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Expanded Ephemeris Expanded Ephemeris Expanded Ephemeris Expanded Ephemeris

Equipmenr Lisr Equipmenr Lisr Equipmenr Lisr Equipmenr Lisr

Creared Ly J Alan Ervine Creared Ly J Alan Ervine Creared Ly J Alan Ervine Creared Ly J Alan Ervine

An Ephemeris Supplemenr
From Nomadic Delirium Fress

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)


Since ve're figuring rhar mosr players and game masrers vill Le using rhis lisr, ve
vanred ro pur in a nore aLour an imporranr rule change ve rhink you should
implemenr in your games. Insread of having characrers make a Saniry check every
rime rhey jump inro hyperspace, ve vould recommend rhar hyperspace should have a
cumularive effecr on a characrer's Saniry, and rhar rhe checks should Le made virh
every five jumps inro hyperspace. If rhe currenr rule is used, characrers virh lov
inirial Saniry scores fall inro insaniry far roo fasr.


This Ephemeris supplemenr derails a variery of irems rhar characrers mighr vanr ro
Luy ar rhe srarr of rhe game, and as rhey advance in levels and earn" more money.
Each secrion in rhis supplemenr vill give a Lrief descriprion of vhar rhe caregory of
irems is. Afrer rhar, rhere vill Le raLles, vhich vill lisr all of rhe irems plus rheir
price (in credirs) and any orher informarion rhar is immediarely imporranr. Folloving
rhe raLle vill Le more specific descriprions of each irem. This lisr includes all of rhe
irems in rhe original Ephemeris ruleLook (virh some addirions), plus lors of orher
irems rhar ve didn'r have room for in rhar Look. Even rhough rhere are a lor a lor a lor a lor of irems
in rhis supplemenr, rhis lisr is far from complere, and game masrers should feel free ro
add more irems ro rheir games as rhe need arises.
In order ro Luy irems, characrers musr Le on a space srarion, inhaLired moon,
inhaLired planer, or anyvhere rhar senrienrs are living. Ir's also imporranr ro nore
rhar nor all irems vill Le availaLle ar all porrs. For example, cyLernerics and nano
programs mighr Le hard ro find Lecause rhey could Le illegal in some sysrems.of
course, rhere's alvays rhe Llack marker, Lur rhen irems vill Le much more expensive
rhan vhar's lisred here.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Compurer Frograms
Compurer programs are designed ro Le insralled in a characrer's compurer sysrem
or in rheir AI. Mosr of rhem are designed ro assisr a characrer in rheir day ro day
Lusiness, Lur ir is enrirely possiLle rhar some of rhem may Le illegal in rhe game
you're playing, or rhey may Le illegal in cerrain srar sysrems virhin rhe game rhar
you're playing. All of rhar is up ro rhe game masrer.
The raLle Lelov shovs each program rhar is availaLle. Ir also includes rhe price of
rhose programs, and rhe compurerese score rhar is required ro insrall such a program.
Several of rhe programs lisr a level in rhe price, ir's imporranr ro nore rhar once a
specific level of a program is insralled on a compurer or AI, rhar level can nor Le
insralled again. For example, if a characrer has insralled a 2
level ICE program, rhey
can nor insrall anorher 2
level ICE program. Insread, rhey have ro upgrade ro a 3

level ICE program.

Irem Name Irem Name Irem Name Irem Name Frice Frice Frice Frice Compurerese Score Compurerese Score Compurerese Score Compurerese Score
Anri-Virus 2500/level 12
1000/level 8
Arrack Frogram 1000/level 8
ArrriLure Modifier
2000 12
Defense Frogram 1000/level 8
Hacking Frogram 2000/level 12
Healrh Frogram 1500 10
2000 12
ICE Frogram 1200/level 9
Virus Frogram 3000 15

Anri Anri Anri Anri- -- -Virus Virus Virus Virus: These programs help ro vard off virus arracks on compurers and AIs. For
every level of programming rhar is insralled on a sysrem, rhe compurer or AI gers a +5
Lonus on rheir defense rolls. The price on rhese programs gers higher rhe more
advanced rhar rhe anri-virus programming is. For every level of prorecrion, rhe
program cosrs 1000 credirs. For example, a 1
level program cosrs 1000 credirs, Lur a
level program vould cosr 4000 credirs. The compurerese score for insrallarion also
goes up Ly rvo for every level. Thus a 1
level program vould require a Compurerse
skill score of 8, vhile a 4
level program vould require a score of 14.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Asrrogarion Frograms Asrrogarion Frograms Asrrogarion Frograms Asrrogarion Frograms: These programs can Le insralled in an on-Loard compurer in
any kind of spacecrafr. They allov a pilor and navigaror ro ger rhrough space Lerrer.
For every level of programming rhar is insralled in a ship's compurer, rhe navigaror or
pilor can add 3 ro any navigarion skill checks. The price on rhese programs gers
higher rhe more advanced rhar rhe program is. For every level of knovledge, rhe
program cosrs 1000 credirs. For example, a 1
level program cosrs 1000 credirs, Lur a
level program vould cosr 4000 credirs. The compurerese score for insrallarion also
goes up Ly rvo for every level. Thus a 1
level program vould require a Compurerse
skill score of 8, vhile a 4
level program vould require a score of 14.
Arrack Frograms Arrack Frograms Arrack Frograms Arrack Frograms: Compurers and AIs are ofren forced inro comLar againsr orher
sysrems. For every level of arrack program rhar is insralled on a sysrem, rhe sysrem
rolls an exrra six-sided die for irs arrack rolls. The price on rhese programs gers higher
rhe more advanced rhar rhe program is. For every level of arrack aLiliry, rhe program
cosrs 1000 credirs. For example, a 1
level program cosrs 1000 credirs, Lur a 4
program vould cosr 4000 credirs. The compurerese score for insrallarion also goes up
Ly rvo for every level. Thus a 1
level program vould require a Compurerse skill
score of 8, vhile a 4
level program vould require a score of 14.
ArrriLure Modifier Frograms ArrriLure Modifier Frograms ArrriLure Modifier Frograms ArrriLure Modifier Frograms: Compurers and AIs have arrriLures jusr like a characrer
vould, and somerimes characrers mighr vanr ro upgrade rheir sysrems. These
programs allov rhe characrer ro modify rheir compurers and AIs. Each program adds
one poinr ro rhe arrriLure rhar ir vas designed ro modify.
Defense Frograms Defense Frograms Defense Frograms Defense Frograms: Compurers and AIs are ofren forced inro comLar againsr orher
sysrems. For every level of defense program rhar is insralled on a sysrem, rhe sysrem
rolls an exrra six-sided die for irs defense rolls. The price on rhese programs gers
higher rhe more advanced rhar rhe program is. For every level of defense aLiliry, rhe
program cosrs 1000 credirs. For example, a 1
level program cosrs 1000 credirs, Lur a
level program vould cosr 4000 credirs. The compurerese score for insrallarion also
goes up Ly rvo for every level. Thus a 1
level program vould require a Compurerse
skill score of 8, vhile a 4
level program vould require a score of 14.
Hacking Fr Hacking Fr Hacking Fr Hacking Frograms ograms ograms ograms: These programs are insralled in a characrer's compurer sysrem or
in rheir AI. They make ir easier ro ger inro a compurer sysrem rhar a characrer mighr
nor normally Le aLle ro ger inro. For every level of hacking program rhar is insralled
in a compurer or AI., rhe characrer adds 4 ro any hacking checks. The price on rhese
programs gers higher rhe more advanced rhar rhe program is. For every level of
knovledge, rhe program cosrs 2000 credirs. For example, a 1
level program cosrs
2000 credirs, Lur a 4
level program vould cosr 8000 credirs. The compurerese score
for insrallarion also goes up Ly rhree for every level. Thus a 1
level program vould
require a Compurerse skill score of 12, vhile a 4
level program vould require a score
of 21.
Healrh Frogram Healrh Frogram Healrh Frogram Healrh Frogram: Like any characrer, an AI or a compurer has a healrh score. If a
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
characrer adds a healrh program ro rheir sysrem, rhe sysrem is aLle ro roll an
addirional six-sided die vhich is added ro rhe sysrem's healrh. Ir's imporranr ro make
sure rhar rhis roll is modified Ly rhe compurer or AI's Endurance modifier.
Hyperspace Navigarion Frogram Hyperspace Navigarion Frogram Hyperspace Navigarion Frogram Hyperspace Navigarion Frogram: Hyperspace can Le a very dangerous place, and ir
can Le hard ro navigare. When rhis program is added ro a ship or AI, rhe sysrem gives
rhe characrers a +3 Lonus on any navigarion checks rhey need ro make vhile in
ICE Frograms ICE Frograms ICE Frograms ICE Frograms: ICE is a rerm rhar's used for all rypes of Inrrusion Counrermeasures
rhar are insralled in a compurer sysrem or AI. For every level of ICE rhar's insralled,
rhe compurer or AI. adds 4 ro irs defense Lonuses againsr hacking arracks, or any orher
form of unaurhorized inrrusion. For every level of knovledge, rhe program cosrs
1200 credirs. For example, a 1
level program cosrs 1200 credirs, Lur a 4
program vould cosr 4800 credirs. The compurerese score for insrallarion also goes up
Ly rvo for every level. Thus a 1
level program vould require a Compurerse skill
score of 9, vhile a 4
level program vould require a score of 15.
Knovledge Frograms Knovledge Frograms Knovledge Frograms Knovledge Frograms: These are programs rhar can Le insralled in a compurer sysrem
or AI. rhar allov rhe characrer ro access informarion rhar rhey may nor have learned
on rheir ovn. Any rype of knovledge (sciences, hyperspace mechanics, ner running,
erc.) can Le a knovledge program. Each program conrains informarion on jusr one
suLjecr, Lur rhe informarion is exrensive enough rhar a characrer using rhese programs
can add a +2 Lonus ro any check using rhe skill specific ro rhe Knovledge
Frogram.provided rhey have access ro rheir compurer or AI vhile rrying ro make
rhe skill check. These programs can only Le added ro a compurer or AI once, so rhere
is no addirional Lonus for adding more rhan one program.
Ir's imporranr ro nore rhar a knovledge program vill nor help a characrer unless
rhey've dedicared ar leasr one skill poinr ro rhe skill rhe program is designed ro assisr.
Virus Frograms Virus Frograms Virus Frograms Virus Frograms: These are programs rhar are designed ro do damage ro a compurer
sysrem or an AI. A characrer mighr use rhem againsr anorher person's sysrem, or
someone mighr use rhem againsr rhe characrer. Ir's also possiLle rhar less repuraLle
dealers may sell Virus Frograms, vhile rrying ro imply rhar rhey're some orher rype of
The acrual damage caused Ly a virus program should Le derermined Ly rhe game
masrer, Lur ir should Le somerhing rhar is reasonaLle for rhe rype of game rhar's Leing
played. You don'r necessarily vanr ro desrroy a characrer's compurer sysrem, unless
rhey've done somerhing really srupid ro deserve ir.
Ir's also imporranr ro nore rhar rypically an AI. vill Le Lerrer aLle ro defend irself
againsr a Virus Frogram Lecause ir has self-avareness, and ir vill ofren Le avare of
vhar's going on virhin irs sysrems.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Nanos are microscopic machines rhar are designed for a specific purpose. Nanos
rhar are designed for one skill can nor Le used for somerhing else virhour exrensive
reprogramming. This rype of reprogramming requires a Nanorech skill level of ar
leasr 30.
Nanos also have very shorr lives, usually only a couple of rounds. This is ro
prevenr rhem from gerring our of conrrol. Ir is possiLle ro creare nanos rhar are aLle
ro replicare rhemselves, Lur rhis can Le very dangerous, and usually rhe programmer
vill limir hov many rimes rhe nanos are aLle ro reproduce. Should a game masrer
vanr, ir could Le possiLle ro encounrer enrire planers rhar have Leen viped our Ly
Characrers can Luy nanos in a variery of places, Lur ir's imporranr ro nore rhar
some srar sysrems may ourlav nanos.or rhey may Le highly regulared (meaning
much more expensive.) These rypes of decisions should Le made Ly rhe game masrer
Lefore rhe game Legins, Lecause as soon as characrers can srarr using nanos, rhey're
going ro vanr ro ger rheir hands on rhem some hov.
In order ro use nanos, a characrer musr have a cerrain nanorech skill score. Any
characrer rrying ro use a nano rhar rhey don'r have enough skill poinrs for vill fail ro
ger rhe desired effecr, and rhe nano vill Le vasred.
The raLle Lelov shovs a selecrion of some of rhe nanos rhar mighr Le availaLle ro a
characrer. The raLle shovs rhe rype of nano, rhe price in credirs of rhar nano, and rhe
nanorech score rhar is needed ro use rhe nanos. Ir's imporranr ro nore rhar rhe price is
rhe recommended price in a free marker. Trying ro Luy nanos vhere rhey are illegal
vill mean rhar rhey have a much higher price.
This lisr is far from complere, and a game masrer should feel free ro creare nanos
rhar are similar ro rhese. Any nevly designed nanos should have prices and require
nanorech scores rhar are similar ro rhe nanos on rhis lisr.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Nano rype Nano rype Nano rype Nano rype Frice in credirs Frice in credirs Frice in credirs Frice in credirs Nanorech score Nanorech score Nanorech score Nanorech score
required ro use required ro use required ro use required ro use
rhis nano rhis nano rhis nano rhis nano
ComLar 3000 20
Disease Curing 1000 10
Effecr Counrering 500/level 5
Enhancemenr 1500/level 15
Healing 500/level 5
Meral Melring 1500/level 15
Nano Shell 5000 25
Nano Shield 10000 40
Foison 1500/level 15
Tissue Earing 1500/level 15
1000/level of
5/level of
Trurh 10000 40
Vaccines 1000 10

ComLar: ComLar: ComLar: ComLar: These poverful nanos vill enhance rhe comLar aLiliries of rhe characrer rhar
rakes rhem for one hour. During rhis rime, rhe characrer gains a +1 Lonus ro rheir
Srrengrh, Agiliry, and Endurance. Ar rhe same rime, hovever, rhey suffer a -1
penalry ro rheir Charisma and Saniry.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 20 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Disease Curing Disease Curing Disease Curing Disease Curing: These are designed ro cure any kind of disease. Typically a disease
has a srrengrh score of 6.alrhough more virulenr srrains vill have a higher srrengrh
score. When Disease Curing Nanos are adminisrered, rhree six sided dice are rolled.
If rhe disease's srrengrh score is Learen, rhe disease is cured. Thus ir's easy ro see rhar
mosr diseases can Le cured virh jusr one adminisrrarion. A severely virulenr plague
mighr Le much harder ro cure.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 10 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Effecr Counrering Effecr Counrering Effecr Counrering Effecr Counrering: These are designed ro counrer Foison Nanos, Flesh Earing Nanos,
Meral Melring Nanos, or any orher kind of Nanos rhar have a delererious effecr. For
every level of srrengrh of Nanos rhar are purchased or creared, a characrer vould roll
one six sided die ro arrempr ro counrer rhe delererious agenrs. Thus a rhird level
Effecr Counrering Nano vould roll rhree six sided dice. Each level upgrade ro rhese
nanos cosrs an addirional 1500 credirs. Thus a 3
level Effecr Counrering nano vould
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
cosr 4500 credirs.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 5 skill poinrs in
Enhancemenr Enhancemenr Enhancemenr Enhancemenr: These nanos are designed ro enhance a characrers arrriLures. They can
Le purchased or creared ro enhance Inrelligence, Srrengrh, Agiliry, or Endurance.
When adminisrered, rhe nanos granr a rvo poinr Lonus for every level of srrengrh.
The durarion is shorr rerm, hovever. As rhey only lasr for one hour. Each level
upgrade ro rhese nanos cosrs an addirional 500 credirs. Thus a 3
level Enhancemenr
nano vould cosr 1500 credirs.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 15 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Healing Healing Healing Healing: These nanos are designed ro cure damage of any kind. For every level of
nano purchased or creared, a characrer vould roll one six sided die ro derermine hov
much damage vas healed. Thus a level rhree Healing Nano vould heal rhree six sided
dice vorrh of damage. Each level upgrade ro rhese nanos cosrs an addirional 500
credirs. Thus a 3
level Healing nano vould cosr 1500 credirs.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 5 skill poinrs in
Meral Me Meral Me Meral Me Meral Melring lring lring lring: These nanos are designed ro desrroy merals of all kinds. For every
level of nano purchased or creared, rhey do one six sided die of damage every minure
for five vhich poinr rhe nanos Lecome inerr. If someone vanrs ro rry ro
use an Effecr Counrering Nano againsr rhese nanos, rhey vould make rheir effecr
counrering roll againsr one six sided die for every level of rhe Meral Melring Nano.
Each level upgrade ro rhese nanos cosrs an addirional 1500 credirs. Thus a 3
Meral Melring nano vould cosr 4500 credirs.
If a game masrer so chooses, rhey could decide rhar harder merals rake less damage per
round, Lur rhar is complerely up ro rhe game masrer.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 15 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Nano Shell Nano Shell Nano Shell Nano Shell: These nanos creare a shell rhar covers rhe recipienr. When encased in a
nano shell, rhe characrer receives a +4 defense Lonus, and also receives +4 on any
checks againsr orher nanos or CyLer Wizard spells. These nanos only lasr for ren
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 25 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Nano Shield Nano Shield Nano Shield Nano Shield: These nanos creare a misr rhar encircles a characrer. While rhey're
encircling a characrer, rhar characrer is complerely immune ro any arracks. Hovever,
rhe characrer can nor arrack anyone else, as any veapon vould also Le encased in rhe
nano shield. These nanos only lasr for ren minures.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 40 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Foison Foison Foison Foison: These nanos are prerry self-explanarory. They're designed ro kill or vound
someone Ly poisoning rhem. A game masrer could decide rhar a poison has ro Le
specific ro rhe anaromy of a specific kind of species.
When Foison Nanos are adminisrered, rhe game masrer or characrer rolls one six
sided die for each level rhe Foison Nanos have. The roll is rhen compared ro rhe
vicrim's endurance. If rhe Foison numLer is higher, rhe nanos damage is compured Ly
raking rhe difference in rhe rvo rolls and mulriplying ir Ly rhe level of rhe nano. For
example, if an opposing Diplomar arracks James' Lav Enforcer virh a level rhree
poison nano, rhe Diplomar rolls rhree six sided dice. His roll is a 12, and James'
characrer's endurance is only a 10. The difference Lerveen rhe rvo rolls is 2, and rhe
level of rhe poison is 3, rhus 2 X 3=6. James' characrer suffers 6 poinrs of damage in
rhe firsr minure. These rolls are done each minure for four minures, afrer rhar, rhe
Foison Nano Lecomes inerr. If a characrer's Endurance Lears rhe roll of rhe poisoning
individual, rhen rhe characrer rakes no damage during rhar minure.Lur rhey could
srill rake damage rhe nexr minure.
Each level upgrade ro rhese nanos cosrs an addirional 1500 credirs. Thus a 3
Foison nano vould cosr 4500 credirs.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 15 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Tissue Earing Tissue Earing Tissue Earing Tissue Earing: These nanos are used ro desrroy rhe rissues of a crearure. A game
masrer could decide rhar Tissue Earing Nanos are designed ro effecr only one rype of
When Tissue Earing Nanos are adminisrered, rhe game masrer or characrer rolls one
six sided die for each level of rhe Tissue Earing Nanos. The roll is rhen compared ro
rhe vicrim's endurance. If rhe Tissue Earing numLer is higher rhe nanos do one six
sided die of damage per poinr difference. Using rhe same rolls as in rhe Foison Nanos
descriprion, rhis rime rhe opposing Diplomar vould roll rvo six sided dice ro
derermine hov much damage his characrer did ro James' characrer. Thus rhe possiLle
damage vould Le 2-12 poinrs. These rolls are done once each minure for rhree
minures, afrer rhar, rhe Tissue Earing Nano Lecomes inerr.
Each level upgrade ro rhese nanos cosrs an addirional 1500 credirs. Thus a 3
Tissue Earing nano vould cosr 4500 credirs.
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 15 skill poinrs
in Nanorech.
Transference Duplicaring Transference Duplicaring Transference Duplicaring Transference Duplicaring: These nanos can duplicare many of rhe rransferences from
rhe Nanisr's rransference lisr. The acrual rransferences rhar can Le duplicared are up
ro rhe game masrer, and any nanos lisred in rhis secrion of rhis Look, should nor Le
included in rhis rype of nano. For example, rhe poison rransference can nor Le
duplicared Ly rhis rransference, as rhere is already a poison nano.
Wharever rransferences are alloved, rhe cosr for purchasing rhese nanos vill Le 1000
credirs for each level of rhe rransference. Also, a characrer musr have 5 poinrs in
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Nanorech for every level of rhe rransference rhar rhese nanos are designed ro
Trurh: Trurh: Trurh: Trurh: The Trurh nano is a very poverful nano. When adminisrered ro someone, rhar
person musr rell rhe rrurh ro any quesrion rhey're asked. For game purposes, rhe
game masrer should have rhe person under rhe influence of rhese nanos roll rvo six-
sided dice. To rhis roral rhey should add rheir Endurance modifier. In order ro lie
under rhe influence of Trurh Nanos, a characrer's modified roll musr Le 12 or higher.
If rhey roll less rhan 12, rhey have ro rell rhe rrurh.
Vaccines: Vaccines: Vaccines: Vaccines: There are a variery of Vaccine nanos. Each is designed ro fend off a specific
illness, virus, or Lacreria. Ir rypically rakes one veek for any of rhe vaccines ro rake
effecr, so characrers musr rhink carefully aLour vhen rhey're going ro need ro Le
In order ro adminisrer rhis rype of nano, a characrer musr have ar leasr 10 skill poinrs
in Nanorech

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)

CyLernerics are mechanical or roLoric implanrs rhar are fused virh a crearure's
Lody. Because of rhe exrensive amounr of surgery, and rhe rrauma caused Ly rhe
implanrarion of cyLernerics, any implanr requires a saniry check once ir's complere.
The saniry check is done Ly rolling rhe numLer of dice specified in rhe descriprion,
and comparing rhar numLer ro rhe characrer's Saniry arrriLure. If rhe rolled numLer
is equal ro or less rhan rhe arrriLure score, rhen rhe surgery has Leen a success. If a
cyLerneric implanr fails, rhen rhe implanr doesn'r vork and rhe characrer
permanenrly loses one poinr of saniry. Flus, rhey're our rhe credirs rhey spenr ro ger
rhe implanr in rhe firsr place, and quire possiLly rhe credirs rhey used ro pay for rhe
The prices lisred are jusr for rhe cyLerneric devices. If a characrer needs ro hire
someone ro perform rhe surgery, rhen rhe price for rhar service vill generally Le rhe
same as rhe price for rhe cyLerneric device, alrhough rhe game masrer can alrer rhar
price depending on a lor of facrors.
As vould proLaLly Le expecred, many culrures vill viev cyLernerics as an
aLominarion. As a resulr, rhey mighr Le illegal in some sysrems.or perhaps a species
vill rule rhar rhey're a religious crime. Those decisions are up ro rhe game masrer,
and rhose decisions vill grearly influence rhe price of having rhe cyLernerics
The raLle Lelov gives a parrial lisring of cyLerneric implanrs rhar could Le
availaLle in a game. This lisr is far from complere, and rhe game masrer should feel
free ro add more as rhey see fir. Frices and saniry check rolls should Le comparaLle ro
vhar is already on rhis raLle.
The raLle shovs rhe name of rhe cyLerneric implanr, rhe price, hov many saniry
dice are required for a characrer ro roll on implanrarion, rhe cyLernerics score needed
for someone ro Le aLle ro implanr rhe device, and rhe implanr's healrh score. This
healrh score does nor relare ro rhe characrer's healrh, Lur rarher is rhe amounr of
healrh a fully funcrioning implanr vould have on irs ovn. The numLer is mosrly used
for counrering rhe effecrs of nanos rhar are programmed ro desrroy cyLernerics.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Irem Irem Irem Irem Frice Frice Frice Frice Saniry Saniry Saniry Saniry
Dice Dice Dice Dice
CyLernerics CyLernerics CyLernerics CyLernerics
Score Score Score Score
Healrh Healrh Healrh Healrh
Score Score Score Score
Armored Skin 500,000 4 40 200
20,000 1 10 50
Arrificial LimL 200,000 3 30 150
Clavs 50,000 1 10 50
Sensirive Nose
100,000 2 20 100
Gills 100,000 2 20 100
Frequency Ear
100,000 2 20 100
I-R Eyes 150,000 2 20 100
Frequency Ear
100,000 2 20 100
Lov Lighr
100,000 2 20 100
Major Organ 300,000 3 35 100
Minor Organ 150,000 2 25 75
250,000 3 30 150
300,000 3 30 150
200,000 3 30 150
150,000 2 20 100
150,000 2 20 100
150,000 2 20 100
125,000 2 20 100

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Armored Skin Armored Skin Armored Skin Armored Skin: CyLerneric skin can Le implanred under rhe ourer layer of skin of any
crearure. The skin has a defense Lonus of 5 againsr all forms of arrack, and ir can Le
used virh orher forms of armor. The implanrarion of rhis skin causes a permanenr
loss of rvo poinrs of Endurance.
When Armored Skin is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using four
six sided dice. If rhe implanrarion fails, nor only does rhe characrer lose one Saniry
poinr, Lur srill lose rhe rvo Endurance poinrs.
Arrificial Fingerrip Arrificial Fingerrip Arrificial Fingerrip Arrificial Fingerrip: The rip of a characrer's finger, or vharever rhe equivalenr for
rheir species can Le removed, and a cyLerneric implanr can Le pur in irs place. This
fingerrip can Le used for carrying small irems. Ir can Le perfecr for smuggling very
small irems, or possiLly for carrying poison.
When an Arrificial Fingerrip is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check
using one six sided die.
Arrificial LimL Arrificial LimL Arrificial LimL Arrificial LimL: Characrer's can have limLs replaced should rhey lose one.or should
rhey desire a Lerrer one. These limLs can Le arms, legs, or vharever else rhe species
mighr have. When an Arrificial LimL is placed on a characrer, rhey gain a +1 Lonus ro
rheir Srrengrh, Lur rhey also suffer a -1 penalry ro rheir Endurance Lecause of rhe roll
of having such a large cyLerneric device.
When an Arrificial LimL is implanred rhe characrer musr make a Saniry check using
rhree six-sided dice. If rhey fail rhe check, nor only does rhe implanr nor rake
meaning rhar rhey vill Le virhour rhe limL rhey vere having replaced, Lur rhey also
suffer a permanenr loss of 10 healrh poinrs.
Clavs Clavs Clavs Clavs: These are made of a very hard meral. The clavs are rerracraLle and come our
jusr aLove rhe fingers. In comLar, rhey have a damage facror of 1, Lur Lecause rhey're
acrually a parr of rhe Lody, rhe user gains a +2 on rheir arrack dice.
When Clavs are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using one six sided
Exrra Exrra Exrra Exrra- -- -Sensirive Nose: Sensirive Nose: Sensirive Nose: Sensirive Nose: Wirh rhis cyLerneric device a characrer vill have an olfacrory
sense rhar is slighrly Lerrer rhan rhar of an Earrh dog.
When an Exrra-Sensirive Nose is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check
using rvo six-sided dice.
Gills: Gills: Gills: Gills: These can Le added ro an air Lrearhing crearure ro allov rhem ro Lrearhe varer
as rhey vould air.
When gills are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rvo six-sided
High Frequency Ear Inserrs High Frequency Ear Inserrs High Frequency Ear Inserrs High Frequency Ear Inserrs: These allov a characrer ro hear frequencies rhar are
higher rhan vhar rheir species vould normally Le aLle ro hear.
When High Frequency Ear Inserrs are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry
check using rvo six sided dice.
I II I- -- -R Eyes R Eyes R Eyes R Eyes: If a characrer is unaLle ro see in rhe infrared specrrum, rhey mighr consider
having I-R Eyes implanred. If a game masrer chooses, rhere could Le orher forms of
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
CyLerneric Eyes, Lur rhe lavs of physics should alvays Le considered. For example,
Radio Wave Eyes vould nor Le possiLle Lecause rhe eyes vould have ro Le far roo
large, Lur eyes capaLle of seeing inro rhe ulrravioler vould cerrainly Le possiLle.
When I-R Eyes are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rvo six-
sided dice.
Lov Frequency Ear Inserrs Lov Frequency Ear Inserrs Lov Frequency Ear Inserrs Lov Frequency Ear Inserrs: These allov characrers ro hear frequencies rhar are lover
rhan vhar rheir species vould normally Le aLle ro hear.
When Lov Frequency Ear Inserrs are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry
check using rvo six sided dice.
Lov Lighr Eyes: Lov Lighr Eyes: Lov Lighr Eyes: Lov Lighr Eyes: Wirh rhese implanrs a characrer is aLle ro see virh very lirrle lighr as
if rhey vere seeing in normal lighr. An imporranr disrincrion is rhar rhe characrer
vill only Le aLle ro see in Llack and vhire vhen using rheir eyes in lov lighr. In
many vays, rhese eyes give rhe characrer eyesighr rhar is similar ro rhar of a car.
When Lov Lighr Eyes are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rvo
six-sided dice.
Major Organ: Major Organ: Major Organ: Major Organ: Characrers rhar mighr develop proLlems virh a major organ like rhe
hearr or rhe lungs could opr ro have a cyLerneric organ implanred. The cyLerneric
device vill funcrion exacrly as rhe organic version vould, Lur ir is nor suscepriLle ro
disease. Hovever, rhe cyLerneric organ's healrh does dereriorare ar rhe rare of one
healrh poinr per year, vhich could make ir suscepriLle ro cyLerneric arracks.
When a Major Organ is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rhree
six-sided dice.
Minor Organ: Minor Organ: Minor Organ: Minor Organ: Characrers rhar mighr develop proLlems virh a minor organ like rhe
pancreas could opr ro have a cyLerneric organ implanred. The cyLerneric device vill
funcrion exacrly as rhe organic version vould, Lur ir is nor suscepriLle ro disease.
Hovever, rhe cyLerneric organ's healrh does dereriorare ar rhe rare of one healrh
poinr per year, vhich could make ir suscepriLle ro cyLerneric arracks.
When a Minor Organ is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rvo
six-sided dice.
Muscle Enhancemenrs Muscle Enhancemenrs Muscle Enhancemenrs Muscle Enhancemenrs: Characrers can have cyLerneric implanrs placed rhroughour
rheir Lodies rhar srrengrhen rheir muscles. This vill enhance rheir Srrengrh arrriLure
Ly rhree poinrs, Lur Lecause of rhe srrain ir purs on rhe Lody, rhey also permanenrly
lose one poinr of Endurance.
When Muscle Enhancemenrs are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check
using rhree six sided dice. If rhe characrer fails rheir Saniry check, rhey srill lose rhe
one poinr of Endurance.
Neural Enhancemenrs Neural Enhancemenrs Neural Enhancemenrs Neural Enhancemenrs: Characrers can have cyLerneric implanrs placed rhroughour
rheir Lrain or nervous sysrem. Implanrs in rheir Lrain vill enhance rheir Inrelligence
arrriLure Ly rhree poinrs, vhile implanrs in rheir nervous sysrem vill enhance rheir
Reflex arrriLure Ly rhree poinrs. Because of rhe srrain eirher enhancemenr purs on
rheir Lodies, characrers suffer a permanenr loss of one poinr of Endurance. If
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
characrers should ger Lorh enhancemenrs, rhey suffer rhe permanenr loss of rvo
poinrs of Endurance.
When Neural Enhancemenrs are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check
using rhree six sided dice. If rhe characrer fails rheir Saniry check, rhey srill lose rhe
one poinr of Endurance.
Neural Inrerface Shunr Neural Inrerface Shunr Neural Inrerface Shunr Neural Inrerface Shunr: This is a device rhar's implanred direcrly inro rhe skull.
Filamenrs in rhe Shunr rhen Lurrov rheir vay inro rhe characrer's Lrain. Once rhe
Shunr is in place, a characrer can link rheir Lrain direcrly inro a compurer or AI.
Anyone arrached ro a compurer or AI in rhis vay adds a +4 Lonus ro anyrhing rhey're
doing virh rhe compurer or AI.
When a Neural Inrerface Shunr is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check
using rhree six sided dice. If rhe characrer fails rheir Saniry check, rhey lose one poinr
of Reflex Lecause of damage ro rheir Lrain.
Recording Eyes Recording Eyes Recording Eyes Recording Eyes: Alrhough rhey're called recording eyes, rhese are acrually a small
cyLerneric device rhar is implanred inro a characrer's eyes. Wirh Recording Eyes, a
characrer is aLle ro record and recall anyrhing rhar rheir eyes have seen.
When Recording Eyes are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rvo
six sided dice.
SuLcuraneous Communicaror: SuLcuraneous Communicaror: SuLcuraneous Communicaror: SuLcuraneous Communicaror: Wirh rhis implanr, a small communicarions device is
implanred under rhe skin rhar can Le operared Ly a simple rouch. The communicaror
can Le used up ro a range of 10 kilomerers unless rhere is a Communicarions Beacon
in place, in vhich case rhe SuLcuraneous Communicaror can Le used virh a Flanerary
or Sysrem-vide Leacon.
When a SuLcuraneous Communicaror is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry
check using rvo six-sided dice.
Telescopic Eyes: Telescopic Eyes: Telescopic Eyes: Telescopic Eyes: Wirh rhese implanrs, a characrer is aLle ro focus rheir eyesighr on
oLjecrs rhar are exrremely far avay. A characrer can use Telescopic Eyes ro see
oLjecrs rhar are as far avay as 10 kilomerers as if rhey vere 10 merers avay.
When Telescopic Eyes are implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using rvo
six-sided dice.
Voice Modularor Voice Modularor Voice Modularor Voice Modularor: This device allovs a characrer ro manipulare rheir voice. The can
imirare any voice rhey've heard, or rhey can creare a nev one. The voice can Le a
differenr age, gender, or even a differenr species. Ir's imporranr ro nore, hovever, rhar
even rhough rhe characrer can imirare anorher species, rhey can'r acrually use rhar
species' language unless rhey already knov ir.
When a Voice Modularor is implanred, a characrer musr make a Saniry check using
rvo six sided dice.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
This secrion ourlines some of rhe veapons rhar can Le used in rhe game. Belov is a
raLle vhich lisrs rhe veapons. Ir also includes rhe price of each veapon, rhe veapon's
damage facror, and vhar class of veapon ir falls under. The lasr lisring is only
imporranr for Soldiers vhen rhey decide vhar veapon class ro specialize in.
An imporranr nore aLour veapons is rhar many of rhem are species
specific.meaning rhar rhe veapons vill Le conroured ro fir rhe Lody rypes of a
specific species. The game masrer can rule rhar characrers using a veapon rhar is nor
designed for rheir species suffer a -2 penalry on rheir arrack rolls.

Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon
Name Name Name Name
Frice Frice Frice Frice Damage Facro Damage Facro Damage Facro Damage Facror rr r Weapon Class Weapon Class Weapon Class Weapon Class
Arrack Wand 750 Special Neuronic
Axe 10 .5 Frimirive
Bov 100 .5 Frimirive
CluL 5 .25 Frimirive
CrossLov 150 1 Frimirive
CyLer Wizard
10,000 2 Only usaLle
Ly CyLer
Explosives 500-5,000 5-10 Explosive
300 2 Flecherre
Flecherre Rifle 1,500 4 Flecherre
1000 5 Frimirive
Grenade 200 5 Explosive
2000 As per rhe
Knife 10 .25 Frimirive
Laser Fisrol 600 3 Laser
Laser Rifle 3,000 5 Laser
Mace 25 1 Frimirive
20,000 2 vs. ships, 20
vs. individuals
8,000 Special Neuronic
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Slug Throver
500 Special Frimirive
Assaulr Rifle
20,000 8 Flasma
Flasma Fisrol 700 3 Flasma
Flasma Rifle 3,500 3 Flasma
Flasma Spear 1,000 4 Flasma
Sling 5 .5 Frimirive
Slug Machine
500 5 Frimirive
Slug Throver 200 2 Frimirive
Spear 20 1 Frimirive
Sraff 10 .5 Frimirive
Svord 25 1 Frimirive

This raLle gives rhe range for each veapon. Ranged veapons have four ranges:
shorr, medium, long, and exrremely long. If a characrer arremprs ro fire a veapon
Leyond shorr range, rhey suffer a penalry ro rheir arrack Lonus as follovs:

Medium -3
Long -6
Exrremely Long -10
All ranges are given in merers:

Weapon Weapon Weapon Weapon Shorr Shorr Shorr Shorr Medium Medium Medium Medium Long Long Long Long Exrremely Exrremely Exrremely Exrremely
Long Long Long Long
Axe 3 6 9 12
Bov 20 40 60 80
CrossLov 30 60 90 120
30 60 90 120
50 100 150 200
2 4 6 8
Grenade 3 6 9 12
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
30 60 90 120
Knife 3 6 9 12
Laser Fisrol 20 40 60 80
Laser Rifle 50 100 150 200
100 200 300 400
5 10 15 20
50 100 150 200
30 60 90 120
60 120 180 240
20 40 60 80
Sling 3 6 9 12
10 20 30 40
10 20 30 40
Spear 10 20 30 40

Belov are complere lisrings for all of rhe veapons. Some of rhe veapons have very
special aLiliries or limirarions rhar musr Le raken inro accounr during comLar.

Arrack Wand Arrack Wand Arrack Wand Arrack Wand: A favored veapon of anyone rhar mighr need ro rry ro suLdue people,
rhe arrack vand is a one merer long cluL rhar has an elecrronic charge ro ir. When
used as a cluLLing veapon, rhe damage facror is .5, Lur rhe vand can also Le used ro
srun opponenrs. If a characrer scores a hir virh an arrack vand, rhey roll one six
sided die for each poinr of damage rhey inflicr on an opponenr (rounded dovn.) This
numLer is compared ro rhe opponenr's Endurance score. If rhe numLer is higher rhan
rhe opponenr's Endurance score rhen rhey are srunned for one minure.
Axe Axe Axe Axe: An axe is usually a handheld veapon, alrhough ir is possiLle ro have rhroving
axes as vell. These veapons are exrremely primirive, and vill usually only Le used
on lov rech vorlds, or in an environmenr vhere an axe could Le used as more rhan
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
jusr a veapon.such as a jungle environmenr.
Bov Bov Bov Bov: Bovs vill differ from species ro species, due ro differenr anaromies, Lur in
general, a Lov is a vooden shafr virh a srring (or some orher suLsrance) from vhich
arrovs can Le launched. These are primirive veapons, and vill usually only Le used
on lov rech vorlds.
CluL CluL CluL CluL: The cluL is perhaps rhe mosr primirive of veapons. Ir vill usually Le made our
of vood, srone, or Lone. Ir vill usually only Le used on lov rech vorlds.
CrossLov CrossLov CrossLov CrossLov: CrossLovs are a somevhar more advanced form of Lov. They have a
longer range rhan a srandard Lov, and rhey rypically do more damage. The veapon
has ro Le cocked and loaded, and rhus can only Le fired once every orher round. If a
Lolr is nor already loaded vhen comLar Legins, rhe characrer can nor arrack unril rhey
second round of comLar. These are very primirive veapons, and vill rypically Le
found only on lov rech vorlds.
CyLer Wizard Sraff CyLer Wizard Sraff CyLer Wizard Sraff CyLer Wizard Sraff: In rhe hands of anyone orher rhan a CyLer Wizard, rhis veapon
acrs like a Lasic sraff. Hovever, in rhe hands of a CyLer Wizard, rhe veapon is much
deadlier. The CyLer Wizard can infuse rhe sraff virh cyLerneric energies, causing ir
ro do more damage vhen ir srrikes an opponenr. A CyLer Wizard can also enchanr"
rhe veapon so rhar ir discharges a pre-derermined spell vhen ir srrikes an opponenr.
The enchanrmenr is only good for one srrike. Afrer rhar, rhe sraff musr Le recharged
virh a nev spell, Lur ir can conrinue ro do damage virh rhe CyLer Wizard's
cyLerneric energies.
If rhe CyLer Wizard chooses ro enchanr rheir sraff virh one of rheir spells, rhey musr
do so ar rhe Leginning of rhe day. When rhey enchanr rhe sraff, rhey use one of rhe
spells rhey have availaLle.and rhus expend rhe appropriare numLer of cyLer poinrs.
Explosives Explosives Explosives Explosives: This is a carch-all caregory for anyrhing rhar Llovs up. Typically,
Explosives are nor used in comLar, Lur rarher are placed somevhere ro do damage ar a
larer rime. Ir's also possiLle ro srrap Explosives onro an oLjecr, or even a crearure, and
have rhem deliver rhe Explosives ro a chosen area.alrhough rhis is usually faral for
anyone vearing rhe Explosives.
The price range for explosives also derermines rhe damage facror. The more
expensive an explosive is, rhe higher rhe damage facror is going ro Le.
Flame Throver: Flame Throver: Flame Throver: Flame Throver: Almosr every crearure can Le harmed Ly flame, and each of rhe
senrienr species has realized rhis rhroughour rime. As a resulr, rhey've all designed
rheir ovn form of Flame Throver. Alrhough rhese veapons can do a rremendous
amounr of damage, rheir range is somevhar limired.
Flecherre Fisrol Flecherre Fisrol Flecherre Fisrol Flecherre Fisrol: A Flecherre Fisrol delivers several small darr-like oLjecrs inro a
vicrim. Ir is possiLle, alrhough difficulr ro hir more rhan one rarger virh a single
flecherre shor. If a characrer decides ro arrempr rhis, rhey suffer a -4 arrack penalry ro
hir rhe firsr rarger, a -8 penalry ro hir rhe second, and a -12 penalry ro hir rhe rhird. Ir
should also Le nored rhar damage is reduced vhen rhis acrion is raken. If a characrer
rargers rvo enemies, rhe damage is reduced Ly half, and if a characrer rargers rhree
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
enemies, each enemy suffers only one-rhird of rhe rypical damage. Ir should also Le
nored rhar rhese damage reducrions are in place even if rhe characrer misses rhe
second and rhird characrer.
A rypical Fisrol can hold one flecherre package, vhich holds 20 shors. When rhe
pisrol is firsr purchased, ir comes virh one flecherre package.
Flecherre Rifle Flecherre Rifle Flecherre Rifle Flecherre Rifle: A Flecherre Rifle is a more poverful version of rhe Flecherre Fisrol.
This veapon has a longer range, and ir also delivers more damage. Unlike rhe
Flecherre Fisrol, hovever, rhe Rifle can nor Le used ro rarger more rhan one enemy.
A rypical Rifle can hold one flecherre package, vhich holds 20 shors. When rhe rifle
is firsr purchased, ir comes virh one flecherre package.
Grenade Grenade Grenade Grenade: This is any rype of veapon rhar is designed ro Le rhrovn and explode on
conracr. Unlike mosr veapons, a near miss can srill inflicr damage on a rarger. When
a grenade is rhrovn, an arrack roll is made againsr all rargers in rhe Llasr range. Any
successful hirs rake full damage. If an arrack roll is one less rhan vhar vas required
for a hir, rhe rarger rakes one-half damage, and if rhe arrack roll is rvo less rhan vhar
vas required ro hir, rhe rarger rakes one-quarrer damage. All fracrions in reduced
damage are rounded up. The rypical Llasr diamerer is five merers.
Explosive Grenades are nor rhe only rype of grenade. There are also Flash Grenades
vhich creare a poverful Lursr of lighr rhar can Llind inrended vicrims. Ir's also
possiLle ro have Nano Grenades, vhich are designed ro deliver some rype of nano,
vhich acrivares on impacr.
Grenade Launcher: Grenade Launcher: Grenade Launcher: Grenade Launcher: Alrhough Grenades can Le rhrovn, rhis gun vill also allov for
rhem ro Le launched a much grearer disrance.
Knife Knife Knife Knife: A knife is any kind of small Llade. Even rhough rhis vould seem ro Le a
primirive veapon, many characrers srill use knives Lecause rhey are easy ro hide, and
ar close quarrers, rhey can Le quire faral.
Laser Fisrol Laser Fisrol Laser Fisrol Laser Fisrol: A Laser Fisrol is a handheld pisrol rhar's designed ro deal a very hor laser
lighr. The range rends ro Le shorr, Lur rhe damage can Le quire lerhal.
A Laser Fisrol is charged virh a clip rhar holds 50 charges. Each Fisrol is equipped
virh one clip vhen ir's firsr purchased.
Laser Rifle Laser Rifle Laser Rifle Laser Rifle: A Laser Rifle is a more poverful version of rhe Laser Fisrol. Generally a
Laser Rifle musr Le held virh rvo hands, Lur rhe Rifle has a longer range, and does
more damage rhan a Fisrol can.
A Laser Rifle is charged virh a clip rhar holds 50 charges. Each Rifle is equipped virh
one clip vhen ir's firsr purchased.
Mace: Mace: Mace: Mace: Mace is a rarher generic rerm, as each species has rheir ovn form of rhis
primirive veapon. Usually ir's a meral handle virh a chain. Arrached ro rhar chain is
a spiked Lall.
Missile Launcher Missile Launcher Missile Launcher Missile Launcher: These veapons are designed ro launch missiles rhar are usually
around a merer long. They aren'r alvays effecrive againsr characrer sized opponenrs,
Lur rhey can Le quire lerhal againsr ships. Due ro rhe Lulkiness of rhe missiles, and
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
rhe difficulry in aiming rhem, a characrer using a missile launcher suffers a -4 penalry
ro hir a characrer sized opponenr. Hovever, unlike mosr handheld veapons, a Missile
Launcher does full damage againsr ships, Luildings, or orher vehicles.
Neuronal Whip Neuronal Whip Neuronal Whip Neuronal Whip: The Neuronal Whip is a small oLjecr rhar firs firmly in rhe hand of a
characrer. When charged, rhe vhip releases a micro-rhin filamenr rhar can srrike a
characrer and paralyze rhem. The filamenr can shoor our as far as five merers, and
unlike mosr handheld veapons, a characrer using rhis veapon uses rheir Agiliry
Lonus ro modify rheir arrack rolls.
When a characrer uses a Neuronal Whip in an arrack, and scores a hir, rhey roll one
six sided die. Thar numLer is mulriplied Ly rhe difference Lerveen rhe arrack roll and
rhe defense roll. Thar numLer is rhen compared ro rhe vicrim's Endurance arrriLure.
If ir's higher rhan rhe vicrim's Endurance, rhen rhey're paralyzed for rhar numLer of
As an example, Zach's Soldier uses a Neuronal Whip againsr an enemy Bandir. He
rolls an arrack and scores a 17, vhile rhe Bandir rolls a 12 for irs defense roll. Zach
rhen rolls a single six-sided die for a 5. The difference Lerveen rhe arrack roll and rhe
defense roll vas 5 and Zach mulriplies rhar numLer rimes rhe 5 he rolled on rhe single
six-sided die. This gives him a roral of 25. The poor Bandir only had an Endurance
score of 8, so rhey are srunned for 17 rounds.25-8=17.
Non Non Non Non- -- -Lerhal Slug Throver: Lerhal Slug Throver: Lerhal Slug Throver: Lerhal Slug Throver: These veapons are designed ro fire slugs rhar vill sring or
even srun a porenrial opponenr, vhile nor killing rhem. When a characrer
successfully hirs virh a Non-Lerhal Slug Throver, rhe rarger rolls an Endurance
check. This numLer is compared ro rhe difference Lerveen rhe arrack roll and rhe
defense roll. If rhe Endurance check is lover, rhe rarger is srunned. If rhe Endurance
roll is equal ro or higher rhan rhe difference Lerveen rhe arrack and defense rolls, rhe
characrer has Leen srung Ly rhe slugs and suffers a -1 on all rolls and checks. This
damage is cumularive virh each successive hir.
Flasma Assaulr Rifle Flasma Assaulr Rifle Flasma Assaulr Rifle Flasma Assaulr Rifle: The Flasma Assaulr Rifle is a scary veapon. When fired, ir
launches super-heared plasma rovards an opponenr. The Rifle can Le ser ro launch
anyvhere from one ro ren Lursrs of plasma in a round. If opponenrs are close enough
ro one anorher, rhe Rifle can rhen Le used on mulriple opponenrs, alrhough rhe
arracker suffers a -1 penalry ro his arrack Lonus each rime he shifrs ro a nev rarger.
Thus, if he shoors ar one person, he suffers no penalry, Lur he vould suffer a -1
penalry vhen shooring ar a second vicrim, a -2 penalry vhen shooring ar a rhird, and
so on. The characrer musr srare hov many charges he is going ro fire ar rhe Leginning
of each round, and if shooring ar mulriple rargers, he musr srare hov many charges he
vill use on each rarger ar rhe Leginning of each round. The characrer also musr roll
an arrack roll for each plasma Lursr rhar rhey fire.
The Flasma Assaulr Rifle rakes a full round ro charge, rhus rhe characrer can nor fire ir
in rhe firsr round of comLar. The veapon only srays charged for ren rounds unless ir's
fired, and if rhe veapon is charged five rimes virhour Leing fired, ir permanenrly uses
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
up one charge.
The Flasma Assaulr Rifle rypically holds 30 charges, vhich are srored in a conrainer
called a cap." When a cap is expended, ir can'r Le recharged, Lur a nev cap can Le
placed inro rhe Flasma Assaulr Rifle. When a Flasma Assaulr Rifle is firsr purchased,
ir vill come virh one cap.
The advanrage ro using a plasma veapon is rhar rhey're less likely ro do damage ro
hulls and Lulkheads in ships and space srarions.
Flasma Fisrol Flasma Fisrol Flasma Fisrol Flasma Fisrol: The plasma pisrol is a hand-held gun rhar fires a super-heared plasma ar
an opponenr.
The Flasma Fisrol rakes a full round ro charge, rhus rhe characrer can nor fire ir in rhe
firsr round of comLar. The veapon only srays charged for ren rounds unless ir's fired,
and if rhe veapon is charged five rimes virhour Leing fired, ir permanenrly uses up
one charge.
The Flasma Fisrol rypically holds 30 charges, vhich are srored in a conrainer called a
cap." When a cap is expended, ir can'r Le recharged, Lur a nev cap can Le placed
inro rhe Flasma Fisrol. When a Flasma Fisrol is firsr purchased, ir vill come virh one
The advanrage ro using a plasma veapon is rhar rhey're less likely ro do damage ro
hulls and Lulkheads in ships and space srarions.
Flasma Rifle Flasma Rifle Flasma Rifle Flasma Rifle: This veapon is a long range version of rhe Flasma Fisrol. The Flasma
Rifle gives a characrer longer range, Lur rhe super-heared plasma does rhe same
amounr of damage as a Flasma Fisrol.
The Flasma Rifle rakes a full round ro charge, rhus rhe characrer can nor fire ir in rhe
firsr round of comLar. The veapon only srays charged for ren rounds unless ir's fired,
and if rhe veapon is charged five rimes virhour Leing fired, ir permanenrly uses up
one charge.
The Flasma Rifle rypically holds 30 charges, vhich are srored in a conrainer called a
cap." When a cap is expended, ir can'r Le recharged, Lur a nev cap can Le placed
inro rhe Flasma Rifle. When a Flasma Rifle is firsr purchased, ir vill come virh one
The advanrage ro using a plasma veapon is rhar rhey're less likely ro do damage ro
hulls and Lulkheads in ships and space srarions.
Flasma Spear Flasma Spear Flasma Spear Flasma Spear: This veapon is a more advanced version of rhe primirive Spear. Like irs
archaic ancesror, rhe Flasma Spear does damage from impaling a vicrim, Lur vhen rhe
Flasma Spear hirs, ir delivers a super-heared plasma inro rhe vicrim, vhich increases
rhe damage done.
A Flasma Spear rypically conrains 40 charges, virh each hir discharging one charge.
The Flasma Spear can nor Le recharged, and once all of irs charges are expended, ir is
simply a regular Spear. Ar rhar poinr, rhe game masrer musr make sure rhar damage is
adjusred accordingly.
Sling: Sling: Sling: Sling: The Sling is one of rhe mosr primirive of veapons. Ir's used ro fire off small
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
srones in rhe hope of hirring a rarger. The veapon does nor have a grear deal of range,
and ir doesn'r do much damage, Lur rhey are very easy ro Luild if rhe characrers find
rhemselves on a planer virh no veapons.
Slug Machine Gun: Slug Machine Gun: Slug Machine Gun: Slug Machine Gun: Like rhe Slug Throver, rhis veapon uses a chemical reacrion ro
propel a merallic Lall, slug, or Luller. The main difference is rhar rhe Slug Machine
Gun fires a large numLer of rhese projecriles, rhus causing a grear deal of damage. The
Slug Machine Gun, hovever, can Le a Lir unvieldy ro use, and as a resulr, characrers
using rhem suffer a -1 arrack penalry.
Slug Throver Slug Throver Slug Throver Slug Throver: This is a generic carch-all caregory for any primirive veapon rhar uses
a chemical reacrion ro propel a merallic Lall, slug, or Luller. The Earrh handgun
vould Le a good example of rhis. All of rhe species used slug rhrovers in rheir pasr
Lefore rhey developed Lerrer vays of killing opponenrs.
Spear Spear Spear Spear: The Spear is Lasically any long shafr virh a poinred head or Llade on rhe end.
Ir's usually a primirive veapon, Lur can Le found in use on more advanced vorlds as
vell, especially vhen individuals have expended rhe charges in rheir Flasma Spears.
Sraff Sraff Sraff Sraff: A Sraff is Lasically a valking srick rhar is used ro Lludgeon opponenrs. Alrhough
ir is generally a primirive veapon, rhey can srill ofren Le found in more advanced
serrings. Some CyLer Wizards vill use rhem (especially if rheir CyLer Wizard Sraffs
are desrroyed) Lecause ir marches rhe ancienr legends of vhar a vizard should
Le.legends rhar are srrangely similar on mosr of rhe advanced vorlds.
Svord Svord Svord Svord: Any longish Llade can Le considered a svord. Wherher ir's a long svord,
scimirar, curlass, or vharever a species mighr have used in rheir disranr pasr.
Typically, rhe Svord vill only Le found on primirive vorlds, Lur many human
Bandirs use rhem.or ar leasr vear rhem Lecause rhey rhink ir goes vell virh rheir
image. Mosr of rhe orher species don'r ger rhe allusion. Human soldiers vill also
ofren use rhem as parr of rheir dress uniforms.again, ir's an allusion rhar mosr of rhe
orher species jusr don'r ger.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
There are a numLer of rypes of armor in rhe game. Some vork versus all kinds of
arracks, vhile orhers vork differenrly againsr differenr rypes of veapons.
The raLle Lelov gives rhe rypes of armor and rhe price. Ir also gives rhe various
defense Lonuses rhar each armor has againsr rhe various rypes of veapons. If only one
Lonus is lisred, rhen rhar's rhe numLer rhar is added ro rhe characrer's defense rolls
againsr all rypes of veapons. If rhere are several lisrings for rhe defense Lonus, rhen
rhe characrer adds rhe Lonus rhar is appropriare for vharever rype of veapon rhey are
Leing arracked virh.
Enhancing Armor Enhancing Armor Enhancing Armor Enhancing Armor: Ir is possiLle for a characrer ro enhance rhe armor rhey have
virhour Luying nev armor. An enhancemenr cosrs half rhe price of rhe original
armor and ir adds a +1 Lonus ro all of rhe prorecrion facrors rhar rhe armor vould
normally have. This can Le done up ro four rimes on any individual armor. Ir's
imporranr ro nore rhar Force Shields, Frimirive Learher, and Shields can nor Le
enhanced. These rypes of enhancemenr are usually nor done virh Body Armor since
rhey are upgradeaLle, Lur if a player really vanrs ro do rhis, rhe game masrer should
ler rhem.
Folloving rhe raLle are derailed descriprions of each form of armor. Ir's imporranr
ro nore rhar rvo rypes of armor can nor Le vorn rogerher. The only exceprions ro rhis
are rhe ALlarive Shield, rhe Force Shield, and rhe Shield. These can Le used virh any
orher rype of armor.
Ir's also imporranr ro keep in mind rhar virh rhe exceprion of rhe ALlarive Shield,
rhe Force Shield, and rhe Shield, all armors are specifically designed for a single
species and can nor Le vorn Ly a characrer rhar is nor of rhar species. For example, if
a human Trader pulls ALlarive Armor off of a Tulmarh Diplomar afrer a fire fighr, rhe
human can nor vear rhe armor Lecause ir is specifically designed for rhe Tulmarh's

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Armor Name Armor Name Armor Name Armor Name Frice Frice Frice Frice Defense Bonus Defense Bonus Defense Bonus Defense Bonus
ALlarive Armor 4000 +6 vs. laser
+4 vs. plasma
+2 vs. all orher
arrack forms
ALlarive Shield 1000 +3 vs. laser
+2 vs. plasma
+1 vs. all orher
arrack forms
Armored EVA Suir 10000 +6 vs. primirive &
+2 vs. laser &
Armored Under
Warer Suir
5000 +3 vs. primirive
+2 vs. all orhers
Barrle Vesr 750 +2
Body Armor 20000/level +4/level
Force Shield 40000 No Lonus-aLsorLs
100 prs. of damage
Molded Armor 30000 +6
Frimirive Learher 500 +1 vs. laser &
+2 vs. all orher
arrack forms
Shield 100 +1 vs. primirive &
no Lonus vs. laser
& plasma

ALlarive Armor ALlarive Armor ALlarive Armor ALlarive Armor: This armor is designed ro aLsorL damage from laser and plasma
veapons. Ir's very lighr and form firring, Lur is rypically vorn over clorhing. The
armor adds a +6 defense Lonus againsr laser veapons, and a +4 defense Lonus againsr
plasma veapons, Lur ir also aLsorLs five poinrs of damage caused Ly rhe same veapons
as vell. The damage aLsorLed is againsr each srrike rhar hirs rhe armor. Thus, if a
characrer vearing ALlarive Armor vere hir Ly rhree differenr laser Llasrs in a single
round, rhe Armor vould aLsorL five poinrs of damage from each of rhose hirs.
ALlarive Armor does have some rhickness ro ir, so ir vill offer a +2 defense Lonus
againsr orher rypes of veapons as vell.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
ALlarive Shield ALlarive Shield ALlarive Shield ALlarive Shield: These shields acr very much like rhe armor of rhe same kind. They
offer a +3 defense Lonus againsr laser veapons, and a +2 defense Lonus againsr plasma
veapons, Lur rhey vill also aLsorL rhree poinrs of damage rhar is caused Ly rhose
veapons. This aLsorprion vorks jusr as rhe aLsorprion of ALlarive Armor. They also
offer a +1 defense Lonus againsr orher kinds of veapons as vell.
Armored EVA Suir Armored EVA Suir Armored EVA Suir Armored EVA Suir: EVA can Le dangerous, and rhe lasr rhing anyone vanrs is for
rheir suir ro Le damaged. An armored EVA suir is ser up ro offer a lor of prorecrion
againsr some veapons. Alrhough ir does vell againsr srriking and flecherre veapons,
ir doesn'r do quire as vell againsr laser and plasma veapons. The Armored EVA Suir
offers a +6 defense Lonus againsr primirive and flecherre veapons, Lur only a +2 Lonus
againsr laser and plasma veapons.
Armored Under Warer Suir: Armored Under Warer Suir: Armored Under Warer Suir: Armored Under Warer Suir: This suir acrs in rhe exacr same vay as an Under Warer
Suir, virh rhe exceprion rhar ir has aLlarive plaring rhar helps ro vard off arracks.
Orher rhan rhe defense Lonuses, rhe Armored Under Warer Suir has rhe same
properries as an Under Warer Suir.
Barrle Vesr: Barrle Vesr: Barrle Vesr: Barrle Vesr: This simple garmenr vraps around rhe rorso of rhe individual vearing ir.
The Barrle Vesr has limired reflecrive qualiries and has rhe rhickness of Frimirive
Learher, giving rhe characrer a +2 defense Lonus againsr all arracks vhenever rhey're
vearing ir.
Body Armor Body Armor Body Armor Body Armor: There are various levels of Body Armor. The simplesr offer slighr
prorecrion againsr veapons, vhile rhe srronger versions can rurn a characrer almosr
inro a moving rank. Body Armor offers a +4 defense Lonus for each level. Thus, rhe
very Lasic 20,000 credir armor offers a +4 Lonus againsr all veapons. Each addirional
upgrade adds a +4 Lonus ro rhe characrer's defense rolls, Lur ir also cosrs an addirional
20,000 credirs. Anorher oprion virh Lody armor is rhar an aLlarive layer can Le
applied ro ir. This upgrade cosrs 50,000 credirs, and ir doesn'r add ro rhe defense
Lonus of rhe armor, Lur ir vill allov rhe armor ro aLsorL damage from laser and
plasma veapons. In rhis vay, ir vorks jusr like ALlarive Armor.aLsorLing five
poinrs of damage from every laser or plasma Llasr rhar hirs rhe characrer.
If rhe characrer has enough money, Lorh upgrades can Le added ro Body Armor.
Force Shield Force Shield Force Shield Force Shield: The Force Shield is a very poverful defense. The Force shield creares an
energy Larrier around a characrer rhar vill aLsorL all damage inflicred on a rarger, no
marrer vhar rype of veapon, vhile srill alloving rhe characrer ro fire veapons, hold
oLjecrs, or vharever else rhey need ro do virh rheir appendages.
The Force Shield is capaLle of aLsorLing up ro 100 poinrs in damage, and ir's
rechargeaLle. For every ren minures rhar rhe shield is povered dovn, ir regains one
poinr of srrengrh.unril ir reaches rhe 100 poinr maximum. Hovever, if a Force
Shield reaches 0 poinrs, ir vill pover dovn, and ir can'r Le rurned Lack on for a full
rhree days, so ir's a good idea ro pover rhe Force Shield dovn Lefore ir's forced ro
shur off.
Anorher side-effecr of rhe Force Shield is rhar ir rends ro creare a very riny varp in
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
space-rime around rhe characrer using ir. Alrhough rhe effecr is Lasically
unnoriceaLle, any characrer vho keeps a Force Shield on conrinually for more rhan
one hour musr make a saniry check againsr rhree six-sided dice. Failure vill cosr
rhem one saniry poinr, and rhe loss is permanenr.
Molded Armor: Molded Armor: Molded Armor: Molded Armor: Molded Armor is made of rhe same marerial as Body Armor, Lur ir is
specially designed ro fir perfecrly ro rhe Lody of rhe crearure rhar is vearing ir. As a
resulr of rhis special molding, anorher characrer can nor use Molded Armor.even if
rhey're rhe same species. Because ir's almosr like having a second skin, Molded
Armor offers quire a Lir more prorecrion rhan srandard Body Armor, Lur Molded
Armor can nor Le upgraded.
Frimirive Learher Frimirive Learher Frimirive Learher Frimirive Learher: This is a simple suir of hardened learher. Ir's lighr veighr and easy
ro vear normal clorhing over, vhich makes ir difficulr ro derecr, Lur ir doesn'r offer
much prorecrion. This rype of armor vill usually Le found on primirive vorlds, Lur
some characrers, especially Bandirs vill srill use ir.
Shield Shield Shield Shield: A Shield is a very primirive defense. Ir's Lasically a piece of forged meral rhar
is designed ro repel Llovs. Alrhough ir does offer a +1 defense Lonus againsr srriking
and flecherre veapons, ir offers no Lonus againsr laser and plasma veapons. A game
masrer could even decide rhar rhose rypes of veapons could easily desrroy a Shield.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
General Equipmenr
This secrion derails rhe equipmenr and goods rhar don'r fall inro rhe previously
lisred caregories. The raLle Lelov lisrs rhe general equipmenr (and rhis is far from an
exhausrive lisr) and rhe price of rhar equipmenr. Folloving rhe raLle are derailed
descriprions of all of rhe equipmenr.
Some equipmenr, especially suirs, are species specific and can only Le used Ly
characrers of rhe species rhar rhe irem is designed for. The ulrimare decision on vhar
is species specific lies virh rhe game masrer, Lur in general, anyrhing rhar is firred ro a
crearure's anaromy should Le species specific.

Equipmenr Equipmenr Equipmenr Equipmenr Frice Frice Frice Frice
Acerylene Torch 300
Air Tanks 200
Alien Environmenr Suir 5000
Ammo Belr 30
Arc Welder 300
Arrovs 5 each
Arrificial Inrelligence Sysrem 50000
Binoculars 100
Blanker 10
Bolrs 5 each
Brearher 250
Breaching Charge 100
Bug 2000-20000
Bug Derecror 1500-15000
Bullhorn 200
Camouflage 500 or 5000
Canreen 25
Carrying Conrainer 10-200
Changeling Suir 50000
Chemsniffer 200
Chronomerer 50
Communicarions Beacon 5000-100000
Communicaror 2000-50000
Compass 25
Compurer Sysrem 2000
Curring Laser 500
Dara Code Lreaker 5000
Dara Encryprion Sysrem 5000
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Disguise Kir 500
Ducr Tape 10
Elecrronic Lockpick 5000
Elecrronic Torch 50
Emergency Beacon 200 or 2000
Emergency Blanker 300
Enrrenching Tool 500
EVA Suir 2000
Excavaring Tools 2000
Filrrarion Mask 200
Firsr Aid Kir 300
Flare 20
Flare Gun 200
Flecherre Fackage 100
Generaror 1000
Goggles 30
Grappling Equipmenr 300
Grav Lifrer 4000
Handheld AI 20000
Holo Recorder 500
Holsrer 20
Homing Device 1000
ID Scanner 2000
Infra-Red Goggles 1000
Jamming Device 20000
Jerpack 2000
Laser Clip 200
Laser Drill 1000
Laser Microphone 1000
Laser Torch 1000
Laser Welder 500
Lock, ComLinarion 10-100
Lock, Elecrronic 500-10000
Lock, Srandard 5-50
Micro Recorder 5000
Mining Equipmenr 5000
Mirror 10
Nano Microphone 15000
Neural Acriviry Sensor 5000
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Ore Sampler 700
Farachure 100
Ferimerer Sensors 1000
Fesrguard 2000
Flasma Cap 200
Fovered Hoisr 1000
Fre-faL Expanding Shelrer 20000
Fressurized Tenr 2000
Radiarion Counrer 300
Resrrainrs 15
Rope 5
Sarellire 100000 +
Scanner 500
Ship AI 250000
Ship Compurer Upgrade 150000
Slugs 5/each
Snorkel & Mask 50
Solar Vaporaror 25000
Sporlighr 50
Surgical Kir 1000
Survival Gear 2000
Tenr 50
Toolkir-Armor 1000
Toolkir-Compurer 4000
Toolkir-CyLernerics 5000
Toolkir-Elecrronics 2000
Toolkir-Engines 5000
Toolkir-Hyperspace Engines 8000
Toolkir-Weaponry, Fersonal 3000
Toolkir-Weaponry, Ship 5000
Translaror 500
Under Warer Suir 1000
Video Recorder 200
Warer Furificarion Kir 500
Warer Survival Gear 2500

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Acerylene Torch: Acerylene Torch: Acerylene Torch: Acerylene Torch: An Acerylene Torch can Le used ro veld simple merals rogerher.
Because rhey need oxygen, rhey can nor Le used in rhe vacuum of space. If a game
masrer vanrs, rhey can creare a Torch rhar vould Le more appropriare for each
species, Lur rhar vould have similar properries.
Alrhough ir's nor recommended, ir is possiLle ro use an Acerylene Torch as a veapon,
should rhe need ever arise. If a characrer chooses ro do rhis, ir's imporranr ro nore
rhar rhey suffer a -3 penalry on rheir arrack rolls Lecause rhe Torch is really nor
designed for comLar. In addirion, Lecause of rhe narure of rhe Acerylene Torch, rhe
characrer vould use rheir Agiliry modifier insread of rheir Srrengrh modifier. Should
a characrer successfully hir a rarger, rhe vound is painful, Lur nor necessarily life
rhrearening. The Acerylene Torch vould have a DF of .25, virh all damage Leing
rounded up.
Air Tanks: Air Tanks: Air Tanks: Air Tanks: These ranks can Le arrached ro an EVA suir, and Alien Environmenr Suir,
or an Under Warer suir. Each rank provides rvo hours of rhe crearure's armosphere,
and rhey can easily Le refilled.
Alien Environmenr Suir Alien Environmenr Suir Alien Environmenr Suir Alien Environmenr Suir: If a characrer vanrs ro move aLour in an environmenr rhar
rhey can'r normally survive in, rhey musr rake cerrain precaurions. An Alien
Environmenr Suir (AES) allovs rhem ro rake a piece of rheir ovn armosphere virh
rhem. Typically an AES conrains aLour four hours of armosphere. Afrer rhar poinr,
rhe characrer is dead. A characrer can survive for a numLer of seconds equal ro 20
rimes rheir Endurance score.rhus a characrer virh a 9 Endurance can survive for 180
seconds virhour armosphere.
Typically an AES is nor armored, vhich can Le very dangerous. A characrer raking
damage vhile in an AES could die if rhe suir is ruprured, vhich mosr veapons vill
do. Any rime a characrer rakes damage vhile vearing an AES, rhey musr roll rvo six-
sided dice. If rhe roll is less rhan rhe amounr of damage rhar rhey rook, rhe suir has
Leen ruprured. Every AES carries six parches, vhich can Le placed over a leak (raking
rvo rounds ro do ir), Lur any rime rhe characrer's roll is more rhan ren less rhan rhe
damage susrained, rhe suir is rorn, and no amounr of parching vill fix ir. The
characrer musr ger our of rhe alien environmenr immediarely, or rhey are dead.
Enhancemenrs are availaLle for an AES rhar vill allov ir ro Le armored, eirher Ly
plaring or aLlarive covering. Each of vhich vill defend againsr some arracks, Lur nor
all. The plaring enhancemenrs vill prorecr againsr srriking and flecherre veapons,
vhile aLlarive enhancemenrs vill prorecr againsr laser and plasma veapons.
Flaring an AES cosrs an addirional 5000 credirs. Once ir's done, rhe suir granrs a +4
defense Lonus againsr all arracks excepr plasma and laser arracks.
Adding an aLlarive layering ro an AES cosrs an addirional 10000 credirs. This
covering granrs a +2 Lonus againsr laser and plasma arracks, and rhe layering vill also
aLsorL five poinrs of damage from each srrike rhar ir rakes.
Ir is possiLle ro add Lorh layerings ro an AES.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Ammo Belr: Ammo Belr: Ammo Belr: Ammo Belr: If a characrer vanrs ro carry exrra ammo for vharever veapon rhey're
using, rhey're going ro need someplace ro srore rhar ammo. While a Lackpack mighr
Le one place a characrer can pur exrra ammo, ir's nor very accessiLle rhere, so an
Ammo Belr vill allov a characrer much quicker access ro rheir ammo. The rypical
Ammo Belr can hold Laser Clips, Flasma Caps, and Flecherre Fackers. They're also
rypically designed ro fir only one species.
Arc Welder: Arc Welder: Arc Welder: Arc Welder: This is a rool rhar is used ro veld meral rogerher. Like rhe Acerylene
Torch, ir needs oxygen, so ir can nor Le used in rhe vacuum of space.
Alrhough ir's nor recommended, ir is possiLle ro use an Arc Welder as a veapon,
should rhe need ever arise. If a characrer chooses ro do rhis, ir's imporranr ro nore
rhar rhey suffer a -2 penalry on rheir arrack rolls Lecause rhe Arc Welder is really nor
designed for comLar. In addirion, Lecause of rhe narure of rhe Arc Welder, rhe
characrer vould use rheir Agiliry modifier insread of rheir Srrengrh modifier. Should
a characrer successfully hir a rarger, rhe vound is painful, Lur nor necessarily life
rhrearening. The Arc Welder vould have a DF of .5, virh all damage Leing rounded
Arrovs Arrovs Arrovs Arrovs: These are vooden or meral shafrs virh a sharpened rock or piece of sreel on
rhe rip. They're used virh Lovs.
Arrificial Inrelligence Sysrem Arrificial Inrelligence Sysrem Arrificial Inrelligence Sysrem Arrificial Inrelligence Sysrem: An Arrificial Inrelligence Sysrem (AI) is a very smarr
compurer. In facr, an AI is acrually self-avare. An AI vill process compurer
programs fasrer rhan a rypical compurer, and ir can also offer advice ro a characrer. In
addirion, an AI is Lerrer aLle ro prorecr irself againsr hacking and virus arracks.
Binoculars Binoculars Binoculars Binoculars: Binoculars allov characrers ro look ar oLjecrs rhar are disranr. Using rhem
ro viev an oLjecr rhar is far avay granrs a characrer a +4 Lonus on rheir Search and
Spor skills. Even rhough rhey are called Linoculars, each species has rheir ovn
variery, vhich is designed ro vork virh rheir visual sensors.
Blanker: Blanker: Blanker: Blanker: This is a simple lined clorh oLjecr rhar helps keep senrienrs varm. Ir can
help any rime rhe remperarure is cold for a characrer, Lur ir does nor offer significanr
prorecrion againsr dangerous cold.
Bolrs: Bolrs: Bolrs: Bolrs: Similar ro Arrovs, rhese are vooden or sreel shafrs virh a sharpened piece of
meral or srone on rhe rip. Bolrs are less pliaLle and are designed for CrossLovs.
Breaching Charge: Breaching Charge: Breaching Charge: Breaching Charge: These are specially designed explosives rhar can Llov holes in rhe
hull of a ship. As rhe explosives are complerely self-conrained, rhey vill funcrion in
rhe vacuum of space. Each Lreaching charge vill do five six-sided dice of damage ro
vharever hull rhey are arrached ro. They can also Le used inside of a ship ro Lreach a
sealed harchvay or an airlock.
Brearher Brearher Brearher Brearher: Somerimes a characrer vill Le aLle ro survive rhe pressure and armosphere
of an alien environmenr, Lur rhey srill von'r Le aLle ro Lrearhe rhe armosphere.
Insread of using an Alien Environmenr Suir, rhe characrer vould jusr need a simple
Brearher. These unirs have a mask rhar goes over vharever orifice rhe characrer uses
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
ro Lrearhe, and rhey have a small rank rhar srraps ro rhe side of rhe characrer. They
rypically have rvo hours of armosphere for rhe characrer ro Lrearhe. If rhe characrer
runs our of armosphere, rhey can survive for a numLer of seconds equal ro 20 rimes
rheir Endurance score.
B BB Bug ug ug ug: Any kind of lisrening device is ofren called a Bug. The Lug is a very small device
rhar also comes virh a receiver rhar rhe individual planring rhe Bug rakes virh rhem
so rhey can hear vhar rhe Bug hears. The more expensive a Bug is, rhe harder ir is ro
find. More expensive Bugs also rransmir more clearly rhan rhe cheaper varieries. A
Bug allovs a characrer ro make a Lisren check in an area rhey normally vouldn'r Le
aLle ro hear in. For every 2000 credirs rhar are spenr, rhe Lug has a rransmirring
disrance of 10 KM. Also, for every 2000 credirs rhe characrer has spenr on a Bug, rhey
gain a +1 ro rheir Lisren check. In addirion, for every 2000 credirs rhe characrer has
spenr, anyone searching for rhe Bug suffers a -1 penalry ro rheir Search skill.
Bug Derecror Bug Derecror Bug Derecror Bug Derecror: This is a device rhar's used ro search our Bugs. If a characrer is using a
Bug Derecror, rhey roll a Search check (more expensive Bug Derecrors vill allov a
Search Lonus). The resulring roll is compared ro a Hide check rhar is made Ly rhe
crearure rhar placed rhe Bug in rhe firsr place. For every 1500 credirs Leyond rhe
inirial 1500 rhar rhe characrer spends on rhe Bug Derecror, rhey gain a +1 on rheir
Search check.
Bullhorn: Bullhorn: Bullhorn: Bullhorn: This is a simple voice amplificarion device. The device can Le used ro
amplify rhe voice of a characrer up ro ren rimes vhar rheir normal voice is capaLle of.
Camouflage: Camouflage: Camouflage: Camouflage: Camouflage comes in rvo varieries, personal and area. Fersonal
Camouflage cosrs 500 credirs and ir can Le used Ly an individual ro arrempr ro Llend
in virh rheir surroundings. When used, rhe characrer receives a +10 Lonus ro rheir
hide skill.
Area Camouflage cosrs 5000 credirs for every 100 cuLic merers. Much like Fersonal
Camouflage, rhis is designed ro help Llend Luildings or orher oLjecrs inro rheir
surroundings. Anyone rrying ro search for an area rhar is covered virh Area
Camouflage receives a -5 penalry ro rheir Search and Spor skills.
Canreen: Canreen: Canreen: Canreen: This is a very simple varer carrying device. Ir's normally made of a hard
suLsrance rhar makes ir difficulr ro Lreak.
Carrying Conrainer Carrying Conrainer Carrying Conrainer Carrying Conrainer: These come in a variery of sizes, everyrhing from small pouches
up ro large duffel Lags. The conrainers vill ofren have coverr secrions placed in rhem
rhar allov a characrer ro hide irems. The larger a Carrying Conrainer, rhe more
expensive. Also, rhe more elaLorare any hiding places are, rhe more expensive rhe
Carrying Conrainer vill Le. Any hiding places drive up rhe price of rhe Carrying
Conrainer Ly an addirional 10-100 credirs, depending on hov elaLorare rhey are.
Generally, rhe size of a Carrying Conrainer is one cuLic cenrimerer per credir. Hiding
places and elaLorare designs vill alrer rhe final size of any Carrying Conrainer.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Changeling Suir: Changeling Suir: Changeling Suir: Changeling Suir: This is a skinrighr suir rhar allovs a characrer ro rake on rhe
appearance of anyone rhey have rouched. Changeling Suirs, hovever, use a lor of
energy, and can somerimes Le derecred Ly scanners. If a characrer has good reason ro
rhink someone has a Changeling Suir, rhey should Le given a +2 Lonus vhen using a
Scanner. The energy of rhe Changeling Suir can also Le derrimenral ro a characrer's
Saniry. Anyone vearing a Changeling Suir conrinuously for 8 hours musr make a
Saniry check againsr 1 six sided die. 16 hours requires a Saniry check againsr 2 six
sided dice, and vearing a Changeling Suir conrinuously for a full day requires a Saniry
check againsr 3 six sided dice. If rhere's anyone foolish enough ro vear rhe suir for
even longer, an exrra six sided die should Le added for every 8 hours of exposure. A
failed Saniry check resulrs in rhe immediare, and permanenr, loss of 1 poinr of Saniry.
Chemsniffer: Chemsniffer: Chemsniffer: Chemsniffer: This device is used ro quickly evaluare rhe chemical composirion of
anyrhing ir's exposed ro. Ir can Le used ro analyze armosphere, fluids, or anyrhing
else rhe characrers mighr need ro analyze.
Chronomerer: Chronomerer: Chronomerer: Chronomerer: This is a simple device for relling rime. Mosr Chronomerers can Le ser
ro display rhree differenr rimes. Whar rimes rhose are is up ro rhe characrers. In
addirion, a Chronomerer can access a local compurer sysrem and auromarically adjusr
irself ro vharever rhe rime is ar rhe characrers presenr locarion. They are also aLle ro
adjusr rhemselves Lased on planer's rorarion, and vharever orher facrors go inro a
local areas vay of relling rime. A Chronomerer can nor do rhis if rhe planer does nor
have a compurer sysrem for rhe Chronomerer ro access.
Communicarions Beacon: Communicarions Beacon: Communicarions Beacon: Communicarions Beacon: A Communicarions Beacon is a device rhar vill relay
communicarions signals from one communicaror ro anorher. In general, any
inhaLired sysrem vill already have rhese in place, Lur if characrers are exploring in
uncharred areas of rhe galaxy, rhey may need ro ser up rheir ovn Communicarions
Beacons. There are four varieries of Communicarions Beacons. There are planerary,
sysrem, inrersrellar, and hyperspace. The range and price for each is as follovs:
Flanerary Leacons can relay messages ro planerary orLir, and ro orher parrs of a planer
rhar are nor Leyond rhe horizon. The price for rhese irems is 5000 credirs.
Sysrem Leacons can relay messages anyvhere virhin a solar sysrem. A sysrem Leacon
can acr as a planerary Leacon as vell. The price for rhese irems is 20000 credirs.
Inrersrellar Leacons can relay messages from srar sysrem ro srar sysrem up ro a range
of 20 lighr years. Hovever, all of rhese messages vould Le relayed ar rhe speed of
lighr, so a srar sysrem 20 lighr years disranr vould receive rhe message 20 years afrer ir
vas senr. An inrersrellar Leacon can acr as a sysrem Leacon and a planerary Leacon.
The price for rhese irems is 50000 credirs.
Hyperspace Leacons can relay messages rhrough hyperspace ro srar sysrems rhar are
up ro 20 lighr years avay. The messages rake one hour for every lighr year rhar rhey
musr rravel, Lur rhis is much fasrer rhan rhe speed of lighr. A hyperspace Leacon can
nor acr as an inrersrellar, a sysrem, or a planerary Leacon. The price for rhese irems is
100000 credirs.
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Communicaror: Communicaror: Communicaror: Communicaror: A Communicaror is a small device rhar can Le used ro communicare
Lerveen individuals or from individuals ro ships. Generally, rhese irems are rhe size
of a 21
cenrury cellphone or smaller. There are a variery of rypes of communicarors,
Lur almosr all of rhem are limired ro a range of 10 kilomerers unless a communicarions
Leacon is in place. If rhere is a Leacon in place, rhen rhe range of rhe communicaror
vill change as follovs:
Flanerary communicarors are aLle ro communicare virh anyone else on rhe planer, or
anyone in lov planerary orLir, provided a Leacon is in place. The price for a
planerary communicaror is 2000 credirs.
Sysrem-vide communicarors are aLle ro communicare virh anyone virhin rhe same
srar sysrem as rhe user, provided a Leacon is in place. The price for a sysrem-vide
communicaror is 10000 credirs.
Inrersrellar communicarors are aLle ro communicare virh anyone virh 20 lighr years,
provided a Leacon is in place, Lur speed of lighr limirs are srill in place. The price for
an inrersrellar communicaror is 25000 credirs.
Hyperspace communicarors are aLle ro communicare virh anyone virhin 20 lighr
years provided a hyperspace communicarions Leacon is in place. The rime delay vill
srill Le presenr hovever, and hyperspace communicarors cosr 50000 credirs.
Ship communicarors are rhe one communicaror rhar does nor rely on a Leacon.
They're aLle ro communicare virh rhe ship rhey are runed ro provided rhar ship is
virhin 5 AU of rhe individual using rhe communicaror. The price for a ship
communicaror is 5000 credirs.
Compass: Compass: Compass: Compass: A Compass allovs a characrer ro derermine direcrion vhen on a planer or
moon. There is one imporranr limirarion ro rhe compass, and rhar is rhar ir only
vorks in a magneric if rhe planer or moon rhar a characrer is on does nor
have a magneric field, rhe Compass is useless.
Compurer Sysrem Compurer Sysrem Compurer Sysrem Compurer Sysrem: This is a small handheld device rhar allovs a characrer ro run
programs, inreracr virh orher Compurer Sysrems, inreracr virh srar ships, or jusr
aLour anyrhing else a characrer mighr need ro do.
Curring Laser: Curring Laser: Curring Laser: Curring Laser: This is a handheld rool virh a very narrov laser Leam rhar can Le used
ro cur rhrough oLjecrs. In general, a Curring Laser can slice 10 inches deep and 10
inches across for every minure of use vhen rhey're used on normal sreel. Harder
merals vill of course rake longer, vhile sofr merals vill cur much more easily.
Alrhough ir's nor recommended, ir is possiLle ro use a Curring Laser as a veapon,
should rhe need ever arise. If a characrer chooses ro do rhis, ir's imporranr ro nore
rhar rhey suffer a -3 penalry on rheir arrack rolls Lecause rhe Curring Laser is really
nor designed for comLar, having such a fine curring edge". In addirion, Lecause of
rhe narure of rhe Curring Laser, rhe characrer vould use rheir Agiliry modifier insread
of rheir Srrengrh modifier. Should a characrer successfully hir a rarger, rhe vound is
painful, Lur nor necessarily life rhrearening. The Curring Laser vould have a DF of
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
.25, virh all damage Leing rounded up.
Dara Code Lreaker Dara Code Lreaker Dara Code Lreaker Dara Code Lreaker: Many rimes characrers vill come across codes rhar rhey vill need
ro rry ro Lreak. A Dara Code Lreaker can Le incorporared inro a Compurer Sysrem or
an AI. A Dara Code Lreaker gives a characrer a +5 Lonus on rheir Decipher skill.
Dara Encryprion Sysrem Dara Encryprion Sysrem Dara Encryprion Sysrem Dara Encryprion Sysrem: Jusr as characrers mighr need ro Lreak a code, rhey vill ofren
need ro encrypr dara ro send ir from one place ro anorher. The Dara Encryprion
Sysrem is incorporared inro a Compurer Sysrem or an AI. Using one of rhese unirs
gives characrers a +5 Lonus on rheir Encryprion skill.
Disguise Kir: Disguise Kir: Disguise Kir: Disguise Kir: This kir is filled virh make-up, gels, and suLsrances rhar vill allov a
crearure ro grearly alrer rheir appearance. Alrhough rhe Disguise Kir vill nor allov a
crearure ro appear as if rhey are from anorher species, rhey can change rheir gender
virhin rheir ovn species.assuming rheir species has genders. The Disguise Kir vill
allov a crearure ro change rhe color and rexrure of rheir skin, rhe overall srrucrure of
rheir face and Lody, rheir hair and eye color, and jusr aLour anyrhing else rhar mighr
Le species specific. Using rhis kir gives a characrer a +6 Lonus on rheir disguise skill.
Ir's also imporranr ro nore rhar a Melanarhee using a Disguise Kir vill Le aLle ro Llend
in virh vharever species rhey are currenrly disguised as.
The kir is equipped virh enough marerial for rhree full Lody changes. If rhe characrer
chooses ro only alrer rheir face, rhey can do rhis 10 rimes.
Ducr Tape: Ducr Tape: Ducr Tape: Ducr Tape: Ir's one of rhose srrange facrs of narure rhar no one can really explain, Lur
for some reason, every senrienr species has invenred Ducr Tape ar some poinr in rheir
evolurion. Ducr Tape can Le used for jusr aLour anyrhing orher rhan sealing hull
Elecrronic Lockpick: Elecrronic Lockpick: Elecrronic Lockpick: Elecrronic Lockpick: This device can Le arrached ro an elecrronic lock, and virh ir rhe
characrer can arrempr ro open rhe lock. Normally, vhen a characrer arremprs ro pick
an elecrronic lock, rhey vould roll rvo six-sided dice and add rheir Inrelligence
modifier. If rhar numLer Lears rhe lock's CS, rhe characrer has succeeded in picking
rhe lock. The Elecrronic Lockpick gives rhe characrer a +6 Lonus on rhose checks.
Elecrronic Torch Elecrronic Torch Elecrronic Torch Elecrronic Torch: This is a fancy name for a flashlighr. They can run on a variery of
pover sources, depending on hov rhe game masrer sers up rhe game. The lifespan of
an Elecrronic Torch is rypically aLour 40 hours. Mosr Elecrronic Torches can easily
Le recharged Ly plugging rhem inro a pover slor on jusr aLour any spacecrafr.
Emergency Beacon: Emergency Beacon: Emergency Beacon: Emergency Beacon: There are rvo varieries of rhe Emergency Beacon. The firsr is rhe
personal Leacon, vhich an individual in disrress can use ro announce rheir siruarion.
This Leacon has a compurer range of 20 kilomerers and a visual range of five
kilomerers. This means rhar any compurer sysrem virhin 20 kilomerers vill Le aLle
ro pick up rhe signal, and any individual virhin five kilomerers vill Le aLle ro see rhe
signal. The price for rhis Leacon is 200 credirs.
The second variery of Emergency Beacon is rhe ship's Leacon. This can Le deployed
Ly a ship in disrress. The range for rhis Leacon is 20 AU. The price for rhis Leacon is
2000 credirs.
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Emergency Blanker: Emergency Blanker: Emergency Blanker: Emergency Blanker: This simple Llanker vill keep an individual varm up ro a
remperarure of -20 C.
Enrrenching Tool: Enrrenching Tool: Enrrenching Tool: Enrrenching Tool: This rool is approximarely one merer long and ir veighs 30 KG. Ir
can Le used ro quickly dig rhrough ground ro creare a rrench. Ir can move 20 KG
dirr and rock every minure.
EVA Suir EVA Suir EVA Suir EVA Suir: Any rime a characrer is going ro Le in space, rhey need an EVA Suir. None
of rhe major species are capaLle of surviving in rhe near vacuum of space, so rhey
musr use an EVA Suir. All suirs are rypically equipped virh a collecrion of rools, and
each usually has an armosphere supply of aLour six hours.alrhough more
armosphere can Le placed in exrra ranks, alrhough rhis vill reduce a characrer's
EVA Suirs can Le upgraded virh veapons, armor, and anyrhing else a characrer mighr
rhink of adding, Lur rhese are expensive. Ourfirring an EVA suir virh rhese kinds of
rhings should cosr rhree rimes as much as jusr Luying rhe irems individually.
Excavaring Tools: Excavaring Tools: Excavaring Tools: Excavaring Tools: These are fully auromared rools rhar can Le used ro do all varieries
of excavarion. When in use, rhe rools can excavare 100 KG
of marerial every minure.
The rools are fully programmaLle, so rhey can dig our vharever rhe characrers mighr
vanr rhem ro.
Filrrarion Mask: Filrrarion Mask: Filrrarion Mask: Filrrarion Mask: This is a simple mask designed ro help keep our conraminanrs.
Characrers vearing a Filrrarion Mask rhar are exposed ro airLorne poisons, viruses, or
anyrhing else rhar mighr harm rhem Ly inhaling, should receive a +2 Lonus ro rheir
Endurance vhen making an Endurance check againsr rhese parhogens.
Firsr Ai Firsr Ai Firsr Ai Firsr Aid Kir d Kir d Kir d Kir: This kir conrains adhesives, Landages, medicines, and many orher 22

cenrury healing rools. In order ro use a Firsr Aid kir, a characrer musr have rhe
Medicine skill. More informarion aLour hov ro use rhe kir is lisred virh rhe Medicine
Fl Fl Fl Flare: are: are: are: These are rhe explosive armamenrs used in a Flare Gun.
Flare Gun: Flare Gun: Flare Gun: Flare Gun: This is a large-mourhed gun designed ro fire exploding flares inro rhe air.
Ir's usually used Ly individuals in disrress. The explosion can usually Le seen Ly
individuals rhar are up ro 10 kilomerers avay. The Flare Gun can Le used as a
veapon, Lur ir's nor recommended, and any characrer rrying ro use a flare gun suffers
-2 ro rheir arrack roll. Shorr range vould Le 20 merers, medium range vould Le 40
merers, long range vould Le 60 merers, and exrremely long range vould Le 80 merers.
If rhe Flare Gun is used as a veapon, ir has a DF of 2.
Flecherre Fackage Flecherre Fackage Flecherre Fackage Flecherre Fackage: These are designed ro Le inserred in flecherre pisrols and rifles.
Each package holds 20 shors. Each package only veighs a couple of kilograms, so ir's
possiLle ro carry several packages ar one rime.
Generaror: Generaror: Generaror: Generaror: This device can provide pover for up ro four energy using devices. A
Generaror can provide up ro 12 hours of energy. Game masrers can decide if a
Generaror vill vork on devices rhar have Leen invenred Ly differenr species.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Goggles: Goggles: Goggles: Goggles: These are designed ro cover rhe eyes (or orher visual sensors) of an
individual. They vill help rhe characrer see Lerrer if rhey're exposed ro dusr, snov, or
somerhing else rhar mighr hinder rheir vision.
Grappling Equipmenr: Grappling Equipmenr: Grappling Equipmenr: Grappling Equipmenr: This kir fearures 30 merers of rope, grappling hooks, and an
auromaric vinch designed ro hold up ro 200 KG. Using rhe equipmenr virhour rhe
vench gives a characrer a +5 on rheir climL skill checks. If rhe vinch is used, rhen
rhe characrer receives a +8 Lonus on rheir climL skill checks.
Grav Lifrer: Grav Lifrer: Grav Lifrer: Grav Lifrer: This massive device can lifr and carry up ro 20000 KG. Ir can lifr rhe
oLjecrs up ro a heighr of five merers, or ir can move rhem horizonrally across a
surface. Alrhough a Grav Lifrer is capaLle of carrying a lor of veighr, ir can'r carry ir
very fasr. A Grav Lifrer moves ar a rare of 10 merers/minure.
Handheld AI Handheld AI Handheld AI Handheld AI: Much like rhe compurer sysrem, rhis is a small device.aLour rhe size
of a modern cell phone. The AI is jusr a more sophisricared and self-avare compurer
Holo Recorder: Holo Recorder: Holo Recorder: Holo Recorder: This device vill record, in rhree-dimensions, anyrhing rhar ir's
poinred ar vhile ir's on. Ir can srore up ro 6 hours of marerial.
Holsrer: Holsrer: Holsrer: Holsrer: A characrer needs someplace ro pur rheir gun, and rhis is ir. Each holsrer is
specifically designed ro fir only one rype of veapon, and ir's imporranr ro rememLer
rhar veapon design differs for each species, so a holsrer mighr Le aLle ro hold a
Human Laser Fisrol, Lur nor a Tulmarh Laser Fisrol.
Homing Device Homing Device Homing Device Homing Device: These very small devices can Le placed on a ship, and rhey vill allov
someone ro rrack rhar ship rhrough normal space, and even rhrough hyperspace.
Unless some sorr of cloaking is used Ly rhe ship Leing rracked, rhe Homing Device is
foolproof in evading derecrion. If a rraced ship does cloak, a characrer musr make a
Search check againsr rhe pilor's Srealrh skill.
If a Homing Device is placed on a ship, a careful search of rhar ship mighr rurn ir up,
provided rhe characrer makes a successful Search check againsr a CS rhar is rypically
ser Ly rhe game masrer. The CS should Le derermined Ly hov much rime rhe
characrer had ro place rhe Homing Device, vhere ir vas placed, and hov suspicious
rhe crev really is.
ID Scanner ID Scanner ID Scanner ID Scanner: This device is aLle ro scan rhe DNA (or rhe alien equivalenr) of any
crearure and oLrain an ID. The game masrer should ser a CS for rhe scan Lased on
hov vell knovn rhe crearure is. A famous person, and cerrainly an inrersrellar
criminal vould Le easy ro rrace Lased on rheir DNA, Lur a lov level Explorer mighr
nor Le as easy ro idenrify. Those facrors should go inro derermining vhar rhe ID CS
should Le. The characrer rhen rolls rhree six sided dice ro derermine if rhe ID
Scanner can read vho rhey are.
Infra Infra Infra Infra- -- -red Goggles red Goggles red Goggles red Goggles: The Goggles allov a characrer ro see inro rhe Infra-red parr of rhe
specrrum. Anyone using rhese is Lasically aLle ro see in rhe dark as rhey vould in full
daylighr, alrhough sudden exposure ro Lrighr lighr vill cause remporary Llindness.
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Jamming Device Jamming Device Jamming Device Jamming Device: Jamming Devices come in rvo varieries. There is rhe Fersonal
Jammer, vhich vill make ir difficulr for people ro eavesdrop on conversarions, and
rhere is rhe Ship Jammer, vhich can jam communicarions and radar of a pursuing
Use of a Fersonal Jammer lovers an opponenr's lisren check Ly 10, vhile use of a Ship
Jammer lovers an opponenr's Search and Spor skills Ly 10.
Jerpack: Jerpack: Jerpack: Jerpack: A jerpack gives a characrer rhe aLiliry ro fly. The Jerpack uses a fuel,
rypically hydrogen (alrhough game masrers should feel free ro adapr rhis ro rheir
campaign), and rhe fuel supply vill usually lasr four hours. During rhis rime, rhe
characrer can climL ro a heighr of 100 merers, and rhey can rravel ar 30 KFH. The
Jerpack is nor very maneuveraLle, hovever, and should rhe characrer come under
arrack vhile vearing a Jerpack, rhey vould suffer a -2 defense penalry.
Laser Clip Laser Clip Laser Clip Laser Clip: A Laser Clip is used in any kind of laser veapon. Each clip holds 50
charges, and rhe clips can nor Le recharged, alrhough rhey can easily Le changed our.
The change rakes one comLar round, during vhich rime, rhe characrer can nor do
anyrhing else.
Laser Drill: Laser Drill: Laser Drill: Laser Drill: This drill is one merer long and veighs 20 KG. Ir's capaLle of drilling
rhrough solid rock ar rhe rare of one merer/minure. A Laser Drill vill rypically run
for four hours, and rhen ir needs ro Le recharged for an equal amounr of rime.
Alrhough ir's nor recommended, ir is possiLle ro use a Laser Drill as a veapon, should
rhe need ever arise. If a characrer chooses ro do rhis, ir's imporranr ro nore rhar rhey
suffer a -3 penalry on rheir arrack rolls ro any rarger rhar is Lenearh rhe drill, and a -6
penalry on rheir arrack rolls if rhey're rrying ro pick up rhe Laser Drill and yield ir like
a normal veapon, Lecause rhe Laser Drill is really nor designed for comLar. In
addirion, Lecause of rhe narure of rhe Laser Drill, rhe characrer vould use rhe lovesr
of rheir Srrengrh or Agiliry modifiers vhen rrying ro use ir as a veapon. Should a
characrer successfully hir a rarger, rhe vound is painful, and can Le life rhrearening.
The Laser Drill vould have a DF of 1.
Laser Microphone: Laser Microphone: Laser Microphone: Laser Microphone: This is a unidirecrional microphone rhar can Le poinred ar a
person or locarion rhar rhe characrer is hoping ro lisren in on. The range for rhe Laser
Microphone is one kilomerer, Lur if rhe microphone is poinred correcrly, rhe
characrer vill Le aLle ro hear vhar is going on as if rhey vere righr nexr ro rhe evenr.
Laser Torch: Laser Torch: Laser Torch: Laser Torch: This device is roughly a foor long, Lur vill fir easily inro rhe grasping
appendage of vharever species ir's designed for. The Laser Torch has rvo serrings. Ir
can Le ser ro cur rhrough oLjecrs, and ir can also Le used ro veld. Since rhe Laser
Torch does nor require oxygen, ir can Le used in rhe vacuum of space. If ir's used ro
cur rhrough sreel, ir vill cur rhrough ar a rare rvice as high as a Curring Laser.
Alrhough ir's nor recommended, ir is possiLle ro use a Laser Torch as a veapon,
should rhe need ever arise. If a characrer chooses ro do rhis, ir's imporranr ro nore
rhar rhey suffer a -1 penalry on rheir arrack rolls Lecause rhe Torch is really nor
designed for comLar. In addirion, Lecause of rhe narure of rhe Laser Torch, rhe
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
characrer vould use rheir Agiliry modifier insread of rheir Srrengrh modifier. Should
a characrer successfully hir a rarger, rhe vound can Le very painful, and can Le life
rhrearening. The Laser Torch vould have a DF of 1.
Laser Welder: Laser Welder: Laser Welder: Laser Welder: This handheld velder is ideal for velding in rhe vacuum of space
Lecause ir does nor require oxygen.
Alrhough ir's nor recommended, ir is possiLle ro use a Laser Welder as a veapon,
should rhe need ever arise. If a characrer chooses ro do rhis, ir's imporranr ro nore
rhar rhey suffer a -2 penalry on rheir arrack rolls Lecause rhe Welder is really nor
designed for comLar. In addirion, Lecause of rhe narure of rhe Laser Welder, rhe
characrer vould use rheir Agiliry modifier insread of rheir Srrengrh modifier. Should
a characrer successfully hir a rarger, rhe vound is painful, Lur nor necessarily life
rhrearening. The Laser Welder vould have a DF of .5, virh all damage Leing rounded
Lock, ComLinarion: Lock, ComLinarion: Lock, ComLinarion: Lock, ComLinarion: ComLinarion Locks come in a variery of sizes and complexiries.
The size and complexiry derermines rhe price of rhe lock. The more complex a lock
is, rhe harder ir is ro pick. If a characrer vanrs ro arrempr a lock pick, rhey roll rvo
six-sided dice, vhich are modified Ly rhe characrer's inrelligence. This is rhen
compared ro rhe CS of rhe lock. ComLinarion Locks rypically have a CS rhar runs
from 5-15, alrhough ir is possiLle ro have more complex locks.
Lock, Elecrronic: Lock, Elecrronic: Lock, Elecrronic: Lock, Elecrronic: Elecrronic locks come in a variery of forms. They can Le simple
numLer keypads, palm scanners, rerinal scanners, and even DNA scanners. The
complexiry of rhe lock derermines jusr hov hard ir is ro pick. If a characrer vanrs ro
pick an Elecrronic Lock, rhey vould do ir in rhe same vay rhar rhey vould arrempr ro
pick a ComLinarion Lock. Typically, Elecrronic Locks have a CS rhar runs from 10-
25, alrhough ir is possiLle ro have more complex locks.
The complexiry and sryle of lock is vhar derermines rhe price of rhe Elecrronic Lock.
In general, rhe more expensive a lock is, rhe higher rhe CS vill Le for picking rhar
Lock, Srandard: Lock, Srandard: Lock, Srandard: Lock, Srandard: These are rhe more srandard padlocks, and orher likes of rhis kind.
Alrhough rhey can Le picked, ir is usually easier ro jusr Lreak rhese locks off. The
healrh score of a lock is equal ro one-half of irs cosr, virh all fracrions rounded up.
Micro Recorder Micro Recorder Micro Recorder Micro Recorder: These riny devices are almosr invisiLle, and rhey're aLle ro record
any informarion rhey're exposed ro. When a characrer places a Micro Recorder, rhey
make a Hide check. If an opponenr enrers rhe room, rhey're alloved ro make a Spor
check ro derermine if rhey see rhe Recorder, Lur Lecause of rhe size of rhe recorder,
rhe opponenr receives a -5 penalry ro rheir Spor check. If someone rhinks rhere's a
reason rhey mighr need ro look for a Recorder, rhen rhey can make a Search check,
Lur again Lecause of rhe size of rhe Recorder, rhey suffer a -3 penalry ro rheir check.
The Micro Recorder can srore up ro six hours of informarion. A major dravLack ro
rhe Micro Recorder is rhar rhe characrer musr rerrieve rhe device in order ro ger rhe
informarion rhar has Leen srored on ir.
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Mining Equipm Mining Equipm Mining Equipm Mining Equipmenr enr enr enr: There are rimes vhen a characrer mighr need ro do some mining.
They mighr need ro ger some precious ore our of an asreroid, or rhey mighr need ro
recover an ancienr arrifacr. If rhey're going ro do rhar, rhey're going ro need Mining
Equipmenr. If characrers spend more on rheir Mining Equipmenr, rhen rhey ger a
Lonus on all of rheir Mining skill checks. For every addirional 5000 credirs spenr on
rhe equipmenr, rhey receive a +1 Lonus.
Mirror: Mirror: Mirror: Mirror: This is a reflecrive oLjecr.
Nano Microphone Nano Microphone Nano Microphone Nano Microphone: This is a microscopic microphone rhar can Le planred anyvhere a
characrer desires. The only vay ir can Le derecred is if an opponenr acrually can see
rhe characrer vhile rhey're planring ir. Even rhen, rhe opponenr musr make a
successful Spor check in order ro ascerrain rhe characrer's rrue acrions. The
microphone comes virh a small receiver rhar firs inro rhe characrer's ear (or audirory
organ.) They're aLle ro hear vharever rhe Nano Microphone is hearing up ro a
disrance of five kilomerers.
Neural Acriviry Senso Neural Acriviry Senso Neural Acriviry Senso Neural Acriviry Sensor: r: r: r: This device vill allov a characrer ro sense all neural acriviry
virhin a five kilomerer radius cenrered on rhe sensor. Ir vill allov rhem ro
derermine rhe numLer of individuals and vhar kinds of individuals are virhin rhe
radius. The Neural Acriviry Sensor can Le ser so rhar ir doesn'r regisrer rhe acriviry of
lesser" crearures, Lur insread only derecrs rhe neural acriviry of senrienr crearures.
Ore Sampler: Ore Sampler: Ore Sampler: Ore Sampler: This is a handheld device rhar has ro Le pur in direcr conracr virh a
rock. When rhis is done, rhe Ore Sampler vill give a complere Lreakdovn of rhe
chemical composirion of rhe ore. When plugged inro a Compurer Sysrem or an AI, ir
can also give rhe characrer an esrimare of hov much rhey could sell rhe ore for in rhe
nearesr sysrems.
Farachure: Farachure: Farachure: Farachure: This is a canvas device rhar's used ro slov descenr.usually afrer jumping
our of somerhing, or off of somerhing.
Ferimerer Sensors: Ferimerer Sensors: Ferimerer Sensors: Ferimerer Sensors: This sensor sysrem is designed so rhar ir can Le laid our around a
campsire or Luilding. Ir creares an invisiLle laser srream from one sensor ro rhe nexr.
If any of rhese srreams are Lroken, alarms vill immediarely go off, and rhe CFU of rhe
sysrem vill Le aLle ro norify rhe characrers as ro vhere rhe Lreak is.
Fesrguard: Fesrguard: Fesrguard: Fesrguard: Fesrguard is an energy field rhar helps ro repel insecrs (or rheir planerary
equivalenrs.) Ir is up ro rhe game masrer ro decide vherher Fesrguard is a general
device or if each individual planer needs rheir ovn specific form of Fesrguard.
Flasma Cap Flasma Cap Flasma Cap Flasma Cap: A Flasma Cap conrains rhe plasma charges for any of rhe plasma
veapons. Each clip holds 30 charges. When a characrer charges a plasma veapon,
rhey slip rhe Cap on rhe Lack of rhe veapon, and rhis immediarely srarrs ro charge rhe
veapon. During rhe firsr round of charging, rhe plasma veapon can nor Le fired, as
rhe gasses are super-hearing in rhe chamLer. During rhis rime, rhe characrer can nor
rake any acrion. The veapon only srays charged for ren rounds unless ir's fired, and if
rhe veapon is charged five rimes virhour Leing fired, ir permanenrly uses up one
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
The advanrage ro using a plasma veapon, as opposed ro a flecherre or laser veapon is
rhar rhey're less likely ro do damage ro hulls and Lulkheads in ships and space
Fovered Hoisr: Fovered Hoisr: Fovered Hoisr: Fovered Hoisr: This is a massive vinch virh 100 merers of coiled sreel. The Fovered
Hoisr can lifr up ro 5000 KG.
Fre Fre Fre Fre- -- -faL Expanding Shelrer: faL Expanding Shelrer: faL Expanding Shelrer: faL Expanding Shelrer: When purchased rhe Fre-faL Expanding Shelrer looks like
a 20 KG square rhar measures one merer on each side. When deployed, ir creares a
rhree roomed Luilding rhar measures ren merers Ly ren merers. The Fre-faL
Expanding Shelrer rakes five minures ro form, and ir's imporranr ro nore rhar rhe
srrucrure is nor air righr. Ir's Lasically a very nice and easy ro carry renr.
Fressurized Tenr: Fressurized Tenr: Fressurized Tenr: Fressurized Tenr: In mosr vays, rhis irem is idenrical ro rhe Tenr. The main exceprion
is rhar rhis Tenr fearures an airlock vhich vill allov rhe inrerior ro Le pressurized and
ro hold vharever armosphere rhe characrers prefer.
Radiarion Counrer: Radiarion Counrer: Radiarion Counrer: Radiarion Counrer: This device can measure rhe levels of radiarion in an area.
Resrrainrs: Resrrainrs: Resrrainrs: Resrrainrs: These are simple devices like handcuffs, alrhough each species vill have
rheir ovn variery, and irs imporranr rhar players and game masrers realize rhar
resrrainrs rhar are designed for one species vill proLaLly nor vork for anorher.
Rope Rope Rope Rope: Rope can Le made from a variery of suLsrances. Ir's usually purchased in a 10
merer coil, alrhough larger and smaller coils are availaLle. The game masrer should
adjusr rhe price accordingly Lased on vhar rhe characrer is Luying.
Sarellire: Sarellire: Sarellire: Sarellire: Sarellires are devices rhar are placed in orLir around planers. There are a
vide variery of sarellires rhar vould Le availaLle for characrers. There are vearher,
communicarions, radar, spy, and jusr aLour anyrhing else a characrer can rhink of. In
general, a communicarions sarellire is rhe simplesr form of sarellire, and rhese vill cosr
100000 credirs. The more complicared a sarellire is, rhe more expensive ir should Le,
virh spy sarellires running ar leasr 1000000 credirs.
Scanner: Scanner: Scanner: Scanner: This is a small handheld device rhar is capaLle of scanning jusr aLour
anyrhing a characrer mighr vanr ro scan. Using a Scanner granrs a characrer a +3
Lonus on any of rhe folloving skills: Appraise, Hide, Inrerrogarion, Linguisrics, Lisren,
Mechanics, Search, Sense Morive, and Survival.
Ship Compurer Upgra Ship Compurer Upgra Ship Compurer Upgra Ship Compurer Upgrade de de de: When rhis is insralled inro an onLoard compurer sysrem, rhe
compurer immediarely receives a +1 ro each of irs arrriLures. The compurer's arrack
and defense dice, as vell as irs healrh score need ro Le immediarely modified.
More informarion on arrriLures, arrack and defense dice, and compurer healrh can Le
Ship AI Ship AI Ship AI Ship AI: Alrhough a compurer sysrem on a ship is a grear asser, svirching over ro an
AI can do vonders for a ship.
Slugs: Slugs: Slugs: Slugs: These are ammo for slug rhrovers. Mosr of rhe senrienr species have used slug
rhrovers of some kind in rheir pasr, and some vill srill use rhem roday.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Snorkel & Mask: Snorkel & Mask: Snorkel & Mask: Snorkel & Mask: If a characrer is going ro Le jusr Lelov rhe surface of a Lody of varer,
rhen rhere von'r alvays Le a need for under varer gear. Insread, rhe characrer can
opr for a Snorkel & Mask.
Solar Vaporaror: Solar Vaporaror: Solar Vaporaror: Solar Vaporaror: The Solar Vaporaror uses solar energy ro condense varer our of rhe
armosphere of a planer. The varer can rhen Le purified inro drinking varer. There
are rvo imporranr limirarions ro rhe Solar Vaporaror. Firsr of all, rhey can only Le
used vhen rhe planer's srar is up," and secondly, rhey are only useful if rhere is
acrually varer vapor in rhe planer's armosphere.
Sporl Sporl Sporl Sporlighr: ighr: ighr: ighr: This is a very poverful lighr source rhar vill illuminare a 10 merer raidus
area. The Sporlighr can Le moved so rhar ir can scan a large area.
Surgical Kir: Surgical Kir: Surgical Kir: Surgical Kir: A Surgical Kir vill allov anyone virh rhe Medicine skill ro perform
surgeries of a Lasic narure. Complex surgeries require an acrual operaring room, or ar
leasr an operaring Lor.
Survival Gear Survival Gear Survival Gear Survival Gear: There are a numLer of rypes of Survival Gear. Any environmenr a
game masrer can envision (jungle, ice, deserr, erc.) has a specific Survival Gear. This
allovs a characrer ro Lerrer survive in rhar environmenr, Lur rhe environmenr has ro
Le somerhing rhar a characrer mighr survive in virhour rhe gear. For example, ir has
ro have an armospheric pressure rhar rhe characrer can handle, and ir also has ro have
an armosphere rhar is LrearhaLle Ly rhe characrer (alrhough a Brearher can ger pasr
rhis limirarion.) In game rerms, any characrer vearing a specific Survival Gear gains a
+10 Lonus ro rheir Survival skill.
There is also General Survival Gear rhar is much more expensive. Ir allovs a
characrer ro adapr ro any environmenr rhey mighr find rhemselves in.assuming rhey
can Lrearhe rhe air (unless rhey use a Lrearher), and rhere is enough armospheric
pressure for rhem ro survive in. This Survival Gear cosrs 200,000 credirs.
Tenr: Tenr: Tenr: Tenr: This is a collapsiLle clorh srrucrure rhar usually measures roughly five cuLic
merers vhen ir has Leen assemLled, vhich normally rakes aLour ren minures. The
Tenr provides shelrer from rhe elemenrs, Lur ir is nor air-righr, and ir vill nor provide
prorecrion againsr environmenrs rhar rhe characrers are nor capaLle of surviving in.
Toolkirs: Toolkirs: Toolkirs: Toolkirs: There are a vide variery of Toolkirs rhar are availaLle, and rhe ones lisred in
rhis supplemenr are only given as an example. Game Masrers should feel free ro
creare Toolkirs for vharever rhey feel is necessary.
In simple rerms, a Toolkir is vhar allovs characrers ro fix oLjecrs. Wirhour a Toolkir,
repairs are nor possiLle.
Translaror Translaror Translaror Translaror: This allovs a characrer ro insranraneously rranslare any spoken language
rhey hear.provided rhar rhe Translaror has Leen exposed ro rhe language, or has ar
leasr had rhe language uploaded inro irs daraLase. When a Translaror is purchased, ir
vill conrain all of rhe primary languages of rhe major species.
Under Ware Under Ware Under Ware Under Warer Suir: r Suir: r Suir: r Suir: This suir allovs a characrer ro funcrion undervarer. Each suir is
normally equipped virh one Air Tank, vhich allovs rhe characrer ro funcrion for rvo
hours undervarer, or under a fluid virh similar properries as varer. The suir also
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
comes virh a skin rhar helps ro keep rhe individual varm, flippers ro help rhem svim,
and a mask ro prorecr rheir face. Alrhough an Under Warer Suir is nor very rhick, ir
vill offer a +1 defense Lonus againsr primirive veapons.
Video Recorder: Video Recorder: Video Recorder: Video Recorder: This device vill record, in rvo-dimensions, anyrhing rhar ir's
poinred ar vhile ir's on. Ir can srore up ro 12 hours of marerial.
Warer Furificarion Kir: Warer Furificarion Kir: Warer Furificarion Kir: Warer Furificarion Kir: The Warer Furificarion Kir can Le used ro rurn any non-
drinkaLle varer (no marrer hov conraminared) inro poraLle varer. The Kir can Le
used ro purify one lirer of varer every hour.
Warer Survival Gear: Warer Survival Gear: Warer Survival Gear: Warer Survival Gear: This gear includes an Under Warer Suir, deprh sensors rhar are
arrached ro rhe suir, Luoyancy veighrs, an undervarer lighr virh a range of 100
merers, and echolocarion gear virh a range of 500 merers.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
There are a variery of roLors rhar populare rhe Ephemeris universe. The original
ourline of rhe inirial ruleLook had an enrire secrion devored ro roLors, Lur Lecause of
space consrrainrs, ir had ro Le dropped. A furure supplemenr vill delve deeper inro
rhe idea of Lors, Lur rhis secrion vill give a Lrief look ar vhar could Le possiLle.
Ir's imporranr ro keep in mind rhar rhis is far from a complere lisr, and game
masrers and players should feel free ro develop orher kinds of Lors, using rhese Lors as
a remplare. For a more inreresring game, a game masrer mighr consider making Lors
illegal in some sysrems.

Type Type Type Type Frice Frice Frice Frice Bor Inrelligence Bor Inrelligence Bor Inrelligence Bor Inrelligence
Arrack Bor 100000 5
Securiry Bor 75000 6
Surveillance Drone 50000 4
Survey Bor 50000 5
Waldo Bor 25000 2

Arrack Bor: Arrack Bor: Arrack Bor: Arrack Bor: This roLor is specially designed for comLar. The srandard Arrack Bor is
armed virh eirher a laser or plasma pisrol and has four arrack dice and four defense
dice. Due ro rheir limired Agiliry, an Arrack Bor suffers a -1 penalry ro rheir arrack
and defense rolls. An Arrack Bor is a very rough opponenr hovever, and rolls 12 six-
sided dice ro derermine irs healrh. To rhis numLer, ir adds 4.
An Arrack Bor can see slighrly inro rhe infrared and has exrraordinary hearing.
Securiry Bor: Securiry Bor: Securiry Bor: Securiry Bor: This roLor is designed ro prorecr individuals or properry. Alrhough nor
as capaLle of a fighrer as rhe Arrack Bor, rhe Securiry Bor can cerrainly hold irs ovn in
a Larrle. The srandard Securiry Bor is armed virh eirher a laser or a plasma pisrol and
has rhree arrack dice and rhree defense dice. Due ro rheir limired Agiliry, a Securiry
Bor suffers a -1 penalry ro rheir arrack and defense rolls. A Securiry Bor is a rough
opponenr, and rolls nine six-sided dice ro derermine rheir healrh. To rhis numLer,
rhey add 3.
A Securiry Bor can see inro rhe infrared and rhe ulrravioler, rhey also have lov-lighr
vision, and can see in rhe dark as vell as a human can see in lov-lighr. They can hear
in a range from 1 herrz ro 10,000 herrz. Mosr Securiry Bors are also equipped ro Le
aLle ro fly.
Surveillance Drone: Surveillance Drone: Surveillance Drone: Surveillance Drone: These Lors are designed ro varch an individual or a locarion,
alrhough locarions are Lerrer for rhem, as rhey are nor designed ro Le very inrelligenr.
The Surveillance Drone has limired infrared vision, and has hearing equivalenr ro an
Earrh dog. They also have limired srealrh rechnology, meaning rhar anyone rrying ro
use spor or search ro find rhem, suffers a -4 penalry.
A Surveillance Drone is nor meanr ro fighr, and if pushed inro comLar, rhey are
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
equipped virh vhar's rhe equivalenr of a flecherre pisrol. They have rvo arrack dice
and rhree defense dice, Lur due ro rheir limired agiliry, rhey suffer a -1 penalry ro
rheir arrack and defense rolls. For healrh, a Surveillance Drone rolls six six-sided dice,
and ro rhis roral, rhey add 2.
Survey Bor: Survey Bor: Survey Bor: Survey Bor: These Lors are designed ro survey unexplored planers, or unexplored
regions of knovn planers. They are aLle ro funcrion undervarer jusr as vell as rhey
do on land. They have limired access ro rhe infrared porrion of rhe specrrum. They're
also equipped virh sensors rhar allov rhem ro perform a variery of scienrific
experimenrs complerely on rheir ovn. These include, Lur are nor limired ro,
geological, mereorological, and archaeological experimenrs.
Survey Bors are nor really designed for comLar, Lur rhey are hearry fighrers if rhey
need ro Le. They are armed virh eirher a laser or a plasma pisrol. They have rhree
arrack dice and rhree defense dice. Unlike mosr Lors, Survey Bors rend ro Le very
agile, and rhey acrually receive a +1 Lonus on rheir arrack and defense rolls. For
healrh, a Survey Bor rolls nine six-sided dice, and ro rhis roral, rhey add 6.
Waldo Bor: Waldo Bor: Waldo Bor: Waldo Bor: These are perhaps one of rhe mosr primirive forms of Lors. They have
very lirrle independenr rhoughr, and in facr, rhey have ro Le conrrolled Ly an
individual from a differenr locarion. The individual plugs rhemselves inro a virrual
realiry environmenr and rhen commands rhe Waldo Bor. These Lors are limired ro
jusr Leing aLle ro look around. They can move oLjecrs, and convey sensory
impressions ro rhe Waldo Operaror, Lur rhere's nor much else rhey can do.
Ir's Lesr for a Waldo Bor ro avoid comLar, Lur if rhey musr, rhey only have rvo arrack
dice and rvo defense dice. In addirion, due ro rheir limired agiliry, rhey suffer a -2
penalry ro rheir arrack and defense rolls. The Waldo Bor is rypically armed virh rhe
equivalenr of a flecherre pisrol. For healrh, a Waldo RoLor rolls rhree six-sided dice,
and ro rhis roral, rhey add 1.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
There are a variery of ships rhar a characrer mighr encounrer during a game. Many
of rhese rhe characrer can never hope ro afford, Lur rhey're lisred Lelov neverrheless.
Mosrly Lecause rhe game masrer mighr need rhe dara if rhe characrers come up
againsr one of rhem in Larrle.or if rhey mighr Le serving on one of rhem during rhe
course of a mission.
The raLles Lelov lisr rhe rypes of ships, as vell as rheir cosr, vharever shields rhe
ship uses, vhar veapons ir's armed virh, rhe ship's arrack dice, irs defense dice, rhe
rypical healrh of a ship, and rhe ship's jump capaLiliry. The raLle lisrs vhar vould Le
a rypical Class 1 ship. Upgrades are possiLle for all ships, and rhis informarion is given
in rhe derailed descriprions of rhe ships folloving rhe vell as in rhe Ship
Augmenrarion secrion. The price for an overall upgrade is 50% of rhe inirial cosr of
rhe ship. Thus an upgrade of a Mining Crafr vould cosr 75,000 credirs.
A quick glance ar rhe raLles Lelov vill shov rhar all ships have sensors. The range
of rhe ship's sensors is given in Asrronomical Unirs (rhe average disrance Lerveen rhe
Sun and rhe Earrh or 1.6X10
KM.) When a characrer uses rhe ship's sensors, rhey
make a Search skill check againsr vharever CS rhe game masrer has esraLlished. If rhe
ship rhe characrer is nor rrying ro do anyrhing ro hide irself, rhen rhe game masrer
could rule rhar rhe Search skill is unnecessary. Ships rrying ro hide or srealrh
rhemselves vould require a Skill check againsr rhe orher pilor's skill check. Orher
facrors can also come inro play vhen using sensors. The search check vill Le harder
in an asreroid Lelr, magneric field, neLula, or anyrhing else rhar mighr mask rhe
signarure of vharever ir is rhe characrer is rrying ro find.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Type Type Type Type Cosr Cosr Cosr Cosr Shields Shields Shields Shields Weapons Weapons Weapons Weapons
20,000,000 ALlarive or Force Shielding 4 cannons (mix of
laser and plasma) and
2 missile launchers
10,000,000 ALlarive or Force Shielding 2 veapons of choice
Carrier 30,000,000 ALlarive or Force Shielding 2 cannons (laser or
plasma) and 1 missile
50,000,000 ALlarive Hull or Force Shielding 2 cannons (laser or
plasma) and 2 missile
Fighrer 100,000 None 2 cannons (laser or
plasma) or 2 missile
5,000,000 Force Shielding 2 veapons-a
comLinarion of
cannons and missile
150,000 Force Shielding 1 veapon of choice
2,000,000 ALlarive Hull or Force Shielding 2 veapons of choice
175,000 ALlarive Hull or Force Shielding 2 veapons of choice
400,000 Force Shield 1 veapon of choice
200,000 ALlarive Hull or Force Shielding 3 veapons of choice
Warship 10,000,000 ALlarive or Force Shielding 2 cannons (mix of
laser and plasma) and
1 missile launcher

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Type Type Type Type Arrack Dice Arrack Dice Arrack Dice Arrack Dice Defense Dice Defense Dice Defense Dice Defense Dice
Barrle Cruiser 2 virh a +3 arrack Lonus 2 virh a +3 defense Lonus
Cargo Ship 1 3
Carrier 1 3
Explorer Ship 2 2
Fighrer 2 2
Luxury Yachr 1 2
Mining Crafr 1 1 virh a +1 defense Lonus
Fassenger Ship 1 3
Fersonal Cruiser 1 2
Shurrle Crafr 1 2
Trader Vessel 2 3
Warship 2 2

Type Type Type Type Sensors Sensors Sensors Sensors Healrh Healrh Healrh Healrh Jump CapaLiliry Jump CapaLiliry Jump CapaLiliry Jump CapaLiliry
Barrle Cruiser 5 AU 500 10 ly
Cargo Ship 4 AU 200 10 ly
Carrier 5 AU 400 10 ly
Explorer Ship 10 AU 300 30 ly
Fighrer 1 AU 50 n/a
Luxury Yachr 3 AU 100 5 ly
Mining Crafr 2 AU 75 3 ly
Fassenger Ship 3 AU 150 10 ly
Fersonal Cruiser 3 AU 75 3 ly
Shurrle Crafr 5 AU 30 n/a
Trader Vessel 5 AU 100 5 ly
Warship 5 AU 300 10 ly

The raLle Lelov lisrs rhe speed rhar a ship can rravel and hov maneuveraLle rhey
are. The speeds are lisred in kilomerers per hour and rhe maneuveraLiliry is scored
from 2-12 (ir's much like rhe Agiliry of a characrer.) When ships are rrying ro chase
or flee from each orher, rheir maneuveraLiliry is used ro derermine rhe success of
rhose maneuvers. Tvo six-sided dice are rolled Ly each ship. To rhis numLer is
added rhe Lonus or penalry of rhe ship's maneuveraLiliry (see rhe arrriLure score
modifiers ro ger rhis numLer.) This vill give rhe ships' rav numLers. Afrer rhis, rhe
game masrer looks ar rhe speed of each ship (oLviously a fasrer ship vill have a Lerrer
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
chance of escaping from or carching a slover ship.) The speed of rhe slover ship is
suLrracred from rhe speed of rhe fasrer ship. For every 50,000 km/hr. difference, rhe
game masrer granrs rhe fasrer ship a +1 Lonus.

As an example:
David is playing a Culrhan Diplomar vho is piloring a fighrer crafr rhar is rrying ro
flee from a Tulmarh Larrle cruiser. David rolls rvo six-sided dice virh a resulr of 9.
The game masrer rolls a 5 for rhe Larrle cruiser. The fighrer has grear maneuveraLiliry
(12), so David's characrer gers a +4 Lonus.making his roll a 13. The Larrle cruiser is
nor very maneuveraLle (6), so rhe Tulmarh gers no Lonus.leaving rheir roll a 5. The
fighrer has a speed of 400,000, vhile rhe Larrle cruiser has a speed of 250,000. Using
rhese numLers, rhe game masrer does rhe folloving marh: 400,000-250,000=150,000.
This gives rhe fighrer anorher +3 Lonus.making David's final roll a 16. OLviously
rhe Diplomar is going ro make ir rhrough rhis chase scenario.
Hov many checks are required ro carch an enemy or escape from an enemy is up
ro rhe game masrer. Ir could Le ruled rhar if rhere is a huge difference in rhe rvo
ships' final rolls, rhen escape or caprure is auromaric.
For every rhree rhree rhree rhree upgrades rhar a ship goes rhrough, ir vill increase irs speed Ly 25%
and irs maneuveraLiliry vill go up 1 poinr.

Type of Ship Type of Ship Type of Ship Type of Ship Speed Speed Speed Speed ManeuveraLiliry ManeuveraLiliry ManeuveraLiliry ManeuveraLiliry
Barrle Cruiser 250,000 6
Cargo Ship 200,000 4
Carrier 200,000 4
Explorer Ship 250,000 3
Fighrer 400,000 12
Luxury Yachr 300,000 8
Mining Crafr 100,000 4
Fassenger Ship 300,000 9
Fersonal Cruiser 300,000 9
Shurrle Crafr 300,000 11
Trader Vessel 300,000 10
Warship 300,000 8

Barrle Cruiser: Barrle Cruiser: Barrle Cruiser: Barrle Cruiser: This is a large varship. A class 1 Barrle Cruiser is rypically creved Ly
20 and can carry up ro ren passengers (usually ground rroops.) For each class upgrade
rhe ship goes rhrough, rhe amounr is increased Ly a crev of 10 and Ly 5 passengers. A
class 1 Barrle Cruiser usually has a comLinarion of 4 cannons (laser or plasma) and 2
missile launchers. Each class upgrade adds 2 more cannons and 1 more missile
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
A class 1 Barrle Cruiser uses 2 six sided dice in an arrack, Lur Lecause of rhe advanced
veapons on rhe ship, ir adds a +3 Lonus ro any arrack. Each class upgrade adds one
more six sided die and an addirional +1 Lonus.
A class 1 Barrle Cruiser uses 2 six sided dice in defense, Lur Lecause of rhe heavy
plaring on rhe ships, rhey add a +3 Lonus ro rheir defense rolls. Each class upgrade
adds one more six sided die and an addirional +1 Lonus.
When a Barrle Cruiser is Luilr, rhey're ourfirred virh eirher level 1 ALlarive Shielding,
or a level 1 Force Shield. See rhe descriprions of rhese irems in Ship Augmenrarion
for full derails. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one
The Barrle Cruiser's sensors have a range of 5 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe sensor
range increases Ly one AU.
A class 1 Barrle Cruiser is capaLle of making a 10 lighr year rrip rhrough Hyperspace.
Wirh each class upgrade, a Barrle Cruiser is aLle ro add an addirional 5 lighr years ro
rheir maximum jump.
Cargo Ship Cargo Ship Cargo Ship Cargo Ship: Trader Vessels can usually only haul small cargoes, so if someone needs
somerhing large ship, rhey vill use Cargo Ships. These ships are usually Lulky and
hard ro maneuver, Lur rhey are heavily armored. A class 1 Cargo Ship vill have a
crev of 10 and ir vill have rvo veapons of rhe characrer's choice. Each class upgrade
allovs rhe addirion of rvo more crev memLers, and one veapon of rhe characrer's
A Cargo ship is capaLle of carrying 1,000,000 KG of freighr. For each class upgrade,
rhar maximum freighr is increased Ly 100,000 KG.
Cargo Ships aren'r really meanr ro fighr, so rhey only use 1 six sided die for an arrack,
Lur Lecause of rheir rhick hulls, rhey use 3 six-sided dice for rheir defense rolls. Each
upgrade adds one six sided-die ro each of rhese rolls.
A Cargo Ship is equipped virh eirher level 1 ALlarive Shielding or a level 1 Force
Shield. Each upgrade increases rhis shielding Ly one level. Wirh each class upgrade,
rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Cargo Ship's sensors have a range of 3 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe sensor
range increases Ly one AU.
A level 1 Cargo Ship is capaLle of making a 10 lighr year jump rhrough hyperspace.
Wirh each level of upgrade, a Cargo Ship is aLle ro add an addirional 5 lighr years ro
rheir maximum jump.
Carrier: Carrier: Carrier: Carrier: This is a ship rhar's designed ro deliver fighrer crafrs inro comLar. The ship
irself is nor really meanr for comLar, Lur ir can fighr if necessary. A class 1 Carrier vill
have a crev of 20, and vill also have 10 Fighrers, each of vhich vill have a pilor
(rhese are in addirion ro rhe regular ship's crev.) For each class upgrade rhe ship goes
rhrough, rhe amounr is increased Ly 10 crevmemLers and 5 fighrers (virh pilors.) A
class one Carrier vill usually have 2 cannons (laser or plasma) and one missile
launcher. Each class upgrade adds one more veapon of choice.
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
A class 1 Carrier isn'r really designed for comLar, and as a resulr, ir uses only one six
sided die for irs arrack rolls. Each class upgrade adds an addirional six sided die.
A class 1 Carrier is heavily armored Lecause ir's an imporranr parr of any comLar
siruarion. As a resulr, a Carrier uses 3 six sided dice for irs defense rolls. Wirh each
class upgrade, rhe ship adds one addirional six sided die ro irs defense rolls.
When a Carrier is Luilr, rhey're ourfirred virh eirher level 1 ALlarive Shielding, or a
level 1 Force Shield. See rhe descriprions of rhese irems in Ship Augmenrarion for full
derails. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Carrier's sensors have a range of 5 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe sensor range
increases Ly one AU.
A class 1 Carrier is capaLle of making a 10 lighr year rrip rhrough Hyperspace. Wirh
each level of upgrade, a Carrier is aLle ro add an addirional 5 lighr years ro rheir
maximum jump.
Explorer Ship: Explorer Ship: Explorer Ship: Explorer Ship: These crafr are designed for very deep space expedirions.ofren inro
rhe unexplored regions of rhe galaxy. As a resulr, rhey are large, a class 1 Explorer
Ship has a Lasic crev of 50, plus rhey vill also have 5 rhe pilors ro crev
rhose fighrers. Wirh each upgrade, an addirional 10 crevmemLers are added, as vell
as one addirional fighrer and pilor. Due ro rhe exrreme danger of rhe explorarion of
deep space, each Explorer Ship is ourfirred virh eirher an ALlarive Hull or virh Force
Shields (see rhe Ship Augmenrarion secrion for more informarion on rhese irems.) A
class 1 Explorer Ship has level 1 shielding of rhe characrer's choice. Wirh each
upgrade, 1 addirional level is added ro rhe shielding.
Ir's alvays rhe hope rhar an explorer ship vill nor have ro face comLar, Lur rhey are
ready should rhey need ro. In a comLar siruarion, and Explorer Ship uses rvo six
sided dice for irs arrack rolls. Each class upgrade adds 1 addirional six sided die. A
class 1 Explorer Ship is ourfirred virh 2 cannons (laser or plasma) and rvo missile
launchers. Each class upgrade adds rvo more veapons of choice.
An Explorer Ship is a Lir Lulky and hard ro maneuver, Lur ir does rend ro Le heavily
armored. As a resulr, a class 1 Explorer Ship uses 2 six sided dice for irs defense rolls.
Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship adds 1 more six sided die ro irs defense rolls.
The Explorer Ship's sensors have a range of 10 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe
sensor range increases Ly rvo AU.
Explorer Ships are designed ro spend a grear deal of rime in hyperspace, since ir's rheir
primary mission ro ger ro rhe places rhar no crearure has gone Lefore. As a resulr, a
class 1 Explorer Ship is capaLle of making a 30 lighr year rrip rhrough hyperspace.
Wirh each class upgrade, rhe Explorer Ship is aLle ro add an addirional 10 lighr years
ro rheir maximum jump.
Fighrer: Fighrer: Fighrer: Fighrer: This is a small crafr designed for in-close fighring. Ir rypically is designed for
one or rvo crearures, Lur no more. A Fighrer rypically has rvo cannons (laser or
plasma) or rvo missile launchers. Upgrades ro rhese ships do nor allov rhe addirion of
more crev, or rhe addirion of more veaponry.
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A class 1 Fighrer uses 2 six sided dice for Lorh irs arrack and defense rolls. Each
upgrade adds 1 addirional six sided die ro each of rhe rolls. A fighrer does nor have
any rype of shielding vhen ir's designed, nor does ir receive any if ir's
upgraded.alrhough rhe pilor could purchase shielding and have ir insralled.
The Fighrer's sensors have a range of 1 AU. Ir rakes rhree upgrades Lefore a Fighrer's
sensor range increases Ly one AU.
Fighrers can nor jump inro hyperspace. They can Le deployed in hyperspace Ly a
Carrier, Lur rhey have no vay of jumping Lack ro normal space, so rhis can Le a very
dangerous venrure.
Luxury Yachr: Luxury Yachr: Luxury Yachr: Luxury Yachr: These ships are designed for carrying people in class. They don'r have
cramped quarrers like a Fassenger Ship, and rhey don'r have large mess halls like a
Barrle Cruiser. These ships have everyrhing a vealrhy space enrrepreneur could
possiLly vanr. The ship usually has a crev rhar ranges from 10-20, and can
luxuriously accommodare up ro 10 passengers. Ship upgrades do nor increase rhese
numLers. These ships aren'r really meanr for comLar, Lur ir's a dangerous galaxy, so
rhey do have veaponry. A class 1 Luxury Yachr vill have rvo veapons. They can Le
a comLinarion of cannons (laser or plasma) and missile launchers, or rhey could Le
rvo of one kind of veapon. Wirh every upgrade, rhe ship adds 1 addirional veapon
of rhe characrer's choice.
A class 1 Luxury Yachr vas never meanr ro go inro comLar.rhe passengers mighr
spill rheir drinks. As a resulr, rhis ship only uses 1 six sided die for arrack rolls. Wirh
each class upgrade, 1 addirional six sided die is added.
Luxury Yachrs are maneuveraLle, and as a resulr, a class 1 Yachr uses 2 six sided dice
for rheir defense rolls. Wirh each class upgrade, 1 addirional six sided die is added ro
rhe defense rolls. For shielding, rhe Luxury Yachr is designed virh level 1 Force
Shielding. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Luxury Yachr's sensors have a range of 3 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe sensor
range increases Ly one AU.
A class 1 Luxury Yachr is capaLle of making a 5 lighr year rrip rhrough Hyperspace.
Wirh each level of upgrade, a Luxury Yachr is aLle ro add an addirional 3 lighr years
ro rheir maximum jump.
Mining Crafr: Mining Crafr: Mining Crafr: Mining Crafr: Mining crafrs are small ships designed for 1-4 miners. They're heavy
on mining equipmenr, Lur shorr on pover, speed, and veaponry. A Mining Crafr vill
only have one veapon (of a rype of rhe characrer's choice.) Class upgrades do nor
allov for rhe addirion of more crev, or for rhe addirion of more veaponry. The ships
are prerry much ser in rheir design.
A Mining Crafr's Lesr choice in comLar is ro avoid ir, Lur if rhar's nor possiLle, rhey
use 1 six sided die for rheir arrack rolls. Wirh each class upgrade, rhey add 1
addirional six sided die.
A Mining Crafr is nor very maneuveraLle, and can make an easy rarger, Lur rhey do
rend ro have very solid hulls. When forced inro comLar, a Mining Crafr uses 1 six
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
sided die in a defense roll, Lur ir adds 1 ro irs roll Lecause of rhe hard hull. Each class
upgrade adds 1 addirional six sided die and an addirional 1 poinr Lonus. In addirion, a
Mining Crafr is designed virh level 1 Force Shielding. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe
ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Mining Crafr's sensors have a range of 2 AU. Ir rakes rvo upgrades ro increase
rhe sensor range Ly an addirion AU.
Mining Crafrs aren'r capaLle of rraveling far in hyperspace. A class 1 Mining Crafr is
capaLle of making a 3 lighr year rrip rhrough hyperspace. Wirh each level of upgrade,
a Mining Crafr is aLle ro add 1 addirional lighr year ro rheir maximum jump.
Fassenger Ship: Fassenger Ship: Fassenger Ship: Fassenger Ship: A Fassenger Ship is a Lulky affair designed ro carry as many people as
possiLle as far as possiLle. They aren'r designed for elegance, speed, or comLar. A
class 1 Fassenger ship fearures a crev of 20 and can carry 100 passengers. Each class
upgrade adds an addirional 5 crev and 20 passengers. A Fassenger Ship is armed virh
rvo veapons of choice. Wirh each class upgrade, 1 addirional veapon can Le added.
Unlike any orher ship, rhe Fassenger Ship comes our of rhe assemLly docks virh level
1 Hypersparial Shielding (see rhe Ship Augmenrarion secrion for a full descriprion.)
Wirh each class upgrade, rhe level of Hypersparial Shielding is increased Ly 1 as vell.
Fassenger Ships are nor meanr ro go inro comLar, and rhe crevs rypically don'r ger
more rhan minimal rraining. As a resulr, a class 1 Fassenger Ship only uses 1 six sided
die for irs arrack rolls. Wirh each class upgrade, 1 addirional die is added ro rhe arrack
Fassenger Ships have very rhick hulls ro help prorecr everyone on Loard. As a resulr,
a class 1 Fassenger Ship uses 3 six sided dice in irs defense rolls. Wirh each upgrade, 1
addirional six sided die is added ro rhe rolls. For shielding, a Fassenger Ship is
designed virh eirher level 1 ALlarive Hull or level 1 Force Shielding. Wirh each class
upgrade, rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Fassenger Ship's sensors have a range of 3 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe
sensor range increases Ly one AU.
A class 1 Fassenger Ship is capaLle of making a 10 lighr year rrip rhrough hyperspace.
Each class upgrade adds an addirional 5 lighr years ro rhe Fassenger Ship's maximum
Fersonal Cruiser: Fersonal Cruiser: Fersonal Cruiser: Fersonal Cruiser: A Fersonal Cruiser is a ship designed for 1-6 people ro rravel in.
The more people, rhe more cramped rhe condirions vill Le. The ships are designed ro
Le maneuveraLle, Lur rhey're nor designed for comLar. A class 1 Fersonal Cruiser vill
have 2 veapons of rhe characrer's choice. Class upgrades do nor allov for rhe
addirion of more people or of more veaponry.
The Lesr defense for a class 1 Fersonal Cruiser is ro flee, Lur if rhey have ro fighr, rhey
use 1 six sided die for rheir arrack rolls. Each class upgrade adds 1 addirional six sided
A class 1 Fersonal Cruiser is maneuveraLle, vhich makes up for irs rhin hull. As a
resulr, rhe Fersonal Cruiser uses 2 six sided dice in irs defense rolls. Each class
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
upgrade adds 1 addirional six sided die. For shielding, a Fersonal Cruiser is designed
virh eirher level 1 ALlarive Hull or level 1 Force Shielding. Wirh each class upgrade,
rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Fersonal Cruiser's sensors have a range of 3 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe
sensor range increases Ly one AU.
A class 1 Fersonal Cruiser is capaLle of making a jump inro hyperspace, Lur rhey can'r
rravel far. They're limired ro a 3 lighr year jump. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship is
aLle ro rravel 1 lighr year furrher.
Shurrle Crafr Shurrle Crafr Shurrle Crafr Shurrle Crafr: Designed ro Le lighr and maneuveraLle. The shurrle crafr is rhe only
ship rhar can acrually enrer a planerary armosphere. All of rhe orher ships in rhis
secrion musr dock virh a space srarion in orLir, and rhen use shurrle crafrs ro reach
rhe surface. Many of rhe larger ships vill have shurrle crafrs. Barrle Cruisers vill
have four, Cargo Ships vill have one, Carriers vill have six, Explorer Ships vill have
six, Luxury Yachrs vill have one, Fassenger Ships vill have rvo, and Warships vill
have rvo. A Shurrle Crafr can Le added ro a Fersonal Cruiser or a Trader Vessel, Lur
rhey don'r auromarically come virh rhose ships.
A shurrle crafr can sear up ro six people. They are designed ro Le maneuveraLle, Lur
rhey are nor designed for comLar. A Shurrle Crafr vill have one veapon of rhe
characrer's choice. The Shurrle Crafr can nor Le upgraded, so no addirional veapons
can Le added.
The Lesr defense for a Shurrle Crafr is ro ger inro a planerary armosphere vhere rhey
can' Le pursued, Lur if rhey have ro fighr, rhey use one six-sided die for rheir arrack
These ships are very maneuveraLle, so if rhey do ger inro a Larrle, rhey use rvo six-
sided dice for rheir defense dice. They are also equipped virh Force Shielding. Wirh
each class upgrade, rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Shurrle Crafr's sensors have a range of 1 AU. Ir rakes rhree class upgrades ro
increase rhe range of rhe sensors Ly one AU.
A Shurrle Crafr is nor capaLle of enrering hyperspace.
Trader Vessel: Trader Vessel: Trader Vessel: Trader Vessel: These ships are designed virh rhe sole purpose of carrying cargo, Lur
rhey are also usually very maneuveraLle and fasr. A class 1 Trader Vessel vill have a
crev of 1-6. OLviously rhe larger rhe crev, rhe more cramped rhe quarrers vill Le.
The ship also fearures rhree veapons rhar rhe characrer chooses vhen rhe ship is
designed. Class upgrades do nor allov for rhe addirion of more crev or of more
Traders don'r generally like ro fighr, Lur rheir ships are designed ro handle comLar if
rhey have ro. When in Larrle, a class 1 Trader Vessel uses 2 six sided dice in irs arrack
rolls. Wirh each class upgrade, 1 addirional six sided die is added ro rheir arrack rolls.
Trader Vessels are maneuveraLle. As a resulr, a class 1 Trader Vessel uses 3 six sided
dice in irs defense rolls. Wirh each class upgrade, 1 addirional six sided die is added ro
rheir arrack rolls. For shielding, a Trader Vessel is designed virh eirher level 1
Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
ALlarive Hull or level 1 Force Shielding. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship's shields
should Le raised Ly one level.
The Trader Vessel's sensors have a range of 5 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe sensor
range increases Ly one AU.
A class 1 Trader Vessel is capaLle of making a 5 lighr year rrip rhrough hyperspace.
Each class upgrade adds an addirional 3 lighr years ro rhe Trader Vessel's maximum
Warship Warship Warship Warship: The Warship is a smaller version of rhe Barrle Cruiser. They are more
maneuveraLle, Lur nor as poverful as rhe larger Barrle Cruisers. A class 1 Warship is
rypically creved Ly 10 and can carry up ro six passengers (usually ground rroops.) For
each class upgrade rhe ship goes rhrough, rhe amounr is increased Ly a crev of 5 and
Ly 3 passengers. A class 1 Warship usually has a comLinarion of 2 cannons (laser or
plasma) and 1 missile launcher. Each class upgrade adds 1 more veapon of rhe
characrer's choice.
A class 1 Warship uses 2 six-sided dice in an arrack. Each class upgrade adds one
more six sided die.
A class 1 Warship uses 2 six-sided dice on rheir defense rolls. Each class upgrade adds
one more six sided die.
When a Warship is Luilr, rhey're ourfirred virh eirher level 1 ALlarive Shielding, or a
level 1 Force Shield. See rhe descriprions of rhese irems in Ship Augmenrarion for full
derails. Wirh each class upgrade, rhe ship's shields should Le raised Ly one level.
The Warship's sensors have a range of 5 AU. For every class upgrade, rhe sensor
range increases Ly one AU.
A level 1 Warship is capaLle of making a 10 lighr year rrip rhrough Hyperspace. Wirh
each level of upgrade, a Warship is aLle ro add an addirional 5 lighr years ro rheir
maximum jump.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Ship Augmenrarions
This final secrion of rhe Goods chaprer derails irems rhar can Le added ro a ship.
Some are included vhen a ship is upgraded, and orhers are irems rhar a characrer (or
group of characrers) could choose ro add ro rheir ship ourside of a full upgrade. Ir's
imporranr ro nore rhar some ships are limired in vhar can Le added ro rhem. For
example, a Fighrer can nor add more veapons.
There is no raLle for rhis secrion. Insread, each lisring gives rhe price for rhar
upgrade on a specific rype of ship.

ALlarive Hull: ALlarive Hull: ALlarive Hull: ALlarive Hull: These hulls are designed ro aLsorL some of rhe energies from a laser or
plasma arrack. Each level of hull is capaLle of aLsorLing up ro 10 poinrs of damage
from each hir, rhus a 3
level ALlarive Hull vould Le aLle ro aLsorL up ro 30 poinrs in
damage from each hir. As an example, if 2 plasma cannons score hirs againsr a Trader
Vessel's hull, one Llasr doing 8 poinrs of damage and rhe orher doing 12 poinrs of
damage, a level one ALlarive Hull vould aLsorL all of rhe damage from rhe firsr hir,
and all Lur 2 poinrs of damage from rhe second hir.
Ir's imporranr ro nore rhar an ALlarive Hull only vorks againsr laser or plasma arracks.
A missile arrack vould do full damage.
Barrle Cruiser: 100,000
Cargo Ship: 75,000
Carrier: 80,000
Explorer Ship: 100,000
Fighrer: 20,000
Luxury Yachr: 50,000
Mining Crafr: 25,000
Fassenger Ship: 60,000
Fersonal Cruiser: 40,000
Shurrle Crafr: 30,000
Trader Vessel: 30,000
Warship: 75,000

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Force Shields: Force Shields: Force Shields: Force Shields: This is an energy shield rhar surrounds a ship. For each level of
shielding, rhe shield can aLsorL up ro 5 poinrs of damage from each hir, rhus a 3
Force Shield vould Le aLle ro aLsorL up ro 15 poinrs of damage from each successful
hir on a ship.
Force Shields vork againsr all forms of arrack.
Barrle Cruiser: 100,000
Cargo Ship: 75,000
Carrier: 80,000
Explorer Ship: 100,000
Fighrer: 20,000
Luxury Yachr: 50,000
Mining Crafr: 25,000
Fassenger Ship: 60,000
Fersonal Cruiser: 40,000
Shurrle Crafr: 30,000
Trader Vessel: 30,000
Warship: 75,000

Hypersparial Shielding: Hypersparial Shielding: Hypersparial Shielding: Hypersparial Shielding: This rype of shielding helps keep our some of rhe damaging
energies associared virh hyperspace. For each level of shielding, a characrer is aLle ro
add a +1 Lonus ro rheir saniry check for rravel rhrough hyperspace.
Barrle Cruiser: 200,000
Cargo Ship: 150,000
Carrier: 160,000
Explorer Ship: 200,000
Fighrer: n/a
Luxury Yachr: 100,000
Mining Crafr: 50,000
Fassenger Ship: 120,000
Fersonal Cruiser: 80,000
Shurrle Crafr: n/a
Trader Vessel: 60,000
Warship: 150,000

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Laser Cannons: Laser Cannons: Laser Cannons: Laser Cannons: These cannons force a rremendous amounr of energy inro a very
concenrrared Leam vhich is rhen propelled rovards an opposing ship. The damage
facror for a Laser Cannon is 5. A Laser Cannon holds 150 charges, and can Le
Barrle Cruiser: 50,000
Cargo Ship: 50,000
Carrier: 50,000
Explorer Ship: 50,000
Fighrer: n/a
Luxury Yachr: 50,000
Mining Crafr: n/a
Fassenger Ship: 50,000
Fersonal Cruiser: n/a
Shurrle Crafr: 50,000
Trader Vessel: n/a
Warship: 50,000

Laser Recharge: Laser Recharge: Laser Recharge: Laser Recharge: Laser Cannons only lasr for so long, and evenrually rhey need ro Le
recharged. The price ro recharge a Laser Cannon is 5000 credirs. A Laser Cannon can
Le recharged ar any rime, Lur rhe price is alvays 5000 credirs, no marrer hov many
charges are lefr. If a recharge is done Lefore rhe Laser Cannon is deplered, rhe unused
charges are nor added ro rhe recharge.meaning rhar a recharged Laser Cannon vill
have 150 charges, no marrer hov many charges ir had lefr Lefore rhe recharge.

Missiles: Missiles: Missiles: Missiles: Any ship virh a Missile Launcher has a limired numLer of missiles, and
vhen ir comes rime ro refill rhose launchers, rhe characrers vill need ro Luy missiles.
The price for each missile is 200 credirs, and rhe characrers can Luy as many or as fev
as rhey mighr need. The Missile Launcher can Le refilled ar any rime.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Missile Launchers: Missile Launchers: Missile Launchers: Missile Launchers: Missiles are ofren vieved as crude veapons as opposed ro Laser or
Flasma Cannons, Lur rhey can Le very deadly veapons as vell. The damage facror for
a Missile Launcher is 3. A Missile Launcher holds 50 missiles, and more missiles can
Le loaded ar any rime.
Barrle Cruiser: 40,000
Cargo Ship: 40,000
Carrier: 40,000
Explorer Ship: 40,000
Fighrer: n/a
Luxury Yachr: 40,000
Mining Crafr: n/a
Fassenger Ship: 40,000
Fersonal Cruiser: n/a
Shurrle Crafr: n/a
Trader Vessel: n/a
Warship: 40,000

Flasma Cannons: Flasma Cannons: Flasma Cannons: Flasma Cannons: These cannons superhear gas inro a plasma, vhich is rhen propelled
rovards an opposing crafr. The damage facror for a Flasma Cannon is 6. A Flasma
Cannon holds 100 charges, and ir can Le recharged.
Barrle Cruiser: 60,000
Cargo Ship: 60,000
Carrier: 60,000
Explorer Ship: 60,000
Fighrer: n/a
Luxury Yachr: 60,000
Mining Crafr: n/a
Fassenger Ship: 60,000
Fersonal Cruiser: n/a
Shurrle Crafr: n/a
Trader Vessel: n/a
Warship: 60,000

Flasma Recharge: Flasma Recharge: Flasma Recharge: Flasma Recharge: Flasma Cannons only lasr for so long, and evenrually rhey need ro
Le recharged. The price ro recharge a Flasma Cannon is 6000 credirs. A Flasma
Cannon can Le recharged ar any rime, Lur rhe price is alvays 6000 credirs, no marrer
hov many charges are lefr. If a recharge is done Lefore rhe Flasma Cannon is
deplered, rhe unused charges are nor added ro rhe recharge.meaning rhar a
recharged Flasma Cannon vill have 100 charges, no marrer hov many charges ir had
lefr Lefore rhe recharge.

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)

Ranges of Ships' Weapons: Ranges of Ships' Weapons: Ranges of Ships' Weapons: Ranges of Ships' Weapons: Jusr like ranged handheld veapons, rhe veapons of a ship
also have ranges, and rhey suffer penalries ro rheir arrack dice vhen arrempring ro fire
ar longer ranges. Those penalries are as follovs:

Medium -3
Long -6
Exrremely Long -10
All ranges are given in kilomerers:

Type of veapon Shorr Medium Long Exrremely Long
Laser Cannon 5000 10000 15000 20000
Missile Launcher 2000 4000 6000 8000
Flasma Cannon 3000 6000 9000 12000

Shi Shi Shi Ship Repairs p Repairs p Repairs p Repairs: Ir's almosr ineviraLle rhar a ship vill Le damaged, and rhus vill need
repairs. The raLle Lelov lisrs rhe cosr (in credirs) per healrh poinr ro repair a ship. Ir's
imporranr ro keep in mind rhar a ship's healrh can nor Le raised passed irs maximum.
An example:
Chris has Leen playing a human Trader. His ship susrained 30 poinrs of damage in a
recenr Larrle. He purs in ar a space dock and immediarely commissions a repair. In
order ro repair all of rhe damage, Chris' Trader vill have ro pay 900 credirs.Lecause
ir cosrs 30 credirs ro repair each poinr of healrh damage, and 30X30=900.
Barrle Cruiser: 100
Cargo Ship: 75
Carrier: 120
Explorer Ship: 200
Fighrer: 25
Luxury Yachr: 125
Mining Crafr: 35
Fassenger Ship: 50
Fersonal Cruiser: 40
Shurrle Crafr: 25
Trader Vessel: 30
Warship: 80

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Srarring Equipmenr for Ships
If a characrer manages ro Luy a ship ar some poinr, ir's imporranr ro keep in mind
rhar each ship comes equipped virh irems from rhis lisr. In orher vords, rhe
characrer doesn'r ger jusr rhe ship. If rhe characrers are aLle ro salvage a ship rhar
rhey've found, or rhar rhey've defeared in Larrle, some of rhis equipmenr should Le
rhere for rhe raking.Lur rhe game masrer musr make sure rhar he or she mainrains
game Lalance Ly nor lerring rhe characrers ger rheir hands on everyrhing, rhus making
rhem unLearaLle for opponenrs of similar level.
This secrion gives a complere lisr of vhar rhe game masrer should include virh rhe
purchase of a ship. As virh many of rhe Ephemeris rules, rhe game masrer is free ro
change rhese lisrs as he or she sees fir.

Barrle Cruiser
10 laser pisrols, 10 plasma pisrols, 4 laser rifles, 4 plasma rifles, 10 suirs of Lody armor,
20 air ranks, 2 alien environmenr suirs, 20 ammo Lelrs, 5 pairs of Linoculars, 60
Llankers, 15 Lrearhers, 20 Lreaching charges, 30 canreens, 20 communicarors, 10
compasses, compurer sysrem, 5 curring lasers, 100 rolls of ducr rape, 20 elecrronic
rorches, 2 emergency Leacons, 10 emergency Llankers, 10 EVA suirs, 10 filrrarion
masks, 10 firsr aid kirs, 2 generarors, 20 sers of goggles, grappling equipmenr, grav
lifrer, holo recorder, 20 holsrers, ID scanner, 2 sers of infra-red goggles, 100 laser clips,
laser drill, laser rorch, laser velder, 100 parachures, perimerer sensors, 100 plasma
caps, 2 pressurized renrs, radiarion counrer, 20 sers of resrrainrs, 20 ropes, 2 scanners,
2 sporlighrs, 2 surgical kirs, 2 sers of survival gear, 10 renrs, roolkir-armor, roolkir-
compurer, roolkir-elecrronic, roolkir-engines, roolkir-hyperspace engines, roolkir-
veaponry-personal, roolkir-veaponry- ship, 2 rranslarors, 2 varer purificarion kirs

Cargo Ship
2 laser pisrols, 2 plasma pisrols, acerylene Torch, 10 air ranks, 4 ammo Lelrs, arc
velder, 20 Llankers, 10 Lrearhers, Lullhorn, 10 canreens, 2 chronomerers, 5
communicarors, compass, compurer sysrem, curring laser, 20 rolls of ducr rape, 10
elecrronic rorches, emergency Leacon, 10 emergency Llankers, 2 EVA suirs, 10
filrrarion masks, 2 firsr aid kirs, 2 grav lifrers, 5 holsrers, ID scanner, 2 sers of infra-red
goggles, 5 laser clips, laser rorch, laser velder, ore sampler, 5 plasma caps, povered
hoisr, radiarion counrer, 20 ropes, scanner, surgical kir, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-
elecrronics, roolkir-engines, roolkir-hyperspace engines, roolkir-veaponry-ship,
rranslaror, video recorder

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
5 laser pisrols, 5 plasma pisrols, 10 air ranks, alien environmenr suir, 60 Llankers, 30
Lrearhers, 15 communicarors, compurer sysrem, 50 rolls of ducr rape, 5 elecrronic
rorches, emergency Leacon, 30 emergency Llankers, 4 EVA suirs, 10 filrrarion masks,
4 firsr aid kirs, 4 grav lifrers, ID scanner, 20 laser clips, laser rorch, laser velder, 20
parachures, 20 plasma caps, 2 radiarion counrers, 4 sers of resrrainrs, 20 ropes, 4
scanners, 2 sporlighrs, 2 surgical kirs, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-elecrronics, 2 roolkirs-
engines, roolkir-hyperspace engines, 2 roolkirs-veaponry-ship, rranslaror

Explorer Ship
10 laser pisrols, 2 laser rifles, 10 plasma pisrols, 2 plasma rifles, acerylene rorch, 25 air
ranks, 10 alien environmenr suirs, 50 ammo Lelrs, arc velder, 20 pairs of Linoculars,
100 Llankers, 25 Lrearhers, 2 sers of area camouflage, 100 canreens, 2 chemsniffers, 20
chronomerers, communicarions Leacon (planerary), 50 communicarors,, 50 compasses,
compurer sysrem, 2 curring lasers, 200 rolls of ducr rape, 20 elecrronic rorches, 5
emergency Leacons, 50 emergency Llankers, 5 EVA suirs, 5 sers of excavaring rools, 50
filrrarion masks, 20 firsr aid kirs, 100 flares, 10 flare guns, 2 generarors, 50 pairs of
goggles, 2 sers of grappling equipmenr, 2 grav lifrers, holo recorder, ID scanner, 20
sers of infra-red goggles, 20 laser clips, 2 laser drills, 2 laser rorches, 2 laser velders, 2
micro recorders, mining equipmenr, 2 ore samplers, 10 parachures, perimerer sensors,
pesrguard, 20 plasma caps, 2 povered hoisrs, pre-faL expanding shelrer, 5 pressurized
renrs, 2 radiarion counrers, 2 scanners, solar vaporaror, 2 sporlighrs, 2 surgical kirs, 5
sers of survival gear, 20 renrs, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-elecrronics, roolkir-engines,
roolkir-hperspace engines, 2 rranslarors, 5 under varer suirs, 2 video recorders, 20
varer purificarion kirs, 2 sers of varer survival gear

A fighrer is nor equipped virh any exrra gear.aside from rhe compurer.

Luxury Yachr
10 air ranks, 2 pairs of Linoculars, 100 Llankers, 20 Lrearhers, 2 Lullhorns, 20
communicarors, compurer sysrem, 20 rolls of ducr rape, emergency Leacon, 20
emergency Llankers, 2 EVA suirs, 20 filrrarion masks, 10 firsr aid kirs, grav lifrer, 2 ID
scanners, laser rorch, laser velder, radiarion counrer, 2 sers of resrrainrs, 2 scanners, 2
surgical kirs, 10 sers of survival gear, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-elecrronics, roolkir-
engines, roolkir-hyperspace engines, 2 rranslarors, video recorder

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
Mining Crafr
A mining crafr is nor equipped virh any exrra gear.aside from rhe compurer.

Fassenger Ships
2 laser or plasma pisrols, 50 air ranks, 2 alien environmenr suirs, 300 Llankers, 100
Lrearhers, 2 Lullhorns, 20 communicarors, compurer sysrem, 200 rolls of ducr rape, 20
elecrronic rorches, 5 emergency Leacons, 150 emergency Llankers, 5 EVA suirs, 100
filrrarion masks, 20 firsr aid kirs, 2 grav lifrers,2 holo recorders, 5 ID scanners, laser
rorch, laser velder, 2 radiarion counrers, 5 sers of resrrainrs, 5 scanners, 2 sporlighrs, 5
surgical kirs, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-elecrronics, roolkir-engines, roolkir-hyperspace
engines, 5 rranslarors, 5 video recorders

Fersonal Cruiser
6 air ranks, 12 Llankers, 6 Lrearhers, 2 communicarors, compurer sysrem, 10 rolls of
ducr rape, 2 elecrronic rorches, emergency Leacon, 6 emergency Llankers, 2 EVA
suirs, 6 filrrarion masks, firsr aid kir, laser rorch, laser velder, pesrguard, radiarion
counrer, 2 ropes, scanner, surgical kir, roolkir-elcrronics, roolkir-engines, 2 varer
purificarion kirs

Shurrle Crafr
2 laser or plasma pisrols, 6 air ranks, Linoculars, 12 Llankers, 6 Lrearhers, 1 area
camouflage, compass, compurer sysrem, curring laser, 5 rolls of ducr rape, 3 elecrronic
rorches, emergency Leacon, 6 filrrarion masks, firsr aid kir, 6 flares, flare gun, 6
parachures, 5 ropes, scanner, sporlighr, 2 renrs, varer purificarion kir

Trader Vessel
2 laser or plasma pisrols, 5 air ranks, alien environmenr suir, 2 pairs of Linoculars, 20
Llankers, 6 Lrearhers, Lug derecror, 6 communicarors, compass, compurer sysrem, 20
rolls of ducr rape, 3 elecrronic rorches, 2 emergency Leacons, 10 emergency Llankers,
2 EVA suirs, 6 filrrarion masks, 2 firsr aid kirs, 5 flares, flare gun, grav lifrer, ID
scanner, 2 sers of infra-red goggles, 5 laser clips or plasma caps, laser rorch, laser
velder, elecrronic lock (CS 10), micro recorder, ore sampler, radiarion counrer, 4
ropes, scanner, sporlighr, surgical kir, survival gear, 2 renrs, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-
elecrronics, roolkir-engines, roolkir-hyperspace engines, rranslaror, video recorder,
varer purificarion kir

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)
6 laser pisrols, 6 plasma pisrols, 2 laser rifles, 2 plasma rifles, 6 suirs of Lody armor, 10
air ranks, alien environmenr suir, 10 ammo Lelrs, 3 pairs of Linoculars, 30 Llankers, 8
Lrearhers, 10 Lreaching charges, 15 canreens, 10 communicarors, 6 compasses,
compurer sysrem, 3 curring lasers, 50 rolls of ducr rape, 10 elecrronic rorches,
emergency Leacon, 6 emergency Llankers, 6 EVA suirs, 6 filrrarion masks, 6 firsr aid
kirs, generaror, 10 sers of goggles, grappling equipmenr, grav lifrer, holo recorder, 10
holsrers, ID scanner, infra-red goggles, 50 laser clips, laser drill, laser rorch, laser
velder, 50 parachures, perimerer sensors, 50 plasma caps, pressurized renr, radiarion
counrer, 10 sers of resrrainrs, 10 ropes, scanner, sporlighr, surgical kir, survival gear, 6
renrs, roolkir-armor, roolkir-compurer, roolkir-elecrronic, roolkir-engines, roolkir-
hyperspace engines, roolkir-veaponry-personal, roolkir-veaponry- ship, rranslaror,
varer purificarion kir

Demond Thompson (order #5555065)

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