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conomi Geology Vol. 63, 1968, pp.


Geochemical Evolutionof ZonedPegmatites of Argentina



The pegmatites in the Sierras Pampeanas of Argentina are classified into four main types on the basis of their internal structure, composition, and mineral paragenesis. The first type is distinguished by oligoclase-bearing wall zonesand the second type by intermediatezonesof quartz, plagioclase and microcline,and by higher overall percentage of potassium feldspar. The third type is characterized by very simple zonal structure, by a greater diversity and abundance of accessory mineralsand by the presence of sodium-potassium replacementunits. In the fourth type spodumene is present, the

percentage of plagioclase (albite) is greater and that of microclineis lesserthan in

the other types.

The four types ofpegmatites constitute anessentially continuous series, their characteristics reflecting the course of a single broad genetic process. Their formation is described in terms of the evolutionof paragenetic associations that retain their identity throughoutall or a great part of this process. These associations, listed in the inferred order of formationare: 1) borderassociation; 2) plagioclase association; 3) microcline association; 4) albite association; 5) spodumene association; 6) coremargin association; 7) Na, K and Li replacement; 8) quartz core. A brief analysis of some of the more completedescriptionsof pegmatite districts publishedover recent years, showsthat the adoptedschemeof classification and genesis is applicableto pegmatitesof other regionsof the world.
The generalized sequenceof mineral assemblages that characterizes the evolution of the Sierras Pampeanas pegmatites is establishedand correlated with the paragenetic associations.The sequence is as follows: 1) plagioclase-quartz, 2) microcline-quartz-

plagioclase, 3) microcline-quartz, 4) albite,quartz,5) albite-microcline-quartz, 6) microcline-albite-quartz-spodumene, 7) microcline-quartz-spodumene. The comparison of this sequence with that listed by Cameronet al. for the principal districts of U.S.A. shows ' that both groupsof pegmatitesfollowed a similar genetic course. The evolution of pegmatite development can be characterizedaccordingto the role
of the cations Na, K and Li in the different phasesof the process. The average content of CaO, Na20, K20, and Li2 in the four types of pegmatitesare calculated. The variations in composition throughoutthe genetic series show a close similarity with those of other groups of pegmatitesfrom different parts of the world. Accepting the hypothesisthat pegmatitesresult from the crystallization of residual magmatic fluids, the observedseries would representthe general trend of evolution of the fluids. The processitself, though essentiallycontinuous, doesnot developuniformly but is insteadcharacterizedby a succession of compositional steps. The occurrence of bodiesof different bulk composition does not necessarilyimply the existenceof different magma types. The zonal distribution indicatesthat the type of pegmatite would dependlargely on the depthof consolidation of the intrusivebody. Furthermore, the chemicalevolutionof the fluids must be supplemented by the adequate tectonic Conditions to enablethe separationand injection of the derived fluids. In conclusion,the following genetic schemefor the pegmatitesof the Sierras Pam-

peanasis proposed: a) the pegmatites originatedfrom residualliquids of changing composition successively emittedfrom coolingmagmachambers, b) the process in all
the emissioncenterswas essentially similar, c) the presentdistributionof the pegmatites was determined by the depthof the magmaticloci and by the subsequent erosion.

by whichtheywereformed. Nevertheless, no genetic theory yet advanced seems totally in accord with all IN recentdecades, and mostlysinceFersman's masthe observed facts. The main difficulty in this field terlyworks, pegmatites have been intensively studied is the lack of experimental data applicable to the all over the world, with the resultthat great advances complex physico-chemical processes that take place havebeenmadein the understanding of the processes
Introduction 13



in a residualaqueous-magmatic fraction. Progress In Fersman's scheme, muscovite appears in the beis further hinderedby the diversityof field criteria ginningof the pneumatolytic stageand therefore it appliedin the determination of paragenetic groups follows potassium feldspar, whichcorresponds to the and sequences and from the scarcityof reliabledata epimagmatic stage (Ferman1930, fig.65-66,p. 464). on thecomposition of pegmatites. Nevertheless, in mostof the Argentine mica-bearing During the last years,the author (Herrera, 1958, pegmatites, commercial muscovite appears in quartz1961, 1963, 1964) has madestudiesin almostall the plagioclase wall zonesand is consequently earlier pegrnatite districtsof Argentina,giving special atten- than the potassium feldspar(Herrera, 1958, 1961, tion to the internal structuresof the pegrnatites and 1964). The same happens with the phosphates, related mineral distributionand to the composition whichin Fersman's scheme (1930, p. 303) characand abundance of the replacement and fracturefilling terizethe medium hydrothermal stageand appear as units. The information gathered and herein dis- a subordinate phase in high hydrothermal stage. In cussed seems sufficient to justify a tentativeinterpre- thepegrnatites of SanLuisandCatamarca (Herrera , tation of the geochemical evolution of pegrnatites, 1963,1964), thephosphate phase is fully developed in which the authorfeelscouldalsobe appliedto other the beryl-bearing pegrnatites, which correspond to regionsof the world. Nevertheless, it is evident that Fersman'shypercriticstage. Similar discrepancies this first assay can constituteonly a very general in otherpartsof the worldhavealsobeenpointed out approach, because the informationabout someas- by otherauthors(Shand, 1942; Brotzen,1959). pects of the problem--particularlydetailed minerCameron et al. (1949), while not dividingpegmaalogyand distribution of traceelements---is too poor tites in expresslydifferentiatedgroups,establish a to establisha more elaboratedgenetic theory. In sequence of mineralogical assemblages that reflects, spite of these deficiencies, the ordering of known in a general way, the entire courseof the genetic facts within a coherent scheme should be useful as process. This classification has been very useful in a working hypothesis for other investigators inter- describing the zoningand paragenesis of individual estedin this subject. pegmatites or groupsof bodies belonging to the same genetictype, but it presents limitationsthat spring The Genetic Classifications o Pegmatites mainly from its structural character. Thus, when pegmatites belonging to differentgenetic The view that differences between varioustypesof comparing pegrnatites can be attributedto their having devel- types, the zones are grouped accordingwith their and structuralposition,which givesseopedduringdifferentstages of a fundamentally con- mineralogy that do not represent accurately the evolution tinuousgenetic process hasbeenexpressed by many quences process. In the tablesgiving the authors,especially Fersman(1930), Cameronet al. of the total genetic sequences of mineral assemblages of the Black Hills (1949), Guinsbourg (1960) and Brotzen (1959). for instance,the plagioclase-quartz asFersman (1930, p. 228) distinguishes on the basis pegmatites, of thewall zones of the spodumene-bearing of their mineralogyten types of granitic pegrnatites semblages andthat of the non-lithium-bearing bodies in correspondence with seven geneticphases:epi- pegmatites magmatic(700/800), pegrnatitic (700/600), peg- appearas a singleunit due to their equivalentstrucmatoid (600/500), hypercritic (500/400), high tural positionin the bodies. In my opinion,howas will be seen later, hydrothermal (400/300), medium hydrothermal ever, these two assemblages, representtwo different stagesof geneticdevelop(300/200 ) and low hydrothermal(200/100 ). does Fersman's classificationhas strongly influenced ment. Another drawbackis that the sequence of alkalimany later ones,but is now rarely usedin its original not showclearlythe placeand importance stagesbecausethey do not occur in form. One of its main disadvantages lies in placing replacement certain mineralsin too definite temperatureranges definitespatialzones. Solodov's (1959) classification refersto rare metaland phases of formationthat makesit somewhat unand establishes four types realisticand difficult to apply. Furthermore, Fers- bearinggraniticpegrnatites man's classification is basedmostlyon the presence basedon the relative abundanceof microcline, albite, is fundamentally of accessory minerals--tourmaline, mica,beryl, topaz, and spodumene.This classification etc., which fails to reflectthe evolutionof the genetic descriptiveand doesnot considerthe characteristics of the variousphases of the process characterized, as demonstrated by other in- and relativeimportance replacevestigators(Guinsbourg,1960; Solodor, 1959) by genetic process (primary crystallization, the differentiation of the alkalies. ment, etc.). Variationsin quantityand distribution of the acGuinsbourg (1960) groupspegrnatites into three cessory mineralsare too great for them to constitute types that differ in mineralogy,structure,age and the basisof a usefulclassification.This may easily specific geochemical characteristics suchas trace elebe shown by reference to several Argentineexamples. ment contentand the nature of replacement. This






classification, besidesbeing essentially descriptive, by the followingfacts. The graphicgranitezone,as considers factorssuchas depth,age, type and com- Brotzen himselfadmits (1959, p. 42) is not conpositionof the associated intrusives, which not only stant,even within a given type of pegrnatite. It is are difficultto determine, but also vary considerably completely absentfrom somebodiesand in othersit in different parts of the world as judged from the is only represented by a few dispersed crystals. In existingliterature. Furthermore,in considering the Argentinedistrictsit is common to find bodieswithcomposition of the deepest group the author assigns out graphicgranitebut havingall the other characmoreimportance to the role of countryrock assimila- terssuch aszonality, mineralogy, etc.foundin bodies tion than most current investigators are ready to with well developed graphicgranite. accept. With regardto the pegmatoid zone,Fersmanuses Brotzen (1959) distinguishes four main stages the term "pegrnatoid"in two different senses:as a within an essentially continuous genetic process, each textural term--following Evans (Fersman 1931, representedby a pegrnatitetype of characteristic Vol. 1, p. 139)--to name "coarse-grained faciesin mineralization,which is more or less regularly dis- igneous rocksof a pegrnatitic habit, but which differ tributed in the zonalsequence. The types andseries from real pegrnatites due to the absence of graphic thus resulting are similarto thoseproposed by Solo- granite" and as a geneticterm, as discussed before. dor and Guinsbourg. This classification is basedon Brotzenusesit mainlyin the latter sense, the pegmathe evolution of parageneticgroups or units that toid zone being the part of a pegrnatite comprised maintaintheir identityand succession throughout the between two limits which,in his opinion,constitute wholeprocess. In contrast previous classificationsindiscontinuities in the geneticprocess:the point at especiallythose of Fersman and Cameron et al.-- which graphicgranite ceases to form and the transireflectprincipallythe courseof the process in indi- tion zone, "core margin," betweenthe core and the vidual pegrnatites. Thus, Brotzen's classification pegmatoid zone. Defined thus, the pegmatoidzone allows an adequategrouping of bodieswhich are comprises units of markedly different composition closelyrelated from a genetic point of view, even and texture that rangefrom granitoidzones,almost when they have considerable mineralogicaldiffer- exclusively composed of plagioclase and quartz, to ences, especially as regards accessory minerals. Fur- giant porphyritic zones, consistingprincipally of ther, it does not establishrigid limits between the microdine or spodumene.These variationsin comtypes, thesebeing basedon the divisionof a con- positionevidentlycorrespond to different stagesof tinuousgenetic process, henceit is sufficiently flexible the geneticprocess, as they are alwaysaccompanied to includetransitionalor atypicalforms. However, by markedchanges in zonality,in the type and relathere are somelimitationsin this approach, particu- tive abundance of the essential minerals,and in the larly regardingthe criteria used to characterize the composition and quantitative importance of replacement units. parageneticunits. Brotzen'sparagenetic units are: 1--granitoid zone Theseproblems stemfrom the difficulty in estab-

(border); 2--graphic granite zone; 3--pegmatoid lishing accuratelythe physical-chemical characteriszone; 4 core margin; 5--alkali replacements; 6 tics of the pegmatogenic process. This is one of the coremarginmica; and 7--alteration products. reasonswhy most recent investigators have abanFrom a genetic pointof view,units2 and3 are the donedFersman'ssystemand have favoredclassificamost important ones,but in my opinion they have tionsand genetic schemes basedon the changes in been differentiatedfollowing questionable criteria. composition of the pegrnatiticsystem,as reflected The distinction of a graphic graniteand a pegrnatoid principally in the sequence of essential mineralassozone is evidently based on Fersman's schemethat ciations. This last approach underlies the work of distinguishes--following an epimagrnatic phase--a the modern American school and of most contempegrnatitic phase during which graphic granite porary Russianauthors. forms followedby a pegmatoidphasecharacterized The Pegmatitesof the SierrasPampeanas by a coarse-grained, irregular texture. The pegrnatitic phasecorresponds to the end of the epimagmatic The pegrnatite bodies of the SierrasPampeanas 2 stage,and the pegrnatoid to the pneumatolytic stage (Fig. 1) canbegrouped intofourfundamental types, (Fersman1930,Vol. I, p. 53-57). according to their internal structure,composition The difficultyin assigning a precise geneticmean- and mineralogical associations. In the descriptions ing to the unitsconsidered, canbe clearlyexemplified
x Both these authors consider graphic granite to be a quartz-microcline or quartz-plagioclaseintergrowth, indistinctly. Therefore, in all their descriptions, the quartzplagioclasewall zones characteristic of many of our type 1 pegmatites, are included under graphic granite.

2 The Sierras Pampeanas is a morpho-structural province of the Argentine territory consisting of block-mountains of crystallinerocks surrounded by flat, wide tectonicdepressionsfilled up mostlyby Tertiary and Quaternarysediments. This provincecomprises a considerable part of central and northwestern Argentina (see GonZalez Bonorino,1950).













HETAHORPHIC RO. CKS ( Precombrian ? )


/"'"'"":/" (Pa[eozoic to Tertiary)








S0 100 Km :

FxG. 1. Map showing thedistribution of pegmatites in the Sierras Pampeanas region. Each symbol represents fromone to several pegmatites. (Geology based onMapaGeo16gicode la Repfiblica Argentina. Scale X1-2.500.000 Direcci6n Nacional de Geologla y
Minefla. Repfiblica Argentina,1964.)




its central part. Graphic granite is comthat follow the zonal terminologyestablished by constitutes monly found in the quartz and microclineinterCameronet al. (1949) will be used.

Some pegmatitesin this group lack a quartzmicrocline intermediate zone; apart from the border ratio can reach 1:40, and rarely exceeds 1:15. zoneand core,they are composed essentially of potasThis type of pegmatiteis found in Valle Frtil, sium feldspar,with somequartz and very little plaAlta Gracia, and in the westerngroup of pegmatites gioclase.Theseare considered transitional with type of Catamarca. Its mineralogyand internal structure 3 from which they differ by having more calcicplaare simpleand characterized by a plagioclase-quartzgioclase (An 5-15%) and more muscovite and in wall zone. Plagioclase (An 15-25) constitutes about accessories.Biotite commonlyis present,but beryl 60 percent of this rock. A quartz-microcline coreor iron, manganese and lithium phosphates are rare or a quartz-microcline intermediatezone and quartz absent. On the other hand, somepegmatites of this core typically lie inside the wall zone. The quartz group are similar to those of type 1 in having a
tabular or lenticular bodies. The thicknessto length
and microcline of the intermediate zone occur either

Type /.--These pegmatitesshow generally thin



in approximately equivalent amounts or the feldspar predominates. They appear in more or less equal amountsin bodieswithout quartz core. A microcline-quartz-plagioclase zone, the most characteristic unit of type 2, is represented in many bodiesof type I as a poorly developed, discontinuous intermediate zone. The plagioclase is more sodicthan that of the wall zone. A pronounced feature of this group of pegmatites is the presence of clearcutzoneboundaries. These pegmatites, togetherwith those of type 2, constitutepracticallythe only sourceof commercial muscovite in this region. This mineral is found mostly in the plagioclase-quartz wall zone, either dispersed throughout it or as a discontinuous bandon its inner or outer boundary. The most common accessory minerals are biotite, apatite, garnet and monazite. Topaz occurs in the border zone and

narrow quartz-plagioclase wall zone. The main economic productof thesebodies is muscovite, which appearsprincipally in the wall zone. Tourmalineis more abundantthan in type 1 pegmatites and beryl is scanty. Like thoseof type 1, these pegmatites do not containtypical replacement units.

Type 3.--Tabular bodies alsopredominat. e, though irregular forms are more common. The thickness to length ratio is difficult to determinedue to bad exposures, but is estimated to range from 1:10 to

The pegmatites of Sierra de Velazco, La Rioja, although belonging to this group,are a notable exception with regard to shape. Nearly all of them are irregular, and globular forms predominate. This probablycan be attributedto their having consolidated within an incompletely crystallizedgranite. The pegmatitesof other districts, in contrast, were tourmaline (schorlite) is alsocommon, though far' injectedinto fracturesin schists. lessso than in the other typesof pegmatite bodies. These pegmatitesare the most widely distributed Typical replacement units are not found in this in Argentina. They are the predominanttype in group, though an incipient replacement of the frac- San Luis and in the Sierras de Ancasti, Comechinture walls can be observed in certain tabular fracture

fillingunitscomposed bf muscovite and quartz.

gonesand Velazco. Bodiesof this group are characterized by simple Type 2.--Lenticular or tabular forms predominate. zonal structure,predominance of potassium feldspar, Like thoseof type 1 they are relativelythin, but their greater abundance and wider diversity of accessory length-thickness ratio seldomreachesthe extreme mineralsas comparedwith the two previoustypes, valuesfrequentin the first group; this ratio ranges and by the occurrence of sodium-potassium replacefrom 1: 25 to 1: 10. Thesepegmatites occurnorthof ment units. Apart from the border zone and quartz the city of Catamarca,especially in the Sierras de core, practicallyall thesepegmatites containonly a Farifiango and Humaya, and make up the greater thick quartz-microcline zone,whichconstitutes 60 to part of thoseof Valle Fdrtil, San Juan, and Sierra 70 percentof the total volume. The composition and de Comechingones. texture of these zones typically change from the This groupis characterized by a microcline-quartz-peripheryto the center of a body. The percentage plagioclase wall zone. In this zone potassium feld- of quartz is generallylarger at the external border, spargenerally predominates averaging about50 per- wherethe grain sizeis smallerthan in the rest of the cent of the zone; plagioclase (An 5-20) doesnot unit. Then follows a band of graphic granite with amount to more than 30 percent. There is also an quartz inclusions that are larger towardsthe center. intermediate zone of quartz and microcline--micro- This layer occursonly near the margin of the zone. cline constitutes 60 to 80 percentof the rock---and a The percentage of quartz diminishes inwards, and quartzcoreis present in mostof the bodies. In some near the corethe unit is composed almostexclusively bodies one of these units is absent, so that the other of largemicrocline masses. The averagecomposition



of these zones is approximately microcline 70-90 perThe zonal structureis rather complex,and zone cent, quartz 30-10 percent. boundaries are difficultto establish with precision. A narrow and generallydiscontinuous plagioclase- The wall zoneis composed of quartz and albiteor of quartz zone of fine to mediumgrain size appearsin quartz microcline, and albite. A quartz-albite wall

zone commonly is accompanied by an intermediate quartz-microcline zoneand seems to represent a par- zone of quartz-microclineand albite. Then follow tial development of the wall zonecharacteristic of the the spodumene-bearing zones. This mineralis assopreceding groups,bfit with a more sodicplagioclase ciated with quartz,albiteand microcline in varying (An 4-12). amounts,but quartz and albite generallyare preThe accessory mineralsare markedlydifferentfrom dominant. Spodumene occursin idiomorphic and included in a matrix formed thoseof the two previous groups. Muscoviteis rela- generallylarge crystals, tively scarce,is fine to medium grained and is uni- by the other minerals. In somebodies,a quartz formly distributed throughout, except in the core. core is absent,and in these the central part has a similar to that of the intermediatezones Biotiteis almostcompletely absent, and garnetand composition monazite are rare. Topaz, which in the previous described. typesoccurs almostexclusively near the outer margin The plagioclaseof these pegmatites is almost of the border zone, occursin placesas large masses whollycleavelandite, Ab 98-100 percent in composiin internal zones,especially near the border of the tion. Microclineaverages approximately 10 percent core. Beryl, the main economicproduct of these albite in perthitic intergrowth,which contrasts with bodies,is found in every zone except the center of that of the other groups,where it averages 20 perthe quartz core, but the main concentrations, com- cent. prising idiomorphiccrystals of 4 or more meters This type of pegrnatitediffers notably in bulk long, occur at the contactsbetween the core and composition from the previousgroups. Microcline microcline-quartz zone. Among the other minerals rarely exceeds10 or' 15 percent,and the average presentin bodiesof this groupthe mostcharacteristic abundance is considerably less (see chapteron comare the phosphates of iron, manganese, and lithium: position); in other groupsit is invariably greater triplite, triphyllite,and lithiophyllite. They generally than 30 percent, andcan surpass 50 percent. Plagiooccur in the inner parts of the quartz-microcline clase, in contrast, is more abundant in this type zone,especially near the coreand commonly in asso- amounting to almost35 percent(includingthat conciation with albitic replacementbodies. Bismuth tained in perthite), whereas in the other types it minerals, cassiteriteand columbite-tantalitealso are averages25 percent. Spodumene averages10 to common. 25 percent. Unlike the previous types, these pegrnatites inSomepegrnatite bodiesthat containno spodumene clude abundantsodium-potassium replacementunits, and very little lithium also belongto this group as which almostalwaysare found in the inner parts of shownby their other characteristics.A typical exin San Luis (Herthe quartz microcline zones. They are composed of ampleis the San Elias pegrnatite, cleavelandite,cleavelanditeand muscovite, cleave- rera 1963), which does not contain spodumene; landiteand quartz, and muscovite. The characteris- lithium is found in a relatively small discontinuous tics of these bodies have been described elsewhere unit composed of lepidolite, cleavelandite,and am(Herrera, 1963, pp. 56-58; 1964, p. 49-50). The blygonite. The total lithium contentis very small, of a typical quartz albite wall-zone relative volume of the replacement units, compared but the presence of the intermediatezone--where with the total volume of the pegmatites,does not and the composition quartz and albite predominate over microcline--are exceed5 percent. of this group. Type 4.----Asin the three previous types,elongated both characteristic The accessory mineralsincludethosein the other forms predominate, but ovoid or globularbodiesare much more common. The thicknessto length ratio pegrnatite groups,togetherwith severalothers such is greater than in the other groups,and rangesbe- as amblygoniteand lepidolite. Muscoviteis scarce and fine grained. Beryl is consistently present,but tween 1/5 and 1/15, exceptionally reaching1/20. The pegrnatites known to belongto this group are is far lessabundantthan in type 3. Differencesin found in San Luis, C6rdoba and in the Sierra de composition are observedin some of the minerals Ancasti, Catamarca. commonto both groups. Thus, in this group, the minThe main characteristics that distinguish this group Ta2Os:Nb20 ratio in the columbite-tantalite between 1.3 and4, whereas in type 3, of pegrnatites from the previousones are the pres- eralsranges ence of spodumene-bearing zones, a greater abun- it is generallylessthan 1 (Herrera 1963). Tourmadanceof plagioclase, and a considerable lesserabun- line, rarer than in the previousgroup, is generally dance of microcline. an alkaline variety. Also, cassiterite is far more

some bodies.

It occurs between the border zone and





abundantthan in type 3, and is generallyassociated by assuming that the crystallization of the pegmatites
with albite masses.

proceededfrom the walls inward.

Replacement bodiesare predominantly albitic. It

is sometimes difficult to estimate the amount of re-

5. The contacts are sharp, with the onlyexception

of some of the pegmatitesof La Rioja, that are emplaced in a graniticcountryrock.

placement as thesepegrnatites also are rich in primary albite that is not easilydistinguished from the Discussion of Paragenesis replacement variety. In someof the bodiespractically all the albite appearsto be primary, whereasin The four typesof pegmatites described above seem .others, widespreadreplacementof microcline and to reflectthe course of a singlegenetic process.Folspodumene by masses of albite is observed. Ambly- lowing Brotzen'sbasic genetic scheme,I consider gonite, triplite, triphyllite, lithiophillite,apatite,cas- their genesis as the resultof the evolution of parasiterite, and tantalite-columbite are generally asso- genetic unitsor groups that appear withineachpegciated with these replacement bodies. Replacement 'matite in a certain order. Unlike Brotzen, however, of microclineand spodumene by fine-grainedgreen- and for the reasons given before,mineralogical crish muscovite also is recognizable in all thesebodies. teria will be used to differentiate the associations Genesis o1 the Pe#matites.--The pegmatites of the representing the stages betweencrystallization of the Sierras Pampeanas were formed by crystallization, borderzoneandthat of the coremargin. from the wall inwards, of a magmaticliquid forceThe following paragenetic associations, placedin fully injectedinto fractures. The main evidences that the order of formationwithin individual bodies,defavor this hypothesis are the following: scribe the process: t--Border association, 2--plagio3--microcline association, 4 albite 1. Most of the pegmatites are discordant, tabular claseassociation, association, 5--spodumene association, 6--core marbodies, parallel to regional fracture systemscomgin association, 7--Na, K and Li replacements, 8-monly occupied by dikesof varied composition.In
many instances the schists in contact with the pegrnatites showsmall folds that were probablyproduced by differentialmovements alongthe fault planes prior to the intrusion. In the wall zone of the pegmatite La Totora, in San Luis, thereare included randomly orientedslabsof a granitic dike, up to 40 cm wide, whichconstitutes one of the walls of the body. The dike was probably fracturedby movements that preceded or accompanied the forceful injection of the pegmatiticfluids, which engulfed the fragmentsin
quartz core.

Associations2, 3, 4 and 5 are named after the

mineralsthat characterize them althoughthey may

not always be the most abundant constituents. All

the associations, excepting 7, correspond to zonesor

groups of zones and are thus of limited distribution

within a body. Replacement units, on the other hand,thoughmore abundant near the core,can occur anywhere. The paragenetic units follow each other regularlythroughout the pegmatogenic process. In generalterms,the evolution of eachpegmatitic body, their ascension. as evidenced by its internal structure, shows the 2. In some pegmatitesthere are fracture-filling trend of theprocess thedifferent units composed mostly of quartz or microclineand general quartz, which startingfrom inner zonesof the same groups of pegmatites. Each paragenetic group can be characterized composition transect the outer zones. These units, briefly, as follows: and the replacement bodiesconcentrated closeto the core, are convincingevidences of the existenceof Border tssociation.--This association was amply residualfluids in the centralparts of the pegmatites described in previouspapersand only its variations after the outer zoneshavecrystallized. in the differenttypesof pegmatites will be mentioned. 3. Many of the featuresof the pegmatites show a It is characterized by its smallwidth (1 or 2 mm up systematic change from the wallsinwards. The most to a few centimeters), by its granitictexture, and by importantare the increasing grain size,the distribu- the crystals tendingto be perpendicular to the contion.of mineralsin concentric zones, and the changes tacts. The compositionis relatively constant in in mineral composition suchas the increase of anor- terms of the essential minerals--plagioclase, quartz muscovite is less abundant in thite content of plagioclaseand the change from and muscovite--but blacktourmalinein the outer zonesof type 4 pegma- type 3 and scarcein type 4 wherein a little microcline tites to alkalinevarietiesin the inner parts. appears. Greater variation is found in the accessory 4. In the lithium-bearing zones of some pegmatites minerals. In types 1 and 2 they commonlyare the crystalsof spodumene are taperedand normal to topaz, biotite, vermiculite,garnet, apatite and tourthe contact,with the broad end pointing inwards maline, the last two being much more abundantin (Herrera, 1963, Fig. 4). This feature, as has been type 2. In type 3, biotite is absent,tourmalineand pointed out by Jahns(1953) can be bestexplained apatite increaseand beryl, cassiteriteand tantalite-




columbite appear. In type 4 the sameaccessory min- saccharoidalalbite, in contact with the core. The erals are found, but part of the tourmalinecommonly mostcharacteristic accessory mineralsare beryl, casand manganese, iron, and belongs to the alkaline varieties, and there is a siterite,tantalite-columbite greateramountof cassiterite and tantalite-columbite.lithium phosphates. Type 3 pegrnatites bearingthis Plagioclase.4ssociation.--This parageneticunit association are poorer in potassium than the rest. comprises all zonescontaining An 5-25 plagioclase. Accordingwith their bulk composition, they constiIt is characteristic of types1 and2 and canbe divided tute a grouptransitional between types3 and 4. In into 2 sub-associations. The first sub-association is Argentina they are found in San Luis, especially in composed of a fine to coarse-grained quartz and the Independencia Argentina group. The albite differs from the abovein plagioclase intergrowth and is characteristic of wall- zone in type 4 pegmatites abundant quartz (60 to 70%) and lamizonesof type 1. The mineral contentis constant: containing 60-70% plagioclase;30-40% quartz. The main nar cleavelandite. The exact position of this zone is somewhat difficult accessory is muscovite, which can constituteup to within the geneticsequence with spodu5 percentof the zone and tends to concentrate in to establish. In Argentine pegmatites densebands at the contacts. Biotite, garnet and mene it is found as a wall zone surrounding the spodumene zones(La Rosada, Maria del Huerto and monaziteappearin lesserquantities.

The second sub-association is genetically later and occurs in type 1 pegmatites as an intermediate zone, and in type 2 as a characteristic wall zone. It is composed of microcline, quartz and plagioclase, the first two generally predominating. The texture variesfrom granitoidto porphyritic, microcline crystals beingthe most developed ones. In contrastto the first subtype, its average composition variesconsiderably, not only in the same body,but alsoin different pegrnatites of the samegroup. Within the samebodythe sodiumcontentin plagioclase in-

Cemapegmatites; AngelelliandRinaldi, 1963). This has also been observed in someof the U. S. A. pegmatires (Edison Spodumene, Bob IngersollNo. 1, HardestyHomestead and Buckhorn pegrnatites), describedby Cameronet al. In all thesebodies,as well as in thoseof group 3 alreadymentioned, this zone appearsbefore the unit with lithium silicates
and after the microcline zones.

In otherbodies, however, this association occurs

in a somewhatdifferent position. In San Elias pegrnatite(Herrera, 1963, p. 48), a quartz-albite creasestowards the unit's interior and, within the zone surrounds a microcline, quartz and albite unit, have been paragenetic series, fromtype1 to 2. Graphic granite and similar situationsin other pegmatites by Cameron et al. (1949), by Jahns(1953) is very common and occurs in the zone'soutermar- described the albite gin, its texturebecoming coarser and moreirregular and by Solodor(1960). In thesebodies, inwards. Muscovite is again the most important zone is external to the microcline units. However, accessory mineral. Biotite,garnetandmonazite also these microcline units are different from those in association 3. In the former, microoccur. Apatite and tourmaline, rare in the quartz- paragenetic

complagioclase sub-association, are characteristic com- cline (80--90%) and quartz are the essential ponents, whereas in the latter units the proportion feldspar is muchsmaller, and albiteis Microcline .4ssociation.--Thisis the most impor- of potassium
averaging up to 70 pertant paragenetic association in volume as well as alwayspresent,sometimes genetically.It appears in the four types and is com- cent. The proportionof albite in perthitic inter10%---islower than that in posed of coarse to very coarse-grained perthitic growth--approximately minerals--lithimicrocline and quartz; microcline as subhedral to type 3. In addition,the accessory amblygonite, lepidolite, cassiterite--are typianhedralcrystalsand quartz filling the interstices. ophillite, In type 1, potassium feldspar constitutes 50--60 per- cal of lithium-bearingpegrnatitesand are rarely cent of the total volume of this association. The foundin p/tragenetic association 3. There is alsoan pegrnatites--as proportion increases in the remaining typesup to importantgroup of lithium-bearing de Novillo, La Totora and La Viquita (Her80-90 percent in type3, wheregraphic graniteshows Cabeza wall zonesof microits greatestdevelopment.The plagioclase content rera, 1965, p. 67)---containing quartz andalbite, butlacking in quartz-aibite in perthires is about20 percent. Potassium feldspar cline that both units are really is usuallygray near the center and pink towards zones. All this suggests varieties of a single parageneticassociation, that the periphery. A notablefeature in this association is the scarcity appears in the final stages of the potassium phase or of the lithium phase. of accessory minerals. Muscoviteis scantyand in the initial stages oCpodumene .4ssociation.--This association is found tourmaline is foundin type2 andespecially in type3. .41bite .4ssociation.--This association is found in in type4 and its spodumene content ranges from 10 largespodumene somepegrnatites of type 3, and in mostof type 4. to 30 percent. In mostoccurrences are surrounded by a much finer grained In type 3 pegrnatites it occurs as a thick zone of crystals




of albite and quartz-albite matrix. Microcline alsooccurs, though medium- to fine-grainedaggregates lesscommonly. Spodumene crystals may be normal muscovite. In some pegmatitesof San Luis the to the contacts. The most characteristic accessory albite-muscovite intergrowthis very fine grain.ed the potassium feldspar, mineralsare amblygonite, apatite, triplite, tantalite- and has replacedselectively preserving the veinletsof pertitic albite that are incolumbite,manganotantalite, and beryl. Core-margin lssociation.--Many authors have cluded in the aggregate (Herrera, 1963,Lam. I). acknowledged the existenceof one or severalminerIn pegrnatites of type 4 the albitic replacement is alogicalassociations typicalof the core margin, espe- similar to that of type 3. Most of the spodumene cially in relationto the distributionof beryl. Brotzen crystalshave been totally or partially replacedby distinguishes in his evolutive scheme the coremargin sericite,muscovite and clay mineralaggregates. as a paragenetic unit "markedby the appearance of In the San Elias pegrnatite, San Luis, there are individual crystals which project into the quartz two elongated bodies, about 10 m long and 0.5 to core from the pegmatoidzone, or are entirely sur- 1.5 m wide, composed of a fine-grained intergrowth rounded by quartz" (Brotzen 1959,p. 45). He also of albite lepidoliteand quartz, includedin a quartz'considersconvenient,for chemicalreasons,that it be microcline-plagioclase intermediate zone. These
restricted to comprise only thosemineralsthat formed units, which transect the minerals and textures of after microcline had ceased to develop. It is, there- the zone, have irregular and gradational contacts, fore, a paragenetic grouporiginated by primary crys- and include islands of surrounding rock,are supposed tallization'at the end of the formation of the to have been formed by replacement (Herrera, peripheral zonesand prior to the beginningof the 1963). Bodies of similar compositionhave been crystallizationof the quartz core. attributed to replacementby other investigators In Argentine type 3 pegmatitesand in some of (Jahns,1953; Hutchinson, 1959; Norton et al. 1962; type 4, there are unitscomposed of beryl and smoky Sheridanet al., 1957). quartz, commonlycontainingtriplite, apatite and Quartg Cores.--This parageneticassociation has throughout the whole series. tantalite-columbite, that may belongto this para- similar characteristics genetic group. However, these units, which have The accessory minerals, which occur in small been describedby the author elsewhere(Herrera, amounts, and commonly in the outer border are, for 1963,p. 63; 1964,p. 47-48) are commonly associated each type of pegmatite,the same describedfor the with typical replacementbodies; hence its place inner zones. within the core margin parageneticgroup is someThe positionof this association in the pegmatowht uncertain. In pegrnatites of types1 and 2, genic processis somewhatuncertain. It occursin fine-grained smokyquartz and biotite intergrowths, the central part of the bodiesof the four types and as well as small concentrations of sulfides, probably its formation seems to be related more to the condibelongto this unit. tions prevalentin the final stagesof the individual Na, IC and Li Replacements.--This association pegrnatiteevolution,than to any definite stage on occursonly in type 3 and 4. Replacement units do the geneticprocess. not have restrictions in their spatialdistributionbut Paragenetic and Classification Diagram are muchmore common and better developed in the inner partsof the microcline and quartz zones. The Figure 2, following Brotzen'smethod of reprepredominantreplacement mineral in type 3 is albite, sentation,showsschematically the inferred sequence mostly laminar cleavelandite. The cleavelandite of parageneticassociations and the position of the massescommonlycontain quartz or colorlessor four types of pegrnatites previouslydescribed. Acgreenishmuscovite. The most characteristic acces- cording to the hypothesisthat pegrnatitesoriginate sorymineralis cassiterite; garnet,tantalite-columbite, from the crystallization of a residual magmatic liquid, apatite,triplite and lithiophilliteoccurlesscommonly. the paragenetic sequence depictsthe system's evoluMany of the cleavelandite and cleavelandite-quartztion as the temperature decreases, both by the type replacement units are clearlycontrolled by fractures. succession and by the order of crystallization within In many pegrnatites where these units cut through eachtype. The geneticpositionof eachof the pegmicrocline they are flankedon eachsideby a bandof matite groups studiedby the author, is also shown. fine-grained muscovite. Thesebandswere probably The minerals are shown in the associations where producedby the same fluids that originated the re- theyare mostcommon and abundant. Quartz,being was not includedin placements units and which, after losing their load commonto all the associations, of sodium and becoming enriched in potassium, pene- orderto simplifythe diagram. trated the microcline(Herrera, 1963). The position of the minerals in the diagram is In type 3 pegmatites microcline is commonly almost exclusivelybased on the author's personal pseudomorthically replaced by muscovite or by observations, because in most of the reports pub-





N=, Li end K







. ..



al. bit .




be mu
cb m


mi c - % cb Ab '

x Ni







o' cb v




_ be


be -- Li





( Lo Riojo)



Mu btMi P
to tm





X . ,.

IX X -- association

Nu x
bt N

( Lo Riojo )

P[ mu

P essocietion Xx
Nu P






21 minerals included are thosefor whichthe position in the sequence has beenbest established by theauthor.Basic diagrama fromBrotzen (1959)..

Fro. 2. Paragenetic scheme ofzoned pegmatites in themain districts ofArgentina. The

Tc--Colored tourmaline

Mi--Microcline Mu--Muscovite

Ap--Apatite Sp--Spodumene Am--Amblygonite Le--Lepidolite



Li--Lithiophillite Tr--Triplite
Ca--Cassiterite To--Topaz Ve4Vermiculite


Tm--Tourmaline (Schorlite)


.4 b--Predominant Ab--Important


lishedin Argentina, quantitative estimates and exact position of the minerals withinthe pegmatite bodies are not usually given. Furthermore, evenwhenthe latter information is available, it usuallyprovesin-


association of my scheme, andtheassemblages of the otherpegrnatites correspond to the plagioclase association. This assumption, basedfundamentally on the position of the assemblages in the genetic series sufficient to determine which association a mineral as discussed previously, findssupport also in the briefdescription of thezones accompanying Table5: belongs to. number of the pegmatites conMostof the districts appear in two positions in the "By far the largest although .diagram. The intervalbetween these two positions tain albite (An 4-10) in the outerzones, of thelithium-bearing pegmatites contain more represents the part of the genetic sequence appearing many -in the district. The position of eachdistrictin the sodicalbite in the outer zones. This changein anoris accompanied by a change in physical diagramrepresents the stageof evolution of the thitecontent of the plagioclase' crystals. Oligoclase and groupof pegmatites observed, andnot of any pegma- shape albitehavea moreor less equidimensional habit tite in particular. In somebodies, parts of the se- calcic quence may be lacking. A typical exampleoccurs and the more sodicalbitehas a platy form (cleaveet al., 1949,p. 67). among pegmatites of type 4 in San Luis; as previ- landite)" (Cameron ously noted, some of themlackthequartz-albite asso- Taken into accountthe previousconsiderations evolution (re.ciation, the sequence startingwith the albite,quartz, it is easyto verify that the genetic and microcline association. flected in the sequence of mineralogical associations) U.S. pegrnatite districts corThis paragenetic andclassification scheme though of theabove-mentioned to thatdepicted in my paragenetic diagram. based on the characteristics of Argentine pegmatites, responds is perfect for Petaca, New Engcanbe applied, however, to otherpegmatite districts The correspondence

of the world. Without attemptingan exhaustive land and the Southeastern States district. The pegmatites in Black Hills are the reviewof existingdescriptions, a few can be taken lithium-bearing only ones that show an appreciable variation dueto as examples. The pegmatites in Southeastern in two of the bodies(Giant-Volney U.S. A. (Cameronet al., 1949,p. 63) mostlybelong the presence, zonesafter the to type 1, showing transitions to type 2 as is evi- and Hugo), of microcline-quartz units. denced by the presence, in mostof them,of plagio- lithium-bearing Brotzen(1959, p. 56) includes a clase in the quartz-microcline zones and the absence, In his scheme, groupof pegmatites with a composition :in some, of quartz-plagioclase zoneswithoutmicro- Swedish covering my fourtypes. Although thisauthor cline. Most of the New Englandpegrnatites belong range paragenetic totype1 excepting Anderson No. 1, which belongs to usesdifferentcriteria in distinguishing

shows clearlythat the evolution -type 4. Muscovite is the onlyimportant commercialunits, his scheme of such bodies corresponds to that of the Argentine product--besides microcline and quartz--in bothdistricts, the same as in similar Argentine districts. pegmatites. Guinsbourg's .classification includes3 types, to The pegrnatites in the Black Hills, South Dakota, comprise a wider composition range. The largest which he attributesdifferent depthsof formation. thisauthor does not giveinformation as to group is that of the lithium-bearing pegrnatites,Although fromhisgeochemical, mineralogical andstrucwhich in the diagramcorresponds to the base of zones,

tural descriptions (Guinsbourg, 1960, p. 113), it follows thatthe firstgroup(deep-seated pegrnatites) corresponds to types 1 and 2; the second group (pegmatites fromaverage depths) to type3 andthe pegrnatites) to type 4. bodiesin the table,belongs to type 2. New York, third (shallow-seated
type 4, as indicated by the presence in mostof the pegmatites, of a quartz-perthite zoneenveloping the lithiumsilicate units (Cameron et al., 1949,Table5, -p. 68). Another group,comprising the first four
Earl Lode, Punch and Old Mike pegrnatites are ap-

Sequence of Primary' Mineralogical 4ssemblages parently transition formsbetween types3 and4. As stated before, the main limitation of the seSome of the lithium-bearing pegrnatites of this of mineral assemblages based on the zonal .district (Bob Ingersoll Dike No. 2, BeecherLode, quences is that theydo not represent accurately the Giant Volmey and Huge) have quartz plagioclase analysis, evolution of the totalgenetic process.However, this units that are correlated with the quartz-plagioclase can be reduced by correlating the mineral association of the non lithium bearing pegmatites. limitation and the paragenetic associations in conAs it hasbeenpointedout before,this correlation is assemblages the sequences. The mineralassemblages, only structural, as both assemblages appearin wall structing by Cameron et al. (1949), are associazones. In the geneticsequence, however,they cor- as described minerals that appearin individual respond, in my opinion, to differentstages of evolu- tionsof essential in definitesequences from the walls inward tion. The plagioclase-quartz assemblage of the bodies related to the zonalstructure. The lithium-bearing pegmatites corresponds to the albite and are closely

Tab !.-

of the main nematite districts
_ _

Generalized secuence of theminerassemblages

0 Argentina.











assemblages Gracia



Rioj a



Plagioclase plagioclase quartz with

or without muscovite X X X





Microcline association Albite

(3) microcline quartz

albite X

association '


albit e



quart z (6)


albit e'quart z







paragenetic associations, as here defined,are units the common transitional nature of its contact with the that appearin regularsuccession and maintaintheir wall rock,especially whenemplaced in granite, and identity throughout the wholegenetic evolution.In by the commonly abruptincrease of the calcium conindividualbodieseach paragenetic association in- tent in the plagioclase in comparison with that of cludes oneor moremineralassemblages. adjacentzones. Furthermore,the formationof cerTable I shows, in terms of essential minerals, the tain mineralsin the wall rock--particularly muscogeneralizedsequence of mineral assemblages, ex- vite, tourmaline, and plagioclase--alsoindicatesan cludingthe replacement associations, that character- active exchange near the contact. In some occurizes the evolutionof Argentine pegmatites. It is rences, as indicated by Cameronet al. (1949, p. 48), basedon the concepts discussed above,and on the the composition of the border zone is similar to the of the pegrnatite itself, and can be studyof the internalstructure of the pegmatites of bulk composition
interpreted as a chilled margin. Consequently this unit's composition is not only the resultof the "norTo obtaina clearerpictureof the essential char- mal" courseof crystallization of a pegrnatitic liquid, but is also dependent on the physicaland chemical acteristics of the geneticevolution, the assemblages

the main districts of the SierrasPampeanas (Herrera, 1958, 1961, 1963, 1964).

characteristic of the border zone and quartz core havebeenomitted. With regardto the borderzone, its composition is probablyinfluenced in most cases by an interactionbetweenthe magmaticliquid and wall rock. This is principallyshownby its relatively uniformcomposition throughout the entireseries; by

conditions prevalent wi,thin the areaof contact with

the wall rock. The quartzcorehasnot beenincluded in the sequence, for the reasons alreadystated. Uncommonassemblages have not been includedin the sequence, as they are consideredvariations of somefundamental one. For example,in somepeg-




-matites of type 4, an albite, quartz and spodumene p. 68). The main differencebetweenthe two sezone occursthat may be considered a variation of quences is the separation in my scheme of the quartzassemblage 6, for which the microclinecontentvaries plagioclase assemblage in types 1 and 2 pegmatites

widely. In types1 and 2 pegrnatites, subzones rich from that in type 4. The reason for this was exin muscovite accompanied by quartz,with or without plained in the previoussection. Consequently, the feldspar, are sometimes found. These units have comparisonof the two sequences of mineralogical beenincluded in assemblages 1 and 2. assemblages showsalsothat the courseof the genetic It is interesting to compare the sequence in Table process was very similar in both cases. This is sig2 with that established by Cameron et al. (1949, p. nificant,as in both studiesthe sequence is basedon 61) for the principal pegrnatitic districts of the groupsof pegrnatite districtsthat cover large areas, United States. The first four assemblages in the and belongto widely different geological environlatter coincidewith the three first in Table 1, the ments. only difference beingthat I omittedthe borderzone The Chemical Compositionof Pegrnatites assemblage.Assemblages 5 to 7--spodumene-bearing units--also correspond in composition to our The sequence of parageneticassociations shows sequence. Assemblage 8, composed of lepidolite, clearlythat the generalevolutionof the pegmatogenic plagiaclase and quartz,appears with certainty in only process is mainly expressed by the role of Na, K and one pegmatite and is probablysimilar to the author's Li in its different stages. Each of the pegmatite replacement units. Assemblages 9 and 10quartz, typesis characterized by a given alkali content. of zonedpegmatites is diffi-, microcline, andmicrocline, plagioclase, lithiummicas, The bulk composition quartz--have not beenfoundby theauthorin Argen- cult to ascertain,as the texture is very coarseand varies in the different zones. This tine pegmatites.This, however,doesnot apprecia- the composition bly alter the characterof the sequence. Further- is further complicated by the irregular distribution of more,the first assemblage wasfoundin onlyonepeg- the accessory minerals. In Argentinano data on the matireand the second, in two (Cameronet al., 1949, bulk composition of pegmatites have beenpublished.
Table 2.-

Content of alkalis

in Argentine pematttes belonging to the four t7pes of the

proposed classification.

Values obtained b Solodov (199) for $roups of

pematites corresponding to types 3 and 4 sme also in.cuded.microclime albite

type 1

type 2

type 3



type 4

SoZodov) -

spodumene Pegmatite

SanLuis II


4.6 - 5.5

5.5 - 7

4.5 - 10.7

5.5 - 10.1

0.7 - 2.4




from 2.4 3.8


2.3- 2.6 1.4- 2.4


2.7- 3.5
0.01 - 0.05

1.8- 3.8
1.5 - 2.4

1.1 - 1.5








ge .... 2 1.3



fram 1.4 - 1.8 2.1 - 2;9 3.1 - 4.5 2- 3.3 0.41.3



Na20 ge avera 1.75








Kz O Nolo

? 6

KO _.... ----

No:, O

No O


Atbite - Spodumene
peg matires ( Sotodov)


pegmatites (SoLodor)




LiaO /


No20 x.. xx

Fro. 3. Variation in the alkaliscontent of Argentinepegmatites of the four typesof the proposed classification. Valuesobtained by Solodor (1959) for groups of pegmatites corresponding to types3 and4 are alsoincluded.

However, these difficultiesare reduced if, instead tion of the zonal structureof many Argentine pegmatites in different stagesof exploration? the relative amounts of alkalis are estimated. For On the basis of these assumptions, the relative this, only the amountsof plagioclase, microcline, volume of the zones,the mode of each zone and the spodumeneand muscoviteneed be determined. In mode of each pegmatite,were calculated. To calgeneral,eachof thesemineralsconstitutes more than culatethe contents of alkalisthe theoretical composi-

of determining bulk compositions, the variationsin


5% of the bodiesand are more or less regularly tion of the minerals concernedwas used (Dana,.
in zones.

The author has tentativelycalculated the bulk microcline,30 thin sectionsof perthites were meacomposition of Argentinepegrnatites on the follow- sured micrometrically. In non-lithium pegmatites ing assumptions: a) the specified elements--No, K albiteaverages approximately 20 percent, and around and Li--occur only in the essential zone-forming 10 percent in lithium bearing ones. The mode of mineralsplagioclase, microcline and spodumene.In a zone was mainly calculatedon the basis of visual pegmatites of types1 and 2 muscovite havebeenalso estimates complemented by some measurements in considered.Theseminerals, togetherwith quartz, order to verify the results. The resultsthus obtained constitute practically the entirevolumeof the bodies. are consistent and alsoagreewith data foundby other Albite occurringin replacement units was also in- authors, as will be seen later. However, the final cluded;b) the pegrnatites considered are all tabular 8According to several authors (Norton et al., 1962; or long elongatedbodies,and the volumesof the
zones are proportional to their mean widths. All

1949). To determinethe averagealbite contentin

zones havethe samespecific gravity; c) the average composition of a bodydoes not vary appreciably with depth. This hypothesis--though undoubtedly implying a certaindegreeof risk is basedon the observa-

Johns,personalcommunication, 1967) many pegmatitesthat have been extensivelyexposedby mining show a decreasing KO/NaO ratio with depth. In my calculationsthis possible source of error is important only in types 2 and 3, because some of the bodies of types 1 and 4 examined are. sufficientlyexposedas to preclude the possibility of serious
miscalculations due to that cause.



figures obtained haveto be considered onlyas rough

approximations. Figure 3 shows the variations in content of the




principalalkalisfor the four typesof pegmatites. 4 CaO is alsoincluded, but refersonly to that containedin plagioclase.The amountof K20 increases regularlyfrom types1 to 3 and decreases abruptly in type4. The Na20 contents variesonly slightly, though the changeof free plagioclase contentis large. This is because in potassium feldspar rich pegmatites mostof the plagioclase occurs as perthite. The K20/NaO ratio (Fig. 3) is a distinguishing feature. In bodies intermediate between types3 and
4, the K20/N%O ratio can be similar to that in type 1, but the distributionand composition of

D. Derry

San Luis IP
SiO2 A1203 Na20 K.oO

73.05 17.21 5.02 0.79 1.64
1.29 0.29

73.8 17.2 3.5 0.9 2.4

0.2 0.25



Analyzed by B. L. de Lafaille, Laboratorio de An&lisis

de Rocas CNICT-FCEN.

rangesfrom medium albite to calcic oligoclase; in There is a striking similarity between the San type4, it is sodic albite--generally cleavelandite--andLuis II pegmatite and the North Lacornepegmatite, occurs in all the units. in Quebec,Canada,described by D. Derry (1950,

plagioclase are different. In type 1, plagioclase is the alkali contentof this body and that of group 4 limited to peripheralzones, and its compositionpegmatites tendsto corroborate this hypothesis.

tion in the four typesof rare metal-bearing granitic two bodies is practically the same, as shown in pegmatites distinguished by Solodov (1959,p. 785). Table 2. Like in the San Luis pegmatite,the rest This sequence corresponds to the interval between of the bodies in the Canadian district are "normal" my types3 and 4. Despitesmall variationsdue to lithium-bearing pegrnatites. the intermediate formsconsidered by Solodorthe It would appear, considering the above data on graphsshow the remarkable similarityof compo- types 3 and 4, that the bulk composition of pegmasitions. titesbelonging to a giventype is similarin different Table 2 showsthe extreme and averagealkali parts of the world, in spite of differences in shape, contents of groupsof pegmatites belonging to each zonality, grain size,accessory minerals, etc. type. The two extremes of Solodov's series, equivalent to my types3 and 4, are alsoincluded. The last
Genetic Considerations

The diagram also showsthe alkali contentvaria- p. 101, Table II).

The chemicalcomposition of the

If it is assumed,as I believe it is the case, that San Luis II pegmatite, which is similar to the averpegmatites originate through the crystallizationof age for type 4 pegmatites. This body was described residual magmatic fluids, the sequencedescribed brieflyin a previous report(Herrera, 1963,p. 51); above would represent the generaltrend of evolution it is composed of crystals of spodumene in a finer of the fluids. This process, althoughessentially conintergrowthof quartz, albite and microcline. It is tinuous, does not proceed uniformly but rather by a fine grained--thespodumene crystals measure from succession of compositional steps. This is suggested 2 to 5 cm--andof uniformcomposition throughout intermediate in compothe area examined. This makes an estimate of its by the scarcityof pegmatites sition between those of the four types described. 5 composition from sample analysis unusually accurate. The zonal distribution of the different types of The author believes that this body was formed pegmatites in certain areas also points to successive from a fluid equivalent in composition to that which from a differentiatingfluid. In most disproduced other"normal" lithium-bearing pegrnatitesemissions tricts where severaltypesof pegrnatite are presumaof the district; the lack of both, zoningand giant bly associated with an intrusive body, a distinctzonaI texture, may be due to the loss of volatiles due to distribution related to the igneous body is observed. fracturingof the wall-rock. The similaritybetween Sodium or lithium rich bodies are nearly always 4 The composition of the following pegmatiteswas cal- peripheral, potassiumbodies are intermediate, and
culated: Type 1: Maria Inks, Santi Spiritu, Santa Maria, microcline-oligoclase bodies are closestto the intruLa Chiquita and La CodiciaI, from Alta Gracia, C6rdoba. sive. In districts where different types occur toType 2: Payahuaicoand Martita from Catamarca, and Manto Rosado from Valle Frtil, San Juan. Type 3: gether their transgressirerelations prove that the Majada Oestefrom Ancasti,Catamarca, San Jos and Paso
Grande from San Luis, and E1 Resuello from Sierra de

columngivesthe composition of a sample from the

Comechingones. Type 4: La Viquita and San Luis II from San Luis, and Reflejo del Mar from Ancasti, Catamarca.

5 Solodor (1959, p. 790) attributes the unequal concentrations of rare elements in pegmatites of our types 3 and 4 to a "spasmodic" introductionof the pegmatogeni fluids.



sodium-lithium bodies arelaterthan thepotassium they are zonally arrangedin

ones,and that the latter are prior to the oligoclasecenters of emission.

relation with common

microcline bodies. The followingdistrictsare good examplesof those relationships: Eight Mile Park, Colorado(Heinrich, 1948); Namaqualand (Gevers, 1936); Turquestan Range (Strelkin, 1938); Yellowknife-Beaulieu Area, Northwest Territory (Rowe, 1954); West Hawk Lake (Stockwell,1933), and Preissac La Corne,Quebec(Rowe, 1954). Although the composition of a pegmatitedepends on that of the initial magma,different bulk compositions do not necessarily imply differencesin the
original magmas. The zonal distribution indicates that the type of pegrnatite would dependlargely on the depthof consolidation of the intrusivebody and the degreeof subsequent erosion. Furthermore,the chemicalevolutionof the fluids must be supplemented by the adequate tectonicconditions to enablethe separation and injection of the derivedfluids. If theseconditions fail to exist during part of the process, some types may be absentor, more probably,mixed types may appear by telescoping of two or more of the "normal" types (e.g., pegmatitesof Sierra de Velazco, Fig. 2). In Brotzen's

Considering the observed factsand the conclusions of the previous discussion, the genesisof the pegmatites of the Sierras Pampeanascan be best explained,in my opinion,as follows:a) the pegmatites were producedby successive emissions of residual liquidsthat changed in composition as the magmatic chambercooled;b) the process was essentially similar in all emission centers;c) the present distribution of the pegmatites was determinedby the original depth of the magmaticloci and by the subsequent


The author is grateful to Dr. R. H. Jahns, who critically reviewedthe manuscriptand made suggestions for its improvement. The writer is also indebtedto Dr. F. Gonz/tlezBonorinofor his helpful

paragenetic scheme (1959, p. 56) groups of mixed-

advice duringthe preparation of the manuscript. The field and laboratory work and the first draft of this paper were completed at the Departmentof Geology of the Universityof BuenosAires. The author left the University of BuenosAires in July,

composition bodiesalso appear. UAIIVERSIDAD DE CHILE, The predominance of more or less"pure" typesin FACULTADDE CIENCIAS FISICAS Y MATEMATICAS, mostpegrnatite districtsof the world, however,indiDEPARTAMENTO DE GEOLOGIA, catesthat there is a parallelism, or an intimate rela5'ept.23,1967 tionship, between chemicaldifferentiationand tecREFERENCES tonic conditions. In my opinion,all or mostgranite magrnas are capableto produce,during their final Angelelli, V., and Rinaldi, C. A., 1963, Yacimientosde minerales de litio de las prov{nciasde San Luis y C6rdoba: phaseof crystallization, the seriesof pegmatitetypes. Comisi6nNacional de Energia At6mica de la Rca. ArgenWhether part or all of the members of the seriesare tina, Inf. No. 91, BuenosAires, p. 1-99. formed would dependmore on tectonicconditions Brotzen,O., 1959,Outlineof mineralization in zonedgranitic pegmatites:GeologiskaF6reningers, StockholmFbrhandactingduringthe pegrnatogenic period,thanon initial lingar, No. 496, p. 2-98. composition.

Cameron, E. N., Jahns, R. H., McNair, A. N., and Page, L. R., 1949,Internal structureof granitic pegmatite: EcoN. Gr. ot.. Mono. 2, p. 1-115. of the sametype are generally relatedto variations in the content of rare elementsthat, in turn, determines Dana, E. S., 1932,A Textbook of Mineralogy: John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York. the type and quantityof their accessory minerals. Derry, D. R., 1950,Lithium-bearingpegmatitesin Northern These variationsare always regionaland probably Quebec: EcoN. Gr.ot.., v. 45, p. 95-104. reflect differencesin the parent-magrna's genetic Fersman,A. E., 1931, Les pegmatites:Acad. Cienc. URSS. (French translation Univ. of Louvana, BIgica) 3 vol. history. Gevers,T. W., 1936, Phasesof mineralizationin Namaqualand pegrnatites: Geol. Soc. South Africa Trans., v. 39, In the main districtsof the Sierras Pampeanas of

The.compositional differences foundin pegmatites

p. 331-378 (quotedby Heinrich, 1948). Argentinathe pegmatites of the sametype havevery Gonz/dez Bonorino, F., 1950, Algunos problemasgeo16gicos similarbulk composition andaccessory minerals asso- de las Sierras Pampeanas: Rev. Asoc. Geol. Arg., tV, p. 70-92. ciations,vhich suggest.a remarkablesimilarity in A. E., 1960,Specific geochemical featuresof the the composition of the parent magmas. The areal Guinsbourg, process: International Geological Congress, distributionof the bodiesdoesnot showany obvious pegmatitic Part XVII, p. 111-121, Copenhague,1960. spatialrelationto the graniticintrusions, but there Heinrich, E. W., 1953,Zoningin pegmatitedistricts:Amer. is a distinct grouping of the pegrnatite bodies accord- Mineralogist,v. 38, p. 68--87.

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