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China Biography Qin Shihuangdi


Early Years A. He was born Prince Zheng of the royal family of the state of Qin (c. 259 BCE . B. Qin too! o"er the state of Zho# an$ en$e$ the Zho# $ynasty.


Significant E ents
Qin became !ing at the age of %&. 'n 22% B.C.E he controlle$ all of China. Qin bro!e China into &( $istricts with gi"ing three emperors the power. He ma$e the c#lt#res of $ifferent areas of China the same so it was easier for the empire to stay in #nison. Qin le$ the famo#s b#il$ing of the )reat *all to protect the +orthern Bor$er. Qin e,ec#te$ many Conf#cian sol$iers for belie"ing in the opposite way of life.


!ersonal Attri"utes #characteristics$

Qin was "ery $ominant beca#se he ha$ staye$ as emperor for a long time an$ became !ing at a "ery yo#ng age. He was "ery harsh beca#se he !ille$ anyone who was planning to m#r$er him- an$ in fact also e,ec#te$ his mother beca#se he $o#bte$ she was planning to !ill him.


Qin was "ery harsh b#t he ha$ many contrib#tions to China s#ch as #nifying China by ma!ing the $ifferent region.s law- money- weights- an$ meas#re stan$ar$i/e$. His most famo#s constr#ction pro0ect was the )reat *all of China.


'y I(pressions

' thin! that being China.s first emperor re1#ires a lot of wor! beca#se yo# ha"e to #nify an$ ma!e the base of the region that yo# are r#ling o"er. 2ho#gh Qin was "ery harsh an$ to "iolent he $i$ #nify an$ ha$ many new constr#ction pro0ects that still thri"e to$ay s#ch as the )reat *all of China. He ha$ many achie"ements in life incl#$ing becoming the !ing at the age of %& so ' personally thin! that he was a "ery ambitions man.

)ing *u and the +hou ,ynasty


Early Years
3. 2he Zho# reigne$ o"er China by o"erthrowing the 4hang $ynasty. B. 2hey gaine$ power by claiming they ha$ the 5an$ate of Hea"en in which go$ ga"e the power to r#le an$ fe#$alism where the !ing owne$ all the lan$ b#t ga"e pieces of lan$ to loyal s#pporters.


Significant E ents
2he Zho# claime$ that they were gi"en the 5an$ate of Hea"en to r#le o"er the lan$. 2he Zho# #se$ fe#$alism where the !ing owne$ all the lan$ b#t ga"e parts of them to loyal s#pporters. 2he fe#$alism system wor!e$ for a long time b#t by the 677s B.C.E- there was conflict an$ the system starte$ to brea! $own. Between 667 an$ 85& B.C.E. there was conflict between the small states an$ starte$ wars for power- this time perio$ was calle$ the *arring 4tates perio$.


!ersonal Attri"utes #characteristics$

' thin! that the Zho# were "ery smart beca#se they o"erthrew the 4hang $ynasty an$ ' also thin! that they were "ery pers#asi"e. ' thin! that they are pers#asi"e beca#se they con"ince$ the people of China that )o$ ha$ gi"en them the 5an$ate of Hea"en in which they ha$ the rights r#le China.


2hey contrib#te$ the teachings of the three Chinese philosophies an$ e"en tho#gh the system of fe#$alism $i$ not thri"e as well as they tho#ght it wo#l$ it was still a !in$ of system that we can learn not to #se beca#se loo!ing thro#gh the past we now !now that the system wo#l$ ca#se conflicts an$ wars.


'y I(pressions

' am "ery impresse$ by the Zho# o"erthrowing the 4hang an$ ' am impresse$ by 9ing *# beca#se he was consi$ere$ a 0#st an$ able lea$er which was not "ery common in lan$s at that time.



Early Years
3. Conf#ci#s was born in a small state of :# in eastern China. B. He e,perience$ many lor$s fighting for lan$ when he was growing #p.


Significant E ents
Conf#ci#s ha$ gathere$ many st#$ents an$ after he $ie$ his st#$ents sprea$ his teachings to the Chinese societies from the boo! 2he 3nalects which was written by Conf#ci#s.


!ersonal Attri"utes #characteristics$

Conf#ci#s was a "ery peacef#l an$ 0#st man in fact that is what he wante$ to sprea$ his teachings abo#t. He was "ery respectf#l an$ belie"e$ that e"eryone sho#l$ be respecte$ especially the el$ers.


Conf#ci#s ta#ght #s to respect an$ obey all of those abo"e #s especially o#r el$ers. He ta#ght #s that society wor!e$ well when all people acte$ accor$ingly to their roles an$ relationships with others. He ha$ s#ch an infl#ence that to become a ci"il ser"ant yo# wo#l$ ha"e to !now how to beha"e in "ario#s scenarios in which they ha$ to ta!e tests on. 2hese i$eas were from Conf#ci#s.


'y I(pressions
' am "ery impresse$ by Conf#ci#s beca#se his teaching were so sprea$ an$ belie"e$ in by the whole region. He ha$ so many st#$ents who were so inspire$ an$ moti"ate$ to sprea$ his teachings that they sprea$ it e"en after he $ie$. He was $efinitely an important fig#re in the beliefs of the ancient Chinese society.

3ao4i I. Early Years


3. :ao/i was born in the 9# in the state of Ch#. B. :ao/i was a late chil$ an$ $i$ not come o#t into the worl$ when he was s#ppose$ to.


Significant E ents
:ao/i wrote a small man#script calle$ the ;ao ;e <ing which preache$ li"ing a simple an$ nat#ral way of life. 2he teaching of ;aoism incl#$e$ the opposite forces of nat#re- yin an$ yang. ;aoism $e"elope$ into a pop#lar religion infl#encing the Chinese tho#ght- writing- an$ art.


!ersonal Attri"utes #characteristics$

:ao/i belie"e$ in li"ing life in a simple an$ nat#ral way. He also belie"e$ that the opposites are in h#man nat#re s#ch as yin an$ yang- where there is goo$ there is also ba$. 2his was impossible to change.


:ao/i contrib#te$ the ;aoism way of life- the ;ao ;e <ing- an$ the teachings of ;aoism which ta#ght #s the way to thin!- write- an$ e,press art.


'y I(pressions

' thin! that the philosophies of :ao/i was "ery acc#rate especially when he sai$ that tr#e harmony comes from balancing the opposite nat#re beca#se there is always ba$ where there is



Early Years
3. Hanfei/i was the prince of the royal family r#ling the state of Han. B. He saw the *arring 4tates perio$.


Significant E ents
Hanfei/i fo#n$e$ :egalism. 2he :egalist philosophy ha$ an infl#ence on China.s go"ernment beca#se they a$apte$ to strict i$eas beca#se they wante$ a strong central go"ernment an$ a well organi/e$ society.


!ersonal Attri"utes #characteristics$

Hanfei/i belie"e$ that strict laws sho#l$ be enforce$ with rewar$s to people who follow them. He also belie"e$ in harsh p#nishments for people who $i$n.t follow the laws an$ committe$ crimes. He also belie"e$ that the r#lers sho#l$ ha"e military power an$ that ci"il ser"ants sho#l$ be p#nishe$ for $oing a poor 0ob.


Hanfei/i contrib#te$ to the Chinese go"ernment beca#se the strict i$eas an$ harsh p#nishments were a$opte$ by the go"ernment to !eep it strong an$ a well organi/e$ society. People were forbi$$en to critici/e the go"ernment.


'y I(pressions
' thin! that Hanfei/i was a "ery harsh an$ "iolent man beca#se his teachings are strict an$ harsh. He was $efinitely $ominant beca#se the go"ernment a$apte$ to his i$eas 1#ic!ly an$ state$ #sing them. goo$.

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