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Support Follow-up Letter #3

S o l u t i o n

This Support Letter contains a list of 20 misconceptions common to people using The Holosync Solution. Your clarity on these points will make your experience with the program easier and more fruitful, and will help you avoid many problems experienced by those who've gone before you.
Right after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, I sent an email to everyone in the program, offering my support for anyone who needed it, and offering to personally respond to any questions, comments, suggestions, or criticisms. I was literally deluged with thousands and thousands of emails, and it took me 46 days, working 12 hours a day, seven days a week, to answer all the letters I received. Though it was a real grind, and I had moments where I regretted my offer, I learned a tremendous amount about the people in the Centerpointe program, what they want, what they are lacking, and what they have trouble understanding about the program. This letter is about what I learned. One of the first things I learned is that some of you are living VERY trying lives. You would not believe the lists of personal trials, disasters, health problems, accidents, breakups, financial losses, and emotional pain that some people in this program are going through, in some cases almost continuously. It broke my heart to read what some of you have created, albeit for the most part unconsciously, in your lives. As most of you know, my belief (and personal experience) is that suffering is not necessary, and that anyone can live a happy and peaceful life, free of emotional pain and turmoil, if they know what to do and how to do it. It is available to anyone (but there, admittedly, is a price to pay to get there). If I can do it, as messed up and miserable as I was, anyone can. The second thing I noticed is that a huge percentage of the people who wrote are absolutely ecstatic over the results they are achieving with the program. I heard from people who had been listening for just a few days, and people who had been in the program for years and were in one of the final levels of the program. From those letters, I have enough fervent testimonials to fill a small room. But the most important thing I learned was that in many ways I have fallen down on my job of making sure everyone understands the program, how it works, what to expect, and why certain things happen or don't happen as you use it. I never would have imagined that so many people could misunderstand so many things I have written. Personal growth is hard. It doesn't have to be, but the truth is, most people make it hard. A lot of my job is to get peoplemany of whom are discouraged, or who have "tried everything" but still are unhappy and emotionally sufferingto keep going with the program until they see enough results that they become self-sufficient and don't need me to motivate them anymore. I received quite a few emails from people who said "I listened for 3 weeks and I'm still having a problem with anger and depression so it obviously doesn't work" or "I listened for 9 days, but I kept falling asleep, so I knew it wasn't working and I stopped" or "My mind was really busy when I listened, so I obviously wasn't meditating and so I stopped" or (my favorite) "you're obviously a quack and just trying to make money so I stopped, even though I was actually getting very good results"and many other similar "reasons." The most unfortunate thing is that in almost every case the people who found a reason to stop or only listen sporadically are the ones who, based on the other things they wrote about their lives and their pain, need the program the most and have the most to gain from it. So here are some misconceptions I found are common among people using the program: 1. Many people seem to think if they are falling asleep while listening, it's probably "not working," even though I've said until I am hoarse that almost everyone falls asleep, especially in the beginning,


and that EVERYTHING that happens when listening is okay. (Then there are those who think it's not working because they AREN'T falling asleepI just can't win!) 2. Many people seem to think if their mind is busy, it's "not working," or they are "not meditating," even though a busy mind is actually a sign that a lot of stresses are being brought to the surface and released. This is true with Holosync meditation, or ANY kind of meditation. Though not as pleasurable as meditations where you are very settled and your mind is quiet, these unsettled meditations are very productiveoften MORE productiveand actually mean you are very deep, even though it doesn't feel like what you THINK "deep" should be. 3. Many people think if they cannot focus while listening they are not meditating or "it isn't working." In truth, in traditional meditation you must focus to create the brain wave patterns of meditationand if you do not continually pull yourself back to your point of focus when you are distracted by thoughts, noises, physical sensations, or whateveryou aren't meditating. With Holosync, however, the technology creates the brain wave patterns of meditation for you, so you DO NOT have to focus. For this reason it is okay for your mind to do whatever it wants to do as you listen. (By the way, these brain wave patterns are being created no matter how it feels.) 4. Many people seem to think if they don't see results in a few weeks, a few months, sometimes within a few days, it's not working. Ah, if only there was a magic wand. Isn't it enough that the program works? Does it have to work instantly to be worth it? This is not a "30 day miracle", but rather a longterm process. It is just going to take time to get to a point where you are happy and peaceful pretty much all the time. Be patient. 5. People seem to think if they stop for a while, for whatever reason, they have to start over again at the beginning. Not true. If you stop (and I hope you don't) just pick up where you left off. 6. People seem to think if life gets stressful, that's a good reason to stop listening ("I'm waiting for my life to calm down.") Your life is not calm for one reason: because your threshold for what you can handle coming at you from the world is too low (NOT because of your circumstances, regardless of what they areyour experience of your life comes from inside, not from outside, and once you get the "inside" functioning optimally, it won't matter what happens on the outside). To forgo using the very tool (Holosync) whose main effect is to raise that threshold higher until a time when you somehow don't need it seems counter-intuitive to me. 7. Many people seem to think if X happens when they meditated sitting up, or in the morning, or after having a beer, or when they had a cold, or when their meditation was interrupted (or whatever) that this circumstance was responsible for the experience they had. If it was a "bad" experience (i.e., one they didn't like), they then don't want to risk mediating sitting up, or in the morning, or after having a beer, or when they had a cold, or when their meditation was interrupted (or whatever) ever again. That a certain experience happened under certain circumstances is almost always a coincidence, and at any rate it
doesn't matter what experiences you have anyway.

8. Quite a few people think if they change the way they use the program, in effect making up their own program, that they will somehow get better results than they will by following the instruction we've created as a result of (as of this writing) over 3,000,000 combined listened hours, over 17 years, of over 100,000 people, based on what we've learned from this experience. Honest, I've created the instructions not to thwart you, but to make the program the most effective I can for you. Your best shot at success is to follow them as I created them. 9. Many people don't realize that Quietude, Oasis, and Super Longevity are not part of the program per se, but rather extras that you can listen to whenever you want, and that The Dive and Immersion should be your main focus. 10. Believe it or not, some people do not read the directions. Some tell us they didn't even know there are any! Some don't know the directions contain guidelines for determining when you're ready to go on to the next level. 11. Many people do not realize that doing each level for a few weeks and then saying "I'm ready for the next level" and then doing that level for a few weeks and then saying "I'm ready for the level after that"and so onis a waste of time and a waste of money and will NOT give you the benefits of the
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program. This is not a race and hurrying will not make it work better. In fact, it will make it very likely you will not get the results you want. 12. Many people do not understand that whatever happens when you listen is a result ofand comes fromwho you are, the contents of your unconscious mind, and your own personal predisposition to resist or not resist whatever is trying to happen as you listen. This means your experience does NOT come from the soundtracks. The soundtracks are a stimulus, but the response comes from you, and says something about your inner world, not about Holosync. If your experience came from Holosync, everyone would have the same experiences, which they do not. 13. Many people do not understand that there are NO "wrong" experiences when listening, NO experiences that mean "it's working" and NO experiences that mean "it's not working." Whatever happens is what is supposed to happen. How do you know it's "supposed to be happening?" If it's happening, it's supposed to be happening! 14. Many people seem to think if they are not having the experiences they read about in the testimonials I print, it must not be working. Not true. What happens is different for each person, and for many people the program is relatively uneventful, but they still gain all the benefits. Whatever happens for you is just fine. Look, I realize you paid money for this, and you want to know something is happening to justify the financial outlay and the time commitment. I wish I had a magic formula to help you evaluate the program. I don't. The only way to evaluate it is to do it and see what happens over time. The people who have the "slowest" resultsoften because they have had the most traumatic lives and therefore unconsciously feel the least safe in letting go of their internal map of realityunfortunately are the ones who need the program the most, and at the same time are those most easily discouraged and often the most suspicious that they are somehow being taken advantage of when I tell them it's their own resistance that is holding them back. 15. Many people think the point of the program are the experiences that happen when you listen. In fact, the experiences (though some are really amazing and/or pleasurable) are not important AT ALL in terms of the overall long-term results. They are just the mental flotsam and jetsam of meditation and don't matter at all. It also doesn't matter at all if you have NO experiences. 16. Most people do not understand that the times when you feel uncomfortable in some way, or are having tons of thoughts while meditating, or can't get comfortable, or are bored, or the time seems to drag so slowly an hour seems like three hours, are often the most productive meditations in terms of releasing stresses in the nervous system, and though these meditations don't feel as good as those times when you go into a deep, trance-like state, your mind is still and time zips by, you are just as deep when these things happen as you are in those times when it FEELS "deep." 17. Most people do not understand that ANY discomfort, anywhere in life, and certainly in meditation, is a sign of some kind of resistance, somewhere (often out of your awareness), and that even if you desperately want change on the conscious level there can be A LOT of resistance on the unconscious level. Ending resistance ends discomfort, and no stimulus, ever, is the cause of pain. It is not the stimulus that causes pain or discomfort, but rather our resistance to it. End the resistance and the pain ends even if the stimulus remains. 18. Most people don't seem to understand that the benefits of the program (inner peace, happiness, self-awareness, a clearer mind, a higher threshold for stress, healing of mental/emotional pain, a feeling of peaceful connectedness to the rest of creation, among others) are worth going through a little bit of upheaval now and then to get to. 19. A lot of people think that when they go to a new level in the program, or add the Immersion soundtrack after their 14 days of listening to just The Dive, that if they don't have the same kind of experience they had beforeor it doesn't feel "as good" as it did beforethat "it isn't working," or something is wrong. If you are listening, regardless of what experience you are having, it's working. It can't NOT work, any more than exercise could fail to get you in better shape and burn calories if you do it. 20. A lot of people do not understand that you cannot subjectively tell what is happening, how deep you are, whether it's working, what brain wave pattern you're in, etc. while you are listening. Trying

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to evaluate what is happening by your subjective experience does not work, and so many people evaluate what is happening on this one erroneous test. I want your use of the program to be as fruitful as possible, and as easy as possible, and that is my main motive in sharing all of the above misconceptions with you. I hope you will read them over again and go back to the program with renewed enthusiasm and renewed understanding. Once

again, the overall main "rule" as you use this program is to let whatever happens be okay and just watch. (Yes, I know it isn't easyat first.)
It's tremendously beneficial to check in with our staff by telephone or email occasionally. I hope you will. 503-672-7117, between 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Pacific time, M-F, or email

Once again, let me say that it's not necessary to live in mental, emotional, or spiritual pain, and that The Holosync Solution, if used as I created it, can take you to a point where you can be happy, peaceful, and have abundant energy to be creative and alive all the time. It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. That is my wish for youand my promise. Be well.

Bill Harris, Director

What others are saying about the Centerpointe program...

I have been using this program for several years. It has made a great impact in my life. I believe my growth is much faster than it would have been otherwise. I have a clearer sense of who I am. I am able to let go of things more quickly. My eating habits have changed drastically and the periods in my life where I feel peaceful are increasing. I guess the most pronounced difference is that I no longer hide my emotions. I used to be extremely good at stuffing down all my feelings. Now they get expressed whether I want them to or not. Consequently I experience a wider spectrum of feelings than ever before. It is wonderful to be able to show what I am feeling, although sometimes letting out feelings is uncomfortable. My friends have noticed big changes in me. They tell me I look more peaceful, and they see me smile more. I am not sure this is true, but I have had so many tell me this that I guess it must be true. I do know I can get centered faster than before. I feel secure, knowing this world is a safe place to live. There is a peace that I find meditating that I have not been able to find doing other "growth" practices. I recommend this program to anyone that wants to grow and change. It takes commitment and discipline, but the results are well worth it. Sincerely, Connie Saylor I'm very excited about the new subliminal affirmation technology and moving on to Level 2 of the program. I want to say very frankly since I've been using Holosync technology I've definitely noticed changes taking place. On the inside a lot of fears and anxieties are gone and I have a lot more confidence in myself now. Some of my friends have remarked to me that I seem to be different than I was last year and asked me what I've been doing, and I told them I'm using The Holosync Solution. I hope some of them will get on the program. The farther I get into the program the more I realize everything I've read in the literature is coming true. As I finish this paragraph I can hear your voice saying "Ron, you ain't seen nothing yet!" Sincerely yours, Ronald Wortman

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