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7th January, 2014.

ROTATION OF HEADSHIP NOMINATION OF HEAD, DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS: Dr. J.V. RAMANA MURTHY, Professor in the Department of Mathematics is nominated as Head, Department of Mathematics, with immediate effect, until further orders.

1. WEATHER DATA OF NITW CAMPUS: The following are the meteorogical data observed at 8.30 M ever! da! b! the utomatic ll "eather #tation installed in the campus for the wee$ period mentioned below. Re(at!)e Temperat re Ra!"'a(( H m!*!t+, #mm% M!"!m m M!"!m m Ma&!m m Date #,% #$C% #$C% %30&'(&(0'3) %3'&'(&(0'3) %0'&0'&(0'/) %0(&0'&(0'/) %03&0'&(0'/) %0/&0'&(0'/) %0*&0'&(0'/) -. Monda! Tuesda! "ednesda! Thursda! 1rida! #aturda! #unda! '*.( '/.+ '8.' '*./ '*.( '*.0 '+.8 (+.3 (0./ (+.* (0.* (8.' (0.( (8.+ &,-.& &,-.& &,-.& &,-.& &,-.& &,-.& &,-.& /0 /( /0 /* /3 *' /*

ATTENTION : INTERNET USERS %i) ll the students % 23 , P3 and Ph.D ) are re4uested to register their . , and "i&1i M 5 id6s of their Des$tops 7 .aptops using the proforma available with the -nternet #erver room b! (0&'&(0'/, if not alread! done. %ii) ll the facult! are re4uested to renew their "i&1i M 5 ids of .aptops for wireless access b! sending an e&mail to; with !our "i1i M 5 address b! (0&'&(0'/, if not alread! done. #!!!% A(( t.e /er/ $' NITW e0ma!( !*/ # /er 1"!t2.a3.!" % are re4 e/te* "$t t$ re/p$"* t$ a"+ ma!(/ 'r$m a"+ e0ma!( !* re5ar*!"5 t.e ma!"te"a"3e $' +$ r ema!( a33$ "t !.e., 5!)!"5 /er"ame a"* pa//2$r*/ et3., #!V% NITW I"tra"et F!(e Ser)er : n intranet file server % NITW e06!7rar+ "et2$r8) has been set&up for the convenience of all students, research scholars and facult!. ll NPTE6 (e3t re/, e07$$8/ of different disciplines, re/ear3. paper/ from various <ournals etc. etc., have been archived in this server %/ T= at present) and users can download the re4uired material. This information is available onl! within campus . , of ,-T". 2sers are re4uested to install the software called 9DC p( / p( /9 and connect on the -P address 91:-.;<.1<:.11-9 with a name %preferabl! with !our real name as nic$ name. "e ma! be forced to disconnect the users with anon!mous7 random names). Two students, Mr #. #udeesh % -- 5#>) and Mr ?a<at @<awane wor$ed hard in ma$ing this server full! functional. Their efforts are well appreciated. Please contact 1acult! -75, Telecom centre for an! information C$"t*=-


The #taff Members who have not submitted the copies of their Personal savings %?ent ?eceipts, Tuition 1ee ?eceipts, Personal .-5 etc.), if an!, for the !ear (0'3&'/, are advised to submit the same in the 1:

ccounts =ranch at the earliest, but not later than the F$re"$$" $'

Ja" ar+, -<1@ to calculate the -ncome TaA and deduct from the #alar! for the months

Banuar! C 1ebruar!, (0'/. Dnce the -ncome taA is deducted from the salar!, it will not be refunded bac$ to the staff members from the -nstitute under an! circumstances. #o, all the staff members are advised to adhere to the above deadline strictl!.


DTH>? ,DT-5>#

There will be a classical dance performance b! Purvadhanasree , a Vilasini Natyam eAponent ,which is being organised b! the SPIC MACAY CLU on :t. Ja" ar+ (0'/ at C:<< PM ,at the A *!t$r! m, ,-T "arangal. The artist will be accompanied b! Dr and #ri #reedhar nupama Eailash on ,atuvangam , #ri 5handar ?ao on @ocals

char!a on the Mridungam.

Every!ne is "!rdially invited t! attend the "!n"ert#


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