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Sri Kamakoti Mandali Sri Kamakoti Mandali

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Adhikara Bheda

There is ample pramANa on whether a Dvi a can !ollow vAmAchAra "an# o! its !ive s$%& streams'( )rom those pramANa&s* it can %e sa!el# concl$ded* Brahmana cannot !ollow vAmAchara + period(

Brihad Bada%anala Tantra +

%rAhmaNA kShatri#A vaish#A dakShamAr,AdhikAriNaH dwi avar Astra#o varNA vAmaka$lAdhikAriNaH dakShamAr,apari%hraShTo %rAhmaNo vAmamAr,a,aH ihaiva siddhimApnoti nApavar,aM kadAchana -vedamAr,aparit#A,I kaival#ec.hAvivar itaH siddhikAmI vAmamAr,I %rAhmaNo nArakI %havet --

Daksha Mar,a is prescri%ed !or the Sadhakas %elon,in, to !irst three /arnas( However* e0cept those %elon,in, to the !irst /arna* rest are 1$ali!ied !or /ama and Ka$la Mar,as( A Brahmana can achieve lower Siddhis %$t not Kaival#a thro$,h /ama Mar,a( I! he does practice /amachara* he attains the hell(

Tantrara a Tantra +

vedamA2,aM parit#a #a tantramAr,aikatatparaH %rAhmaNa nira#aM %h$ktvA %have#$r%rahmarAkShasAH vaidikaM tAntrikaM mAr,aM dakShiNaM %rAhmaNashcharan iha siddhIshwaro %h3tvA dehAnte(am24itamashn$te --

One who ,ives $p the /eda and adopts /ama Mar,a* s$ch a Brahmana attains the state o! a Brahma 2akshasa a!ter death( Onl# %# !ollowin, Daksha Mar,a* approved %# the Sr$ti and Smrti 5pramANa is Devi Bha,avata 6$rana + which is a mahAp$rANa7* one attains siddhi here and therea!ter(

2$dra#amala +

%rAhmaNAnAM vAmamAr,o narakA#aiva A#ate

Kalika 6$rana +

8o dAkShiN#aM vinA vipro mahAmA#AM prap3 a#et Sa pApaH swar,alokAtt$ ch#$to %havati ro,adh24ik -

A /ipra who worships Mahama#a in wa#s other than Dakshinachara* loses the heaven and attains disease(

Mer$ Tantra +

sh3drAdi #avanAntAnAM siddhirvAmapathe sthitA -

)or those %elon,in, to the !o$rth /arna or lower* the prescri%ed path is /amachara( This is indicative o! prAshast#a o! Daksha Mar,a even !or the second and third /arnas(

Mahakala Samhita +

vAmAdinA #a ec.h3dro dakShiNena dwi Ata#aH -

One %elon,in, to the !o$rth /arna sho$ld worship accordin, to the le!tist path whereas the rest "Dwi Ata#aH& the !irst three /arnas' sho$ld adopt the Dakshina Mar,a(

Siddhantasara +

%rAhmaN#ahAnihet$tvAt k$lAchAraM na chA(acharet -

As Brahman#a is lost %# !ollowin, K$lachara* one sho$ld not tread this path(

Ka$lika,ama +

%rahmavIr#aM tathA kShetraM saMskArA %rahmasam%havAH %rAhmaNAcharaNAd%rahmavid#A%hiH %rAhmaNo %havet lakShaNatra#ahIno #astantramAr,eNa siddh#ati chat$rlakShaNahInAnAM mAr,AH s#$H ka$likada#aH --

Birth* Samskara* Behavior and Brahma /id#a are the lakshanas !or a Brahmana( One who is devoid o! these sho$ld adopt paths like Ka$la etc(


vAmamAr,astitho naraH t$lasIM na kvachit sp24ishet na sp24ishedvaiShNavaM vipraM praNamenna cha vaidikam -

A /ama mar,i sho$ld never to$ch T$lasi* a /aishnava or respect a /aidika "in essence the /eda'( These r$les* especiall# the last one* are not accepta%le to a /aidika(

It is a misconception that /amachara is not practiced amon, the /aishnavas( The ten chie! classes o! /aishanavas are: /aikhanasa* 2adhavalla%ha* 9a$k$lesha* /rindavani* 6ancharatra* /iravaishnava* 2amanandi* Hariv#asi* Nim%arka and Bha,avata( Amon, these* 9a$k$lesha* /rindavani etc are le!tist paths( Shiavas a,ain are classi!ied into Sapta 6ash$patas + Shikhi* M$ndi* :ati* Dwidandi* Tridandi* Ekadandi and /irashaiva* where some are le!tist paths(

2$dra#amala +

$pAsanA tridhA proktA shreShThA tatra t$ sAttvikI tas#AM cha mAnasa$ p3 A apa$ m$kh#atama$ sm24ita$ rA aso dakShiNo mAr,aH pratimA#AM prap3 anam %Ah#opachAraiH p$ShpAd#aiH tadAd#AnAM vishiSh#ate tAmasopAsanaM proktaM pIThAda$ %alidAnataH vAmamAr,eNa tacchAd#aM varNaM hitvA prashas#ate --

There are three kinds o! $pAsanA: Satviki* 2a asi and Tamasi( Satviki is Sama#achara involvin, p$re mental worship( 2a asi is Dakshinachara involvin, worship in a e0ternal 8antra or /i,raha accordin, to rites prescri%ed %# Sr$ti* Smrti and A,ama( Tamasi is

/amachara involvin, rites like Bali etc* which is not prescri%ed !or the !irst /arna(

The pramANas 1$oted are !rom Tantras which treat all paths e1$all#* or lean more towards the le!tist paths( In all the a%ove cases* whenever we sa# vAmAchAra* it sho$ld %e read to incl$de vAmAdi panchaka: the !ive le!tist paths: Ka$la* /ama* china* Siddhanta and Sha%ara( So* it %ecomes clear that a Dwi a has to stick to Dakshinachara and ,rad$all# pro,ress towards Sama#achara( All the other pramANas praisin, /amachara are restricted to those tantras alone and sho$ld %e applied onl# within the conte0t o! those Tantras and !or those who are 1$ali!ied !or s$ch practices(

A,ain as Sri Bhaskarara#a 1$otes:

ka$likaM k$rvataH karma vaidikaM nA(a%hidhI#ate virodhAd$%ha#aM naShTaM tasmAdekapathA charet --

)ollow one path + either /aidika;Dakshinachara or Ka$lika( Tr#in, to mi0 %oth res$lts in no ,ood and ne,ate each other(

vAmamAr,I #adA dakShaM pravishettats$raiH sa t$ vi,hn#ate pID#ate chApi na siddhimadhi,ac.hati dakShamAr,I #adA vAmaM pravishettats$rAstathA lokadwa#AddhApa#anti taM ,rasanti cha vAminam tasmAt swak$lamAr,aM t$ <nAtvA k$r#Ad$pAsanam -. /amachari enterin, the path o! Dakshinachara or vice versa + res$lt in Siddhi hAni( Hence* accordin, to the instr$ctions o! a Sad,$r$ + who is well&versed in the shAstras and whose e0perience o! the tr$th is in line with the script$res "this wa# we know one is not hall$cinatin,'* the 1$ali!ications o! a Shish#a are assessed and he is led in the ri,ht path(

shrImAtastrip$rAris$ndari shive mAm pAhi mInAm%ike

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