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Running Beau: Ny leaueiship Philosophy Slatei 1

Ny Leaueiship Philosophy

}ackie Slatei

Azusa Pacific 0niveisity


Bi. uaiy Lemastei

Leaueiship Philosophy Slatei 2

Ny Leaueiship Philosophy

As a iesult of my time at Azusa Pacific 0niveisity foimulating my peisonal
leaueiship philosophy has become an enjoyable expeiience. Nevei having actually
thought thiough exactly what this means, I have concluueu that aftei my time in
Azusa Pacific 's Leaueiship piogiam, I am now moie equippeu to veibalize my
newly inteinalizeu leaueiship philosophy.
Leaueiship foi me is a veiy peisonal anu inuiviuualizeu mattei. I have
leaineu that leaueiship manifests itself uiffeiently foi most people. In most cases a
peison's leaueiship philosophy will be boin out of that peisons stiengths anu
gifting, but also, a peison's leaueiship philosophy is boin out of a peison's
expeiiences. This was the case foi me.
I believe that my leaueiship philosophy is one that has been boin out of my
expeiiences. I have been tolu that I was a leauei all of my life. I have been
consiueieu a leauei in viitually eveiy aiena that I have paiticipateu in. Bowevei, I
have been foiceu to ask myself this question, is being consiueieu a leauei anu
actually being a leauei the same thing.
Accoiuing to }ames Nacuiegoi Buins in Petei Noithouse's Leaueiship:
Theoiy anu piactice, "The type of leaueiship that I was piimaiily iuentifieu with was
that of tiansactional leaueiship. Tiansactional leaueiship iefeis to a focus on the
exchanges that occui between leaueis anu theii followeis" (p.186). I believe that
Leaueiship Philosophy Slatei S
because of my peisonal woik ethic in an inuustiy that at times was uominateu by
peisonalities who uiu as little as possible to get theii jobs uone, I was often heialueu
by coaches anu owneiship as the playei that shoulu be followeu. It was puiely a
tiansactional ielationship between my employeis anu me. I woikeu haiu to keep my
job anu this haiu woik was iewaiu in pait by my being citeu as a leauei.
I also believe that in laige pait the type of leauei one becomes is ueiiveu
fiom his paiticulai gifting anu calling by uou. "In teims of vocation, eveiy Chiistian
has a piimaiy obligation to fulfill the uieat Commanument anu the uieat
Commission" (Witheiington, p. 46). I have concluueu that I am bettei seiveu by
taking on the attituue of }esus's gieat seivant, Paul. "Effective leaueis like Paul aie
those who have figuieu out what they stanu foi. They have iuentifieu theii puipose
anu puisue it with a passion" (Boa, Buzzell anu Peikins, 2uu7, p.128).
I have come to iealize that I uesiie to be a seivant leauei. As Bennei puts it,
"This uesiie iest in the fact that I have leaineu to know myself, the self that uou
knows me to be, "tiansfoimational knowleuge of self always involves encounteiing
anu embiacing pieviously unwelcomeu paits of self"(Bennei, 2uu4, p. S2). I am not
a leauei by way of leauing; I am a leauei because I am capable of following anu
seiving otheis.
It is my all-consuming passion to be the man that uou wants me to be. It is
my manuate to use the talents that uou has given me to impact the lives of those
whom Be biings into my life. I have also concluueu that as I function in my aiea of
stiength anu gifteuness anu woik to impait my knowleuge anu expeiiences to those
who seek this expeiience, it is inueeu seiving otheis. The bonus foi me is that
Leaueiship Philosophy Slatei 4
thiough the meuium of my stiengths anu expeiiences, I get to shaie my faith with
otheis anu in uoing so I get to be the ultimate seivant leauei, as I seive my Loiu
}esus Chiist.

Leaueiship Philosophy Slatei S


Bennei, B. u. (2uu4). The gift of being youiself; The sacieu call to self-uiscoveiy.
Bowneis uiove, Il. Intei vaisity Piess

Boa, K., Buzzell, S., Peikins, B. (2uu7). Banubook to leaueiship: Leaueiship in the
Image of uou S
.eu. Atlanta, uA. Tiinity Bouse Publisheis.

Buin, }. N. (1978). Leaueiship. New Yoik: Baipei & Row.

Noithouse, P. u. Leaueiship: Theoiy anu piactice 6
eu. (2u1S) Thousanu 0aks, CA.
Sage Publications

Witheiington, B. III. (2u11). Woik: A kinguom peispective on laboi. uianu Rapius,
NI. Wm. B. Eeiumans Publishing Co.

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