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Evolution of Apple

Nishant Deo (0832ec111050)

Mr. Vive !rive"i

(Guide Coordinator)


VI SEMESTER 2014 2015

#irst $a%e&


Evolution of Apple

Nishant Deo (0832ec111050)

Mr. Vive !rive"i

(Guide Coordinator)


Certi i!"te#

VI SEMESTER 2014 2015

Certified that this is the bona fide record of the seminar report on Evolution of Apple Carried out by

Nishant Deo (0832ec111050)

of VI semester (Department of !ectronics and communication n"ineerin") durin" the #en $emester 201% & 15' (e ) $he has satisfactori!y comp!eted the seminar report and presentation as prescribed by the *a+i# Gandhi ,echnica! -ni#ersity. /hopa!. in partia!

fu!fi!!ment to0ards the a0ard of /' ' De"ree in communication n"ineerin"'

!ectronics and

Si$%"t&re ' G&i(e *N")e # Mr+ Vi,e- Tri,e(i . D"te#

Si$%"t&re ' Se)i%"r !''r(i%"t'r *N")e#Mi// He)"%t D&0e1. D"te#

Si$%"t&re ' HOD *N")e# 22222222.


VI SEMESTER 2014 2015

I ha#e immense p!easure in e1pressin" my sincerest and deepest sense of "ratitude to0ards my Guide 2r' Vi#e3 ,ri#edi (Guide Coordinator) for the assistance in preparin" and presentin" the seminar' I a!so ta3e this opportunity to than3 $eminar Coordinator and (ead of the department. for pro#idin" the re4uired faci!ities in comp!etin" my seminar report'

I am "reat!y than3fu! to my 5arents. 6riends and 6acu!ty members for their moti#ation. "uidance and he!p 0hene#er needed'

Nishant Deo (0832ec111050)

'ontents of the report&

Chapter No. Description Certificate Acknowledgement Contents S nopsis Pre"#oundation Apple % Apple ' Apple 3 )he Apple *P+ ,ero- PA.C and )he /isa )he release of 0acintosh %&$5 1Ste2e 3obs lea2es Apple )he Apple ** famil of the %&$( 4s )he 0ac famil )he earl "mid %&&(s %&&56 )he .eturn of 3obs Page numbers. 3 4 5 ! $ & %( %% %' %3 %4 %5 %! %! %! %5

C7+ )he 0icrosoft deal %&&$" '((%6 Apple8s .enaissance )he i0ac9 i:ook9 and Power 0ac ;4 0ac +S , )he iPod Apple retail stores )he *ntel transition Apple and <i< =eb ser2ices iPod and i)unes Store i+S 72olution " iPhone > iPad Products of Apple

%5 %5 %$ %$ %$ %& %& '' '' '4 '! '5

A774e I%!+ (NASDAQ: AAPL; previously A774e C')7&ter, I%!+) is an American multinational corporation that designs and markets consumer electronics computer so!t"are and personal computers# $he company%s &est'kno"n hard"are products include the (acintosh line o! computers the iPod the iPhone and the iPad# Apple so!t"are includes the (ac )S * operating system; the i$unes media &ro"ser; the iLi!e suite o! multimedia and creativity so!t"are; the i+ork suite o! productivity so!t"are; Aperture a pro!essional photography package; ,inal -ut Studio a suite o! pro!essional audio and !ilm'industry so!t"are products; Logic Studio a suite o! music production tools; the Sa!ari internet &ro"ser; and i)S a mo&ile operating system# As o! August ./0/ the company operates 1/0 retail stores in ten countries and an online store "here hard"are and so!t"are products are sold# As o! (ay ./0/ Apple is one o! the largest companies in the "orld and the most valua&le technology company in the "orld having surpassed (icroso!t#

0232'0245: 6o&s and +o7niak Pre8 '&%("ti'%

8arage o! Steve 6o&s% parents on -rist Drive in Los Altos -ali!ornia Steve 6o&s and Steve +o7niak "ere outcasts "hile they "ere in high school; &y 029: they had "ithdra"n !rom ;eed -ollege and <- =erkeley respectively# +o7niak designed a video teletype that he could use to log on to the minicomputers at -all -omputer# Ale> ?amradt commissioned the design and sold a small num&er o! them through his !irm# Aside !rom their interest in up'to'date technology the impetus !or @the t"o Steves@ seems to have had another source# An his essay From Satori to Silicon Valley (pu&lished 0243) cultural historian $heodore ;os7ak made the point that the Apple -omputer emerged !rom "ithin the +est -oast counterculture and the need to produce print'outs letter la&els and data&ases# ;os7ak o!!ers a &it o! &ackground on the development o! the t"o StevesB prototype models# An 029: +o7niak started attending meetings o! the Come&re" -omputer -lu&# Ne" microcomputers such as the Altair 44// and the A(SAA inspired him to &uild a microprocessor into his video teletype and have a complete computer# At the time the only microcomputer -P<s generally availa&le "ere the <SD092 Antel 4/4/ and the <SD09/(otorola 34//# +o7niak pre!erred the 34// &ut &oth "ere out o! his price range# So he "atched and learned and designed computers on paper "aiting !or the day he could a!!ord a -P<# +hen ()S $echnology released its <SD./ 3:/. chip in 0293 +o7niak "rote a version o! =ASA- !or it then &egan to design a computer !or it to run on# $he 3:/. "as designed &y the same people "ho designed the 34// as many in Silicon Ealley le!t employers to !orm

their o"n companies# +o7niak%s earlier 34// paper'computer needed only minor changes to run on the ne" chip# +o7niak completed the machine and took it to Come&re" -omputer -lu& meetings to sho" it o!!# At the meeting +o7niak met his old !riend 6o&s "ho "as interested in the commercial potential o! the small ho&&y machines#

T9e A774e I

$he very !irst Apple -omputer logo dra"n &y ;onald +ayne depicts Asaac Ne"ton under an apple tree#

$he Apple logo in 0299 created &y ;o& 6ano!! "ith the rain&o" color theme used until 0224# Steve 6o&s and Steve +o7niak had &een !riends !or some time having met in 0290 "hen their mutual !riend =ill ,ernande7 introduced .0'year'old +o7niak to 03'year'old 6o&s# 6o&s managed to interest +o7niak in assem&ling a machine and selling it#

6o&s approached a local computer store The Byte Shop "ho said they "ould &e interested in the machine &ut only i! it came !ully assem&led# $he o"ner Paul $errell "ent !urther saying he "ould order :/ o! the machines and pay <S D:// each on delivery# 6o&s then took the purchase order that he had &een given !rom the =yte Shop to -ramer Flectronics a national electronic parts distri&utor and ordered the components he needed to assem&le the Apple A -omputer# $he local credit manager asked 6o&s ho" he "as going to pay !or the parts and he replied @A have this purchase order !rom the =yte Shop chain o! computer stores !or :/ o! my computers and the payment terms are -)D# A! you give me the parts on a net 1/ day terms A can &uild and deliver the computers in that time !rame collect my money !rom $errell at the =yte Shop and pay you#@ +ith that the credit manager called Paul $errell "ho "as attending an AFFF computer con!erence at Asilomar in Paci!ic 8rove and veri!ied the validity o! the purchase order# Ama7ed at the tenacity o! 6o&s $errell assured the credit manager i! the computers sho"ed up in his stores 6o&s "ould &e paid and "ould have more than enough money to pay !or the parts order# $he t"o Steves and their small cre" spent day and night &uilding and testing the computers and delivered to $errell on time to pay his suppliers and have a tidy pro!it le!t over !or their cele&ration and ne>t order# Steve 6o&s had !ound a "ay to !inance his soon'to'&e multimillion'dollar company "ithout giving a"ay one share o! stock or o"nership# $he machine had only a !e" nota&le !eatures# )ne "as the use o! a $E as the display system "hereas many machines had no display at all# $his "as not like the displays o! later machines ho"ever; te>t "as displayed at a terri&ly slo" 3/ characters per second# Co"ever this "as still !aster than the teletypes used on contemporary machines o! that era# $he Apple A also included &ootstrap code on;)( "hich made it easier to start up# ,inally at the insistence o! Paul $errell +o7niak also designed a cassette inter!ace !or loading and saving programs at the then'rapid pace o! 0.// &itGs# Although the machine "as !airly simple it "as nevertheless a masterpiece o! design using !ar !e"er parts than anything in its class and Huickly earning +o7niak a reputation as a master designer# 6oined &y another !riend ;onald +ayne the three started to &uild the machines# <sing a variety o! methods including &orro"ing space !rom !riends and !amily selling various pri7ed items (like calculators and a E+ &us) and scrounging 6o&s managed to secure the parts needed "hile +o7niak and +ayne assem&led them# =ut the o"ner o! the =yte Shop "as e>pecting complete computers not Iust printed circuit &oards# $he &oards still &eing a product !or the customers $errell still paid them# Fventually .// o! the Apple A%s "ere &uilt# T9e A774e II =ut +o7niak had already moved on !rom the Apple A# (any o! the design !eatures o! the A "ere due to the limited amount o! money they had to construct the prototype &ut "ith the income !rom the sales he "as a&le to start construction o! a greatly improved machine the Apple AA; it "as presented to the pu&lic at the !irst +est -oast -omputer ,aire on April 03 and April 09 0299# )n the !irst day o! e>hi&ition 6o&s introduced Apple AA to a6apanese chemist named $oshio (i7ushima "ho &ecame the !irst authori7ed Apple dealer in 6apan#


$he main di!!erence internally "as a completely redesigned $E inter!ace "hich held the display in memory# No" not only use!ul !or simple te>t display the Apple AA included graphics and eventually color# 6o&s mean"hile pressed !or a much improved case and key&oard "ith the idea that the machine should &e complete and ready to run out o! the &o># $his "as almost the case !or the Apple A machines sold to $he =yte Shop &ut one still needed to plug various parts together and type in the code to run =ASA-# =uilding such a machine "as going to &e !iscally &urdensome# 6o&s started looking !or cash &ut +ayne "as some"hat gun shy due to a !ailed venture !our years earlier and eventually dropped out o! the company# =anks "ere reluctant to lend 6o&s money; the idea o! a computer !or ordinary people seemed a&surd at the time# 6o&s eventually met @(ike@ (arkkula "ho co'signed a &ank loan !or <SD.:/ /// and the three !ormed Apple -omputer on April 0 0293# +hy AppleJ At the time the company to &eat "as Atari and Apple -omputer came &e!ore Atari alpha&etically and thus also in the phone &ook# Another reason "as that 6o&s had happy memories o! "orking on an )regon apple !arm one summer# +ith &oth cash and a ne" case design in hand thanks to designer 6erry (anock the Apple AA "as released in 0299 and &ecame the computer generally credited "ith creating the home computer market# (illions "ere sold "ell into the 024/s# A num&er o! di!!erent models o! the Apple AA series "ere &uilt including the Apple AAe and Apple AA8S "hich could still &e !ound in many schools as late as .//:# T9e A774e III

Apple AAA =y the early 024/s Apple -omputer !aced increasing competition# +hile the Apple AA "as already esta&lished as a success!ul &usiness'ready plat!orm &ecause o! Eisicalc Apple "as not content# $he Apple AAA (Apple 1) "as designed to take on the A=( P- in the &usiness environment# $he Apple AAA "as a relatively conservative design !or computers o! the era# Co"ever Steve 6o&s did not "ant the computer to have a !an; rather he "anted the heat generated &y the electronics to &e dissipated through the chassis o! the machine !orgoing the cooling !an#


<n!ortunately the physical design o! the case "as not su!!icient to cool the components inside it# =y removing the !an !rom the design the Apple AAA "as prone to overheating# $his caused the integrated circuit chips to disconnect !rom the mother&oard# -ustomers "ho contacted Apple customer service "ere told to @drop the computer on the desk@ "hich "ould cause the A-s to !all &ack in to place# $housands o! Apple AAA computers "ere recalled and although a ne" model "as introduced in 0241 to recti!y the pro&lems the damage "as already done#

T9e A774e IPO )n Decem&er 0. 024/ Apple launched the Anitial Pu&lic )!!ering o! its stock to the investing pu&lic# +hen Apple "ent pu&lic it generated more capital than any AP) since ,ord (otor -ompany in 02:3 (as claimed in t"o &ooks and A-on: Steve 6o&s ) and instantly created more millionaires (a&out 1//) than any company in history# Several venture capitalists cashed out reaping &illions in long'term capital gains# An 6anuary 0240 Apple held its !irst shareholders meeting as a pu&lic company in the ,lint -enter a large auditorium at near&y De An7a -ollege "hich is o!ten used !or symphony concerts# (Previous meetings "ere held Huietly in smaller rooms &ecause there had only &een a !e" shareholders#) $he &usiness o! the meeting had &een planned (or choreographed) so that the voting could &e staged in 0: minutes or less# An most cases voting pro>ies are collected &y mail and counted days or months &e!ore a meeting# An this case a!ter the AP) many shares "ere in ne" hands# Steve 6o&s started his prepared speech &ut a!ter &eing interrupted &y voting several times he dropped his prepared speech and delivered a long emotionally charged talk a&out &etrayal lack o! respect and related topics#

:er'; PARC "%( t9e Li/"


Lisa +hile Apple -omputerBs &usiness division "as !ocused on the Apple AAA a separate group "as !ocused on a computer that "ould change the "orld# +hile the Apple AAA "as another iteration o! the te>t'&ased computer this ne" machine "ould !eature a completely di!!erent inter!ace and introduce the "ords mouse icon and desktop into thele>icon o! the computing pu&lic# An return !or the right to &uy <SD0 /// /// o! pre'AP) stock *ero> granted Apple -omputer three days access to the PA;- !acilities# A!ter visiting PA;- they came a"ay "ith ne" ideas that "ould complete the !oundation !or Apple -omputer%s !irst 8<A computer theApple Lisa#(Popular !olklore states that @Lisa@ "as Steve 6o&s% !irst daughter; Apple maintains it means Locally Antegrated So!t"are Architecture#) Apple -omputer%s engineers did not come up "ith the LASA inter!ace overnight# An !act the !irst iteration o! the soon'u&iHuitous +A(Pinter!ace "as a poorly'dra"n picture o! a !loppy disk# At "as only a!ter months o! usa&ility testing and "ork that Apple settled on the LASA inter!ace o! "indo"s and icons# $he Lisa "as introduced in 0241 at a cost o! <SD2 22:# =ecause o! the high price it !ailed to penetrate the market ho"ever it "as a use!ul proo! o! concept# T9e re4e"/e ' t9e M"!i%t'/9 "%( t9e 1<=4 !'))er!i"4 $he (acintosh 0.4k "as announced to the press in )cto&er 0241 !ollo"ed &y an 04'page &rochure included "ith various maga7ines in Decem&er# Ats de&ut ho"ever "as announced &y a single national &roadcast o! the no" !amous <SD0#: million television commercial @0245@# At "as directed &y ;idley Scott aired during the third Huarter o! Super =o"l *EAAA on 6anuary .. 0245 and is no" considered a @"atershed event@ and a @masterpiece#@1984 used an unnamed heroine to represent the coming o! the (acintosh (indicated &y her "hite tank top "ith a Picasso'style picture o! AppleBs (acintosh computer on it) as a means o! saving humanity !rom @con!ormity@ (=ig =rother)#K03L $hese images "ere


an allusion to 8eorge )r"ell%s noted novel Nineteen Eighty-Four "hich descri&ed a dystopian !uture ruled &y a televised @=ig =rother#@ ,or a special post'election edition o! Ne s eek in Novem&er 0245 Apple spent more than <SD.#: million to &uy all 12 o! the advertising pages in the issue# Apple also ran a M$est Drive a (acintoshN promotion in "hich potential &uyers "ith a credit card could take home a (acintosh !or .5 hours and return it to a dealer a!ter"ards# +hile .// /// people participated dealers disliked the promotion the supply o! computers "as insu!!icient !or demand and many "ere returned in such a &ad shape that they could no longer &e sold# $his marketing campaign caused -F) 6ohn Sculley to raise the price !rom <SD0 22: to <SD. 52: (adIusting !or in!lation a&out <SD: /// in .//9)# $"o days a!ter the 0245 ad aired the (acintosh "ent on sale# At came &undled "ith t"o applications designed to sho" o!! its inter!ace: (ac+rite and (acPaint# Although the (ac garnered an immediate enthusiastic !ollo"ing it "as too radical !or some "ho la&eled it a mere @toy@# =ecause the machine "as entirely designed around the 8<A e>isting te>t'mode and command'driven applications had to &e redesigned and the programming code re"ritten; this "as a challenging undertaking that many so!t"are developers shied a"ay !rom and resulted in an initial lack o! so!t"are !or the ne" system# An April 0245 (icroso!t%s (ultiPlan migrated over !rom (S'D)S !ollo"ed &y (icroso!t +ord in 6anuary 024:# An 024: Lotus So!t"are introduced Lotus 6a77 a!ter the success o! Lotus 0'.' 1 !or the A=( P- although it "as largely a !lop# Apple introduced(acintosh )!!ice the same year "ith the lemmings ad in!amous !or insulting potential customers# At "as not success!ul# (acintosh also spa"ned the concept o! (ac evangelism "hich "as pioneered &y Apple employee and laterApple ,ello" 8uy ?a"asaki# Despite initial marketing di!!iculties the (acintosh &rand "as eventually a success !or Apple# $his "as due to its introduction o! desktop pu&lishing (and later computer animation) through Apple%s partnership "ith Ado&e Systems "hich introduced the laser printer and Ado&e Page(aker# Andeed the (acintosh "ould &ecome kno"n as the de'!acto plat!orm !or many industries including cinema music advertising pu&lishing and the arts# +hile it did &rie!ly license some o! its o"n designs Apple did not allo" other computer makers to @clone@ the (ac until the 022/s long a!ter (icroso!t dominated the marketplace "ith its &road licensing program# =y then it "as too late !or Apple to reclaim its lost market share and the (acintosh clones achieved limited success &e!ore &eing a>ed a!ter Steve 6o&s returned to Apple -omputer in 0229

1<=5# >'0/ 4e",e/ A774e A!ter an internal po"er struggle the &oard o! directors sided "ith Sculley and 6o&s "as asked to resign# 6o&s then co'!ounded the visual e!!ects house Pi>ar# Ce also "ent on to !ound Ne*$ Anc# a computer company that &uilt machines "ith !uturistic designs and ran the <NA*'derived Ne*$step operating system# Ne*$S$FP "ould eventually &e developed into


(ac )S *# +hile not a commercial success due in part to its high price the Ne*$ computer "ould introduce important concepts to the history o! the personal computer (including serving as the initial plat!orm !or $im =erners'Lee as he "as developing the (+orld +ide +e&)# 024:'0229: Sculley Spindler Amelio

(acintosh SF

C'r7'r"te Per 'r)"%!e <nder leadership o! 6ohn Sculley Apple issued its !irst corporate stock dividend on (ay 00 0249# A month later on 6une 03 Apple stock split !or the !irst time in a .:0 split# Apple kept a Huarterly dividend "ith a&out /#1O yield until Novem&er .0 022:# August ./0/ =et"een (arch 0244 and 6anuary 0242 Apple undertook !ive acHuisitions including so!t"are companies Net"ork Annovations Style"are Nasho&a Systems and -oral So!t"are as "ell as satellite communications company )rion Net"ork Systems#

T9e A774e II ")i41 ' t9e 1<=0/ Apple no" had t"o separate incompati&le plat!orms: the Apple AA an a!!orda&le e>panda&le home computer and the Apple (acintosh the closed plat!orm !or pro!essionals# 6ohn 8ru&er among others has speculated that this plat!orm incompati&ility "as the main reason the (acintosh did not share the initial commercial success "hich "as e>perienced &y the Apple AA in the late 029/s# Co"ever &y the mid ' 024/s the Apple AA "as no" competing


"ith the A=( P- and its clones and a ne" energy "as !ocused upon marketing the (acintosh# $hus Apple continued to sell &oth lines promoting them to di!!erent market segments: the (acintosh to colleges college students and kno"ledge "orkers and the Apple AA to home users and pu&lic schools# A !e" months a!ter introducing the (ac Apple released a compact version o! the Apple AA called the Apple AAc# And in 0243 Apple introduced the Apple AAgs an Apple AA positioned as something o! a hy&rid product "ith a mouse'driven (ac'like operating environment# Apple AA computers remained an important part o! Apple%s &usiness until they "ere discontinued in the early 022/s# T9e M"! ")i41 At the same time the (ac "as &ecoming a product !amily o! its o"n# $he original model evolved into the (ac Plus in 0243 and spa"ned the (ac SF and the (ac AA in 0249 and the (ac -lassic and (ac L- in 022/# (ean"hile Apple attempted its !irst porta&le (acs: the !ailed (acintosh Porta&le in 0242 and then the more popular Po"er=ook in 0220 a landmark product that esta&lished the modern !orm and ergonomic layout o! thelaptop# Popular products and increasing revenues made this a good time !or Apple# (acAddict maga7ine has called 0242 to 0220 the @!irst golden age@ o! the (acintosh# )n ,e&ruary 02 0249 Apple registered the @Apple#com@ domain name making it one o! the !irst hundred companies to register a #com address on the nascent Anternet# T9e e"r418)i( 1<<0/ An the late 024/s Apple%s !iercest technological rivals "ere the Amiga and Atari S$ plat!orms# =ut &y the 022/s computers &ased on the A=( P- had &ecome more popular than all three; they !inally had a compara&le 8<Athanks to +indo"s 1#/ and "ere out' competing Apple# Apple%s response to the P- threat "as a pro!usion o! ne" (acintosh lines including Quadra -entris andPer!orma# <n!ortunately these ne" lines "ere marketed poorly# ,or one there "ere too many models di!!erentiated &y very minor graduations in their tech specs# $he e>cess o! ar&itrary model num&ers con!used many consumers and hurt Apple%s reputation !or simplicity# Apple%s retail resellers like Sears and -omp<SAo!ten !ailed to sell or even competently display these (acs# -ompounding matters "as the !act "hile the machines "ere cheaper than a compara&le P- (counting all the things &uilt in "hich had to &e added to the %&are &ones P-%) the poor marketing gave the impression that the machines "ere more e>pensive# An 0220 Apple partnered "ith long'time competitor A=( to !orm the AA( alliance# $he ultimate goal "as to create a revolutionary ne" computing plat!orm kno"n as P;eP "hich "ould use A=( and (otorola hard"are and Apple so!t"are# As the !irst step to"ard the P;eP plat!orm Apple started the Po"er (acintosh line in 0225 using A=(%s Po"erP- processor# $hese processors used a ;AS- architecture "hich di!!ered su&stantially !rom the (otorola 34/*/ series that "ere used &y all previous (acs# Parts o!


Apple%s operating system so!t"are "ere re"ritten so that most so!t"are "ritten !or older (acs could run in emulation on the Po"erP- series# Apple also re!used A=(%s o!!er to purchase the company &ut later unsuccess!ully sought another o!!er !rom A=(# An addition to computers Apple has also produced consumer devices# An 0221 Apple released the Ne"ton an early PDA# $hough it !ailed commercially it de!ined and launched the category and "as a !orerunner and inspiration o! devices such as Palm Pilot and Pocket P-# 1<<?# T9e Ret&r% ' >'0/ An 0223 the struggling Ne*$ company &eat out =e Anc#%s =e)S in its &id to sell its operating system to Apple# Apple purchased Steve 6o&s% company Ne*$ on Decem&er 0/ 0223 and its Ne*$ step operating system# $his "ould not only &ring Steve 6o&s &ack to Apple%s management &ut Ne*$ technology "ould &ecome the !oundation o! the (ac )S * operating system# )n Novem&er 0/ 0229 Apple introduced the Apple Store an online retail store &ased upon the +e&)&Iects application server the company had acHuired in its purchase o! Ne*$# $he ne" direct sales outlet "as also tied to a ne" &uild'to'order manu!acturing strategy# CEO )n 6uly 2 0229 8il Amelio "as ousted as -F) o! Apple &y the &oard o! directors a!ter turning the company around !rom a multi&illion loss to a D.: million dollar pro!it#6o&s stepped in as the interim -F) to &egin a critical restructuring o! the company%s product line# Ce "ould eventually &ecome -F) and has served in that position to the present day# T9e Mi!r'/' t (e"4 At the 0229 (ac"orld F>po Steve 6o&s announced that Apple "ould &e entering into partnership "ith (icroso!t# Ancluded in this "as a !ive'year commitment !rom (icroso!t to release (icroso!t )!!ice !or (acintosh as "ell a <SD0:/ million investment in Apple# At "as also announced that Anternet F>plorer "ould &e shipped as the de!ault &ro"ser on the (acintosh# (icroso!t chairman =ill 8ates appeared at the e>po on'screen !urther e>plaining (icroso!t%s plans !or the so!t"are they "ere developing !or (ac and stating that he "as very e>cited to &e helping Apple return to success# A!ter this Steve 6o&s said this to the audience at the e>po: A! "e "ant to move !or"ard and see Apple healthy and prospering again "e have to let go o! a !e" things here# +e have to let go o! this notion that !or Apple to "in (icroso!t has to lose# +e have to em&race a notion that !or Apple to "in Apple has to do a really good Io&# And i! others are going to help us that%s great &ecause "e need all the help "e can get and i! "e scre" up and "e don%t do a good Io& it%s not some&ody else%s !ault it%s our !ault# So A think that is a very important perspective# A! "e "ant (icroso!t )!!ice on the (ac "e &etter treat the company that puts it out "ith a little &it o! gratitude; "e like their so!t"are#


So the era o! setting this up as a competition &et"een Apple and (icroso!t is over as !ar as A%m concerned# $his is a&out getting Apple healthy this is a&out Apple &eing a&le to make incredi&ly great contri&utions to the industry and to get healthy and prosper again# 0224' .//0: Apple%s ;enaissance

$he original i(ac T9e iM"!, i@''-, "%( P'3er M"! G4 +hile discontinuing Apple%s licensing o! its operating system to third'party computer manu!acturers one o! 6o&s%s !irst moves as ne" acting -F) "as to develop the i(ac "hich &ought Apple time to restructure# $he original i(ac integrated a -;$ display and -P< into a streamlined translucent plastic &ody# $he line &ecame a sales smash moving a&out one million units a year# At also helped re'introduce Apple to the media and pu&lic and announced the company%s ne" emphasis on the design and aesthetics o! its products# (ore recent products include the i=ook the Po"er (ac 85 and the AirPort product series "hich helped populari7e the use o! +ireless LAN technology to connect computers to net"orks# An 0222 Apple introduced the Po"er (ac 85 "hich utili7ed the (otorola'made Po"erP95// containing a 0.4'&it instruction unit kno"n as AltiEec its !lagship processor line# Also that year Apple unveiled the i=ook its !irst consumer'oriented laptop that "as also the !irst (acintosh to support the use o! +ireless LAN via the optional AirPort card that "as &ased on the 4/.#00& standard# M"! OS :


-ompany headHuarters on An!inite Loop in -upertino An .//0 Apple introduced (ac )S * an operating system &ased onNe*$%s Ne*$step and the ,ree=SD kernel# Aimed at consumers and pro!essionals alike (ac )S * married the sta&ility relia&ility and security o! <ni> "ith the ease o! a completely overhauled user inter!ace# $o aid users in transitioning their applications !rom (ac )S 2 the ne" operating system allo"ed the use o! (ac )S 2 applications through the -lassic environment# Apple%s -ar&on APA also allo"ed developers to adapt their (ac )S 2 so!t"are to use (ac )S *%s !eatures# A774e ret"i4 /t're/ An (ay .//0 a!ter much speculation Apple announced the opening o! a line o! Apple retail stores to &e located throughout the maIor <#S# computer &uying markets# $he stores "ere designed !or t"o primary purposes: to stem the tide o! Apple%s declining share o! the computer market as "ell as a response to poor marketing o! Apple products at third'party retail outlets#

T9e iP'( An )cto&er .//0 Apple introduced its !irst iPod porta&le digital audio player# $he iPod started as a : giga&yte player capa&le o! storing around 0/// songs# Since then it has evolved into an array o! products including the(ini (no" discontinued) the iPod $ouch the Shu!!le the iPod -lassic the Nano and the iPhone# As o! (arch ./0/ the largest storage capacity !or an iPod "as 03/ giga&ytes# .//. ' Present: the i$unes'i)S 6uggernaut An early .//. Apple unveiled a redesigned i(ac using the 85 processor# $he ne" design had a hemispherical &ase and a !lat panel all'digital display supported &y a s"iveling neck# $his model "as discontinued in the summer o! .//5#


An .//. Apple also released the *serve 0< rack mounted server# )riginally !eaturing t"o 85 chips the *serve "as unusual !or Apple in t"o "ays# At represented an earnest e!!ort to enter the enterprise computer market and it "as also relatively cheaper than similar machines released &y its competitors# $his "as due in no small part to Apple%s use o! ,ast A$A drives as opposed to the S-SA hard drives used in traditional rack'mounted servers# Apple later released the *serve ;AAD a 05 drive ;AAD "hich "as again cheaper than competing systems# An mid'.//1 Steve 6o&s launched the Po"er (ac 8: &ased on A=(%s 8: processor# Apple claims this "as the !irst 35'&it computer sold to the general pu&lic &ut in !act that title actually goes to the A(D )pteron line ()pteron processors "ere ho"ever marketed more directly to the enterprise !or use in rackmount servers and in "orkstations)# =oth 35'&it -P<s "ere pre'dated &y the 35'&it Alpha architecture although the Alpha "as aimed more at servers and "orkstations and not at the @general pu&lic#@ $he Po"er (ac 8: "as also used &y Eirginia $ech to &uild its prototype System * supercomputing cluster "hich at the time garnered the prestigious recognition o! the third !astest supercomputer in the "orld# At cost only <SD:#. million to &uild !ar less than the previous P1 and other ranking supercomputers# Apple%s *serves "ere soon updated to use the 8: as "ell# $hey replaced the Po"er (ac 8: machines as the main &uilding &lock o! Eirginia $ech%s System * "hich "as ranked in Novem&er .//5 as the "orld%s seventh !astest supercomputer#K1/L A ne" i(ac &ased on the 8: processor "as unveiled August 10 .//5 and "as made availa&le in mid'Septem&er# $his model dispensed "ith the &ase altogether placing the -P< and the rest o! the computing hard"are &ehind the !lat'panel screen "hich is suspended !rom a streamlined aluminium !oot# $his ne" i(ac du&&ed the i(ac 8: is the "orld%s thinnest desktop computer measuring in at around t"o inches (around : centimeters)# .//5 ho"ever "as a turning point !or Apple# A!ter creating a si7a&le !inancial &ase to "ork "ith the company &egan e>perimenting "ith ne" parts !rom ne" suppliers# As a result Apple "as a&le to produce ne" designs so Huickly over a short amount o! time "ith the release o! the iPod Eideo then the iPod -lassic and eventually the iPod touch and iPhone# Fach Apple product thus !ar has &een under eHually high demand# $hrough the 022/s personal computers &ased on (icroso!t%s +indo"s operating system &egan to gain a much larger percentage o! ne" computer users than Apple# As a result Apple !ell !rom controlling ./O o! the total personal computer market to :O &y the end o! the decade# $he company "as struggling !inancially under then'-F) 8il Amelio "hen on August 3 0229 (icroso!t &ought a <SD0:/ million non'voting share o! the company as a result o! a court settlement "ith Apple# Perhaps more signi!icantly (icroso!t simultaneously announced its continued support !or (ac versions o! its o!!ice suite (icroso!t )!!ice and soon created a (acintosh =usiness <nit# $his reversed the earlier trend "ithin (icroso!t that resulted in poor (ac versions o! their so!t"are and has resulted in several a"ard'"inning releases# Co"ever Apple%s market share continued to decline reaching 1O &y .//5# Anitially the Apple Stores "ere only opened in the <nited States &ut in late .//1 Apple opened its !irst Apple Store a&road in $okyo%s 8in7a district# 8in7a "as !ollo"ed &y a store


in )saka 6apan in August .//5# An .//: Apple opened stores in Nagoya the Shi&uya district o! $okyo ,ukuoka and Sendai# Another store "as opened in Sapporo in .//3# Apple%s !irst Furopean store opened in London in Novem&er .//5 and is currently the largest store# A store in the =ullring shopping centre in =irmingham opened in April .//: and the =lue"atershopping centre in ?ent opened in 6uly .//:# Apple opened its !irst store in -anada in the middle o! .//: at theQorkdale Shopping -entre in North Qork $oronto# Later on in .//: Apple opened the (eado"hall Store inShe!!ield and the $ra!!ord -entre Store in (anchester (<?)# ;ecent additions in the London area include the=rent -ross Apple Store (6anuary .//3) and the Apple Store in +est!ield in Shepherd%s =ush (Septem&er .//4)# Also in an e!!ort to court a &roader market Apple opened several @mini@ stores in )cto&er .//5 in attempt to capture markets "here demand does not necessarily dictate a !ull scale store# $he !irst o! these stores "as opened at Stan!ord Shopping -enter in Palo Alto -ali!ornia# $hese stores !ollo" in the !ootsteps o! the success!ul Apple products: iPod mini and (ac mini# $hese stores are only one hal! the sHuare !ootage o! the smallest @normal@ store and thus can &e placed in several smaller markets# )n April .2 .//: Apple released (ac )S * v0/#5 @$iger@ to the general pu&lic# Apple%s "ildly success!ul Po"er=ook and i=ook products relied on Apple%s previous generation 85 architecture "hich "ere produced &y ,reescale Semiconductor a spin o!! !rom (otorola# Fngineers at A=( had minimal success in making their Po"erP- 8: processor consume less po"er and run cooler &ut not enough to run in i=ook or Po"er=ook !ormats# As o! the "eek o! )cto&er .5 .//:# Apple released the Po"er (ac 8: Dual that !eatures a Dual'-ore processor# $his processor contains t"o cores in one rather than have t"o separate processors# Apple has also developed the Po"er (ac 8: Quad that uses t"o o! the Dual' -ore processors !or enhanced "orkstation po"er and per!ormance# $he ne" Po"er (ac 8: Dual cores run individually at .#/ 8C7 or .#1 8C7# $he Po"er (ac 8: Quad cores run individually at .#: 8C7 and all variations have a graphics processor that has .:3'&it memory &and"idth# T9e I%te4 tr"%/iti'% An a keynote address on 6une 3 .//: Steve 6o&s o!!icially announced that Apple "ill &egin producing Antel'&ased (acintosh computers &eginning in .//3#6o&s con!irmed rumors that the company had secretly &een producing versions o! its current operating system (ac )S * !or &oth Po"erP- and Antel processors over the past : years and that the transition to Antel processor systems "ould last until the end o! .//9# ;umors o! cross'plat!orm compati&ility had &een spurred &y the !act that (ac )S * is &ased on )PFNS$FP an operating system that "as availa&le !or many plat!orms# An !act Apple%s o"n Dar"in the open source underpinnings o! (ac )S * "as also availa&le !or Antel%s >43 architecture# )n 6anuary 0/ .//3 the !irst Antel'&ased machines the i(ac and (ac=ook Pro "ere introduced#K13LK19L $hey "ere &ased on the Antel -ore Duo plat!orm# $his introduction came "ith the ne"s that Apple "ill complete the transition to Antel processors on all hard"are &y the end o! .//3 a year ahead o! the originally Huoted schedule#


An 6anuary .//9 Apple -omputer Anc# shortened its name to simply Apple Anc# An his ?eynote address 6o&s e>plained that "ith their current product mi> consisting o! the iPod and Apple $E as "ell as their (acintosh &rand Apple really "asn%t Iust a computer company anymore# At the same address 6o&s revealed a product that "ould revolutioni7e an industry in "hich Apple had never previously competed: the Apple iPhone# $he iPhone com&ined Apple%s !irst "idescreen iPod "ith the "orld%s !irst mo&ile device &oasting visual voicemail and an internet communicator capa&le o! running a !ully !unctional version o! Apple%s "e& &ro"ser Sa!ari on the iPhone )S# A774e "%( AiA 6e0 /er,i!e/ An ./// Apple introduced its i$ools service a collection o! !ree "e&'&ased tools that included an email account internet greeting cards called i-ards a service called i;evie" that gave internet users a place to read and "rite revie"s o! +e& sites and a tool called ?idSa!e "hich promised to prevent children !rom &ro"sing inappropriate portions o! the "e&# $he latter t"o services "ere eventually canceled &ecause o! lack o! success "hile i-ards and email &ecame integrated into Apple%s #(ac su&scription &ased service introduced in .//. and discontinued in mid'.//4 to make "ay !or the release o! the ne" (o&ile(e service coinciding "ith the iPhone 18 release# (o&ile(e "hich carries the same <SD22#// annual su&scription price as its #(ac predecessor !eatures the addition o! @push@ services to instantly and automatically send emails contacts and calendar updates directly to user%s iPhone devices# Some controversy surrounded the release o! (o&ile(e services to users resulting in e>pected do"ntime and a signi!icantly longer release "indo"# As a result o! this Apple e>tended the su&scriptions e>isting (o&ile(e su&scri&ers &y an additional 1/ days !ree'o!'charge# iP'( "%( iT&%e/ St're


A .nd generation iPod

iPod mini "ith the user inter!ace set to 8erman )n )cto&er .1 .//0 Apple introduced the iPod a porta&le digital music player# Ats signature !eatures included an L-D easy to use inter!ace and a large capacity drive (initially : 8=) "hich "as enough to hold appro>imately 0 /// songs# At "as Huite large "hen compared to the ./'1/ songs o! ,lash'&ased players o! the time# Apple has since revised its iPod line several times introducing a slimmer more compact design +indo"s compati&ility (previous iPods only interacted "ith (acintosh computers) AA- compati&ility storage si7es o! up to 03/ 8= and easier connectivity "ith car or home stereo systems# )n )cto&er .3 .//5 Apple released a color version o! their a"ard "inning iPod "hich can not only play music &ut also sho" photos# An early .//: Apple unveiled a smaller iPod : theiPod Shu!!le "hich is a&out the si7e o! a pack o! gum# Speaking to so!t"are developers on 6une 3 .//: Steve 6o&s said the company%s share o! the entire porta&le music device market stood at 93O# Apple has revolutioni7ed the computer and music industry &y signing the !ive maIor record companies to Ioin its ne" music do"nload service the success!ul i$unes (usic Store no" kno"n as i$unes Store# <nlike other !ee'&ased music services the i$unes Store charges a !lat <SD/#22 per song (or <SD2#22 per al&um)# <sers have more !le>i&ility than on previous on' line music services# ,or e>ample they can &urn -Ds including the purchased songs (although a particular playlist containing purchased music may only &e &urned seven times) share and play the songs on up to !ive computers and o! course do"nload songs onto an iPod# $he i$unes (usic Store commercial model is one'time purchase "hich contrasts "ith other commercial su&scription music services "here users are reHuired to pay a regular !ee to &e


a&le to access musical content (&ut are a&le to access a larger volume o! music during the su&scription)# $he i$unes (usic Store "as launched in .//1 "ith . million do"nloads in only 03 days; all o! "hich "ere purchased only on (acintosh computers# Apple has since released a version o! i$unes!or +indo"s allo"ing +indo"s users the a&ility to access the store as "ell# Anitially the music store "as only availa&le in the <nited States due to licensing restrictions &ut there "ere plans to release the store to many other countries in the !uture# An 6anuary .//5 Apple released a more compact version o! their iPod player the 5 8= iPod (ini# Although the (ini held !e"er songs than the other iPod models at that time its smaller si7e and multiple colours made it popular "ith consumers on de&ut "ith many stores having @sold out@ their initial inventories o! the devices# An 6une .//5 Apple opened their i$unes (usic Store in the <nited ?ingdom ,rance and 8ermany# A Furopean <nion version opened )cto&er .//5 (actually a Furo7one version; not initially availa&le in the ;epu&lic o! Arelanddue to the intransigence o! the Arish ;ecorded (usic Association (A;(A) &ut eventually opened $hursday 6anuary 3 .//:#) A version !or -anada opened in Decem&er .//5# )n (ay 0/ .//: the i$unes (usic Store "as e>panded to Denmark Nor"ay S"eden and S"it7erland# )n Decem&er 03 .//5 Apple sold its .// millionth song on the i$unes (usic Store to ;yan Alekman !rom=elcherto"n (assachusetts# $he do"nload "as The !omplete "# &y <.# 6ust under three months later Apple sold its 1// millionth song on (arch . .//:# )n 6uly 09 .//: the i$unes (usic Store sold its :// millionth song# At that point songs "ere selling at an accelerating annuali7ed rate o! more than :// million# )n 6anuary 00 .//: an even smaller version o! the iPod "as announced this one &ased on !lash memory instead o! using a miniaturi7ed hard drive# $he iPod Shu!!le like its predecessors proved so popular that it sold out almost immediately causing delays o! up to !our "eeks in o&taining one "ithin a single "eek o! its de&ut#$his is despite the !act that critics had ga"ked at the lack o! L-D screen in the Shu!!le a norm in almost all current !lash memory &ased mp1 players# $he iPod is giving an enormous li!t to Apple%s !inancial results# An the Huarter ending (arch .3 .//: Apple earned <SD.2/ million or 15R a share on sales o! <SD1#.5 &illion# $he year &e!ore in the same Huarter Apple earned Iust <SD53 million or 3R a share on revenue o! <SD0#20 &illion# An 6uly .//: the iPod "as given a color screen merging the iPod and iPod Photo# )n Septem&er 9 .//: Apple replaced the iPod (ini line "ith the ne" iPod Nano# +hile some consumers "ere put o!! &y the high price tag (<SD022 !or . 8=) and easily scratcha&le sur!ace the Nano had sold 0 million units in the !irst 09 days#


A month later on )cto&er 0. .//: Apple introduced the ne" :th generation iPod "ith video play&ack capa&ilities# $he device is also 5/O thinner than a 5th generation iPod and has a larger screen# )n )cto&er .: .//: the i$unes Store "ent live in Australia "ith songs selling !or AD0#32 each al&ums at (generally) AD03#22 and music videos and Pi>ar short !ilms at AD1#12# =rie!ly people in Ne" Sealand "ere a&le to &uy music o!! the Australian store# Co"ever that loophole "as Huickly closed# )n ,e&ruary .1 .//3 the i$unes (usic Store sold its 0 &illionth song# $he i$unes (usic Store changed its name to i$unes Store on Septem&er 0. .//3 "hen it &egan o!!ering video content ($E sho"s and movies) !or sale# Since i$unes inception it has sold over . &illion songs 0#. &illion o! "hich "ere sold in .//3# Since do"nloada&le $E and movie content "as added :/ million $E episodes and 0#1 million movies have &een do"nloaded# An early ./0/ Apple cele&rated the 0/ &illionth song do"nloaded !rom the i$unes (usic Store# iOS E,'4&ti'% 8 iP9'%e B iP"( ,irst announced on 6anuary 2 .//9 Apple introduced the !irst version o! the iPhone &eing pu&licly availa&le on 6une .2 that same year in selected countriesGmarkets# At "as another 0. months &e!ore the iPhone 18 &ecame availa&le on 6uly 00 .//4# Apple announced the iPhone 18S on 6une 4 .//2 along "ith plans to release it later in 6une 6uly and August starting "ith the <#S# -anada and maIor Furopean countries on 6une 02# $his 0.'month iteration cycle has continued "ith the iPhone5 model arriving in similar !ashion in ./0/# 6anuary ./00 has also seen a Eeri7on model &eing announced "ith e>pected availa&ility in ,e&ruary ./00# $he (acs that are availa&le no" (6an# ./00) are the .9 i$ac% the mac pro% the mac &ook% mac &ook air% mac &ook pro and the mac mini' The latest (ersion or mac os ) is Sno leopard *1+',-' .n summer #+11% /pple ill ha(e $ac 0S 1 lion *1+'2-' 0n Fe&ruary 1+% #+11% the /pple i3hone ill &e on Veri4on 5ireless and /T6T' No # i3od types are touch screen *7an' #+11-% the i3od nano and the i3od touch% a &ig ad(ance in technology' /pple TV no has a #nd generation *7an #+11- 4 times smaller% &ut 4 times &etter8 /nd no /pple has gone ireless% /pple no has a ireless touch pad% a ireless key&oard% a ireless mouse% and e(en a ireless e)ternal hard dri(e' $he Apple iPad "as announced on 6anuary .9 ./0/ "ith retail availa&ility commencing in April and systematically gro"ing in markets throughout ./0/# $he iPad !its into Apple product line snuggly as an i)S device t"ice the screen si7e o! an iPhone "ithout the phone capa&ilities# +hile there "ere initial !ears o! product canni&alisation the ,Q./0/ !inancial results released in 6an ./00 included commentary o! a reverse %halo% e!!ect "here iPad sales "ere leading to increased sales o! i(acs and (ac=ooks#


-onsidering that &oth product ranges have only &een in e>istence !or a com&ined 5 years the !act that over 9/ million iPhones and earning the company &illions is a remarka&le success# Apple no" rates highly as a mo&ile phone manu!acturer and continues to &reak ne" ground "ith the iPad#

A774e Pr'(&!t/# Apple has &een so success!ul in these last years thanks to his !resh imaginative "ay to think and do its &usiness: a "inning com&ination o! e>ceptional products great style and design great strategy innovative marketing sleek and enticing communications# Apple o"es its over"helming success in the last years to the iPhone and to the smart iPod and i$unes product com&ination a com&ination o! a great hard"are piece "ith great style great so!t"are great per!ormance user !riendly inter!ace "ith a good e'&usiness service# $he iPod T i$unes halo e!!ect and ne" great (ac computers and (ac )S so!t"are did the rest in increasing Apple revenue stream# An the : years &et"een .//1 to .//4 the Apple share value increased .: times !rom D9#: to D04/ per share# At Iuly .//4 prices &e!ore the <S ,inancial -risis Apple stock market capitali7ation "as D03/ &illion# An 6anuary ./0/ Apple shares topped the D.0/ mark# =ut even the &est companies "ith the &est products have &ottleneck !actors "hich o!ten avoid !ull e>ploitation o! the opportunities#

T9e iP"( $he ne" Apple $a&let the iPad ' an unnecessary productJ ' iPad (arketing Strategy Steve 6o&s claims the iPad gives the &est "ay to e>perience the "e&# Qet the iPad does not have ,lash Player ,lash is essential on the "e& and is used every"here# Sur!ing the +e& "ithout ,lash gives you &ig empty &o>es in the middle o! a page# Eideo on the "e& is mostly implemented in ,lash# No ,lash no video# So "hat Steve 6o&s says is untrue# Actually the iPad gives one o! the "orst "e& e>periences


you can imagine# =esides the iPad does not have <S= ports#

T9e iP'(+ ,e" people are a"are ' and !e" market analysts too ' that !or the !irst 1 years the iPod "as an a&solute !lop# $he iPod "as launched in octo&er .//0 and &et"een .//0 and .//5 iPod sales "ere &et"een 0//'.// thousand units per Huarter very !ar !rom today%s 0/'./ million units per Huarter and the iPod sales "ere not even covering the product research U development costs# $hen in 6une'Aug .//5 something happened and iPod sales &egan to gro" strongly Huarter a!ter Huarter# $oday "e all kno" "here the iPod stands and "hat a remarka&le success it is# $he iPod made the !ortune o! Apple and it stands out as the maIor turning point in the company gro"th# ,e" people kno" that the iPod T i$unes &usiness idea "as not conceived inside Apple &ut "as proposed to Apple &y an outside source a music lover and Fngineer named $ony ,adell# (ore on $ony ,adell and on the iPod marketing on iPod (arketing Strategy $he iPod marks another outstanding result in marketing: the annihilation o! competitors# $o kno" more see the analysis on $he iPod competitors At should &e noted that since the second generation o! iPods in .//. the iPods "ere made compati&le not only "ith the (ac operating systems &ut "ith (icroso!t +indo"s operating systems as "ell# +e should ask ourselves (and to Steve 6o&s): ho" many iPods "ould have &een sold i! the iPods "ould had &een compati&le only "ith (ac operating systemsJ +here the iPod is manu!actured and assem&led

T9e iP9'%e $he pipeline o! ne" products "hich came out !rom Apple in the last years is impressive and over"helming# An .//9 "ith the success!ul launch o! the iPhone Apple has marked another milestone in its development and gro"th# And moreover the iPhone enters a market ' the market o! mo&ile phones ' a market "hich is mature and saturated# Nonetheless Apple has &een a&le to develop a revolutionary product and to change the paradigm in the mo&ile phone market#


$he iPhone is : years ahead o! all its competitors# A "onder!ul product ama7ing user inter!ace great design# At is not only a mo&ile phone it is a product &et"een a mo&ile phone and a laptop computer# Fven calling it a smartphone is not enough# An 6uly .//4 Apple launched the second generation iPhone the iPhone 18#

T9e iP9'%e CGS An 6une .//2 Apple launched its third generation iPhone: the iPhone 18S# $he iPhone 18S has a 1 megapi>el auto!ocus camera video recording and editing capa&ilities voice control longer &attery li!e 9#. (&ps CSDPA internet connection# iPhone 18S is t"ice !aster than the iPhone 18# $he iPhone 18S prices: D022 !or the 038= model D.22 !or the 1.8= model# more on the ne" iPhone 18S on the iPhone 18S page# (ore on iPhone (arketing on the iPhone (arketing Strategy page#

Apple did great# no dou&t# Co"ever Apple has done some serious mistakes# $he most serious mistakes Apple has done concern marketing and distri&ution strategies in Furope# Apple has overlooked the Furopean markets and missing &ig num&ers in une>ploited sales# +ith &etter marketing strategy &etter communication and distri&ution Apple could have made 1//O more revenues in Furope in the last 5 years# Apple (arketing in Furope +e met "ith "ith Frik Stanno" Apple Eice President o! (arketing !or Furope U F(FA# +e have &een talking "ith Frik Stanno" a&out the marketing and distri&ution issues o! Apple in the Furopean markets and "e gave some valua&le suggestions to improve the Apple marketing strategy and distri&ution in Furope# +ell it seems that in -upertino they don%t care so much a&out Furope#


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