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through Bertha Dudde 7656

The soul will reap what it has sown ....

You should not entertain deceptive ideas that ou can gather treasures !or our earthl li!e "ecause ou will lose the# !aster than ou had ac$uired the#. % caution ou not to strive a!ter earthl possessions and get attached to the#& and ti#e and again % will show ou the transient nature o! worldl possessions. You spend #uch ti#e and e!!ort when it co#es to collecting worldl treasures and rarel consider that ou cannot 'eep the#& that ou have to let go o! the# when ou leave this earth& "ut that the can also "e ta'en !ro# ou " other #eans i! this is ( will. You onl appreciate what "elongs to the world and et is te#porar ) "ut ou ignore the eternal .... ou onl ta'e care o! our "od and ignore our soul .... *nd thus ou use our energ o! li!e wrongl & ou onl use it !or our ph sical well+"eing "ut inconsideratel prepare a wretched !ate in eternit !or our soul. Because during our earthl li!e ou do not give to the soul what alone serves its per!ection& ou let it starve& whereas ou e,cessivel provide !or our "od without ever gaining !ro# it. Because even our earthl li!e can end !ro# one da to the ne,t& and then ou will enter the 'ingdo# in the "e ond poor and e#pt +handed and have to su!!er #uch pain. For once ou should thin' a"out the !act that ou ourselves have no control over our li!e& that our li!e on earth could "e short and that death could approach ou an da without ou "eing a"le to prevent it. *nd ou should thin' a"out the -therea!ter. .... "ut ou do not "elieve that ou are not

o"literated at the #o#ent o! death& ou do not "elieve in the soul.s continuation o! li!e and that this li!e will then "e in accordance with our li!e on earth and our concern !or our soul.s salvation. *nd on account o! this un"elie! ou live thoughtlessl and do not $uestion the #eaning and purpose o! our earthl li!e. You are content when ou get what ou li'e on earth& when ou provide the "od with a sense o! well+"eing and collect #an earthl possessions !or the !uture .... *nd ou do not actuall 'now whether ou still have a !uture. /owever& ou all 'now that ou will have to die one da .... *nd this 'nowledge should #a'e ou want to evaluate our earthl li!e consciousl . But ou lac' !aith& !aith in a God and 0reator& Who will hold ou accounta"le !or our conduct on earth one da . *nd "ecause ou do not "elieve& ou are indi!!erent. But ou can all "e certain that the hour o! our accounta"ilit will co#e and that our regret will "e "itter when ou !ind ourselves in great spiritual povert in the 'ingdo# o! the "e ond and eventuall realise what ou had neglected on earth due to our own !ault. Because it is " grace that ou were allowed to "eco#e e#"odied on earth& and not to have used this grace will "e "itterl regretted " the soul one da since it will never "e a"le to #a'e up its neglect& although in the 'ingdo# o! the "e ond it will also receive help to ascend !ro# the a" ss& "ut the circu#stances are !ar #ore di!!icult than the are or were on earth. You should not live so thoughtlessl "ecause the hour will co#e !or ever hu#an "eing when he has to leave the earthl "od and then the soul will enter the spiritual 'ingdo# .... *lthough this hour can "ring #uch pleasure and 1o it can also "ring great dar'ness and pain .... "ut alwa s in accordance with the hu#an "eing.s own will which he had de#onstrated " his conduct during his earthl li!e ....

/e will reap what he has sown& he will enter the 'ingdo# o! light and "liss& or he will "e received " dar'ness which will not release hi# again until the soul has changed its attitude and then& with loving support& it will wal' the path o! ascent ....


2u"lished " !riends o! new revelations o! God 3 %n!or#ation& download o! all translated revelations& the#e+"oo'lets at4 http455www."!o5english5inde,.ht#l 6 http455en."ertha+dudde.org5

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