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Q.1 Explain the boot process? Three phases available in BOOT Process 1. Ros kernel init phase 2.

Base Device Configuration 3. S ste! boot phase 1. Ros Kernel init phase (PHASE1) ". Post #po$er on self test% &n this post it $ill 'o basic har'$are checking B. Then it $ill go to ()R"* an' check the boot list for last boot 'evice #h'isk+ or h'isk1%. C. Then it $ill check the B,) #h'-% in boot 'evice. D. Then it $ill check the boot i!age .. Then boot i!age is !ove' to !e!or . /. Then kernel $ill e0ecute. 2. Base De ice con!i"#ration (PHASE2) ". 1ere cfg!gr $ill run for 'evice configuration. $. S%ste& Boot Phase (PHASE$) ". 2ernel $ill e0ecute. B. The paging space #h'3% $ill get start. C. Then follo$ing file s ste! $ill be !ounte' 45 4var. 4usr5 4ho!e. 4t!p D. 2ernel start the init process5 it $ill rea' the 4etc4inittab file an' e0ecute the follo$ing process. 4etc4rc.boot5 src!str 4etc4rc.tcpip The above net$ork relate' files 4etc4rc.tcpip5 4etc4rc.net5 use' to configure the ip a''ress an' routing. .. Then it $ill start the s ste! b 'efault run level 2. (OT.6 Run level 26 &t contains all of the ter!inal process an' 'ae!ons that are run in the !ulti user environ!ent. This is 'efault run level. 4etc4inittab file contains four fiel's5 1.&'entifier5 2.Runlevel5 3."ction5 7.Co!!an' Q.2 Explain the 'D( concepts?

OD* generall use' for *aintain the S ste! infor!ation5 $henever $e install an' reconfigure the har'$are 'evice an' soft$are5 that infor!ation8s a''e' in OD*5 *ainl 1. 2. 3. 7. -. 3. 11 11 11 11 11 OD* use' to store the follo$ing infor!ation8s 1ar'$are vital pro'uct 'ata infor!ation Soft$are infor!ation S!it !enu (i! TCP&P .rror log Device configuration infor!ation Displa infor!ation for S*&T #!enus5 selectors5 an' 'ialogs% )ital pro'uct 'ata for installation an' up'ate proce'ures Co!!unications configuration infor!ation S ste! resource infor!ation.

But $e cannot see an OD* infor!ation in file for!at5 but this OD* infor!ation available in !an files an' 'ifferent path5 1. 4etc4ob9repos 2. 4usr4lib4ob9repos 3. 4usr4share4lib4ob9repos (OT.6 /or OD* so!e variable entr available in 4etc4environ!ent file.: shoul' not e'it an thing in this file. &f ou $ant to check the variable entr using co!!an' ;env The above co!!an' is use' to 'ispla the variable 'etails 'D( has t)o *in+s o! Databases 1. Pre<'efine' #P'Dv% 2. Custo!i=e'#CuDv% 1. Pre+e!ine+ &n this pre'efine' Database has one Ob9ect class #P'Dv% an' Ob9ects i.e. P'Dv #Ob9ect class% Ob9ect6 #Ph sical &nfor!ation8s% /lopp 'rive 1ar''isk 'rive *ouse like this all the 'evices. 2. ,#sto&i-e+ &n this custo!i=e' Database has one Ob9ect class #CuDv% an' Ob9ects i.e. CuDv #Ob9ect class%

Ob9ects6 #&nstalle' configuration infor!ation8s% h'isk+ h'isk1 f'+ sa+ r!t+ c'+ scsi+ 'D( States. /hat is a ailable state an+ +e!ine+ state !or the +e ice? OD* has t$o states 1. "vailable #'evice status $ill be 1% 2. Define' #'evice status $ill be +% Suppose $e are installing one 1DD in server. That 'evice is currentl accessible this is available state. Suppose that installe' 'evice is re!ove' fro! server or h'' has faile'. This case that 'evice is !ove' to 'efine' state. i.e. that 'evice configuration is available in server but currentl 'evice is not accessible. >e can see this available an' 'efine' 'evice status using o'!get co!!an' 0o+&"et ,#D # &t $ill 'ispla the custo!i=e' 'evice status% 'D( ,o&&an+s. /or ob9ect6 1. o'!a'' 2. o'!change 3. o'!get 7. o'!'elete 1. o+&a++ The above co!!an' is use' to !anuall $e can a'' ob9ect infor!ation in OD* 2. o+&chan"e The above co!!an' is use' to change configurations for ob9ect in OD* $. o+&"et 0 o+&"et 12 na&e3h+is*4 ,#D The above co!!an' is use' to 'ispla the specifie' ob9ect h'isk+ infor!ation in OD* >e can see this available an' 'efine' 'evice status using o'!get co!!an' 0 o+&"et ,#D #&t $ill 'ispla the custo!i=e' 'evice status%

like this all the 'evices

5. o+&+elete 0 o+&+elete 1o ,#D 12 na&e3h+is*4 The above co!!an' is use' to 'elete the specifie' ob9ect h'isk+ in OD*. /or ob9ect class6 1. o'!create 2. o'!'rop 3. o'!sho$ 1. o'!create The above co!!an' is use' to !anuall $e can a'' ob9ect class #P'Dv% in OD* 2. o'!'rop The above co!!an' is use' to stop the specifie' Ob9ect class in OD* 3. o'!sho$ The above co!!an' is use' to 'ispla the specifie' ob9ect class in OD* (OT.6 ?ou shoul' not a''5 'elete5 change5 for ob9ect an' ob9ect class in OD* #1++ @ $e 'on8t have per!issions for OD*% Q. $ /hat are the installations a ailable in A678 Explain? 'R Explain the 6nstallation proce+#res in A678 an+ explain? 'R Di!!erence bet)een &i"ration installation an+ preser ation installation? 'S 69S:A;;A:6'9 Three kin's of OS installations available in "&A 1. (e$ an' Co!plete Over$rite 2. *igration 3. Preservation 1. 9e) an+ ,o&plete ' er)rite. This is (e$ installationB in this installation $e have three options A. Start installation $ith 'efault settings B. Change4sho$ installation settings an' install C. Start !aintenance !o'e for recover B. Start installation $ith 'efault settings This is nor!al installation C. Change4sho$ installation settings an' install

&n this installation $e can change the installation 'isk #h'isk+5 or h'isk1%5 Desktop options. D. Start !aintenance !o'e for recover This is use' for recover the e0isting OS proble!s. #Boot i!age5 Boot list5 /ile s ste!s proble!s%. 2. (i"ration. &n this !igration &nstallation5 Operating s ste! :p'ate' fro! lo$er level to higher level i.e. "i0 -.1 To "i0 -.3 or "i0 -.2 To "i0 -.3 5 (OT.6 &n this installation S ste! 'ata $ill not be affecte' e0cept the 4t!p file s ste!. i.e. 4t!p file s ste! $ill be 'elete' an' ne$l create'. $. Preser ation. This installation is over$riting the e0isting OS an' user 'ata 'irector 4ho!e onl persevere'5 rest of the 'irectories 45 4var5 4t!p5 4etc5 4'ev5 4opt $ill be 'elete' an' ne$l create'. (OT.6 &n this installation $e can preserve a''itional 'irectories also5 suppose if ou $ant preserve 4opt5 this case u shoul' put 4opt file s ste! entr in 4etc4preserve.list file. Q.5 Ho) )ill %o# con!i"#re the &irrorin"? 'R Ho) )ill %o# +o the &irrorin" in A67? 'R Ho) )ill %o# chan"e the boot se2#ence? 'R Ho) )ill %o# install the boot i&a"e? The follo$ing steps $ill gui'e ou trough the !irroring of an "&A rootvg. This info is vali' for "&A 7.3.35 "&A -.15 "&A -.2 an' "&A -.3. *ake sure ou have an e!pt 'isk5 in this e0a!ple its h'isk1 "'' the 'isk to the vg via Ce0ten'vg rootvg h'isk1 *irror the vg via6 C!irrorvg rootvgC "'apt the bootlist to a'' the current 'isk5 the s ste! $ill then fail to h'isk1 is h'isk+ fails 'uring startup o 'o bootlist <o <! nor!al o this $ill list currentl 1 'isk5 in this e0!aple h'isk+ Run a bosboot on both ne$ 'isks5 this $ill install all soft$are nee'e' for boot on the 'isk o bosboot <a' h'isk+ o bosboot <a' h'isk1 o 'o bootlist <! nor!al h'isk+ h'isk1

OR /irst select the 'isk $hich ou $ant to use for the !irror5 i'eal $oul' be an 'isk $hich is attache' to a 'ifferant scsi a'apter.

Then a'' the 'isk to the 'atavg like6 e0ten'vg 'atavg h'isk0 than ou can create the !irror b using the !irrorvg co!!an' 5 !irrorvg <! 'atavg h'isk0 h'isk0 is our 'estination 'isk D "fter that Euoru! $ill be 'isable' for the volu!egroup 5to activate this the volu!group !ust be varie' off an' varie' on. ?ou can a'' the <S flag to the co!!an' $hich causes the s nchroni=ing of the 'isks to happen in the backgroun'. " !ore back to the basics option is to create the !irroring b ourself b creating copies of each separate logical volu!e5 this can be 'one b using the !klvcop co!!an'. To re!ove !irroring 5 use the un!irrorvg co!!an' or the r!lvcop co!!an'. Q.< Ho) )ill %o# i+enti!% the &irrore+ =>? ; lsvg Fl rootvg PP si=e $ill be 'ouble' than ,P. Q.? Explain PP8 ;P Ph%sical Partition (PP). Storage space fro! ph sical volu!es is 'ivi'e' into ph sical partitions #PPs%. The si=e of the ph sical partitions is i'entical on all 'isks belonging to the sa!e )G. ;o"ical Partition (;P). ,ogical volu!es consist of one or !ore logical partitions #,Ps%. .ach logical partition has at least one correspon'ing ph sical partition. " logical partition an' a ph sical partition al$a s have the sa!e si=e. ?ou can have up to three copies of the 'ata locate' on 'ifferent ph sical partitions Q.@ Ho) )ill %o# !in+ the lo"ical +e ice? ; lsvg Fl H)G("*.I Q.A Ho) )ill %o# a++ ne) HDD to ser er an+ explain the HDD installation Proce+#res? 'R Ho) )ill %o# a++ P= to one =>?

First you connect hard disk and run the cfgmgr command it will detect the hdd. # cfgmgr (It will detect the all the devices)
; ls'ev FCc 'isk #it $ill sho$ the pv na!e like h'isk15 h'isk2% ; e0ten'vg rootvg h'isk2 Q.B Ho) )ill %o# create the =>? >e can create )G b using !kvg co!!an's

0&* " 1s $2 1% +ata " h+is*5 The above co!!an' is creating 'atavg using pv h'isk7 an' pp si=e is 32*B Q.14 Ho) )ill %o# increase the !ile s%ste& si-e?

Using chfs command we can rename and increase the si e of the file system online !e want to increase file system si e #chfs a size=+block size /filesystem name #chfs a size=+32m /filesystem name #chfs-a size=+4g /filesystem name "#lock si e $ !e can mention the si e using #locks (%&'( #locks ) *+B) ",%m $ !e can mention the si e using +B "'g $ !e can mention the si e using -B
Q. Ho) )ill %o# chec* the !ile s%ste&s si-e? once %o# ha e chec*e+ the !iles%ste& %o# !o#n+ one o! the CoptCapps !iles%ste& is B<D ho) # %o# +o !irst? 0 +! 1" #it $ill sho$ the files ste! si=e in GB% 0 !in+ CoptCapps Ex+e Esi-e F1425 Els Gsort Er F? Q.11 Ho) )ill %o# rena&e the ;=8 an+ HS? &n this change ,) option $e can change ,) na!e an' per!issions for the ,) using chlv co!!an'. /ile s ste! shoul' be un!ounte' to change lv na!e. 0chl 1n ne)l na&e ol+l na&e 0lsl testl Output is so!e 'etails about testlv 0chl 1n ne)l testl "fter e0ecuting the above co!!an' the testlv rena!e' to ne$lv Ho) to rena&e the HS? (o$ $e $ant to rena!e 4ne$fs to 4testfs then our co!!an' $ill be 0ch!s 1& Ctest!s Cne)!s (9ee+ to re&o#nt !ile s%ste& !or chan"es to ta*e e!!ect) "fter e0ecuting the above co!!an' 4ne$fs rena!e' as 4testfs Q.12 Ho) )ill %o# con ert 9or&al => to Bi" =>? ;chvg FB J)G("*.K Ho) )ill %o# con ert 9or&al => to Scalable =>?

;var offvg J)G("*.K ;s!itt chvg 1. Select )G 2. Select L?es L in Change to scalable )G for!atM Convert (or!al )G to Scalable )G ;chvg FG J)G ("*.K Q.1$ /hat is the +i!!erence bet)een 9or&al => an+ Bi" =>? )G T pe (or!al )G Big BG Scalable )G *a0i!u! P)s 32 12P 1+27 *a0i!u! ,)s 2-3 -12 7+Q3 *a0i!u! PPs4)G 1+13N32O32-12 1+13N12PO13++7P 2+QR1-2 *a0u!u! PP Si=e 1 GB 1 GB 12P GB

Q.15 S#ppose one P= !ails in (irror =>8 an+ %o# ha e to con!i"#re ne) P= to that &irror => an+ &irrorin" has to be con!i"#re+ a"ain? 'R Ho) )ill %o# re&o e the !aile+ P= in &irrore+ => explain the proce+#res? ; lsvg <p rootvg rootvg6 P)S("*. h'isk+ h'isk1 P) ST"T. active active -72 -72 TOT", PPs /R.. PPs 237 2RP /R.. D&STR&B:T&O(

1+Q..++..++..73..1+Q PP..++..++..P1..1+Q

N1ere our !aking sure that both 'isks are assigne' to the volu!e group ; lsvg <l rootvg rootvg6 ,) ("*. h'h'3 h'P h'7 h'2 h'Qvar h'3 T?P. ,Ps PPs P)s ,) ST"T. *O:(T PO&(T

boot 1 2 2 close'4s nc' (4" paging 37 12P 2 open4s nc' (4" 9fslog 9fs 9fs 9fs 9fs 1 3 2 12 2 2 open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' (4" 4 4usr 4var 4t!p

12R 2-7 2 7 3R P R7 2 2

h'1 h'1+opt 'u!plv

9fs 9fs

3 21

2 72 17

open4s nc' 2 17

4ho!e 4opt (4"

open4s nc' 1

s s'u!p

open4s nc'

N1ere our checking to !ake sure there8s a 162 relationship5 !eaning that there are copies. (otice 'u!plv. &t8s not copie' so $e nee' to !ake sure 'u!plv 'ata isn8t on the failing 'isk. To check5 runB T lslv <l 'u!plv 'u!plv6(4" P) h'isk+ COP&.S &( B"(D D&STR&B:T&O( +++6+176+++6+++6+++

+176+++6+++ 1++@

This is telling us that the logical volu!e 'u!plv is on h'isk+. &f h'isk1 is the failing 'isk5 then $e are oka . Other$ise5 $e $oul' have to !igrate the 'ata over to the goo' 'rive an' procee'. ; un!irrorvg rootvg h'isk1 ; re'ucevg rootvg h'isk1 ; r!'ev <l h'isk1 F' Before ou po$er 'o$n5 it8s a goo' i'ea to check the s ste! to !ake sure it $ill boot fro! the goo' 'rive. Do that b perfor!ingB ; bootinfo <b h'isk1 This tells ou $hat 'rive it $as last boote' up. >e $ant to change this to boot to the ne$ 'rive5 soB ; bosboot <a' 4'ev4h'isk+ "n' check bootlist ; bootlist F! nor!al Fo (O> >. C"( PO>.R DO>( T1. BOA "(D R.P,"C. T1. DR&). Once 'isk has been replace'5 po$er up the server. Once at co!!an' pro!pt5 runB ; cfg!gr This $ill install the ne$ 'evice an' allo$ the OS to see it. ; ls'ev <Cc 'isk h'isk+ "vailable 7+<3+<++<75+ 13 Bit ,)D SCS& Disk Drive

h'isk1 "vailable 7+<3+<++<P5+ 13 Bit ,)D SCS& Disk Drive *ake sure that the OS sa s it8s available. &f it is5 $e can assign it to a volu!e group. ; e0ten'vg rootvg h'isk1 This $ill assign it a P)&D an' assign it to the volu!egroup rootvg to !ake it available for use. (o$ $e can !irrorB ; !irrovg rootvg This $ill take a little $hile as it8s taking all 'ata no$ on h'isk+ an' !aking a cop to h'isk1. ; lsvg <p rootvg rootvg6 P)S("*. h'isk+ h'isk1 P) ST"T. active active -72 -72 TOT", PPs /R.. PPs 237 2RP /R.. D&STR&B:T&O(

1+Q..++..++..73..1+Q PP..++..++..P1..1+Q

Once it8s !irroring5 $e can !ake sure it8s assigne' to rootvg b 'oing the above. >e can also check to !ake sure there are copiesB ; lsvg <l rootvg rootvg6 ,) ("*. h'h'3 h'P h'7 h'2 h'Qvar h'3 h'1 h'1+opt 'u!plv T?P. boot paging 9fslog 9fs 9fs 9fs 9fs 9fs 9fs 1 3 1 37 2 12 ,Ps PPs P)s ,) ST"T. 2 2 close'4s nc' (4" open4s nc' (4" *O:(T PO&(T

12P 2 2 2

open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' open4s nc' 2

(4" 4 4usr 4var 4t!p 4ho!e 4opt (4"

12R 2-7 2 7 3R 3 P R7 3 21 2 72 17 2 2

open4s nc' 1

s s'u!p


open4s nc'

(o$ $e nee' to !o'if the bosboot to recreate the boot i!ageB ; bosboot Fa

Double check our bootlist to !ake sure h'isk1 is in thereB ; bootlist F! nor!al Fo

Q.1< Ho) &an% ;=Is A ailable in root "8 explain the +etails? 0ls " 1l root " H+1 Cho&e H+2 C#sr H+$ Ct&p H+5 C H+< boot (B;=) H+? pa"in" H+A J!s lo" H+B ar C ar H+14opt Copt De!a#lt pa"in" space resi+es in )hich ;=? H+? pa"in"

Q.1? Di!!erence bet)een KHS an+ KHS2 Hile s%ste&? /unction *a0i!u! /ile S ste! Si=e *a0i!u! /ile Si=e (u!ber of &no'e &no'e si=e /rage!ent Si=e Block Si=e Director Organi=ation Co!pression Default O$nership at creation Euotas U/S 1 TB 37 GB /i0e'5 set at /S creation 12P B tes -12 7+Q3 ,inear ?es s s6s s ?es U/S2 7 PB 7 PB D na!ic -12 B tes -12 7+Q3 B<tree (o root6s ste! ?es

Q.1@ /hat is =>DA an+ =>SA? =>DA. The )olu!e Group Descriptor "rea#)GD"% is an area on a 'isk that contains infor!ation about )olu!e group that the ph sical volu!e belongs to. &t also inclu'es the infor!ation about the properties an' status of all Ph sical an' logical volu!es that are part of the volu!e group. There is at list one )GD" per Ph sical volu!e. &nfor!ation for! )GD"s of all the 'isks that are part of the sa!e )olu!e Group !ust be i'entical. The )GD" internal architecture an' location on the 'isk 'epen's on the t pe of the )olu!e Group #Original5 Big5 or Scalable%. =>SA. The )olu!e Group Status "rea#)GS"% is use' to 'escribe the state of all ph sical partitions for! all ph sical volu!es $ithin a )olu!e Group. The )GS" in'icates if a partition contains accurate or stale infor!ation. )GS" is use' for !onitoring an' !aintaine' 'ata cop s nchroni=ation. The )GS" is essentiall a bit!ap an' its architecture an' location on the 'isk is 'epen's on the )olu!e Group t pe.

;=,B. " ,ogical )olu!e Control Block#,)CB% contains i!portant infor!ation about the logical volu!es. Such as nu!ber of the logical partitions or 'isk allocation polic . /or stan'ar' volu!e groups5 the ,)CB resi'es on the first block of user 'ata $ithin the ,).. /or Big volu!e groups5 there is a''itional ,)CB infor!ation in )GD" on the 'isk. Q.1A Ho) )ill %o# +o the per!or&ance &onitorin" in A67 ser ers? PERH'R(A9,E ('96:'R69> &n this perfor!ance !onitoring $e can check follo$ing things 1. 2. $. 5. ,p# bo#n+ (e&or% bo#n+ 9et)or* bo#n+ 6C' bo#n+

1. ,PL bo#n+ :sing Topas co!!an' $e can check the server perfor!ance !onitor5 the follo$ing things $e can !onitor. 1. 2. 3. 7. -. processor #CP: :sage% (et$ork #2B in 4 2B out% *e!or #Page in 4 Page out% &4O #1DD rea' an' $rite% Top P process

2. (e&or% bo#n+ :sing v!stat co!!an' $e can !onitor the !e!or boun' 0 &stat 2 $ "fter this co!!an' e0ecution5 it $ill sho$ the !e!or page in an' page out process. >ithin 2 secon's5 3 outputs is 'ispla e' Suppose ou are checking paging space usage using co!!an' lsps 0lsps 1s 11@ < this is nor!al 7+@ < Server running on slo$ perfor!ance R+@ < users cannot logon the server5 So!e error !essage $ill appear #fork e0ist faile'% $. 9et)or* bo#n+ :sing topas co!!an' $e can !onitor the net$ork boun'5 in this net$ork !onitor $e can fin' 2B in an' 2B out process. 5. 6C' bo#n+ Q. Ho) )ill the chec* the per!or&ance o! the +is*? :sing iostat co!!an' $e can !onitor the &4O boun'

&n this &4O boun' $e can !onitor the 'isk usage5 suppose ou are using t$o or three heav use' file s ste! in one P) that ti!e that particular P) usage $ill be ver high Q.1B Explain Pa"e 6n an+ Pa"e '#t 'perations? pa"e ins &ncre!ente' for each page rea' in b the virtual !e!or !anager. The count is incre!ente' for page ins fro! page space an' file space. "long $ith the page out statistic5 this represents the total a!ount of real &4O initiate' b the virtual !e!or !anager . pa"e o#ts &ncre!ente' for each page $ritten out b the virtual !e!or !anager. The count is incre!ente' for page outs to page space an' for page outs to file space. "long $ith the page in statistic5 this represents the total a!ount of real &4O initiate' b the virtual !e!or !anager. Q.24 Explain the pa"in"? PA>69> SPA,E Paging space is configure' for a''itional s ste! perfor!ance i.e. if real !e!or is occupies so!e s ste! process5 that ti!e further process is !ove' to paging space te!porar . &f real !e!or is getting free5 then process !ove' fro! paging space to real !e!or . This paging space is assigne' fro! 1DD space. (or!all paging space is configure' 'ouble si=e of the real !e!or &f s ste! has -12*B R"*5 then paging space si=e $ill be 1GB. &n this paging space $e can 'o follo$ing things 1. 2. 3. 7. -. 3. ,ist paging space Create paging space Change paging space "ctivate paging space Deactivate paging space Re!ove paging space

Q. Ho) )ill %o# list the c#rrent pa"in" space con!i"#ration an+ pa"in" #sa"e? 1. ;ist pa"in" space :sing lsps co!!an' $e can vie$ the paging space 'etails 0lsps 1a #&t $ill 'ispla the paging space 'etails% Q. Ho) )ill %o# create the a++itional pa"in" space? 2. ,reate Pa"in" space :sing !kps co!!an' $e can create the paging space 0&*ps 1s 14 root " h+is*2 s< si=e 1+ F no of ,P si=e Rootvg F specif ing the )G 1'isk2 F paging space create' in P) h'isk2 #PP allocate' fro! h'isk2%

Then paging space has create' an' na!e $ill be paging++ :sing !klv co!!an' $e can create paging space using 'ifferent na!e. Generall paging na!e $ill be paging++5 paging+15 paging+25 0&*l 1% ne)pa"in" 1t pa"in" root " 14 h+is*2 0lsps 1a Paging++ 5 ne$paging $. ,han"e pa"in" space Q. Ho) )ill %o# increase pa"in" space si-e? :sing chps co!!an' $e can increase5 'ecrease5 auto on5 an' auto off the paging space. 0chps 1s < ne)pa"in" #- ,P8s a''e' $ith ne$paging% F To increase 0chps 1+ $ ne)pa"in" #3 ,P8s re'uce' fro! ne$paging F To Decrease 0chps Ea% ne)pa"in" #To start the paging space at startup% 0chps 1an ne)pa"in" #To stop the paging space auto!atic startup at boot% 5. Acti ate pa"in" space :sing s$apon co!!an' $e can activate the paging space 0s)apon C+e Cne)pa"in" #To activate paging space% The paging space is active stage5 an' then one entr $ill be available in 4etc4s$apspaces file. <. Deacti ate pa"in" space :sing s$apoff co!!an' $e can 'eactivate the paging space 0s)apon C+e Cne)pa"in" #To 'eactivate paging space% The paging space is 'eactivate'5 then that paging space entr is re!ove' fro! 4etc4s$apspaces ?. Re&o e pa"in" space :sing r!ps co!!an' $e can re!ove the paging space 0r&ps ne)pa"in" (OT.6 Before re!oving the paging space5 paging space shoul' be offline5 then $e can re!ove the paging space5 other$ise it $ill give so!e errors Q.21 Explain Stic*% bit8 Lser 6+8 >ro#p 6+? 1ere $e $ill 'iscuss about the 3 special attributes other than the co!!on rea'4$rite4e0ecute. .0a!ple6 'r$0r$0r$t < Stick Bits < ch!o' 1RRR 'r$sr$0r$0 < S:&D set < ch!o' 7RRR 'r$0r$sr$0 < SG&D set < ch!o' 2RRR

Stic*% bit Stick bits are !ainl set on 'irectories. &f the stick bit is set for a 'irector 5 onl the o$ner of that 'irector or the o$ner of a file can 'elete or rena!e a file $ithin that 'irector . .0a!ple6 Consi'er ou have a 'irector C test C. ch!o' it to C RRR C. This gives per!issions for all the users to rea'5 $rite an' e0ecute. ch!o' Vt test .0a!ple6 ls <al 'r$0r$0r$t 2 a1 a1 7+Q3 Uun 13 2++P . <r$<r$<r<< 1 a1 a1 + Uun 11 1R63+ 1.t0t <r$<r$<r<< 1 b2 b2 + Uun 11 226-2 2.t0t /ro! the above e0a!ple a1 is the o$ner of the test 'irector . a1 can 'elete or rena!e the files 1.t0t an' 2.t0t. b2 can 'elete or rena!e the file 2.t0t onl . SL6D E M Set Lser 6D N S:&D bit is set for files # !ainl for scripts %. The S:&D per!ission !akes a script to run as the user $ho is the o$ner of the script5 rather than the user $ho starte' it. .0a!ple6 &f a1 is the o$ner of the script an' b2 tries to run the sa!e script5 the script runs $ith the o$nership of a1. &f the root user $ants to give per!issions for so!e scripts to run b 'ifferent users5 he can set the S:&D bit for that particular script. So if an user on the s ste! starts that script5 it $ill run un'er the root o$nership. (ote6 root user !uch be ver carefull $ith this. S>6D E M Set >ro#p 6D N &f a file is SG&D5 it $ill run $ith the privileges of the files group o$ner5 instea' of the privileges of the person running the progra!. This per!ission set also can !ake a si!ilar i!pact. 1ere the script runs un'er the groups o$nership. ?ou can also set SG&D for 'irectories. Consi'er ou have given 2RRR per!ission for a 'irector . "n files create' b an users un'er this 'irector $ill co!e as follo$s. .0a!ple6 <r$<r$<r<< 1 b2 a1 + Uun 11 1R63+ 1.t0t &n the above e0a!ple ou can see that the o$ner of the file 1.t0t is b2 an' the group o$ner is a1. So both b2 an' a1 $ill have access to the file 1.t0t. (o$ lets !ake this !ore intresting an' co!plicate'. Create a 'irector CtestC. Ch!o' it to 2RRR. "'' stick bit to it.

.0a!ple6 !k'ir test ch!o' 2RRR test ch!o' Vt test ls <al test 'r$0r$sr$t 2 a1 a1 7+Q3 Uun 13 2++P test /ro! the above per!ission set ou can un'erstan' that SG&D an' stick bit is set for the fol'er CtestC. (o$ an user can create files un'er the test 'irector . .0a!ple6 'r$0r$sr$t 2 a1 a1 7+Q3 Uun 13 2++P . <r$<r$<r<< 1 b2 a1 + Uun 11 1R63+ 1.t0t <r$<r$<r<< 1 c3 a1 + Uun 11 1R63+ 2.t0t <r$<r$<r<< 1 '7 a1 + Uun 11 1R63+ 3.t0t So all the a1 user has access to all the files un'er the test 'irector . 1e can e'it5 rena!e or re!ove the file. b2 user has access to 1.t0t onl 5 c3 has access to 2.t0t onl ... &f stick bit $as not set for the test 'irector 5 an user can 'elete an files fro! the test 'irector 5 since the test 'irector has RRR per!issions. But no$ it not possible. .0a!ple6 &f '7 tries to re!ove 1.t0t r! <f 1.t0t r!6 cannot re!ove W1.t0tX6 Operation not per!itte' Q.22 Ho) )ill %o# creatin" #sers? &n this user !anage!ent $e can 'o follo$ing co!!an's 1. Create user 2. ,ist user 3. Change user 7. Re!ove user -. Set pass$or' for users 1. ,reate #ser :sing !kuser co!!an' $e can create a ne$ user5 suppose ou $ant to create ne$ user5 0&*#ser lin"a& "fter this co!!an' e0ecution5 linga! ho!e 'irector create' in 4ho!e4linga!4 linga! user configuration 'etails store' in 4etc4pass$' (o$ ou can login the ter!inal using linga! user na!e $ithout pass$or'. Then ou have to set the pass$or' for linga! user using co!!an' pass$' 0pass)+ lin"a& .nter ne$ pass$or'6 NNNNNN

Confir! pass$or' again6 NNNNNN "fter this co!!an' e0ecution pass$or' assigne' to linga! user an' linga! user pass$or' configuration entr a''e' in 4etc4securit 4pass$'. (OT.6 user configuration 'ata store' in 4usr4lib4securit 4!kuser.s s >henever login the server that last login infor!ation8s store' in 4etc4securit 4lastlog file. 2. ;ist #ser :sing lsuser co!!an' $e can list the user properties5 i.e. user ho!e 'irector 5 shell5 group5 etc. e0cept pass$or' 0ls#ser all #&t $ill list all the user infor!ation8s e0cept pass$or'% 0ls#ser O#serna&eP #&t $ill list onl user infor!ation8s e0cept pass$or'% $. ,han"e #ser :sing chuser co!!an' $e can change user properties5 i.e. user ho!e 'irector 5 shell group5 etc. e0cept pass$or' >henever ou create a user that user ho!e 'irector b 'efault create' in 4ho!e file s ste!5 an' 'efault group is staff. Suppose $e $ant to change the user group to s ste!5 then our co!!an' $ill be. 0ls#ser O#serna&eP #it $ill sho$ user properties inclu'ing group infor!ation% 0ch#ser p"rp3s%ste& O#serna&eP #no$ user is assigne' to pri!ar group s ste! an' secon'ar group is assigne' to staff% 0ls#ser O#serna&eP #&t $ill list !o'ifie' user properties5 group is s ste!5 staff% ,ike this $e can change all the user properties 5. Re&o e #ser :sing r!user co!!an' $e can re!ove the user5 suppose ou $ant to re!ove user 0r&#ser O#serna&eP "fter this co!!an' e0ecution5 particular user $ill be 'elete'. <. Set pass)or+ !or Lsers :sing pass$' co!!an' $e can set pass$or' for user an' root 0pass)+ O#serna&eP .nter ne$ pass$or'6 NNNNN Confir! pass$or'6 NNNNN >e are changing pass$or' for user fro! root path5 it $ill not ask e0isting pass$or' for user5 because root is a'!inistrator login.

Suppose ou are changing pass$or' fro! user login5 it $ill ask e0isting pass$or'5 because user shoul' kno$ the e0isting pass$or' before changing the ne$ pass$or'. Other$ise an user can change the user pass$or'. This not reco!!en'e' securit . Tp$' 4ho!e4Juserna!eK Qpass)+ O#serna&eP .nter the ol' pass$or'6 NNNNN .nter the ne$ pass$or'6 NNNNN Confir! pass$or' again6 NNNNN (OT.6 Suppose ou are forgotten root pass$or' that ti!e $hat ou $ill 'o. "ns$er6 boot the server $ith BOS C' an' go to !aintenance !o'e5 access the rootvg5 then ou can change the pass$or' for root. ,ike this $e can change the pass$or' for users. >R'LP (A9A>E(E9: &n this group !anage!ent $e can 'o follo$ing things5 1. 2. 3. 7. Create group ,ist group Change group Re!ove group

1. ,reate "ro#p :sing !kgroup co!!an' $e can create the group5 suppose ou $ant to create oracle group. 0&*"ro#p oracle "fter this co!!an' e0ecution ne$ oracle group has create' an' this group is a''e' in 4etc4group file. 2. ;ist "ro#p :sing lsgroup co!!an' $e can list group infor!ation8s. Suppose $e $ant to list oracle group infor!ation 0ls"ro#p oracle #it $ill 'ispla the oracle group infor!ation8s5 gna!e5 gi'5 !e!bers% 0ls"ro#p all #&t $ill list all group 'etails% $. ,han"e "ro#p :sing chgroup co!!an' $e can change the group infor!ation8s. 0ch"ro#p options oracle 5. Re&o e "ro#p :sing r!group co!!an' $e can re!ove a group5 suppose $e $ant to re!ove oracle group.

0r&"ro#p oracle "fter this co!!an' e0ecution oracle group re!ove' an' group configuration infor!ation re!ove' fro! 4etc4groups files. Q.2$ /hile creatin" the #sers8 #ser attrib#tes is ta*en !ro& )hich !ile !or #ser con!i"#ration? Lser a+&inistration relate+ !iles The follo$ing files are reference' $hile 'oing user a'!inistration6 CetcCsec#rit%Cen iron Contains the environ!ent attributes for users. CetcCsec#rit%Clastlo" Contains the last login attributes for users. CetcCsec#rit%Cli&its Contains process resource li!its for users. CetcCsec#rit%C#ser Contains e0ten'e' attributes for users. C#srClibCsec#rit%C&*#ser.+e!a#lt Contains the 'efault attributes for ne$ users. C#srClibCsec#rit%C&*#ser.s%s Custo!i=es ne$ user accounts. CetcCpass)+ Contains the basic attributes of users. CetcCsec#rit%Cpass)+ Contains pass$or' infor!ation. CetcCsec#rit%Clo"in.c!" Contains s ste! 'efault login para!eters. CetcC#t&p Contains a recor' of users logge' into the s ste!. C arCa+&C)t&p Contains connect<ti!e accounting recor's. CetcCsec#rit%C!aile+lo"in Recor's all faile' login atte!pts. CetcC&ot+ Contains the !essage to be 'ispla e' ever ti!e a user logs in to the s ste!. CetcCen iron&ent Specifies the basic environ!ent for all processes. CetcCpro!ile Specifies a''itional environ!ent settings for all users. QH'(!ile Specifies environ!ent settings for a specific user. CetcC"ro#p Contains the basic attributes of groups. CetcCsec#rit%C"ro#p Contains the e0ten'e' attributes of groups. Q.25 /hat are the contents a ailable in CetcCpass)+ !ile? 9a&e.Pass)or+.Lser6D.Principle>ro#p.>ecos.Ho&eDirector%.Shell ora14"r2.R.24@.245..Cho&eCora14"r2.C#srCbinCbash Q.2< )hat are the entries a ailable in CetcCsec#rit%Cpass)+ !ile? Q.2? Explain the Bac*#p t%pes in A67? 'R Explain the bac*#p an+ restore Process? &n this chapter $e can 'o follo$ing things using backup an' restore co!!an's 1. 2. 3. 7. -. 3. R. backup restore rootvg backup restore rootvg backup non rootvg backup#other than rootvg% restore non rootvg backup#other than rootvg% re$in'5 e9ect an' erase the tape

1. Bac*#p

:sing backup an' tar co!!an' to $e can take full backup an' incre!ental backup. :sing tar co!!an' $e can take nor!al backup5 in this tar $e cannot take 'a $ise incre!ental backup 0tar 1c ! +estination so#rce 0tar 1c ! C+e Cr&t4 C#srCsbin 0bac*#p 1i! C+e Cr&t4 C#srCsbin #/or "&A full backup% 4usr4sbin 'irector files is backup to tape :sing backup co!!an' $e can take incre!ental backup5 this backup co!!an' is particularl for "&A. &n this backup co!!an' $e can specif the 'a #+#sun% F 3#sat%%. Suppose ou $ant to take Sun'a backup then our co!!an' $ill be 0bac*#p E4 1 ! +estination so#rce 0bac*#p E4 1 ! C+e Cr&t4 C ar 0bac*#p E? 1 ! C+e Cr&t4 C ar #Satur'a backup% 4var file s ste! log is backup to tape ,ike this $e can take nor!al an' incre!ental backup in "&A 2. Restore :sing tar an' restore co!!an' $e can restore the 'ata in server :sing tar co!!an' $e can restore 'ata to server5 this is nor!al restore 0tar 1x ! C+e Cr&t4 The tape backup is restore' to 4'ata 'irector . :sing restore co!!an' $e can restore the 'ata 0restore 1x+! C+e Cr&t4 The tape 'ata is restore' in current 'irector . ,ike this $e can restore the 'ata in "&A $. root " bac*#p Q. /hile %o# are ta*in" root " bac*#p %o# nee+ to ta*e onl% !e) thin"s ho) )ill %o# ta*e? :sing !ks sb co!!an' $e can take the rootvg #"&A OS% backup 0&*s%sb 1i C+e Cr&t4 0&*s%sb 1ie C+e Cr&t4 #e0clu'e backup F please rea' (OT. !essage%

i option is use' for crate the i!age.'ata file create' in tape This i!age.'ata file contains all the file s ste! infor!ation8s in rootvg $hile restore the rootvg backup5 before start the restore it $ill rea' the infor!ation8s fro! the i!age.'ata file "fter the co!!an' e0ecution rootvg backup create' in tap5 suppose OS got corrupte'5 that ti!e $e can restore the os fro! rootvg backup. (OT.6 >hile taking rootvg backup $e can e0clu'e un$ante' file s ste!s in backup process. Suppose ou not reYuire' follo$ing file s ste!s in !ks sb backup5 4var F log files That ti!e ou shoul' put entr in 4etc4e0clu'e.rootvg5 >hile creating the rootvg backup5 first tape is spitte' in to 7 blocks #block si=e is -12% /irst block has boot i!age. The BOS boot i!age contains a cop of the s ste!8s kernel an' 'evice 'rivers nee'e' to boot fro! the !ks sb tape. &t is create' b the bosboot co!!an'. Secon' block has follo$ing things5 1. 4tapeblksi=e5 2. 4i!age.'ata5 3. bosinst.'ata. 1. 4tapeblksi=e The 4tapeblksi=e file contains the block si=e the tape 'rive $as set to $hen the !ks sb co!!an' $as run. 2. 4i!age.'ata The 4i!age.'ata file store the infor!ation about rootvg5 like vg5 pp5 pp si=e5 lv5 lv si=e5 /S The i!age.'ata file resi'es in 4var4a'!4ras4i!age.'ata 3. 4bosinst.'ata The .4bosinst.'ata file allo$s ou to specif the reYuire!ents at the target s ste! an' ho$ the user interacts $ith the target s ste!. This file contains the custo!i=e' BOS install proce'ures an' 'ictates ho$ the BOS install progra! $ill behave. ?ou can custo!i=e this file before issuing the !ks sb co!!an' or use a proce'ure to custo!i=e this file after the i!age backup is 'one. Thir' block has 'u!! toc file5 The 'u!! table of contents #TOC% is use' so that the !ks sb tape contains the sa!e nu!ber of i!ages as a BOS install tape. /ourth block has 'ata5 that is rootvg original 'ata 5. Restore root " bac*#p :sing restore co!!an' $e can restore the rootvg backup Boot server $ith bos #base operating s ste!% C'5 then go to !aintenance !o'e an' access the rootvg5 then run the follo$ing co!!an' 0restore 1: 1+ 1 12 1! C+e Cr&t4 Or

Boot server $ith bos CD5 then go to !aintenance !o'e an' initiate the rootvg backup #one option available in !aintenance !o'e%. ,ike this $e can restore the rootvg backup <. Bac*#p the non root " bac*#p :sing savevg co!!an' $e can backup the non rootvg backup Suppose our server has 3 volu!e groups 0ls " Rootvg Datavg Oraclevg ; (o$ ou $ant to take 'atavg backup5 then our co!!an' $ill be 0sa e " 1i! C+e Cr&t4 C+ata " 0sa e " 1ie! C+e Cr&t4 C+ata " Datavg volu!e group is backup to tape (OT.6 >hile taking restvg backup $e can e0clu'e un$ante' file s ste!s in backup process. Suppose ou not reYuire' follo$ing file s ste!s in !ks sb backup5 4var F log files That ti!e ou shoul' put entr in 4etc4e0clu'e.'atavg5 ?. Restore the non root " bac*#p :sing restvg co!!an' $e can restore the non rootvg backup 0rest " 1x+! C+e Cr&t4 "fter co!!an' e0ecution 'atavg backup restore' to server $ith sa!e na!e $hile i!porting vg $e can change the vg na!e. @. Re)in+8 EJect8 Erase the tape :sing tctl co!!an' $e can re$in'5 e9ect an' erase the tape 'rive. 0tctl 1! C+e Cr&t4 re)in+ #To re$in' the tape% 0tctl 1! C+e Cr&t4 eJect #To e9ect the tape% 0tctl 1! C+e Cr&t4 erase #To erase the tape content%

Q.25 :; #p "ra+ation Acti it% on 6B( A67? /irst Do$nloa' the ,atest *,4T, as reYuire' b our pro9ect fro! belo$ link. http644$$$<Q33.ib!.co!4eserver4support4fi0es4fi0central4pfi0packs4-3 it $ill 'o$nloa' in c64'o$nloa' 'irector b 'efault or ou can custo!i=e the 'o$nloa' location. "ll files $ill be $ith .bff e0tention.

Before :p gra'ing the T,4*, ou nee' to 'o foll$ing activit . 1 Take t$o copies of !ks sb 2 Take s ste! configuration output in a file such $hatever the file set installe' on the !achine. 3 Take approval fro! application tea!5 'atabase tea! an' custo!er. 9o) +o the !ollo)in" steps. ?ou $ill put all the T, files to the "&A server using ftp or $inscp. &n a 'irector . Suppose ou have putte' all the T, files in 4T, 'irector Then log into our server go to the 4T, 'irector ?ou $ill e0ecute ;inutoc . #. Represent current 'irector % &t $ill create a .toc file5 through it ou can rea' $hat are the fileset inclu'e' in this T,

"fter that

ou $ill e0ecute ;s!itt up'ateSall

1ere ou $ill put .#'ot% as current 'irector in input 'evice5 first check the pre ie) onl% 5 select co&&it no5 sa e base %es rest of option leave as it is . ?ou $ill get the output

&t sho$e' ok no$ ou can !ove to up'ate the T,. /inall ou press /3 to get back an' change pre ie) onl% option no8 an' ,o&&it no

&t $ill take 2+ to 3+ !inute to up'ate the T,5 no$ ou can check the file set installe' successfull using ;lppchk Fv 5 "n' ou check the ;oslevel <s5 it $ill sho$ the latest level of T,. <bash<3.++T oslevel <s -3++<11<+1<+Q77 Q.2< Ho) to chec* the :; or (;. 0 inst!ix 16 G"rep (; Q.2? /hat is ;PAR an+ D;PAR? ;PAR C D;PAR >e can configure ,P"R an' D,P"R in P3Q+ Servers5 ,P"R #,ogical partitions% &n single server $e can install !ultiple operating s ste!s5 like "&A -.15 "&A -.25 "&A -.35 Susi ,inu05 "&A 7.35 using ,P"R concept The above Os are installing in single server5 before that $e have to partition the har'$are resources5 like processors an' !e!or 5 1ar''isk5 :sing 1*C #1ar'$are *anage!ent Console% $e can partition an' operate the ,P"R servers

Suppose ou have one P3Q+ server $ith 13 CP:8s an' 13GB Ra!5 in this server $e can !ake 13 partitions5 (o$ each partitions has 1 CP: an' 1GB Ra!5 Suppose one particular Os assigne' for -++ users that ti!e $e have to assign a''itional har'$are resources to that partition5 online $e can assign the har'$are resources using 1*C. (o nee' to reboot the server5 this concept calle' D,P"R #' na!ic ,ogical Partition% ,ike this $e can create the ,P"R 4 D,P"R 1*C < it is a 'esktop pc #,inu0 OS% connecte' $ith P3Q+ server through Co!!unication #co! port% cable or RU7- .thernet cat cable :sing 1*C $e can Create5 Delete5 an' Change the ,ogical Partitions This ,P"R server has h pervisor Controller5 all the infor!ation8s store' in this h pervisor5 an' it is use' to !aintain the server Accessin" &etho+s. 1. $s! #>eb base' s ste! !anage!ent 5 using this concept $e can access the ,P"R servers fro! $in'o$s 'esktops% 2. ssh #Secure' shell5 using this concept $e can access the ,P"R servers through telnet% Q.2@ Ho) )ill %o# con!i"#re ;PAR an+ D;PAR? Q. Ho) &an% t%pes o! ;PAR. /hich t%pe o! ;PAR %o# are #sin"? Q.2A Ho) to chan"e the *ernel !ro& $2 bit to ?5 bit? A67 ,o&&an+ on *ernel. ,o&&an+ to chec* the bos i&a"e. 4bin4lslpp <l bos.37bit to see if bos.37bit is installe' Z co!!itte'. <or< 4bin4locale37 error !essage if on 32bit !achine such as6 Coul' not loa' progra! 4bin4locale376 Cannot run a 37<bit progra! on a 32<bit !achine.

Or use6 ; bootinfo <2 ; bootinfo < ; bootinfo <p Or use6 ; 4usr4bin4getconf 1"RD>"R.SB&T*OD. This co!!an' shoul' return the follo$ing output6 37 H'/ :' ,HA9>E KER9E; ('DE 'H 6B( A67 <; (<.1) 'ispla s the current kernel $or' si=e of C32C or C37C tells if har'$are is 37<bit capable &f it returns the string 32 it is onl capable of running the 32<bit kernel. &f it returns the string chrp the !achine is capable of running the 37<bit kernel or the 32<bit kernel.

The "&A -, has pre<configure' kernels. These are liste' belo$ for Po$er Processors6 4usr4lib4boot4uni0Sup 32 bit uni<processor 4usr4lib4boot4uni0S!p 32 bit !ulti<processor kernel 4usr4lib4boot4uni0S37 37 bit !ulti<processor kernel S$itching bet$een kernel !o'es !eans using 'ifferent kernels. This is si!pl 'one b pointing the location that is reference' b the s ste! to these kernels. :se s !bolic links for this purpose. During boot "&A s ste! runs the kernel in the follo$ing locations6 4uni0 4usr4lib4boot4uni0 The base operating s ste! 37<bit runti!e fileset is bos.37bit. &nstalling bos.37bit also installs the 4etc4!etho's4cfg37 file. The 4etc4!etho's4cfg37 file provi'es the option of enabling or 'isabling the 37<bit environ!ent via S*&T5 $hich up'ates the 4etc4inittab file $ith the loa'37bit line. #Si!pl a''ing the loa'37bit line 'oes not enable the 37<bit environ!ent%. The co!!an' lslpp <l bos.37bit reveals if this fileset is installe'. The bos.37bit fileset is on the "&A !e'iaB ho$ever5 installing the bos.37bit fileset 'oes not ensure that ou $ill be able to run 37<bit soft$are. &f the bos.37bit fileset is installe' on 32<bit har'$are5 ou shoul' be able to co!pile 37<bit soft$are5 but ou cannot run 37<bit progra!s on 32<bit har'$are. The s scalls37 e0tension !ust be loa'e' in or'er to run a 37<bit e0ecutable. This is 'one fro! the loa'37bit entr in the inittab file. ?ou !ust loa' the s scalls37 e0tension even $hen running a 37<bit kernel on 37<bit har'$are. To 'eter!ine if the 37<bit kernel e0tension is loa'e'5 at the co!!an' line5 enter genke0 [grep 37. &nfor!ation si!ilar to the follo$ing 'ispla s6 17Qbf-P a3ec 4usr4lib4'rivers4s scalls37.e0t :o chan"e the *ernel &o+e !ollo) steps belo) 6 1. Create s !bolic link fro! 4uni0 an' 4usr4lib4boot4uni0 to the location of the 'esire' kernel. 2. Create boot i!age. 3. Reboot "&A. Belo$ lists the 'etaile' actions to change kernel !o'e6 :o chan"e to $2 bit #niEprocessor &o+e. ; ln <sf 4usr4lib4boot4uni0Sup 4uni0 ; ln <sf 4usr4lib4boot4uni0Sup 4usr4lib4boot4uni0 ; bosboot <a' 4'ev4ipl'evice ; shut'o$n <r :o chan"e to $2 bit &#ltiEprocessor &o+e. ; ln <sf 4usr4lib4boot4uni0S!p 4uni0

; ln <sf 4usr4lib4boot4uni0S!p 4usr4lib4boot4uni0 ; bosboot <a' 4'ev4ipl'evice ; shut'o$n <r :o chan"e to ?5 bit &#ltiEprocessor &o+e. ; ln <sf 4usr4lib4boot4uni0S37 4uni0 ; ln <sf 4usr4lib4boot4uni0S37 4usr4lib4boot4uni0 ; bosboot <a' 4'ev4ipl'evice ; shut'o$n <r &*PORT"(T (OT.6 &f ou are changing the kernel !o'e to 32<bit an' ou $ill run Q.2 on this server5 the follo$ing line shoul' be inclu'e' in 4etc4inittab6 loa'37bit626$ait64etc4!etho's4cfg37 K4'ev4console 2KZ1 ; .nable 37<bit e0ecs This allo$s 37<bit applications to run on the 32<bit kernel. (ote that this line is also !an'ator if ou are using the 37<bit kernel. &n "&A -.25 the 32<bit kernel is installe' b 'efault. The 37<bit kernel5 along $ith U/S2 #enhance' 9ournale' file s ste!%5 can be enable' at installation ti!e. Q.2B A67 stan+s !or )hat? A67 stan+s !or A+ ance+ 6nteracti e Exec#ti e. Q.$4 A67 <; in this ; stan+s !or )hat? A67 <; in this ; stan+s !or ;in#x. 6t s#pports aix pac*a"es. Q.$1 Ho) )ill %o# !in+ the serial no. o! the ser er? ; prtconf [pg Q.$2 Ho) )ill %o# chec* no. o! processor in the ser er? "ns. prtconf [pg ls'ev FCc processor Q.$$ /hat co&&an+ %o# )ill #se to chec* the lo) &e&or% space? Displa R"* Si=e on "&A ; ls'ev <C[grep !e! (o$ if !e!or 'evice is !e!+5 then t pe ;lsattr <.l !e!+ topas v!stat Q.$5 Ho) )ill the chec* the per!or&ance o! the +is* ? :sing iostat co!!an' $e can !onitor the &4O boun'

&n this &4O boun' $e can !onitor the 'isk usage5 suppose ou are using t$o or three heav use' file s ste! in one P) that ti!e that particular P) usage $ill be ver high ; iostat <' h'isk+ h'isk1 >ill !onitor 'isk activit onl for ph sical volu!es h'isk+ 1

Q.$< Ho) )ill %o# chec* the cl#ster stat#s ? ; clstat co!!an' is use' to check cluster status. Q.$? /hat is s&itt%.script ? The s!it.script file contains the actual "&A co!!an's that S*&T runs in or'er to e0ecute a task. Q.$@ /hat is .netrc? /hat is #se o! this hi++en !ile? The QH'(EC.netrc file contains infor!ation use' b the auto!atic login feature of the re0ec an' ftp co!!an's. &t is a hi''en file in a userXs ho!e 'irector an' !ust be o$ne' either b the user e0ecuting the co!!an' or b the root user. &f the .netrc file contains a login pass$or'5 the fileXs per!issions !ust be set to 3++ #rea' an' $rite b o$ner onl %. Q.$A Ho) )ill %o# re&o e the +e ice !or e" . E tape ? Re&o e De ice Suppose ou $ant to re!ove 'evice fro! server. Suppose it is one 1DD. /irst ou have re!ove' the 1DD fro! server. Then ou checking 'evice configuration 'etails using 0ls+e 1,c +is* Or 0o+&"et ,#D &t $ill sho$ the 'evice status There is t$o options is available in 'evice re!oval 0r&+e 1+l h+is*< The above co!!an' is use' to re!ove h'isk- 'evice fro! OD* #co!plete re!oval fro! OS% "fter e0ecuting the above co!!an' this h'isk- configuration is not available in OD* 0o+&"et ,#D G "rep h+is*< &t $ont 'ispla an thing because 'evice configuration is re!ove' fro! OD* Suppose ou $ant to re!ove 'evice fro! the server not fro! OD* This case ou shoul' use the follo$ing co!!an'. 0r&+e 1l h+is*<

The above co!!an' is use' to re!ove h'isk- 'evice fro! server5 this 'evice configuration is available in OD* #not fro! OS% "fter e0ecuting the above co!!an' this h'isk- configuration is available in OD* an' 'evice status is 'efine' 0o+&"et ,#D G "rep h+is*< &t $ill sho$ 1'isk- configuration 'etails but 'evice status is + &f ou $ant install h'isk- 'evice again5 ou shoul' run the follo$ing co!!an' 0c!"&"r 0c!"&"r scsi4 #Directl ou can search 'evice on Parent 'evice scsi+%

"fter e0ecuting above co!!an's the 'evice h'isk- beco!e to "vailable state. "n' 'evice status is 1 Q.$B Please explain the inittab !ile E )hat is resp)an an+ once !iel+ is #se+? The 4etc4inittab file controls the initiali=ation process. The 4etc4inittab file supplies the script to the init co!!an'Xs role as a general process 'ispatcher. The process that constitutes the !a9orit of the init co!!an'Xs process 'ispatching activities is the 4etc4gett line process5 $hich initiates in'ivi'ual ter!inal lines. Other processes t picall 'ispatche' b the init co!!an' are 'ae!ons an' the shell. :he CetcCinittab !ile 6+enti!ier . R#n le el . Action . ,o&&an+ 6+enti!ier . One to fourteen character fiel'. R#n ;e el . + to Q Action. Respa)n. &t the process 'oes not e0ist5 start the process. Do not $ait for its ter!ination. Restart the process if 'ies. /ait. Starts the process an' $ait for its ter!ination. 'nce. Starts the process an' 'o not $ait for ter!ination. &f 'ies 'o not restart it. Boot. Starts the process 'uring s ste! start up. Do not $ait for its ter!ination. &f ter!inates 'o not restart it. Boot)ait Po)er!ail Po)er)ait '!! ,o&&an+. " shell co!!an' to e0ecute. Co!!an's to pla $ith 4etc4inittab file. ; !kitab C0c!'626respa)n6fin' 4 <t pe f K 4'ev4null 2KZ1C "''s recor' in 4etc4inittab file. ; lsitab 0c!'

Displa ne$ recor' a''e' in 4etc4inittab file. ; chitab C0c!'626once6fin' 4 <t pe f K 4'ev4null 2KZ1C Change the action fiel' on the e0isting recor' in 4etc4inittab file. ; r!itab 0c!' Re!ove entr for the 4etc4inittab file. 'r+er o! the CetcCinittab !ile 1. init+e!a#lt 2. s%sinit $. Po)er !ail#re +etection(po)er!ail) 5. (#lti#ser chec*(rc) <. CetcC!irstboot(!bchec*) ?. S%ste& Reso#rce control(src&str) @. Start :,PC6P +ae&on(rctcpip) A. Start 9HS +ae&on(rcn!s) B. cron 14. pb clean#p(piobe) 11. "ett% !or the console(cons) Q.54 Ho) )ill %o# enable telnet in aix? :nco!!ent telnet entr fro! 4etc4inet'.conf file. Restart the inet' service ; startsrc Fs inet' Q.51 )hat is the +e!a#lt si-e o! ;:>? ,ogical track group #,TG% si=e is the !a0i!u! allo$e' transfer si=e for an &4O 'isk operation. ?ou can use the l2#er%p co!!an' to fin' the ,TG si=e for a ph sical 'isk ; lYuer pv <* h'isk+ 2-3 Q.52 +i!! bet)een sh#t+o)n an+ reboot? halt#1*% brings 'o$n the !achine to the PRO* #on SP"RC% i!!e'iatel 5 $ith ver little regar' to running the scripts in 4etc4rcH+<3I.' to take things 'o$n cleanl . reboot#1*% is the sa!e5 e0cept instea' of 9ust stopping the OS5 it reboots the !achine. Q.5$ )hat is s*#l*er? The skulker co!!an' purges files in the 4t!p 'irector 5 files ol'er than a specifie' age5 a.out files5 core files5 an' e'.hup files. &t is run 'ail as part of an accounting proce'ure run b the cron co!!an' 'uring off peak perio's #assu!ing ou have turne' on accounting%. Q.55 ho) to chec* the +e!a#lt "ate)a%? 0 netstat 1rn

Q.5< ho) to chec* boot lo"? 0 alo" 1o 1t boot 0 alo" 1o 1t console Q.5? )hat is +i!! bet)een &*!s an+ cr!s? crfs $ill create a U/S4U/S2 files s ste! as $ell as the logical volu!e associate' $hereas !kfs $ill create a /ile S ste! over an alrea' create' ,ogical )olu!eO2. crfsO+Q"''s a file s ste!O2. The s!allest file s ste! is eYual to one PPO2. crfs <v 9fs <g 'atavg <a si=eO3D32* <! 4user 6 creates a U/S of 32 *B $ith 4user as the !ount point in )G 'atavgO2. crfs <v 9fs2 <g rootvg <a si=eO3D12P* <! 4'ata <" es <p r$ <a agblksi=eO3D2+7P 6 creates a U/S2 of 12P *B $ith 4'ata as the !ount point5 auto!aticall !ounte' at s ste! restart #<"%5 $ith 72 as the s!allest file s ste! block si=e that can be allocate' to a fileO2. !kfsO+Q*akes a ne$ file s ste! on a specifie' e0isting 'evice #,)%O2. !kfs <s 37* 4'ata 4'ev4lv'ata 6 creates an e!pt 37 *B file s ste! on ,) lv'ataO2. !kfs <o na!eO3D4user 4'ev4lvuser 6 creates an e!pt file s ste! on the 4'ev4lvuser 'evice5 $ith !ount point 4userO2. The ne$ file s ste! occupies the entire 'evice an' has the 'efault frag!ent si=e #7+Q3 b tes% an' the 'efault nbpi ratio #7+Q3%O2. Q.5@ )hat is sa ebase co&&an+ )ill +o? The savebase command stores customized information for base devices for use during phase 1 of system boot. By default, the savebase command retrieves this information from the /etc/objrepos directory.

Q.5A :ro#ble Shootin" 5.5.$ ,o&&on boot ;ED co+es D#rin" s%ste& initiali-ation8 ser ers )ith operator panel +ispla%s )ill sho) ;ED co+es that pro i+e in!or&ation abo#t the stat#s o! the boot process. So&e co+es are chec*points that in+icate )hich point in the boot process the ser er has reache+. :hese co+es +epen+ on the t%pe o! ser er. Hor exa&ple8 on a ser er )ith a !o#r character +ispla%8 E1H1 in+icates that the s%ste&E+e!ine+ console has been acti ate+8 )hile HH1 in+icates this on a ser er )ith a three character +ispla%. ,o+es in the !or& o! Hxx8 )here xx is a hexa+eci&al n#&ber8 are "enerall% relate+ to !ir&)are. 'ther co+es in+icate that a !a#lt has been +etecte+. :he &ost co&&on ;ED co+es that in+icate boot proble&s an+ ho) to "et aro#n+ the& to "ettin" %o#r s%ste& #p an+ r#nnin" a"ain are "i en in :able 5E$. :able 5E$ ,o&&on start#p ;EDs an+ sol#tions ;ED 241 E Da&a"e+ boot i&a"e 1. Access %o#r root " b% !ollo)in" the proce+#re +escribe+ in 5.5.28 SAccessin" a

s%ste& that )ill not bootT on pa"e 14<. 2. ,hec* the C an+ Ct&p !ile s%ste&s. 6! the% are al&ost !#ll8 create &ore space. $. Deter&ine the boot +is* b% #sin" the lsl E& h+< co&&an+. 5. Recreate the boot i&a"e #sin" bosboot Ea E+ C+e Ch+is*n8 )here n is the +is* n#&ber o! the +is* containin" the boot lo"ical ol#&e. <. ,hec* !or ,HE,KS:'P errors in the error lo". 6! s#ch errors are !o#n+8 it is probabl% !ailin" har+)are. ?. Sh#t +o)n an+ restart the s%ste&. ;ED 22$E22B E 6n ali+ boot list 1. Set the *e% &o+e s)itch to ser ice (H< !or s%ste&s )itho#t *e%loc*) an+ po)er #p the &achine. 2. 6! +ispla% contin#es nor&all%8 chan"e the *e% &o+e s)itch to 9or&al an+ contin#e )ith step $. 6! %o# +o not "et the pro&pt8 "o to step 5. $. /hen %o# "et the lo"in pro&pt8 lo" in an+ !ollo) the proce+#re +escribe+ in 5.5.18 S:he bootlist co&&an+T on pa"e 14$ to chan"e %o#r bootlist. ,ontin#e )ith step @. 5. Hollo) the proce+#re in 5.5.28 SAccessin" a s%ste& that )ill not bootT on pa"e 14< to access %o#r root " an+ contin#e )ith step <. <. Deter&ine the boot +is* b% #sin" the lsl E& h+< co&&an+. ?. ,han"e the bootlist !ollo)in" the proce+#re "i en in 5.5.18 S:he bootlist co&&an+T on pa"e 14$. @. Sh#t +o)n an+ restart %o#r s%ste&. 112 6B( Eser er p< an+ pSeries A+&inistration an+ S#pport !or A67 <; =<.$ ;ED <<18 <<<8 an+ <<@ E ,orr#pte+ !ile s%ste&8 corr#pte+ KHS lo"8 an+ so on 1. Hollo) the proce+#re +escribe+ in 5.5.28 SAccessin" a s%ste& that )ill not bootT on pa"e 14< to access the root " be!ore &o#ntin" an% !ile s%ste&s (choice 2 on the =ol#&e >ro#p 6n!or&ation screen). 2. =eri!% an+ correct the !ile s%ste&s as !ollo)s. !sc* E% C+e !sc* E% C+e !sc* E% C+e !sc* E% C+e !sc* E% C+e Ch+1 Ch+2 Ch+$ Ch+5 Ch+B ar

$. Hor&at the KHS lo" a"ain b% #sin" the co&&an+. C#srCsbinClo"!or& C+e Ch+A

5. Lse lsl E& h+< to obtain the boot +is*. <. Recreate the boot i&a"e #sin" the co&&an+. bosboot Ea E+ C+e Ch+is*n /here n is the +is* n#&ber o! the +is* containin" the boot lo"ical ol#&e.

;ED <<28 <<58 an+ <<? E S#per bloc* corr#pte+ an+ corr#pte+ c#sto&i-e+ 'D( +atabase 1. Repeat steps 1 thro#"h 2 !or ;EDs <<18 <<<8 an+ <<@. 2. 6! !sc* in+icates that bloc* A is corr#pte+8 the s#per bloc* !or the !ile s%ste& is corr#pte+ an+ nee+s to be repaire+. Enter the co&&an+. ++ co#nt31 bs35* s*ip3$1 see*31 i!3C+e Ch+n o!3C+e Ch+n )here n is the n#&ber o! the !ile s%ste&. $. Reb#il+ %o#r KHS lo" b% #sin" the co&&an+. C#srCsbinClo"!or& C+e Ch+A 5. 6! this sol es the proble&8 stop hereU other)ise8 contin#e )ith step <. <. Vo#r 'D( +atabase is corr#pte+. Restart %o#r s%ste& an+ !ollo) the proce+#re "i en in 5.5.28 SAccessin" a s%ste& that )ill not bootT on pa"e 14< to access root " )ith choice 2 on the =ol#&e >ro#p 6n!or&ation screen. ?. (o#nt the root an+ #sr !ile s%ste&s as !ollo)s. &o#nt C+e Ch+5 C&nt &o#nt C#sr @. ,op% the s%ste& con!i"#ration to a bac* #p +irector%. &*+ir C&ntCetcCobJreposCbac*#p cp C&ntCetcCobJreposC,#W C&ntCetcCobJreposCbac*#p A. ,op% the con!i"#ration !ro& the RA( !ile s%ste& as !ollo)s. cp CetcCobJreposC,#W C&ntCetcCobJrepos B. Ln&o#nt all !ile s%ste&s b% #sin" the #&o#nt all co&&an+. 14. Deter&ine the boot +is* b% #sin" the lsl E& h+< co&&an+. 11. Sa e the clean 'D( to the boot lo"ical ol#&e b% #sin" the co&&an+. sa ebase E+C+e Ch+is*n )here n is the +is* n#&ber o! the +is* containin" boot lo"ical ol#&e. 12. Reboot8 i! the s%ste& +oes not co&e #p8 an+ reinstall B'S. ;ED <<$ E ,orr#pte+ CetcCinittab !ile 1. Access the root " )ith all !ile s%ste&s &o#nte+ b% !ollo)in" the proce+#re +escribe+ in 5.5.28 SAccessin" a s%ste& that )ill not bootT on pa"e 14<. 2. ,hec* !or !ree space in C8 C ar8 an+ Ct&p b% #sin" the +! co&&an+.

$. ,hec* the CetcCinittab !ile an+ correct the inittab proble&s i! there is one e&pt% inittab !ile8 &issin" inittab !ile8 or )ron" entr% in inittab !ile. 5. ,hec* proble&s )ith. CetcCen iron&ent !ile CbinCsh CbinCbsh CetcC!sc* CetcCpro!ile!ile <. Sh#t +o)n the s%ste& an+ reboot. ?. :o create l o! J!s2 o! lp si-e 2 0 &*l Et J!s2 E% t&pl root " 2 ,reate Hiles%ste& 0 cr!s E J!s2 E+ t&pl E& Ct&p&nt

;o"ical =ol#&e (ana"er (;=() ,o&&an+s !or A67

Term .ournaled File /ystem (.F/) 2ogical 3artition (23) 2ogical 5olume (25) 3hysical 3artition (33) 3hysical 5olume (35) 8ootvg 5olume -rou6 (5-) Definition File system that uses a 0ournaled log for faster1 more relia#le data recovery 4he 25 is made u6 of 23s. 4he 23 corres6onds to * or more (in the case of mirroring) 33s. 4he 5- is su#divided into logical volumes and each 25 can have a file system on it. All 6hysical volumes are su#divided into 66s. 33s are all the same si e. 7isk that is #eing managed #y 25+. 7efault volume grou6 created during installation. 4he vg holds the 9/ filesystems ( :1:usr1 :home1 :6roc :o6t1 :tm61 :var and swa6 s6ace ) Area of storage that consists of one or more 35s

omman! "#mmary
omman! chfs ;a si e)<#=*% #yte #locks> <file system> Definition Increases the si e of a 0ournaled file system to the total num#er of =*% #yte #locks s6ecified Increases the si e of a 0ournaled file system #y the chfs ;a si e)<"=*% #yte addional num#er of =*% #yte #locks s6ecified. For #locks> <mount 6oint> e?am6le @chfs -a size=+3$32%& /#sr@ Change the name of a logical volume (it must #e chlv ;n <newname> <oldname> inactive) crfs ;v 0fs ;m <mount 6oint> ;g 4his command makes a logical volume1 mount 6oint <volume grou6> ;a si e)<# of with a 0ournaled file systemA =*% #yte #locks> crfs ;v 0fs ;m <mount 6oint> ;d <logical volume> df ;k e?6ortvg <volume grou6> e?tendvg <volume grou6> <6hysical volume> im6ortvg ;y <volume grou6> <6hysical volume> lslv <logical volume> B;l1 mC creates a 0fs file system on a logical volume /hows the disk usage of logical volumes on the server. removes a volume grou6 from a machine Adds a new 6hysical volume to an e?isting volume grou6 add a volume grou6 to another machine

2ists information a#out the logical volumes. 4he ;l o6tion lists the disks in the logical volume. 2ists the disks on the server1 including the 6hysical ls6v <6hysical volume> B;l1 +1 volume will give details a#out that disk. 4he ;l o6tion 6C will list the details of how the filesystems are distri#uted on the disk. 2ists the volume grou6s on the server1 including the volume grou6 name will give details a#out that vg. 4he lsvg <volume grou6> B;lC ;l o6tion will list the logical volumes in the volume grou6. lsv6cfg 2ists each v6ath and the hdisks that make u6 the v6ath mklv ;y <new lv> <vg> +akes a logical volume in a volume grou6 mksys# ;l ;f <device> makes a #oota#le #acku6 of rootvg mkvg ;y <volume grou6> +akes a volume grou6 out of one or more 6hysical <6hysical volume> . . . volumes <6hysical volume> mount <logical volume> <file system> or +ounts the file system for use. mount <filesystem> if it is already in :etc:filesystems

reducevg <volume grou6> <6hysical volume> rmfs <file system> rmlv <lv> savevg ;l ;f <device> <volume grou6> umount <file system> dismount the file system

8emoves a 6hysical volume from a volume grou6 removes a file system and itDs logical volume 8emoves a logical volume (it must #e inactive) makes a #acku6 co6y of another volume grou6 Unmounts the filesystem.

"am'le ()* +roce!#res, -ilesystem +roce!#res

+roce!#re to create a filesystem #sing .-", "ee belo/ the 'roce!#re for creating a logical 0ol#me an! a filesystem #sing .-", +roce!#re to e1ten! the size of filesystem #sing .-", %2 3!f3 to see the filesystem4 it5s c#rrent size4 6 #tilization an! the name of it5s logical 0ol#me 22 3lsl0 7logical80ol#me93 to sho/ information abo#t the logical 0ol#me incl#!ing it5s 0ol#me gro#' name2 32 3ls0g 70ol#me8gro#'93 to sho/ information abo#t the 0ol#me gro#'4 incl#!ing n#mber of free ''5s an! the '' size 42 :f there are not eno#gh free ''5s then see belo/ for 'roce!#re to a!! a !isk to a 0ol#me gro#'2 ;2 3chfs -a size= +4%$43<4 7*=>?T8+=:?T93 to gro/ the filesystem by 2 G@ A4%$43<4=2B%<24B%<24B%<24/;%2C ?=TD, Gro/ing the file system /ill a#tomatically gro/ the logical 0ol#me &2 !f3 sho/s the file system5s c#rrent size is 2 G@ more than before2 Tro#bleshooting e1ten!ing the size of a filesystem #sing .-", Drror *essage, <;%&-EFE e1ten!l0, *a1im#m allocation for logical 0ol#me 7()8?ame9 is ;%22 *a1im#m n#mber of (+s for the logical 0ol#me has been e1cee!e! m#st increase the allocation alc#late the n#mber of (+s nee!e! = () "ize in *@ / (+ size in *@ chl0 -1 7ne/8ma18l's9 7logical80ol#me9

+roce!#re to remo0e a file system %2 >nmo#nt the filesystem 22 Gemo0e the logical 0ol#me 3rml0 7l08name93 32 Gemo0e the filesystem information from /etc/filesystems +roce!#re to re!#ce the size of a file system - shareol! is Fmb an! nee!s to be re!#ce! to 4mb %2 reate the file system %2 crfs -0 Hfs -m /#sr/sharene/ -g root0g -a size=F%$2 22 this makes a logical 0ol#me in the root 0ol#me gro#' of 4*@ that #ses Hfs *o#nt the 0ol#me %2 mo#nt /#sr/sharene/ *o0e the files from the ol! file system A/#sr/shareol!C %2 c! /#sr/shareol! 22 tar cf - I Ac! /#sr/sharene/J tar 10f -C 32 c! >nmo#nt the file systems %2 #mo#nt /#sr/sharene/ 22 #mo#nt /#sr/shareol! Gemo0e the ol! file system an! it5s logical 0ol#me %2 rmfs /#sr/shareol!

22 32

42 ;2 &2

%2 chfs -m /#sr/shareol! /#sr/sharene/ E2 *o#nt the ne/ filesystem %2 mo#nt /#sr/shareol! F2 Delete the tem'orary mo#nt 'oint %2 rm!ir /#sr/share

(ogical )ol#me +roce!#res

+roce!#re to create a logical 0ol#me an! filesystem in a 0ol#me gro#' #sing .-", %2 ls0g to !etermine the size of the ++ 22 lsl0 in similar logical 0ol#mes to !etermine if mirroring is in effect 32 alc#late the n#mber of ++s nee!e! for the logical 0ol#me %2 bc 22 scale=2 32 7size of l0 in *@9/7size of ++ in *@9 42 K#it 42 mkl0 -y 37()8?L*D93 7)G8?L*D9 7# of (+"9 --9 creates the logical 0ol#me

;2 crfs -0 Hfs -! 7()8?L*D9 -m /7*=>?T+=:?T9 -L yes --9 makes the filesystem4 creates the mo#nt'oint an! '#ts it in /etc/filesystems &2 mo#nt /7*=>?T+=:?T9 --9 mo#nts the ne/ fileystem E2 !f /7*=>?T+=:?T9 --9 0erifies the mo#nt an! the size of the ne/ filesystem F2 heck the o/nershi' an! 'ermissions of the ne/ mo#nt 'oint %2 ls -l! 7mo#nt'oint9 22 cho/n o/ner,gro#' 7mo#nt'oint9 32 chmo! MMM 7mo#nt'oint9 $2 :f mirroring is in effect4 then mirror this logical 0ol#me to another !isk Aoriginal an! % mirrorC, %2 mkl0co'y -s y 7()8?L*D9 2 heck to see if all of the logical 0ol#mes in a 0ol#me gro#' are mirrore! ls0g -l *irror a logical 0ol#me after the fact mkl0co'y -s y 7()8?L*D9 2

)ol#me Gro#' +roce!#res

+roce!#re to create a 0ol#me gro#', %2 ls!e0 - -c !isk -9 lists a0ailable !isks Aan! the h!isk#C on the ser0er 22 mk0g -y 37)G8?L*D93 h!isk# --9 creates the 0ol#me gro#' on the name! har! !isk 32 0aryon0g 7)G8?L*D9 --9 acti0ates the 0ol#me gro#' +roce!#re to a!! a !isk to a 0ol#me gro#' Ae1ten! the 0ol#me gro#'C e1ten!0g 70g9 7!isk#9 )erify the !isk has been s#ccessf#lly a!!e! to the 0g ls0g -' 70g9 +roce!#re to mirror the root0g, %2 ls'0 --9 !etermine the h!isk# 22 e1ten!0g root0g h!isk7n#mber9 --9 a!! the h!isk to the 0ol#me gro#'

32 ls'0 --9 0erify that the h!isk has been s#ccessf#lly a!!e! to the 0ol#me gro#' 42 ch0g -N 5n5 root0g --9 change the K#or#m so that the 0g /ill stay acti0e if one of the mirrors fail ;2 mirror0g -" -c 2 root0g --9 mirror all of the logical 0ol#mes in the 0ol#me gro#' &2 ls0g -l root0g --9 0erify s#ccessf#l mirroring A''s /ill a''ear 3stale3 #ntil synchronization is com'leteC2 E2 bosboot -a --9 #'!ate the boot image information F2 bootlist -m normal -o h!isk< h!isk% --9 create a ne/ bootlist $2 bootlist -m normal -o --9 0erify the bootlist is correct +roce!#re to increase the n#mber of (+5s a0ailable Lss#me /e recei0e an error that the ma1im#m n#mber of (+5s ha! been e1cee!e!4 an! the ma1im#m n#mber of (+5s !efine! /as %%<<, %2 3ls0g 70ol#me8gro#'93 to sho/ the total ++5s a0ailable in the 0ol#me gro#' =%2;< 22 3ls0g -l 70ol#me8gro#'93 to sho/ the total ++5s #se! in all logical 0ol#mes in that 0ol#me gro#' Asho/e! sys%log4 the Hfs log /as #sing 2 ++5sC 32 3chl0 -1 %24F 7logical80ol#me93 to change the ma1im#m n#mber of (+5s from %%<< to %24F A%2;< ++5s in the 0ol#me gro#' - 2 ++5s #se! by the Hfs log = %24F a0ailableC

+hysical Disk +roce!#res

+roce!#re to fin! !isks/0'aths that are #nallocate! ls0'cfg This /ill sho/ !isks/0'aths an! the 0ol#me gro#' they are allocate! to ls'0Igre' ?one This /ill sho/ '0s an! /hether they are asssociate! /ith a 0ol#me gro#' ?ote, -or 0'aths4 the h!isks /ill sho/ as none4 b#t they may be allocate! to a 0'ath - yo# m#st gre' each h!isk /ith the ls0'cfg +roce!#re to make a ne/ l#n a0ailable to L:M Lllocate the ne/ l#n on the "L? G#n 3cfgmgr3 )erify the ne/ 0'atch/h!isk by r#nning 3ls0'cfg3

There sho#l! be a ne/ 0'ath an! it sho#l! be a0ailable /ith no 0ol#me gro#' - if not4 rer#n cfgmgr +roce!#re to list the +)s in a 0ol#me gro#', ls0g -' 70ol#me gro#'9

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