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Sanctification - How God Makes Us Holy By Martha Peace

The Bible teaches us that when God saves someone, he cleanses them from their sin past sin, present sin, and future sin as the Lord Jesus Christ bore our sins in His body on the cross !" #eter $%$&'( Thus be)ins a transformation of our life from dar*ness to li)ht( This transformation was set in place by God in eternity past and will end ultimately when He )ives us a new, sinless body in heaven( +criptures call this process sanctification( +anctification is defined as the continuin) wor* of God in the life of the believer, ma*in) him or her actually holy(i The basic idea is to set apart or consecrate( The root word for sanctification in the Gree* is hagios which means to be holy( There are three aspects or phases of God sanctifyin) us(
"( Positional Sanctification% ,ou are placed in ri)hteous standin) with

God at the moment of your salvation(

a( -hen the .postle #aul was converted to Christianity, Jesus

spo*e directly to him and told #aul that he was to )o to the Gentiles and preach the )ospel( b( .ccordin) to .cts $/%"0, the new converts would be turned from 111111111111 to 1111111111 and from 1111111111 to 11111111111( They would also receive 11111111111 from sin( How, then, would they be sanctified2 111111111111111111111 c( .ccordin) to " #eter "%$, which member of the Trinity is the a)ent of positional sanctification2 The 3ather, the +on, or the Holy +pirit2 This be)innin) process of ma*in) us holy as He is holy is a "445 wor* of God, a supernatural miracle of God6s )race and mercy(
$( Progressive Sanctification% This aspect of +anctification be)ins at the

moment God saves you and pro)resses throu)hout the rest of your life( 7t is a life8lon) process of bein) transformed into more of Christ6s ima)e( ,ou will still sin, but it should be less and less as you mature as a Christian(

a( #ro)ressive sanctification is a wor* of God helpin) and

convictin) you and, at the same time, your responsibility to discipline yourself( b( 9omans 0%$08$: has a clear and ma)nificent promise( 7n that promise, what has God predestined to conform you to2 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111( c( " Timothy &%; tells you to train yourself for 111111111111111( d( " Timothy &%0 compares the benefits of physical e<ercise and )odliness( -hat is the difference2 +o, this second aspect of sanctification is a wor* of God !to )ive you )race' and your responsibility to wor* at renewin) your mind and pursuin) Christli*eness(
=( Perfection% This aspect of sanctification happens when we )o to

heaven to be the Lord( Then, we will never sin a)ain and we will worship Him with a truly pure heart( -hen a Christian dies, their body )oes into the )rave and their soul )oes to be with the Lord( .t some point in time later, their bodies will be raised from the dead and chan)ed into a body that will never )et sic* or die or sin a)ain( God will, then, reunite our resurrection body with our soul(
a( 9ead " Corinthians ">%>$ to see how ?uic*ly this happens( b( .ccordin) to " Corinthians ">%&$8&&, what are the differences

between how the physical body is buried !some versions of the bible use the word sown ' and raised !resurrected '2 This last aspect of sanctification is a "445 wor* of God( -hen God sanctifies you, He ma*es you holy by cleansin) you from your sin and placin) you in supernatural union with Him( 3rom that point8in8time until you )o to be with the Lord, He wor*s in your life to convict you of sin and mature you into Christli*eness never sinless perfection in this life but definite pro)ress as the Lord )ive you )race to @ discipline yourself for the purpose of )odliness !" Timothy &%;'( Then will come the )lorious day

when you )o to be with the Lord in heaven and eventually will receive your then8)lorified body bac* from the )race( Ap to now, we have only studied about bein) holy in )eneral terms( +o, 7 want you to study further what true holiness loo*s li*e in a Christian6s life( Biblical Principles on True Holiness BThe followin) biblical principles on true holiness were adapted for use from #astor -alter Carshall6s boo*, The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification(Dii
#rayerfully read each one carefully( 9ead the +cripture references and thin* about them as they related to

the principle( Circle the ones that you *now you stru))le with( 7n those areas in which you *now you need help, as* God to help you and mold you more and more into Christli*eness( -rite out the +criptures that accompany the principles that you circled and review them re)ularly( #erhaps you mi)ht want to place them on inde< cards that are easily carried around(
"( True holiness understands that we are by nature totally powerless and

unable to live a holy and ri)hteous life that God re?uires( 9omans >%"$8$"E Fphesians $%"8=E 9omans 0%;80iii
$( True holiness understands that God will not help you live a holy life

unless you use the means God has )iven you to pursue this holy life salvation and sanctification that will )ive Him all the )lory( $ Timothy $%>iv
=( True holiness is produced in someone who has received from God a

heart that is freely willin) to live a )odly life( Thus, they must fi)ht a)ainst sin and hate it( #salm ":%0 Galatians >%";E #salm =/%&v
&( True holiness is produced in someone who is assured that they are

for)iven and reconciled to God( 9omans &%>8;E John 0%=/E #hilippians $%"=E 9omans0%;80vi

>( True holiness is produced in someone who is assured that God loves


" John &%":E " Timothy "%>(

/( True holiness is produced in someone who has received from God

assurance of a happy, eternal future with the Lord( Hebrews "$%$E "4%=& $ Corinthians &%"/8";E #hilippians =%$48$"vii
;( True holiness is shown in the lives of those who have sufficient

stren)th to will and to do what God Benables andD calls you to do( B,our real )oal is not simply to chan)e some bad habits( ,our real )oal is to put to death your corrupt, sinful desires which )ive rise to those bad habits( .lso, you are called not only to stop fulfillin) your sinful lusts, but also to become filled with holy love and holy desires( Gbeyin) God is Heasy6 and pleasant only if God is at wor* in your heart, empowerin) you to obeyI #hilippians $%"=E 9omans /%$8&viii
0( True holiness means that you have holy thou)hts, motives, and

feelin)s( .cts ">%:E Galatians >%/E Hebrews &%"E Hebrews("$%$0E Hosea =%>( i<
:( True holiness means that you deli)ht in doin) God6s willE you lon) to

do it more than you lon) to do anythin) elseI <

9omans 0%"8&

"4( True holiness means that you love everythin) in himE his Justice, his

holiness, his soverei)n authority, his all8seein) eye( #salm $/%=E #salm ;=%$><i
""( True holiness means that you have a sin)le minded devotion, seein)

God as the fountain of all )oodness( #salm ="%"&E #salm "0%$E 7saiah "$%$E #salm &$%""E #salm ""/%;
"$( True holiness means that you have a real love for God( He is the

)reatest pleasure of your life(

" John >%=<ii

"=( True holiness is shown in the lives of those who avail themselves of

the means of )race Bchurch, the +criptures, communionD realiKin) that these means do not in themselves ma*e you holy( They draw you into deeper fellowship with Christ, the True Line, who makes you holy as you abide in him(<iii $ #eter =%"0

"&( True holiness bases the Christian life upon God6s love for you, and not

upon Byour ability to love GodD le)alism or easy believism( 7t results in%<iv a( 9eJoicin) in the Lord always( #hilippians &%& b( Havin) a hope that does not ma*e you ashamed( 9omans "%"/ c( .c*nowled)in) the Lord as your God and +avior( Titus =%&8; d( #rayin) to the Lord as your 3ather in heaven( Catthew /%:8"= e( Gfferin) up your body and soul as an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord( 9omans "$%"8$ f( Castin) all your care, both body and soul, upon the Lord( " #eter >%/8; )( Havin) contentment and than*s)ivin) in every circumstance( " Thessalonians >%"0 h( Boastin) only in the Lord( " Corinthians "%$/8=" i( Triumphin) in his praise( $ Corinthians $%"& J( 9eJoicin) in tribulation( 9omans >%=8> *( Committin) your soul willin) to God as your redeemer, whenever he will be pleased to call for you( Job ":%$>E #salm ;0%=> l( Lovin) Christ6s second comin), and loo*in) for it as the blessed hope( $ Timothy &%0E James "%"$E James $%>
">( True holiness involves a resolve%<v a( @ to do what Christ and the power of his spirit will be

pleased to wor* in you( #hilippians $%"= b( That trusts Christ to enable you to live far beyond your own natural stren)th, because you have a new nature from Christ( $ Corinthians >%"; c( That does not try to )ain the for)iveness of sins, the favor of God, a new holy nature, spiritual life, or happiness by any wor*s of the moral law@or any reli)ious ritual( Fphesians $%08: d( That does not trust in the actions of their own willBpowerD their purposes, resolutions, and endeavor, instead of upon Christ( #roverbs =%>E $ Corinthians "%:

e( to@continually )o to Christ first, by faith Bas opposed to Just

do it D( Then, you will receive a )ospel motivation to live a holy life( This )ospel motivation will stren)then and empower you to live a holy life( Galatians $%$4 f( @to meditate on the wonderful truths of the )ospel, BandD God will be very lovely to your heart( i( ,ou have fellowship with the 3ather, and with his son Jesus Christ( " John "%= ii( ,ou are the temple of the livin) God( $ Corinthians /%"/ iii( ,ou live by the +pirit( Galatians >%$> iv( ,ou are called to holiness, and created in Christ Jesus to do )ood wor*s( Fphesians $%"4 v( God will sanctify you throu)h and throu)h, and ma*e you perfect in holiness at the very end( " Thessalonians >%$= vi( ,our old man is crucified with Christ, and throu)h him you are dead to sin, and alive to God( .nd, bein) made free from sin, you have become servants of ri)hteousness, and have fruit unto holiness, the end of which is everlastin) life( 9omans /%/,$$ vii( ,ou are dead, and your life is hidden with Christ in God( -hen Christ, who is your life, shall appear, then you shall also appear with him in )lory( Colossians =%=8&
"/( True holiness wor*ed by God in your heart would enable you to

answer ,es to the followin) ?uestions%<vi a( Mo you want to trust in the Lord with all your heart, and cast your cares upon him2 b( Mo you want to )ive all your concerns over to him2 c( Mo you want to be stren)thened to submit to the hand of God, with a Joyful patience, even when you face trouble or death itself2 d( Mo you want to faithfully worship God in the way that he has commanded you to2 e( Mo you believe that you are complete in Christ, and that you have all the spiritual blessin)s in him that you need2 f( Mo you want to confess your sins to God, pray to him, and praise him from your heart for all his )oodness to you2

)( Mo you want to praise God for sufferin) as well as for h(

i( J( *( l( m( n( o(

p( ?( r( s(

prosperity2 Mo you believe that all of God6s ways are mercy and truth to you, whether he chooses to prosper you or ma*e you suffer in this life2 Mo you want to hear and receive the Bible as the -ord of God2 Mo you want to meditate on the -ord with deli)ht2 Mo you believe with assurance that the word of God is the power of God for salvation2 Mo you want to have a pure love toward your brothers in Christ2 Mo you want to live with others in all humility, mee*ness, patience, for)iveness and love2 Mo you want to be free from fleshly and worldly lusts that war a)ainst your soul and hinder you from )odliness2 Mo you trust that God will enable you to do everythin) that is necessary for his )lory and for your eternal salvation2 That he will be very )racious to you2 Mo you see Christ and his )race as the only thin) you really need for your salvation2 Mo you enJoy Christ above everythin) else2 Mo you desire Christ with your whole heart as your only happiness no matter what you mi)ht suffer for his sa*e2 Mo you desire with your whole heart to be delivered from the power and practice of sin, as well as from the wrath of God and the pains of hell2

This study shows you where you fall short of true holiness( Go bac* and review the principles and ?uestions( #ray, as*in) God to further his wor* in you to ma*e you more and more li*e the Lord Jesus Christ all for his )lory( The ne<t study in this series, the #ut8Gff and #ut8Gn Mynamic will tell you how by God6s )race that you can chan)e( .ll of sanctification 88 positional, pro)ressive, and perfection is God6s will for the believer( He will see it throu)h until the end(

7 will leave you with this thou)ht% Blessed be the God and !ather of our "ord #esus $hrist% who has blessed us in $hrist with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places% even as he chose us in hi& before the foundation of the world% that we should be holy and blameless before him' (n love he predestined us for adoption as sons through #esus $hrist% according to the purpose of his will% to the praise of his glorious grace% with which he has blessed us in the Beloved') *phesians +,--.% e&phasis added

i Fric*son, Cillard( Christian Theology !Grand 9apids, C7% Ba*er Boo*s House', p(:/;( ii Carshall, -alter( The Gospel Mystery of Sanctification ( Gri)inal version written in the "/446s, new version in modern Fn)lish by Bruce Cc9ae( !Fu)ene Gre)on% -ipf and +toc* #ublishers, $44>'( iii N7bid, p("0( iv 7bid, p($$( v 7bid, p($;( vi 7bid, p($: vii 7bid, p(=> viii 7bid, p(=; i< 7bid, p("> < 7bid, p("; <i 7bid, p("/ <ii 7bid, p(=4 <iii 7bid, p($$& <iv 7bid, p("&4 <v 7bid, p(";/8";0 <vi 7bid, adapted from pa)es "0& "0; and pa)e $44

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