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TECSON v. COMMISSION ON ELECTIONS (2004) VITUG, J. Petitioners: Maria Jeanette Tecson and Felix Desiderio, Jr.

; Zoilo Antonio Velez; Victorino Fornier Res on!ents: COMELEC, Ronald Allan Kelle !oe "F!J# "#CTS: $% Dec &''$ ( Res)ondent Ronald Allan Kell !oe a.*.a. Fernando !oe, Jr. "F!J#, +iled ,is certi+icate o+ candidac +or t,e )osition o+ !resident -nder t,e Koalis on n. /a.*a*aisan. !ili)ino "K/!# !art . 0n ,is certi+icate o+ candidac , F!J, re)resentin. ,i1sel+ to 2e a nat-ral32orn citizen o+ R!, stated ,is na1e to 2e 4Fernando Jr.,4 or 4Ronald Allan4 !oe, ,is date o+ 2irt, to 2e &' A-.-st %5$5 and ,is )lace o+ 2irt, to 2e Manila. '5 Jan &''6 ( Victorino 7. Fornier, )etitioner in 8.R. /o. %9%:&6, initiated a )etition doc*eted ;!A /o. '63''$ 2e+ore COMELEC< "%# to dis=-ali+ F!J and "&# to den d-e co-rse>to cancel ,is certi+icate o+ candidac 2ec. F!J 1ade a 1aterial 1isre)resentation in ,is certi+icate o+ candidac 2 clai1in. to 2e a nat-ral32orn Fili)ino citizen ?,en in tr-t,, ,is )arents ?ere +orei.ners; ,is 1ot,er, @essie Kelle !oe, ?as an A1erican, and ,is +at,er, Allan !oe, ?as a ;)anis, national, 2ein. t,e son o+ Lorenzo !o-, a ;)anis, s-2Aect. 8rantin. t,at Allan F. !oe ?as a Fili)ino citizen, ,e co-ld not ,aBe trans1itted ,is Fili)ino citizens,i) to F!J, 2ec. ,e is an ille.iti1ate c,ild o+ an alien 1ot,er. @A;0;< "%# Allan F. !oe ?as 1arried to !a-lita 8o1ez 2e+ore ,e 1arried @essie Kelle and "&# eBen i+ no s-c, )rior 1arria.e ,ad existed, Allan F. !oe, 1arried @essie Kell onl a ear a+ter t,e 2irt, o+ F!J. %5 Jan &''6 ( Cearin. 2e+ore $rd DiB. o+ COMELEC "ornier )resented< "%# a co) o+ t,e certi+icate o+ 2irt, o+ F!J "&# a certi+ied ),otoco) o+ an a++idaBit exec-ted in ;)anis, 2 !a-lita !oe 8o1ez t,at s,e +iled a case +or 2i.a1 and conc-2ina.e a.ainst Allan F. !oe a+ter discoBerin. ,is 2i.a1o-s relations,i) ?it, @essie Kelle "$# an En.lis, translation o+ t,e a++idaBit a+oresaid "6# a certi+ied ),otoco) o+ t,e certi+icate o+ 2irt, o+ Allan F. !oe "D# a certi+ication iss-ed 2 t,e Dir. o+ t,e Records Mana.e1ent and Arc,iBes O+c. t,at t,ere ?as no record in t,e /atEl Arc,iBes t,at a Lorenzo !oe or Lorenzo !o- resided or entered t,e R! 2e+ore %5'F "9# a certi+ication +ro1 t,e O0C o+ t,e Arc,iBes DiB. o+ t,e /atEl Arc,iBes t,at no aBaila2le in+or1ation co-ld 2e +o-nd in t,e +iles o+ t,e /atEl Arc,iBes re< 2irt, o+ Allan F. !oe "P$ )resented && doc-1ents 2-t t,e 1ore ones are< "%# a certi+ication iss-ed 2 Estrella M. Do1in.o o+ t,e Arc,iBes DiB. o+ t,e /atEl Arc,iBes t,at t,ere a))eared to 2e no aBaila2le in+o re< 2irt, o+ Allan F. !oe in t,e re.istr o+ 2irt,s +or ;an Carlos, !an.asinan

"&# a certi+ication iss-ed 2 t,e O0C o+ Arc,iBes DiB. o+ t,e /atEl Arc,iBes t,at no aBaila2le in+o re< 1arria.e o+ Allan F. !oe and !a-lita 8o1ez co-ld 2e +o-nd "$# a certi+icate o+ 2irt, o+ Ronald Allan !oe "6# OCT /o. !3&&6F o+ Re.istr o+ Deeds +or !an.asinan, in t,e na1e o+ Lorenzo !o"D# co)ies o+ Tax Declarations in t,e na1e o+ Lorenzo !o"9# a co) o+ t,e certi+icate o+ deat, o+ Lorenzo !o"F# a co) o+ t,e )-r)orted 1arria.e contract 2et. Fernando !o- and @essie Kelle ":# a certi+ication iss-ed 2 t,e Cit CiBil Re.istrar o+ ;an Carlos Cit , !an.asinan t,at t,e records o+ 2irt, in t,e said o++ice +ro1 %5'' -ntil Ma %569 ?ere totall destro ed d-rin. GG 00 &$ Jan &''6 ( COMELEC dis1issed ;!A /o. '63''$ +or lac* o+ 1erit. &9 Jan &''6 ( Fornier +iled ,is MR '9 Fe2 &''6 ( MR denied 2 t,e COMELEC en banc %' Fe2 &''6 ( Fornier assailed decision o+ COMELEC 2e+ore ;C "R-le 96 and 9D# and )ra ed +or a TRO, a ?rit o+ )reli1. inA-nction or an ot,er resol-tion t,at ?o-ld sta t,e +inalit and>or exec-tion o+ t,e COMELEC resol-tions. Ot,er )etitions, later consolidated ?it, 8.R. /o. %9%:&6, incl-de 8.R. /o. %9%6$6 "Tecson, et al. B. COMELEC# and 8.R. /o. %9%9$6 "Velez B. F!J#, 2ot, c, t,e A-risdiction o+ COMELEC and assertin. t,at, -nder Art. V00, ;ec. 6, )ar.F, o+ t,e %5:F Consti, onl ;C ,ad ori.. and excl-siBe A-risdiction to resolBe t,e 2asic iss-e on t,e case H/ote< t,ese t?o cases ?ere later on dis1issed 2 t,e ;C since t,e .ro-nd t,at t,e inBo*ed re+ers to )ost3 election contest, not )re3electionI

ISSUE: G>/ F!J is a nat-ral32orn citizen o+ t,e !,ili))ines, t,ere2 =-ali+ in. ,i1 to r-n +or !resident o+ t,e R!. %EL&: %ISTOR' O" T%E CONCEPT O" CITI(ENS%IP !er,a)s, t,e earliest -nderstandin. o+ citizens,i) ?as t,at .iBen 2 Aristotle, ?,o, so1eti1e in $:6 to $&& @.C., descri2ed t,e )*iti+en) to re+er to a 1an ?,o s,ared in t,e ad1inistration o+ A-stice and in t,e ,oldin. o+ an o++ice. Aristotle sa? its i+ onl to deter1ine t,e constit-enc o+ t,e )St,te,) ?,ic, ,e descri2ed as 2ein. co1)osed o+ s-c, )ersons ?,o ?o-ld 2e ade=-ate in n-12er to ac,ieBe a sel+3s-++icient existence. T,e conce)t .re? to incl-de one ?,o ?o-ld 2ot, .oBern and 2e .oBerned, +or ?,ic, =-ali+ications li*e a-tono1 , A-d.1ent and lo alt co-ld 2e ex)ected. Citizens,i) ?as seen to deal ?it, ri.,ts and entitle1ents, on t,e one ,and, and ?it, conco1itant o2li.ations, on t,e ot,er. 0n its ideal settin., a citizen ?as actiBe in )-2lic li+e and +-nda1entall ?illin. to s-21it ,is )riBate interests to t,e .eneral interest o+ societ . T,e conce)t o+ citizens,i) ,ad c, oBer t,e cent-ries. %:t, cent-r < conce)t ?as li1ited, 2 and lar.e, to civil citizenship, ?,ic, esta2lis,ed t,e ri.,ts necessar +or

indiBid-al +reedo1, s-c, as ri.,ts to )ro)ert , )ersonal li2ert and A-stice. %5t, cent-r < 0ts 1eanin. ex)anded to incl-de political citizenship, ?,ic, enco1)assed t,e ri.,t to )artici)ate in t,e exercise o+ )olitical )o?er. &'t, cent-r < sa? t,e next sta.e o+ t,e deBelo)1ent o+ social citizenship, ?,ic, laid e1),asis on t,e ri.,t o+ t,e citizen to econo1ic ?ell32ein. and social sec-rit . T,e idea o+ citizens,i) ,as .ained ex)ression in t,e 1odern ?el+are state as it so deBelo)ed in Gestern E-ro)e. An on.oin. and +inal sta.e o+ deBelo)1ent, in *ee)in. ?it, t,e ra)idl s,rin*in. .lo2al Billa.e, 1i.,t ?ell 2e t,e internationalization of citizenship.

T-e Lo*,. Settin/ 0 1ro2 S ,nis- Ti2es to t-e Present T,ere ?as no s-c, ter1 as 4!,ili))ine citizens4 d-rin. t,e ;)anis, re.i1e 2-t 4s-2Aects o+ ;)ain4 or 4;)anis, s-2Aects.4 0n c,-rc, records, t,e natiBes ?ere called 'indios', denotin. a lo? re.ard +or t,e in,a2itants o+ t,e arc,i)ela.o. ;)anis, la?s on citizens,i) 2eca1e ,i.,l codi+ied d-rin. t,e %5t, cent-r 2-t t,eir s,eer n-12er 1ade it di++ic-lt to )oint to one co1)re,ensiBe la?. /ot all o+ t,ese citizens,i) la?s o+ ;)ain ,o?eBer, ?ere 1ade to a))l to t,e !,ili))ine 0slands exce)t +or t,ose ex)licitl extended 2 Ro al Decrees. ;)anis, la?s on citizens,i) ?ere traced 2ac* to t,e Novisima Recopilacion, )ro1-l.ated in ;)ain on %9 J-l %:'D 2-t as to ?,et,er t,e la? ?as extended to t,e !,ili))ines re1ained to 2e t,e s-2Aect o+ di++erin. Bie?s a1on. ex)erts; ,o?eBer, t,ree ro al decrees ?ere -ndis)-ta2l 1ade a))lica2le to ;)aniards in t,e !,ili))ines ( "%# t,e Order de la Regencia o+ %6 A-.-st %:6%, "&# t,e Royal Decree o+ &$ A-.-st %:9: s)eci+icall de+inin. t,e )olitical stat-s o+ c,ildren 2orn in t,e !,ili))ine 0slands, and +inall , "$# t,e Ley Extranjera de ltramar o+ '6 J-l %:F', ?,ic, ?as ex)ressl 1ade a))lica2le to t,e !,ili))ines 2 t,e Ro al Decree o+ %$ J-l %:F'. T,e ;)anis, Constit-tion o+ %:F9 ?as neBer extended to t,e !,ili))ine 0slands 2eca-se o+ t,e ex)ress 1andate o+ its Article :5, accordin. to ?,ic, t,e )roBisions o+ t,e ltramar a1on. ?,ic, t,is co-ntr ?as incl-ded, ?o-ld 2e .oBerned 2 s)ecial la?s. 0t ?as onl t,e CiBil Code o+ ;)ain, 1ade e++ectiBe in t,is A-risdiction on %: Dece12er %::5, ?,ic, ca1e o-t ?it, t,e 1irst *,te/ori*,. en32er,tion o1 4-o 4ere S ,nis*iti+ens. 3 J"a# !ersons 2orn in ;)anis, territor , J"2# C,ildren o+ a ;)anis, +at,er or 1ot,er, eBen i+ t,e ?ere 2orn o-tside o+ ;)ain, J"c# Forei.ners ?,o ,aBe o2tained nat-ralization )a)ers, J"d# T,ose ?,o, ?it,o-t s-c, )a)ers, 1a ,aBe 2eco1e do1iciled in,a2itants o+ an to?n o+ t,e Monarc, .K %:5: 3 ;)ain ?as +orced to so cede ,er sole colon in t,e East to an -)co1in. ?orld )o?er, t,e Lnited ;tates. An acce)ted )rinci)le o+ international la? dictated t,at a c,an.e in soBerei.nt , ?,ile res-ltin. in an a2ro.ation o+

all )olitical la?s t,en in +orce, ?o-ld ,aBe no e++ect on ciBil la?s, ?,ic, ?o-ld re1ain Birt-all intact. T,e Treat o+ !aris ?as entered into. Lnder Article 07 o+ t,e treat , t,e ciBil ri.,ts and )olitical stat-s o+ t,e natiBe in,a2itants o+ t,e territories ceded to t,e Lnited ;tates ?o-ld 2e deter1ined 2 its Con.ress ( 4;)anis, s-2Aects, natiBes o+ t,e !enins-la, residin. in t,e territor oBer ?,ic, ;)ain 2 t,e )resent treat relin=-is,es or cedes ,er soBerei.nt 1a re1ain in s-c, territor or 1a re1oBe t,ere+ro1, retainin. in eit,er eBent all t,eir ri.,ts o+ )ro)ert , incl-din. t,e ri.,t to sell or dis)ose o+ s-c, )ro)ert or o+ its )roceeds; and t,e s,all also ,aBe t,e ri.,t to carr on t,eir ind-str , co11erce, and )ro+essions, 2ein. s-2Aect in res)ect t,ereo+ to s-c, la?s as are a))lica2le to +orei.ners. 0n case t,e re1ain in t,e territor t,e 1a )reserBe t,eir alle.iance to t,e Cro?n o+ ;)ain 2 1a*in., 2e+ore a co-rt o+ record, ?it,in a ear +ro1 t,e date o+ t,e exc,an.e o+ rati+ications o+ t,is treat , a declaration o+ t,eir decision to )reserBe s-c, alle.iance; in de+a-lt o+ ?,ic, declaration t,e s,all 2e ,eld to ,aBe reno-nced it and to ,aBe ado)ted t,e nationalit o+ t,e territor in ?,ic, t,e reside. T,-s ( 4T,e ciBil ri.,ts and )olitical stat-s o+ t,e natiBe in,a2itants o+ t,e territories ,ere2 ceded to t,e Lnited ;tates s,all 2e deter1ined 2 t,e Con.ress.4 L)on t,e rati+ication o+ t,e treat , and )endin. le.islation 2 t,e Lnited ;tates Con.ress on t,e s-2Aect, t,e natiBe in,a2itants o+ t,e !,ili))ines ceased to 2e ;)anis, s-2Aects. Alt,o-., t,e did not 2eco1e A1erican citizens, t,e , ,o?eBer, also ceased to 2e 4aliens4 -nder A1erican la?s and ?ere t,-s iss-ed )ass)orts descri2in. t,e1 to 2e citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines entitled to t,e )rotection o+ t,e Lnited ;tates. T,e ter1 4citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ine 0slands4 a))eared +or t,e +irst ti1e in t,e P-i.i ine 5i.. o1 6702 "!,ili))ine Or.anic Act o+ %5'&#, t,e +irst co1)re,ensiBe le.islation o+ t,e Con.ress o+ t,e Lnited ;tates on t,e !,ili))ines ( 4.... that all inhabitants of the !hilippine "slands contin#ing to reside therein, $ho $ere %panish s#bjects on the &&th day of 'pril, &()&, and then resided in said "slands, and their children born s#bse*#ent thereto, shall be deemed and held to be citizens of the Philippine Islands and as s-c, entitled to t,e )rotection o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, exce)t s-c, as s,all ,aBe elected to )reserBe t,eir alle.iance to t,e Cro?n o+ ;)ain in accordance ?it, t,e )roBisions o+ t,e treat o+ )eace 2et?een t,e Lnited ;tates and ;)ain, si.ned at !aris, Dece12er tent, ei.,teen ,-ndred and ninet ei.,t.K Lnder t,e or.anic act, a Jcitizen o+ t,e !,ili))inesK ?as one ?,o ?as an in,a2itant o+ t,e !,ili))ines, and a ;)anis, s-2Aect on t,e %%t, da o+ A)ril %:55. T,e ter1 Jin,a2itantK ?as ta*en to incl-de %# a natiBe3 2orn in,a2itant, &# an in,a2itant ?,o ?as a natiBe o+ !enins-lar ;)ain, and $# an in,a2itant ?,o o2tained ;)anis, )a)ers on or 2e+ore %% A)ril %:55. ControBers arose on to t,e stat-s o+ c,ildren 2orn in t,e !,ili))ines +ro1 %% A)ril %:55 to '% J-l %5'&, d-rin.

?,ic, )eriod no citizens,i) la? ?as extant in t,e !,ili))ines. Gei.,t ?as .iBen to t,e Bie?, artic-lated in A-ris)r-dential ?ritin. at t,e ti1e, t,at t,e co11on la? )rinci)le o+ j#s soli, ot,er?ise also *no?n as t,e )rinci)le o+ territorialit , o)eratiBe in t,e Lnited ;tates and, .oBerned t,ose 2orn in t,e !,ili))ine Arc,i)ela.o ?it,in t,at )eriod. &$ Marc, %5%&, t,e L; Con.ress 1ade t,e +ollo?in. a1end1ent to t,e !,ili))ine @ill o+ %5'& ( 4!roBided, T,at t,e !,ili))ine Le.islat-re is ,ere2 a-t,orized to )roBide 2 la? +or t,e ac=-isition o+ !,ili))ine citizens,i) 2 t,ose natiBes o+ t,e !,ili))ine 0slands ?,o do not co1e ?it,in t,e +ore.oin. )roBisions, t,e natiBes o+ ot,er ins-lar )ossession o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, and s-c, ot,er )ersons residin. in t,e !,ili))ine 0slands ?,o ?o-ld 2eco1e citizens o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, -nder t,e la?s o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, i+ residin. t,erein.4 Git, t,e ado)tion o+ t,e !,ili))ine @ill o+ %5'&, t,e conce)t o+ )P-i.i ine *iti+ens) ,ad +or t,e +irst ti1e cr stallized. T,e ?ord 4Fili)ino4 ?as -sed 2 Gillia1 C. Ta+t, t,e +irst CiBil 8oBernor 8eneral in t,e !,ili))ines ?,en ,e initiall 1ade 1ention o+ it in ,is, 4T,e !,ili))ines +or t,e Fili)inos.4 0n %5%9, t,e !,ili))ine A-tono1 Act, also *no?n as t,e $ones L,4 restated Birt-all t,e )roBisions o+ t,e !,ili))ine @ill o+ %5'&, as so a1ended 2 t,e Act o+ Con.ress in %5%& ( JT,at all inhabitants of the Philippine Islands who were Spanish subjects on the eleventh day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-nine, and then resided in said Islands, and their children born subse uently thereto, shall be dee!ed and held to be citizens of the Philippine Islands, exce)t s-c, as s,all ,aBe elected to )reserBe t,eir alle.iance to t,e Cro?n o+ ;)ain in accordance ?it, t,e )roBisions o+ t,e treat o+ )eace 2et?een t,e Lnited ;tates and ;)ain, si.ned at !aris Dece12er tent,, ei.,teen ,-ndred and ninet 3 ei.,t and exce)t s-c, ot,ers as ,aBe since 2eco1e citizens o+ so1e ot,er co-ntr ; !roBided, T,at t,e !,ili))ine Le.islat-re, ,erein )roBided +or, is ,ere2 a-t,orized to )roBide +or t,e ac=-isition o+ !,ili))ine citizens,i) 2 t,ose natiBes o+ t,e !,ili))ine 0slands ?,o do not co1e ?it,in t,e +ore.oin. )roBisions, t,e natiBes o+ t,e ins-lar )ossessions o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, and s-c, ot,er )ersons residin. in t,e !,ili))ine 0slands ?,o are citizens o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, or ?,o co-ld 2eco1e citizens o+ t,e Lnited ;tates -nder t,e la?s o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, i+ residin. t,erein.4 Lnder t,e $ones L,4, a n,tive08orn in-,8it,nt o1 t-e P-i.i ines 4,s !ee2e! to 8e , *iti+en o1 t-e P-i.i ines ,s o1 66 # ri. 6977 i1 -e 4,s 6) , s38:e*t o1 S ,in on 66 # ri. 6977, 2) resi!in/ in t-e P-i.i ines on s,i! !,te, ,n!, ;) sin*e t-,t !,te, not , *iti+en o1 so2e ot-er *o3ntr<. G,ile t,ere ?as, at one 2rie+ ti1e, diBer.ent Bie?s on ?,et,er or not j#s soli ?as a 1ode o+ ac=-irin. citizens,i), t,e %5$D Constit-tion 2ro-.,t to an end to an s-c, lin* ?it, co11on la?, 2 ado)tin., once and

+or all, j#s sang#inis or 2lood relations,i) as 2ein. t,e 2asis o+ Fili)ino citizens,i) ( J;ection %, Article 000, 67;= Constit3tion. T,e +ollo?in. are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines 3 "%# T,ose ?,o are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ine 0slands at t,e ti1e o+ t,e ado)tion o+ t,is Constit-tion "&# T,ose 2orn in t,e !,ili))ines 0slands o+ +orei.n )arents ?,o, 2e+ore t,e ado)tion o+ t,is Constit-tion, ,ad 2een elected to )-2lic o++ice in t,e !,ili))ine 0slands. (;) T-ose 4-ose 1,t-ers ,re *iti+ens o1 t-e P-i.i ines. "6# T,ose ?,ose 1ot,ers are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines and -)on reac,in. t,e a.e o+ 1aAorit , elect !,ili))ine citizens,i). "D# T,ose ?,o are nat-ralized in accordance ?it, la?.K ;-2section "6#, Article 000, o+ t,e %5$D Constit-tion, ta*en,er ?it, existin. ciBil la? )roBisions at t,e ti1e, ?,ic, )roBided t,at ?o1en ?o-ld a-to1aticall lose t,eir Fili)ino citizens,i) and ac=-ire t,at o+ t,eir +orei.n ,-s2ands, res-lted in discri1inator sit-ations t,at e++ectiBel inca)acitated t,e ?o1en +ro1 trans1ittin. t,eir Fili)ino citizens,i) to t,eir le.iti1ate c,ildren and re=-ired ille.iti1ate c,ildren o+ Fili)ino 1ot,ers to still elect Fili)ino citizens,i) -)on reac,in. t,e a.e o+ 1aAorit . ;ee*in. to correct t,is ano1al , as ?ell as +-ll co.nizant o+ t,e ne?l +o-nd stat-s o+ Fili)ino ?o1en as e=-als to 1en, t,e +ra1ers o+ t,e 67>; Constit3tion cra+ted t,e )roBisions o+ t,e ne? Constit-tion on citizens,i) to re+lect s-c, concerns ( J;ection %, Article 000, %5F$ Constit-tion 3 T,e +ollo?in. are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines< "%# T,ose ?,o are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines at t,e ti1e o+ t,e ado)tion o+ t,is Constit-tion. (2) T-ose 4-ose 1,t-ers or 2ot-ers ,re *iti+ens o1 t-e P-i.i ines. "$# T,ose ?,o elect !,ili))ine citizens,i) )-rs-ant to t,e )roBisions o+ t,e Constit-tion o+ nineteen ,-ndred and t,irt 3+iBe. "6# T,ose ?,o are nat-ralized in accordance ?it, la?.K For .ood 1eas-re, ;ection & o+ t,e sa1e article also +-rt,er )roBided t,at ( 4A +e1ale citizen o+ t,e !,ili))ines ?,o 1arries an alien retains ,er !,ili))ine citizens,i), -nless 2 ,er act or o1ission s,e is dee1ed, -nder t,e la? to ,aBe reno-nced ,er citizens,i).4 T,e 679> Constit3tion .enerall ado)ted t,e )roBisions o+ t,e %5F$ Constit-tion, exce)t +or s-2section "$# t,ereo+ t,at ai1ed to correct t,e irre.-lar sit-ation .enerated 2 t,e =-estiona2le proviso in t,e %5$D Constit-tion. ;ection 0, Article 0V, %5:F Constit-tion no? )roBides< JT,e +ollo?in. are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines< "%# T,ose ?,o are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines at t,e ti1e o+ t,e ado)tion o+ t,is Constit-tion. "&# T-ose 4-ose 1,t-ers or 2ot-ers ,re *iti+ens o1 t-e P-i.i ines. (;) T-ose 8orn 8e1ore $,n3,r< 6>, 67>; o1 "i.i ino 2ot-ers, 4-o e.e*t P-i.i ine *iti+ens-i 3 on re,*-in/ t-e ,/e o1 2,:orit<? ,n!


T,ose ?,o are nat-ralized in accordance ?it, la?.K

T%E C#SE O" "P$ ;ec. &, Art. V00, o+ t,e %5:F Consti.< 4/o )erson 1a 2e elected !resident -nless ,e is a natural-born citizen of the Philippines, a re.istered Boter, a2le to read and ?rite, at least +ort ears o+ a.e on t,e da o+ t,e election, and a resident o+ t,e !,ili))ines +or at least ten ears i11ediatel )recedin. s-c, election.4 T,e ter1 4n,t3r,.08orn *iti+ens,4 is de+ined to incl-de 4t,ose ?,o are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines +ro1 2irt, ?it,o-t ,aBin. to )er+or1 an act to ac=-ire or )er+ect t,eir !,ili))ine citizens,i).K T,e date, 1ont, and ear o+ 2irt, o+ F!J a))eared to 2e &' A-. %5$5 d-rin. t,e re.i1e o+ t,e %5$D Consti. T,ro-., its ,istor , +o-r 1odes o+ ac=-irin. citizens,i) 3 nat-ralization,j#s soli, res j#dicata and j#s sang#inisH&:I ( ,ad 2een in Bo.-e. Onl t?o, i+e+, j#s soli and j#s sang#inis, co-ld =-ali+ a )erson to 2ein. a Jnat-ral32ornK citizen o+ t,e !,ili))ines. J#s soli, )erRoa vs+ ,ollector of ,#stomsH&5I "%5%&#, did not last lon.. Git, t,e ado)tion o+ t,e %5$D Constit-tion and t,e reBersal o+ Roa in -an ,hong vs+ %ecretary of LaborH$'I "%56F#, j#s sang#inis or 2lood relations,i) ?o-ld no? 2eco1e t,e )ri1ar 2asis o+ citizens,i) 2 2irt,. Doc. eBidence add-ced 2 Fornier tends to indicate t,at t,e earliest esta2lis,ed direct ascendant o+ F!J ?as ,is )aternal .rand+at,er Lorenzo !o-, 1arried to Marta Re es, +at,er o+ Allan F. !oe. G,ile record o+ 2irt, o+ Lorenzo !o- ,ad not 2een )resented in eBidence, ,is deat, certi+icate identi+ied ,i1 to 2e a Fili)ino, a resident o+ ;an Carlos, !an.asinan, and :6 ears old at t,e ti1e o+ ,is deat, on %% ;e)t %5D6. Certi+icate o+ 2irt, o+ Allan F. !oe < Allan !oe ?as 2orn on %F Ma %5%D to an Es)aMol +at,er, Lorenzo !o-, and a 1estiza Es)aMol 1ot,er, Marta Re es. JLncerti+iedK co) o+ certi+icate o+ 1arria.e o+ Allan F. !oe and !a-lita 8o1ez "introd-ced 2 Fornier#< date o+ 1arria.e ?as on 'D J-l %5$9 Marria.e certi+icate o+ Allan F. !oe and @essie Kelle < date o+ 1arria.e on %9 ;e)t %56'; Allan F. !oe ?as &D >o, -n1arried, and a Fili)ino citizen, and @essie Kelle ?as && >o, -n1arried, and an A1erican citizen. @irt, certi+icate o+ F!J ( F!J ?as 2orn on &' A-. %5$5 to Allan F. !oe, a Fili)ino, &6 >o, 1arried to @essie Kell , an A1erican citizen, &% >o and 1arried. Concl-sions 2ased on docs< %. T,e )arents o+ F!J ?ere Allan F. !oe and @essie Kelle ; &. F!J ?as 2orn to t,e1 on &' A-. %5$5; $. Allan F. !oe and @essie Kelle ?ere 1arried to eac, ot,er on %9 ;e)t%56'; 6. T,e +at,er o+ Allan F. !oe ?as Lorenzo !oe; and D. At t,e ti1e o+ ,is deat, on %% ;e)t %5D6, Lorenzo !oe ?as :6 >o T,e 1arria.e certi+icate o+ Allan F. !oe and @essie Kelle , t,e 2irt, certi+icate o+ F!J, and t,e deat, certi+icate o+ Lorenzo !o- are docs. o+ )-2lic record in t,e c-stod o+ a )-2lic o++icer. T,e docs. ,aBe 2een s-21itted in eBidence 2 2ot, contendin. )arties d-rin. t,e )roceedin.s 2e+ore COMELEC.

G,ile 1arria.e certi+icate o+ Allan F. !oe to @essie Kelle and deat, certi+icate o+ Lorenzo !o- ?ere s-21itted in eBidence +or F!J, ad1issi2ilit t,ereo+, )artic-larl in re+erence to t,e +acts ?,ic, t,e )-r)orted to s,o?, i+e+, t,e 1arria.e certi+icate in relation to t,e date of marriage of 'llan .+ !oe to /essie 0elley and t,e deat, certi+icate relatiBe to t,e death of Lorenzo !o# on && %ept &)12 in %an ,arlos, !angasinan, ?ere ad1itted 2 Fornier, ?,o ,ad -tilized t,ose state1ents in ,is ar.-1ent. All $ docs ?ere certi+ied tr-e co)ies o+ t,e ori.inals. 5ein/ 38.i* !o*s., t-e !e,t- *erti1i*,te o1 Loren+o Po3, t-e 2,rri,/e *erti1i*,te o1 #..,n ". Poe ,n! 5essie @e..<, ,n! t-e 8irt- *erti1i*,te o1 "P$, *onstit3te pri!a facie roo1 o1 t-eir *ontents. ";ection 66, R-le %$' RoC# T-e tr3st4ort-iness o1 38.i* !o*32ents ,n! t-e v,.3e /iven to t-e entries 2,!e t-erein *o3.! 8e /ro3n!e! on 6) t-e sense o1 o11i*i,. !3t< in t-e re ,r,tion o1 t-e st,te2ent 2,!e, 2) t-e en,.t< 4-i*- is 3s3,..< ,11iAe! to , 8re,*- o1 t-,t !3t<, ;) t-e ro3tine ,n! !isintereste! ori/in o1 2ost s3*- st,te2ents, ,n! 4) t-e 38.i*it< o1 re*or! 4-i*- 2,Bes 2ore .iBe.< t-e rior eA os3re o1 s3*- errors ,s 2i/-t -,ve o**3rre!. Deat, certi+icate o+ Lorenzo !o- indicates t,at ,e died on %% ;e)t %5D6, at t,e a.e o+ :6 ears, in ;an Carlos, !an.asinan. 0t co-ld t,-s 2e ass-1ed t,at Lorenzo !o- ?as 2orn so1eti1e in t,e ear %:F' ?,en R! ?as still a colon o+ ;)ain. Fornier< Lorenzo !o- ?as not in R! +ro1 %:5: to %5'& considerin. t,at t,ere ?as no existin. record a2o-t s-c, +act in t,e Records Mana.e1ent and Arc,iBes O++ice. @LT ,e +ailed to s,o? t,at Lorenzo !o- ?as at an ot,er )lace d-rin. t,e sa1e )eriod. 0n ,is deat, certi+icate, residence o+ Lorenzo !o- ?as stated to 2e ;an Carlos, !an.asinan. In t-e ,8sen*e o1 ,n< evi!en*e to t-e *ontr,r<, it s-o3.! 8e so3n! to *on*.3!e, or ,t .e,st to res32e, t-,t t-e .,*e o1 resi!en*e o1 , erson ,t t-e ti2e o1 -is !e,t- 4,s ,.so -is resi!en*e 8e1ore !e,t-. 0t ?o-ld 2e extre1el do-2t+-l i+ t,e Records Mana.e1ent and Arc,iBes O++ice ?o-ld ,aBe ,ad co1)lete records o+ all residents o+ t,e !,ili))ines +ro1 %:5: to %5'&.

PROO" O" P#TERNIT' #N& "ILI#TION UN&ER CIVIL L#C Fornier< 0n esta2lis,in. +iliation or )aternit o+ an ille.iti1ate c,ild, F!J eBidentl 2ein. an ille.iti1ate son, t,e 1andator r-les -nder ciBil la? 1-st 2e -sed. CiBil Code o+ ;)ain "in +orce in R! +ro1 ': Dec %::5 -) -ntil t,e da )rior to $' A-. %5D'# ( ac*no?led.1ent ?as re=-ired to esta2lis, +iliation or )aternit . Ac*no?led.1ent ?as eit,er A-dicial "co1)-lsor # or Bol-ntar . J-dicial or co1)-lsor ac*no?led.1ent ?as )ossi2le onl i+ done d-rin. t,e li+eti1e o+ t,e )-tatiBe )arent; Bol-ntar ac*no?led.1ent co-ld onl 2e ,ad in a record o+ 2irt,, a ?ill, or a )-2lic doc-1ent. Co1)le1entar to t,e ne? code ?as Act /o. $FD$ "CiBil Re.istr La?# ;ec. D< J0n case o+ an ille.iti1ate c,ild, t,e 2irt, certi+icate s,all 2e signed and sworn to jointly 2 t,e )arents o+ t,e in+ant or onl 2 t,e 1ot,er i+ t,e +at,er

re+-ses. 0n t,e latter case, it s,all not 2e )er1issi2le to state or reBeal in t,e doc-1ent t,e na1e o+ t,e +at,er ?,o re+-ses to ac*no?led.e t,e c,ild, or to .iBe t,erein an in+or1ation 2 ?,ic, s-c, +at,er co-ld 2e identi+ied.K 0n order t,at t,e 2irt, certi+icate co-ld t,en 2e -tilized to )roBe Bol-ntar ac*no?led.1ent o+ +iliation or )aternit , t,e certi+icate ?as re=-ired to 2e si.ned or s?orn to 2 t,e +at,er. T,e +ail-re o+ s-c, re=-ire1ent rendered t,e sa1e -seless as 2ein. an a-t,oritatiBe doc-1ent o+ reco.nition. 0n t,e 2irt, certi+icate o+ res)ondent F!J, )resented 2 2ot, )arties, no?,ere in t,e doc-1ent ?as t,e si.nat-re o+ Allan F. !oe +o-nd. T,ere 2ein. no ?ill a))arentl exec-ted, or at least s,o?n to ,aBe 2een exec-ted, 2 decedent Allan F. !oe, t,e onl ot,er )roo+ o+ Bol-ntar reco.nition re1ained to 2e 4so1e ot,er )-2lic doc-1ent.4 !areja vs+ !areja< 4Lnder t,e ;)anis, CiBil Code t,ere are t?o classes o+ )-2lic doc-1ents, t,ose e"ecuted by private individuals which !ust be authenticated by notaries, and t,ose iss-ed 2 co1)etent )-2lic o++icials 2 reason o+ t,eir o++ice. T,e )-2lic doc-1ent )ointed o-t in Article %$% as one o+ t,e 1eans 2 ?,ic, reco.nition 1a 2e 1ade 2elon.s to t,e +irst class.4 T,e %5D' CiBil Code cate.orized t,e ac*no?led.1ent or reco.nition o+ ille.iti1ate c,ildren into Bol-ntar , or co1)-lsor . Vo.3nt,r< re*o/nition ?as re=-ired to 2e ex)ressedl 1ade in a record o+ 2irt,, a ?ill, a state1ent 2e+ore a co-rt o+ record or in an a-t,entic ?ritin.. Le/,. ,*Bno4.e!/2ent too* )lace in +aBor o+ +-ll 2lood 2rot,ers and sisters o+ an ille.iti1ate c,ild ?,o ?as reco.nized or A-diciall declared as nat-ral. Co2 3.sor< ,*Bno4.e!/2ent co-ld 2e de1anded .enerall in cases ?,en t,e c,ild ,ad in ,is +aBor an eBidence to )roBe +iliation. Lnli*e an action to clai1 le.iti1ac ?,ic, ?o-ld last d-rin. t,e li+eti1e o+ t,e c,ild, and 1i.,t )ass exce)tionall to t,e ,eirs o+ t,e c,ild, an action to clai1 ac*no?led.1ent, ,o?eBer, co-ld onl 2e 2ro-.,t d-rin. t,e li+eti1e o+ t,e )res-1ed )arent. ),3t-enti* 4ritin/,) +or )-r)oses o+ Bol-ntar reco.nition, is a .en-ine or ind-2ita2le ?ritin. o+ t,e +at,er. T,e ter1 ?o-ld incl-de a )-2lic instr-1ent "one d-l ac*no?led.ed 2e+ore a notar )-2lic or ot,er co1)etent o++icial# or a )riBate ?ritin. ad1itted 2 t,e +at,er to 2e ,is. FC ,as +-rt,er li2eralized t,e r-les; Article %F&, Article %F$, and Article %FD )roBide< JArt. %F&. T,e +iliation o+ le.iti1ate c,ildren is esta2lis,ed 2 an o+ t,e +ollo?in.< J"%# T,e record o+ 2irt, a))earin. in t,e ciBil re.ister or a +inal A-d.1ent; or J"&# An ad1ission o+ le.iti1ate +iliation in a )-2lic doc-1ent or a )riBate ,and?ritten instr-1ent and si.ned 2 t,e )arent concerned. J0n t,e a2sence o+ t,e +ore.oin. eBidence, t,e le.iti1ate +iliation s,all 2e )roBed 2 < J"%# T,e o)en and contin-o-s )ossession o+ t,e stat-s o+ a le.iti1ate c,ild; or J"&# An ot,er 1eans allo?ed 2 t,e R-les o+ Co-rt and s)ecial la?s.

JArt. %F$. T,e action to clai1 le.iti1ac 1a 2e 2ro-.,t 2 t,e c,ild d-rin. ,is or ,er li+eti1e and s,all 2e trans1itted to t,e ,eirs s,o-ld t,e c,ild die d-rin. 1inorit or in a state o+ insanit . 0n t,ese cases, t,e ,eirs s,all ,aBe a )eriod o+ +iBe ears ?it,in ?,ic, to instit-te t,e action. JT,e action alread co11enced 2 t,e c,ild s,all s-rBiBe not?it,standin. t,e deat, o+ eit,er or 2ot, o+ t,e )arties. Jx x x xxx x x x. JArt. %FD. 0lle.iti1ate c,ildren 1a esta2lis, t,eir ille.iti1ate +iliation in t,e sa1e ?a and on t,e sa1e, eBidence as le.iti1ate c,ildren. JT,e action 1-st 2e 2ro-.,t ?it,in t,e sa1e )eriod s)eci+ied in Article %F$, exce)t ?,en t,e action is 2ased on t,e second )ara.ra), o+ Article %F&, in ?,ic, case t,e action 1a 2e 2ro-.,t d-rin. t,e li+eti1e o+ t,e alle.ed )arent.K T,e )roBisions o+ t,e Fa1il Code are retroactiBel a))lied; Article &D9 o+ t,e code reads< 4Art. &D9. T,is Code s,all ,aBe retroactiBe e++ect inso+ar as it does not )reA-dice or i1)air Bested or ac=-ired ri.,ts in accordance ?it, t,e CiBil Code or ot,er la?s.K 3da+ de %y45#ia vs+ ,o#rt of 'ppeals < /CC ,as retroactiBe e++ect. T,e .ro?in. trend to li2eralize t,e ac*no?led.1ent or reco.nition o+ ille.iti1ate c,ildren is an atte1)t to 2rea* a?a +ro1 t,e traditional idea o+ *ee)in. ?ell a)art le.iti1ate and non3le.iti1ate relations,i)s ?it,in t,e +a1il in +aBor o+ t,e .reater interest and ?el+are o+ t,e c,ild. T-e rovisions ,re inten!e! to 2ere.< /overn t-e riv,te ,n! erson,. ,11,irs o1 t-e 1,2i.<. T-ere is .itt.e, i1 ,n<, to in!i*,te t-,t t-e .e/iti2,te or i..e/iti2,te *ivi. st,t3s o1 t-e in!ivi!3,. 4o3.! ,.so ,11e*t -is o.iti*,. ri/-ts or, in /ener,., -is re.,tions-i to t-e St,te. C-i.e, in!ee!, rovisions on )*iti+ens-i ) *o3.! 8e 1o3n! in t-e Civi. Co!e, s3*- rovisions 23st 8e t,Ben in t-e *onteAt o1 riv,te re.,tions, t,e do1ain o+ ciBil la?. 4CiBil La? is t,at 2ranc, o+ la? ?,ic, ,as +or its do-2le )-r)ose t,e or.anization o+ t,e +a1il and t,e re.-lation o+ )ro)ert . 0t ,as t,-s H2eenI de+ined as t,e 1ass o+ )rece)ts ?,ic, deter1ine and re.-late t,e relations o+ assistance, a-t,orit and o2edience a1on. 1e12ers o+ a +a1il , and t,ose ?,ic, exist a1on. 1e12ers o+ a societ +or t,e )rotection o+ )riBate interests.4 6a7ez de /arn#evo vs+ .#ster < 40n accordance ?it, Article 5 o+ t,e CiBil Code o+ ;)ain, x x x t,e la?s relatin. to +a1il ri.,ts and d-ties, or to t,e stat-s, condition and ca)acit o+ )ersons, .oBern ;)aniards alt,o-., t,e reside in a +orei.n co-ntr ; t,at, in conse=-ence, Nall =-estions o+ a ciBil nat-re, s-c, as t,ose dealin. ?it, t,e Balidit or n-llit o+ t,e 1atri1onial 2ond, t,e do1icile o+ t,e ,-s2and and ?i+e, t,eir s-))ort, as 2et?een t,e1, t,e se)aration o+ t,eir )ro)erties, t,e r-les .oBernin. )ro)ert , 1arital a-t,orit , diBision o+ )ro)ert , t,e classi+ication o+ t,eir )ro)ert , ca-ses +or diBorce, t,e extent o+ t,e latter, t,e a-t,orit to decree it, and, in .eneral, t,e ciBil e++ects o+ 1arria.e and diBorce -)on t,e )ersons and )ro)erties o+ t,e s)o-ses, are =-estions t,at are

.oBerned excl-siBel 2 t,e national la? o+ t,e ,-s2and and ?i+e.4 T,e releBance o+ 4citizens,i)4 or 4nationalit 4 to CiBil La? is 2est exe1)li+ied in Article %D o+ t,e CiBil Code, statin. t,at 3 4La?s relatin. to +a1il ri.,ts and d-ties, or to t,e stat-s, condition and ca)acit o+ )ersons are 2indin. -)on citizens of the Philippines, eBen t,o-., liBin. a2road4 ( t,at ex)lains t,e need to incor)orate in t,e code a reiteration o+ t,e Constit-tional )roBisions on citizens,i). ;i1ilarl , citizens,i) is in ciBil relations,i)s +o-nd in di++erent )arts o+ t,e CiBil Code s-c, as on s-ccessional ri.,ts and +a1il relations. 0n ado)tion, +or instance, an ado)ted c,ild ?o-ld 2e considered t,e c,ild o+ ,is ado)tiBe )arents and accorded t,e sa1e ri.,ts as t,eir le.iti1ate c,ild 2-t s-c, +iction extended onl to de+ine ,is ri.,ts -nder ciBil la?and not ,is )olitical stat-s. CiBil la? )roBisions )oint to an o2Bio-s 2ias a.ainst ille.iti1ac . T,is discri1inator attit-de 1a 2e traced to t,e ;)anis, +a1il and )ro)ert la?s, ?,ic,, ?,ile de+inin. )ro)rietar and s-ccessional ri.,ts o+ 1e12ers o+ t,e +a1il , )roBided distinctions in t,e ri.,ts o+ le.iti1ate and ille.iti1ate c,ildren. 0n t,e 1onarc,ial set3-) o+ old ;)ain, t,e distri2-tion and in,eritance o+ titles and ?ealt, ?ere strictl accordin. to 2loodlines and t,e concern to *ee) t,ese 2loodlines -nconta1inated 2 +orei.n 2lood ?as )ara1o-nt. Distinction 2et?een le.iti1ate and ille.iti1ate c,ildren re1ains and s,o-ld re1ain onl in t,e s),ere o+ ciBil la? and not -nd-l i1)ede or i1)in.e on t,e do1ain o+ )olitical la?. T,e )roo+ o+ +iliation or )aternit +or )-r)oses o+ deter1inin. ,is citizens,i) stat-s s,o-ld t,-s 2e dee1ed inde)endent +ro1 and not inextrica2l tied -) ?it, t,at )rescri2ed +or ciBil la? )-r)oses. T-e Civi. Co!e or ",2i.< Co!e rovisions on roo1 o1 1i.i,tion or ,ternit<, ,.t-o3/- /oo! .,4, !o not -,ve re*.3sive e11e*ts on 2,tters ,.ien to erson,. ,n! 1,2i.< re.,tions. T-e or!in,r< on evi!en*e *o3.! 4e.. ,n! s-o3.! /overn. For instance, t,e 1atter a2o-t )edi.ree is not necessaril )recl-ded +ro1 2ein. a))lica2le 2 t,e CiBil Code or Fa1il Code )roBisions. Se*tion ;7, R3.e 6;0 RoC< "a# t,e declarant is alread dead or -na2le to testi+ , "2# t,e )edi.ree o+ a )erson 1-st 2e at iss-e, "c# t,e declarant 1-st 2e a relatiBe o+ t,e )erson ?,ose )edi.ree is in =-estion, "d# declaration 1-st 2e 1ade 2e+ore t,e controBers ,as occ-rred, and "e# t,e relations,i) 2et?een t,e declarant and t,e )erson ?,ose )edi.ree is in =-estion 1-st 2e s,o?n 2 eBidence ot,er t,an s-c, act or declaration. T,e d-l notarized declaration 1ade 2 R-2 Kelle Man.a,as, sister o+ @essie Kelle !oe 1i.,t 2e acce)ted to )roBe t,e acts o+ Allan F. !oe, reco.nizin. ,is o?n )aternal relations,i) ?it, F!J, i+e, liBin.,er ?it, @essie Kelle and ,is c,ildren "incl-din. res)ondent F!J# in one ,o-se, and as one +a1il "refer to case for an excerpt of the affidavit8 PETITIONERDS #RGUMENT $URISPRU&ENTI#L CONCLUSIVENESS Petitioner< "OR

EBen i+ Allan F. !oe ?ere a Fili)ino citizen, ,e co-ld not ,aBe trans1itted ,is citizens,i) to res)ondent F!J, t,e latter 2ein. an ille.iti1ate c,ild. !rior to ,is 1arria.e to @essie Kelle , Allan F. !oe, on J-l D, %5$9, contracted 1arria.e ?it, a certain !a-lita 8o1ez, 1a*in. ,is s-2se=-ent 1arria.e to @essie Kelle 2i.a1o-s and res)ondent F!J an ille.iti1ate c,ild. T,e Beracit o+ t,e s-))osed certi+icate o+ 1arria.e 2et?een Allan F. !oe and !a-lita 8o1ez co-ld 2e 1ost do-2t+-l at 2est. @-t t,e doc-1entar eBidence introd-ced 2 no less t,an res)ondent ,i1sel+, consistin. o+ a 2irt, certi+icate o+ res)ondent and a 1arria.e certi+icate o+ ,is )arents s,o?ed t,at F!J ?as 2orn on &' A-.-st %5$5 to a Fili)ino +at,er and an A1erican 1ot,er ?,o ?ere 1arried to eac, ot,er a ear later, or on %9 ;e)te12er %56'. @irt, to -n1arried )arents ?o-ld 1a*e F!J an ille.iti1ate c,ild. As an ille.iti1ate c,ild, F!J so +ollo?ed t,e citizens,i) o+ ,is 1ot,er, @essie Kelle , an A1erican citizen, 2asin. ,is stand on t,e r-lin. o+ t,is Co-rt in 9orano vs+ 3ivo, citin. ,hiongbian vs+ de Leon and %erra vs+ Rep#blic+ S3 re2e Co3rt: Joa=-in 8. @ernas, ;J< 4Ge 1-st anal ze t,ese cases and as* ?,at t,e lis mota ?as in eac, o+ t,e1. 0+ t,e )rono-nce1ent o+ t,e Co-rt on j#s sang#inis ?as on t,e lis mota, t,e )rono-nce1ent ?o-ld 2e a decision constit-tin. doctrine -nder t,e r-le o+ stare decisis+ @-t i+ t,e )rono-nce1ent ?as irreleBant to t,e lis mota, t,e )rono-nce1ent ?o-ld not 2e a decision 2-t a 1ere obiter dict#m ?,ic, did not esta2lis, doctrine. 0 t,ere+ore inBite t,e Co-rt to loo* closel into t,ese cases. JFirst, 9orano vs+ 3ivo. T,e case ?as not a2o-t an ille.iti1ate c,ild o+ a Fili)ino +at,er. 0t ?as a2o-t a ste)son o+ a Fili)ino, a ste)son ?,o ?as t,e c,ild o+ a C,inese 1ot,er and a C,inese +at,er. T,e iss-e ?as ?,et,er t,e ste)son +ollo?ed t,e nat-ralization o+ t,e ste)+at,er. /ot,in. a2o-t j#s sang#inis t,ere. T,e ste)son did not ,aBe t,e 2lood o+ t,e nat-ralized ste)+at,er. J;econd, ,hiongbian vs+ de Leon. T,is case ?as not a2o-t t,e ille.iti1ate son o+ a Fili)ino +at,er. 0t ?as a2o-t a le.iti1ate son o+ a +at,er ?,o ,ad 2eco1e Fili)ino 2 election to )-2lic o++ice 2e+ore t,e %5$D Constit-tion )-rs-ant to Article 0V, ;ection %"&# o+ t,e %5$D Constit-tion. /o one ?as ille.iti1ate ,ere. JT,ird, %erra vs+ Rep#blic. T,e case ?as not a2o-t t,e ille.iti1ate son o+ a Fili)ino +at,er. ;erra ?as an ille.iti1ate c,ild o+ a C,inese +at,er and a Fili)ino 1ot,er. T,e iss-e ?as ?,et,er one ?,o ?as alread a Fili)ino 2eca-se o+ ,is 1ot,er ?,o still needed to 2e nat-ralized. T,ere is not,in. t,ere a2o-t inBidio-s j#s sang#inis. JFinall , !aa vs+ ,han. T,is is a 1ore co1)licated case. T,e case ?as a2o-t t,e citizens,i) o+ O-intin C,an ?,o ?as t,e son o+ Leoncio C,an. O-intin C,an clai1ed t,at ,is +at,er, Leoncio, ?as t,e ille.iti1ate son o+ a C,inese +at,er and a Fili)ino 1ot,er. O-intin t,ere+ore ar.-ed t,at ,e .ot ,is

citizens,i) +ro1 Leoncio, ,is +at,er. @-t t,e ;-)re1e Co-rt said t,at t,ere ?as no Balid )roo+ t,at Leoncio ?as in +act t,e son o+ a Fili)ina 1ot,er. T,e Co-rt t,ere+ore concl-ded t,at Leoncio ?as not Fili)ino. 0+ Leoncio ?as not Fili)ino, neit,er ?as ,is son O-intin. O-intin t,ere+ore ?as not onl not a nat-ral3 2orn Fili)ino 2-t ?as not eBen a Fili)ino. JT,e Co-rt s,o-ld ,aBe sto))ed t,ere. @-t instead it +ollo?ed ?it, an obiter dict#m. T,e Co-rt said obiter t,at eBen i+ Leoncio, O-intinNs +at,er, ?ere Fili)ino, O-intin ?o-ld not 2e Fili)ino 2eca-se O-intin ?as ille.iti1ate. T,is state1ent a2o-t O-intin, 2ased on a contrar to +act ass-1)tion, ?as a2sol-tel -nnecessar +or t,e case. x x x 0t ?as obiter dict#m, )-re and si1)le, si1)l re)eatin. t,e o2iter dict-1 in 9orano vs+ 3ivo. Jx x x xxx xxx 4Aside +ro1 t,e +act t,at s-c, a )rono-nce1ent ?o-ld ,aBe no text-al +o-ndation in t,e Constit-tion, it ?o-ld also Biolate t,e e=-al )rotection cla-se o+ t,e Constit-tion not once 2-t t?ice. First, it ?o-ld 1a*e an ille.iti1ate distinction 2et?een a le.iti1ate c,ild and an ille.iti1ate c,ild, and second, it ?o-ld 1a*e an ille.iti1ate distinction 2et?een t,e ille.iti1ate c,ild o+ a Fili)ino +at,er and t,e ille.iti1ate c,ild o+ a Fili)ino 1ot,er. JT,e doctrine on constit-tionall allo?a2le distinctions ?as esta2lis,ed lon. a.o 2 !eo)le Bs. Ca at. 0 ?o-ld .rant t,at t,e distinction 2et?een le.iti1ate c,ildren and ille.iti1ate c,ildren rests on real di++erences. x x x @-t real di++erences alone do not A-sti+ inBidio-s distinction. Real di++erences 1a A-sti+ distinction +or one )-r)ose 2-t not +or anot,er )-r)ose. Jx x x G,at is t,e releBance o+ le.iti1ac or ille.iti1ac to electiBe )-2lic serBiceP G,at )ossi2le state interest can t,ere 2e +or dis=-ali+ in. an ille.iti1ate c,ild +ro1 2eco1in. a )-2lic o++icer. 0t ?as not t,e +a-lt o+ t,e c,ild t,at ,is )arents ,ad illicit liaison. G, de)riBe t,e c,ild o+ t,e +-llness o+ )olitical ri.,ts +or no +a-lt o+ ,is o?nP To dis=-ali+ an ille.iti1ate c,ild +ro1 ,oldin. an i1)ortant )-2lic o++ice is to )-nis, ,i1 +or t,e indiscretion o+ ,is )arents. T,ere is neit,er A-stice nor rationalit in t,at. And i+ t,ere is neit,er A-stice nor rationalit in t,e distinction, t,en t,e distinction trans.resses t,e e=-al )rotection cla-se and 1-st 2e re)ro2ated.K T,e ot,er amici c#riae, Mr. J-stice Vicente Mendoza "a +or1er 1e12er o+ t,is Co-rt#, !ro+essor R-2en @alane and Dean Martin Ma.allona, at 2otto1, ,aBe ex)ressed si1ilar Bie?s. T,e t,esis o+ )etitioner, -n+ort-natel , solel on )-re obiter dicta, s,o-ld indeed +ail. G,ere A-ris)r-dence re.arded an ille.iti1ate c,ild as ta*in. a+ter t,e citizens,i) o+ its 1ot,er, it did so +or t,e 2ene+it t,e c,ild. 0t ?as to ens-re a Fili)ino nationalit +or t,e ille.iti1ate c,ild o+ an alien +at,er in line ?it, t,e ass-1)tion t,at t,e 1ot,er ,ad c-stod , ?o-ld exercise )arental a-t,orit and ,ad t,e d-t to s-))ort ,er ille.iti1ate c,ild. 0t ?as to ,el) t,e c,ild, not to )reA-dice or discri1inate a.ainst ,i1.

T,e +act o+ t,e 1atter ( )er,a)s t,e 1ost consideration ( is t,at t,e %5$D Constit-tion, t,e +-nda1ental la? )reBailin. on t,e da , 1ont, and ear o+ 2irt, o+ res)ondent F!J, can neBer 2e 1ore ex)licit t,an it is. !roBidin. neit,er conditions nor distinctions, t,e Constit-tion states t,at a1on. t,e citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines are Jt,ose ?,ose +at,ers are citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines.K T,ere -tterl is no co.ent A-sti+ication to )rescri2e conditions or distinctions ?,ere t,ere clearl are none )roBided.

&ISPOSITIVE: F!J is a Fili)ino citizen and =-ali+ied to r-n +or !resident. &ISSENT: C#RPIO0MOR#LES GRT t,e Declaration o+ R-2 Kelle Man.a,as, aside +ro1 t,e +act t,at it is -e,rs,<, it does not serBe as )roBin. eit,er F!JEs +iliation or ,is citizens,i). Ma not 2e t,e 2asis +or )roBin. )aternit and +iliation since it is in t,e nat-re o+ a se.10servin/ ,11i!,vit, t,e a++idaBit ,aBin. 2een exec-ted on Jan %&, &''6 or ,1ter t,e )etition +or dis=-ali+ication ,ad alread 2een +iled 2 Fornier on Jan 5, &''6. ExtraA-dicial Declaration ?as exec-ted solel to 2-ttress res)ondentEs de+ense. ;tate1ents in t,e Declaration are 1,vor,8.e to t-e interest o1 t-e !e*.,r,nt, 2ein. t,e a-nt o+ F!J. To ad1it Declaration as )roo+ o+ t,e +acts asserted t,erein ?o-ld o)en t,e door to +ra-ds and )erA-ries. /eit,er can t,e sa1e Declaration 2e 1ade t,e 2asis to )roBe )edi.ree -nder ;ec $5, R-le %$' as t,e Declaration o+ Mrs. Man.a,as ?as exec-ted AFTER t,e controBers ,ad alread arisen. T-ere is t-3s 1,i.3re to *o2 .< 4it- t-e reE3isite t-,t t-e !e*.,r,tion 23st -,ve 8een 2,!e ante lite! !ota! F t-,t is 8e1ore t-e *ontrovers<, ,n! 3n!er s3*- *ir*32st,n*es t-,t t-e erson 2,Bin/ t-e2 *o3.! -,ve no 2otive to 2isre resent t-e 1,*ts. 0n order +or a declaration as to )edi.ree to 2e ad1issi2le, it is necessar t,at t,e !e*.,r,nt s-o3.! -,ve 8een !isintereste! to t-e eAtent o1 -,vin/ no 2otive ?,ic, can +airl 2e ass-1ed to 2e s-c, as it ?o-ld ind-ce ,i1 to state t,e +act ot,er?ise t,an as ,e -nderstood it. T,e state1ent 1-st, t,ere+ore, 2e s,o?n to ,aBe 2een 1ade ante litem motam; a fortiori, it 1-st ,aBe 2een 1ade 2e+ore t,e co11ence1ent o+ a s-it inBolBin. t,e iss-e to ?,ic, t,e declaration relates. /or can t,e Declaration 2e t,e 2asis to )roBe +a1il re)-tation or tradition re.ardin. )edi.ree -nder ;ec 6', R-le %$'. G,ile a declaration relatin. to )edi.ree 1a 2e in an +or1 ca)a2le o+ conBe in. t,o-.,t, )roBided t,e a-t,enticit o+ t,e Be,icle conBe in. t,e state1ent is esta2lis,ed to t,e satis+action o+ t,e co-rt 2 eBidence as reco.nition in t,e +a1il or )rod-ction +ro1 )ro)er c-stod , t,e declaration 1-st 2e a state1ent o+ +act. T,e state1ents t,at F!J is a nat-ral32orn Fili)ino and a le.iti1ate c,ild o+ Fernando !oe, ;r. are not state1ents o+ +act, 2-t concl-sions o+ la?. T,e Declaration 1a not also 2e t,e 2asis +or )roBin. t,e citizens,i) o+ Allan !oe since t,e sa1e is a concl-sion o+ la?.

"n re 9allare does not a))l 2ec. Mrs. Man.a,asE Declaration does not state o)eratiBe +acts on ?,ic, concl-sion ?as 2ased. &ISSENT: TING# Man.a,as 'ffidavit is not an Jact or declaration a2o-t )edi.reeK. T,e 'ffidavit ?as exec-ted on %& Jan &''6, $ da s a+ter Fornier +iled ,is )etition 8e1ore t,e COMELEC. 'ffidavit is ,earsa and inad1issi2le. Man.a,as neBer testi+ied as to its d-e exec-tion.

MERC#&O v. M#N(#NO (6777) MEN&O(#, J. Petitioner: Ernesto Mercado Res on!ents: Ed-ardo @arrios Manzano and COMELEC "#CTS: !etitioner Ernesto S. Mer*,!o and )riBate res)ondent E!3,r!o 5. M,n+,no ?ere candidates +or Bice 1a or o+ t,e Cit o+ Ma*ati in t,e Ma %%, %55: elections. T,e ot,er one ?as G,8rie. V. &,+, III. Res-lts o+ Elections< Ed-ardo @. Manzano %'$,:D$; Ernesto ;. Mercado %'',:56; 8a2riel V. Daza 000 D6,&FD T,e )rocla1ation o+ Manzano ?as s-s)ended in Bie? o+ a )endin. !ET0T0O/ FOR D0;OLAL0F0CAT0O/ +iled 2 a certain Ernesto M,2,ri. ?,o alle.ed t,at Manzano ?as not a citizen o+ t,e !,ili))ines 2-t o+ t,e Lnited ;tates. COMELEC Resol-tion "Ma F, %55:#< 8RA/TED t,e )etition o+ Ma1aril and ordered t,e cancellation o+ t,e certi+icate o+ candidac o+ Manzano on t,e .ro-nd t,at ,e is a d-al citizen and, -nder Q6'"d# o+ t,e Local 8oBern1ent Code "L8C#, )ersons ?it, d-al citizens,i) are dis=-ali+ied +ro1 r-nnin. +or an electiBe )osition. COMELEC Resol-tion said< !etition +or dis=-ali+ication is 2ased on t,e .ro-nd t,at t,e res)ondent "a# is an A1erican citizen 2ased on t,e record o+ t,e @-rea- o+ 011i.ration and "2# 1isre)resented ,i1sel+ as a nat-ral32orn Fili)ino citizen. Manzano ad1itted in ,is Ans?er "a# t,at ,e is re.istered as a +orei.ner ?it, t,e @-rea- o+ 011i.ration -nder Alien Certi+icate o+ Re.istration and alle.ed "2# t,at ,e is a Fili)ino citizen 2eca-se ,e ?as 2orn in %5DD o+ a Fili)ino +at,er and a Fili)ino 1ot,er. Ce ?as 2orn in t,e Lnited ;tates, ;an Francisco, Cali+ornia, ;e)te12er %6, %5DD, and is considered in A1erican citizen -nder L; La?s. "c# @-t not?it,standin. ,is re.istration as an A1erican citizen, ,e did not lose ,is Fili)ino citizens,i).

T,-s, Manzano is 2orn a Fili)ino and a L; citizen. 0n ot,er ?ords, ,e ,olds d-al citizens,i). Lnder ;ection 6'"d# o+ L8C, t,ose ,oldin. d-al citizens,i) are dis=-ali+ied +ro1 r-nnin. +or an electiBe local )osition. Manzano +iled an MR, 2-t t,e 1otion re1ained )endin. eBen -ntil a+ter t,e election. !-rs-ant to O1ni2-s Resol-tion /o. $'66 o+ t,e COMELEC, t,e 2oard o+ canBassers ta2-lated t,e Botes cast +or Bice 1a or o+ Ma*ati Cit 2-t s-s)ended t,e )rocla1ation o+ t,e ?inner. Mercado so-.,t to interBene in t,e case +or dis=-ali+ication. Cis 1otion ?as o))osed 2 Manzano. Motion ?as not resolBed. 0nstead, COMELEC en banc t,e COMELEC en banc reBersed t,e r-lin. o+ its ;econd DiBision and declared Manzano *#alified to r-n +or Bice 1a or< At t,e a.e o+ six, ,is )arents 2ro-.,t ,i1 to t,e !,ili))ines -sin. an A1erican )ass)ort as traBel doc-1ent. Cis )arents also re.istered ,i1 as an alien ?it, t,e !,ili))ine @-rea- o+ 011i.ration. Ce ?as iss-ed an alien certi+icate o+ re.istration. T,is, ,o?eBer, did not res-lt in t,e loss o+ ,is !,ili))ine citizens,i), as ,e did not reno-nce !,ili))ine citizens,i) and did not ta*e an oat, o+ alle.iance to t,e Lnited ;tates. G,en res)ondent attained t,e a.e o+ 1aAorit , ,e re.istered ,i1sel+ as a Boter, and Boted in t,e elections o+ %55&, %55D and %55:, ?,ic, e++ectiBel reno-nced ,is L; citizens,i) -nder A1erican la?. Lnder !,ili))ine la?, ,e no ,ad L.;. citizens,i). @oard o+ canBassers )roclai1ed Manzano as Bice 1a or o+ t,e Cit o+ Ma*ati. !etition +or certiorari +iled 2e+ore ;C.

ISSUES: "%# G>/ Mercado ,as )ersonalit to 2rin. t,is s-it considerin. t,at ,e ?as not an ori.inal )art in t,e case +or dis=-ali+ication +iled 2 Ernesto Ma1aril nor ?as )etitionerNs 1otion +or leaBe to interBene .ranted. 'ES. "&# G>/ Manzano )ossesses d-al citizens,i) and, i+ so, G>/ ,e is dis=-ali+ied +ro1 2ein. a candidate +or Bice 1a or o+ Ma*ati Cit . 'ES. NO. GRELEV#NTH %EL&: (6) 'ES. Mer*,!o -,s , ri/-t to 8rin/ resent s3it. Res on!ent: Cites R-le : o+ t,e R-les o+ !roced-re o+ t,e COMELEC in s-))ort o+ ,is clai1 t,at )etitioner ,as no ri.,t to interBene and, t,ere+ore, cannot 2rin. t,is s-it to set aside t,e r-lin. den in. ,is 1otion +or interBention. !etitioner ,as neit,er interest in t,e 1atter in liti.ation nor an interest to )rotect 2eca-se ,e is 4a de+eated candidate +or t,e Bice31a oralt )ost o+ Ma*ati Cit H?,oI cannot 2e )roclai1ed as t,e Vice3Ma or o+ Ma*ati Cit i+ t,e )riBate res)ondent 2e -lti1atel dis=-ali+ied 2 +inal and exec-tor A-d.1ent.4 S3 re2e Co3rt:

T,e +la? in t,is ar.-1ent is it ass-1es t,at, at t,e ti1e )etitioner so-.,t to interBene in t,e )roceedin.s 2e+ore t,e COMELEC, t,ere ,ad alread 2een a )rocla1ation o+ t,e res-lts o+ t,e election +or t,e Bice 1a oralt contest +or Ma*ati Cit , on t,e 2asis o+ ?,ic, )etitioner ca1e o-t onl second to )riBate res)ondent. Co?eBer, t,ere ,ad 2een no )rocla1ation at t,at ti1e. Certainl , )etitioner ,ad, and still ,as, an interest in o-stin. )riBate res)ondent +ro1 t,e race at t,e ti1e ,e so-.,t to interBene. Labo v+ ,O9ELE, onl a))lies to cases in ?,ic, t,e election o+ t,e res)ondent is contested, and t,e =-estion is ?,et,er one ?,o )laced second to t,e dis=-ali+ied candidate 1a 2e declared t,e ?inner. CERE< At t,e ti1e )etitioner +iled a 4Motion +or LeaBe to File 0nterBention4 on Ma &', %55:, t,ere ,ad 2een no )rocla1ation o+ t,e ?inner, and )etitionerNs )-r)ose ?as )recisel to ,aBe )riBate res)ondent dis=-ali+ied 4+ro1 r-nnin. +or HanI electiBe local )osition4 -nder Q6'"d# o+ R.A. /o. F%9'. 0+ Ernesto Ma1aril "?,o ori.inall instit-ted t,e dis=-ali+ication )roceedin.s#, a re.istered Boter o+ Ma*ati Cit , ?as co1)etent to 2rin. t,e action, so ?as )etitioner since t,e latter ?as a riBal candidate +or Bice 1a or o+ Ma*ati Cit . /or is )etitionerNs interest in t,e 1atter in liti.ation an less 2eca-se ,e +iled a 1otion +or interBention onl on Ma &', %55:, a+ter )riBate res)ondent ,ad 2een s,o?n to ,aBe .arnered t,e ,i.,est n-12er o+ Botes a1on. t,e candidates +or Bice 1a or. Q9 o+ R.A. /o. 9969 "Electoral Re+or1 La? o+ %5:F#< 0nterBention 1a 2e allo?ed in )roceedin.s +or dis=-ali+ication eBen a+ter election i+ t,ere ,as et 2een no +inal A-d.1ent rendered. T,e +ail-re o+ t,e COMELEC en banc to resolBe )etitionerNs 1otion +or interBention ?as tanta1o-nt to a denial o+ t,e 1otion, A-sti+ in. )etitioner in +ilin. t,e instant )etition +or certiorari. (2) 'ES. M,n+,no -,! !3,. *iti+ens-i , 83t -e 4,s E3,.i1ie! to r3n 1or t-e osition o1 vi*e 2,<or. &3,. *iti+ens-i ,s , /ro3n! 1or !isE3,.i1i*,tion Petitioner: Q6' L8C ?,ic, declares as 4dis=-ali+ied +ro1 r-nnin. +or an electiBe local )osition< . . . "d# T,ose ?it, d-al citizens,i).4 T,is )roBision is incor)orated in t,e C,arter o+ t,e Cit o+ Ma*ati. S3 re2e Co3rt: D-al citizens,i) is di++erent +ro1 d-al alle.iance. &3,. *iti+ens-i arises ?,en, as a res-lt o+ t,e conc-rrent a))lication o+ t,e di++erent la?s o+ t?o or 1ore states, a )erson is si1-ltaneo-sl considered a national 2 t,e said states. For instance, s-c, a sit-ation 1a arise ?,en a )erson ?,ose )arents are citizens o+ a state ?,ic, ad,eres to t,e )rinci)le o+ j#s sang#inis is 2orn in a state ?,ic, +ollo?s t,e doctrine o+ j#s soli. ;-c, a )erson, ipso facto and ?it,o-t an Bol-ntar act on ,is )art, is conc-rrentl considered a citizen o+ 2ot, states.

Considerin. t,e citizens,i) cla-se "Art. 0V# o+ o-r Constit-tion, it is )ossi2le +or t,e +ollo?in. classes o+ citizens o+ t,e !,ili))ines to )ossess d-al citizens,i)< "%# T,ose 2orn o+ Fili)ino +at,ers and>or 1ot,ers in +orei.n co-ntries ?,ic, +ollo? t,e )rinci)le o+ j#s soli; "&# T,ose 2orn in t,e !,ili))ines o+ Fili)ino 1ot,ers and alien +at,ers i+ 2 t,e la?s o+ t,eir +at,erNsN co-ntr s-c, c,ildren are citizens o+ t,at co-ntr ; "$# T,ose ?,o 1arr aliens i+ 2 t,e la?s o+ t,e latterNs co-ntr t,e +or1er are considered citizens, -nless 2 t,eir act or o1ission t,e are dee1ed to ,aBe reno-nced !,ili))ine citizens,i). T,ere 1a 2e ot,er sit-ations in ?,ic, a citizen o+ t,e !,ili))ines 1a , ?it,o-t )er+or1in. an act, 2e also a citizen o+ anot,er state; 2-t t,e a2oBe cases are clearl )ossi2le .iBen t,e constit-tional )roBisions on citizens,i). &3,. ,..e/i,n*e re+ers to t,e sit-ation in ?,ic, a )erson si1-ltaneo-sl o?es, 2 so1e )ositiBe act, lo alt to t?o or 1ore states. G,ile d-al citizens,i) is invol#ntary, d-al alle.iance is t,e res-lt o+ an individ#al's volition. Git, res)ect to d-al alle.iance, Article 0V, QD Constit-tion< 4D-al alle.iance o+ citizens is ini1ical to t,e national interest and s,all 2e dealt ?it, 2 la?.4 T,is )roBision ?as incl-ded in t,e %5:F Const. at t,e instance o+ Co11issioner @las F. O)le ?,o ex)lained its necessit as +ollo?s<
D-al alle.iance is not d-al citizens,i). D-al alle.iance is and 1ore t,reatenin. t,an t,at o+ 1ere do-2le citizens,i) ?,ic, is seldo1 intentional and, )er,a)s, neBer insidio-s. T,at is o+ten a +-nction o+ t,e accident o+ 1ixed or o+ 2irt, on +orei.n soil. And so, 0 do not =-estion do-2le citizens,i) at all. G,en 0 s)ea* o+ do-2le alle.iance, t,ere+ore, 0 s)ea* o+ t,is -nsettled *ind o+ alle.iance o+ Fili)inos, o+ citizens ?,o are alread Fili)inos 2-t ?,o, 2 t,eir acts, 1a 2e said to 2e 2o-nd 2 a second alle.iance, eit,er to !e*in. or Tai?an. D-al alle.iance can act-all si),on scarce national ca)ital to Tai?an, ;in.a)ore, C,ina or Mala sia. ;o1e o+ t,e .reat co11ercial )laces in do?nto?n Tai)ei are Fili)ino3o?ned, o?ned 2 Fili)ino3C,inese R it is o+ co11on *no?led.e in Manila. 0t can 1ean a tra.ic ca)ital o-t+lo? ?,en ?e ,aBe to end-re a ca)ital +a1ine ?,ic, also 1eans econo1ic sta.nation, ?orsenin. -ne1)lo 1ent and social -nrest.

Conse=-entl , )ersons ?it, 1ere d-al citizens,i) do not +all -nder t,is dis=-ali+ication. Lnli*e t,ose ?it, d-al alle.iance, ?,o 1-st, t,ere+ore, 2e s-2Aect to strict )rocess ?it, res)ect to t,e ter1ination o+ t,eir stat-s, +or candidates ?it, d-al citizens,i), it s,o-ld s-++ice i+, -)on t,e +ilin. o+ t,eir certi+icates o+ candidac , t,e elect !,ili))ine citizens,i) to ter1inate t,eir stat-s as )ersons ?it, d-al citizens,i) considerin. t,at t,eir condition is t,e -naBoida2le conse=-ence o+ con+lictin. la?s o+ di++erent states. Joa=-in 8. @ernas< 4HDI-al citizens,i) is A-st a realit i1)osed on -s 2eca-se ?e ,aBe no control o+ t,e la?s on citizens,i) o+ ot,er co-ntries. Ge reco.nize a c,ild o+ a Fili)ino 1ot,er. @-t ?,et,er s,e is considered a citizen o+ anot,er co-ntr is so1et,in. co1)letel 2e ond o-r control.4 @ electin. !,ili))ine citizens,i), s-c, candidates at t,e sa1e ti1e +ors?ear alle.iance to t,e ot,er co-ntr o+ ?,ic, t,e are also citizens and t,ere2 ter1inate t,eir stat-s as d-al citizens. 0t 1a 2e t,at, +ro1 t,e )oint o+ Bie? o+ t,e +orei.n state and o+ its la?s, s-c, an indiBid-al ,as not e++ectiBel reno-nced ,is +orei.n citizens,i). T,at is o+ no 1o1ent :see disc#ssion on ;2<:d8 bet$een %enators Enrile and !imentel8. T,is is si1ilar to t,e re=-ire1ent t,at an a))licant +or nat-ralization 1-st reno-nce 4all alle.iance and +idelit to an +orei.n )rince, )otentate, state, or soBerei.nt 4 o+ ?,ic, at t,e ti1e ,e is a s-2Aect or citizen 2e+ore ,e can 2e iss-ed a certi+icate o+ nat-ralization as a citizen o+ t,e !,ili))ines. !arado v. Rep#blic<
HGI,en a )erson a))l in. +or citizens,i) 2 nat-ralization ta*es an oat, t,at ,e reno-nce, ,is lo alt to an ot,er co-ntr or .oBern1ent and sole1nl declares t,at ,e o?es ,is alle.iance to t,e Re)-2lic o+ t,e !,ili))ines, t,e condition i1)osed 2 la? is satis+ied and co1)iled ?it,. T,e deter1ination ?,et,er s-c, ren-nciation is Balid or +-ll co1)lies ?it, t,e )roBisions o+ o-r /at-ralization La? lies ?it,in t,e )roBince and is an excl-siBe )rero.atiBe o+ o-r co-rts. T,e latter s,o-ld a))l t,e la? d-l enacted 2 t,e le.islatiBe de)art1ent o+ t,e Re)-2lic. /o +orei.n la? 1a or s,o-ld inter+ere ?it, its o)eration and a))lication. 0+ t,e re=-ire1ent o+ t,e C,inese La? o+ /ationalit ?ere to 2e read into o-r /at-ralization La?, ?e ?o-ld 2e a))l in. not ?,at o-r le.islatiBe de)art1ent ,as dee1ed it ?ise to re=-ire, 2-t ?,at a +orei.n .oBern1ent ,as t,o-.,t or intended to exact. T,at, o+ co-rse, is a2s-rd. 0t 1-st 2e resisted 2 all 1eans and at all cost. 0t ?o-ld 2e a 2razen encroac,1ent -)on t,e soBerei.n ?ill and )o?er o+ t,e )eo)le o+ t,is Re)-2lic.

O)le also s)o*e on t,e )ro2le1 o+ t,ese citizens ?it, d-al alle.iance<
D-al citizens,i) i1)lies a do-2le alle.iance -nder a do-2le soBerei.nt ?,ic, ?o-ld 2e re)-.nant to t,e soBerei.nt ?,ic, )erBades t,e Constit-tion and to citizens,i) itsel+ ?,ic, i1)lies a -ni=-eness and ?,ic, else?,ere in t,e Constit-tion is de+ined in ter1s o+ ri.,ts and o2li.ations excl-siBe to t,at citizens,i) incl-din., o+ co-rse, t,e o2li.ation to rise to t,e de+ense o+ t,e ;tate ?,en it is t,reatenedS And so, 0 ,aBe detected a .en-ine and dee) concern a2o-t do-2le citizens,i), ?it, its attendant ris* o+ do-2le alle.iance ?,ic, is re)-.nant to o-r soBerei.nt and national sec-rit .

0n incl-din. QD in Article 0V on citizens,i), t,e concern o+ t,e Constit-tional Co11ission ?as not ?it, d-al citizens per se 2-t ?it, nat-ralized citizens ?,o 1aintain t,eir alle.iance to t,eir co-ntries o+ eBen a+ter t,eir nat-ralization. Cence, t,e ),rase )!3,. *iti+ens-i ) in R.A. /o. F%9', Q6'"d# and in R.A. /o. F:D6, Q&' 1-st 2e -nderstood as re+errin. to 4d-al alle.iance.4

PetitionerIs e.e*tion o1 P-i.i ine *iti+ens-i T,e record s,o?s t,at Manzano ?as 2orn in ;an Francisco, Cali+ornia on ;e)te12er 6, %5DD, o+ Fili)ino )arents. ;ince t,e !,ili))ines ad,eres to t,e )rinci)le o+ j#s sang#inis, ?,ile t,e L; +ollo?s t,e doctrine o+ j#s soli, t,e )arties a.ree t,at, at 2irt, at least, ,e ?as a national 2ot, o+ t,e !,ili))ines and o+ t,e Lnited ;tates. Co?eBer, t,e COMELEC en banc ,eld t,at, 2 )artici)atin. in !,ili))ine elections in %55&, %55D, and %55:, Manzano 4e++ectiBel reno-nced ,is L.;. citizens,i) -nder A1erican la?,4 so t,at no? ,e is solel a !,ili))ine national.

Petitioner< Merel ta*in. )art in !,ili))ine elections is not s-++icient eBidence o+ ren-nciation and 0n an eBent, as t,e alle.ed ren-nciation ?as 1ade ?,en Manzano ?as alread $F ears old, it ?as ine++ectiBe as it s,o-ld ,aBe 2een 1ade ?,en ,e reac,ed t,e a.e o+ 1aAorit . S3 re2e Co3rt: 0n ,oldin. t,at 2 Botin. in !,ili))ine elections Manzano reno-nced ,is A1erican citizens,i), t,e COMELEC 1-st ,aBe in 1ind ;=2) of the "mmigration and Nationality 'ct of the nited %tates< 4A )erson ?,o is a national o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, ?,et,er 2 2irt, or nat-ralization, s,all lose ,is nationalit 2 < . . . "e# Votin. in a )olitical election in a +orei.n state or )artici)atin. in an election or )le2iscite to deter1ine t,e soBerei.nt oBer +orei.n territor .4 @LT t,is )roBision ?as declared -nconstit-tional 2 t,e L.;. ;-)re1e Co-rt in 'froyim v. R#s> "2e ond t,e )o?er .iBen to t,e L.;. Con.ress to re.-late +orei.n relations#. Co?eBer, 2 +ilin. a certi+icate o+ candidac ?,en ,e ran +or ,is )resent )ost, Manzano elected !,ili))ine citizens,i) and in e++ect reno-nced ,is A1erican citizens,i). :%ee certificate of candidacy on page ?2@8 T,e +ilin. o+ s-c, certi+icate o+ candidac s-++iced to reno-nce ,is A1erican citizens,i), e++ectiBel re1oBin. an dis=-ali+ication ,e 1i.,t ,aBe as a d-al citizen. .rivaldo v. ,O9ELE,<
On Jan-ar &', %5:$ FriBaldo 2eca1e an A1erican. Go-ld t,e retroactiBit o+ ,is re)atriation not e++ectiBel .iBe ,i1 d-al citizens,i), ?,ic, -nder ;ec. 6' o+ t,e Local 8oBern1ent Code ?o-ld dis=-ali+ ,i1 4+ro1 r-nnin. +or an electiBe local )ositionP4 Ge ans?er t,is =-estion in t,e ne.atiBe, as t,ere is co.ent reason to ,old t,at FriBaldo ?as reall ;TATELE;; at t,e ti1e ,e too* said oat, o+ alle.iance and eBen 2e+ore t,at, ?,en ,e ran +or .oBernor in %5::. @ t,e la?s o+ t,e Lnited ;tates, )etitioner FriBaldo lost ,is A1erican citizens,i) ?,en ,e too* ,is oat, o+ alle.iance to t,e !,ili))ine 8oBern1ent ?,en ,e ran +or 8oBernor in %5::, in %55&, and in %55D. EBer certi+icate o+ candidac contains an oat, o+ alle.iance to t,e !,ili))ine 8oBern1ent. T,ese +act-al +indin.s t,at FriBaldo ,as lost ,is +orei.n nationalit lon. 2e+ore t,e elections o+ %55D ,aBe not 2een e++ectiBel re2-tted 2 Lee.

'znar v. ,O9ELE, a))lies m#tatis m#ndatis CERE<

Considerin. t,e +act t,at ad1ittedl Os1eMa ?as 2ot, a Fili)ino and an A1erican, t,e 1ere +act t,at ,e ,as a Certi+icate starin. ,e is an A1erican does not 1ean t,at ,e is not still a Fili)ino. . . . HTI,e Certi+ication t,at ,e is an A1erican does not 1ean t,at ,e is not still a Fili)ino, )ossessed as ,e is, o+ 2ot, nationalities or citizens,i)s. 0ndeed, t,ere is no ex)ress ren-nciation ,ere o+ !,ili))ine citizens,i); tr-t, to tell, t,ere is eBen no i1)lied ren-nciation o+ said citizens,i). G,en Ge consider t,at t,e ren-nciation needed to lose !,ili))ine citizens,i) 1-st 2e 4ex)ress,4 it stands to reason t,at t,ere can 2e no s-c, loss o+ !,ili))ine citizens,i) ?,en t,ere is no ren-nciation, eit,er 4ex)ress4 or 4i1)lied.4

To reca)it-late, 2 declarin. in ,is certi+icate o+ candidac t,at "%# ,e is a Fili)ino citizen; "&# t,at ,e is not a )er1anent resident or i11i.rant o+ anot,er co-ntr ; "$# t,at ,e ?ill de+end and s-))ort t,e Constit-tion o+ t,e !,ili))ines and 2ear tr-e +ait, and alle.iance t,ereto and "6# t,at ,e does so ?it,o-t 1ental reserBation, Manzano ,as, as +ar as t,e la?s o+ t,is co-ntr are concerned, e++ectiBel re)-diated ,is A1erican citizens,i) and an t,in. ?,ic, ,e 1a ,aBe said 2e+ore as a d-al citizen. ManzanoEs oat, o+ alle.iance to t,e !,ili))ines, ?,en considered ?it, t,e +act t,at ,e ,as s)ent ,is o-t, and ad-lt,ood, receiBed ,is ed-cation, )racticed ,is )ro+ession as an artist, and ta*en )art in )ast elections in t,is co-ntr , leaBes no do-2t o+ ,is election o+ !,ili))ine citizens,i). Cis declarations ?ill 2e ta*en -)on t,e +ait, t,at ,e ?ill +-l+ill ,is -nderta*in. 1ade -nder oat,. ;,o-ld ,e 2etra t,at tr-st, t,ere are eno-., sanctions +or declarin. t,e loss o+ ,is !,ili))ine citizens,i) t,ro-., ex)atriation in a))ro)riate )roceedin.s. 6# v. Defensor4%antiago< ;C s-stained t,e denial o+ entr into t,e co-ntr o+ )etitioner on t,e .ro-nd t,at, a+ter ta*in. ,is oat, as a nat-ralized citizen, ,e a))lied +or t,e rene?al o+ ,is !ort-.-ese )ass)ort and declared in co11ercial doc-1ents exec-ted a2road t,at ,e ?as a !ort-.-ese national. A si1ilar sanction can 2e ta*en a.ainst an one ?,o, in electin. !,ili))ine citizens,i), reno-nces ,is +orei.n nationalit , 2-t s-2se=-entl does so1e act constit-tin. ren-nciation o+ ,is !,ili))ine citizens,i).

T,ere is, t,ere+ore, no 1erit in )etitionerNs contention t,at t,e oat, o+ alle.iance contained in )riBate res)ondentNs certi+icate o+ candidac is ins-++icient to constit-te ren-nciation t,at, to 2e e++ectiBe, s-c, ren-nciation s,o-ld ,aBe 2een 1ade -)on )riBate res)ondent reac,in. t,e a.e o+ 1aAorit since no la? re=-ires t,e election o+ !,ili))ine citizens,i) to 2e 1ade -)on 1aAorit a.e. Finall , 1-c, is 1ade o+ t,e +act t,at )riBate res)ondent ad1itted t,at ,e is re.istered as an A1erican citizen in t,e @-rea- o+ 011i.ration and De)ortation and t,at ,e ,olds an A1erican )ass)ort ?,ic, ,e -sed in ,is last traBel to t,e Lnited ;tates on A)ril &&, %55F. T,ere is no 1erit in t,is. Lntil t,e +ilin. o+ ,is certi+icate o+ candidac on Marc, &%, %55:, ,e ,ad d-al citizens,i). T,e acts attri2-ted to ,i1 can 2e considered si1)l as t,e assertion o+ ,is A1erican nationalit 2e+ore t,e ter1ination o+ ,is A1erican citizens,i).

&ISPOSITIVE: !etition +or certiorari is D0;M0;;ED +or lac* o+ 1erit.

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