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A seventeen year old football player comes off the field after the last play and is complaining of a headache and dizziness. What condition do you expect? What tests will you chose to perform? When will you retest this athlete?

Concussion Cranial nerve assessment, signs and symptoms checklist, BESS/Romberg, check for concentration, memory, delayed recall, orientation, behavior, and ImPACT Retest the day after
(Prentice, 2011, pg 793-796)

Name this skin infection

Molluscum Contagiosum
(Prentice, 2011, pg 875)

Differentiate between an epidural and subdural hematoma by deadliness and definition?

Subdural hematoma is the leading cause of death in athletes, it can be difficult to detect because the low pressure venous blood pools in the sulci/fissures and can leak out for several days before severe signs and symptoms will show Epidural hematoma: A blow to the head or skull fracture that tears the meningeal arties between the skull and the dura mater, resulting in a rapid formation. Subdural hematoma: Results from acceleration/deceleration forces that tear vessels that bridge the dura mater and the pia mater. (Prentice, 2011, pg 802)

How would you differentiate between an epidural and subdural hematoma based on symptoms?

S/S of Epidural: Usually a LOC, then athlete becomes lucid and shows no/few signs of a serious head injury. Symptoms begin to worsen; severe head pain, disoriented, abnormal behavior, dizziness, nausea, dilation of one pupil (most common S/S), and sleepiness. Later stages characterized by deteriorating consciousness, neck rigidity, depression of pulse and respiration, and convulsions. S/S of Subdural: LOC is usually not seen with a subdural hematoma. The patient is generally lucid and may not display any signs or symptoms, or very few. The first set of signs and symptoms are headache, dizziness, nausea, sleepiness, and cloudy consciousness. As the hematoma grows impairment of cognitive, behavioral, and motor ability, and signs of cranial nerve dysfunction will be observed. (Prentice, 2011, pg 802)

Name the eye injuries that are classified as a medical emergency and how you should transport the athlete.

Hyphema, ruptured globe, and detached retina Reclined at a 45 degree angle

(Prentice, 2011, pg 816-817)

What is the name of the condition when the heart goes into cardiac arrest due to blunt impact to the chest?

Commotio Cordis
(Prentice, 2011, pg 842)

A 15 year old baseball player was hit in the thorax by a pitch. You take him to the athletic training room and evaluate him. He has pain with coughing, inhalation, and trunk rotation. What are the possible diagnoses?

Rib contusion, rib fracture, costochondral separation, and costochondral dislocation

(Prentice, 2011,pg 836-838)

A 15 year old baseball player was hit in the thorax by a pitch. You take him to the athletic training room and evaluate him. He has pain with coughing, inhalation, and trunk rotation. What special tests would you perform?

Inspiration/expiration breathing test, lateral and anterior rib compression, posterior rib compression
(Prentice, 2011, pg 836-837)

Evaluate the following condition: An 18 year old womens soccer player comes into the athletic training room complaining of a headache, fever, and muscle aches. She claims it started Saturday morning and it is now Monday. What is your initial diagnosis? What is your differential diagnosis? How will you determine the correct diagnosis?

Flu, meningitis
Flu, meningitis

Kernig-Brudzinski test
(Prentice, 2011, pg 788)

A wrestler comes into the athletic training room complaining of his skin itching on his forearm, the next day small vesicles/pustules form and begin to rupture. What skin infection is this?

(Prentice, 2011, pg 868)

What condition is characterized when arm span is longer than their height, has pectus excavatum or pectus carinatum and is generally thin.

Marfans syndrome
(Prentice, 2011, pg 841)

What are other signs and symptoms of Marfans?

Heart murmur, nearsightedness, tall and slender, flat feet, abnormally curved spine, and a high palate.
(Prentice, 2011, pg 841)

When monitoring an athlete with Marfans syndrome what special considerations are needed?

Be prepared for an aortic rupture or heart valve rupture/dysfunction. Also they are at a higher risk for eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, retinal problems and lens dislocation.
(Prentice, 2011, pg 841)

You are examining a patients lower leg and note erythema, warmth, and tenderness. Upon palpation you find they have groin pain. What is your initial diagnosis?

(Prentice, 2011, pg 859)

Is cellulitis a medical emergency? Is this contagious? What is your next step?

Could be a medical emergency depending on the severity. No it is not contagious. I would have them see a physician immediately or send them to the ER if the condition is severe.
(Prentice, 2011, pg 859)

You and your team finally arrive at your destination after a twelve hour bus ride. A few hours later the basketball coach approaches you and says her calf hurts. She claims she did not injure it. What do you suspect?

Deep Vein Thrombosis

(Starkey, Brown & Ryan, 2010, pg 281)

What special test would you use to diagnose it? Would you want use the special test?

Homans sign, it is contraindicated to palpate when you suspect a DVT because it can dislodge it.
(Starkey, Brown & Ryan, 2010, pg 281)

Is a DVT a medical emergency?

(Starkey, Brown & Ryan, 2010, pg 281)

What conditions can mimic a DVT?

Ruptured popliteal cyst, hematoma, tendinitis, osteoarthritis, sciatica, and cellulitis

(Starkey, Brown & Ryan, 2010, pg 281)

A twelve year old male basketball player comes up to you before practice and says he has been unusually thirsty and frequently urinates. What condition would you expect this athlete has?

(Prentice, 2011, pg 897-898)

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