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Benefits of exercise during pregnancy

What kind of exercise can women engage in during pregnancy?

Some research shows that women who exercise have shorter easier labors, better newborn health, and higher newborn IQs. Gaining enough but not too much weight: Reducing time spent in labor Reducing back pain and soreness 1. 2. 3. 4. !. #. %. did you do an exercise during pregnancy? what type of exercise did you do? do you feel worry about your pregnancy if u do exercise? hen should you stop exercising in pregnancy? do you "now the benefits of doing exercise during pregnancy? did $$ as" you to do an exercise? are there any reasons why I shouldn&t exercise?

'()( * +)+, * -,(.I/( * 01'/I/I$(' 21,($3I, * 4. (da"ah selama "ehamilan ini, ibu mengalami "enai"an berat badan yang mendada"? Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. ya b. tida" 5. (pa"ah dalam "eluarga ibu mempunyai penya"it /arah tinggi atau $encing manis? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 3. (da"ah ibu mela"u"an senaman selama "ehamilan? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 4. 7i"a ya, senaman apa"ah yang sering dila"u"an? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? ............................ a. ........................... b. ............................. !. senaman apa yang ibu tahu boleh dila"u"an selama hamil? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. ........................ b. ........................ c. ........................ d. ........................ #. dari mana ibu tahu tentang 8enis senaman tersebut?

9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. ........................ b. ........................ %. (pa"ah ibu risau untu" mela"u"an senaman selama hamil? $enapa? /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 2a"ut "eguguran: perdarahan b. 2ida" punya wa"tu c. 2ida" tahu "ebai"an mela"u"an senaman selama hamil d. 2ida" tahu senaman apa yang sesuai e. ;ain <lain =. 2ahu"ah ibu tentang "ebai"an mela"u"an olahraga selama hamil? Senarai"an did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. ........................................ b. ........................................ c. ........................................ d. ....................................... e. ......................................... >. 0ernah"ah ibu di8elas"an tentang "ebai"an mela"u"an senaman selama hamil? Siapa yang men8elas"an? is there anyone explaim to yo regarding the benefits? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do?

/id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. ?aca di ma8alah b. /i8elas"an oleh tenaga "esihatan @do"tor,7ururawatA c. ?aci di internet d. 2ida" pernah e. ;ainBlain 4C. 0ernah"ah ibu mengi"uti "elas senaman:olahraga untu" ibu hamil? 3ave u 8oin the exercise class before? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 44. Seandainya dia"an"an "elas senaman untu" ibu hamil, apa"ah ibu a"an i"ut serta? If there is a class for prefnant woman, would you li"e to 8oin? 3ave u 8oin the exercise class before? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 45. tahu"ah ibu senaman bai" untu" "esihatan ibu dan bayi? /o you "now exercise is good for you and babyDs health? If there is a class for prefnant woman, would you li"e to 8oin? 3ave u 8oin the exercise class before? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise?

what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 43. apa"ah ibu menghidap penya"it 8antung atau te"anan darah tinggi atau "encing manis dalam "ehamilan se"arang? /o you have /) or hypertension for this pregnancy? /o you "now exercise is good for you and babyDs health? If there is a class for prefnant woman, would you li"e to 8oin? 3ave u 8oin the exercise class before? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 44. ada"ah ibu pernah diperi"sa dan di8elas"an oleh do"tor yang "esihatan ibu boleh mela"u"an senamana? /o the doctors chec" your condition to allow you doing exercise? /o you have /) or hypertension for this pregnancy? /o you "now exercise is good for you and babyDs health? If there is a class for prefnant woman, would you li"e to 8oin? 3ave u 8oin the exercise class before? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida" 4!. tahu"ah ibu "eadaan seperti apa yang tida" memboleh"an ibu bersenaman?

/o you "now in what condition you cannot do exercise? /o the doctors chec" your condition to allow you doing exercise? /o you have /) or hypertension for this pregnancy? /o you "now exercise is good for you and babyDs health? If there is a class for prefnant woman, would you li"e to 8oin? 3ave u 8oin the exercise class before? did you "now the benefit of doing exercise during pregnant?list it /id you feel worry to do exercise? hy? 9rom where do you "now the exercise? what type of exercise did u "now that pregnant woman can do? If yes, what type of exercise did you do? /id mother do exercise during pregnant? Is there any family history with /) or hypertension Since pregnant, do yo have any excessive weight gain? a. 6a b. 2ida"

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