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Introduction: At Neiman Marcus we meet peoples fashion needs all over the United States.

Our motto is there is more to fashion than meets the eye. We set fashion trend around the world while at the same time maintainin! a focus on not "ust fashion needs #ut also the needs of our community around us. We meet the needs of our !lo#al community #y holdin! fundraisers and campai!ns throu!h our Neiman Marcus $ares foundation. %rom the start our founder Stanley Marcus was a very charita#le man. &t all starts with the story of 'he (lue Wool Suit for the )oor West 'e*as +irl. Mr. Marcus once received a letter from a youn! woman who was movin! to a small town in West 'e*as for a new "o# opportunity. She was "ust out of colle!e and was very an*ious a#out her new "o#. 'he letter reads as follows,
Dear Mr. Marcus, I have just graduated from normal college, and Id like to have a fall suit. I spent all my money getting a diploma. I cannot even make a deposit because my pocketbook is empty and my family hasnt got any cash to spare. Could you possibly send me a suit in dark blue serge in the latest style? Im young, so it shouldnt be old ladyish. !end something "ith a lot of #ip, but not too fussy either.

'o her surprise Mr. Marcus sent her two suits. One livelier than the other and told her to chose the one she li-ed the #est. She returned the other suit #y mail with a than- you letter for Mr. Marcuss !enerosity. She stated the suit was her armor to stand firm a!ainst her fears. 'wenty years after this event a letter was sent to a fashion ma!a.ine retellin! the story of the #lue suit. A copy was sent to our company from the editor alon! with this touchin! statement & -now there are smart merchandisers there people who -now where the #i! money is. (ut & "ust want to tell you that to a poor West 'e*as schoolteacher lon! a!o Neiman/Marcus was a Santa $laus. We have noticed a ma"or pro#lem here in our local 0allas/%ort Worth home #ase and have decided to tac-le it head on. %amilies are facin! a difficult time when tryin! to !et -ids ready to !o #ac- to school. With the rise in e*penses for education some families cannot provide -ids with the ade1uate clothin! needed for school. 'here are more and more people spea-in! out a#out how children are wearin! the same clothin! to school. 2im Noa- a teacher at 3e$reole Middle School has e*perienced seein! her students wear the same clothin! more than once a wee-. Another pro#lem with not havin! a variety of clothin! for school is the #ullyin! that !oes with it. We have a fairly !ood num#er of -ids whose families are still stru!!lin! to ma-e ends meet and & often see -ids wearin! the same "eans or the same '/shirt she said. Middle school can #e pretty #rutal so you want to not #e the -id who comes to school in the same clothin! every day 5olene. 6789:. Other issues that arise with the lac- of clothin! is the climate chan!e. Students clothin! must adapt to the chan!in! weather conditions. 'here are -ids !oin! to school durin! the wintertime with shorts and a t/shirt. ;ere at Neiman Marcus we plan on ma-in! strides not only locally #ut eventually !lo#ally to ma-e our world a more fashiona#le place for all.

Background Accordin! to ;earts and ;ands we#site 6 #illion children suffer from poverty worldwide with 877 to 8<7 million of those -ids livin! in the street. 'he United States is no e*ception to this pro#lem. 'e*as leads the way with one of the worst poverty levels. 'he $ensus (ureau study findin!s in 6788 ran-ed 'e*as as =th hi!hest in the nation with 8>.9 percent 4Anonymous 6788:. %ocusin! on the sample si.e of the city of &rvin! reveals astoundin! num#ers for the prevalent poverty pro#lems in the United States. 'he city has come out to the pu#lic with astonishin! num#ers on the amount of homeless -ids attendin! school. >?@ of the districts enrolled students in 6787 were economically disadvanta!ed closely trailin! ?<@ for the city of 0allas. 4Unmuth 6787:

'here is a total of A6< homeless children enrolled in &rvin! with a steady increasin! num#er of more economically disadvanta!ed students. 'hese children are not as we -now homeless who are livin! in the street. As the 0allas mornin! news writer put it 'heyBre couch/surfin! or movin! from place to place stayin! with friends or relatives or livin! in hotels.4Unmuth 6787: %ortunately the city has received a 8.C million federal stimulus alon! with state funds to provide a rehousin! pro!ram that !ives financial support for families in need of housin!. Nevertheless the statistic of A6< homeless children in &rvin! district is still astoundin!. 5ust #etween the ninth and twelfth !rade there are 86A homeless children. &n addition the amount of homeless students at the end of the 677?/677C school year rose to 8 77A accordin! to the sources from &rvin! &S0 4Unmuth 6787:. 'he only e*ception to this risin! epidemic has #een the %risco &S0.

0allas &S0 had the lar!est percenta!e of students economically disadvanta!ed risin! from >9.<@ in 8CCCD6777 to ?9.7@ 677AD677=. +rand )rairie &S0 and &rvin! &S0 had the second/hi!hest percenta!es of students who are economically disadvanta!ed #oth e*ceedin! the 'e*as avera!e in 677AD677=. $arrolton/%armers (ranch &S0 and Mes1uite &S0 had the lar!est percenta!e/point increases in the percenta!e of students who are economically disadvanta!ed risin! 8C and 67 percenta!e points respectively in > years. Allen &S0 had the lar!est proportional increase with the percenta!e of students who are economically disadvanta!ed nearly triplin! in > years from 9.6@ to 86.=@. (oth )lano &S0 and 3ewisville &S0 saw their percenta!e of students who are economically disadvanta!ed more than dou#le in the > years from 8CCCD6777 to 677AD 677=.

Percentage of students who are economically disadvantaged, Dallas area school districts, 1999-2 ! 1999" 2 " 1 2 1" 2 2 2" # 2 #" $ 2 $" % 2 %" ! Dallas I&D >9.<@ ><.<@ >=.8@ >>.=@ >C.A@ ?8.A@ ?9.7@ 'arland I&D 9<.A@ 99.7@ 9<.?@ 9?.=@ <7.=@ <6.C@ <A.9@ PlanoI&D C.8@ C.A@ 87.<@ 89.A@ 8A.A@ 8=.=@ 67.A@ (ewisvilleI&D C.6@ C.>@ 88.6@ 89.=@ 86.<@ 8C.A@ 67.6@ )es*uite I&D 6C.7@ 6C.8@ 97.C@ 9<.C@ 9>.<@ <9.7@ <?.7@ +ichardsonI&D 99.?@ 9<.=@ 9?.<@ 9C.<@ <8.<@ <A.9@ <C.>@ Irving I&D A9.>@ AA.9@ =8.<@ AC.9@ =8.9@ =A.>@ =?.>@ ,arrollton--B I&D 98.9@ 9=.7@ 9C.>@ <7.9@ <A.A@ <>.<@ A8.8@ 'rand Prairie I&D <<.A@ A7.?@ A<.7@ A?.C@ A>.?@ A6.6@ AC.?@ -risco I&D 86.C@ C.=@ C.6@ C.9@ C.8@ 87.<@ 88.<@ )c.inneyI&D 67.?@ 67.=@ 68.>@ 66.A@ 68.<@ 68.?@ 69.=@ DentonI&D 97.=@ 96.A@ 99.9@ 9=.9@ 9=.=@ 9?.6@ 9>.8@ /llen I&D 9.6@ <.=@ A.>@ =.A@ ?.6@ 87.9@ 86.=@ 012/& <C.7@ <C.9@ A7.A@ A8.C@ A6.?@ A<.=@ AA.=@ Source, 'e*as Education A!ency 4'EA: AE&S reports compiled #y 0allas &ndicators. )overty affects people #y not allowin! them to have day/to/day necessities #ut it also affect people psycholo!ically. Accordin! to a 677< study #y the FAN0 $orporation socioeconomic factors such as family income nei!h#orhood poverty parental education levels and parental occupation are more si!nificant in e*plainin! differences in educational achievement than traditional factors such as race ethnicity and immi!rant status. 4FAN0 677A: 'herefore one of the challen!es is to ta-e care of these pro#lems in our community. (ryn Ecthe pastor of e*ternal ministries for &rvin! (i#le $hurch has #een fi!htin! poverty in &rvin! for many years. $%ne of our challenges is there are all these organi#ations but there&s no collaboration,' he said. 'It&s segmented. (e "ant to bring resources together and add to that.' )*nmuth, +,-,. 'his year in order to continue Neiman Marcus le!acy of reachin! out to our community we plan to colla#orate with some renowned non/profit or!ani.ations li-e (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and the (oys and +irls $lu#s of America to fi!ht a!ainst poverty #y providin! necessary clothin! to -ids. Neiman Marcus aims to increase colla#oration amon! other or!ani.ations and companies to help -ids who are !oin! #ac- to school to do so with confidence allowin! them to achieve academic success. We plan to successfully reach out to our community throu!h many ways. One ma"or way we plan to help these -ids is throu!h our fashion show fundraiser. We plan to invite our most loyal customers for a fun ni!ht of seein! the latest trends while raisin! awareness a#out the lac- of necessary clothin! for the -ids of our society. With the pu#licity that Neiman Marcus will put out re!ardin! our campai!n the fashion show will #e a#le to raise a

si!nificant amount of donations and also syner!y for colla#oration amon! the nonprofit or!ani.ations in 0allas. Some of our future events include a fashion show as well as creatin! a pop/up shop for students who are currently active in the or!ani.ations we have partnered with to come and parta-e in a one of a -ind cost free #ac- to school shoppin! event to help underprivile!ed -ids. Even thou!h there is not a solid statistic for a correlation #etween a lac- of proper clothin! and the academic performance for the students ade1uate necessities in clothin! will !ive students self/ confidence in class. Pro3osal As previously e*plained poverty is a prevalent pro#lem in the 0allas/%ort Worth metrople* affectin! not only the financial and physical well #ein! of the -ids #ut also their academic performance and #ehavior in school. &n order to fi!ht a!ainst poverty and encoura!e students to perform their hi!hest level #y providin! clothin! Neiman Marcus has laid out a plan, %ashion show fundraiser A wee- of 6@ sales proceeds to #e donated

1. %ashion show On 5une 68 678< Neiman Marcus will host a fashion show that features the ne*t seasons latest fashion to our loyal customers. 'he purpose of the show is to raise awareness amon! Neiman Marcus customers a#out the poverty and clothin! needs of the homeless -ids for their #ac-/to/ school shoppin! and eventually raise donations to help these under/privile!ed -ids. A month prior to the event May 68 678< Neiman Marcus will send out emails to our loyal upscale customers as-in! them to attend the fashion show to see the latest clothin! lines from our renowned desi!ners. 'he customers can re!ister and purchase tic-ets for G677 each at the event or from the lin- in their email invitation. 'he event is to ta-e place at the Neiman Marcus fla!ship downtown location from =,77 p.m. to 88,77 p.m. (ecause Neiman Marcus has #een hostin! events li-e this for some time we have contacts and resources from our event coordinators and staff mem#ers who have #een trained for hostin! these types of events. Also our non/profit or!ani.ation partners li-e (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and (oys and +irls $lu#s of America will participate to set up the event and raise awareness for clothin! needs for the -ids !oin! #ac- to school. 'he event will also feature special !uests from the (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and (oys and +irls $lu#s of America to spea- a#out the poverty pro#lem in 0allas. 'heir staff will do a presentation a#out -ids livin! in poverty and how poverty affects their academic performance in school. 'hese or!ani.ations will educate our customers a#out our communitys needs and how they can help these -ids !o #ac- to school confidently. We chose (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and (oys and +irls $lu#s of America #ecause they have had a lon! history of helpin! -ids since the8?=7s and have had success in preparin! -ids to !o #ac-

to school with sufficient supplies and clothin!. More of their credentials and e*pertise are e*plained #elow. 'he revenue and funds for this event will #e raised throu!h our one wee-lon! sales proceeds donations event from 5une 66 to 5uly 7A. &n addition to our donation raised from the fashion show we also will receive unsold -ids clothin! from the Neiman Marcus outlet stores and will #e donatin! them to our to the nonprofit or!ani.ation partners. 'his event is estimated to raise donations from several resources. We are to raise a#out G>A 777 worth of donations from our customers present at the fashion show after informin! them a#out the poverty and status of the underprivile!ed -ids. 'he funds for settin! up the fashion show are supported #y our wee- of 6@ of our !ross profit. We also will raise revenue from sellin! tic-ets to loyal customers and throu!h the advertisement fees from other companies who would li-e to sponsor this event. Most of these revenues will #e donated to (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and (oys and +irls $lu#s who will donate the clothin! to -ids in needs. A small portion of proceeds will #e put #ac- into the 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed %or Success $ampai!n to ensure the proper funds for ne*t years event.

/4out Boys and 'irls ,lu4s of /merica %ounded in 8?=7 (oys H +irls $lu#s of America is a national or!ani.ation with local chapters which provide after/school pro!rams for youn! people. -acts %or more than a century $lu#s have helped put youn! people on the path to !reat futures. (oys H +irls $lu#s annually serve nearly < million youn! people throu!h mem#ership and community outreach in some < 777 $lu# facilities throu!hout the country and (+$A/affiliated Iouth $enters on U.S. military installations worldwide 4(i! (rothers 6789: /4out Big Brothers Big &isters %ounded #y Ernest 2ent $oulter on 8C7< (i! (rothers (i! Sisters of America is a non/profit or!ani.ation whose mission is to help children reach their potential throu!h professionally supported one/to/one relationships with mentors. -acts (i! (rothers (i! Sisters helps at/ris- children #eat the odds. (i! (rothers (i! Sisters is proven #y independent research to improve childrens odds for succeedin! in school #ehavin! nonviolently avoidin! dru!s and alcohol and #rea-in! ne!ative cycles. ;ead1uartered in )hiladelphia and with nearly 9>7 a!encies across the country (i! (rothers (i! Sisters serves a 1uarter of a million children. 4(i! (rothers 6789:

Plan 'ypes of resources the company will provide, 8: %unds, Fevenue will #e raised from several resources a: Sellin! tic-ets to the fashion show #: Advertisement fees from a#out 87 companies participatin! in the %ashion show c: 'wo percent !ross profit proceeds from the 8/wee- sales proceeds campai!n 6: Suppliers, %or the fashion show we need, )rofessional models for this fashion show 3i!htin! en!ineers to ma-e e*cellent effects in the fashion show Ma-e/up artists to help all the models ma-e #eautiful faces Event coordinator to desi!n ma!nificent sta!es and arran!e the shows A#out the event, 'here are many channels that Neiman Marcus is !oin! to use to let the pu#lic -now a#out our or!ani.ation. 'J commercials, several different pu#lic service advertisin!s a#out our campai!n will #e #roadcasted throu!hout different popular 'J channels. )u#lic Felations, Neiman Marcus will use our own pu#lic team to reach out to several #i! desi!ners to see if they would #e interested to "oin our efforts. Advertisements in store, Neiman Marcus will put posters in the store the months that we are runnin! the campai!n. &n the fashion show the donation activity will #e constantly updated on 3$0 screens to create a sense of e*citement and involvement from the crowd. 3O$A'&ON, Neiman Marcus 0owntown 8=8? Main St K6 0owntown 0allas

0A'E AN0 '&ME, Event 0ate, Saturday 5une 68 6789

Fe!istration, =,77 pm/87,77 pm Event 'ime, =,77pm/87,77pm ;ow to re!ister,

Fe!istration can #e done online at www.neimanmarcus.comLfashionshow or at any near#y 0allas Neiman Marcus store #y 5une 67 6789. 'ic-ets can also #e purchased at the fashion show #ut limited tic-ets are availa#le to the pu#lic. 'he price for the tic-et is G677 per each customer )riority re!istration is availa#le for the o )resident $ircle and $hairman $ircle mem#ers throu!h our in/store credit card

Our estimated donation from upscale attendees for the fashion show event. - We #elieve that appro*imately 8A7 customers will attend the fashion show. - We estimate that each customer will donate his or her unused points for an avera!e of GA77 per person. - 'otal estimated amount of donations raised throu!h the credit card points donation pro!ram in the fashion show is G>A 777. 2. $lothin! drive On May 8>th 678< Neiman Marcus will put up -ios-s and donation drive #o*es in every Neiman Marcus store in the 0allas area for a month. 0urin! which customers will #e a#le to see the #anner a#out our pro"ect at the front of the store alon! with information a#out the or!ani.ation and how peoples donations of unwanted and unused clothin! can help -ids !o #acto school confidently and perform well academically. After the donation period Neiman Marcus will donate all of the clothin! to our non/profit or!ani.ation partners who !ive them to the places of needs. Estimates, - 88 stores in 0%W includin! our outlet locations. - At least 8A7 clothin! are e*pected to #e donated from each Neiman Marcus store. - 'herefore 1!% clothin! are provided from this donation drive in our estimates. M(anner information paper a#out the underprivile!ed -ids.

3. )rofit donation %rom 5une 66 to 5uly 7A Neiman Marcus will hold a one/wee- period where 6@ of sales profit will !o toward donatin! clothin! for the -ids !oin! #ac- to school. We will train our employees on how to inform and encoura!e our customers to help fi!ht poverty for -ids that are !oin! #ac- to school. After proceeds are collected we will inform our customers a#out how much is raised and show our !ratitude via email. At the end of the wee- we will collect the money and donate it to our nonprofit or!ani.ation partners who then will in turn donate clothin! to -ids in need. /mount 5$,#$%,#6$, 52,69$,61#, 51,%$6,#$1, 5!$$,62%:$1!6

+evenue ,ost of goods sold 'ross 3rofit 71 year89 'ross 3rofit71 weeks8 99 9 7+evenue-,;'&8 99 7/nnual 'ross 3rofit <$=wks8

9Budget and 3rediction for how much will 4e raised for the cause and in gra3h for how it will overall hel3 the families and 3overty in Dallas in 4ig 3icture: Overall #enefit pro"ected, 'hese three !reat events #y Neiman Marcus will raise awareness in our customers and community for poverty pro#lems that affect -ids !oin! #ac- to school and donations that will help them to perform well in the school. 'he events are pro"ected to raise a#out G>A< <99.66. %ifty percent of the donation raised will !o toward fundin! our fashion show event and other fifty percent which is a#out G9>> 68=.=8 will !o towards the donation to (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and (oys H +irls $lu#s of America. 'he donation amount can #e converted into new clothin! that can help many -ids in the 0allas metrople*. 'he new clothin! will relieve some of the financial #urdens for the low/income families that are plannin! to #uy new clothin! for the -ids !oin! #ac- to school. We #elieve that the new clothin! students wear will help them !ain confidence to perform well academically. 'his is #ecause students wont have to feel discoura!ed a#out their loo- and feel compared with peers. +ood apparel will !ive them confidence to han! out with other -ids in class and therefore will prevent some of social pro#lems that can rise #etween their peers.

0I)1 0/B(1 -;+ -/&>I;? &>;@ 1A1?0 %<1%<2 1$- =< 1<2 1$ %<1%- %<16 1:Planning 1:0alk to the ?eiman )arcus ,1; a4out the 3roBect and discuss whole 3lan and main cam3aigns 2:Pick-u3 date for fashion show, clothing drive 4oCes, 2D gross 3rofit donation: 1:+ecuritment of the staff for the fashion show 2:Put our clothing-drive 4oCes in every ?eiman )arcus store: #:,reate flyer<invitation for the fashion show and give it to the customers of the ?eiman )arcus mem4ers: 1:0rain all the stuff for the fashion show 2:&et-u3 and decorate the show site: 1:/sk other retailers<com3anies to 3ut their ads: In our fashion show 2:+emind our customers a4out the fashion show: #:/dvertise a4out the fashion show, donation event 4y 3utting ad in all the ?eiman )arcus stores: $:+ehearsal 7models8 1:-ashion &how 2:/dvertise the 2D donation event and the selling 0-shirt cam3aign 1: Pick E3 donation clothes from &tores 2:'ive donation to the non-3rofit organiFations #:&end our staffs to the event: $: Donate the 3roceeds to non-3rofit organiFations to 4uy clothing for kids:

%<16- %<29

%<# - !<1

!<11- !<2

!<21<2 1#

6< !- 6<1%

&taffing: %or the fashion show it is essential to recruit the ri!ht personnel. %or this professional fashion show we will need at most <7 to <A volunteers and professional wor-ers. Foles at the event will consist of the admin crew which could #e fulfilled with volunteer and non/s-illed wor-ers the producerLdirector to or!ani.e and run the show desi!ner models dressers floor mana!ers #ac-sta!e mana!ers runners ma-eup and hair stylist and security. Ac1uirin! the ri!ht amount of personnel is very essential for a successful show. Admin $rew, Feceptionist Meet and !reet ;ostess to seat the !uests (o* office Show producerLdirector, 'he producerLdirector of the fashion show will oversee every aspect of the event from its conception to the final presentation o )lan the event o Mana!e and e*ecute the event o Schedule on a #ud!et 0esi!ner, A fashion desi!ner will create clothin! and accessories for the fashion show includin!, o 0resses o Suits o )ants o S-irts o Shoes o 5ewelry Models, Models will display clothin! shoes and accessories for #uyers at the fashion show 0ressers, 'hey prepare outfits for models 'hey also ma-e sure everythin! from accessories to outfits are appropriately assem#led and ready for models to "ump into #efore wal-in! down the runway o )ressin! steamin! and hemmin! clothes are other responsi#ilities for the dressers o 0ressers source clothes and wor- with desi!ners throu!h the development of the focus of the show %loor Mana!er,

'hey will spend a lot of their time on the !round or in the store front meetin! customers and wor-in! with their fellow employees 'hey are responsi#le for, o Servin! customers o $leanin! up store and display area o Supervisin! staff o 0ele!atin! wor-load o Assistin! in other operations (ac-sta!e mana!er, 'heir duties involve a series of administrative artistic technical and mana!ement duties Fesponsi#le for the preparation and performance of the production to ensure that the show runs smoothly and accordin! to the directorBs vision Funners, 4'hey perform all -inds of duties #ac-sta!e at a fashion show: Assi!n a few runners for each of the individual teams such as, o ;air o Ma-eup o 0ressers o Media o Mana!ement )rovide them with cell phones #eepers or wal-ie/tal-ies so that they can communicate with each other. 'he runners can perform all -inds of last/minute and une*pected on/site and off/site errands Ma-eup and ;air Stylists, 4'hese technicians polish up models #efore the fashion show: 'he hair stylin! team ma-es sure each model has hair that ma-es her loo- !or!eous #ut also ensures each hairstyle is within the vision of the event stylist Ma-eup technicians provide sta!e ma-eup support while also coordinatin! the ma-eup with the artistic vision of the creative team Security, Maintain safe environment for customers and all participants )atrol course and monitor the fashion show area for any si!n of intrusion Maintain order and safety

&0/--I?' P(/?




,ost 3er 3erson 3er hour Aolunteers

0otal cost 3er hour 5

/dmin ,rew

+ece3tionist, Eshers, and 0icketing

0he 3roducer<Director of the fashion show will oversee every &how as3ect of the event, from its 3roducer<Director conce3tion to the final 3resentation / fashion stylist will 3ut together &tylist clothing and accessories for the fashion show )odels ;utfit /ssistant )odels will dis3lay clothing, shoes and accessories to 4uyers at the fashion show 0hey hel3 the stylist 3re3are outfits for models 0hey will s3end a lot of their time on the ground or in the store front, meeting customers and working with their fellow em3loyees 0heir duties involve a series of administrative, artistic, technical and management duties

51% <hr





1 #

52%<hour Aolunteers

51 5

-loor )anager



Backstage manager



+unners )akeu3 and >air stylists &ecurity

0hey 3erform all kinds of duties 4ackstage at a fashion show 0hese technicians 3olish u3 models 4efore the fashion show )aintain order and safety 0otal

$ = $ $2

Aolunteers 52 <hr Aolunteers

5 5!$ 5 52 1 :

Budget Income A#out 8 777 of our &n$ircle credit card holders will donate a#out A7 777 points each. A7 777 points e1uals a GA77 donation per credit card holder. 'he total amount of donations throu!h our credit card points donation pro!ram 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success will raise GA77 777.77. %or a wee- of sales revenue 6@ of the sales will #e donated to 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success. Wee-ly sales revenue is G?9 A=< ??A.77 4cite: and 6@ of those sales will #rin! us to 8 =>8 6C>.>7. G8 777.77 t/shirts will #e sold G9A each in total revenue of donations throu!h sellin! t/shirts will #e 9A 777.77. %ashion show tic-ets will #e sold at G677 and only 8A7.77 will #e sold to our top tier clients. At our fashion show other companies can advertise their productLcompany. 'he total of advertisin! income will #e G67 777. 'otal &ncome collected for 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success totaled to G6 6C8 6C>.>7. /0penses %ashion Show 'he fashion show will #e four hours lon!. 'he amounts #ein! shown will #e the num#er of staff times the total of la#or for the four hours and will #rin! us the cost for that department. We will have C volunteers servin! as the administrative crew and 9 volunteers servin! as #ac-sta!e runners at no cost. We will need one show producerLdirector at the cost of G8A7.77 per hour one stylist at the cost of G877.77 per hour 87 models at the cost of G877.77 per hour per model which will total G8 777 per hour one floor mana!er at the cost of G=7.77 per hour one #ac-sta!e mana!er at the cost of G=7.77 per hour and ? ma-eup and hair stylist at the cost of G?7.77 per hour per person which will total G=<7.77 per hour. Our insurance cost will #e GAA7.77. 'he avera!e total cost per hour will #e G6 6=7.77. 0onation $ost We will put a total of 6< -ios-Ldonation #o*es at the store. Each #o* will cost G? with a total G8C6.77 for all 6< #o*es. 'he props for fashion show and throu!h the store will cost GA 777.77. )hysical %acilities We will need 677 chairs for the fashion show. Each chair will have a cost of G8A.77. 'his will leave us with a total cost of G9 777.77 for the 677 chairs. 'he cost for five ta#les will #e G67 each the total cost for the ta#le is G877.77. 'he total cost for food service will #e G6 777.77. Advertisin! cost for 'J commercial will #e GA 777.77. 'he total E*penses for our 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success will #e GA 877. 'he total profits donated will #e G>A< <99.<6.

/uthoriFation (etter 0ear Mr. S-inner, We are a !roup of employees at Neiman Marcus in 0allas 'e*as. We have come to!ether to create the 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success Or!ani.ation. We are writin! you this email #ecause we would li-e you to #e a part of our effort in fi!htin! a!ainst poverty for -ids in our local community in which you have #een the top pioneer amon! other clothin! corporations in 0allas. 'here is a dire need of help for the -ids who are homeless and sufferin! from poverty in 0allas. One in every < children is estimated to #e homeless livin! from house to house. 'hey often find themselves with a lac- of proper clothin!. Most charity !roups donate food and shelter #ut often overloo- the childrens clothin! needs. Our 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success Or!ani.ation has #een wor-in! on a pro"ect to cooperate with local companies to help the underprivile!ed -ids !o #ac- to school with the ade1uate clothin! needed. 'hrou!hout our research we have found Neiman Marcus past events such as the donation pro!ram and luncheon that raised GA77 777 for the -ids last year to #e a !reat success. We #elieve that your cooperation with our !roup pro"ect will #e vital for the -ids who stru!!le to !o #ac- to school without sufficient clothes. &n order to fi!ht a!ainst this pro#lem 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success plans to put on a fashion show to raise awareness #y as-in! our loyal customers to help our efforts in fi!htin! a!ainst poverty. &n addition our !roup plans to donate a certain percenta!e of our sale proceeds durin! a specified period in store and put up a -ios-s with a clothin! drive #o* in every Neiman Marcus location in the 0allas/%ort Worth Metrople*. We also plan to wor- with nonprofit or!ani.ation such as (i! (rothers (i! Sisters and (oys H +irls $lu#s of America to donate effectively to the -ids who are currently involved in these or!ani.ations. We chose these or!ani.ations #ased on their effectiveness on reachin! out the children with the most financial needs. With the help of our dedicated nonprofit or!ani.ation partners li-e (i! #rothers (i! sisters and (oys H +irls $lu#s of America Neiman Marcus and 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success can create a platform for the homeless -ids to have confidence and #ecome successful in school. Our association will !reatly appreciate your approval for this charity campai!n and willin!ness to help the -ids sufferin! from poverty. We would li-e to as- you to #e part of this #eneficial pro"ect. (y acceptin! this proposal we as a company will not only provide the !reatest apparel to the fashion savvy #ut also to the local -ids in need. We would love to share more detailed information on how we will carry out this campai!n alon! with your help. 'han- you.

Sincerely yours 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success Or!ani.ation

&n Witness Whereof the parties a!ree to the proposal re1uest 2eepin! 2ids 0ressed for Success (y,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Name, %lor )ortilloNNNNNNNNNNNNNN 'itle, $ampai!n Mana!erNNNNNNNNNNNN 0ate,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN

Neiman Marcus +roup &nc. (y,NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN Name, 5ames E. S-innerNNNNNNNNNN 'itle, E*ecutive Jice )residentNNNNNN 0ate, NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN



a. Anonymous 0ec 89 6788. Feport says 'e*as Fan-s 9?th &n ;omeless 2ids. C1! D2( local ne"s. Fetrieved from http,LLdfw.c#slocal.comL6788L86L89Lreport/says/te*as/ran-s/9?th/in/ homeless/-idsL #. (i! (rothers (i! Sisters. 46789:. OON3&NEP Fetrieved from, http,LLwww.###s.or!LsiteLc.Ci&3&9N+2h2=%L#.AC=699AL-.(E8=L;ome.htm. O3ast visited 0ecem#er < 6789P. c. +arrett '. Fo#ert Sept 8> 6787. 'e*as see-s answers to risin! poverty rate. Dallas Morning 3e"s. Fetrieved from www.dallasnews.comLnewsLcommunity/newsLprosper headlinesL67877C8>/'e*as/see-s/answers/to/risin!/poverty/C?C<.ece d. )rivate $ompany %inancial &ntelli!ence. 46789: 3eiman Marcus 4roups, Inc. Fetrieved from, http,LLwww.privco.comLprivate/companyLthe/neiman/marcus/!roup/inc e. 'he Fand $orporation reports compiled #y 0allas indicator4677A:. /0amining 4aps in Mathematics 5chievement among racial ethnic groups. Fetrieved from http,LLwww.dallasindicators.comL)ortalsL?LFeportsLFeportsNE*ternalLFAN0Ne*aminin!N!aps.pd f f. 'e*as Education A!ency 4'EA: AE&S reports compiled #y 0allas &ndicators 4677>:. 6ercentage of /conomically disadvantaged students, largest Dallas area district, -777 +,,, through +,,8 +,,9. Fetrieved from http,LLwww.dallasindicators.or!LEducationLE1uityinEducationLEconomicallydisadvanta!edstuden tsLta#idLA<=Llan!ua!eLen/USL0efault.asp* !. Unmuth 3. 2atherine 5anuary 98 6787. &rvin! school officials worry a#out homeless students. Dallas Morning 3e"s. Fetrieved from htt3:<<www:dallasnews:com<news<education<headlines<2 1 1#1-Irving-schoolofficials-worry-a4out-homeless-!291:ece


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