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Foreseeing Ingents Males

If because of my announced immolation or attack monopolyst-imperialist-cratist of USA discriminatory mega organized mafia (victimizer 99 of its people! including my family! M"#$U#%S and I& I 'appen unfortunately some deadly or 'armful during or after my campaign of den(ounces! la)suits and protests to t'e U*! 'ave decided to appropriate t'ose )'o )is' to communicate+ ,& -iving or receiving reports by p'one to any of my family follo)ing+

Felicia! my mot'er+ ./0 1/0 2900 Mart'a! t'e mot'er of my c'ildren+ .,3 /24 /,49 Mileidy! my oldest daug'ter+ .,3 /24 3030 Madelin! my ot'er daug'ter+ /32 .51 1550 Alberto! my son+ /32 31/ 9305
2& 6rovide certain persons and7or accredited institutions ((ournalists! la)yers! politicians! )riters! etc8&8 Some'o) participation to fulfill my 9ast :ill 8 ;ollaborating and spreading t'e legacy of pentalogy M" #$U#%S8 ;ompleted at least in #ome I! <$ISM<9<-=A> but in t'e ot'er four unfinis'ed #omes8 Also e?posed 'undreds of my articles publis'ed8 @specially graduates+ a& 9uis Alberto 6ita Santos #estament8 'ttp+77es8scribd8com7doc72,9/,92197#estamento-de-9uisb& My 9ast :ill8 'ttp+77es8scribd8com7doc7,/032025,7Mi-Ultima-Aoluntad 3& 6rovide t'e ability to kno) t'e life and )ork of t'e aut'or of M" #$U#%S story told over 0444 documents ()ritings and p'otos&8 :'ose files and pass)ords I confided some of my family8 ;<*;9UBI*-8 My program accusatory actions! plaintiffs and contestatary to defend %uman $ig'ts to t'e U* violated by t'at discriminatory criminal mafia USA and deserve my victory )it' t'e risk of losing my life! are summarized in t'e follo)ing summary+ , - ;omplaint and *otice to <%;%$8
'ttp+77)))8scribd8com7doc72,3/2..227;laim-and-*otice-to-<%;%$CsecretDpass)ordEz1/b1?k/0ygvemry(rk Alberto-6ita-Santos

2 - #'e U* Makes Fustice or Me 9ive Gurn8


3 - If t'e U* does not do (ustice not finis' M" #$U#%S8


1 - I )ill go to t'e U* and I )ill make 'istory8


5 - $outing 6lan my 6eregrinato in *e) "ork8 0 - ;laims Signs t'e U*+


a& 'ttp+77es8scribd8com7doc72,9/29,907;artel-de-$eclamo-a-9a-<nu b& 'ttp+77es8scribd8com7doc72,9/.3,157;artel-de-$eclamo-a-9a-<nu . - Foreseeing Ingents Males8 Ate8

Signed by 9uHs Alberto 6ita Santos

In %ouston! April 21! 24,1 $eady for my campaign against t'e U* 'eadIuarters! if not kill me before8 University 6rofessor of %istory and 6olitical @conomy8 Scientific! 'euristic and director entrepreneur of M"#$U#%S8 ;andidate for *obel 9iterature 6rize8 %istorical 6resident of AB@6<s (Befense Association of 6olitical $ig'ts and 6opular Bemocratic Alliance&8 ;uban! Spanis' national and a permanent resident of t'e United States8 For my 'uman rig'ts activism subscribed by t'e *U defense )as a victim of kidnapping! torture and banis'ment by t'e imperialists of ;uba! and kidnapped! tortured and punis'ed to indigence by US imperialists for t'e purpose of murder8 5155 #imber ;reek 6lace Brive8 Apt ,4, %ouston! #e?as ..4/1 Mobile 6'one *o+ 2/, .41 3,45 mvlapsJgmail8com! misverdadesJgmail8com! misverdades0Jgmail8com! lapsmisverdadesJgmail8com! pitamisverdadesJgmail8com! misverdades1Jya'oo8com 'ttps+77sites8google8com7site7misverdades57 'ttp+77mipagina8univision8com7luisalbertopitasantos 'ttps+77plus8google8com7u747,,1.,2/3.,141,00035,.7posts 'ttps+77plus8google8com7u747,,1.,2/3.,141,00035,.7posts -oogleK 'ttps+77plus8google8com7,,1.,2/3.,141,000358 Scribd )))8scribd8com7lsantosD/251.. Facebook )))8facebook8com7luis8a8santos89/ 'ttps+77commons8)ikimedia8org7)iki7User+9uisDAlbertoD6itaDSantos 'ttp+77)))8calameo8com7subscriptions7339541, 6ublis'ed on Scribd! Facebook! #)itter! 9inkedin! -oogleK -oogleK and ;alameo8com88 Also sent to more 5!444 recipients of emails8

#'e imperialist monopolies! first t'e US! are guilty of causing t'e social ills of t'e )orld today8 LI )ill persist my activity pro $eforms! @ducation and 6rotection of %uman $ig'ts> opposed to t'e super masters parasites oligarc's! conspirators )it' t'e leaders abusers! corrupt and impunity of ;uba! t'e U8S8 and any international institution8 Alt'oug' suc' perpetrators continue t'eir retaliations more damage to my being! my family and M"#$U#%S! and more suffering! )it'out ruling out my murder8

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