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Parent Involvement Project (PIP) Parent and Teacher Questionnaires: Study 2 Kathleen V. Hoover-Dempsey, Howard M.

Sandler, & Joan M.T. Walker Prepared y Darlene Whetsel !"#$"%# Department o& Psy'holo(y and H)man Development *o+ ,-#, Pea ody .olle(e, Vander /lt 0n/vers/ty, T1 23#%2 phone4 $-,-252-5!$#6 &a+ $-,-252-!5!56 ema/l4 d.whetsel7vander /lt.ed) The Parent 8nvolvement Pro9e't :P8P; Parent and Tea'her <)est/onna/res were developed to 'ond)'t the se'ond /n a ser/es o& &o)r =>?8-&)nded resear'h pro9e'ts. The pro9e'ts were des/(ned to e+am/ne the &ollow/n( @)est/ons4 :a; Why do parents 'hoose to e'ome /nvolved /n the/r 'h/ldrenAs ed)'at/onB : ; How does the/r /nvolvement, on'e en(a(ed, /n&l)en'e 'h/ldrenAs ed)'at/onal a'h/evement and att/t)d/nal var/a les that /n&l)en'e a'h/evementB Cro)nded /n Hoover-Dempsey and SandlerAs :-!!,, -!!3; model o& the parental /nvolvement pro'ess, th/s st)dy e+am/ned Devels =neEthe 'ontr/ )t/ons o& hypothes/Fed pred/'tors :role 'onstr)'t/on, sense o& e&&/'a'y, (eneral /nv/tat/ons to /nvolvement, and 'h/ld attr/ )tes that /nv/te /nvolvement; to parentsA as/' /nvolvement de'/s/onsEand Devel TwoE/n&l)en'es on parentsA /nvolvement &orms :t/me"reso)r'es, knowled(e and sk/lls, spe'/&/' 'h/ld /nv/tat/ons, spe'/&/' tea'her /nv/tat/ons, parentsA en9oyment o& the/r /nvolvement and level o& /nvolvement. Two @)est/onna/res were developed to assess parent and tea'her reports o& the Devel =ne and Two pred/'tors and o)t'ome var/a le. The -2 s'ales :$ level one, , level two, - dependent var/a le meas)re,; /n the Parent <)est/onna/re and the 5 s'ales /n the Tea'her <)est/onna/re are des'r/ ed /n the &ollow/n( pa(es. The des'r/pt/on &or ea'h s'ale /n'l)des /ts so)r'e, /nstr)'t/ons to part/'/pants, response s'ales, all /tems, and s'ale rel/a /l/t/es. S'ales /n'l)ded /n the P8P Parent <)est/onna/re are the &ollow/n(4 Level One: -. ParentAs Per'ept/ons o& Sel&->&&/'a'y &or Help/n( .h/ld S)''eed /n S'hool :3 /tems; #. ParentAs ?ole .onstr)'t/on :#5 /tems; Th/s s'ale has een d/v/ded /nto two s'ales : el/e&s & ehav/ors; &or the @)est/onna/re )t /t sho)ld e 'onstr)ed as one var/a le. ParentAs ?ole .onstr)'t/on :*el/e&s; :-- /tems; Three S) s'ales4 -. Parent-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :2 /tems; #. S'hool-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :5 /tems; 2. Partnersh/p-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :5 /tems; ParentAs ?ole .onstr)'t/on :Hypothet/'al *ehav/ors; :-2 /tems; 2. ParentAs Per'ept/ons o& Ceneral 8nv/tat/ons &or 8nvolvement &rom the S'hool :$ /tems; 2 S) s'ales4 a; S'hool-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :# /tems; ; >mpowerment-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :# /tems; '; .omm)n/'at/on-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :# /tems; 5. ParentAs Per'ept/ons o& Ceneral 8nv/tat/ons &or 8nvolvement &rom the .h/ld :2 /tems; ,. .h/ldAs Gttr/ )tes that 8nv/te 8nvolvement :, /tems; -

Level Two: -. ParentAs >n9oyment o& 8nvolvement G't/v/t/es :$ /tems; #. ParentAs Knowled(e and Sk/lls &or 8nvolvement G't/v/t/es :! /tems; 2. ParentAs T/me, >ner(y, and ?eso)r'es &or 8nvolvement G't/v/t/es :H /tems; 5. ParentAs Per'ept/on o& Spe'/&/' .h/ld Demands"8nv/tat/ons &or 8nvolvement :$ /tems; ,. ParentAs Per'ept/on o& Spe'/&/' Tea'her"S'hool Demands"8nv/tat/ons &or 8nvolvement :$ /tems; De endent !aria"le (#$ items)

The scales included in the :P8P; Teacher Questionnaire Study 2 are the %ollowin&: -. Tea'herAs Sel&->&&/'a'y Ior Help/n( .h/ldren S)''eed /n S'hool :3 /tems; #. Tea'herAs Per'ept/ons o& Ceneral 8nv/tat/ons &or 8nvolvement &rom the S'hool :-- /tems; Three S) s'ales4 a. S'hool-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :, /tems; . >mpowerment-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :2 /tems; '. .omm)n/'at/on-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :2 /tems; 2. .olle't/ve Tea'her >&&/'a'y :-H /tems; 5. Tea'herAs Per'ept/ons o& ParentsA 8nvolvement Devel :$ /tems; ,. Tea'herAs Spe'/&/' 8nv/tat/ons &or /nvolvement :$ /tems; $. Tea'herAs Per'ept/ons o& Parent >&&/'a'y &or Help/n( .h/ld S)''eed /n S'hool :$ /tems;

Scale: Parent's Perce tions o% Sel%()%%icacy %or *el in& +hild Succeed in School :3 /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .3H So)r'e Gdapted &rom Hoover-Dempsey, K.V., *assler, =..., & *r/ss/e, J.S. :-!!#;. >+plorat/ons /n parent-s'hool relat/ons. Journal of Educational Research, 85, (5), #H3-#!5. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom 3 to 5#. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er sense o& e&&/'a'y &or help/n( the 'h/ld s)''eed /n s'hool. S'ale :3 /tems; 8 know how to help my 'h/ld do well /n s'hool. 8 donAt know /& 8Am (ett/n( thro)(h to my 'h/ld. (reverse scored) 8 donAt know how to help my 'h/ld make (ood (rades /n s'hool. (reverse scored) 8 &eel s)''ess&)l a o)t my e&&orts to help my 'h/ld learn. =ther 'h/ldren have more /n&l)en'e on my 'h/ldAs (rades than 8 do. (reverse scored) 8 donAt know how to help my 'h/ld learn. (reverse scored) 8 make a s/(n/&/'ant d/&&eren'e /n my 'h/ldAs s'hool per&orman'e. ## -H 2# -#! # -

Scale: Parent's ,ole +onstruction (-elie%s) :-- /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha = .61 So)r'e Gdapted &rom Hoover-Dempsey, K.V., Walker, J.M.T., Jones, K.P., & ?eed, ?.P. :#%%#;. Tea'hers 8nvolv/n( Parents :T8P;4 Gn /n-serv/'e tea'her ed)'at/on pro(ram &or enhan'/n( parental /nvolvement. Tea'h/n( and Tea'her >d)'at/on, -H :3;, --#,. S) s'ales The s'ale /n'l)des three s) s'ales4 Parent-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :2 /tems;, S'hool-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :5 /tems;, Partnersh/p-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :5 /tems;. ?esponse &ormat and s'ales Gll /tems /n the s'ale )s a disagree very strongly to an agree very strongly &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons The /nstr)'t/ons asso'/ated w/th ea'h response opt/on are the &ollow/n(4 Ior response opt/on, disagree very strongly to agree very strongly: Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( arent!focused Role "onstruction: su#scale range = $ ! 18 %chool!focused Role "onstruction: su#scale range = & ! '& artnershi(!focused Role "onstruction: su#scale range = & ! '& S) s'ale4 Parent-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :2 /tems; 8tAs my 9o to e+pla/n to)(h ass/(nments to my 'h/ld. 8tAs my 9o to make s)re my 'h/ld )nderstands h/s or her ass/(nments. 8 make /t my )s/ness to stay on top o& th/n(s at s'hool. S) s'ale4 S'hool-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :5 /tems; 8 ass)me my 'h/ld /s do/n( all r/(ht when 8 donAt hear anyth/n( &rom the s'hool. The tea'her has to let me know a o)t a pro lem e&ore 8 'an do someth/n( a o)t /t. 8 (et most o& my /n&ormat/on a o)t my 'h/ldAs pro(ress &rom report 'ards. My 'h/ldAs learn/n( /s ma/nly )p to the tea'her and my 'h/ld. S) s'ale4 Partnersh/p-&o')sed ?ole .onstr)'t/on :5 /tems; 8 l/ke to spend t/me at my 'h/ldAs s'hool when 8 'an. 8tAs /mportant that 8 let the tea'her know a o)t th/n(s that 'on'ern my 'h/ld. 8 &/nd /t help&)l to talk w/th the tea'her. My 'h/ldAs tea'her:s; know:s; me. /tem n)m er ##$ -, /tem n)m er -3 2 ! $ /tem n)m er 2% 3 #, H

Scale: Parent's ,ole +onstruction *y othetical -ehaviors :-2 /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .!# So)r'e ased on a s'ale ent/tled KParentsL 8nvolvement on Gll Types o& G't/v/t/esK developed y4 >pste/n, J.D., and Sal/nas, K. .. :-!!2;. S'hool and Iam/ly Partnersh/ps4 S)rveys and s)mmar/es. .enter on Iam/l/es, .omm)n/t/es, S'hools and .h/ldrenLs Dearn/n(. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a very unli)ely to very li)ely response &ormat4 Very )nl/kely J -, somewhat )nl/kely J #, somewhat l/kely J 2, very l/kely J 5 8nstr)'t/ons Please rate how l/kely yo) are to respond P=S8T8V>DM to ea'h o& the &ollow/n( tea'her re@)ests. Please )se the &ollow/n( s'ale &or yo)r responses4 - J Very )nl/kely, # J somewhat )nl/kely, 2 J somewhat l/kely, 5 J very l/kely. S) s'ale s'or/n( "hild!%(ecific *ecision to +eco,e -nvolved reported standard/Fed alpha J .H5. Total s) s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom , to #%. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er 'h/ld-spe'/&/' de'/s/on to e'ome /nvolved. %chool!.eneral *ecision to +eco,e -nvolved reported standard/Fed alpha J .H5 Total s) s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom H to 2#. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er s'hool-(eneral de'/s/on to e'ome /nvolved. S) s'ale4 .h/ld-Spe'/&/' De'/s/on to *e'ome 8nvolved :, /tems; Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P Parent <)est/onna/re Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to help yo)r 'h/ld st)dy &or an )p'om/n( math test. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to talk w/th yo)r 'h/ld a o)t h/s"her s'hool day. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to work w/th yo)r 'h/ld on a spe'/&/' homework ass/(nment. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to look over yo)r 'h/ldAs homework. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to s'hed)le a 'on&eren'e to d/s')ss yo)r 'h/ldAs pro(ress. S) s'ale4 S'hool-Ceneral De'/s/on to *e'ome 8nvolved :H /tems; Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her sends home a note ask/n( parents to send s)ppl/es &or a 'lass party. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to send s)ppl/es &or an ed)'at/onal a't/v/ty /n the 'lassroom. , Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P Parent <)est/onna/re $$# ,$ ,3 ,H ,! $%

Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to attend a st)dent pro(ram at the s'hool /n the even/n(. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks &or parents to vol)nteer a &ew ho)rs o& t/me to ea)t/&y the s'hool (ro)nds. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks &or parents to help or(an/Fe a &/eld day at the s'hool. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks &or vol)nteers to 'haperone a 'lass tr/p. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to 'ome to s'hool to talk a o)t yo)r work or a spe'/al /nterest o& yo)rs. Mo)r 'h/ldAs tea'her asks yo) to help o)t /n the 'lassroom :&or e+ample, l/sten to 'h/ldren read;.

$2 $5 $, $$ $3 $H

Scale: Parent's Perce tions o% .eneral Invitations %or Involvement %rom the School :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .HH So)r'e Gdapted &rom Cr/&&/thAs parent sat/s&a't/on s)rvey4 Cr/&&/th, J. :-!!$, Ie r)ary;. Parent and st)dent sat/s&a't/on w/th elementary s'hools /n Mont(omery .o)nty. Mont(omery .o)nty P) l/' S'hools, MD4 Department o& >d)'at/onal G''o)nta /l/ty :reported alphas ran(ed &rom . 32 to .H-;. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S) s'ale s'or/n( :Total Poss/ le ?an(e4 $-2$; %chool!focused %chool "li,ate: '!1' E,(o/er,ent!focused %chool "li,ate: '!1' "o,,unication!focused %chool "li,ate: '!1' S) s'ale4 S'hool-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :# /tems; Tea'hers at th/s s'hool are /nterested and 'ooperat/ve when they d/s')ss my 'h/ld. 8 &eel wel'ome at th/s s'hool. S) s'ale4 >mpowerment-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :# /tems; Parent a't/v/t/es are s'hed)led at th/s s'hool so that 8 'an attend. Th/s s'hool lets me know a o)t meet/n(s and spe'/al s'hool events. S) s'ale4 .omm)n/'at/on-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :# /tems; Th/s s'hoolAs sta&& 'onta'ts me promptly a o)t any pro lems /nvolv/n( my 'h/ld. The tea'hers at th/s s'hool keep me /n&ormed a o)t my 'h/ldAs pro(ress /n s'hool. /tem n)m er #5 -2 /tem n)m er -! -# /tem n)m er #3 #%

Scale: Parent's Perce tions o% .eneral Invitations %or Involvement %rom the +hild :2 /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .$So)r'e Pro9e't developed &rom Walker, J. M.T., & Hoover-Dempsey, K.V. :#%%-, Gpr/l;. G(e-related patterns /n st)dent /nv/tat/ons to parental /nvolvement /n homework. Paper presented at the ann)al meet/n( o& the Gmer/'an >d)'at/onal ?esear'h Gsso'/at/on, Seattle, WG. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom 2 to -H. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er per'ept/on o& (eneral /nv/tat/ons &or /nvolvement &rom the 'h/ld. S'ale :2 /tems; 8tems 8 (et /nvolved /n my 'h/ldAs ed)'at/on e'a)se She or he appre'/ates /t. 8 (et /nvolved /n my 'h/ldAs ed)'at/on e'a)se he or she really wants me to e /nvolved. 8 (et /nvolved /n my 'h/ldAs ed)'at/on e'a)se 8 want h/m or her to do well /n s'hool. /tem n)m er #H , -5

Scale: +hild's /ttri"utes that Invite Involvement :, /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .,$ So)r'e HID #%%# ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom , to 2%. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er per'ept/on o& 'h/ld attr/ )tes that /nv/te /nvolvement :/.e. 'h/ld needs &rom the parent;. S'ale :2 /tems; 8tems My 'h/ld needs help or(an/F/n( h/s or her homework. My 'h/ld has tro) le stay/n( &o')sed on h/s or her work. My 'h/ld /s /ndependent when /t 'omes to homework. :reversed; My 'h/ld needs help (ett/n( started w/th h/s or her homework. My 'h/ld needs help )nderstand/n( h/s or her homework. /tem n)m er 5 -% -$ #2 2-

Scale: Parent's )njoyment o% Involvement /ctivities :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .33 So)r'e HID #%%# ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom $ to 2$. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er sense o& en9oyment o& /nvolvement a't/v/t/es. S'ale :$ /tems; 8tems 8 en9oy 'omm)n/'at/n( w/th my 'h/ldAs tea'her. 8 en9oy help/n( my 'h/ld w/th homework 8 en9oy help/n( o)t at my 'h/ldAs s'hool. 8 en9oy 'omm)n/'at/n( w/th my 'h/ld a o)t the s'hool day. 8 en9oy s)perv/s/n( my 'h/ldAs homework. 8 en9oy attend/n( spe'/al events at s'hool. /tem n)m er 23 2! 5# 52 5H 5!


Scale: Parent's 0nowled&e and S1ills %or Involvement /ctivities :! /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .H2 So)r'e HID #%%# ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom ! to ,5. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er sense knowled(e and sk/ll &or the /nvolvement a't/v/t/es. S'ale :! /tems; 8tems 8 know a o)t vol)nteer/n( opport)n/t/es at my 'h/ldAs s'hool. 8 know how to 'omm)n/'ate e&&e't/vely w/th my 'h/ld a o)t the s'hool day. 8 know how to e+pla/n th/n(s to my 'h/ld a o)t h/s or her homework. 8 know a o)t spe'/al events at s'hool. 8 know eno)(h a o)t the s) 9e'ts o& my 'h/ldAs homework to help h/m or her. 8 know how to 'omm)n/'ate e&&e't/vely w/th my 'h/ldAs tea'her. 8 know how to s)perv/se my 'h/ldAs homework. 8 have the sk/lls to help o)t at my 'h/ldAs s'hool. 8 know e&&e't/ve ways to 'onta't my 'h/ldAs tea'her. /tem n)m er 25 2, 2$ 5% 5, ,% ,,2 ,,


Scale: Parent's Time2 )ner&y and ,esources %or Involvement /ctivities :H /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .H5 So)r'e HID #%%# ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S) s'ale s'or/n( (0otal ossi#le Range: 8!&8) H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er sense o& t/me, ener(y and reso)r'es &or e/n( /nvolved. Resources: '!1' 0i,e and Energy: 6!$6 S) s'ale4 ?eso)r'es :# /tems; 8tems /tem n)m er 8 have what 8 need :&or e+ample, telephone, answer/n( ma'h/ne, 5$ ema/l; to 'omm)n/'ate e&&e't/vely w/th my 'h/ldAs tea'her. 8 have the mater/als 8 need to help my 'h/ld w/th homework. 5S) s'ale4 T/me and >ner(y :$ /tems; 8 have eno)(h t/me and ener(y to 'omm)n/'ate e&&e't/vely w/th my 'h/ld a o)t the s'hool day. 8 have eno)(h t/me and ener(y to help o)t at my 'h/ldAs s'hool. 8 have eno)(h t/me and ener(y to 'omm)n/'ate e&&e't/vely w/th my 'h/ldAs tea'her. 8 have eno)(h t/me and ener(y to attend spe'/al events at s'hool. 8 have eno)(h t/me and ener(y to help my 'h/ld w/th homework. 8 have eno)(h t/me and ener(y to s)perv/se my 'h/ldAs homework. /tem n)m er 22 55 2H 53 ,# ,5


Scale: Parent's Perce tion o% +hild Demands3Invitations %or Involvement :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .3% So)r'e HID #%%# ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a $ po/nt fre1uency response &ormat4 - J never6 # J - or # t/mes6 2 J 5 or , t/mes6 5 J on'e a week6 , J a &ew t/mes a week6 $ J da/ly 8nstr)'t/ons Dear Parent, please /nd/'ate H=W =IT>1 the &ollow/n( have happened S81.> TH> *>C81181C =I TH8S S.H==D M>G?B S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom $ to 2$. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate more spe'/&/' /nv/tat/ons &rom the 'h/ld &or /nvolvement. S'ale :$ /tems; My 'h/ld asked me to help e+pla/n someth/n( a o)t h/s or her homework. My 'h/ld asked me to s)perv/se h/s or her homework. My 'h/ld talked w/th me a o)t the s'hool day. My 'h/ld asked yo) to attend a spe'/al event at s'hool. My 'h/ld asked me to help o)t at the s'hool. My 'h/ld asked me talk w/th h/s or her tea'her. /tem n)m er 3H H% H# H2 H, H3


Scale: Parent's Perce tion o% S eci%ic Teacher3School Demands3Invitations %or Involvement :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .HSo)r'e HID #%%# ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a $ po/nt fre1uency response &ormat4 - J never6 # J - or # t/mes6 2 J 5 or , t/mes6 5 J on'e a week6 , J a &ew t/mes a week6 $ J da/ly 8nstr)'t/ons Dear Parent, please /nd/'ate H=W =IT>1 the &ollow/n( have happened S81.> TH> *>C81181C =I TH8S S.H==D M>G?B S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom $ to 2$. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate more spe'/&/' /nv/tat/ons &rom the tea'her"s'hool &or /nvolvement. S'ale :$ /tems; 8tems My 'h/ldAs tea'her asked me or e+pe'ted me to help my 'h/ld w/th homework. My 'h/ldAs tea'her asked me or e+pe'ted me to s)perv/se my 'h/ldAs homework. My 'h/ldAs tea'her asked me to talk w/th my 'h/ld a o)t the s'hool day. My 'h/ldAs tea'her asked me to attend a spe'/al event at s'hool. My 'h/ldAs tea'her asked me to help o)t at the s'hool. My 'h/ldAs tea'her 'onta'ted me :&or e+ample, sent a note, phoned, e-ma/led;. /tem n)m er H5 HH 3! 3$ HH$


Scale: De endent !aria"le: Ty es o% Involvement :-% /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J . 3H So)r'e Gdapted &rom a s'ale ent/tled KParentsL 8nvolvement on Gll Types o& G't/v/t/esK developed y4 >pste/n, J.D., and Sal/nas, K. .. :-!!2;. S'hool and Iam/ly Partnersh/ps4 S)rveys and s)mmar/es. .enter on Iam/l/es, .omm)n/t/es, S'hools and .h/ldrenLs Dearn/n( and &rom Hoover-Dempsey, K.V., Walker, J.M.T., Jones, K.P., & ?eed, ?.P. :#%%#;. Tea'hers 8nvolv/n( Parents :T8P;4 Gn /n-serv/'e tea'her ed)'at/on pro(ram &or enhan'/n( parental /nvolvement. Tea'h/n( and Tea'her >d)'at/on, -H :3;, --#,. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a $ po/nt fre1uency response &ormat4 - J never6 # J - or # t/mes6 2 J 5 or , t/mes6 5 J on'e a week6 , J a &ew t/mes a week6 $ J da/ly 8nstr)'t/ons Dear Parent, please /nd/'ate H=W =IT>1 the &ollow/n( have happened S81.> TH> *>C81181C =I TH8S S.H==D M>G?B

8 kept an eye on my 'h/ldAs pro(ress. 8 (ot adv/'e &rom the tea'her. 8 'onta'ted the tea'her w/th @)est/ons a o)t s'hoolwork. 8 helped my 'h/ld w/th homework. 8 'omm)n/'ated w/th my 'h/ldAs tea'her. 8 talked w/th my 'h/ld a o)t the s'hool day. 8 s)perv/sed my 'h/ldAs homework. 8 helped o)t at my 'h/ldAs s'hool. 8 attended spe'/al events at s'hool. 8 spent t/me at my 'h/ldAs s'hool.

3, 33 3% H! !% !!# !2 !5 35


Parent Involvement Project (PIP) Teacher Questionnaire2 Level 2 Scale: (PIP) Teacher's Sel%()%%icacy 4or *el in& +hildren Succeed in School :3 /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .3# So)r'e Hoover-Dempsey, K. V., *assler, =. .., & *r/ss/e, J. S. :-!!#;. >+plorat/ons /n parent-s'hool relat/ons. Journal of Educational Research, 85, (5), #H3-#!5. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S'ale s'or/n( Total s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom --to $$. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate a stron(er sense o& e&&/'a'y &or help/n( the 'h/ld s)''eed /n s'hool. S'ale :3 /tems; There /s a l/m/ted amo)nt 8 'an do to ra/se the per&orman'e level o& my st)dents. (reverse scored) .h/ldren are so pr/vate and 'omple+, 8 never know /& 8 am (ett/n( thro)(h to them. (reverse scored) Most o& st)dentAs s'hool ,otivation depends on the home env/ronment, so 8 have l/m/ted /n&l)en'e. (reverse scored) 8 &eel that 8 am mak/n( a s/(n/&/'ant ed)'at/onal d/&&eren'e /n the l/ves o& my st)dents. My st)dentsA peers /n&l)en'e the/r a'adem/' per&orman'e more than 8 do. (reverse scored) 8& 8 try really hard, 8 'an (et thro)(h to the most d/&&/')lt and )nmot/vated st)dents. 8 am )n'erta/n how to tea'h some o& my st)dents. (reverse scored) Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re ., .3 .-5 .-$ .#, .#$ .23


Scale: Teacher's Perce tions o% .eneral Invitations %or Involvement %rom the School :-/tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .H# So)r'e Gdapted &rom Cr/&&/thAs parent sat/s&a't/on s)rvey4 Cr/&&/th, J. :-!!$, Ie r)ary;. Parent & st)dent sat/s&a't/on w/th elementary s'hools /n Mont(omery .o)nty. Mont(omery .o)nty P) l/' S'hools, MD4 Department o& >d)'at/onal G''o)nta /l/ty. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate how m)'h yo) GC?>> or D8SGC?>> w/th ea'h o& the &ollow/n( statements. Please th/nk a o)t the ')rrent s'hool year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. S) s'ale s'or/n( %chool!focused -nvitations: total s) s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom , to 2%. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate stron(er per'ept/ons o& s'hool-&o')sed /nv/tat/ons. E,(o/er,ent!focused -nvitations: total s) s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom 2 to -H. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate stron(er per'ept/ons o& s'hool-&o')sed /nv/tat/ons. "o,,unication!focused -nvitations: total s) s'ale s'ores ran(e &rom 2 to -H. H/(her s'ores /nd/'ate stron(er per'ept/ons o& s'hool-&o')sed /nv/tat/ons.

S) s'ale4 S'hool-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :, /tems; reported alpha J .H, When 'h/ldren are enrolled /n th/s s'hool, parents are made to &eel wel'ome. 8 am /nterested and 'ooperat/ve When 8 d/s')ss a 'h/ldAs pro(ress w/th h/s or her parents. Th/s s'hoolAs o&&/'e sta&& treats parents 'o)rteo)sly and promptly. The pr/n'/pal at th/s s'hool /s /nterested and 'ooperat/ve when talk/n( to a parent a o)t h/s or her 'h/ld. Parents &eel wel'ome /n th/s s'hool. S) s'ale4 >mpowerment-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :2 /tems; reported alpha J .H5 Th/s s'hool does a (ood 9o o& lett/n( parents know a o)t ways they 'an help o)t /n s'hool. Th/s s'hool lets parents know a o)t meet/n(s and spe'/al s'hool events. -3 =n P8P <)est/onna/re .2 .## .#! .2.2,

Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re .-.#-

Parent a't/v/t/es are s'hed)led at so that parents 'an attend. S) s'ale4 .omm)n/'at/on-&o')sed S'hool .l/mate :2 /tems; reported alpha J .3H 8 keep parents /n&ormed a o)t the/r 'h/ldrenAs pro(ress /n s'hool. Th/s s'hoolAs sta&& 'onta'ts parents promptly a o)t any pro lems /nvolv/n( the/r 'h/ld. Th/s s'hool does a (ood 9o o& lett/n( parents know a o)t s'hool r)les and pol/'/es.


Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re .H .#5 .25


Scale (PIP) +ollective Teacher )%%icacy :-H /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .HH So)r'e Gdapted &rom ?ev/sed .olle't/ve Tea'her >&&/'a'y 8nstr)ment, Coddard, ?.D., Hoy, W. K., and Hoy, G. W. :#%%%;. .olle't/ve tea'her e&&/'a'y4 8tAs mean/n(, meas)re, and /mpa't on st)dent a'h/evement. 2,erican Educational Research Journal, $3, :#;, 53!-,%3. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $ S'ores ran(ed &rom $ to -#$ w/th h/(her s'ores s)((est/n( a h/(her sense o& 'olle't/ve tea'her e&&/'a'y. 8nstr)'t/ons Please th/nk a o)t the current school year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re Tea'hers /n th/s s'hool el/eve every 'h/ld .'an learn. The opport)n/t/es /n th/s 'omm)n/ty help ens)re that these .# st)dents w/ll learn. Tea'hers /n th/s s'hool have what /t takes to (et .5 'h/ldren to learn. 8& a 'h/ld doesnLt want to learn, tea'hers here (/ve )p. .$ (reverse scored) Tea'hers here &a/l to rea'h some st)dents e'a)se o& poor .! tea'h/n( methods. (reverse scored) The la'k o& /nstr)'t/onal mater/als and s)ppl/es at th/s s'hool .-% makes tea'h/n( d/&&/')lt. (reverse scored) Tea'hers /n th/s s'hool do not have the sk/lls to deal w/th .-# st)dent d/s'/pl/nary pro lems. (reverse scored) Tea'hers /n th/s s'hool are a le to (et thro)(h to .-2 d/&&/')lt st)dents. Tea'hers here donLt have the sk/lls needed to prod)'e .-, mean/n(&)l st)dent learn/n(. (reverse scored) Tea'hers here are 'on&/dent they w/ll e a le to .-H mot/vate the/r st)dents. Dearn/n( /s d/&&/')lt at th/s s'hool e'a)se st)dents are .-! worr/ed a o)t the/r sa&ety. (reverse scored) Tea'hers /n th/s s'hool th/nk there are some st)dents that .#% no tea'her 'an rea'h. (reverse scored) St)dents here 9)st arenLt mot/vated to learn. (reverse scored) .#2 Tea'hers /n th/s s'hool are sk/lled /n var/o)s methods .#3 o& tea'h/n(. Dr)( and al'ohol a )se /n th/s 'omm)n/ty make learn/n( .#H d/&&/')lt &or st)dents here. (reverse scored) The st)dents at th/s s'hool 'ome ready to learn. .2%


Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re Tea'hers here are well-prepared to tea'h the s) 9e'ts they are ass/(ned. The @)al/ty o& th/s s'hoolLs &a'/l/t/es s)pports the tea'h/n( and learn/n( pro'ess. .2$ .2H


Scale: (PIP) Teacher's Perce tions o% Parents' Involvement Level :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .H5 So)r'e Da 'reated ased on re'ent l/terat)re. ?esponse &ormat and s'ales Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a never to daily &ormat4 1ever J -, - or t/mes th/s year J #, 5 or , t/mes th/s year J 2, on'e a week J 5, a &ew t/mes a week J ,, da/ly J $. S'ores ran(e &rom $ to 2$ w/th h/(her s'ores /nd/'at/n( h/(her per'ept/ons o& parentAs /nvolvement level. 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate th/nk o& a TMP8.GD parent /n yo)r 'lass and wr/te that parentAs &/rst /n/t/al here NNNNN. 1ow, please answer the &ollow/n( @)est/ons, )ee(ing this (arent in ,ind. Please th/nk a o)t the current school year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re Th/s parent mon/tored h/s or her 'h/ldLs homework. Th/s parent talked to h/s or her 'h/ld a o)t the s'hool day. Th/s parent attended spe'/al s'hool events. Th/s parent helped at the s'hool. Th/s parent helped h/s or her 'h/ld w/th homework. Th/s parent 'omm)n/'ated w/th me. G2 G, GH G! G-% G-#


Scale: (PIP) Teacher's S eci%ic Invitations %or Involvement :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .33 So)r'e4 Da 'reated ased on re'ent l/terat)re ?esponse &ormat and s'ales Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a never to daily &ormat4 1ever J -, - or t/mes th/s year J #, 5 or , t/mes th/s year J 2, on'e a week J 5, a &ew t/mes a week J ,, da/ly J $. S'ores ran(ed &rom $ to 2$ w/th h/(her total s'ores /nd/'at/n( /n'reased tea'her /nv/tat/ons. 8nstr)'t/ons Please /nd/'ate th/nk o& a TMP8.GD parent /n yo)r 'lass and wr/te that parentAs &/rst /n/t/al here NNNNN. 1ow, please answer the &ollow/n( @)est/ons, )ee(ing this (arent in ,ind. Please th/nk a o)t the current school year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re 8 asked th/s parent to help /n the 'lassroom. 8 asked th/s parent to help h/s or her 'h/ld w/th homework. 8 'omm)n/'ated w/th th/s parent. 8 asked th/s parent to talk a o)t the s'hool day w/th h/s or her 'h/ld. 8 asked th/s parent to mon/tor h/s or her 'h/ldLs homework. 8 asked th/s parent to attend spe'/al s'hool events. GG# G5 G$ G3 G--


Scale: (PIP) Teacher's Perce tions o% Parent )%%icacy %or *el in& +hild Succeed in School :$ /tems; reported standard/Fed alpha J .!So)r'e Gdapted &rom Hoover-Dempsey, K. V., *assler, =. .., & *r/ss/e, J. S. :-!!#;. >+plorat/ons /n parent-s'hool relat/ons. Journal of Educational Research, 85, (5), #H3-#!5. ?esponse &ormat and s'ale Gll /tems /n the s'ale )se a disagree very strongly to agree very strongly response &ormat4 D/sa(ree very stron(ly J -, d/sa(ree J #, d/sa(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 2, a(ree 9)st a l/ttle J 5, a(ree J,, a(ree very stron(ly J $. S'ores ran(ed &rom $ to 2$ w/th h/(her s'ores /nd/'at/n( h/(her per'ept/ons o& parent e&&/'a'y. 8nstr)'t/ons 4ee(ing this (arent in ,ind, please th/nk a o)t the current school year as yo) 'ons/der ea'h statement. Se't/on"/tem n)m er =n P8P <)est/onna/re Th/s parent helps h/s or her 'h/ld learn. *Th/s parent has l/ttle /n&l)en'e on h/s or her 'h/ldLs *# mot/vat/on to do well /n s'hool. (reverse scored) Th/s parent &eels s)''ess&)l a o)t help/n( h/s *2 or her 'h/ld learn. Th/s parent does know how to help h/s or her 'h/ld *5 make ed)'at/onal pro(ress. Th/s parent helps h/s or her 'h/ld w/th s'hoolwork at *, home. Th/s parent makes a s/(n/&/'ant, pos/t/ve ed)'at/onal *$ d/&&eren'e /n the l/&e o& h/s or her 'h/ld.


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