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INTRODUCTION The Level One Primary Science curriculum is designed to stimulate pupils curiosity and develop their interest

as ell as ena!ling pupils to learn more a!out themselves and the orld around them through activities" The curriculum is articulated in t o documents# the sylla!us and the curriculum speci$ications" The curriculum speci$ications provide the details o$ the curriculum% !rie$ descriptions thin&ing s&ills and thin&ing strategies% scienti$ic s&ills% scienti$ic attitudes and no!le values% teaching and learning strategies and curriculum content"The curriculum content provides the learning o!'ectives% the intended learning outcomes and voca!ulary"

(I) The aim o$ the primary school science curriculum is to develop pupils interest and creativity through everyday e*periences and investigation that promote the ac+uisition o$ scienti$ic and thin&ing s&ills as ell as the inculcation o$ scienti$ic attitudes and values"

SCI,NC, PROC,SS S-ILLS Scientists continuously see& ne in$ormation %ne interpretation and ne meaning

regarding natural phenomena "The process used !y scientist to carry out research are process that !ring a!out solution to pro!lems and discoveries "(lthough these process are generally termed scienti$ic process %they are s&ills hich are re+uired !y all o$ us " ,veryone%not 'ust scientists %need science process s&ill to approach learning and the solving o$ pro!lem scienti$ically " Science process are mean to o!tain and investigate scienti$ic &no ledge "These are t o di$$erent aspects in science education %!ut they cannot !e separated %as they deal ith the hat and ho o$ the orld o$ science"In$ormation leading to scienti$ic

&no ledge is concerned ith the hat % hereas science process s&ills are concerned ith the ho o$ science " to learn so that

(t level%emphasis should !e given to studying ho

students are competent in using in+uiry s&ills "There$ore%the teacher should place importance on developing the science process s&ills o$ students %and not 'ust their a!ility to learn scienti$ic $acts "(lthough student need to remem!er $acts %they also need to e*perience %practice and appreciate science process s&ills !ecause these s&ills cannot !e ac+uired through reading"

Concept )ap /OR-IN0 SCI,NTI1IC(LL2



)easuring and using num!ers

)a&ing in$erences



Using space.time relationships

Integrated Science Processes S&ills

Interpreting Data

De$ining Operationally

Controlling 3aria!les ,*perimenting

)a&ing 4ypotheses

THE PENDULUM EXPERIMENT Materials: . String . Retort stand . Washers . Meter stick . Sto !atch . Pend"l"#

$ end"l"# is an o%&ect connected to a 'i(ed oint %) a string* !ire or ro e. When set in #otion* a end"l"# s!ings %ack and 'orth. The end"l"# can %e "sed 'or #eas"ring ti#e %eca"se the s!inging o' the end"l"# is re eated "ni'or#l).

EXPERIMENT + The results o$ the investigation" Length o$ thread 5cm6 Num!er o$ s ing 78 ;9 79 <9 :8 :9 :9 79

7" =ased on this e*periment the## i" ii" iii" )anipulated varia!le # Length o$ thread Responding 3aria!le # Num!er o$ s ing 1i*ed varia!le # Si>e o$ pendulum

:" 4ypothesis

I$ the length o$ thread is increase% than the num!er o$ s ing is decrease" <" (im# To investigate the relationship !et een the length o$ thread and the num!er o$ s ing

EXPERIMENT , The results o$ the investigation are sho n in !elo

Pendulum ( =

Length o$ String 5cm6 98 78

Num!er o$ s ing 7; :?

7" The aim o$ this investigation # To investigate the relationship !et een the length o$ string and the num!er o$ s ing" :" The varia!le o$ this investigation are# i" ii" iii" )anipulated varia!le # Length o$ string Responding varia!le # Num!er o$ s ing Controling varia!le # Time 5s6

<" 4yphotesis# I$ the length o$ string is increase % than the num!er o$ s ing is decrease"

EXPERIMENT )ass o$ the pendulum 5g6 Num!er o$ s ing 78 :8 :8 79 <8 78

7" (im# To investigate the relationship !et een the mass o$ pendulum and the num!er o$ s ing :" The varia!le are# i" ii" iii" )anipulated varia!le # )ass o$ the pendulum Responding varia!le # Num!er o$ s ing 1i*ed varia!le # si>e o$ pendulum @ length o$ string@ Time

<" 4yphotesis# I$ the mass o$ the pendulum is increase % the num!er o$ the s ing is decrease

R,1L,CTION (ll Praise $or (LL(4 the almighty % ith 4IS !lessing the tas&had $inally done"(lthough %I $aced many o!stacles !ut ith all the hard or& and patience

%$inally I had made it"Ive gained a lot o$ e*perience and &no ledge in the preparation o$ this tas&""4ope$ully %these presentation ould relevant to the +uestions given !y the lectured and it ill !e the !est" It is a pair or& "(t $irst% %the situatin is not so good as I am the ne o n group mem!ers "I as all alone" 4ere %I ould ta&e this great pleasure to e*press my sincere appreciation to Pn "Aurina $or choosing me as a partner" The $irst thing that e have to do is the distri!ution o$ duty"This ill ma&e our or& !ecame easier %!ut the time constrains %the distance and other commitment as the o!stacle in getting their tas& done"Telephone and email ere the only connection !et een us" ($ter loo&ing at the module and the detils%my heart thro! rapidly and I $elt so orried "This is my $irst assignment $or the science su!'ect in IPT="=e$ore this% Physical ,ducation 5P,6 as my minor su!'ect in IPIS"In addition %I had never taught the science su!'ect in school"To solve this pro!lems %Ive as&ed several teachers in my school $or their opinions " Ive got a lot o$ in$o due to the discussion made"I as very pleased and grate$ul" /e al ays e*change our in$o and opinion connected to the tas& given "These ill helped us to &no relationship as I am ne more a!out each other and to tighter our all my college and comer there "I get to &no comer

$or this course "=e$ore this%I as in IPIS %=angi%(ll the mem!er already had their

comprehend their attitude and also their ay o$ thin&ing tried"It taught me to !e more patience "I al ays gave my !est $or the children as their motivation to success " ($ter $inishing our tas&s % e had to compile all over"I had send all my tas&s to Pn "Aurina !y email "Its !ecause our home very $ar $rom each other and she ant to deliver it to the college"I Bve than&s to Pn Aurina $or her responsi!ility "I hope our tas&s could satis$y our lecturer and e can got a good mar&s"

1inally% I ould li&e to ta&e this opportunity to than& everyone that has directly or indirectly help in completing this assignment "Thousand o$ than&s to our lecturer that has guide us % ho al ays help and $amily that al ays understand and !e there $or me "I o e you%your good ill and deeds"It ill never !e $orgotten and I can never repay your &indness"Than& you"

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