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Early Thoughts On The FDA's Move To Regulate E-Cigs

Primary Credit Analyst: Gerald T Phelan, CFA, Chicago (1) 312-233-7031;

Table Of Contents
No Heavy Cost To E-Cig Sales, But Potential Cost To Manufacturers


APRIL 24, 2014 1

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Early Thoughts On The FDA's Move To Regulate E-Cigs

Standard & Poor's Ratings Services' ratings and outlooks on five tobacco companies--Altria Group Inc., Reynolds American Inc., Lorillard Inc., Vector Group Ltd., and North Atlantic Trading Co. Inc.--are currently not affected by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA's) just-released proposal to regulate "other tobacco products," which include electronic cigarettes (e-cigs), cigars, and pipe tobacco. Overview The FDA has proposed regulations on e-cigarettes and other tobacco products. The FDA's proposals have no impact on Standard & Poor's ratings on tobacco companies, as we have long expected increased regulatory oversight of e-cigs. We believe tobacco issuers with substantial financial resources will adapt to the proposed regulations without substantial difficulty, while smaller tobacco companies could face tighter profitability. We continue to believe that long-term e-cig growth will depend primarily on product quality and taxation.

In our opinion, the proposed regulations are another step in a long process by the FDA to extend its oversight of the tobacco industry, and for the most part are consistent with our expectations. As with currently regulated tobacco products, makers of the proposed regulated products would, among other requirements: Register with the FDA, and report product and ingredient listings; Market new tobacco products only after FDA review; Only make reduced risk claims if supported by scientific evidence and if marketing of the product will benefit public health as a whole; and Not distribute free samples. Other proposed provisions include: Minimum age and identification restrictions; Health warnings; and Prohibition of sales through most vending machines. We continue to believe increased regulation of the tobacco industry could reduce total tobacco consumption over time and raise manufacturer compliance costs. We believe total tobacco consumption has declined only modestly in recent years thanks to growth in noncigarette volumes.

No Heavy Cost To E-Cig Sales, But Potential Cost To Manufacturers

In our opinion, the proposed restrictions on e-cigs, which currently constitute less than 2% of tobacco industry sales, should not have a material adverse effect on e-cig sales, though they could slow near-term growth and raise costs to manufacturers.


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Early Thoughts On The FDA's Move To Regulate E-Cigs

We still believe over the long term that e-cig growth will depend primarily on product quality, which overall remains inconsistent (specifically, the ability to simulate the conventional cigarette smoking experience), and the level of taxation--which the current proposal does not affect. Taxation of e-cigs could move to the forefront sooner rather than later, and could slow future growth. In addition, the proposal does not restrict e-cig flavors, nor does it ban e-cig advertising or internet sales to adults. This could change in the future, including potentially banning certain characterizing flavors. We believe tobacco issuers with substantial financial resources, including Lorillard, Altria, and Reynolds American, should be able to adapt to the proposed regulations without substantial difficulties. (See table 1 for issuer e-cig product details.) For smaller tobacco companies, including North Atlantic Trading Co. Inc.--which generates a portion of its sales from cigars and pipe tobacco--profitability could suffer because of higher compliance costs, but as yet we do not see prospects for lower profitably leading to a rating change. In addition, although we still believe e-cig internet sales could be banned altogether in the future, the continued ability to sell to adults through the internet could dampen North Atlantic Trading Co.'s near term e-cig growth. This is because its partnership with V2 Cigs--the largest seller of e-cigs on the internet--authorizes it to distribute V2 in stores. Since proposed regulations continue allow adults to buy e-cigs through the internet, V2 customers may continue to buy that way instead of at physical retail locations. With respect to cigars, many local governments already prohibit the purchase of cigars below a specified age limit, in most cases 18 years old. We believe the FDA proposal would establish a national minimum age, so the rating impact should not be significant. The FDA now has a potential implementation timetable, including 75 days for both public comment and elimination of unapproved health claims, and two years for implementation of other provisions (subject to legal challenges). We will monitor developments, including public and issuer responses to the proposals, and refine our opinions accordingly. For more information, see: Summary: Reynolds American Inc., April 16, 2014 Summary: Altria Group Inc., March 14, 2014
Table 1

Issuer E-Cigarette Summary

Primary U.S. Brands Lorillard Inc. Altria Group Inc. Reynolds American Inc. Vector Group Ltd. North Atlantic Trading Co. Inc. Blu MarkTen, Green Smoke VUSE Zoom V2 (excluding Internet) Estimated Market Share ~45% < 1% < 2% < 1% N.A.*

*2013 partnership with V2 Cigs (the largest e-cig internet retailer by volume) to distribute its e-cigs to physical retail outlets.

Additional Contact: Linda I Phelps, New York (1) 212-438-3059;


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