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Two experiments can be carried out to determine the empirical formula of oxides of metal (a) Reducing a known mass

of the metal oxide in hydrogen gas (for less reactive metal : Cu, b, !n) "etal oxide # $ydrogen gas metal # water

%xample: Copper oxide # hydrogen copper # water Cu& # $' Cu # $' &
Copper oxide #histle funnel Burning of excess H2 gas (blue flame) Combustion tube Heating Anhydrous calcium chloride to dry $orcelain dish

Zn + H2 !"

the H2 gas

(ctivity )*+ (im: (pparatus "aterials rocedure

recautions ,* ass $ydrogen gas through the combustion tube for a few minutes before the copper oxide is heated* Reason: To remove the air in the combustion tube (the mixture of hydrogen and air can cause explosion when lighted)*

'* The flow of hydrogen gas must be continued throughout heating* Reason: To ensure that air does not enter the combustion tube* )* The hot copper metal is allowed to be cooled in !tream((-.R(/) of hydrogen gas* Reason: To ensure the oxygen from the air does not oxidise the hot copper to copper oxide again*

0ata and &bservation : (pg '+) 0escription ,* Combustion tube # porcelain dish '* Combustion tube # porcelain dish # copper(..) oxide, Cu& )* Combustion tube # porcelain dish # copper, Cu +* Copper 4* &xygen

"ass 1 g ,2*34 ( x ) '5*34 ( y ) '5*)4 (6)

(6 7 x) (y 7 6)

%lement "ass1 g /o* of moles !implest mol ratio %mpirical formula Copper, Cu '5*)4 7 ,2*34 8 ,*9 ,*9 1 9+ 8 5*5'4 , 8 &xygen, & '5*34 7 '5*)4 8 5*+ 5*+ 1,9 8 5*5'4 ,


,* $ow to ensure copper oxide is completely reduced by hydrogen: (nswer: Repeat heating, ;;** and ;;** until a constant mass (of combustion tube, porcelain dish and copper) is obtained* <'* Copy the question pg24 (i) Collect a sample of $' from the small hole of the combustion tube* (ii) Test the gas by placing a lighted wooden splinter near the mouth of the test tube* (iii) .f the gas burns =uietly without pop sound, this means all the air has been removed completely* 0iscussion ,* The flow of hydrogen gas must be continued throughout the experiment* This is to ensure that air does not enter the combustion tube and mix with hydrogen gas* This may cause explosion '* 0uring cooling, the flow of hydrogen is continued to ensure the oxygen from the air does not oxidise the hot copper to copper(..) oxide* )* The heating, cooling, and weighing processes are repeated until a constant mass is obtained to ensure that all of the copper(..) oxide has been reduced into copper* Conclusion: %mpirical formula of copper oxide is

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