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Adam and Steve "And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made

he a woman, and brought her unto the man" 2 Genesis 22 No ess than Our Divine !reator, the su"reme #udge of a , made known to men that a woman is given the breathe of ife for her to comfort a man and for a man to ive with a woman$ %his is not an e&"osition of an' re igious dogma, but a statement of fact which now under ies the ince"tion of marriage and the birth of fami '$ %his is neither an assau t against an' gender c ass nor a ma icious im"utation to those overs who bear the same se&, rather this is a defense against an' desecration of the sanctified union between a man and a woman and, more so, a cure to a socia i that ma', "erha"s, uncherish fami ' ife$ Same(se& marriage can be understood in its ordinar' sense$ )ven without a forma education, the term is so common that a man of ordinar' inte igence can e o*uent ' "rovide for its descri"tion$ Same(se& marriage, however, in its most sim" ified sense, is a marita union between two "ersons of the same se&ua orientation$ %he issue as to its acce"tabi it' has been sett ed in some States$ +n fact, not on ' is it acce"tab e b' the most democratic nations, it has a so been ega i,ed b' them$ -hether or not the .hi i""ines wi take the same course of action is a egitimate, "o"u ar, and a societa issue that wi bear ega and mora significance$ +t is for this reason that an e&amination as to its va idit', nature and ramification has now become im"erative$ %hus, an in*uir' must be made, first, as to the definition, basis and function of marriage and fami '$ /arriage is defined b' the aw as a s"ecia contract of "ermanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with aw for the estab ishment of con#uga and fami ' ife$ +t is the foundation of the fami ' and an invio abe socia institution whose nature, conse*uences and incidents are governed b' aw and not sub#ect to sti"u ation$ +n addition, it is, ikewise, "rovided that no marriage sha be va id un ess the contracting "arties, who must be a ma e and a fema e, are ega ' ca"acitated$ %he aw as we states that fami ' re ations inc ude those0 123 between husband and wife4 123 between "arents and chi dren4 153 among other ascendants and descendants4 and 163 among brothers and sisters, whether of the fu or ha f b ood$

+n a brief ana 'sis of the aforementioned ega "rinci" es, same(se& marriage is a forbidden e&ercise of marita congress because it can on ' be conc uded b' a man and a woman and fami ' re ation, among others, is com"osed of a husband and a wife$ 7ence, a marriage between a man with another man or a woman with another woman becomes ine&istent$ Neverthe ess, a aw, no matter how immemoria , ma' be amended, abo ished, revised, modified or a tered$ +t must be ever(changing to the needs of time, so that a aw which wi introduce same(se& marriage is, b' a means, "robab e$ 8ut, an' aw to that effect is unconstitutiona $ %he !onstitution "rovides that the State recogni,es the sanctit' of fami ' ife$ 9urther, it added that the State recogni,es the 9i i"ino fami ' as the foundation of the nation$ -hi e it can be argued that man a ike ma' estab ish a fami ' b' their own right without an' "ower of "rocreation or that the term "fami '" under the !onstitution is so broad as to encom"ass and inc ude s"ouses of the same gender, neverthe ess, such reasons wi not ho d water since the drafters of the !onstitution shared the im"ression that the word "fami '" embraces on ' an ordinar' meaning ( one that is constituted b' a father, a mother and their chi dren$ +n addition, the e ectorate ratified the !onstitution with the view in mind that the term "fami '" is e&ac t' that which is com"osed of a man and a woman and their descendants$ 8ut more than an' ega or constitutiona *uestion is the issue of mora decenc'$ %he degree and magnitude of this measure wi bring about confusion in the natura order of things$ Same(se& marriage shows a mora indifference to the o"inion of the res"ectab e communit'4 a cava ier assau t against the dignit' of man4 an unusua "henomenon that wi storm the barricades of "ro"riet'4 a distastefu affair that shocks mora conscience4 and, a things considered, a wound that strikes at the heart of socia consciousness$ %o a ow this irrationa behavior wi o"en an' "ossib e thought and find its wa', however disgracefu and unso emn, in our ives and the ives of our chi dren$ No one, however, can demand the dictates of a heart, not even the fear of death can dis"ose to ruin an intimate affair, much ess steer the f eeting fee ing of one to another$ 8ut the right to ove, standing a one, is not a icense to ce ebrate a matrimonia ceremon'$ Love is no #ustification at a , more so a convenient e&cuse in introducing such un ike ' arrangement$ Again, marriage is the forerunner of creating a fami ' and the ob igation of a husband and wife is to rear for their chi dren, observe mutua ove, res"ect and fide it'$

Above a , the tender care and unconditiona ove to a chi d can on ' be tru ' e&"ressed b' a mother$ A woman who has fe t the unborn chi d in her womb and bear the "ain during the chi d:s com" ete de iver' is human nature$ +t is for this reason that the ove of a mother to a chi d is be'ond the com"rehension of an' inte ect, incom"arab e to an' other state of ove and irre" aceab e b' time$ A man, b' whatever scientific advances, wi never bear a chi d from his womb$ 7e is not on ' inca"ab e of re"roduction but, worst, of tendering a mother:s ove$ +n the ight thereof, same(se& marriage wi never "ass the strict scrutin' of the !onstitution and wi fai under the critica e&amination of mora it'$ +t cannot shatter the standing mora standards of the man' b' the few$ /an is a rationa anima , an inte igent animate s"ecie, that is far su"erior from a beasts$ %o introduce this anima it' wi a ienate mankind of its rationa it' and reasonab eness4 it wi debase our socia being, threat our we fare and in#ure our civi i,ation$ %hus, we become uncivi i,ed, cunning, ustfu , and ascivious$ -e wi ose the essence of marriage, erase the socia function of fami ' and dis"ossess the societ' of human nature$ +ndeed, it is intended to "er"etuate an act of bestia it'$

/arriage is not a #oke$ Our endowed abi it' to think free ' and act according ' must not s"i the bounds of an' mora structure$ After a , God did not create Adam and Steve$

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