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Project Reference: Title: Timin !

it"in Co#r$e: St%rt &%te: S#'mi$$ion &e%(line:

BTEC Level 3 Diploma in Art and Design (Graphic Design) MOVEMENT INFORMATION GRAPHICS Yr 1, Term 3, !1" "th o# April !1" Development Deadline$ 'inal Deadline$ Assessment Dates$ 1 %&ne !1" (th %&ne !1"

3!th %&ne !1"

Arti$t$ in c"%r e of Project:

)oni A*sdal


Miskin Arts
)nit$: +nit 3$ ,deas and Concepts in Art and Design - In P%rt +nit "$ Comm&nication thro&gh Art and Design +nit "!$ T.pographic and La.o&t Design +nit "/$ Graphic ,mage )a*ing - In P%rt +nit /!$ ,n#ormation Graphics

Rele*%nt &e+%rtment%l Note$: Assessment thro&gho&t this co&rse is essentiall. #ormative0 artists can re1visit criteria to arrive at their #inal assessment grades2 Yo&r personal 3log is regarded as part o# .o&r 4or* and 4ill 3e mar*ed accordingl., alongside .o&r s*etch3oo* E*i(ence$ This 4ill 3e in the #orm o# s*etch3oo* 4or*, #inal o&tcomes, research, photographs, 3log 3oo*s and 4ritten proposals2

Gr%(in criteri%:

5ass 6 )erit 6 Distinction are attaina3le2

En li$" %n( M%t"$: This pro7ect 4ill incl&de #&nctional s*ills in English and )aths2 5lease 3ear in mind .o&r ind&str. re8&ires elo8&ent &se o# English and acc&rate &se o# #ig&res, to 4hich end, the contin&ing development o# these s*ills are #irml. em3edded inside all .o&r 4or*2 Note on co+,ri "t %n( +l% i%ri$m$ This process 4ill re8&ire independent research2 #rom the internet and additional so&rces is not appropriate and violates cop.right and 4ill 3e classed as plagiarism &nless #&ll. annotated and credited2 Yo& m&st ma*e .o&r 4or* .o&r o4n2 9e need to see that .o& have an &nderstanding o# the areas that .o& have researched2 4or* directl. #rom A:Y so&rce 4ill not 3e tolerated2 ,# .o& 8&ote A:Y e;isting material .o& m&st p&t it in 8&otation mar*s and in 3rac*ets, attri3&te the so&rce 6 a&thor2 'or e;ample$ Co+,in i$ c"e%tin -Ro''ie McGo*%n. /012. Mi$3in T"e%tre4 'or a more in depth anal.sis o# 4hat is re8&ired re#er to the A$$e$$ment Criteri% Gri($ on the 'ine Art Blog

Brie# ,<=d 3. )arie )cGovan

)oni A*sdal

Miskin Arts 5RIEF


You are h re! "o #rea"e a $ra%! %& 'a#( a%! )ar(e" %& !e* &%* +or "he )u* #, "hea"re, + ,) or +e*" -a, %!u*"r. or +or a %e/ 'ro!u#", a% e0h $ " o%, a roa! *ho/, a 'o, " #a,, hu)a% "ar a% or e%- ro%)e%"a, or&a% *a" o% e"#. 1Your #ho #e ha* "o $e + #" o%a,, /h #h )ea%* .ou #a%%o" u*e e0 *" %& #, e%"*2 3he% .ou /r "e .our o/% $r e+ .ou #ou,! #hoo*e "o 'ro)o"e "he +o,,o/ %&4 A %e/ ar" *" or a $a%! "ha" are "o ,au%#h "he r !e$u" a,$u) A )u* # +e*" -a, or #o%#er" Lau%#h o+ a %e/ $oo( A %e/ + ,) "o $e ,au%#he! A %e/ ',a. or )u* #a, "o $e ,au%#he! A %e/ 'ro!u#" "o $e ,au%#he! % *ho'* A 'o, " #a,, hu)a% "ar a% or e%- ro%)e%"a, )o-e)e%" / "h a )e**a&e A% e0h $ " o% or o"her e-e%" You are a,*o +ree "o )a(e u' .our o/% You )u*" 'ro!u#e a ,o&o a%! a ) % )u) o+ 5 ! ++ere%" 'ro)o" o%a, "e)* / "h u% 6ue -ar a" o%*. E0a)',e* #ou,! $e 'o*"er, +,.er, ,ea+,e", CD #o-er, DVD #o-er, T7*h r" 'r %", $a%%er, e"#. Ma(e *ure .ou #rea"e a% o$- ou* #o%%e#" o% $e"/ee% "he ,o&o, "he ! ++ere%" 'ro)o" o%a, "e)* a%! "he *".,e % /h #h .ou "h %( "he #, e%" / ,, 're+er "o $e 'ro)o"e!. Th * )ea%* .ou a,*o / ,, !e# !e /ho "he )a % "ar&e" &rou' / ,, $e.

Brie# ,<=d 3. )arie )cGovan

)oni A*sdal

Miskin Arts
NOTE THE FOLLO3ING8 You #a%%o" u*e a%. &rou'*, $a%!*, a#"or*, )a&e* or #hara#"er* "ha" a,rea!. e0 *". A,, ' #"ure*, 'ho"o*, &ra'h #* a%! ar"/or( )u*" $e #rea"e! $. .ou, +ro) *#ra"#h. Ma(e *ure .ou /r "e &oo! a%a,.* * a+"er .ou ha-e ".'e! u' .our o/% $r e+. Re*ear#h * )'or"a%" *o .ou &e%era"e 9&e%era,: %+or)a" o% a$ou" $ra%! %&, ,o&o*, ,a.ou", ".'o&ra'h., )a&e )a( %&, %+or)a" o% &ra'h #* a%! rea!. +or 'r %" !e* &%*. Th * 'ro;e#" * a,, a$ou" MOVEMENT I"<* u' "o .ou "o %"e&ra"e "he "he)e %"o .our !e* &%* a%! !o#u)e%" "he -a,ue o+ " "hrou&hou". Mo-e)e%" #ou,! )ea% e6ua, ". a%! ! -er* "..

T%$3$6 Ple%$e #$e t%$3 ri($ for more (et%ile( (e$cri+tion$

T%$3 1 T,+o r%+", %n( 7%,o#t Re$e%rc"

In*e$ti %te conventions &sed in l%,o#t e;amples o# others -)nit 80: P14 Com+%re %n( e*%l#%te a variet. o# l%,o#t e;amples -)nit 80: M14 In(e+en(entl, $elect %n( e*%l#%te 4or* and sho4 ho4 the. inspire to ,o#r o!n i(e%$ -)nit 806 &14 In*e$ti %te terminolog. &sed in t,+o r%+"ic design -)nit 80: P/4 Descri3e and sho4 a deeper &nderstanding o# t,+o r%+", and the me$$% e the. send -)nit 80: M/4 E9+l%in 4hat the terminologies in l%,o#t %n( t,+o r%+", act&all. mean -)nit 806 P2. P84

T%$3 / Comm#nic%tion in Art %n( &e$i n Re$e%rc" the &se o# media, materials and processes &sed in others 4or* to e;press a partic&lar meaning or idea2 >ho4 evidence that .o& are a3le to &se vis&al lang&age -)nit 8: P1. P/4 E*%l#%te .o&r #indings in 51 and create .o&r o4n e;amples 4here .o& incorporate )?<E)E:T -)nit 8: M14 T%$3 2 Inform%tion Gr%+"ic$ Re$e%rc" Collect %n( In*e$ti %te #l.ers, posters, maga@ine la.o&ts etc2 ,magine 4hat 3rie#s the designers here have 3een 4or*ing #rom -)nit 8: P1. P/4 Effecti*el, %n%l,$e 4hat the 3rie#s 4o&ld have so&nded li*e -)nit :0: M14 In(e+en(ent case st&dies o# 'rief$ -)nit :0: &24

T%$3 8 I(e%$ %n( Conce+t$ in Art %n( &e$i n and Gr%+"ic Im% e M%3in Chec* the tas* grids and see 4hich ones .o& have alread. done and 4hich ones .o& need to carr. o&t Depending on .o&r o4n progress and choices .o& can p&t these tas*s in 3et4een the relevant areas in the design process2

Brie# ,<=d 3. )arie )cGovan

)oni A*sdal

Miskin Arts
Per$on%l ;to (o< li$t from )nit 2 %n( )nit 8::

T%$3 : &e*elo+ment$ Ste+ 1 %n( Ste+ / in t"e (e$i n +roce$$ =rite ,o# o!n &e$i n 5rief 3ased on the restrictions given and the Theme .o& need to #oc&s on 9rite An%l,$i$ o# .o&r Brie# 1 +se help sheet provided (T&m3lr) to g&ide .o& to a good anal.sis )a*e s&re .o& esta3lish 4ho the client is and 4hat ideolog. the. stand #or2 Also esta3lish 4ho the target gro&p 4ill 3e2 Yo& then also need to consider 4hich st.ling aesthetics .o& can imagine 4o&ld 4or* 4ell to achieve the highest response #rom the target gro&p2 Descri3e 4a.s that .o& can &se graphic media to comm&nicate ideas and meanings, relate to )?<E)E:T -)nit 8: P8. P8. M/4 Comm&nicate .o&r intended meaning and message in an independent and imaginative 4a. related to the Theme )?<E)E:T - imaginative &se o# lang&age 4ill 3e re4arded -)nit 8: &14 +se the ,dea Generating and Creative thin*ing processes .o& have learned to develop ideas, start o## 4ith s*etches and, mood 3oards and mind maps etc2 +se st&dio art tools and digital tools -)nit :0: P/4 &e*elo+ (i*er$e in(i*i(#%l ideas into e##ective promotional, in#ormation graphic designs -)nit :0: M/4-)nit 80: M24 T%$3 > Fin%l O#tcome$. Pre$ent. &i$+l%, %n( E*%l#%te +se .o&r o4n hand made art4or*, photograph., scans, so#t4are etc2 to create .o&r o4n promotional items and re*ie! .o&r o&tcomes -)nit 80: P:. P>4-)nit :0: P24 Create and present .o&r effecti*e %n( (i*er$e o&tcomes 4ith alternatives, and e*%l#%te on the 3asis o# effecti*ene$$ -)nit 80: M84-)nit :0: M24 Pro(#ce. +re$ent %n( e*%l#%te e9citin #inal promotional items that sho4s inno*%ti*e %n( cre%ti*e la.o&t and t.pograph. and in#ormation graphics terminolog. -)nit 80: &/. &24-)nit :0: &/4

Brie# ,<=d 3. )arie )cGovan

)oni A*sdal

Miskin Arts
Glo$$%r, of term$:
AE>TAET,C$ Descri3es 4hat an art piece loo*s li*e2 'or this .o& can &se vis&al lang&age, #ormal elements2 ,t can also descri3e 4hether the art piece is 3ea&ti#&l or not BB,E'$ The act&al directions .o& receive #rom a real client in the ind&str.2 Aere it is more e;tensive and contains the 4hole la. o&t o# the pro7ect .o& are to carr. o&t TY5?GBA5AY$ and #onts LAY?+T$ Ao4 te;t and photos are organised on a page C?:CE5T$ An idea CBEAT,<E TA,:C,:G$ 'ree, >tr&ct&red, <is&al, >erial and Lateral thin*ing st.les C?:TEDT6 C?:TEDT+AL$ The lin* 3et4een historical and contemporar. movements and .o&r o4n ideas C?:TE)5?BABY$ Time period incl&ding the present time and goes 3ac* to middle o# the !th Cent&r. A:ALY>,> ?' A BB,E'$ Brea*ing do4n in#ormation and consider the vario&s possi3ilities and constraints C+LT+BE$ C&stoms, 3elie#s or social 3ehavio&rs o# a partic&lar gro&p, in a given place or time ED5EB,)E:TAT,?:$ To tr. o&t ne4 ideas 3. &sing a range o# materials, techni8&es, tools and processes ED5L?BE$ To in8&ire, research, tr. and disc&ss a s&37ect in detail ,:DE5E:DE:CE$ To sho4 a level o# creative practice and thin*ing 4itho&t the constant instr&ction o# others ,:'?B)ED$ To have #acts and in#ormation (research) that s&pports .o&r ideas and concepts2 ,:>5,BAT,?:$ >omeone or something that #eeds .o&r creativit. the drive to realise .o&r o4n ideas BE',:E)E:T$ >mall and contin&o&s changes that 3oth develop E improve the overall res&lt o# .o&r art4or*

="en ,o# $#cce$$f#ll, com+lete t"i$ +roject ,o# !ill: Brie# ,<=d 3. )arie )cGovan

)oni A*sdal

Miskin Arts
)NIT 2: I&EAS AN& CONCEPTS IN ART AN& &ESIGN T"i$ )nit %im$ to 'ro%(en %n( (ee+en le%rner$< $3ill$. 3no!le( e %n( #n(er$t%n(in of cre%ti*e t"in3in %cro$$ contem+or%r, %n( "i$toric%l %rt %n( (e$i n. in or(er to inform t"eir o!n +r%ctice 12 )n(er$t%n( "o! i(e%$ %n( conce+t$ inform %rt %n( (e$i n !or3 /? @no! "o! to ener%te i(e%$ 2? 5e %'le to ener%te %n( refine i(e%$ in re$+on$e to % i*en 'rief 8? 5e %'le to comm#nic%te %n( +re$ent i(e%$ %n( o#tcome$ to (ifferent %#(ience$ )NIT 86 COMM)NICATION THRO)GH ART AN& &ESIGN T"i$ #nit %im$ to (e*elo+ t"e 're%(t" %n( (e+t" of le%rner$< 3no!le( e %n( #n(er$t%n(in of %n( $3ill$ in comm#nic%tion t"ro# " %rt %n( (e$i n? 7e%rner$ !ill %c"ie*e t"i$ ', $t#(,in "o! +r%ctitioner$ #$e +rim%ril, *i$#%l im% er, to comm#nic%te i(e%$. me$$% e$ %n( me%nin %n( t"en %++l,in fin(in $ to t"eir o!n i(e%$? 12 )n(er$t%n( "o! me(i%. m%teri%l$ %n( +roce$$e$ %re #$e( in ot"er$ !or3 to con*e, i(e%$ %n( me%nin /? 5e %'le to (e*elo+ *i$#%l l%n #% e 2? @no! "o! %rt %n( (e$i n i$ #$e( to comm#nic%te i(e%$ %n( me%nin 8? 5e %'le to comm#nic%te ', #$in t"e l%n #% e of %rt %n( (e$i n )NIT 806 TAPOGRAPHIC AN& 7AAO)T &ESIGN T"i$ )nit %im$ to (e*elo+ t"e $3ill$ %n( 3no!le( e %n( #n(er$t%n(in nee(e( to (e$i n effecti*e %n( cre%ti*e +% e l%,o#t $ol#tion$ #$in t,+o r%+",. +% e l%,o#t con*ention$ %n( (e$3to+ +#'li$"in com+#ter %++lic%tion$ 1? )n(er$t%n( t,+o r%+"ic %n( l%,o#t con*ention$ #$e( in t"e !or3 of ot"er$ /? @no! terminolo , #$e( !it"in t,+o r%+"ic %n( l%,o#t (e$i n 2? 5e %'le to #$e com+#ter$ %n( ot"er me(i% to (e*elo+ t,+o r%+"ic %n( l%,o#t (e$i n$ 8? 5e %'le to e*%l#%te o!n t,+o r%+"ic %n( l%,o#t (e$i n$ )NIT 8:: GRAPHIC IMAGE MA@ING T"e %im of t"i$ #nit i$ to (e*elo+ le%rner$< 3no!le( e %n( $3ill$ #$in r%+"ic im% er, in % *%riet, of $it#%tion$? T"e, !ill le%rn $3ill$ 'ot" in tr%(ition%l %n( (i it%l me(i% to (e*elo+ t"eir cre%ti*e r%+"ic im% e m%3in $3ill$ %n( tec"niB#e$ 12 @no! %'o#t r%+"ic im% e m%3in /? 5e %'le to (e*elo+ i(e%$ for r%+"ic im% e m%3in 2? 5e %'le to #$e me(i% $%fel, to +ro(#ce r%+"ic im% e o#tcome$ 8? 5e %'le to +re$ent o!n (e$i n o#tcome$ % %in$t % i*en t"eme or %$$i nment 'rief )NIT :0: INFORMATION GRAPHICS T"e %im of t"e #nit i$ to en%'le le%rner$ to (e*elo+ t"e tec"nic%l %n( cre%ti*e $3ill$ nee(e( to +ro(#ce inform%tion r%+"ic$ 1? 5e %'le to in*e$ti %te inform%tion r%+"ic$ /? 5e %'le to (e*elo+ i(e%$ to!%r($ inform%tion r%+"ic$ o#tcome$ 2? 5e %'le to +re$ent fin%l (e$i n$ for inform%tion r%+"ic$ %++lic%tion$

Brie# ,<=d 3. )arie )cGovan

)oni A*sdal

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