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Comm Tech gr. 10 unit 1 class notes.

Exposure When using a manual camera, you are responsible for setting the correct aperture and shutter speed to create the proper exposure. Exposure: The amount of time film is exposed to light. - Too much light makes an over-exposed picture. It will look washed out and light. ot enough light will create an under-exposed light will create an underexposed picture. It will look really dark with not much detail. To take a good picture, you must find the correct exposure using your light meter. !ou set the exposure by choose your aperture and shutter. Aperture Aperture: The si"e of the opening on the lens. - #perture is measured in f-stops. - # small aperture f-stop number $f-%.&' gives you a large aperture opening, which lets in lots of light. - # large aperture f-stop number $f-((' gives you a small aperture opening, which lets in less light. - # lens with small f-stop numbers is a )fast lens* since it can let in more light. Depth of field: The distance between things that appear in focus. - # shallow depth has a blurred background. - # deep depth has a sharp background. There are three ways to control depth of field: %. +ocal length of lens. The shorter the distance from the lens to the film, the greater the depth of field. $"oom in , shallow depth' (. +-stop. # small +-stop number $f- %.&' will give you a shallow depth of field. -epth of field is increased as the lens aperture becomes smaller. $f-((' .. -istance of ob/ects to the lens. -epth of field increased the farther away the sub/ect is from the camera. Shutter speed Shutter: # curtain that opens momentarily to allow light to pass through the lens and hit the film.

0hutter speed is measured in fractions of a second. The shutter speed controls the length of time light hits the film. - 0low shutter increases the length of time and is used in low light. - +ast shutter decreased the length of time and is used in bright light. The speed of the shutter can free"e or blur action. - # fast shutter will free"e action. $sports' - # slow shutter will blur action. $show motion trails' - !ou hand can only hold the camera at shutter speeds of 12s or greater.

How Black and white film works. +ilm is made up of light sensitive materials that react when exposed to light. 3hemicals are then used to develop this reaction. ilm la!ers 44444444444444444444 0upercoat444444444444 5mulsion 4444444444444444444 6ase444444444444444 #nti-curl44444444444 #nti-halation44444444 Emulsion: 0ilver halides in a gelatin solution. The silver halide crystals are the lightsensitive materials that create the photo. Base: The layer the emulsion sits on. Supercoat: # layer that coats and protects the emulsion. Anti"halation: stops light from being reflected from the back of the camera. It is gray and washes away when the film is developed. Anti"curl# 7revents the emulsion from curling. How it works: Whenever light reaches the film and strikes the emulsion, the silver halide crystals inside start to react. The more light that reaches the film, the more the silver halide crystals will react. The greater the reaction, the darker the halide crystals become. 0o8 the more light something is reflecting, the darker it will appear on the negative. That is why a negative is reversed. 5x. # white shirt , more light reflecting , more crystal reaction , dark spot on negative. # dark shirt , less light reflecting , less crystal reaction , light spot on negative.

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