $orn !ith too %any gi#ts. That sort o# "o!er tends to $urn out a %ortal li#e., <Too %any gi#ts-, 5ran) #elt his ears getting !ar% !ith anger. <I don,t ha e any gi#ts=, <That,s not true* 5ran)., Iris s!i"ed her hand in #ront o# her li)e she !as cleaning a !indshield. A %iniature rain$o! a""eared. <Thin) a$out it., An i%age shi%%ered in the rain$o!. 5ran) sa! hi%sel# !hen he !as #our years old* running across 6rand%other,s $ac)yard. His %other leaned out the !indo! o# the attic* high a$o e* !a ing and calling to get his attention. 5ran) !asn,t su""osed to $e in the $ac)yard $y hi%sel#. He didn,t )no! !hy his %other !as u" in the

attic* $ut she told hi% to stay $y the house* not to go too #ar. 5ran) did e1actly the o""osite. He s4uealed !ith delight and ran to the edge o# the !oods* !here he ca%e #ace to #ace !ith a gri((ly $ear. 2ntil 5ran) sa! that scene in the rain$o!* the %e%ory had $een so ha(y he thought he,d drea%ed it. No! he could a""reciate +ust ho! surreal the e1"erience had $een. The $ear regarded the little $oy* and it !as di##icult to tell !ho !as %ore startled. Then 5ran),s %other a""eared at his side. There !as no !ay she should ha e $een a$le to get do!n #ro% the attic so #ast. She "ut hersel# $et!een the $ear and 5ran) and told hi% to run to the house. This ti%e* 5ran) o$eyed. When he turned at the $ac) "orch* he sa! his %other co%ing out o# the !oods. The $ear !as gone. 5ran) as)ed !hat had ha""ened. His %other s%iled. 'a%a &ear +ust needed directions* she said. The scene in the rain$o! changed. 5ran) sa! hi%sel# as a si1-year-old* curling u" in his %other,s la" e en though he !as %uch too $ig #or that. His %other,s long $lac) hair !as "ulled $ac). Her ar%s !ere around hi%. She !ore her ri%less glasses that 5ran) al!ays li)ed to steal* and her #u((y grey #leece "ullo er that s%elled li)e cinna%on. She !as telling hi% stories a$out heroes* "retending they !ere all related to 5ran)8 one !as Nu 5u* !ho sailed in search o# the eli1ir o# li#e. The rain$o! i%age had no sound* $ut 5ran) re%e%$ered his %other,s !ords8 He !as your great-great-great- 7 She !ould "o)e 5ran),s sto%ach e ery ti%e she said great-* do(ens o# ti%es* until he !as giggling uncontrolla$ly. Then there !as Sung 6uo* also called Seneca 6racchus* !ho #ought t!el e Ro%an dragons and si1teen 0hinese dragons in the !estern deserts o# 0hina. He !as the strongest dragon o# all* you see* his %other said. That,s ho! he could $eat the%= 5ran) didn,t )no! !hat that %eant* $ut it sounded e1citing. When she "o)ed his $elly !ith so %any greats* 5ran) rolled onto the #loor to esca"e the tic)ling. And your ery oldest ancestor that !e )no! o#8 he !as the Prince o#

Pylos= Hercules #ought hi% once. It !as a hard #ight= Did !e !in- 5ran) as)ed. His %other laughed* $ut there !as sadness in her oice. No* our ancestor lost. &ut it !asn,t easy #or Hercules. I%agine trying to #ight a s!ar% o# $ees. That,s ho! it !as. E en Hercules had trou$le= The co%%ent %ade no sense to 5ran)* then or no!. His ancestor had $een a $ee)ee"er5ran) hadn,t thought a$out these stories in years* $ut no! they ca%e $ac) to hi% as clearly as his %other,s #ace. It hurt to see her again. 5ran) !anted to go $ac) to that ti%e. He !anted to $e a little )id and curl u" on her la". In the rain$o! i%age* little 5ran) as)ed !here their #a%ily !as #ro%. So %any heroes= Were they #ro% Pylos* or Ro%e* or 0hina* or 0anadaHis %other s%iled* tilting her head as i# considering ho! to ans!er. Li-/ien* she said at last. 3ur #a%ily is #ro% %any "laces* $ut our ho%e is Li-/ien. Al!ays re%e%$er* 5ran)8 you ha e a s"ecial gi#t. >ou can $e anything. The rain$o! dissol ed* lea ing +ust Iris and 5ran). <I don,t understand., His hoarse. <>our %other e1"lained it*, Iris said. <>ou can $e anything., oice !as

It sounded li)e one o# those stu"id things "arents say to $oost your sel#-estee% . a !orn-out slogan that could $e "rinted on Iris,s T-shirts* right along !ith The 6oddess Is Ali e= and 'y 3ther 0ar Is a 'agic 0ar"et= &ut* the !ay Iris said it* it sounded li)e a challenge. 5ran) "ressed his hand against his "ants "oc)et* !here he )e"t his %other,s sacri#ice %edal. The sil er %edallion !as cold as ice. <I can,t $e anything*, 5ran) insisted. <I, e got (ero s)ills., <What ha e you tried-, Iris as)ed. <>ou !anted to $e an archer. >ou %anaged that "retty !ell. >ou, e only scratched the sur#ace. >our #riends Ha(el and Percy . they,re $oth stretched $et!een !orlds8 6ree) and Ro%an* the "ast and the "resent. &ut you are stretched %ore than

either o# the%. >our #a%ily is ancient . the $lood o# Pylos on your %other,s side* and your #ather is 'ars. No !onder /uno !ants you to $e one o# her se en heroes. She !ants you to #ight the giants and 6aia. &ut thin) a$out this8 !hat do you !ant-, <I don,t ha e any choice*, 5ran) said. <I,% the son o# the stu"id !ar god. I ha e to go on this 4uest and ., <Ha e to*, Iris said. <Not !ant to. I used to thin) li)e that. Then I got tired o# $eing e eryone,s ser ant. 5etch go$lets o# !ine #or /u"iter. Deli er letters #or /uno. Send %essages $ac) and #orth across the rain$o! #or anyone !ith a golden drach%a., <A golden !hat-, <Not i%"ortant. &ut I learned to let go. I started R.3.5.L.* and no! I,% #ree o# that $aggage. >ou can let go* too. 'ay$e you can,t esca"e #ate. So%e day that "iece o# !ood !ill $urn. I #oresee that you,ll $e holding it !hen it ha""ens* and your li#e !ill end ., <Than)s*, 5ran) %uttered. <. $ut that +ust %a)es your li#e %ore "recious= >ou don,t ha e to $e !hat your "arents and your grand%other e1"ect. >ou don,t ha e to #ollo! the !ar god,s orders* or /uno,s. Do your o!n thing* 5ran)= 5ind a ne! "ath=, 5ran) thought a$out that. The idea !as thrilling8 re+ect the gods* his destiny* his dad. He didn,t !ant to $e a !ar god,s son. His %other had died in a !ar. 5ran) had lost e erything than)s to a !ar. 'ars clearly didn,t )no! the #irst thing a$out hi%. 5ran) didn,t !ant to $e a hero. <Why are you telling %e this-, he as)ed. <>ou !ant %e to a$andon the 4uest* let 0a%" /u"iter $e destroyed- 'y #riends are counting on %e., Iris s"read her hands. <I can,t tell you !hat to do* 5ran). &ut do !hat you !ant* not !hat they tell you to do. Where did con#or%ing e er get %e- I s"ent #i e %illennia ser ing e eryone else* and I ne er disco ered %y o!n identity. What,s %y sacred ani%al- No one $othered to gi e %e one. Where are %y te%"les- They ne er %ade any. Well* #ine= I, e #ound "eace here at the co-o". >ou could stay !ith us* i# you !ant. &eco%e a R35Lco"ter.,

<A !hat* no!-, <The "oint is you ha e o"tions. I# you continue this 4uest 7 !hat ha""ens !hen you #ree Thanatos- Will it $e good #or your #a%ily- >our #riends-, 5ran) re%e%$ered !hat his grand%other had said8 she had an a""oint%ent !ith Death. 6rand%other in#uriated hi% so%eti%es* $ut* still* she !as his only li ing #a%ily* the only "erson ali e !ho lo ed hi%. I# Thanatos stayed chained u"* 5ran) %ight not lose her. And Ha(el . so%eho! she had co%e $ac) #ro% the 2nder!orld. I# Death too) her again* 5ran) !ouldn,t $e a$le to stand it. Not to %ention 5ran),s o!n "ro$le%8 according to Iris* he should ha e died !hen he !as a $a$y. All that stood $et!een hi% and Death !as a hal#-$urnt stic). Would Thanatos ta)e hi% a!ay* too5ran) tried to i%agine staying here !ith Iris* "utting on a R.3.5.L. shirt* selling crystals and drea% catchers to de%igod tra ellers and lo$$ing gluten-#ree cu"ca)e si%ulations at "assing %onsters. 'ean!hile* an undying ar%y !ould o errun 0a%" /u"iter. >ou can $e anything* his %other had said. No* he thought. I can,t $e that sel#ish. <I ha e to go*, he said. <It,s %y +o$., Iris sighed. <I e1"ected as %uch* $ut I had to try. The tas) ahead o# you 7 Well* I !ouldn,t !ish it on anyone* es"ecially a nice $oy li)e you. I# you %ust go* at least I can o##er so%e ad ice. >ou,ll need hel" #inding Thanatos., <>ou )no! !here the giants are hiding hi%-, 5ran) as)ed. Iris ga(ed thought#ully at the !ind chi%es s!aying on the ceiling. <No 7 Alas)a is $eyond the gods, s"here o# control. The location is shielded #ro% %y sight. &ut there is so%eone !ho !ould )no!. See) out the seer Phineas. He,s $lind* $ut he can see the "ast* "resent and #uture. He )no!s %any things. He can tell you !here Thanatos is $eing held., <Phineas 7, 5ran) said. <Wasn,t there a story a$out hi%-, Iris nodded reluctantly. <In the old days* he co%%itted

horri$le cri%es. He used his gi#t o# sight #or e il. /u"iter sent the har"ies to "lague hi%. The Argonauts . including your ancestor* $y the !ay ., <The "rince o# Pylos-, Iris hesitated. <>es* 5ran). Though his gi#t* his story 7 that you %ust disco er on your o!n. Su##ice it to say* the Argonauts dro e a!ay the har"ies in e1change #or Phineas,s hel". That !as aeons ago* $ut I understand Phineas has returned to the %ortal !orld. >ou,ll #ind hi% in Portland* 3regon* !hich is on your !ay north. &ut you %ust "ro%ise %e one thing. I# he,s still "lagued $y har"ies* do not )ill the%* no %atter !hat Phineas "ro%ises you. Win his hel" so%e other !ay. The har"ies are not e il. They,re %y sisters., <>our sisters-, <I )no!. I don,t loo) old enough to $e the har"ies, sister* $ut it,s true. And* 5ran) 7 there,s another "ro$le%. I# you,re deter%ined to lea e* you,ll ha e to clear those $asilis)s o## the hill., <>ou %ean the sna)es-, <>es*, Iris said. <&asilis) %eans Elittle cro!nF* !hich is a cute na%e #or so%ething that,s not ery cute. I,d "re#er not to ha e the% )illed. They,re li ing creatures* a#ter all. &ut you !on,t $e a$le to lea e until they,re gone. I# your #riends try to $attle the% 7 !ell* I #oresee see $ad things ha""ening. 3nly you ha e the a$ility to )ill the %onsters., <&ut ho!-, She glanced do!n at the #loor. 5ran) reali(ed that she !as loo)ing at his s"ear. <I !ish there !as another !ay*, she said. <I# you had so%e !easels* #or instance. Weasels are deadly to $asilis)s., <5resh out o# !easels*, 5ran) ad%itted. <Then you !ill ha e to use your #ather,s gi#t. Are you sure you !ouldn,t li)e to li e here instead- We %a)e e1cellent lactose-#ree rice %il)., 5ran) rose. <Ho! do I use the s"ear-, <>ou,ll ha e to handle that on your o!n. I can,t ad ocate iolence. While you,re doing $attle* I,ll chec) on your

#riends. I ho"e 5leecy #ound the right %edicinal her$s. The last ti%e* !e had a %i1-u" 7 Well* I don,t thin) those heroes !anted to $e daisies., The goddess stood. Her glasses #lashed* and 5ran) sa! his o!n re#lection in the lenses. He loo)ed serious and gri%* nothing li)e the little $oy he,d seen in those rain$o! i%ages. <3ne last $it o# ad ice* 5ran)*, she said. <>ou,re destined to die holding that "iece o# #ire!ood* !atching it $urn. &ut "erha"s i# you didn,t )ee" it yoursel#. Perha"s i# you trusted so%eone enough to hold it #or you 7, 5ran),s #ingers curled around the tinder. <Are you o##ering-, Iris laughed gently. <3h* dear* no. I,d lose it in this collection. It !ould get %i1ed u" !ith %y crystals* or I,d sell it as a dri#t!ood "a"er!eight $y accident. No* I %eant a de%igod #riend. So%eone close to your heart., Ha(el* 5ran) thought i%%ediately. There !as no one he trusted %ore. &ut ho! could he con#ess his secret- I# he ad%itted ho! !ea) he !as* that his !hole li#e de"ended on a hal#$urnt stic) 7 Ha(el !ould ne er see hi% as a hero. He,d ne er $e her )night in ar%our. And ho! could he e1"ect her to ta)e that )ind o# $urden #ro% hi%He !ra""ed u" the tinder and sli""ed it $ac) into his coat. <Than)s 7 than)s* Iris., She s4uee(ed his hand. <Don,t lose ho"e* 5ran). Rain$o!s al!ays stand #or ho"e., She %ade her !ay to!ards the $ac) o# the store* lea ing 5ran) alone. <Ho"e*, 5ran) gru%$led. <I,d rather ha e a #e! good !easels., He "ic)ed u" his #ather,s s"ear and %arched out to #ace the $asilis)s.



5RANK 'ISSED HIS &3W. He !anted to stand on the "orch and shoot the sna)es#ro% a distance. A #e! !ell-"laced e1"loding arro!s* a #e! craters in the hillside . "ro$le% sol ed. 2n#ortunately* a 4ui er #ull o# arro!s !ouldn,t do 5ran) %uch good i# he couldn,t shoot the%. &esides* he had no idea !here the $asilis)s !ere. They,d sto""ed $lo!ing #ire as soon as he ca%e outside. He ste""ed o## the "orch and le elled his golden s"ear. He didn,t li)e #ighting u" close. He !as too slo! and $ul)y. He,d done o)ay during the !ar ga%es* $ut this !as real. There !ere no giant eagles ready to snatch hi% u" and ta)e hi% to the %edics i# he %ade a %ista)e. >ou can $e anything. His %other,s oice echoed in his %ind. 6reat* he thought. I !ant to $e good !ith a s"ear. And i%%une to "oison . and #ire. So%ething told 5ran) his !ish had not $een granted. The s"ear #elt +ust as a!)!ard in his hands. Patches o# #la%e still s%ouldered on the hillside. The acrid s%o)e $urned in 5ran),s nose. The !ithered grass crunched under his #eet. He thought a$out those stories his %other used to tell . generations o# heroes !ho had $attled Hercules* #ought dragons and sailed %onster-in#ested seas. 5ran) didn,t understand ho! he could ha e e ol ed #ro% a line li)e that* or ho! his #a%ily had %igrated #ro% 6reece through the Ro%an E%"ire all the !ay to 0hina* $ut so%e unsettling ideas !ere starting to #or%. 5or the #irst ti%e* he started to !onder a$out this Prince o# Pylos* and his greatgrand#ather Shen Lun,s disgrace at 0a%" /u"iter* and !hat the #a%ily "o!ers %ight $e. The gi#t has ne er )e"t our #a%ily sa#e* 6rand%other had !arned.

A reassuring thought as 5ran) hunted "oisonous #ire-$reathing de il sna)es. The night !as 4uiet e1ce"t #or the crac)le o# $rush #ires. E ery ti%e a $ree(e %ade the grass rustle* 5ran) thought a$out the grain s"irits !ho,d ca"tured Ha(el. Ho"e#ully they,d gone south !ith the giant Poly$otes. 5ran) didn,t need any %ore "ro$le%s right no!. He cre"t do!nhill* his eyes stinging #ro% the s%o)e. Then* a$out t!enty #eet ahead* he sa! a $urst o# #la%e. He considered thro!ing his s"ear. Stu"id idea. Then he,d $e !ithout a !ea"on. Instead he ad anced to!ards the #ire. He !ished he had the gorgon,s $lood ials* $ut they !ere $ac) at the $oat. He !ondered i# gorgon $lood could cure $asilis) "oison . . . &ut e en i# he had the ials and %anaged to choose the right one* he dou$ted he,d ha e ti%e to ta)e it $e#ore he cru%$led to dust li)e his $o!. He e%erged in a clearing o# $urnt grass and #ound hi%sel# #ace to #ace !ith a $asilis). The sna)e rose u" on its tail. It hissed* and e1"anded the collar o# !hite s"i)es round its nec). Little cro!n* 5ran) re%e%$ered. That,s !hat <$asilis), %eant. He had thought $asilis)s !ere huge dragonli)e %onsters that could "etri#y you !ith their eyes. So%eho! the real $asilis) !as e en %ore terri$le. As tiny as it !as* this e1tra-s%all "ac)age o# #ire* "oison and e il !ould $e %uch harder to )ill than a large* $ul)y li(ard. 5ran) had seen ho! #ast it could %o e. The %onster #i1ed its "ale yello! eyes on 5ran). Why !asn,t it attac)ing5ran),s golden s"ear #elt cold and hea y. The dragontooth "oint di""ed to!ards the ground all on its o!n . li)e a do!sing rod searching #or !ater. <Sto" that., 5ran) struggled to li#t the s"ear. He,d ha e enough trou$le +a$$ing the %onster !ithout his s"ear #ighting against hi%. Then he heard the grass rustle on either side o# hi%. The other t!o $asilis)s slithered into the clearing. 5ran) had !al)ed straight into an a%$ush.



5RANK SWEPT HIS SPEAR &A0K AND 53RTH. <Stay $ac)=, His oice sounded s4uea)y. <I, e got 7 u% 7 a%a(ing "o!ers . and stu##., The $asilis)s hissed in three-"art har%ony. 'ay$e they !ere laughing. The s"ear ti" !as al%ost too hea y to li#t no!* as i# the +agged !hite triangle o# $one !as trying to touch the earth. Then so%ething clic)ed in the $ac) o# 5ran),s %ind8 'ars had said the ti" !as a dragon,s tooth. Hadn,t there $een so%e story a$out dragon,s teeth "lanted in the ground- So%ething he,d read in %onster class at ca%" 7The $asilis)s circled hi%* ta)ing their ti%e. 'ay$e they !ere hesitating $ecause o# the s"ear. 'ay$e they +ust couldn,t $elie e ho! stu"id 5ran) !as. It see%ed li)e %adness* $ut 5ran) let the s"ear ti" dro". He dro e it into the ground. 0rac). When he li#ted it out* the ti" !as gone . $ro)en o## in the dirt. Wonder#ul. No! he had a golden stic). So%e cra(y "art o# hi% !anted to $ring out his "iece o# #ire!ood. I# he !as going to die any!ay* %ay$e he could set o## a %assi e $la(e . incinerate the $asilis)s* so at least his #riends could get a!ay. &e#ore he could get u" the courage* the ground ru%$led at his #eet. Dirt s"e!ed e ery!here* and a s)eletal hand cla!ed the air. The $asilis)s hissed and $ac)ed u". 5ran) couldn,t $la%e the%. He !atched in horror as a hu%an s)eleton cra!led out o# the ground. It too) on #lesh as i# so%eone !ere "ouring gelatin o er its $ones* co ering the% in glo!ing* trans"arent grey s)in. Then ghostly clothes en elo"ed it . a tight T-shirt* ca%o "ants and ar%y $oots. E erything a$out the creature !as grey8 grey clothes on grey #lesh on grey $ones.

It turned to!ards 5ran). Its s)ull grinned $eneath an e1"ressionless grey #ace. 5ran) !hi%"ered li)e a "u""y. His legs shoo) so $adly he had to su""ort hi%sel# !ith the s"ear sha#t. The s)eleton !arrior !as !aiting* 5ran) reali(ed . !aiting #or orders. <Kill the $asilis)s=, he yel"ed. <Not %e=, The s)eletal !arrior lea"ed into action. He gra$$ed the nearest sna)e and* though his grey #lesh $egan to s%o)e on contact* he strangled the $asilis) !ith one hand and #lung do!n its li%" $ody. The other t!o $asilis)s hissed !ith rage. 3ne s"rang at 5ran)* $ut he )noc)ed it aside !ith the $utt o# his s"ear. The other sna)e $elched #ire directly in the s)eleton,s #ace. The !arrior %arched #or!ard and sto%"ed the $asilis),s head under his $oot. 5ran) turned to!ards the last $asilis)* !hich !as curled at the edge o# the clearing studying the%. 5ran),s I%"erial gold s"ear sha#t !as stea%ing $ut* unli)e his $o!* it didn,t see% to $e cru%$ling #ro% the $asilis),s touch. The s)eleton !arrior,s right #oot and hand !ere slo!ly dissol ing #ro% "oison. His head !as on #ire* $ut other!ise he loo)ed "retty good. The $asilis) did the s%art thing. It turned to #lee. In a $lur o# %otion* the s)eleton "ulled so%ething #ro% his shirt and #lung it across the clearing* i%"aling the $asilis) in the dirt. 5ran) thought it !as a )ni#e. Then he reali(ed it !as one o# the s)eleton,s o!n ri$s. 5ran) !as glad his sto%ach !as e%"ty. <That 7 that !as gross., The s)eleton stu%$led o er to the $asilis). It "ulled out its ri$ and used it to cut o## the creature,s head. The $asilis) dissol ed into ashes. Then the s)eleton deca"itated the other t!o %onster carcasses and )ic)ed all the ashes to dis"erse the%. 5ran) re%e%$ered the t!o gorgons in the Ti$er . the !ay the ri er had "ulled a"art their re%ains to )ee" the% #ro% re-#or%ing. <>ou,re %a)ing sure they don,t co%e $ac)*, 5ran) reali(ed. <3r slo!ing the% do!n* any!ay., The s)eleton !arrior stood at attention in #ront o# 5ran).

Its "oisoned #oot and hand !ere %ostly gone. Its head !as still $urning. <What . !hat are you-, 5ran) as)ed. He !anted to add* Please don,t hurt %e. The s)eleton saluted !ith its stu%" o# a hand. Then it $egan to cru%$le* sin)ing $ac) into the ground. <Wait=, 5ran) said. <I don,t e en )no! !hat to call you= Tooth 'an- &ones- 6rey-, As its #ace disa""eared $eneath the dirt* the !arrior see%ed to grin at the last na%e . or %ay$e that !as +ust its s)eletal teeth sho!ing. Then it !as gone* lea ing 5ran) alone !ith his "ointless s"ear. <6rey*, he %uttered. <3)ay 7 $ut 7, He e1a%ined the ti" o# his s"ear. Already* a ne! dragon tooth !as starting to gro! out o# the golden sha#t. >ou get three charges out o# it* 'ars had said* so use it !isely. 5ran) heard #ootste"s $ehind hi%. Percy and Ha(el ran into the clearing. Percy loo)ed $etter* e1ce"t he !as carrying a tie-dyed %an satchel #ro% R.3.5.L. . de#initely not his style. Ri"tide !as in his hand. Ha(el had dra!n her s"atha. <Are you o)ay-, she as)ed. Percy turned in a circle* loo)ing #or ene%ies. <Iris told us you !ere out here $attling the $asilis)s $y yoursel#* and !e !ere* li)e* What- We ca%e as #ast as !e could. What ha""ened-, <I,% not sure*, 5ran) ad%itted. Ha(el crouched ne1t to the earth !here 6rey had disa""eared. <I sense death. Either %y $rother has $een here or 7 the $asilis)s are dead-, Percy stared at hi% in a!e. <>ou )illed the% all-, 5ran) s!allo!ed. He already #elt li)e enough o# a %is#it !ithout trying to e1"lain his ne! undead %inion. Three charges. 5ran) could call on 6rey t!ice %ore. &ut he,d sensed %ale olence in the s)eleton. It !as no "et. It !as a icious* undead )illing #orce* $arely controlled $y the "o!er o# 'ars. 5ran) got the #eeling it !ould do !hat he said . $ut i# his #riends ha""ened to $e in the line

o# #ire* oh !ell. And i# 5ran) !as a little slo! gi ing it directions it %ight start )illing !hate er !as in its "ath* including its %aster. 'ars had told hi% the s"ear !ould gi e hi% $reathing roo% until he learned to use his %other,s talents. Which %eant 5ran) needed to learn those talents . #ast. <Than)s a lot* Dad*, he gru%$led. <What-, Ha(el as)ed. <5ran)* are you o)ay-, <I,ll e1"lain later*, he said. <Right no!* there,s a $lind %an in Portland !e, e got to see.,



PER0> ALREAD> 5ELT LIKE THE la%est de%igod in the history o# la%e. The $ag !as the #inal insult. They,d le#t R.3.5.L. in a hurry* so %ay$e Iris hadn,t %eant the $ag as a criticis%. She,d 4uic)ly stu##ed it !ith ita%in-enriched "astries* dried #ruit leather* %acro$iotic $ee# +er)y and a #e! crystals #or good luc). Then she,d sho ed it at Percy8 Here* you,ll need this. 3h* that loo)s good. The hand$ag . sorry* %asculine accessory $ag . !as rain$o! tie-dyed !ith a "eace sy%$ol stitched in !ooden $eads and the slogan Hug the Whole World. Percy !ished it said Hug the 0o%%ode. He #elt li)e the $ag !as a co%%ent on his %assi e* incredi$le uselessness. As they sailed north* he "ut the %an satchel as #ar a!ay #ro% hi% as he could* $ut the $oat !as s%all. He couldn,t $elie e ho! he,d $ro)en do!n !hen his #riends had needed hi%. 5irst* he,d $een du%$ enough to lea e the% alone !hen he had run $ac) to the $oat* and Ha(el had $een )idna""ed. Then he,d !atched that ar%y %arching south and had so%e )ind o# ner ous $rea)do!n. E%$arrassing- >eah. &ut he couldn,t hel" it. When he,d seen those e il centaurs and 0yclo"es* it had see%ed so !rong* so $ac)!ards* that he thought his head !ould e1"lode. And the giant Poly$otes 7 that giant had gi en hi% a #eeling the o""osite o# !hat he #elt !hen he stood in the ocean. Percy,s energy had drained out o# hi%* lea ing hi% !ea) and #e erish* li)e his insides !ere eroding. Iris,s %edicinal tea had hel"ed his $ody #eel $etter* $ut his %ind still hurt. He,d heard stories a$out a%"utees !ho had "hanto% "ains !here their %issing legs and ar%s used to $e. That,s ho! his %ind #elt . li)e his %issing %e%ories !ere aching. Worst o# all* the #urther north Percy !ent* the %ore those

%e%ories #aded. He had started to #eel $etter at 0a%" /u"iter* re%e%$ering rando% na%es and #aces. &ut no! e en Anna$eth,s #ace !as getting di%%er. At R.3.5.L.* !hen he,d tried to send an Iris-%essage to Anna$eth* 5leecy had +ust sha)en her head sadly. It,s li)e you,re dialling so%e$ody* she said* $ut you, e #orgotten the nu%$er. 3r so%eone is +a%%ing the signal. Sorry* dear. I +ust can,t connect you. He !as terri#ied that he,d lose Anna$eth,s #ace co%"letely !hen he got to Alas)a. 'ay$e he,d !a)e u" one day and not re%e%$er her na%e. Still* he had to concentrate on the 4uest. The sight o# that ene%y ar%y had sho!n hi% !hat they !ere u" against. It !as early in the %orning o# CJ /une* no!. They had to get to Alas)a* #ind Thanatos* locate the legion,s standard and %a)e it $ac) to 0a%" /u"iter $y the e ening o# CR /une. 5our days. 'ean!hile* the ene%y had only a #e! hundred %iles to %arch. Percy guided the $oat through the strong currents o## the northern 0ali#ornia coast. The !ind !as cold* $ut it #elt good* clearing so%e o# the con#usion #ro% his head. He $ent his !ill to "ush the $oat as hard as he could. The hull rattled as the Pa1 "loughed its !ay north. 'ean!hile* Ha(el and 5ran) traded stories a$out the e ents at Rain$o! 3rganic 5oods. 5ran) e1"lained a$out the $lind seer Phineas in Portland* and ho! Iris had said that he %ight $e a$le to tell the% !here to #ind Thanatos. 5ran) !ouldn,t say ho! he had %anaged to )ill the $asilis)s* $ut Percy got the #eeling it had so%ething to do !ith the $ro)en "oint o# his s"ear. Whate er had ha""ened* 5ran) sounded %ore scared o# the s"ear than the $asilis)s. When he !as done* Ha(el told 5ran) a$out their ti%e !ith 5leecy. <So this Iris-%essage !or)ed-, 5ran) as)ed. Ha(el ga e Percy a sy%"athetic loo). She didn,t %ention his #ailure to contact Anna$eth. <I got in touch !ith Reyna*, she said. <>ou,re su""osed to thro! a coin into a rain$o! and say this incantation* li)e 3

Iris* goddess o# the rain$o!* acce"t %y o##ering. E1ce"t 5leecy )ind o# changed it. She ga e us her . !hat did she call it . her direct nu%$er- So I had to say* 3 5leecy* do %e a solid. Sho! Reyna at 0a%" /u"iter. I #elt )ind o# stu"id* $ut it !or)ed. Reyna,s i%age a""eared in the rain$o!* li)e in a t!o-!ay ideo call. She !as in the $aths. Scared her out o# her %ind., <That I !ould, e "aid to see*, 5ran) said. <I %ean . her e1"ression. Not* you )no!* the $aths., <5ran)=, Ha(el #anned her #ace li)e she needed air. It !as an old-#ashioned gesture* $ut cute* so%eho!. <Any!ay* !e told Reyna a$out the ar%y* $ut* li)e Percy said* she "retty %uch already )ne!. It doesn,t change anything. She,s doing !hat she can to shore u" the de#ences. 2nless !e unleash Death* and get $ac) !ith the eagle ., <The ca%" can,t stand against that ar%y*, 5ran) #inished. <Not !ithout hel"., A#ter that* they sailed in silence. Percy )e"t thin)ing a$out 0yclo"es and centaurs. He thought a$out Anna$eth* the satyr 6ro er and his drea% o# a giant !arshi" under construction. >ou ca%e #ro% so%e!here* Reyna had said. Percy !ished he could re%e%$er. He could call #or hel". 0a%" /u"iter shouldn,t ha e to #ight alone against the giants. There %ust $e allies out there. He #ingered the $eads on his nec)lace* the lead "ro$atio ta$let and the sil er ring Reyna had gi en hi%. 'ay$e in Seattle he,d $e a$le to tal) to her sister* Hylla. She %ight send hel" . assu%ing she didn,t )ill Percy on sight. A#ter a #e! %ore hours o# na igating* Percy,s eyes started to droo". He !as a#raid he,d "ass out #ro% e1haustion. Then he caught a $rea). A )iller !hale sur#aced ne1t to the $oat* and Percy struc) u" a %ental con ersation !ith hi%. It !asn,t e1actly li)e tal)ing* $ut it !ent so%ething li)e this8 0ould you gi e us a ride north* Percy as)ed* li)e as close to Portland as "ossi$le-

Eat seals* the !hale res"onded. Are you seals- No* Percy ad%itted. I, e got a %an satchel #ull o# %acro$iotic $ee# +er)y* though. The !hale shuddered. Pro%ise not to #eed %e this* and I !ill ta)e you north. Deal. Soon Percy had %ade a %a)eshi#t ro"e harness and stra""ed it round the !hale,s u""er $ody. They s"ed north under !hale-"o!er* and at Ha(el and 5ran),s insistence Percy settled in #or a na". His drea%s !ere as dis+ointed and scary as e er. He i%agined hi%sel# on 'ount Ta%al"ais* north o# San 5rancisco* #ighting at the old Titan stronghold. That didn,t %a)e sense. He hadn,t $een !ith the Ro%ans !hen they had attac)ed* $ut he sa! it all clearly8 a Titan in ar%our* Anna$eth and t!o other girls #ighting at Percy,s side. 3ne o# the girls died in the $attle. Percy )nelt o er her* !atching as she dissol ed into stars. Then he sa! the giant !arshi" in its dry doc). The $ron(e dragon #igurehead glinted in the %orning light. The riggings and ar%a%ents !ere co%"lete* $ut so%ething !as !rong. A hatch in the dec) !as o"en* and s%o)e "oured #ro% so%e )ind o# engine. A $oy !ith curly $lac) hair !as cursing as he "ounded the engine !ith a !rench. T!o other de%igods s4uatted ne1t to hi%* !atching !ith concern. 3ne !as a teenage guy !ith short $lond hair. The other !as a girl !ith long dar) hair. <>ou reali(e it,s the solstice*, the girl said. <We,re su""osed to lea e today., <I )no! that=, The curly-haired %echanic !hac)ed the engine a #e! %ore ti%es. <0ould $e the #i((roc)ets. 0ould $e the sa%o"hlange. 0ould $e 6aia %essing !ith us again. I,% not sure=, <Ho! long-, the $lond guy as)ed. <T!o* three days-, <They %ay not ha e that long*, the girl !arned. So%ething told Percy that she %eant 0a%" /u"iter. Then the scene shi#ted again. He sa! a $oy and his dog roa%ing o er the yello! hills

o# 0ali#ornia. &ut* as the i%age $eca%e clearer* Percy reali(ed it !asn,t a $oy. It !as a 0yclo"s in ragged +eans and a #lannel shirt. The dog !as a sha%$ling %ountain o# $lac) #ur* easily as $ig as a rhino. The 0yclo"s carried a %assi e clu$ o er his shoulder* $ut Percy didn,t #eel that he !as an ene%y. He )e"t yelling Percy,s na%e* calling hi% 7 $rother<He s%ells #urther a!ay*, the 0yclo"s %oaned to the dog. <Why does he s%ell #urther-, <R335=, the dog $ar)ed* and Percy,s drea% changed again. He sa! a range o# sno!y %ountains* so tall they $ro)e the clouds. 6aia,s slee"ing #ace a""eared in the shado!s o# the roc)s. Such a alua$le "a!n* she said soothingly. Do not #ear* Percy /ac)son. 0o%e north= >our #riends !ill die* yes. &ut I !ill "reser e you #or no!. I ha e great "lans #or you. In a alley $et!een the %ountains lay a %assi e #ield o# ice. The edge "lunged into the sea* hundreds o# #eet $elo!* !ith sheets o# #rost constantly cru%$ling into the !ater. 3n to" o# the ice #ield stood a legion ca%" . ra%"arts* %oats* to!ers* $arrac)s* +ust li)e 0a%" /u"iter e1ce"t three ti%es as large. At the crossroads outside the "rinci"ia* a #igure in dar) ro$es stood shac)led to the ice. Percy,s ision s!e"t "ast hi%* into the head4uarters. There* in the gloo%* sat a giant e en $igger than Poly$otes. His s)in glinted gold. Dis"layed $ehind hi% !ere the tattered* #ro(en $anners o# a Ro%an legion* including a large* golden eagle !ith its !ings s"read. We a!ait you* the giant,s oice $oo%ed. While you #u%$le your !ay north* trying to #ind %e* %y ar%ies !ill destroy your "recious ca%"s . #irst the Ro%ans* then the others. >ou cannot !in* little de%igod. Percy lurched a!a)e in cold grey daylight* rain #alling on his #ace. <I thought I sle"t hea ily*, Ha(el said. <Welco%e to Portland., Percy sat u" and $lin)ed. The scene around hi% !as so di##erent #ro% his drea% that he !asn,t sure !hich !as

real. The Pa1 #loated on an iron-$lac) ri er through the %iddle o# a city. Hea y clouds hung lo! o erhead. The cold rain !as so light it see%ed sus"ended in the air. 3n Percy,s le#t !ere industrial !arehouses and railroad trac)s. To his right !as a s%all do!nto!n area . an al%ost cosy-loo)ing cluster o# to!ers $et!een the $an)s o# the ri er and a line o# %isty #orested hills. Percy ru$$ed the slee" out o# his eyes. <Ho! did !e get here-, 5ran) ga e hi% a loo) li)e* >ou !on,t $elie e this. <The )iller !hale too) us as #ar as the 0olu%$ia Ri er. Then he "assed the harness to a cou"le o# t!el e-#oot sturgeons., Percy thought 5ran) had said surgeons. He had this !eird i%age o# giant doctors in scru$s and #ace %as)s* "ulling their $oat u"strea%. Then he reali(ed 5ran) %eant sturgeons* li)e the #ish. He !as glad he hadn,t said anything. Would ha e $een e%$arrassing* his $eing son o# the sea god and all. <Any!ay*, 5ran) continued* <the sturgeons "ulled us #or a long ti%e. Ha(el and I too) turns slee"ing. Then !e hit this ri er ., <The Willa%ette*, Ha(el o##ered. <Right*, 5ran) said. <A#ter that* the $oat )ind o# too) o er and na igated us here all $y itsel#. Slee" o)ay-, As the Pa1 glided south* Percy told the% a$out his drea%s. He tried to #ocus on the "ositi e8 a !arshi" %ight $e on the !ay to hel" 0a%" /u"iter. A #riendly 0yclo"s and a giant dog !ere loo)ing #or hi%. He didn,t %ention !hat 6aia had said8 >our #riends !ill die. When Percy descri$ed the Ro%an #ort on the ice* Ha(el loo)ed trou$led. <So Alcyoneus is on a glacier*, she said. <That doesn,t narro! it do!n %uch. Alas)a has hundreds o# those., Percy nodded. <'ay$e this seer dude Phineas can tell us !hich one., The $oat doc)ed itsel# at a !har#. The three de%igods stared u" at the $uildings o# dri((ly do!nto!n Portland. 5ran) !i"ed the rain o## his #lat-to" hair. <So no! !e #ind a $lind %an in the rain*, 5ran) said.




IT WASN,T AS HARD AS THE>,D TH326HT. The screa%ing and the !eed !hac)er hel"ed. They,d $rought light!eight Polartec +ac)ets !ith their su""lies* so they $undled u" against the cold rain and !al)ed #or a #e! $loc)s through the %ostly deserted streets. This ti%e Percy !as s%art and $rought %ost o# his su""lies #ro% the $oat. He e en stu##ed the %acro$iotic +er)y in his coat "oc)et* in case he needed to threaten any %ore )iller !hales. They sa! so%e $icycle tra##ic and a #e! ho%eless guys huddled in door!ays* $ut the %a+ority o# Portlanders see%ed to $e staying indoors. As they %ade their !ay do!n 6lisan Street* Percy loo)ed longingly at the #ol)s in the ca#Ss en+oying co##ee and "astries. He !as a$out to suggest that they sto" #or $rea)#ast !hen he heard a oice do!n the street yelling8 <HA= TAKE THAT* ST2PID 0HI0KENS=, #ollo!ed $y the re ing o# a s%all engine and a lot o# s4ua!)ing. Percy glanced at his #riends. <>ou thin) .-, <Pro$a$ly*, 5ran) agreed. They ran to!ards the sounds. The ne1t $loc) o er* they #ound a $ig o"en "ar)ing lot !ith tree-lined side!al)s and ro!s o# #ood truc)s #acing the streets on all #our sides. Percy had seen #ood truc)s $e#ore* $ut ne er so %any in one "lace. So%e !ere si%"le !hite %etal $o1es on !heels* !ith a!nings and ser ing counters. 3thers !ere "ainted $lue or "ur"le or "ol)a-dotted* !ith $ig $anners out #ront and colour#ul %enu $oards and ta$les li)e do-it-yoursel# side!al) ca#Ss. 3ne ad ertised KoreanO-&ra(ilian #usion tacos* !hich sounded li)e so%e )ind o# to"-secret radioacti e cuisine. Another o##ered sushi on a stic). A third !as selling dee"-#ried ice-crea% sand!iches. The s%ell !as a%a(ing . do(ens o# di##erent )itchens coo)ing at once.

Percy,s sto%ach ru%$led. 'ost o# the #ood carts !ere o"en #or $usiness* $ut there !as hardly anyone around. They could get anything they !anted= Dee"-#ried ice crea% sand!iches- 3h* %an* that sounded !ay $etter than !heat ger%. 2n#ortunately* there !as %ore ha""ening than +ust coo)ing. In the centre o# the lot* $ehind all the #ood truc)s* an old %an in a $athro$e !as running around !ith a !eed !hac)er* screa%ing at a #loc) o# $ird-ladies !ho !ere trying to steal #ood o## a "icnic ta$le. <Har"ies*, said Ha(el. <Which %eans ., <That,s Phineas*, 5ran) guessed. They ran across the street and s4uee(ed $et!een the KoreanO&ra(ilian truc) and a 0hinese egg-roll $urrito endor. The $ac)s o# the #ood truc)s !eren,t nearly as a""eti(ing as the #ronts. They !ere cluttered !ith stac)s o# "lastic $uc)ets* o er#lo!ing gar$age cans* and %a)eshi#t clotheslines hung !ith !et a"rons and to!els. The "ar)ing lot itsel# !as nothing $ut a s4uare o# crac)ed as"halt* %ar$led !ith !eeds. In the %iddle !as a "icnic ta$le "iled high !ith #ood #ro% all the di##erent truc)s. The guy in the $athro$e !as old and #at. He !as %ostly $ald* !ith scars across his #orehead and a ri% o# stringy !hite hair. His $athro$e !as s"attered !ith )etchu"* and he )e"t stu%$ling around in #u((y "in) $unny sli""ers* s!inging his gas-"o!ered !eed !hac)er at the hal#-do(en har"ies !ho !ere ho ering o er his "icnic ta$le. He !as clearly $lind. His eyes !ere %il)y !hite* and usually he %issed the har"ies $y a lot* $ut he !as still doing a "retty good +o$ #ending the% o##. <&ac)* dirty chic)ens=, he $ello!ed. Percy !asn,t sure !hy* $ut he had a ague sense that har"ies !ere su""osed to $e "lu%". These loo)ed li)e they !ere star ing. Their hu%an #aces had sun)en eyes and hollo! chee)s. Their $odies !ere co ered in %oulting #eathers* and their !ings !ere ti""ed !ith tiny* shri elled hands. They !ore ragged $urla" sac)s #or dresses. As they di ed #or the #ood* they see%ed %ore des"erate than

angry. Percy #elt sorry #or the%. WHIRRRR= The old %an s!ung his !eed !hac)er. He gra(ed one o# the har"ies, !ings. The har"y yel"ed in "ain and #luttered o##* dro""ing yello! #eathers as she #le!. Another har"y circled higher than the rest. She loo)ed younger and s%aller than the others* !ith $right-red #eathers. She !atched care#ully #or an o"ening* and !hen the old %an,s $ac) !as turned she %ade a !ild di e #or the ta$le. She gra$$ed a $urrito in her cla!ed #eet* $ut* $e#ore she could esca"e* the $lind %an s!ung his !eed !hac)er and s%ac)ed her in the $ac) so hard that Percy !inced. The har"y yel"ed* dro""ed the $urrito and #le! o##. <Hey* sto" it=, Percy yelled. The har"ies too) that the !rong !ay. They glanced o er at the three de%igods and i%%ediately #led. 'ost o# the% #luttered a!ay and "erched in the trees around the s4uare* staring de+ectedly at the "icnic ta$le. The red-#eathered one !ith the hurt $ac) #le! unsteadily do!n 6lisan Street and out o# sight. <Ha=, The $lind %an yelled in triu%"h and )illed the "o!er on his !eed !hac)er. He grinned acantly in Percy,s direction. <Than) you* strangers= >our hel" is %ost a""reciated., Percy $it $ac) his anger. He hadn,t %eant to hel" the old %an* $ut he re%e%$ered that they needed in#or%ation #ro% hi%. <2h* !hate er., He a""roached the old guy* )ee"ing one eye on the !eed !hac)er. <I,% Percy /ac)son. This is ., <De%igods=, the old %an said. <I can al!ays s%ell de%igods., Ha(el #ro!ned. <Do !e s%ell that $ad-, The old %an laughed. <3# course not* %y dear. &ut you,d $e sur"rised ho! shar" %y other senses $eca%e once I !as $linded. I,% Phineas. And you . !ait* don,t tell %e ., He reached #or Percy,s #ace and "o)ed hi% in the eyes. <3!=, Percy co%"lained. <Son o# Ne"tune=, Phineas e1clai%ed. <I thought I s%elled the ocean on you* Percy /ac)son. I,% also a son

o# Ne"tune* you )no!., <Hey 7 yeah. 3)ay., Percy ru$$ed his eyes. /ust his luc) he !as related to this gru$$y old dude. He ho"ed all sons o# Ne"tune didn,t share the sa%e #ate. 5irst* you start carrying a %an satchel. Ne1t thing you )no!* you,re running around in a $athro$e and "in) $unny sli""ers* chasing chic)ens !ith a !eed !hac)er. Phineas turned to Ha(el. <And here 7 3h %y* the s%ell o# gold and dee" earth. Ha(el Le es4ue* daughter o# Pluto. And ne1t to you . the son o# 'ars. &ut there,s %ore to your story* 5ran) Phang ., <Ancient $lood*, 5ran) %uttered. <Prince o# Pylos. &lah* $lah* $lah., <Pericly%enus* e1actly= 3h* he !as a nice #ello!. I lo ed the Argonauts=, 5ran),s %outh #ell o"en. <W-!ait. Perry !ho-, Phineas grinned. <Don,t !orry. I )no! a$out your #a%ily. That story a$out your greatgrand#ather- He didn,t really destroy the ca%". No!* !hat an interesting grou". Are you hungry-, 5ran) loo)ed li)e he,d $een run o er $y a truc)* $ut Phineas had already %o ed on to other %atters. He !a ed his hand at the "icnic ta$le. In the near$y trees* the har"ies shrie)ed %isera$ly. As hungry as Percy !as* he couldn,t stand to thin) a$out eating !ith those "oor $ird ladies !atching hi%. <Loo)* I,% con#used*, Percy said. <We need so%e in#or%ation. We !ere told ., <. that the har"ies !ere )ee"ing %y #ood a!ay #ro% %e*, Phineas #inished* <and* i# you hel"ed %e* I,d hel" you., <So%ething li)e that*, Percy ad%itted. Phineas laughed. <That,s old ne!s. Do I loo) li)e I,% %issing any %eals-, He "atted his $elly* !hich !as the si(e o# an o erin#lated $as)et$all. <2% 7 no*, Percy said. Phineas !a ed his !eed !hac)er in an e1"ansi e gesture. All three o# the% duc)ed. <Things ha e changed* %y #riends=, he said. <When I #irst

got the gi#t o# "ro"hecy* aeons ago* it,s true /u"iter cursed %e. He sent the har"ies to steal %y #ood. >ou see* I had a $it o# a $ig %outh. I ga e a!ay too %any secrets that the gods !anted )e"t., He turned to Ha(el. <5or instance* you,re su""osed to $e dead. And you ., He turned to 5ran). <>our li#e de"ends on a $urnt stic)., Percy #ro!ned. <What are you tal)ing a$out-, Ha(el $lin)ed li)e she,d $een sla""ed. 5ran) loo)ed li)e the truc) had $ac)ed u" and run o er hi% again. <And you*, Phineas turned to Percy* <!ell no!* you don,t e en )no! !ho you are= I could tell you* o# course* $ut 7 ha= What #un !ould that $e- And &rigid 3,Shaughnessy shot 'iles Archer in The 'altese 5alcon. And Darth :ader is actually Lu)e,s #ather. And the !inner o# the ne1t Su"er &o!l !ill $e ., <6ot it*, 5ran) %uttered. Ha(el gri""ed her s!ord li)e she !as te%"ted to "o%%el-!hi" the old %an. <So you tal)ed too %uch* and the gods cursed you. Why did they sto"-, <3h* they didn,t=, The old %an arched his $ushy eye$ro!s li)e* 0an you $elie e it- <I had to %a)e a deal !ith the Argonauts. They !anted in#or%ation* too* you see. I told the% to )ill the har"ies* and I,d coo"erate. Well* they dro e those nasty creatures a!ay* $ut Iris !ouldn,t let the% )ill the har"ies. An outrage= So this ti%e* !hen %y "atron $rought %e $ac) to li#e ., <>our "atron-, 5ran) as)ed. Phineas ga e hi% a !ic)ed grin. <Why* 6aia* o# course. Who do you thin) o"ened the Doors o# Death- >our girl#riend here understands. Isn,t 6aia your "atron* too-, Ha(el dre! her s!ord. <I,% not his . I don,t . 6aia is not %y "atron=, Phineas loo)ed a%used. I# he had heard the s!ord $eing dra!n* he didn,t see% concerned. <5ine* i# you !ant to $e no$le and stic) !ith the losing side* that,s your $usiness. &ut 6aia is !a)ing. She,s already re!ritten the rules o# li#e and death= I,% ali e again* and in e1change #or %y hel" . a "ro"hecy here* a "ro"hecy there . I get %y #ondest !ish. The ta$les ha e $een turned* so to

s"ea). No! I can eat all I !ant* all day long* and the har"ies ha e to !atch and star e., He re ed his !eed !hac)er* and the har"ies !ailed in the trees. <They,re cursed=, the old %an said. <They can eat only #ood #ro% %y ta$le* and they can,t lea e Portland. Since the Doors o# Death are o"en* they can,t e en die. It,s $eauti#ul=, <&eauti#ul-, 5ran) "rotested. <They,re li ing creatures. Why are you so %ean to the%-, <They,re %onsters=, Phineas said. <And %ean- Those #eather-$rained de%ons tor%ented %e #or years=, <&ut it !as their duty*, Percy said* trying to control hi%sel#. </u"iter ordered the% to., <3h* I,% %ad at /u"iter* too*, Phineas agreed. <In ti%e* 6aia !ill see that the gods are "ro"erly "unished. Horri$le +o$ they, e done* ruling the !orld. &ut* #or no!* I,% en+oying Portland. The %ortals ta)e no notice o# %e. They thin) I,% +ust a cra(y old %an shooing a!ay "igeons=, Ha(el ad anced on the seer. <>ou,re a!#ul=, she told Phineas. <>ou $elong in the 5ields o# Punish%ent=, Phineas sneered. <3ne dead "erson to another* girlie- I !ouldn,t $e tal)ing. >ou started this !hole thing= I# it !eren,t #or you* Alcyoneus !ouldn,t $e ali e=, Ha(el stu%$led $ac). <Ha(el-, 5ran),s eyes got as !ide as 4uarters. <What,s he tal)ing a$out-, <Ha=, Phineas said. <>ou,ll #ind out soon enough* 5ran) Phang. Then !e,ll see i# you,re still s!eet on your girl#riend. &ut that,s not !hat you,re here a$out* is it- >ou !ant to #ind Thanatos. He,s $eing )e"t at Alcyoneus,s lair. I can tell you !here that is. 3# course I can. &ut you,ll ha e to do %e a #a our., <5orget it*, Ha(el sna""ed. <>ou,re !or)ing #or the ene%y. We should send you $ac) to the 2nder!orld oursel es., <>ou could try., Phineas s%iled. <&ut I dou$t I,d stay dead ery long. >ou see* 6aia has sho!n %e the easy

!ay $ac). And !ith Thanatos in chains there,s no one to )ee" %e do!n= &esides* i# you )ill %e* you !on,t get %y secrets., Percy !as te%"ted to let Ha(el use her s!ord. In #act he !anted to strangle the old %an hi%sel#. 0a%" /u"iter* he told hi%sel#. Sa ing the ca%" is %ore i%"ortant. He re%e%$ered Alcyoneus taunting hi% in his drea%s. I# they !asted ti%e searching through Alas)a loo)ing #or the giant,s lair* 6aia,s ar%ies !ould destroy the Ro%ans 7 and Percy,s other #riends* !here er they !ere. He gritted his teeth. <What,s the #a our-, Phineas lic)ed his li"s greedily. <There,s one har"y !ho,s 4uic)er than the rest., <The red one*, Percy guessed. <I,% $lind= I don,t )no! colours=, the old %an groused. <At any rate* she,s the only one I ha e trou$le !ith. She,s !ily* that one. Al!ays does her o!n thing* ne er roosts !ith the others. She ga e %e these., He "ointed at the scars on his #orehead. <0a"ture that har"y*, he said. <&ring her to %e. I !ant her tied u" !here I can )ee" an eye on her 7 ah* so to s"ea). Har"ies hate $eing tied u". It causes the% e1tre%e "ain. >es* I,ll en+oy that. 'ay$e I,ll e en #eed her so that she lasts longer., Percy loo)ed at his #riends. They ca%e to a silent agree%ent8 they !ould ne er hel" this cree"y old %an. 3n the other hand* they had to get his in#or%ation. They needed a Plan &. <3h* go tal) a%ong yoursel es*, Phineas said $ree(ily. <I don,t care. /ust re%e%$er that !ithout %y hel" your 4uest !ill #ail. And e eryone you lo e in the !orld !ill die. No!* o## !ith you= &ring %e a har"y=,



<WE,LL NEED S3'E 35 >32R 533D., Percy shouldered his !ay around the old %an and snatched stu## o## the "icnic ta$le . a co ered $o!l o# Thai noodles in %ac-and-cheese sauce* and a tu$ular "astry that loo)ed li)e a co%$ination $urrito and cinna%on roll. &e#ore he could lose control and s%ash the $urrito in Phineas,s #ace* Percy said* <0o%e on* guys., He led his #riends out o# the "ar)ing lot. They sto""ed across the street. Percy too) a dee" $reath* trying to cal% do!n. The rain had slo!ed to a hal#-hearted dri((le. The cold %ist #elt good on his #ace. <That %an 7, Ha(el s%ac)ed the side o# a $us-sto" $ench. <He needs to die. Again., It !as hard to tell in the rain* $ut she see%ed to $e $lin)ing $ac) tears. Her long curly hair !as "lastered do!n the sides o# her #ace. In the grey light* her gold eyes loo)ed %ore li)e tin. Percy re%e%$ered ho! con#ident she,d acted !hen they #irst %et . ta)ing control o# the situation !ith the gorgons and ushering hi% to sa#ety. She,d co%#orted hi% at the shrine o# Ne"tune and %ade hi% #eel !elco%e at ca%". No! he !anted to return the #a our* $ut he !asn,t sure ho!. She loo)ed lost* $edraggled and thoroughly de"ressed. Percy !asn,t sur"rised that she had co%e $ac) #ro% the 2nder!orld. He,d sus"ected that #or a !hile . the !ay she a oided tal)ing a$out her "ast* the !ay Nico di Angelo had $een so secreti e and cautious. &ut that didn,t change ho! Percy sa! her. She see%ed 7 !ell* ali e* li)e a regular )id !ith a good heart* !ho deser ed to gro! u" and ha e a #uture. She !asn,t a ghoul li)e Phineas. <We,ll get hi%*, Percy "ro%ised. <He,s nothing li)e you*

Ha(el. I don,t care !hat he says., She shoo) her head. <>ou don,t )no! the !hole story. I should ha e $een sent to Punish%ent. I . I,% +ust as $ad ., <No* you,re not=, 5ran) $alled his #ists. He loo)ed around li)e he !as searching #or any$ody !ho %ight disagree !ith hi% . ene%ies he could hit #or Ha(el,s sa)e. <She,s a good "erson=, he yelled across the street. A #e! har"ies s4ua!)ed in the trees* $ut no one else "aid the% any attention. Ha(el stared at 5ran). She reached out tentati ely* as i# she !anted to ta)e his hand $ut !as a#raid he %ight e a"orate. <5ran) 7, she sta%%ered. <I . I don,t 7, 2n#ortunately* 5ran) see%ed !ra""ed u" in his o!n thoughts. He slung his s"ear o## his $ac) and gri""ed it uneasily. <I could inti%idate that old %an*, he o##ered* <%ay$e scare hi% ., <5ran)* it,s o)ay*, Percy said. <Let,s )ee" that as a $ac)-u" "lan* $ut I don,t thin) Phineas can $e scared into coo"erating. &esides* you, e only got t!o %ore uses out o# the s"ear* right-, 5ran) sco!led at the dragon,s-tooth "oint* !hich had gro!n $ac) co%"letely o ernight. <>eah. I guess 7, Percy !asn,t sure !hat the old seer had %eant a$out 5ran),s #a%ily history . his greatgrand#ather destroying ca%"* his Argonaut ancestor and the $it a$out a $urnt stic) controlling 5ran),s li#e. &ut it had clearly sha)en 5ran) u". Percy decided not to as) #or e1"lanations. He didn,t !ant the $ig guy reduced to tears* es"ecially in #ront o# Ha(el. <I, e got an idea., Percy "ointed u" the street. <The red-#eathered har"y !ent that !ay. Let,s see i# !e can get her to tal) to us., Ha(el loo)ed at the #ood in his hands. <>ou,re going to use that as $ait-, <'ore li)e a "eace o##ering*, Percy said. <0o%e on. /ust try to )ee" the other har"ies #ro% stealing this stu##* o)ay-,

Percy unco ered the Thai noodles and un!ra""ed the cinna%on $urrito. 5ragrant stea% !a#ted into the air. They !al)ed do!n the street* Ha(el and 5ran) !ith their !ea"ons out. The har"ies #luttered a#ter the%* "erching on trees* %ail$o1es and #lag"oles* #ollo!ing the s%ell o# #ood. Percy !ondered !hat the %ortals sa! through the 'ist. 'ay$e they thought the har"ies !ere "igeons and the !ea"ons !ere lacrosse stic)s or so%ething. 'ay$e they +ust thought the Thai %ac and cheese !as so good it needed an ar%ed escort. Percy )e"t a tight gri" on the #ood. He,d seen ho! 4uic)ly the har"ies could snatch things. He didn,t !ant to lose his "eace o##ering $e#ore he #ound the red-#eathered har"y. 5inally he s"otted her* circling a$o e a stretch o# "ar)land that ran #or se eral $loc)s $et!een ro!s o# old stone $uildings. Paths stretched through the "ar) under huge %a"le and el% trees* "ast scul"tures and "laygrounds and shady $enches. The "lace re%inded Percy o# 7 so%e other "ar). 'ay$e in his ho%eto!n- He couldn,t re%e%$er* $ut it %ade hi% #eel ho%esic). They crossed the street and #ound a $ench to sit on* ne1t to a $ig $ron(e scul"ture o# an ele"hant. <Loo)s li)e Hanni$al*, Ha(el said. <E1ce"t it,s 0hinese*, 5ran) said. <'y grand%other has one o# those., He #linched. <I %ean* hers isn,t t!el e #eet tall. &ut she i%"orts stu## 7 #ro% 0hina. We,re 0hinese., He loo)ed at Ha(el and Percy* !ho !ere trying hard not to laugh. <0ould I +ust die #ro% e%$arrass%ent no!-, he as)ed. <Don,t !orry a$out it* %an*, Percy said. <Let,s see i# !e can %a)e #riends !ith the har"y., He raised the Thai noodles and #anned the s%ell u"!ard . s"icy "e""ers and cheesy goodness. The red har"y circled lo!er. <We !on,t hurt you*, Percy called u" in a nor%al oice. <We +ust !ant to tal). Thai noodles #or a chance to tal)* o)ay-,

The har"y strea)ed do!n in a #lash o# red and landed on the ele"hant statue. She !as "ain#ully thin. Her #eathery legs !ere li)e stic)s. Her #ace !ould ha e $een "retty e1ce"t #or her sun)en chee)s. She %o ed in +er)y $irdli)e t!itches* her co##ee-$ro!n eyes darting restlessly* her #ingers cla!ing at her "lu%age* her earlo$es* her shaggy red hair. <0heese*, she %uttered* loo)ing side!ays. <Ella doesn,t li)e cheese., Percy hesitated. <>our na%e is Ella-, <Ella. Aella. EHar"yF. In English. In Latin. Ella doesn,t li)e cheese., She said all that !ithout ta)ing a $reath or %a)ing eye contact. Her hands snatched at her hair* her $urla" dress* the raindro"s* !hate er %o ed. Guic)er than Percy could $lin)* she lunged* snatched the cinna%on $urrito* and a""eared ato" the ele"hant again. <6ods* she,s #ast=, Ha(el said. <And hea ily ca##einated*, 5ran) guessed. Ella sni##ed the $urrito. She ni$$led at the edge and shuddered #ro% head to #oot* ca!ing li)e she !as dying. <0inna%on is good*, she "ronounced. <6ood #or har"ies. >u%., She started to eat* $ut the $igger har"ies s!oo"ed do!n. &e#ore Percy could react* they $egan "u%%elling Ella !ith their !ings* snatching at the $urrito. <Nnnnnnooo., Ella tried to hide under her !ings as her sisters ganged u" on her* scratching !ith their cla!s. <N-no*, she stuttered. <N-n-no=, <Sto" it=, Percy yelled. He and his #riends ran to hel"* $ut it !as too late. A $ig yello! har"y gra$$ed the $urrito and the !hole #loc) scattered* lea ing Ella co!ering and shi ering on to" o# the ele"hant. Ha(el touched the har"y,s #oot. <I,% so sorry. Are you o)ay-, Ella "o)ed her head out o# her !ings. She !as still tre%$ling. With her shoulders hunched* Percy could see the $leeding gash on her $ac) !here Phineas had hit her !ith the !eed !hac)er. She "ic)ed at her #eathers* "ulling

out tu#ts o# "lu%age. <S-s%all Ella*, she stuttered angrily. <W-!ea) Ella. No cinna%on #or Ella. 3nly cheese., 5ran) glared across the street* !here the other har"ies !ere sitting in a %a"le tree* tearing the $urrito to shreds. <We,ll get you so%ething else*, he "ro%ised. Percy set do!n the Thai noodles. He reali(ed that Ella !as di##erent* e en #or a har"y. &ut a#ter !atching her get "ic)ed on* he !as sure o# one thing8 !hate er else ha""ened* he !as going to hel" her. <Ella*, he said* <!e !ant to $e your #riends. We can get you %ore #ood* $ut ., <5riends*, Ella said. <ETen seasons. JDDR to C@@R.F, She glanced side!ays at Percy* then loo)ed in the air and started reciting to the clouds. <EA hal#-$lood o# the eldest gods* shall reach si1teen against all odds.F Si1teen. >ou,re si1teen. Page si1teen* 'astering the Art o# 5rench 0oo)ing. EIngredients8 &acon* &utter.F, Percy,s ears !ere ringing. He #elt di((y* li)e he,d +ust "lunged a hundred #eet under!ater and $ac) u" again. <Ella 7 !hat !as that you said-, <E&acon.F, She caught a raindro" out o# the air. <E&utter.F, <No* $e#ore that. Those lines 7 I )no! those lines., Ne1t to hi%* Ha(el shi ered. <It does sound #a%iliar* li)e 7 I don,t )no!* li)e a "ro"hecy. 'ay$e it,s so%ething she heard Phineas say-, At the na%e Phineas* Ella s4ua!)ed in terror and #le! a!ay. <Wait=, Ha(el called. <I didn,t %ean . 3h* gods* I,% stu"id., <It,s all right., 5ran) "ointed. <Loo)., Ella !asn,t %o ing as 4uic)ly no!. She #la""ed her !ay to the to" o# a three-storey red$ric) $uilding and scuttled out o# sight o er the roo#. A single red #eather #luttered do!n to the street. <>ou thin) that,s her nest-, 5ran) s4uinted at the sign on the $uilding. <'ultno%ah 0ounty Li$rary-, Percy nodded. <Let,s see i# it,s o"en., They ran across the street and into the lo$$y. A li$rary !ouldn,t ha e $een Percy,s #irst choice #or

so%e"lace to isit. With his dysle1ia* he had enough trou$le reading signs. A !hole $uilding #ull o# $oo)s- That sounded a$out as %uch #un as 0hinese !ater torture or getting his teeth e1tracted. As they +ogged through the lo$$y* Percy #igured Anna$eth !ould li)e this "lace. It !as s"acious and $rightly lit* !ith $ig aulted !indo!s. &oo)s and architecture* that !as de#initely her 7 He #ro(e in his trac)s. <Percy-, 5ran) as)ed. <What,s !rong-, Percy tried des"erately to concentrate. Where had those thoughts co%e #ro%- Architecture* $oo)s 7 Anna$eth had ta)en hi% to the li$rary once* $ac) ho%e in . in . The %e%ory #aded. Percy sla%%ed his #ist into the side o# a $oo)shel#. <Percy-, Ha(el as)ed gently. He !as so angry* so #rustrated !ith his %issing %e%ories* that he !anted to "unch another $oo)shel#* $ut his #riends, concerned #aces $rought hi% $ac) to the "resent. <I,% . I,% all right*, he lied. </ust got di((y #or a sec. Let,s #ind a !ay to the roo#., It too) the% a !hile* $ut they #inally #ound a stair!ell !ith roo# access. At the to" !as a door !ith a handle alar%* $ut so%eone had "ro""ed it o"en !ith a co"y o# War and Peace. 3utside* Ella the har"y huddled in a nest o# $oo)s under a %a)eshi#t card$oard shelter. Percy and his #riends ad anced slo!ly* trying not to scare her. Ella didn,t "ay the% any attention. She "ic)ed at her #eathers and %uttered under her $reath* li)e she !as "ractising lines #or a "lay. Percy got !ithin #i e #eet and )nelt do!n. <Hi. Sorry !e scared you. Loo)* I don,t ha e %uch #ood* $ut 7, He too) so%e o# the %acro$iotic +er)y out o# his "oc)et. Ella lunged and snatched it i%%ediately. She huddled $ac) in her nest* sni##ing the +er)y* $ut sighed and tossed it a!ay. <N-not #ro% his ta$le. Ella cannot eat. Sad. /er)y !ould $e good #or har"ies.,

<Not #ro% 7 3h* right*, Percy said. <That,s "art o# the curse. >ou can only eat his #ood., <There has to $e a !ay*, Ha(el said. <EPhotosynthesisF*, Ella %uttered. <ENoun. &iology. The synthesis o# co%"le1 organic %aterials.F EIt !as the $est o# ti%es* it !as the !orst o# ti%esI it !as the age o# !isdo%* it !as the age o# #oolishness 7 F, <What is she saying-, 5ran) !his"ered. Percy stared at the %ound o# $oo)s around her. They all loo)ed old and %ilde!ed. So%e had "rices !ritten in %ar)er on the co ers* li)e the li$rary had got rid o# the% in a clearance sale. <She,s 4uoting $oo)s*, Percy guessed. <5ar%er,s Al%anac JDQ?*, Ella said. <EStart $reeding ani%als* /anuary t!enty-si1th.F, <Ella*, he said* <ha e you read all o# these-, She $lin)ed. <'ore. 'ore do!nstairs. Words. Words cal% Ella do!n. Words* !ords* !ords., Percy "ic)ed u" a $oo) at rando% . a tattered co"y o# A History o# Horseracing. <Ella* do you re%e%$er the* u%* third "aragra"h on "age si1ty-t!o ., <ESecretariatF*, Ella said instantly* <E#a oured three to t!o-in the JDKM Kentuc)y Der$y* #inished at standing trac) record o# one #i#ty-nine and t!o #i#ths.F, Percy closed the $oo). His hands !ere sha)ing. <Word #or !ord., <That,s a%a(ing*, Ha(el said. <She,s a genius chic)en*, 5ran) agreed. Percy #elt uneasy. He !as starting to #or% a terri$le idea a$out !hy Phineas !anted to ca"ture Ella* and it !asn,t $ecause she,d scratched hi%. Percy re%e%$ered that line she,d recited* A hal#-$lood o# the eldest gods. He !as sure it !as a$out hi%. <Ella*, he said* <!e,re going to #ind a !ay to $rea) the curse. Would you li)e that-, <EIt,s I%"ossi$leF*, she said. <ERecorded in English $y Perry 0o%o* JDK@.F, <Nothing,s i%"ossi$le*, Percy said. <No!* loo)* I,% going to say his na%e. >ou don,t ha e to run a!ay. We,re going

to sa e you #ro% the curse. We +ust need to #igure out a !ay to $eat 7 Phineas., He !aited #or her to $olt* $ut she +ust shoo) her head igorously. <N-n-no= No Phineas. Ella is 4uic). Too 4uic) #or hi%. &-$ut he !ants to ch-chain Ella. He hurts Ella., She tried to reach the gash on her $ac). <5ran)*, Percy said* <you ha e #irst-aid su""lies-, <3n it., 5ran) $rought out a ther%os #ull o# nectar and e1"lained its healing "ro"erties to Ella. When he scooted closer* she recoiled and started to shrie). Then Ha(el tried* and Ella let her "our so%e nectar on her $ac). The !ound $egan to close. Ha(el s%iled. <See- That,s $etter., <Phineas is $ad*, Ella insisted. <And !eed !hac)ers. And cheese., <A$solutely*, Percy agreed. <We !on,t let hi% hurt you again. We need to #igure out ho! to tric) hi%* though. >ou har"ies %ust )no! hi% $etter than any$ody. Is there any !ay !e can tric) hi%-, <N-no*, Ella said. <Tric)s are #or )ids. ?@ Tric)s to Teach >our Dog* $y So"hie 0ollins* call nu%$er si1-three-si1 ., <3)ay* Ella., Ha(el s"o)e in a soothing oice* li)e she !as trying to cal% a horse. <&ut does Phineas ha e any !ea)nesses-, <&lind. He,s $lind., 5ran) rolled his eyes* $ut Ha(el continued "atiently* <Right. &esides that-, <0hance*, she said. <6a%es o# chance. T!o to one. &ad odds. 0all or #old., Percy,s s"irits rose. <>ou %ean he,s a ga%$ler-, <Phineas s-sees $ig things. Pro"hecies. 5ates. 6od stu##. Not s%all stu##. Rando%. E1citing. And he is $lind., 5ran) ru$$ed his chin. <Any idea !hat she %eans-, Percy !atched the har"y "ic) at her $urla" dress. He #elt incredi$ly sorry #or her* $ut he !as also starting to reali(e +ust ho! s%art she !as. <I thin) I get it*, he said. <Phineas sees the #uture. He )no!s tons o# i%"ortant e ents. &ut he can,t see s%all things . li)e rando% occurrences* s"ontaneous ga%es o#

chance. That %a)es ga%$ling e1citing #or hi%. I# !e can te%"t hi% into %a)ing a $et 7, Ha(el nodded slo!ly. <>ou %ean i# he loses* he has to tell us !here Thanatos is. &ut !hat do !e ha e to !ager- What )ind o# ga%e do !e "lay-, <So%ething si%"le* !ith high sta)es*, Percy said. <Li)e t!o choices. 3ne you li e* one you die. And the "ri(e has to $e so%ething Phineas !ants 7 I %ean* $esides Ella. That,s o## the ta$le., <Sight*, Ella %uttered. <Sight is good #or $lind %en. Healing 7 no"e* no"e. 6aia !on,t do that #or Phineas. 6aia )ee"s Phineas $-$lind* de"endent on 6aia. >e"., 5ran) and Percy e1changed a %eaning#ul loo). <6orgon,s $lood*, they said si%ultaneously. <What-, Ha(el as)ed. 5ran) $rought out the t!o cera%ic ials he,d retrie ed #ro% the Little Ti$er. <Ella,s a genius*, he said. <2nless !e die., <Don,t !orry a$out that*, Percy said. <I, e got a "lan.,



THE 3LD 'AN WAS RI6HT WHERE they,d le#t hi%* in the %iddle o# the #ood truc) "ar)ing lot. He sat on his "icnic $ench !ith his $unny sli""ers "ro""ed u"* eating a "late o# greasy shish )e$a$. His !eed !hac)er !as at his side. His $athro$e !as s%eared !ith $ar$ecue sauce. <Welco%e $ac)=, he called cheer#ully. <I hear the #lutter o# ner ous little !ings. >ou, e $rought %e %y har"y-, <She,s here*, Percy said. <&ut she,s not yours., Phineas suc)ed the grease o## his #ingers. His %il)y eyes see%ed #i1ed on a "oint +ust a$o e Percy,s head. <I see 7 Well* actually* I,% $lind* so I don,t see. Ha e you co%e to )ill %e* then- I# so* good luc) co%"leting your 4uest., <I, e co%e to ga%$le., The old %an,s %outh t!itched. He "ut do!n his shish )e$a$ and leaned to!ards Percy. <A ga%$le 7 ho! interesting. In#or%ation in e1change #or the har"y- Winner ta)e all-, <No*, Percy said. <The har"y isn,t "art o# the deal., Phineas laughed. <Really- Perha"s you don,t understand her alue., <She,s a "erson*, Percy said. <She isn,t #or sale., <3h* "lease= >ou,re #ro% the Ro%an ca%"* aren,t you- Ro%e !as $uilt on sla ery. Don,t get all high and %ighty !ith %e. &esides* she isn,t e en hu%an. She,s a %onster. A !ind s"irit. A %inion o# /u"iter., Ella s4ua!)ed. /ust getting her into the "ar)ing lot had $een a %a+or challenge* $ut no! she started $ac)ing a!ay* %uttering* <E/u"iter. Hydrogen and heliu%. Si1ty-three satellites.F No %inions. No"e., Ha(el "ut her ar% around Ella,s !ings. She see%ed to $e the only one !ho could touch the har"y !ithout causing lots o# screa%ing and t!itching. 5ran) stayed at Percy,s side. He held his s"ear ready*

as i# the old %an %ight charge the%. Percy $rought out the cera%ic ials. <I ha e a di##erent !ager. We, e got t!o #las)s o# gorgon,s $lood. 3ne )ills. 3ne heals. They loo) e1actly the sa%e. E en !e don,t )no! !hich is !hich. I# you choose the right one* it could cure your $lindness., Phineas held out his hands eagerly. <Let %e #eel the%. Let %e s%ell the%., <Not so #ast*, Percy said. <5irst you agree to the ter%s., <Ter%s 7, Phineas !as $reathing shallo!ly. Percy could tell he !as hungry to ta)e the o##er. <Pro"hecy and sight 7 I,d $e unsto""a$le. I could o!n this city. I,d $uild %y "alace here* surrounded $y #ood truc)s. I could ca"ture that har"y %ysel#=, <N-noo*, Ella said ner ously. <No"e* no"e* no"e., A illainous laugh is hard to "ull o## !hen you,re !earing "in) $unny sli""ers* $ut Phineas ga e it his $est shot. <:ery !ell* de%igod. What are your ter%s-, <>ou get to choose a ial*, Percy said. <No uncor)ing* no sni##ing $e#ore you decide., <That,s not #air= I,% $lind., <And I don,t ha e your sense o# s%ell*, Percy countered. <>ou can hold the ials. And I,ll s!ear on the Ri er Sty1 that they loo) identical. They,re e1actly !hat I told you8 gorgon,s $lood* one ial #ro% the le#t side o# the %onster* one #ro% the right. And I s!ear that none o# us )no!s !hich is !hich., Percy loo)ed $ac) at Ha(el. <2h* you,re our 2nder!orld e1"ert. With all this !eird stu## going on !ith Death* is an oath on the Ri er Sty1 still $inding-, <>es*, she said* !ithout hesitation. <To $rea) such a o! 7 Well* +ust don,t do it. There are !orse things than death., Phineas stro)ed his $eard. <So I choose !hich ial to drin). >ou ha e to drin) the other one. We s!ear to drin) at the sa%e ti%e., <Right*, Percy said. <The loser dies* o$ iously*, Phineas said. <That )ind o# "oison !ould "ro$a$ly )ee" e en %e #ro% co%ing $ac)

to li#e 7 #or a long ti%e* at least. 'y essence !ould $e scattered and degraded. So I,% ris)ing 4uite a lot., <&ut i# you !in* you get e erything*, Percy said. <I# I die* %y #riends !ill s!ear to lea e you in "eace and not ta)e re enge. >ou,d ha e your sight $ac)* !hich e en 6aia !on,t gi e you., The old %an,s e1"ression soured. Percy could tell he,d struc) a ner e. Phineas !anted to see. As %uch as 6aia had gi en hi%* he resented $eing )e"t in the dar). <I# I lose*, the old %an said* <I,ll $e dead* una$le to gi e you in#or%ation. Ho! does that hel" you-, Percy !as glad he,d tal)ed this through !ith his #riends ahead o# ti%e. 5ran) had suggested the ans!er. <>ou !rite do!n the location o# Alcyoneus,s lair ahead o# ti%e*, Percy said. <Kee" it to yoursel#* $ut s!ear on the Ri er Sty1 it,s s"eci#ic and accurate. >ou also ha e to s!ear that i# you lose and die* the har"ies !ill $e released #ro% their curse., <Those are high sta)es*, Phineas gru%$led. <>ou #ace death* Percy /ac)son. Wouldn,t it $e si%"ler +ust to hand o er the har"y-, <Not an o"tion., Phineas s%iled slo!ly. <So you are starting to understand her !orth. 3nce I ha e %y sight* I,ll ca"ture her %ysel#* you )no!. Whoe er controls that har"y 7 !ell* I !as a )ing once. This ga%$le could %a)e %e a )ing again., <>ou,re getting ahead o# yoursel#*, Percy said. <Do !e ha e a deal-, Phineas ta""ed his nose thought#ully. <I can,t #oresee the outco%e. Annoying ho! that !or)s. A co%"letely une1"ected ga%$le 7 it %a)es the #uture cloudy. &ut I can tell you this* Percy /ac)son . a $it o# #ree ad ice. I# you sur i e today* you,re not going to li)e your #uture. A $ig sacri#ice is co%ing* and you !on,t ha e the courage to %a)e it. That !ill cost you dearly. It !ill cost the !orld dearly. It %ight $e easier i# you +ust choose the "oison., Percy,s %outh tasted li)e Iris,s sour green tea. He !anted to thin) the old %an !as +ust "syching hi% out* $ut

so%ething told hi% the "rediction !as true. He re%e%$ered /uno,s !arning !hen he,d chosen to go to 0a%" /u"iter8 >ou !ill #eel "ain* %isery and loss $eyond anything you, e e er )no!n. &ut you %ight ha e a chance to sa e your old #riends and #a%ily. In the trees around the "ar)ing lot* the har"ies gathered to !atch as i# they sensed !hat !as at sta)e. 5ran) and Ha(el studied Percy,s #ace !ith concern. He,d assured the% the odds !eren,t as $ad as #i#ty-#i#ty. He did ha e a "lan. 3# course* the "lan could $ac)#ire. His chance o# sur i al %ight $e a hundred "er cent . or (ero. He hadn,t %entioned that. <Do !e ha e a deal-, he as)ed again. Phineas grinned. <I s!ear on the Ri er Sty1 to a$ide $y the ter%s* +ust as you ha e descri$ed the%. 5ran) Phang* you,re the descendant o# an Argonaut. I trust your !ord. I# I !in* do you and your #riend Ha(el s!ear to lea e %e in "eace* and not see) re enge-, 5ran),s hands !ere clenched so tight Percy thought he %ight $rea) his gold s"ear* $ut he %anaged to gru%$le* <I s!ear it on the Ri er Sty1., <I also s!ear*, Ha(el said. <S!ear*, Ella %uttered. <ES!ear not $y the %oon* the inconstant %oon.F, Phineas laughed. <In that case* #ind %e so%ething to !rite !ith. Let,s get started., 5ran) $orro!ed a na")in and a "en #ro% a #ood truc) endor. Phineas scri$$led so%ething on the na")in and "ut it in his $athro$e "oc)et. <I s!ear this is the location o# Alcyoneus,s lair. Not that you,ll li e long enough to read it., Percy dre! his s!ord and s!e"t all the #ood o## the "icnic ta$le. Phineas sat on one side. Percy sat on the other. Phineas held out his hands. <Let %e #eel the ials., Percy ga(ed at the hills in the distance. He i%agined the shado!y #ace o# a slee"ing !o%an. He sent his thoughts into the ground $eneath hi% and ho"ed the goddess !as listening. 3)ay* 6aia* he said. I,% calling your $lu##. >ou say I,% a

alua$le "a!n. >ou say you, e got "lans #or %e* and you,re going to s"are %e until I %a)e it north. Who,s %ore alua$le to you . %e* or this old %an- &ecause one o# us is a$out to die. Phineas curled his #ingers in a gras"ing %otion. <Losing your ner e* Percy /ac)son- Let %e ha e the%., Percy "assed hi% the ials. The old %an co%"ared their !eight. He ran his #ingers along the cera%ic sur#aces. Then he set the% $oth on the ta$le and rested one hand lightly on each. A tre%or "assed through the ground . a %ild earth4ua)e* +ust strong enough to %a)e Percy,s teeth chatter. Ella ca!ed ner ously. The ial on the le#t see%ed to sha)e slightly %ore than the one on the right. Phineas grinned !ic)edly. He closed his #ingers around the le#t-hand ial. <>ou !ere a #ool* Percy /ac)son. I choose this one. No! !e drin)., Percy too) the ial on the right. His teeth !ere chattering. The old %an raised his ial. <A toast to the sons o# Ne"tune., They $oth uncor)ed their ials and dran). I%%ediately* Percy dou$led o er* his throat $urning. His %outh tasted li)e gasoline. <3h* gods*, Ha(el said $ehind hi%. <No"e=, Ella said. <No"e* no"e* no"e., Percy,s ision $lurred. He could see Phineas grinning in triu%"h* sitting u" straighter* $lin)ing his eyes in antici"ation. <>es=, he cried. <Any %o%ent no!* %y sight !ill return=, Percy had chosen !rong. He,d $een stu"id to ta)e such a ris). He #elt li)e $ro)en glass !as !or)ing its !ay through his sto%ach* into his intestines. <Percy=, 5ran) gri""ed his shoulders. <Percy* you can,t die=, He gas"ed #or $reath 7 and suddenly his ision cleared. At the sa%e %o%ent* Phineas hunched o er li)e he,d

$een "unched. <>ou . you can,t=, the old %an !ailed. <6aia* you . you ., He staggered to his #eet and stu%$led a!ay #ro% the ta$le* clutching his sto%ach. <I,% too alua$le=, Stea% ca%e out o# his %outh. A sic)ly yello! a"our rose #ro% his ears* his $eard* his $lind eyes. <2n#air=, he screa%ed. <>ou tric)ed %e=, He tried to cla! the "iece o# "a"er out o# his ro$e "oc)et* $ut his hands cru%$led* his #ingers turning to sand. Percy rose unsteadily. He didn,t #eel cured o# anything in "articular. His %e%ory hadn,t %agically returned. &ut the "ain had sto""ed. <No one tric)ed you*, Percy said. <>ou %ade your choice #reely* and I hold you to your oath., The $lind )ing !ailed in agony. He turned in a circle* stea%ing and slo!ly disintegrating until there !as nothing le#t $ut an old* stained $athro$e and a "air o# $unny sli""ers. <Those*, 5ran) said* <are the %ost disgusting s"oils o# !ar e er., A !o%an,s oice s"o)e in Percy,s %ind. A ga%$le* Percy /ac)son. It !as a slee"y !his"er* !ith +ust a hint o# grudging ad%iration. >ou #orced %e to choose* and you are %ore i%"ortant to %y "lans than the old seer. &ut do not "ress your luc). When your death co%es* I "ro%ise it !ill $e %uch %ore "ain#ul than gorgon,s $lood. Ha(el "rodded the ro$e !ith her s!ord. There !as nothing underneath . no sign that Phineas !as trying to re-#or%. She loo)ed at Percy in a!e. <That !as either the $ra est thing I, e e er seen* or the stu"idest., 5ran) shoo) his head in dis$elie#. <Percy* ho! did you )no!- >ou !ere so con#ident he,d choose the "oison., <6aia*, Percy said. <She !ants %e to %a)e it to Alas)a. She thin)s 7 I,% not sure. She thin)s she can use %e as "art o# her "lan. She in#luenced Phineas to choose the !rong ial., 5ran) stared in horror at the re%ains o# the old %an. <6aia !ould )ill her o!n ser ant rather than you- That,s

!hat you !ere $etting on-, <Plans*, Ella %uttered. <Plans and "lots. The lady in the ground. &ig "lans #or Percy. 'acro$iotic +er)y #or Ella., Percy handed her the !hole $ag o# +er)y and she s4uea)ed !ith +oy. <No"e* no"e* no"e*, she %uttered* hal#-singing. <Phineas* no"e. 5ood and !ords #or Ella* ye"., Percy crouched o er the $athro$e and "ulled the old %an,s note out o# the "oc)et. It read8 H2&&ARD 6LA0IER. All that ris) #or t!o !ords. He handed the note to Ha(el. <I )no! !here that is*, she said. <It,s "retty #a%ous. &ut !e, e got a long* long !ay to go., In the trees around the "ar)ing lot* the other har"ies #inally o erca%e their shoc). They s4ua!)ed !ith e1cite%ent and #le! at the nearest #ood truc)s* di ing through the ser ice !indo!s and raiding the )itchens. 0oo)s shouted in %any languages. Truc)s shoo) $ac) and #orth. 5eathers and #ood $o1es #le! e ery!here. <We,d $etter get $ac) to the $oat*, Percy said. <We,re running out o# ti%e.,



E:EN &E53RE SHE 63T 3N THE &3AT* Ha(el #elt 4ueasy. She )e"t thin)ing a$out Phineas !ith stea% co%ing out o# his eyes* his hands cru%$ling to dust. Percy had assured her that she !asn,t li)e Phineas. &ut she !as. She,d done so%ething e en !orse than tor%ent har"ies. >ou started this !hole thing= Phineas had said. I# it !eren,t #or you* Alcyoneus !ouldn,t $e ali e= As the $oat s"ed do!n the 0olu%$ia Ri er* Ha(el tried to #orget. She hel"ed Ella %a)e a nest out o# old $oo)s and %aga(ines they,d li$erated #ro% the li$rary,s recycling $in. They hadn,t really "lanned on ta)ing the har"y !ith the%* $ut Ella acted li)e the %atter !as decided. <5riends*, she %uttered. <ETen seasons. JDDR to C@@R.F 5riends %elt Phineas and gi e Ella +er)y. Ella !ill go !ith her #riends., No! she !as roosting co%#orta$ly in the stern* ni$$ling $its o# +er)y and reciting rando% lines #ro% 0harles Dic)ens and ?@ Tric)s to Teach >our Dog. Percy )nelt in the $o!* steering the% to!ards the ocean !ith his #rea)y %ind-o er-!ater "o!ers. Ha(el sat ne1t to 5ran) on the centre $ench* their shoulders touching* !hich %ade her #eel as +ittery as a har"y. She re%e%$ered ho! 5ran) stood u" #or her in Portland* shouting* <She,s a good "erson=, li)e he !as ready to ta)e on any$ody !ho denied it. She re%e%$ered the !ay he had loo)ed on the hillside in 'endocino* alone in a clearing o# "oisoned grass !ith his s"ear in hand* #ires $urning all around hi% and the ashes o# three $asilis)s at his #eet. A !ee) ago* i# so%eone had suggested that 5ran) !as a child o# 'ars* Ha(el !ould ha e laughed. 5ran) !as %uch too s!eet and gentle #or that. She had al!ays #elt "rotecti e o# hi% $ecause o# his clu%siness and his

)nac) #or getting into trou$le. Since they,d le#t ca%"* she sa! hi% di##erently. He had %ore courage than she,d reali(ed. He !as the one loo)ing out #or her. She had to ad%it that the change !as )ind o# nice. The ri er !idened into the ocean. The Pa1 turned north. As they sailed* 5ran) )e"t her s"irits u" $y telling her silly +o)es . Why did the 'inotaur cross the road- Ho! %any #auns does it ta)e to change a light$ul$- He "ointed out $uildings along the coastline that re%inded hi% o# "laces in :ancou er. The s)y started to dar)en* the sea turning the sa%e rusty colour as Ella,s !ings. CJ /une !as al%ost o er. The 5east o# 5ortuna !ould ha""en in the e ening* e1actly se enty-t!o hours #ro% no!. 5inally 5ran) $rought out so%e #ood #ro% his "ac) . sodas and %u##ins he,d sca enged #ro% Phineas,s ta$le. He "assed the% around. <It,s o)ay* Ha(el*, he said 4uietly. <'y %o% used to say you shouldn,t try to carry a "ro$le% alone. &ut i# you don,t !ant to tal) a$out it* that,s o)ay., Ha(el too) a sha)y $reath. She !as a#raid to tal) . not +ust $ecause she !as e%$arrassed. She didn,t !ant to $lac) out and sli" into the "ast. <>ou !ere right*, she said* <!hen you guessed I ca%e $ac) #ro% the 2nder!orld. I,% 7 I,% an esca"ee. I shouldn,t $e ali e., She #elt li)e a da% had $ro)en. The story #looded out. She e1"lained ho! her %other had su%%oned Pluto and #allen in lo e !ith the god. She e1"lained her %other,s !ish #or all the riches in the earth* and ho! that had turned into Ha(el,s curse. She descri$ed her li#e in Ne! 3rleans . e erything e1ce"t her $oy#riend Sa%%y. Loo)ing at 5ran)* she couldn,t $ring hersel# to tal) a$out that. She descri$ed the :oice* and ho! 6aia had slo!ly ta)en o er her %other,s %ind. She e1"lained ho! they had %o ed to Alas)a* ho! Ha(el had hel"ed to raise the giant Alcyoneus* and ho! she had died* sin)ing the island into Resurrection &ay.

She )ne! Percy and Ella !ere listening* $ut she s"o)e %ostly to 5ran). When she had #inished* she !as a#raid to loo) at hi%. She !aited #or hi% to %o e a!ay #ro% her* %ay$e tell her she !as a %onster a#ter all. Instead* he too) her hand. <>ou sacri#iced yoursel# to sto" the giant #ro% !a)ing. I could ne er $e that $ra e., She #elt her "ulse thro$$ing in her nec). <It !asn,t $ra ery. I let %y %other die. I coo"erated !ith 6aia too long. I al%ost let her !in., <Ha(el*, said Percy. <>ou stood u" to a goddess all $y yoursel#. >ou did the right 7, His oice trailed o##* as i# he,d had an un"leasant thought. <What ha""ened in the 2nder!orld 7 I %ean* a#ter you died- >ou should, e gone to Elysiu%. &ut i# Nico $rought you $ac) ., <I didn,t go to Elysiu%., Her %outh #elt dry as sand. <Please don,t as) 7, &ut it !as too late. She re%e%$ered her descent into the dar)ness* her arri al on the $an)s o# the Ri er Sty1* and her consciousness $egan to sli". <Ha(el-, 5ran) as)ed. <ESli" Sliding A!ayF*, Ella %uttered. <Nu%$er #i e 2S single. Paul Si%on. 5ran)* go !ith her. Si%on says* 5ran)* go !ith her., Ha(el had no idea !hat Ella !as tal)ing a$out* $ut her ision dar)ened as she clung to 5ran),s hand. She #ound hersel# $ac) in the 2nder!orld* and this ti%e 5ran) !as at her side. They stood in 0haron,s $oat* crossing the Sty1. De$ris s!irled in the dar) !aters . a de#lated $irthday $alloon* a child,s du%%y* a little "lastic $ride and groo% #ro% the to" o# a ca)e . all the re%nants o# hu%an li es cut short. <Wh-!here are !e-, 5ran) stood at her side* shi%%ering !ith a ghostly "ur"le light as i# he,d $eco%e a Lar. <It,s %y "ast., Ha(el #elt strangely cal%. <It,s +ust an echo. Don,t !orry., The $oat%an turned and grinned. 3ne %o%ent he !as a handso%e A#rican %an in an e1"ensi e sil) suit. The ne1t %o%ent he !as a s)eleton in a dar) ro$e. <0ourse you shouldn,t !orry*, he said !ith a &ritish accent. He

addressed Ha(el* as i# he couldn,t see 5ran) at all. <Told you I,d ta)e you across* didn,t I,Sall right you don,t ha e a coin. Wouldn,t $e "ro"er* lea ing Pluto,s daughter on the !rong side o# the ri er., The $oat slid onto a dar) $each. Ha(el led 5ran) to the $lac) gates o# Ere$os. The s"irits "arted #or the%* sensing she !as a child o# Pluto. The giant three-headed dog 0er$erus gro!led in the gloo%* $ut he let the% "ass. Inside the gates* they !al)ed into a large "a ilion and stood $e#ore the +udges, $ench. Three $lac)-ro$ed #igures in golden %as)s stared do!n at Ha(el. 5ran) !hi%"ered. <Who . -, <They,ll decide %y #ate*, she said. <Watch., /ust as $e#ore* the +udges as)ed her no 4uestions. They si%"ly loo)ed into her %ind* "ulling thoughts #ro% her head and e1a%ining the% li)e a collection o# old "hotos. <Th!arted 6aia*, the #irst +udge said. <Pre ented Alcyoneus #ro% !a)ing., <&ut she raised the giant in the #irst "lace*, the second +udge argued. <6uilty o# co!ardice* !ea)ness., <She is young*, said the third +udge. <Her %other,s li#e hung in the $alance., <'y %other., Ha(el #ound the courage to s"ea). <Where is she- What is her #ate-, The +udges regarded her* their golden %as)s #ro(en in cree"y s%iles. <>our %other 7, The i%age o# 'arie Le es4ue shi%%ered a$o e the +udges. She !as #ro(en in ti%e* hugging Ha(el as the ca e colla"sed* her eyes shut tight. <An interesting 4uestion*, the second +udge said. <The di ision o# #ault., <>es*, said the #irst +udge. <The child died #or a no$le cause. She "re ented %any deaths $y delaying the giant,s rise. She had courage to stand against the %ight o# 6aia., <&ut she acted too late*, the third +udge said sadly. <She is guilty o# aiding and a$etting an ene%y o# the gods., <The %other in#luenced her*, said the #irst +udge. <The

child can ha e Elysiu%. Eternal Punish%ent #or 'arie Le es4ue., <No=, Ha(el shouted. <No* "lease= That,s not #air., The +udges tilted their heads in unison. 6old %as)s* Ha(el thought. 6old has al!ays $een cursed #or %e. She !ondered i# the gold !as "oisoning their thoughts so%eho!* so that they,d ne er gi e her a #air trial. <&e!are* Ha(el Le es4ue*, the #irst +udge !arned. <Would you ta)e #ull res"onsi$ility- >ou could lay this guilt on your %other,s soul. That !ould $e reasona$le. >ou !ere destined #or great things. >our %other di erted your "ath. See !hat you %ight ha e $een 7, Another i%age a""eared a$o e the +udges. Ha(el sa! hersel# as a little girl* grinning* !ith her hands co ered in #inger "aint. The i%age aged. Ha(el sa! hersel# gro!ing u" . her hair $eca%e longer* her eyes sadder. She sa! hersel# on her thirteenth $irthday* riding across the #ields on her $orro!ed horse. Sa%%y laughed as he raced a#ter her8 What are you running #ro%- I,% not that ugly* a% I- She sa! hersel# in Alas)a* trudging do!n Third Street in the sno! and dar)ness on her !ay ho%e #ro% school. Then the i%age aged e en %ore. Ha(el sa! hersel# at t!enty. She loo)ed so %uch li)e her %other* her hair gathered $ac) in $raids* her golden eyes #lashing !ith a%use%ent. She !ore a !hite dress . a !edding dress- She !as s%iling so !ar%ly* Ha(el )ne! instincti ely she %ust $e loo)ing at so%eone s"ecial . so%eone she lo ed. The sight didn,t %a)e her #eel $itter. She didn,t e en !onder !ho% she !ould ha e %arried. Instead she thought8 'y %other %ight, e loo)ed li)e this i# she,d let go o# her anger* i# 6aia hadn,t t!isted her. <>ou lost this li#e*, the #irst +udge said si%"ly. <S"ecial circu%stances. Elysiu% #or you. Punish%ent #or your %other., <No*, Ha(el said. <No* it !asn,t all her #ault. She !as %isled. She lo ed %e. At the end* she tried to "rotect %e., <Ha(el*, 5ran) !his"ered. <What are you doing-, She s4uee(ed his hand* urging hi% to $e silent. The

+udges "aid hi% no attention. 5inally the second +udge sighed. <No resolution. Not enough good. Not enough e il., <The $la%e %ust $e di ided*, the #irst +udge agreed. <&oth souls !ill $e consigned to the 5ields o# As"hodel. I,% sorry* Ha(el Le es4ue. >ou could ha e $een a hero., She "assed through the "a ilion* into yello! #ields that !ent on #ore er. She led 5ran) through a cro!d o# s"irits to a gro e o# $lac) "o"lar trees. <>ou ga e u" Elysiu%*, 5ran) said in a%a(e%ent* <so your %other !ouldn,t su##er-, <She didn,t deser e Punish%ent*, Ha(el said. <&ut 7 !hat ha""ens no!-, <Nothing*, Ha(el said. <Nothing 7 #or all eternity., They dri#ted ai%lessly. S"irits around the% chattered li)e $ats . lost and con#used* not re%e%$ering their "ast or e en their na%es. Ha(el re%e%$ered e erything. Perha"s that !as $ecause she !as a daughter o# Pluto* $ut she ne er #orgot !ho she !as* or !hy she !as there. <Re%e%$ering %ade %y a#terli#e harder*, she told 5ran)* !ho still dri#ted ne1t to her as a glo!ing "ur"le Lar. <So %any ti%es I tried to !al) to %y #ather,s "alace 7, She "ointed to a large $lac) castle in the distance. <I could ne er reach it. I can,t lea e the 5ields o# As"hodel., <Did you e er see your %other again-, Ha(el shoo) her head. <She !ouldn,t )no! %e* e en i# I could #ind her. These s"irits 7 it,s li)e an eternal drea% #or the%* an endless trance. This is the $est I could do #or her., Ti%e !as %eaningless* $ut a#ter an eternity* she and 5ran) sat together under a $lac) "o"lar tree* listening to the screa%s #ro% the 5ields o# Punish%ent. In the distance* under the arti#icial sunlight o# Elysiu%* the Isles o# the &lest glittered li)e e%eralds in a s"ar)ling $lue la)e. White sails cut across !ater and the souls o# great heroes $as)ed on the $eaches in "er"etual $liss. <>ou didn,t deser e As"hodel*, 5ran) "rotested. <>ou should $e !ith the heroes.,

<This is +ust an echo*, Ha(el said. <We,ll !a)e u"* 5ran). It only see%s li)e #ore er., <That,s not the "oint=, he "rotested. <>our li#e !as ta)en #ro% you. >ou !ere going to gro! u" to $e a $eauti#ul !o%an. >ou 7, His #ace turned a dar)er shade o# "ur"le. <>ou !ere going to %arry so%eone*, he said 4uietly. <>ou !ould ha e had a good li#e. >ou lost all that., Ha(el s!allo!ed $ac) a so$. It hadn,t $een this hard in As"hodel the #irst ti%e* !hen she !as on her o!n. Ha ing 5ran) !ith her %ade her #eel so %uch sadder. &ut she !as deter%ined not to get angry a$out her #ate. Ha(el thought a$out that i%age o# hersel# as an adult* s%iling and in lo e. She )ne! it !ouldn,t ta)e %uch $itterness to sour her e1"ression and %a)e her loo) e1actly li)e Gueen 'arie. I deser e $etter* her %other al!ays said. Ha(el couldn,t allo! hersel# to #eel that !ay. <I,% sorry* 5ran)*, she said. <I thin) your %other !as !rong. So%eti%es sharing a "ro$le% doesn,t %a)e it easier to carry., <&ut it does., 5ran) sli""ed his hand into his coat "oc)et. <In #act 7 since !e, e got eternity to tal)* there,s so%ething I !ant to tell you., He $rought out an o$+ect !ra""ed in cloth* a$out the sa%e si(e as a "air o# glasses. When he un#olded it* Ha(el sa! a hal#-$urnt "iece o# dri#t!ood* glo!ing !ith "ur"le light. She #ro!ned. <What is 7, Then the truth hit her* as cold and harsh as a $last o# !inter !ind. <Phineas said your li#e de"ends on a $urnt stic) ., <It,s true*, 5ran) said. <This is %y li#eline* literally., He told her ho! the goddess /uno had a""eared !hen he !as a $a$y* ho! his grand%other had snatched the "iece o# !ood #ro% the #ire"lace. <6rand%other said I had gi#ts . so%e talent !e got #ro% our ancestor* the Argonaut. That* and %y dad,s $eing 'ars 7, He shrugged. <I,% su""osed to $e too "o!er#ul or so%ething. That,s !hy %y li#e can $urn u" so easily. Iris said I !ould die holding this* !atching it $urn.,

5ran) turned the "iece o# tinder in his #ingers. E en in his ghostly "ur"le #or%* he loo)ed so $ig and sturdy. Ha(el #igured he !ould $e huge !hen he !as an adult . as strong and healthy as an o1. She couldn,t $elie e his li#e de"ended on so%ething as s%all as a stic). <5ran)* ho! can you carry it around !ith you-, she as)ed. <Aren,t you terri#ied so%ething !ill ha""en to it-, <That,s !hy I,% telling you., He held out the #ire!ood. <I )no! it,s a lot to as)* $ut !ould you )ee" it #or %e-, Ha(el,s head s"un. 2ntil no!* she,d acce"ted 5ran),s "resence in her $lac)out. She,d led hi% along* nu%$ly re"laying her "ast* $ecause it see%ed only #air to sho! hi% the truth. &ut no! she !ondered i# 5ran) !as really e1"eriencing this !ith her* or i# she !as +ust i%agining his "resence. Why !ould he trust her !ith his li#e<5ran)*, she said* <you )no! !ho I a%. I,% Pluto,s daughter. E erything I touch goes !rong. Why !ould you trust %e-, <>ou,re %y $est #riend., He "laced the #ire!ood in her hands. <I trust you %ore than any$ody., She !anted to tell hi% he !as %a)ing a %ista)e. She !anted to gi e it $ac). &ut $e#ore she could say anything a shado! #ell o er the%. <3ur ride is here*, 5ran) guessed. Ha(el had al%ost #orgotten she !as reli ing her "ast. Nico di Angelo stood o er her in his $lac) o ercoat* his Stygian iron s!ord at his side. He didn,t notice 5ran)* $ut he loc)ed eyes !ith Ha(el and see%ed to read her !hole li#e. <>ou,re di##erent*, he said. <A child o# Pluto. >ou re%e%$er your "ast., <>es*, Ha(el said. <And you,re ali e., Nico studied her li)e he !as reading a %enu* deciding !hether or not to order. <I,% Nico di Angelo*, he said. <I ca%e loo)ing #or %y sister. Death has gone %issing* so I thought 7 I thought I could $ring her $ac) and no one !ould notice., <&ac) to li#e-, Ha(el as)ed. <Is that "ossi$le-, <It should ha e $een., Nico sighed. <&ut she,s gone. She

chose to $e re$orn into a ne! li#e. I,% too late., <I,% sorry., He held out his hand. <>ou,re %y sister too. >ou deser e another chance. 0o%e !ith %e.,



<HAPEL., PER0> WAS SHAKIN6 HER SH32LDER. <Wa)e u". We, e reached Seattle., She sat u" groggily* s4uinting in the %orning sunlight. <5ran)-, 5ran) groaned* ru$$ing his eyes. <Did !e +ust 7 !as I +ust .-, <>ou $oth "assed out*, Percy said. <I don,t )no! !hy* $ut Ella told %e not to !orry a$out it. She said you !ere 7 sharing-, <Sharing*, Ella agreed. She crouched in the stern* "reening her !ing #eathers !ith her teeth* !hich didn,t loo) li)e a ery e##ecti e #or% o# "ersonal hygiene. She s"at out so%e red #lu##. <Sharing is good. No %ore $lac)outs. &iggest A%erican $lac)out* JR August C@@M. Ha(el shared. No %ore $lac)outs., Percy scratched his head. <>eah 7 !e, e $een ha ing con ersations li)e that all night. I still don,t )no! !hat she,s tal)ing a$out., Ha(el "ressed her hand against her coat "oc)et. She could #eel the "iece o# #ire!ood* !ra""ed in cloth. She loo)ed at 5ran). <>ou !ere there., He nodded. He didn,t say anything* $ut his e1"ression !as clear8 he,d %eant !hat he said. He !anted her to )ee" the "iece o# tinder sa#e. She !asn,t sure !hether she #elt honoured or scared. No one had e er trusted her !ith so%ething so i%"ortant. <Wait*, Percy said. <>ou %ean you guys shared a $lac)out- Are you guys $oth going to "ass out #ro% no! on-, <No"e*, Ella said. <No"e* no"e* no"e. No %ore $lac)outs. 'ore $oo)s #or Ella. &oo)s in Seattle., Ha(el ga(ed o er the !ater. They !ere sailing through a large $ay* %a)ing their !ay to!ards a cluster o# do!nto!n $uildings. Neigh$ourhoods rolled across a series o# hills.

5ro% the tallest one rose an odd !hite to!er !ith a saucer on the to"* li)e a s"aceshi" #ro% the old 5lash 6ordon %o ies Sa%%y used to lo e. No %ore $lac)outs- Ha(el thought. A#ter enduring the% #or so long* the idea see%ed too good to $e true. Ho! could Ella $e sure they !ere gone- >et Ha(el did #eel di##erent 7 %ore grounded* as i# she !asn,t trying to li e in t!o ti%e "eriods any %ore. E ery %uscle in her $ody $egan to rela1. She #elt as i# she,d #inally sli""ed out o# a lead +ac)et she,d $een !earing #or %onths. So%eho!* ha ing 5ran) !ith her during the $lac)out had hel"ed. She,d reli ed her entire "ast* right through to the "resent. No! all she had to !orry a$out !as the #uture . assu%ing she had one. Percy steered the $oat to!ards the do!nto!n doc)s. As they got closer* Ella scratched ner ously at her nest o# $oo)s. Ha(el started to #eel edgy* too. She !asn,t sure !hy. It !as a $right* sunny day* and Seattle loo)ed li)e a $eauti#ul "lace* !ith inlets and $ridges* !ooded islands dotting the $ay* and sno!ca""ed %ountains rising in the distance. Still* she #elt as i# she !ere $eing !atched. <2% 7 !hy are !e sto""ing here-, she as)ed. Percy sho!ed the% the sil er ring on his nec)lace. <Reyna has a sister here. She as)ed %e to #ind her and sho! her this., <Reyna has a sister-, 5ran) as)ed* li)e the idea terri#ied hi%. Percy nodded. <A""arently Reyna thin)s her sister could send hel" #or the ca%"., <A%a(ons*, Ella %uttered. <A%a(on country. H%%. Ella !ill #ind li$raries instead. Doesn,t li)e A%a(ons. 5ierce. Shields. S!ords. Pointy. 3uch., 5ran) reached #or his s"ear. <A%a(ons- Li)e 7 #e%ale !arriors-, <That !ould %a)e sense*, Ha(el said. <I# Reyna,s sister is also a daughter o# &ellona* I can see !hy she,d +oin the A%a(ons. &ut 7 is it sa#e #or us to $e here-, <No"e* no"e* no"e*, Ella said. <6et $oo)s instead. No

A%a(ons., <We ha e to try*, Percy said. <I "ro%ised Reyna. &esides* the Pa1 isn,t doing too great. I, e $een "ushing it "retty hard., Ha(el loo)ed do!n at her #eet. Water !as lea)ing $et!een the #loor$oards. <3h., <>eah*, Percy agreed. <We,ll either need to #i1 it or #ind a ne! $oat. I,% "retty %uch holding it together !ith %y !ill"o!er at this "oint. Ella* do you ha e any idea !here !e can #ind the A%a(ons-, <And* u%*, 5ran) said ner ously* <they don,t* li)e* )ill %en on sight* do they-, Ella glanced at the do!nto!n doc)s* only a #e! hundred yards a!ay. <Ella !ill #ind #riends later. Ella !ill #ly a!ay no!., And she did. <Well 7, 5ran) "ic)ed a single red #eather out o# the air. <That,s encouraging., They doc)ed at the !har#. They $arely had ti%e to unload their su""lies $e#ore the Pa1 shuddered and $ro)e into "ieces. 'ost o# it san)* lea ing only a $oard !ith a "ainted eye and another !ith the letter P $o$$ing in the !a es. <6uess !e,re not #i1ing it*, Ha(el said. <What no!-, Percy stared at the stee" hills o# do!nto!n Seattle. <We ho"e the A%a(ons !ill hel"., They e1"lored #or hours. They #ound so%e great salty cara%el chocolate at a candy store. They $ought so%e co##ee so strong Ha(el,s head #elt li)e a i$rating gong. They sto""ed at a side!al) ca#S and had so%e e1cellent grilled sal%on sand!iches. 3nce they sa! Ella (oo%ing $et!een high-rise to!ers* a large $oo) clutched in each #oot. &ut they #ound no A%a(ons. All the !hile* Ha(el !as a!are o# the ti%e tic)ing $y. CC /une no!* and Alas)a !as still a long !ay a!ay. 5inally they !andered south o# do!nto!n* into a "la(a surrounded $y s%aller glass and $ric) $uildings. Ha(el,s ner es started tingling. She loo)ed around* sure she !as $eing !atched.

<There*, she said. The o##ice $uilding on their le#t had a single !ord etched on the glass doors8 A'AP3N. <3h*, 5ran) said. <2h* no* Ha(el. That,s a %odern thing. They,re a co%"any* right- They sell stu## on the Internet. They,re not actually A%a(ons., <2nless 7, Percy !al)ed through the doors. Ha(el had a $ad #eeling a$out this "lace* $ut she and 5ran) #ollo!ed. The lo$$y !as li)e an e%"ty #ish tan) . glass !alls* a glossy $lac) #loor* a #e! to)en "lants and "retty %uch nothing else. Against the $ac) !all* a $lac) stone staircase led u" and do!n. In the %iddle o# the roo% stood a young !o%an in a $lac) "antsuit* !ith long au$urn hair and a security guard,s ear"iece. Her na%e tag said KINPIE. Her s%ile !as #riendly enough* $ut her eyes re%inded Ha(el o# the "olice%en in Ne! 3rleans !ho used to "atrol the 5rench Guarter at night. They al!ays see%ed to loo) through you* as i# they !ere thin)ing a$out !ho %ight attac) the% ne1t. Kin(ie nodded at Ha(el* ignoring the $oys. <'ay I hel" you-, <2% 7 I ho"e so*, Ha(el said. <We,re loo)ing #or A%a(ons., Kin(ie glanced at Ha(el,s s!ord* then 5ran),s s"ear* though neither should ha e $een isi$le through the 'ist. <This is the %ain ca%"us #or A%a(on*, she said cautiously. <Did you ha e an a""oint%ent !ith so%eone* or ., <Hylla*, Percy interru"ted. <We,re loo)ing #or a girl na%ed ., Kin(ie %o ed so #ast Ha(el,s eyes al%ost couldn,t #ollo!. She )ic)ed 5ran) in the chest and sent hi% #lying $ac)!ards across the lo$$y. She "ulled a s!ord out o# thin air* s!e"t Percy o## his #eet !ith the #lat o# the $lade and "ressed the "oint under his chin. Too late* Ha(el reached #or her s!ord. A do(en %ore girls in $lac) #looded u" the staircase* s!ords in hand* and surrounded her.

Kin(ie glared do!n at Percy. <5irst rule8 %ales don,t s"ea) !ithout "er%ission. Second rule8 tres"assing on our territory is "unisha$le $y death. >ou,ll %eet Gueen Hylla* all right. She,ll $e the one deciding your #ate., The A%a(ons con#iscated the trio,s !ea"ons and %arched the% do!n so %any #lights o# stairs that Ha(el lost count. 5inally they e%erged in a ca ern so $ig it could ha e acco%%odated ten high schools* s"orts #ields and all. Star) #luorescent lights glo!ed along the roc) ceiling. 0on eyor $elts !ound through the roo% li)e !aterslides* carrying $o1es in e ery direction. Aisles o# %etal shel es stretched out #ore er* stac)ed high !ith crates o# %erchandise. 0ranes hu%%ed and ro$otic ar%s !hirred* #olding card$oard $o1es* "ac)ing shi"%ents and ta)ing things on and o## the $elts. So%e o# the shel es !ere so tall they !ere only accessi$le $y ladders and cat!al)s* !hich ran across the ceiling li)e theatre sca##olding. Ha(el re%e%$ered ne!sreels she,d seen as a child. She,d al!ays $een i%"ressed $y the scenes o# #actories $uilding "lanes and guns #or the !ar e##ort . hundreds and hundreds o# !ea"ons co%ing o## the line e ery day. &ut that !as nothing co%"ared to this* and al%ost all the !or) !as $eing done $y co%"uters and ro$ots. The only hu%ans Ha(el could see !ere so%e $lac)-suited security !o%en "atrolling the cat!al)s* and so%e %en in orange +u%"suits* li)e "rison uni#or%s* dri ing #or)li#ts through the aisles* deli ering %ore "allets o# $o1es. The %en !ore iron collars round their nec)s. <>ou )ee" sla es-, Ha(el )ne! it %ight $e dangerous to s"ea)* $ut she !as so outraged she couldn,t sto" hersel#. <The %en-, Kin(ie snorted. <They,re not sla es. They +ust )no! their "lace. No!* %o e., They !al)ed so #ar that Ha(el,s #eet $egan to hurt. She thought they %ust surely $e getting to the end o# the !arehouse !hen Kin(ie o"ened a large set o# dou$le doors and led the% into another ca ern* +ust as $ig as the #irst. <The 2nder!orld isn,t this $ig*, Ha(el co%"lained* !hich

"ro$a$ly !asn,t true* $ut it #elt that !ay to her #eet. Kin(ie s%iled s%ugly. <>ou ad%ire our $ase o# o"erations- >es* our distri$ution syste% is !orld!ide. It too) %any years and %ost o# our #ortune to $uild. No!* #inally* !e,re turning a "ro#it. The %ortals don,t reali(e they are #unding the A%a(on )ingdo%. Soon* !e,ll $e richer than any %ortal nation. Then . !hen the !ea) %ortals de"end on us #or e erything . the re olution !ill $egin=, <What are you going to do-, 5ran) gru%$led. <0ancel #ree shi""ing-, A guard sla%%ed the hilt o# her s!ord into his gut. Percy tried to hel" hi%* $ut t!o %ore guards "ushed hi% $ac) at s!ord "oint. <>ou,ll learn res"ect*, Kin(ie said. <It,s %ales li)e you !ho ha e ruined the %ortal !orld. The only har%onious society is one run $y !o%en. We are stronger* !iser ., <'ore hu%$le*, Percy said. The guards tried to hit hi%* $ut Percy duc)ed. <Sto" it=, Ha(el said. Sur"risingly* the guards listened. <Hylla is going to +udge us* right-, Ha(el as)ed. <So ta)e us to her. We,re !asting ti%e., Kin(ie nodded. <Perha"s you,re right. We ha e %ore i%"ortant "ro$le%s. And ti%e 7 ti%e is de#initely an issue., <What do you %ean-, Ha(el as)ed. A guard grunted. <We could ta)e the% straight to 3trera. 'ight !in her #a our that !ay., <No=, Kin(ie snarled. <I,d sooner !ear an iron collar and dri e a #or)li#t. Hylla is 4ueen., <2ntil tonight*, another guard %uttered. Kin(ie gri""ed her s!ord. 5or a second Ha(el thought the A%a(ons %ight start #ighting one another* $ut Kin(ie see%ed to get her anger under control. <Enough*, she said. <Let,s go., They crossed a lane o# #or)li#t tra##ic* na igated a %a(e o# con eyor $elts and duc)ed under a ro! o# ro$otic ar%s that !ere "ac)ing u" $o1es. 'ost o# the %erchandise loo)ed "retty ordinary8 $oo)s* electronics* $a$y dia"ers. &ut against one !all sat a !ar

3NL> 3NE LE5T IN ST30K. 3RDER chariot !ith a $ig $arcode on the side. Hanging #ro% the yo)e !as a sign that read8 S33N= 9'3RE 3N THE WA>; 5inally they entered a s%aller ca ern that loo)ed li)e a co%$ination loading (one and throne roo%. The !alls !ere lined !ith %etal shel es si1 storeys high* decorated !ith !ar $anners* "ainted shields and the stu##ed heads o# dragons* hydras* giant lions and !ild $oars. Standing guard along either side !ere do(ens o# #or)li#ts %odi#ied #or !ar. An iron-collared %ale dro e each %achine* $ut an A%a(on !arrior stood on a "lat#or% at the $ac)* %anning a giant %ounted cross$o!. The "rongs o# each #or)li#t had $een shar"ened into o ersi(ed s!ord $lades. The shel es in this roo% !ere stac)ed !ith cages containing li e ani%als. Ha(el couldn,t $elie e !hat she !as seeing . $lac) %asti##s* giant eagles* a lion-eagle hy$rid that %ust, e $een a gry"hon and a red ant the si(e o# a co%"act car. She !atched in horror as a #or)li#t (i""ed into the roo%* "ic)ed u" a cage !ith a $eauti#ul !hite "egasus and s"ed a!ay !hile the horse !hinnied in "rotest. <What are you doing to that "oor ani%al-, Ha(el de%anded. Kin(ie #ro!ned. <The "egasus- It,ll $e #ine. So%eone %ust, e ordered it. The shi""ing and handling charges are stee"* $ut ., <>ou can $uy a "egasus online-, Percy as)ed. Kin(ie glared at hi%. <3$ iously you can,t* %ale. &ut A%a(ons can. We ha e #ollo!ers all o er the !orld. They need su""lies. This !ay., At the end o# the !arehouse !as a dais constructed #ro% "allets o# $oo)s8 stac)s o# a%"ire no els* !alls o# /a%es Patterson thrillers and a throne %ade #ro% a$out a thousand co"ies o# so%ething called The 5i e Ha$its o# Highly Aggressi e Wo%en. At the $ase o# the ste"s* se eral A%a(ons in ca%ou#lage !ere ha ing a heated argu%ent !hile a young !o%an . Gueen Hylla* Ha(el assu%ed . !atched and listened #ro% her throne.

Hylla !as in her t!enties* lithe and lean as a tiger. She !ore a $lac) leather +u%"suit and $lac) $oots. She had no cro!n* $ut round her !aist !as a strange $elt %ade o# interloc)ing gold lin)s* li)e the "attern o# a la$yrinth. Ha(el couldn,t $elie e ho! %uch she loo)ed li)e Reyna . a little older* "erha"s* $ut !ith the sa%e long $lac) hair* the sa%e dar) eyes and the sa%e hard e1"ression* li)e she !as trying to decide !hich o# the A%a(ons $e#ore her %ost deser ed death. Kin(ie too) one loo) at the argu%ent and grunted !ith distaste. <3trera,s agents* s"reading their lies., <What-, 5ran) as)ed. Then Ha(el sto""ed so a$ru"tly that the guards $ehind her stu%$led. A #e! #eet #ro% the 4ueen,s throne* t!o A%a(ons guarded a cage. Inside !as a $eauti#ul horse . not the !inged )ind* $ut a %a+estic and "o!er#ul stallion !ith a honey-coloured coat and a $lac) %ane. His #ierce $ro!n eyes regarded Ha(el* and she could s!ear he loo)ed i%"atient* as i# thin)ing8 A$out ti%e you got here. <It,s hi%*, Ha(el %ur%ured. <Hi%* !ho-, Percy as)ed. Kin(ie sco!led in annoyance* $ut !hen she sa! !here Ha(el !as loo)ing* her e1"ression so#tened. <Ah* yes. &eauti#ul* isn,t he-, Ha(el $lin)ed to %a)e sure she !asn,t hallucinating. It !as the sa%e horse she,d chased in Alas)a. She !as sure o# it 7 $ut that !as i%"ossi$le. No horse could li e that long. <Is he 7, Ha(el could hardly control her oice. <Is he #or sale-, The guards all laughed. <That,s Arion*, Kin(ie said "atiently* as i# she understood Ha(el,s #ascination. <He,s a royal treasure o# the A%a(ons . to $e clai%ed only $y our %ost courageous !arrior* i# you $elie e the "ro"hecy., <Pro"hecy-, Ha(el as)ed. Kin(ie,s e1"ression $eca%e "ained* al%ost e%$arrassed. <Ne er %ind. &ut* no* he,s not #or sale., <Then !hy is he in a cage-,

Kin(ie gri%aced. <&ecause 7 he is di##icult., Right on cue* the horse sla%%ed his head against the cage door. The %etal $ars shuddered* and the guards retreated ner ously. Ha(el !anted to #ree that horse. She !anted it %ore than anything she had e er !anted $e#ore. &ut Percy* 5ran) and a do(en A%a(on guards !ere staring at her* so she tried to %as) her e%otions. </ust as)ing*, she %anaged. <Let,s see the 4ueen., The argu%ent at the #ront o# the roo% gre! louder. 5inally the 4ueen noticed Ha(el,s grou" a""roaching* and she sna""ed* <Enough=, The arguing A%a(ons shut u" i%%ediately. The 4ueen !a ed the% aside and $ec)oned Kin(ie #or!ard. Kin(ie sho ed Ha(el and her #riends to!ards the throne. <'y 4ueen* these de%igods ., The 4ueen shot to her #eet. <>ou=, She glared at Percy /ac)son !ith %urderous rage. Percy %uttered so%ething in Ancient 6ree) that Ha(el !as "retty sure the nuns at St Agnes !ouldn,t ha e li)ed. <0li"$oard*, he said. <S"a. Pirates., This %ade no sense to Ha(el* $ut the 4ueen nodded. She ste""ed do!n #ro% her dais o# $est sellers and dre! a dagger #ro% her $elt. <>ou !ere incredi$ly #oolish to co%e here*, she said. <>ou destroyed %y ho%e. >ou %ade %y sister and %e e1iles and "risoners., <Percy*, 5ran) said uneasily. <What,s the scary !o%an !ith the dagger tal)ing a$out-, <0irce,s Island*, Percy said. <I +ust re%e%$ered. The gorgon,s $lood . %ay$e it,s starting to heal %y %ind. The Sea o# 'onsters. Hylla 7 she !elco%ed us at the doc)s* too) us to see her $oss. Hylla !or)ed #or the sorceress., Hylla $ared her "er#ect !hite teeth. <Are you telling %e you, e had a%nesia- >ou )no!* I %ight actually $elie e you. Why else !ould you $e stu"id enough to co%e here-, <We, e co%e in "eace*, Ha(el insisted. <What did Percy do-,

<Peace-, The 4ueen raised her eye$ro!s at Ha(el. <What did he do- This %ale destroyed 0irce,s school o# %agic=, <0irce turned %e into a guinea "ig=, Percy "rotested. <No e1cuses=, Hylla said. <0irce !as a !ise and generous e%"loyer. I had roo% and $oard* a good health "lan* dental* "et leo"ards* #ree "otions . e erything= And this de%igod !ith his #riend* the $londe ., <Anna$eth., Percy ta""ed his #orehead li)e he !anted the %e%ories to co%e $ac) #aster. <That,s right. I !as there !ith Anna$eth., <>ou released our ca"ti es . &lac)$eard and his "irates., She turned to Ha(el. <Ha e you e er $een )idna""ed $y "irates- It isn,t #un. They $urned our s"a to the ground. 'y sister and I !ere their "risoners #or %onths. 5ortunately !e !ere daughters o# &ellona. We learned to #ight 4uic)ly. I# !e hadn,t 7, She shuddered. <Well* the "irates learned to res"ect us. E entually !e %ade our !ay to 0ali#ornia !here !e ., She hesitated as i# the %e%ory !as "ain#ul. <Where %y sister and I "arted !ays., She ste""ed to!ards Percy until they !ere nose to nose. She ran her dagger under his chin. <3# course* I sur i ed and "ros"ered. I ha e risen to $e 4ueen o# the A%a(ons. So "erha"s I should than) you., <>ou,re !elco%e*, Percy said. The 4ueen dug her )ni#e in a little dee"er. <Ne er %ind. I thin) I,ll )ill you., <Wait=, Ha(el yel"ed. <Reyna sent us= >our sister= Loo) at the ring on his nec)lace., Hylla #ro!ned. She lo!ered her )ni#e to Percy,s nec)lace until the "oint rested on the sil er ring. The colour drained #ro% her #ace. <E1"lain this., She glared at Ha(el. <Guic)ly., Ha(el tried. She descri$ed 0a%" /u"iter. She told the A%a(ons a$out Reyna $eing their "raetor* and the ar%y o# %onsters that !as %arching south. She told the% a$out their 4uest to #ree Thanatos in Alas)a. As Ha(el tal)ed* another grou" o# A%a(ons entered the

roo%. 3ne !as taller and older than the rest* !ith "laited sil er hair and #ine sil) ro$es li)e a Ro%an %atron. The other A%a(ons %ade !ay #or her* treating her !ith such res"ect that Ha(el !ondered i# she !as Hylla,s %other . until she noticed ho! Hylla and the older !o%an stared daggers at each other. <So !e need your hel"*, Ha(el #inished her story. <Reyna needs your hel"., Hylla gri""ed Percy,s leather cord and yan)ed it o## his nec) . $eads* ring* "ro$atio ta$let and all. <Reyna 7 that #oolish girl ., <Well=, the older !o%an interru"ted. <Ro%ans need our hel"-, She laughed* and the A%a(ons around her +oined in. <Ho! %any ti%es did !e $attle the Ro%ans in %y day-, the !o%an as)ed. <Ho! %any ti%es ha e they )illed our sisters in $attle- When I !as 4ueen ., <3trera*, Hylla interru"ted* <you are here as a guest. >ou are not 4ueen any %ore., The older !o%an s"read her hands and %ade a %oc)ing $o!. <As you say . at least* until tonight. &ut I s"ea) the truth* Gueen Hylla., She said the !ord li)e a taunt. <I, e $een $rought $ac) $y the Earth 'other hersel#= I $ring tidings o# a ne! !ar. Why should A%a(ons #ollo! /u"iter* that #oolish )ing o# 3ly%"us* !hen !e can #ollo! a 4ueen- When I ta)e co%%and ., <I# you ta)e co%%and*, Hylla said. <&ut* #or no!* I a% 4ueen. 'y !ord is la!., <I see., 3trera loo)ed at the asse%$led A%a(ons* !ho !ere standing ery still* as i# they,d #ound the%sel es in a "it !ith t!o !ild tigers. <Ha e !e $eco%e so !ea) that !e listen to %ale de%igods- Will you s"are the li#e o# this son o# Ne"tune* e en though he once destroyed your ho%e- Perha"s you,ll let hi% destroy your ne! ho%e* too=, Ha(el held her $reath. The A%a(ons loo)ed $ac) and #orth $et!een Hylla and 3trera* !atching #or any sign o# !ea)ness. <I !ill "ass +udge%ent*, Hylla said in an icy tone* <once I

ha e all the #acts. That is ho! I rule . $y reason* not #ear. 5irst* I !ill tal) !ith this one., She +a$$ed a #inger to!ards Ha(el. <It is %y duty to hear out a #e%ale !arrior $e#ore I sentence her or her allies to death. That is the A%a(on !ay. 3r ha e your years in the 2nder!orld %uddled your %e%ory* 3trera-, The older !o%an sneered* $ut she didn,t try to argue. Hylla turned to Kin(ie. <Ta)e these %ales to the holding cells. The rest o# you* lea e us., 3trera raised her hand to the cro!d. <As our 4ueen co%%ands. &ut any o# you !ho !ould li)e to hear %ore a$out 6aia* and our glorious #uture !ith her* co%e !ith %e=, A$out hal# the A%a(ons #ollo!ed her out o# the roo%. Kin(ie snorted !ith disgust* then she and her guards hauled Percy and 5ran) a!ay. Soon Hylla and Ha(el !ere alone e1ce"t #or the 4ueen,s "ersonal guards. At Hylla,s signal* e en they %o ed out o# earshot. The 4ueen turned to!ards Ha(el. Her anger dissol ed* and Ha(el sa! des"eration in her eyes. The 4ueen loo)ed li)e one o# her caged ani%als $eing !his)ed o## on a con eyor $elt. <We %ust tal)*, Hylla said. <We don,t ha e %uch ti%e. &y %idnight* I !ill %ost li)ely $e dead.,



HAPEL 03NSIDERED 'AKIN6 A R2N 53R IT. She didn,t trust Gueen Hylla* and she certainly didn,t trust that other lady* 3trera. 3nly three guards !ere le#t in the roo%. All o# the% )e"t their distance. Hylla !as ar%ed !ith +ust a dagger. This dee" underground* Ha(el %ight $e a$le to cause an earth4ua)e in the throne roo%* or su%%on a $ig "ile o# schist or gold. I# she could cause a distraction* she %ight $e a$le to esca"e and #ind her #riends. 2n#ortunately* she,d seen the A%a(ons #ight. E en though the 4ueen had only a dagger* Ha(el sus"ected she could use it "retty !ell. And Ha(el !as unar%ed. They hadn,t searched her* !hich %eant than)#ully they hadn,t ta)en 5ran),s #ire!ood #ro% her coat "oc)et* $ut her s!ord !as gone. The 4ueen see%ed to $e reading her thoughts. <5orget a$out esca"e. 3# course* !e,d res"ect you #or trying. &ut !e,d ha e to )ill you., <Than)s #or the !arning., Hylla shrugged. <The least I can do. I $elie e you co%e in "eace. I $elie e Reyna sent you., <&ut you !on,t hel"-, The 4ueen studied the nec)lace she,d ta)en #ro% Percy. <It,s co%"licated*, she said. <A%a(ons ha e al!ays had a roc)y relationshi" !ith other de%igods . es"ecially %ale de%igods. We #ought #or King Pria% in the Tro+an War* $ut Achilles )illed our 4ueen* Penthesilea. >ears $e#ore that* Hercules stole Gueen Hi""olyta,s $elt . this $elt I,% !earing. It too) us centuries to reco er it. Long $e#ore that* at the ery $eginning o# the A%a(on nation* a hero na%ed &ellero"hon )illed our #irst 4ueen* 3trera., <>ou %ean the lady ., <. !ho +ust le#t* yes. 3trera* our #irst 4ueen* daughter o# Ares.,

<'ars-, Hylla %ade a sour #ace. <No* de#initely Ares. 3trera li ed long $e#ore Ro%e* in a ti%e !hen all de%igods !ere 6ree). 2n#ortunately* so%e o# our !arriors still "re#er the old !ays. 0hildren o# Ares 7 they are al!ays the !orst., <The old !ays 7, Ha(el had heard ru%ours a$out 6ree) de%igods. 3cta ian $elie ed they e1isted and !ere secretly "lotting against Ro%e. &ut she,d ne er really $elie ed it* e en !hen Percy ca%e to ca%". He +ust didn,t stri)e her as an e il* sche%ing 6ree). <>ou %ean the A%a(ons are a %i1 7 6ree) and Ro%an-, Hylla continued to e1a%ine the nec)lace . the clay $eads* the "ro$atio ta$let. She sli""ed Reyna,s sil er ring o## the cord and "ut it on her o!n #inger. <I su""ose they don,t teach you a$out that at 0a%" /u"iter. The gods ha e %any as"ects. 'ars* Ares. Pluto* Hades. &eing i%%ortal* they tend to accu%ulate "ersonalities. They are 6ree)* Ro%an* A%erican . a co%$ination o# all the cultures they, e in#luenced o er the aeons. Do you understand-, <I . I,% not sure. Are all A%a(ons de%igods-, The 4ueen s"read her hands. <We all ha e so%e i%%ortal $lood* $ut %any o# %y !arriors are descended #ro% de%igods. So%e ha e $een A%a(ons #or countless generations. 3thers are children o# %inor gods. Kin(ie* the one !ho $rought you here* is the daughter o# a ny%"h. Ah . here she is no!., The girl !ith the au$urn hair a""roached the 4ueen and $o!ed. <The "risoners are sa#ely loc)ed a!ay*, Kin(ie re"orted. <&ut 7, <>es-, the 4ueen as)ed. Kin(ie s!allo!ed li)e she had a $ad taste in her %outh. <3trera %ade sure her #ollo!ers are guarding the cells. I,% sorry* %y 4ueen., Hylla "ursed her li"s. <No %atter. Stay !ith us* Kin(ie. We !ere +ust tal)ing a$out our* ah* situation., <3trera*, Ha(el guessed. <6aia $rought her $ac) #ro% the dead to thro! you A%a(ons into ci il !ar.,

The 4ueen e1haled. <I# that !as her "lan* it is !or)ing. 3trera is a legend a%ong our "eo"le. She "lans to ta)e $ac) the throne and lead us to !ar against the Ro%ans. 'any o# %y sisters !ill #ollo! her., <Not all*, Kin(ie gru%$led. <&ut 3trera is a s"irit=, Ha(el said. <She isn,t e en ., <Real-, The 4ueen studied Ha(el care#ully. <I !or)ed !ith the sorceress 0irce #or %any years. I )no! a returned soul !hen I see one. When did you die* Ha(el . JDC@- JDM@-, <JDRC*, Ha(el said. <&ut . $ut I !asn,t sent $y 6aia. I ca%e $ac) to sto" her. This is %y second chance., <>our second chance 7, Hylla ga(ed at the ro!s o# $attle #or)li#ts* no! e%"ty. <I )no! a$out second chances. That $oy* Percy /ac)son . he destroyed %y old li#e. >ou !ouldn,t ha e recogni(ed %e $ac) then. I !ore dresses and %a)e-u". I !as a glori#ied secretary* an accursed &ar$ie doll., Kin(ie %ade a three-#ingered cla! o er her heart* li)e the oodoo gestures Ha(el,s %o% once used #or !arding o## the E il Eye. <0irce,s island !as a sa#e "lace #or Reyna and %e*, the 4ueen continued. <We !ere daughters o# the !ar goddess* &ellona. I !anted to "rotect Reyna #ro% all that iolence. Then Percy /ac)son unleashed the "irates. They )idna""ed us* and Reyna and I learned to $e tough. We #ound out that !e !ere good !ith !ea"ons. The "ast #our years* I, e !anted to )ill Percy /ac)son #or !hat he %ade us endure., <&ut Reyna $eca%e the "raetor o# 0a%" /u"iter*, Ha(el said. <>ou $eca%e the 4ueen o# the A%a(ons. 'ay$e this !as your destiny., Hylla #ingered the nec)lace in her hand. <I %ay not $e 4ueen #or %uch longer., <>ou !ill "re ail=, Kin(ie insisted. <As the 5ates decree*, Hylla said !ithout enthusias%. <>ou see* Ha(el* 3trera has challenged %e to a duel. E ery A%a(on has that right. Tonight at %idnight* !e,ll $attle #or the throne., <&ut 7 you,re good* right-, Ha(el as)ed.

Hylla %anaged a dry s%ile. <6ood* yes* $ut 3trera is the #ounder o# the A%a(ons., <She,s a lot older. 'ay$e she,s out o# "ractice* ha ing $een dead #or so long., <I ho"e you,re right* Ha(el. >ou see* it,s a $attle to the death 7, She !aited #or that to sin) in. Ha(el re%e%$ered !hat Phineas had said in Portland . ho! he had had a shortcut $ac) #ro% death* than)s to 6aia. She re%e%$ered ho! the gorgons had tried to re-#or% in the Ti$er. <E en i# you )ill her*, Ha(el said* <she,ll +ust co%e $ac). As long as Thanatos is chained* she !on,t stay dead., <E1actly*, Hylla said. <3trera has already told us that she can,t die. So* e en i# I %anage to de#eat her tonight* she,ll si%"ly return and challenge %e again to%orro!. There is no la! against challenging the 4ueen %ulti"le ti%es. She can insist on #ighting %e e ery night* until she #inally !ears %e do!n. I can,t !in., Ha(el ga(ed at the throne. She i%agined 3trera sitting there !ith her #ine ro$es and her sil er hair* ordering her !arriors to attac) Ro%e. She i%agined the oice o# 6aia #illing this ca ern. <There has to $e a !ay*, she said. <Don,t A%a(ons ha e 7 s"ecial "o!ers or so%ething-, <No %ore than other de%igods*, Hylla said. <We can die* +ust li)e any %ortal. There is a grou" o# archers !ho #ollo! the goddess Arte%is. They are o#ten %ista)en #or A%a(ons* $ut the Hunters #orsa)e the co%"any o# %en in e1change #or al%ost endless li#e. We A%a(ons . !e !ould "re#er to li e li#e to the #ullest. We lo e* !e #ight* !e die., <I thought you hated %en., Hylla and Kin(ie $oth laughed. <Hate %en-, said the 4ueen. <No* no* !e li)e %en. We +ust li)e to sho! the% !ho,s in charge. &ut that,s $eside the "oint. I# I could* I !ould rally our troo"s and ride to %y sister,s aid. 2n#ortunately* %y "o!er is tenuous. When I a% )illed in co%$at . and it,s only a %atter o# ti%e . 3trera !ill $e 4ueen. She !ill %arch to 0a%" /u"iter !ith

our #orces* $ut she !ill not go to hel" %y sister. She,ll go to +oin the giant,s ar%y., <We, e got to sto" her*, Ha(el said. <'y #riends and I )illed Phineas* one o# 6aia,s other ser ants in Portland. 'ay$e !e can hel"=, The 4ueen shoo) her head. <>ou can,t inter#ere. As 4ueen* I %ust #ight %y o!n $attles. &esides* your #riends are i%"risoned. I# I let the% go* I,ll loo) !ea). Either I e1ecute you three as tres"assers* or 3trera !ill do so !hen she $eco%es 4ueen., Ha(el,s heart san). <So I guess !e,re $oth dead. 'e #or the second ti%e., In the corner cage* the stallion Arion !hinnied angrily. He reared and sla%%ed his hoo es against the $ars. <The horse see%s to #eel your des"air*, the 4ueen said. <Interesting. He,s i%%ortal* you )no! . the son o# Ne"tune and 0eres., Ha(el $lin)ed. <T!o gods had a horse #or a )id-, <Long story., <3h., Ha(el,s #ace #elt hot !ith e%$arrass%ent. <He,s the #astest horse in the !orld*, Hylla said. <Pegasus is %ore #a%ous* !ith his !ings* $ut Arion runs li)e the !ind o er land and sea. No creature is #aster. It too) us years to ca"ture hi% . one o# our greatest "ri(es. &ut it did us no good. The horse !ill not allo! anyone to ride hi%. I thin) he hates A%a(ons. And he is e1"ensi e to )ee". He !ill eat anything* $ut he "re#ers gold., The $ac) o# Ha(el,s nec) tingled. <He eats gold-, She re%e%$ered the horse #ollo!ing her in Alas)a so %any years ago. She had thought he !as eating nuggets o# gold that a""eared in her #ootste"s. She )nelt and "ressed her hand against the #loor. I%%ediately* the stone crac)ed. A chun) o# gold ore the si(e o# a "lu% !as "ushed out o# the earth. Ha(el stood* e1a%ining her "ri(e. Hylla and Kin(ie stared at her. <Ho! did you 7 -, The 4ueen gas"ed. <Ha(el* $e care#ul=, Ha(el a""roached the stallion,s cage. She "ut her hand

$et!een the $ars* and Arion gingerly ate the chun) o# gold #ro% her "al%. <2n$elie a$le*, Kin(ie said. <The last girl !ho tried that ., <No! has a %etal ar%*, the 4ueen #inished. She studied Ha(el !ith ne! interest* as i# deciding !hether or not to say %ore. <Ha(el 7 !e s"ent years hunting #or this horse. It !as #oretold that the %ost courageous #e%ale !arrior !ould so%e day %aster Arion and ride hi% to ictory* ushering in a ne! era o# "ros"erity #or the A%a(ons. >et no A%a(on can touch hi%* %uch less control hi%. E en 3trera tried and #ailed. T!o others died atte%"ting to ride hi%., That "ro$a$ly should, e !orried Ha(el* $ut she couldn,t i%agine this $eauti#ul horse hurting her. She "ut her hand through the $ars again and stro)ed Arion,s nose. He nu((led her ar%* %ur%uring contentedly* as i# as)ing* 'ore gold- >u%. <I !ould #eed you %ore* Arion., Ha(el glanced "ointedly at the 4ueen. <&ut I thin) I,% scheduled #or an e1ecution., Gueen Hylla loo)ed #ro% Ha(el to the horse and $ac) again. <2n$elie a$le., <The "ro"hecy*, Kin(ie said. <Is it "ossi$le 7 -, Ha(el could al%ost see the gears turning inside the 4ueen,s head* #or%ulating a "lan. <>ou ha e courage* Ha(el Le es4ue. And it see%s Arion has chosen you. Kin(ie-, <>es* %y 4ueen-, <>ou said 3trera,s #ollo!ers are guarding the cells-, Kin(ie nodded. <I should ha e #oreseen that. I,% sorry ., <No* it,s #ine., The 4ueen,s eyes glea%ed . the !ay Hanni$al the ele"hant,s did !hene er he !as unleashed to destroy a #ortress. <It !ould $e e%$arrassing #or 3trera i# her #ollo!ers #ailed in their duties . i#* #or instance* they !ere o erco%e $y an outsider and a "rison $rea) occurred., Kin(ie $egan to s%ile. <>es* %y 4ueen. 'ost e%$arrassing., <3# course*, Hylla continued* <none o# %y guards !ould )no! a thing a$out this. Kin(ie !ould not s"read the !ord

to allo! an esca"e., <0ertainly not*, Kin(ie agreed. <And !e couldn,t hel" you., The 4ueen raised her eye$ro!s at Ha(el. <&ut i# you so%eho! o er"o!ered the guards and #reed your #riends 7 i#* #or instance* you too) one o# the guards, A%a(on cards ., <With one-clic) "urchasing ena$led*, Kin(ie said* <!hich !ill o"en the +ail cells !ith one clic)., <I# . gods #or$id= . so%ething li)e that !ere to ha""en*, the 4ueen continued* <you !ould #ind your #riends, !ea"ons and su""lies in the guard station ne1t to the cells. And !ho )no!s- I# you %ade your !ay $ac) to this throne roo% !hile I !as o## "re"aring #or %y duel 7 !ell* as I %entioned* Arion is a ery #ast horse. It !ould $e a sha%e i# he !ere stolen and used #or an esca"e., Ha(el #elt li)e she,d $een "lugged into a !all soc)et. Electricity surged through her !hole $ody. Arion 7 Arion could $e hers. All she had to do !as rescue her #riends and #ight her !ay through an entire nation o# highly trained !arriors. <Gueen Hylla*, she said* <I . I,% not %uch o# a #ighter., <3h* there are %any )inds o# #ighting* Ha(el. I ha e a #eeling you,re 4uite resource#ul. And* i# the "ro"hecy is correct* you !ill hel" the A%a(on nation achie e "ros"erity. I# you succeed on your 4uest to #ree Thanatos* #or instance ., <. then 3trera !ouldn,t co%e $ac) i# she !ere )illed*, Ha(el said. <>ou,d only ha e to de#eat her 7 u%* e ery night until !e succeed., The 4ueen nodded gri%ly. <It see%s !e $oth ha e i%"ossi$le tas)s ahead o# us., <&ut you,re trusting %e*, said Ha(el. <And I trust you. >ou !ill !in* as %any ti%es as it ta)es., Hylla held out Percy,s nec)lace and "oured it into Ha(el,s hands. <I ho"e you,re right*, the 4ueen said. <&ut the sooner you succeed the $etter* yes-, Ha(el sli""ed the nec)lace into her "oc)et. She shoo) the 4ueen,s hand* !ondering i# it !as "ossi$le to %a)e a

#riend so #ast . es"ecially one !ho !as a$out to send her to +ail. <This con ersation ne er ha""ened*, Hylla told Kin(ie. <Ta)e our "risoner to the cells and hand her o er to 3trera,s guards. And* Kin(ie* $e sure you lea e $e#ore anything un#ortunate ha""ens. I don,t !ant %y loyal #ollo!ers held accounta$le #or a "rison $rea)., The 4ueen s%iled %ischie ously* and #or the #irst ti%e Ha(el #elt +ealous o# Reyna. She !ished that she had a sister li)e this. <6ood$ye* Ha(el Le es4ue*, the 4ueen said. <I# !e $oth die tonight 7 !ell* I,% glad I %et you.,


CR-0ARAT &L2E Ha(el

THE A'AP3N /AIL WAS AT THE T3P 35 a storage aisle* si1ty #eet in the air. Kin(ie led her u" three di##erent ladders to a %etal cat!al)* then tied Ha(el,s hands loosely $ehind her $ac) and "ushed her along "ast crates o# +e!ellery. A hundred #eet ahead* under the harsh glo! o# #luorescent lights* a ro! o# chain-lin) cages hung sus"ended #ro% ca$les. Percy and 5ran) !ere in t!o o# the cages* tal)ing to each other in hushed tones. Ne1t to the% on the cat!al)* three $ored-loo)ing A%a(on guards leaned against their s"ears and ga(ed at little $lac) ta$lets in their hands li)e they !ere reading. Ha(el thought the ta$lets loo)ed too thin #or $oo)s. Then it occurred to her they %ight $e so%e sort o# tiny . !hat did %odern "eo"le call the%- . la"to" co%"uters. Secret A%a(on technology* "erha"s. Ha(el #ound the idea al%ost as unsettling as the $attle #or)li#ts do!nstairs. <6et %o ing* girl*, Kin(ie ordered* loud enough #or the guards to hear. She "rodded Ha(el in the $ac) !ith her s!ord. Ha(el !al)ed as slo!ly as she could* $ut her %ind !as racing. She needed to co%e u" !ith a $rilliant rescue "lan. So #ar she had nothing. Kin(ie had %ade sure she could $rea) her $onds easily* $ut she,d still $e e%"ty-handed against three trained !arriors* and she had to act $e#ore they "ut her in a cage. She "assed a "allet o# crates %ar)ed T3PAP RIN6S* then another la$elled SIL:ER 5RIENDSHIP &RA0ELETS. An electronic dis"lay ne1t to the #riendshi" $racelets read8 Peo"le !ho $ought this ite% also $ought 6ARDEN 6N3'E S3LAR PATI3 LI6HT and 5LA'IN6 SPEAR 35 DEATH. &uy all three and sa e JCA= Ha(el #ro(e. 6ods o# 3ly%"us* she !as stu"id. Sil er. To"a(. She sent out her senses* searching #or

"recious %etals* and her $rain al%ost e1"loded #ro% the #eed$ac). She !as standing ne1t to a si1-storey-tall %ountain o# +e!ellery. &ut in #ront o# her* #ro% here to the guards* !as nothing $ut "rison cages. <What is it-, Kin(ie hissed. <Kee" %o ing= They,ll get sus"icious., <'a)e the% co%e here*, Ha(el %uttered o er her shoulder. <Why ., <Please., The guards #ro!ned in their direction. <What are you staring at-, Kin(ie yelled at the%. <Here,s the third "risoner. 0o%e get her., The nearest guard set do!n her reading ta$let. <Why can,t you !al) another thirty "aces* Kin(ie-, <2%* $ecause ., <3oo#=, Ha(el #ell to her )nees and tried to "ut on her $est seasic) #ace. <I,% #eeling nauseous= 0an,t 7 !al). A%a(ons 7 too 7 scary., <There you go*, Kin(ie told the guards. <No!* are you going to co%e ta)e the "risoner* or should I tell Gueen Hylla you,re not doing your duty-, The nearest guard rolled her eyes and trudged o er. Ha(el had ho"ed the other t!o guards !ould co%e* too* $ut she,d ha e to !orry a$out that later. The #irst guard gra$$ed Ha(el,s ar%. <5ine. I,ll ta)e custody o# the "risoner. &ut i# I !ere you* Kin(ie* I !ouldn,t !orry a$out Hylla. She !on,t $e 4ueen %uch longer., <We,ll see* Doris., Kin(ie turned to lea e. Ha(el !aited until her ste"s had receded do!n the cat!al). The guard Doris "ulled on Ha(el,s ar%. <Well- 0o%e on., Ha(el concentrated on the !all o# +e!ellery ne1t to her8 #orty large $o1es o# sil er $racelets. <Not 7 #eeling so good., <>ou are not thro!ing u" on %e*, Doris gro!led. She tried to yan) Ha(el to her #eet* $ut Ha(el !ent li%"* li)e a )id thro!ing a #it in a store. Ne1t to her* the $o1es $egan to tre%$le.

<Lulu=, Doris yelled to one o# her co%rades. <Hel" %e !ith this la%e little girl., A%a(ons na%ed Doris and Lulu- Ha(el thought. 3)ay 7 The second guard +ogged o er. Ha(el #igured this !as her $est chance. &e#ore they could haul her to her #eet* she yelled* <3oooh=, and #lattened hersel# against the cat!al). Doris started to say* <3h* gi e %e a ., The entire "allet o# +e!ellery e1"loded !ith a sound li)e a thousand slot %achines hitting the +ac)"ot. A tidal !a e o# sil er #riendshi" $racelets "oured across the cat!al)* !ashing Doris and Lulu right o er the railing. They !ould, e #allen to their deaths* $ut Ha(el !asn,t that %ean. She su%%oned a #e! hundred $racelets* !hich lea"ed at the guards and lashed round their an)les* lea ing the% hanging u"side do!n #ro% the $otto% o# the cat!al)* screa%ing li)e la%e little girls. Ha(el turned to!ards the third guard. She $ro)e her $onds* !hich !ere a$out as sturdy as toilet "a"er. She "ic)ed u" one o# the #allen guards, s"ears. She !as terri$le !ith s"ears* $ut she ho"ed the third A%a(on didn,t )no! that. <Should I )ill you #ro% here-, Ha(el snarled. <3r are you going to %a)e %e co%e o er there-, The guard turned and ran. Ha(el shouted o er the side to Doris and Lulu. <A%a(on cards= Pass the% u"* unless you !ant %e to undo those #riendshi" $racelets and let you dro"=, 5our and a hal# seconds later* Ha(el had t!o A%a(on cards. She raced o er to the cages and s!i"ed a card. The doors "o""ed o"en. 5ran) stared at her in astonish%ent. <Ha(el* that !as 7 a%a(ing., Percy nodded. <I !ill ne er !ear +e!ellery again., <E1ce"t this., Ha(el tossed hi% his nec)lace. <3ur !ea"ons and su""lies are at the end o# the cat!al). We should hurry. Pretty soon ., Alar%s $egan !ailing throughout the ca ern.

<>eah*, she said* <that,ll ha""en. Let,s go=, The #irst "art o# the esca"e !as easy. They retrie ed their things !ith no "ro$le%* then started cli%$ing do!n the ladder. E ery ti%e A%a(ons s!ar%ed $eneath the%* de%anding their surrender* Ha(el %ade a crate o# +e!ellery e1"lode* $urying their ene%ies in a Niagara 5alls o# gold and sil er. When they got to the $otto% o# the ladder* they #ound a scene that loo)ed li)e 'ardi 6ras Ar%ageddon . A%a(ons tra""ed u" to their nec)s in $ead nec)laces* se eral %ore u"side do!n in a %ountain o# a%ethyst earrings and a $attle #or)li#t $uried in sil er char% $racelets. <>ou* Ha(el Le es4ue*, 5ran) said* <are entirely #rea)ing incredi$le., She !anted to )iss hi% right there* $ut they had no ti%e. They ran $ac) to the throne roo%. They stu%$led across one A%a(on !ho %ust, e $een loyal to Hylla. As soon as she sa! the esca"ees* she turned a!ay li)e they !ere in isi$le. Percy started to as)* <What the ., <So%e o# the% !ant us to esca"e*, Ha(el said. <I,ll e1"lain later., The second A%a(on they %et !asn,t so #riendly. She !as dressed in #ull ar%our* $loc)ing the throne-roo% entrance. She s"un her s"ear !ith lightning s"eed* $ut this ti%e Percy !as ready. He dre! Ri"tide and ste""ed into $attle. As the A%a(on +a$$ed at hi%* he sideste""ed* cut her s"ear sha#t in hal# and sla%%ed the hilt o# his s!ord against her hel%et. The guard cru%"led. <'ars Al%ighty*, 5ran) said. <Ho! did you . that !asn,t any Ro%an techni4ue=, Percy grinned. <The graecus has so%e %o es* %y #riend. A#ter you., They ran into the throne roo%. As "ro%ised* Hylla and her guards had cleared out. Ha(el dashed o er to Arion,s cage and s!i"ed an A%a(on card across the loc). Instantly the stallion $urst #orth* rearing in triu%"h. Percy and 5ran) stu%$led $ac)!ards.

<2% 7 is that thing ta%e-, 5ran) said. The horse !hinnied angrily. <I don,t thin) so*, Percy guessed. <He +ust said* EI !ill tra%"le you to death* silly 0hinese 0anadian $a$y %an.F, <>ou s"ea) horse-, Ha(el as)ed. <E&a$y %anF-, 5ran) s"luttered. <S"ea)ing to horses is a Poseidon thing*, Percy said. <2h* I %ean a Ne"tune thing., <Then you and Arion should get along #ine*, Ha(el said. <He,s a son o# Ne"tune* too., Percy turned "ale. <E1cuse %e-, I# they hadn,t $een in such a $ad situation* Percy,s e1"ression %ight ha e %ade her laugh. <The "oint is he,s #ast. He can get us out o# here., 5ran) did not loo) thrilled. <Three o# us can,t #it on one horse* can !e- We,ll #all o##* or slo! hi% do!n* or ., Arion !hinnied again. <3uch*, Percy said. <5ran)* the horse says you,re a . you )no!* actually* I,% not going to translate that. Any!ay* he says there,s a chariot in the !arehouse* and he,s !illing to "ull it., <There=, so%eone yelled #ro% the $ac) o# the throne roo%. A do(en A%a(ons charged in* #ollo!ed $y %ales in orange +u%"suits. When they sa! Arion* they $ac)ed u" 4uic)ly and headed #or the $attle #or)li#ts. Ha(el aulted onto Arion,s $ac). She grinned do!n at her #riends. <I re%e%$er seeing that chariot. 5ollo! %e* guys=, She gallo"ed into the larger ca ern and scattered a cro!d o# %ales. Percy )noc)ed out an A%a(on. 5ran) s!e"t t!o %ore o## their #eet !ith his s"ear. Ha(el could #eel Arion straining to run. He !anted to go #ull s"eed* $ut he needed %ore roo%. They had to %a)e it outside. Ha(el $o!led into a "atrol o# A%a(ons* !ho scattered in terror at the sight o# the horse. 5or once* Ha(el,s s"atha #elt e1actly the right length. She s!ung it at e eryone !ho ca%e !ithin reach. No A%a(on dared challenge her. Percy and 5ran) ran a#ter her. 5inally they reached the chariot. Arion sto""ed $y the yo)e* and Percy set to !or)

!ith the reins and harness. <>ou, e done this $e#ore-, 5ran) as)ed. Percy didn,t need to ans!er. His hands #le!. In no ti%e the chariot !as ready. He +u%"ed a$oard and yelled* <5ran)* co%e on= Ha(el* go=, A $attle cry !ent u" $ehind the%. A #ull ar%y o# A%a(ons stor%ed into the !arehouse. 3trera hersel# stood astride a $attle #or)li#t* her sil er hair #lo!ing as she s!ung her %ounted cross$o! to!ards the chariot. <Sto" the%=, she yelled. Ha(el s"urred Arion. They raced across the ca ern* !ea ing around "allets and #or)li#ts. An arro! !hi((ed "ast Ha(el,s head. So%ething e1"loded $ehind her* $ut she didn,t loo) $ac). <The stairs=, 5ran) yelled. <No !ay this horse can "ull a chariot u" that %any #lights o# . 3H '> 63DS=, Than)#ully the stairs !ere !ide enough #or the chariot* $ecause Arion didn,t e en slo! do!n. He shot u" the ste"s !ith the chariot rattling and groaning. Ha(el glanced $ac) a #e! ti%es to %a)e sure 5ran) and Percy hadn,t #allen o##. Their )nuc)les !ere !hite on the sides o# the chariot* their teeth chattering li)e !ind-u" Hallo!een s)ulls. 5inally they reached the lo$$y. Arion crashed through the %ain doors into the "la(a and scattered a $unch o# guys in $usiness suits. Ha(el #elt the tension in Arion,s ri$ cage. The #resh air !as %a)ing hi% cra(y to run* $ut Ha(el "ulled $ac) on his reins. <Ella=, Ha(el shouted at the s)y. <Where are you- We ha e to lea e=, 5or a horri$le second* she !as a#raid the har"y %ight $e too #ar a!ay to hear. She %ight $e lost* or ca"tured $y the A%a(ons. &ehind the% a $attle #or)li#t clattered u" the stairs and roared through the lo$$y* a %o$ o# A%a(ons $ehind it. <Surrender=, 3trera screa%ed. The #or)li#t raised its ra(or-shar" tines. <Ella=, Ha(el cried des"erately.

In a #lash o# red #eathers* Ella landed in the chariot. <Ella is here. A%a(ons are "ointy. 6o no!., <Hold on=, Ha(el !arned. She leaned #or!ard and said* <Arion* run=, The !orld see%ed to elongate. Sunlight $ent around the%. Arion shot a!ay #ro% the A%a(ons and s"ed through do!nto!n Seattle. Ha(el glanced $ac) and sa! a line o# s%o)ing "a e%ent !here Arion,s hoo es had touched the ground. He thundered to!ards the doc)s* lea"ing o er cars* $arrelling through intersections. Ha(el screa%ed at the to" o# her lungs* $ut it !as a screa% o# delight. 5or the #irst ti%e in her li#e . in her t!o li es . she #elt a$solutely unsto""a$le. Arion reached the !ater and lea"ed straight o## the doc)s. Ha(el,s ears "o""ed. She heard a roar that she later reali(ed !as a sonic $oo%* and Arion tore o er Puget Sound* sea!ater turning to stea% in his !a)e as the s)yline o# Seattle receded $ehind the%.



5RANK WAS RELIE:ED WHEN THE WHEELS 5ELL 355. He,d already thro!n u" t!ice #ro% the $ac) o# the chariot* !hich !as not #un at the s"eed o# sound. The horse see%ed to $end ti%e and s"ace as he ran* $lurring the landsca"e and %a)ing 5ran) #eel li)e he,d +ust drun) a gallon o# !hole %il) !ithout his lactose-intolerance %edicine. Ella didn,t hel" %atters. She )e"t %uttering8 <Se en hundred and #i#ty %iles "er hour. Eight hundred. Eight hundred and three. 5ast. :ery #ast., The horse s"ed north across Puget Sound* (oo%ing "ast islands and #ishing $oats and ery sur"rised "ods o# !hales. The landsca"e ahead $egan to loo) #a%iliar . 0rescent &each* &oundary &ay. 5ran) had gone sailing here once on a school tri". They,d crossed into 0anada. The horse roc)eted onto dry land. He #ollo!ed High!ay DD north* running so #ast that the cars see%ed to $e standing still. 5inally* +ust as they !ere getting into :ancou er* the chariot !heels $egan to s%o)e. <Ha(el=, 5ran) yelled. <We,re $rea)ing u"=, She got the %essage and "ulled the reins. The horse didn,t see% ha""y a$out it* $ut he slo!ed to su$sonic as they (i""ed through the city streets. They crossed the Iron!or)ers $ridge into North :ancou er* and the chariot started to rattle dangerously. At last Arion sto""ed at the to" o# a !ooded hill. He snorted !ith satis#action* as i# to say* That,s ho! !e run* #ools. The s%o)ing chariot colla"sed* s"illing Percy* 5ran) and Ella onto the !et* %ossy ground. 5ran) stu%$led to his #eet. He tried to $lin) the yello! s"ots out o# his eyes. Percy groaned and started unhitching Arion #ro% the ruined chariot. Ella #luttered around in di((y circles* $on)ing into the trees and %uttering* <Tree. Tree. Tree., 3nly Ha(el see%ed una##ected $y the ride. 6rinning

!ith "leasure* she slid o## the horse,s $ac). <That !as #un=, <>eah., 5ran) s!allo!ed $ac) his nausea. <So %uch #un., Arion !hinnied. <He says he needs to eat*, Percy translated. <No !onder. He "ro$a$ly $urned a$out si1 %illion calories., Ha(el studied the ground at her #eet and #ro!ned. <I,% not sensing any gold around here 7 Don,t !orry* Arion. I,ll #ind you so%e. In the %eanti%e* !hy don,t you go gra(e- We,ll %eet you ., The horse (i""ed o##* lea ing a trail o# stea% in his !a)e. Ha(el )nitted her eye$ro!s. <Do you thin) he,ll co%e $ac)-, <I don,t )no!*, Percy said. <He see%s )ind o# 7 s"irited., 5ran) al%ost ho"ed the horse !ould stay a!ay. He didn,t say that* o# course. He could tell Ha(el !as distressed $y the idea o# losing her ne! #riend. &ut Arion scared hi%* and 5ran) !as "retty sure the horse )ne! it. Ha(el and Percy started sal aging su""lies #ro% the chariot !rec)age. There had $een a #e! $o1es o# rando% A%a(on %erchandise in the #ront* and Ella shrie)ed !ith delight !hen she #ound a shi"%ent o# $oo)s. She snatched u" a co"y o# The &irds o# North A%erica* #luttered to the nearest $ranch* and $egan scratching through the "ages so #ast* 5ran) !asn,t sure i# she !as reading or shredding. 5ran) leaned against a tree* trying to control his ertigo. He still hadn,t reco ered #ro% his A%a(on i%"rison%ent . getting )ic)ed across the lo$$y* disar%ed* caged and insulted as a $a$y %an $y an ego%aniacal horse. That hadn,t e1actly hel"ed his sel#-estee%. E en $e#ore that* the ision he had shared !ith Ha(el had le#t hi% rattled. He #elt closer to her no!. He )ne! he,d done the right thing in gi ing her the "iece o# #ire!ood. A huge !eight had $een ta)en o## his shoulders. 3n the other hand* he,d seen the 2nder!orld #irsthand. He had #elt !hat it !as li)e to sit #ore er doing nothing* +ust regretting your %ista)es. He,d loo)ed u" at those cree"y

gold %as)s on the +udges o# the dead and reali(ed that he !ould stand $e#ore the% so%e day* %ay$e ery soon. 5ran) had al!ays drea%ed o# seeing his %other again !hen he died. &ut %ay$e that !asn,t "ossi$le #or de%igods. Ha(el had $een in As"hodel #or so%ething li)e se enty years and ne er #ound her %o%. 5ran) ho"ed he and his %o% !ould $oth end u" in Elysiu%. &ut i# Ha(el hadn,t got there . sacri#icing her li#e to sto" 6aia* ta)ing res"onsi$ility #or her actions so that her %other !ouldn,t end u" in Punish%ent . !hat chance did 5ran) ha e- He,d ne er done anything that heroic. He straightened and loo)ed around* trying to get his $earings. To the south* across :ancou er Har$or* the do!nto!n s)yline glea%ed red in the sunset. To the north* the hills and rain#orests o# Lynn 0anyon Par) sna)ed $et!een the su$di isions o# North :ancou er until they ga e !ay to the !ilderness. 5ran) had e1"lored this "ar) #or years. He s"otted a $end in the ri er that loo)ed #a%iliar. He recogni(ed a dead "ine tree that had $een s"lit $y lightning in a near$y clearing. 5ran) )ne! this hill. <I,% "ractically ho%e*, he said. <'y grand%other,s house is right o er there., Ha(el s4uinted. <Ho! #ar-, </ust o er the ri er and through the !oods., Percy raised an eye$ro!. <Seriously- To 6rand%other,s house !e go-, 5ran) cleared his throat. <>eah* any!ay., Ha(el clas"ed her hands in "rayer. <5ran)* "lease tell %e she,ll let us s"end the night. I )no! !e,re on a deadline* $ut !e, e got to rest* right- And Arion sa ed us so%e ti%e. 'ay$e !e could get an actual coo)ed %eal-, <And a hot sho!er-, Percy "leaded. <And a $ed !ith* li)e* sheets and a "illo!-, 5ran) tried to i%agine 6rand%other,s #ace i# he sho!ed u" !ith t!o hea ily ar%ed #riends and a har"y. E erything had changed since his %other,s #uneral* since the %orning the !ol es had ta)en hi% south. He,d $een so

angry a$out lea ing. No!* he couldn,t i%agine going $ac). Still* he and his #riends !ere e1hausted. They,d $een tra elling #or %ore than t!o days !ithout decent #ood or slee". 6rand%other could gi e the% su""lies. And %ay$e she could ans!er so%e 4uestions that !ere $re!ing in the $ac) o# 5ran),s %ind . a gro!ing sus"icion a$out his #a%ily gi#t. <It,s !orth a try*, 5ran) decided. <To 6rand%other,s house !e go., 5ran) !as so distracted* he !ould ha e !al)ed right into the ogres, ca%". 5ortunately Percy "ulled hi% $ac). They crouched ne1t to Ha(el and Ella $ehind a #allen log and "eered into the clearing. <&ad*, Ella %ur%ured. <This is $ad #or har"ies., It !as #ully dar) no!. Around a $la(ing ca%"#ire sat hal# a do(en shaggy-haired hu%anoids. Standing u"* they "ro$a$ly !ould, e $een eight #eet tall . tiny co%"ared to the giant Poly$otes or e en the 0yclo"es they,d seen in 0ali#ornia* $ut that didn,t %a)e the% any less scary. They !ore only )nee-length sur#er shorts. Their s)in !as sunstro)e red . co ered !ith tattoos o# dragons* hearts and $i)ini-clad !o%en. Hanging #ro% a s"it o er the #ire !as a s)inned ani%al* %ay$e a $oar* and the ogres !ere tearing o## chun)s o# %eat !ith their cla!li)e #ingernails* laughing and tal)ing as they ate* $aring "ointy teeth. Ne1t to the ogres sat se eral %esh $ags #illed !ith $ron(e s"heres li)e cannon$alls. The s"heres %ust ha e $een hot* $ecause they stea%ed in the cool e ening air. T!o hundred yards $eyond the clearing* the lights o# the Phang %ansion glo!ed through the trees. So close* 5ran) thought. He !ondered i# they could snea) around the %onsters* $ut !hen he loo)ed le#t and right* he sa! %ore ca%"#ires in either direction* as i# the ogres had surrounded the "ro"erty. 5ran),s #ingers dug into the tree $ar). His grand%other %ight $e alone inside the house* tra""ed. <What are these guys-, he !his"ered. <0anadians*, Percy said.

5ran) leaned a!ay #ro% hi%. <E1cuse %e-, <2h* no o##ence*, Percy said. <That,s !hat Anna$eth called the% !hen I #ought the% $e#ore. She said they li e in the north* in 0anada., <>eah* !ell*, 5ran) gru%$led* <!e,re in 0anada. I,% 0anadian. &ut I, e ne er seen those things $e#ore., Ella "luc)ed a #eather #ro% her !ings and turned it in her #ingers. <Laistrygonians*, she said. <0anni$als. Northern giants. Sas4uatch legend. >e"* ye". They,re not $irds. Not $irds o# North A%erica., <That,s !hat they,re called*, Percy agreed. <Laistry . uh* !hate er Ella said., 5ran) sco!led at the dudes in the clearing. <They could $e %ista)en #or &ig#oot. 'ay$e that,s !here the legend ca%e #ro%. Ella* you,re "retty s%art., <Ella is s%art*, she agreed. She shyly o##ered 5ran) her #eather. <3h 7 than)s., He stuc) the #eather in his "oc)et* then noticed Ha(el !as glaring at hi%. <What-, he as)ed. <Nothing., She turned to Percy. <So your %e%ory is co%ing $ac)- Do you re%e%$er ho! you $eat these guys-, <Sort o#*, Percy said. <It,s still #u((y. I thin) I had hel". We )illed the% !ith 0elestial $ron(e* $ut that !as $e#ore 7 you )no!., <&e#ore Death got )idna""ed*, Ha(el said. <So no!* they %ight not die at all., Percy nodded. <Those $ron(e cannon$alls 7 those are $ad ne!s. I thin) !e used so%e o# the% against the giants. They catch #ire and $lo! u"., 5ran),s hand !ent to his coat "oc)et. Then he re%e%$ered Ha(el had his "iece o# dri#t!ood. <I# !e cause any e1"losions*, he said* <the ogres at the other ca%"s !ill co%e running. I thin) they, e surrounded the house* !hich %eans there could $e #i#ty or si1ty o# these guys in the !oods., <So it,s a tra"., Ha(el loo)ed at 5ran) !ith concern. <What a$out your grand%other- We, e got to hel" her., 5ran) #elt a lu%" in his throat. Ne er in a %illion years

had he thought his grand%other !ould need rescuing* $ut no! he started running co%$at scenarios in his %ind . the !ay he had $ac) at ca%" during the !ar ga%es. <We need a distraction*, he decided. <I# !e can dra! this grou" into the !oods* !e %ight snea) through !ithout alerting the others., <I !ish Arion !as here*, Ha(el said. <I could get the ogres to chase %e., 5ran) sli""ed his s"ear o## his $ac). <I, e got another idea., 5ran) didn,t !ant to do this. The idea o# su%%oning 6rey scared hi% e en %ore than Ha(el,s horse. &ut he didn,t see another !ay. <5ran)* you can,t charge out there=, Ha(el said. <That,s suicide=, <I,% not charging*, 5ran) said. <I, e got a #riend. /ust 7 no$ody screa%* o)ay-, He +a$$ed the s"ear into the ground* and the "oint $ro)e o##. <3o"s*, Ella said. <No s"ear "oint. No"e* no"e., The ground tre%$led. 6rey,s s)eletal hand $ro)e the sur#ace. Percy #u%$led #or his s!ord* and Ha(el %ade a sound li)e a cat !ith a hair$all. Ella disa""eared and re%ateriali(ed at the to" o# the nearest tree. <It,s o)ay*, 5ran) "ro%ised. <He,s under control=, 6rey cra!led out o# the ground. He sho!ed no sign o# da%age #ro% his "re ious encounter !ith the $asilis)s. He !as good as a ne! in his ca%ou#lage and co%$at $oots* translucent grey #lesh co ering his $ones li)e glo!ing /ell-3. He turned his ghostly eyes to!ards 5ran)* !aiting #or orders. <5ran)* that,s a s"artus*, Percy said. <A s)eleton !arrior. They,re e il. They,re )illers. They,re ., <I )no!*, 5ran) said $itterly. <&ut it,s a gi#t #ro% 'ars. Right no! that,s all I, e got. 3)ay* 6rey. >our orders8 attac) that grou" o# ogres. Lead the% o## to the !est* causing a di ersion so !e can ., 2n#ortunately* 6rey lost interest a#ter the !ord <ogres,. 'ay$e he only understood si%"le sentences. He

charged to!ards the ogres, ca%"#ire. <Wait=, 5ran) said* $ut it !as too late. 6rey "ulled t!o o# his o!n ri$s #ro% his shirt and ran around the #ire* sta$$ing the ogres in the $ac) !ith such $linding s"eed they didn,t e en ha e ti%e to yell. Si1 e1tre%ely sur"rised-loo)ing Laistrygonians #ell side!ays li)e a circle o# do%inoes and cru%$led into dust. 6rey sto%"ed around* )ic)ing their ashes a"art as they tried to re-#or%. When he see%ed satis#ied that they !eren,t co%ing $ac)* 6rey stood at attention* saluted s%artly in 5ran),s direction* and san) into the #orest #loor. Percy stared at 5ran). <Ho! ., <No Laistrygonians., Ella #luttered do!n and landed ne1t to the%. <Si1 %inus si1 is (ero. S"ears are good #or su$traction. >e"., Ha(el loo)ed at 5ran) as i# he,d turned into a (o%$ie s)eleton hi%sel#. 5ran) thought his heart %ight shatter* $ut he couldn,t $la%e her. 0hildren o# 'ars !ere all a$out iolence. 'ars,s sy%$ol !as a $loody s"ear #or good reason. Why shouldn,t Ha(el $e a""alledHe glared do!n at $ro)en ti" o# his s"ear. He !ished he had any #ather $ut 'ars. <Let,s go*, he said. <'y grand%other %ight $e in trou$le.,



THE> ST3PPED AT THE 5R3NT P3R0H. As 5ran) had #eared* a loose ring o# ca%"#ires glo!ed in the !oods* co%"letely surrounding the "ro"erty* $ut the house itsel# see%ed untouched. 6rand%other,s !ind chi%es +angled in the night $ree(e. Her !ic)er chair sat e%"ty* #acing the road. Lights shone through the do!nstairs !indo!s* $ut 5ran) decided against ringing the door$ell. He didn,t )no! ho! late it !as* or i# 6rand%other !as aslee" or e en ho%e. Instead he chec)ed the stone ele"hant statue in the corner . a tiny du"licate o# the one in Portland. The s"are )ey !as still tuc)ed under its #oot. He hesitated at the door. <What,s !rong-, Percy as)ed. 5ran) re%e%$ered the %orning he,d o"ened this door #or the %ilitary o##icer !ho had told hi% a$out his %other. He re%e%$ered !al)ing do!n these ste"s to her #uneral* holding his "iece o# #ire!ood in his coat #or the #irst ti%e. He re%e%$ered standing here and !atching the !ol es co%e out o# the !oods . Lu"a,s %inions* !ho !ould lead hi% to 0a%" /u"iter. That see%ed so long ago* $ut it had only $een si1 !ee)s. No! he !as $ac). Would 6rand%other hug hi%- Would she say* 5ran)* than) the gods you, e co%e= I,% surrounded $y %onsters= 'ore li)ely she,d scold hi%* or %ista)e the% #or intruders and chase the% o## !ith a #rying "an. <5ran)-, Ha(el as)ed. <Ella is ner ous*, the har"y %uttered #ro% her "erch on the railing. <The ele"hant . the ele"hant is loo)ing at Ella., <It,ll $e #ine., 5ran),s hand !as sha)ing so $adly he could $arely #it the )ey in the loc). </ust stay together., Inside* the house s%elled closed-u" and %usty. 2sually the air !as scented !ith +as%ine incense* $ut all

the $urners !ere e%"ty. They e1a%ined the li ing roo%* the dining roo%* the )itchen. Dirty dishes !ere stac)ed in the sin)* !hich !asn,t right. 6rand%other,s %aid ca%e e ery day . unless she,d $een scared o## $y the giants. 3r eaten #or lunch* 5ran) thought. Ella had said the Laistrygonians !ere canni$als. He "ushed that thought aside. 'onsters ignored regular %ortals. At least* they usually did. In the "arlour* &uddha statues and Taoist i%%ortals grinned at the% li)e "sycho clo!ns. 5ran) re%e%$ered Iris* the rain$o! goddess* !ho,d $een da$$ling in &uddhis% and Taois%. 5ran) #igured one isit to this cree"y old house !ould cure her o# that. 6rand%other,s large "orcelain ases !ere strung !ith co$!e$s. Again . that !asn,t right. She insisted that her collection $e dusted regularly. Loo)ing at the "orcelain* 5ran) #elt a t!inge o# guilt #or ha ing destroyed so %any "ieces the day o# the #uneral. It see%ed silly to hi% no! . getting angry at 6rand%other !hen he had so %any others to $e angry at8 /uno* 6aia* the giants* his dad 'ars. Es"ecially 'ars. The #ire"lace !as dar) and cold. Ha(el hugged her chest as i# to )ee" the "iece o# #ire!ood #ro% +u%"ing into the hearth. <Is that ., <>eah*, 5ran) said. <That,s it., <That,s !hat-, Percy as)ed. Ha(el,s e1"ression !as sy%"athetic* $ut that +ust %ade 5ran) #eel !orse. He re%e%$ered ho! terri#ied* ho! re"ulsed she had loo)ed !hen he had su%%oned 6rey. <It,s the #ire"lace*, he told Percy* !hich sounded stu"idly o$ ious. <0o%e on. Let,s chec) u"stairs., The ste"s crea)ed under their #eet. 5ran),s old roo% !as the sa%e. None o# his things had $een touched . his e1tra $o! and 4ui er 9he,d ha e to gra$ those later;* his s"elling a!ards #ro% school 9yeah* he "ro$a$ly !as the only non-dysle1ic s"elling cha%"ion de%igod in the !orld* as i# he !eren,t enough o# a #rea) already; and his "hotos o# his %o% . in her #la) +ac)et and hel%et* sitting

on a Hu% ee in Kandahar Pro inceI in her soccer coach uni#or%* the season she,d coached 5ran),s tea%I in her %ilitary dress uni#or%* her hands on 5ran),s shoulders* the ti%e she,d isited his school #or career day. <>our %other-, Ha(el as)ed gently. <She,s $eauti#ul., 5ran) couldn,t ans!er. He #elt a little e%$arrassed . a si1teen-year-old guy !ith a $unch o# "ictures o# his %o%. Ho! ho"elessly la%e !as that- &ut %ostly he #elt sad. Si1 !ee)s since he,d $een here. In so%e !ays it see%ed li)e #ore er. &ut !hen he loo)ed at his %o%,s s%iling #ace in those "hotos* the "ain o# losing her !as as #resh as e er. They chec)ed the other $edroo%s. The %iddle t!o !ere e%"ty. A di% light #lic)ered under the last door . 6rand%other,s roo%. 5ran) )noc)ed 4uietly. No one ans!ered. He "ushed o"en her door. 6rand%other lay in $ed* loo)ing gaunt and #rail* her !hite hair s"read around her #ace li)e a $asilis),s cro!n. A single candle $urned on the nightstand. At her $edside sat a large %an in $eige 0anadian 5orces #atigues. Des"ite the gloo%* he !ore dar) sunglasses !ith $lood-red light glo!ing $ehind the lenses. <'ars*, 5ran) said. The god loo)ed u" i%"assi ely. <Hey* )id. 0o%e on in. Tell your #riends to ta)e a hi)e., <5ran)-, Ha(el !his"ered. <What do %ean* 'ars- Is your grand%other 7 is she o)ay-, 5ran) glanced at his #riends. <>ou don,t see hi%-, <See !ho-, Percy gri""ed his s!ord. <'ars- Where-, The !ar god chuc)led. <Nah* they can,t see %e. 5igured it !as $etter this ti%e. /ust a "ri ate con ersation . #atherOson* right-, 5ran) clenched his #ists. He counted to ten $e#ore he trusted hi%sel# to s"ea). <6uys* it,s 7 it,s nothing. Listen* !hy don,t you ta)e the %iddle $edroo%s-, <Roo#*, Ella said. <Roo#s are good #or har"ies., <Sure*, 5ran) said in a da(e. <There,s "ro$a$ly #ood in the )itchen. Would you gi e %e a #e! %inutes alone !ith

%y grand%other- I thin) she ., His oice $ro)e. He !asn,t sure i# he !anted to cry or screa% or "unch 'ars in the glasses . %ay$e all three. Ha(el laid her hand on his ar%. <3# course* 5ran). 0o%e on* Ella* Percy., 5ran) !aited until his #riends, ste"s had receded. Then he !al)ed into the $edroo% and closed the door. <Is it really you-, he as)ed 'ars. <This isn,t a tric) or illusion or so%ething-, The god shoo) his head. <>ou,d "re#er it i# it !asn,t %e-, <>es*, 5ran) con#essed. 'ars shrugged. <0an,t $la%e you. No$ody !elco%es !ar . not i# they,re s%art. &ut !ar #inds e eryone sooner or later. It,s ine ita$le., <That,s stu"id*, 5ran) said. <War isn,t ine ita$le. It )ills "eo"le. It ., <. too) your %o%*, 'ars #inished. 5ran) !anted to s%ac) the cal% loo) o## his #ace* $ut %ay$e that !as +ust 'ars,s aura %a)ing hi% #eel aggressi e. He loo)ed do!n at his grand%other* slee"ing "eace#ully. He !ished she !ould !a)e u". I# anyone could ta)e on a !ar god* his grand%other could. <She,s ready to die*, 'ars said. <She,s $een ready #or !ee)s* $ut she,s holding on #or you., <5or %e-, 5ran) !as so stunned he al%ost #orgot his anger. <Why- Ho! could she )no! I !as co%ing $ac)- I didn,t )no!=, <The Laistrygonians outside )ne!*, 'ars said. <I i%agine a certain goddess told the%., 5ran) $lin)ed. </uno-, The !ar god laughed so loudly the !indo!s rattled* $ut 6rand%other didn,t e en stir. </uno&oar,s !his)ers* )id. Not /uno= >ou,re /uno,s secret !ea"on. She !ouldn,t sell you out. No* I %eant 6aia. 3$ iously she,s $een )ee"ing trac) o# you. I thin) you !orry her %ore than Percy or /ason or any o# the se en., 5ran) #elt li)e the roo% !as tilting. He !ished there !ere another chair to sit in. <The se en 7 you %ean in the ancient "ro"hecy* the Doors o# Death- I,% one o# the

se en- And /ason* and ., <>es* yes., 'ars !a ed his hand i%"atiently. <0o%e on* $oy. >ou,re su""osed to $e a good tactician. Thin) it through= 3$ iously your #riends are $eing groo%ed #or that %ission* too* assu%ing you %a)e it $ac) #ro% Alas)a ali e. /uno ai%s to unite the 6ree)s and Ro%ans and send the% against the giants. She $elie es it,s the only !ay to sto" 6aia., 'ars shrugged* clearly uncon inced o# the "lan. <Any!ay* 6aia doesn,t !ant you to $e one o# the se en. Percy /ac)son 7 she $elie es she can control hi%. All o# the others ha e !ea)nesses she can e1"loit. &ut you . you !orry her. She,d rather )ill you right a!ay. That,s !hy she su%%oned the Laistrygonians. They, e $een here #or days* !aiting., 5ran) shoo) his head. Was 'ars "laying so%e )ind o# tric)- No !ay !ould a goddess $e !orried a$out 5ran)* es"ecially !hen there !as so%e$ody li)e Percy /ac)son to !orry a$out. <No !ea)nesses-, he as)ed. <I,% nothing $ut !ea)nesses. 'y li#e de"ends on a "iece o# !ood=, 'ars grinned. <>ou,re selling yoursel# short. Any!ay* 6aia has these Laistrygonians con inced that i# they eat the last %e%$er o# your #a%ily . that $eing you . they,ll inherit your #a%ily gi#t. Whether that,s true or not* I don,t )no!. &ut the Laistrygonians are hungry to try., 5ran),s sto%ach t!isted into a )not. 6rey had )illed si1 o# the ogres* $ut +udging #ro% the ca%"#ires around the "ro"erty* there !ere do(ens %ore . all !aiting to coo) 5ran) #or $rea)#ast. <I,% going to thro! u"*, he said. <No* you,re not., 'ars sna""ed his #ingers* and 5ran),s 4ueasiness disa""eared. <&attle +itters. Ha""ens to e ery$ody., <&ut %y grand%other ., <>eah* she,s $een !aiting to tal) to you. The ogres ha e le#t her alone so #ar. She,s the $ait* see- No! that you,re here* I i%agine they, e already s%elled your "resence. They,ll attac) in the %orning.,

<6et us out o# here* then=, 5ran) de%anded. <Sna" your #ingers and $lo! u" the canni$als., <Ha= That !ould $e #un. &ut I don,t #ight %y )ids, $attles #or the%. The 5ates ha e clear ideas a$out !hat +o$s $elong to gods* and !hat has to $e done $y %ortals. This is your 4uest* )id. And* uh* in case you ha en,t #igured it out yet* your s"ear !on,t $e ready to use again #or t!enty-#our hours* so I ho"e you, e learned ho! to use the #a%ily gi#t. 3ther!ise* you,re gonna $e $rea)#ast #or canni$als., The #a%ily gi#t. 5ran) had !anted to tal) !ith 6rand%other a$out it* $ut no! he had no one to consult $ut 'ars. He stared at the !ar god* !ho !as s%iling !ith a$solutely no sy%"athy. <Pericly%enus., 5ran) sounded out the !ord care#ully* li)e a s"elling-$ee challenge. <He !as %y ancestor* a 6ree) "rince* an Argonaut. He died #ighting Hercules., 'ars rolled his hand in a <go on, gesture. <He had an a$ility that hel"ed hi% in co%$at*, 5ran) said. <So%e sort o# gi#t #ro% the gods. 'y %o% said he #ought li)e a s!ar% o# $ees., 'ars laughed. <True enough. What else-, <So%eho!* the #a%ily got to 0hina. I thin)* li)e in the days o# the Ro%an E%"ire* one o# Pericyl%enus,s descendants ser ed in a legion. 'y %o% used to tal) a$out a guy na%ed Seneca 6racchus* $ut he also had a 0hinese na%e* Sung 6uo. I thin) . !ell* this is the "art I don,t )no!* $ut Reyna al!ays said there !ere %any lost legions. The T!el#th #ounded 0a%" /u"iter. 'ay$e there !as another legion that disa""eared into the east., 'ars cla""ed silently. <Not $ad* )id. E er heard o# the &attle o# 0arrhae- Huge disaster #or the Ro%ans. They #ought these guys called the Parthians on the eastern $order o# the e%"ire. 5i#teen thousand Ro%ans died. Ten thousand %ore !ere ta)en "risoner., <And one o# the "risoners !as %y ancestor Seneca 6racchus-, <E1actly*, 'ars agreed. <The Parthians "ut the ca"tured legionnaires to !or)* since they !ere "retty good #ighters. E1ce"t then Parthia got in aded again #ro% the other

direction ., <&y the 0hinese*, 5ran) guessed. <And the Ro%an "risoners got ca"tured again., <>eah. Kind o# e%$arrassing. Any!ay* that,s ho! a Ro%an legion got to 0hina. The Ro%ans e entually "ut do!n roots and $uilt a ne! ho%eto!n called ., <Li-/ien*, 5ran) said. <'y %other said that !as our ancestral ho%e. Li-/ien. Legion., 'ars loo)ed "leased. <No! you,re getting it. And old Seneca 6racchus* he had your #a%ily,s gi#t., <'y %o% said he #ought dragons*, 5ran) re%e%$ered. <She said he !as 7 he !as the %ost "o!er#ul dragon o# all., <He !as good*, 'ars ad%itted. <Not good enough to a oid the $ad luc) o# his legion* $ut good. He settled in 0hina* "assed the #a%ily gi#t to his )ids* and so on. E entually your #a%ily e%igrated to North A%erica and got in ol ed !ith 0a%" /u"iter ., <5ull circle*, 5ran) #inished. </uno said I !ould $ring the #a%ily #ull circle., <We,ll see., 'ars nodded at his grand%other. <She !anted to tell you all this hersel#* $ut I #igured I,d co er so%e o# it since the old $ird hasn,t got %uch strength. So do you understand your gi#t-, 5ran) hesitated. He had an idea* $ut it see%ed cra(y . e en cra(ier than a #a%ily %o ing #ro% 6reece to Ro%e to 0hina to 0anada. He didn,t !ant to say it aloud. He didn,t !ant to $e !rong and ha e 'ars laugh at hi%. <I . I thin) so. &ut against an ar%y o# those ogres ., <>eah* it,ll $e tough., 'ars stood and stretched. <When your grand%other !a)es u" in the %orning* she,ll o##er you so%e hel". Then I i%agine she,ll die., <What- &ut I ha e to sa e her= She can,t +ust lea e %e., <She,s li ed a #ull li#e*, 'ars said. <She,s ready to %o e on. Don,t $e sel#ish., <Sel#ish=, <The old !o%an only stuc) around this long out o# a sense o# duty. >our %o% !as the sa%e !ay. That,s !hy I lo ed her. She al!ays "ut her duty #irst* ahead o#

e erything. E en her li#e., <E en %e., 'ars too) o## his sunglasses. Where his eyes should, e $een* %iniature s"heres o# #ire $oiled li)e nuclear e1"losions. <Sel#-"ity isn,t hel"#ul* )id. It isn,t !orthy o# you. E en !ithout the #a%ily gi#t* your %o% ga e you your %ost i%"ortant traits . $ra ery* loyalty* $rains. No! you, e got to decide ho! to use the%. In the %orning* listen to your grand%other. Ta)e her ad ice. >ou can still #ree Thanatos and sa e the ca%"., <And lea e %y grand%other $ehind to die., <Li#e is only "recious $ecause it ends* )id. Ta)e it #ro% god. >ou %ortals don,t )no! ho! luc)y you are., <>eah*, 5ran) %uttered. <Real luc)y., 'ars laughed . a harsh %etallic sound. <>our %o% used to tell %e this 0hinese "ro er$. Eat $itter ., <Eat $itter* taste s!eet*, 5ran) said. <I hate that "ro er$., <&ut it,s true. What do they call it these days . no "ain* no gain- Sa%e conce"t. >ou do the easy thing* the a""ealing thing* the "eace#ul thing* %ostly it turns out sour in the end. &ut i# you ta)e the hard "ath . ah* that,s ho! you rea" the s!eet re!ards. Duty. Sacri#ice. They %ean so%ething., 5ran) !as so disgusted he could hardly s"ea). This !as his #atherSure* 5ran) understood a$out his %o% $eing a hero. He understood she,d sa ed li es and $een really $ra e. &ut she,d le#t hi% alone. That !asn,t #air. It !asn,t right. <I,ll $e going*, 'ars "ro%ised. <&ut #irst . you said you !ere !ea). That,s not true. >ou !ant to )no! !hy /uno s"ared you* 5ran)- Why that "iece o# !ood didn,t $urn yet- It,s $ecause you, e got a role to "lay. >ou thin) you,re not as good as the other Ro%ans. >ou thin) Percy /ac)son is $etter than you., <He is*, 5ran) gru%$led. <He $attled you and !on., 'ars shrugged. <'ay$e. 'ay$e so. &ut e ery hero has a #atal #la!. Percy /ac)son- He,s too loyal to his #riends. He can,t gi e the% u"* not #or anything. He !as told that* years ago. And so%e day soon he,s going to #ace a

sacri#ice he can,t %a)e. Without you* 5ran) . !ithout your sense o# duty . he,s going #ail. The !hole !ar !ill go side!ays* and 6aia !ill destroy our !orld., 5ran) shoo) his head. He couldn,t hear this. <War is a duty*, 'ars continued. <The only real choice is !hether you acce"t it* and !hat you #ight #or. The legacy o# Ro%e is on the line . #i e thousand years o# la!* order* ci ili(ation. The gods* the traditions* the cultures that sha"ed the !orld you li e in8 it,s all going to cru%$le* 5ran)* unless you !in this. I thin) that,s !orth #ighting #or. Thin) a$out it., <What,s %ine-, 5ran) as)ed. 'ars raised an eye$ro!. <>our !hat-, <5atal #la!. >ou said all heroes ha e one., The god s%iled dryly. <>ou gotta ans!er that yoursel#* 5ran). &ut you,re #inally as)ing the right 4uestions. No!* get so%e slee". >ou need the rest., The god !a ed his hand. 5ran),s eyes #elt hea y. He colla"sed* and e erything !ent dar). <5ai*, said a #a%iliar oice* harsh and i%"atient. 5ran) $lin)ed his eyes. Sunlight strea%ed into the roo%. <5ai* get u". As %uch as I !ould li)e to sla" that ridiculous #ace o# yours* I a% in no condition to get out o# $ed., <6rand%other-, She ca%e into #ocus* loo)ing do!n at hi% #ro% the $ed. He lay s"ra!led on the #loor. So%eone had "ut a $lan)et o er hi% during the night and a "illo! under his head* $ut he had no idea ho! it had ha""ened. <>es* %y silly o1., 6rand%other still loo)ed horri$ly !ea) and "ale* $ut her oice !as as steely as e er. <No!* get u". The ogres ha e surrounded the house. We ha e %uch to discuss i# you and your #riends are to esca"e here ali e.,



3NE L33K 32T 35 THE WIND3W* and 5ran) )ne! he !as in trou$le. At the edge o# the la!n* the Laistrygonians !ere stac)ing $ron(e cannon$alls. Their s)in glea%ed red. Their shaggy hair* tattoos and cla!s didn,t loo) any "rettier in the %orning light. So%e carried clu$s or s"ears. A #e! con#used ogres carried sur#$oards* li)e they,d sho!n u" at the !rong "arty. All o# the% !ere in a #esti e %ood . gi ing each other high #i es* tying "lastic $i$s round their nec)s* $rea)ing out the )ni es and #or)s. 3ne ogre had #ired u" a "orta$le $ar$ecue and !as dancing in an a"ron that said KISS THE 033K. The scene !ould, e $een al%ost #unny* e1ce"t 5ran) )ne! he !as the %ain course. <I, e sent your #riends to the attic*, 6rand%other said. <>ou can +oin the% !hen !e,re done., <The attic-, 5ran) turned. <>ou told %e I could ne er go in there., <That,s $ecause !e )ee" !ea"ons in the attic* silly $oy. Do you thin) this is the #irst ti%e %onsters ha e attac)ed our #a%ily-, <Wea"ons*, 5ran) gru%$led. <Right. I, e ne er handled !ea"ons $e#ore., 6rand%other,s nostrils #lared. <Was that sarcas%* 5ai Phang-, <>es* 6rand%other., <6ood. There %ay $e ho"e #or you yet. No!* sit. >ou %ust eat., She !a ed her hand at the nightstand* !here so%eone had set a glass o# orange +uice and a "late o# "oached eggs and $acon on toast . 5ran),s #a ourite $rea)#ast. Des"ite his trou$les* 5ran) suddenly #elt hungry. He loo)ed at 6rand%other in astonish%ent. <Did you .,

<'a)e you $rea)#ast- &y &uddha,s %on)ey* o# course not= And it !asn,t the house sta##. Too dangerous #or the% here. No* your girl#riend Ha(el %ade that #or you. And $rought you a $lan)et and "illo! last night. And "ic)ed out so%e clean clothes #or you in your $edroo%. &y the !ay* you should sho!er. >ou s%ell li)e $urning horse hair., 5ran) o"ened and closed his %outh li)e a #ish. He couldn,t %a)e sounds co%e out. Ha(el had done all that #or hi%- 5ran) had $een sure he,d destroyed any chance !ith her last night !hen he had su%%oned 6rey. <She,s 7 u% 7 she,s not ., <Not your girl#riend-, 6rand%other guessed. <Well* she should $e* you dolt= Don,t let her get a!ay. >ou need strong !o%en in your li#e* i# you ha en,t noticed. No!* to $usiness., 5ran) ate !hile 6rand%other ga e hi% a sort o# %ilitary $rie#ing. In the daylight* her s)in !as so translucent* her eins see%ed to glo!. Her $reathing sounded li)e a crac)ly "a"er $ag in#lating and de#lating* $ut she s"o)e !ith #ir%ness and clarity. She e1"lained that the ogres had $een surrounding the house #or three days* !aiting #or 5ran) to sho! u". <They !ant to coo) you and eat you*, she said distaste#ully* <!hich is ridiculous. >ou,d taste terri$le., <Than) you* 6rand%other., She nodded. <I ad%it* I !as so%e!hat "leased !hen they said you !ere co%ing $ac). I a% glad to see you one last ti%e* e en i# your clothes are dirty and you need a haircut. Is this ho! you re"resent your #a%ily-, <I, e $een a little $usy* 6rand%other., <No e1cuse #or slo""iness. At any rate* your #riends ha e sle"t and eaten. They are ta)ing stoc) o# the !ea"ons in the attic. I told the% you !ould $e along shortly* $ut there are too %any ogres to #end o## #or long. We %ust s"ea) o# your esca"e "lan. Loo) in %y nightstand., 5ran) o"ened the dra!er and "ulled out a sealed en elo"e.

<>ou )no! the air#ield at the end o# the "ar)-, 6rand%other as)ed. <0ould you #ind it again-, 5ran) nodded %utely. It !as a$out three %iles to the north* do!n the %ain road through the canyon. 6rand%other had ta)en hi% there so%eti%es !hen she !ould charter "lanes to $ring in s"ecial shi"%ents #ro% 0hina. <There is a "ilot standing $y to lea e at a %o%ent,s notice*, 6rand%other said. <He is an old #a%ily #riend. I ha e a letter #or hi% in that en elo"e* as)ing hi% to ta)e you north., <&ut ., <Do not argue* $oy*, she %uttered. <'ars has $een isiting %e these last #e! days* )ee"ing %e co%"any. He told %e o# your 4uest. 5ind Death in Alas)a and release hi%. Do your duty., <&ut i# I succeed you,ll die. I,ll ne er see you again., <That is true*, 6rand%other agreed. <&ut I,ll die any!ay. I,% old. I thought I %ade that clear. No!* did your "raetor gi e you letters o# introduction-, <2h* yes* $ut ., <6ood. Sho! those to the "ilot as !ell. He,s a eteran o# the legion. In case he has any dou$ts* or gets cold #eet* those credentials !ill %a)e hi% honour-$ound to hel" you in any !ay "ossi$le. All you ha e to do is reach the air#ield., The house ru%$led. 3utside a $all o# #ire e1"loded in %idair* lighting u" the entire roo%. <The ogres are getting restless*, 6rand%other said. <We %ust hurry. No!* a$out your "o!ers* I ho"e you, e #igured the% out., <2h 7, 6rand%other %uttered so%e curses in ra"id-#ire 'andarin. <6ods o# your ancestors* $oy= Ha e you learned nothing-, <>es=, He sta%%ered out the details o# his discussion !ith 'ars the night $e#ore* $ut he #elt %uch %ore tongue-tied in #ront o# 6rand%other. <The gi#t o# Pericly%enus 7 I thin)* I thin) he !as a son o# Poseidon* I %ean Ne"tune* I

%ean 7, 5ran) s"read his hands. <The sea god., 6rand%other nodded grudgingly. <He !as the grandson o# Poseidon* $ut good enough. Ho! did your $rilliant intellect arri e at this #act-, <A seer in Portland 7 he said so%ething a$out %y great-grand#ather* Shen Lun. The seer said he !as $la%ed #or the JD@Q earth4ua)e that destroyed San 5rancisco and the old location o# 0a%" /u"iter., <6o on., <At ca%"* they said a descendant o# Ne"tune had caused the disaster. Ne"tune is the god o# earth4ua)es. &ut 7 $ut I don,t thin) great-grand#ather actually did it. 0ausing earth4ua)es isn,t our gi#t., <No*, 6rand%other agreed. <&ut* yes* he !as $la%ed. He !as un"o"ular as a descendant o# Ne"tune. He !as un"o"ular $ecause his real gi#t !as %uch stranger than causing earth4ua)es. And he !as un"o"ular $ecause he !as 0hinese. A 0hinese $oy had ne er $e#ore clai%ed Ro%an $lood. An ugly truth . $ut there is no denying it. He !as #alsely accused* #orced out in sha%e., <So 7 i# he didn,t do anything !rong* !hy did you tell %e to a"ologi(e #or hi%-, 6rand%other,s chee)s #lushed. <&ecause a"ologi(ing #or so%ething you didn,t do is $etter than dying #or it= I !asn,t sure i# the ca%" !ould hold you to $la%e. I did not )no! i# the "re+udice o# the Ro%ans had eased., 5ran) s!allo!ed do!n his $rea)#ast. He,d $een teased in school and on the streets so%eti%es* $ut not that %uch* and ne er at 0a%" /u"iter. No$ody at ca%"* not once* had %ade #un o# hi% #or $eing Asian. No$ody cared a$out that. They only %ade #un o# hi% $ecause he !as clu%sy and slo!. He couldn,t i%agine !hat it had $een li)e #or his greatgrand#ather* accused o# destroying the entire ca%"* dru%%ed out o# the legion #or so%ething he didn,t do. <And our real gi#t-, 6rand%other as)ed. <Ha e you at least #igured out !hat it is-, His %other,s old stories s!irled in 5ran),s head. 5ighting li)e a s!ar% o# $ees. He !as the greatest dragon

o# all. He re%e%$ered his %other,s a""earing ne1t to hi% in the $ac)yard* as i# she,d #lo!n #ro% the attic. He re%e%$ered her co%ing out o# the !oods* saying that she,d gi en a %a%a gri((ly $ear directions. <>ou can $e anything*, 5ran) said. <That,s !hat she al!ays told %e., 6rand%other hu##ed. <5inally* a di% light goes on in that head o# yours. >es* 5ai Phang. >our %other !as not si%"ly $oosting your sel#-estee%. She !as telling you the literal truth., <&ut 7, Another e1"losion shoo) the house. 0eiling "laster #ell li)e sno!. 5ran) !as so $e!ildered he $arely noticed. <Anything-, <Within reason*, 6rand%other said. <Li ing things. It hel"s i# you )no! the creature !ell. It also hel"s i# you are in a li#e-and-death situation* such as co%$at. Why do you loo) so sur"rised* 5ai- >ou ha e al!ays said you are not co%#orta$le in your o!n $ody. We all #eel that !ay . all o# us !ith the $lood o# Pylos. This gi#t !as only gi en once to a %ortal #a%ily. We are uni4ue a%ong de%igods. Poseidon %ust ha e $een #eeling es"ecially generous !hen he $lessed our ancestor . or es"ecially s"ite#ul. The gi#t has o#ten "ro en a curse. It did not sa e your %other 7, 3utside* a cheer !ent u" #ro% the ogres. So%eone shouted* <Phang= Phang=, <>ou %ust go* silly $oy*, 6rand%other said. <3ur ti%e is u"., <&ut . I don,t )no! ho! to use %y "o!er. I, e ne er . I can,t ., <>ou can*, 6rand%other said. <3r you !ill not sur i e to reali(e your destiny. I don,t li)e this Pro"hecy o# Se en that 'ars told %e a$out. Se en is an unluc)y nu%$er in 0hinese . a ghost nu%$er. &ut there is nothing !e can do a$out that. No!* go= To%orro! e ening is the 5east o# 5ortuna. >ou ha e no ti%e to !aste. Don,t !orry a$out %e. I !ill die in %y o!n ti%e* in %y o!n !ay. I ha e no intention o# $eing de oured $y those ridiculous ogres. 6o=,

5ran) turned at the door. He #elt li)e his heart !as $eing s4uee(ed through a +uicer* $ut he $o!ed #or%ally. <Than) you* 6rand%other*, he said. <I !ill %a)e you "roud., She %uttered so%ething under her $reath. 5ran) al%ost thought she had said* >ou ha e. He stared at her* du%$#ounded* $ut her e1"ression i%%ediately soured. <Sto" ga"ing* $oy= 6o sho!er and dress= 0o%$ your hair= 'y last i%age o# you* and you sho! %e %essy hair-, He "atted do!n his hair and $o!ed again. His last i%age o# 6rand%other !as o# her glaring out o# the !indo!* as i# thin)ing a$out the terri$le scolding she !ould gi e the ogres !hen they in aded her ho%e.



5RANK T33K THE G2I0KEST P3SSI&LE SH3WER* "ut on the clothes Ha(el had set out . an oli e-green shirt !ith $eige cargo "ants* really- . then gra$$ed his s"are $o! and 4ui er and $ounded u" the attic stairs. The attic !as #ull o# !ea"ons. His #a%ily had collected enough ancient ar%a%ents to su""ly an ar%y. Shields* s"ears and 4ui ers o# arro!s hung along one !all . al%ost as %any as in the 0a%" /u"iter ar%oury. At the $ac) !indo!* a scor"ion cross$o! !as %ounted and loaded* ready #or action. At the #ront !indo! stood so%ething that loo)ed li)e a %achine gun !ith a cluster o# $arrels. <Roc)et launcher-, he !ondered aloud. <No"e* no"e*, said a oice #ro% the corner. <Potatoes. Ella doesn,t li)e "otatoes., The har"y had %ade a nest #or hersel# $et!een t!o old stea%er trun)s. She !as sitting in a "ile o# 0hinese scrolls* reading se en or eight at once. <Ella*, 5ran) said* <!here are the others-, <Roo#., She glanced u"!ard* then returned to her reading* alternately "ic)ing at her #eathers and turning "ages. <Roo#. 3gre-!atching. Ella doesn,t li)e ogres. Potatoes., <Potatoes-, 5ran) didn,t understand until he s!i elled the %achine gun around. Its eight $arrels !ere loaded !ith s"uds. At the $ase o# the gun* a $as)et !as #illed !ith %ore edi$le a%%unition. He loo)ed out o# the !indo! . the sa%e !indo! his %o% had !atched hi% #ro% !hen he had %et the $ear. Do!n in the yard* the ogres !ere %illing around* sho ing each other* occasionally yelling at the house* and thro!ing $ron(e cannon$alls that e1"loded in %idair. <They ha e cannon$alls*, 5ran) said. <And !e ha e a "otato gun.,

<Starch*, Ella said thought#ully. <Starch is $ad #or ogres., The house shoo) #ro% another e1"losion. 5ran) needed to reach the roo# and see ho! Percy and Ha(el !ere doing* $ut he #elt $ad lea ing Ella alone. He )nelt ne1t to her* care#ul not to get too close. <Ella* it,s not sa#e here !ith the ogres. We,re going to $e #lying to Alas)a soon. Will you co%e !ith us-, Ella t!itched unco%#orta$ly. <Alas)a. Si1 hundred t!enty-si1 thousand* #our hundred t!enty#i e s4uare %iles. State %a%%al8 the %oose., Suddenly she s!itched to Latin* !hich 5ran) could +ust $arely #ollo! than)s to his classes at 0a%" /u"iter8 <To the north* $eyond the gods* lies the legion,s cro!n. 5alling #ro% ice* the son o# Ne"tune shall dro!n ., She sto""ed and scratched her dishe elled red hair. <H%%. &urnt. The rest is $urnt., 5ran) could hardly $reathe. <Ella* !as 7 !as that a "ro"hecy- Where did you read that-, <'oose*, Ella said* sa ouring the !ord. <'oose. 'oose. 'oose., The house shoo) again. Dust rained do!n #ro% the ra#ters. 3utside* an ogre $ello!ed* <5ran) Phang= Sho! yoursel#=, <No"e*, Ella said. <5ran) shouldn,t. No"e., </ust 7 stay here* o)ay-, 5ran) said. <I, e got to go hel" Ha(el and Percy., He "ulled do!n the ladder to the roo#. <'orning*, Percy said gri%ly. <&eauti#ul day* huh-, He !ore the sa%e clothes as the day $e#ore . +eans* his "ur"le T-shirt and Polartec +ac)et . $ut they,d o$ iously $een #reshly !ashed. He held his s!ord in one hand and a garden hose in the other. Why there !as a garden hose on the roo#* 5ran) !asn,t sure* $ut e ery ti%e the giants sent u" a cannon$all* Percy su%%oned a high-"o!ered $last o# !ater and detonated the s"here in %idair. Then 5ran) re%e%$ered . his #a%ily !as descended #ro% Poseidon* too. 6rand%other had said their house had $een attac)ed $e#ore. 'ay$e they had "ut a hose u" here #or +ust that reason.

Ha(el "atrolled the !ido!,s !al) $et!een the t!o attic ga$les. She loo)ed so good it %ade 5ran),s chest hurt. She !ore +eans* a crea%-coloured +ac)et and a !hite shirt that %ade her s)in loo) as !ar% as cocoa. Her curly hair #ell around her shoulders. When she ca%e close* 5ran) could s%ell +as%ine sha%"oo. She gri""ed her s!ord. When she glanced at 5ran)* her eyes #lashed !ith concern. <Are you o)ay-, she as)ed. <Why are you s%iling-, <3h* uh* nothing*, he %anaged. <Than)s #or $rea)#ast. And the clothes. And 7 not hating %e., Ha(el loo)ed $a##led. <Why !ould I hate you-, 5ran),s #ace $urned. He !ished he,d )e"t his %outh shut* $ut it !as too late no!. Don,t let her get a!ay* his grand%other had said. >ou need strong !o%en. <It,s +ust 7 last night*, he sta%%ered. <When I su%%oned the s)eleton. I thought 7 I thought that you thought 7 I !as re"ulsi e 7 or so%ething., Ha(el raised her eye$ro!s. She shoo) her head in dis%ay. <5ran)* %ay$e I !as sur"rised. 'ay$e I !as scared o# that thing. &ut re"ulsed- The !ay you co%%anded it* so con#ident and e erything . li)e* 3h* $y the !ay* guys* I ha e this all-"o!er#ul s"artus !e can use. I couldn,t $elie e it. I !asn,t re"ulsed* 5ran). I !as i%"ressed., 5ran) !asn,t sure he,d heard her right. <>ou !ere 7 i%"ressed 7 $y %e-, Percy laughed. <Dude* it !as "retty a%a(ing., <Honest-, 5ran) as)ed. <Honest*, Ha(el "ro%ised. <&ut right no! !e ha e other "ro$le%s to !orry a$out. 3)ay-, She gestured at the ar%y o# ogres* !ho !ere getting increasingly $old* shu##ling closer and closer to the house. Percy readied the garden hose. <I, e got one %ore tric) u" %y slee e. >our la!n has a s"rin)ler syste%. I can $lo! it u" and cause so%e con#usion do!n there* $ut that,ll destroy your !ater "ressure. No "ressure* no hose* and those cannon$alls are going to "lough right into the

house., Ha(el,s "raise !as still ringing in 5ran),s ears* %a)ing it di##icult to thin). Do(ens o# ogres !ere ca%"ed on his la!n* !aiting to tear hi% a"art* and 5ran) could $arely control the urge to grin. Ha(el didn,t hate hi%. She !as i%"ressed. He #orced hi%sel# to concentrate. He re%e%$ered !hat his grand%other had told hi% a$out the nature o# his gi#t* and ho! he had to lea e her here to die. >ou, e got a role to "lay* 'ars had said. 5ran) couldn,t $elie e he !as /uno,s secret !ea"on* or that this $ig Pro"hecy o# the Se en de"ended on hi%. &ut Ha(el and Percy !ere counting on hi%. He had to do his $est. He thought a$out that !eird "artial "ro"hecy Ella had recited in the attic* a$out the son o# Ne"tune dro!ning. >ou don,t understand her true alue* Phineas had told the% in Portland. The old $lind %an had thought that controlling Ella !ould %a)e hi% a )ing. All these "u((le "ieces s!irled around in 5ran),s %ind. He got the #eeling that !hen they #inally connected* they !ould create a "icture he didn,t li)e. <6uys* I, e got an esca"e "lan., He told his #riends a$out the "lane !aiting at the air#ield* and his grand%other,s note #or the "ilot. <He,s a legion eteran. He,ll hel" us., <&ut Arion,s not $ac)*, Ha(el said. <And !hat a$out your grand%other- We can,t +ust lea e her., 5ran) cho)ed $ac) a so$. <'ay$e . %ay$e Arion !ill #ind us. As #or %y grand%other 7 she !as "retty clear. She said she,d $e o)ay., It !asn,t e1actly the truth* $ut it !as as %uch as 5ran) could %anage. <There,s another "ro$le%*, Percy said. <I,% not good !ith air tra el. It,s dangerous #or a son o# Ne"tune., <>ou,ll ha e to ris) it 7 and so !ill I*, 5ran) said. <&y the !ay* !e,re related., Percy al%ost stu%$led o## the roo#. <What-, 5ran) ga e the% the #i e-second ersion8 <Pericly%enus. Ancestor on %y %o%,s side. Argonaut.

6randson o# Poseidon., Ha(el,s %outh #ell o"en. <>ou,re a . a descendant o# Ne"tune- 5ran)* that,s ., <0ra(y- >eah. And there,s this a$ility %y #a%ily has* su""osedly. &ut I don,t )no! ho! to use it. I# I can,t #igure it out ., Another %assi e cheer !ent u" #ro% the Laistrygonians. 5ran) reali(ed they !ere staring u" at hi%* "ointing and !a ing and laughing. They had s"otted their $rea)#ast. <Phang=, they yelled. <Phang=, Ha(el ste""ed closer to hi%. <They )ee" doing that. Why are they yelling your na%e-, <Ne er %ind*, 5ran) said. <Listen* !e, e got to "rotect Ella* ta)e her !ith us., <3# course*, Ha(el said. <The "oor thing needs our hel"., <No*, 5ran) said. <I %ean yes* $ut it,s not +ust that. She recited a "ro"hecy do!nstairs. I thin) 7 I thin) it !as a$out this 4uest., He didn,t !ant to tell Percy the $ad ne!s* a$out a son o# Ne"tune dro!ning* $ut he re"eated the lines. Percy,s +a! tightened. <I don,t )no! ho! a son o# Ne"tune can dro!n. I can $reathe under!ater. &ut the cro!n o# the legion ., <That,s got to $e the eagle*, Ha(el said. Percy nodded. <And Ella recited so%ething li)e this once $e#ore* in Portland . a line #ro% the old 6reat Pro"hecy., <The !hat-, 5ran) as)ed. <Tell you later., Percy turned his garden hose and shot another cannon$all out o# the s)y. It e1"loded in an orange #ire$all. The ogres cla""ed !ith a""reciation and yelled* <Pretty= Pretty=, <The thing is*, 5ran) said* <Ella re%e%$ers e erything she reads. She said so%ething a$out the "age $eing $urned* li)e she,d read a da%aged te1t o# "ro"hecies., Ha(el,s eyes !idened. <&urned $oo)s o# "ro"hecy- >ou don,t thin) . $ut that,s i%"ossi$le=, <The $oo)s 3cta ian !anted* $ac) at ca%"-, Percy

guessed. Ha(el !histled under her $reath. <The lost Si$ylline $oo)s that outlined the entire destiny o# Ro%e. I# Ella actually read a co"y so%eho!* and %e%ori(ed it ., <Then she,s the %ost alua$le har"y in the !orld*, 5ran) said. <No !onder Phineas !anted to ca"ture her., <5ran) Phang=, an ogre shouted #ro% $elo!. He !as $igger than the rest* !earing a lion,s ca"e li)e a Ro%an standard $earer and a "lastic $i$ !ith a lo$ster on it. <0o%e do!n* son o# 'ars= We, e $een !aiting #or you. 0o%e* $e our honoured guest=, Ha(el gri""ed 5ran),s ar%. <Why do I get the #eeling that Ehonoured guestF %eans the sa%e thing as EdinnerF-, 5ran) !ished 'ars !ere still there. He could use so%e$ody to sna" his #ingers and %a)e his $attle +itters go a!ay. Ha(el $elie es in %e* he thought. I can do this. He loo)ed at Percy. <0an you dri e-, <Sure. Why-, <6rand%other,s car is in the garage. It,s an old 0adillac. The thing is li)e a tan). I# you can get it started ., <We,ll still ha e to $rea) through a line o# ogres*, Ha(el said. <The s"rin)ler syste%*, Percy said. <2se it as a distraction-, <E1actly*, 5ran) said. <I,ll $uy you as %uch ti%e as I can. 6et Ella* and get in the car. I,ll try to %eet you in the garage* $ut don,t !ait #or %e., Percy #ro!ned. <5ran) ., <6i e us your ans!er* 5ran) Phang=, the ogre yelled u". <0o%e do!n* and !e !ill s"are the others . your #riends* your "oor old granny. We only !ant you=, <They,re lying*, Percy %uttered. <>eah* I got that*, 5ran) agreed. <6o=, His #riends ran #or the ladder. 5ran) tried to control the $eating o# his heart. He grinned and yelled* <Hey* do!n there= Who,s hungry-, The ogres cheered as 5ran) "aced along the !ido!,s !al) and !a ed li)e a roc) star.

5ran) tried to su%%on his #a%ily "o!er. He i%agined hi%sel# as a #ire-$reathing dragon. He strained and clenched his #ist and thought a$out dragons so hard* $eads o# s!eat "o""ed u" on his #orehead. He !anted to s!ee" do!n on the ene%y and destroy the%. That !ould $e e1tre%ely cool. &ut nothing ha""ened. He had no clue ho! to change hi%sel#. He had ne er e en seen a real dragon. 5or a "anic)y %o%ent* he !ondered i# 6rand%other had "layed so%e sort o# cruel +o)e on hi%. 'ay$e he,d %isunderstood the gi#t. 'ay$e 5ran) !as the only %e%$er o# the #a%ily !ho hadn,t inherited it. That !ould $e +ust his luc). The ogres started to $eco%e restless. The cheering turned to catcalls. A #e! Laistrygonians he#ted their cannon$alls. <Hold on=, 5ran) yelled. <>ou don,t !ant to char %e* do you- I !on,t taste ery good that !ay., <0o%e do!n=, they yelled. <Hungry=, Ti%e #or Plan &. 5ran) +ust !ished he had one. <Do you "ro%ise to s"are %y #riends-, 5ran) as)ed. <Do you s!ear on the Ri er Sty1-, The ogres laughed. 3ne thre! a cannon$all that arced o er 5ran),s head and $le! u" the chi%ney. &y so%e %iracle* 5ran) !asn,t hit !ith shra"nel. <I,ll ta)e that as a no*, he %uttered. Then he shouted do!n8 <3)ay* #ine= >ou !in= I,ll $e right do!n. Wait there=, The ogres cheered* $ut their leader in the lion-s)in ca"e sco!led sus"iciously. 5ran) !ouldn,t ha e %uch ti%e. He descended the ladder into the attic. Ella !as gone. He ho"ed that !as a good sign. 'ay$e they,d got her to the cadillac. He gra$$ed an e1tra 4ui er o# arro!s la$elled ASS3RTED :ARIETIES in his %other,s neat "rinting. Then he ran to the %achine gun. He s!i elled the $arrel* too) ai% at the lead ogre* and "ressed the trigger. Eight high"o!ered s"uds $lasted the giant in the chest* "ro"elling hi% $ac)!ards !ith such #orce that he crashed into a stac) o# $ron(e cannon$alls* !hich "ro%"tly e1"loded* lea ing a s%o)ing crater in the yard.

A""arently starch !as $ad #or ogres. While the rest o# the %onsters ran around in con#usion* 5ran) "ulled his $o! and rained arro!s on the%. So%e o# the %issiles detonated on i%"act. 3thers s"lintered li)e $uc)shot and le#t the giants !ith so%e "ain#ul ne! tattoos. 3ne hit an ogre and instantly turned hi% into a "otted rose$ush. 2n#ortunately* the ogres reco ered 4uic)ly. They $egan thro!ing cannon$alls . do(ens at a ti%e. The !hole house groaned under the i%"act. 5ran) ran #or the stairs. The attic disintegrated $ehind hi%. S%o)e and #ire "oured do!n the second-#loor hall!ay. <6rand%other=, he cried* $ut the heat !as so intense* he couldn,t reach her roo%. He raced to the ground #loor* clinging to the $anister as the house shoo) and huge chun)s o# the ceiling colla"sed. The $ase o# the staircase !as a s%o)ing crater. He lea"ed o er it and stu%$led through the )itchen. 0ho)ing #ro% the ash and soot* he $urst into the garage. The 0adillac,s headlights !ere on. The engine !as running and the garage door !as o"ening. <6et in=, Percy yelled. 5ran) di ed in the $ac) ne1t to Ha(el. Ella !as curled u" in the #ront* her head tuc)ed under her !ings* %uttering* <>i)es. >i)es. >i)es., Percy gunned the engine. They shot out o# the garage $e#ore it !as #ully o"en* lea ing a 0adillac-sha"ed hole o# s"lintered !ood. The ogres ran to interce"t* $ut Percy shouted at the to" o# his lungs* and the irrigation syste% e1"loded. A hundred geysers shot into the air along !ith clods o# earth* "ieces o# "i"e and ery hea y s"rin)ler heads. The 0adillac !as going a$out #orty !hen they hit the #irst ogre* !ho disintegrated on i%"act. &y the ti%e the other %onsters o erca%e their con#usion* the 0adillac !as hal# a %ile do!n the road. 5la%ing cannon$alls $urst $ehind the%. 5ran) glanced $ac) and sa! his #a%ily %ansion on #ire* the !alls colla"sing in!ard and s%o)e $illo!ing into the

s)y. He sa! a large $lac) s"ec) . %ay$e a $u((ard . circling u" #ro% the #ire. It %ight, e $een 5ran),s i%agination* $ut he thought it had #lo!n out o# the second-storey !indo!. <6rand%other-, he %ur%ured. It see%ed i%"ossi$le* $ut she had "ro%ised she !ould die in her o!n !ay* not at the hands o# the ogres. 5ran) ho"ed she had $een right. They dro e through the !oods and headed north. <A$out three %iles=, 5ran) said. <>ou can,t %iss it=, &ehind the%* %ore e1"losions ri""ed through the #orest. S%o)e $oiled into the s)y. <Ho! #ast can Laistrygonians run-, Ha(el as)ed. <Let,s not #ind out*, Percy said. The gates o# the air#ield a""eared $e#ore the% . only a #e! hundred yards a!ay. A "ri ate +et idled on the run!ay. Its stairs !ere do!n. The 0adillac hit a "othole and !ent air$orne. 5ran),s head sla%%ed into the ceiling. When the !heels touched the ground* Percy #loored the $ra)es* and they s!er ed to a sto" +ust inside the gates. 5ran) cli%$ed out and dre! his $o!. <6et to the "lane= They,re co%ing=, The Laistrygonians !ere closing in !ith alar%ing s"eed. The #irst line o# ogres $urst out o# the !oods and $arrelled to!ards the air#ield . #i e hundred yards a!ay* #our hundred yards 7 Percy and Ha(el %anaged to get Ella out o# the 0adillac* $ut as soon as the har"y sa! the aero"lane* she $egan to shrie). <N-n-no=, she yel"ed. <5ly !ith !ings= N-n-no aero"lanes., <It,s o)ay*, Ha(el "ro%ised. <We,ll "rotect you=, Ella %ade a horri$le* "ain#ul !ail li)e she !as $eing $urned. Percy held u" his hands in e1as"eration. <What do !e do- We can,t #orce her., <No*, 5ran) agreed. The ogres !ere three hundred yards out.

<She,s too alua$le to lea e $ehind*, Ha(el said. Then she !inced at her o!n !ords. <6ods* I,% sorry* Ella. I sound as $ad as Phineas. >ou,re a li ing thing* not a treasure., <No "lanes. N-n-no "lanes., Ella !as hy"er entilating. The ogres !ere al%ost in thro!ing distance. Percy,s eyes lit u". <I, e got an idea. Ella* can you hide in the !oods- Will you $e sa#e #ro% the ogres-, <Hide*, she agreed. <Sa#e. Hiding is good #or har"ies. Ella is 4uic). And s%all. And #ast., <3)ay*, Percy said. </ust stay around this area. I can send a #riend to %eet you and ta)e you to 0a%" /u"iter., 5ran) unslung his $o! and noc)ed an arro!. <A #riend-, Percy !a ed his hand in a tell you later gesture. <Ella* !ould you li)e that- Would you li)e %y #riend to ta)e you to 0a%" /u"iter and sho! you our ho%e-, <0a%"*, Ella %uttered. Then in Latin8 <EWisdo%,s daughter !al)s alone* the 'ar) o# Athena $urns through Ro%e.F, <2h* right*, Percy said. <That sounds i%"ortant* $ut !e can tal) a$out that later. >ou,ll $e sa#e at ca%". All the $oo)s and #ood you !ant., <No "lanes*, she insisted. <No "lanes*, Percy agreed. <Ella !ill hide no!., /ust li)e that* she !as gone . a red strea) disa""earing into the !oods. <I,ll %iss her*, Ha(el said sadly. <We,ll see her again*, Percy "ro%ised* $ut he #ro!ned uneasily* as i# he !ere really trou$led $y that last $it o# "ro"hecy . the thing a$out Athena. An e1"losion sent the air#ield,s gate s"inning into the air. 5ran) tossed his grand%other,s letter to Percy. <Sho! that to the "ilot= Sho! hi% your letter #ro% Reyna too= We, e got to ta)e o## no!., Percy nodded. He and Ha(el ran #or the "lane. 5ran) too) co er $ehind the 0adillac and started #iring at the ogres. He targeted the largest clu%" o# ene%ies and shot a tuli"-sha"ed arro!. /ust as he,d ho"ed* it !as a

hydra. Ro"es lashed out li)e s4uid tentacles* and the entire #ront ro! o# ogres "loughed #ace #irst into the ground. 5ran) heard the "lane,s engines re . He shot three %ore arro!s as #ast as he could* $lasting enor%ous craters in the ogres, ran)s. The sur i ors !ere only a hundred yards a!ay* and so%e o# the $righter ones stu%$led to a sto"* reali(ing that they !ere no! !ithin hurling range. <5ran)=, Ha(el shrie)ed. <0o%e on=, A #iery cannon$all hurtled to!ards hi% in a slo! arc. 5ran) )ne! instantly it !as going to hit the "lane. He noc)ed an arro!. I can do this* he thought. He let the arro! #ly. It interce"ted the cannon$all %idair* detonating a %assi e #ire$all. Another t!o cannon$alls sailed to!ards hi%. 5ran) ran. &ehind hi%* %etal groaned as 0adillac e1"loded. He di ed into the "lane +ust as the stairs started to rise. The "ilot %ust, e understood situation +ust #ine. There !as no sa#ety announce%ent* no "re-#light drin) and no !aiting #or clearance. "ushed the throttle* and the "lane shot do!n the run!ay. Another $last ri""ed through run!ay $ehind the%* $ut then they !ere in the air. the the He the

5ran) loo)ed do!n and sa! the airstri" riddled !ith craters li)e a "iece o# $urning S!iss cheese. S!athes o# Lynn 0anyon Par) !ere on #ire. A #e! %iles to the south* a s!irling "yre o# #la%es and $lac) s%o)e !as all that re%ained o# the Phang #a%ily %ansion. So %uch #or 5ran) $eing i%"ressi e. He,d #ailed to sa e his grand%other. He,d #ailed to use his "o!ers. He hadn,t e en sa ed their har"y #riend. When :ancou er disa""eared in the clouds $elo!* 5ran) $uried his head in his hands and started to cry. The "lane $an)ed to the le#t. 3 er the interco%* the "ilot,s oice said* <Senatus Po"ulus4ue Ro%anus* %y #riends. Welco%e a$oard. Ne1t sto"8 Anchorage* Alas)a.,



AER3PLANES 3R 0ANNI&ALS- N3 03NTEST. Percy !ould, e "re#erred dri ing 6rand%a Phang,s 0adillac all the !ay to Alas)a !ith #ire$all-thro!ing ogres on his tail rather than sitting in a lu1ury 6ul#strea%. He,d #lo!n $e#ore. The details !ere ha(y* $ut he re%e%$ered a "egasus na%ed &lac)+ac). He,d e en $een in a "lane once or t!ice. &ut a son o# Ne"tune 9Poseidon* !hate er; didn,t $elong in the air. E ery ti%e the "lane hit a s"ot o# tur$ulence* Percy,s heart raced* and he !as sure /u"iter !as sla""ing the% around. He tried to #ocus as 5ran) and Ha(el tal)ed. Ha(el !as reassuring 5ran) that he,d done e erything he could #or his grand%other. 5ran) had sa ed the% #ro% the Laistrygonians and got the% out o# :ancou er. He,d $een incredi$ly $ra e. 5ran) )e"t his head do!n li)e he !as asha%ed to ha e $een crying* $ut Percy didn,t $la%e hi%. The "oor guy had +ust lost his grand%other and seen his house go u" in #la%es. As #ar as Percy !as concerned* shedding a #e! tears a$out so%ething li)e that didn,t %a)e you any less o# a %an* es"ecially !hen you had +ust #ended o## an ar%y o# ogres that !anted to eat you #or $rea)#ast. Percy still couldn,t get o er the #act that 5ran) !as a distant relati e. 5ran) !ould $e his 7 !hat- 6reat-ti%es-a-thousand ne"he!- Too !eird #or !ords. 5ran) re#used to e1"lain e1actly !hat his <#a%ily gi#t, !as* $ut as they #le! north* 5ran) did tell the% a$out his con ersation !ith 'ars the night $e#ore. He e1"lained the "ro"hecy /uno had issued !hen he !as a $a$y . a$out his li#e $eing tied to a "iece o# #ire!ood* and ho! he had as)ed Ha(el to )ee" it #or hi%. So%e o# that* Percy had already #igured out. Ha(el and 5ran) had o$ iously shared so%e cra(y e1"eriences !hen they had $lac)ed out together* and they,d %ade

so%e sort o# deal. It also e1"lained !hy e en no!* out o# ha$it* 5ran) )e"t chec)ing his coat "oc)et* and !hy he !as so ner ous around #ire. Still* Percy couldn,t i%agine !hat )ind o# courage it had ta)en #or 5ran) to e%$ar) on a 4uest* )no!ing that one s%all #la%e could snu## out his li#e. <5ran)*, he said* <I,% "roud to $e related to you., 5ran),s ears turned red. With his head lo!ered* his %ilitary haircut %ade a shar" $lac) arro! "ointing do!n. </uno has so%e sort o# "lan #or us* a$out the Pro"hecy o# Se en., <>eah*, Percy gru%$led. <I didn,t li)e her as Hera. I don,t li)e her any $etter as /uno., Ha(el tuc)ed her #eet underneath her. She studied Percy !ith her lu%inescent golden eyes* and he !ondered ho! she could $e so cal%. She !as the youngest one on the 4uest* $ut she !as al!ays holding the% together and co%#orting the%. No! they !ere #lying to Alas)a* !here she had died once $e#ore. They !ould try to #ree Thanatos* !ho %ight ta)e her $ac) to the 2nder!orld. >et she didn,t sho! any #ear. It %ade Percy #eel silly #or $eing scared o# aero"lane tur$ulence. <>ou,re a son o# Poseidon* aren,t you-, she as)ed. <>ou are a 6ree) de%igod., Percy gri""ed his leather nec)lace. <I started to re%e%$er in Portland* a#ter the gorgon,s $lood. It,s $een co%ing $ac) to %e slo!ly since then. There,s another ca%" . 0a%" Hal#&lood., /ust saying the na%e %ade Percy #eel !ar% inside. 6ood %e%ories !ashed o er hi%8 the s%ell o# stra!$erry #ields in the !ar% su%%er sun* #ire!or)s lighting u" the $each on the 5ourth o# /uly* satyrs "laying "an"i"es at the nightly ca%"#ire and a )iss at the $otto% o# the canoe la)e. Ha(el and 5ran) stared at hi% as though he,d sli""ed into another language. <Another ca%"*, Ha(el re"eated. <A 6ree) ca%"- 6ods* i# 3cta ian #ound out ., <He,d declare !ar*, 5ran) said. <He,s al!ays $een sure

the 6ree)s !ere out there* "lotting against us. He thought Percy !as a s"y., <That,s !hy /uno sent %e*, Percy said. <2h* I %ean* not to s"y. I thin) it !as so%e )ind o# e1change. >our #riend /ason . I thin) he !as sent to %y ca%". In %y drea%s* I sa! a de%igod that %ight ha e $een hi%. He !as !or)ing !ith so%e other de%igods on this #lying !arshi". I thin) they,re co%ing to 0a%" /u"iter to hel"., 5ran) ta""ed ner ously on the $ac) o# his seat. <'ars said /uno !ants to unite the 6ree)s and Ro%ans to #ight 6aia. &ut* +ee( . 6ree)s and Ro%ans ha e a long history o# $ad $lood., Ha(el too) a dee" $reath. <That,s "ro$a$ly !hy the gods ha e )e"t us a"art this long. I# a 6ree) !arshi" a""eared in the s)y a$o e 0a%" /u"iter* and Reyna didn,t )no! it !as #riendly ., <>eah*, Percy agreed. <We, e got to $e care#ul ho! !e e1"lain this !hen !e get $ac)., <I# !e get $ac)*, 5ran) said. Percy nodded reluctantly. <I %ean* I trust you guys. I ho"e you trust %e. I #eel 7 !ell* I #eel as close to you t!o as to any o# %y old #riends at 0a%" Hal#-&lood. &ut !ith the other de%igods* at $oth ca%"s . there,s going to $e a lot o# sus"icion., Ha(el did so%ething he !asn,t e1"ecting. She leaned o er and )issed hi% on the chee). It !as totally a sisterly )iss. &ut she s%iled !ith such a##ection that it !ar%ed Percy right do!n to his #eet. <3# course !e trust you*, she said. <We,re a #a%ily no!. Aren,t !e* 5ran)-, <Sure*, he said. <Do I get a )iss-, Ha(el laughed* $ut there !as ner ous tension in it. <Any!ay* !hat do !e do no!-, Percy too) a dee" $reath. Ti%e !as sli""ing a!ay. They !ere al%ost hal#!ay through /une t!enty-third* and to%orro! !as the 5east o# 5ortuna. <I, e got to contact a #riend . to )ee" %y "ro%ise to Ella., <Ho!-, 5ran) said. <3ne o# those Iris-%essages-, <Still not !or)ing*, Percy said sadly. <I tried it last night at

your grand%other,s house. No luc). 'ay$e it,s $ecause %y %e%ories are still +u%$led. 3r the gods aren,t allo!ing a connection. I,% ho"ing I can contact %y #riend in %y drea%s., Another $u%" o# tur$ulence %ade hi% gra$ his seat. &elo! the%* sno!ca""ed %ountains $ro)e through a $lan)et o# clouds. <I,% not sure I can slee"*, Percy said. <&ut I need to try. We can,t lea e Ella $y hersel# !ith those ogres around., <>eah*, 5ran) said. <We, e still got hours to #ly. Ta)e the couch* %an., Percy nodded. He #elt luc)y to ha e Ha(el and 5ran) !atching out #or hi%. What he,d said to the% !as true . he trusted the%. In the !eird* terri#ying* horri$le e1"erience o# losing his %e%ory and getting ri""ed out o# his old li#e . Ha(el and 5ran) !ere the $right s"ots. He stretched out* closed his eyes and drea%ed he !as #alling #ro% a %ountain o# ice to!ards a cold sea. The drea% shi#ted. He !as $ac) in :ancou er* standing in #ront o# the ruins o# the Phang %ansion. The Laistrygonians !ere gone. The %ansion !as reduced to a $urnt-out shell. A cre! o# #ire#ighters !as "ac)ing u" their e4ui"%ent* getting ready to %o e out. The la!n loo)ed li)e a !ar (one* !ith s%o)ing craters and trenches #ro% the $lo!n-out irrigation "i"es. At the edge o# the #orest* a giant shaggy $lac) dog !as $ounding around* sni##ing the trees. The #ire#ighters co%"letely ignored hi%. &eside one o# the craters )nelt a 0yclo"s in o ersi(ed +eans* $oots and a %assi e #lannel shirt. His %essy $ro!n hair !as s"attered !ith rain and %ud. When he raised his head* his $ig $ro!n eye !as red #ro% crying. <0lose=, he %oaned. <So close* $ut gone=, It $ro)e Percy,s heart to hear the "ain and !orry in the $ig guy,s oice* $ut he )ne! they only had a #e! seconds to tal). The edges o# the ision !ere already dissol ing. I# Alas)a !as the land $eyond the gods* Percy #igured the #urther north he !ent* the harder it !ould $e to co%%unicate !ith his #riends* e en in his drea%s.

<Tyson=, he called. The 0yclo"s loo)ed around #rantically. <Percy- &rother-, <Tyson* I,% o)ay. I,% here . !ell* not really., Tyson gra$$ed the air li)e he !as trying to catch $utter#lies. <0an,t see you= Where is %y $rother-, <Tyson* I,% #lying to Alas)a. I,% o)ay. I,ll $e $ac). /ust #ind Ella. She,s a har"y !ith red #eathers. She,s hiding in the !oods around the house., <5ind a har"y- A red har"y-, <>es= Protect her* o)ay- She,s %y #riend. 6et her $ac) to 0ali#ornia. There,s a de%igod ca%" in the 3a)land Hills . 0a%" /u"iter. 'eet %e a$o e the 0aldecott Tunnel., <3a)land Hills 7 0ali#ornia 7 0aldecott Tunnel., He shouted to the dog8 <'rs 3,Leary= We %ust #ind a har"y=, <W335=, said the dog. Tyson,s #ace started to dissol e. <'y $rother is o)ay- 'y $rother is co%ing $ac)- I %iss you=, <I %iss you* too., Percy tried to )ee" his oice #ro% crac)ing. <I,ll see you soon. /ust $e care#ul= There,s a giant,s ar%y %arching south. Tell Anna$eth ., The drea% shi#ted. Percy #ound hi%sel# standing in the hills north o# 0a%" /u"iter* loo)ing do!n at the 5ield o# 'ars and Ne! Ro%e. At the legion,s #ort* horns !ere $lo!ing. 0a%"ers scra%$led to %uster. The giant,s ar%y !as arrayed to Percy,s le#t and right . centaurs !ith $ull,s horns* the si1ar%ed Earth$orn and e il 0yclo"es in scra"-%etal ar%our. The 0yclo"es, siege to!er cast a shado! across the #eet o# the giant Poly$otes* !ho grinned do!n at the Ro%an ca%". He "aced eagerly across the hill* sna)es dro""ing #ro% his green dreadloc)s* his dragon legs sto%"ing do!n s%all trees. 3n his green-$lue ar%our* the decorati e #aces o# hungry %onsters see%ed to $lin) in the shado!s. <>es*, he chuc)led* "lanting his trident in the ground. <&lo! your little horns* Ro%ans. I, e co%e to destroy you= Stheno=,

The gorgon scra%$led out o# the $ushes. Her li%e green i"er hair and &argain 'art est clashed horri$ly !ith the giant,s colour sche%e. <>es* %aster=, she said. <Would you li)e a Pu""y-in-a-&lan)et-, She held u" a tray o# #ree sa%"les. <H%%*, Poly$otes said. <What sort o# "u""y-, <Ah* they,re not actually "u""ies. They,re tiny hot dogs in crescent rolls* $ut they,re on sale this !ee) ., <&ah= Ne er %ind* then= Are our #orces ready to attac)-, <3h ., Stheno ste""ed $ac) 4uic)ly to a oid getting #lattened $y the giant,s #oot. <Al%ost* great one. 'a 6as)et and hal# her 0yclo"es sto""ed in Na"a. So%ething a$out a !inery tour- They "ro%ised to $e here $y to%orro! e ening., <What-, The giant loo)ed around* as i# +ust noticing that a $ig "ortion o# his ar%y !as %issing. <6ah= That 0yclo"s !o%an !ill gi e %e an ulcer. Winery tour-, <I thin) there !as cheese and crac)ers* too*, Stheno said hel"#ully. <Though &argain 'art has a %uch $etter deal., Poly$otes ri""ed an oa) tree out o# the ground and thre! it into the alley. <0yclo"es= I tell you* Stheno* !hen I destroy Ne"tune and ta)e o er the oceans* !e !ill renegotiate the 0yclo"es, la$our contract. 'a 6as)et !ill learn her "lace= No!* !hat ne!s #ro% the north-, <The de%igods ha e le#t #or Alas)a*, Stheno said. <They #ly straight to their death. Ah* s%all EdF death* I %ean. Not our "risoner Death. Although* I su""ose they,re #lying to hi%* too., Poly$otes gro!led. <Alcyoneus had $etter s"are the son o# Ne"tune as he "ro%ised. I !ant that one chained at %y #eet* so I can )ill hi% !hen the ti%e is ri"e. His $lood shall !ater the stones o# 'ount 3ly%"us and !a)e the Earth 'other= What !ord #ro% the A%a(ons-, <3nly silence*, Stheno said. <We do not yet )no! the !inner o# last night,s duel* $ut it is only a %atter o# ti%e $e#ore 3trera "re ails and co%es to our aid., <H%%., Poly$otes a$sently scratched so%e i"ers out o# his hair. <Perha"s it,s +ust as !ell !e !ait* then.

To%orro! at sundo!n is 5ortuna,s 5east. &y then* !e %ust in ade . A%a(ons or no. In the %eanti%e* dig in= We set u" ca%" here* on high ground., <>es* great one=, Stheno announced to the troo"s8 <Pu""ies-in-&lan)ets #or e eryone=, The %onsters cheered. Poly$otes s"read his hands in #ront o# hi%* ta)ing in the alley li)e a "anora%ic "icture. <>es* $lo! your little horns* de%igods. Soon* the legacy o# Ro%e !ill $e destroyed #or the last ti%e=, The drea% #aded. Percy !o)e !ith a +olt as the "lane started its descent. Ha(el laid her hand on his shoulder. <Slee" o)ay-, Percy sat u" groggily. <Ho! long !as I out-, 5ran) stood in the aisle* !ra""ing his s"ear and ne! $o! in his s)i $ag. <A #e! hours*, he said. <We,re al%ost there., Percy loo)ed out o# the !indo!. A glittering inlet o# the sea sna)ed $et!een sno!y %ountains. In the distance* a city !as car ed out o# the !ilderness* surrounded $y lush green #orests on one side and icy $lac) $eaches on the other. <Welco%e to Alas)a*, Ha(el said. <We,re $eyond the hel" o# the gods.,



THE PIL3T SAID THE PLANE 032LDN,T WAIT #or the%* $ut that !as o)ay !ith Percy. I# they sur i ed till the ne1t day* he ho"ed they could #ind a di##erent !ay $ac) . anything $ut a "lane. He should, e $een de"ressed. He !as stuc) in Alas)a* the giant,s ho%e territory* out o# contact !ith his old #riends +ust as his %e%ories !ere co%ing $ac). He had seen an i%age o# Poly$otes,s ar%y a$out to in ade 0a%" /u"iter. He,d learned that the giants "lanned to use hi% as so%e )ind o# $lood sacri#ice to a!a)en 6aia. Plus* to%orro! e ening !as the 5east o# 5ortuna. He* 5ran) and Ha(el had an i%"ossi$le tas) to co%"lete $e#ore then. At $est* they !ould unleash Death* !ho %ight ta)e Percy,s t!o #riends to the 2nder!orld. Not %uch to loo) #or!ard to. Still* Percy #elt strangely in igorated. His drea% o# Tyson had li#ted his s"irits. He re%e%$ered Tyson* his $rother. They,d #ought together* cele$rated ictories* shared good ti%es at 0a%" Hal#-&lood. He re%e%$ered his ho%e* and that ga e hi% a ne! deter%ination to succeed. He !as #ighting #or t!o ca%"s no! . t!o #a%ilies. /uno had stolen his %e%ory and sent hi% to 0a%" /u"iter #or a reason. He understood that no!. He still !anted to "unch her in her godly #ace* $ut at least he got her reasoning. I# the t!o ca%"s could !or) together* they stood a chance o# sto""ing their %utual ene%ies. Se"arately* $oth ca%"s !ere doo%ed. There !ere other reasons Percy !anted to sa e 0a%" /u"iter. Reasons he didn,t dare "ut into !ords . not yet* any!ay. Suddenly he sa! a #uture #or hi%sel# and #or Anna$eth that he,d ne er i%agined $e#ore. As they too) a ta1i into do!nto!n Anchorage* Percy told 5ran) and Ha(el a$out his drea%s. They loo)ed an1ious $ut not sur"rised !hen he told the% a$out the giant,s

ar%y closing in on ca%". 5ran) cho)ed !hen he heard a$out Tyson. <>ou ha e a hal#-$rother !ho,s a 0yclo"s-, <Sure*, Percy said. <Which %a)es hi% your great-great-great ., <Please., 5ran) co ered his ears. <Enough., <As long as he can get Ella to ca%"*, Ha(el said. <I,% !orried a$out her., Percy nodded. He !as still thin)ing a$out the lines o# "ro"hecy the har"y had recited . a$out the son o# Ne"tune dro!ning* and the %ar) o# Athena $urning through Ro%e. He !asn,t sure !hat the #irst "art %eant* $ut he !as starting to ha e an idea a$out the second. He tried to set the 4uestion aside. He had to sur i e this 4uest #irst. The ta1i turned on High!ay 3ne* !hich loo)ed %ore li)e a s%all street to Percy* and too) the% north to!ards do!nto!n. It !as late a#ternoon* $ut the sun !as still high in the s)y. <I can,t $elie e ho! %uch this "lace has gro!n*, Ha(el %uttered. The ta1i dri er grinned in the rear ie! %irror. <&een a long ti%e since you isited* %iss-, <A$out se enty years*, Ha(el said. The dri er slid the glass "artition closed and dro e on in silence. According to Ha(el* al%ost none o# the $uildings !ere the sa%e* $ut she "ointed out #eatures o# the landsca"e8 the ast #orests ringing the city* the cold* grey !aters o# 0oo) Inlet tracing the north edge o# to!n* and the 0hugach 'ountains rising greyish-$lue in the distance* ca""ed !ith sno! e en in /une. Percy had ne er s%elled air this clean $e#ore. The to!n itsel# had a !eather-$eaten loo) to it* !ith closed stores* rusted-out cars and !orn a"art%ent co%"le1es lining the road* $ut it !as still $eauti#ul. La)es and huge stretches o# !oods cut through the %iddle. The Arctic s)y !as an a%a(ing co%$ination o# tur4uoise and gold. Then there !ere the giants. Do(ens o# $right-$lue %en*

each thirty #eet tall !ith grey #rosty hair* !ere !ading through the #orests* #ishing in the $ay and striding across the %ountains. The %ortals didn,t see% to notice the%. The ta1i "assed !ithin a #e! yards o# one !ho !as sitting at the edge o# a la)e !ashing his #eet* $ut the dri er didn,t "anic. <2% 7, 5ran) "ointed at the $lue guy. <Hy"er$oreans*, Percy said. He !as a%a(ed he re%e%$ered that na%e. <Northern giants. I #ought so%e !hen Kronos in aded 'anhattan., <Wait*, 5ran) said. <When !ho did !hat-, <Long story. &ut these guys loo) 7 I don,t )no!* "eace#ul., <They usually are*, Ha(el agreed. <I re%e%$er the%. They,re e ery!here in Alas)a* li)e $ears., <&ears-, 5ran) said ner ously. <The giants are in isi$le to %ortals*, Ha(el said. <They ne er $othered %e* though one al%ost ste""ed on %e $y accident once., That sounded #airly $otherso%e to Percy* $ut the ta1i )e"t dri ing. None o# the giants "aid the% any attention. 3ne stood right at the intersection o# Northern Lights Road* straddling the high!ay* and they dro e $et!een his legs. The Hy"er$orean !as cradling a Nati e A%erican tote% "ole !ra""ed in #urs* hu%%ing to it li)e a $a$y. I# the guy hadn,t $een the si(e o# a $uilding* he !ould, e $een al%ost cute. The ta1i dro e through do!nto!n* "ast a $unch o# tourists, sho"s ad ertising #urs* Nati e A%erican art and gold. Percy ho"ed Ha(el !ouldn,t get agitated and %a)e the +e!ellery sho"s e1"lode. As the dri er turned and headed to!ards the seashore* Ha(el )noc)ed on the glass "artition. <Here is good. 0an you let us out-, They "aid the dri er and ste""ed onto 5ourth Street. 0o%"ared to :ancou er* do!nto!n Anchorage !as tiny . %ore li)e a college ca%"us than a city* $ut Ha(el loo)ed a%a(ed. <It,s huge*, she said. <That . that,s !here the 6itchell

Hotel used to $e. 'y %o% and I stayed there our #irst !ee) in Alas)a. And they, e %o ed 0ity Hall. It used to $e there., She led the% in a da(e #or a #e! $loc)s. They didn,t really ha e a "lan $eyond #inding the #astest !ay to the Hu$$ard 6lacier* $ut Percy s%elled so%ething coo)ing near$y . sausage* %ay$e- He reali(ed he hadn,t eaten since that %orning at 6rand%a Phang,s. <5ood*, he said. <0o%e on., They #ound a ca#S right $y the $each. It !as $ustling !ith "eo"le* $ut they scored a ta$le at the !indo! and "erused the %enus. 5ran) !hoo"ed !ith delight. <T!enty-#our-hour $rea)#ast=, <It,s* li)e* dinnerti%e*, Percy said* though he couldn,t tell #ro% loo)ing outside. The sun !as so high it could, e $een noon. <I lo e $rea)#ast*, 5ran) said. <I,d eat $rea)#ast* $rea)#ast and $rea)#ast i# I could. Though* u%* I,% sure the #ood here isn,t as good as Ha(el,s., Ha(el el$o!ed hi%* $ut her s%ile !as "lay#ul. Seeing the% li)e that %ade Percy ha""y. Those t!o de#initely needed to get together. &ut it also %ade hi% sad. He thought a$out Anna$eth* and !ondered i# he,d li e long enough to see her again. Thin) "ositi e* he told hi%sel#. <>ou )no!*, he said* <$rea)#ast sounds great., They all ordered %assi e "lates o# eggs* "anca)es and reindeer sausage* though 5ran) loo)ed a little !orried a$out the reindeer. <>ou thin) it,s o)ay that !e,re eating Rudol"h-, <Dude*, Percy said* <I could eat Prancer and &lit(en* too. I,% hungry., The #ood !as e1cellent. Percy had ne er seen anyone eat as #ast as 5ran). The red-nosed reindeer did not stand a chance. &et!een $ites o# $lue$erry "anca)e* Ha(el dre! a s4uiggly cur e and an N on her na")in. <So this is !hat I,% thin)ing. We,re here., She ta""ed N. <Anchorage.,

<It loo)s li)e a seagull,s #ace*, Percy said. <And !e,re the eye., Ha(el glared at hi%. <It,s a %a"* Percy. Anchorage is at the to" o# this sli er o# ocean* 0oo) Inlet. There,s a $ig "eninsula o# land $elo! us* and %y old ho%e to!n* Se!ard* is at the $otto% o# the "eninsula* here., She dre! another N at the $ase o# the seagull,s throat. <That,s the closest to!n to the Hu$$ard 6lacier. We could go around $y sea* I guess* $ut it !ould ta)e #ore er. We don,t ha e that )ind o# ti%e., 5ran) "olished o## the last o# his Rudol"h. <&ut land is dangerous*, he said. <Land %eans 6aia., Ha(el nodded. <I don,t see that !e, e got %uch choice* though. We could ha e as)ed our "ilot to #ly us do!n* $ut I don,t )no! 7 his "lane %ight $e too $ig #or the little Se!ard air"ort. And i# !e chartered another "lane ., <No %ore "lanes*, Percy said. <Please., Ha(el held u" her hand in a "lacating gesture. <It,s o)ay. There,s a train that goes #ro% here to Se!ard. We %ight $e a$le to catch one tonight. It only ta)es a cou"le o# hours., She dre! a dotted line $et!een the t!o Ns. <>ou +ust cut o## the seagull,s head*, Percy noted. Ha(el sighed. <It,s the train line. Loo)* #ro% Se!ard* the Hu$$ard 6lacier is do!n here so%e!here., She ta""ed the lo!er right corner o# her na")in. <That,s !here Alcyoneus is., <&ut you,re not sure ho! #ar-, 5ran) as)ed. Ha(el #ro!ned and shoo) her head. <I,% "retty sure it,s only accessi$le $y $oat or "lane., <&oat*, Percy said i%%ediately. <5ine*, Ha(el said. <It shouldn,t $e too #ar #ro% Se!ard. I# !e can get to Se!ard sa#ely., Percy ga(ed out o# the !indo!. So %uch to do* and only t!enty-#our hours le#t. This ti%e to%orro!* the 5east o# #ortuna !ould $e starting. 2nless they unleashed Death and %ade it $ac) to ca%"* the giant,s ar%y !ould #lood into the alley. The Ro%ans !ould $e the %ain course at a %onster dinner.

Across the street* a #rosty $lac) sand $each led do!n to the sea* !hich !as as s%ooth as steel. The ocean here #elt di##erent . still "o!er#ul* $ut #ree(ing* slo! and "ri%al. No gods controlled that !ater* at least no gods Percy )ne!. Ne"tune !ouldn,t $e a$le to "rotect hi%. Percy !ondered i# he could e en %ani"ulate !ater here* or $reathe under!ater. A Hy"er$orean giant lu%$ered across the street. No$ody in the ca#S noticed. The giant ste""ed into the $ay* crac)ing the ice under his sandals* and thrust his hands in the !ater. He $rought out a )iller !hale in one #ist. A""arently that !asn,t !hat he !anted* $ecause he thre! the !hale $ac) and )e"t !ading. <6ood $rea)#ast*, 5ran) said. <Who,s ready #or a train ride-, The station !asn,t #ar. They !ere +ust in ti%e to $uy tic)ets #or the last train south. As his #riends cli%$ed on $oard* Percy said* <&e !ith you in a sec*, and ran $ac) into the station. He got change #ro% the gi#t sho" and stood in #ront o# the "ay "hone. He,d ne er used a "ay "hone $e#ore. They !ere strange anti4ues to hi%* li)e his %o%,s turnta$le or his teacher chiron,s 5ran) Sinatra cassette ta"es. He !asn,t sure ho! %any coins it !ould ta)e* or i# he could e en %a)e the call go through* assu%ing he re%e%$ered the nu%$er correctly. Sally /ac)son* he thought. That !as his %o%,s na%e. And he had a ste"dad 7 Paul. What did they thin) had ha""ened to Percy- 'ay$e they had already held a %e%orial ser ice. As near as he could #igure* he,d lost se en %onths o# his li#e. Sure* %ost o# that had $een during the school year* $ut still 7 not cool. He "ic)ed u" the recei er and "unched in a Ne! >or) nu%$er . his %o%,s a"art%ent. :oice %ail. Percy should ha e #igured. It !ould $e li)e* %idnight in Ne! >or). They !ouldn,t recogni(e this

nu%$er. Hearing Paul,s oice on the recording hit Percy in the gut so hard* he could $arely s"ea) at the tone. <'o%*, he said. <Hey* I,% ali e. Hera "ut %e to slee" #or a !hile* and then she too) %y %e%ory* and 7, His oice #altered. Ho! he could "ossi$ly e1"lain all this- <Any!ay* I,% o)ay. I,% sorry. I,% on a 4uest ., He !inced. He shouldn,t ha e said that. His %o% )ne! all a$out 4uests* and no! she,d $e !orried. <I,ll %a)e it ho%e. I "ro%ise. Lo e you., He "ut do!n the recei er. He stared at the "hone* ho"ing it !ould ring $ac). The train !histle sounded. The conductor shouted* <All a$oard., Percy ran. He %ade it +ust as they !ere "ulling u" the ste"s* then cli%$ed to the to" o# the dou$le-dec)er car and slid into his seat. Ha(el #ro!ned. <>ou o)ay-, <>eah*, he croa)ed. </ust 7 %ade a call., She and 5ran) see%ed to get that. They didn,t as) #or details. Soon they !ere heading south along the coast* !atching the landsca"e go $y. Percy tried to thin) a$out the 4uest* $ut #or an ADHD )id li)e hi% the train !asn,t the easiest "lace to concentrate. 0ool things )e"t ha""ening outside. &ald eagles soared o erhead. The train raced o er $ridges and along cli##s !here glacial !ater#alls tu%$led thousands o# #eet do!n the roc)s. They "assed #orests $uried in sno!dri#ts* $ig artillery guns 9to set o## s%all a alanches and "re ent uncontrolled ones* Ha(el e1"lained; and la)es so clear they re#lected the %ountains li)e %irrors* so the !orld loo)ed u"side do!n. &ro!n $ears lu%$ered through the %eado!s. Hy"er$orean giants )e"t a""earing in the strangest "laces. 3ne !as lounging in a la)e li)e it !as a hot tu$. Another !as using a "ine tree as a tooth"ic). A third sat in a sno!dri#t* "laying !ith t!o li e %oose li)e they !ere action #igures. The train !as #ull o# tourists ohhing and ahhing and sna""ing "ictures* $ut Percy #elt sorry they couldn,t see the Hy"er$oreans. They !ere %issing the

really good shots. 'ean!hile* 5ran) studied a %a" o# Alas)a that he,d #ound in the seat "oc)et. He located Hu$$ard 6lacier* !hich loo)ed discouragingly #ar a!ay #ro% Se!ard. He )e"t running his #inger along the coastline* #ro!ning !ith concentration. <What are you thin)ing-, Percy as)ed. </ust 7 "ossi$ilities*, 5ran) said. Percy didn,t )no! !hat that %eant* $ut he let it go. A#ter a$out an hour* Percy started to rela1. They $ought hot chocolate #ro% the dining car. The seats !ere !ar% and co%#orta$le* and he thought a$out ta)ing a na". Then a shado! "assed o erhead. Tourists %ur%ured in e1cite%ent and started ta)ing "ictures. <Eagle=, one yelled. <Eagle-, said another. <Huge eagle=, said a third. <That,s no eagle*, 5ran) said. Percy loo)ed u" +ust in ti%e to see the creature %a)e a second "ass. It !as de#initely larger than an eagle* !ith a slee) $lac) $ody the si(e o# a La$rador retrie er. Its !ings"an !as at least ten #eet across. <There,s another one=, 5ran) "ointed. <Stri)e that. Three* #our. 3)ay* !e,re in trou$le., The creatures circled the train li)e ultures* delighting the tourists. Percy !asn,t delighted. The %onsters had glo!ing red eyes* shar" $ea)s and icious talons. Percy #elt #or his "en in his "oc)et. <Those things loo) #a%iliar 7, <Seattle*, Ha(el said. <The A%a(ons had one in a cage. They,re ., Then se eral things ha""ened at once. The e%ergency $ra)e screeched* "itching the% #or!ard. Tourists screa%ed and tu%$led through the aisles. The %onsters s!oo"ed do!n* shattering the glass roo# o# the car* and the entire train to""led o## the rails.



PER0> WENT WEI6HTLESS. His ision $lurred. 0la!s gra$$ed his ar%s and li#ted hi% into the air. &elo!* train !heels s4uealed and %etal crashed. 6lass shattered. Passengers screa%ed. When his eyesight cleared* he sa! the $east that !as carrying hi% alo#t. It had the $ody o# a "anther . slee)* $lac) and #eline . !ith the !ings and head o# an eagle. Its eyes glo!ed $lood-red. Percy s4uir%ed. The %onster,s #ront talons !ere !ra""ed round his ar%s li)e steel $ands. He couldn,t #ree hi%sel# or reach his s!ord. He rose higher and higher in the cold !ind. Percy had no idea !here the %onster !as ta)ing hi%* $ut he !as "retty sure he !ouldn,t li)e it !hen he got there. He yelled . %ostly out o# #rustration. Then so%ething !histled $y his ear. An arro! s"routed #ro% the %onster,s nec). The creature shrie)ed and let go. Percy #ell* crashing through tree $ranches until he sla%%ed into a sno!$an). He groaned* loo)ing u" at a %assi e "ine tree he,d +ust shredded. He %anaged to stand. Nothing see%ed $ro)en. 5ran) stood to his le#t* shooting do!n the creatures as #ast as he could. Ha(el !as at his $ac)* s!inging her s!ord at any %onster that ca%e close* $ut there !ere too %any s!ar%ing around the% . at least a do(en. Percy dre! Ri"tide. He sliced the !ing o## one %onster and sent it s"iralling into a tree* then sliced through another that $urst into dust. &ut the de#eated ones $egan to re-#or% i%%ediately. <What are these things-, he yelled. <6ry"hons=, Ha(el said. <We ha e to get the% a!ay #ro% the train=, Percy sa! !hat she %eant. The train cars had #allen o er* and their roo#s had shattered. Tourists !ere

stu%$ling around in shoc). Percy didn,t see any$ody seriously in+ured* $ut the gry"hons !ere s!oo"ing to!ards anything that %o ed. The only thing )ee"ing the% a!ay #ro% the %ortals !as a glo!ing grey !arrior in ca%ou#lage . 5ran),s "et s"artus. Percy glanced o er and noticed 5ran),s s"ear !as gone. <2sed your last charge-, <>eah., 5ran) shot another gry"hon out o# the s)y. <I had to hel" the %ortals. The s"ear +ust dissol ed., Percy nodded. Part o# hi% !as relie ed. He didn,t li)e the s)eleton !arrior. Part o# hi% !as disa""ointed* $ecause that !as one less !ea"on they had at their dis"osal. &ut he didn,t #ault 5ran). 5ran) had done the right thing. <Let,s %o e the #ight=, Percy said. <A!ay #ro% the trac)s=, They stu%$led through the sno!* s%ac)ing and slicing gry"hons that re-#or%ed #ro% dust e ery ti%e they !ere )illed. Percy had had no e1"erience !ith gry"hons. He,d al!ays i%agined the% as huge no$le ani%als* li)e lions !ith !ings* $ut these things re%inded hi% %ore o# icious "ac) hunters . #lying hyenas. A$out #i#ty yards #ro% the trac)s* the trees ga e !ay to an o"en %arsh. The ground !as so s"ongy and icy Percy #elt li)e he !as racing across &u$$le Wra". 5ran) !as running out o# arro!s. Ha(el !as $reathing hard. Percy,s o!n s!ord s!ings !ere getting slo!er. He reali(ed they !ere ali e only $ecause the gry"hons !eren,t trying to )ill the%. The gry"hons !anted to "ic) the% u" and carry the% o## so%e!here. 'ay$e to their nests* Percy thought. Then he tri""ed o er so%ething in the tall grass . a circle o# scra" %etal a$out the si(e o# a tractor tyre. It !as a %assi e $ird,s nest . a gry"hon,s nest . the $otto% littered !ith old "ieces o# +e!ellery* an I%"erial gold dagger* a dented centurion,s $adge and t!o "u%")insi(ed eggs that loo)ed li)e real gold. Percy +u%"ed into the nest. He "ressed his s!ord ti" against one o# the eggs. <&ac) o##* or I $rea) it=,

The gry"hons s4ua!)ed angrily. They $u((ed around the nest and sna""ed their $ea)s* $ut they didn,t attac). Ha(el and 5ran) stood $ac) to $ac) !ith Percy* their !ea"ons ready. <6ry"hons collect gold*, Ha(el said. <They,re cra(y #or it. Loo) . %ore nests o er there., 5ran) noc)ed his last arro!. <So* i# these are their nests* !here !ere they trying to ta)e Percy- That thing !as #lying a!ay !ith hi%., Percy,s ar%s still thro$$ed !here the gry"hon had gra$$ed hi%. <Alcyoneus*, he guessed. <'ay$e they,re !or)ing #or hi%. Are these things s%art enough to ta)e orders-, <I don,t )no!*, Ha(el said. <I ne er #ought the% !hen I li ed here. I +ust read a$out the% at ca%"., <Wea)nesses-, 5ran) as)ed. <Please tell %e they ha e !ea)nesses., Ha(el sco!led. <Horses. They hate horses . natural ene%ies* or so%ething. I !ish Arion !as here=, The gry"hons shrie)ed. They s!irled around the nest !ith their red eyes glo!ing. <6uys*, 5ran) said ner ously* <I see legion relics in this nest., <I )no!*, Percy said. <That %eans other de%igods died here* or ., <5ran)* it,ll $e o)ay*, Percy "ro%ised. 3ne o# the gry"hons di ed in. Percy raised his s!ord* ready to sta$ the egg. The %onster eered o##* $ut the other gry"hons !ere losing their "atience. Percy couldn,t )ee" this stando## going %uch longer. He glanced around the #ields* des"erately trying to #or%ulate a "lan. A$out a 4uarter %ile a!ay* a Hy"er$orean giant !as sitting in the $og* "eace#ully "ic)ing %ud #ro% $et!een his toes !ith a $ro)en tree trun). <I, e got an idea*, Percy said. <Ha(el . all the gold in these nests. Do you thin) you can use it to cause a distraction-, <I . I guess.,

</ust gi e us enough ti%e #or a head start. When I say go* run #or that giant., 5ran) ga"ed at hi%. <>ou !ant us to run to!ards a giant-, <Trust %e*, Percy said. <Ready- 6o=, Ha(el thrust her hand u"!ard. 5ro% a do(en nests across the %arsh* golden o$+ects shot into the air . +e!ellery* !ea"ons* coins* gold nuggets and* %ost i%"ortantly* gry"hon eggs. The %onsters shrie)ed and #le! a#ter their eggs* #rantic to sa e the%. Percy and his #riends ran. Their #eet s"lashed and crunched through the #ro(en %arsh. Percy "oured on s"eed* $ut he could hear the gry"hons closing $ehind the%* and no! the %onsters !ere really angry. The giant hadn,t noticed the co%%otion yet. He !as ins"ecting his toes #or %ud* his #ace slee"y and "eace#ul* his !hite !his)ers glistening !ith ice crystals. Around his nec) !as a nec)lace o# #ound o$+ects . gar$age cans* car doors* %oose antlers* ca%"ing e4ui"%ent* e en a toilet. A""arently he,d $een cleaning u" the !ilderness. Percy hated to distur$ hi%* es"ecially since it %eant ta)ing shelter under the giant,s thighs* $ut they didn,t ha e %uch choice. <2nder=, he told his #riends. <0ra!l under=, They scra%$led $et!een the %assi e $lue legs and #lattened the%sel es in the %ud* cra!ling as close as they could to his loincloth. Percy tried to $reathe through his %outh* $ut it !asn,t the %ost "leasant hiding s"ot. <What,s the "lan-, 5ran) hissed. <6et #lattened $y a $lue ru%"-, <Lay lo!*, Percy said. <3nly %o e i# you ha e to., The gry"hons arri ed in a !a e o# angry $ea)s* talons and !ings* s!ar%ing around the giant* trying to get under his legs. The giant ru%$led in sur"rise. He shi#ted. Percy had to roll to a oid getting crushed $y his large hairy rear. The Hy"er$orean grunted* a little %ore irritated. He s!atted at the gry"hons* $ut they s4ua!)ed in outrage and $egan "ec)ing at his legs and hands.

<Ruh-, the giant $ello!ed. <Ruh=, He too) a dee" $reath and $le! out a !a e o# cold air. E en under the "rotection o# the giant,s legs* Percy could #eel the te%"erature dro". The gry"hons, shrie)ing sto""ed a$ru"tly* re"laced $y the thun)* thun)* thun) o# hea y o$+ects hitting the %ud. <0o%e on*, Percy told his #riends. <0are#ully., They s4uir%ed out #ro% under the giant. All around the %arsh* trees !ere gla(ed !ith #rost. A huge s!athe o# the $og !as co ered in #resh sno!. 5ro(en gry"hons stuc) out o# the ground li)e #eathery Po"sicle stic)s* their !ings still s"read* $ea)s o"en* eyes !ide !ith sur"rise. Percy and his #riends scra%$led a!ay* trying to )ee" out o# the giant,s ision* $ut the $ig guy !as too $usy to notice the%. He !as trying to #igure out ho! to string a #ro(en gry"hon onto his nec)lace. <Percy 7, Ha(el !i"ed the ice and %ud #ro% her #ace. <Ho! did you )no! the giant could do that-, <I al%ost got hit $y Hy"er$orean $reath once*, he said. <We,d $etter %o e. The gry"hons !on,t stay #ro(en #ore er.,



THE> WALKED 3:ERLAND 53R A&32T an hour* )ee"ing the train trac)s in sight $ut staying in the co er o# the trees as %uch as "ossi$le. 3nce they heard a helico"ter #lying in the direction o# the train !rec). T!ice they heard the screech o# gry"hons* $ut they sounded a long !ay o##. As near as Percy could #igure* it !as a$out %idnight !hen the sun #inally set. It got cold in the !oods. The stars !ere so thic) Percy !as te%"ted to sto" and ga!) at the%. Then the northern lights cran)ed u". They re%inded Percy o# his %o%,s gas sto eto" $ac) ho%e* !hen she had the #la%e on lo! . !a es o# ghostly $lue #la%es ri""ling $ac) and #orth. <That,s a%a(ing*, 5ran) said. <&ears*, Ha(el "ointed. Sure enough* a cou"le o# $ro!n $ears !ere lu%$ering in the %eado! a #e! hundred #eet a!ay* their coats glea%ing in the starlight. <They !on,t $other us*, Ha(el "ro%ised. </ust gi e the% a !ide $erth., Percy and 5ran) didn,t argue. As they trudged on* Percy thought a$out all the cra(y "laces he,d seen. None o# the% had le#t hi% s"eechless li)e Alas)a. He could see !hy it !as a land $eyond the gods. E erything here !as rough and unta%ed. There !ere no rules* no "ro"hecies* no destinies . +ust the harsh !ilderness and a $unch o# ani%als and %onsters. 'ortals and de%igods ca%e here at their o!n ris). Percy !ondered i# this !as !hat 6aia !anted . #or the !hole !orld to $e li)e this. He !ondered i# that !ould $e such a $ad thing. Then he "ut the thought aside. 6aia !asn,t a gentle goddess. Percy had heard !hat she "lanned to do. She !asn,t li)e the 'other Earth you %ight read a$out in a children,s #airy tale. She !as enge#ul and iolent. I# she e er !o)e u" #ully* she,d destroy hu%an ci ili(ation. A#ter another cou"le o# hours* they stu%$led across a

tiny illage $et!een the railroad trac)s and a t!o-lane road. The city li%it sign said8 '33SE PASS. Standing ne1t to the sign !as an actual %oose. 5or a second* Percy thought it %ight $e so%e sort o# statue #or ad ertising. Then the ani%al $ounded into the !oods. They "assed a cou"le o# houses* a "ost o##ice and so%e trailers. E erything !as dar) and closed u". 3n the other end o# to!n !as a store !ith a "icnic ta$le and an old rusted "etrol "u%" in #ront. The store had a hand-"ainted sign that read8 '33SE PASS 6AS. <That,s +ust !rong*, 5ran) said. &y silent agree%ent they colla"sed around the "icnic ta$le. Percy,s #eet #elt li)e $loc)s o# ice . ery sore $loc)s o# ice. Ha(el "ut her head in her hands and "assed out* snoring. 5ran) too) out his last sodas and so%e granola $ars #ro% the train ride and shared the% !ith Percy. They ate in silence* !atching the stars* until 5ran) said* <Did you %ean !hat you said earlier-, Percy loo)ed across the ta$le. <A$out !hat-, In the starlight* 5ran),s #ace %ight ha e $een ala$aster* li)e an old Ro%an statue. <A$out 7 $eing "roud that !e,re related., Percy ta""ed his granola $ar on the ta$le. <Well* let,s see. >ou single-handedly too) out three $asilis)s !hile I !as si""ing green tea and !heat ger%. >ou held o## an ar%y o# Laistrygonians so that our "lane could ta)e o## in :ancou er. >ou sa ed %y li#e $y shooting do!n that gry"hon. And you ga e u" the last charge on your %agic s"ear to hel" so%e de#enceless %ortals. >ou are* hands do!n* the nicest child o# the !ar god I, e e er %et 7 %ay$e the only nice one. So !hat do you thin)-, 5ran) stared u" at the northern lights* still coo)ing across the stars on lo! heat. <It,s +ust 7 I !as su""osed to $e in charge o# this 4uest* the centurion* and all. I #eel li)e you guys ha e had to carry %e., <Not true*, Percy said. <I,% su""osed to ha e these "o!ers I ha en,t #igured out ho! to use*, 5ran) said $itterly. <No! I don,t ha e a s"ear*

and I,% al%ost out o# arro!s. And 7 I,% scared., <I,d $e !orried i# you !eren,t scared*, Percy said. <We,re all scared., <&ut the 5east o# 5ortuna is 7, 5ran) thought a$out it. <It,s a#ter %idnight* isn,t it- That %eans it,s /une t!enty-#ourth no!. The #east starts tonight at sundo!n. We ha e to #ind our !ay to Hu$$ard 6lacier* de#eat a giant !ho is unde#eata$le in his ho%e territory and get $ac) to 0a%" /u"iter $e#ore they,re o errun . all in less than eighteen hours., <And !hen !e #ree Thanatos*, Percy said* <he %ight clai% your li#e. And Ha(el,s. &elie e %e* I, e $een thin)ing a$out it., 5ran) ga(ed at Ha(el* still snoring lightly. Her #ace !as $uried under a %ass o# curly $ro!n hair. <She,s %y $est #riend*, 5ran) said. <I lost %y %o%* %y grand%other 7 I can,t lose her* too., Percy thought a$out his old li#e . his %o% in Ne! >or)* 0a%" Hal#-&lood* Anna$eth. He,d lost all o# that #or eight %onths. E en no!* !ith the %e%ories co%ing $ac) 7 he,d ne er $een this #ar a!ay #ro% ho%e $e#ore. He,d $een to the 2nder!orld and $ac). He,d #aced death do(ens o# ti%es. &ut sitting at this "icnic ta$le* thousands o# %iles a!ay* $eyond the "o!er o# 3ly%"us* he,d ne er $een so alone . e1ce"t #or Ha(el and 5ran). <I,% not going to lose either o# you*, he "ro%ised. <I,% not going to let that ha""en. And* 5ran)* you are a leader. Ha(el !ould say the sa%e thing. We need you., 5ran) lo!ered his head. He see%ed lost in thought. 5inally he leaned #or!ard until his head $u%"ed the "icnic ta$le. He started to snore in har%ony !ith Ha(el. Percy sighed. <Another ins"iring s"eech #ro% /ac)son*, he said to hi%sel#. <Rest u"* 5ran). &ig day ahead., At da!n* the store o"ened u". The o!ner !as a little sur"rised to #ind three teenagers crashed out on his "icnic ta$le* $ut !hen Percy e1"lained that they had stu%$led a!ay #ro% last night,s train !rec)* the guy #elt sorry #or the% and treated the% to $rea)#ast. He called a #riend o# his* an Inuit nati e !ho had a ca$in close to Se!ard. Soon

they !ere ru%$ling along the road in a $eat-u" 5ord "ic)-u" that had $een ne! a$out the ti%e Ha(el !as $orn. Ha(el and 5ran) sat in the $ac). Percy rode u" #ront !ith the leathery old %an* !ho s%elled li)e s%o)ed sal%on. He told Percy stories a$out &ear and Ra en* the Inuit gods* and all Percy could thin) !as that he ho"ed he didn,t %eet the%. He had enough ene%ies already. The truc) $ro)e do!n a #e! %iles outside Se!ard. The dri er didn,t see% sur"rised* as though this ha""ened to hi% se eral ti%es a day. He said they could !ait #or hi% to #i1 the engine* $ut since Se!ard !as only a #e! %iles a!ay* they decided to !al) it. &y %id-%orning* they cli%$ed o er a rise in the road and sa! a s%all $ay ringed !ith %ountains. The to!n !as a thin crescent on the right-hand shore* !ith !har es e1tending into the !ater and a cruise shi" in the har$our. Percy shuddered. He,d had $ad e1"eriences !ith cruise shi"s. <Se!ard*, Ha(el said. She didn,t sound ha""y to see her old ho%e. They,d already lost a lot o# ti%e* and Percy didn,t li)e ho! #ast the sun !as rising. The road cur ed round the hillside* $ut it loo)ed li)e they could get to to!n #aster going straight across the %eado!s. Percy ste""ed o## the road. <0o%e on., The ground !as s4uishy* $ut he didn,t thin) %uch a$out it until Ha(el shouted* <Percy* no=, His ne1t ste" !ent straight through the ground. He san) li)e a stone until the earth closed o er his head . and the earth s!allo!ed hi%.



<>32R &3W=, HAPEL SH32TED. 5ran) didn,t as) 4uestions. He dro""ed his "ac) and sli""ed the $o! o## his shoulder. Ha(el,s heart raced. She hadn,t thought a$out this $oggy soil . %us)eg . since $e#ore she had died. No!* too late* she re%e%$ered the dire !arnings the locals had gi en her. 'arshy silt and deco%"osed "lants %ade a sur#ace that loo)ed co%"letely solid* $ut it !as e en !orse than 4uic)sand. It could $e t!enty #eet dee" or %ore* and i%"ossi$le to esca"e. She tried not to thin) !hat !ould ha""en i# it !ere dee"er than the length o# the $o!. <Hold one end*, she told 5ran). <Don,t let go., She gra$$ed the other end* too) a dee" $reath and +u%"ed into the $og. The earth closed o er her head. Instantly* she !as #ro(en in a %e%ory. Not no!= she !anted to screa%. Ella said I !as done !ith $lac)outs= 3h* $ut* %y dear* said the oice o# 6aia* this is not one o# your $lac)outs. This is a gi#t #ro% %e. Ha(el !as $ac) in Ne! 3rleans. She and her %other sat in the "ar) near their a"art%ent* ha ing a "icnic $rea)#ast. She re%e%$ered this day. She !as se en years old. Her %other had +ust sold Ha(el,s #irst "recious stone8 a s%all dia%ond. Neither o# the% had yet reali(ed Ha(el,s curse. Gueen 'arie !as in an e1cellent %ood. She had $ought orange +uice #or Ha(el and cha%"agne #or hersel#* and #ritters s"rin)led !ith chocolate and "o!dered sugar. She,d e en $ought Ha(el a ne! $o1 o# crayons and a "ad o# "a"er. They sat together* Gueen 'arie hu%%ing cheer#ully !hile Ha(el dre! "ictures. The 5rench Guarter !o)e u" around the%* ready #or 'ardi 6ras. /a(( $ands "ractised. 5loats !ere $eing

decorated !ith #resh-cut #lo!ers. 0hildren laughed and chased each other* dec)ed in so %any coloured nec)laces they could $arely !al). The sunrise turned the s)y to red gold* and the !ar% stea%y air s%elled o# %agnolias and roses. It had $een the ha""iest %orning o# Ha(el,s li#e. <>ou could stay here., Her %other s%iled* $ut her eyes !ere $lan) !hite. The oice !as 6aia,s. <This is #a)e*, Ha(el said. She tried to get u"* $ut the so#t $ed o# grass %ade her la(y and slee"y. The s%ell o# $a)ed $read and %elting chocolate !as into1icating. It !as the %orning o# 'ardi 6ras* and the !orld see%ed #ull o# "ossi$ilities. Ha(el could al%ost $elie e she had a $right #uture. <What is real-, as)ed 6aia* s"ea)ing through her %other,s #ace. <Is your second li#e real* Ha(el- >ou,re su""osed to $e dead. Is it real that you,re sin)ing into a $og* su##ocating-, <Let %e hel" %y #riend=, Ha(el tried to #orce hersel# $ac) to reality. She could i%agine her hand clenched on the end o# the $o!* $ut e en that !as starting to #eel #u((y. Her gri" !as loosening. The s%ell o# %agnolias and roses !as o er"o!ering. Her %other o##ered her a #ritter. No* Ha(el thought. This isn,t %y %other. This is 6aia tric)ing %e. <>ou !ant your old li#e $ac)*, 6aia said. <I can gi e you that. This %o%ent can last #or years. >ou can gro! u" in Ne! 3rleans* and your %other !ill adore you. >ou,ll ne er ha e to deal !ith the $urden o# your curse. >ou can $e !ith Sa%%y ., <It,s an illusion=, Ha(el said* cho)ing on the s!eet scent o# #lo!ers. <>ou are an illusion* Ha(el Le es4ue. >ou !ere only $rought $ac) to li#e $ecause the gods ha e a tas) #or you. I %ay ha e used you* $ut Nico used you and lied a$out it. >ou should $e glad I ca"tured hi%., <0a"tured-, A #eeling o# "anic rose in Ha(el,s chest. <What do you %ean-,

6aia s%iled* si""ing her cha%"agne. <The $oy should ha e )no!n $etter than to search #or the Doors. &ut no %atter . it,s not really your concern. 3nce you release Thanatos* you,ll $e thro!n $ac) into the 2nder!orld to rot #ore er. 5ran) and Percy !on,t sto" that #ro% ha""ening. Would real #riends as) you to gi e u" your li#e- Tell %e !ho is lying* and !ho tells you the truth., Ha(el started to cry. &itterness !elled u" inside her. She,d lost her li#e once. She didn,t !ant to die again. <That,s right*, 6aia "urred. <>ou !ere destined to %arry Sa%%y. Do you )no! !hat ha""ened to hi% a#ter you died in Alas)a- He gre! u" and %o ed to Te1as. He %arried and had a #a%ily. &ut he ne er #orgot you. He al!ays !ondered !hy you disa""eared. He,s dead no! . a heart attac) in the JDQ@s. The li#e you could, e had together al!ays haunted hi%., <Sto" it=, Ha(el screa%ed. <>ou too) that #ro% %e=, <And you can ha e it again*, 6aia said. <I ha e you in %y e%$race* Ha(el. >ou,ll die any!ay. I# you gi e u"* at least I can %a)e it "leasant #or you. 5orget sa ing Percy /ac)son. He $elongs to %e. I,ll )ee" hi% sa#e in the earth until I,% ready to use hi%. >ou can ha e an entire li#e in your #inal %o%ents . you can gro! u"* %arry Sa%%y. All you ha e to do is let go., Ha(el tightened her gri" on the $o!. &elo! her* so%ething gra$$ed her an)les* $ut she didn,t "anic. She )ne! it !as Percy* su##ocating* des"erately gras"ing #or a chance at li#e. Ha(el glared at the goddess. <I,ll ne er coo"erate !ith you= LET . 2S . 63=, Her %other,s #ace dissol ed. The Ne! 3rleans %orning %elted into dar)ness. Ha(el !as dro!ning in %ud* one hand on the $o!* Percy,s hands around her an)les* dee" in the dar)ness. Ha(el !iggled the end o# the $o! #rantically. 5ran) "ulled her u" !ith such #orce it nearly "o""ed her ar% out o# the soc)et. When she o"ened her eyes* she !as lying in the grass* co ered in %uc). Percy s"ra!led at her #eet* coughing and s"itting %ud.

5ran) ho ered o er the%* yelling* <3h* gods= 3h* gods= 3h* gods=, He yan)ed so%e e1tra clothes #ro% his $ag and started to!elling o## Ha(el,s #ace* $ut it didn,t do %uch good. He dragged Percy #urther #ro% the %us)eg. <>ou !ere do!n there so long=, 5ran) cried. <I didn,t thin) . oh* gods* don,t e er do so%ething li)e that again=, He !ra""ed Ha(el in a $ear hug. <0an,t . $reathe*, she cho)ed out. <Sorry=, 5ran) !ent $ac) to to!elling and #ussing o er the%. 5inally he got the% to the side o# the road* !here they sat and shi ered and s"at u" %ud clods. Ha(el couldn,t #eel her hands. She !asn,t sure i# she !as cold or in shoc)* $ut she %anaged to e1"lain a$out the %us)eg* and the ision she,d seen !hile she !as under. Not the "art a$out Sa%%y . that !as still too "ain#ul to say out loud . $ut she told the% a$out 6aia,s o##er o# a #a)e li#e* and the goddess,s clai% that she,d ca"tured her $rother* Nico. Ha(el didn,t !ant to )ee" that to hersel#. She !as a#raid the des"air !ould o er!hel% her. Percy ru$$ed his shoulders. His li"s !ere $lue. <>ou . you sa ed %e* Ha(el. We,ll #igure out !hat ha""ened to Nico* I "ro%ise., Ha(el s4uinted at the sun* !hich !as no! high in the s)y. The !ar%th #elt good* $ut it didn,t sto" her tre%$ling. <Does it see% li)e 6aia let us go too easily-, Percy "luc)ed a %ud clod #ro% his hair. <'ay$e she still !ants us as "a!ns. 'ay$e she !as +ust saying things to %ess !ith your %ind., <She )ne! !hat to say*, Ha(el agreed. <She )ne! ho! to get to %e., 5ran) "ut his +ac)et around her shoulders. <This is a real li#e. >ou )no! that* right- We,re not going to let you die again., He sounded so deter%ined. Ha(el didn,t !ant to argue* $ut she didn,t see ho! 5ran) could sto" Death. She "ressed her coat "oc)et* !here 5ran),s hal#-$urnt #ire!ood !as still securely !ra""ed. She !ondered !hat !ould, e

ha""ened to hi% i# she,d sun) in the %ud #ore er. 'ay$e that !ould ha e sa ed hi%. 5ire couldn,t ha e got to the !ood do!n there. She !ould ha e %ade any sacri#ice to )ee" 5ran) sa#e. Perha"s she hadn,t al!ays #elt that strongly* $ut 5ran) had trusted her !ith his li#e. He $elie ed in her. She couldn,t $ear the thought o# any har% co%ing to hi%. She glanced at the rising sun 7 Ti%e !as running out. She thought a$out Hylla* the A%a(on Gueen $ac) in Seattle. Hylla !ould ha e duelled 3trera t!o nights in a ro! $y no!* assu%ing she had sur i ed. She !as counting on Ha(el to release Death. She %anaged to stand. The !ind co%ing o## Resurrection &ay !as +ust as cold as she re%e%$ered. <We should get going. We,re losing ti%e., Percy ga(ed do!n the road. His li"s !ere returning to their nor%al colour. <Any hotels or so%ething !here !e could clean o##- I %ean 7 hotels that acce"t %ud "eo"le-, <I,% not sure*, Ha(el ad%itted. She loo)ed at the to!n $elo! and couldn,t $elie e ho! %uch it had gro!n since JDRC. The %ain har$our had %o ed east as the to!n had e1"anded. 'ost o# the $uildings !ere ne! to her* $ut the grid o# do!nto!n streets see%ed #a%iliar. She thought she recogni(ed so%e !arehouses along the shore. <I %ight )no! a "lace !e can #reshen u".,



WHEN THE> 63T INT3 T3WN* Ha(el #ollo!ed the sa%e route she,d used se enty years ago . the last night o# her li#e* !hen she,d co%e ho%e #ro% the hills and #ound her %other %issing. She led her #riends along Third A enue. The railroad station !as still there. The $ig !hite t!o-storey Se!ard Hotel !as still in $usiness* though it had e1"anded to t!ice its old si(e. They thought a$out sto""ing there* $ut Ha(el didn,t thin) it !ould $e a good idea to trai"se into the lo$$y co ered in %ud* nor !as she sure the hotel !ould gi e a roo% to three %inors. Instead* they turned to!ards the shoreline. Ha(el couldn,t $elie e it* $ut her old ho%e !as still there* leaning o er the !ater on $arnacle-encrusted "iers. The roo# sagged. The !alls !ere "er#orated !ith holes li)e $uc)shot. The door !as $oarded-u"* and a hand-"ainted sign read8 R33'S . ST3RA6E . A:AILA&LE <0o%e on*, she said. <2h* you sure it,s sa#e-, 5ran) as)ed. Ha(el #ound an o"en !indo! and cli%$ed inside. Her #riends #ollo!ed. The roo% hadn,t $een used in a long ti%e. Their #eet )ic)ed u" dust that s!irled in the $uc)shot $ea%s o# sunlight. 'ouldering card$oard $o1es !ere stac)ed along the !alls. Their #aded la$els read8 6reeting 0ards* Assorted Seasonal. Why se eral hundred $o1es o# season,s greetings had !ound u" cru%$ling to dust in a !arehouse in Alas)a* Ha(el had no idea* $ut it #elt li)e a cruel +o)e8 as i# the cards !ere #or all the holidays she,d ne er got to cele$rate . decades o# 0hrist%ases* Easters* $irthdays* :alentine,s Days. <It,s !ar%er in here* at least*, 5ran) said. <6uess no running !ater- 'ay$e I can go sho""ing. I,% not as %uddy as you guys. I could #ind us so%e clothes., Ha(el only hal# heard hi%.

She cli%$ed o er a stac) o# $o1es in the corner that used to $e her slee"ing area. An old sign !as "ro""ed against the !all8 63LD PR3SPE0TIN6 S2PPLIES. She thought she,d #ind a $are !all $ehind it* $ut !hen she %o ed the sign* %ost o# her "hotos and dra!ings !ere still "inned there. The sign %ust ha e "rotected the% #ro% sunlight and the ele%ents. They see%ed not to ha e aged. Her crayon dra!ings o# Ne! 3rleans loo)ed so childish. Had she really %ade the%- Her %other stared out at her #ro% one "hotogra"h* s%iling in #ront o# her $usiness sign8 G2EEN 'ARIE,S 6RIS-6RIS . 0HAR'S S3LD* 53RT2NES T3LD. Ne1t to that !as a "hoto o# Sa%%y at the carni al. He !as #ro(en in ti%e !ith his cra(y grin* his curly $lac) hair* and those $eauti#ul eyes. I# 6aia !as telling the truth* Sa%%y had $een dead #or o er #orty years. Had he really re%e%$ered Ha(el all that ti%e- 3r had he #orgotten the "eculiar girl he used to go riding !ith . the girl !ho shared one )iss and a $irthday cu"ca)e !ith hi% $e#ore disa""earing #ore er5ran),s #ingers ho ered o er the "hoto. <Who 7 -, He sa! that she !as crying and cla%"ed $ac) his 4uestion. <Sorry* Ha(el. This %ust $e really hard. Do you !ant so%e ti%e .-, <No*, she croa)ed. <No* it,s #ine., <Is that your %other-, Percy "ointed to the "hoto o# Gueen 'arie. <She loo)s li)e you. She,s $eauti#ul., Then Percy studied the "icture o# Sa%%y. <Who is that-, Ha(el didn,t understand !hy he loo)ed so s"oo)ed. <That,s 7 that,s Sa%%y. He !as %y . uh . #riend #ro% Ne! 3rleans., She #orced hersel# not to loo) at 5ran). <I, e seen hi% $e#ore*, Percy said. <>ou couldn,t ha e*, Ha(el said. <That !as in JDRJ. He,s 7 he,s "ro$a$ly dead no!., Percy #ro!ned. <I guess. Still 7, He shoo) his head* li)e the thought !as too unco%#orta$le. 5ran) cleared his throat. <Loo)* !e "assed a store on the last $loc). We, e got a little %oney le#t. 'ay$e I should go get you guys so%e #ood and clothes and . I

don,t )no! . a hundred $o1es o# !et !i"es or so%ething-, Ha(el "ut the gold "ros"ecting sign $ac) o er her %e%entos. She #elt guilty e en loo)ing at that old "icture o# Sa%%y* !ith 5ran) trying to $e so s!eet and su""orti e. It didn,t do her any good to thin) a$out her old li#e. <That !ould $e great*, she said. <>ou,re the $est* 5ran)., The #loor$oards crea)ed under his #eet. <Well 7 I,% the only one not co%"letely co ered in %ud* any!ay. &e $ac) soon., 3nce he !as gone* Percy and Ha(el %ade te%"orary ca%". They too) o## their +ac)ets and tried to scra"e o## the %ud. They #ound so%e old $lan)ets in a crate and used the% to clean u". They disco ered that $o1es o# greeting cards %ade "retty good "laces to rest i# you arranged the% li)e %attresses. Percy set his s!ord on the #loor !here it glo!ed !ith a #aint $ron(e light. Then he stretched out on a $ed o# 'erry 0hrist%as JDLC. <Than) you #or sa ing %e*, he said. <I should, e told you that earlier., Ha(el shrugged. <>ou !ould ha e done the sa%e #or %e., <>es*, he agreed. <&ut !hen I !as do!n in the %ud* I re%e%$ered that line #ro% Ella,s "ro"hecy . a$out the son o# Ne"tune dro!ning. I thought. EThis is !hat it %eans. I,% dro!ning in the earth.F I !as sure I !as dead., His oice 4ua ered li)e it had his #irst day at 0a%" /u"iter* !hen Ha(el had sho!n hi% the shrine o# Ne"tune. &ac) then she had !ondered i# Percy !as the ans!er to her "ro$le%s . the descendant o# Ne"tune that Pluto had "ro%ised !ould ta)e a!ay her curse so%e day. Percy had see%ed so inti%idating and "o!er#ul* li)e a real hero. 3nly no!* she )ne! that 5ran) !as a descendant o# Ne"tune* too. 5ran) !asn,t the %ost i%"ressi e-loo)ing hero in the !orld* $ut he,d trusted her !ith his li#e. He tried so hard to "rotect her. E en his clu%siness !as endearing. She,d ne er #elt %ore con#used . and* since she had

s"ent her !hole li#e con#used* that !as saying a lot. <Percy*, she said* <that "ro"hecy %ight not ha e $een co%"lete. 5ran) thought Ella !as re%e%$ering a $urnt "age. 'ay$e you,ll dro!n so%eone else., He loo)ed at her cautiously. <>ou thin) so-, Ha(el #elt strange reassuring hi%. He !as so %uch older* and %ore in co%%and. &ut she nodded con#idently. <>ou,re going to %a)e it $ac) ho%e. >ou,re going to see your girl#riend Anna$eth., <>ou,ll %a)e it $ac)* too* Ha(el*, he insisted. <We,re not going to let anything ha""en to you. >ou,re too alua$le to %e* to the ca%"* and es"ecially to 5ran)., Ha(el "ic)ed u" an old alentine. The lacy !hite "a"er #ell a"art in her hands. <I don,t $elong in this century. Nico only $rought %e $ac) so I could correct %y %ista)es* %ay$e get into Elysiu%., <There,s %ore to your destiny than that*, he said. <We,re su""osed to #ight 6aia together. I,% going to need you at %y side !ay longer than +ust today. And 5ran) . you can see the guy is cra(y a$out you. This li#e is !orth #ighting #or* Ha(el., She closed her eyes. <Please* don,t get %y ho"es u". I can,t ., The !indo! crea)ed o"en. 5ran) cli%$ed in* triu%"hantly holding so%e sho""ing $ags. <Success=, He sho!ed o## his "ri(es. 5ro% a hunting store* he,d got a ne! 4ui er o# arro!s #or hi%sel#* so%e rations and a coil o# ro"e. <5or the ne1t ti%e !e run across %us)eg*, he said. 5ro% a local tourist sho"* he had $ought three sets o# #resh clothes* so%e to!els* so%e soa"* so%e $ottled !ater and* yes* a huge $o1 o# !et !i"es. It !asn,t e1actly a hot sho!er* $ut Ha(el duc)ed $ehind a !all o# greeting card $o1es to clean u" and change. Soon she !as #eeling %uch $etter. This is your last day* she re%inded hersel#. Don,t get too co%#orta$le. The 5east o# 5ortuna . all the luc) that ha""ened today* good or $ad* !as su""osed to $e an o%en o# the

entire year to co%e. 3ne !ay or another* their 4uest !ould end this e ening. She sli""ed the "iece o# dri#t!ood into her ne! coat "oc)et. So%eho!* she,d ha e to %a)e sure it stayed sa#e* no %atter !hat ha""ened to her. She could $ear her o!n death as long as her #riends sur i ed. <So*, she said. <No! !e #ind a $oat to Hu$$ard 6lacier., She tried to sound con#ident* $ut it !asn,t easy. She !ished Arion !ere still !ith her. She,d %uch rather ride into $attle on that $eauti#ul horse. E er since they,d le#t :ancou er* she,d $een calling to hi% in her thoughts* ho"ing he !ould hear her and co%e #ind her* $ut that !as +ust !ish#ul thin)ing. 5ran) "atted his sto%ach. <I# !e,re going to $attle to the death* I !ant lunch #irst. I #ound the "er#ect "lace., 5ran) led the% to a sho""ing "la(a near the !har#* !here an old rail!ay car had $een con erted to a diner. Ha(el had no %e%ory o# the "lace #ro% the JDR@s* $ut the #ood s%elled a%a(ing. While 5ran) and Percy ordered* Ha(el !andered do!n to the doc)s and as)ed so%e 4uestions. When she ca%e $ac)* she needed cheering u". E en the cheese$urger and #ries didn,t do the tric). <We,re in trou$le*, she said. <I tried to get a $oat. &ut 7 I %iscalculated., <No $oats-, 5ran) as)ed. <3h* I can get a $oat*, Ha(el said. <&ut the glacier is #urther than I thought. E en at to" s"eed* !e couldn,t get there until to%orro! %orning., Percy turned "ale. <'ay$e I could %a)e the $oat go #aster-, <E en i# you could*, Ha(el said* <#ro% !hat the ca"tains tell %e* it,s treacherous . ice$ergs* %a(es o# channels to na igate. >ou,d ha e to )no! !here you !ere going., <A "lane-, 5ran) as)ed. Ha(el shoo) her head. <I as)ed the $oat ca"tains a$out that. They said !e could try* $ut it,s a tiny air#ield. >ou ha e to charter a "lane t!o* three !ee)s in ad ance., They ate in silence a#ter that. Ha(el,s cheese$urger !as

e1cellent* $ut she couldn,t concentrate on it. She,d eaten a$out three $ites !hen a ra en settled on the tele"hone "ole a$o e and $egan to croa) at the%. Ha(el shi ered. She !as a#raid it !ould s"ea) to her li)e the other ra en* so %any years ago8 The last night. Tonight. She !ondered i# ra ens al!ays a""eared to children o# Pluto !hen they !ere a$out to die. She ho"ed Nico !as still ali e* and 6aia had +ust $een lying to %a)e her unsettled. Ha(el had a $ad #eeling that the goddess !as telling the truth. Nico had told her that he,d search #or the Doors o# Death #ro% the other side. I# he,d $een ca"tured $y 6aia,s #orces* Ha(el %ight, e lost the only #a%ily she had. She stared at her cheese$urger. Suddenly* the ra en,s ca!ing changed to a strangled yel". 5ran) got u" so #ast that he al%ost to""led the "icnic ta$le. Percy dre! his s!ord. Ha(el #ollo!ed their eyes. Perched on to" o# the "ole !here the ra en had $een* a #at ugly gry"hon glared do!n at the%. It $ur"ed* and ra en #eathers #luttered #ro% its $ea). Ha(el stood and unsheathed her s"atha. 5ran) noc)ed an arro!. He too) ai%* $ut the gry"hon shrie)ed so loudly the sound echoed o## the %ountains. 5ran) #linched* and his shot !ent !ide. <I thin) that,s a call #or hel"*, Percy !arned. <We ha e to get out o# here., With no clear "lan* they ran #or the doc)s. The gry"hon di ed a#ter the%. Percy slashed at it !ith his s!ord* $ut the gry"hon eered out o# reach. They too) the ste"s to the nearest "ier and raced to the end. The gry"hon s!oo"ed a#ter the%* its #ront cla!s e1tended #or the )ill. Ha(el raised her s!ord* $ut an icy !all o# !ater sla%%ed side!ays into the gry"hon and !ashed it into the $ay. The gry"hon s4ua!)ed and #la""ed its !ings. It %anaged to scra%$le onto the "ier* !here it shoo) its $lac) #ur li)e a !et dog. 5ran) grunted. <Nice one* Percy.,

<>eah*, he said. <Didn,t )no! i# I could still do that in Alas)a. &ut $ad ne!s . loo) o er there., A$out a %ile a!ay* o er the %ountains* a $lac) cloud !as s!irling . a !hole #loc) o# gry"hons* do(ens at least. There !as no !ay they could #ight that %any* and no $oat could ta)e the% a!ay #ast enough. 5ran) noc)ed another arro!. <Not going do!n !ithout a #ight., Percy raised Ri"tide. <I,% !ith you., Then Ha(el heard a sound in the distance . li)e the !hinnying o# a horse. She %ust, e $een i%agining it* $ut she cried out des"erately* <Arion= 3 er here=, A tan $lur ca%e ri""ing do!n the street and onto the "ier. The stallion %ateriali(ed right $ehind the gry"hon* $rought do!n his #ront hoo es and s%ashed the %onster to dust. Ha(el had ne er $een so ha""y in her li#e. <6ood horse= Really good horse=, 5ran) $ac)ed u" and al%ost #ell o## the "ier. <Ho! .-, <He #ollo!ed %e=, Ha(el $ea%ed. <&ecause he,s the $est . horse . E:ER= No!* get on=, <All three o# us-, Percy said. <0an he handle it-, Arion !hinnied indignantly. <All right* no need to $e rude*, Percy said. <Let,s go., They cli%$ed on* Ha(el in #ront* 5ran) and Percy $alancing "recariously $ehind her. 5ran) !ra""ed his ar%s round her !aist* and Ha(el thought that i# this !as going to $e her last day on earth . it !asn,t a $ad !ay to go out. <Run* Arion=, she cried. <To Hu$$ard 6lacier=, The horse shot across the !ater* his hoo es turning the to" o# the sea to stea%.



RIDIN6 ARI3N* HAPEL 5ELT P3WER52L* unsto""a$le* a$solutely in control . a "er#ect co%$ination o# horse and hu%an. She !ondered i# this !as !hat it !as li)e to $e a centaur. The $oat ca"tains in Se!ard had !arned her it !as three hundred nautical %iles to the Hu$$ard 6lacier* a hard* dangerous +ourney* $ut Arion had no trou$le. He raced o er the !ater at the s"eed o# sound* heating the air around the% so that Ha(el didn,t e en #eel the cold. 3n #oot* she ne er !ould ha e #elt so $ra e. 3n horse$ac)* she couldn,t !ait to charge into $attle. 5ran) and Percy didn,t loo) so ha""y. When Ha(el glanced $ac)* their teeth !ere clenched and their eye$alls !ere $ouncing around in their heads. 5ran),s chee)s +iggled #ro% the g#orce. Percy sat at the $ac)* hanging on tight* des"erately trying not to sli" o## the horse,s rear. Ha(el ho"ed that didn,t ha""en. The !ay Arion !as %o ing* she %ight not notice he !as gone #or #i#ty or si1ty %iles. They raced through icy straits* "ast $lue #+ords and cli##s !ith !ater#alls s"illing into the sea. Arion +u%"ed o er a $reaching hu%"$ac) !hale and )e"t gallo"ing* startling a "ac) o# seals o## an ice$erg. It see%ed li)e only %inutes $e#ore they (i""ed into a narro! $ay. The !ater turned the consistency o# sha ed ice in $lue stic)y syru". Arion ca%e to a halt on a #ro(en tur4uoise sla$. A hal# a %ile a!ay stood Hu$$ard 6lacier. E en Ha(el* !ho,d seen glaciers $e#ore* couldn,t 4uite "rocess !hat she !as loo)ing at. Pur"le sno!ca""ed %ountains %arched o## in either direction* !ith clouds #loating around their %iddles li)e #lu##y $elts. In a %assi e alley $et!een t!o o# the largest "ea)s* a ragged !all o# ice rose out o# the sea* #illing the entire gorge. The glacier !as $lue and

!hite !ith strea)s o# $lac)* so that it loo)ed li)e a hedge o# dirty sno! le#t $ehind on a side!al) a#ter a sno!"lough had gone $y* only #our %illion ti%es as large. As soon as Arion sto""ed* Ha(el #elt the te%"erature dro". All that ice !as sending o## !a es o# cold* turning the $ay into the !orld,s largest re#rigerator. The eeriest thing !as a sound li)e thunder that rolled across the !ater. <What is that-, 5ran) ga(ed at the clouds a$o e the glacier. <A stor%-, <No*, Ha(el said. <Ice crac)ing and shi#ting. 'illions o# tons o# ice., <>ou %ean that thing is $rea)ing u"-, 5ran) as)ed. As i# on cue* a sheet o# ice silently cal ed o## the side o# the glacier and crashed into the sea* s"raying !ater and #ro(en shra"nel se eral storeys high. A %illisecond later the sound hit the% . a &33' al%ost as +arring as Arion hitting the sound $arrier. <We can,t get close to that thing=, 5ran) said. <We ha e to*, Percy said. <The giant is at the to"., Arion nic)ered. </ee(* Ha(el*, Percy said* <tell your horse to !atch his language., Ha(el tried not to laugh. <What did he say-, <With the cussing re%o ed- He said he can get us to the to"., 5ran) loo)ed incredulous. <I thought the horse couldn,t #ly=, This ti%e Arion !hinnied so angrily* e en Ha(el could guess he !as cursing. <Dude*, Percy told the horse* <I, e $een sus"ended #or saying less than that. Ha(el* he "ro%ises you,ll see !hat he can do as soon as you gi e the !ord., <2%* hold on* then* you guys*, Ha(el said ner ously. <Arion* giddyu"=, Arion shot to!ards the glacier li)e a runa!ay roc)et* $arrelling straight across the slush li)e he !anted to "lay chic)en !ith the %ountain o# ice. The air gre! colder. The crac)ling o# the ice gre! louder. As Arion closed the distance* the glacier loo%ed

so large that Ha(el got ertigo +ust trying to ta)e it all in. The side !as riddled !ith cre ices and ca es* s"i)ed !ith +agged ridges li)e a1e $lades. Pieces !ere constantly cru%$ling o## . so%e no larger than sno!$alls* so%e the si(e o# houses. When they !ere a$out #i#ty yards #ro% the $ase* a thundercla" rattled Ha(el,s $ones* and a curtain o# ice that !ould ha e co ered 0a%" /u"iter cal ed a!ay and #ell to!ards the%. <Loo) out=, 5ran) shouted* !hich see%ed a little unnecessary to Ha(el. Arion !as !ay ahead o# hi%. In a $urst o# s"eed* he (ig(agged through the de$ris* lea"ing o er chun)s o# ice and cla%$ering u" the #ace o# the glacier. Percy and 5ran) $oth cussed li)e horses and held on des"erately !hile Ha(el !ra""ed her ar%s round Arion,s nec). So%eho!* they %anaged not to #all o## as Arion scaled the cli##s* +u%"ing #ro% #oothold to #oothold !ith i%"ossi$le s"eed and agility. It !as li)e #alling do!n a %ountain in re erse. Then it !as o er. Arion stood "roudly at the to" o# a ridge o# ice that loo%ed o er the oid. The sea !as no! three hundred #eet $elo! the%. Arion !hinnied a challenge that echoed o## the %ountains. Percy didn,t translate* $ut Ha(el !as "retty sure Arion !as calling out to any other horses that %ight $e in the $ay8 &eat that* ya "un)s= Then he turned and ran inland across the to" o# the glacier* lea"ing a chas% #i#ty #eet across. <There=, Percy "ointed. The horse sto""ed. Ahead o# the% stood a #ro(en Ro%an ca%" li)e a giant-si(ed ghastly re"lica o# 0a%" /u"iter. The trenches $ristled !ith ice s"i)es. The sno!-$ric) ra%"arts glared $linding !hite. Hanging #ro% the guard to!ers* $anners o# #ro(en $lue cloth shi%%ered in the Arctic sun. There !as no sign o# li#e. The gates stood !ide o"en. No sentries !al)ed the !alls. Still* Ha(el had an uneasy #eeling in her gut. She re%e%$ered the ca e in

Resurrection &ay !here she,d !or)ed to raise Alcyoneus . the o""ressi e sense o# %alice and the constant $oo%* $oo%* $oo%* li)e 6aia,s heart$eat. This "lace #elt si%ilar* as i# the earth !ere trying to !a)e u" and consu%e e erything . as i# the %ountains on either side !anted to crush the% and the entire glacier to "ieces. Arion trotted s)ittishly. <5ran)*, Percy said* <ho! a$out !e go on #oot #ro% here-, 5ran) sighed !ith relie#. <Thought you,d ne er as)., They dis%ounted and too) so%e tentati e ste"s. The ice see%ed sta$le* co ered !ith a #ine car"et o# sno! so that it !asn,t too sli""ery. Ha(el urged Arion #or!ard. Percy and 5ran) !al)ed on either side* s!ord and $o! ready. They a""roached the gates !ithout $eing challenged. Ha(el !as trained to s"ot "its* snares* tri" lines and all sorts o# other tra"s Ro%an legions had #aced #or aeons in ene%y territory* $ut she sa! nothing . +ust the ya!ning icy gates and the #ro(en $anners crac)ling in the !ind. She could see straight do!n the :ia Praetoria. At the crossroads* in #ront o# the sno!-$ric) "rinci"ia* a tall* dar)-ro$ed #igure stood* $ound in icy chains. <Thanatos*, Ha(el %ur%ured. She #elt as i# her soul !ere $eing "ulled #or!ard* dra!n to!ards Death li)e dust to!ards a acuu%. Her ision !ent dar). She al%ost #ell o## Arion* $ut 5ran) caught her and "ro""ed her u". <We, e got you*, he "ro%ised. <No$ody,s ta)ing you a!ay., Ha(el gri""ed his hand. She didn,t !ant to let go. He !as so solid* so reassuring* $ut 5ran) couldn,t "rotect her #ro% Death. His o!n li#e !as as #ragile as a hal#-$urnt "iece o# !ood. <I,% all right*, she lied. Percy loo)ed around uneasily. <No de#enders- No giant- This has to $e a tra"., <3$ iously*, 5ran) said. <&ut I don,t thin) !e ha e a choice., &e#ore Ha(el could change her %ind* she urged Arion

through the gates. The layout !as so #a%iliar . cohort $arrac)s* $aths* ar%oury. It !as an e1act re"lica o# 0a%" /u"iter* e1ce"t three ti%es as $ig. E en on horse$ac)* Ha(el #elt tiny and insigni#icant* as i# they !ere %o ing through a %odel city constructed $y the gods. They sto""ed ten #eet #ro% the ro$ed #igure. No! that she !as here* Ha(el #elt a rec)less urge to #inish the 4uest. She )ne! she !as in %ore danger than !hen she,d $een #ighting the A%a(ons* or #ending o## the gry"hons* or cli%$ing the glacier on Arion,s $ac). Instincti ely she )ne! that Thanatos could si%"ly touch her* and she !ould die. &ut she also had a #eeling that i# she didn,t see the 4uest through* i# she didn,t #ace her #ate $ra ely* she !ould still die . in co!ardice and #ailure. The +udges o# the dead !ouldn,t $e lenient to her a second ti%e. Arion cantered $ac) and #orth* sensing her dis4uiet. <Hello-, Ha(el #orced out the !ord. <'r Death-, The hooded #igure raised his head. Instantly* the !hole ca%" stirred to li#e. 5igures in Ro%an ar%our e%erged #ro% the $arrac)s* the "rinci"ia* the ar%oury and the canteen* $ut they !eren,t hu%an. They !ere shades . the chattering ghosts Ha(el had li ed !ith #or decades in the 5ields o# As"hodel. Their $odies !eren,t %uch %ore than !is"s o# $lac) a"our* $ut they %anaged to hold together sets o# scale ar%our* grea es and hel%ets. 5rost-co ered s!ords !ere stra""ed to their !aists. Pila and dented shields #loated in their s%o)y hands. The "lu%es on the centurions, hel%ets !ere #ro(en and ragged. 'ost o# the shades !ere on #oot* $ut t!o soldiers $urst out o# the sta$les in a golden chariot "ulled $y ghostly $lac) steeds. When Arion sa! the horses* he sta%"ed the ground in outrage. 5ran) gri""ed his $o!. <>e"* here,s the tra".,



THE 6H3STS 53R'ED RANKS AND EN0IR0LED the crossroads. There !ere a$out a hundred in all . not an entire legion* $ut %ore than a cohort. So%e carried the tattered lightning-$olt $anners o# the T!el#th Legion* 5i#th 0ohort . 'ichael :arus,s doo%ed e1"edition #ro% the JDL@s. 3thers carried standards and insignia Ha(el didn,t recogni(e* as i# they,d died at di##erent ti%es* on di##erent 4uests . %ay$e not e en #ro% 0a%" /u"iter. 'ost !ere ar%ed !ith I%"erial gold !ea"ons . %ore I%"erial gold than the entire T!el#th Legion "ossessed. Ha(el could #eel the co%$ined "o!er o# all that gold hu%%ing around her* e en scarier than the crac)ling o# the glacier. She !ondered i# she could use her "o!er to control the !ea"ons* %ay$e disar% the ghosts* $ut she !as a#raid to try. I%"erial gold !asn,t +ust a "recious %etal. It !as deadly to de%igods and %onsters. Trying to control that %uch at once !ould $e li)e trying to control "lutoniu% in a reactor. I# she #ailed* she %ight !i"e Hu$$ard 6lacier o## the %a" and )ill her #riends. <Thanatos=, Ha(el turned to the ro$ed #igure. <We,re here to rescue you. I# you control these shades* tell the% ., Her oice #altered. The god,s hood #ell a!ay and his ro$es dro""ed o## as he s"read his !ings* lea ing hi% in only a slee eless $lac) tunic $elted at the !aist. He !as the %ost $eauti#ul %an Ha(el had e er seen. His s)in !as the colour o# tea)!ood* dar) and glistening li)e Gueen 'arie,s old sSance ta$le. His eyes !ere as honey gold as Ha(el,s. He !as lean and %uscular* !ith a regal #ace and $lac) hair #lo!ing do!n his shoulders. His !ings gli%%ered in shades o# $lue* $lac) and "ur"le. Ha(el re%inded hersel# to $reathe. &eauti#ul !as the right !ord #or Thanatos . not handso%e* or hot* or anything li)e that. He !as $eauti#ul the !ay an angel is $eauti#ul . ti%eless* "er#ect* re%ote.

<3h*, she said in a s%all oice. The god,s !rists !ere shac)led in icy %anacles* !ith chains that ran straight into the glacier #loor. His #eet !ere $are* shac)led round the an)les and also chained. <It,s 0u"id*, 5ran) said. <A really $u## 0u"id*, Percy agreed. <>ou co%"li%ent %e*, Thanatos said. His oice !as as gorgeous as he !as . dee" and %elodious. <I a% #re4uently %ista)en #or the god o# lo e. Death has %ore in co%%on !ith Lo e than you %ight i%agine. &ut I a% Death. I assure you., Ha(el didn,t dou$t it. She #elt as i# she !ere %ade o# ashes. Any second* she %ight cru%$le and $e suc)ed into the acuu%. She dou$ted Thanatos e en needed to touch her to )ill her. He could si%"ly tell her to die. She !ould )eel o er on the s"ot* her soul o$eying that $eauti#ul oice and those )ind eyes. <We,re . !e,re here to sa e you*, she %anaged. <Where,s Alcyoneus-, <Sa e %e 7 -, Thanatos narro!ed his eyes. <Do you understand !hat you are saying* Ha(el Le es4ue- Do you understand !hat that !ill %ean-, Percy ste""ed #or!ard. <We,re !asting ti%e., He s!ung his s!ord at the god,s chains. 0elestial $ron(e rang against the ice* $ut Ri"tide stuc) to the chain li)e glue. 5rost $egan cree"ing u" the $lade. Percy "ulled #rantically. 5ran) ran to hel". Together* they +ust %anaged to yan) Ri"tide #ree $e#ore the #rost reached their hands. <That !on,t !or)*, Thanatos said si%"ly. <As #or the giant* he is close. These shades are not %ine. They are his., Thanatos,s eyes scanned the ghost soldiers. They shi#ted unco%#orta$ly* as i# an Arctic !ind !ere rattling through their ran)s. <So ho! do !e get you out-, Ha(el de%anded. Thanatos turned his attention $ac) to her. <Daughter o# Pluto* child o# %y %aster* you o# all "eo"le should not !ish %e released., <Don,t you thin) I )no! that-, Ha(el,s eyes stung* $ut she !as done $eing a#raid. She,d $een a scared little girl

se enty years ago. She,d lost her %other $ecause she acted too late. No! she !as a soldier o# Ro%e. She !asn,t going to #ail again. She !asn,t going to let do!n her #riends. <Listen* Death., She dre! her ca alry s!ord* and Arion reared in de#iance. <I didn,t co%e $ac) #ro% the 2nder!orld and tra el thousands o# %iles to $e told that I,% stu"id #or setting you #ree. I# I die* I die. I,ll #ight this !hole ar%y i# I ha e to. /ust tell us ho! to $rea) your chains., Thanatos studied her #or a heart$eat. <Interesting. >ou do understand that these shades !ere once de%igods li)e you. They #ought #or Ro%e. They died !ithout co%"leting their heroic 4uests. Li)e you* they !ere sent to As"hodel. No! 6aia has "ro%ised the% a second li#e i# they #ight #or her today. 3# course* i# you release %e and de#eat the%* they !ill ha e to return to the 2nder!orld !here they $elong. 5or treason against the gods* they !ill #ace eternal "unish%ent. They are not so di##erent #ro% you* Ha(el Le es4ue. Are you sure you !ant to release %e and da%n these souls #ore er-, 5ran) clenched his #ists. <That,s not #air= Do you !ant to $e #reed or not-, <5air 7, Death %used. <>ou,d $e a%a(ed ho! o#ten I hear that !ord* 5ran) Phang* and ho! %eaningless it is. Is it #air that your li#e !ill $urn so short and $right- Was it #air !hen I guided your %other to the 2nder!orld-, 5ran) staggered li)e he,d $een "unched. <No*, Death said sadly. <Not #air. And yet it !as her ti%e. There is no #airness in Death. I# you #ree %e* I !ill do %y duty. &ut o# course these shades !ill try to sto" you., <So i# !e let you go*, Percy su%%ed u"* <!e get %o$$ed $y a $unch o# $lac) a"our dudes !ith gold s!ords. 5ine. Ho! do !e $rea) those chains-, Thanatos s%iled. <3nly the #ire o# li#e can %elt the chains o# death., <Without the riddles* "lease-, Percy as)ed. 5ran) dre! a sha)y $reath. <It isn,t a riddle., <5ran)* no*, Ha(el said !ea)ly. <There,s got to $e another

!ay., Laughter $oo%ed across the glacier. A ru%$ling oice said8 <'y #riends. I, e !aited so long=, Standing at the gates o# the ca%" !as Alcyoneus. He !as e en larger than the giant Poly$otes they,d seen in 0ali#ornia. He had %etallic golden s)in* ar%our %ade #ro% "latinu% lin)s and an iron sta## the si(e o# a tote% "ole. His rust-red dragon legs "ounded against the ice as he entered the ca%". Precious stones glinted in his red $raided hair. Ha(el had ne er seen hi% #ully #or%ed* $ut she )ne! hi% $etter than she )ne! her o!n "arents. She had %ade hi%. 5or %onths* she had raised gold and ge%s #ro% the earth to create this %onster. She )ne! the dia%onds he used #or a heart. She )ne! the oil that ran in his eins instead o# $lood. 'ore than anything* she !anted to destroy hi%. The giant a""roached* grinning at her !ith his solid sil er teeth. <Ah* Ha(el Le es4ue*, he said* <you cost %e dearly= I# not #or you* I !ould ha e risen decades ago* and this !orld !ould already $e 6aia,s. &ut no %atter=, He s"read his hands* sho!ing o## the ran)s o# ghostly soldiers. <Welco%e* Percy /ac)son= Welco%e* 5ran) Phang= I a% Alcyoneus* the $ane o# Pluto* the ne! %aster o# Death. And this is your ne! legion.,



N3 5AIRNESS IN DEATH. Those !ords )e"t ringing in 5ran),s head. The golden giant didn,t scare hi%. The ar%y o# shades didn,t scare hi%. &ut the thought o# #reeing Thanatos %ade 5ran) !ant to curl into the #oetal "osition. This god had ta)en his %other. 5ran) understood !hat he had to do to $rea) those chains. 'ars had !arned hi%. He,d e1"lained !hy he lo ed E%ily Phang so %uch8 She al!ays "ut her duty #irst* ahead o# e erything. E en her li#e. No! it !as 5ran),s turn. His %other,s sacri#ice %edal #elt !ar% in his "oc)et. He #inally understood his %other,s choice* sa ing her co%rades at the cost o# her o!n li#e. He got !hat 'ars had $een trying to tell hi% . Duty. Sacri#ice. They %ean so%ething. In 5ran),s chest* a hard )not o# anger and resent%ent . a lu%" o# grie# he,d $een carrying since the #uneral . #inally $egan to dissol e. He understood !hy his %other ne er ca%e ho%e. So%e things !ere !orth dying #or. <Ha(el., He tried to )ee" his oice steady. <That "ac)age you,re )ee"ing #or %e- I need it., Ha(el glanced at hi% in dis%ay. Sitting on Arion* she loo)ed li)e a 4ueen* "o!er#ul and $eauti#ul* her $ro!n hair s!e"t o er her shoulders and a !reath o# icy %ist around her head. <5ran)* no. There has to $e another !ay., <Please. I . I )no! !hat I,% doing., Thanatos s%iled and li#ted his %anacled !rists. <>ou,re right* 5ran) Phang. Sacri#ices %ust $e %ade., 6reat. I# Death a""ro ed o# his "lan* 5ran) !as "retty sure he !asn,t going to li)e the results. The giant Alcyoneus ste""ed #or!ard* his re"tilian #eet sha)ing the ground. <What "ac)age do you s"ea) o#* 5ran) Phang- Ha e you $rought %e a "resent-,

<Nothing #or you* 6olden &oy*, 5ran) said. <E1ce"t a !hole lot o# "ain., The giant roared !ith laughter. <S"o)en li)e a child o# 'ars= Too $ad I ha e to )ill you. And this one 7 %y* %y* I, e $een !aiting to %eet the #a%ous Percy /ac)son., The giant grinned. His sil er teeth %ade his %outh loo) li)e a car grille. <I, e #ollo!ed your "rogress* son o# Ne"tune*, said Alcyoneus. <>our #ight !ith Kronos- Well done. 6aia hates you a$o e all others 7 e1ce"t "erha"s #or that u"start /ason 6race. I,% sorry I can,t )ill you right a!ay* $ut %y $rother Poly$otes !ishes to )ee" you as a "et. He thin)s it !ill $e a%using !hen he destroys Ne"tune to ha e the god,s #a ourite son on a leash. A#ter that* o# course* 6aia has "lans #or you., <>eah* #lattering., Percy raised Ri"tide. <&ut actually I,% the son o# Poseidon. I,% #ro% 0a%" Hal#-&lood., The ghosts stirred. So%e dre! s!ords and li#ted shields. Alcyoneus raised his hand* gesturing #or the% to !ait. <6ree)* Ro%an* it doesn,t %atter*, the giant said easily. <We !ill crush $oth ca%"s under#oot. >ou see* the Titans didn,t thin) $ig enough. They "lanned to destroy the gods in their ne! ho%e o# A%erica. We giants )no! $etter= To )ill a !eed* you %ust "ull u" its roots. E en no!* !hile %y #orces destroy your little Ro%an ca%"* %y $rother Por"hyrion is "re"aring #or the real $attle in the ancient lands= We !ill destroy the gods at their source., The ghosts "ounded their s!ords against their shields. The sound echoed across the %ountains. <The source-, 5ran) as)ed. <>ou %ean 6reece-, Alcyoneus chuc)led. <No need to !orry a$out that* son o# 'ars. >ou !on,t li e long enough to see our ulti%ate ictory. I !ill re"lace Pluto as Lord o# the 2nder!orld. I already ha e Death in %y custody. With Ha(el Le es4ue in %y ser ice* I !ill ha e all the riches under the earth as !ell=, Ha(el gri""ed her s"atha. <I don,t do ser ice., <3h* $ut you ga e %e li#e=, Alcyoneus said. <True* !e

ho"ed to a!a)en 6aia during World War II. That !ould, e $een glorious. &ut* really* the !orld is in al%ost as $ad a sha"e no!. Soon* your ci ili(ation !ill $e !i"ed out. The Doors o# Death !ill stand o"en. Those !ho ser e us !ill ne er "erish. Ali e or dead* you three !ill +oin %y ar%y., Percy shoo) his head. <5at chance* 6olden &oy. >ou,re going do!n., <Wait., Ha(el s"urred her horse to!ards the giant. <I raised this %onster #ro% the earth. I,% the daughter o# Pluto. It,s %y "lace to )ill hi%., <Ah* little Ha(el., Alcyoneus "lanted his sta## on the ice. His hair glittered !ith %illions o# dollars, !orth o# ge%s. <Are you sure you !ill not +oin us o# your o!n #ree !ill- >ou could $e 4uite 7 "recious to us. Why die again-, Ha(el,s eyes #lashed !ith anger. She loo)ed do!n at 5ran) and "ulled the !ra""ed-u" "iece o# #ire!ood #ro% her coat. <Are you sure-, <>eah*, he said. She "ursed her li"s. <>ou,re %y $est #riend* too* 5ran). I should ha e told you that., She tossed hi% the stic). <Do !hat you ha e to. And* Percy 7 can you "rotect hi%-, Percy ga(ed at the ran)s o# ghostly Ro%ans. <Against a s%all ar%y- Sure* no "ro$le%., <Then I, e got 6olden &oy*, Ha(el said. She charged the giant.



5RANK 2NWRAPPED THE 5IREW33D and )nelt at the #eet o# Thanatos. He !as a!are o# Percy standing o er hi%* s!inging his s!ord and yelling in de#iance as the ghosts closed in. He heard the giant $ello! and Arion !hinny angrily* $ut he didn,t dare loo). His hands tre%$ling* he held his "iece o# tinder ne1t to the chains on Death,s right leg. He thought a$out #la%es* and instantly the !ood $la(ed. Horri$le !ar%th s"read through 5ran),s $ody. The icy %etal $egan to %elt* the #la%e so $right it !as %ore $linding than the ice. <6ood*, Thanatos said. <:ery good* 5ran) Phang., 5ran) had heard a$out "eo"le,s li es #lashing $e#ore their eyes* $ut no! he e1"erienced it literally. He sa! his %other the day she le#t #or A#ghanistan. She s%iled and hugged hi%. He tried to $reath in her +as%ine scent so he,d ne er #orget it. I !ill al!ays $e "roud o# you* 5ran)* she said. So%e day* you,ll tra el e en #urther than I. >ou,ll $ring our #a%ily #ull circle. >ears #ro% no!* our descendants !ill $e telling stories a$out the hero 5ran) Phang* their great-great-great- . She "o)ed hi% in the $elly #or old ti%es, sa)e. It !ould $e the last ti%e 5ran) s%iled #or %onths. He sa! hi%sel# at the "icnic $ench in 'oose Pass* !atching the stars and the northern lights as Ha(el snored so#tly $eside hi%* Percy saying* 5ran)* you are a leader. We need you. He sa! Percy disa""earing into the %us)eg* then Ha(el di ing a#ter hi%. 5ran) re%e%$ered ho! alone he had #elt holding on to the $o!* ho! utterly "o!erless. He had "leaded !ith the 3ly%"ian gods . e en 'ars . to hel" his #riends* $ut he )ne! they !ere $eyond the gods, reach.

With a clan)* the #irst chain $ro)e. Guic)ly* 5ran) sta$$ed the #ire!ood at the chain on Death,s other leg. He ris)ed a glance o er his shoulder. Percy !as #ighting li)e a !hirl!ind. In #act 7 he !as a !hirl!ind. A %iniature hurricane o# !ater and ice a"our churned around hi% as he !aded through the ene%y* )noc)ing Ro%an ghosts a!ay* de#lecting arro!s and s"ears. Since !hen did he ha e that "o!erHe %o ed through the ene%y lines* and e en though he see%ed to $e lea ing 5ran) unde#ended* the ene%y !as co%"letely #ocused on Percy. 5ran) !asn,t sure !hy . then he sa! Percy,s goal. 3ne o# the $lac) a"oury ghosts !as !earing the lion-s)in ca"e o# a standard $earer and holding a "ole !ith a golden eagle* icicles #ro(en to its !ings. The legion,s standard. 5ran) !atched as Percy "loughed through a line o# legionnaires* scattering their shields !ith his "ersonal cyclone. He )noc)ed do!n the standard $earer and gra$$ed the eagle. <>ou !ant it $ac)-, he shouted at the ghosts. <0o%e and get it=, He dre! the% a!ay* and 5ran) couldn,t hel" $eing a!ed $y his $old strategy. As %uch as those shades !anted to )ee" Thanatos chained* they !ere Ro%an s"irits. Their %inds !ere #u((y at $est* li)e the ghosts 5ran) had seen in As"hodel* $ut they re%e%$ered one thing clearly8 they !ere su""osed to "rotect their eagle. Still* Percy couldn,t #ight o## that %any ene%ies #ore er. 'aintaining a stor% li)e that had to $e di##icult. Des"ite the cold* his #ace !as already $eaded !ith s!eat. 5ran) loo)ed #or Ha(el. He couldn,t see her or the giant. <Watch your #ire* $oy*, Death !arned. <>ou don,t ha e any to !aste., 5ran) cursed. He,d got so distracted* he hadn,t noticed the second chain had %elted. He %o ed his #ire to the shac)les on the god,s right hand. The "iece o# tinder !as al%ost hal# gone no!. 5ran) started to shi er. 'ore i%ages #lashed through his %ind.

He sa! 'ars sitting at his grand%other,s $edside* loo)ing at 5ran) !ith those nucleare1"losion eyes8 >ou,re /uno,s secret !ea"on. Ha e you #igured out your gi#t yetHe heard his %other say8 >ou can $e anything. Then he sa! 6rand%other,s stern #ace* her s)in as thin as rice "a"er* her !hite hair s"read across her "illo!. >es* 5ai Phang. >our %other !as not si%"ly $oosting your sel#-estee%. She !as telling you the literal truth. He thought o# the gri((ly $ear his %other had interce"ted at the edge o# the !oods. He thought o# the large $lac) $ird circling o er the #la%es o# their #a%ily %ansion. The third chain sna""ed. 5ran) thrust the tinder at the last shac)le. His $ody !as rac)ed !ith "ain. >ello! s"lotches danced in his eyes. He sa! Percy at the end o# the :ia Princi"alis* holding o## the ar%y o# ghosts. He,d o erturned the chariot and destroyed se eral $uildings* $ut e ery ti%e he thre! o## a !a e o# attac)ers in his hurricane* the ghosts si%"ly got u" and charged again. E ery ti%e Percy slashed one o# the% do!n !ith his s!ord* the ghost re-#or%ed i%%ediately. Percy had $ac)ed u" al%ost as #ar as he could go. &ehind hi% !as the side gate o# the ca%" and* a$out t!enty #eet $eyond that* the edge o# the glacier. As #or Ha(el* she and Alcyoneus had %anaged to destroy %ost o# the $arrac)s in their $attle. No! they !ere #ighting in the !rec)age at the %ain gate. Arion !as "laying a dangerous ga%e o# tag* charging around the giant !hile Alyconeus s!i"ed at the% !ith his sta##* )noc)ing o er !alls and clea ing %assi e chas%s in the ice. 3nly Arion,s s"eed )e"t the% ali e. 5inally* Death,s last chain sna""ed. With a des"erate yel"* 5ran) +a$$ed his #ire!ood into a "ile o# sno! and e1tinguished the #la%e. His "ain #aded. He !as still ali e. &ut !hen he too) out the "iece o# tinder it !as no %ore than a stu$* s%aller than a candy $ar. Thanatos raised his ar%s. <5ree*, he said !ith satis#action. <6reat., 5ran) $lin)ed the s"ots #ro% his eyes. <Then do

so%ething=, Thanatos ga e hi% a cal% s%ile. <Do so%ething- 3# course. I !ill !atch. Those !ho die in this $attle !ill stay dead., <Than)s*, 5ran) %uttered* sli""ing his #ire!ood into his coat. <:ery hel"#ul., <>ou,re %ost !elco%e*, Thanatos said agreea$ly. <Percy=, 5ran) yelled. <They can die no!=, Percy nodded understanding* $ut he loo)ed !orn out. His hurricane !as slo!ing do!n. His stri)es !ere getting slo!er. The entire ghostly ar%y had hi% surrounded* gradually #orcing hi% to!ards the edge o# the glacier. 5ran) dre! his $o! to hel". Then he dro""ed it. Nor%al arro!s #ro% a hunting store in Se!ard !ouldn,t do any good. 5ran) !ould ha e to use his gi#t. He thought he understood his "o!ers at last. So%ething a$out !atching the #ire!ood $urn* s%elling the acrid s%o)e o# his o!n li#e* had %ade hi% #eel strangely con#ident. Is it #air your li#e $urns so short and $right- Death had as)ed. <No such thing as #air*, 5ran) told hi%sel#. <I# I,% going to $urn* it %ight as !ell $e $right., He too) one ste" to!ards Percy. Then* #ro% across the ca%"* Ha(el yelled in "ain. Arion screa%ed as the giant got a luc)y shot. His sta## sent horse and rider tu%$ling o er the ice* crashing into the ra%"arts. <Ha(el=, 5ran) glanced $ac) at Percy* !ishing he had his s"ear. I# he could +ust su%%on 6rey 7 $ut he couldn,t $e in t!o "laces at once. <6o hel" her=, Percy yelled* holding the golden eagle alo#t. <I, e got these guys=, Percy didn,t ha e the%. 5ran) )ne! that. The son o# Poseidon !as a$out to $e o er!hel%ed* $ut 5ran) ran to Ha(el,s aid. She !as hal#-$uried in a colla"sed "ile o# sno!-$ric)s. Arion stood o er her* trying to "rotect her* rearing and s!atting at the giant !ith his #ront hoo es. The giant laughed. <Hello* little "ony. >ou !ant to "lay-,

Alcyoneus raised his icy sta##. 5ran) !as too #ar a!ay to hel" 7 $ut he i%agined hi%sel# rushing #or!ard* his #eet lea ing the ground. &e anything. He re%e%$ered the $ald eagles they,d seen on the train ride. His $ody $eca%e s%aller and lighter. His ar%s stretched into !ings* and his sight $eca%e a thousand ti%es shar"er. He soared u"!ard* then di ed at the giant !ith his talons e1tended* his ra(or-shar" cla!s ra)ing across the giant,s eyes. Alcyoneus $ello!ed in "ain. He staggered $ac)!ards as 5ran) landed in #ront o# Ha(el and returned to his nor%al #or%. <5ran) 7, She stared at hi% in a%a(e%ent* a ca" o# sno! dri""ing o## her head. <What +ust 7 ho! did . -, <5ool=, Alcyoneus shouted. His #ace !as slashed* $lac) oil dri""ing into his eyes instead o# $lood* $ut the !ounds !ere already closing. <I a% i%%ortal in %y ho%eland* 5ran) Phang= And than)s to your #riend Ha(el* %y ne! ho%eland is Alas)a. >ou cannot )ill %e here=, <We,ll see*, 5ran) said. Po!er coursed through his ar%s and legs. <Ha(el* get $ac) on your horse., The giant charged* and 5ran) charged to %eet hi%. He re%e%$ered the $ear he,d %et #ace to #ace !hen he !as a child. As he ran* his $ody $eca%e hea ier* thic)er* ri""ling !ith %uscles. He crashed into the giant as a #ull-gro!n gri((ly* a thousand "ounds o# "ure #orce. He !as still s%all co%"ared to Alcyoneus* $ut he sla%%ed into the giant !ith such %o%entu% that Alcyoneus to""led into an icy !atchto!er that colla"sed on to" o# hi%. 5ran) s"rang at the giant,s head. A s!i"e o# his cla! !as li)e a hea y!eight #ighter s!inging a chain sa!. 5ran) $ashed the giant,s #ace $ac) and #orth until his %etallic #eatures $egan to dent. <2rgg*, the giant %u%$led in a stu"or. 5ran) changed to his regular #or%. His $ac)"ac) !as still !ith hi%. He gra$$ed the ro"e he,d $ought in Se!ard* 4uic)ly %ade a noose and #astened it round the giant,s scaly dragon #oot.

<Ha(el* here=, He tossed her the other end o# the ro"e. <I, e got an idea* $ut !e,ll ha e to ., <Kill . uh . you . uh 7, Alcyoneus %uttered. 5ran) ran to the giant,s head* "ic)ed u" the nearest hea y o$+ect he could #ind . a legion shield . and sla%%ed it into the giant,s nose. The giant said* <2rgg., 5ran) loo)ed $ac) at Ha(el. <Ho! #ar can Arion "ull this guy-, Ha(el +ust stared at hi%. <>ou . you !ere a $ird. Then a $ear. And ., <I,ll e1"lain later*, 5ran) said. <We need to drag this guy inland* as #ast and #ar as !e can., <&ut Percy=, Ha(el said. 5ran) cursed. Ho! could he ha e #orgotten- Through the ruins o# the ca%"* he sa! Percy !ith his $ac) to the edge o# the cli##. His hurricane !as gone. He held Ri"tide in one hand and the legion,s golden eagle in the other. The entire ar%y o# shades edged #or!ard* their !ea"ons $ristling. <Percy=, 5ran) yelled. Percy glanced o er. He sa! the #allen giant and see%ed to understand !hat !as ha""ening. He yelled so%ething that !as lost in the !ind* "ro$a$ly8 6o= Then he sla%%ed Ri"tide into the ice at his #eet. The entire glacier shuddered. 6hosts #ell to their )nees. &ehind Percy* a !a e surged u" #ro% the $ay . a !all o# grey !ater e en taller than the glacier. Water shot #ro% the chas%s and cre ices in the ice. As the !a e hit* the $ac) hal# o# the ca%" cru%$led. The entire edge o# the glacier "eeled a!ay* cascading into the oid . carrying $uildings* ghosts and Percy /ac)son o er the edge.



5RANK WAS S3 ST2NNED THAT Ha(el had to yell his na%e a do(en ti%es $e#ore he reali(ed Alcyoneus !as getting u" again. He sla%%ed his shield into the giant,s nose until Alcyoneus $egan to snore. 'ean!hile the glacier )e"t cru%$ling* the edge getting closer and closer. Thanatos glided to!ards the% on his $lac) !ings* his e1"ression serene. <Ah* yes*, he said !ith satis#action. <There go so%e souls. Dro!ning* dro!ning. >ou,d $est hurry* %y #riends* or you,ll dro!n* too., <&ut Percy 7, 5ran) could $arely s"ea) his #riend,s na%e. <Is he .-, <Too soon to tell. As #or this one 7, Thanatos loo)ed do!n at Alcyoneus !ith distaste. <>ou,ll ne er )ill hi% here. >ou )no! !hat to do-, 5ran) nodded nu%$ly. <I thin) so., <Then our $usiness is co%"lete., 5ran) and Ha(el e1changed ner ous loo)s. <2% 7, Ha(el #altered. <>ou %ean you !on,t 7 you,re not going to ., <0lai% your li#e-, Thanatos as)ed. <Well* let,s see 7, He "ulled a "ure-$lac) iPad #ro% thin air. Death ta""ed the screen a #e! ti%es* and all 5ran) could thin) !as8 Please don,t let there $e an a"" #or rea"ing souls. <I don,t see you on the list*, Thanatos said. <Pluto gi es %e s"eci#ic orders #or esca"ed souls* you see. 5or so%e reason* he has not issued a !arrant #or yours. Perha"s he #eels your li#e is not #inished* or it could $e an o ersight. I# you,d li)e %e to call and as) ., <No=, Ha(el yel"ed. <That,s o)ay., <Are you sure-, Death as)ed hel"#ully. <I ha e ideo-con#erencing ena$led. I ha e his S)y"e address here so%e!here 7,

<Really* no., Ha(el loo)ed as i# se eral thousand "ounds o# !orry had +ust $een li#ted #ro% her shoulders. <Than) you., <2rgg*, Alcyoneus %u%$led. 5ran) hit hi% o er the head again. Death loo)ed u" #ro% his iPad. <As #or you* 5ran) Phang* it isn,t your ti%e* either. >ou, e got a little #uel le#t to $urn. &ut don,t thin) I,% doing either o# you a #a our. We !ill %eet again under less "leasant circu%stances., The cli## !as still cru%$ling* the edge only t!enty #eet a!ay no!. Arion !hinnied i%"atiently. 5ran) )ne! they had to lea e* $ut there !as one %ore 4uestion he had to as). <What a$out the Doors o# Death-, he said. <Where are they- Ho! do !e close the%-, <Ah* yes., A loo) o# irritation #lic)ered across Thanatos,s #ace. <The Doors o# 'e. 0losing the% !ould $e good* $ut I #ear it is $eyond %y "o!er. Ho! you !ould do it* I ha en,t the #aintest idea. I can,t tell you e1actly !here they are. The location isn,t 7 !ell* it,s not entirely a "hysical "lace. They %ust $e located through 4uesting. I can tell you to start your search in Ro%e. The original Ro%e. >ou !ill need a s"ecial guide. 3nly one sort o# de%igod can read the signs that !ill ulti%ately lead you to the Doors o# 'e., 0rac)s a""eared in the ice under their #eet. Ha(el "atted Arion,s nec) to )ee" hi% #ro% $olting. <What a$out %y $rother-, she as)ed. <Is Nico ali e-, Thanatos ga e her a strange loo) . "ossi$ly "ity* though that didn,t see% li)e an e%otion Death !ould understand. <>ou !ill #ind the ans!er in Ro%e. And no! I %ust #ly south to your 0a%" /u"iter. I ha e a #eeling there !ill $e %any souls to rea"* ery soon. 5are!ell* de%igods* until !e %eet again., Thanatos dissi"ated into $lac) s%o)e. The crac)s !idened in the ice under 5ran),s #eet. <Hurry=, he told Ha(el. <We, e got to ta)e Alcyoneus a$out ten %iles due north=, He cli%$ed onto the giant,s chest and Arion too) o##* racing across the ice* dragging Alcyoneus li)e the !orld,s

ugliest sled. It !as a short tri". Arion rode the glacier li)e a high!ay* (i""ing across the ice* lea"ing cre ices and s)idding do!n slo"es that !ould, e %ade a sno!$oarder,s eyes light u". 5ran) didn,t ha e to )noc) out Alcyoneus too %any ti%es* $ecause the giant,s head )e"t $ouncing and hitting the ice. As they raced along* the hal#-conscious 6olden &oy %u%$led a tune that sounded li)e </ingle &ells,. 5ran) #elt "retty stunned hi%sel#. He,d +ust turned into an eagle and a $ear. He could still #eel #luid energy ri""ling through his $ody* li)e he !as hal#!ay $et!een a solid and li4uid state. Not only that8 Ha(el and he had released Death* and $oth o# the% had sur i ed. And Percy 7 5ran) s!allo!ed do!n his #ear. Percy had gone o er the side o# the glacier to sa e the%. The son o# Ne"tune shall dro!n. No. 5ran) re#used to $elie e Percy !as dead. They hadn,t co%e all this !ay +ust to lose their #riend. 5ran) !ould #ind hi% . $ut #irst they had to deal !ith Alcyoneus. He isuali(ed the %a" he had $een studying on the train #ro% Anchorage. He )ne! roughly !here they !ere going* $ut there !ere no signs or %ar)ers on to" o# the glacier. He,d +ust ha e to ta)e his $est guess. 5inally Arion (oo%ed $et!een t!o %ountains into a alley o# ice and roc)s* li)e a %assi e $o!l o# #ro(en %il) !ith $its o# 0ocoa Pu##s. The giant,s golden s)in "aled as i# it !ere turning to $rass. 5ran) #elt a su$tle i$ration in his o!n $ody* li)e a tuning #or) "ressed against his sternu%. He )ne! he,d crossed into #riendly territory . ho%e territory. <Here=, 5ran) shouted. Arion eered to one side. Ha(el cut the ro"e and Alcyoneus !ent s)idding "ast. 5ran) lea"ed o## +ust $e#ore the giant sla%%ed into a $oulder. I%%ediately Alcyoneus +u%"ed to his #eet. <What- Where- Who-, His nose !as $ent in an odd direction. His !ounds had

healed* though his golden s)in had lost so%e o# its lustre. He loo)ed around #or his iron sta##* !hich !as still $ac) at Hu$$ard 6lacier. Then he ga e u" and "ounded the nearest $oulder to "ieces !ith his #ist. <>ou dare ta)e %e #or a sleigh ride-, He tensed and sni##ed the air. <That s%ell 7 li)e snu##ed-out souls. Thanatos is #ree* eh- &ah= It doesn,t %atter. 6aia still controls the Doors o# Death. No!* !hy ha e you $rought %e here* son o# 'ars-, <To )ill you*, 5ran) said. <Ne1t 4uestion-, The giant,s eyes narro!ed. <I, e ne er )no!n a child o# 'ars !ho can change his #or%* $ut that doesn,t %ean you can de#eat %e. Do you thin) your stu"id soldier o# a #ather ga e you the strength to #ace %e in one-on-one co%$at-, Ha(el dre! her s!ord. <Ho! a$out t!o on one-, The giant gro!led and charged at Ha(el* $ut Arion ni%$ly darted out o# the !ay. Ha(el slashed her s!ord across the $ac) o# the giant,s cal#. &lac) oil s"outed #ro% the !ound. Alcyoneus stu%$led. <>ou can,t )ill %e* Thanatos or no=, Ha(el %ade a gra$$ing gesture !ith her #ree hand. An in isi$le #orce yan)ed the giant,s +e!el-encrusted hair $ac)!ards. Ha(el rushed in* slashed his other leg and raced a!ay $e#ore he could regain his $alance. <Sto" that=, Alcyoneus shouted. <This is Alas)a. I a% i%%ortal in %y ho%eland=, <Actually*, 5ran) said* <I ha e so%e $ad ne!s a$out that. See* I got %ore #ro% %y dad than strength., The giant snarled. <What are you tal)ing a$out* !ar $rat-, <Tactics*, 5ran) said. <That,s %y gi#t #ro% 'ars. A $attle can $e !on $e#ore it,s e er #ought $y choosing the right ground., He "ointed o er his shoulder. <We crossed the $order a #e! hundred yards $ac). >ou,re not in Alas)a any %ore. 0an,t you #eel it* Al- >ou !ant to get to Alas)a 7 you ha e to go through %e., Slo!ly* understanding da!ned in the giant,s eyes. He loo)ed do!n incredulously at his !ounded legs. 3il still

"oured #ro% his cal es* turning the ice $lac). <I%"ossi$le=, the giant $ello!ed. <I,ll . I,ll . 6ah=, He charged at 5ran)* deter%ined to reach the international $oundary. 5or a s"lit second* 5ran) dou$ted his "lan. I# he couldn,t use his gi#t again* i# he #ro(e* he !as dead. Then he re%e%$ered his grand%other,s instructions8 It hel"s i# you )no! the creature !ell. 0hec). It also hel"s i# you are in a li#e-and-death situation* such as co%$at. Dou$le chec). The giant )e"t co%ing. T!enty yards. Ten yards. <5ran)-, Ha(el called ner ously. 5ran) stood his ground. <I got this., /ust $e#ore Alcyoneus s%ashed into hi%* 5ran) changed. He,d al!ays #elt too $ig and clu%sy. No! he used that #eeling. His $ody s!elled to %assi e si(e. His s)in thic)ened. His ar%s changed to stout #ront legs. His %outh gre! tus)s and his nose elongated. He $eca%e the ani%al he )ne! $est . the one he,d cared #or* #ed* $athed and e en gi en indigestion to at 0a%" /u"iter. Alcyoneus sla%%ed into a #ull-gro!n ten-ton ele"hant. The giant staggered side!ays. He screa%ed in #rustration and sla%%ed into 5ran) again* $ut Alcyoneus !as co%"letely out o# his !eight di ision. 5ran) head-$utted hi% so hard Alcyoneus #le! $ac)!ards and landed s"read-eagled on the ice. <>ou . can,t . )ill %e*, Alcyoneus gro!led. <>ou can,t ., 5ran) turned $ac) to his nor%al #or%. He !al)ed u" to the giant* !hose oily !ounds !ere stea%ing. The ge%s #ell out o# his hair and si((led in the sno!. His golden s)in $egan to corrode* $rea)ing into chun)s. Ha(el dis%ounted and stood ne1t to 5ran)* her s!ord ready. <'ay I-, 5ran) nodded. He loo)ed into the giant,s seething eyes. <Here,s a ti"* Alcyoneus. Ne1t ti%e you choose the $iggest state #or your ho%e* don,t set u" $ase in the "art that,s only ten %iles !ide. Welco%e to 0anada* idiot., Ha(el,s s!ord ca%e do!n on the giant,s nec). Alcyoneus dissol ed into a "ile o# e1"ensi e roc)s. ery

5or a !hile Ha(el and 5ran) stood together* !atching the re%ains o# the giant %elt into the ice. 5ran) "ic)ed u" his ro"e. <An ele"hant-, Ha(el as)ed. 5ran) scratched his nec). <>eah. It see%ed li)e a good idea., He couldn,t read her e1"ression. He !as a#raid he,d #inally done so%ething so !eird that she,d ne er !ant to $e around hi% again. 5ran) Phang8 lu%$ering )lut(* child o# 'ars* "artti%e "achyder%. Then she )issed hi% . a real )iss on the li"s* %uch $etter than the )ind o# )iss she,d gi en Percy on the aero"lane. <>ou are a%a(ing*, she said. <And you %a)e a ery handso%e ele"hant., 5ran) #elt so #lustered that he thought his $oots %ight %elt through the ice. &e#ore he could say anything* a oice echoed across the alley8 >ou ha en,t !on. 5ran) loo)ed u". Shado!s !ere shi#ting across the nearest %ountain* #or%ing the #ace o# a slee"ing !o%an. >ou !ill ne er reach ho%e in ti%e* taunted the oice o# 6aia. E en no!* Thanatos is attending the death o# 0a%" /u"iter* the #inal destruction o# your Ro%an #riends. The %ountain ru%$led as i# the !hole earth !ere laughing. The shado!s disa""eared. Ha(el and 5ran) loo)ed at each other. Neither said a !ord. They cli%$ed onto Arion and s"ed $ac) to!ards 6lacier &ay.



PER0> WAS WAITIN6 53R THE'. He loo)ed %ad. He stood at the edge o# the glacier* leaning on the sta## !ith the golden eagle* ga(ing do!n at the !rec)age he,d caused8 se eral hundred acres o# ne!ly o"en !ater dotted !ith ice$ergs and #lotsa% #ro% the ruined ca%". The only re%ains on the glacier !ere the %ain gates* !hich listed side!ays* and a tattered $lue $anner lying o er a "ile o# sno!-$ric)s. When they ran u" to hi%* Percy said* <Hey*, li)e they !ere +ust %eeting #or lunch or so%ething. <>ou,re ali e=, 5ran) %ar elled. Percy #ro!ned. <The #all- That !as nothing. I #ell t!ice that #ar #ro% the St Louis Arch., <>ou did !hat-, Ha(el as)ed. <Ne er %ind. The i%"ortant thing !as I didn,t dro!n., <So the "ro"hecy !as inco%"lete=, Ha(el grinned. <It "ro$a$ly said so%ething li)e8 The son o# Ne"tune !ill dro!n a !hole $unch o# ghosts., Percy shrugged. He !as still loo)ing at 5ran) li)e he !as %i##ed. <I got a $one to "ic) !ith you* Phang. >ou can turn into an eagle- And a $ear-, <And an ele"hant*, Ha(el said "roudly. <An ele"hant., Percy shoo) his head in dis$elie#. <That,s your #a%ily gi#t- >ou can change sha"e-, 5ran) shu##led his #eet. <2% 7 yeah. Pericly%enus* %y ancestor* the Argonaut . he could do that. He "assed do!n the a$ility., <And he got that gi#t #ro% Poseidon*, Percy said. <That,s co%"letely un#air. I can,t turn into ani%als., 5ran) stared at hi%. <2n#air- >ou can $reathe under!ater and $lo! u" glaciers and su%%on #rea)ing hurricanes . and it,s un#air that I can $e an ele"hant-, Percy considered. <3)ay. I guess you got a "oint. &ut ne1t ti%e I say you,re totally $east .,

</ust shut u"*, 5ran) said. <Please., Percy crac)ed a s%ile. <I# you guys are done*, Ha(el said* <!e need to go. 0a%" /u"iter is under attac). They could use that gold eagle., Percy nodded. <3ne thing #irst* though. Ha(el* there,s a$out a ton o# I%"erial gold !ea"ons and ar%our at the $otto% o# the $ay no!* "lus a really nice chariot. I,% $etting that stu## could co%e in handy 7, It too) the% a long ti%e . too long . $ut they all )ne! those !ea"ons could %a)e the di##erence $et!een ictory and de#eat i# they got the% $ac) to ca%" in ti%e. Ha(el used her a$ilities to le itate so%e ite%s #ro% the $otto% o# the sea. Percy s!a% do!n and $rought u" %ore. E en 5ran) hel"ed $y turning into a seal* !hich !as )ind o# cool* though Percy clai%ed his $reath s%elled li)e #ish. It too) all three o# the% to raise the chariot* $ut #inally they,d %anaged to haul e erything ashore to a $lac) sand $each near the $ase o# the glacier. They couldn,t #it e erything in the chariot* $ut they used 5ran),s ro"e to stra" do!n %ost o# the gold !ea"ons and the $est "ieces o# ar%our. <It loo)s li)e Santa,s sleigh*, 5ran) said. <0an Arion e en "ull that %uch-, Arion hu##ed. <Ha(el*, Percy said* <I a% seriously going to !ash your horse,s %outh !ith soa". He says* yes* he can "ull it* $ut he needs #ood., Ha(el "ic)ed u" an old Ro%an dagger* a "ugio. It !as $ent and dull* so it !ouldn,t $e %uch good in a #ight* $ut it loo)ed li)e solid I%"erial gold. <Here you go* Arion*, she said. <High-"er#or%ance #uel., The horse too) the dagger in his teeth and che!ed it li)e an a""le. 5ran) %ade a silent oath ne er to "ut his hand near that horse,s %outh. <I,% not dou$ting Arion,s strength*, he said care#ully* <$ut !ill the chariot hold u"- The last one ., <This one has I%"erial gold !heels and a1le*, Percy said. <It should hold.,

<I# not*, Ha(el said* <this is going to $e a short tri". &ut !e,re out o# ti%e. 0o%e on=, 5ran) and Percy cli%$ed into the chariot. Ha(el s!ung u" onto Arion,s $ac). <6iddyu"=, she yelled. The horse,s sonic $oo% echoed across the $ay. They s"ed south* a alanches tu%$ling do!n the %ountains as they "assed.



532R H32RS. That,s ho! long it too) the #astest horse on the "lanet to get #ro% Alas)a to San 5rancisco &ay* heading straight o er the !ater do!n the North-!est 0oast. That,s also ho! long it too) #or Percy,s %e%ory to return co%"letely. The "rocess had started in Portland !hen he had drun) the gorgon,s $lood* $ut his "ast li#e had still $een %addeningly #u((y. No!* as they headed $ac) into the 3ly%"ian gods, territory* Percy re%e%$ered e erything8 the !ar !ith KronosI his si1teenth $irthday at 0a%" Hal#-&loodI his trainer 0hiron the centaurI his $est #riend* 6ro erI his $rother* TysonI and %ost o# all Anna$eth . t!o great %onths o# dating* and then &33'. He,d $een a$ducted $y the alien )no!n as Hera. 3r /uno 7 !hate er. Eight %onths o# his li#e stolen. Ne1t ti%e Percy sa! the Gueen o# 3ly%"us* he !as de#initely going to gi e her a goddess-si(ed sla" u"side the head. His #riends and #a%ily %ust $e going out o# their %inds. I# 0a%" /u"iter !as in such $ad trou$le* he could only guess !hat 0a%" Hal#-&lood %ust $e #acing !ithout hi%. E en !orse8 sa ing $oth ca%"s !ould $e only the $eginning. According to Alcyoneus* the real !ar !ould ha""en #ar a!ay* in the ho%eland o# the gods. The giants intended to attac) the original 'ount 3ly%"us and destroy the gods #ore er. Percy )ne! that giants couldn,t die unless de%igods and gods #ought the% together. Nico had told hi% that. Anna$eth had %entioned it* too* $ac) in August* !hen she,d s"eculated that the giants %ight $e "art o# the ne! 6reat Pro"hecy . !hat the Ro%ans called the Pro"hecy o# Se en. 9That !as the do!nside o# dating the s%artest girl at ca%"8 you learn stu##.; He understood /uno,s "lan8 unite the Ro%an and

6ree) de%igods to create an elite tea% o# heroes* then so%eho! con ince the gods to #ight alongside the%. &ut #irst they had to sa e 0a%" /u"iter. The coastline $egan to loo) #a%iliar. They raced "ast the 'endocino lighthouse. Shortly a#ter!ards* 'ount Ta% and the 'arin headlands loo%ed out o# the #og. Arion shot straight under the 6olden 6ate &ridge into San 5rancisco &ay. They tore through &er)eley and into the 3a)land Hills. When they reached the hillto" a$o e the 0aldecott Tunnel* Arion shuddered li)e a $ro)en car and ca%e to a sto"* his chest hea ing. Ha(el "atted his sides lo ingly. <>ou did great* Arion., The horse !as too tired e en to cuss8 3# course I did great. What did you e1"ectPercy and 5ran) +u%"ed o## the chariot. Percy !ished there,d $een co%#orta$le seats or an in-#light %eal. His legs !ere !o$$ly. His +oints !ere so sti## he could $arely !al). I# he !ent into $attle li)e this* the ene%y !ould call hi% 3ld 'an /ac)son. 5ran) didn,t loo) %uch $etter. He ho$$led to the to" o# the hill and "eered do!n at the ca%". <6uys 7 you need to see this., When Percy and Ha(el +oined hi%* Percy,s heart san). The $attle had $egun* and it !asn,t going !ell. The T!el#th Legion !as arrayed on the 5ield o# 'ars* trying to "rotect the city. Scor"ions #ired into the ran)s o# the Earth$orn. Hanni$al the ele"hant "loughed do!n %onsters right and le#t* $ut the de#enders !ere $adly outnu%$ered. 3n her "egasus Sci"io* Reyna #le! around the giant Poly$otes* trying to )ee" hi% occu"ied. The Lares had #or%ed shi%%ering "ur"le lines against a %o$ o# $lac)* a"orous shades in ancient ar%our. :eteran de%igods #ro% the city had +oined the $attle* and !ere "ushing their shield !all against an onslaught o# !ild centaurs. 6iant eagles circled the $attle#ield* doing aerial co%$at !ith t!o sna)e-haired ladies in green &argain 'art ests . Stheno and Euryale. The legion itsel# !as ta)ing the $runt o# the attac)* $ut

their #or%ation !as $rea)ing. Each cohort !as an island in a sea o# ene%ies. The 0yclo"es, siege to!er shot glo!ing green cannon$alls into the city* $lasting craters in the #oru%* reducing houses to ruins. As Percy !atched* a cannon$all hit the Senate House and the do%e "artially colla"sed. <We,re too late*, Ha(el said. <No*, Percy said. <They,re still #ighting. We can do this., <Where,s Lu"a-, 5ran) as)ed* des"eration cree"ing into his oice. <She and the !ol es 7 they should $e here., Percy thought a$out his ti%e !ith the !ol# goddess. He,d co%e to res"ect her teachings* $ut he,d also learned that !ol es had li%its. They !eren,t #ront-line #ighters. They only attac)ed !hen they had astly su"erior nu%$ers* and usually under the co er o# dar)ness. &esides* Lu"a,s #irst rule !as sel#-su##iciency. She !ould hel" her children as %uch as she could* train the% to #ight . $ut in the end they !ere either "redator or "rey. Ro%ans had to #ight #or the%sel es. They had to "ro e their !orth or die. That !as Lu"a,s !ay. <She did !hat she could*, Percy said. <She slo!ed do!n the ar%y on its !ay south. No! it,s u" to us. We, e got to get the gold eagle and these !ea"ons to the legion., <&ut Arion is out o# stea%=, Ha(el said. <We can,t haul this stu## oursel es., <'ay$e !e don,t ha e to., Percy scanned the hillto"s. I# Tyson had got his drea% %essage in :ancou er* hel" %ight $e close. He !histled as loud as he could . a good Ne! >or) ca$ !histle that !ould, e $een heard all the !ay #ro% Ti%es S4uare to 0entral Par). Shado!s ri""led in the trees. A huge $lac) sha"e $ounded out o# no!here . a %asti## the si(e o# an S2:* !ith a 0yclo"s and a har"y on her $ac). <Hellhound=, 5ran) scra%$led $ac)!ards. <It,s o)ay=, Percy grinned. <These are #riends., <&rother=, Tyson cli%$ed o## and ran to!ards Percy. Percy tried to $race hi%sel#* $ut it !as no good. Tyson sla%%ed into hi% and s%othered hi% in a hug. 5or a #e!

seconds* Percy could only see $lac) s"ots and lots o# #lannel. Then Tyson let go and laughed !ith delight* loo)ing Percy o er !ith that %assi e $a$y $ro!n eye. <>ou are not dead=, he said. <I li)e it !hen you are not dead=, Ella #luttered to the ground and $egan "reening her #eathers. <Ella #ound a dog*, she announced. <A large dog. And a 0yclo"s., Was she $lushing- &e#ore Percy could decide* his $lac) %asti## "ounced on hi%* )noc)ing Percy to the ground and $ar)ing so loudly that e en Arion $ac)ed u". <Hey* 'rs 3,Leary*, Percy said. <>eah* I lo e you* too* girl. 6ood dog., Ha(el %ade a s4uea)ing sound. <>ou ha e a hellhound na%ed 'rs 3,Leary-, <Long story., Percy %anaged to get to his #eet and !i"e o## the dog slo$$er. <>ou can as) your $rother 7, His oice !a ered !hen he sa! Ha(el,s e1"ression. He,d al%ost #orgotten that Nico di Angelo !as %issing. Ha(el had told hi% !hat Thanatos had said a$out searching #or the Doors o# Death in Ro%e* and Percy !as an1ious to #ind Nico #or his o!n reasons . to !ring the )id,s nec) #or ha ing "retended he didn,t )no! Percy !hen he #irst ca%e to ca%". Still* he !as Ha(el,s $rother* and #inding hi% !as a con ersation #or another ti%e. <Sorry*, he said. <&ut* yeah* this is %y dog* 'rs 3,Leary. Tyson . these are %y #riends* 5ran) and Ha(el., Percy turned to Ella* !ho !as counting all the $ar$s in one o# her #eathers. <Are you o)ay-, he as)ed. <We !ere !orried a$out you., <Ella is not strong*, she said. <0yclo"es are strong. Tyson #ound Ella. Tyson too) care o# Ella., Percy raised his eye$ro!s. Ella !as $lushing. <Tyson*, he said* <you $ig char%er* you., Tyson turned the sa%e colour as Ella,s "lu%age. <2% 7 No., He leaned do!n and !his"ered ner ously* loud enough #or all the others to hear8 <She is "retty., 5ran) ta""ed his head li)e he !as a#raid his $rain had short-circuited. <Any!ay* there,s this $attle ha""ening.,

<Right*, Percy agreed. <Tyson* !here,s Anna$eth- Is any other hel" co%ing-, Tyson "outed. His $ig $ro!n eye got %isty. <The $ig shi" is not ready. Leo says to%orro!* %ay$e t!o days. Then they !ill co%e., <We don,t ha e t!o %inutes*, Percy said. <3)ay* here,s the "lan., As 4uic)ly as "ossi$le* he "ointed out !hich !ere the good guys and the $ad guys on the $attle#ield. Tyson !as alar%ed to learn that $ad 0yclo"es and $ad centaurs !ere in the giant,s ar%y. <I ha e to hit "ony-%en-, </ust scare the% a!ay*, Percy "ro%ised. <2%* Percy-, 5ran) loo)ed at Tyson !ith tre"idation. <I +ust 7 don,t !ant our #riend here getting hurt. Is Tyson a #ighter-, Percy s%iled. <Is he a #ighter- 5ran)* you,re loo)ing at 6eneral Tyson o# the 0yclo"s ar%y. And* $y the !ay* Tyson* 5ran) is a descendant o# Poseidon., <&rother=, Tyson crushed 5ran) in a hug. Percy sti#led a laugh. <Actually he,s %ore li)e a great-great- 7 3h* ne er %ind. >eah* he,s your $rother., <Than)s*, 5ran) %u%$led through a %outh#ul o# #lannel. <&ut i# the legion %ista)es Tyson #or an ene%y ., <I, e got it=, Ha(el ran to the chariot and dug out the $iggest Ro%an hel%et she could #ind* "lus an old Ro%an $anner e%$roidered !ith SPGR. She handed the% to Tyson. <Put those on* $ig guy. Then our #riends !ill )no! you,re on our tea%., <>ay=, Tyson said. <I,% on your tea%=, The hel%et !as ridiculously s%all* and he "ut the ca"e on $ac)!ards* li)e a SPGR $a$y $i$. <It,ll do*, Percy said. <Ella* +ust stay here. Stay sa#e., <Sa#e*, Ella re"eated. <Ella li)es $eing sa#e. Sa#ety in nu%$ers. Sa#ety de"osit $o1es. Ella !ill go !ith Tyson., <What-, Percy said. <3h 7 #ine. Whate er. /ust don,t get hurt. And* 'rs 3,Leary ., <R3335=, <Ho! do you #eel a$out "ulling a chariot-,


THE> WERE* WITH32T A D32&T* the strangest rein#orce%ents in Ro%an %ilitary history. Ha(el rode Arion* !ho had reco ered enough to carry one "erson at nor%al horse s"eed* though he cursed a$out his aching hoo es all the !ay do!nhill. 5ran) trans#or%ed into a $ald eagle . !hich Percy still #ound totally un#air . and soared a$o e the%. Tyson ran do!n the hill* !a ing his clu$ and yelling* <&ad "ony-%en= &33=, !hile Ella #luttered around hi%* reciting #acts #ro% the 3ld 5ar%er,s Al%anac. As #or Percy* he rode 'rs 3,Leary into $attle !ith a chariot #ull o# I%"erial gold e4ui"%ent clan)ing and clin)ing $ehind* the golden eagle standard o# the T!el#th Legion raised high a$o e hi%. They s)irted the "eri%eter o# the ca%" and too) the northern%ost $ridge o er the Little Ti$er* charging onto the 5ield o# 'ars at the !estern edge o# the $attle. A horde o# 0yclo"es !as ha%%ering a!ay at the ca%"ers o# the 5i#th 0ohort* !ho !ere trying to )ee" their shields loc)ed +ust to stay ali e. Seeing the% in trou$le* Percy #elt a surge o# "rotecti e rage. These !ere the )ids !ho,d ta)en hi% in. This !as his #a%ily. He shouted* <5i#th 0ohort=, and sla%%ed into the nearest 0yclo"s. The last things the "oor %onster sa! !ere 'rs 3,Leary,s teeth. A#ter the 0yclo"s disintegrated . and stayed disintegrated* than)s to Death . Percy lea"ed o## his hellhound and slashed !ildly through the other %onsters. Tyson charged at the 0yclo"s leader* 'a 6as)et* her chain-%ail dress s"attered !ith %ud and decorated !ith $ro)en s"ears. She ga!)ed at Tyson and started to say* <Who . -, Tyson hit her in the head so hard she s"un in a circle

and landed on her ru%". <&ad 0yclo"s Lady=, he $ello!ed. <6eneral Tyson says 63 AWA>=, He hit her again* and 'a 6as)et $ro)e into dust. 'ean!hile Ha(el charged around on Arion* slicing her s"atha through one 0yclo"s a#ter another* !hile 5ran) $linded the ene%ies !ith his talons. 3nce e ery 0yclo"s !ithin #i#ty yards had $een reduced to ashes* 5ran) landed in #ront o# his troo"s and trans#or%ed into a hu%an. His centurion,s $adge and 'ural 0ro!n glea%ed on his !inter +ac)et. <5i#th 0ohort=, he $ello!ed. <6et your I%"erial gold !ea"ons right here=, The ca%"ers reco ered #ro% their shoc) and %o$$ed the chariot. Percy did his $est to hand out e4ui"%ent 4uic)ly. <Let,s go* let,s go=, Da)ota urged* grinning li)e a %ad%an as he s!igged red Kool-Aid #ro% his #las). <3ur co%rades need hel"=, Soon the 5i#th 0ohort !as e4ui""ed !ith ne! !ea"ons and shields and hel%ets. They !eren,t e1actly consistent. In #act they loo)ed li)e they,d $een sho""ing at a King 'idas clearance sale. &ut they !ere suddenly the %ost "o!er#ul cohort in the legion. <5ollo! the eagle=, 5ran) ordered. <To $attle=, The ca%"ers cheered. As Percy and 'rs 3,Leary charged on!ard* the entire cohort #ollo!ed . #orty e1tre%ely shiny gold-"lated !arriors screa%ing #or $lood. They sla%%ed into a herd o# !ild centaurs that !ere attac)ing the Third 0ohort. When the ca%"ers o# the Third sa! the eagle standard* they shouted insanely and #ought !ith rene!ed e##ort. The centaurs didn,t stand a chance. The t!o cohorts crushed the% li)e a ice. Soon there !as nothing le#t $ut "iles o# dust and assorted hoo es and horns. Percy ho"ed 0hiron !ould #orgi e hi%* $ut these centaurs !eren,t li)e the Party Ponies he,d %et $e#ore. They !ere so%e other $reed. They had to $e de#eated. <5or% ran)s=, the centurions shouted. The t!o cohorts

ca%e together* their %ilitary training )ic)ing in. Shields loc)ed* they %arched into $attle against the Earth$orn. 5ran) shouted* <Pila=, A hundred s"ears $ristled. When 5ran) yelled* <5ire=, they sailed through the air . a !a e o# death cutting through the si1-ar%ed %onsters. The ca%"ers dre! s!ords and ad anced to!ards the centre o# the $attle. At the $ase o# the a4ueduct* the 5irst and Second 0ohorts !ere trying to encircle Poly$otes* $ut they !ere ta)ing a "ounding. The re%aining Earth$orn thre! $arrage a#ter $arrage o# stone and %ud. Kar"oi grain s"irits . those horri$le little "iranha 0u"ids . !ere rushing through the tall grass a$ducting ca%"ers at rando%* "ulling the% a!ay #ro% the line. The giant hi%sel# )e"t sha)ing $asilis)s out o# his hair. E ery ti%e one landed* the Ro%ans "anic)ed and ran. /udging #ro% their corroded shields and the s%o)ing "lu%es on their hel%ets* they,d already learned a$out the $asilis)s, "oison and #ire. Reyna soared a$o e the giant* di ing in !ith her +a elin !hene er he turned his attention to the ground troo"s. Her "ur"le cloa) sna""ed in the !ind. Her golden ar%our glea%ed. Poly$otes +a$$ed his trident and s!ung his !eighted net* $ut Sci"io !as al%ost as ni%$le as Arion. Then Reyna noticed the 5i#th 0ohort %arching to their aid !ith the eagle. She !as so stunned that the giant al%ost s!atted her out o# the air* $ut Sci"io dodged. Reyna loc)ed eyes !ith Percy and ga e hi% a huge s%ile. <Ro%ans=, Her oice $oo%ed across the #ields. <Rally to the eagle=, De%igods and %onsters ali)e turned and ga!)ed as Percy $ounded #or!ard on his hellhound. <What is this-, Poly$otes de%anded. <What is this-, Percy #elt a rush o# "o!er coursing through the standard,s sta##. He raised the eagle and shouted* <T!el#th Legion 5ul%inata=, Thunder shoo) the alley. The eagle let loose a $linding #lash* and a thousand tendrils o# lightning

e1"loded #ro% its golden !ings . arcing in #ront o# Percy li)e the $ranches o# an enor%ous deadly tree* connecting !ith the nearest %onsters* lea"ing #ro% one to another* co%"letely ignoring the Ro%an #orces. When the lightning sto""ed* the 5irst and Second 0ohorts !ere #acing one sur"rised-loo)ing giant and se eral hundred s%o)ing "iles o# ash. The ene%y,s centre line had $een charred to o$li ion. The loo) on 3cta ian,s #ace !as "riceless. The centurion stared at Percy !ith shoc)* then outrage. Then* !hen his o!n troo"s started to cheer* he had no choice e1ce"t to +oin the shouting8 <Ro%e= Ro%e=, The giant Poly$otes $ac)ed u" uncertainly* $ut Percy )ne! the $attle !asn,t o er. The 5ourth 0ohort !as still surrounded $y 0yclo"es. E en Hanni$al the ele"hant !as ha ing a hard ti%e !ading through so %any %onsters. His $lac) Ke lar ar%our !as ri""ed so that his la$el +ust said ANT. The eterans and Lares on the eastern #lan) !ere $eing "ushed to!ards the city. The %onsters, siege to!er !as still hurling e1"losi e green #ire$alls into the streets. The gorgons had disa$led the giant eagles and no! #le! unchallenged o er the giant,s re%aining centaurs and the Earth$orn* trying to rally the%. <Stand your ground=, Stheno yelled. <I, e got #ree sa%"les=, Poly$otes $ello!ed. A do(en #resh $asilis)s #ell out o# his hair* turning the grass to "oison yello!. <>ou thin) this changes anything* Percy /ac)son- I cannot $e destroyed= 0o%e #or!ard* son o# Ne"tune. I !ill $rea) you=, Percy dis%ounted. He handed Da)ota the standard. <>ou are the cohort,s senior centurion. Ta)e care o# this., Da)ota $lin)ed* then he straightened !ith "ride. He dro""ed his Kool-Aid #las) and too) the eagle. <I !ill carry it !ith honour., <5ran)* Ha(el* Tyson*, Percy said* <hel" the 5ourth 0ohort. I, e got a giant to )ill., He raised Ri"tide* $ut $e#ore he could ad ance* horns $le! in the northern hills. Another ar%y a""eared on the

ridge . hundreds o# !arriors in $lac)-and-grey ca%ou#lage* ar%ed !ith s"ears and shields. Inters"ersed a%ong their ran)s !ere a do(en $attle #or)li#ts* their shar"ened tines glea%ing in the sunset and #la%ing $olts noc)ed in their cross$o!s. <A%a(ons*, 5ran) said. <6reat., Poly$otes laughed. <>ou see- 3ur rein#orce%ents ha e arri ed= Ro%e !ill #all today=, The A%a(ons lo!ered their s"ears and charged do!n the hill. Their #or)li#ts $arrelled into $attle. The giant,s ar%y cheered . until the A%a(ons changed course and headed straight #or the %onsters, intact eastern #lan). <A%a(ons* #or!ard=, 3n the largest #or)li#t stood a girl !ho loo)ed li)e an older ersion o# Reyna* in $lac) co%$at ar%our !ith a glittering gold $elt round her !aist. <Gueen Hylla=, said Ha(el. <She sur i ed=, The A%a(on 4ueen shouted8 <To %y sister,s aid= Destroy the %onsters=, <Destroy=, Her troo"s, cry echoed through the alley. Reyna !heeled her "egasus to!ards Percy. Her eyes glea%ed. Her e1"ression said8 I could hug you right no!. She shouted* <Ro%ans= Ad ance=, The $attle#ield descended into a$solute chaos. A%a(on and Ro%an lines s!ung to!ards the ene%y li)e the Doors o# Death the%sel es. &ut Percy had only one goal. He "ointed at the giant. <>ou. 'e. To the #inish., They %et $y the a4ueduct* !hich had so%eho! sur i ed the $attle so #ar. Poly$otes #i1ed that. He s!i"ed his trident and s%ashed the nearest $ric) arch* unleashing a !ater#all. <6o on* then* son o# Ne"tune=, Poly$otes taunted. <Let %e see your "o!er= Does !ater do your $idding- Does it heal you- &ut I a% $orn to o""ose Ne"tune., The giant thrust his hand under the !ater. As the torrent "assed through his #ingers it turned dar) green. He #lung so%e at Percy* !ho instincti ely de#lected it !ith his !ill. The li4uid s"lattered the ground in #ront o# hi%. With a nasty hiss* the grass !ithered and s%o)ed.

<'y touch turns !ater to "oison*, Poly$otes said. <Let,s see !hat it does to your $lood=, He thre! his net at Percy* $ut Percy rolled out o# the !ay. He di erted the !ater#all straight into the giant,s #ace. While Poly$otes !as $linded* Percy charged. He "lunged Ri"tide into the giant,s $elly then !ithdre! it and aulted a!ay* lea ing the giant roaring in "ain. The stri)e !ould ha e dissol ed any lesser %onster* $ut Poly$otes +ust staggered and loo)ed do!n at the golden ichor . the $lood o# i%%ortals . s"illing #ro% his !ound. The cut !as already closing. <6ood try* de%igod*, he snarled. <&ut I !ill $rea) you still., <6otta catch %e #irst*, Percy said. He turned and $olted to!ards the city. <What-, the giant yelled incredulously. <>ou run* co!ard- Stand still and die=, Percy had no intention o# doing that. He )ne! he couldn,t )ill Poly$otes alone. &ut he did ha e a "lan. He "assed 'rs 3,Leary* !ho loo)ed u" curiously !ith a gorgon !riggling in her %outh. <I,% #ine=, Percy yelled as he ran $y* #ollo!ed $y a giant screa%ing $loody %urder. He +u%"ed o er a $urning scor"ion and duc)ed as hanni$al thre! a 0yclo"s across his "ath. 3ut o# the corner o# his eye* he sa! Tyson "ounding the Earth$orn into the ground li)e a ga%e o# !hac)-a-%ole. Ella !as #luttering a$o e hi%* dodging %issiles and calling out ad ice8 <The groin. The Earth$orn,s groin is sensiti e., S'ASH= <6ood. >es. Tyson #ound its groin., <Percy needs hel"-, Tyson called. <I,% good=, <Die=, Poly$otes yelled* closing #ast. Percy )e"t running. In the distance* he sa! Ha(el and Arion gallo"ing across the $attle#ield* cutting do!n centaurs and )ar"oi. 3ne grain s"irit yelled* <Wheat= I,ll gi e you !heat=, $ut Arion sto%"ed hi% into a "ile o# $rea)#ast cereal. Gueen Hylla and Reyna +oined #orces* #or)li#t and "egasus riding

together* scattering the dar) shades o# #allen !arriors. 5ran) turned hi%sel# into an ele"hant and sto%"ed through so%e 0yclo"es* and Da)ota held the golden eagle high* $lasting lightning at any %onsters that dared to challenge the 5i#th 0ohort. All that !as great* $ut Percy needed a di##erent )ind o# hel". He needed a god. He glanced $ac) and sa! the giant al%ost !ithin ar%,s reach. To $uy so%e ti%e* Percy duc)ed $ehind one o# the a4ueduct,s colu%ns. The giant s!ung his trident. When the colu%n cru%$led* Percy used the unleashed !ater to guide the colla"se . $ringing do!n se eral tons o# $ric)s on the giant,s head. Percy $olted #or the city li%its. <Ter%inus=, he yelled. The nearest statue o# the god !as a$out si1ty #eet ahead. His stone eyes sna""ed o"en as Percy ran to!ards hi%. <0o%"letely unacce"ta$le=, he co%"lained. <&uildings on #ire= In aders= 6et the% out o# here* Percy /ac)son=, <I,% trying*, he said. <&ut there,s this giant* Poly$otes., <>es* I )no!= Wait . E1cuse %e a %o%ent., Ter%inus closed his eyes in concentration. A #la%ing green cannon$all sailed o erhead and suddenly a"ori(ed. <I can,t sto" all the %issiles*, Ter%inus co%"lained. <Why can,t they $e ci ili(ed and attac) %ore slo!ly- I,% only one god., <Hel" %e )ill the giant*, Percy said* <and this !ill all $e o er. A god and de%igod !or)ing together . that,s the only !ay to )ill hi%., Ter%inus sni##ed. <I guard $orders. I don,t )ill giants. It,s not in %y +o$ descri"tion., <Ter%inus* co%e on=, Percy too) another ste" #or!ard* and the god shrie)ed indignantly. <Sto" right there* young %an= No !ea"ons inside the Po%erian Line=, <&ut !e,re under attac)., <I don,t care= Rules are rules. When "eo"le don,t #ollo! the rules* I get ery* ery angry.,

Percy s%iled. <Hold that thought., He s"rinted $ac) to!ards the giant. <Hey* ugly=, <Rarrr=, Poly$otes $urst #ro% the ruins o# the a4ueduct. The !ater !as still "ouring o er hi%* turning to "oison and creating a stea%ing %arsh around his #eet. <>ou 7 you !ill die slo!ly*, the giant "ro%ised. He "ic)ed u" his trident* no! dri""ing !ith green eno%. All around the%* the $attle !as !inding do!n. As the last %onsters !ere %o""ed u"* Percy,s #riends started gathering* #or%ing a ring around the giant. <I !ill ta)e you "risoner* Percy /ac)son*, Poly$otes snarled. <I !ill torture you under the sea. E ery day the !ater !ill heal you* and e ery day I !ill $ring you closer to death., <6reat o##er*, Percy said. <&ut I thin) I,ll +ust )ill you instead., Poly$otes $ello!ed in rage. He shoo) his head* and %ore $asilis)s #le! #ro% his hair. <6et $ac)=, 5ran) !arned. 5resh chaos s"read through the ran)s. Ha(el s"urred Arion and "ut hersel# $et!een the $asilis)s and the ca%"ers. 5ran) changed #or% . shrin)ing into so%ething lean and #urry 7 a !easel- Percy thought 5ran) had lost his %ind* $ut !hen 5ran) charged the $asilis)s* they a$solutely #rea)ed out. They slithered a!ay !ith 5ran) chasing a#ter the% in hot !easely "ursuit. Poly$otes "ointed his trident and ran to!ards Percy. As the giant reached the Po%erian Line* Percy +u%"ed aside li)e a $ull#ighter. Poly$otes $arrelled across the city li%its. <THAT,S IT=, Ter%inus cried. <That,s A6AINST THE R2LES=, Poly$otes #ro!ned* o$ iously con#used that he !as $eing told o## $y a statue. <What are you-, he gro!led. <Shut u"=, He "ushed the statue o er and turned $ac) to Percy. <No! I,% 'AD=, Ter%inus shrie)ed. <I,% strangling you. 5eel that- Those are %y hands round your nec)* you $ig $ully. 6et o er here= I,% going to head-$utt you so hard .,

<Enough=, The giant ste""ed on the statue and $ro)e Ter%inus in three "ieces . "edestal* $ody and head. <>ou DIDN,T=, shouted Ter%inus. <Percy /ac)son* you, e got yoursel# a deal= Let,s )ill this u"start., The giant laughed so hard that he didn,t reali(e Percy !as charging until it !as too late. Percy +u%"ed u"* aulting o## the giant,s )nee* and dro e Ri"tide straight through one o# the %etal %ouths on Poly$otes,s $reast"late* sin)ing the 0elestial $ron(e hilt-dee" in his chest. The giant stu%$led $ac)!ards* tri""ing o er Ter%inus,s "edestal and crashing to the ground. While he !as trying to get u"* cla!ing at the s!ord in his chest* Percy he#ted the head o# the statue. <>ou,ll ne er !in=, the giant groaned. <>ou cannot de#eat %e alone., <I,% not alone., Percy raised the stone head a$o e the giant,s #ace. <I,d li)e you to %eet %y #riend Ter%inus. He,s a god=, Too late* a!areness and #ear da!ned in the giant,s #ace. Percy s%ashed the god,s head as hard as he could into Poly$otes,s nose* and the giant dissol ed* cru%$ling into a stea%ing hea" o# sea!eed* re"tile s)in and "oisonous %uc). Percy staggered a!ay* co%"letely e1hausted. <Ha=, said the head o# Ter%inus. <That !ill teach hi% to o$ey the rules o# Ro%e., 5or a %o%ent* the $attle#ield !as silent e1ce"t #or a #e! #ires $urning* and a #e! retreating %onsters screa%ing in "anic. A ragged circle o# Ro%ans and A%a(ons stood around Percy. Tyson* Ella and 'rs 3,Leary !ere there. 5ran) and Ha(el !ere grinning at hi% !ith "ride. Arion !as ni$$ling contentedly on a golden shield. The Ro%ans $egan to chant* <Percy= Percy=, They %o$$ed hi%. &e#ore he )ne! it* they !ere raising hi% on a shield. The cry changed to* <Praetor= Praetor=, A%ong the chanters !as Reyna hersel#* !ho held u" her hand and gras"ed Percy,s in congratulation. Then the %o$ o# cheering Ro%ans carried hi% around the

Po%erian Line* care#ully a oiding Ter%inus,s $orders* and escorted hi% $ac) ho%e to 0a%" /u"iter.



THE 5EAST 35 53RT2NA HAD N3THIN6 to do !ith tuna* !hich !as #ine !ith Percy. 0a%"ers* A%a(ons and Lares cro!ded the %ess hall #or a la ish dinner. E en the #auns !ere in ited* since they,d hel"ed out $y $andaging the !ounded a#ter the $attle. Wind ny%"hs (i""ed around the roo%* deli ering orders o# "i((a* $urgers* stea)s* salads* 0hinese #ood and $urritos* all #lying at ter%inal elocity. Des"ite the e1hausting $attle* e eryone !as in good s"irits. 0asualties had $een light* and the #e! ca%"ers !ho,d "re iously died and co%e $ac) to li#e* li)e 6!en* hadn,t $een ta)en to the 2nder!orld. 'ay$e Thanatos had turned a $lind eye. 3r %ay$e Pluto had gi en those #ol)s a "ass* li)e he had #or Ha(el. Whate er the case* no$ody co%"lained. 0olour#ul A%a(on and Ro%an $anners hung side $y side #ro% the ra#ters. The restored golden eagle stood "roudly $ehind the "raetor,s ta$le* and the !alls !ere decorated !ith cornuco"ias . %agical horns o# "lenty that s"illed out recycling !ater#alls o# #ruit* chocolate and #resh-$a)ed coo)ies. The cohorts %ingled #reely !ith the A%a(ons* +u%"ing #ro% couch to couch as they "leased* and #or once the soldiers o# the 5i#th !ere !elco%e e ery!here. Percy changed seats so %any ti%es he lost trac) o# his dinner. There !as a lot o# #lirting and ar%-!restling . !hich see%ed to $e the sa%e thing #or the A%a(ons. At one "oint Percy !as cornered $y Kin(ie* the A%a(on !ho,d disar%ed hi% in Seattle. He had to e1"lain that he already had a girl#riend. 5ortunately Kin(ie too) it !ell. She told hi% !hat had ha""ened a#ter they,d le#t Seattle . ho! Hylla had de#eated her challenger 3trera in t!o consecuti e duels to the death* so that the A%a(ons !ere no! calling their 4ueen Hylla T!ice-Kill.

<3trera stayed dead the second ti%e*, Kin(ie said* $atting her eyes. <We ha e you to than) #or that. I# you e er need a ne! girl#riend 7 !ell* I thin) you,d loo) great in an iron collar and an orange +u%"suit., Percy couldn,t tell i# she !as )idding or not. He "olitely than)ed her and changed seats. 3nce e eryone had eaten and the "lates sto""ed #lying* Reyna %ade a short s"eech. She #or%ally !elco%ed the A%a(ons* than)ing the% #or their hel". Then she hugged her sister and e ery$ody a""lauded. Reyna raised her hands #or 4uiet. <'y sister and I ha en,t al!ays seen eye to eye ., Hylla laughed. <That,s an understate%ent., <She +oined the A%a(ons*, Reyna continued. <I +oined 0a%" /u"iter. &ut* loo)ing around this roo%* I thin) !e $oth %ade good choices. Strangely* our destinies !ere %ade "ossi$le $y the hero you all +ust raised to "raetor on the $attle#ield . Percy /ac)son., 'ore cheering. The sisters raised their glasses to Percy and $ec)oned hi% #or!ard. E ery$ody as)ed #or a s"eech* $ut Percy didn,t )no! !hat to say. He "rotested that he really !asn,t the $est "erson #or "raetor* $ut the ca%"ers dro!ned hi% out !ith a""lause. Reyna too) a!ay his "ro$atio nec) "late. 3cta ian shot hi% a dirty loo)* then turned to the cro!d and s%iled li)e this !as all his idea. He ri""ed o"en a teddy $ear and "ronounced good o%ens #or the co%ing year . 5ortuna !ould $less the%= He "assed his hand o er Percy,s ar% and shouted8 <Percy /ac)son* son o# Ne"tune* #irst year o# ser ice=, The Ro%an sy%$ols $urned onto Percy,s ar%8 a trident* SPGR and a single stri"e. It #elt li)e so%eone !as "ressing a hot iron into his s)in* $ut Percy %anaged not to screa%. 3cta ian e%$raced hi% and !his"ered* <I ho"e it hurt., Then Reyna ga e hi% an eagle %edal and "ur"le cloa)* sy%$ols o# the "raetor. <>ou earned these* Percy., Gueen Hylla "ounded hi% on the $ac). <And I, e decided not to )ill you.,

<2%* than)s*, Percy said. He %ade his !ay around the %ess hall one %ore ti%e* $ecause all the ca%"ers !anted hi% at their ta$le. :itellius the Lar #ollo!ed* stu%$ling o er his shi%%ering "ur"le toga and read+usting his s!ord* telling e eryone ho! he,d "redicted Percy,s rise to greatness. <I de%anded he +oin the 5i#th 0ohort=, the ghost said "roudly. <S"otted his talent right a!ay=, Don the #aun "o""ed u" in a nurse,s hat* a stac) o# coo)ies in each hand. <'an* congrats and stu##= A!eso%e= Hey* do you ha e any s"are change-, All the attention e%$arrassed Percy* $ut he !as ha""y to see ho! !ell Ha(el and 5ran) !ere $eing treated. E eryone called the% the sa iours o# Ro%e* and they deser ed it. There !as e en tal) a$out reinstating 5ran),s great-grand#ather* Shen Lun* to the legion,s roll o# honour. A""arently he hadn,t caused the JD@Q earth4ua)e a#ter all. Percy sat #or a !hile !ith Tyson and Ella* !ho !ere honoured guests at Da)ota,s ta$le. Tyson )e"t calling #or "eanut-$utter sand!iches* eating the% as #ast as the ny%"hs could deli er. Ella "erched at his shoulder on to" o# the couch and ni$$led #uriously on cinna%on rolls. <0inna%on rolls are good #or har"ies*, she said. </une t!enty-#ourth is a good day. Roy Disney,s $irthday* and 5ortuna,s 5east* and Inde"endence Day #or Pan(i$ar. And Tyson., She glanced at Tyson* then $lushed and loo)ed a!ay. A#ter dinner* the entire legion got the night o##. Percy and his #riends dri#ted do!n to the city* !hich !asn,t 4uite reco ered #ro% the $attle* $ut the #ires !ere out* %ost o# the de$ris had $een s!e"t u"* and the citi(ens !ere deter%ined to cele$rate. At the Po%erian Line* the statue o# Ter%inus !ore a "a"er "arty hat. <Welco%e* "raetor=, he said. <>ou need any giants, #aces s%ashed !hile you,re in to!n* +ust let %e )no!., <Than)s* Ter%inus*, Percy said. <I,ll )ee" that in %ind., <>es* good. >our "raetor,s ca"e is an inch too lo! on the

le#t. There . that,s $etter. Where is %y assistant- /ulia=, The little girl ran out #ro% $ehind the "edestal. She !as !earing a green dress tonight* and her hair !as still in "igtails. When she s%iled* Percy sa! that her #ront teeth !ere starting to co%e in. She held u" a $o1 #ull o# "arty hats. Percy tried to decline* $ut /ulia ga e hi% the $ig adoring eyes. <Ah* sure*, he said. <I,ll ta)e the $lue cro!n., She o##ered Ha(el a gold "irate hat. <I,% gonna $e Percy /ac)son !hen I gro! u"*, she told Ha(el sole%nly. Ha(el s%iled and ru##led her hair. <That,s a good thing to $e* /ulia., <Although*, 5ran) said* "ic)ing out a hat sha"ed li)e a "olar $ear,s head* <5ran) Phang !ould $e good* too., <5ran)=, Ha(el said. They "ut on their hats and continued to the #oru%* !hich !as lit u" !ith %ulticoloured lanterns. The #ountains glo!ed "ur"le. The co##ee sho"s !ere doing a $ris) $usiness* and street %usicians #illed the air !ith the sounds o# guitar* lyre* "an"i"es and ar%"it noises. 9Percy didn,t get that last one. 'ay$e it !as an old Ro%an %usical tradition.; The goddess Iris %ust, e $een in a "arty %ood too. As Percy and his #riends strolled "ast the da%aged Senate House* a da((ling rain$o! a""eared in the night s)y. 2n#ortunately the goddess sent another $lessing* too . a gentle rain o# gluten-#ree R.3.5.L. cu"ca)e si%ulations* !hich Percy #igured !ould either %a)e cleaning u" harder* or re$uilding easier. The cu"ca)es !ould %a)e great $ric)s. 5or a !hile* Percy !andered the streets !ith Ha(el and 5ran)* !ho )e"t $rushing shoulders. 5inally he said* <I,% a little tired* guys. >ou go ahead., Ha(el and 5ran) "rotested* $ut Percy could tell they !anted so%e ti%e alone. As he headed $ac) to ca%"* he sa! 'rs 3,Leary "laying !ith Hanni$al in the 5ield o# 'ars. 5inally* she,d #ound a "lay%ate she could roughhouse !ith. They

#rolic)ed around* sla%%ing into each other* $rea)ing #orti#ications and generally ha ing an e1cellent ti%e. At the #ort gates* Percy sto""ed and ga(ed across the alley. It see%ed li)e so long ago that he,d stood here !ith Ha(el* getting his #irst good ie! o# ca%". No! he !as %ore interested in !atching the eastern hori(on. To%orro!* %ay$e the ne1t day* his #riends #ro% 0a%" Hal#-&lood !ould arri e. As %uch as he cared a$out 0a%" /u"iter* he couldn,t !ait to see Anna$eth again. He yearned #or his old li#e . Ne! >or) and 0a%" Hal#-&lood . $ut so%ething told hi% it %ight $e a !hile $e#ore he returned ho%e. 6aia and the giants !eren,t done causing trou$le . not $y a long shot. Reyna had gi en hi% the second "raetor,s house on the :ia Princi"alis* $ut as soon as Percy loo)ed inside he )ne! he couldn,t stay there. It !as nice* $ut it !as also #ull o# /ason 6race,s stu##. Percy already #elt uneasy ta)ing /ason,s title o# "raetor. He didn,t !ant to ta)e the guy,s house* too. Things !ould $e a!)!ard enough !hen /ason ca%e $ac) . and Percy !as sure that he !ould $e on that dragon-headed !arshi". Percy headed $ac) to the 5i#th 0ohort $arrac)s and cli%$ed into his $un). He "assed out instantly. He drea%ed he !as carrying /uno across the Little Ti$er. She !as disguised as a cra(y old $ag lady* s%iling and singing an Ancient 6ree) lulla$y as her leathery hands gri""ed Percy,s nec). <Do you still !ant to sla" %e* dear-, she as)ed. Percy sto""ed %idstrea%. He let go and du%"ed the goddess in the ri er. The %o%ent she hit the !ater* she anished and rea""eared on the shore. <3h* %y*, she cac)led* <that !asn,t ery heroic* e en in a drea%=, <Eight %onths*, Percy said. <>ou stole eight %onths o# %y li#e #or a 4uest that too) a !ee). Why-, /uno tutted disa""ro ingly. <>ou %ortals and your short li es. Eight %onths is nothing* %y dear. I lost eight centuries once* %issed %ost o# the &y(antine E%"ire., Percy su%%oned the "o!er o# the ri er. It s!irled round

hi%* s"inning into a #roth o# !hite !ater. <No!* no!*, /uno said. <Don,t get testy. I# !e are to de#eat 6aia* our "lans %ust $e ti%ed "er#ectly. 5irst* I needed /ason and his #riends to #ree %e #ro% %y "rison ., <>our "rison- >ou !ere in "rison and they let you out-, <Don,t sound so sur"rised* dear= I,% a s!eet old !o%an. At any rate* you !eren,t needed at 0a%" /u"iter until no!* to sa e the Ro%ans at their %o%ent o# greatest crisis. The eight %onths $et!een 7 !ell* I do ha e other "lans $re!ing* %y $oy. 3""osing 6aia* !or)ing $ehind /u"iter,s $ac)* "rotecting your #riends . it,s a #ullti%e +o$= I# I had to guard you #ro% 6aia,s %onsters and sche%es as !ell* and )ee" you hidden #ro% your #riends $ac) east all that ti%e . no* %uch $etter you ta)e a sa#e na". >ou !ould ha e $een a distraction . a loose cannon., <A distraction., Percy #elt the !ater rising !ith his anger* s"inning #aster round hi%. <A loose cannon., <E1actly. I,% glad you understand., Percy sent a !a e crashing do!n on the old !o%an* $ut /uno si%"ly disa""eared and %ateriali(ed #urther do!n the shore. <'y*, she said* <you are in a $ad %ood. &ut you )no! I,% right. >our ti%ing here !as "er#ect. They trust you no!. >ou are a hero o# Ro%e. And !hile you sle"t /ason 6race has learned to trust the 6ree)s. They, e had ti%e to $uild the Argo II. Together* you and /ason !ill unite the ca%"s., <Why %e-, Percy de%anded. <>ou and I ne er got along. Why !ould you !ant a loose cannon on your tea%-, <&ecause I )no! you* Percy /ac)son. In %any !ays* you are i%"ulsi e* $ut !hen it co%es to your #riends you are as constant as a co%"ass needle. >ou are uns!er ingly loyal* and you ins"ire loyalty. >ou are the glue that !ill unite the se en., <6reat*, Percy said. <I al!ays !anted to $e glue., /uno laced her croo)ed #ingers. <The Heroes o# 3ly%"us %ust unite= A#ter your ictory o er Kronos in 'anhattan 7 !ell* I #ear that !ounded /u"iter,s sel#estee%.,

<&ecause I !as right*, Percy said. <And he !as !rong., The old lady shrugged. <He should $e used to that* a#ter so %any aeons %arried to %e* $ut alas= 'y "roud and o$stinate hus$and re#uses to as) %ere de%igods #or hel" again. He $elie es the giants can $e #ought !ithout you* and 6aia can $e #orced $ac) to her slu%$ers. I )no! $etter. &ut you %ust "ro e yoursel#. 3nly $y sailing to the ancient lands and closing the Doors o# Death !ill you con ince /u"iter that you are !orthy o# #ighting side $y side !ith the gods. It !ill $e the greatest 4uest since Aeneas sailed #ro% Troy=, <And i# !e #ail-, Percy said. <I# Ro%ans and 6ree)s don,t get along-, <Then 6aia has already !on. I,ll tell you this* Percy /ac)son. The one !ho !ill cause you the %ost trou$le is the one closest to you . the one !ho hates %e %ost., <Anna$eth-, Percy #elt his anger rising again. <>ou ne er li)ed her. No! you,re calling her a trou$le%a)er- >ou don,t )no! her at all. She,s the "erson I %ost !ant !atching %y $ac)., The goddess s%iled dryly. <We !ill see* young hero. She has a hard tas) ahead o# her !hen you arri e in Ro%e. Whether she is u" to it 7 I do not )no!., Percy su%%oned a #ist o# !ater and s%ashed it do!n at the old lady. When the !a e receded* she !as gone. The ri er s!irled out o# Percy,s control. He san) into the dar)ness o# the !hirl"ool.



THE NENT '3RNIN6* PER0>* HAPEL AND 5RANK ate $rea)#ast early* then headed into the city $e#ore the senate !as due to con ene. As Percy !as a "raetor no!* he could go "retty %uch !here er he !anted* !hene er he !anted. 3n the !ay* they "assed the sta$les* !here Tyson and 'rs 3,Leary !ere slee"ing in. Tyson snored on a $ed o# hay ne1t to the unicorns* a $liss#ul loo) on his #ace li)e he !as drea%ing o# "onies. 'rs 3,Leary had rolled on her $ac) and co ered her ears !ith her "a!s. 3n the sta$le roo#* Ella roosted in a "ile o# old Ro%an scrolls* her head tuc)ed under her !ings. When they got to the #oru%* they sat $y the #ountains and !atched the sun co%e u". The citi(ens !ere already $usy s!ee"ing u" cu"ca)e si%ulations* con#etti and "arty hats #ro% last night,s cele$ration. The engineer cor"s !as !or)ing on a ne! arch that !ould co%%e%orate the ictory o er Poly$otes. Ha(el said she,d e en heard tal) o# a #or%al triu%"h #or the three o# the% . a "arade around the city #ollo!ed $y a !ee) o# ga%es and cele$rations . $ut Percy )ne! they,d ne er get the chance. They didn,t ha e ti%e. Percy told the% a$out his drea% o# /uno. Ha(el #ro!ned. <The gods !ere $usy last night. Sho! hi%* 5ran)., 5ran) reached into his coat "oc)et. Percy thought he %ight $ring out his "iece o# #ire!ood* $ut instead he "roduced a thin "a"er$ac) $oo) and a note on red stationery. <These !ere on %y "illo! this %orning., He "assed the% to Percy. <Li)e the Tooth 5airy isited., The $oo) !as The Art o# War $y Sun T(u. Percy had ne er heard o# it* $ut he could guess !ho sent it. The letter read8 6ood +o$* )id. A real %an,s $est !ea"on is his %ind. This !as your %o%,s #a ourite $oo). 6i e it a read. P.S. .

I ho"e your #riend Percy has learned so%e res"ect #or %e. <Wo!., Percy handed $ac) the $oo). <'ay$e 'ars is di##erent than Ares. I don,t thin) Ares can read., 5ran) #li""ed through the "ages. <There,s a lot in here a$out sacri#ice* )no!ing the cost o# !ar. &ac) in :ancou er* 'ars told %e I,d ha e to "ut %y duty ahead o# %y li#e or the entire !ar !ould go side!ays. I thought he %eant #reeing Thanatos* $ut no! 7 I don,t )no!. I,% still ali e* so %ay$e the !orst is yet to co%e., He glanced ner ously at Percy* and Percy got the #eeling 5ran) !asn,t telling hi% e erything. He !ondered i# 'ars had said so%ething a$out hi%* $ut Percy !asn,t sure he !anted to )no!. &esides* 5ran) had already gi en enough. He had !atched his #a%ily ho%e $urn do!n. He,d lost his %other and his grand%other. <>ou ris)ed your li#e*, Percy said. <>ou !ere !illing to $urn u" to sa e the 4uest. 'ars can,t e1"ect %ore than that., <'ay$e*, 5ran) said dou$t#ully. Ha(el s4uee(ed 5ran),s hand. They see%ed %ore co%#orta$le around each other this %orning* not 4uite as ner ous and a!)!ard. Percy !ondered i# they,d started dating. He ho"ed so* $ut he decided it !as $etter not to as). <Ha(el* ho! a$out you-, Percy as)ed. <Any !ord #ro% Pluto-, She loo)ed do!n. Se eral dia%onds "o""ed out o# the ground at her #eet. <No*, she ad%itted. <In a !ay* I thin) he sent a %essage through Thanatos. 'y na%e !asn,t on that list o# esca"ed souls. It should ha e $een., <>ou thin) your dad is gi ing you a "ass-, Percy as)ed. Ha(el shrugged. <Pluto can,t isit %e or e en tal) to %e !ithout ac)no!ledging I,% ali e. Then he,d ha e to en#orce the la!s o# death and ha e Thanatos $ring %e $ac) to the 2nder!orld. I thin) %y dad is turning a $lind eye. I thin) . I thin) he !ants %e to #ind Nico., Percy glanced at the sunrise* ho"ing to see a !arshi"

descending #ro% the s)y. So #ar* nothing. <We,ll #ind your $rother*, Percy "ro%ised. <As soon as the shi" gets here* !e,ll sail #or Ro%e., Ha(el and 5ran) e1changed uneasy loo)s* li)e they,d already tal)ed a$out this. <Percy 7, 5ran) said. <I# you !ant us to co%e along* !e,re in. &ut are you sure- I %ean 7 !e )no! you, e got tons o# #riends at the other ca%". And you could "ic) anyone at 0a%" /u"iter no!. I# !e,re not "art o# the se en* !e,d understand ., <Are you )idding-, Percy said. <>ou thin) I,d lea e %y tea% $ehind- A#ter sur i ing 5leecy,s !heat ger%* running #ro% canni$als and hiding under $lue giant $utts in Alas)a- 0o%e on=, The tension $ro)e. All three o# the% started crac)ing u"* %ay$e a little too %uch* $ut it !as a relie# to $e ali e* !ith the !ar% sun shining* and not !orrying . at least #or the %o%ent . a$out sinister #aces a""earing in the shado!s o# the hills. Ha(el too) a dee" $reath. <The "ro"hecy Ella ga e us . a$out the child o# !isdo%* and the %ar) o# Athena $urning through Ro%e 7 do you )no! !hat that,s a$out-, Percy re%e%$ered his drea%. /uno had !arned that Anna$eth had a di##icult +o$ ahead o# her* and that she,d cause trou$le #or the 4uest. He couldn,t $elie e that* $ut still 7 it !orried hi%. <I,% not sure*, he ad%itted. <I thin) there,s %ore to the "ro"hecy. 'ay$e Ella can re%e%$er the rest o# it., 5ran) sli""ed his $oo) into his "oc)et. <We need to ta)e her !ith us . I %ean* #or her o!n sa#ety. I# 3cta ian #inds out Ella has the Si$ylline &oo)s %e%ori(ed 7, Percy shuddered. 3cta ian used "ro"hecies to )ee" his "o!er at ca%". No! that Percy had ta)en a!ay his chance at "raetor* 3cta ian !ould $e loo)ing #or other !ays to e1ert in#luence. I# he got hold o# Ella 7 <>ou,re right*, Percy said. <We, e got to "rotect her. I +ust ho"e !e can con ince her ., <Percy=, Tyson ca%e running across the #oru%* Ella #luttering $ehind hi% !ith a scroll in her talons. When they

reached the #ountain* Ella dro""ed the scroll in Percy,s la". <S"ecial deli ery*, she said. <5ro% an aura. A !ind s"irit. >es* Ella got a s"ecial deli ery., <6ood %orning* $rothers=, Tyson had hay in his hair and "eanut $utter in his teeth. <The scroll is #ro% Leo. He is #unny and s%all., The scroll loo)ed unre%ar)a$le* $ut !hen Percy s"read it across his la"* a ideo recording #lic)ered on the "arch%ent. A )id in 6ree) ar%our grinned u" at the%. He had an i%"ish #ace* curly $lac) hair and !ild eyes* li)e he,d +ust had se eral cu"s o# co##ee. He !as sitting in a dar) roo% !ith ti%$er !alls li)e a shi",s ca$in. 3il la%"s s!ung $ac) and #orth on the ceiling. Ha(el sti#led a screa%. <What-, 5ran) as)ed. <What,s !rong-, Slo!ly* Percy reali(ed the curly-haired )id loo)ed #a%iliar . and not +ust #ro% his drea%s. He,d seen that #ace in an old "hoto. <Hey=, said the guy in the ideo. <6reetings #ro% your #riends at 0a%" Hal#-&lood* et cetera. This is Leo. I,% the 7, He loo)ed o## screen and yelled8 <What,s %y title- A% I li)e ad%iral* or ca"tain* or ., A girl,s oice yelled $ac)* <Re"air $oy., <:ery #unny* Pi"er*, Leo gru%$led. He turned $ac) to the "arch%ent screen. <So yeah* I,% 7 ah 7 su"re%e co%%ander o# the Argo II. >eah* I li)e that= Any!ay* !e,re gonna $e sailing to!ards you in a$out* I dunno* an hour in this $ig %other !arshi". We,d a""reciate it i# you,d not* li)e* $lo! us out o# the s)y or anything. So o)ay= I# you could tell the Ro%ans that. See you soon. >ours in de%igodishness* and all that. Peace out., The "arch%ent turned $lan). <It can,t $e*, Ha(el said. <What-, 5ran) as)ed. <>ou )no! that guy-, Ha(el loo)ed li)e she,d seen a ghost. Percy understood !hy. He re%e%$ered the "hoto in Ha(el,s a$andoned house in Se!ard. The )id on the !arshi" loo)ed e1actly li)e Ha(el,s old $oy#riend.

<It,s Sa%%y :alde(*, she said. <&ut ho! 7 ho! ., <It can,t $e*, Percy said. <That guy,s na%e is Leo. And it,s $een se enty-so%ething years. It has to $e a 7, He !anted to say a coincidence* $ut he couldn,t %a)e hi%sel# $elie e that. 3 er the "ast #e! years he,d seen a lot o# things8 destiny* "ro"hecy* %agic* %onsters* #ate. &ut he,d ne er yet run across a coincidence. They !ere interru"ted $y horns $lo!ing in the distance. The senators ca%e %arching into the #oru% !ith Reyna at the lead. <It,s %eeting ti%e*, Percy said. <0o%e on. We, e got to !arn the% a$out the !arshi"., <Why should !e trust these 6ree)s-, 3cta ian !as saying. He,d $een "acing the senate #loor #or #i e %inutes* going on and on* trying to counter !hat Percy had told the% a$out /uno,s "lan and the Pro"hecy o# Se en. The senate shi#ted restlessly* $ut %ost o# the% !ere too a#raid to interru"t 3cta ian !hile he !as on a roll. 'ean!hile the sun cli%$ed in the s)y* shining through the $ro)en senate roo# and gi ing 3cta ian a natural s"otlight. The Senate House !as "ac)ed. Gueen Hylla* 5ran) and Ha(el sat in the #ront ro! !ith the senators. :eterans and ghosts #illed the $ac) ro!s. E en Tyson and Ella had $een allo!ed to sit in the $ac). Tyson )e"t !a ing and grinning at Percy. Percy and Reyna occu"ied %atching "raetors, chairs on the dais* !hich %ade Percy sel#conscious. It !asn,t easy loo)ing digni#ied !earing a $edsheet and a "ur"le ca"e. <The ca%" is sa#e*, 3cta ian continued. <I,ll $e the #irst to congratulate our heroes #or $ringing $ac) the legion,s eagle and so %uch I%"erial gold= Truly !e ha e $een $lessed !ith good #ortune. &ut !hy do %ore- Why te%"t #ate-, <I,% glad you as)ed., Percy stood* ta)ing the 4uestion as an o"ening. 3cta ian sta%%ered* <I !asn,t ., <. "art o# the 4uest*, Percy said. <>es* I )no!. And you,re

!ise to let %e e1"lain* since I !as., So%e o# the senators snic)ered. 3cta ian had no choice $ut to sit do!n and try not to loo) e%$arrassed. <6aia is !a)ing*, Percy said. <We, e de#eated t!o o# her giants* $ut that,s only the $eginning. The real !ar !ill ta)e "lace in the old land o# the gods. The 4uest !ill ta)e us to Ro%e* and e entually to 6reece., An uneasy ri""le s"read through the senate. <I )no!* I )no!*, Percy said. <>ou, e al!ays thought o# the 6ree)s as your ene%ies. And there,s a good reason #or that. I thin) the gods ha e )e"t our t!o ca%"s a"art $ecause !hene er !e %eet !e #ight. &ut that can change. It has to change i# !e,re to de#eat 6aia. That,s !hat the Pro"hecy o# Se en %eans. Se en de%igods* 6ree) and Ro%an* !ill ha e to close the Doors o# Death together., <Ha=, shouted a Lar #ro% the $ac) ro!. <The last ti%e a "raetor tried to inter"ret the Pro"hecy o# Se en* it !as 'ichael :arus* !ho lost our eagle in Alas)a= Why should !e $elie e you no!-, 3cta ian s%iled s%ugly. So%e o# his allies in the senate $egan nodding and gru%$ling. E en so%e o# the eterans loo)ed uncertain. <I carried /uno across the Ti$er*, Percy re%inded the%* s"ea)ing as #ir%ly as he could. <She told %e that the Pro"hecy o# Se en is co%ing to "ass. 'ars also a""eared to you in "erson. Do you thin) t!o o# your %ost i%"ortant gods !ould a""ear at ca%" i# the situation !asn,t serious-, <He,s right*, 6!en said #ro% the second ro!. <I* #or one* trust Percy,s !ord. 6ree) or not* he restored the honour o# the legion. >ou sa! hi% on the $attle#ield last night. Would anyone here say he is not a true hero o# Ro%e-, No$ody argued. A #e! nodded in agree%ent. Reyna stood. Percy !atched her an1iously. Her o"inion could change e erything . #or $etter or !orse. <>ou clai% this is a co%$ined 4uest*, she said. <>ou clai% /uno intends #or us to !or) !ith this . this other grou"* 0a%" Hal#-&lood. >et the 6ree)s ha e $een our ene%ies #or aeons. They are )no!n #or their dece"tions.,

<'ay$e so*, Percy said. <&ut ene%ies can $eco%e #riends. A !ee) ago* !ould you ha e thought Ro%ans and A%a(ons !ould $e #ighting side $y side-, Gueen Hylla laughed. <He,s got a "oint., <The de%igods o# 0a%" Hal#-&lood ha e already $een !or)ing !ith 0a%" /u"iter*, Percy said. <We +ust didn,t reali(e it. During the Titan War last su%%er* !hile you !ere attac)ing 'ount 3thrys* !e !ere de#ending 'ount 3ly%"us in 'anhattan. I #ought Kronos %ysel#., Reyna $ac)ed u"* al%ost tri""ing o er her toga. <>ou 7 !hat-, <I )no! it,s hard to $elie e*, Percy said. <&ut I thin) I, e earned your trust. I,% on your side. Ha(el and 5ran) . I,% sure they,re %eant to go !ith %e on this 4uest. The other #our are on their !ay #ro% 0a%" Hal#-&lood right no!. 3ne o# the% is /ason 6race* your old "raetor., <3h* co%e on=, 3cta ian shouted. <He,s %a)ing things u"* no!., Reyna #ro!ned. <It is a lot to $elie e. /ason is co%ing $ac) !ith a $unch o# 6ree) de%igods- >ou say they,re going to a""ear in the s)y in a hea ily ar%ed !arshi"* $ut !e shouldn,t $e !orried., <>es., Percy loo)ed o er the ro!s o# ner ous* dou$t#ul s"ectators. </ust let the% land. Hear the% out. /ason !ill $ac) u" e erything I,% telling you. I s!ear it on %y li#e., <3n your li#e-, 3cta ian loo)ed %eaning#ully at the senate. <We !ill re%e%$er that* i# this turns out to $e a tric)., Right on cue* a %essenger rushed into the Senate House* gas"ing as i# he,d run all the !ay #ro% ca%". <Praetors= I,% sorry to interru"t* $ut our scouts re"ort ., <Shi"=, Tyson said ha""ily* "ointing at the hole in the ceiling. <>ay=, Sure enough* a 6ree) !arshi" a""eared out o# the clouds* a$out a hal# a %ile a!ay* descending to!ards the Senate House. As it got closer* Percy could see $ron(e shields glinting along the sides* $illo!ing sails and a #a%iliar-loo)ing #igurehead sha"ed li)e a %etal dragon. 3n the tallest %ast* a $ig !hite #lag o# truce sna""ed in

the !ind. The Argo II. It !as the %ost incredi$le shi" he,d e er seen. <Praetors=, the %essenger cried. <What are your orders-, 3cta ian shot to his #eet. <>ou need to as)-, His #ace !as red !ith rage. He !as strangling his teddy $ear. <The o%ens are horri$le= This is a tric)* a dece"tion. &e!are 6ree)s $earing gi#ts=, He +a$$ed a #inger at Percy. <His #riends are attac)ing in a !arshi". He has led the% here. We %ust attac)=, <No*, Percy said #ir%ly. <>ou all raised %e as "raetor #or a reason. I !ill #ight to de#end this ca%" !ith %y li#e. &ut these aren,t ene%ies. I say !e stand ready* $ut do not attac). Let the% land. Let the% s"ea). I# it is a tric)* then I !ill #ight !ith you* as I did last night. &ut it is not a tric)., All eyes turned to!ards Reyna. She studied the a""roaching !arshi". Her e1"ression hardened. I# she etoed Percy,s orders 7 !ell* he didn,t )no! !hat !ould ha""en. 0haos and con#usion* at the ery least. 'ost li)ely* the Ro%ans !ould #ollo! her lead. She,d $een their leader %uch longer than Percy. <Hold your #ire*, Reyna said. <&ut ha e the legion stand ready. Percy /ac)son is your duly chosen "raetor. We !ill trust his !ord . unless !e are gi en clear reason not to. Senators* let us ad+ourn to the #oru% and %eet our 7 ne! #riends., The senators sta%"eded out o# the auditoriu% . !hether #ro% e1cite%ent or "anic* Percy !asn,t sure. Tyson ran a#ter the%* yelling* <>ay= >ay=, !ith Ella #luttering around his head. 3cta ian ga e Percy a disgusted loo)* then thre! do!n his teddy $ear and #ollo!ed the cro!d. Reyna stood at Percy,s shoulder. <I su""ort you* Percy*, she said. <I trust your +udge%ent. &ut* #or all our sa)es* I ho"e !e can )ee" the "eace $et!een our ca%"ers and your 6ree) #riends., <We !ill*, he "ro%ised. <>ou,ll see., She glanced u" at the !arshi". Her e1"ression turned a little !ist#ul. <>ou say /ason is a$oard 7 I ho"e that,s true.

I, e %issed hi%., She %arched outside* lea ing Percy alone !ith Ha(el and 5ran). <They,re co%ing do!n right in the #oru%*, 5ran) said ner ously. <Ter%inus is going to ha e a heart attac)., <Percy*, Ha(el said* <you s!ore on your li#e. Ro%ans ta)e that seriously. I# anything goes !rong* e en $y accident* 3cta ian is going to )ill you. >ou )no! that* right-, Percy s%iled. He )ne! the sta)es !ere high. He )ne! this day could go horri$ly !rong. &ut he also )ne! that Anna$eth !as on that shi". I# things !ent right* this !ould $e the $est day o# his li#e. He thre! one ar% round Ha(el and one ar% round 5ran). <0o%e on*, he said. <Let %e introduce you to %y other #a%ily.,

6lossary a$surdus out o# "lace* discordant Achilles the %ightiest o# the 6ree) de%igods !ho #ought in the Tro+an War Aescula"ius the Ro%an god o# %edicine and healing Alcyoneus the eldest o# the giants $orn to 6aia* destined to #ight Pluto A%a(ons a nation o# all-#e%ale !arriors Ana)lus%os Ri"tide8 the na%e o# Percy /ac)son,s s!ord argentu% sil er Argonauts a $and o# 6ree) heroes !ho acco%"anied /ason on his 4uest to #ind the 6olden 5leece. Their na%e co%es #ro% their shi"* the Argo* !hich !as na%ed a#ter its $uilder* Argus. augury a sign o# so%ething co%ing* an o%enI the "ractice o# di ining the #uture aurae in isi$le !ind s"irits auru% gold $asilis) sna)e* literally <little cro!n, &ellero"hon a 6ree) de%igod* son o# Poseidon* !ho de#eated %onsters !hile riding on Pegasus &ellona the Ro%an goddess o# !ar &y(antiu% the eastern e%"ire that lasted another J*@@@ years a#ter Ro%e #ell* under 6ree) in#luence 0elestial $ron(e a rare %etal deadly to %onsters 0entaur a race o# creatures that is hal# hu%an* hal# horse centurion an o##icer o# the Ro%an ar%y 0er$erus the three-headed dog that guards the gates o# the 2nder!orld 0eres the Ro%an goddess o# agriculture 0haron the #erry%an o# Hades !ho carries souls o# the ne!ly deceased across the ri ers Sty1 and Acheron* !hich di ide the !orld o# the li ing #ro% the !orld o# the dead cogno%en third na%e cohort a Ro%an %ilitary unit 0yclo"s 90yclo"es* "l.; a %e%$er o# a "ri%ordial race o# giants* each !ith a single eye in the %iddle o# his or her #orehead denarius 9denarii* "l.; the %ost co%%on coin in the Ro%an currency syste% drach%a the sil er coin o# Ancient 6reece

Elysiu% the #inal resting "lace o# the souls o# the heroic and the irtuous in the 2nder!orld Ere$os a "lace o# dar)ness $et!een Earth and Hades #aun a Ro%an #orest god* "art goat and "art %an. 6ree) #or%8 satyr 5ields o# As"hodel the section o# the 2nder!orld !here the souls o# "eo"le !ho li ed li es o# e4ual good and e il rest 5ields o# Punish%ent the section o# the 2nder!orld !here e il souls are eternally tortured 5ortuna the Ro%an goddess o# #ortune and good luc) 5ul%inata ar%ed !ith lightningI a Ro%an legion under /ulius 0aesar !hose e%$le% !as a lightning $olt 9#ul%en;

6aia the earth goddessI %other o# Titans* giants* 0yclo"es and other %onsters. Kno!n to the Ro%ans as Terra 6egenes earth$orn %onsters gladius a short s!ord gorgons three %onstrous sisters 9Stheno* Euryale and 'edusa; !ho ha e hair o# li ing* eno%ous sna)esI 'edusa,s eyes can turn the $eholder to stone graecus 6ree)I ene%yI outsider grea es shin ar%our gris-gris a oodoo a%ulet that "rotects #ro% e il or $rings luc) har"y a !inged #e%ale creature that snatches things Hercules the Ro%an e4ui alent o# HeraclesI the son o# /u"iter and Alc%ene* !ho !as $orn !ith great strength Hy"er$oreans "eace#ul northern giants ichor the golden $lood o# i%%ortals I%"erial gold a rare %etal deadly to %onsters* consecrated at the PantheonI its e1istence !as a closely guarded secret o# the e%"erors Iris the rain$o! goddess /uno Ro%an goddess o# !o%en* %arriage and #ertilityI sister and !i#e o# /u"iterI %other o# 'ars. 6ree) #or%8 Hera /u"iter Ro%an )ing o# the godsI also called /u"iter 3"ti%us 'a1i%us 9the $est and the greatest;. 6ree) #or%8 Peus )ar"oi grain s"irits Laistrygonians tall canni$als #ro% the north* "ossi$ly the source o# the Sas4uatch legend Lar 9Lares* "l.; house god* ancestral s"irit legion the %a+or unit o# the Ro%an ar%y* consisting o# in#antry and ca alry troo"s legionnaire a %e%$er o# a legion Li$eralia a Ro%an #esti al that cele$rated a $oy,s rite o# "assage into %anhood Lu"a the sacred Ro%an she-!ol# that nursed the #oundling t!ins Ro%ulus and Re%us 'ars the Ro%an god o# !arI also called 'ars 2ltor. Patron o# the e%"ireI di ine #ather o# Ro%ulus and Re%us. 6ree) #or%8 Ares 'iner a Ro%an goddess o# !isdo%. 6ree) #or%8 Athena 'ist %agic #orce that disguises things #ro% %ortals

'ount 3thrys the $ase o# the Titans during the ten-year !ar !ith the 3ly%"ian godsI Saturn,s head4uarters %uster #or%al %ilitary ins"ection ne$ulae cloud ny%"hs Ne"tune the Ro%an god o# the sea. 6ree) #or%8 Poseidon 3trera #irst A%a(on 4ueen* daughter o# Ares "alliu% a cloa) or %antle !orn $y the Ro%ans Pantheon a te%"le to all the gods o# Ancient Ro%e Penthesilea a 4ueen o# the A%a(onsI daughter o# Ares and 3trera* another A%a(on 4ueen Pericly%enus a 6ree) "rince o# Pylos and a son o# Poseidon* !ho granted hi% the a$ility to sha"e-shi#t. He !as reno!ned #or his strength and "artici"ated in the oyage o# the Argonauts. Phineas a son o# Poseidon* !ho had the gi#t o# "ro"hecy. When he re ealed too %uch o# the "lans o# the gods* Peus "unished hi% $y $linding hi%.

"ilu% a Ro%an s"ear Pluto the Ro%an god o# death and riches. 6ree) e4ui alent8 Hades Poly$otes the giant son o# 6aia* the Earth 'other "raetor an elected Ro%an %agistrate and co%%ander o# the ar%y Pria% the )ing o# Troy during the Tro+an War "rinci"ia the head4uarters o# a Ro%an ca%" "ro$atio testing "eriod #or a ne! recruit in a legion "ugio a Ro%an dagger Gueen Hi""olyta,s $elt Hi""olyta !ore a golden !aist $elt* a gi#t #ro% her #ather* Ares* that signi#ied her A%a(onian 4ueenshi" and also ga e her strength. retiarius Ro%an gladiator !ho #ought !ith a net and trident Ri er Sty1 the ri er that #or%s the $oundary $et!een Earth and the 2nder!orld Ro%ulus and Re%us the t!in sons o# 'ars and the "riestess Rhea Sil ia !ho !ere thro!n into the Ri er Ti$er $y their hu%an #ather* A%ulius. They !ere rescued and raised $y a she!ol# and* u"on reaching adulthood* #ounded Ro%e. Saturn the Ro%an god o# agriculture* the son o# 2ranus and 6aia* and the #ather o# /u"iter. 6ree) e4ui alent8 Kronos scor"ion $allista a Ro%an %issile siege !ea"on that launched a large "ro+ectile at a distant target Senatus Po"ulus4ue Ro%anus 9SPGR; <The Senate and Peo"le o# Ro%e,I re#ers to the go ern%ent o# the Ro%an Re"u$lic and is used as an o##icial e%$le% o# Ro%e shades s"irits Si$ylline &oo)s a collection o# "ro"hecies in rhy%e !ritten in 6ree). Tar4uinius Su"er$us* a )ing o# Ro%e* $ought the% #ro% a "ro"hetess na%ed Si$yl and consulted the% in ti%es o# great danger. s"artus a s)eleton !arrior s"atha a ca alry s!ord Stygian iron li)e 0elestial $ron(e and I%"erial gold* a %agical %etal ca"a$le o# )illing %onsters Tartarus hus$and o# 6aiaI s"irit o# the a$yssI #ather o# the giantsI also the lo!est region o# the !orld

Ter%inus the Ro%an god o# $oundaries and land%ar)s Thanatos the 6ree) god o# death. Ro%an e4ui alent8 Letus Ti$er Ri er the third-longest ri er in Italy. Ro%e !as #ounded on its $an)s. In Ancient Ro%e* e1ecuted cri%inals !ere thro!n into the ri er. trire%e a ty"e o# !arshi" triu%"h a cere%onial "rocession #or Ro%an generals and their troo"s in cele$ration o# a great %ilitary ictory Tro+an War the !ar that !as !aged against the city o# Troy $y the 6ree)s a#ter Paris o# Troy too) Helen #ro% her hus$and* 'enelaus* the )ing o# S"arta. It started !ith a 4uarrel $et!een the goddesses Athena* Hera and A"hrodite.

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