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One hundredth edition


Xavier University College, Cagayan de Oro City


Cagayan de Oro City

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Marketing Associate: Banehallow

Cover: Photo by Boush Tinker.Deckart/Biological Expressions. C 1909-2009 by

Sand King and the DotA state univesity

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Printed in the Philippines

Library of Congress Catalo Card Number: 0123456789

ISBN: 0-6969-14369-3

1234567-DOW-69 69 69 69
I dedicate this book in memory of my long lost imaginary friend,

Buddy (1992-2009)
About the author

Joeferlo Valcarcel was born in Philippines

and grew up in Cagayan de oro city. He received his
B.Sc. in Chemical Engineering in Xavier University,
Philippines and his M.S in Massachusetts Institute of
technology. After Fininshing his M.S Eng. Valcarcel
served in Ateneo de Manila University as Chemistry
instructor for 3 years.

Eng. Valcarcel received a Nobel Prize

in Chemistry in 2020 for proving the existence of
Adamantium the metals that compose wolverines bones and kryptonite,
the weakness of Superman. In 2033 He received a Nobel Prize in biology
for discovering the Gay Gene.

For relaxation Eng. Valcarcel gambles in casinos and plays


The successful completion of this book is due to the reviewers and symposium
whose comments and suggestions were a great help in preparing this revision.

Jimmy Neutron , Uniersity of RetroVille

Dexter, University of Toonsville

Dr. Drakken,

Dr. Victor Frankenstein ,

Dr. Kamikazi, Uniersity of Harakiri

Mojo Jojo, University of Townsville

Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Uniersity of Dry State Area

Doctor Doom, Uniersity of World Dominatipn

Lex Luthor,University of Imbicils

Kel’thuzad, Universit of the Burning Legion

Dr. Al Bino , university of Lunatics

Anna Sasin, University of Assassins

Bill Ding, University of Paris

Dr. Dan Druff, University of Hair and Make-up

Prof. Dick Head, University of Dickland

I have benefited much from discussion with my colleagues at Xavier

university college and correspondence here and abroad.

It is a pleasure to acknowledge the support given to me by the following

members of IceFox’s college division: BarathrumSpiritbreaker, Black Arachnia ,
Bone Clinkz, Chen, Darchrow. In particular i would like to thank Darkterror for
supervision the production unit under tight schedule, Ezalor , for the book design
Furion for photo research , Gondar for the media and Harbringer , the marketing
manager , for her advice and assistance. Finally, my special thanks to Jah'rakal
,Troll Warlord the development editor for his care and enthusiasm for the project ,
and supervision at every stage if the writing of this edition.

-Joeferlo A.

Chemistry is a fascinating and important subject that is challenging to teach

and even more challenging to learn. Making this complex subject accessible to
students without distortion is the challenging of the chemical educator, especially at
the introductory level. Chemistry for Stupid, 100th Edition, provides an
understandable introduction to chemistry that even a 1 year old could understand.
It emphasizes Conceptual understanding, the importance of models, and thoughtful
problem solving.

Chemical for Stupid is based on my experience at the Xavier University

teaching general chemistry course for chemical sciences majors most especially for
students who are failing the chemistry subject. These students have poor
credentials and meager aptitude for chemistry furthermore have only limited
understanding of the fundamental concepts of chemistry. This is not because they
have inadequate preparation in high school; instead, I believe it results from the
nature of chemistry itself- a subject that requires several passes before real
mastery can take place.

My mission in writing this book as to produce a book that does not assume
that students already know how to think like chemists. These students will do
complicated and rigorous thinking eventually, but they must be brought to the point

In Chemistry for Stupid , 100th edition , I take advantage of the excellent

math skills that these students typically possess. As a result, there are fewer
worked-out examples than would be found in most mainstream books. The end-of-
chapter problems cover a wide range-from drill exercises to difficult problems, some
of which would challenge the average senior chemistry major, thus instructors can
tailor the problem assignments to the level appropriate for students. \

This text maintains a student-friendly approach without patronizing, in

addition to demonstrate the importance of chemistry in real life, I have incorporated
throughout the book a number of applications and recent advances in essay form.

New to this Edition

I continue to be pleased that the previous editions of the text have been well
received. In Response to comments from users, however, we have made some
significant changes for the 100th edition,

• The Art in the text has been extensively modified to provide clearer and more
up to date graphics with particular emphasis on molecular-level illustrations.
• My face on the author’s page has been changed to a more attractive and
pleasing facial features.
• The End –of-chapters problems have been revised and new and problems
added. In particular we have added more challenging problems to each


The first five chapters give a largely macroscopic , phenomenological view of

chemistry. The basic concepts introduced-such as nomenclature , stoichmetry and
thermochemistry-provide necessary background for many of the laboratory
experimentrs usually performed in general chemistry. I believe that an early
introduction to thermochemistry is desirable because do much of our understanding
of chemical processes is based on considerations of energy change.

The next four chapters(chapters 6-9) deal with electronic structure and
bonding. We have largely retained our presentation of atomic orbital. For more
advanced students, Closer look boxes deals with radial probability functions and the
nature of antibonding orbitals. In Chapter 7 we have improves our discussion of
atomic and ionic radii. The focus of the text then changes to the next level of the
organizations of the matter: the states of matter( chapter 10 and 11) and solutions
(Chapter 13). Also included in this section is an applications chapter on the
chemistry of modern materials(Chapter 12), which builds on the students
understanding of chemical bonding and intermolecular interactions.

The next several chapters examine the factors that determine the speed and
extent of chemical reactions; kineticsChapter 14) ,equilibra(chapters 15-17)
thermodynamics(chapter 19) , and electrochemistry (chapter 20). Also in this
section isa chapter on environmental chemistry(chapter 18), in which the concepts
developed in preceding chapters are applied to a discussion of the atmosphere and

After a discussion of nuclear chemistry(Chapter 21) , the final chapters

survey the chemistry of nonmetals , metals,organic chemistry and biochemistry.
(chapters 22-25). Chapter 23 now contains a modern treatment of band structure
and bonding in metals. A brief discussion of lipids has been added to chapter 25.
These final chapters are developed in a parallel fashion and can be treated in any

Advice for learning and studying Chemistry

Learning chemistry requires both the assimilations of many new concepts the
development of analytical skills. In this I have provided you with numerous tools to
help you succed in both. If h you are going to succeed in your course, you will have
to develop a good study habits. Science courses and chemistry in particular, make
difference on your learning skills than other types of courses. The followings tips for
success in study of chemistry.

Don’t fall behind! As your chemistry course moves along, new topics build on
material already presented. If you don’t keep up in your reading and problem
solving, you will find it much harder to follow the lectures and discussions on
current topics. “Cramming” before an exam has been shown to be ineffective way
to study any subject, chemistry included.

Focus on your study. The amount of information you will be expected to learn
can sometimes seem overwhelming. It is essential to recognize those concepts and
skills that are particularly important, Pay attention to what your instructor is
emphasizing. As you work through the sample exercises and homework
assignments, try to ee what general principle and skills the deal with. Use the
WHAT’S AHEAD feature at the beginning of each chapter wo;ll simply not enough for
successful learning of chapter and problem-solving skills. You will need t to go over
assigned materials more than once. Don’t Skip the Give it some thought features ,
sample exercises and practice exercises.


Zumdahl, S. Steven.(2005). Chemical Principles. State University of Chicago.

Chang Raymond.(2008).Chemistry. Boston: State university of Boston

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