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The Oceans and Weather sea near the equator is war because solar heating is generally most intense

there Near the equator the energy gained from the sun exceeds the amount lost in this way, but at higher latitudes the reverse occurs Tropical ocean passes large amounts of heat to the atmosphere warm moist air created in this way rises b/c it is less dense than the surrounding atmosphere in the Indian Ocean and northern ustralia hurricanes are !nown as cyclones "urricanes only form in places where the ocean surface temp exceeds #$ degrees % the storm occurs somewhat away from the equator where the rotation of the earth causes the tropical trade winds to bend poleward monsoons comes fro rabic mausim which means &season' refering to a circulation pattern that brings especially wet weather for part of the yr monsoons warm air rises over "imalayas, drawing in air from south of the equator, deflects them to the east over the warm rabian (ea and southatlantic adnd Indian ocean air masses rise over the heated land areas and release their moisture in the form of monsoon rains in sia and central frica The way the climate is has a strong effect on how our oceans react to it) The two main different current explained with examples in the article was *l Nino and +a Nina) ,hat *l Nino is, is an irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes that affect the equatorial -acific region and beyond every few years) It is seen ofter in unusually warm and nutrient poor waters for example off northern -eru and *cuador around late .ecember) /or +a Nina it is a cooling of the water in the equatorial -acific that occurs at irregular intervals) It is associated with widespread changes in weather patterns li!e those of *l Nino, but less extensive and damaging) The difference between *l Nino and +a Nina is during *l Nino the warm pool located in the central and western -acific expands to cover the tropics while +a Nina uses the easterly trade0winds that strengthen and the cold upwelling along the equator and ,est coast of (outh merica intensify) The impacts of *l Nino is it is devastating to the fishing economies of *cuador and -eru leaving many fishermen hungry due to the lac! of fish) lso rainfall in the coastal 1one normally accompanies the offshore warming, causing floods) The impacts of +a Nina are responsible for ma2or weather changes around the ward that are typically opposite of those associated with *l Nino) They result from colder than normal ocean temperatures which encourages the formation of rain0producing clouds over the eastern equatorial -acific region while enhancing rainfall over the western equatorial -acific region) I never !new what exactly was *l Nino and +a Nina) I3ve heard of it before, but never really !new what it was and what they did) I thin! it3s ama1ing how the ocean can affect the climate) I thin! it3s funny in a sense because if we treat the ocean bad the ocean will treat us 2ust the same way, for example with floods as well as lac! of fish) ll the negative impacts we have on the world 2ust come right bac! to us, but it hits us ten times harder)

(o ,hat4 5eing aware of the effects from *l Nino and +a Nina is important for extreme climate episodes li!e flooding and droughts) 6nowing about these ahead of times could save countries billions of dollars of damage, but most importantly save people3s lives) ,hat If))4 If we are not aware of *l Nino and +a Nina and it3s effect we could face sever problems li!e drought, floods, damage, and death) To be able to change *l Nino would be extremely difficult so it is best to 2ust be aware of it)

(ays ,ho4 The author of the article is -eter 7) ,ebster and 7udith ) %urry) Other researchers and scientists though along with oceanographers contributed to the information in the article)

,hat .oes This 8emind 9e Of4 This reminds me how all the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere we put out due to the burning of fossil fuels is hurting the ocean) It reminded me of this because this article tal!s about the ocean)

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