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Choose one correct answer for the following questions: 1. The first microscope was invented by Answer: F.

janssen and janssen 1. Leeuwenhoek 2. Hooke 3. F.janssen and janssen 4. ch!eiden 2. Fue!"en test is specific for Answer: DNA 1. #roteins 2. $%& 3. Lipids 4. '%& 3. (!ectrons used in an e!ectron microscope have a wave!en"th of Answer: 0.05 A 1. ).)* & 2. ).1& 3. ).1* & 4. ).* & 4. +,ray crysta!!o"raphy is usefu! in the study of Answer: Three dimensional structures of proteins 1. Lipd structure 2. Three dimensiona! structure of proteins 3. &rran"ement of proteins 4. -omposition of nuc!eic acids and proteins *. .!ue print for bui!din" and runnin" ce!!u!ar machinery is Answer: DNA 1. $%& 2. '%& 3. m$%& 4. $ibosome /. 0hich of the fo!!owin" cannot be "rown on artificia! cu!ture medium1 Answer: T ! 1. E.coli 2. T23 3. &sper"i!!us 4. 4east

5. #rocess absent in viruses is Answer: "nerg# li$eration 1. $ep!ication 2. 2utation 3. #rotein synthesis 4. (ner"y !iberation 6. Life ori"inated in Answer: %ater 1. &ir 2. oi! 3. 2ountains 4. 0ater 7. -e!! theory was put forward by Answer: &chleiden ' &chwann 1. ch!eiden 8 chwann 2. utton 8 .overi 3. 0atson 8 -rick 4. 'arwin 8 0a!!ace 1). ma!!er ce!! is Answer: ore acti(e meta$olicall# 1. Less active metabo!ica!!y 2. 0ith sma!!er nuc!eus 3. 0ith !ar"er nuc!eus 4. 2ore active metabo!ica!!y 11. The three kinds of macromo!ecu!es present in the p!asma membrane are Answer: )roteins* lipids and car$oh#drates 1. $%&9 '%& and proteins 2. $%&9 proteins and carbohydrates 3. '%&9 proteins and !ipids 4. #roteins9 !ipids and carbohydrates 12. $ibosomes in eukaryotes have their ori"in from &nswer: %uc!eo!us 1. %uc!eus 2. %uc!eo!us 3. (ndop!asmic reticu!um 4. 2itochondria

13. tarch is common!y stored in Answer: Am#loplast 1. -horop!ast 2. &my!op!ast 3. -hromop!ast 4. Leucop!ast 14. $i"idity of p!ant ce!! wa!! is due to Answer: +ignin 1. #ectin 2. Li"nin 3. uberin 4. -utin 1*. in"er and %ico!son;s mode! of p!asma membrane differs from $obertson;s mode! in the Answer: Arrangement of proteins 1. %umber of !ipid !ayers 2. &rran"ement of !ipid !ayers 3. &rran"ement of proteins 4. &!! of the above 1/. %aked '%& is found is Answer: Chloroplast 1. -h!orop!ast 2. %uc!eus 3. Lysosome 4. <o!"i comp!e= 15. $ed b!ood corpusc!es p!aced in ).*> sodium ch!oride so!ution wi!! show Answer: ,ursting 1. .urstin" 2. -renation 3. #!asmo!ysis 4. Tur"idity 16. .asa! bodies are associated with the formation of Answer: Cilia ' flagella 1. #hra"mop!ast 2. -i!ia 8 f!a"e!!a 3. -e!! p!ate 4. ?inetochore

17. -e!! sap is Answer: Nonli(ing content of (acuole 1. Livin" content of cytop!asm 2. %on!ivin" content of cytop!asm 3. %on!ivin" content of vacuo!e 4. Livin" content of vacuo!e 2). fo!din" of inner mitochondria! membrane are ca!!ed Answer: Cristae 1. <rana 2. Thy!akoids
3. Cristae 4. F0-F1

21. 2ateria! e=chan"e throu"h nuc!ear pore is faci!itated by Answer: )rotein nucleoplasmin 1. #rotein rhodopsin 2. Lamina propria 3. Lipid bi!ayer 4. #rotein nuc!eop!asmin 22. 2embrane bound ?rebs cyc!e@s enAyme is Answer: &uccinate deh#drogenase 1. Fumarase 2. -is,aconitase 3. uccinate dehydro"enase 4. 2a!ate dehydro"enase 23. 0hich one is different1 Answer: chromosomes-mendel 1. #rotop!asm,Hu=!ey 2. -e!!, chwann 3. 3itamin,Funk 4. chromosomes,mende! 24. How many mitotic divisions occur in a ce!! to produce 2*/ dau"hterBsomatic ce!!s1 Answer: . 1.126 2./4 3.32 4.6 2*. -arbohydrates present in ce!! membrane function in Answer: Cell to cell recognition 1. &ttachment of microfi!aments 2. &ttachment of microtubu!es 3. -e!! to ce!! reco"nition

4. Transport of substances 2/. 0hich one is responsib!e for '%& histone bindin"1 Answer: $oth i and ii 1. Topoisomerase 2. &CT base abundance 3. .oth i and ii 4. Te!oisomerase 25. 0hich is not a type of '%& marker1 Answer: /A)D 1. $FL# 2. T$ 3. %# 4. $&#' 26. 0hich cannot act as inducer1 Answer: none 1. &!!o!actose 2. D "a!actosidase 3. E#T< 4. %one 27. 0hich one is not used in makin" "enetica!!y modified crops1 Answer: artificial plasmid of animals 1. vector based on p!ant virus 2. various p!asmid '%& 3. artificia! p!asmid of anima!s 4. natura! p!asmid of a"ro bacterium 3). (=ons form which fraction of who!e human "enome Answer: 0.51 1.*).2> 2.17> 3.5*> 4.1.*> 31. 0ho proposed one "ene one enAyme hypothesis1 Answer: $eadle and tatum 1. .ead!e and Tatum 2. 2ese!son and tah! 3. 0atson and -rick 4. ?ornber"

32. Enformationa! mo!ecu!es of the ce!! are Answer: $oth i and ii 1. #rotein 2. '%& and $%& 3. #o!ysaccharides 4. .oth i and ii 33. &dapters used in !i"ation of b!unt ended '%& has Answer: one stic2# end and one $lunt end 1. Fne sticky end and one b!unt end 2. .oth sticky ends 3. .oth b!unt ends 4. %one 34. 0hich protein binds to the unwinded sin"!e strand '%& durin" rep!ication1 Answer: &&, 1. 'na . 2. '%& !i"ase 3. . protein 4. #rimase 3*. 0hat is the ratio of absorbance of G3 !i"ht by pure '%& at 2/) nm and 26)nm wave!en"th1 Answer: 0.. 1. 1.6 2. 4.6 3. 1).2 4. 5.6 3/. <enome of HE3 is Answer: ss/NA '%& $%& 3.ds '%& 4.ds $%& 35. A. tumefaciens causes Answer: Crown gall disease 1. $ust 2. 0art 3. -rown "a!! disease 4. Hairy root disease 36. &n anticoa"u!ant mucopo!ysaccharide common!y present in anima! body is Answer: 3eparin 1. -hondroitin su!phate 2. ?eratin su!phate 3. Heparin 4. Hya!uronic acid

37. '%& is composed of repeatin" units of Answer: Deo4#ri$onucleotides 1. $ibonuc!eosides 2. 'eo=yribonuc!eosides 3. $ibonuc!eotides 4. 'eo=yribonuc!eotides 4). -asein present in mi!k is a Answer: )rotein 1. Fat 2. -arbohydrate 3. #rotein 4. .acterium 41. En an e=periment9 '%& was found to have 31> adenine and 17> "uanine. The Huantity of cytosine in the said '%& wou!d be Answer: 051 1.36> 2.31> 3.17> 4./2> 42. The cancerous ce!!s has IIIIIIIIIIIIII type of division Answer: uncontrolled 1. -ontro!!ed 2. eHuentia! 3. Gncontro!!ed 4. 2etastatic 43. The ce!! cyc!e is divided into Answer: 6nterphase ' )hase 1. 2 8 - #hase 2. 2 8 #hase 3. 2 8 < #hase 4. Enterphase 8 2 #hase 44. 0hy !eaves appear "reen in co!our1 Answer: ,ecause the# reflect green light 1. .ecause they absorb b!ue !i"ht 2. .ecause they absorb red !i"ht 3. .ecause they ref!ect "reen !i"ht 4. &!! 4*. (nAyme that cata!yAe conversion of "!ucose to ethano! Answer: 7#mase 1. Jymase 2. Envertase 3. 2a!tase 4. 'iastase

4/. 0hat is the pH of ).1/ 2 H-! and ).)52 2 phosphoric acid1 Answer: 0.. 1. 0.8
2. 11.3 3. 12.7

4. 1.3 45. (ukaryotic m$%& is Answer: onocistronic 1. 2onocistronic 2. #o!ycistronic 3. -onsists ' seHuence 4. *; cap is absent 46. 3ector used in first c!onin" e=periment in mamma!ian ce!! was based on Answer: &! 80 1. 3 4) 2. .#3 3. &denovirus 4. $etrovirus 47. #!ant materia! suited for studyin" mitosis is Answer: root ape4 1. -andidate &nswers: 2. hoot ape= 3. root ape= 4. cork *). 0hat are <,proteins1 Answer: 9T) $inding proteins 1. <'# .indin" #roteins 2. <T# bindin" proteins 3. <2# bindin" proteins 4. <T# transferrin" protein *. *1. The process which cannot take p!ace in the absence of viruses is ca!!ed: 1. Transformation 2. -onju"ation 3. Trans!ocation 4. Transduction

*2. #u!se #o!io pro"ramme is or"aniAed in our country to: 1. -ure po!io 2. (radicate po!io 3. pread po!io 4. %one of these *3. poi!a"e of food materia! is prevented in co!d stora"e is due to: 1. $educed respiration at !ow temperature 2. $educed enAyme activity in the food artic!e 3. $educed enAyme activity in the microbes as we!! as food artic!e 4. #urified nature of air *4. The seHuence of or"ane!!es invo!ved in #hotorespiration is: 1. -h!orop!ast 2itochondria#ero=isomes 2. 2itochondria-ho!orop!ast#ero=isome 3. #ero=isome-h!orop!ast2itochondria 4. -h!orop!ast #ero=isome2itochondria **. $ed b!ood corpusc!es p!aced in ).*> sodium ch!oride so!ution wi!! show: 1. .urstin" 2. -renation 3. #!asmo!ysis 4. Tur"idity */. Feedback inhibition is caused by b!ockin" of enAyme of the metabo!ic pathways by: 1. &ccumu!ated end products 2. -hemica! produced by hormones 3. Hormones 4. -ompetitive inhibition

*5. 2embrane permeabi!ity is contro!!ed by: 1. %aK 2. ?K 3. .oth L1M and L2M 4 -a2K *6. 0hich one of the fo!!owin" is a biode"radab!e p!astic1 1. Leino!ic acid 2. #o!y hydo=y butyrate 3. -atecho! 4. Formamide *7. The rate of evo!utionary processes have "one s!ow main!y because: 1. The earth has become heated 2. There is !ack of water on earth surface 3. The environment has become o=idative 4. The environment has become reductive

/). 0hich Emmuno"!obu!in is found in ma=imum percenta"e of tota! immuno"!obu!in in serum1 1. E"< 2. E"2 3. E"' 4. E"& /1. The "enetic materia! of HE3 is a: 1. in"!e stranded '%& 2. 'oub!e stranded '%& 3. in"!e stranded $%& 4. 'oub!e stranded $%&

/2. The drivin" force behind evo!ution is: 1. e=ua! reproduction 2. %atura! se!ection 3. 2utation 4. &cHuired characters /3. Ef the freHuency of a recessive phenotype is *)> in a !ar"e 2ende!ian popu!ation9 what wou!d be freHuency of dominant "ene1 1. 2. 3. 4. 3)> 4)> *)> /)>

/4. The seHuence of bases in t$%& can be represented as: 1. 2. 3. 4. *@-,,,&--3@ *@<,,,--&3@ *@G,,,G--3@ *@&,,,--&3@

/*. 0hich one of the fo!!owin" is one of the three ancestors of common bread wheat1 1. Solanum 2. Zingiber 3. Oryza 4. Aegilops //. 0hich !i"ht wave!en"th promotes "ermination of seed1 1. $ed 2. .!ue 3. Far red 4. $ed and far red

/5. Enbreedin" !eads to steri!ity main!y because it !eads to production of: 1. $ecessive homoAy"ous pro"eny 2. 'ominant homoAy"ous pro"eny 3. HeteroAy"ous pro"eny 4. 2utant pro"eny /6. 'ehan",'eban" .ioreserve is situated in the state: 1. &runacha! #radesh 2. &ssam 3. 0est .en"a! 4. 2ijoram /7. (LE & techniHue is based on: 1. &nti"en,&ntibody interaction 2. &nti"en,&ntibody precipitation 3. &nti"en N&ntibody bindin" 4. %one of these 5). The $ed 'ata .ook which !ists endan"ered species is maintained by: 1. 00F 2. G%F 3. 0HF 4. EG-% 51. 3accines are: 1. &ttenuated microor"anism 2. Enactivated microor"anisms 3. .oth 18 2 4. %one of the above

52. &mon" the fo!!owin" which "ene is not concerned with induction of cancer1 1. rc 2. $as 3. #*3 4. &ctin 53. 0hich of the fo!!owin" character is contro!!ed by a ho!andric "ene1: 1. ick!e ce!! anemia 2. Hypertrichosis 3. .!ood c!ottin" 4. #heny!ketonurea 54. Enternationa! $ice $esearch Enstitute is in: 1 Oapan 2. Endia 3. #hi!!ipines 4. -hina 5*. & protein which is to be de"raded in proteosome is ta""ed with: 1. #o!y"!ycine 2. #o!ypro!in 3. GbiHuitin 4. Formy! methionine 5/. &n o!i"onuc!eotide '%& seHuence ta""ed with f!uorescent ta" used to identify unknown "ene by hybridiAation is termed as: 1. #robe 2. $eporter "ene 3. Li"and 4. c'%&

55. The e=amp!e of +,!inked inheritance in human is: 1. Hemophi!ia 2. -o!our b!indness 3. .oth 1 8 3 4. Hypertrichosis 56. The conversion of pyruvic acid to acety! -o & reHuires: 1. F=idative decarbo=y!ation 2. F=idative deamination 3. $eductive decarbo=y!ation 4. $eductive deamination 57. En human9 'own@s syndrome resu!ts due to trisomic condition of chromosome number: 1.23 2.22 3.21 4.2) 6). Li"nin9 the most abundant or"anic substance in p!ants9 is an e=amp!e of 1. #rimary metabo!ite 2. econdary metabo!ite 3. .oth 18 2 4. %one of these 61. #ost trans!ationa! modification of proteins occurs in: 1. %uc!eus 2. 2itochondria 3. (ndop!asmic reticu!um 4. <!yo=ysomes

62. The comp!ementary "ene ratio as observed in interaction between two dominant "enes is: 1. 2. 3. 4. 7:5 13:3 7:3:4 1*:1

63. 0hich anticancerous dru" has been e=tracted from Catharanthus roseus1 1. Ta=o! 2. 3incristine 3. -o!chicin 4. erpentine 64. -'F'9 a forensic science !aboratory of the <overnment of Endia based on 2o!ecu!ar .io!o"ica! too!s9 is !ocated at: 1. %ew 'e!hi 2. Hyderabad 3. 2adurai 4. 2umbai 6*. -ova!ent bond formation between two atoms takes p!ace by: 1. Transfer of e!ectron from one atom to another 2. Fne side sharin" of e!ectrons 3. (!ectron sharin" by both interactin" atom 4. &ffinity between two atoms

6/. 0hat wou!d be the correct seHuence of m$%& if the seHuence of bases in temp!ate strand is 5:CTT9ACT9A ;:1 1. *@G-&<G-&&<3@ 2. *@<&&-G<&-G3@ 3. *@T-&<T-&&-3@ 4. *@<&&-T<&-T3@

65. The bacteria! promoter contains seHuences rich in: 1. &8T 2. Fn!y & 3. Fn!y T 4. <866. &bsorption of water and minera!s and fi=ation of the p!ant body is the function of: 1. $oot system on!y 2. 3e"etative part 3. hoot system on!y 4. &!! of the above 67. & heteroAy"ous ta!! p!ant bearin" red f!ower on se!fin" produced /4) seeds. How many pro"eny p!ants in F2 "eneration wou!d be pure ta!! bearin" white f!owers1 1. 1) 2. 2) 3. 3) 4. 4) 7). En human body ectoderm is responsib!e for the formation of: 1. Lens of eye 2. %ervous system 3. weat "!ands 4. &!! of the above 71. Human eye is sensitive to wave!en"th in the ran"e of: 1. 33),5/) nanometer 2. 57),6)) nanometer 3. 3)),3/) nanometer 4. 3)),37) nanometer

72. 0hich one the fo!!owin" does not act as a neurotransmitter1 1. (pinephrine 2. %orepinephrine 3. -ortisone 4. &cety!cho!oine 73. The cata!ytic efficiency of two enAymes may be compared by the: 1. ?m va!ue 2. pH optimum va!ue 3. 2o!ecu!ar siAe of enAyme 4. Formation of the product 74. The enAyme used for a!coho!ic fermentation by yeast is: 1. 2a!tase 2. Envertase 3. ucrase 4. Jymase 7*. -ertain metabo!ic inhibitors which inhibit carbohydrate trans!ocation are: 1. 29 4,dinitropheno! and &rsenic 2. &Aide iodoacetic acid and Lead 3. F!uoride9 Hydro"en cyanide 4. &!! of the above 7/. Ef "uanine L<M in a "iven '%& is 32>9 what wou!d be the amount of adenine L&M1 1. 1/> 2. 16> 3. /4> 4. /6>

75. En an inducib!e operon9 the re"u!ator "ene produces 1. Enducer 2. &porepressor 3. &ctive repressor 4. -o,repressor 76. Histone protein H4 associated with '%& in the chromatin is: 1. Lysine rich 2. &r"inine rich 3. -ystein rich 4. 2etheonine rich 77. The chromosomes durin" meiotic division divide durin": 1. &naphase E on!y 2. &naphase EE on!y 3. .oth &naphase E and EE 4. 'iakinesis

1)). 0hich of the fo!!owin" represents the correct order in prophase E of meiosis1 1. Leptotene9 Ay"otene9 dip!otene9 pachytene9 diakinesis 2. Leptotene9 Ay"otene9 pachytene9 dip!otene9 diakinesis 3. Jy"otene9 dip!otene9 pachytene9 !eptotene9 diakinesis 4. 'iakinesis9 Ay"otene9 dip!otene9 !eptotene9 pachytene

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