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PYRAMID A Skit by Vibhuti Patel, 1982 Scene 1 Housewife The housewife (2) If the womans husband is asked What

does his wife do The answer is My wife does not work. Then Who bears this world in her womb Who !i"es birth to the farmers# the workers Who $ooks# washes# $leans and fills water %ooks after the $hild and the si$k Whose labour !i"es men leisure for li&uor# toba$$o and $ard session Whose labour !i"es men their stren!th to !o to work Who labours without bein! noti$ed Mutely workin!# without bein! 'aid# Without bein! a''re$iated e"er(((((( ()mrita *ritams +rom the darkness of womb to the silen$e of the !ra"e.# ,-./) Scene 2 The food is less. Who will !o hun!ry Women of the house (0) Too many !uests. Who will sa$rifi$e Woman of the house (0) The meal is not liked. There are lefto"ers# Who will eat them The $hildrens mother (0) +or the welfare of the family# who fasts Woman of the house (0) 1esult 2 More weakness. %ess nutrition.

Scene 3 3omeones si$k. 3omeones ill More work for the woman still 4ut# if she is ill...5h dear6 5h dear6

7o one $an re'la$e her 7o on$e $an take o"er 1esult 7o rest for her# e"er 8.5h ne"er6 Scene 4 If she !oes out to work Housework is still her work 5ne 9ob88..under('aid the other88.un 'aid Scene 5 Male labourer 2 I ha"e to work 6 I ha"e to slo! 6 +arm labourer 2 To earn# I ha"e to work 6 To sustain# I ha"e to slo! 6 +a$tory worker 2Who are we 3la"es of the ma$hine We turn into bold# our sweat )nd two meals a day we !et 5ur bones break Illness our bodies ra$k The $a'italist : demon does e;'loit us 3la"es are we at work 1ulers howe"er are we at home 6 Scene 6 Men If disa''ointed somewhere If not su$$essful elsewhere ) firin! at work will him an!ry make 5n his wife howe"er will his tem'er break Then there are sla's there are abuses 4eatin! there are both "erbal and ra's <et she e;$uses makes =au!hter of woman who burned at stakes 3ays she of him *oor man# battered by fate 3o mu$h burden bears my mate 4ut she if disa''ointed# fed(u'# tired will make herself a tar!et or

her $hildren are fired


Scene With woman('ower the yoke of housework mounts )nd his ad"anta!es the $a'italist $ounts (0) >" rest# no lea"e# no o"ertime# no bonus# no allowan$e# no medi$ines# no retirement# no remuneration8. >"eryday8.3he works on The $a'italist does as he 'leases His 'rofit e"eryday no doubt in$reases6 Scene 8 Women 2 We ha"e thrown away the shakles of the house ?hains and a!e(old !rouse To end womans e;'loitation To finish womens de!radation To sto' husbands "iolen$e We ha"e $ome 6 =owry# ra'e# in9usti$e ?lass(differentiation we will end 6


Men @ Women 2 +rom mill# do$k# shed Ins'ite of 'oli$e dread (2) It has been done We ha"e broken away We ha"e $ome 6 +rom fields# from fa$tories +rom "illa!es# from $ities To!ether we ha"e $ome %ook 6 look 6 5h you blind world 5ur army has $ome 6 To end $a'italism# our army has $ome Scene 9 Women 2 ?ome sister# we will unite This 'yramid we will break with our mi!ht To free woman we will fi!ht 6 we will fi!ht 6 Men were un9ust

As they tried to $rush Anite we must To a new !oal we will rush To!ether we will fi!ht Biolen$e towards us# howe"er sli!ht We will not tolerate6 We will not tolerate6 Men 2 ) $ons$iousness we will awaken ) friendshi' we will stren!then ) relationshi' with Womens stru!!le will not be forsaken. Women @ Men 2 +rom fields# mills# fa$tories We will fi!ht 6 (2) While freein! Humanity# Women will be freed While freein! Woman# Humanity will be freed6 Originally written in Hindi by Vibhuti Patel, 1982 7ote 2 (,) The words of the first s$ene of the dan$e(drama are based on )mrita *ritams +rom the darkness of womb to the silen$e of the !ra"e. (2) The musi$ of the son!s are based on the Cu9arati Bhavai style. (0) in the 3$ene . a 'yramid is formed with women at the base# men in the $enter and one 'erson# the $a'i( talist on the to'. (D) This 'lay was written on the o$$asion of Womens =ay ,-E2 under the aus'i$es of a womens or!aniFation in 4ombay Ga!ruti Hala *athak. It was sta!ed later on# at different 'la$es.

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