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This is why I don't give you a job

2012.01.06. Jakab Andor I could hire 12 people with 760 net salary, but I don't. I'll tell you why. You could work for y ser!ice pro!ider co pany in a nice office. It's not tele arketin", it's not a sca . You would do serious work that re#uires hi"h skills, $ hours a day, weekdays only. I would e ploy you le"ally, I would pay your ta%es and social security. I could "i!e such a &ob to a do'en people, but I will not, and here I'll e%plain why. I wouldn't hire a wo an. (he reason is !ery si ple) wo en "i!e birth to children. I don't ha!e the ri"ht to ask if she wanted to. If I had the ri"ht, and she answered, she could deliberately decei!e *on't "et e or she could chan"e her ind. with wo en "i!in" birth to children. aternity lea!e, durin" which

e wron", I don't ha!e any proble

(hat's how I was born and that's how

y child was born. I wouldn't hire a wo an

because when she "ets pre"nant, she "oes for + years

I can't fire her. If she wants two children, the !acation is 6 years lon". ,f course, work has to be done, so I would ha!e to hire so ebody who works instead of her while she is whilin" away her lon" holiday years. -ut not only couldn't I fire her while she's away, I couldn't fire her when she co es back either. .o I would ha!e to fire the one who's been workin" instead of her the whole ti e. /hen a wo an co es back fro aternity lea!e, I would be le"ally forced to aternity onths of increase her salary to the present le!el in her position. 0lso, I would be re#uired to "i!e out her nor al !acation days, that she accu ulated durin" her lea!e. /hen she finally co es back to work, she would start with 212 fully paid !acation. I wouldn't hire people o!er 30 either. 4ot that I ha!e any proble with the ost e%perienced professionals. I wouldn't

hire the , because they are soon in the protected a"e. 0nd then I would be trapped

with the , si ilar to the trap with e ployin" wo en. You can't fire people in the protected a"e, so I would ha!e to pay the salary and its total cost e!en if he or she doesn't work well, or at least up to acceptable standards. I couldn't fire the protected e ployee, but so eone would ha!e to do the &ob ri"ht5 so I would ha!e to hire another person. It's all ri"ht with hire the . I would only hire 23130 years old en. e if they're protected, but then I won't

(hey're also risky to hire. .ince I don't ha!e the ri"ht to fire the , if for any reason 6I don't ha!e enou"h inco e, or I don't like how they work7 I want to. (here's a hi"h risk that they will "o to court, and there's a hi"h chance they will win. -ut this risk I would be prepared to handle. You would cost
Your Net Salary: 185 227 322 408 479 570 7 0 950

e 1372.
Your Gross Salary: 238 306 458 612 765 917 1223 1529 My Total Cost: 306 393 589 786 982 1178 1572 1965 State markup: 165% 173% 183% 193% 205% 207% 207! 207%

(his is actual 2011 data fro


salary calculator. 0s you can

see, your 760 salary would cost

y co pany 1372. (he only way this 2% state ake a decent li!in" for less then 760. You y co pany and e!en e. .o, I a

ultiplier could be lower, is if I pay a lower salary. -ut I wouldn't hire you for less oney, because I think you couldn't would beco e depressed, destroy your own life, not willin" to hire anybody for less than this su . It's only 8un"ary that is so fucked up)

(his chart is fro

a *eloitte study. 0s you can see, the state takes away less than ore than 1300,

half of your salary e!erywhere else. It's annoyin" that I pay you better edical care than anybody re"istered with a ini u

but you only recei!e a little less than half of it. 9specially since you will not "et any wa"e inco e.

I would also ha!e to take into consideration that a +3 years old person is entitled 23 days of !acation per year. (his eans 1 e%tra onth where so eone else has to do step in. If I needed 12 peoples' labor, I would ha!e to e ploy 1+ to account for the one who's on !acation at any "i!en ti e. -ut I would still "i!e you a &ob despite e!erythin" stated pre!iously. I a a bra!eheart entrepreneur. 9ntrepreneurs take risks, so I would sell o!e to a rented flat. I would hope that the :0,000 fro y

apart ent and

the sale

will be enou"h. I would launch

y business bra!ely, and if I didn't succeed 6#uite

likely with startups7 I wouldn't be a crybaby. ;y co pany would pro!ide an e%cellent ser!ice, and that's i possible to pro!ide without decent workin" conditions. I would e ploy 1+ people. I would constantly need 12 peoples' work, plus the one who works instead of the one on !acation. 12 people, includin" e, would work in the 13$ s# nicely furbished, and co fortable

office. (his would cost 10 <s# < onth for rent, and +,3 <s# < onth for utility fees, with a total cost of 21++ < onth. (hese would be ,ffice) 2,1++ /a"es) 1+ % 1372 = 20,2+6 ,ther e%penses 6accountin", (otal) 23,627 >retty scary for e!ery work. (he co pany couldn't possibly sell ser!ice in the a!era"e costs, I would need to set ore than 1000 hours < onth of billable y too. In the su onthly bills isn't it? (his is how y inco e. In the "ood uch I would ha!e to pay out onths, and the bad onths arketin", etc.7) +,03$ y onthly e%penses)

onth, re"ardless of

er low season, and before @hrist as when we would do far less

onth. .o to break e!en,

akin" enou"h inco e to co!er

y pricin" at 23,627 < 1000 = 23 < hour. -ut breakin"

e!en isn't enou"h, I would also need so e profit. I a not "reedy, the arket is tou"h too, I would arkup y prices with 20A

profit. (his would increase pay +7 < hour for our ser!ice. Ia not "reedy, and the

y hourly rate to +0, that is pronounced as thirty 6down7, so our custo ers would

9uros plus B0(, +7,3. I would round this su

arket is tou"h too. I would


y prices with 20A

profit. (his would increase pay +7 < hour for our ser!ice.

y hourly rate to +0, that is pronounced as thirty 6down7, so our custo ers would

9uros plus B0(, +7,3. I would round this su

,ut of this +7, 7 would "o directly to the state, +0 would be co pany inco e. I a an opti istic person. ,ur arketin" would kick ass, y plans would work onthly. perfectly, we would succeed at sellin" an a!era"e of 1000 hours of ser!ice -usiness would fly, I would be lucky with all like a char .

y e ployees, e!erybody would work

(his would "enerate 1000 % +0 = +0,000 co pany inco e.

2,+7+ would be profit. I could pay 2,226 "ross salary to

yself, that would cost

y co pany +,122. ,ut of that, 1,321 would be of what y e ployees

y net salary, al ost the double ake 1,22: profit before

ake, and the co pany would

ta%ation. ,ut of the co pany profit, I would pay 122 corporate ta%, and the local business ta%, 2A of co pany inco e, which is 600. 0t the end, the co pany would ha!e 307 per .o I would onth left in its bank account to keep. onth, but don't for"et, that I sold y :0,000 odest life,

ake 1,321 per

apart ent, and I in!ested it in the co pany. .o I would ha!e to rent a flat for at least +00, otherwise I would beco e ho eless. I would li!e a wouldn't spend a lot, and ti e to spend day, e!en on the weekends. (his way I could sa!e :00 per 100 co pany, so I could buy onth, so y :0,000 in!est ent would return in oney that I in!ested in the then on I wouldn't ha!e y wife would also ake uch, because unlike oney. I wouldn't e!en ha!e the

y e ployees, I would work 12 hours e!ery

onths. It would take : years to reco!er the

yself an apart ent a"ain. Cro

to li!e on a ti"ht bud"et, I wouldn't ha!e to pay rents, and wouldn't ha!e to sa!e either. I would li!e like a 9uropean. Dnder these circu stances 1 I hope it's understandable 1 I don't feel a stron" ur"e to sell y apart ent and in!est the oney into a new co pany.

-ut for 2 reasons I will definitely not do it. 1. (he co petition sells the sa e ser!ice, ille"ally, under really crappy circu stances, char"in" only : per hour. (hey si ply pocket the oney, without e!en issuin" an in!oice5 it doesn't e!en include the B0(. (hey don't ha!e to take any responsibility, there are no warranties, they officially don't do anythin", there's not e!en an official, le"al trace of their e%istence. (hey don't ha!e to rent an office, hire an accountant. -y doin" this 3 hours a day, they can easily iddle fin"ers to ake 1,000. (hey would point their y 760 &ob offer, where they wouldn't be allowed to do

crappy work, but show up on ti e e!ery day and the custo ers, and if they did, they would be fired.
2. (he co petition would do s ear ca pai"ns a"ainst

eet !ery hi"h

professional standards in their work. (hey wouldn't be allowed to defraud y co pany. I


ha!e to face anti1capitalist propa"anda, I would be seen as a

"reedy asshole who char"es +7 for what others char"e :, I would be an ene y of the nice 8un"arian people, while others work honestly for a fraction of +. ;any of y price... y e ployees would only co e to work for e to learn y y clients. (hey would lure the away by

business secrets and to steal

lyin" that they will "et the sa e !alue and #uality of ser!ice, but at a fraction of the price. 0fter they stole enou"h clients, they would deliberately cause a "reat deal of har and they would win the case. In the for the stolen clientele, that has cost to y co pany to "et the sel!es ille"ally, fired. (hen they would then "o to court, statin" that I fired the

eanti e, they would happily work e a fortune to build up. 0nd, of y co pany, they know

course, they would be offended. (hey would tru pet on all kind of foru s, tellin" e!eryone they ha!e worked for what they're talkin" about. 4ot only is #uality is a piece of crap too. 2. @o plainin" about all this wouldn't help, no one would "i!e a flyin" fuck. .o this is basically why I don't "i!e anyone a &ob. 0nd I think a lot of other entrepreneurs who ha!e e%perienced startin" a business, will also not "i!e &obs because of these issues. 0nd this is why fewer and fewer thin"s, which there's less state the for ore and ore people are &obless, who buy eans they pay less B0(. 0nd this is why there are y ser!ice !ery e%pensi!e, but the

fewer and fewer decent co panies, who hire less e ployees, who pay less ta%es, so oney for social aids, and this is why social aid is about to co e in of concentration ca ps.

I will only "i!e you a &ob if) 1. I can fire you, when and if I want to. 2. If B0( "oes down to at ost 20A, but better yet 13A.

+. If the state takes away EonlyE +0A of your


2. If hi"her inco e is not e%ponentially punished. 3. If the state punishes corruption instead of decent co panies. Dntil these thin"s chan"e, I won't "i!e a &ob. Dntil the state ferrets out corruption in e!ery possible aspect, I won't start a business, and I won't create &obs.

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