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Peer Review Activity Instructions: 1) The group leader must divide the group in to four teams.

The assignment should be posted in your groups discussion board. a. Team 1 is assigned to examine the work of the other group regarding the identification of situations where the simultaneous decision network and the Cinquin-Demogeot ODE model can be used. b. Team 2 is assigned to examine the work of the other group regarding the explanation of the meaning of the state variables and parameters of the ODE model. c. Team 3 is assigned to examine the work of the other group regarding the description of the qualitative behavior of the ODE model using established theorems. d. Team 4 is assigned to examine the work of the other group regarding the identification of the limitations of the Cinquin-Demongeot model. 2) In examining the work of the other group, each team should compare and contrast their own groups work with the work of the other group. The team can also add other constructive comments and suggestions to improve the other groups work. All conversations should be posted in your groups discussion board. 3) The group leader should consolidate all the reviews and post it in your groups discussion board on or before (date). Put Peer Review Summary as the headline of the post. Note: At the start of the course, each group is given own discussion board page. This discussion board is intended as communication page for the group members; however, the page is accessible by anyone in the class. The idea of the discussion board pages is to establish a free communication among students, especially among group members all throughout the course. Private emailing is discouraged. Usually, students talk in Facebook using News Feed; but instead of using Facebook, they can use the discussion board page. It is publicly viewable by other groups to establish collaboration and free flow of information. The instructor is the administrator of the class discussion board, but there is a leader per group that moderates the group discussion board. Facilitation Plan: 1) The instructor assigns peer reviewers to each group. 2) The instructor checks the discussion board of each group everyday and respond/comment if clarifications are necessary (especially to correct wrong ideas). The instructor also reminds the group with zero discussion activities every week. (One unit usually takes one month, so the period of the activity is three weeks) 3) The instructor once in a while suggests ideas to the peer reviewers on how to improve their reviews. 4) The instructor checks if the activity is done, and summarize important points at the end of the unit. The summary will be posted in the main discussion board of the class.

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