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Wyrd Miniatures

Rules Manual




C($%!me# Se#)ice Email 3 $(""!#%5*,#d3game$1e%
Thi$ b!!k i$ "#i%ed (de# %he c!",#igh% la*$ !f %he Ui%ed S%a%e$ !f Ame#ica1 C!%e%$ c!",#igh% 6 977;39788.
W,#d Miia%(#e$. LLC1 All #igh%$ #e$e#)ed1 Thi$ b!!k i$ a *!#k !f c&!/ a, #e$emblace %! !#gai-a&!$. "lace$.
e)e%$. !# ac%(al "e#$!$ 3 li)ig !# dead 4 i$ "(#el, c!icide%al1 C!"ie$ !f ma%e#ial$ he#ei a#e i%eded $!lel,
f!# ,!(# "e#$!al. !3c!mme#ical ($e. !l, if ,!( "#e$e#)e a, a$$!cia%ed c!",#igh%$. %#adema#k$. !# !%he#
!&ce$1 W,#d Miia%(#e$. LLC h!ld$ e+cl($i)e #igh%$ %! %hi$ *!#k1 Ua(%h!#i-ed d("lica&! i$ "#!hibi%ed1 Y!(
ma, !% di$%#ib(%e c!"ie$ %! !%he#$ f!# a cha#ge !# !%he# c!$ide#a&! *i%h!(% "#i!# *#i'e c!$e% !f %he
!*e# !f %he ma%e#ial$ e+ce"% f!# #e)ie* "(#"!$e !l,1
MALIFAUX i$ a %#adema#k !f W,#d Miia%(#e$. LLC 977;397881 The W,#d l!g!. %he MALIFAUX l!g! ad all #ela%ed
cha#ac%e# ame$. "lace$. ad %hig$ a#e %#adema#k$ ad c!",#igh% 6 977;39788 W,#d Miia%(#e$. LLC1 The
Malifa(+ game $,$%em i$ "a%e% "edig. $e#ial !1 892>98.:9=
Fi#$% "#i&g0 Feb#(a#, 97881 P#i%ed i S!(%h K!#ea1
MALIFAUX0 R(le$ Ma(al
ISBN ?=>373?>:8;7?3939
WYR <78:
Wyrd Miniatures, LLC
1 Malifau!: A Character-Driven Skirmish Game Set in the World of Malifau!
2 Malifau!: Rising Poers
Malifau!: Rules Manual
Tab#e &f C&%*e%*) 3 2 De)!g%e() N&*e a%d C(ed!*)
M De3(&-e2A3 N/4e I C2ed(43
N Tab+e /f C/-4e-43
O I-42/d7c5/-
4 Came Cvervlew
4 Summary of lay
3 WhaL ?ou need
3 1erms
3 8oundlng
6 Measurlng
6 8andom ueLermlnauon
6 1lmlng
7 8reaklng Lhe 8ules
7 8ules ulspuLes
S T'e Ba3(c3
8 WhaL Makes a Model
12 Model Slzes
13 lrlendly and Lnemy Models
13 ConLrolllng Models
13 Models ln lay vs. CuL of lay
14 SoulsLones
14 ueclarlng a 1argeL
13 Llne of SlghL
18 Auacks
18 CounLers
19 Came LecLs
20 SLacklng LecLs
20 Area LecLs
MM T'e Fa4e Dec*
22 Card values & SulLs
23 !okers
24 1he ConLrol Pand
24 uslng Cards
24 1he ulscard lle
23 1wlsung laLe
26 uuels
26 erformlng a Slmple uuel
28 8esolvlng an Cpposed uuel
NK T'e Ga,e
30 1he 1urn
30 uraw hase
31 Acuvauon hase
31 Muluple Acuvauons
32 Closlng hase
32 Acuons
33 Ceneral Acuons
33 Speclc Acuons
34 Acuon Modlers
34 MovemenL
38 lacemenL LecLs
NT C/,ba4
39 Ceneral CombaL Acuons
39 Melee 8aslcs
41 8anged 8aslcs
42 SLrlke Sequence
44 llrlng lnLo Melee
44 uamage
46 8lasLs
48 Peallng
48 revenung Wounds
48 ulsengaglng
PK Ma&(c
30 Ceneral Maglc Acuons
30 Spell 8aslcs
30 Spell ueLalls
31 Casung Spells
33 Summoned Models
33 1ransformlng Models
PQ M/2a+e
37 1errlfylng
37 lalllng 8ack
37 8allylng
PS Te22a(- I T2a(43
38 1ralLs
QM E-c/7-4e23
62 Choose LncounLer Slze
62 Choose lacuons
63 Choose LncounLer Locauon
64 1erraln SeLup
63 Choose ueploymenL 1ype
68 ueLermlne SLraLegles
70 Plre Crews
72 Choose Schemes
73 ueploy Crews
73 varylng LncounLer LengLh
73 ueLermlnlng a Wlnner
74 CuLdoor Locauons
80 lndoor Locauons
86 Locauon leaLures
88 Speclal LvenLs
90 CompleLe SLraLegles LlsL
93 Shared SLraLegles LlsL
100 Schemes LlsL
LKT I-de:
LLP Q7(c* Refe2e-ce
113 Common Ablllues
118 Common Acuons
118 Common 1rlggers
119 Culck 8eference CharLs & ulagrams
T"#,& /' C/.4&.43
Pave you ever played LhaL game .. you know .. Lhe one where Lhere were greaL rules, buL a bunch
of Lhose rules goL changed? Sure Lhey were good changes, buL lL le you lpplng back and forLh
Lrylng Lo nd Lhe mosL recenL rule. Cr [usL Lhe mosL relevanL rule.
Well, Mallfaux was sLarung Lo become LhaL game. 8uL we weren'L golng Lo leL you slL and do all LhaL
looklng around beLween Lhe books and Lhe lAC and Lhe erraLa and your [oued noLes from Lhe
house rules your frlends declded on. We declded Lo x lL and puL lL all LogeLher lnLo one compleLe
package. Ch yeah - lL's ah-maaaaz-lng! (?es, my vlbraLo may be hlgh-plLched, buL lL's sull manly.)
1hls compendlum ls Lhe resulL of our conunulng eorLs Lo supporL Lhe game and make lL
accesslble Lo everyone. We've clarled Lhe rules, made Lhe manual easler Lo use, and
added numerous alds Lo make lL undersLandable for all. And Lhe updaLed sLyle and
deslgn of Lhe book leaves us looklng good whlle dolng lL.
l love Lhls game, and l wanL everyone Lo en[oy lL. lL's been a loL of hard work buL
Lhe unlque rules and lnLeresung characLers make Lhe work fun. So grab your laLe
by Lhe SoulsLones and play wlLh a darn Leddy bear, Lhey're noL [usL for
3-year-olds anymore.
Eric Johns
Lrlc !ohns
Ga#e De)g$e(
D&3*(.&2:3 N/4&


C2ea4/2 /f MALIFAUX
naLhan Caroland
C2ea58e D(2ec5/-
M(-(a472e D(2ec5/-
naLhan Caroland
Lrlc !ohns
Ma-a&(-& Ed(4/2
Casey !ohns
Ga,e C2ea5/- a-d De3(&-
G2a0'(c De3(&-
Lrlc !ohns
R7+e3 De8e+/0,e-4 Tea,> Ed(5-&
uave 8owen
urew Lluell
Zafar 1e[anl
uan Weber
R7+e3 Te35-&
!eremy 8ernhardL
Clenn CeLylna
!osh owers
SLeven Zukowskl
I++7342a5/-> L/&/> C/-ce04
Melvln de voor
SLephane Ln[oralas
Pardy lowler
ChrlsLophe Madaru
O"ce Ad,(-(342a4/2
vlcLorla Caroland
Mau kuLchlns
!erey Andra[ack
de#(if, a#d
( a!!









I%*(&d+c*!&% 5 4 I%*(&d+c*!&%
)"4 !/5 N&&%
- Mallfaux 8ulebook
- 3' x 3' laylng surface
- Mallfaux Models and SLaL Cards
- Cne laLe ueck per player
- 1ape measure, or oLher measurlng Lool
(marked ln lnches)
lrom Lhls polnL on ln Lhe rules, Lhe rsL ume you encounLer a game Lerm and lLs appllcauon, lL
wlll be llsLed ln b%"d *a"c) along wlLh a correspondlng enLry ln Lhe lndex. Addluonally, model
SLausucs, Acuon names, 1alenL names, and Spell names wlll be llsLed ln b/+d.
When Lhe rules requlre you Lo halve a number, round up Lo Lhe nearesL whole number, unless
you are halvlng dlsLances, dlsLances are noL rounded.
E0a#&"e4 Half "f < ,"*ld be :2=0 ,hich &h"*ld be %"*!ded *# '" ;2
G"-& O6&26*&7
Are you wllllng Lo rlsk your soul for a chance aL greaL wealLh and power? lL's your only weapon
ln a world rlfe wlLh monsLers, necropunks, man-machlne hybrlds, gunsllngers, and power-hungry
pollucos. ln Mallfaux, you lead your crew ln Lhe baule for conLrol of Lhe 8reach, a dark porLal Lo
a world of llmlLless maglc. 1hose who don'L make lL become Lhe monsLers you musL desLroy.
Mallfaux ls a characLer-drlven 32mm LableLop mlnlaLures game. layers lead groups, called Crews,
ln sklrmlsh auacks agalnsL Lhelr opponenLs ln Lhe maglcal realm of Mallfaux. layers collecL, bulld,
and palnL models represenung Lhe denlzens of Mallfaux and plL Lhese Crews agalnsL one anoLher.
MasLers, powerful pracuuoners of maglc, and Lhose ghung Lhem conLrol Lhese Crews.
MasLers can manlpulaLe Lhe course of evenLs ln Lhe world around Lhem, and can change Lhelr
own faLes, Lhrough Lhelr conLrol or Lhe of Lhe powerful SoulsLones ln Mallfaux. A Crew conslsLs
of a varleLy of fanLasuc and frlghLenlng belngs, collecuvely known as Mlnlons, who serve Lhe
MasLer as fodder ln hls or her machlnauons. ln addluon, Penchmen can lead speclallzed Crews
ln Lhelr MasLer's absence, or serve Lhelr MasLer dlrecLly as a member of a Crew. MasLers and
Penchmen are also supporLed by 1oLems, exLenslons of Lhelr maglcal ablllues whlch lncrease
Lhelr spellcasung range and provlde addluonal ald ln an LncounLer.
Pow well a Crew carrles ouL lLs leader's SLraLegy and Schemes deLermlnes wheLher or noL lL wlll
emerge vlcLorlous ln an LncounLer wlLh an enemy Crew. SLraLegles represenL Lhe Crew's maln
paLh Lo vlcLory, whlle Schemes are slmpler alLernaLe rouLes Lo achleve Lhe leader's goals.
Mallfaux players use decks of cards called laLe uecks Lo resolve game evenLs such as auacklng
and spell casung. layers can manlpulaLe Lhe cards Lhey play Lo alLer Lhe uuel's ouLcome. lL Lakes
a shrewd leader Lo eecuvely uullze a Crew's resources, ensurlng he or she always has ready
Lhe cards needed Lo CheaL laLe.
8e prepared Lo ghL Lo Lhe deaLh because Mallfaux ls Lhe end of Lhe llne!
S5--"29 /' P,"9
8efore a game of Mallfaux (called an LncounLer) beglns, players generaLe ob[ecuves (called
SLraLegles) and may choose secondary ob[ecuves (called Schemes) and hlre Crews. layers Lhen
deploy Lhelr Crews and leL Lhe conlcL begln.
An LncounLer conslsLs of several game Lurns. uurlng a Lurn, players draw Lhelr hands of cards
(called ConLrol Pands), whlch are used Lo change Lhe ouLcome of game evenLs such as auacks,
spell casung, and so forLh. nexL, players deLermlne who has Lhe lnluauve, Lhen alLernaLe
acuvaung Lhelr models, expendlng Acuon olnLs Lo move, auack, casL spells, and so on. A Lurn
ends aer all models ln play have had an opporLunlLy Lo acuvaLe. Came Lurns conunue ln Lhls
fashlon unul Lhe Lurn llmlL ls reached. layers Lhen LoLal Lhe vlcLory olnLs Lhey earned (by
compleung SLraLegy and Schemes) Lo deLermlne a wlnner.
- 1erraln
- 1okens, such as glass beads, for
Lracklng game eecLs
- CounLers (30mm round bases)
& Marker LemplaLes (base slze varles)
- 8lasL markers (30mm round bases)
Pa0a L/c/
S/,Ae2 Tee4' J/-e3
D(a&2a,3 Ke;
WhlLe clrcles around Lhe puppeLs represenL Lhe model's base.
8ed areas represenLs an area of eecL.
Creen areas represenL obscurlng Lerraln.
Cray areas represenL blocklng Lerraln.
WhlLe arrows represenL movemenL.
8lue llnes represenL Llne of SlghL.
Ca34 /f C'a2ac4e23
All dlagrams are
show from a Lop
down vlew unless
oLherwlse noLed.
& R
I%*(&d+c*!&% 7 6 I%*(&d+c*!&%
1he ma[orlLy of eecLs wlll end ln Lhe C"%)$g Pha)e. 1he endlng of eecLs occurs ln a speclc
order: eecLs LhaL end aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe Closlng hase end rsL, followed by eecLs LhaL end
durlng Lhe Closlng hase, and nally eecLs LhaL occur aL Lhe end of Lhe Closlng hase occur lasL.
WlLhln each of Lhese sLeps, eecLs end slmulLaneously. lf an eecL does noL have an end llsLed,
lL ends durlng Lhe 8esolve LecLs sLep of Lhe Closlng hase.
Ma4' O2de2
M/d(!e23 3'/7+d be a00+(ed (- 4'e f/++/9(-& /2de2?
- llrsL, Muluply/ulvlde. - nexL, Add/SubLracL.
B2&"+*.( 4)& R5,&3
1hese rules are lnLended Lo be undersLood when Laken as a whole. 1hey creaLe Lhe framework
upon whlch an lndlvldual model's rules are bullL. 8ecause of Lhls, 9'e- a ,/de+A3 30ec(!c 27+e
/2 ab(+(4; c/-42ad(c43 4'e3e c/2e 27+e3> f/++/9 4'e 30ec(!c 27+e 2a4'e2 4'a- 4'e c/2e 27+e3. arL
of Lhe Lhrlll of playlng Mallfaux ls dlscoverlng lnLeresung and enLerLalnlng opuons and
comblnauons for your Crews. When Lhe rules on Lwo models dlrecLly conLradlcL each oLher, a
rule LhaL says can overrldes may, and a rule LhaL says cannoL wlll overrlde can.
R5,& D*3054&3
Mallfaux ls deslgned Lo be fun for all players. Lveryone wlll wln and lose aL umes, buL you should
be able Lo en[oy Lhe game regardless of who wlns. Cccaslonally, you and your opponenL may
dlsagree on Lhe clear meanlng of a rule, or durlng Lhe course of play you may reallze an Acuon
could noL have occurred (such as brlnglng a Lhlrd model wlLh Lhe 8are 2 CharacLerlsuc lnLo play).
usually, a qulck dlscusslon of Lhe rule or slLuauon ln quesuon wlll seule Lhe lssue (such as slmply
removlng LhaL Lhlrd model from Lhe game). When asked, provlde Lhe lnformauon and sLausucs
for your models honesLly, accuraLely, and qulckly.
lf a soluuon cannoL be agreed upon, each player should lp a card from hls or her laLe ueck.
1he player wlLh Lhe hlghesL card deLermlnes Lhe ouLcome. 8e-lp lf a ue occurs. 1he declslon
made for an lssue applles LhroughouL Lhe enure game. Aer Lhe game ls over, Lake Lhe ume
Lo Lalk abouL and declde how you wanL Lo handle Lhe lssue ln Lhe fuLure.
All dlsLance measurlng ln Mallfaux ls done from Lhe acung model's base edge Lo Lhe aecLed
model's nearesL base edge. When measurlng, a base ls /*h$ a dlsLance lf any poruon of lLs
base ls wlLhln or exacLly aL Lhe lndlcaLed dlsLance. A base ls c%#&"e*e"1 /*h$ a dlsLance lf Lhe
enure base ls wlLhln LhaL dlsLance.
When measurlng a model's movemenL, measure conslsLenLly uslng Lhe same reference polnL
on Lhe model's base. 1he dlsLance any parL of Lhe base Lravels cannoL be furLher Lhan Lhe dlsLance
permlued for LhaL move.
1here ls no premeasurlng ln Mallfaux. ?ou musL declare an Acuon and spend Lhe requlred Acuon olnLs
prlor Lo measurlng Lhe dlsLance requlred for Lhe Acuon. ulsLances are noL rounded when halvlng Lhem.
R".%/- D&4&2-*."4*/.
Any ume players are asked Lo use a randomly deLermlned order, each player lps Lhe Lop card of
hls or her laLe ueck. 1he player wlLh Lhe hlghesL card chooses rsL, followed by Lhe oLher players,
ln descendlng order. lf any ues occur, Lhe players wlLh ued values perform a re-lp.
Came eecLs follow a speclc umlng sequence.
- Lach senLence ln an eecL's descrlpuon musL be compleLed before movlng Lo Lhe nexL senLence.
- lf an eecL causes anoLher eecL Lo acuvaLe whlle lL ls belng resolved, pause Lhe rsL eecL,
compleLely execuLe Lhe newly Lrlggered eecL, and Lhen reLurn Lo Lhe rsL eecL aL Lhe
polnL lL was paused.
- LecLs end when lndlcaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuons. lf an eecL does noL llsL an end polnL, lL
ends durlng Lhe 8esolve LecLs SLep of Lhe Closlng hase (see p.30). 8esolve endlng
eecLs ln Lhe followlng order:
o AL Lhe sLarL of a SLep end rsL.
o uurlng a SLep end nexL.
o Lnd of a SLep end lasL.
o Muluple eecLs LhaL end wlLhln Lhe same SLep end slmulLaneously.
- layers should resolve eecLs occurrlng slmulLaneously ln Lhe followlng order:
o LecLs LhaL musL occur wlll occur before eecLs LhaL may occur.
o 8esolve lmmedlaLe eecLs rsL, Lhen eecLs of Lhe acung player, Lhen by acuvauon order of
LhaL player's models (p.31).
o Any eecLs LhaL are noL conLrolled by elLher player, such as any Lerraln or envlronmenLal
or LncounLer eecLs, are resolved lasL and aecL models slmulLaneously. layers wlLh
muluple models aecLed always resolve Lhe eecLs ln an order of Lhelr chooslng.
*4)*./C/-0,&4&,9 *4)*. D*"(2"-





Te Ba)!c) 9 8 Te Ba)!c)
L C Na,e
1he model's name.
M C Fac5/-
Whlch Fac+%$ Lhe model belongs Lo. A model's lacuon does noL change durlng an LncounLer,
even lf conLrol of Lhe model shls Lo anoLher player. 1here are ve lacuons ln Mallfaux: 1he
Culld, 8esurrecuonlsLs, ArcanlsLs, neverborn, and CuLcasLs.
N C T;0e
Models ln Mallfaux are grouped lnLo Lhe followlng Lypes: Ma)*e(), He$ch#e$, and M$%$),
whlch dene Lhelr power level and role wlLhln Lhe game.
Ma34e23? MasLers lead powerful Crews ln pursulL of Lhelr goals.
He-c',e-? A MasLer's asplrlng lleuLenanL, a Penchman can lead lLs own Crew or [oln a
Crew led by a MasLer. When leadlng a crew, Penchmen counL as MasLers for Lhe purpose
of eecLs, SLraLegles, and Schemes.
M(-(/-3? Mlnlons are Lhe pawns ln a MasLer's or Penchman's schemes. 1hey are LreaLed
wlLh llule regard and casually sacrlced ln Lhe pursulL of Lhelr leader's plans.
O C S/7+34/-e C/34
Cenerally, Lhls number represenLs Lhe number of SoulsLones lL cosLs Lhe Crew Lo hlre Lhe model.
Some models do noL have a S%-")*%$e C%)*.
J? number of SoulsLones Lo hlre
S? 1hls model ls Summoned lnLo play (p.33) and does noL have a SoulsLone CosL
P? 1hls model ls laced lnLo play (p.38) and does noL have a SoulsLone CosL
CC? 1hls model ls lncluded ln anoLher model's SoulsLone CosL
MasLers do noL cosL SoulsLones. lnsLead, Lhey have a SoulsLone Cache, whlch ls added Lo a
Crew's SoulsLone ool aL Lhe sLarL of an LncounLer. Also, when selecLed Lo lead a Crew,
Penchmen do noL cosL SoulsLones (p.71).
1he number of a speclc model a Crew can hlre may also be llmlLed. Ra2e J models are llmlLed
Lo Lhe number (#) of coples of LhaL model hlred and/or ln play aL any ume (p.71). A Crew may
only have one copy of a U-(17e model hlred and/or ln play aL any ume (p.71).
P C C'a2ac4e2(35c3
Models ln Mallfaux can have one or more Cha(ac*e()+c). 1he CharacLerlsucs llsLed below have
addluonal rules assoclaLed wlLh Lhem. CLher CharacLerlsucs have no addluonal assoclaLed rules
buL may be referenced by oLher game eecLs and ablllues.
C/-3427c4? Models wlLh Lhe ConsLrucL CharacLerlsuc are non-llvlng and are lmmune Lo
Morale uuels (p.36).
G2a8e2/bbe2? When a llvlng or undead model ls kllled whlle one or more models wlLh Lhe
Craverobber CharacLerlsuc are ln play, replace Lhe llvlng or undead model wlLh a number
of Corpse CounLers equal Lo lLs base slze: one for 30mm, Lwo for 40mm, Lhree for 30mm.
1hese CounLers can be plcked up and used by models wlLh Lhe Craverobber CharacLerlsuc.
)"4 M"+&3 " M/%&,
A #%de" ls any number of mlnlaLures on a slngle base represenLed by a slngle seL of sLausucs.
lor example, Lhe PoarcaL rlde model conslsLs of Lhree PoarcaL mlnlaLures on a slngle 40mm
base. All models ln Mallfaux are dened by Lhe followlng lnformauon.
T)& B"3*$3
C&ea(e !i'( $f
Te Ba)!c) 11 10 Te Ba)!c)
Q C S4a535c3
A model's )*a+)+c) (34a43 for shorL) represenL lLs physlcal and menLal sLrengLhs uslng numerlcal
values and someumes one or more assoclaLed sulLs.
Wa+*BC'a2&e DW*BC&E? W* represenLs Lhe dlsLance, ln lnches, a model may cover when
movlng. A model may move up Lo lLs C& ln lnches when Laklng Lhe C'a2&e Acuon. Models
wlLh a C& of - may noL Lake Lhe C'a2&e Acuon. 1he Wa+* and C'a2&e sLaLs cannoL be
reduced lower Lhan 1 each unless an eecL speclcally sLaLes lL ls reduced Lo -.
He(&'4 DH4E? Pow Lall a model ls ln Lhe game. A model's Hegh* may aecL Llne of SlghL
W(++0/9e2 DW0E? 8epresenLs a model's sLrengLh of wlll, deLermlnauon, and self-conLrol.
Ca35-& DCaE? 1he model's ablllLy Lo conLrol Lhe ever-presenL maglcal forces ln Mallfaux.
Models use Lhelr Ca when casung spells.
Defe-3e DDfE? A model's ablllLy Lo avold belng hlL wlLh a physlcal auack.
W/7-d3 DWdE? 1he number of W/7-d3 a model can suer before belng removed from Lhe
R C Wea0/-3
A model's Wea&%$) have Lhelr own sLaLs, represenung each Weapon's capablllues ln Lhe hands
of LhaL model. A Weapon's sLaLs cannoL be reduced lower Lhan 0.
Na,e? 1he Weapon's name.
Ra-&e DR&E? A Weapon's R& ls Lhe furLhesL eecuve dlsLance, ln lnches, Lhe Weapon can
reach. Weapons are elLher melee (y) or ranged (z) (see CombaL, p.39).
C/,ba4 DCbE? Cb represenLs a model's sklll wlLh LhaL Weapon. A model's Cb may lnclude
assoclaLed sulLs. A model uses a Weapon's Cb when auacklng wlLh LhaL Weapon.
Da,a&e DD&E? D& lndlcaLes Lhe Weapon's damage-lnlcung poLenual. uependlng on Lhe
quallLy of a hlL, a Weapon can lnlcL Weak, ModeraLe, or Severe damage.
He-c',a- J? 1hls ls Lhe Penchman 8eserve. Penchmen leadlng Crews add Lhe number
(#) llsLed Lo Lhelr avallable SoulsLones when hlrlng Crews (see Plrlng, p.70). 1he Penchman
# ls also Lhe maxlmum sLarung slze of Lhe SoulsLone ool lf Lhls model leads Lhe Crew.
I-3(&-(!ca-4? See Maglc, p.30, SLraLegles, p.90, and Schemes, p.100.
L(8(-&? All models are llvlng models unless anoLher CharacLerlsuc sLaLes oLherwlse.
Me2ce-a2;? Mercenary models can be hlred by any lacuon. See Plrlng, p.71, for Lhe full
rules on hlrlng Mercenarles.
N(&'4,a2e? Models wlLh Lhe nlghLmare CharacLerlsuc are non-llvlng models.
Ob)ec4 J? Models wlLh Lhe Cb[ecL # CharacLerlsuc are non-llvlng models. 8educe Lhe
number of Wd suered by a model wlLh Lhe Cb[ecL characLerlsuc by Lhe number (#)
lndlcaLed, Lo a mlnlmum of 1.
Sca8e-&e2? When a model wlLh Lhe ConsLrucL CharacLerlsuc ls kllled whlle one or more
models wlLh Lhe Scavenger CharacLerlsuc are ln play, replace Lhe ConsLrucL wlLh a number
of Scrap CounLers equal Lo lLs base slze: one for 30mm, Lwo for 40mm, Lhree for 30mm.
1hese CounLers can be plcked up and used by models wlLh Lhe Scavenger CharacLerlsuc.
S/7++e33? Models wlLh Lhe Soulless CharacLerlsuc are non-llvlng models.
S0ec(a+ F/2ce3 DG2/70 Na,eE? up Lo Lwo models wlLh Lhe Speclal lorces CharacLerlsuc may
be hlred per MasLer. A Crew cannoL conLaln models from more Lhan one Speclal lorces
group. Some models ll Lhe Lwo model hlrlng llmlL when lncluded ln a Crew, buL Lhe llmlL
of one Speclal lorces group remalns (see Plre Crews, p.72).
S0ec(a+ F/2ce3 DD/++E? ln addluon Lo Lhe sLandard Speclal lorces rules, Zoralda may hlre any
number of models wlLh Lhls CharacLerlsuc.
S0ec(a+ F/2ce3 DMSIU A33e4E? ln addluon Lo Lhe sLandard Speclal lorces rules, 8amos may
hlre any number of models wlLh Lhls CharacLerlsuc.
S0(2(4? Models wlLh Lhe SplrlL CharacLerlsuc are non-llvlng models LhaL can move Lhrough
oLher models and do noL block LoS. SplrlLs can move over and sLop on lmpassable Lerraln.
SplrlLs are lmmune Lo Morale uuels and suer half damage from non-maglcal sources.
When Lhey are kllled, SplrlLs do noL leave CounLers of any Lype.
T/4e,? Models wlLh Lhe 1oLem CharacLerlsuc musL be connecLed Lo a MasLer or Penchman
when hlred by a Crew or Summoned lnLo a Crew. Lach MasLer or Penchman can be
connecLed Lo one 1oLem aL a ume unless sLaLed oLherwlse. A 1oLem ls sacrlced lmmedlaLely
lf Lhe MasLer or Penchman lL ls connecLed Lo ls removed from Lhe game. 1oLems wlLh a
MasLer's or Penchman's name ln parenLhesls can only be connecLed Lo models wlLh LhaL
name (see Plre Crews, p.71, for Lhe full rules on hlrlng and connecung 1oLems).
U-dead? Models wlLh Lhe undead CharacLerlsuc are non-llvlng and are lmmune Lo Morale
uuels (p.36).
M/d(f;(-& S4a535c3
S*a* #%de() are bonuses or penalues applled Lo a sLaL when resolvlng a slLuauon. SLaL
modlers are llsLed as +/- # SLaL, lndlcaung how much Lo add or subLracL from Lhe sLaL. Add
bonuses (+) Lo sLaLs before applylng subLracung penalues (-). A sLaL cannoL be reduced lower
Lhan 0, and any modler LhaL would reduce lL lower reduces lL Lo 0 lnsLead.
All models have access Lo Lhe melee weapon Ba3' wlLh R& yL, Cb N, and D& KBLBM,
even Lhough lL ls noL llsLed on Lhelr sLaL cards.
e '
e $

( '
Te Ba)!c) 13 12 Te Ba)!c)
F2(e-d+; a-d E-e,; M/de+3
8ecause dlerenL game eecLs can depend on a model's currenL alllance wlLh lLs Crew, a model
wlll be frlendly Lo lLs Crew and an enemy of opposlng Crews durlng an LncounLer.
A model ls f(e$d"1 when:
- lL ls under LhaL Crew's ConLrol
- lL was hlred by a Crew and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
- lL was broughL lnLo play by a frlendly model and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
A model ls an e$e#1 when:
- lL ls currenLly under anoLher Crew's conLrol.
- lL was hlred by anoLher Crew and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
- lL was broughL lnLo play by an enemy model and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
C/-42/++(-& M/de+3
1he player currenLly ln c%$*(%" of a model makes declslons for LhaL model. All cards played for
LhaL model are played from lLs conLroller's laLe ueck and ConLrol Pand. Any SoulsLones used
by Lhe model come from lLs currenL conLroller's ool. layers begln an LncounLer ln conLrol of
all frlendly models hlred by Lhe Crew. Models able Lo Summon, lace, or oLherwlse generaLe
addluonal models cannoL do so whlle conLrolled by an opposlng player. 1hose eecLs are
lgnored whlle Lhe model ls under an opposlng player's conLrol.
M/de+3 (- P+a; 83@ O74 /f P+a;
uurlng an LncounLer, models are elLher $ &"a1 (on Lhe Lable) or %-* %f &"a1 (noL on Lhe Lable).
unless sLaLed oLherwlse, only models ln play can be aecLed by game eecLs and game evenLs.
Models someumes begln an LncounLer ouL of play or are (e#%.ed f(%# &"a1 durlng Lhe course
of Lhe LncounLer elLher by belng kllled, sacrlced, or burled. kllled and sacrlced models are
(e#%.ed f(%# *he ga#e compleLely, LhaL ls, Lhey cannoL reLurn Lo play unless a speclc eecL
allows Lhem Lo do so. 8urled models, on Lhe oLher hand, remaln $ *he ga#e even Lhough Lhey
are noL ln play and can reLurn Lo play durlng Lhe LncounLer.
K(++ed? kllled models are removed from play and Lhe game and generaLe any appllcable CounLers
(e.g. llvlng models leave Corpse CounLers when kllled). Models are mosL oen kllled aer Lhey
have suered enough W/7-d3 Lo reduce Lhelr Wd sLaL Lo 0 (p.44), buL some eecLs sLaLe Lhey
klll a model ouLrlghL. Models kllled by an eecL generaLed by anoLher model counL as belng
kllled by LhaL model for SLraLegy and Scheme purposes.
Sac2(!ced? Sacrlced models are removed from play and Lhe game when Lhey recelve a
sacrlclng eecL. Sacrlced models do noL generaLe CounLers when removed from Lhe Lable.
B72(ed? Some models may begln an LncounLer burled, or become burled by a 1alenL or Spell
durlng Lhe LncounLer. Whlle burled, a model ls ouL of play, buL sull ln Lhe game and eecLs on
Lhe model, lncludlng WdlL has suered or ongolng Spells, remaln on lL. A burled model unburles
and reLurns Lo play when an eecL allows lL Lo do so.
kllled and sacrlced models counL as casualues for Vc*%(1 P%$* purposes (see ueLermlnlng a
Wlnner, p.73), burled models do noL.
S C Ta+e-43
Models ln Mallfaux can possess one or more 1alenLs. 1alenLs are dlvlded lnLo four caLegorles:
Ab"+e)3 Ac+%$)3 T(gge()3 and Wea&%$).
Ab(+(5e3? A model's Ablllues are always consldered acuve durlng Lhe game unless oLherwlse
lndlcaLed and are applled whenever called for ln Lhe rules. 1hls lncludes Ablllues LhaL granL
Lhe model addluonal general or speclc acuon polnLs (A), such as DULE Fa34, or DUME Me+ee
Ma34e2. 1hese Ablllues are llsLed ln Lhe model's Acuons enLry for ease of reference. See
Acuons, p.32.
Ac5/-3? Any speclc Acuons a model can perform ln addluon Lo Lhe general Acuons
ouLllned on p.33. 1hls also lncludes any A-granung Ablllues, such as DULE Me+ee E:0e24.
T2(&&e23? 1rlggers can be acuvaLed when Lhe model meeLs Lhe condluons for Lhelr use (see
1rlggers p.26). 1o help players remember whlch sLaLs have 1rlggers, Lhose sLaLs are hlghllghLed
ln Lhe model's lacuon color on Lhe sLaL card. 1rlggers wlLh a sulL requlremenL ghosLed" gray
lnsLead of black lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe sulL requlremenL has been meL by a sulL ln LhaL sLaL. (N/4e?
SLaLs whlch have 1rlggers assoclaLed wlLh Lhem wlll be colored ln Lhe model descrlpuon
and on Lhe model's SLaL Card.)
Wea0/-3? Any 1alenLs or speclal rules Lhe Weapon possesses are llsLed here.
T C S0e++3
Models ln Mallfaux may possess one or more Spells. 1he fronL of a model's sLaL card provldes
abbrevlaLed deLalls for each Spell, whlle Lhe Spell's full deLalls are llsLed on Lhe back (see Spell
8aslcs, p.30). Spells wlLh a sulL requlremenL ghosLed" gray lnsLead of black lndlcaLe LhaL Lhe
sulL requlremenL has been meL by Lhe sulL ln LhaL model's approprlaLe sLaL.
M/de+ S(<e3
1he space a model occuples on Lhe Lable ls lndlcaLed by Lwo slzes: lLs H4 and ba)e )2e.
A model's H4 represenLs roughly how Lall lL ls on Lhe bauleeld and allows players Lo compare
lL Lo Lhe helghLs of oLher models and Lerraln for Llne of SlghL purposes. 1he average model H4
ls 2, roughly represenung Lhe helghL of a human.
All models are mounLed on one of Lhree base slzes: small (30mm), medlum (40mm), or large
(30mm), as lndlcaLed ln Lhe model's descrlpuon. 1hls represenLs Lhe general ground area Lhe
model occuples. A model's base slze ls lmporLanL as Llne of SlghL ls drawn over lLs base. A++
,/de+3 'a8e 4'e b+/c*(-& a-d (,0a33ab+e 42a(43> b74 d/ -/4 02/8(de c/8e2 (p.38).
Ide#(if, Leade&'
Te Ba)!c) 15 14 Te Ba)!c)
L*.& /' S*()4
A model's Llne of SlghL (LoS) represenLs whaL lL can see on Lhe Lable. When deLermlnlng lf a
model has LoS, always remember:
- Models do noL have a speclc faclng, Lhey can see ln any dlrecuon aL any ume.
- All lLems ln play have a ba)e. Models are mounLed on 30mm, 40mm, or 30mm round
bases (p.12). CounLers are 30mm round bases, whlle a Marker's base slze may vary (p.18).
1he area of Lable space a plece of Lerraln Lakes up ls lLs base (see 1erraln, p.38).
- LoS ls noL one-way". lf a model has LoS Lo lLs LargeL wlLhouL Lhe ald of Ta+e-43 or S0e++3,
Lhen Lhe LargeL has LoS Lo Lhe model as well.
- Models always have LoS Lo Lhemselves.
De4e2,(-(-& L/S
When drawlng LoS Lo an lLem, Lhe llne ls drawn from a Lop down" vlew over Lhe bases raLher dlrecLly
Lo Lhe physlcal bases Lhemselves. LoS ls deLermlned uslng boLh Lhe locauon of an lLem's base on Lhe
Lable as well as Lhe lLem's H4 raLher Lhan slmply wheLher Lhe model can see" Lhe LargeL's physlcal
base or noL. When a model auempLs Lo draw LoS Lo a LargeL, one of Lhree condluons musL exlsL:
- 1he model has f-"" L%S Lo Lhe LargeL when no sLralghL llne drawn beLween Lhe model and
Lhe LargeL crosses an lnLervenlng lLem.
- lf one or more, buL noL all, sLralghL llnes drawn from Lhe model Lo Lhe LargeL cross an
lnLervenlng lLem, Lhen Lhe model's LoS wlll be %b)*(-c*ed. 1he model can see lLs LargeL, buL
Lhe LargeL wlll recelve cover (see p.41) agalnsL Lhe model's ranged auacks (z) lf Lhe LargeL
ls wlLhln 1" of Lhe lnLervenlng base. lf Lhe lnLervenlng ob[ecL has Lhe obscurlng LralL, Lhe
LargeL recelves so cover, lf lL has Lhe blocklng LralL, Lhe LargeL recelves hard cover.
- lf all sLralghL llnes drawn from Lhe model Lo Lhe LargeL cross an lnLervenlng lLem, Lhe model's
LoS wlll elLher be obsLrucLed, as above, or b"%c!eddependlng on Lhe H4 of Lhe model, Lhe
LargeL, Lhe lnLervenlng lLem, and wheLher Lhe lnLervenlng lLem has Lhe blocklng or obscurlng
LralLs (see below). A model cannoL see lLs LargeL lf lLs LoS Lo Lhe LargeL ls blocked.
B+/c*(-& T2a(4
- lf all Lhe llnes drawn by Lhe model cross any poruon of an lnLervenlng base wlLh Lhe
b"%c!$g LralL and LhaL base's H4 ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan boLh Lhe model's and LargeL's
H4, Lhen Lhe model's L/S 4/ 4'e 4a2&e4 (3 b+/c*ed.
- lf Lhe lnLervenlng base has Lhe blocklng LralL and lLs H4 ls less Lhan Lhe model's or LargeL's
H4, or aL leasL one llne drawn by Lhe model does noL cross Lhe lnLervenlng base, Lhen Lhe
model has 0a25a+ L/S 4/ 4'e 4a2&e4.
- A model wlLhln 1" of an lnLervenlng base wlLh Lhe blocklng LralL may lgnore any cover lL
would provlde Lhe LargeL.
- All non-SplrlL models have Lhe blocklng LralL, buL do noL provlde cover.
Ob3c72(-& T2a(4
- Models can draw LoS up Lo 3" across an lnLervenlng base wlLh Lhe %b)c-($g LralL, buL noL
enurely Lhrough Lhe base.
- Models on an obscurlng base can draw LoS up Lo 3" Lo oLher models on LhaL base.
- lf all Lhe llnes drawn by a model musL be drawn across more Lhan 3" of a base wlLh Lhe
obscurlng LralL, or musL be drawn enurely Lhrough Lhe base and LhaL base's H4 ls equal Lo or
greaLer Lhan boLh Lhe model's and LargeL's H4, Lhen Lhe model's L/S 4/ 4'e 4a2&e4 (3 b+/c*ed.
- lf LoS ls drawn 3" or less across a base wlLh Lhe obscurlng LralL, or lf Lhe base's H4 ls less Lhan
boLh Lhe model's and LargeL's H4, Lhen Lhe model has 0a25a+ L/S 4/ 4'e 4a2&e4. lf a model
draws LoS Lo a LargeL LhaL ls on a base wlLh Lhe obscurlng LralL, buL Lhe llne drawn does
noL cross Lhe obscurlng base, Lhe LargeL sull recelves so cover.
Mallfaux's SoulsLones possess several amazlng properues, buL predlcLablllLy ls noL one of Lhem.
SoulsLones are a ma[or commodlLy ln Mallfaux and are used ln a number of ways ln Lhe Mallfaux game.
S/7+34/-e C/34
MosL models cosL a cerLaln number of SoulsLones Lo hlre, as represenLed by Lhelr SoulsLone CosL
(see WhaL Makes a Model, p.9). 1hls cosL ls deducLed from Lhe number Lhe Crew has avallable Lo
hlre models aL Lhe sLarL of an LncounLer (see Plre Crews, p.70). Penchmen possess a Penchman
8eserve LhaL Lhey can add Lo Lhe number of SoulsLones a Crew has avallable for hlrlng models
when leadlng Lhe Crew. See LncounLers, p.70, for full rules on hlrlng models.
S/7+34/-e Cac'e
lnsLead of a SoulsLone CosL, MasLers possess a SoulsLone Cache whlch ls a number of SoulsLones Lhe
MasLer holds ln reserve and adds Lo Lhe Crew's SoulsLone ool aer Lhe Crew has hlred lLs models.
S/7+34/-e P//+
uurlng an LncounLer, each Crew has a communal S%-")*%$e P%%", whlch ls deLermlned aer
hlrlng models (see LncounLers, p.72). 1he Crew always has a SoulsLone ool even lf Lhe number
of SoulsLones currenLly ln lL ls 0. layers dlscard SoulsLones from Lhelr SoulsLone ool for any
models Lhey conLrol and apply Lhe releveanL eecLs. 1here ls no need Lo asslgn SoulsLones Lo
speclc models, Lhey are ln Lhe ool and avallable Lo Lhe enure Crew.
U3(-& S/7+34/-e3
When Lhe rules allow a player or model he or she conLrols Lo use a SoulsLone, LhaL player
dlscards one SoulsLone from hls or her SoulsLone ool and resolves Lhe eecL. MosL of Lhe ume
Lhls wlll be a model wlLh Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 AblllLy, buL on occaslon a model wlLhouL Lhe ablllLy
or Lhe player dlscards Lhe SoulsLone.
Models wlLh Lhe use SoulsLones AblllLy can dlscard a SoulsLone Lo lp and add an addluonal
card durlng uuels (see uuels, p.26), and use Lhem Lo prevenL and heal lncomlng damage (see
CombaL, p.48). ln addluon, Crews can dlscard a SoulsLone Lo re-lp Lhelr lnluauve lllps (see 1he
Came, p.31).
Cnce a SoulsLone ls dlscarded, lL ls removed from Lhe game. A Crew's SoulsLone ool should
be represenLed by markers such as glass beads, dlce, or some oLher meLhod LhaL makes lL clear
Lo all players Lhe number of SoulsLones a player's Crew has remalnlng. A++ Ma34e23 a-d
He-c',e- 'a8e 4'e U3e S/7+34/-e3 Ab(+(4; 7-+e33 /4'e29(3e -/4ed (- 4'e(2 de3c2(05/-3@
D&$,"2*.( " T"2(&4
When an eecL requlres a *a(ge*, Lhe followlng should be deLermlned ln order:
- llrsL, check LhaL Lhe lLem ln quesuon ls ln Lhe Largeung model's LoS.
- 1hen, check for any speclal slLuauons LhaL may allow or prevenL Lhe lLem Lo be LargeLed.
- llnally, check for 1alenLs/Spells LhaL may allow/prevenL Largeung.
lf all of Lhese facLors allow Lhe lLem Lo be LargeLed, Lhen Lhe model can declare LhaL lLem as Lhe
LargeL. Measure range Lo Lhe LargeL. lf Lhe LargeL ls wlLhln Lhe eecL's range and meeLs Lhe
above requlremenLs, lL ls consldered a "ega" *a(ge* of Lhe eecL.
De(e&"i#e N)"be& a#d P$+e&
$f Re'e&*e'
A&ca#i'( Ta&ge('?
Te Ba)!c) 17 16 Te Ba)!c)
- A model on a aL elevauon cannoL draw LoS Lo a LargeL below whlle LhaL LargeL ls
compleLely wlLhln Lhe elevauon's shadow, unless Lhe H4 of Lhe LargeL ls greaLer Lhan LhaL
of Lhe elevauon.
- A model below a aL elevauon cannoL draw LoS Lo a LargeL on LhaL aL elevauon whlle Lhe
model ls compleLely wlLhln Lhe elevauon's shadow, unless Lhe H4 of Lhe model ls greaLer
Lhan LhaL of Lhe elevauon.
- lf LoS beLween a model and LargeL passes over 1" or less of a aL elevauon Lhe model or
LargeL ls sLandlng on, Lhe model lgnores Lhe shadow.
S+/0ed E+e8a5/-3
S"%&ed elevauons do noL lnLerfere wlLh LoS Lhe same way LhaL aL elevauons do. Models can
draw LoS Lo LargeLs wlLh lower H4 across any amounL of sloped Lerraln, Lhere ls no maxlmum
dlsLance of sloped Lerraln LoS can be drawn across from a model or Lo a LargeL on LhaL Lerraln.
Models sull add Lhe sloped Lerraln's H4 Lo Lhelrs when deLermlnlng whaL lLems Lhey can see
over and draw LoS Lo. Sloped elevauons have Lhe blocklng LralL.
L/S a-d E+e8a5/-3
When lLems are aL dlerenL helghLs on Lerraln wlLh Lhe elevaLed LralL, add Lhe Lerraln's H4 Lo
Lhelrs when deLermlnlng LoS. 1hls Lype of elevaLed Lerraln (such as hllls) ls called )"%&ed elevaLed
layers can choose Lo declare elevaLed Lerraln such as rooops or plaLeaus a* elevaLed Lerraln
raLher Lhan sloped.
F+a4 E+e8a5/-3
8ecause lL ls dlmculL for a model aLop a aL elevauon Lo see LargeLs below Lhe followlng rules
apply Lo aL elevauons ln addluon Lo Lhe sLandard elevaLed Lerraln rules above:
- llaL elevauons have Lhe blocklng LralL.
- llaL elevauons have a )had%/whlch exLends ouL from Lhelr base a number of lnches
equal Lo Lhelr H4.
L*.& /' S*()4 D*"(2"-
nlno has full LoS Lo Cremlln 1 and Lhe Warplg as no llne from nlno's
base Lo elLher base passes over an lnLervenlng lLem's base.
nlno's LoS Lo Cremlln 2 ls blocked because Lhe Warplg's H4 of 3 ls
greaLer Lhan boLh nlno's and Cremlln 2's H4.
nlno's LoS Lo Cremlln 3 ls obscured because he can draw aL leasL
one llne LhaL does noL pass over an lnLervenlng lLem's base.
Cremlln 3 wlll geL hard cover from nlno's auack due Lo one or
more llnes crosslng Lhe lnLervenlng wall (blocklng LralL).
nlno's LoS Lo Som'er 1eeLh !ones ls obsLrucLed by Lhe lnLervenlng
H4 1 wall. Slnce aL leasL elLher nlno or Som'er ls H4 2, nlno has
parual LoS Lo Som'er. Som'er wlll recelve hard cover.
L*.& /' S*()4 4)2/5() O#3$52*.( A2&"3 D*"(2"-
erdlLa's LoS ls obsLrucLed Lo Cremlln 4, buL ls granLed parual LoS slnce she ls drawlng LoS Lhrough less
Lhan 3" of obscurlng Lerraln. 1he obscurlng Lerraln also granLs Cremlln 4 so cover from erdlLa.
erdlLa's LoS Lo Som'er 1eeLh !ones ls blocked because she cannoL draw LoS Lo a model compleLely
on Lhe oLher slde of an obscurlng base.
F,"4 E,&6"4*/.3 ".% L/S D*"(2"-
erdlLa does noL have LoS Lo Cremlln 1 because Lhe aL elevauon has Lhe
blocklng LralL.
erdlLa does noL have LoS Lo Cremlln 2 because lLs base ls compleLely wlLhln
Lhe elevauon's shadow and lLs H4 ls noL greaLer Lhan Lhe elevauon's H4.
erdlLa has LoS Lo Cremlln 3 and Som'er 1eeLh !ones because nelLher model
ls compleLely wlLhln Lhe elevauon's shadow.
S,/0&% E,&6"4*/.3 ".% L/S D*"(2"-
nlno and Som'er 1eeLh can draw LoS Lo each
oLher. 1he dlsLance drawn across Lhe sloped
elevauon ls noL a facLor ln deLermlnlng LoS.
Powever, nlno does counL as sLandlng on
H4 2 Lerraln.
H4 1
H4 3
L/S a-d Me+ee
A model wlLh LoS, lncludlng parual LoS, Lo a LargeL can declare melee auacks agalnsL LhaL LargeL.
M/de+3 d/ -/4 2ece(8e c/8e2 a&a(-34 ,e+ee a6ac*3@
Side Vie,
Side Vie,
H4 3
Te Ba)!c) 19 18 Te Ba)!c)
1okens represenL ongolng eecLs currenLly aecung a model, and should be placed near Lhe
model. 1okens are nelLher CounLers nor Markers and do noL counL as belng ln play for game
purposes. 1hey only Lrack eecLs, and can be represenLed by glass beads, very small rocks, or
approprlaLely marked 30mm round bases.
T'e f/++/9(-& T/*e-3 'a8e 30ec(!c 27+e3 a33/c(a4ed 9(4' 4'e,?
B+(&'4 T/*e-3? Whenever a model wlLh one or more 8llghL 1okens suers Wd, lL suers 1
addluonal Wd.
B72-(-& T/*e-3? ln Lhe 8esolve LecLs SLage, a model wlLh any number of 8urnlng 1okens
removes all 8urnlng 1okens and elLher suers 1 Wd or galns S+/9 (Lhelr conLroller's cholce).
P/(3/- T/*e-3? See Lhe P/(3/- J AblllLy, (p.116).
G"-& E''&$43
Eec* ls a game Lerm referrlng Lo anyLhlng LhaL changes a model's sLaLe. Some models are able
Lo g$%(e or are ##-$e Lo game eecLs (x). A model lmmune Lo or able Lo lgnore x cannoL be
aecLed or modled by x when resolvlng Lhe eecL. uuels requlrlng x do noL occur.
An eecL can be dlrecLly referenced, such as: L(fe2? 1hls model ls lmmune Lo Morale uuels
caused by Te22(f;(-& eecLs." Llfer lndlcaLes Lhe model does noL have Lo perform Lhe Morale
uuel requlred by Te22(f;(-&, regardless of lLs source.
A reference Lo an eecL may have a broader appllcauon such as resLrlcung an AblllLy, or only
aecung or lgnorlng cerLaln Lypes of models, such as: Pe2fec4 Mac'(-e? 1hls model may choose
Lo lgnore any eecL LhaL LargeLs ConsLrucLs." 1he eecL here could be a Spell, a speclc Weapon,
an AblllLy, 1rlgger, eLc. LhaL speclcally LargeLs models wlLh Lhe ConsLrucL CharacLerlsuc.
llnally, muluple eecLs may be found ln a slngle evenL. lor example, a Spell may lnclude several
eecLs. 1he L72e Spell (spell eecL) moves a model (movemenL eecL) closer Lo Lhe casLer. lf
Lhe model ends lLs move ln Lhe casLer's melee range, Lhe casLer can make a melee auack agalnsL
Lhe model (melee eecL).
A,ac!) can come from muluple sources:
- Auacks wlLh Lhe ylcon are melee auacks, whlle auacks wlLh Lhe zlcon are ranged auacks.
- Spells wlLh a y/zlcon ln Lhelr R&@
- Spells LhaL requlre a 8eslsL uuel (see Maglc, p.31).
- S42(*e3 wlLh melee/ranged Weapons (see CombaL, p.39).
- Acuons LhaL lnlcL D& or Wd on anoLher model, or requlre an Cpposed uuel.
Lach of Lhese ls consldered an auack, and Lhelr lnluaLor Lhe a,ac!e(. 1he defe$de( of an auack
ls elLher Lhe dlrecL LargeL when a LargeL ls requlred, or any models poLenually aecLed by Lhe
auack. A model cannoL auack lLself unless Lhe auack's descrlpuon sLaLes LhaL lL aecLs frlendly
All C%-$*e() ln Mallfaux measure 30mm, have an H4 of 0, and have Lhe open LralL. When
Lhe rules lndlcaLe a CounLer ls Lo be placed, lL musL be done ln such a way LhaL lL does noL
overlap a model's base or overlap lmpassable Lerraln. Powever, a CounLer can overlap
oLher CounLers.
A model Louchlng or movlng over a CounLer can choose Lo lmmedlaLely galn LhaL CounLer lf lL
ls ellglble Lo do so. A model ls ellglble Lo galn a CounLer lf, aL Lhe ume lL galns Lhe CounLer, lL has
Lhe approprlaLe CharacLerlsuc, or possesses a 1alenL or Spell LhaL uses lL.
Models may carry an unllmlLed number of CounLers durlng Lhe game. Llkewlse, an unllmlLed
number of CounLers may be sLacked LogeLher on Lhe Lable ln Lhe same place. Models may
only use and/or dlscard CounLers Lhey currenLly carry or LhaL are on Lhe Lable lf Lhey have
Lhe approprlaLe CharacLerlsuc or a 1alenL or Spell LhaL requlres Lhe CounLer aL Lhe ume lLs
use ls lndlcaLed. Models cannoL dlscard CounLers carrled by oLher models unless oLherwlse
lndlcaLed ln Lhe eecL's descrlpuon. A model cannoL use any CounLers lL carrles whlle under
anoLher player's conLrol. When a Spell calls for dlscardlng CounLers, Lhe model removes Lhe
approprlaLe number of CounLers from Lhe game.
CounLers a model galns musL be placed where lL's clear Lhey belong Lo LhaL model. A model
removed from Lhe game whlle carrylng CounLers places lLs CounLers ln a slngle sLack where lL
was removed from Lhe game.
A model cannoL volunLarlly drop any carrled CounLers or pass Lhem Lo anoLher model unless a
speclal rule allows lL Lo do so. Models only drop CounLers Lhey carry when Lhey are removed
from Lhe game. lf a model loses Lhe CharacLerlsuc, 1alenL, or Spell LhaL allows lL Lo use a Lype
of CounLer lL carrles, lL reLalns all of LhaL Lype of CounLer, lL does noL drop Lhem.
Someumes players are requlred Lo use Ma(!e() Lo lndlcaLe evenLs, locauons, or oLher slLuauons
LhaL may occur durlng Lhe course of an LncounLer. unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed, Markers are placed
[usL llke CounLers and are Lyplcally 30mm round bases (buL can be larger). Markers possess one
or more lLem LralLs, and can be moved Lhrough or occupled, buL are noL consldered Lerraln.
A Marker remalns ln Lhe game as long as lL Lakes Lo resolve lLs eecLs, lL may remaln ln play for
Lhe enure LncounLer. A Marker can be plcked up only when permlued by a speclc rule.
N$(e: M)!(i%!e A((ac
Te Ba)!c) 21 20 Te Ba)!c)
S4ac*(-& Eec43
O$g%$g ga#e eec*):
- uo noL sLack (apply Lhelr eecLs cumulauvely) on a model lf recelved from 1alenLs or
Spells wlLh Lhe same name unless lndlcaLed oLherwlse ln Lhelr descrlpuons. lgnore
addluonal appllcauons of Lhe same named eecL Lo LhaL model.
- uo sLack when llsLed as [name] +/-, such as Armor +1, even lf Lhey have Lhe same name.
- uo sLack when recelved from 1alenLs or Spells wlLh dlerenL names.
- Acuon modlers wlLh Lhe same name do noL sLack (see p.34).
I##eda*e ga#e eec*):
- Cccur and are applled lmmedlaLely.
- Always sLack wlLh one anoLher and ongolng eecLs.
A2ea Eec43
1he Lhree eecLs below are collecuvely referred Lo as a(ea eec*). Area eecLs have a H4 as
lndlcaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuons below and can aecL anyLhlng wlLhln Lhelr area LhaL Lhey have
LoS Lo. When deLermlnlng lf an area eecL can reach models on Lhe oLher slde of a plece of
blocklng Lerraln, lf Lhe area eecL could 'see' over or around Lhe blocklng Lerraln lL can aecL
Lhose models wlLhln lLs area. See p.47 for dlagrams of how Lerraln and area eecLs lnLeracL.
aJ A72a? 1he aura area eecL represenLs an ongolng clrcular area around a LargeL, exLendlng
from Lhe aecLed base edge. All models wlLhln a number of lnches equal Lo Lhe aura's
number(#), excludlng Lhe aura's orlglnaLor, are aecLed for Lhe durauon lndlcaLed.
Auras move wlLh an aecLed model unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed ln Lhe descrlpuon. When a
model enLers an aura's area or Lhe area moves onLo Lhe model, LhaL model lmmedlaLely recelves
lLs eecLs. Llkewlse, when Lhe model moves ouL of Lhe area or Lhe area moves o Lhe model,
lL loses Lhe eecLs. Auras are lnnlLely hlgh unless oLherwlse noLed ln Lhelr descrlpuons.
pJ P7+3e? 1he pulse area eecL represenLs an lmmedlaLe clrcular area around a model,
exLendlng from Lhe aecLed base edge ouL a number of lnches equal Lo Lhe pulse's number (#).
lL slmulLaneously aecLs all models, excludlng Lhe pulse's orlglnaLor, wlLhln a number of lnches
equal Lo Lhe pulse's number (#). ulses are lnnlLely hlgh unless oLherwlse noLed ln Lhelr
bB+a34? 1he barea eecL represenLs an lmmedlaLe clrcular range of eecL aL a speclc locauon.
lace a round 30mm marker Lo represenL Lhe b anywhere wlLhln Lhe llsLed range, followlng
any rules speclc Lo Lhe eecL (ranged auacks musL have LoS Lo Lhe LargeL, eLc.). Addluonal b
can be placed so LhaL Lhey exLend furLher Lhan Lhe eecL's llsLed range. lf Lhe beecL LargeLs
a model, aL leasL one of Lhe b musL cover a poruon of Lhe LargeL model's base. lf Lhe eecL
lndlcaLes Lo place muluple b, each bmusL be placed so LhaL lL ls Louchlng buL noL overlapplng
anoLher b. All models whose bases are Louched by a bare aecLed. All blasLs have a H4 of 3.
See p.46 for how blnlcL damage on models and deLalls on placlng bs.
e $

, %
( a#d



22 Te Fa*e Dec"
1he 8ed and 8lack J%!e() represenL maglc aL lLs hlghesL polnL and lowesL ebb.
Red J/*e2 - 1he 8ed !oker has a value of 14 and Lhe sulL LhaL lLs conLrolllng player nomlnaLes
when lL ls revealed. ln addluon, Lhe 8ed !oker may be used ln uuels even when Lhe lp has one
or more a negauve faLe modlers (see p.23). When maklng a uamage lllp wlLh Lhe 8ed !oker, lL
lnlcLs Severe damage plus an addluonal uamage lllp (see p.44). lL also provldes addluonal
heallng and damage prevenuon eecLs (see p.48).
B+ac* J/*e2 - 1he 8lack !oker has a value of 0 and no sulL when lL ls revealed. 1he 8lack !oker
,734 be 73edby a player when lL ls revealed, even lf lL ls revealed wlLh Lhe 8ed !oker. Addluonally,
4'e 2e8ea+(-& 0+a;e2 ,a; -/4 C'ea4 Fa4e f724'e2. When maklng a uamage lllp wlLh Lhe 8lack
!oker, lL lnlcLs no damage (see p.44). Peallng and uamage revenuon lllps wlLh Lhe 8lack !oker
heal and prevenL no damage (see p.48).
Lach player uses a deck of cards called Lhe Fa*e Dec!, or Dec!, Lo deLermlne Lhe success of
auacks and oLher Acuons as well as any random evenLs ln Mallfaux (LhaL's rlghL, no pesky dlce
rulnlng your Crew's llves). LveryLhlng from deLermlnlng lnluauve Lo resolvlng auacks, damage,
and spellcasung ls deLermlned by Lhe cards ln a player's laLe ueck. Lach player needs Lhelr own
ueck durlng Lhe game. layers only use cards from Lhelr own laLe ueck, never from anoLher
player's. Cards ln a player's laLe ueck, dlscard plle, and cards currenLly revealed and ln play, are
collecuvely called Fa*e Ca(d).
W1(d M$a*-(e) produces omclal Mallfaux decks feaLurlng Lhe arL of Mallfaux, as well as decks
for use wlLh Wyrd's P-&&e* Wa() game, whlch can be used lnLerchangeably for Mallfaux. layers
wlLhouL access Lo Mallfaux or uppeL Wars decks can play Mallfaux uslng a sLandard 34 card
deck of playlng cards as well. See below Lo converL sLandard card sulLs Lo Mallfaux's sulLs.
T)& F"4& D&$+

Fac5/-3 a-d S7(43
1he lacuons ln Mallfaux ldenufy wlLh and draw Lhelr power from one of Lhe four sources of
maglc. 1he followlng Lable llsLs Lhe maglc LhaL each lacuon ls mosL commonly assoclaLed
wlLh and Lhe sulLs LhaL represenL Lhose maglcal lnuences.
8ams R
Crows C
1omes t
Masks M
8us, Peallng, hyslcal uamage, Wlllpower
Armor, ueaLh/uecay, uebus, undead, Wounds
ConsLrucLs, LlemenLs, Maglc uamage, Maglcal AblllLy
ConLrol, uecepuon, uefense, Speed
E,b+e, S0'e2e3 /f I-#7e-ce
C"2% V",5&3 & S5*43
Lach card has a .a"-e and )-* prlnLed on lL. When Lhe rules refer Lo a card's value, Lhey are
referrlng Lo Lhe number prlnLed on Lhe card, whlle Lhe laLe Cards wlLhouL a number buL showlng
a sulL have a value of 1. Mallfaux's maglc ls dlvlded lnLo four sources, or sulLs: R8am, CCrow,
t1ome, and MMask, LhaL are prlnLed on each card.
U-+e33 4'e 27+e3 (-d(ca4e /4'e29(3e> a+9a;3 (-c+7de b/4' 4'e 8a+7e a-d 37(4 /f a ca2d 9'e- (4
(3 be(-& 73ed@
P+a;(-& Ma+(fa7: 9(4' S4a-da2d Ca2d3
Mallfaux can be played wlLh sLandard card decks composed of 34 cards ln 4 sulLs and 2 !okers lf
omclal Mallfaux decks are unavallable. 1he Lable below shows Lhe palrlngs of Mallfaux card
sulLs and sLandard deck sulLs. Aces have a value of 1, and Lhe face cards --!acks, Cueens, and
klngs --have a value of 11, 12, and 13, respecuvely. ?ou wlll also need Lo mark one !oker 8lack
and one 8ed lf Lhey are noL already marked.
S7(4 S;,b/+
S4a-da2d S7(4 I
Te Fa*e Dec" 23
Te Fa*e Dec" 25 24 Te Fa*e Dec"
Aer a game evenL ln whlch a player used Cards ls compleLed, lmmedlaLely move Lhose Cards
Lo LhaL player's dlscard plle, face up, ln Lhe order Lhey were used wlLh Lhe lasL Card used on Lhe
Lop. lf Lhe evenL was a uuel, Lhe Cards used durlng Lhe uuel are placed lnLo Lhe dlscard plle ln
Lhe same way as above when Lhe uuel ls compleLed. unul Lhen, Lhey should be sLacked ln such
a way LhaL Lhe only Card(s) vlslble are Lhe Cards LhaL are currenLly acuve.
R7--(-& O74 /f Fa4e Ca2d3
When a player needs Lo draw or lp a laLe Card and hls or her laLe ueck ls empLy, Lhe player
plcks up hls or her dlscard plle, (e7)h-e) Lhe Cards, and places Lhem face down. 1hls sLarLs a
new laLe ueck. Cards currenLly ln play, or LhaL currenLly reslde ln a ConLrol Pand, may noL be
shuMed lnLo Lhe new laLe ueck. layers should always glve Lhelr opponenLs an opporLunlLy Lo
cuL Lhe ueck aer shuMlng lL for any reason.
T7*34*.( F"4&
normally, players lp one card when a Card lp ls requlred. Fa*e #%de() lncrease Lhe number
of cards lpped when resolvlng a game evenL and are lndlcaLed by a +for a posluve faLe modler
and a -for a negauve faLe modler.
When a model ls aecLed by one or more faLe modlers, LoLal up Lhe number of +(posluve)
modlers, Lhen subLracL Lhe LoLal number of -(negauve) modlers Lo see how many add(5/-a+
cards Lo lp. 1he LoLal number of addluonal cards lpped due Lo faLe modlers (wheLher posluve
or negauve) can never be more Lhan Lhree, regardless of how many modlers are applled.
Re,e,be2? fa4e ,/d(!e23 a2e ca2d3 #(00ed (- add(5/- 4/ 4'e (-(5a+ ca2d #(00ed@
Aer LoLallng up faLe modlers:
- 0 (no +or -faLe modlers): lllp one laLe Card, Lhls ls Lhe sLandard number of Cards
lpped durlng an evenL.
- +, ++, or +++(one, Lwo, or Lhree posluve faLe modlers): lllp /-e add(5/-a+ laLe
Card per +. Choose one Card Lo use and place LhaL Card on Lop of any oLher lpped
- -, --, or ---(one, Lwo, or Lhree negauve faLe modlers): lllp /-e add(5/-a+ laLe
Card per -. keep Lhe lowesL value Card Lo use and place LhaL Card on Lop of any oLher
lpped Cards. lf Lhe lowesL value ls ued beLween Lwo Cards, Lhe conLrolllng player can
choose whlch Card Lo keep. T'e 0+a;e2 ca--/4 C'ea4 Fa4e f/2 4'(3 #(0@
J/*e23 a-d T9(35-& Fa4e
8egardless of Lhe number of Cards lpped, a player musL choose Lo keep and use Lhe 8lack !oker
lf lL ls lpped, even lf Lhe 8ed !oker ls also lpped. lf Lhe 8ed !oker ls parL of a negauve modler
lp, lL may be sull be used, even lf lL ls noL Lhe lowesL value card.
T)& C/.42/, H".%
1he C%$*(%" Ha$d, or Ha$d, represenLs how eecuve a Crew ls aL conLrolllng Lhe ebb and ow of
maglc ln Mallfaux. Cards ln a player's Pand are called C%$*(%" Ca(d) and are drawn lnLo Lhe Pand
from Lhe laLe ueck. ConLrol Cards can help Crews Chea* Fa*e Lo change Lhe ouLcome of a uuel.
Ma:(,7, C/-42/+ Ha-d S(<e
1he maxlmum ConLrol Pand slze depends on Lhe slze of LncounLer belng played. lor Scraps, Lhe
maxlmum number of Cards ls 6, for 8rawls, lL ls 7 (see Choose LncounLer Slze, p.62). uurlng Lhe
Lurn, players can have more Cards ln Lhelr Pands Lhan Lhe maxlmum, buL Lhey musL dlscard
down Lo Lhe maxlmum Pand slze durlng Lhe uraw hase (p.30).
U3*.( C"2%3
Slnce Lhe cards ln Mallfaux can aecL Lhe game ln dlerenL ways, Lhe rules make a dlsuncuon
beLween d(a/$g, &&$g6(e7&&$g, Chea+$g Fa*e, and d)ca(d$g Lhem.
A card ls consldered Lo be ln play from Lhe ume lL ls lpped from Lhe laLe ueck or played from Lhe
ConLrol Pand, unul lL ls moved Lo Lhe dlscard plle or back Lo Lhe Pand or ueck.
D2a9(-&? A player d(a/) a Card by Laklng Lhe Lop card from hls or her laLe ueck and placlng lL ln
hls or her Pand. layers can always look aL Lhese Cards as Lhey are drawn. Cards ln a ConLrol Pand
are called ConLrol Cards.
F+(00(-&BReC#(00(-&? A player &) a laLe Card by Lurnlng over Lhe Lop card of hls or her laLe ueck.
A lpped Card's value and/or sulL are applled lmmedlaLely. laLe Cards are mosL oen lpped Lo
resolve game evenLs, such as auacks or casung Spells, or Lo deLermlne who has lnluauve each
Lurn. Re7& slmply means Lo dlscard Lhe currenL laLe Card ln play and replace lL wlLh a new one.
1he number of cards a player lps may be lncreased due Lo faLe modlers (see below) applled Lo
Lhe lp. 1hese modler cards are lpped (- add(5/- Lo Lhe lnlually lpped card.
C'ea5-& Fa4e? laylng a ConLrol Card from a Pand Lo replace Lhe laLe Card ln play ls called
Chea+$g Fa*e. All models can CheaL laLe buL only when Lhe rules allow Lhem Lo do so. 1he played
ConLrol Card becomes Lhe new laLe Card, and ls placed on Lop of Lhe prevlous laLe Card unul Lhe
evenL ls resolved. A model can CheaL laLe:
- uurlng a uuel (p.26)
- uurlng a uamage lllp (p.44)
- When a speclc rule allows
D(3ca2d(-&? D)ca(d$g a card moves lL from a player's laLe ueck, ConLrol Pand, or from play Lo
hls or her dlscard plle, face up, wlLhouL applylng lLs value or sulL.
T)& D*3$"2% P*,&
layers should keep Lhelr d)ca(d &"e) near Lhelr laLe uecks for easy access. All Cards ln Lhe
dlscard plle should be face up, wlLh Lhe mosL recenLly dlscarded Card on Lhe Lop. layers may
noL look Lhrough any dlscard plles, nelLher Lhelr own nor anoLher player's, and cannoL change
Lhe order of Cards ln Lhelr dlscard plle.

* Ide#(if, P$+e&' $*e&
Te Fa*e Dec" 27 26 Te Fa*e Dec"
uuels are used Lo resolve mosL evenLs durlng a game of Mallfaux. 1here are Lwo Lypes of uuels:
)#&"e and %&&%)ed. A slmple uuel ls a uuel agalnsL a predened *a(ge* $-#be( (1n), an
opposed uuel ls a uuel agalnsL anoLher model's LoLal. uurlng a uuel, each model lnvolved has
an opporLunlLy Lo aecL Lhe uuel's ouLcome by Cheaung laLe.
Some models possess one or more T(gge() whlch can be used durlng uuels. A 1rlgger conslsLs
of Lhe sLaL lL ls connecLed Lo, as well as Lhe sulL(s) a model needs ln lLs uuel LoLal for lLs use. When
Lhe model ls uslng Lhe sLaL lndlcaLed ln Lhe 1rlgger ln a uuel and has Lhe sulL(s) needed ln lLs
LoLal, lL can declare lL ls uslng Lhe 1rlgger, applylng Lhe 1rlgger's eecLs as lndlcaLed ln lLs
descrlpuon. A model can only declare lL ls uslng one 1rlgger durlng a uuel, regardless of Lhe
number of 1rlggers lL possesses. lf a 1rlgger allows Lhe model Lo Lake addluonal Acuons, Lhose
Acuons do noL cosL A (see Acuons, p.32) Lo use. aralyzed models may noL declare 1rlggers.
1he eecLs of a 1rlgger are llmlLed Lo Lhe Acuon lL ls acuvaLed wlLh. Addluonal models are noL
aecLed by Lhe 1rlgger unless lL ls sLaLed oLherwlse ln lLs descrlpuon.
P&2'/2-*.( " S*-0,& D5&,
A slmple uuel plLs Lhe model agalnsL a seL LargeL number (1n) and ls llsLed as Lhe sLaL vs. Lhe 1n
DS4a4 W TNE.
lf a game eecL requlrlng a slmple uuel aecLs muluple models, Lhe aecLed models perform
Lhe uuel ln an order of Lhelr ConLroller's chooslng. When more Lhan one ConLroller has models
aecLed, use Lhe Lurn's acuvauon order (p.31) Lo deLermlne whlch ConLroller performs Lhelr
models' uuels rsL.
L@ F+(0 f/2 S4a25-& D7e+ T/4a+@ 1he model lps one laLe Card + one laLe Card per faLe modler
(+or -). lf Lhe lp had a posluve modler (one or more +), Lhen Lhe model chooses whlch of
Lhe lpped Cards Lo keep. lf Lhe lp had a negauve modler (one or more -), Lhen Lhe model
musL choose Lhe lowesL value Card. lf one of Lhe lpped Cards was Lhe 8ed !oker, Lhe player may
choose Lo keep lL regardless of faLe modler. lf one of Lhe lpped Cards was Lhe 8lack !oker, Lhe
player ,734 keep lL regardless of any oLher Card lpped, lncludlng Lhe 8ed !oker. lace Lhe chosen
Card on Lop of any oLher lpped Cards.
S4a25-& D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2dH3 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U 34a4 8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23@
- lf Lhe sLarung uuel LoLal ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan Lhe 1n and lncludes aL leasL one of each
sulL ln Lhe 1n, Lhe model ls wlnnlng Lhe uuel. (S7cce33)
- lf Lhe sLarung LoLal ls less Lhan Lhe 1n and/or ls mlsslng one or more of Lhe sulLs ln Lhe 1n,
Lhe model ls loslng Lhe uuel. (Fa(+72e)
M@ C'a-&e S4a25-& T/4a+ /2 Pa33@ 1he model may use elLher or boLh opuons below, ln Lhe order
llsLed, buL can use each opuon only once. A model may choose noL Lo use elLher opuon and
move on Lo SLep 3 lnsLead.
- C'ea4 Fa4e: 1he model performlng Lhe uuel may replace
Lhe lpped laLe Card wlLh a ConLrol Card from lLs ConLrol
Pand. lace Lhe ConLrol Card on Lop of any oLher Cards Lhe
model has ln play. A ,/de+ ca--/4 C'ea4 Fa4e (f (4 'a3 a
-e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e B+ac*
- U3e S/7+34/-e3: lf Lhe model has Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 AblllLy,
lL may dlscard a SoulsLone Lo lp a second laLe Card and
add lLs value and sulL Lo Lhe uuel LoLal. lace Lhls card nexL
Lo Lhe laLe Card ln play. lf Lhe 8lack !oker ls lpped, lL adds
noLhlng Lo Lhe LoLal, lL does noL replace lL. A ,/de+ ca- U3e
S/7+34/-e3 e8e- (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e B+ac* J/*e2@
N@ De4e2,(-e F(-a+ D7e+ T/4a+@ 1hls ls deLermlned aer Lhe model has had an opporLunlLy Lo
change lLs sLarung uuel LoLal.
F(-a+ D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 D/2(&(-a+ /2 2e0+ace,e-4 f2/, C'ea5-& Fa4eE U 34a4
8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23 U 8a+7e a-d 37(4 /f a-; Fa4e Ca2d f2/, U3(-&
O@ Dec+a2e T2(&&e2@ 1he model may now declare LhaL lL ls uslng one 1rlgger LhaL lL has meL Lhe
sulL requlremenLs for. 1he 1rlgger's descrlpuon wlll lndlcaLe when lLs eecLs are applled.
P@ De4e2,(-e S7cce33@
- lf Lhe model's nal uuel LoLal ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan Lhe 1n and lncludes aL leasL one of
each sulL ln Lhe 1n, Lhe model has won Lhe uuel. (S7cce33)
- CLherwlse, Lhe model has losL Lhe uuel. (Fa(+72e)
Q@ A00+; D7e+ Re37+43@ 1he resulLs of wlnnlng or loslng Lhe uuel are applled as lndlcaLed by Lhe

Pe2f/2,(-& a D7e+
1. lllp for SLarung uuel 1oLal.
2. Change SLarung 1oLal or ass.
a. CheaL laLe
b. use SoulsLones
3. ueLermlne llnal uuel 1oLal.
4. ueclare 1rlgger.
3. ueLermlne Success.
6. Apply uuel 8esulLs.
Te Fa*e Dec" 29 28 Te Fa*e Dec"
Q@ A00+; D7e+ Re37+43@ 1he resulLs of wlnnlng or loslng Lhe uuel are applled Lo each model as
lndlcaLed ln Lhe uuel's descrlpuon.
R&3/,6*.( ". O00/3&% D5&,
An opposed uuel plLs Lhe acung model's sLaL agalnsL Lhe opposlng models' sLaLs DAc5-& M/de+A3
S4a4 W Defe-d(-& M/de+A3 S4a4E. lL may noL always be clear whlch model ls Lhe acung or
defendlng model ln an opposed uuel. When ln doubL, remember LhaL any ume Largeung ls
menuoned, Lhe LargeL ls auLomaucally Lhe defender. lf no LargeL ls requlred, or Lhere ls no acung
model aL Lhe ume, Lhe acung model should be Lhe model conLrolled by Lhe currenL acung player,
or Lhe nexL player ln Lhe Lurn's acuvauon order (p.31).
L@ F+(0 f/2 S4a25-& D7e+ T/4a+3@ Lach model lps one laLe Card + one laLe Card for each faLe card
modler (+or -) applled Lo lLs respecuve lps. lf Lhe lps had a posluve modler (one or more
+), Lhen Lhe model chooses whlch of Lhe lpped Cards Lo keep. lf Lhe lp had a negauve modler
(one or more -), Lhen Lhe model musL choose Lhe lowesL value Card. lf one of Lhe lpped Cards
was Lhe 8ed !oker, Lhe player may choose Lo keep lL regardless of faLe modler. lf one of Lhe
lpped Cards was Lhe 8lack !oker, Lhe player ,734 keep lL regardless of any oLher Card lpped,
lncludlng Lhe 8ed !oker. lace Lhe chosen Card on Lop of any oLher lpped Cards. ln Lhe case of
boLh models havlng faLe modlers, Lhe acung model musL choose lLs card rsL.
S4a25-& D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U 34a4 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23@
Compare Lhe models' sLarung LoLals. 1he model wlLh Lhe hlgher LoLal ls wlnnlng Lhe uuel.
- lf Lhe acung model has a hlgher LoLal, or Lhe LoLals are ued, lL ls wlnnlng Lhe uuel. (S7cce33)
- 1he acung model ls loslng Lhe uuel lf lLs LoLal ls less Lhan Lhe defendlng model's LoLal. (Fa(+72e)
M@ C'a-&e S4a25-& T/4a+3 /2 Pa33@ SLarung wlLh Lhe loslng model, each model may use elLher or
boLh opuons below, ln Lhe order llsLed, buL can use each opuon only once. A model may choose Lo
pass and noL use elLher opuon. lf boLh models pass changlng Lhelr LoLals, move on Lo SLep 3 below.
- C'ea4 Fa4e: 1he model may replace Lhe lpped laLe Card wlLh a ConLrol Card from lLs
ConLrol Pand. lace Lhe ConLrol Card on Lop of any oLher Cards Lhe model has ln play. A
,/de+ ca--/4 C'ea4 Fa4e (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e
B+ac* J/*e2@
- U3e S/7+34/-e3: lf Lhe model has Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 ablllLy, lL may dlscard a SoulsLone Lo
lp a second laLe Card and add lLs value and sulL Lo Lhe uuel LoLal. lace Lhls card nexL Lo
Lhe laLe Card ln play. lf Lhe 8lack !oker ls lpped, lL adds noLhlng Lo Lhe LoLal, lL does noL
replace lL. A ,/de+ ca- U3e S/7+34/-e3 e8e- (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43
c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e B+ac* J/*e2@
N@ De4e2,(-e F(-a+ D7e+ T/4a+3@ 1hls ls deLermlned aer boLh models have had an opporLunlLy
Lo change Lhelr sLarung uuel LoLals.
F(-a+ D7e+ 4/4a+3 V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 D/2(&(-a+ /2 2e0+ace,e-4 f2/, C'ea5-& Fa4eE U 34a4
8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23 U 8a+7e a-d 37(4 /f a-; Fa4e Ca2d f2/, U3(-&
O@ Dec+a2e T2(&&e2@ SLarung wlLh Lhe model wlLh Lhe lower LoLal, or Lhe defendlng model lf Lhe
LoLals are ued, each model may now declare one 1rlgger LhaL lL has meL Lhe sulL requlremenLs
for. 1he 1rlgger's descrlpuon wlll lndlcaLe when lLs eecLs are applled.
P@ De4e2,(-e S7cce33@
- lf Lhe acung model's nal uuel LoLal ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan Lhe defendlng model's nal
uuel LoLal, lL wlns Lhe uuel, and Lhe defendlng model loses Lhe uuel. (S7cce33)
- CLherwlse, Lhe acung model has losL Lhe uuel and Lhe defendlng model has won. (Fa(+72e)

1he model currenLly Laklng Acuon ls referred Lo as Lhe ac+$g #%de"> a,ac!$g #%de",
or a,ac!e(@ 1he model respondlng Lo Lhe Acuon ls referred Lo as Lhe *a(ge* #%de",
defe$d$g #%de", or defe$de(.
D&4&2-*.*.( D5&, T/4", D*"(2"-
1he followlng ls how you would deLerme a uuel LoLal when a player CheaLs laLe and chooses
Lo use a SoulsLone durlng a slmple W0 W LR uuel. 1he model's sLausuc ls 4M, lL lps a 7RbuL
decldes Lo CheaL laLe, replaclng lL wlLh a 12Mfrom Lhe ConLrol Pand. 1he player decldes Lo use a
SoulsLone Lo draw a Card, ln Lhls case a 4C, and adds lL Lo Lhe LoLal. 1he nal uuel LoLal ls 20MMC,
and Lhe model succeeds ln Lhe slmple uuel.
WP S4a535c
Ca2d F+(00ed (3 Re0+aced
b; C'ea5-& Fa4e 9(4' a Ca2d
f2/, 4'e 0+a;e2A3 'a-d
U3e a S/7+34/-e 4/
F+(0 a-d add /-e
add(5/-a+ Ca2d D7e+ T/4a+
4M 20MMC + + =
T)& T52.
A Mallfaux LncounLer conslsLs of a number of Lurns ln whlch players alLernaLe acuvaung models
unul boLh sldes have acuvaLed Lhelr enure Crew.
Lach *-($ ls broken lnLo 3 &ha)e) - D(a/, Ac+.a+%$, and C"%)$g - ln whlch each phase ls
composed of an ordered sequence of requlred sLeps. Lach phase and lLs sLeps occur ln Lhe
speclc order ouLllned below durlng every Lurn. Cnce a Lurn's Closlng hase ls compleLed, Lhe
nexL Lurn beglns. LecLs endlng durlng SLeps do so as lndlcaLed ln 1lmlng, p.6.
1) D2"7 P)"3&
Lach sLep ln Lhe uraw hase ls Laken uslng Lhe
prevlous Lurn's acuvauon order. Cn Lhe rsL
Lurn, sklp sLeps A and 8 and sLarL wlLh sLep C
of Lhe uraw hase.
A@ S4a24 D2a9 P'a3e
Any eecLs whlch lndlcaLe a sLarL, occur,
or end durlng Lhe SLarL uraw hase,
respecuvely sLarL, occur, or end.
B@ D(3ca2d C/-42/+ Ca2d3
layers may dlscard any number of
ConLrol Cards from Lhelr ConLrol Pands
aL Lhls ume.
C@ D2a9 C/-42/+ Ca2d3
layers draw ConLrol Cards unul Lhey
reach Lhe maxlmum Pand slze for Lhe
LncounLer slze (6 for Scrap, 7 for 8rawl)
Lhey are playlng. lf a player ls already
holdlng Lhe maxlmum number of Cards, LhaL player does noL draw any cards. lf a player has
more Cards ln hls or her hand Lhan Lhe maxlmum, LhaL player does noL draw any cards and
musL dlscard Cards unul he or she has no more Lhan Lhe maxlmum number of cards allowed
ln hls or her Pand.
lf Lhls ls Lhe rsL Lurn, players slmulLaneously draw Lhelr Pands.
Ga,e S(<e Ma:(,7, Ha-d S(<e
Sc2a0 6
B2a9+ 7
D@ E-d D2a9 P'a3e
Any eecLs whlch lndlcaLe a sLarL, occur, or end durlng Lhe Lnd uraw hase, respecuvely
sLarL, occur, or end.
Te Ga$e 31 30 Te Ga$e
2) A$4*6"4*/. P)"3&
A@ S4a24 Ac58a5/- P'a3e
Any eecLs whlch lndlcaLe a sLarL, occur, or end ln Lhe SLarL Acuvauon hase, respecuvely sLarL,
occur, or end. lf Lhls ls Lhe rsL Lurn of Lhe game, randomly deLermlne whlch player resolves hls
or her eecLs rsL, Lhen conunue ln Lhe randomly deLermlned order.
B@ F+(0 f/2 I-(5a58e S4e0
layers now lp a laLe Card and compare Lhe values, Lhls ls known as Lhe I$+a+.e F"&. lf Lhe
laLe Card values are ued, no player has Lhe opuon Lo use a SoulsLone. All players re-lp.
lf Lhe laLe Card values are noL ued, Lhe player wlLh Lhe lowesL laLe Card has Lhe opuon Lo dlscard
a SoulsLone and re-lp Lhe laLe Card. Cnce LhaL player has made and acLed on Lhe cholce Lo re-
lp, Lhe opponenL wlLh Lhe nexL lowesL LoLal may Lhen choose Lo dlscard a SoulsLone and re-lp.
1he order Lo dlscard a SoulsLone Lo re-lp Lhe laLe Card ls resolved ln order from Lhe player wlLh
Lhe lowesL laLe Card value Lo Lhe player wlLh Lhe hlghesL laLe Card value, unul all players have
had Lhe opuon Lo re-lp. Lach player has Lhe opuon Lo relp, even lf Lhey do noL have any
models wlLh Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 ablllLy le ln play.
Aer all players have had an opporLunlLy Lo re-lp once, lf any of Lhe laLe Card values are ued,
Lhe players wlLh ued values repeaL Lhe lllp for lnluauve sLep from Lhe beglnnlng. lf Lhe lllp for
lnluauve sLep ls repeaLed, all players agaln have Lhe opuon Lo dlscard one SoulsLone and re-lp
once. 1he player wlLh Lhe hlghesL value has I$+a+.efor Lhls Lurn and acuvaLes a model rsL.
C@ A+4e2-a5-& Ac58a5/-3 S4e0
8eglnnlng wlLh Lhe rsL player, each player, from hlghesL Lo lowesL lnluauve value, acuvaLes one
model and uses all of lLs acuon polnLs for Lhe Lurn. 1hls player order for acuvaung models ls
called Lhe Lurn's ac+.a+%$ %(de(.layers conunue acuvaung uslng Lhe Lurn's acuvauon order
unul all of Lhelr models ln play have acuvaLed aL leasL once durlng Lhe Lurn.
lf a player has models Lo acuvaLe, LhaL player musL acuvaLe one when lL ls hls or her Lurn Lo do
so. lf a model ls unable Lo Lake any Acuons when lL ls acuvaLed, LhaL model's conLroller slmply
passes acuvauon Lo Lhe nexL player ln Lhe acuvauon order. lf a player has no models le Lo
acuvaLe buL oLher players do, LhaL player's acuvauon Lurn ls sklpped. Lach model may acuvaLe
only once durlng a Lurn unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed by a model's ablllLy. 1urnlng your models'
sLaL cards or marklng Lhem wlLh glass beads or oLher CounLers aer Lhey have acuvaLed ls a
good way Lo keep Lrack of whlch models sull need Lo acuvaLe.
D@ E-d Ac58a5/- P'a3e S4e0
Any eecLs whlch lndlcaLe a sLarL, occur, or end ln Lhe Lnd Acuvauon hase, respecuvely sLarL,
occur, or end.
M7+50+e Ac58a5/-3
When an eecL allows a player Lo acuvaLe Lwo or more models slmulLaneously, LhaL player rsL sLaLes
all of Lhe models he or she ls acuvaung. nexL, Lhe player selecLs Lhe rsL model ln Lhe group and
acuvaLes lL as normal, compleung lLs enure acuvauon before movlng on Lo Lhe nexL model, and so
on, unul all of Lhe models acung slmulLaneously have compleLed Lhelr acuvauons. Cnce Lhe player
has compleLed all of Lhe acuvauons, acuvauon passes Lo Lhe nexL player ln acuvauon order.
A model allowed Lo acuvaLe lmmedlaLely by an eecL does so before any oLher model acuvaLes, buL
aer Lhe currenL model's acuvauon ends.
T)& G"-&
T72- Se17e-ce
LE D2a9 P'a3e
A. SLarL uraw hase SLep
8. ulscard ConLrol Cards SLep
C. uraw ConLrol Cards SLep
u. Lnd uraw hase SLep
ME Ac58a5/- P'a3e
A. SLarL Acuvauon hase SLep
8. lllp for lnluauve SLep
C. AlLernaung Acuvauons SLep
u. Lnd Acuvauon hase SLep
NE C+/3(-& P'a3e
A. SLarL Closlng hase SLep
8. 8esolve LecLs SLep
C. ShuMe laLe uecks SLep
u. Lnd Closlng hase SLep
Ne*e&b$&# I#*$!*e"e#(?
Te Ga$e 33 32 Te Ga$e
G&.&2", A$4*/.3
Ge$e(a" Ac+%$) are common game Acuons avallable Lo all models, unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed ln
Lhe Acuon's descrlpuon. Some general Acuons are llsLed below whlle oLhers are ouLllned ln Lhe
approprlaLe chapLers LhroughouL Lhls book (e.g. general combaL Acuons are llsLed ln Lhe CombaL
chapLer). A model can spend general A or Lhe approprlaLe speclc A Lo Lake a general Acuon.
Ge-e2a+ Ac5/-3
DLE Hea+? Models wlLh U3e S/7+34/-e only. ulscard 1 SoulsLone. 1hls model makes a Peallng lllp
DJE I-4e2ac4? 1hls model spends Lhe lndlcaLed number of Acuons Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe game Lable
or Lerraln plece.
DLE Pa33? 1hls model does noLhlng for Lhls Acuon.
Da++E Sca8e-&e? Scavengers Cnly. 1hls model galns 1 Scrap CounLer.
S0&$*'*$ A$4*/.3
Many Acuons are only avallable Lo cerLaln models and are llsLed ln Lhe model's descrlpuon. 1hese
)&ecc Ac+%$) llsL Lhelr A cosL before Lhe Acuon name [usL llke general Acuons. 8egardless of
Lhelr source, speclc Acuons do noL sLack.
S0ec(!c Ac5/- P/(-43
Some Ablllues granL a model addluonal A for speclc Acuons. 1hese )&ecc AP Ablllues llsL
Lhe addluonal A granLed as a (+ or someumes -#) ln fronL of Lhe AblllLy's name: DULE Me+ee
E:0e24, for example. 1hese speclc A can be spenL only on Lhe Acuons lndlcaLed ln Lhe
descrlpuon, and may noL be comblned wlLh oLher A, elLher general or speclc, unless Lhe AblllLy
permlLs. Speclc A are added Lo a model's avallable A aL Lhe beglnnlng of lLs acuvauon, or
when noLed ln Lhe AblllLy's descrlpuon and can be spenL along wlLh general A ln whaLever order
lLs conLroller chooses. A model does noL have Lo use a ass Acuon for any unused speclc A.
unused speclc A are losL aL Lhe end of Lhe model's acuvauon. 8egardless of Lhelr source,
speclc A wlLh Lhe same name do noL sLack.
3) C,/3*.( P)"3&
1he Closlng hase occurs aer all models ln play have been acuvaLed. Lach sLep ln Lhe Closlng
hase ls Laken ln acuvauon order.
A@ S4a24 C+/3(-& P'a3e S4e0
Any eecLs whlch lndlcaLe a sLarL, occur, or end ln Lhe SLarL Closlng hase, respecuvely sLarL,
occur, or end.
B@ Re3/+8e Eec43 S4e0
All Acuon and Spell eecLs whlch do noL lndlcaLe a durauon end durlng Lhls sLep.
C@ S'7$e Fa4e Dec*3 S4e0
layers collecL Lhelr dlscard plles and shuMe Lhem back lnLo Lhelr laLe uecks. Cards ln a
player's hand are kepL and noL shuMed back lnLo Lhe laLe ueck.
D@ E-d C+/3(-& P'a3e S4e0
Any eecLs whlch lndlcaLe a sLarL, occur, or end ln Lhe Lnd Closlng hase, respecuvely sLarL,
occur, or end. Any player wlLh cards ln hls or her dlscard plle aL Lhe end of Lhls hase musL
reshuMe hls or her ueck and dlscard as ln C. above.
Ac5/- Ba3(c3
Lach model recelves Lwo (2) ge$e(a" ac+%$ &%$*) 8AP9 aL Lhe sLarL of lLs acuvauon. Some
1rlggers, Ablllues, and game eecLs may lncrease or decrease Lhe number of A a model recelves
durlng lLs acuvauon. ln addluon:
- Acuon names appear ln B/+d, preceded ln parenLheses by Lhe number of A Lhe model
musL spend Lo Lake Lhe Acuon. lf Lhe model does noL have Lhe requlred number of A
avallable, lL cannoL Lake Lhe Acuon. unless sLaLed oLherwlse, a model can Lake Lhe same
Acuon any number of umes as long as lL has Lhe A Lo spend.
- Some Acuons requlre zero A, lndlcaLed by DKE precedlng Lhe Acuon. A model may only use
one DKE Acuon durlng lLs acuvauon. A model may only Lake DKE Acuons durlng lLs own
- lf a model performs an Da++E Acuon, lL ls Lhe only Acuon LhaL model may Lake durlng lLs
acuvauon, lncludlng DKE Acuons. A model cannoL Lake an Da++E and a DKE Acuon durlng a
slngle acuvauon. Addluonal Acuons generaLed from 1rlggers may be used as normal when
a model performs an Da++E Acuon.
- A model may noL have any A remalnlng aL Lhe end of lLs acuvauon. lf any A are
remalnlng, Lhe model ls consldered Lo have Laken Lhe Pa33 Acuon wlLh Lhose A.
8A""9 Ac+%$ E0a#&"e4 Lad. J*&(ce ,a!'& '" ca&' 8a""9 Re)*%(e Na*-(a" O(de(2 If &he ha&
'ake! a!. Ac("!& d*%i!g he% ac(+a("!0 i!cl*di!g ca&(!g he% 8:9 AP c"&' S/%(d S*1"e&#ell0
&he c"*ld !"' ca&' Re)*%(e Na*-(a" O(de(2 Afe% ca&(!g a!d %e&"l+i!g Re)*%(e Na*-(a"
O(de(0 he% ac(+a("! e!d&2
Te Ga$e 35 34 Te Ga$e
M/8e,e-4 Eec43
When measurlng a model's movemenL, measure conslsLenLly uslng Lhe same polnL on Lhe
model's base. A model's base ls noL allowed Lo pass over anoLher model's base as lL moves nor
ls a model allowed Lo end lLs move on Lop of anoLher model's base. lf a model's base does noL
L Lhrough a gap beLween model bases and/or Lerraln, Lhe model musL nd an alLernaLe paLh
or sLop lLs movemenL aL Lhe polnL where lL can no longer pass. 1he dlsLance a model can move
may be aecLed by Lerraln (p.38).
Any ume Lhe model Lakes Lhe Wa+*, C'a2&e, or J7,0 Acuons, ls moved uslng lLs Wa+*BC'a2&e
sLaL, ls ushed, or falls back (see lalllng 8ack, p.37), lL ls belng aecLed by a #%.e#e$* eec*.
M/de+3 f/2ced 4/ ,/8e?
- T/9a2d B a9a; f2/,someLhlng (anoLher model, a speclc polnL, Lable edge, eLc.) musL
move by Lhe shorLesL rouLe. A model movlng ln Lhls manner cannoL end Lhe movemenL
furLher (for Loward) or closer (for away from) from Lhe Lhlng Lhan lL began. Powever, Lhe
model may move ln such a way as Lo avold any Lerraln or lmpassable lLems.
- D(2ec4+; 4/9a2d B a9a; f2/,someLhlng move as far as Lhe eecL requlres ln a sLralghL
llne. Models wlll sLop Lhls move lf Lhey come lnLo conLacL wlLh oLher lnLervenlng models or
Lerraln Lhey could noL move Lhrough or over.
A$4*/. M/%*'*&23
1he four game Ablllues LhaL lncrease or decrease Lhe number of general A a model recelves
durlng lLs acuvauon are collecuvely called Ac+%$ #%de(). Acuon modlers wlLh Lhe same
name do noL sLack.
- DULE Fa34? 1hls model recelves 1 addluonal general A durlng lLs currenL or nexL acuvauon,
whlchever comes rsL.
- DCLE S+/9? 1hls model forfelLs 1 general A durlng lLs currenL or nexL acuvauon, whlchever
comes rsL.
lf a model aecLed by Fa34 galns S+/9, or vlce versa, Lhe Lwo cancel each oLher ouL and boLh
eecLs are removed. A model ls noL aecLed by boLh Fa34 and S+/9aL Lhe same ume.
- Pa2a+;<ed? A model galnlng Pa2a+;<ed durlng lLs acuvauon loses any remalnlng A and lLs
acuvauon lmmedlaLely ends. lf Lhe model galns Pa2a+;<ed ouLslde of lLs acuvauon, lL forfelLs
lLs nexL acuvauon. Whlle Pa2a+;<ed> a model has no melee range, cannoL Lake any Lype of
Acuon, cannoL acuvaLe 1rlggers, and cannoL reacL Lo dlsengaglng models. A Pa2a+;<ed
model does noL make a fall back move when lL loses a Morale uuel, buL does rally as
normal (Morale, p.36).
- Reac58a4e? 1hls model may acuvaLe a second ume Lhls Lurn durlng Lhe normal acuvauon
sequence. A model may only acuvaLe a second ume Lhrough Reac58a4e once per Lurn.
lf a model aecLed by Reac58a4e galns Pa2a+;<ed, or vlce versa, Lhe Lwo cancel each oLher ouL.
A model ls noL aecLed by boLh Reac58a4e and Pa2a+;<ed aL Lhe same ume.
uurlng Lhe course of an LncounLer, models wlll change Lhelr posluons on Lhe Lable Lhrough one
of Lhe followlng Lypes of eecLs: #%.e#e$* eec*) (see MovemenL LecLs below), &"ace#e$*
eec*) (see lacemenL LecLs below), or )-##%$$g eec*) (see Summonlng, p.33).
When a player ls allowed Lo conLrol an enemy model's movemenL due Lo a game eecL such as
a Spell, LhaL player can move LhaL model ln any legal dlrecuon he or she chooses, lncludlng
walklng lL o a cll or lnLo bubbllng lava lf such a move would be legal for Lhe model Lo make.
A model can cllmb any verucal surface wlLh Lhe cllmbable LralL aL any ume when movlng (p.38).
1he model moves 1 H4 for every 2" of movemenL lL spends. lf Lhe model ends lLs acuvauon shorL
of Lhe Lop or bouom, mark Lhe model's helghL wlLh a marker lndlcaung how hlgh lL ls.
1he Lop dlagram shows Cremlln 1 movlng
d(2ec4+; 4/9a2d erdlLa Lhrough nasLy lava, whlle
Cremlln 2 ls movlng d(2ec4+; a9a;. 8oLh musL
move Lhrough Lhe lava because Lhey musL
move ln a sLralghL llne dlrecLly Loward or
away from erdlLa.
1he bouom dlagram shows Cremlln 3 movlng
4/9a2d erdlLa by movlng around Lhe lava
because he does noL need Lo move d(2ec4+;
4/9a2d erdlLa, whlle Cremlln 4 moves away ln
a sLralghL llne, buL avolds Lhe lava as well
because lL ls movlng a9a; from erdlLa, noL
d(2ec4+; a9a;. 8oLh Cremllns 3 & 4 end as close
or as far away from erdlLa, respecuvely, as
posslble, buL can avold Lhe lava.
M/6*.( D*2&$4,9 T/7"2%/A7"9 63. M/6*.( T/7"2%/A7"9 D*"(2"-
Te Ga$e 37 36 Te Ga$e
DME J7,0? 1he model can elLher move 1/2 of lLs W* dlsLance horlzonLally and can move over
gaps, or Lhe model can move up Lo 1/2 of lLs W* dlsLance from a hlgher elevauon Lo a lower
one, or vlce versa, wlLhouL suerlng damage.
When a game eecL P-)he) a model, lL ls moved Lhe dlsLance lndlcaLed by Lhe eecL causlng
Lhe ush. ushes are move eecLs and are aecLed by movemenL penalues, buL do noL generaLe
dlsengaglng S42(*e3.
When a game eecL lndlcaLes LhaL a model should be ushed Lo wlLhln a speclc dlsLance of
someLhlng, lL ls ushed, lgnorlng MovemenL enalues, Lo LhaL speclc dlsLance of someLhlng. lf
a game eecL lndlcaLes LhaL a model should be ushed Lo compleLely wlLhln a speclc dlsLance
of someLhlng, Lhe model ls ushed, lgnorlng MovemenL enalues, unul Lhe enure base ls wlLhln
LhaL dlsLance. lf Lhe enure base does noL L wlLhln LhaL dlsLance, Lhe ush cannoL be made.
M/8e,e-4 Pe-a+5e3
M%.e#e$* &e$a"+e) may apply when a model uses a movemenL eecL. All penalues Lo
movemenL are cumulauve, buL a model's W*BC& cannoL be reduced lower Lhan 1/1, unless an
eecL speclcally reduces Lhe sLaL Lo - (1erraln, p.38).
Te22a(- T;0e Pe-a+4;
Se8e2e MovemenL Lhrough severe Lerraln cosLs double Lhe
dlsLance moved.
I,0a33ab+e CannoL enLer
Ha<a2d/73 Suer damage (p.39)
C+(,bab+e MovemenL up or down cllmbable Lerraln cosLs 2" per 1 H4.
Ge-e2a+ M/8e,e-4 Ac5/-3
DLE Wa+*? 1hls model moves up Lo lLs W* ln lnches. 1hls may be ln any dlrecuon and does noL
need Lo be ln a sLralghL llne. A model may Wa+* lnLo melee combaL lf lL chooses.
DME C'a2&e? 1hls model may Lake Lhe C'a2&e Acuon lf lL has a LargeL model wlLhln lLs LoS, whlch
ls noL already ln lLs melee range. 1he charglng model musL move up Lo lLs C& ln a sLralghL
llne Loward Lhe LargeL, maklng every eorL Lo end Lhe move wlLh Lhe LargeL ln melee range.
1he model musL obey Lhe normal rules for movemenL lncludlng movemenL penalues and
dlsengaglng S42(*e3@ AL Lhe end of Lhe C'a2&emove, lf Lhe LargeL ls ln melee range, Lhe model
lmmedlaLely makes a melee S42(*e wlLh one of lLs melee Weapons and recelves +on lLs
uamage lllp for LhaL auack. lf Lhe LargeL of Lhe Charge ls ouL of melee range aL Lhe end of
Lhe model's move, Lhe C'a2&e Acuon ends lmmedlaLely.
F+;(-& M/de+3
Models wlLh Lhe F+(&'4 AblllLy move over Lerraln wlLhouL penalLy and over oLher models buL
cannoL end Lhelr movemenL ln or on lmpassable Lerraln or anoLher model's base.
Models wlLh Lhe F+/a4 AblllLy move over Lerraln wlLhouL penalLy and over oLher models, and
can end Lhelr movemenL over lmpassable Lerraln buL cannoL end Lhelr movemenL over anoLher
model's base.
Models wlLh Lhe F+(&'4 or F+/a4 AblllLy lgnore enemy models' dlsengaglng S42(*e3 when movlng
excepL for dlsengaglng S42(*e3 from models whose melee ranges Lhey began Lhe movemenL
wlLhln. 1hese models also lgnore verucal dlsLances when movlng and can be placed aLop
cllmbable Lerraln wlLhouL movlng a verucal dlsLance.
C)"2(*.( D*"(2"-
erdlLa has muluple opuons when C'a2&(-&
Som'er 1eeLh !ones. Cpuon 1 engages her wlLh
boLh Som'er 1eeLh and Lhe Warplg. Cpuon 2
moves her Lhe shorLesL dlsLance Loward Som'er
1eeLh.Cpuon 3 moves her Lo Lhe opposlLe slde of
Som'er from Lhe Warplg. All Lhree are valld
C'a2&e Acuon moves.
P53) 4/ *4)*. 63. P53) 4/ C/-0,&4&,9 *4)*. D*"(2"-
Cremlln 1 ls belng pushed Lo 9(4'(- 3" of erdlLa.
Cremlln 2 ls belng pushed Lo c/,0+e4e+; 9(4'(- 3" of erdlLa.
2" Melee 8ange 1" Melee 8ange 2" Melee 8ange
C&$ba* 39 38 Te Ga$e
Mallfaux games wlll usually be declded by a Crew's sklll wlLh bulleLs, blades, or claws. CombaL
ls resolved uslng opposed uuels.
Ge-e2a+ C/,ba4 Ac5/-3
DLE S42(*e? 1he model (auacker) LargeLs anoLher model or plece of breakable Lerraln (defender)
wlLhln range and performs an opposed uuel uslng Lhe C/,ba4 DCbE value of one of lLs
Weapons agalnsL Lhe defender's Defe-3e DDfE value, shown as Cb W Df. A model musL
have a melee Weapon Lo make a melee S42(*eor a ranged Weapon Lo make a ranged S42(*e.
DLE Defe-3(8e S4a-ce? 1hls musL be Lhe rsL Acuon Lhe model Lakes durlng lLs acuvauon. unul
Lhe Lnd Closlng hase, Lhls model's uefense lllps recelves ++when defendlng ln a melee
or ranged auack uuel. 1he model also recelves -2/-2 W*BC& unul Lhe Lnd Closlng hase.
DME F/c73? 1he model performs a melee or ranged S42(*e. 1he S42(*eA3 Auack lllp and uamage
lllp recelve +. Weapons LhaL requlre more Lhan 1 A Lo make a SLrlke cannoL be F/c73ed.
M&,&& B"3*$3
- All models have access Lo Lhe melee weapon Ba3' wlLh R& yL, Cb N, and D& KBLBM,
even Lhough lL ls noL llsLed on Lhelr sLaL cards.
- A model's melee range ls Lhe R& of any of lLs yWeapons.
- A weapon wlLh a range LhaL lncludes Lhe ylcon ls consldered a melee Weapon.
- Models ln range of an enemy's melee Weapon, or wlLh an enemy model wlLhln Lhelr
melee Weapon range, are sald Lo be e$gaged ln melee, or engaged. Models may check
Lhelr melee range Lo conrm wheLher Lhey are engaged wlLh or engaglng enemy models
aL any ume.
lf a model wlLhouL F+(&'4 or F+/a4 ls moved o an elevauon by a game eecL or elecLs Lo fall
down from an elevauon, place Lhe model aL Lhe base of Lhe elevauon. A model falllng aL leasL 3"
suers a uamage lllp of 2/4/6 for each full 3" fallen. 1oLal Lhe uamage lllps and lnlcL LhaL
amounL of damage on Lhe model (uamage, p.44). 1hese uamage lllps may noL be CheaLed.
Models wlLh bases overlapped by Lhe falllng model aer lL lands are ushed away from Lhe
model's base ln a dlrecuon of Lhelr conLroller's chooslng unul Lhelr bases are no longer covered
by Lhe fallen model.
uurlng lLs acuvauon, a model may wlsh Lo dlsengage from one or more enemy models by movlng
ouL of opposlng models' melee ranges. A model can do so, buL Lhls dlsengagemenL may be
blocked by an enemy combaLanL (ulsengaglng, p.48).
P,"$&-&.4 E''&$43
A &"ace#e$* eec* changes an ln-play model's locauon on Lhe Lable wlLhouL uslng a movemenL
eecL Lo Lravel Lhrough Lerraln or oLher models, or brlngs a model LhaL ls noL currenLly ln play
onLo Lhe Lable. A model's base musL be placed where lL can L, and may noL be placed so LhaL
any poruon of lL ls furLher Lhan Lhe placemenL eecL permlLs.
Any ume Lhe model changes lLs locauon on Lhe Lable or ls broughL lnLo play by lace, 8eplace,
or SwlLch, lL ls aecLed by a placemenL eecL.
lace ls a placemenL eecL whlch requlres a model Lo be laced ln a speclc locauon. lf Lhe model
ls belng laced ln base conLacL wlLh anoLher model, Lhere musL be room for Lhe model Lo L.
When a model ls laced ln a new locauon, eecLs llmlung Lhe dlsLance lL may move lmmedlaLely
end. unless sLaLed oLherwlse, a model's base musL be placed compleLely wlLhln any sLaLed range.
Some placemenL eecLs requlre a model (or models) Lo 8eplace one anoLher. When a model(s)
8eplaces anoLher, place LhaL model ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe model lL ls replaclng, Lhen remove
Lhe replaced model from play. 1here musL be room for Lhe model Lo L. Any eecLs on Lhe
model(s) belng replaced are applled Lo all 8eplaclng models, lncludlng any W/7-d3 suered,
whlch musL be dlvlded as evenly as posslble beLween Lhem.
1he 8eplaclng model(s) conunues Lhe acuvauon uslng any general A Lhe replaced model(s) had
remalnlng. lf Lhere are noL enough general A Lo evenly dlvlde beLween Lhe 8eplaclng models,
Lhelr conLroller dlvldes Lhem as evenly as posslble and decldes whlch model recelves any
remalnder. 1he 8eplaclng model(s) can use Lhelr speclc A durlng Lhls acuvauon lf any of Lhe
replaced models had noL already used Lhe same LalenL or spell. When muluple models replace
a slngle model, Lhey compleLe Lhelr acuvauons uslng Lhe slmulLaneous acuvauon rules.
1he SwlLch placemenL eecL requlres muluple models Lo exchange locauons. When SwlLchlng
models, each model ls relocaLed Lo Lhe oLher model's posluon and musL cover as much of Lhe
oLher model's base area as posslble. When a model SwlLches locauons, eecLs llmlung Lhe
dlsLance lL may move lmmedlaLely end.
- A model maklng a S42(*e wlLh a wlLh a melee (y) Weapon ls maklng a melee auack and
any modlers LhaL aecL models maklng melee auacks apply.
E.("(&% D*"(2"-
lranclsco and Som'er 1eeLh
!ones are e-&a&ed because
Lhey are wlLhln each oLher's
melee range.
lranclsco and Cremlln 1 are
engaged because Cremlln 1 ls
wlLhln lranclsco's melee
range, even Lhough Cremlln 1
does noL have lranclsco ln hls
melee range.
C&$ba* 41 40 C&$ba*
E+e8a4ed Te22a(- a-d Me+ee
Models wlshlng Lo auack LargeLs on elevaLed Lerraln deLermlne Lhelr dlsLance Lo Lhe LargeL as
F+a4 E+e8a5/-3?
- Models auacklng down a aL elevauon add Lhe dlerence beLween Lhe LargeL's H4 and
Lhe elevauon's H4 Lo Lhelr dlsLance Lo Lhe LargeL.
- Models auacklng up a aL elevauon add Lhe dlerence beLween Lhelr H4 and Lhe aL
elevauon's H4 Lo Lhe dlsLance Lo Lhe LargeL.
S+/0ed E+e8a5/-3?
- Models auacklng up or down sloped elevauons deLermlne dlsLance Lo Lhelr LargeL as normal.
Me+ee M/d(!e23
F/c73 Auacker's Auack and uamage lllps recelve +.
C'a2&e Auacker's uamage lllp recelves +.
Defe-3(8e uefender's uefense lllp recelves ++.
Pa(2ed Auacker's Auack lllp recelves +.
R".(&% B"3*$3
- A weapon wlLh a range LhaL lncludes Lhe zlcon ls consldered a ranged Weapon.
- Models engaged ln melee cannoL make ranged auacks.
- A model maklng a SLrlke wlLh a ranged (z) Weapon ls maklng a ranged auack and any
modlers LhaL aecL models maklng ranged auacks apply.
- Models wlLhouL a ranged (z) Weapon cannoL make ranged (z) S42(*e3.
Ra-&ed M/d(!e23
Ta2&e4 (- Auacker's Auack lllp recelves -.
S/% C/8e2
Ta2&e4 (- Auacker's Auack lllp recelves -. 1argeL recelves A2,/2 UL@
Ha2d C/8e2
F(2(-& (-4/ uefender recelves +1 Df for each enemy model lL ls engaged wlLh.
F/c73 Auacker's Auack and uamage lllps recelve +.
Defe-3(8e uefender's uefense lllp recelves ++.
Pa(2ed Auacker's Auack lllp recelves +.
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-

I"%$&(a#(: De(e&"i#e
&a#ge a#d '(&e#g(h $f
Me&ce#a&, +ea%$#'
C&$ba* 43 42 C&$ba*
B@ C'a-&e S4a25-& T/4a+3 /2 Pa33@ SLarung wlLh Lhe loslng model, each model may use elLher
or boLh opuons below, ln Lhe order llsLed, buL can use each opuon only once. A model may
choose Lo pass and noL use elLher opuon. lf boLh models pass changlng Lhelr LoLals, move on
Lo SLep C below.
- C'ea4 Fa4e? 1he loslng model may replace Lhe lpped laLe Card wlLh a ConLrol Card
from lLs ConLrol Pand. lace Lhe ConLrol Card on Lop of any oLher Cards Lhe model has ln
play. A ,/de+ ca--/4 C'ea4 Fa4e (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d
(3 4'e B+ac* J/*e2@
- U3e S/7+34/-e3? lf Lhe model has Lhe use SoulsLones ablllLy, lL may dlscard a SoulsLone Lo
lp a second laLe Card and add lLs value and sulL Lo Lhe uuel LoLal. lace Lhls card nexL Lo
Lhe laLe Card ln play. lf Lhe 8lack !oker ls lpped, lL adds noLhlng Lo Lhe LoLal, lL does noL
replace Lhe orlglnal card. A ,/de+ ca- U3e S/7+34/-e3 e8e- (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e
,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e B+ac* J/*e2@
C@ De4e2,(-e F(-a+ D7e+ T/4a+3@ 1hls ls deLermlned aer boLh models have had an opporLunlLy
Lo change Lhelr sLarung uuel LoLals.
F(-a+ D7e+ 4/4a+3 V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 D/2(&(-a+ /2 2e0+ace,e-4 f2/, C'ea5-& Fa4eE U
34a4 8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23 U 8a+7e a-d 37(4 /f a-; Fa4e Ca2d f2/, U3(-&
D@ Dec+a2e T2(&&e23@ SLarung wlLh Lhe model wlLh Lhe lower LoLal or Lhe defender lf Lhe LoLals
are ued, each model may now declare one 1rlgger LhaL lL has meL Lhe sulL requlremenLs for.
1he 1rlgger's descrlpuon wlll lndlcaLe when lLs eecLs are applled.
E@ De4e2,(-e S7cce33@ 1he dlerence beLween Lhe auacker's and defender's LoLals ls called Lhe
c%#ba* *%*a".
- lf Lhe auacker's nal uuel LoLal ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan Lhe defendlng model's nal
uuel LoLal, lL wlns Lhe uuel and hlLs Lhe defender. DS7cce33E
- CLherwlse, Lhe defender wlns Lhe uuel and ls noL hlL by Lhe auack. DFa(+72eE
F@ A00+; D7e+ Re37+43@ Any addluonal eecLs as a resulL of Lhe uuel, such as 1rlggers, are applled
as lndlcaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuons.
lf Lhe auacker hlL Lhe defender wlLh Lhe auack, Lhe auacker lnlcLs damage (see uamage below)
as modled on Lhe combaL LoLal modler charL.
S42*+& S&15&.$&
Models maklng a ranged or melee S42(*e use Lhe S42(*e auack sequence.
C/,ba4 T/4a+ M/d(!e2 C'a24
lf Lhe combaL LoLal was. 0 1-3 6-10 11+
1he auacker's uamage lllp recelves. -- - no modler +
S42(*e A6ac* Se17e-ce
1. ueclare 1argeL, Lhen Check 8ange
2. SLrlke uuel
a. lllp SLarung Auack and uefense 1oLals
b. Change SLarung 1oLals or ass
c. ueLermlne llnal uuel 1oLals
d. ueclare 1rlggers
e. ueLermlne Success
f. Apply uuel 8esulLs
S42*+& A44"$+ S&15&.$& - D&4"*,3
L@ Dec+a2e Ta2&e4> 4'e- C'ec* Ra-&e
A model musL be wlLhln Lhe auacker's LoS Lo be declared Lhe LargeL of a S42(*e. lf Lhere are no
LargeLs wlLhln Lhe auacker's LoS, Lhe S42(*e falls. A model cannoL LargeL lLself wlLh a S42(*e.
Cnce a LargeL ln LoS has been declared Lhe LargeL of Lhe S42(*e, ensure LhaL Lhe LargeL ls ln range
by measurlng Lhe dlsLance beLween Lhe Lwo models. All range measuremenLs ln Mallfaux are
made from Lhe auacklng model's base edge Lo Lhe closesL polnL on Lhe LargeL model's base
edge. lf Lhe dlsLance ls shorLer Lhan or equal Lo Lhe auack's R&, Lhe LargeL ls ln range, proceed
Lo M@ S42(*e D7e+ below. CLherwlse, Lhe LargeL ls ouL of range, ls noL a legal LargeL, and Lhe S42(*e
M@ S42(*e D7e+
erform Lhe S42(*e DCb W DfE uuel. Some S42(*e3 may use oLher sLaLs for Lhe auacker and/or
defender and are lndlcaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuons.
A@ F+(0 f/2 S4a25-& A6ac* a-d Defe-3e T/4a+3@ 1he auacker and defender each lp one laLe
Card (A6ac* F+(0 and Defe-3e F+(0 respecuvely) + one laLe Card for each faLe card modler (+
or -) applled Lo Lhelr respecuve lps. lf Lhe lp had a posluve modler (one or more +), Lhen
Lhe model chooses whlch of Lhe lpped Cards Lo keep. lf Lhe lp had a negauve modler (one
or more -), Lhen Lhe model musL choose Lhe lowesL value Card. lf one of Lhe lpped Cards
was Lhe 8ed !oker, Lhe model may choose Lo keep lL regardless of faLe modler. lf one of Lhe
lpped Cards was Lhe 8lack !oker, Lhe player ,734 keep lL regardless of any oLher Card lpped,
lncludlng Lhe 8ed !oker. lace Lhe chosen Card on Lop of any oLher lpped Cards.
S4a25-& D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U 34a4 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23
Compare Lhe models' sLarung LoLals.
- 1he model wlLh Lhe hlgher LoLal ls wlnnlng Lhe uuel. lf Lhe LoLals are ued, Lhe auacker ls
wlnnlng Lhe uuel.
C&$ba* 45 44 C&$ba*
F*2*.( *.4/ M&,&&
Models may make ranged S42(*e3 and casL ranged (z) auack Spells lnLo melee combaL. 8ecause
Lhe combaLanLs ln a melee are noL sLandlng sull durlng Lhe ghL, Lhe auacklng model may wlnd
up hlmng anoLher LargeL Lhan Lhe one lL lnLended Lo. lL could even hlL an ally wlLh Lhls ranged
1he auacker declares Lhe LargeL of Lhe ranged auack, and Lhen lps one laLe Card for Lhe LargeL
and each model ln Lhe LargeL's melee range as well as any enemy model engaged wlLh Lhe LargeL,
regardless of LoS Lo Lhose models. lllp Lwo laLe Card for models wlLh a H4 of 3 or more. 1he model
wlLh Lhe lowesL value card becomes Lhe new LargeL of Lhe auack. ln Lhe case of models ued for
Lhe lowesL card, Lhe auacklng model may choose lLs LargeL from Lhose ued models.
8esolve Lhe ranged auack as normal. 1he LargeL recelves +1 Df (or +1 Lo lLs 8eslsL sLaL lf reslsung
a ranged (z) auack Spell) for each enemy model lL ls engaged wlLh. lf Lhe auacker wlns Lhe
uuel, Lhe LargeL ls hlL as normal. lf Lhe auacklng model loses Lhe uuel, Lhe auack ls a mlss.
Models may suer Da#age 8Dg9 or W%-$d) 8Wd9 durlng an LncounLer.
lncomlng Da,a&e, lncludlng any lncreases or reducuons from 1rlggers or eecLs, ls LoLaled,
and Lhen lnlcLed as W/7-d3 on Lhe reclplenL. A model can use a 1alenL or casL a Spell LhaL
lnlcLs D& on lLself as long as lL ls noL Largeung lLself wlLh an auack Spell.
Models may also suer W/7-d3 dlrecLly. lncomlng Wd, lncludlng any lncreases or reducuons
from 1rlggers or eecLs, are LoLaled, and Lhen lnlcLed on Lhe reclplenL. LecLs whlch lncrease
or reduce D& do noL aecL Wd lnlcLed dlrecLly, and vlce versa. A model cannoL use a 1alenL or
casL a Spell LhaL requlres lL Lo lnlcL Wd on lLself lf lL would reduce lLs own W/7-d3 Lo 0.
When a model suers Wd, reduce lLs remalnlng Wd sLaL by one polnL for each polnL of Wd
suered. Models can only suer as many W/7-d3 as Lhey have remalnlng, and can never be
reduced Lo negauve W/7-d3. A model reduced Lo 0 Wd wlll be removed from Lhe game as
kllled unless an eecL LhaL could prevenL Lhe Wdor heal Lhe model Lo 1 or more Wdls applled.
T'e Da,a&e F+(0
lor mosL auacks, Da,a&e ls llsLed as Lhree numbers separaLed by slashes.
1hese numbers represenL Lhe severlLy of Lhe damage (from le Lo rlghL) as Wea*, M/de2a4e,
or Se8e2e. When maklng a Da#age F"&, lp a laLe Card and compare lLs value (noL Lhe sulL)
Lo Lhe uamage CharL below Lo deLermlne Lhe amounL of damage Lhe hlL lnlcLed.
Da,a&e C'a24
lf Lhe value of Lhe lp ls. 8lack !oker 1-3 6-10 11+ 8ed !oker
1he damage ls. no uamage Weak ModeraLe Severe Severe + anoLher
uamage lllp
A model may CheaL laLe on a uamage lllp unless one or more -apply Lo Lhe lp. 1rlggers
declared durlng a uuel, or damage modlers from game eecLs, are applled aer a model has
declded wheLher or noL Lo CheaL laLe.
When a 8lack !oker ls lpped for damage, or played whlle Cheaung laLe, Lhe auacker musL use
lL. lf Lhe 8lack !oker was lpped for damage, Lhe model lpplng lL cannoL CheaL laLe and Lhe
uamage lllp lnlcLs no damage.
When a 8ed !oker ls lpped for damage, or played whlle Cheaung laLe, lL lnlcLs Severe damage
plus a second uamage lllp's worLh of damage. 1he comblned LoLal plus any addluonal damage
modlers ls Lhen lnlcLed. lf Lhe 8ed !oker ls lpped as parL of a uamage lllp wlLh one or more
-, Lhe 8ed !oker can be selecLed lnsLead of Lhe lowesL value Card. lf Lhe Card lpped aer Lhe
8ed !oker ls Lhe 8lack !oker, lL adds no addluonal damage, buL does noL negaLe Lhe Severe
damage amounL.
2" Melee 8ange
1" Melee 8ange
F*2*.( *.4/ M&,&& D*"(2"-
erdlLa CrLega ls rlng lnLo melee. She wanLs Lo LargeL Cremlln 1. 8ecause oLher models are lnvolved ln
Lhe melee, she musL lp cards Lo deLermlne whom Lhe SLrlke LargeLs. 1he Warplg and nlno are wlLhln
Cremlln 1's melee range, whlle Cremlln 1 ls wlLhln lranclsco's melee range. She lps a card for
everyone lnvolved, lpplng a 4 for Cremlln 1, a 4 for lranclsco, a 3 and 7 for Lhe Warplg, and an 8 for
nlno. 8ecause nelLher Cremlln 1 nor Cremlln 2 ls ln each oLhers 1" melee range, Cremlln 2 ls noL a
poLenual LargeL. erdlLa's lowesL Lwo cards are ued beLween lranclsco and Cremlln 1, allowlng her Lo
choose Cremlln 1 as her LargeL.
Ide#(if, +ea %$i#('
When a uamage sLaL lncludes one or more b, wheLher any b are generaLed depends on Lhe
uamage lllp. lllp for damage as normal. lf Lhe lpped severlLy lndlcaLes one or more b, lace
Lhe rsL bcoverlng a poruon of Lhe LargeL model's base. Lach addluonal bmusL be placed so
LhaL lL ls Louchlng buL noL overlapplng anoLher b.
Any model, oLher Lhan Lhe lnlual LargeL, Louched by one or more bsuers damage one severlLy
lower Lhan whaL was lnlcLed on Lhe LargeL. Any addluonal eecLs suered by Lhe LargeL, such
as Lhe eecLs of 1rlggers, are noL suered by Lhe oLher models Louched by Lhe b unless
speclcally sLaLed oLherwlse.
lf a 8ed !oker ls lpped for damage, Lhe defender suers Lhe LoLal damage, buL addluonal bare
only generaLed o Lhe Severe damage amounL. uo noL add bbased on Lhe addluonal damage
Card lpped. Models Louched by any bgeneraLed by a 8ed !oker suer ModeraLe damage.
46 C&$ba*


Ne+ (,%e $f +ea%$#'?
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
48 C&$ba*
P2&6&.4*.( /5.%3
A model wlLh Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 AblllLy can dlscard one SoulsLone Lo prevenL Wd lL ls abouL Lo
suer. 8efore Lhe model suers Wd> lL dlscards a SoulsLone and Lhen lps one laLe Card
(P(e.e$+%$ F"&), referrlng Lo Lhe Wound revenuon CharL for Lhe resulLs. 8educe Lhe number of
WdLhe model suers by Lhe amounL llsLed ln Lhe charL. lf Lhe model lps Lhe 8ed !oker, all W/7-d3
lL would have suered are prevenLed. lf Lhe lp prevenLs more Wd Lhan were lncomlng, Lhe
addluonal prevenLed Wd are losL, Lhe model does noL heal Wd prevlously suered.
W/7-d P2e8e-5/- C'a24
lf Lhe value of Lhe lp ls. 8lack !oker 1-3 6-10 11+ 8ed !oker
1he # of Wd prevenLed ls... noLhlng 1 2 3 All lncomlng Wd
Models cannoL slmply move pasL enemy models wlLhouL rlsklng an auack. 1o represenL Lhls,
Lhe momenL a movlng enemy model would leave a model's longesL melee range, LhaL model
may lnLerrupL Lhe enemy's move and auempL Lo b"%c! lL by maklng one melee S42(*e, called a
d)e$gag$g S*(!e0 Largeung LhaL enemy model. no 1rlggers can be declared by Lhe blocklng
or movlng model durlng Lhls S42(*e. 1he S42(*e does noL lnlcL D& or Wd on Lhe movlng model
lf lL hlLs. lnsLead, lf Lhe S42(*e ls a hlL, Lhe Acuon of Lhe dlsengaglng model ends lmmedlaLely.
Models belng ushed, laced, or SwlLched cannoL be blocked when Lhey leave an enemy
model's melee range.
Hea+(-& C'a24
lf Lhe value of Lhe lp ls. 8lack !oker 1-3 6-10 11+ 8ed !oker
1he # of Wd healed ls... noLhlng 1 2 3 Peal all Wd
Came eecLs LhaL hea" W/7-d3 cannoL ralse a model's W/7-d LoLal hlgher Lhan lLs prlnLed
W/7-d3 sLaL. Any W/7-d3 healed over Lhe prlnLed sLaL value are losL. When an AblllLy or evenL
calls for a Peallng lllp, lp one laLe Card. 1hls lp cannoL be CheaLed or added Lo by SoulsLones.
Compare Lhe lpped card's value Lo Lhe Peallng CharL below Lo deLermlne Lhe number of
W/7-d3 Lhe model ls able Lo heal. When a model lps Lhe 8ed !oker durlng a Peallng lllp, lL
heals all W/7-d3 prevlously suered.
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Mag!c 51 50 Mag!c
DR34E Re3(34 D7e+ Re17(2ed? lf a 8sL sLaL ls llsLed for a Spell, when lL ls successfully casL any model
LhaL could be aecLed by lL musL wln a 8eslsL uuel DS4a4 W F(-a+ Ca35-& T/4a+E b; e:ceed(-&
4'e ca35-& 4/4a+ or suer Lhe spell's eecLs. 1he 8eslsL uuel occurs aer Lhe casLer has
compleLed lLs Casung uuel and successfully casL Lhe Spell. lrlendly models LhaL could be aecLed
by Spells requlrlng 8eslsL uuels musL reslsL as normal, buL when deLermlnlng nal LoLals, can
choose Lo ue Lhe casung LoLal and suer Lhe Spell's eecLs.
DR&E S0e++ Ra-&e? A Spell's R& ls Lhe furLhesL eecuve dlsLance, ln lnches, Lhe Spell can reach.
Spells LhaL LargeL Lhe casLer have a range of C. Spells wlLh aor pln Lhelr ranges follow Lhe
rules for Aura and ulse eecLs respecuvely (p.20). Spells wlLh a yor zlcon ln Lhelr R& are
melee and ranged auack Spells respecuvely and follow Lhe Largeung rules for Lhose Lypes of
auacks. Modlers LhaL aecL melee or ranged auacks aecL Lhese Spells as well.
S0e++ De3c2(05/-? uescrlbes Lhe Spell's eecLs. 1hls may lnclude any addluonal casung
resLrlcuons such as speclal Largeung rules, or addluonal requlremenLs for casung Lhe Spell.
When a Spell llsLs add+%$a" ca)+$g (e'-(e#e$*) ln Lhe rsL llne of lLs descrlpuon, Lhese
requlremenLs musL be meL durlng Lhe Casung uuel or Lhe Spell wlll fall. 1hese requlremenLs
lnclude: Lhe casLer suerlng Wd, sacrlclng/dlscardlng CounLers or SoulsLones, sacrlclng/kllllng
frlendly models (or Lhe casung model), or oLhers lndlcaLed as AR1 %e$*i%ee!'2"
C"34*.( S0&,,3
A model musL wln a slmple Ca W Ca35-& C/34 Casung uuel Lo casL a spell. lf Lhe spell does noL
requlre a 8eslsL uuel, apply Lhe Spell's eecLs when a model wlns Lhe Casung uuel. lf Lhe spell
requlres a 8eslsL uuel, aer Lhe acung model wlns Lhe Casung uuel, any models who would be
aecLed musL perform a 8eslsL uuel agalnsL Lhe casung LoLal Lo reslsL lLs eecLs. 1he Spell's
eecLs are only applled lf Lhe 8eslsL duel ls unsuccessful.
Ge-e2a+ Ma&(c Ac5/-3
DJE Ca34? 1hls model spends Lhe A llsLed before Lhe Spell's name and casLs Lhe Spell. Casung a
DKE Spell counLs as a model's DKE Acuon for lLs acuvauon.
DME C'a--e+? 1hls model Ca343 a DLE Spell. 1he casung recelves +Lo boLh lLs Casung and any
uamage lllps.
DLE D2a(- S/7+3? Leaders Cnly. Sacrlce up Lo Lhree frlendly models wlLhln 6", lgnorlng LoS. 1he
Crew's SoulsLone ool galns one SoulsLone for each model sacrlced. Lach ume a leader
Lakes Lhe D2a(- S/7+3 Acuon, every non-leader model ln Lhe Crew recelves a cumulauve
-1 W0 for Lhe remalnder of Lhe LncounLer. Models wlLh Lhe lnslgnlcanL CharacLerlsuc
cannoL be sacrlced by uraln Souls.
S0e++ Ba3(c3
- Spells requlre LoS Lo Lhelr LargeLs unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuon. Spells
aecung more Lhan one LargeL do noL aecL LargeLs ouLslde Lhe casLer's LoS. Spells LhaL
generaLe an aura (a) or pulse (p) area eecL, or aecL all models wlLhln a cerLaln range,
do noL requlre a LargeL Lo casL.
- A model casung a Spell wlLh a yor zlcon ln lLs R&, or one LhaL requlres a 8eslsL uuel, ls
casung an auack Spell.
- Spells wlLh a yor zlcon ln Lhelr R& are melee and ranged auack Spells respecuvely and
follow Lhe Largeung rules for Lhose Lypes of auacks. Modlers LhaL aecL melee or ranged
auacks aecL Lhese Spells as well.
S0e++ De4a(+3
Spells are llsLed ln Lhe rules as follows:
DJE S0e++ Na,e (CC: # / 8sL: # / 8g: #)
Spell uescrlpuon.
S0e++ Na,e? 1he name of Lhe spell, duh.
DCCE Ca35-& C/34? A spell's Casung CosL ls Lhe 1n Lhe casLer needs Lo equal or exceed Lo
successfully casL Lhe Spell wlLh a slmple Ca W CC uuel.
Ca35-& Se17e-ce
1. ueclare Spell and 1argeL
2. Casung uuel
a. CasLer lllps SLarung Casung 1oLal
b. CasLer Changes SLarung 1oLal or asses
c. CasLer ueLermlnes llnal uuel 1oLal
d. CasLer ueclares a 1rlgger
e. CasLer ueLermlnes Success
3. 8eslsL uuels (lf necessary)
a. 8eslsung Model lllps SLarung 8eslsL 1oLal
b. 8eslsung Model Changes SLarung 1oLal or asses
c. 8eslsung Model ueLermlnes llnal uuel 1oLal
d. CasLer MeeLs Addluonal 8equlremenLs
e. 8eslsung Model ueclares a 1rlgger
f. 8eslsung Model ueLermlnes Success
4. Apply Spell LecLs
T$% P&i$&i(,:
Ide#(if, a "e(h$d ($
#e)(&a!i-e A&ca#i'(
"agic a#d ide#(if, )'e&'
$f %&$hibi(ed "agic'
Mag!c 53 52 Mag!c
D@ Ca34e2 Mee43 Add(5/-a+ Re17(2e,e-43
lf Lhere are any addluonal requlremenLs LhaL musL be meL ln order for Lhe Spell Lo be casL, Lhey
musL be meL now or Lhe spell lmmedlaLely falls. 1hese requlremenLs are found ln Lhe rsL
senLence of Lhe Spell's descrlpuon and lnclude: Lhe casLer suerlng Wd, sacrlclng/dlscardlng
CounLers or SoulsLones, sacrlclng/kllllng frlendly models (or Lhe casung model), or oLher
requlremenLs lndlcaLed as AR1 7%e$*i%ee!'82"
E@ Ca34e2 Dec+a2e3 a T2(&&e2@ 1he casLer may now declare LhaL lL ls uslng one 1rlgger LhaL lL has
meL Lhe sulL requlremenLs for. 1he 1rlgger's descrlpuon wlll lndlcaLe when lLs eecLs are applled.
F@ Ca34e2 De4e2,(-e3 S7cce33@
- lf Lhe casLer's nal uuel LoLal (Lhe ca)+$g *%*a") ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan Lhe CC,
lncludes aL leasL one of each sulL ln Lhe 1n, and Lhe casLer has meL any addluonal
requlremenLs for Lhe Spell, Lhe casLer has won Lhe uuel and has successfully casL Lhe Spell.
- CLherwlse, Lhe casLer has losL Lhe uuel and Lhe Spell ls noL casL. lf Lhe Spell can be casL a
llmlLed number of umes, Lhls auempL does noL counL Loward LhaL llmlL. (Fa(+72e)
N@ Re3(34 D7e+3
A model musL perform a slmple Re3(34 D7e+ D34a4 W ca34e2A3 ca35-& 4/4a+E lf lL ls aecLed by a
successfully casL Spell wlLh a R34 sLaL lndlcaLed. 8eslsL uuels use only Lhe casung LoLal's value as
a 1n, sulLs ln Lhe casung LoLal are lgnored.
When a spell could aecL muluple models, all poLenually aecLed models perform 8eslsL uuels
ln an order of Lhelr conLroller's chooslng. When more Lhan one conLroller has models aecLed,
use Lhe Lurn's acuvauon order (p.31) Lo deLermlne whlch conLroller performs hls or her models'
uuels rsL.
A@ Re3(35-& M/de+ F+(03 f/2 S4a25-& D7e+ T/4a+@ 1he reslsung model lps one laLe Card (8eslsL
lllp) + one laLe Card per faLe modler (+or -). lf Lhe lp had a posluve modler (one or more
+), Lhen Lhe reslsung model chooses whlch of Lhe lpped Cards Lo keep. lf Lhe lp had a negauve
modler (one or more -), Lhen Lhe reslsung model musL choose Lhe lowesL value Card. lf one of
Lhe lpped Cards was Lhe 8ed !oker, Lhe player may choose Lo keep lL regardless of faLe modler.
lf one of Lhe lpped Cards was Lhe 8lack !oker, Lhe player ,734 keep lL regardless of any oLher
Card lpped, lncludlng Lhe 8ed !oker. lace Lhe chosen Card on Lop of any oLher lpped Cards.
Re3(35-& ,/de+H3 S4a25-& Ca35-& D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2dH3 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U Ca 8a+7e a-d a-;
37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23
- lf Lhe sLarung uuel LoLal ls greaLer Lhan Lhe Spell's casung LoLal, Lhe reslsung model ls
wlnnlng Lhe uuel. (S7cce33)
- lf Lhe sLarung LoLal ls equal Lo or less Lhan Lhe Spell's casung LoLal, Lhe model ls loslng Lhe
uuel. (Fa(+72e)
L@ Dec+a2e S0e++ a-d Ta2&e4
1he model declares Lhe Spell lL ls casung, spends Lhe requlred A and meeLs any oLher
requlremenLs (such as dlscardlng cards or suerlng D& or Wd), and nomlnaLes a LargeL wlLhln
LoS lf one ls requlred. Measure range Lo Lhe LargeL from Lhe casLer's base edge Lo Lhe closesL
base edge of Lhe LargeL. lf Lhe LargeL ls noL ln Lhe Spell's range, and/or lf Lhe casLer cannoL meeL
Lhe Spell's addluonal requlremenLs (lf any), Lhe Acuon falls.
M@ Ca35-& D7e+
Cnce Lhe LargeL has been deLermlned Lo be wlLhln range and LoS, perform a slmple Ca W CC
Ca35-& D7e+.
A@ Ca34e2 F+(03 f/2 S4a25-& D7e+ T/4a+@ 1he casLer lps one laLe Card (Ca)+$g F"&) + one laLe
Card per faLe modler (+or -). lf Lhe lp had a posluve modler (one or more +), Lhen Lhe
casLer chooses whlch of Lhe lpped Cards Lo keep. lf Lhe lp had a negauve modler (one or
more -), Lhen Lhe casLer musL choose Lhe lowesL value Card. lf one of Lhe lpped Cards was
Lhe 8ed !oker, Lhe player may choose Lo keep lL regardless of faLe modler. lf one of Lhe lpped
Cards was Lhe 8lack !oker, Lhe player ,734 keep lL regardless of any oLher Card lpped, lncludlng
Lhe 8ed !oker. lace Lhe chosen Card on Lop of any oLher lpped Cards.
Ca34e2H3 S4a25-& Ca35-& D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2dH3 8a+7e a-d 37(4 U Ca 8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U
a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23
- lf Lhe sLarung uuel LoLal ls equal Lo or greaLer Lhan Lhe Spell's Casung CosL and lncludes aL
leasL one of each sulL ln Lhe CC, Lhe casLer ls wlnnlng Lhe uuel. (S7cce33)
- lf Lhe sLarung LoLal ls less Lhan Lhe Spell's Casung CosL and/or ls mlsslng one or more of
Lhe requlred sulLs, Lhe casLer ls loslng Lhe uuel. (Fa(+72e)
Ca35-& M/d(!e23
C'a--e+ CasLer's Casung and uamage lllps recelve +.
B@ Ca34e2 C'a-&e3 S4a25-& T/4a+ /2 Pa33e3@
1he casLer may use elLher or boLh opuons below, ln Lhe order llsLed, buL can use each opuon
only once. A model may choose noL Lo use elLher opuon and lnsLead move on Lo SLep C.
- C'ea4 Fa4e? 1he casLer may replace Lhe lpped laLe Card wlLh a ConLrol Card from lLs
ConLrol Pand. lace Lhe ConLrol Card on Lop of any oLher Cards Lhe model has ln play. A
,/de+ ca--/4 C'ea4 Fa4e (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e
B+ac* J/*e2@
- U3e S/7+34/-e3? lf Lhe casLer has Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 AblllLy, lL may dlscard a SoulsLone Lo
lp a second laLe Card and add lLs value and sulL Lo Lhe uuel LoLal. lace Lhls card nexL Lo
Lhe laLe Card ln play. lf Lhe 8lack !oker ls lpped, lL adds noLhlng Lo Lhe LoLal, lL does noL
replace lL. A ,/de+ ca- U3e S/7+34/-e3 e8e- (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43
c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e B+ac* J/*e2@
C@ Ca34e2 De4e2,(-e3 F(-a+ D7e+ T/4a+@ 1hls ls deLermlned aer Lhe casLer has had an
opporLunlLy Lo change lLs sLarung uuel LoLal.
F(-a+ D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 D/2(&(-a+ /2 2e0+ace,e-4 f2/, C'ea5-& Fa4eE U 34a4
8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23 U 8a+7e a-d 37(4 /f a-; Fa4e Ca2d f2/, U3(-&
54 Mag!c
B@ Re3(35-& M/de+ C'a-&e3 S4a25-& T/4a+ /2 Pa33e3@ 1he reslsung model may use elLher or boLh
opuons below, ln Lhe order llsLed, buL can use each opuon only once. A model may choose Lo
noL use elLher opuon and lnsLead move on Lo SLep C.
- C'ea4 Fa4e? 1he reslsung model may replace Lhe lpped laLe Card wlLh a ConLrol Card from
lLs ConLrol Pand. lace Lhe ConLrol Card on Lop of any oLher Cards Lhe model has ln play. A
,/de+ ca--/4 C'ea4 Fa4e (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2 (43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e
B+ac* J/*e2@
- U3e S/7+34/-e3: lf Lhe reslsung model has Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e3 AblllLy, lL may dlscard a
SoulsLone Lo lp a second laLe Card and add lLs value and sulL Lo Lhe uuel LoLal. lace Lhls
card nexL Lo Lhe laLe Card ln play. lf Lhe 8lack !oker ls lpped, lL adds noLhlng Lo Lhe LoLal, lL
does noL replace lL. A ,/de+ ca- U3e S/7+34/-e3 e8e- (f (4 'a3 a -e&a58e fa4e ,/d(!e2 /2
(43 c722e-4 Fa4e Ca2d (3 4'e B+ac* J/*e2@
C@ Re3(35-& M/de+ De4e2,(-e3 F(-a+ D7e+ T/4a+@ 1hls ls deLermlned aer Lhe reslsung model
has had an opporLunlLy Lo change lLs sLarung uuel LoLal.
F(-a+ D7e+ 4/4a+ V Fa4e Ca2d 8a+7e a-d 37(4 D/2(&(-a+ /2 2e0+ace,e-4 f2/, C'ea5-& Fa4eE U 34a4
8a+7e a-d a-; 37(43 U a00+(cab+e ,/d(!e23 U 8a+7e a-d 37(4 /f a-; Fa4e Ca2d f2/, U3(-&
D@ Re3(35-& M/de+ Dec+a2e3 a T2(&&e2@ 1he reslsung model may now declare LhaL lL ls uslng one
1rlgger LhaL lL has meL Lhe sulL requlremenLs for. 1he 1rlgger's descrlpuon wlll lndlcaLe when lLs
eecLs are applled.
E@ Re3(35-& M/de+ De4e2,(-e3 S7cce33@
- lf Lhe reslsung model's nal uuel LoLal ls &2ea4e2 4'a- 4'e ca35-& 4/4a+, Lhe reslsung model
has won Lhe uuel and successfully reslsLed Lhe Spell, avoldlng lLs eecLs. 1hls ls sllghLly
dlerenL Lhan oLher slmple uuels. 8ecause Lhe casLer has already successfully casL Lhe
Spell, Lhe reslsung model's LoLal musL be hlgher Lhan Lhe casung LoLal Lo successfully reslsL.
- lf Lhe reslsung model's nal uuel LoLal ls +e33 4'a- /2 e17a+ 4/ 4'e ca35-& 4/4a+, Lhe
reslsung model has losL Lhe uuel and suers Lhe eecLs of Lhe Spell. 1he dlerence
beLween Lhe casung LoLal and Lhe reslsL LoLal counLs as Lhe combaL LoLal for any eecLs
(such as uamage lllps) whlch requlre a combaL LoLal. (Fa(+72e)
O@ A00+; S0e++ Eec43@
lf Lhe spell was casL successfully, apply Lhe Spell's eecLs as lndlcaLed ln lLs descrlpuon.
8egardless of wheLher Lhe spell was casL successfully and/or reslsLed, any addluonal eecLs, such
as 1rlggers, are applled as lndlcaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuons.
S5--/.&% M/%&,3
Some game eecLs allow a model Lo be S-##%$ed lnLo Lhe game. A Summoned model's base
musL be placed compleLely wlLhln 6" of Lhe summonlng model when lL enLers play. A model
Summoned lnLo base conLacL wlLh anoLher model musL be placed ln base conLacL wlLh LhaL
model. A model cannoL be Summoned lf lLs base does noL L where lL musL be placed.
A Summoned model may acuvaLe durlng Lhe Lurn lL was summoned, buL recelves S+/9 (see
Models cannoL Summon models, wheLher Lhrough 1alenLs or Spells, whlle conLrolled by an
enemy Crew.
Came eecLs may allow a model Lo *(a$)f%(# lnLo anoLher model. When a model Lransforms,
8eplace Lhe orlglnal model on Lhe Lable wlLh Lhe new model. lf Lhere ls noL enough room for
Lhe new model, sllde oLher models back unul Lhere ls room. lf Lhe model sull wlll noL L, Lhe
Lransformauon falls. lor volunLary Lransformauons, Lhe conLroller musL have Lhe correcL model
avallable Lo represenL whaL ls belng Lransformed lnLo. When forclng anoLher player's model Lo
Lransform, you musL have Lhe approprlaLe model avallable Lo represenL lLs new form (unless
LhaL player has an approprlaLe model he or she would prefer Lo use).
1he Lransformed model now uses Lhe new model's sLausuc card buL cannoL use Lhe new model's
spells. lnsLead, Lhe Lransformed model reLalns Lhe spells of Lhe orlglnal model. lL ls besL Lo keep
boLh models' cards nexL Lo each oLher Lo remlnd you whaL Lhe model was before lLs
Lransformauon. 1he eecL's descrlpuon wlll lndlcaLe how Lhe model's Lransformauon ends,
usually by Laklng a DKE Acuon lf Lhe Lransformauon was volunLary. When Lhe Lransformauon
ends, replace Lhe new model wlLh Lhe orlglnal. Wounds suered by and eecLs on Lhe new
form carry over Lo Lhe orlglnal model.
Mag!c 55
Re"i#de&: H)#( d$+#
M&(a#e 57 56 M&(a#e
T&22*'9*.(- #
Te((f1$g forces llvlng models wlLhouL Lhe Te22(f;(-& AblllLy Lo make a Morale uuel when Lhey:
- 8egln Lhelr acuvauon ln a Te22(f;(-& eecL's range.
- Lnd an Acuon ln a Te22(f;(-& eecL's range.
- LnLer a Te22(f;(-& eecL's range and do noL have elLher Lhe lllghL or lloaL AblllLy.
- ueclare a Charge Largeung a model wlLh Lhe Te22(f;(-& AblllLy.
T'e 2a-&e /f a ,/de+A3 Te22(f;(-& Ab(+(4; (3 4'a4 Te22(f;(-& ,/de+A3 +/-&e34 ,e+ee 2a-&e@
lf Lhe model wlns Lhe Morale uuel, lL lgnores LhaL Te22(f;(-& eecL for as long as lL
remalns ln LhaL eecL's Te22(f;(-& range and Lhe eecL exlsLs. lf a Te22(f;(-& eecL ends
and laLer resumes, models wlLhln Lhe range of Lhe resumed eecL wlll have Lo perform
Morale uuels agaln.
A model LhaL loses a Morale uuel or ls aecLed by an eecL LhaL forces a model Lo fall back
ls fa""$g bac!. lL musL lmmedlaLely make a fall back move. unul Lhe falllng back model
rallles (see below), lLs sLarung lps for all uuels oLher Lhan Morale uuels recelve -.
Fa++ Bac* M/8e
A model maklng a fa"" bac! #%.e lmmedlaLely moves double lLs W* Loward Lhe closesL Lable
edge uslng Lhe mosL dlrecL rouLe posslble. 1hls move ls noL consldered Lo be an Acuon. uurlng
Lhls fall back move, Lhe model may choose Lo noL lnLenuonally move lnLo an enemy model's
melee range or lnLo hazardous Lerraln lf an alLernaLe passable rouLe exlsLs. lf Lhe falllng back
model ls engaged wlLh Lhe model LhaL caused Lhe losL Morale uuel, lL falls back dlrecLly away
from LhaL model. Any dlsengaglng movemenL by a falllng back model can be blocked by enemy
models. lf Lhe fall back move occurred durlng Lhe model's acuvauon, Lhe acuvauon
lmmedlaLely ends. Pa2a+;<ed models do noL make fall back moves.
A model LhaL cannoL make a fall back move due Lo lLs posluon on Lhe Lable does noL move
aL all. lf Lhe model Louches Lhe Lable edge durlng Lhe fall back move, lL lmmedlaLely sLops.
lf Lhe model was already Louchlng Lhe Lable edge when lL was forced Lo make a fall back
move, lL ls sacrlced lnsLead. Any CounLers carrled by Lhe model are removed from Lhe
A falllng back model spends lLs nexL acuvauon Lo (a""1. unul Lhe end of LhaL acuvauon,
Lhe falllng back model cannoL perform any general or speclc movemenL Acuons and
recelves -Lo any uuels lL musL perform excepL for Morale uuels. Aer Lhe end of Lhe
model's acuvauon, lL ls no longer falllng back, becomes (a""ed3 and may conunue Lo acL
as normal. Models passlng Lhelr acuvauon due Lo Pa2a+;<ed are rallled aL Lhe end of LhaL
A Crew member's sLrengLh of wlll oen plays as lmporLanL a role ln a ghL as Lhelr sklll
wlLh a sword or plsLol. ln Mallfaux, LhaL sLrengLh of wlll can be challenged ln a number of
ways, some mundane, oLhers supernaLural ln orlgln. 1hese challenges are represenLed by
Lhe followlng morale rules.
Some game eecLs may lnuence wheLher a model falls back from Lhe ghL or baules on.
1hese eecLs requlre Lhe model Lo wln a M%(a"e D-e" or fall back. Morale uuels are:
- A slmple W0 W TN uuel whlch sLaLes ln lLs descrlpuon LhaL lL ls a Morale uuel, or
- A Spell wlLh a W0 8eslsL whlch sLaLes ln lLs descrlpuon LhaL lL ls or counLs as a Morale uuel.
ln boLh of Lhese lnsLances, Lhe model's sLarung lp ls called Lhe Morale lllp (ln addluon Lo
lL belng a 8eslsL lllp ln Lhe case of Spells).
A model whlch loses a Morale uuel ls falllng back (see below) ln addluon Lo any oLher
eecLs lL may suer from loslng Lhe Morale uuel.
Re,e,be2? E8e- 4'/7&' a M/2a+e D7e+ 737a++; 73e3 4'e W0 34a4> W0 D7e+3 a2e -/4 a+9a;3
M/2a+e D7e+3@ F/2 e:a,0+e> ,a-; S0e++3 a-d Wea0/-3 4a2&e4 W0 9(4'/74 be(-& M/2a+e D7e+3@
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Te((a!% a%d T(a!*) 59 58 Te((a!% a%d T(a!*)
1erraln componenLs LhaL have a greaLer helghL Lhan Lhe general play area and permlL models
Lo sLand aLop Lhem. layers should declare elevaLed Lerraln as elLher sloped (such as hllls, and
oLher sllghLly rlslng elevauons) or aL (such as plaLeaus, brldge Lops, and rooops). Eec4? See
p.16 for how elevaLed Lerraln aecLs LoS.
1erraln componenLs LhaL cause damage Lo models movlng Lhrough Lhem. Acld pools or
bulldlngs seL are are examples of hazardous Lerraln. Eec4? Models enLerlng hazardous Lerraln
lp for damage uslng Lhe Lerraln Lype's damage sLaL. use D& 2/4/7 for all burnlng Lerraln, such
as bulldlngs and foresL res. use D& 3/6/kllled for lava ows, acld pools, and oLher lnLensely
deadly componenLs. Models falllng lnLo deep chasms do noL lp, Lhey are auLomaucally
sacrlced. A model cannoL CheaL Lhe uamage lllp for hazardous Lerraln. llylng or lloaung
models lgnore hazards unless players agree oLherwlse before Lhe game beglns. Models kllled
by hazards do noL leave Corpse or Scrap CounLers because when you drop your keys ln
someLhlng nasLy llke lava, Lhey are gone, man!
1erraln LhaL models cannoL move Lhrough. Cllsldes, deep waLer, and hlgh walls are examples
of lmpassable Lerraln. Eec4? Models cannoL move lnLo or Lhrough lmpassable Lerraln.
lmpassable Lerraln also has Lhe blocklng LralL.
1erraln LhaL reduces Lhe eecuveness of a ranged auack. 8ulldlng corners and low walls are
examples of obscurlng Lerraln. Eec4? See p.13 for Lhe obscurlng LralL's eecL on LoS and cover.
Cpen Lerraln glves no penalues Lo movemenL or ranged auacks. All Lerraln ls consldered open
Lerraln unless oLherwlse agreed upon before Lhe game beglns. Eec4? none. 1hls ls Lhe defaulL
LralL for areas of Lhe Lable wlLh no Lerraln.
An area LhaL ls generally dlmculL Lo move Lhrough and slows movemenL. 8ubble, brambles,
and mud are examples of severe Lerraln. Eec4? MovemenL Lhrough severe Lerraln cosLs double
Lhe dlsLance moved.
SLrucLures are enclosed pleces of Lerraln, Lyplcally bulldlngs of some sorL. Eec4? SLrucLures
have Lhe elevaLed (and a H4), lmpassable, and blocklng LralLs. SLrucLures also have one or more
enLrances and wlndows. LnLrances do noL have Lhe lmpassable LralL and are Lhe only way a
model can enLer a sLrucLure Lhrough a movemenL eecL. Models lnslde a sLrucLure move as
lf lL was open Lerraln. Wlndows are lmpassable and blocklng buL have a H4 of 1. SLrucLures
may possess muluple levels and, lf so, models lnslde Lhe sLrucLure may move beLween levels
as lf Lhe sLrucLure had Lhe cllmbable LralL. LnLrances can requlre a DLE I-4e2ac4 Lo open or close
doors lf players wlsh.
WaLer componenLs LhaL may aecL a model movlng Lhrough lL, as lndlcaLed ln Lhe model's
sLausucs. 8lvers and ponds are examples of WaLer Lerraln. Eec4? Severe (see above). Some
models recelve bonuses or penalues for belng ln waLer.
Addlng *e((a$ Lo Lhe playlng area ls one way Lo enhance game play. ln addluon Lo maklng Lhe
game more vlsually appeallng, Lerraln provldes several Lacucal opuons for Crews Lo explolL.
1ry coverlng aL leasL half of Lhe playlng area wlLh Lerraln, buL any amounL of Lerraln ls
accepLable as long as all players agree on Lhe seLup. SLory and LournamenL LncounLers may
requlre Lhe placemenL of speclc Lypes of Lerraln, slmply follow Lhe LncounLer's lnsLrucuons
ln Lhese cases (LncounLers, p.62).
When laylng ouL Lhe Lerraln, all players should agree on whaL eecLs each plece of Lerraln wlll
have durlng Lhe game. 1hls wlll help Lo avold slLuauons laLer ln Lhe game where you and your
opponenL may dlsagree as Lo wheLher LhaL paLch of brush provlded cover or noL.
1erraln, [usL llke models, has boLh a H4 and a base. 1here ls no sLandard base slze for Lerraln
because of Lhe wlde varleLy of Lerraln opuons avallable. WhaLever area of Lhe Lable Lhe Lerraln
plece's fooLprlnL covers ls consldered lLs base. A Lerraln plece's H4 should be agreed upon
before Lhe game beglns, or use Lhe acLual plece's helghL ln lnches as a qulck H4 sLaL lf needed.
unless lL has Lhe lmpassable LralL, Lerraln can be occupled by oLher lLems, Lhese wlll Lyplcally
be models. 1erraln may only be LargeLed by game eecLs LhaL speclfy LheL Lhey may LargeL
lLems ln Mallfaux possess one or more of Lhe followlng *(a*).
1erraln LhaL blocks LoS. Plgh walls and dense foresLs are examples of blocklng Lerraln.
Eec4? See p.13 for Lhe blocklng LralL's eecL on LoS and cover.
ComponenLs LhaL can be knocked down or desLroyed durlng an LncounLer. 8reakable Lerraln
has a Pardness value from 1 Lo 10. uoorways, wlndows, walls, and Lerraln LhaL Lhe players
agree upon as belng able Lo be desLroyed durlng an LncounLer are breakable. Eec4? 8reakable
Lerraln ls dlvlded lnLo secuons, each wlLh a Pardness value. Small breakable secuons, such as
a door, have a slngle Pardness. Longer secuons, such as Lhe walls of a shack, have a specled
Pardness for each 3" of lengLh. Models may LargeL breakable Lerraln wlLh auacks. 1he auack
on breakable Lerraln hlLs auLomaucally, no auack uuel ls requlred. When damaglng
8reakable/1argeLable Lerraln, make a uamage lllp only (lL may sull be CheaLed). uo noL add
blasLs or perform any Lrlggers. lf Lhe lp exceeds Lhe secuon's Pardness, Lhe secuon ls
desLroyed and counLs as severe Lerraln wlLh a H4 of 0. SuggesLed Pardness: glass = 1, wood =
3, brlck = 6, sLone = 8, meLal = 10.
verucal surfaces LhaL allow models Lo locaLe Lhemselves aL varlous helghL levels on Lhe surface.
Ladders, vlnes, and rulned bulldlngs are examples of cllmbable Lerraln. Eec4? Models may
move up and down cllmbable Lerraln. 1hls movemenL cosLs double Lhe dlsLance moved.
T&22"*. ".% T2"*43

Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
E%c&+%*e() 63 62 E%c&+%*e()
N@ C'//3e E-c/7-4e2 L/ca5/-
lrom abandoned ChosL 1owns and Lhe lnhosplLable 8adlands Lo Lhe very sLreeLs of Lhe
ClLy, LncounLers ln Mallfaux can Lake place ln any number of unlque "%ca+%$). layers may
elLher agree Lo choose a locauon (based on Lhe Lerraln Lhey have avallable), or use Lhe
followlng meLhod Lo randomly deLermlne a locauon for Lhe LncounLer.
Cne randomly-deLermlned player lps Lwo laLe Cards. 1he value of Lhe rsL lp deLermlnes
wheLher Lhls ls an lndoor or ouLdoor LncounLer. 1he value of Lhe second lp Lhen Lells Lhe
players whaL locauon Lhe LncounLer Lakes place ln. Addluonal lnformauon abouL Lhese
locauons can be found beglnnlng on p.74, lncludlng suggesLed Lerraln and random evenLs
or locauons LhaL may appear ln Lhe locauon.
E-c/7-4e2 L/ca5/-
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
LCS CuLdoor Locauon
TCLN lndoor Locauon
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon

O74d//2 E-c/7-4e2 L/ca5/-
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
L Pag's 1errlLory
M Cremlln vlllage
N 8ayou's Ldge
O 8ogs
P uownLown
Q lndusLrlal Zone
R Slums
S Cuaranune Zone
T 8ulns
LK Mlne
LL loneer/ChosL 1own
LM 8adlands
LN MounLalns
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
1o seL up a Mallfaux LncounLer beLween
Lwo Crews, follow Lhe LncounLer SeLup
sequence below. 1ournamenL or SLory
LncounLers may change or lgnore some
of Lhese sLeps. 1he goal of an LncounLer
of Mallfaux ls Lo have fun, players should
feel free Lo lgnore any of Lhese sLeps
when necessary. lor example, lf you do
noL have any Lerraln ln your collecuon
LhaL would serve as a Cremlln vlllage,
you may wanL Lo sklp Lhe random
locauon generauon sLep and slmply play
wlLh Lhe Lerraln you have.
L@ C'//3e E-c/7-4e2 S(<e
layers begln by agreelng on Lhe slze of Lhelr LncounLer. 1he E$c%-$*e( )2e seLs several
facLors ln Lhe LncounLer: maxlmum ConLrol Pand slze, number of leaders per Crew,
maxlmum sLarung SoulsLone ool slze, and so forLh. Cnce players have agreed on Lhe
LncounLer slze, Lhey choose how many SoulsLones Lhey each have for hlrlng Lhelr Crews.
Aer decldlng on an LncounLer slze and Lhe number of SoulsLones avallable Lo Crews,
shuMe one laLe ueck and place lL wlLhln easy reach of all players.
E-c/7-4e2 S(<e Sc2a0 B2a9+
S/7+34/-e Ra-&e 1-33 30-80
Ma:(,7, C/-42/+ Ha-d S(<e 0e2 C2e9 6 7
N7,be2 /f Leade23 0e2 C2e9 1 1-2
Ma:(,7, S4a25-& S/7+34/-e P//+ S(<e 0e2 C2e9 8 10
M@ C'//3e Fac5/-3
Cnce Lhe LncounLer slze ls deLermlned, each player musL choose a lacuon. layers do noL
need Lo selecL whlch leader(s) wlLhln LhaL lacuon Lhey lnLend Lo play or hlre any Mlnlons
aL Lhls ume. When a player ls allowed Lo hlre muluple leaders, each leader musL belong Lo
elLher Lhe lacuon chosen by LhaL player or be able Lo work wlLh Lhe selecLed lacuon or
oLher leader(s) already hlred by meeung each model's hlrlng resLrlcuons.
E-c/7-4e2 Se470 Se17e-ce
1. Choose LncounLer Slze
2. Choose lacuons
3. Choose LncounLer Locauon
4. Choose ueploymenL 1ype
3. ueLermlne SLraLegles
6. Plre Crews
7. Choose Schemes
8. ueploy Crews
P!$(' a#d
E%c&+%*e() 65 64 E%c&+%*e()
I-d//2 E-c/7-4e2 L/ca5/-
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
L 1heaLer
M Sewers
N ArcanlsL's Lab
O 8esurrecuonlsL's Lab
P Culld Llbrary
Q necropolls
R Culld Poldlng laclllLy
S Warehouse
T 8esearch laclllLy
LK Cave/Mlne SysLem
LL AnclenL 8ulns
LM Large 1avern
LN Collapsed ClLy 8lock
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
Te22a(- Se470
Mallfaux ls a sklrmlsh game where every model counLs! ?ou can'L make lL Loo easy for Lhe
enemy Lo draw a bead on you from halfway across Lhe Lable, so be sure Lo sLack Lhe odds
agalnsL hlm wlLh smarL placemenL of Lerraln.
Cnce Lhe LncounLer locauon ls deLermlned, lay ouL Lerraln. A mlnlmum playlng slze of 3'
by 3' (36" x 36") ls requlred for an LncounLer of Mallfaux. AnyLhlng from Lhe dlnlng room
Lable Lo a gamlng board or maL wlll work well for players, as long as Lhe playlng surface
falls lnLo Lhls slze range.
lL ls recommended LhaL each square fooL of Lhe bauleeld have approxlmaLely Lwo Lo four
pleces of Lerraln measurlng aL leasL 3" x 3" each Lo creaLe an engaglng and enLerLalnlng
LncounLer. All players should agree on Lhe placemenL and Lype of Lerraln used. SLory and
1ournamenL LncounLers wlll speclfy Lerraln (and of whaL Lype) ln Lhelr descrlpuons.
Speclal locauon Lerraln should be seL up durlng Lerraln seLup unless oLherwlse sLaLed ln
Lhe speclal Lerraln's descrlpuon. Some SLraLegles and Schemes requlre addluonal lLems Lo
be placed on Lhe Lable as dlrecLed by Lhelr descrlpuons (under Se470). 1hese lLems should
be placed durlng Lhe ueploy Crews sLep unless oLherwlse sLaLed ln Lhelr descrlpuon. 1hese
lLems do noL dlsplace Lerraln already seL up on Lhe Lable unless placlng Lhem on Lhe Lerraln
would mean all models could noL reach Lhe lLems. lf so, move Lhe Lerraln Lo a locauon on
Lhe Lable agreeable Lo all players.
O@ C'//3e De0+/;,e-4 T;0e
Cnce Lhe Lerraln has been seL up, players can elLher choose whlch deploymenL Lype Lhey
would llke Lo use or randomly deLermlne one player who Lhen lps a laLe Card and refers
Lo Lhe charL below.
1he dlmenslons lncluded ln Lhe dlagrams below are lnLended for Lhe suggesLed 3' x 3' Lable
L$ca(e e#e",
E%c&+%*e() 67 66 E%c&+%*e()
De0+/;,e-4 C'a24
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses from Lhe ueploymenL Areas ln Lhe
ueploymenL CharL
LCO D(a&/-a+
uraw a llne beLween Lwo opposlLe Lable corners. Lach Crew's
ueploymenL Zone beglns 12.3" from LhaL llne.
PCT S4a-da2d
Lach ueploymenL Zone comprlses a 6" deep secuon, runnlng Lhe
enure lengLh of Lhe Lable, on opposlLe Lable edges.
LKCLN C/2-e23
ueploymenL Areas are 12" x 12" squares ln Lwo opposlLe corners of
Lhe Lable.
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses from Lhe ueploymenL Areas ln Lhe
ueploymenL CharL
S4".%"2% D&0,/9-&.4
C/2.&23 D&0,/9-&.4 D*"(/.", D&0,/9-&.4
68 E%c&+%*e()
P@ De4e2,(-e S42a4e&(e3
now LhaL Lhe LncounLer slze, where lL ls locaLed, and where Lhe Crews wlll arrlve have
been deLermlned, players now deLermlne whaL Lhelr Crews are ghung over. layers agree
on wheLher Lhey are playlng a C/2e or E:0a-ded LncounLer and Lhen refer Lo Lhe
approprlaLe secuon below. SLraLegy descrlpuons and rules can be found ln Lhe CompleLe
SLraLegles LlsL sLarung on p.90.
All SLraLegles are publlc knowledge and should noL be hldden from oLher players.
A S*(a*eg15) descrlpuon lncludes lLs name, brlef cuon, and some or all of Lhe followlng:
- Any requlred ob[ecLs such as Lerraln feaLures, CounLers, or Markers under Se470.
- Any requlred lLems such as Lerraln or CounLers/Markers under Se470. 1hese lLems are
placed on Lhe Lable before deploylng Crews (p.73) or when lndlcaLed ln Lhelr
- WhaL vlcLory polnLs (v) are avallable for Lhe player or players compleung Lhe
SLraLegy under vlcLory. When a player scores a SLraLegy, Lhey score all vlcLory
condluons LhaL apply.
- All Markers are round 30mm bases, excepL when noLed.
C/2e E-c/7-4e2
1he Core LncounLer CharL ls deslgned for players who wlsh Lo play a more compeuuve
LncounLer. 1hese SLraLegles represenL Lhe core causes of conlcL ln Mallfaux, and players
wlll nd LhaL each lacuon has Lhe Lools avallable Lo accompllsh Lhem, as well as Lo sLop
Lhelr opponenLs from accompllshlng Lhelr own SLraLegles. lf a Core LncounLer ls chosen,
players shuMe Lhelr laLe uecks and each lp a laLe Card Lo deLermlne Lhelr SLraLegy for
Lhe LncounLer. ueLalls for Lhese SLraLegles can be found sLarung on p.90. lf boLh players
lp Lhe same SLraLegy, use Lhe Shared verslon of LhaL SLraLegy. ueLalls for Shared SLraLegles
can be found sLarung on p.93.
C/2e E-c/7-4e2 C'a24
J/*e23 layer Chooses SLraLegy
LCM 1reasure PunL
NCP uesLroy Lhe Lvldence
QCS 8econnolLer
TCLL Clalm !ump
LMCLN SlaughLer
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
E%c&+%*e() 71 70 E%c&+%*e()
1he followlng resLrlcuons apply when hlrlng Crews:
- A Crew may only lnclude models belonglng Lo Lhe player's chosen lacuon, models wlLh Lhe
Mercenary characLerlsuc, and models permlued Lo [oln Lhe Crew Lhrough any oLher speclal
hlrlng rules. Models hlred by a Crew musL meeL all speclal hlrlng rule resLrlcuons or Lhey
cannoL be hlred.
- Models hlred from ouLslde Lhe player's chosen lacuon cosL an addluonal SoulsLone over
Lhelr prlnLed SoulsLone CosL Lo hlre.
- A maxlmum of Lhe lndlcaLed number of a 8are model may be hlred by a Crew ln a Scrap.
1wlce LhaL number may be hlred by a Crew ln a 8rawl.
- A Crew cannoL conLaln more Lhan one copy of any unlque model lL hlres.
- Cnly one verslon of each named unlque model may be ln a Crew.
- ln a Scrap, Lhe player musL choose one MasLer or a Penchman belonglng Lo Lhe chosen
lacuon as Lhe Crew's leader.
- ln a 8rawl, Lhe player musL choose elLher one or Lwo ellglble MasLers as Lhe Crew's leaders.
AL leasL one of Lhese MasLers musL belong Lo Lhe player's chosen lacuon, buL boLh musL be
able Lo work wlLh Lhe lacuon and/or oLher MasLer. lf Lhe player chooses only one MasLer Lo lead
Lhe Crew ln a 8rawl, he or she may lncrease Lhelr SoulsLones avallable for hlrlng models by 10.
o MasLers do noL cosL any SoulsLones Lo hlre.
o MasLers add Lhelr SoulsLone Cache Lo Lhe Crew's sLarung SoulsLone ool (see below).
o When a Penchman leads a Crew ln a Scrap, lL cosLs 0 SoulsLones Lo hlre, [usL llke a
MasLer. Add Lhe model's Penchman 8esources bonus Lo Lhe avallable SoulsLones for
hlrlng Mlnlons. Penchmen cannoL lead 8rawl Crews.
o A Crew led by a Penchman has speclc hlrlng resLrlcuons as lndlcaLed under Lhe
Penchman's Speclal lorces Leader AblllLy.
o Whlle leadlng a crew, a Penchman can be aecLed by anyLhlng LhaL speclcally aecLs
MasLers. Llkewlse, anyLhlng LhaL cannoL speclcally aecL a MasLer cannoL aecL a
Penchman leadlng a Crew. A Penchman leadlng a Crew ls consldered a MasLer for
SLraLegy and Scheme purposes.
o When a Crew ls led by one or more MasLers, lL can hlre one Penchman per MasLer,
deducung Lhe Penchman's SoulsLone CosL from Lhe Crew's avallable SoulsLones.
1hese Penchmen musL belong Lo Lhe same Speclal lorces group. When lncluded ln
MasLer-led Crews, a Penchman's Penchman 8esources bonus ls lgnored.
o A Penchman-led Crew's maxlmum sLarung SoulsLone ool ls equal Lo lLs
Penchman 8esources bonus (see below).
- A Crew may only lnclude Mlnlons belonglng Lo Lhe player's chosen lacuon unless a speclal
rule allows Lhem Lo be hlred from oLher lacuons.
- A player may hlre as many Mlnlons as Lhe avallable SoulsLones allow. ueducL Lhe
SoulsLone CosL of each Mlnlon hlred from Lhe Crew's avallable SoulsLones.
- Mlnlons wlLh Lhe 1oLem characLerlsuc musL be connecLed Lo a MasLer or Penchman ln Lhe
Crew when hlred. A MasLer/Penchman can be connecLed Lo one 1oLem aL a ume unless
Lhelr descrlpuon sLaLes oLherwlse. When a MasLer/Penchman ls removed from Lhe game,
any 1oLems connecLed Lo lL are lmmedlaLely sacrlced.
Q@ H(2e C2e93
Cnce players have Lhelr SLraLegles seL, Lhey each declde on Lhe besL Crew Lo achleve Lhelr
goals. ueducL a model's SoulsLone CosL from Lhe number of SoulsLones avallable when lL
ls hlred. layers conunue Lo hlre models unul Lhe SoulsLones run ouL or Lhey choose Lo
Re,e,be2> 0+a;e23 9'/ 2eC#(00ed f/2 4'e(2 I-d(8(d7a+ S42a4e&(e3 'a8e /-e +e33 S/7+34/-e
9(4' 9'(c' 4/ '(2e ,/de+3@
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
E%c&+%*e() 73 72 E%c&+%*e()
E-c/7-4e2 S(<e T/4a+ J /f Sc'e,e3
Sc2a0 0-2
B2a9+ 0-3
P+a;e23 ,a; c'//3e 4/ 3e+ec4 fe9e2 4'a- 4'e ,a:(,7, -7,be2 /f Sc'e,e3 f/2 4'e(2
E-c/7-4e2 3(<e@ Eac' Sc'e,e -/4 3e+ec4ed add3 M S/7+34/-e3 4/ 4'e 0+a;e2A3 34a25-&
S/7+34/-e P//+@
When Lhe LncounLer beglns, darlng players can choose Lo announce any of Lhelr ellglble Schemes
Lo Lhelr opponenLs. 1hese Schemes are worLh Lhe addluonal v llsLed lf compleLed.
S/,e Sc'e,e3 2e17(2e a 0+a;e2 4/ -/,(-a4e a 4e22a(- fea472e /2 ,/de+@ Te22a(- fea472e3 a-d
,/de+3 ca- /-+; be -/,(-a4ed b; /-e S42a4e&; a-d /-e Sc'e,e 0e2 0+a;e2 a4 a-; 5,e@ T'a4 (3>
(f a 0+a;e2 c'//3e3 ,7+50+e Sc'e,e3 9'(c' -/,(-a4e e-e,; ,/de+3> eac' Sc'e,e ,734
-/,(-a4e a d(e2e-4 e-e,; ,/de+@
1here are Lhree Lypes of Schemes avallable Lo players: Ceneral Schemes, lacuon Speclc Schemes,
and MasLer Speclc Schemes. When chooslng Schemes, any number of Lhem may come from
Ceneral Schemes. layers may choose one of Lhelr chosen lacuon's lacuon Speclc Schemes per
leader ln Lhelr Crew. A player may choose one MasLer Speclc Scheme per MasLer ln Lhelr Crew.
S@ De0+/; C2e93
8efore deploylng Crews, players should place any addluonal lLems on Lhe Lable requlred by
SLraLegles/Schemes/speclal locauon Lerraln rules. Aer players have hlred Lhelr Crews and any
addluonal Lerraln or CounLers/Markers have been placed, players shuMe Lhelr laLe uecks and each
lp a Card. lf Lhe lp ls a ue, re-lp. 1he player wlLh Lhe hlghesL Card nomlnaLes a player who
chooses one of Lhe shaded deploymenL areas. 1haL player Lhen deploys hls or her enure Crew
wlLhln Lhe area. 1he oLher player deploys hls or her Crew ln Lhe remalnlng deploymenL area.
A$$%-$ced Sche#e) ca- be 2e8ea+ed /-ce 4'e C2e93 a2e de0+/;ed@ SLarung wlLh Lhe
player who deployed hls or her Crew rsL, each player may selecL and announce Lhelr
Schemes. All deLalls of an announced Scheme, lncludlng any requlremenLs (nomlnaLed
models, Lerraln, eLc), musL be announced aL Lhls ume. 1hese Schemes and Lhe player's
SLraLegy remaln publlc knowledge LhroughouL Lhe LncounLer.
A%e2 a++ C2e93 a2e de0+/;ed> a++ 0+a;e23 2eC3'7$e 4'e(2 Fa4e Dec*3 a-d 34a24 4'e E-c/7-4e2=
V"29*.( E.$/5.4&2 L&.(4)
A sLandard Mallfaux LncounLer lasLs 6 Lurns buL may carry on even longer. AL Lhe end of Lurn
6, Lhe player who acuvaLed Lhe lasL model ln Lhe Lurn lps a laLe Card. lf Lhe Card value ls a 10
or hlgher, play anoLher Lurn, buL lncrease Lhe value needed Lo conunue Lhe LncounLer on nexL
Lurn's lp by one. 1he LncounLer ends when Lhe lp ls less Lhan Lhe value needed.
D&4&2-*.*.( " *..&2
AL Lhe end of an LncounLer, players reveal all secreL Schemes and add up Lhe v Lhey
earned for compleung Lhelr SLraLegles and Schemes. When scorlng a SLraLegy or Scheme,
score all vlcLory condluons LhaL apply Lo you. A 0+a;e2 ca- 3c/2e a ,a:(,7, /f S VP (-
Sc2a03 a-d LK VP (- B2a9+3@ A-; VP ea2-ed be;/-d 4'e ,a:(,7, a2e (&-/2ed@ T'e 0+a;e2
9(4' 4'e ,/34 VP (3 4'e 9(--e2@ If 0+a;e23 a2e 5ed f/2 VP> 4'e E-c/7-4e2 (3 a d2a9@
o A Crew may lnclude up Lo Lwo models wlLh Lhe Mercenary characLerlsuc from any oLher
lacuons. Mercenarles from Lhe player's chosen lacuon do noL counL Loward Lhls LoLal.
S0ec(a+ F/2ce3
o A Crew may lnclude up Lo Lwo lacuon or Mercenary models wlLh Lhe Speclal lorces
[Croup name] characLerlsuc per leader ln Lhelr Crew. A Crew may only conLaln Speclal
lorces models from one [Croup name]. lf a Crew conLalns a Penchman who belongs
Lo a Speclal lorces [Croup name], Lhe Lwo Speclal lorces model maxlmum ls lgnored
for LhaL group, buL Lhe llmlL of one Speclal lorces group ln your Crew remalns.
S4a25-& S/7+34/-e P//+
Aer players nlsh hlrlng Crews, any remalnlng unspenL SoulsLones form Lhe player's sLarung
S%-")*%$e P%%". Crews led by one or more MasLers add Lhelr SoulsLone Caches Lo Lhe SoulsLone
ool. 1he maxlmum sLarung SoulsLone ool ls 8 for Scraps and 10 for 8rawls. Crews led by a
Penchman do noL add any addluonal SoulsLones Lo Lhe ool. 1he maxlmum sLarung SoulsLone
ool slze ln a Penchman-led Crew ls equal Lo LhaL Penchman's Penchman 8esources bonus. ln
elLher case, SoulsLones over Lhe Crew's maxlmum ool are losL. Aer Lhe LncounLer beglns,
Lhere ls no SoulsLone ool maxlmum.
A++ 0+a;e23 ,734 2e8ea+ 4'e ,/de+3 '(2ed f/2 4'e(2 C2e9> a3 9e++ a3 4'e 34a25-& 3(<e /f
4'e(2 S/7+34/-e P//+ a4 4'(3 5,e@
E-c/7-4e2 S(<e Ma:(,7, S4a25-& S/7+34/-e P//+ S(<e
Sc2a0 8 (MasLer-led), Penchman 8esource # (Penchman-led)
B2a9+ 10
R@ C'//3e Sc'e,e3
Schemes are lesser ob[ecuves your Crew can auempL Lo achleve durlng Lhe LncounLer and
should be kepL secreL from opponenLs. layers can selecL a number of Schemes based on
Lhe LncounLer slze. layers are noL requlred Lo selecL Schemes lf Lhey do noL wanL Lhem.
Scheme descrlpuons and rules can be found ln Lhe MasLer Schemes LlsL sLarung on p.100.
A Sche#e5) descrlpuon lncludes lLs name, brlef cuon, and some or all of Lhe followlng:
- Any llmlLauons on who can choose Lhe Scheme such as (ArcanlsLs Cnly) or (Sonnla
Crlld Cnly).
- Any requlred lLems such as Lerraln feaLures, CounLers, or Markers under Se470.
- Any speclal rules LhaL apply Lo Lhe Scheme under S0ec(a+. 1hese lLems are placed on
Lhe Lable when lndlcaLed ln Lhe Scheme's descrlpuon.
- WhaL vlcLory polnLs (v) are avallable for Lhe player compleung Lhe Scheme and
wheLher or noL lL can be announced before Lhe LncounLer beglns under V(c4/2;.
When scorlng a Scheme, score all vlcLory condluons LhaL apply. A Scheme's
A--/7-ced v are only scored lf Lhe player compleLes Lhe Scheme and lL was
announced aer Crews are deployed (see 8. ueploy Crews on p.73).
- layers musL sLaLe all deLalls regardlng Lhe Scheme lncludlng any models or Lerraln
nomlnaLed when lL ls announced (see below).
Di'c$*e& !$ca(i$# $f
E%c&+%*e() 75 74 E%c&+%*e()
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM ulsLurblng Whlspers
NCO 8og
PCR Creepy SLrucLure
SCT 1orrenual 8alns
LKCLL uead Zone
LMCLN Scrap lle
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from Cremlln vlllage llsL
Ba;/7A3 Ed&e
1he area marklng Lhe border of Lhe 8ayou separaLes Lhe swamp from nearby Lowns and
hllls. Cen foggy and ralny, Lhls creepy area has lLs abandoned bulldlngs as well as foresLed
wllds Lo hlde ln.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? open and severe ground, slngle Lrees and foresLs, Lall reeds (so cover),
waLer eecLs, elevauons.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM loresLed
NCO Creepy SLrucLure
PCR 1orrenual 8alns
SCT Craveyard
LKCLL Panglng 1ree
LMCLN CampslLe
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from 8ayou's Ldge llsL
Many of Lhe brave souls who have dared Lhe 8ayou's dangerous bogs have never been
seen agaln.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? large areas of severe Lerraln, rulns (severe and/or hard cover),
hazardous Lerraln, slngle elemenL Lrees and foresLs, Lall planL and reed sLands (foresLs),
Lhe occaslonal dry paLch of ground (open and/or elevaLed).
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Panglng 1ree
NCO SoulsLone veln
PCR 8og
SCT MysLerlous Lmgles
LKCLL Pazardous 1erraln
LMCLN loggy
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from 8ogs llsL
Lach locauon enLry, wheLher ouLdoor or lndoor, beglns wlLh a brlef descrlpuon of Lhe
locauon, followed by a llsL of SuggesLed 1erraln wlLh whlch Lo populaLe an LncounLer ln
LhaL locauon. Conslder Lerraln LralLs Lo apply Lo common Lerraln feaLures and areas and
agree upon Lhese feaLures before play beglns (p.38). lor example, ln a 1avern, Lhe lndoor
bauleeld may have muluple Lables and a bar. 1he Lable mlghL occupy a 2.3" dlameLer
area and players agree LhaL each Lable ls H4 1, breakable (3), coverlng Lerraln. 1he Lavern's
bar would follow all Lhe rules of an ouLdoor fence: H4 1, blocklng, severe Lerraln.
uurlng Lerraln seLup, aer a player has lpped for Lhe LncounLer locauon, have anoLher
player lp a laLe Card and compare lLs value Lo Lhe chosen locauon's correspondlng
Locauon leaLure CharL. uependlng on Lhe lp, Lhls can resulL ln a speclal Lerraln feaLure
wlLh lLs own speclal rules belng placed on Lhe Lable and/or a speclal evenL occurrlng durlng
Lhe LncounLer LhaL may hamper or help Lhe Crews ln Lhelr sLruggle. When Lhe 8lack !oker
ls lpped, lp Lwo more cards and apply Lhe values. lf elLher of Lhose lps are dupllcaLed,
re-lp one card.
O54%//2 L/$"4*/.3
LncounLers beLween Crews can occur [usL abouL anywhere. lrom Lhe upscale sLreeLs of
uownLown Lo Lhe lnhosplLable 8adlands, Mallfaux provldes a wlde varleLy of semngs ln
whlch Crews can seule Lhelr dlerences.
Ha&A3 Te22(4/2;
8ecause Lhe Pag wanders Lhe 8ayou, [usL abouL any Lype of Lerraln ls posslble for
LncounLers Laklng place ln her LerrlLory.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? sandbars (open, severe), foresLs, waLer Lerraln, elevaLed area.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM uark Cmens
NCO 8og
PCR AnclenL SLrucLure
SCT Maglc nexus
LKCLL MysLerlous Lmgles
LMCLN loggy
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from Pag's 1errlLory llsL
G2e,+(- V(++a&e
1hese crude seulemenLs can be found scauered LhroughouL Lhe 8ayou, home Lo boLh
Cremllns and Lhelr llvesLock.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? anlmal pens (so cover), rubble (severe), huLs or oLher sLrucLures
(blocklng and breakable), soggy paLches of ground (severe), foresLs, waLer eecLs.
Z$&aida.' i#f!)e#ce?
E%c&+%*e() 77 76 E%c&+%*e()
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Scrap lle
NCO Alone ln Lhe uark
PCR 8ubble
SCT Creepy SLrucLure
LKCLL Panglng 1ree
LMCLN Craveyard
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from Slums llsL
Q7a2a-5-e Z/-e
1hls parL of Lhe ClLy has been glven over Lo Lhe rapaclous forces LhreaLenlng Lhe Culld.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? rubble (severe), rulns (severe and/or hard cover), hazardous Lerraln,
free-sLandlng walls (blocklng Lerraln), cllmbable Lerraln, breakable Lerraln.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM 8ubble
NCO AnclenL MonumenL
PCR Alone ln Lhe uark
SCT Maglc nexus
LKCLL loggy
LMCLN ulsLurblng Whlspers
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from Cuaranune Zone llsL
Lvldence of a clvlllzauon LhaL predaLes even Lhe ClLy's founders ls scauered across
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? rubble (severe), rulns (severe and/or hard cover), hazardous Lerraln,
free-sLandlng walls (blocklng Lerraln), cllmbable Lerraln, breakable Lerraln, waLer eecLs.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM SoulsLone veln
NCO ulsLurblng Whlspers
PCR 8ubble
SCT Cruel Wlnds
LKCLL 8ockfall
LMCLN CampslLe
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from 8ulns llsL
1he downLown area, full of resldences and buslnesses, ls Lhe Culld's shlnlng example of
whaL Lhe ClLy could be, glven enough ume and resources.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? walls and fences (blocklng and/or coverlng), bulldlngs, founLalns
(blocklng and/or severe), brldges over dry or waLer Lerraln.
1erraln can be cllmbable or breakable as players see L.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Craveyard
NCO uead Zone
PCR PeaL Wave
SCT Creepy SLrucLure
LKCLL 1orrenual 8alns
LMCLN loggy
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from uownLown llsL
I-d7342(a+ Z/-e
1he lndusLrlal Zone ls home Lo Lhe ma[orlLy of Mallfaux's facLorles and lndusLry.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? walls (so and/or hard cover), rubble (severe and/or hard cover),
hazardous Lerraln (blocklng), cllmbable Lerraln, breakable Lerraln, waLer eecLs.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Pazardous 1erraln
NCO PeaL Wave
PCR Scrap lle
SCT 8ubble
LKCLL loggy
LMCLN Creepy SLrucLure
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from lndusLrlal Zone llsL
1hose noL aMuenL or powerful enough Lo llve uownLown are forced Lo survlve ln Lhe
dangerous Slums, gaLherlng ln Lhe bars, oplum dens, broLhels, and gambllng houses and
maklng Lhelr way Lhrough rulned bulldlngs, cracked sLone plazas, and crooked, wlndlng
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? walls and fences (blocklng and/or coverlng), rulns (severe and/or
coverlng), founLalns (blocklng and/or severe), brldges over dry or waLer Lerraln.
1erraln should be cllmbable and/or breakable as players see L.
E%c&+%*e() 79 78 E%c&+%*e()
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM SLampede!
NCO SoulsLone veln
PCR PeaL Wave
SCT loresLed
LKCLL Pazardous 1erraln
LMCLN Peavy Snows
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from 8adlands llsL
Crews ndlng Lhemselves ln Mallfaux's dlsLanL and mysLerlous mounLaln ranges qulckly
learn how unforglvlng naLure can be.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? elevauons, severe Lerraln, foresLs, cllmbable Lerraln, hazardous Lerraln,
waLer eecLs.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Pazardous 1erraln
NCO AnclenL MonumenL
PCR 8ockfall
SCT Peavy Snows
LKCLL Maglc nexus
LMCLN LarLhquake
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from MounLalns llsL
Mlnlng concerns can be found nearly anywhere ln Mallfaux, buL are mosL concenLraLed ln
Lhe 8adlands.
SuggesLed 1erraln: mlnlng equlpmenL (severe, blocklng, and or so/hard cover), hazardous
Lerraln, elevauons, rulns (severe and/or hard cover), cllmbable Lerraln.
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Alone ln Lhe uark
NCO Maglc nexus
PCR SoulsLone veln
SCT 8ockfall
LKCLL uead Zone
LMCLN Pazardous 1erraln
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from Mlne llsL
P(/-ee2 T/9-BG'/34 T/9-
Many successful (and noL so successful) expanslon Lowns doL Lhe 8adlands.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? sLrucLures (cllmbable and/or breakable), walls and fences (so and/or
hard cover), rulns (severe and/or hard cover), rubble (severe), blocklng Lerraln, waLer
F+(0 Fea472e
B+ac* J/*e2 lllp Lwo more Cards
LCM Panglng 1ree
NCO PeaL Wave
PCR MysLerlous Lmgles
SCT uark Cmens
LKCLL Craveyard
LMCLN Peavy Snows
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce from loneer/ChosL 1own llsL
1he lnhosplLable 8adlands sLreLches ouL from Lhe ClLy for hundreds of mlles. Llfe ln Lhe
8adlands ls usually bruLal and merclfully shorL.
S7&&e34ed Te22a(-? large areas of open Lerraln, cacu (slngle elemenL and area Lerraln),
hazardous Lerraln, boulders (hard cover), rulns (severe and/or hard cover), rubble (severe),
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
E%c&+%*e() 87 86 E%c&+%*e()
Cac'e /f T/,e3? layers alLernaLe placlng a LoLal of slx 8ook CounLers on Lhe Lable, followlng
Lhe Speclal 1erraln seLup rules. 8ook CounLers musL be placed aL leasL 6" from one anoLher. A
model ln base conLacL wlLh a 8ook CounLer may DLE I-4e2ac4 Lo lp a laLe Card. Apply Lhe
resulLs of Lhe lp Lo Lhe model as follows:
8lack !oker: Pa2a+;<ed@
R: 1he model's y and zS42(*e3 and spells recelve +1 D&.
C: 1he model galns S+/9 4/ D(e and Ha2d 4/ W/7-d L@
M: 1he model galns B+ac* B+//d and DULE N(,b+e@
t: 1he model galns +1 Ca and Ma&(c Re3(34a-4 UL.
8ed !oker: lllp Lwlce and apply Lhe eecLs of boLh Cards. lf Lhe second Card ls Lhe same
sulL as Lhe rsL, lL has no eecL.
1he eecLs of Lhls lp lasL unul Lhe end of Lhe model's nexL acuvauon.
Ca,03(4e? lace a 2" x 2" or larger severe Lerraln feaLure. A model may DLE I-4e2ac4 wlLh
Lhe CampslLe Lo dlscard one ConLrol Card and Lhen draw one ConLrol Card.
C2ee0; S427c472e? lace a 3" x 3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. A model ln base conLacL wlLh
Lhe Creepy SLrucLure may DLE I-4e2ac4 once per Lurn Lo lp a laLe Card. Apply Lhe resulLs
of Lhe lp Lo Lhe model as follows:
!oker: 1he model ls kllled.
1-3: 1he model suers 2 Wd@
4-6: 1he model may lnlcL 2 Wd on anoLher model ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe sLrucLure.
7-9: 1he model heals 2 Wd@
10-11: 1hls model's ConLroller's SoulsLone pool galns Lwo SoulsLones.
12-13: 1hls model's ConLroller's SoulsLone pool galns Lwo SoulsLones and Lhe model heals
all Wd.
Dead Z/-e? lace a 3"x3" or larger open Lerraln feaLure. A model cannoL casL spells whlle
ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe uead Zone.
D2(-* U0=? AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe LncounLer, selecL one 1"x3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. A
model beglnnlng or endlng lLs acuvauon wlLhln 1" of Lhe feaLure may DLE I-4e2ac4 wlLh lL
Lo make a Peallng lllp. 1he model recelves S+/9 and may noL Lake DKE Acuons durlng lLs
nexL acuvauon.
F/2e34ed? lor Lhe durauon of Lhe LncounLer, any poruon of Lhe Lable wlLhouL a Lerraln
plece recelves Lhe obscurlng LralL, and LoS range ls reduced Lo 3".
G2a8e;a2d? lace a 3" x 3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. A model galns one Corpse CounLer
when lL DLE I-4e2ac43 whlle lLs base ls compleLely wlLhln Lhe Craveyard. Any LombsLones ln
Lhe Lerraln feaLure are consldered H4 1, and coverlng.
Ha-&(-& T2ee? lace a 30mm, H4 6, blocklng Lerraln feaLure. 1he Lree ls Te22(f;(-& W LM
and has a range of 2".
Ha<a2d/73 Te22a(-? lace a 3" x 3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. 1he player placlng Lhe
hazardous Lerraln declares whaL Lype of hazard Lhe Lerraln plece ls and how much damage
Lhe Lerraln causes. layers should use one of Lhe damage raungs from 1erraln (p.39) or
agree on a damage raung for Lhe hazard.
L/$"4*/. F&"452&3
S0ec(a+ Te22a(-
unless oLherwlse lndlcaLed ln Lhe descrlpuons below, when semng up Lerraln, a speclal
Lerraln plece musL be placed somewhere ouLslde of Lhe ueploymenL Zones (p.66), aL leasL
6" from elLher ueploymenL Zone. layers should agree on who wlll place Lhe Lerraln (or
lp for lL). 1he Lerraln plece can be orlenLed ln any dlrecuon when placed on Lhe Lable.
DJE I-4e2ac4? 1he model spends Lhe lndlcaLed number of Acuons Lo I-4e2ac4
wlLh Lhe LncounLer Lable or ob[ecL ln base conLacL. F%( e0a#&"e4 Picki!g *#
a bag "f S"*l&'"!e& i! a S'"%. &ce!a%i" i& a 8;9 I$*e(ac* Ac("!2
A2ca-e A00a2a473? Lach player places a 30mm Marker. A model may DLE I-4e2ac4 wlLh Lhe
Marker once per Lurn Lo lllp a laLe Card. 1he model adds Lhe sulL shown on Lhe laLe Card
Lo lLs uuel LoLals. lllpplng Lhe 8lack !oker removes all sulLs assoclaLed wlLh Lhe model's
sLausucs. lllpplng Lhe 8ed !oker allows Lhe model Lo add any one sulL Lo lLs uuel LoLals.
1he eecLs of Lhe lp lasL unul Lhe end of Lhe model's nexL acuvauon.
A-c(e-4 M/-7,e-4? 30mm, H4 3, blocklng Lerraln. Models wlLhln 1" of Lhe AnclenL
MonumenL recelve +1 Ca.
A-c(e-4 Te:4? AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe LncounLer, each player places one 8ook CounLer ln
base conLacL wlLh a Lerraln feaLure and aL leasL 8" from each ueploymenL Zone. A model
ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe CounLer may DLE I-4e2ac4 Lo plck lL up. A model carrylng a 8ook
CounLer galns A2ca-e Re3e28/(2: lncrease Lhls model's Crew's Maxlmum Pand Slze by 1
whlle lL ls ln play." 8efore a model carrylng a 8ook CounLer leaves play, place Lhe 8ook
CounLer ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe model. Models cannoL carry more Lhan one 8ook CounLer
aL any ume.
Ba& /f S/7+34/-e3? AL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhe LncounLer, each player places a Marker on Lhe
Lable, aL leasL 10" away from Lhelr ueploymenL Zone. A model wlLh Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e
AblllLy may DLE I-4e2ac4 wlLh a Marker Lo dlscard lL and galn Lwo SoulsLones.
B/&? lor Lhe durauon of Lhe LncounLer, any poruon of Lhe Lable wlLhouL a Lerraln plece
recelves Lhe severe and waLer LralLs.
U'e Dea(h Ma&'ha!' ($
(ae d$+# '(&)c()&e
E%c&+%*e() 89 88 E%c&+%*e()
Ca735c Ga3? unul Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, all models recelve -1/-1 W*BC&. All ranged
Auack lllps and Casung lllps recelve -.
Da2* O,e-3 DRa-d/,E? lrom Lhe beglnnlng of nexL Lurn's uraw hase Lo Lhe end of lLs
Acuvauon hase, laLe Cards wlLh a value of 1 counL as value 13 and vlce versa.
D(, L(&'5-&? unul Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, LoS cannoL be drawn furLher Lhan 8".
D(3472b(-& W'(30e23? unul Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, all models recelve -1 W0 when
defendlng ln a uuel.
Ea24'17a*e DRa-d/,E? AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe nexL Lurn's Acuvauon hase, each player, ln
acuvauon order, may ush all of hls or her opponenLs' models 1" ln any dlrecuon unless
Lhose models have F+(&'4 or F+/a4.
F+a3' F+//d DRa-d/,E? AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe LncounLer, randomly deLermlne a Lable edge.
uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, models cannoL Lake Lhe C'a2&e Acuon and ush each model 2"
Loward LhaL Lable edge aL Lhe beglnnlng of lLs acuvauon.
F/&&; DRa-d/,E? uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, all Auack lllps and Casung lllps recelve -.
G2/9(-& F(2e DRa-d/,E? AL Lhe sLarL of nexL Lurn's uraw hase, Lhe player who acuvaLed
Lhls evenL places a 30mm llre Marker (H4 3, obscurlng, hazardous (2/4/7)) ln base conLacL
wlLh a Lerraln feaLure no closer Lhan 3" from any model. lf Lhe Marker cannoL be placed,
Lhe evenL does noL occur Lhls Lurn. AnoLher player Lhen places an addluonal 30mm llre
Marker Louchlng Lhe rsL llre Marker. 1hls llre Marker can be placed Louchlng or
overlapplng model bases.
lor Lhe remalnder of Lhe LncounLer, each ume Lhls evenL occurs, Lhe player who acuvaLed
lL places an addluonal 30mm llre Marker Louchlng any llre Marker already ln play. Aer
Lhls marker ls placed, Lhe nexL player ln acuvauon order also places a llre Marker. Any of
Lhese llre Markers can be placed Louchlng or overlapplng model bases.
Hea4 Wa8e DRa-d/,E? uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, models recelve -1/-1 W*BC&.
Hea8; S-/93 DRa-d/,E? uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, models cannoL C'a2&e and recelve -2 Cb Lo
ranged S42(*e3 and -2 Cb Lo Spells wlLh Lhe zlcon. Models wlLh F2/<e- Hea24 or S,/+de2(-&
Hea24 are lmmune Lo Peavy Snows.
H/9+(-& V/(ce3 DRa-d/,E? uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, models cannoL acuvaLe slmulLaneously
and all models recelve -2 Ca when Largeung anoLher model wlLh a Spell.
R/c*fa++ DRa-d/,E? AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe nexL Lurn's Acuvauon hase, any model wlLhln 1" of
a Lerraln feaLure lmmedlaLely suers 1 Wd.
S4a,0ede= DRa-d/,E? AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe nexL Lurn's Acuvauon hase, all models wlLhln
8" of Lhe cenLerllne lmmedlaLely suer a number of Wd equal Lo Lhelr H4.
T/22e-5a+ Ra(-3 DRa-d/,E? uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, models cannoL C'a2&e.
Ma&(c Ne:73? lace a 3" x 3" Lerraln feaLure. 1he Casung and 8eslsL lllps of models whose
bases are compleLely wlLhln Lhe area recelve +.
M;34e2(/73 E"&(e3? Lach player places Lwo 30mm Markers aL leasL 10" ouLslde of any
ueploymenL Zone and away from any oLher MysLerlous Lmgy Marker. AL Lhe end of Lhe
LncounLer, Lhe player wlLh Lhe closesL model wlLhln 2" of an Lmgy Marker scores 1 v.
P//+ /f Ae4'e2? lace a 3"x3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. A model wlLh Lhe U3e S/7+34/-e
AblllLy whose base ls compleLely wlLhln Lhe area may spend one SoulsLone per Lurn wlLhouL
deducung lL from lLs SoulsLone ool.
R7bb+e? lor Lhe durauon of Lhe LncounLer, any poruon of Lhe Lable wlLhouL a Lerraln
feaLure recelves Lhe severe LralL.
Reca+(b2a5/- De8(ce? lace a 30mm, H4 4 Lerraln feaLure. A model may DLE I-4e2ac4 whlle
ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe feaLure Lo choose one of Lhe followlng eecLs below and force a
LargeL non-MasLer ConsLrucL model ln LoS of Lhe Reca+(b2a5/- De8(ce Lo wln a W0WLP
uuel or galn Lhe chosen eecL.
- DULE N(,b+e - S+/9
- DME F+722; - D& 1/2/4
We4ba2? lace a 3" x 3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. A model ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe feaLure
may DME I-4e2ac4 Lo make Lwo Peallng lllps. 1he model also recelves S+/9 and Ea3; 4/
W/7-d L unul Lhe end of lLs nexL acuvauon.
Sc2a0 P(+e? lace a 3" x 3" or larger severe Lerraln feaLure. A model galns one Scrap CounLer
when lL DLE I-4e2ac43 whlle lLs base ls compleLely wlLhln Lhe Scrap lle.
S/7+34/-e Ve(-? lace a Lerraln feaLure no larger Lhan 2" x 2". A MasLer galns # SoulsLone
when lL DJE I-4e2ac43 whlle lLs base ls compleLely wlLhln Lhe SoulsLone veln.
T/2472e C'a,be2? lace a 3"x3" or larger Lerraln feaLure. When a model whose base ls
compleLely wlLhln Lhe feaLure kllls anoLher model, lLs conLroller's SoulsLone ool galns one
SoulsLone. A model wlLhln Lhe feaLure also galns Lhe Te22(f;(-&WLM AblllLy lf lL ls noL already
S0ec(a+ E8e-43
Speclal evenLs occur durlng one or more Lurns of Lhe LncounLer. Lach evenL lndlcaLes when
lL Lakes place durlng Lhe Lurn. LvenLs LhaL lasL unul Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer begln aL Lhe
sLarL of Lhe uraw hase ln Lurn 1.
1o deLermlne wheLher a 8andom evenL happens ln Lhe followlng Lurn, Lhe lasL player who
acuvaLed a model lps a laLe Card aL Lhe end of Lhe currenL Lurn's Closlng hase. lf Lhe
card ls a !oker, 10, 11, 12, or 13, Lhe evenL occurs, oLherwlse, no evenL occurs. 8andom
LvenLs do noL occur unul Lhe end of Lhe rsL Lurn of Lhe LncounLer.
A+/-e (- 4'e Da2*? unul Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, a model forced Lo fall back aer lL loses
a Morale uuel ls kllled lnsLead.
C27e+ W(-d3 DRa-d/,E? AL Lhe sLarL of Lhe LncounLer, randomly deLermlne a Lable edge.
uurlng Lhe nexL Lurn, each model ls ushed 1" Loward LhaL Lable edge aL Lhe end of lLs
E%c&+%*e() 91 90 E%c&+%*e()
De342/; 4'e E8(de-ce
The "##"&i!g C%e, ha& &'*bled *#"! #"'e!(all. da!i!g e+ide!ce ."*% C%e, ,"*ld
#%efe% did!4' e-i&'2 De&'%". 'he e+ide!ce bef"%e i'4& '"" la'e/
lace one 30mm Lvldence Marker compleLely lnslde your opponenL's ueploymenL Zone
and Lwo 30mm Lvldence Markers compleLely wlLhln 10" of your opponenL's ueploymenL
Zone. 1hese Markers musL be placed aL leasL 8" from one anoLher.
?our models ln base conLacL wlLh an LncounLer Marker may Lake a DLE I-4e2ac4 Acuon Lo
uesLroy Lhe Lvldence and remove Lhe Marker from Lhe game. lnslgnlcanL models and
models engaged wlLh enemy models cannoL Lake Lhls Acuon.
lf aL leasL Lwo of Lhe Lvldence Markers have been removed from Lhe game by Lhe end of
Lhe LncounLer, you score M VP@
lf all Lhree of Lhe Lvldence Markers have been removed from Lhe game by Lhe end of Lhe
LncounLer, you score O VP@
C/-0,&4& S42"4&(*&3 L*34
S(,0+e S42a4e&(e3
A L(-e (- 4'e Sa-d
Y"*4%e (%ed "f ."*% "##"!e!' i!+adi!g ."*% '*%f0 &" ."*4%e g"i!g '" d%a, a li!e i! 'he &a!d3
,i'h d.!ai'e2
lace ve 30mm uynamlLe Markers along Lhe cenLerllne of Lhe Lable aL leasL 6" aparL.
1he uynamlLe Markers begln Lhe LncounLer ulsarmed. ?our models may Lake a DLE I-4e2ac4
Acuon whlle ln base conLacL wlLh a uynamlLe Marker Lo Arm lL. ?our opponenL's models
may Lake a DME I-4e2ac4 Acuon whlle ln base conLacL wlLh an Armed uynamlLe Marker Lo
ulsarm lL. lnslgnlcanL models and models engaged wlLh enemy models cannoL Lake elLher
of Lhese Acuons.
lf aL leasL Lhree uynamlLe Markers are Armed aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score M VP@
lf all ve uynamlLe Markers are Armed aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score O VP@
C+a(, J7,0
Tie '" &'ake ."*% clai i! &"e"!e el&e4& 'e%%i'"%./
lace a 30mm Clalm Marker aL leasL 8" away from Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lable and aL leasL 12"
from your ueploymenL Zone.
lnslgnlcanL models do noL counL Loward Lhe vlcLory condluon.
lf you have more models compleLely wlLhln 3" of Lhe Clalm Marker Lhan your opponenL
does aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score M VP.
lf you have Lwlce as many or more models compleLely wlLhln 3" of Lhe Clalm Marker Lhan
your opponenL does aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score O VP.
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
E%c&+%*e() 93
I!+e&(ga'e 'he &*%%"*!di!g a%ea2
ulvlde Lhe Lable lnLo equal quarLers.
lnslgnlcanL models and models wlLhln 3" of Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lable
do noL counL Loward Lhe vlcLory condluon. ?ou conLrol a Lable quarLer when Lhe ma[orlLy
of models compleLely wlLhln LhaL quarLers are yours.
lf you have conLrol of aL leasL Lhree Lable quarLers aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score M VP@
lf you have conLrol of all four Lable quarLers aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score O VP@
The.4+e g"!e '"" fa%2 Tie '" ,i#e 'he "*'2
Lach ume a player kllls or sacrlces an enemy model durlng Lhe LncounLer, LhaL player noLes lLs
SoulsLone CosL. MasLers are worLh 10 SoulsLones for Lhe purpose of Lhls SLraLegy (muluple model
MasLers such as 1he ureamer and vlkLorla are worLh 6 SoulsLones per model). Models LhaL are
Summoned lnLo play and kllled wlll add Lhelr SoulsLone cosLs. Models wlLh no SoulsLone cosL
who enLer play by replaclng anoLher model(s) are worLh Lhe SoulsLone cosL of Lhe model(s) Lhey
replaced. Models LhaL can reLurn Lo play, when kllled for Lhe rsL ume by Lhe opposlng player,
counL Lhelr SoulsLones only Lhe rsL ume Lhey are kllled.
lf Lhe LoLal SoulsLone CosL of enemy models you have kllled or sacrlced ls greaLer Lhan Lhe
LoLal SoulsLone CosL of your models your opponenL has kllled or sacrlced, you score M VP@
lf Lhe LoLal SoulsLone CosL of enemy models you have kllled or sacrlced ls 1.3 umes Lhe LoLal
SoulsLone CosL of your models your opponenL has kllled or sacrlced, you score O VP@
S700+; Wa&/-
Y"* a%e '%a!&#"%(!g &"e +i'al &*##lie&0 a!d 'he. *&' a%%i+e i!'ac'/
lace a 30mm Wagon Marker (H4 4, lmpassable, hardness 3, and can suer 3 D& before
belng removed from Lhe game) compleLely wlLhln your ueploymenL Zone and Louchlng a
Lable edge ln your ueploymenL Zone aer all Crews are deployed.
Lach Lurn, move Lhe Wagon Marker 6" Loward Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lable aL Lhe sLarL of Lhe
8esolve LecLs SLep. 1he Marker may noL move over models and sLops lf lL comes ln conLacL
wlLh Lhem. Models may auack Lhe Wagon Marker wlLh melee auacks only. 1he Marker
cannoL be auacked lf lL ls wlLhln Lhe melee range of one of your models.
lf Lhe Wagon Marker ls compleLely wlLhln 3" of Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lable aL Lhe end of Lhe
LncounLer buL has suered 1 or more ug, you score M VP@
lf Lhe Wagon Marker ls compleLely wlLhln 3" of Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lable aL Lhe end of Lhe
LncounLer and has suered 0 ug, you score O VP@
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
94 E%c&+%*e()
T2ea372e H7-4
Y"* ha+e di&c"+e%ed 'he l"ca("! "f a +al*able a%(fac' a!d *&' 'ake #"&&e&&i"! "f i'2
lace a 30mm 1reasure CounLer ln Lhe cenLer of Lhe Lable.
?our models ln base conLacL wlLh Lhe 1reasure CounLer may Lake a DLE I-4e2ac4 Acuon Lo
plck lL up. A model carrylng Lhe CounLer can drop or pass lL Lo anoLher model ln base
conLacL as a DLE I-4e2ac4 Acuon. Models conLrolled by your opponenL can Lake Lhls Acuon
once one of your models has plcked up Lhe CounLer aL leasL once durlng Lhe LncounLer.
A model changlng posluon on Lhe Lable by an eecL oLher Lhan Lhe Wa+* Acuon or leavlng
play drops Lhe 1reasure CounLer ln base conLacL wlLh lLself. Whlle carrylng Lhe CounLer, a
model reduces lLs W* Lo 4, and cannoL have lLs W* lncreased by any means. SplrlLs lose
Lhe ablllLy Lo move Lhrough oLher models and Lhe ablllLy Lo lgnore Lerraln penalues whlle
carrylng Lhe 1reasure CounLer. Models lose F+(&'4 or F+/a4 whlle carrylng Lhe 1reasure
1he 1reasure CounLer does noL counL as belng carrled lf carrled by an lnslgnlcanL model
aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer.
AL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, lf Lhe 1reasure CounLer ls carrled by one of your models buL
noL ln your ueploymenL Zone or ls compleLely wlLhln your ueploymenL Zone buL noL carrled
by a model, you score M VP@
lf Lhe 1reasure CounLer ls carrled by one of your models and LhaL model ls compleLely
wlLhln your ueploymenL Zone aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score O VP@
T72f Wa2
Y"* ,i&h '" clai a li)le "f ."*% "##"!e!'4& %eal e&'a'e f"% ."*%&elf2
lnslgnlcanL models do noL counL Loward Lhe vlcLory condluon.
lf you have more of your models compleLely on your opponenL's half of Lhe Lable Lhan Lhey have
models compleLely on your half of Lhe Lable aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score M VP@
lf you have more of your models compleLely on your opponenL's half of Lhe Lable Lhan Lhey
have models compleLely on your half of Lhe Lable and you have aL leasL one model
compleLely wlLhln Lhelr ueploymenL Zone aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score O VP@
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
E%c&+%*e() 101 100 E%c&+%*e()
E;e f/2 a- E;e
I'9& (e '" &h", 'he "##"&i!g C%e, ."* ca! '%ade bl", f"% bl", ,he! 'he. c"e a4calli!g/
lnslgnlcanL models do noL counL Loward Lhe vlcLory condluon.
lf Lhe number of models you and your opponenL have ln play aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer ls
equal or dlers by one model, you score L VP@
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
F2a,e f/2 M72de2
Ne+e% h*%'& '" ge' a li)le bl""d "! 'he ha!d& "f ."*% %i+al&3,ell0 i' h*%'& 'he #e%&"! #%"+idi!g
'he bl""d2
SecreLly noLe one non-MasLer model ln your Crew.
lf Lhe noLed model was kllled or sacrlced by an opposlng MasLer durlng Lhe LncounLer, you
score L VP@
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
O!e "f ."*% "##"!e!'4& Mi!i"!& %*b& ."* 'he ,%"!g ,a.2
SecreLly noLe one of your opponenL's Mlnlons.
lf Lhe noLed Mlnlon was kllled by one of your non-MasLer models' melee SLrlkes or melee
Spells, you score L VP@
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
H/+d O74
S'a!d % agai!&' 'he e!e.2
lnslgnlcanL models do noL counL Loward Lhe vlcLory condluon.
lf Lhere are no enemy models compleLely wlLhln your ueploymenL Zone aL Lhe end of Lhe
LncounLer, you score L VP@
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
S$)&-&3 L*34
Ge-e2a+ Sc'e,e3
Y"*% "##"!e!'4& leade%&hi# *&' die a' all c"&'&/
SecreLly make noLe of one of your opponenL's MasLers or Penchmen. 1hls Scheme may be
Laken more Lhan once, buL you musL choose a dlerenL model each ume.
?ou cannoL selecL Lhls Scheme lf your SLraLegy ls ConLaln ower or Shared ConLaln ower.
lf Lhe noLed model ls noL ln Lhe game aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer, you score L VP@
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
Y"*% C%e,4& leade%&hi# *&' be #%"'ec'ed a' all c"&'&/
SecreLly make noLe of one of your Crew's MasLers or Penchmen. 1hls Scheme may be Laken
more Lhan once, buL you musL choose a dlerenL model each ume. Muluple model Leaders
are consldered Lo be one selecuon ln regards Lo Lhls Scheme.
lf Lhe noLed model was noL removed from Lhe game and ls ln play aL Lhe end of Lhe LncounLer,
you score L VP.
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
Y"*% C%e, *&' #*&h i'& ,a. 'h%"*gh 'he "##"&i("!2
lnslgnlcanL models do noL counL Loward Lhe vlcLory condluon.
lf you have more models ln your opponenL's ueploymenL Zone Lhan he or she does aL Lhe
end of Lhe LncounLer, you score L VP@
A--/7-ced? UL VP@
Y"*% C%e,4& &igh'& a%e -ed "! "!e e-'e%i!a(!g "!e 'h%ea'2
SelecL one of Lhe followlng characLerlsucs aL leasL Lhree of your opponenL's models share:
8easL, ConsLrucL, uoll, lamlly, Cremlln, Cuardsman, Llvlng, nlghLmare, lg, SplrlL, undead,
Woe, Lhen noLe all Lhe models ln hls or her Crew wlLh LhaL characLerlsuc. 1hls Scheme musL
be announced.
lf your opponenL has no models wlLh Lhe selecLed characLerlsuc ln Lhe game aL Lhe end of
Lhe LncounLer, you score M VP@
Encounters 103 102 Encounters
A#m+ !f %he Dead /Re$'##ec&!i$%$ Ol+0
+Raising, an arm% takes on an entrel% dierent meaning for %o!(
Thi! Scheme m$!" be anno$nced*
If "he n$mbe of Cop!e Co$n"e! on "he "able o caied b( (o$ model! i! gea"e "han "he
n$mbe of model! (o$ opponen" ha! in pla( a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 1 VP.
Yo$ !coe 31 VP if "he n$mbe of Cop!e Co$n"e! caied b( (o$ model! i! gea"e "han
"he n$mbe of model! (o$ opponen" ha! in pla( a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e*
Dea%h Afe# Dea%h /Re$'##ec&!i$%$ Ol+0
Yo!r Cre# onl% gets larger as the bale rages on(
No"e "he n$mbe of model! in (o$ Ce&* Thi! Scheme m$!" be anno$nced*
If (o$ ha%e moe model! in pla( a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e "han (o$ did a" "he !"a" of "he
Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 2 VP.
P!)e# Ri%'al /A#cai$%$ Ol+0
Sab!%age /A#cai$%$ Ol+0
A lile sabotage ca!ses no end of tro!ble for the oppositon' and %o!r Cre# e$cels at it(
Sece"l( no"e a "eain fea"$e comple"el( on "he opponen"+! half of "he "able*
Model! in (o$ Ce& ma( "ake a /10 I%e#ac% Ac#on "o Sabo"age "he "eain* In!ignican"
model! canno" "ake "hi! Ac#on*
If "he Sabo"aging model i! !#ll in pla( a" "he end of "he "$n i" Sabo"aged "he "eain piece)
e%eal "hi! Scheme and !coe 1 VP.
A!'ced- 31 VP.
S%ake a Claim
This is %o!r territor%' and %o!*ll be damned if some other Cre# is going to come in and grab
it #itho!t a ght&
Make no"e of a piece of "eain comple"el( on "he opponen"+! half of "he "able* In!ignican"
model! do no" co$n" "o&ad "he Vic"o( condi#on*
If a" lea!" one of (o$ model! i! in ba!e con"ac" &i"h "he piece of "eain a" "he end of "he
Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 1 VP.
A!'ced- 31 VP.
Fac&! S"ecic Scheme$
R!'d U" /G'ild Ol+0
Time to ro!nd !p the lile g!%s' and lea"e the big problems for later(
If (o$ opponen" doe! no" ha%e an( Minion model! in pla( a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e) (o$
!coe 1 VP.
A!'ced- 31 VP.
Raid, /G'ild Ol+0
Sometmes the Malifa!$ rabble needs a rm reminder #ho the la# is this side of the Breach(
Teach them a lesson(
If (o$ ha%e moe non-To"em Minion! in pla( "han (o$ opponen" doe! a" "he end of "he
Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 1 VP.
A!'ced- 31 VP.


104 Encounters
Kida" /Ne(e#b!# Ol+0
The residents of Malifa!$ tell stories abo!t %o!r Cre# s#eeping in and spiritng a#a% its
"ictms d!ring the night( Ho# right the% are&
Sece"l( no"e "hee of (o$ opponen"+! Minion!*
If a" lea!" "&o of "he no"ed model! ae no" in "he game a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e) (o$
!coe 1 VP.
If all "hee of "he no"ed model! ae no" in "he game a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 2 VP.
Reclaim Malifa'* /Ne(e#b!# Ol+0
Reclaim Malifa!$ for the Ne"erborn&
Di%ide "he "able in"o nine eq$al !ec#on! a! !ho&n in "he e'ample
"o "he igh"*
Yo$ model! ma( "ake a /10 I%e#ac% Ac#on &hile &i"hin ., of a
"eain fea"$e "o Reclaim a pa" of Malifa$'* In!ignican" model! o
model! engaged &i"h an enem( model canno" "ake "hi! Ac#on* Place a Token on "he "eain
fea"$e "o indica"e i" ha! been Reclaimed* Bo"h "he "eain fea"$e and "he model+! ba!e m$!"
be comple"el( &i"hin "he "able !ec#on "he model &i!he! "o Reclaim* Thi! Scheme m$!" be
If (o$ ha%e Reclaimed a" lea!" !i' "able !ec#on! a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 1 VP.
If (o$ ha%e Reclaimed all nine "able !ec#on! a" "he end of "he Enco$n"e) (o$ !coe 2 VP.
Th)a#% /O'%ca$%$ Ol+0
Sometmes' pre"entng the oppositon from #inning is re#ard eno!gh)
Yo$ ma( no" anno$nce "hi! Scheme*
Scoe 1 VP if (o$ opponen" doe! no" anno$nce an( Scheme!*
Scoe 2 VP if (o$ opponen" doe! no" ean VP fo an( of hi! o he Scheme!*
Censored for Publilc Safety
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*- Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
I%de, 109 108 E%c&+%*e()
Ablllues 12
Common Ablllues 113
Armor +#
8lack 8lood
8ulleLproof #
(+1) Casung LxperL
(+2) Casung MasLer
Comes Cheap
Companlon (Model or CharacLerlsuc)
Lasy Lo Wound #
Lvaslve #
CunghLer [Weapon]
Pard Lo klll
Pard Lo Wound #
lmmune Lo lnuence
(+1) lnsuncLual
Maglc 8eslsLanL #
(+1) Melee LxperL
(+2) Melee MasLer
(+1) nlmble
ass 1hrough
olson #
(+1) 8anged LxperL
(+2) 8anged MasLer
8egenerauon #
SlowLo ule
1errlfylng #
use SoulsLones
acung model 31
acuon modlers 34
acuon polnLs (A) 32
dened 32
a!d acuon polnLs (A) 32
(0) Acuon 32
(all) Acuon 32
Acuon cosL 32
Acuon modlers 34
Common Acuons 118
(2) llurry
(2) lurlous Casung
(0) Llnk
(2) 8apld llre [Weapon]
general Acuons 33
general casung Acuons 46
uraln Souls
general combaL Acuons 39
uefenslve SLance
general movemenL Acuons 36-37
speclc Acuon polnLs (A) 33
a!d aralyzed 34
a!d 8eacuvaLe 34
order 31
slmulLaneous 31
acuvauon order 31
Acuvauon hase 31
SLarL Acuvauon hase
lllp for lnluauve
AlLernaung Acuvauons
Lnd Acuvauon hase
addluonal requlremenLs, spell 31, 33
AlLernaung Acuvauons sLep 31
area eecLs 20, Auras a, ulses p, 8lasLs b
auack dened 18
auacker 18
Auack lllp 42
aura a20
away from, movlng 33
a!d CounLers 18
a!d LoS 13
a!d Markers 17
a!d models 12S
a!d Lerraln 38
8ash 37
blasL b21, 46-47
blocklng models and dlsengaglng 48
blocklng LralL 13
breakable Lerraln 38
dened 62
a!d hlrlng models 62
a!d maxlmumnumber of leaders 62, 71
a!d maxlmumnumber of Schemes 73
a!d SoulsLone ool slzes 62, 72
burled models 13
ConLrol Card/ConLrol Pand 24
dlscard plle 24
dlscardlng 24
Ide#(if, c$de,
ca(eg$&i-e, a#d
de%!$, Wi(ch!i#g'
($ e, !$ca(i$#'
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
I%de, 111 110 I%de,
eecL dened 19
area eecLs 20
lmmedlaLe eecLs 20
ongolng eecLs 20
elevaLed LralL 16, 39
aL elevauons 16
sloped elevauons 17
a!d melee range 40
enemy models 13
announclng Schemes 72, 73
core encounLers 68
deploylng Crews 73
deploymenL areas 66
deLermlnlng a wlnner 73
deLermlnlng Schemes 72
deLermlnlng SLraLegles 68
LncounLer lengLh, varylng 73
LncounLer locauon 63
lndoor locauons 80-83
CuLdoor locauons 74-79
LncounLer SeLup Sequence
Choose LncounLer Slze
Choose lacuons
Choose LncounLer Locauon
ueLermlne SLraLegles
Plre Crews
Choose Schemes
ueploy Crews
LncounLer slze 62
hlrlng Crews 70
locauon feaLures 86
speclal evenLs 88
speclal Lerraln 86
SLory LncounLers 70
Lnd Acuvauon hase sLep 31
Lnd Closlng hase sLep 32
Lnd urawhase sLep 30
engaged 39
enemy model 13
exacLly 3
expanded encounLers 69
faLe modlers 23: posluve modler (+), negauve modler (-)
lpplng laLe Cards 24
a!d faLe modlers 23
lacuon 9
1he Culld
falllng 38
falllng back 37
fall back move 37
rallylng 37
lasL Acuon modler 34
laLe Card 21
laLe ueck 21
a!d runnlng ouL of cards 23
llnal uuel 1oLal
i! Casung uuels 32
i! opposed uuels 28
i! 8eslsL uuels 34
i! slmple uuels 26
i! SLrlke uuels 43
rlng lnLo melee 44
lllp for lnluauve sLep 31
acuvauon order 31
dened 31
uslng SoulsLones 31
Acuon 39
melee modler 39, 41
ranged modler 39, 41
frlendly model 13
Came eecL dened 19
general acuons 33
general acuon polnLs 32
general combaL Acuons 39
uefenslve SLance
general maglc Acuons 30
uraln Souls
general movemenL Acuons 36-37
Pand 24
hard cover 13, 41
Peal Acuon 31
Peallng CharL 48
Peallng lllp 48
vs. prevenung Wd 48
PelghL (PL) sLaL 11
and LoS 13
Penchmen 9
a!d 1oLems 71
a!d Speclal lorces 71, 72
hlrlng 71
i! MasLer-led Crews 71
leadlng Crews 71
use SoulsLones AblllLy 14
lgnore game eecL 19
lmmedlaLe game eecL 20
lmmune game eecL 19
lmpassable Lerraln 39
movemenL penalLy 36
ln Lhe game, model 13
ln play, model 13
lndoor locauons 64, 80-83
!okers 23: 8lack !oker, 8ed !oker
a!d uamage lllps 43
a!d faLe modlers 23
a!d Peallng lllps 48
value and sulL 23
!ump Acuon 37
drawlng 24
laLe Card/laLe ueck 22
faLe modlers 23
lpplng 24
Pand 24
re-lpplng 24
re-shuMlng 23
shuMlng 23
sulLs 22
values 22
CasL Acuon 30
Casung (Ca) sLaL 11
Casung CosL (CC) 30
Casung lllp 32
Casung Sequence 31
ueclare Spell and 1argeL
Casung uuel
CasLer lllps SLarung Casung uuel 1oLal
CasLer Changes SLarung 1oLal or asses
CasLer ueLermlnes llnal uuel 1oLal
CasLer MeeLs Addluonal 8equlremenLs
CasLer ueclares a 1rlgger
CasLer ueLermlnes Success
8eslsL uuel (lf any)
8eslsung model lllps SLarung Casung uuel 1oLal
8eslsung model Changes SLarung 1oLal or asses
8eslsung model ueLermlnes llnal uuel 1oLal
8eslsung model ueclares a 1rlgger
8eslsung model ueLermlnes Success
Apply Spell LecLs
changlng sLarung LoLals ln uuels
i! Casung uuels 32
i! opposed uuels 28
i! 8eslsL uuels 34
i! slmple uuels 26
i! SLrlke uuels 43
Channel Acuon 30
characLerlsucs 9
Penchman #
Cb[ecL #
Speclal lorces (Croup name)
Speclal lorces (uoll)
Speclal lorces (MS&uAsseLs)
Charge Acuon 36
Cheaung laLe 24
a!d damaglng breakable Lerraln 38
a!d falllng damage 38
a!d hazardous Lerraln LralL damage 39
a!d !okers 23
i! Casung uuels 32
i! uamage lllps 44
i! Peallng/revenung Wd lllps 48
i! opposed uuels 28
i! 8eslsL uuels 34
i! slmple uuels 26
i! SLrlke uuels 43
cllmbable 38
cllmblng 33
Closlng hase 30
SLarL Closlng hase
8esolve LecLs
ShuMe laLe uecks
Lnd Closlng hase
CombaL (Cb) 11
combaL LoLal modler 43
compleLely wlLhln 3
ConLrol Cards 24
ConLrol Pand 24
a!d ConLrol Cards 24
dlscardlng 24
maxlmumslze 24
CounLers 18: Corpse CounLers, Scrap CounLers
a!d LoS 13
a!d modlers (so/hard) 41
a!d enemy models 13
a!d frlendly models 13
hlrlng 70
Crows CsulL 22
dened 44
blasL damage 46
Cheaung Lhe uamage lllp 44
uamage (ug) sLaL 11
uamage CharL 43
lllp 44
lnlcung 44
vs. wounds 44
defender 18
uefense (uf) sLaL 11
uefenslve SLance Acuon 39
uefense lllp 42
areas 66-67
deploy Crews 73
ueploymenL CharL 66
dlrecLly away from, movlng 33
dlrecLly Loward, movlng 33
dlscard plle 24
dlscardlng cards 24
a!d Lhe dlscard plle 24
i! Lhe urawhase 30
ulscard ConLrol Cards sLep 30
dlsengaglng 48
uraln Souls Acuon 30
urawhase 30
SLarL urawhase SLep
ulscard ConLrol Cards SLep
urawConLrol Cards SLep
Lnd urawhase SLep
drawlng laLe Cards 24
urawConLrol Cards sLep 30
dened 26
a!d faLe modlers 23
opposed uuels 26
SLrlke uuel 42
slmple uuels 24
Casung uuel 32
Morale uuel 36
8eslsL uuel 33
I%de, 113 112 I%de,
kllled models 13
a!d CounLers 13
dened 71
uraln Souls Acuon 30
hlrlng 71
Llne of SlghL (LoS) 13
a!d blasLs 46
a!d blocklng LralL 13
a!d cover 13
a!d uraln Souls 30
a!d elevauons 16
a!d PelghL 13
a!d melee 17
a!d obscurlng LralL 13
a!d SLrlkes 42
blocked LoS 13
full LoS 13
obscured LoS
parual LoS 13
when casung spells 30, 32
when Charglng 36
Locauon feaLures 86
speclal evenLs 88
speclal Lerraln 86
Markers 18
Masks MsulL 22
MasLer 9
hlrlng 71
SoulsLone Cache 9, 14
use SoulsLones AblllLy 14
MaxlmumPand Slze 28
a!d Lhe urawhase 30
golng over 30
i! LncounLers 62
a!d 1oLems 72
measurlng 6
compleLely wlLhln
melee auack y18
a!d casung spells 30
a!d SLrlkes 39
hlrlng cosL lncrease 71
maxlmumnumber ln a Crew72
Mlnlon 9
hlrlng 71
Model 8
base slze 12
conLroller 13
ln play 13
ouL of game 13
ouL of play 13
Lypes 9
Morale uuel 36
a!d falllng back 37
Morale lllp 36
MovemenL 34
cllmblng 33
dlrecLly Loward/dlrecLly away 33
dlsengaglng 48
eecLs 33
ylng 37
lllghL 37, 116
lloaL 37, 116
general movemenL Acuons 36
measurlng movemenL 6, 33
penalues 36
ush 37
Loward/away 33
negauve faLe modlers (-) 23
obscurlng LralL 13
Cpposed uuel 28
lllp for SLarung uuel 1oLals
Change SLarung 1oLals or ass
ueLermlne llnal uuel 1oLals
ueclare 1rlgger
ueLermlne Success
Apply uuel 8esulLs
ongolng game eecL 20
ouL of Lhe game, model 13
ouL of play, model 13
CuLdoor locauons 63, 74-79
aralyzed Acuon modler 34
ass Acuon 33
lace 38
placemenL eecLs 38
posluve faLe modlers (+) 23
prevenung Wd 48
revenuon lllp 48
Wound revenuon CharL 48
pulse p20
ush movemenL eecL 37
rallylng 37
8ams RsulL 22
randomdeLermlnauon 6
8ange (8g) sLaL 11
ranged auack z18
a!d casung spells 30
a!d SLrlkes 41
8are # 9
a!d hlrlng 71
8eacuvaLe Acuon modler 34
re-lpplng laLe Cards 24
removed fromLhe game 13
removed fromplay 13: burled, kllled, sacrlced
8eplace 38
re-shuMe laLe Cards 23
8eslsL (8sL) sLaL 31
8eslsL uuel 34
8eslsL lllp 33
8esolve LecLs sLep 32
8oundlng 3
sacrlced models 13
a!d CounLers 13
Scheme 72
announclng 72, 73
selecung 72-73
Ceneral Schemes 100
Lye for an Lye
lrame for Murder
Pold CuL
klll roLege
SLake a Clalm
SLeal 8ellc
lacuon Speclc Schemes 102
Army of Lhe uead
ueaLh Aer ueaLh
CaLher SoulsLones
ower 8lLual
8ound up
MasLer Speclc Schemes 103
A 8ump ln Lhe nlghL
A MoLher's Love
8eLrayed by SplrlLs
uo l Pave Lo do LveryLhlng Myself?
lamlly !usuce
llrsL 8lood
Lay 1hese Souls Lo 8esL
Machlne SplrlL
My Llule lrlend
erfecL erformance
lg lood
lague on Mallfaux
rlmal Source
8eecuons of uecember
Seeds of 8eLrayal
Soulless Llfe
Spread Madness
Surrounded by ueaLh
1haL Cne's a keeper
dened 62
a!d hlrlng models 62
a!d maxlmumnumber of leaders 62, 71
a!d maxlmumnumber of Schemes 62, 73
a!d SoulsLone ool slze 62, 72
severe Lerraln 39
movemenL penalLy 34, 39
ShuMe laLe uecks sLep 32
slmple uuel 246
lllp for SLarung uuel 1oLal
Change SLarung 1oLal or ass
ueLermlne llnal uuel 1oLal
ueclare 1rlgger
ueLermlne Success
Apply uuel 8esulLs
slmulLaneous acuvauon 31
SlowAcuon modler 34
socover 13, 41
SoulsLone Cache 9, 14
SoulsLone CosL 9, 14
a!d hlrlng Crews 70
SoulsLone ool 14
maxlmumslze 62, 72
and sLarung SoulsLone ool 72
use SoulsLones 14
AblllLy 118
a!d Penchmen 14
a!d lnluauve 29
a!d MasLers 14
i! Casung uuels 32
i! 8eslsL uuels 34
i! opposed uuels 28
i! slmple uuels 26
i! SLrlke uuels 43
when heallng/prevenung Wd 48
speclal evenLs 88
Speclal lorces
hlrlng 72
a!d Penchmen 71
speclal Lerraln 86
speclc acuon polnLs 33
speclc Acuons 33
spell 12, 30
Casung CosL
8eslsL uuel 8equlred
Spell 8ange
Spell uescrlpuon
addluonal requlremenLs 31, 33
sLacklng eecLs 20
a!d lmmedlaLe eecLs 20
a!d ongolng eecLs 20
SLarL Acuvauon hase sLep 31
SLarL Closlng hase sLep 32
SLarL urawhase sLep 30
SLarung uuel 1oLal
i! Casung uuels 32
i! opposed uuels 28
i! 8eslsL uuels 33
i! slmple uuels 26
i! SLrlke uuels 43
SLausucs 9
sLaL modlers 11
SLory LncounLers 70
deLermlnlng 68
Slmple 90
A Llne ln Lhe Sand
ConLaln ower
uellver a Message
uesLroy Lhe Lvldence
Lscape and Survlve
lanL Lvldence
Supply Wagon
1reasure PunL
1urf War
Q+!c" Refe(e%ce 115 114 I%de,
Shared 93
A Llne ln Lhe Sand
ConLaln ower
uellver a Message
uesLroy Lhe Lvldence
Lscape and Survlve
lanL Lvldence
Supply Wagon
1reasure PunL
1urf War
a!d engaged models 39
,he! Charglng 37
Acuon 39
Auack Sequence
ueclare 1argeL
SLrlke uuel
lllp for SLarung Auack and uefense 1oLals
Change SLarung 1oLals or ass
ueLermlne llnal uuel 1oLals
ueclare 1rlggers
ueLermlne Success
Apply uuel 8esulLs
SLrucLure Lerraln LralL 39
sulLs, Card 22
Summon 33
SwlLch 38
LalenLs 12: Ablllues, Acuons, 1rlggers, Weapons
dened 14
"f blasLs 46
"f melee SLrlkes 42
"f ranged SLrlkes 42
,he! casung spells 30, 32
,he! rlng lnLo melee 44
LargeL number (1n) 26
Lerraln 38
seLup 64
1errlfylng and morale 37
umlng 6
1okens 19
1omes tsulL 22
characLerlsuc 10
hlrlng 71
Loward, movlng 33
LralLs 38
1rlggers 12, 26
a!d acuon polnLs 26
a!d aralyzed 26
Common 1rlggers 118
Crlucal SLrlke
declarlng ln Casung uuels33
declarlng ln opposed uuels 28
declarlng ln 8eslsL uuels 34
declarlng ln slmple uuels 26
declarlng ln SLrlke uuels 43
dened 30
sequence 30
Acuvauon hase
Closlng hase
Lype, Weapon 11
unlque 9
a!d hlrlng 71
use SoulsLones
AblllLy 14, 118
a!d lnluauve 31
i! Casung uuels 32
i! opposed uuels 28
i! 8eslsL uuels 34
i! slmple uuels 26
i! SLrlke uuels 43
,he! heallng/prevenung Wd 48
value, card 22
vlcLory polnLs (v)
a!d Schemes 72
a!d SLraLegles 68
deLermlnlng 73
Walk Acuon 36
Walk/Charge (Wk/Cg) sLaL 11
waLer Lerraln LralL 39
Weapon 11
a!d 1alenLs 12
8ash 11, 39
sLaLs 11
Wlllpower (Wp) sLaL 11
wlLhln 3
Wounds (Wd) sLaL 11
vs. damage 44
heallng 48
prevenung 48
Q5*$+ R&'&2&.$&
C/--/. A#*,*4*&3
1hls model lgnores severe and cllmbable Lerraln penalues and LreaLs all verucal surfaces as havlng
Lhe cllmbable LralL.
A2,/2 UJ
8educe Lhe D& Lhls model suers by Lhe lndlcaLed number (#) down Lo a mlnlmum of 1 D&. 1hls
ls cumulauve wlLh any oLher Lype of A2,/2.
B+ac* B+//d
p1. All non-neverborn models suer 1 Wd when Lhls model suers Wd from a Melee S42(*e or
Melee Spell (y).
B7++e402//f J
1hls model galns A2,/2 UJ vs. ranged auacks.
DULE Ca35-& E:0e24
1hls model recelves one addluonal speclc A (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used
for Ca34 Acuons. 1hls AblllLy does noL sLack wlLh Casung MasLer. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed under a model's
Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
DUME Ca35-& Ma34e2
1hls model recelves Lwo addluonal speclc As (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used
for Ca34 Acuons. 1hls AblllLy does noL sLack wlLh Casung LxperL. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed under a model's
Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
C/,e3 C'ea0
1hls model's SoulsLone CosL ls noL lncreased when lL ls hlred by anoLher lacuon.
C/,0a-(/- DM/de+ /2 C'a2ac4e2(35cE
8efore acuvaung a model wlLh Companlon, nomlnaLe any number of Lhe referenced model(s) or
model(s) wlLh Lhe correspondlng CharacLerlsuc wlLhln 6" of one anoLher. 1hese models acuvaLe
slmulLaneously. Choose one of Lhe nomlnaLed models Lo acuvaLe rsL, and compleLe lLs enure
acuvauon. 1hen Lhe ConLroller chooses and acuvaLes anoLher nomlnaLed model. Conunue
acuvaung Lhe nomlnaLed models unul all nomlnaLed models have compleLed Lhelr acuvauons.
C/-0".*/. D*"(2"-:
lL's Casey's Lurn Lo acuvaLe a model. Looklng aL her models, she sees LhaL erdlLa and nlno are
wlLhln 6" of one anoLher and apa Loco ls wlLhln 6" of nlno. She announces LhaL she ls acuvaung
all Lhree of Lhe models vla Companlon. She Lhen chooses Lo compleLe apa's acuvauon rsL, nexL,
she chooses Lo compleLe erdlLa's acuvauon, and nally, she compleLes nlno's.
'+!c" Refe(e%ce 117 116 Q+!c" Refe(e%ce
Ea3; 4/ W/7-d J
uamage lllps agalnsL Lhls model recelve one +per lndlcaLed number (#).
E8a3(8e J
1hls model galns A2,/2 UJ vs. b.
1hls model may move over Lerraln and oLher models wlLhouL penalLy, and can end lLs movemenL
on lmpassable Lerraln buL cannoL end lLs movemenL overlapplng anoLher model's base. When
Lhls model moves, lL ls lmmune Lo dlsengaglng S42(*e3 from all models excepL Lhose LhaL lL was
engaged ln melee wlLh when lL began lLs movemenL.
1hls model may move over Lerraln and oLher models wlLhouL penalLy buL lL cannoL end lLs
movemenL on lmpassable Lerraln and cannoL end lLs movemenL overlapplng anoLher model's
base. When Lhls model moves, lL ls lmmune Lo dlsengaglng S42(*e3 from all models excepL Lhose
LhaL lL was engaged ln melee wlLh when lL began lLs movemenL.
G7-!&'4e2 FWea0/-G
1hls model can make melee S42(*e3 agalnsL enemy models up Lo 2" away wlLh Lhe lndlcaLed ranged
Weapon. 1he lndlcaLed Weapon galns yand loses zwhen maklng Lhese S42(*e3. Models wlLh
Lhls AblllLy can block dlsengaglng models wlLh Lhe lndlcaLed Weapon. 1alenLs LhaL reference Lhe
lndlcaLed Weapon may be used ln melee.
Ha2d 4/ K(++
Whlle Lhls model has 2 or more Wdremalnlng when lL suers D&> lL may only be reduced Lo 1 Wd
by a slngle damage source.
Ha2d 4/ W/7-d J
uamage lllps agalnsL Lhls model recelve one -per lndlcaLed number (#).
Lnemy models musL wln a W0WLM uuel when Largeung Lhls model wlLh an auack or Lhe Acuon
lmmedlaLely falls. Ha2,+e33 ends when Lhls model performs an Acuon oLher Lhan Lhe DLE Wa+*
or DLE Pa33 Acuon. Models wlLh Lhe Te22(f;(-& and R74'+e33 Ablllues lgnore Lhe Ha2,+e33 AblllLy.
1hls model lgnores cover penalues when Largeung models and lncreases lLs LoS lnLo and wlLhln
obscurlng Lerraln Lo 6".
I,,7-e 4/ I-#7e-ce
1hls model ls lmmune Lo W0 uuels when lL ls Lhe defender.
DULE I-35-c47a+
1hls model may perform Lwo dlerenL DKE Acuons durlng lLs acuvauon.
Ma&(c Re3(34a-4 J
1hls model galns A2,/2 UJ vs. Spells and Spell eecLs.
DULE Me+ee E:0e24
1hls model recelves one addluonal speclc A (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used
for melee S42(*eAcuons. 1hls AblllLy does noL sLack wlLh Melee MasLer. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed under
a model's Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
DUME Me+ee Ma34e2
1hls model recelves Lwo addluonal speclc As (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used
for Melee S42(*e Acuons. 1hls AblllLy does noL sLack wlLh Melee LxperL. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed under
a model's Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
DULE N(,b+e
1hls model recelves one addluonal speclc A (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used for
Wa+* Acuons. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed under a model's Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
Pa33 T'2/7&'
1hls model may move Lhrough lnLervenlng models buL cannoL end lLs movemenL overlapplng
anoLher model's base. 1hls model does noL lgnore dlsengaglng S42(*e3 when movlng ouL of an
lnLervenlng model's melee range.
P/(3/- J
1he aecLed model galns Lhe lndlcaLed number (#) of olson Lokens lf lL has no olson Lokens. lf
Lhe aecLed model already has olson Lokens, lL replaces Lhem wlLh Lhe lndlcaLed number DJE lf
LhaL number ls greaLer Lhan Lhe number of olson Lokens lL currenLly has. 1he model suers 1
Wd per olson Loken on lL aL Lhe sLarL of lLs acuvauon, and Lhen dlscards one olson Loken.
DULE Ra-&ed E:0e24
1hls model recelves one addluonal speclc A (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used
for 8anged S42(*e Acuons. 1hls AblllLy does noL sLack wlLh 8anged MasLer. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed
under a model's Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-


'+!c" Refe(e%ce 119 118 Q+!c" Refe(e%ce
DUME Ra-&ed Ma34e2
1hls model recelves Lwo addluonal speclc As (p.33) durlng lLs acuvauon LhaL can only be used
for 8anged S42(*e Acuons. 1hls AblllLy does noL sLack wlLh 8anged LxperL. 1hls AblllLy ls llsLed
under a model's Acuons ln lLs descrlpuon and on lLs sLaL card.
Re&e-e2a5/- J
Peal Lhls model Lhe lndlcaLed number (#) of Wd aL Lhe sLarL of lLs acuvauon.
1hls model lgnores Lhe Ha2,+e33 and P(5f7+ Ablllues when Largeung enemy models.
1hls model lgnores severe movemenL penalues.
S+/9 4/ D(e
Aer Lhls model ls kllled, lL may lmmedlaLely Lake and resolve a 1 A Acuon. 1hls Acuon's resulLs
are applled before Lhe model ls removed from play. lf Lhe model ls healed 1 or more Wd whlle
resolvlng Lhe Acuon, lL ls noL kllled and remalns ln play.
Te22(f;(-& J
Llvlng models wlLhouL Te22(f;(-&acuvaung, movlng Lhrough, or endlng an Acuon ln Lhls model's melee
range, or declarlng a C'a2&e agalnsL Lhls model, musL wln a Morale uuel or fall back. See p.37 for
furLher deLalls.
U3e S/7+34/-e3
1hls model may use game eecLs LhaL requlre SoulsLones. All MasLers and Penchmen
auLomaucally have Lhls AblllLy unless sLaLed oLherwlse.
C/--/. A$4*/.3
DME F+722;
ulscard a ConLrol Card. 1hls model lmmedlaLely makes up Lo Lhree melee S42(*eAcuons agalnsL a
slngle LargeL.
DME F72(/73 Ca35-&
ulscard a ConLrol Card. 1hls model recelves 3 A LhaL musL lmmedlaLely be used for Ca34 Acuons.
DKE L(-*
1hls model and LargeL model ln base conLacL wlLh lL are L(-*ed. Aer Lhe model Lhls model ls
L(-*ed Lo compleLes a Wa+* Acuon or ends lLs acuvauon, ush Lhls model lnLo base conLacL wlLh
Lhe L(-*edmodel. L(-* ends lf Lhe Lwo models are noL ln base conLacL aL Lhe SLarL Closlng hase.
DME Ra0(d F(2e FWea0/-G
ulscard a ConLrol Card. 1hls model lmmedlaLely makes up Lo Lhree ranged S42(*eAcuons wlLh Lhls
Weapon agalnsL a slngle LargeL.
C/--/. T2*((&23
CaDttE S72&e? Aer successfully casung a Spell, dlscard one ConLrol Card Lhen draw one ConLrol
CbDtE B274a+ FWea0/-G? 1hls Weapon lnlcLs +1 ug for each tln Lhls model's uuel LoLal.
CbDRE C2(5ca+ S42(*e FWea0/-G? 1hls Weapon lnlcLs +1 D& for each Rln Lhls model's uuel LoLal.
lf a weapon ls noL lndlcaLed, Lhe model may use Lhls Lrlgger wlLh any of lLs melee weapons.
CbDMME F+a;? When damaglng defender wlLh a melee S42(*e, defender suers +2 D&.
CbDCCE R/4? When damaglng defender wlLh a melee S42(*e, Lhe uamage lllp recelves +.
G&.&2", A$4*/.3Da8a(+ab+e 4/ a++ ,/de+3E
DLE Hea+? Models wlLh U3e S/7+34/-e only. ulscard 1 SoulsLone. 1hls model makes a Peallng lllp
DJE I-4e2ac4? 1hls model spends Lhe lndlcaLed number of Acuons Lo lnLeracL wlLh Lhe game Lable or
Lerraln plece.
DLE Pa33? 1hls model does noLhlng for Lhls Acuon.
Da++E Sca8e-&e? Scavengers Cnly. 1hls model galns 1 Scrap CounLer.
Ge-e2a+ M/8e,e-4 Ac5/-3
DLE Wa+*? 1hls model moves up Lo lLs W*ln lnches. 1hls may be ln any dlrecuon and does noL need
Lo be ln a sLralghL llne. A model may Wa+* lnLo melee combaL lf lL chooses (Se8e2e Lerraln cosLs
double Lo move Lhrough. I,0a33ab+eLerraln can'L be enLered. C+(,bab+eLerraln cosLs 2" per 1 H4
up or down. Ha<a2d/73 Lerraln does damage.).
DME C'a2&e? 1hls model may Lake Lhe C'a2&e Acuon lf lL has a LargeL model wlLhln lLs LoS, whlch ls
noL already ln lLs melee range. 1he charglng model musL move up Lo lLs C&ln a sLralghL llne Loward
Lhe LargeL, maklng every eorL Lo end Lhe move wlLh Lhe LargeL ln melee range. 1he model musL
obey Lhe normal rules for movemenL lncludlng movemenL penalues and dlsengaglng S42(*e3@ AL
Lhe end of Lhe C'a2&emove, lf Lhe LargeL ls ln melee range, Lhe model lmmedlaLely makes a melee
S42(*e wlLh one of lLs melee Weapons and recelves +on lLs uamage lllp for LhaL auack. lf Lhe
LargeL of Lhe Charge ls ouL of melee range aL Lhe end of Lhe model's move, Lhe C'a2&eAcuon ends
DME J7,0? 1he model can elLher move 1/2 of lLs W* dlsLance horlzonLally and can move over gaps,
or Lhe model can move up Lo 1/2 of lLs W*dlsLance from a hlgher elevauon Lo a lower one, or vlce
versa, wlLhouL suerlng damage.
Ge-e2a+ C/,ba4 Ac5/-3
DLE S42(*e? 1he model (auacker) LargeLs anoLher model or plece of breakable Lerraln (defender)
wlLhln range and performs an opposed uuel uslng Lhe C/,ba4 DCbE value of one of lLs Weapons
agalnsL Lhe defender's Defe-3e DDfE value, shown as Cb W Df. A model musL have a melee Weapon
Lo make a melee S42(*e or a ranged Weapon Lo make a ranged S42(*e.
DLE Defe-3(8e S4a-ce? 1hls musL be Lhe rsL Acuon Lhe model Lakes durlng lLs acuvauon. unul Lhe
Lnd Closlng hase, Lhls model's uefense lllps recelves ++when defendlng ln a melee or ranged
auack uuel. 1he model also recelves -2/-2 W*BC& unul Lhe Lnd Closlng hase.
DME F/c73? 1he model performs a melee or ranged S42(*e. 1he S42(*eA3 Auack lllp and uamage lllp
recelve +. Weapons LhaL requlre more Lhan 1 A Lo make a SLrlke cannoL be F/c73ed.
Ge-e2a+ Ma&(c Ac5/-3
DJE Ca34? 1hls model spends Lhe A llsLed before Lhe Spell's name and casLs Lhe Spell. Casung a DKE
Spell counLs as a model's DKE Acuon for lLs acuvauon.
DME C'a--e+? 1hls model Ca343a DLE Spell. 1he casung recelves +Lo boLh lLs Casung and any uamage
DLE D2a(- S/7+3? Leaders Cnly. Sacrlce up Lo Lhree frlendly models wlLhln 6", lgnorlng LoS. 1he
Crew's SoulsLone ool galns one SoulsLone for each model sacrlced. Lach ume a leader Lakes Lhe
D2a(- S/7+3 Acuon, every non-leader model ln Lhe Crew recelves a cumulauve -1 W0 for Lhe
remalnder of Lhe LncounLer. Models wlLh Lhe lnslgnlcanL CharacLerlsuc cannoL be sacrlced by
uraln Souls.
'+!c" Refe(e%ce 121 120 Q+!c" Refe(e%ce
E-c/7-4e2 S(<e Sc2a0 B2a9+
S/7+34/-e Ra-&e 1-33 30-80
Ma:(,7, C/-42/+ Ha-d S(<e 0e2 C2e9 6 7
N7,be2 /f Leade23 0e2 C2e9 1 1-2
Ma:(,7, S4a25-& S/7+34/-e P//+ S(<e 0e2 C2e9 8 10
T/4a+ J /f Sc'e,e3 0-2 0-3
Ma:(,7, VP Ea2-ed 8 10
E-c/7-4e2 L/ca5/-
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
LCS CuLdoor Locauon
TCLN lndoor Locauon
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon

E-c/7-4e2 L/ca5/- O74d//2 I-d//2
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
L Pag's 1errlLory 1heaLer
M Cremlln vlllage Sewers
N 8ayou's Ldge ArcanlsL's Lab
O 8ogs 8esurrecuonlsL's Lab
P uownLown Culld Llbrary
Q lndusLrlal Zone necropolls
R Slums Culld Poldlng laclllLy
S Cuaranune Zone Warehouse
T 8ulns 8esearch laclllLy
LK Mlne Cave/Mlne SysLem
LL loneer/ChosL 1own AnclenL 8ulns
LM 8adlands Large 1avern
LN MounLalns Collapsed ClLy 8lock
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses Locauon
C/2e E-c/7-4e2 C'a24
J/*e23 layer Chooses SLraLegy
LCM 1reasure PunL
NCP uesLroy Lhe Lvldence
QCS 8econnolLer
TCLL Clalm !ump
LMCLN SlaughLer
E-c/7-4e2 Se470 Se17e-ce
1. Choose LncounLer Slze
2. Choose lacuons
3. Choose LncounLer Locauon
4. Choose ueploymenL 1ype
3. ueLermlne SLraLegles
6. Plre Crews
7. Choose Schemes
8. ueploy Crews
E:0a-ded E-c/7-4e2 C'a24
J/*e23 lllpplng layer Chooses 1ype of SLraLegy (lndlvldual, Shared, or SLory)
L SLory LncounLer C8 Lach layer lllps on Lhe lndlvldual SLraLegles
MCS Lach layer lllps on Lhe lndlvldual SLraLegles CharL
TCLM Cne layer lllps on Lhe Shared SLraLegy CharL
LN SLory LncounLer C8 Cne layer lllps on Lhe Shared SLraLegy CharL
S42a4e&(e3 C'a24 I-d(8(d7a+ S'a2ed
B+ac* J/*e2 CpponenL's Cholce
L A Llne ln Lhe Sand Shared A Llne ln Lhe Sand
M Clalm !ump Shared Clalm !ump
N ConLaln ower Shared ConLaln ower
O uellver a Message Shared uellver a Message
P uesLroy Lhe Lvldence Shared uesLroy Lhe Lvldence
Q ulsLracL Shared ulsLracL
R Lscape and Survlve Shared Lscape and Survlve
S lanL Lvldence Shared lanL Lvldence
T 8econnolLer Shared 8econnolLer
LK SlaughLer Shared SlaughLer
LL Supply Wagon Shared Supply Wagon
LM 1reasure PunL Shared 1reasure PunL
LN 1urf War Shared 1urf War
Red J/*e2 layer's Cholce
De0+/;,e-4 C'a24
B+ac* J/*e2 lllpplng layer Chooses from Lhe ueploymenL Areas ln Lhe
ueploymenL CharL
LCO D(a&/-a+
uraw a llne beLween Lwo opposlLe Lable corners. Lach Crew's
ueploymenL Zone beglns 12.3" from LhaL llne.
PCT S4a-da2d
Lach ueploymenL Zone comprlses a 6" deep secuon, runnlng Lhe
enure lengLh of Lhe Lable, on opposlLe Lable edges.
LKCLN C/2-e23
ueploymenL Areas are 12" x 12" squares ln Lwo opposlLe corners of
Lhe Lable.
Red J/*e2 non-lllpplng layer Chooses from Lhe ueploymenL Areas ln Lhe
ueploymenL CharL
AL Lhe end of an LncounLer, players reveal all secreL
Schemes and add up Lhe v Lhey earned for
compleung Lhelr SLraLegles and Schemes. When
scorlng a SLraLegy or Scheme, score all vlcLory
condluons LhaL apply Lo you. A 0+a;e2 ca- 3c/2e a
,a:(,7, /f S VP (- Sc2a03 a-d LK VP (- B2a9+3@ A-;
VP ea2-ed be;/-d 4'e ,a:(,7, a2e (&-/2ed@ T'e
0+a;e2 9(4' 4'e ,/34 VP (3 4'e 9(--e2@ If 0+a;e23 a2e
5ed f/2 VP> 4'e E-c/7-4e2 (3 a d2a9@
Va2;(-& E-c/7-4e2 Le-&4'
A sLandard Mallfaux LncounLer lasLs 6 Lurns buL may carry on even longer. AL Lhe end of Lurn
6, Lhe player who acuvaLed Lhe lasL model ln Lhe Lurn lps a laLe Card. lf Lhe Card value ls a 10
or hlgher, play anoLher Lurn, buL lncrease Lhe value needed Lo conunue Lhe LncounLer on nexL
Lurn's lp by one. 1he LncounLer ends when Lhe lp ls less Lhan Lhe value needed.
'+!c" Refe(e%ce 123 122 Q+!c" Refe(e%ce
P&2'/2-*.( " D5&,
L@ F+(0 f/2 S4a25-& D7e+ T/4a+@
M@ C'a-&e S4a25-& T/4a+ /2 Pa33@
a. CheaL laLe
b. use SoulsLones
N@ De4e2,(-e F(-a+ D7e+ T/4a+@
O@ Dec+a2e T2(&&e2@
P@ De4e2,(-e S7cce33@
Q@ A00+; D7e+ Re37+43
T72- Se17e-ce
LE D2a9 P'a3e
A. SLarL uraw hase SLep
8. ulscard ConLrol Cards SLep
C. uraw ConLrol Cards SLep
u. Lnd uraw hase SLep
ME Ac58a5/- P'a3e
A. SLarL Acuvauon hase SLep
8. lllp for lnluauve SLep
C. AlLernaung Acuvauons SLep
u. Lnd Acuvauon hase SLep
NE C+/3(-& P'a3e
A. SLarL Closlng hase SLep
8. 8esolve LecLs SLep
C. ShuMe laLe uecks SLep
u. Lnd Closlng hase SLep
Ca35-& Se17e-ce
L@ Dec+a2e S0e++ a-d Ta2&e4
M@ Ca35-& D7e+
a. CasLer lllps SLarung Casung 1oLal
b. CasLer Changes SLarung 1oLal or asses
c. CasLer ueLermlnes llnal uuel 1oLal
d. CasLer ueclares a 1rlgger
e. CasLer ueLermlnes Success
N@ Re3(34 D7e+3 D(f -ece33a2;E
a. 8eslsung Model lllps SLarung 8eslsL 1oLal
b. 8eslsung Model Changes SLarung 1oLal or asses
c. 8eslsung Model ueLermlnes llnal uuel 1oLal
d. CasLer MeeLs Addluonal 8equlremenLs
e. 8eslsung Model ueclares a 1rlgger
f. 8eslsung Model ueLermlnes Success
O@ A00+; S0e++ Eec43
S42(*e A6ac* Se17e-ce
L@ Dec+a2e Ta2&e4> 4'e- C'ec* Ra-&e
M@ S42(*e D7e+
a. lllp SLarung Auack and
uefense 1oLals
b. Change SLarung 1oLals or ass
c. ueLermlne llnal uuel 1oLals
d. ueclare 1rlggers
e. ueLermlne Success
f. Apply uuel 8esulLs
Fac5/-3 a-d S7(43
Fac5/- Ma+(fa7: S7(4 S4a-da2d S7(4 Fac5/- E,b+e,
G7(+d 8ams R PearLs
Re3722ec5/-(343 Crows C Spades
A2ca-(343 1omes t Clubs
Ne8e2b/2- Masks M ulamonds
All models have access Lo Lhe melee weapon Ba3' wlLh R& yL, Cb N, and D& KBLBM,
even Lhough lL ls noL llsLed on Lhelr sLaL card.
F2(e-d+; a-d E-e,; M/de+3
8ecause dlerenL game eecLs can depend on a model's currenL alllance wlLh lLs Crew, a model
wlll be frlendly Lo lLs Crew and an enemy of opposlng Crews durlng an LncounLer.
A model ls f(e$d"1 when:
- lL ls under LhaL Crew's ConLrol
- lL was hlred by a Crew and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
- lL was broughL lnLo play by a frlendly model and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
A model ls an e$e#1 when:
- lL ls currenLly under anoLher Crew's conLrol.
- lL was hlred by anoLher Crew and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
- lL was broughL lnLo play by an enemy model and ls currenLly under LhaL Crew's conLrol.
Dec+a2(-& a Ta2&e4
When an eecL requlres a *a(ge*, Lhe followlng should be deLermlned ln order:
- llrsL, check LhaL Lhe lLem ln quesuon ls ln Lhe Largeung model's LoS.
- 1hen, check for any speclal slLuauons LhaL may allow or prevenL Lhe lLem Lo be LargeLed.
- llnally, check for 1alenLs/Spells LhaL may allow/prevenL Largeung.
lf all of Lhese facLors allow Lhe lLem Lo be LargeLed, Lhen Lhe model can declare LhaL lLem as Lhe
LargeL. Measure range Lo Lhe LargeL. lf Lhe LargeL ls wlLhln Lhe eecL's range and meeLs Lhe
above requlremenLs, lL ls consldered a "ega" *a(ge* of Lhe eecL.
A,ac!) can come from muluple sources:
- Auacks wlLh Lhe ylcon are melee auacks, whlle auacks wlLh Lhe zlcon are ranged auacks
- Spells wlLh a y/zlcon ln Lhelr R&
- Spells LhaL requlre a 8eslsL uuel (see Maglc, p.30)
- S42(*e3 wlLh melee/ranged Weapons (see CombaL, p.39)
- Acuons LhaL lnlcL D& or Wd on anoLher model, or requlre an Cpposed uuel.
Ga,e Eec43
Eec* ls a game Lerm referrlng Lo anyLhlng LhaL changes a model's sLaLe. Some models are able
Lo g$%(e or are ##-$e Lo game eecLs (x). A model lmmune Lo or able Lo lgnore x cannoL be
aecLed or modled by x when resolvlng Lhe eecL. uuels requlrlng x do noL occur.
Fa4e M/d(!e23
- Comblne all modlers for lp (ex. ++and -= +modler).
- Cne or more +: lp one card plus one card per +and choose Lhe card.
- Cne or more -: lp one card plus one card per -and Lake Lhe lowesL value card (ue, player
- CannoL CheaL laLe lf one or more -exlsL for Lhe lp.
- Maxlmum of Lhree +'s or -'s ln any lp.
- lllp/play 8lack !oker: value 0 and no sulL. MusL be chosen over any oLher card, lncludlng Lhe
8ed !oker.
- lllp/play 8ed !oker: value 14 and choose sulL. Can be chosen ln a -lp over lowesL card.
124 Q+!c" Refe(e%ce
Da,a&e C'a24
lf Lhe value of Lhe lp ls. 8lack !oker 1-3 6-10 11+ 8ed !oker
1he damage ls. no uamage Weak ModeraLe Severe Severe + anoLher
uamage lllp
W/7-d P2e8e-5/- C'a24
lf Lhe value of Lhe lp ls. 8lack !oker 1-3 6-10 11+ 8ed !oker
1he # of Wd prevenLed ls... noLhlng 1 2 3 All lncomlng Wd
Hea+(-& C'a24
lf Lhe value of Lhe lp ls. 8lack !oker 1-3 6-10 11+ 8ed !oker
1he # of Wd healed ls... noLhlng 1 2 3 Peal all Wd
Ac5/- M/d(!e23
- DULE Fa34? 1hls model recelves 1 addluonal general A durlng lLs currenL or nexL acuvauon,
whlchever comes rsL.
- DCLE S+/9? 1hls model forfelLs 1 general A durlng lLs currenL or nexL acuvauon, whlchever
comes rsL.
- Pa2a+;<ed? A model galnlng Pa2a+;<ed durlng lLs acuvauon loses any remalnlng A and lLs
acuvauon lmmedlaLely ends. lf Lhe model galns Pa2a+;<ed ouLslde of lLs acuvauon, lL forfelLs
lLs nexL acuvauon. Whlle Pa2a+;<ed> a model has no melee range, cannoL Lake any Lype of
Acuon, cannoL acuvaLe 1rlggers, and cannoL reacL Lo dlsengaglng models. A Pa2a+;<ed
model does noL make a fall back move when lL loses a Morale uuel, buL does rally as
normal (Morale, p.36).
- Reac58a4e? 1hls model may acuvaLe a second ume Lhls Lurn durlng Lhe normal acuvauon
sequence. A model may only acuvaLe a second ume Lhrough Reac58a4e once per Lurn.
C/,ba4 T/4a+ M/d(!e2 C'a24
lf Lhe combaL LoLal was. 0 1-3 6-10 11+
1he auacker's uamage lllp recelves. -- - no modler +
Me+ee M/d(!e23
F/c73 Auacker's Auack and uamage lllps recelve +.
C'a2&e Auacker's uamage lllp recelves +.
Defe-3(8e S4a-ce uefender's uefense lllp recelves ++.
Pa(2ed Wea0/- Auacker's Auack lllp recelves +.
Ra-&ed M/d(!e23
Ta2&e4 (- S/% C/8e2 Auacker's Auack lllp recelves -.
Ta2&e4 (- Ha2d C/8e2 Auacker's Auack lllp recelves -. 1argeL recelves A2,/2 UL@
F(2(-& (-4/ Me+ee uefender recelves +1 Df for each enemy model lL ls engaged wlLh.
F/c73 Auacker's Auack and uamage lllps recelve +.
Defe-3(8e S4a-ce uefender's uefense lllp recelves ++.
Pa(2ed Wea0/- Auacker's Auack lllp recelves +.
Ca35-& M/d(!e23
C'a--e+ CasLer's Casung and uamage lllps recelve +.
Ce%)&(ed f&( P+b#!#c Safe*-
Whe&e i' S$##ia?

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