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Integrate JavaFX, Hibernate and PostgreSQL with the MVC Pattern





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Integrate JavaFX, Hibernate and PostgreSQL with the MVC Pattern

This JavaFX tutorial demonstrates how to integrate JavaFX, Hibernate and PostgreSQL using the MVC pattern -- complete with a sample application that features visual data navigation.
by Manoj Debnath Jun 5, 2012 Page 1 of 2

JavaFX provides a rich set of UI controls, which simplify the development of visually immersive front ends for database-driven applications. When combined with the PostgreSQL database and the Hibernate ORM tool, JavaFX can handle the presentation layer for large-scale, datadriven business applications (JavaFX PostgreSQL) as well as robust desktop applications (JavaFX Hibernate). In this article, I demonstrate how to integrate JavaFX, Hibernate and PostgreSQL using the MVC pattern and present a sample CRUD application with a data-navigation feature.
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Java SDK + JavaFX 2 Eclipse IDE Hibernate 4.x

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To follow the demo in this article, simply: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Install the Java SDK+JavaFX2 SDK Unpack the Eclipse IDE Install the PostgreSQL DB Unpack Hibernate Save the PostgreSQL JDBC driver

JavaFX / Hibernate / PostgreSQL Project Setup

From the File menu in Eclipse, choose Java Project. It is better to set up User Library of all JAR files required in the project. This is not a necessary procedure but it will come in quite handy for future reference. Let's make an individual library for the Hibernate JavaFX PostgreSQL driver and include it in our project, as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Project Library: Make a library for the Hibernate JavaFX PostgreSQL driver.

PostgreSQL Table Structure

You don't need to worry about the structure of the sample table, Contact. It will be created automatically when the application runs. However, if you want to create the table separately, you can but keep in mind the following comment for the code snippets in the rest of the article
c f g . s e t P r o p e r t y ( " h i b e r n a t e . c o n n e c t i o n . u r l " , " j d b c : p o s t g r e s q l : / / 1 2 7 . 0 . 0 . 1 : 5 4 3 2 / t e s t d b " ) ;

In this case, testdb is the table space. If you opt for creating your table through SQL or through pgAdmin III, either give the name of tablespace as testdb or change the appropriate portion of code in the file.
c f g . s e t P r o p e r t y ( " h i b e r n a t e . h b m 2 d d l . a u t o " ," u p d a t e " ) ;

Also keep in mind the u p d a t evalue. You may also put c r e a t ein place of u p d a t e . This would recreate the table every time the application runs, deleting all stored information. So use c r e a t eor u p d a t eappropriately.
c f g . s e t P r o p e r t y ( " h i b e r n a t e . s h o w _ s q l " ," t r u e " ) ;

Alternatively, you may set the above property as f a l s e . The table created in PostgreSQL is as follows:
C R E A T ET A B L Ec o n t a c t s ( c o n t a c t i di n t e g e rN O TN U L L ,



Integrate JavaFX, Hibernate and PostgreSQL with the MVC Pattern

e m a i lc h a r a c t e rv a r y i n g ( 2 5 5 ) , f i r s t n a m ec h a r a c t e rv a r y i n g ( 2 5 5 ) , l a s t n a m ec h a r a c t e rv a r y i n g ( 2 5 5 ) , p h o n ec h a r a c t e rv a r y i n g ( 2 5 5 ) , C O N S T R A I N Tc o n t a c t s _ p k e yP R I M A R YK E Y( c o n t a c t i d) ) W I T H(O I D S = F A L S E) ; A L T E RT A B L Ec o n t a c t sO W N E RT Op o s t g r e s ;

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2 Comments (click to add your com m ent) By umair October 18 2013 00:52 AM PDT Dear Manoj, Thankyou very much for this easy to understand and effective tutorial. With an ORM architecture like you explained (seems session per click) if we develop a Java FX application with say 200+ clients, would it work or should we go for EJB approach. Thanks again for this self explanatory example. Umair
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By Sumudu June 29 2013 11:55 AM PDT This is very very important one thank you very very much
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Integrate JavaFX, Hibernate and PostgreSQL with the MVC Pattern


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