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GROSS MOTOR 4 weeks 6 weeks -Holds chin off -Head to one side -Chin raised off couch -Holds chest on table -Heads up 450 -Heads mostly midline -Supports itself on forearms -Face-up 40-90 -Pulls to sit with little head lag -Supports self to wrist -Face 90 to couch -Sits with head steady -Rolls over -Pulls to sit with no head lag -Supports weight on hands -Prone to supine -Sits with support -Bears weight -Bounces -Sits with hand on couch for support FINE MOTOR -Follows dangling object -Eyes fixate on objects -Follows moving persons -Follows moving person and toys -Follows a ring 180 -Slight grasp reflex -Follows a ring in circle -Hands together -Holds rattle for a few seconds -Plays with rattle placed in hand RECEPTIVE LANGUAGE -Quiets when bell is rung -Smiles in response to overtures -Social smile EXPRESSIVE LANGUAGE -Cries PERSONAL/SOCIAL

2 months


3 months

-Turns eyes and/or head to sound -Quiets to sound

-Coos and squeals

4 months

-Orients self to voice -Excited at sight of food and toys

-Laugh aloud

-Stops crying when picked up or spoken

5 months

6 months

7 months

8 months

-Sits momentarily without support -Pulls self to stand -Stands, holding on to furniture

-Grasps cube and takes to mouth -Transfers an object -Palmar grasp -Drops one cube when another is given -Reaches for and shakes rattle -Holds bottle -Retains cube when another is offered -Transfers cube and bangs on table -Takes two cubes -Inspects a ball -Thumb-finger approach -Bangs two cubes together -Index finger approach -Combines cube and cup -Mature overhand pincer -Puts objects in and out of container -Drops and throws toys deliberately -Points with index finger -Releases one cup into cup

-Orients self to bell -Turns to rattling sound -Smiles at mirror image -Looks to see where dropped toy is



-Orients itself toward bell upward indirectly

-Single syllabus

-Pats image of self in mirror

-Responds to NO -Looks for dropped toy -Orients self toward bell directly upward -Understands no, bye -Imitates verbal and other playful sounds -Responds to words -Pulls clothes of another to attract attention -Holds object to examiner but will not release -Follows one step command with gestures

9 months

-Combines syllabus -Indiscriminate mama, dada -Gesture language

-Imitate sounds

-Peek-a-boo -Feeds self with crackers

10 months

-Pulls self to sitting position -Crawls on abdomen -Creeps

-Disriminate mama, dada

-Waves bye -Pat-a-cake

11 months

-One word other than mama, dada, or other family members -Two or three words with meaning

12 months

-Walks holding on to furniture or with hand held -Bear crawl -Bottom shuffling

-Holds arm out for sleeve and foot out for shoe -Helps with dressing -Kisses on request

15 months

-Creeps upstairs

-Tower of two cubes -Scribbles spontaneously

18 months

-Walks upstairs, one hand held -Seats self on chair

2 years

-Walks, upstairs and down, 2 fee per step -Kicks ball -Throw small ball overhand -Climbs on furniture

-Tower of 3-4 cubes -Spontaneous scribbling -Palmar or primitive tripod grasp -Tower of 6-7 cubes -Imitates train of cubes -Imitates vertical and circular strokes -Turns doorknob -Unscrews lids

-Ask for objects by pointing -Imitates mother in household activities -Follows one step command without gestures -Points to 2 or 3 body parts -Two simple orders -One common object -One picture card -Points to four body parts -Two step command -Four simple orders -Three to five common objects -Points to five names three picture cards -Refer to self by name

-Several intelligible words -Jargoning

-Drinks from cup -Takes off shoes -Indicates wet pants

-Many intelligible words

-Holds spoon -Imitates everyday activities

-Two word sentences -50 word vocabulary -Echolalia -Joins in nursery rhymes and songs

2.5 years

3 years

-Walks, upstairs confidently, downstairs holding rail -Walks on tiptoe -Run well -Jumps on both feet -Casts ball at body level -Upstairs, one foot per step -Downstairs, two feet per step -Jumps off bottom step -Can stand and walk on tiptoe -Stands momentarily on one foot -Kicks ball forcibly -Rides tricycle -Throws ball overhand

-Tower of eight cubes -Holds pencil with improved tripod

-Knows full name and sex -Two digits forward

-200 or more words -Used `I`, me , you - Asks what? , who?

-Tower of nine cubes -Copies circle -Imitates cross -Draws a man with head and one or two other body parts -Thumb wiggle -Matches two or primary colors

-Names one to two colors -Names eight picture cards -Obeys two prepositions -Repeats three digits -Knows some nursery rhymes -Briefly describes present activities and past activities and past experiences -Names ten picture cards -Repeat three digits -Obey three prepositions -Gives full name, address, age -Enjoy jokes -Appreciates past, present, future -Repeats four digits,

-Three word sentences -250 words vocabulary -Asks what , where , who questions -Plurals pronouns, and prepositions -May count by rote 110

-Spoon feeds without spilling -Washes and dries hands -Verbalizes toilet needs -Usually dry through day -Puts on socks, shoes -Imitates domestic activities -Eats skillfully with spoon -Attends to needs without help -Usually dry through night -Puts on clothes -Brushes teeth with help -Eats with spoon and fork -Dry through the night -Dresses and undresses fully if helped with buttons -Helps in doing activities

3.5 years

-Copies bridges

4 years

-Walk or runs up and down the stairs -Can stand, walk, run on tiptoe

4.5 years

-Tower of en or more cubes -Builds three steps with six cubes -Imitates gate with cubes -Copies gate

-Tells tale and long stories -Knows several nursery rhymes -Speech grammatically correct,

-Eats skillfully with spoon and fork -Attends to own toilet needs

5 years

6 years old

-Walks easily on narrow line -Runs lightly on toes -Skips, alternate feet -Hops two or three yards -Can stand on one foot 8-10 seconds -Stands on preferred foot with arms folded -Stands on one foot 3-5 seconds -Hops on preferred foot -Expert rider of tricycle -Climbs ladders and trees -Stands on one foot 3-5 seconds -Hops on preferred foot -Expert rider of tricycle -Climbs ladders and trees -bends and touches toes

-Copies square and cross -Copies square and triangle -Copies letters V, H, T, O, X, L, A, C, U, Y -Writes a few letters spontaneously -Draws a man with head, trunk, legs, arms, and features -Draws a house -Holds and uses pencil in adult fashion -Copies cross, V,H,T,O -Draws a man with head, legs, trunk -Treads beads -Matches and name our colors -Holds and uses pencil in adult fashion -Copies cross V, H, T, O -Draws a man with head, legs, trunk -Threads breads -Matches and names four colors -Colors neatly -Counts fingers -Names four colors -Matches 10-12 colors

-Gives full name, age and birthday -Gives address -Acts out stories -Repeats four digits -Distinguishes AM from PM compares two weights -Knows three adjectives -Defines five words time -Obeys four prepositions -Knows three adjectives -Repeats three digits -Right and left discrimination -Distinguishes larger of two lines

-Speech fluent -Defines concrete nouns by use completely intelligible -Asks why, when, how, and word meaning -Counts by rote up to 20 or more -Counts objects in correspondence up to four or five

-Uses knife and for completely -Washes and dries face and hands -Dresses alone -Character is more independent, protective, comforting, and cooperative -Can button clothes fully -Can dress and undress except for laces, back buttons -Brushes teeth -Takes turn or shares -Shows concern for younger sibling, sympathy for playmates

-Copies diamond

-Names weekdays -Knows right from left -Knows number of fingers -Repeats five digits

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