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through Bertha Dudde 7622

Following Jesus .... Patiently bearing the cross ....

ou de!onstrate that you "ollow #e when you $atiently acce$t the su""ering which #y lo%e $laces u$on you so that your souls will !ature. &lways re!e!ber that ' re(uested you to "ollow #e with the Words ) .... let hi! ta*e u$ his cross and "ollow #e ....+ ' certainly want to hel$ you carry your cross but you should not try to throw it away co!$letely, you should always consider that you can re!o%e !any i!$urities "ro! your soul i" you $atiently carry your cross. ' will always gi%e you the strength "or it i" you as* #e, "or ' &! always close to you i" you li%e in #y disci$leshi$ on earth. &nd you don+t ha%e !uch ti!e le"t .... -here"ore you will ha%e to endure increased su""ering because ' want to hel$ you attain a degree o" light while you are still on earth which will enable you to enter into beatitude when your end has co!e. But always re!ain in contact with #e through lo%ing acti%ity, $rayer and constant thin*ing o" #e, "or then ' will always be able to be close to you and you can sa"ely "ollow your $ath e%en i" you ha%e to carry a s!all cross. .owe%er, a steady li"e in care"ree tran(uillity would not be bene"icial "or you unless you were so e/traordinarily lo%ingly acti%e that your soul+s $rocess o" !aturing would be success"ully acco!$lished ....

But you are all still too hal"0hearted in your *ind0hearted actions and there"ore gain too little "or your soul, and thus the suffering must contribute towards your purification process. &nd always re!e!ber the terrible su""ering ' ha%e ta*en u$on #ysel" on your behal" .... ou yourselves would ha%e had to endure this su""ering on account o" your guilt o" sin and you would ha%e been inca$able o" doing so. -his is why I acce$ted the guilt on your behal" and su""ered indescribably because ' lo%e you and wanted to endure the su""ering on your behal". -hen your cross will see! s!all to you, you will gladly carry it because you want to "ollow #e, and you will sa"ely enter through the gate into the *ingdo! o" light because ' $a%e the way and o$en the gate "or you so that you will be bliss"ully ha$$y. &cce$t your cross, that is, $atiently and "or lo%e o" #e carry all su""ering which burdens you, but which is needed "or your !aturity o" soul, "or one day the soul !ay ta*e $leasure in the light, one day the cross it had to carry will see! an easy one. 1et #e wal* by your side, then ' will hel$ you carry and you will not "eel the burden so !uch. &nd ' &! with e%ery $erson who calls u$on #e in thought, ' only wait "or this call because ' cannot ta*e e""ect in you against your will des$ite #y lo%e "or you. But ' will ne%er lea%e you alone and e%en the cross $laced u$on you is proof of My presence, because I thereby gently admonish you to follow Me, Who too* all o" hu!anity+s su""ering u$on #y shoulders and wal*ed the $ath to the cross with it. -here"ore be $atient, no !atter what weighs you down, #y lo%e will strengthen you, #y lo%e will relie%e you "ro! the cross when the ti!e is right .... &!en

Published by "riends o" new re%elations o" God 2

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