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Translate into English: 1. Ce este Internetul i la ce se refer ? Ce avantaje i dezavantaje are? De ce a aprut i de ce este att de utilizat?

Sunt ntrebri la care orice om ar putea s rspund simplu spunnd: n ziua de azi totul se nvrte n jurul Internetului! = What is the Internet and what does it refer to? What are its advantages and disadvantages? How come it appeared and why it is so frequently used? These are questions that can be answered by any man saying everything is connected to the Internet. 2. Internetul este o reea electronic de reele care conecteaz oamenii i informaiile prin calculatoare i alte dispozitive digitale permind comunicarea de la persoan la persoan i obinerea de informaii. Internetul este mijlocul de comunicare cel mai ntrebuinat n zilele noastre jucnd un rol important n dezvoltarea societii i a noastr ca oameni.. Pentru a putea folosi Internetul este nevoie de un calculator cu un program de acces la reea, un modem care convertete informaiile din calculator, o linie telefonic i un cont pe un calculator conectat la Internet.= The internet is an electronic network of several networks that connects people and information through computers and other digital devices allowing communication between people and transferring information. The internet is the most frequently used communication method, playing an important role in society development and in our personal development. In order to use the internet, you need a computer with an internet browser installed, a modem that converts information in the computer, a phone line and an internet account. 3. Internetul reprezint cel mai universal mijloc de comunicare prin care se transmit informaii, se leag prietenii toate acestea fiind posibile prin intermediul unor sisteme cum ar fi: pota electronic (e-mail), MSN (MicrosoftMessenger), YIM (Yahoo!Instant Messenger) i multe altele.= The internet represents the best way to transmit information and make friends, all these being possible through systems such as: electronic mail, e-mail), MSN (Microsoft Messenger), YIM (Yahoo!Instant Messenger) and many others. 4. n ceea ce privete avantajele i dezavantajele folosirii Internetului aici exist puncte de vedere contradictorii. Avantajele folosirii Internetului sunt multiple: primul ar fi acela c ne ofer posibilitatea de a afla multe lucruri noi cum ar fi tiri on-line, ne putem citi horoscopul, putem cumpra cri, putem chiar face nconjurul lumii cu ajutorul Internetului. Aceste informaii noi le aflm cu ajutorul si te-urilor ce cutare Yahoo, Google, Altavista ,etc. Un alt avantaj este acela c putem s legm diferite prietenii cu oameni din cellalt col al lumii, putem s ne dezvoltm orizontul cultural, putem chiar s ne angajm doar trimind CV-ul pe adresa de e-mail al firmei respective. ntr-un cuvnt Internetul este un duh care ne ndeplinete toate dorinele, dar

cum rmne cu discuia face-to-face, comunicarea verbal sau mimica? Acesta este dezavantajul Internetului c el ne acapareaz, poate induce dependena, deoarece odat cu apariia lui a disprut dorina de a merge la cinema sau la teatru, fiecare ntrebndu-se De ce s mearg la teatru dac pot sta acas linitit,n pat i s m uit la un film pe calculator? sau De ce s cumpr un CD dac pot s-l descarc de pe net?. Toate acestea duc la scderea activitii fizice, interaciunii sociale, nchiderii n sine, deoarece persoanele se obinuiesc s vorbeasc pe messenger dect s se ntlneasc cu prietenii, s discute mult mai liber.= About internets advantages or disadvantages there are different points of view. The internet has multiple advantages: the first one is that it offers the possibility to find out new things reading the on-line news, you can read your horoscope, you can buy books, you can even make a trip around the Earth using the internet. All this information you can find using search sites such as Yahoo, Google, Altavista, etc. Another advantage is that you make friends on the other side of the Earth, you can develop your cultural horizon, and you can even get a job sending your CV on the firms e-mail. In a single word, the internet is a genie that makes all your dreams come true, but what about face-to-face talks, verbal communication or mimic?! This is the internets disadvantage. It puts a hold on us, it may induce addiction, because once the Internet appeared, the intention of going to the theater or to the movies disappeared. Why should I go to the theater when I can stay home and watch a movie on my computer?!, why should I buy a CD when I can download it from the internet?!. All these things lead to a minimum physical activity, a poor social life, a drop in self esteem, because people use messenger to talk, instead of meeting their friend to talk to them. 5. Internetul este un virus care influeneaz omul ntr-o mare msur fcndu-l s devin dependent de el, s stea ore n ir n faa calculatorului, s uite de foame, de sete i chiar uneori de somn. Internetul are capacitatea de a ne afecta imaginaia, deoarece copilul mai bine ia un referat de pe Internet dect s-l scrie el, dar n acelai timp ne poate ajuta s ne dezvoltm alte aptitudini, cum ar fi: concentrarea, atenia, etc.=

The internet is a virus that influences people in a big manner, making him to become self addicted, staying for hours in front of his computer, forgetting about hunger, thirst and sometimes about sleep. The internet has the ability of affecting our imagination, because people tend to take essays from the internet instead of writing their-selves, but in the same time it can develop some abilities such as: concentration, attention, etc. 6. O alt problem pe internet o reprezint infraciunile/ ilegalitile/ fraudele/ epele care pot avea loc, i care te pot afecta, legate de: tranzacii bancare online, epe economice, epe n comerul electronic, epe n diferite oferte de afaceri, de munc, epe n diferite colaborri online etc.=

Another problem that internet represents are the crimes and illegal procedures that can be made on the internet and that can affect you. Its about on-line banking, economic affairs, business scams, etc

Identitatea virtual, nu concide cu identitatea real! Atunci cnd vorbeti cu cineva pe internet, indiferent n ce domeniu (afaceri, siteuri de socializare, matrimoniale, comer electronic, oferte de munc etc etc etc), nu ti cine este este de fapt, ce fel de om este, ct de corect, ct adevr spune sau ct minte etc.= Your virtual identity is not the same as your real identity! When you talk to somebody on the internet, no matter what domain (business, social networks, electronic trades, job offers, etc.), you never know what kind of person he is in fact. 7. n concluzie, Internetul este cel care a drmat toate barierele referitor la distan i la comunicare, dar el devine ntr-adevr benefic n momentul cnd tim cum s-l folosim fr a face abuz. El a fcut legtura ntre noi i ei. Rmne totui ntrebarea cum ar fi fr el, ar fi mai bine sau mai ru? Eu personal cred ca Internetul ne ofera sansa de a evolua si de a ne dezvolta cultural si social.= On the bottom line, the internet broke down all the barriers referring to distance and communication, but it is really useful when we know what to do without making any abuse. It made the connection between us and them. I consider that the internet offers the chance to evolve both cultural and social. 8. O gradina zoological este un loc unde multe animale sunt puse la un loc si unde oamenii se duc sa le vada. Unii oameni spun ca o gradina zoologica nu are un scop util. cu toate astea, examinand 3 motive: putem vedea multe animale la un loc, putem fi mai prietenosi cu animalele si putem avea cunostinte mai bogate despre animale, devine evident faptul ca o gradina zoological chiar are scopuri utile. Putem observa 3 motive mai jos.= A Zoo is a place where lots of animals are put together and where people go to see them. Some people would say zoo has no useful purpose. However, by examining three reasons, we can see lots of animals in one place, we can feel friendlier with animals, and zoo gives us chances of getting better knowledge about animals, it is obvious that zoo does have useful purposes. We can see three reasons below. 9. Ca sa incepem, uneori este greu pentru unii oameni sa vada multe animale in lume desi in unele tari,specii rare de animale exista si isi fac aparitia. Totusi, nu prea are sens sa mergi in alta tara doar ca savezi animalele acolo. Intr-o gradina zoological sunt sute de animale care au trait in salbaticie inainte.Oamenii le-au adus in gradinile zoologice.dupa cum stiti toti, nu prea mai vezi animale in zilelenoastre. cu toate astea le putem vedea in gradinile zoologice. Este o sansa uriasa pentru noi savedem multe tipuri de animale care exista in lume.Ca un al

doilea punct, din moment ce vedem multe animale la zoo, ne simtim mai prietenosi cu animalele. Multi oameni se simt ciudat cand spun animale salbatice. Nu trebuie sa fie animale salbatice, dar cu toate astea oamenii tot se simt ciudat. As putesa spune ca cu cat mai mult le vedem,cu atat ne simtim mai in siguranta cand vine vorba de ele. Asadar, daca vedem multe animale la zoo,ne putem simti ca suntem mai prietenosi cu ele.Pe langa prietenia cu animalele, daca mergem la zoo, ne uitam prima data la ce fel de animale sunt.Apoi incepem sa observam ce face le pe acolo. Multi oameni se gandesc ca ele sunt prinse inauntru pentru distractia oamenilor. In niciun caz nu se intampla asta. Animalele fac multe lucruri la zoo. Mergand la zoo, avem clar sansa sa obtinem informatii mai multe despre animale.= To begin with, it is sometimes hard for people to see many animals in the world. In some countries, though, many rare animals exist and appear. However, it doesnt make much sense that we go to other countries to see the animals there. In a zoo, there are hundreds of animals that have lived in a wild world before. People have brought them in a zoo. As you all know, we dont see animals often these days. Despite that, we can see a lot of animals in a zoo. This is a great chance for us to see many kinds of animals that exist in the world. As to the second point, since we can see lots of animals in a zoo, we can feel friendlier with animals. Many people feel quite awkward when they say wild animals. It doesnt have to be wild animals but people mostly feel wild animals awkward. Now, I would say that the more we see, the more comfortable we feel about it. Like this, if we see many animals in a zoo, we can be more like friends with them. Besides being friends with animals, if we go to zoo, we first look what kind of animals there are. Then, we usually start to observe what they do in there. Many people think that they are just trapped for entertainments for people. Nevertheless, it is not the fact. They do many things in a zoo. By going to zoo, we can certainly have opportunities of obtaining better information and knowledge about animals. 10. In concluzie, unii oameni spun ca zoo nu are un scop util, asa cum era mentionat anterior. Totusi,avand in vedere ca putem observa multe tipuri de animale, ne putem imprieteni cu ele si de la zooputem afla mai multe despre animale, consider ca o gradina zoological chiar are scopuri utile.= To conclude, some people would say zoo has no useful purpose, as mentioned. Nonetheless, since I think that we can see many kinds of animals in a zoo, we can be friendlier with them and it can offer us chances of knowing more about animals, I would say that zoo has many useful purposes. 11. Raymond Aron, unul dintre criticii importani ai totalitarismului a reuit s surprind foarte bine polisemia termenului politique, pornind de la trei echivocuri fundamentale. Termenul politique/ politic se folosete cu mai multe sensuri. n primul rnd se folosete pentru a traduce dou cuvinte englezeti, cu nelesuri diferite: policy and politics. Policy este o concepie sau o aciune a unui individ, a unui grup sau a unui govern. Politics se refer la

domeniul n care se manifest i rivalizeaz diversele politici. n al doilea rnd, aceli cuvnt implic n acelai timp realitatea i contiina acestei realiti. De exemplu, politica desemneaz conflictul dintre partide, ct i cunoaterea acestui conflict. Cel de-al treilea echivoc este cel mai important: denumim prin acelai termen, politica, un ansamblu al sectorului social, precum religia, familia sau munca (ca n sociologie). Iar pe de alt parte, politica etse chiar ansamblul social (observant din punctul de vedere al teoriei politice). Din aceast perspectiv, esena politicii o reprezint alegerea guvernanilor i modul de exercitare a autoritii. Aceste dou elemente determin felul n care arat societatea. Raymond Aron, one of the most important critics of totalitarianism, managed to astonish very well the polysemy of the word politique, starting from three fundamental ambiguities. The word politique/ politiques is used with various significances. Firstly, it is used to translate two English words with different meanings: policy and politics. Policy is a conception or an action of a person, a group or a govern. Politics refers to the area in which different policies appear and compete. Secondly, the same word involves in the same time the reality and the consciousness of this reality. For example, politics define the argument between parties and also the knowledge of this argument. The third ambiguity is the most important: we name, using the same term- politics, a part of the social ensemble, such as religion, family and work (like in the Sociology). On the other side, politics is the social ensemble (observed from the point of view of the political theory). From this perspective, the core of the politics is represented by the choice of governors and the manner of wielding the authority. These two elements determine the way the society looks. 12. Sensul nobil i sensul peiorativ al politicii: n sensul ei nobil, politica este vzut drept o activitate care vdete demnitatea individului. Politica este, n acest sens, arta de a guverna o comunitate uman- art n sensul antic al termenului, ca tehnic. Este un lucru nobilpentru care reuete s produc guvernarea comunitilor dincolo de ceea ce le separ, dincolo de diviziunile lor interne pentru c fracturile interne sunt depite i o comunitate poate s triasc, adic poate s fie reunit sub un nume propriu sensul peiorativ sau depreciativ al politicii face din ea aspectul cel mai indecent al vieii umane. n aceast lectur, politica este dominat de corupie, ea este domeniul n care se petrec lucrurile cele mai nedemne, cele ce in de registul intolerabilului. Politica ar fi astfel tot ceea ce poate fi mai ru pentru existena indivizilor, o activitate murdar, degradant, o vorbrie goal de care trebuie s te ii la distan. The noble and the pejorative meaning of politics: In its noble sense, politics is seen as an activity which explains the humans dignity. Politics is in this sense, the art of governing a human community- the art in the ancient sense of the word- the technique. It is a noble thing because it manages to produce the govern of the communities beyond what separates them, beyond their intern divisions because intern fractures are overcome and a community can live, it

means that it can be gathered under a name. The pejorative and deprecatory sense of politics turns it into the most indecent aspect of human life. In this reading, politics is dominated by corruption; it is the area in which the most unworthy things happen, those which are in connection with the register of intolerability. In this way, politics would be everything that can be worse for the existence of humans, a dirty and deteriorating activity, an empty speech, from which you should stand aside. 13. a aprut cultul Sfntului Iacob Maurul-uciga, Santiago Matamoros" - "the cult arose of Saint James the Moor-slayer, Santiago Matamoros. 14. "busola [...] a fost verificat numai dac aceasta l ajuta pe marinar s ajung mai departe" "the compass [...] was tested only by whether it helped the mariner reachout farther" 15. "Groenlanda i pierdu balustrada spre patria-mam" - "Greenland lost its lifeline tothe motherland" 16. "depunerea mrturiei efectului btliei ntre [...] Yin i Yang" - "witnessing the outcomeof the battle between [...] Yin and Yang" 17. "Patimile descoperirii negative" - "The Ardors of Negative Discovery" 18. "doar cu reluctan a renunat" - "only reluctantly did he give up" 19. "cei care vor fi rmas de neconvins de ctre Copernic erau doar sensibili" - "thosewho would remain unpersuaded by Copernicus were simply being sensible" 20. "conspiratorul Robert Fludd" - "the Rosicrucian Robert Fludd" 21. "La o astfel de extindere este realmente o a doua natur pentru toi s urmeze obiceiurile i nvturile acceptate care, datorit primei implantri, au prins rdcini adnci;tindere oamenii sunt influenai de un respect scuzabil pentru vechii autori." - "Tosuch an extent is it virtually second nature for all to follow accepted usage and teaching which, since its first implanting, has become deep-rooted; to such extent are men swayed by a pardonable respect for the ancient authors." 22. "tehnici acurate de laborator" - "careful laboratory technique" 23. "performana sarcinilor profesionale propuse" - "the performance of the experimental tasks recommended" 24. "lungimea arcului de un sfert din meridianul terestru" - "the length of a quadrant of the earth's meridian" 25. exprimarea calculului" - "formulating the calculus" 26. "preteniile ntinse" - "the widespread pretensions" 27. "<<copacul>> [...] evoluionar" - "evolutionary <<tree>>" 28. "[un] <<timp despre care memoria oamenilor nu mergea mpotriv>>" - "[a] <<time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary>>" 29. "Clugrii adorau textele sfinte" - "Monks adored the holy texts

30. "<<punctuaia>> nsemna s indici Psalmii pentru a marca pauzele de meditaie" "<<punctuation>> meant the pointing of Psalms to indicate pauses for meditation" 31. "Totui [...] puine semne de punctuaie [...] supravieuiesc" - "Still [...] a few marks [...] survive" 32. "Chiar n timpul cnd tehnicile [...] se dezvoltau n China, prin apele din jur cultura Japoniei era transformat" - "At the very time when the techniques [...] were advancing in China, across the neighboring waters the culture of Japan was being transformed" 33. "n epoca n care se inventase [tiparul], cu siguran, trebuie de asemenea s fi contribuit la realizarea unei mari literaturi" - "An age that has invented [printing] surely must also be competent to produce a great literature" 34. "Vetile Bune" - "the Good News" 35. "Valoarea comercial a tiparului italic a fost dramatizat" - "The commercial value of italic type was dramatized in 1502" 36. "n timp ce ridicarea limbilor vernaculare" - "While the rise of vernacular languages" 37. "nvaii Indiei se afl n ncurctur la ntrebarea de ce cultura lor [...] s fie att scrieri [...]" - "Scholars of India are puzzled by why their culture [...] should have been so lacking in [...] writings 38. "idolatria ancestral" - "ancestor worship" 39. "eficiena precoce a guvernrii centralizate" - "the early effectiveness of central government" 40. "Sensul lui original supravieuiete n expresia <<natural history>> care nseamn cercetare n natur." - "Its original meaning survives in the expression <<natural history>> for inquiry into nature." 41. "Pe cnd nii romanii n-au menajat niciodat templele celor pe care-i cucereau, istoriadovedea c zeii pgni nu puteau s protejeze lcaurile lor de nchinciune." - "Since thns themselves never spared the temples of those they conquered, history proved that pagan gods could not protect their worshippers." 42. "Nscut la o generaie dup Newton, care era n fierbere cu fgduina fcut tiinelor norn into the generation after Newton that was ebullient with the promise of natural science" 43. "Aprea c nu existau triburi [...] care [...]" - "There appeared to be no tribes [...] that [...]" 44. "O nou configuraie de schimburi [...] ncepu s aib loc [...] care s se fi dovedit [..tot aa de avantajoase noului i [...] vechiului continent." - "A new set of exchanges [...] began to take place [...] which should [...] have proved as advantageous to the new, as [...] to the old continent." 45. "Mandatul imperiului atunci ar ndeprta n mod firesc acea parte a imperiului care contribuia n cea mai mare parte la aprarea general i ar suporta ntregul." - "The seat [of government] of the empire would then naturally remove itself to that part ofthe empire which contributed most to the general defence and support of the whole." 46. "datorit asasinrii ocante [...] a fratelui mai mic al Ducelui, ceea ce de asemeneafu pus n crca lui Smith" - "because of the shocking murder [...] of the Duke's younger brother, who had also been put in Smith's charge"

47. "Un negustor rareori se gndete doar la propriul su comer particular." - "A merchant seldom thinks but of his own particular trade." 48. "Lumea n-ar mai fi fost o scen newtonian [...]. Lumea material avea s devin o chinuitoare scen [...]" - "The world would no longer be a Newtonian scene [...]. The material world would become a tantalizing scene [...]" Translate into Romanian 1. The date is 6 August 2003. The time by my colleague's watch is 9.36 p.m. I am PC Smith, the other officer present is PC HOBBLES. This interview is being tape recorded. I am interviewing could you please state your full name? You have chosen not to use the services of a duty solicitor. ARE YOU HAPPY to proceed with questioning without a solicitor? I don't trust them. I shall presume that means yes. From now on, it would be wise to answer a direct question with a direct answer. Have you established with your interpreter that you can understand each other? Yes. The interview is being tape recorded. At the conclusion of the interview I will give you a notice explaining what will happen to the tapes. Before I do so I must remind you that you are under caution that is you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defense if you fail to mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given in evidence. Do you understand? You have been brought in for questioning after you were accused of attempting to shoplift from the Asda supermarket on LATIMER ROAD. Why were you in the supermarket at approximately 8.30 p.m. this evening? I was on my way home after a lecture at the Chelsea College , and wanted to buy a new CD. When the security guard stopped you, you also had two pairs of jeans, a gray sweater and a pair of trainers in your bag all of which still have the price tag on them. Did you want to buy these too? I hadn't gone into the shop to buy them but when I saw them I thought they looked allright. Is it a crime to buy more than you intended? Well indeed not, except it seems strange to me that you should want to buy two identical pairs of jeans, same colour, same size, and same style. I hadn't realized I had picked two. I only meant to pick up one. Oh come it off it. Anyone can see what the're putting in their bag if it is really something they wish to buy. Is this what you call evidence? I am telling you I didn't realize. Likewise I assume you didn't realize you'd walked past all check-outs and you didn't stop at any? I hadn't seen them. The shop was full of people and I couldnt tell if they were standing in a queue or just, I don't know just standing there.

You don't seem to be a particular stupid person. But on this occasion, you not only nearly purchased two pairs of identical jeans, you also didn't see the twenty or so check-outs. You don't seem to have the same problem when looking for the exit door. Yes but I realized when I reached the door I had make a mistake, and was about to turn around when the security guard stopped me. A likely story. Well you have already made up your mind that I am guilty so what's the point in questioning me then? I don't believe the story that you are giving me. As I said earlier, direct answers to direct questions please. You are not doing yourself any favors by lying. I am not lying I wanted to buy the CDs so I went into the shop, saw the other stuff and decided to buy that too. If you people have nothing else on me then I think I have a right to go home. When we have finished. There is more evidence that I haven't presented you with yet. LIKE WHAT? Well I can't quite understand how you were ever intending to pay for those goods when you appear to have forgotten your money as well. We asked you to empty your pockets. When you came into the station and you only had a 20 note on you. The total cost of these goods is 100. How do you explain that? Well like I said, I hadn't intended to buy anything more than the CD when I went into the shop. I just forgot I hadn't brought any more money with me. I would have realized this if your security guard hadn't been so quick to judge me. So that's yet another thing that you just forgot? And don't you think it was just a bit convenient that you are using an old Asda shopping bag to carry your goods in rather than the baskets like everyone else? I didn't pick up a basket at first because all I wanted was the CD. Then when I saw this other stuff the basket pile was at the other side of the shop, and I had this bag in my pocket. It made sense to use it. This is farcical. You honestly expect us to believe that you hadn't intended to pick up two pairs of jeans, you hadn't intended to walk past all of the cash desks and now finally that you were using an old carrier bag because you couldn't be bothered to find a basket? That's right. Do you think that's going to stand up in court? Are you really that stupid? I have changed my mind. I want to see a solicitor. That's the cleverest thing you have said all day. This interview is terminated in order to contact the duty solicitor. The time is 9.51 p.m. 2. This interview is being tape recorded and I will give the suspect Notice 987 explaining what will happen to the tape at the conclusion of the interview. I am PC Green and my colleague is PC Williams. I am interviewing could you please state your full name? You have chosen not

to use the services of a duty solicitor. Is that correct? You are fourteen years of age, therefore an appropriate adult is present. What is your relationship with him? He is my uncle. You have been arrested for being in possession of a knife with intent to harm, which you were found to be carrying at London Bridge Station this evening. I must remind you that you are under caution, and as such, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you fail to mention when questioned, something which you will later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence. Do you understand? 3. Can you explain yourself? Why were you carrying such a lethal weapon? I haven't got anything to say to you. You just said that I don't have to. Young man, in your position it would be in your best interest to tell me as much as possible. There is no doubt that you were intending to hurt someone this evening and I know for sure that this is not the first time that you have been arrested for such an offence. The only thing you have connecting me with this is that I had a knife in my pocket. I wasn't going to do anything with it .Then why were you carrying a knife if you had no intention of using it? Well, I know this may sound stupid but my mate had given it to me to look after. He was going to a club in Central London and he knew he would get searched at the door so he asked me to take it home for him. Complete rubbish. This is no joke you know. We received a very serious complaint this evening from a young man who was threatened with a knife as he waited for a train. That wasn't me. I told you why I had the knife on me; I didn't use it at all. The manager of Costa Coffee also saw you arguing with a boy on the station platform and alerted the Transport Police. Don't you think it's an amazing coincidence that you fit the description the manager gave and you had a knife in your pocket. I am telling you I wasn't arguing with anyone. You were stopped outside London Bridge Station. The argument took place at London Bridge Station and the manager had seen a boy like you wearing a blue Nike cap, a green jacket and denim jeans, only minutes shouting at a boy and then running away. The station was nearly empty, there were only a few other passengers all of whom witness the fight, so you 'd better start telling the truth. This kid is making it up. So is the manager. YOU ARE ONLY TRYING TO PUT THIS ON ME BECAUSE YOU WANT TO PUT ME IN JAIL. You think I'M TROUBLE. I used to be, but I haven't don e anything wrong lately, I have straightened out now ask my uncle here. Don't worry; we will be speaking to members of your family and your neighbors. You have been arrested nine times in the past year for numerous offences including shoplifting , vandalism, and burglary. If this goes to court you are in serious


danger of having an Anti Social Behavior order placed on you. Do you know what that means? No. I t m e a n s t h a t t h e c o u r t w i l l d e e m yo u a m e n a c e t o s o c i e t y . Y O U W I L L B E G I V E N A WHOLE LIST OF RULES to live by, which will restrict things like the people you can be friends with, the places you can go to and the time you need to be home every evening. YOU CAN'T DO THAT. I MAY AS WELL GO TO PRISON. Well you are clearly out of control. You had better tell me the truth about this evening; it will make things a lot better for you in the long run. Did you threaten someone with a knife? No. Well, I suppose I did, but I wasnt going to stab him or anything. I just wanted to scare him a little bit. WHY WOULD YOU DO SUCH A THING? I was waiting for my train home, when I saw this kid I used to b e f r i e n d s w i t h . I remembered he owed me 10 pounds. So I just asked him for it back. You just asked him politely, did you? At first, yeah. But then he started saying all this stuff about how my friends were trouble and he didn't like any of us. He said he couldn't remember borrowing money from me. He was lying. He got so angry and he looked like he was going to punch me. So I took the knife out of my pocket just to scare him a bit. I wasn't going to hurt him with it. I just wanted my money. What happened next? He started yelling saying that I was going to kill him. I got scared and ran away and that's when the police caught me outside the station. I see, so you did threaten him with a knife. This is very serious indeed. In the light of this information you have given me I would strongly suggest you find legal representation. Can I talk to my uncle private? And can I get a solicitor for free? You can get free legal advice, yes, and I think that's a good idea. We will take a break for the time being. This interview is terminated at 10.43 p.m Translate the sentences: 1. Inginerul care a preluat slujba a fost domnul Jo


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