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Mineralogical Magazine, August 2006, Vol. 70(4), pp.


Kamphaugite-(Y) from La Cabrera massif, Spain:

a low-temperature hydrothermal Y- REE carbonate


1 Departmentamento de PetrologõÂa y GeoquõÂmica and Instituto de GeologõÂa EconoÂmica CSIC, Facultad de Ciencias
 gicas, Universidad Complutense, 28040 Madrid, Spain
2 Departmentamento de Ciencias de la Tierra y QuõÂmica Ambiental, EstacioÂn Experimental del ZaidõÂn, CSIC, 18008
Granada, Spain


Kamphaugite-(Y) occurs as white to cream-coloured spherical to semi-spherical aggregates of radial

crystals in the La Cabrera granitic pluton (Spanish Central System). It mainly occurs on the free
surfaces of alkali feldspar, quartz, calcite, kainosite-(Y) and laumontite, and inside miarolitic cavities.
La Cabrera kamphaugite-(Y) has13 an average composition of Ca 0.94Y0.89 0.21(CO3)2
[F0.05(OH)0.95]´1.19H2O. Negative d CV-PDB values (ÿ14 to ÿ15%) indicate a meteoric carbon

source. Textural relations between kamphaugite-(Y) and coexisting minerals, its relatively high d18OV-
SMOW values (+25 to +26%), and the occurrence of laumontite inclusions in kamphaugite-(Y), point to
a genesis at <50ëC during very low-temperature post-magmatic hydrothermal activity.

K EY WORDS : kamphaugite-(Y), stable isotopes, Spanish Central System.

of the above studies investigated the conditions of


K AM PHA UG IT E -(Y), ideally Ca(Y, ) REE formation of this mineral.

(CO3)2(OH)´1.5H2O, is a rare mineral ®rst Kamphaugite-(Y) is scarce at La Cabrera and
described by Raade and Brastad (1993) and its so far it has only been found in miarolitic cavities
crystal structure by Rùmming . (1993) for a
et al of pegmatitic bodies. It occurs as spherical to
sample from Hùrtekollen, Norway. Raade et al. semi-spherical aggregates of radial crystals up to
(1993) report kamphaugite-(Y) occurrences in 1.5 mm in diameter, grown over free surfaces of
two Norwegian granitic pegmatites, occurring K-feldspar, quartz, pyrite, clinochlore, calcite,
either as an alteration product of kuliokite-(Y) kainosite-(Y) and laumontite. This zeolite,
or as crystallized rosettes along cracks in quartz laumontite, has also been found as inclusions in
and feldspar. Raade and Brastad (1993) suggest the outer zone of the kamphaugite-(Y) aggregates.
that the unknown mineral UN-21 of the Evans The aim of this paper is to investigate the
Lou granitic pegmatite, Canada (Hogarth, 1972), conditions of kamphaugite-(Y) formation at La
is kamphaugite-(Y). This mineral was later Cabrera granitic pluton. Presented here are
reported by Orlandi (1997) and Gamboni and compositional data, and for the ®rst time, stable
Gamboni (1998) as associated with stilbite in the isotopic analyses of kamphaugite-(Y).
Maddalena Island granite, Italy, by Petersen .
et al
(2001) in the RoÈssing uranium mine granite,
Namibia, by Wallwork et . (2002) on
Geological setting

decrespignyite-(Y) in the Paratoo copper The La Cabrera massif is located in the NW of

deposit, Australia, and by FeheÂr . (2003) on
et al Madrid Province, Spain. It is a late-Variscan
®ssures in the SzarvaskoÄ granite, Hungary. None granitic pluton forming part of the Spanish
Central System (Bellido, 1979; Villaseca ,
et al.
1993; Villaseca and Herreros, 2000).
* E-mail: Geochemically, the massif shows I-type char-
DOI: 10.1180/0026461067040338 acteristics and an evolutionary trend from
# 2006 The Mineralogical Society

marginal amphibole-bearing granodiorites low-background oriented silicon crystal was

towards a dominant biotite monzogranite and used as the sample holder. Unit-cell parameters
leucogranites. In the most evolved rocks, there are were re®ned by a least-squares method.
occasional occurrences of garnet, cordierite and Differential thermal analysis (DTA) and gravi-
muscovite (Bellido, 1979). Rare elements, metric analysis (TG) were simultaneously carried
lithium-yttrium-¯uorine-type granitic pegmatites out with a Seiko Exstar 6000 instrument, using
(after the classi®cation of CÏernyÂ, 1991) with ~6 mg of sample, staticÿ1air atmosphere and a
gadolinite-(Y) occur in the most differentiated heating rate of 10ëC min .
granites (GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago et al., 1986; Semi-spherical aggregates of kamphaugite-(Y)
GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, 1997). Remarkable post- were mounted in epoxy and polished.
magmatic hydrothermal activity is recorded Wavelength-dispersive electron microprobe
throughout the Eastern Spanish Central System, (EPM analysis) data were collected using a
with several main events (Caballero ., 1992;
et al JEOL JXA-8900M instrument at the
Tornos et al . 2000). The hydrothermal activity Universidad Complutense, Madrid with the
(ascending hydrothermal solutions and downward following operating conditions: acceleration
percolating groundwater) is recorded in the La voltage ÿ 20 kV, probe current ÿ 50 nA, and
Cabrera granitic pluton by a medium-to-low peak counting times between 10 and 30 s and
temperature overprint, that through a compact background counting time of 5 to 15 s. The beam
microfault system as well as several major faults, diameter was 2ÿ5 mm to minimize sample
affects all of the pluton (GonzaÂlez Laguna , et al. damage under the beam. The standards used
2000; Lozano, 2003). One of the most important were albite, kaersutite, and REE -phosphates
affects of this overprint is the Na/Ca ratio increase described by Jarosewich et al . (1980) and
of plagioclase which raised the calcium activity in Jarosewich and Boatner (1991). For Th and U,
the hydrothermal ¯uids. As a consequence, commercial glasses were used. An on-line ZAF
epidote, allanite-(Ce), ferro-axinite, prehnite and correction program was used for data correction
a large range of secondary minerals formed. and reduction. Using the same standards, the
These secondary minerals are mainly low-temp- overlaps were checked. To minimize the over-
erature calcium silicates and carbonates such as estimation of Gd, Er and Lu (<5 wt.% as Gd2O3,
titanite, zeolites, ¯uorapophyllite, kainosite-(Y) Er2O3 and Lu2O3) a peak and background overlap
and bavenite. Many miarolitic cavities in JEOL correction program was used. Identi®cation
pegmatites, where the hydrothermal ¯uids were of mineral phases (¯uorapophyllite, tveitite-(Y),
concentrated, contain important secondary bastnaÈsite-(Y), etc.), including kamphaugite-(Y)
minerals (GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, 1997; GonzaÂlez was done by XRD and/or EMP analysis.
del TaÂnago and La Iglesia, 1998; Lozano, 2003). CO2 determination as well as isotopic analyses
The most abundant magmatic high-Y mineral were carried out at the Stable Isotope Laboratory
in the La Cabrera pluton is zircon. Crystal rims of EstacioÂn Experimental de El ZaidõÂn (CSIC),
may have up to 2.22 wt.% of Y2O3 and, Granada, Spain. CO2 was obtained from carbo-
occasionally, some pegmatite zircons have up to nate using 100% phosphoric acid for 12 h in a
7.39 wt.% (Perez Soba . 2003), among the
et al thermostatic bath at 25ëC (McCrea, 1950).
highest Y2O3 wt.% content reported (Hoskin and Isotopic ratios were measured in a Finnigan
Schaltegger, 2003). Xenotime-(Y), and monazite- MAT 251 mass spectrometer. The standard
(Ce) up to 4.34 wt.% of Y2O3, are less abundant. reference materials NBS-18 and NBS-19 were
In the garnet-bearing rocks and pegmatite bodies, measured concurrently and yielded13 experimental
the most abundant Y-bearing minerals are garnet, errors of <Ô0.1% (1s) for d C and d18O
which contains up to 2 wt.% Y 2O 3 , and determinations. In order to calculate the VSMOW
gadolinite-(Y) (GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, 1997). values, the acid fractionation factor used for
calcite and kamphaugite-(Y) was 1.01044 at 25ëC
(Kim and O'Neil, 1997).
X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) patterns were
obtained using a Philips X'PERT diffractometer. Results

Silicon powder was added to the analysis as a From the XRD patterns, and considering a
standard. Due to the small amount of tetragonal symmetry, the following unit-cell
kamphaugite-(Y) sample available (10 mg), a parameters have been calculated for the La

Cabrera kamphugite-(Y): = 7.449(4) AÊ, = most signi®cant compositional variations are in

21.793(4) AÊ3, RW factor 0.00151, and =
a c
the , Ca and Y contents. Analyses in the
1209.3(0) AÊ . These data are in excellent agree-
various zones show that Y and Yb have a positive
ment with the parameters of Raade and Brastad covariance. On the contrary, negative correlations
(1993), Rùmming . (1993) and FeheÂr .
et al et al exist between these elements and the other REE
(2003). as well as Ca. Thus, it seems that the main
The differential thermal analysis (DTA) curve substitutions in kamphaugite-(Y) are: Yÿ1 1 REE
for kamphaugite-(Y) shows three endothermic and Caÿ3 2 (as shown in Fig. 3) which would
effects at 342, 430 and 754ëC (Fig. 1). The ®rst, a explain the Ca cation de®ciency in this mineral.
very small effect, is ascribed to dehydration and The Th and U contents are highly variable, though
the second and third one to dehydroxylation and always low. We suggest that the actinide elements
decomposition reactions. The thermogravimetric enter into the kamphaugite-(Y) structure by
(TG) curve shows four steps at temperature means of substitutions such as: Caÿ2(U, Th)1.
intervals of 80ÿ380, 400ÿ450, 450ÿ600 and The chondrite-normalized REE pattern for
600ÿ780ëC with weight losses of 4.0, 12.4, 10.8 kamphaugite-(Y) is shown in Fig. 4. For compar-
and 12.6%, respectively. The ®rst step, with a ison, three other analyses are shown for
weight loss at a very low rate, may correspond to kamphaugite-(Y) from other localities. The
the existence of interstitial water. The following patterns show enrichment in the heavy . REE
steps correspond to OH and CO2 loss through Kamphaugite-(Y) and calcite from the La
reactions probably involving metastable forma- Cabrera granitic pluton have negative d13CV-PDB
tion of CaCO3 and ®nal decomposition to CaO at values ranging from ÿ14.16 to ÿ15.26%18 and from
750ëC in a process similar to the dolomite ÿ18.45 to ÿ11.40%, respectively. d OV-SMOW
decomposition (Wiedemann and Bayer, 1987). values in kamphaugite-(Y) are +24.82 to +25.91%
Moreover, the TG cooling curve shows a weight and for calcite, +19.3 to +23.2% (Fig. 5).
increase of 1.2% in the temperature interval of
450ÿ400ëC which may correspond to CO2
absorption and carbonation of CaO. Discussion

The La Cabrera kamphaugite-(Y) EPMA The scarcity of kamphaugite-(Y) occurrences is

results and cation proportions, calculated on the responsible for the scarcity of studies on its
basis of 2.5 oxygens, are given in Table 1. The formation conditions. None of the existing
structural formula was calculated using EPMA
data and values for CO2 (volumetric determina-
tion) and H2O (TG measurement). The following
structural formula was calculated on the basis of 7
o x yg e n s: C a 0 . 9 4 Y 0 . 8 9
REE 0.21(CO3)2
[F0.05(OH)0.95]´1.19H2O. The 1.19 H2O per
formula unit (p.f.u.) is in agreement with the
results of FeheÂr . (2003).
et al
The kamphaugite-(Y) spherical aggregates
display concentric banding (Fig. 2). The bound-
aries between zones are not always sharp and the

FIG. 2. BSE image of an equatorial radial section

aggregate of kamphaugite-(Y). The brighter zones are
FIG. 1. DTA and TG curves of the La Cabrera granitic richer in relative to Y. The width of the radial
section is 930 mm.
pluton kamphaugite-(Y).

TABLE 1. Electron microprobe data for kamphaugite-(Y) from the La Cabrera granitic pluton and other
La Cabrera Hùrtekollen RoÈssing SzarvaskoÄ
wt.% 1s (51) wt.% 1s (5) wt.% wt.%
SiO2 0.04 0.02 n.a. n.a. n.a.
P 2O 5 0.12 0.11 n.a. n.a. n.a.
CaO 17.80 1.06 18.40 0.2 15.11 20.07
Y 2O 3 33.80 2.61 30.50 0.3 27.12 29.72
La2O3 0.05 0.02 n.a. n.a. 0.10
Ce2O3 0.24 0.10 n.a. n.a. 0.93
Pr2O3 0.10 0.07 n.a. n.a. 0.33
Nd2O3 0.51 0.10 1.40 0.3 1.47 2.13
Sm2O3 0.55 0.24 0.80 0.3 2.03 1.55
Eu2O3 0.14 0.11 n.a. n.a. 0.53
Gd2O3 1.98 0.48 n.a. 3.57 3.26
Tb2O3 0.76 0.29 1.60 0.3 0.81 0.63
Dy2O3 3.91 0.93 n.a. 5.58 4.91
Ho2O3 0.64 0.19 2.20 0.4 1.27 0.99
Er2O3 2.24 0.55 1.20 0.1 2.59 2.74
Tm2O3 0.17 0.09 n.a. 0.37 0.50
Yb2O3 1.07 0.24 1.10 0.3 1.07 1.65
Lu2O3 0.70 0.17 n.a. n.a. 0.43
ThO2 0.14 0.10 n.a. n.a. n.a.
UO2 0.15 0.09 n.a. n.a. n.a.
F 0.29 0.10 n.a. 0.81 n.a.
Total 65.41 57.10 61.91 70.47
Total F:O 65.28 61.57
Si 0.01
Ca 0.90
P <0.01
Y 0.84
La <0.01
Ce <0.01
Pr <0.01
Nd 0.01
Sm 0.01
Eu <0.01
Gd 0.03
Tb 0.01
Dy 0.06
Ho 0.01
Er 0.03
Tm <0.01
Yb 0.02
Lu 0.01
Th <0.01
U <0.01
F 0.04
La Cabrera kamphugite-(Y) cation proportions calculated on the basis of 2.5 oxygens giving at total of 1.99 cations
(S = 0.20; and Y/S(Y+ ) = 0.81). Hùrtekollen: Raade and Brastad (1993); RoÈssing: Petersen . (2001);
REE et al
SzarvaskoÄ: FeheÂr (2003). Number of analyses for each calculated standard deviation is given in brackets.

et al.
n.a. = not analysed.


Yttrium2ÿ is mobilized in the ¯uids, possibly as

(CO3) and F complexes (MoÈller, 1989). The
occurrence of secondary ¯uorite, ¯uorapatite,
¯uorapophyllite and calcite, as well as with
tveitite-(Y) and bastnaÈsite-(Y) inclusions in
garnet, indicates elemental mobility during
hydrothermal activity. Other secondary Y-rich
minerals formed during the hydrothermal over-
print: kainosite-(Y), xenotime-(Y) and
thalenite-(Y). The former is the most common,
sometimes as a by-product of gadolinite-(Y)
alteration by carbonatation and Feÿ1Ca inter-
change. Thalenite-(Y) is rare. Nevertheless we
have shown that most of the yttrium is
incorporated into other medium- to low-temp-
erature minerals such as titanite (occasionally up
FIG. 3. Y3+ and Ca2+ 3+ substitutions for to 6.15 wt.% as Y2O3), allanite-(Ce) (occasionally
vs. REE
kamphaugite-(Y) from the La Cabrera granitic pluton. up to 11.36 wt.% Y2O3), epidote, and rare
The3+ 1.2312+ regression coef®cient from the straight line vigezzite. At lower temperatures, corresponding
(Y +Ca ) = 1.231( 3+) ®ts the value (Y3++Ca2+)/ with the cessation of zeolite cystallization,
( 3+) = 1.20 obtained
considering a 2(Y3++Ca2+) = agardite-(Y) appears, forming as a result of
5/3( 3+) coupled substitution. arsenopyrite oxidation (GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago
and GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, 2002).
Most of the Y entering kamphaugite-(Y) is
studies, other than that by Raade and Brastad possibly sourced from the alteration of
(1993), considered the source of the Y. gadolinite-(Y). Sometimes, bavenite is observed
Nevertheless, its occurrence and association to occur in association with kamphaugite-(Y).
suggests a low-temperature hydrothermal origin This indicates that gadolinite-(Y) was the Y and
(Raade and Brastad, 1993; Gamboni and Be source for both minerals, although so far we
Gamboni, 1998; Petersen . 2001; Wallwork
et al have found no direct textural evidence to support
et al. 2002). this inference.
In the La Cabrera granitic pluton, Y has been The textural relationship of kamphaugite-(Y)
removed from primary magmatic and pegmatitic with calcite, laumontite and other secondary
minerals by post-magamtic hydrothermal ¯uids. minerals, and the fact that it post-dates

FIG. 4. Chondrite-normalized REE patterns for kampahugite-(Y). Chondrite values from Taylor and McLennan

kainosite-(Y), suggests it is the last Y mineral to

crystallize, after zeolite formation, and perhaps
contemporaneously with agardite-(Y).
Kamphaugite-(Y) displays very negative
d13CV-PDB values (ÿ14.16 and ÿ15.26%) close
to the calcite values (ÿ18.45 to ÿ11.40% V-
PDB; Fig. 5). For this reason, sources for this C
such as sea water, dissolution of primary
precipitated marine limestone, atmospheric CO2
and magmatic CO2 can be disregarded (Kyser,
1986). On the contrary, these values are typical of
carbonates precipitated from meteoric waters, in
which the main source of carbon is edaphic
(Talma and 13Netterberg, 1983; Cerling, 1991).
Although d CV-PDB values as negative as
ÿ18.45% are not common in this type of
carbonate (Cerling, 1991), they can be explained
FIG. 5. Isotopic composition of calcite and kamphaugi- considering that in slightly acidic soil-water,
te-(Y) from the La Cabrera granitic pluton. Note that the typical of granitic rocks, the isotopic composition
isotopic values plot close to the present (calculated) of the dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) has a
Meteoric Calcite Line (MCL). The d18OV-SMOW value lower isotopic fractionation (4 or 5%) with
(+24%) of the MCL was calculated using the equation respect to edaphic CO2, whereas at pH >7.5 the
of Kim and O'Neil (1997) for the system 18calcite-water,
an average temperature of 9.5ëC and d OV-SMOW = DIC is enriched at ~10% (Romaneck et al.,
ÿ7.6% for groundwater of the Iberian Central System 1992). Additionally, in oxidizing environments,
(Plata, 1994; PeÂrez del Villar ., 1997). subsurface biological activity associated with
et al
sulphide decomposition by T. Ferrooxidans

FIG. 6. Temperature and d18OV-SMOW values of mineralizing waters. The curves represent the theoretical temperature
of formation of calcite and kamphaugite-(Y) in equilibrium with meteoric waters 18of different isotopic values.
Considering sur®cial temperatures (10ÿ20ëC) and the isotopic range of calcite (d O = +19.1 to +23.2% vs.
V-SMOW) it is possible to obtain the isotopic range for the equilibrium water. For comparison, the oxygen isotopic
range of present meteoric water (rainwater and groundwater) is given. The Kim and O'Neil (1997) and O'Neil . et al
(1969) equations were used to relate temperature with isotopic fractionation in the systems calcite-water and
strontianite (kamphaugite-Y)-water respectively. The dotted line represents the values of kamphaugite-(Y).

generate d13C values of DIC close to those of editor, P.W.O. Hoskin, and referee, E.B.
organic mater (Melchiorre and Williams, 2001; Melchiorre, made interesting and helpful sugges-
Melchiorre and Enders, 2003; Boni , 2003).
et al. tions for the ®nal version.
Consequently, both pH and CO2 production by
soil microbes associated with weathering of
disseminated sulphides may have produced an References

isotopically light DIC responsible for the Bellido, F. (1979) Âgico y geoquõÂmico del
Estudio petrolo

precipitation of these minerals. Values similar to Ân de La Cabrera

Pluto . PhD thesis, Universidad de
those from the La Cabrera granitic pluton have Complutense, Madrid.
been reported by Reyes (1998) in fracture- Boni, M., Gilg, H.A. Aversa, G. and Balassone, G.
(2003) The `Calamine' of southwest Sardinia:
et al.
®lling carbonates in the El Berrocal granitic geology, mineralogy and stable isotope geochem-
pluton (also in the Spanish Central System), istry. , , 731ÿ748.
where the DIC of the present underground waters Economic Geology 98
Caballero, J.M., Casquet, C., Galindo, C., GonzaÂlez
have values between ÿ20.7 and ÿ17.4%. The Casado, J.M., Snelling, N. and Tornos, F. (1992)
present-day d13C values of DIC in La Cabrera Dating of hydrothermal events in the Sierra de
range between ÿ9.9% and ÿ21% (Lozano, Guadarrama, Iberian Hercynian Belt, Spain.
2003). Consequently isotopic values of associated , , 18ÿ22.
calcites and water corroborate this super®cial Geogaceta 11
Cerling, T.E. (1991) Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere:
origin for the carbon in kamphaugite-(Y). evidence from Cenozoic and Mesozoic paleosoils.
In order to estimate the formation temperature , , 377ÿ400.
of kamphaugite-(Y), its d18OV-SMOW value has American Journal of Science 291
CÏernyÂ, P. (1991) Rare-element granitic pegmatites. Part
also been measured as for co-existing calcite. I: Anatomy and internal evolution of pegmatite
Although there are no speci®c thermometric deposits. , , 49ÿ67.
equations for kamphaugite-(Y), the use of other
Geoscience Canada 18(2)
Fehe r, B., Skaka ll, S. and Nagy, G. (2003)
equations, such as those for calcite, strontianite, Kamphaugite-(Y), a rare hydrous Ca-Y-carbonate
malachite, azurite and smithsonite (O'Neil ., et al mineral from SzarvaskoÄ, BuÈkk Mountains, Hungary.
1969; Melchiorre ., 1999, 2000; Boni .,
et al et al Acta Minereralogy and Petrology . Abstracts series ,
2003) yield similar temperatures, all indicating Szeged, 30.
very low formation temperatures (<50ëC), as can Gamboni, A. and Gamboni, T. (1998) Kamphaugite di
be seen in Fig. 6. In addition, the occurrence of Cala Francese. Revista Mineralogica Italiana , ,
calcite and kamphaugite-(Y) isotopic values near 27ÿ28.
the calculated Meteoric Calcite Line (MCL) in GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, J. (1997) Allanita-(Nd) y
Fig. 5, supports the inference of a low-temp- minerales de elementos raros en las pegmatitas de
erature origin. The slightly more positive d18O of La Cabrera, Madrid (Sistema Iberico Central).
kamphaugite-(Y) values can be related to an Âgica de Espan
Revista Sociedad Geolo Äa 10 , , 83ÿ105.
origin at lower temperatures and/or equilibration GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, J. and La Iglesia, A. (1998)
with less negative d18O water (see Fig. 5). Zeolitas y minerales caÂlcicos de baja temperatura en
las pegmatitas granõÂticas del plutoÂn de La Cabrera
Consequently, calcite and kamphaugite-(Y) (Sistema Central EspanÄol). , ,
formed at similar low-temperature conditions, 181ÿ190.
Âgicos 54
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but in different episodes. The cooling 18of GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, J., Bellido, F. and GarcõÂa Cacho,
hydrothermal water, slightly enriched in O L. (1986) MineralogõÂa y evolucioÂn de las pegmatitas
owing to water-rock interaction and/or evapora- granõÂticas de La Cabrera (Sistema Central EspanÄol).
tion processes, and the mixing with water from a , 97,
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these values. GonzaÂlez Laguna, R., Lozano, R. and Casquet, C.

(2000) Efectos de la alteracioÂn hidrotermal en los
minerales accesorios del granito de La Cabrera
(Sistema Central EspanÄol). Estudio al microscopio

Electron microprobe analyses and BSE images electroÂnico de barrido (SEM + EDS).
were performed with the help of A. FernaÂndez
Äola de MineralogõÂa 23 , , 135ÿ151.
Larios; J. FernaÂndez Suarez and C. InÄigo helped
Sociedad Espan
GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago, J. and GonzaÂlez del TaÂnago
with the English in the manuscript. Our thanks to Chanrai, J. (2002) Minerales y Minas de Madrid .
these people and to G. Raade for comments on an Comunidad de Madrid and Mundiprensa, Madrid,
early draft of the manuscript. Finally, associate Spain, 271 pp.

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