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Pantaloon Retail (GHATKOPAR EAST)

Add: R City Mall, R n!al To!e" Cent"e, #yet$ La%&, L'('S Road, O))o&ite P"e&idential To!e", G$at*o)a" (!e&t) M +%ai ,-- -./'

Description: Pantaloon Retail is Indias largest retailer, with more than 1000 stores in 53 cities, and is the flagship company of the Future roup, which operates !usinesses in retail, asset management, consumer finance, insurance, retail media, retail spaces, and logistics" #ew employee training and de$elopment hours: front line: si% wee&s, managers: three wee&s" '%isting employee training and de$elopment hours: fi$e days p"a" ( front line)* ten days p"a" (managers)

Talent Acquisitions, Policy Formulation and Implementation, Compensation and Benefits HRIS Legal Compliances PS HR Budgeting A!arded !it" TAL#$T% certificate !it" &'( )glo*ally reno!ned+ for structured "iring


Plan and strategies recruitments for ne! stores !ell in ad,ance for all formats anpo!er planning Team allocation as per t"e layout #nsure SAP "iring, payroll processing and issuance of offer letters and appointment letters on time #nsure training pertaining to S-P, cas"iering etc is done for all t"e employees Responsi*le to ensure t"e c"ec. list for ne! store is in place prior to t"e launc" Screen and inter,ie! candidates up to t"e/ #nsure t"e ,acancies at t"e e0isting stores #nsure timely induction and training of ne! recruits Cut do!n on t"e consultant costs *y optimum utili1ation of 2o* portals, internal 2o* postings, employee referrals and campus recruitments


Recruitment Pantaloon Retail has grown from +,000 employees in ,005 to ,-,000 employees in ,00+" .he a$erage front/line recruit has twel$e to fifteen years of education, comes from a lower/middle0class !ac&ground, and generally lac&s 'nglish/language s&ills" 1alf of the staff are women" In addition, since ,002, Pantaloon Retail has !egun hiring women managers for part time positions !y !rea&ing down all !ac&/end acti$ities into 30/ to 35/minute capsules" .raining 4 5e$elopment #ew recruits recei$e - wee&s of training, which includes a 5 6 days of residential program held at one of the companys eight training centres" .hese training centres include classrooms and a li$e store" In remote locations, the company creates a moc& store in which to train recruits" .raining of employees is led !y local store managers, who are encouraged to adopt a master or teacher relationship with and pro$ide mentorship to employees" .he company !elie$es that creating interpersonal !onds is important for maintaining corporate culture" Residential training is followed !y fi$e wee&s of on/the/7o! training" Front/line 8taff recei$e one wee& of training each year, including 9uarterly product &nowledge training, and managerial staff recei$e two wee&s of training a year" .he company has also launched storytelling competitions through which employees can share new ideas and practices through storytelling at store/le$el and city/wide competitions" Performance :anagement :anagers at store le$el and a!o$e are measured not only on sales !ut also on non/financial metrics according to the ;alanced 8corecard method" .hese metrics include employee satisfaction with financial rewards* feeling of store as e%tended family* intellectual challenge: feeling of career security* and 9uality of feed!ac& recei$ed"

:anagerial 5e$elopment

:anager recruits undergo a ,1/day training program that emphasi<es holistic thin&ing and the integration of !usiness and design training" .he training program thus includes not only strategic planning !ut also scenario planning and a two=day wor&shop that introduces design principles" >ll managerial/le$el employees are re9uired to attend this wor&shop, which is used to launch three/ to four/month pro7ects !y cross/functional teams to generate and implement new ideas" :anagerial recruits en7oy rapid career progression and on/the/7o! learning" 5uring their first year, new recruits are put in charge of a store" ;y year fi$e, they can e%pect to manage a cluster of stores, and, !y year se$en or eight, to manage a region"

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