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Part I A letter or email

\orr sar'this job advertisement in a magazinecalled Jobs Abroad". Readthe adr ertisementand the notesyou have made.Then write an email application ior the job, using all your notes.Write 120_150 words.

ite a'e looking for Sportsand Activities Organisers to ^o't . our summer campfor teenagers in Scoiland. E-a ;s and tell us whyyou wantthe job and whatyou co- c cringto it. I coes^r nratter whereyou ."r" ,r"r .; ;;* .. ,", '\e a goodcommand of English. Acco--odation will be provided. Ul r ce nterviewing short-listed applicants in London.


t l o l

New Message Atach Address Fo.*e fo: As Drrf! Color* Save



D e a rS i r o r M a d a m ,( 1 ) (7) as advertisedin I am writing to apply for the post of Sports and ActivitiesOrganiser, Jobs Abroad magazine.(3) (4) I would very much welcome the opportunity to spend the summer working at Camp UK in Scotland as (6) | enjoy working with teenagers,(7) and would also like to get to know more about life and customs in the UK. Moreover,(6) | am a keen sportspersonand e n j o yh o r s e - r i d i n gt,e n n i sa n d v o l l e y b a l l(.4 ) I have a good command of English,(7) having studied it at school for eight years, and I have also (6) spent a month at a summer school in lreland.(4) I would be gratefulif you could tell me what type of accommodation(7)you provideand whal (a) fi) it costs. Could you also (6) let me know when you will be holdingthe interviews? I look forward to hearingfrom you. (5) Yours faithfully(1) J o a n n aM u r d o c h

If you begin the letter or email with Dear Sir or Madam, finish with Yoursfaithfully. If you begin with Dear (Mr Smfth), finish with Yourssincerely. If you are askedto write an email, you will be given a printed email headingso you do not needto make one up. Startby sayingwhy you are writing. Divide the letter into three or four short paragraphs, eachwith its own topic. If you expecta reply to your letter write 'I look forward to hearingfrom you.' after the final paragraph. Uselinking words to join ideasand sentences. Referto the input information but do not copy out largeparts of it.

Giving a reason for writing I amwritingto apply for .

rn pnnrriro T:m rnrrilino a b O U t. . .

i+i-^ +^ ^^-^r^:1 |O ^ r-1 1 ,V"V,rlLlltv LU Uulllvlolt

about ...

I am wriilng in response to ...

Applying for a job I have considerable experience of ...

T ennqirier mrzqolf tn ho

I wouldwelcome to ... the opportunrty

Requesting information
T ' dh p n r a t p f r l i f v n r rc n r r l dt e l l m e . . . ^ ^ , , r i ,y v u p l g o D v l'c^ .-^ L rrru k n o w . . . ? vvulu


Usea style appropriateto the situation, and maintain the samestyle throughoutthe letter or email.

possrble I wish to complainin the strongest terms about I am nol satislied wrlh ..

Pafi2 A letter
You have received a letter from a friend in an English-speakingcountry, telling you what they did in the summer holidays. Write a letter back telling them what you did in the holidays. Write 120-180words.

Invent a name for the person you are writing to. Mention the correspondence that you have received.Thank the person for it or react to it in some way. Use informal language, contractions, someshort phrasalverbsand sentences, (one or two) exclamation marks. Divide the letter into three or four short paragraphs,each with its own topic. Finish the letter with an informal phrase such as Loue, Lots of loue, Take care or All the best.

Dear Sally(1) Thanks for your letter. (2) It soundslike you had a great summer. I really enjoyedthe holidaystoo, but they weren't long enough! (3) (4) As soon as schoolbroke up I went off to Spainwith my parents.We stayedin a lovely little village on the north coastand spent loads of time on the beach or walking in the mountains. (a) When I came back (:) I spent three works working in a cafe.At first I was in the kitchen, washing up I hated that. But after a while the bosslet me take orders and servecustomers.That was much more fun, and I got some good tips too. In the final week of the holiday I went and stayedwith my cousins.We just lazed around and spent most of the time watching DVDs' Then it was back to school.(4) Anyway I'd (3) better stop here as I've got quite a lot of homework to get through before tomorrow' (4) How's school going?Write again soon with more news' Love (5) Laura

Starting the letter Thanks verymuchforyourletter. It wasgood to hearfiomyou.

lfnrar h arro rrnr r l_roon ?

How arethingswith you and yourfamily? I'm soiry I haven't wrillen 1orages. T've been . .

Finishing the letter Anyway,that's all for now.

T'ri hotter

- .- gor o... Givemy love/regards to

qtnn hora T'rro
^nain ogqrrr nn^^ Dvvll,

IA/-i+n vvrrLE

I look forwardto seerngyou again soon.


Part2 A review
You recently saw this notice in a magazine.

Haveyou readany booksrecenily? rf so, prease writeand terl u s a b o u to n e o f t h e m .s a y w h a ty o u r i k e d o r d i d n ' tr i k ea b o u r the storyand the characters.

Write a review of 120-lg0 words.

.u:l{ani::!t11ii:ri*ri:,...t:1!i*.,i::t:,a:::'lir:aa],a:r:irrt:r,;::ra:r:1:}::::riti:rri and give relevant

recentlV read Thephantomof the Opera,a I novelwrittenin 1910 by GastonLeroux. lt I I has beenadapted a number of timesfor the cinemaand also madeintoan immenserv successful musical. (I) (4) It's set in Parisand is the storyof Erik(the 'phantom'), a menacing figurewho liveshidden awayin the basement of the operahouse. He is in lovewith Christine, an operasinger, but she in turn lovesa youngaristocrat called Raoul.(3) The plot is very intricate with tots of twistsand turns,whichkeepthe reader turning the pages. (2) (4) My maincriticism of the bookis the characterisation. (2) Thecharacters are unmemorable and rathershallow. lt is often difficult to understand whytheydo certain things, for example, (6) whenChristine chooses to havea conversation with Raoulon the roof of the operahouse.(4) To sum up, I enjoyed this ,gothic'horror storydespite the weaknesses in the characterisation. However, I'd onlyrecommend it to people who really enjoyhorror or ghost stories. (4) (5)
, ,,rrlr';!at:&i,:l{i{iir'3a*A*,..:irtialii:il ri:iUiait:i:ta,tait:a::i::iriirrir.r:i.i:,l:li.t,ii

In the first paragraphsay what you are reviewing key information fsuch as the author of a book or the directorof a film).

You can give both positiveand negativeopinions. Saybriefly what happensin the book, play, film, etc. Put each topic in a separate paragraph. Summarise your opinion in the final paragraph ancl give a recommendation(either positive or negativeJ If you can, give examples from the story to supporr your opinions,but make sure you keep within the word limit.

Giving background information I recentlyread/saw .. One of my favouritefilms/booksis ...

Describing a story It's setin .. It tells the story of There'sa twist at the end. The main characler is ..

Giving a recommendation I can thoroughlyrecommend this book/fllm. Go and seethis film/readthrs won't be drsappointed. I certainlywouldn't recommend this film/play. Don't botherreadrng.. /gorngto see .. . It tsn,tworth it

Part 2 An article
You have seen this announcement in a magazine.

We are offering a prize for the best article with the tiile:

W r i t e a n a r r i c l e o f 1 2 0 - 1 8 0w o r d s .

Involve the reader.You can address them directly,especially with questions. Usean informal, lively style.Avoid using a lot of formal language. Divide the informationinto clearly organised paragraphs. Finish by summarisingwhat you have said,and giving your opinion, if appropriate.

A town that I really like

Haveyou evervisitedthe south west of England? (1) | was broughtup there, in a town called Kingsbury. and in my opinionyou couldn'tchoose a better placeto live or just to visit. (3) Kingsbury is only a couplemilesfrom the coasr, you where can find lots of fantasticbeaches. The surrounding countryside is very beautiful and there are some wild,woodland areas nearby, idealfor walkingand other outdooractivities. (3) Thetown itself is very pretty,with narrowwinding streetsand lots of interesting old buildings. There are quite a few good caf6s and restaurants ano the shopsare excellent. Every weekend there'sa farmers'marketwhenyou can fresh local mear and vegetables. (3) Finally, the pace of life is slowerthan in the city. People are friendly and aren'talways in a hurry. Theyhavemoretime to stop and chat with you. (3) So, whatever you'relookingfor in a small town - attractivebuildings, great shops, nice placesto - Kingsbury eat and drink,goodleisure facilities h a s t h e ma l l .( 3 ) ( 4 )

Involving the reader Haveyou ever... ? What would you do/think 1f Can you imagine . ? Youmight think that . , bur . ?

Giving opinions In my oprnion/view, ... i think/beueve that ... A s f a ra si m c o n c e r n e d ,. .. T o m y m i n d ,. . . Personally, I find/think


Part 2 A report
The collegewhere you study wants to raise some money to buy new books and DVDs for the library. The principal has asked you to write report recommending the best way to raise the money. Write a report of 120-180words. Start with an introductionsettingout the aim of the report. Organise the informationinto sections. Useheadings if appropriate. You can use numberedor bullet points. Use fairly formal language. The purposeof this report is to considerdifferent ways of raising moneyto pay for new books and DVDsfor the school library,and to recommend the best courseof action. (1) Express opinionsimpersonally. F i n i s hw i t h a c o n c l u s i og ni v i n gy o u r recommendation.

Prize draw rzr

One idea is (5) to sell numbered ticketsand offer Students and teachers couldbe asked(5) orizes. to bringin unwanted itemsthat wouldbe suitable prizes, (5) as and the schoolcouldalso approach localshopsand restaurants who mightbe willing to contribute orizes. Expressingyour opinions Theaim/purpose of thisreport rsto ... Discussingpros and cons
Ann VllU ra , rq a lnl rLaq ng nY / ./l U i aI rJ, O - lU r rV rq 2,6 q Ul V Of I lp sv! 6f v , ... ic r u ..

Sponsoredrun (z)
possibility Another wouldbe (5) to organise a sponsored run around the localpark.Students couldask theirfriendsand familyto givea certain amountfor everymiletheycomplete.

Thorp nrp qtrnnfi ar.rrmenLS in faVOUf

... oflagainst

Making additional points I recommend that ... Ttwould be advrsable to

I t u r n r r l dh a n nnd i d oa 1 !v a q ru uu I 9/jf ... vvvu

My recommendation tzl
I recommend that we organise a sponsored run. Although the advantage of offeringprizesis that it wouldbe easier to organise, the planmightcometo (5) if we are unable nothing to find enough suitable prizes or sell enough tickets. A sponsored run,on the otherhand,is likely to raisemoremoney and wouldhavethe addedbenefitof involving more of the studentsand staff. (6)


Part 2 An essay
Your teacher has asked you to write an essay on the following statement: 'Children spend too much time watching television.' Write an essav of 120-180 words.

Referto the question in the first paragraph.Make a generalstatement about the question or briefly introduce argumentsfor and against. Uselinking words to connectideas and sentences.

owadays many homes have more than one television, and some children even have a TV in their bedrooms. It is not surprising, then, that statisticsshow that watching television is the most popular lersure activity for the majority of children. (1) Therc is no doubt that children need time to relax after school. and most children's programmes are certainly verv entertaining. Furthermote, (2) some television programmes. especiallydocumentaries and news programmes. are educational and informative, and can conrnbutc to a child's education. (3) (4) [-laving said that. (2) many children's programmes are oi poor qualitr'. and children learn nothing from them. \\'hat is more. r2) watching television is a very passive activitv requinng no physical effort. In my view, it would be better if children spent more time on more creative and rmagrnative acrivities,and on sport. (3) (4) To sum up. 2r I believe that parents should limit the amounr of time that children spend in front of the television to one or two hours a day. Otherwise, we run the risk ofcreatinggenerations ofunhealthy and ill educatedvoung adults. (5)

Present both sidesof the argument, where appropriate giving examplesthat supportthe differentpoints of view. Put the two sidesof the argumentin paragraphs. separate your own opinion in the final Express paragraph.

Expressingyour opinions In myview/opinron, ...

T firmlrz holiorro that

It seems to me that ...

Expressing other people's views peoplethink/cLaim/beheve Some thar .. I L i s s o m e t i m es sa i dL h a t. . .

Tt enrrld


a r n r ru o d ev

iuh ei rruL

Making additional points Furthermore, ... In additlon, ... What rs more,...

Expressing a contrast
\A/hilo thai merr ho irrro

On the otherhand,... However, ... Havingsaidthat, ...

Summing up To sum up, . In conclusion, ... O n b a l a n c e1 , f e e lL h a r ...


Part 2 A story
Write a story beginning with thesewords:

Simon woke up suddenly. What wos that noise he hod just lrcard?
Write 120-180words.

i m o n w o k e u p ( 5 Js u d d e n l yW . h a t w a s t h a t n o i s eh e h a d j u s t ( 5 J ? ( : J . n f t e r a w h i l e ,( 2 ) f r e n e a r d heard He listened carefully t h e n o i s ea g a i n .l t s o u n d e d l i k et h e r ew a s s o m e o n e downstairs ( 1 )( 5 ) kttchen! H e w a s n ' ts u r e w h a t t o d o , s o f i r s t , ( 2 ) h e l o o k e da r o u n df o r s o m e sort of weapon, a n d f o u n d h i s t e n n i sr a c k e t . T h e n( 2 ) h e w e n t ( 3 J quietly out onto the landing a n d l o o k e dd o w n t h e s t a i r s .H e couldn't s e ea n y t h i n g s , o h e c r e p t s l o w l y( : ) a o w n t h e s t a i r s , s t o p p i n g( 5 ) e v e r ys o o f t e n t o l i s t e na g a i n .S u d d e n l yt ,h e r e w a s ( 3 ) s o u n d . ' W h ao a crashing t n e a r t hw a s t h a t ? ' ( 4 )h e t h o u g h t w o r r i e d l y(. 1 )( 6 ) ( ,Z )t n e c r a s h i n g H e s t a r t e dt o r u n d o w n t h e s t a i r s .M e a n w h i l e started ('+ again. H e t h r e w o p e nt h e k i t c h e n doorandshouted,'Stop! . Jt l o U o O y (, 2) w a s t h e r e .B u t t h e r e w a s t h a t t e r r i b l e( 3 ) n o i s ea g a i n l( 5 ) E v e n t u a l l y he opened a cupboard a n d o u t j u m p e dt h e c a t ! l t h a d g o t s h u t i n s i d e , a n d h a d b e e nk n o c k i n g o v e r ( 5 Jp a c k e t sa n d t i n s o f f o o d t r y i n g t o g e t '5illy out. c a t ! ' ( 4 ) s a i dS i m o n f ,e e l i n g v e r y r e l i e v e d(.l J

Giveyour story a clearbeginning,middle and end. Usesequencing words to order the events.
Ordering events

Useadjectives and adverbs to make your writing more lively and interesting. Try to use somedirect and/or indirect speech. Usea variety of narrativetenses. Creating atmosphere and suspense will make your story more enjoyable.

A s s o o na s . . . Whlle B y t h et i m e . . . F l r s t ,. . . N e x t ,. . . Then,... After a while, ... Meanwhile, Suddenly, .. Eventually

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