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Belarusian spy caught in London this week
Ever since the ten years now elected President Tom Smith took ofce things in America have shaped up around his political preferences. The Constitution has now been amended twenty ve times in just ten short years where it was hardly amended seventeen in two-hundred years. Now democracy has been tightened but a lot of the credit to this tightening of rights has to go to surveillance and the strict eye the government has placed on the people in order to protect them from terrorist but as of late it appears to be much more than just terrorist but anyone else outside of the core alliance. The use of in house spies, detectors, and drones has really upped the ante. Be it from the neighbors across the street watching your every move or the occasional drone passing by which light up the sky at night with their infrared Lidar rays. All these advancements in the espionage trade have increased the likelihood of becoming a rioter or political dissenter. And whose to say where that will get you. Many speculate that the rioters are sent to work camps up in New Foundland or the most northern tip of green land where they dig tunnels for secret mines. Others speculate that they are sent to South America where they are forced to clear down forests and eradicate indigenous members of the specic biome. Either way many prominent politicians we had ten years ago are either dead or gone missing. All of this could be coincidence mind you. But in an age of pin point accuracy and megalomaniac decision making it is hard to infer that these governmental dissenters have just vanished by their own doing or that of magic tricks. With war brewing in the east it is important to watch what you say and to maintain an heir of nationalism at all times. The core alliance will always comprehend what the peoples best wishes are. Many people may say that

Espionage is heating up as the core alliance and the rest of the world are on the brink of war. Rights are impinged and democracy does not garner as much power these days.


Many political scholars and activist who fore told these days are no where to be found. Coincidence; or is the government cracking down on dissenters and rioters amongst World War Three.

New Technology Due to the rapid increase in improvements in Lidar Technology drones have now efficiently impacted the spy trade.


that the core alliance has betrayed democracy. But when it is said and done certain rights have to be expunged in order to protect those in need. Ever since the economic collapse in 2020 their has been a perpetual struggle to maintain stability and get by. Now with the eminent war on our hands we can start to cut back on society an our ever gaining population size. With terrorism on the rise and technology growing the fold has been open and now the abyss of chaos has opened. It seems that World War Three is upon us. But one must be ready at all times. This is were surveillance becomes a key player in the game we play here at Imperium. If one sees any nefarious activities then they must report it to the head directories at Imperium control centers. Those that hinder the advancement of Imperium control will either be executed or exiled but regardless of the punishment enacted torture is always the normalcy upon misdemeanors to disobey is belligerent and those that are bellicose are treated in a manner in which they exude.


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