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Project descriptions

From among my fifty projects representing a broad scale I have chosen only the most important ones by trying to make their description as short as possible. These projects are the following:

Group I Equipments utilizing solar energy provided with collector mirrors and energy storing part.

Following equipments belong to this group:

1. nergy producing equipments for the temperate !one by which heating" hot water provision and air conditioning can be fully operated. The high energy demand in winter can be ensured by the high performance energy storage equipment by utili!ing the e#cess energy in summer. $. % further developed variant of the former equipment" the so&called 'mediterranean&type( which are also capable of satisfying continuously every energy demand. For houses and flats this is reali!ed in the following way: )y a specific heat transferring medium of *$+ ,o heated up in a collector" cooking

and baking can be performed in a specific hearth. -ith the same hot medium" absorption cooling& free!ing machines" air conditioners" heating" hot water provision can be operated" and with a small additional electric current producing equipment" even electric current for every purpose can be ensured. )y using these equipments" schools" hospitals" offices" public buildings" hotels" factories" shopping centers" sport facilities" and other facilities can be provided safely and completely with energy. .uge energy costs can be spared also this way" by using absorption type cooling in cold&storage houses" by substituting the highly e#pensive electric current demand. *. To this group belong also the high performance energy storing equipments usable separately" by which e.g. the energy provision of wind power stations can be made continuous. -ith setting them to energy consumers" the current production at night can be increased up to the daily production making thus building new power stations superfluous. The condensation heat of power stations produced in summer in equipments operating in a mi#ed way /current production 0 energy provision1 can be stored for winter. In chemical plants" the heat produced in chemical processes can also be stored and used up later for every purpose. The energy storing instruments can be used also separately" e.g. mounted on trucks" containers" and as heat& e#changers. 2ost heat transport is reali!ed by railroad energy storing equipments" as one heat storing tank can transport even an energy of 3+ 2-. This means that with a railway clearance 4++

2- heat energy can be transported" by which the energy demands of northern cities can be covered.

Group II Equipments for sea-water desalination.

)y using sea&water desalination equipments operating by solar energy one of the greatest problem of mankind 5 the lack of sweet water & can be solved in the cheapest and most environment friendly way. )efore describing these equipments" I have to mention methods used nowadays for this purpose. These methods are the following: a1 the traditional thermal desalination" in which some traditional fuel is used for producing high pressure and high temperature water vapour by which the brine is concentrated and the water vapour leaving the system is condensed for obtaining distilled water. This method is not used nowadays frequently" since the fuel is very e#pensive" it has to be transported to the site and more people are needed for operate it. %nother disadvantage is its high carbon&dio#ide emission. The cool procedure called reverse osmosis method. Its essence is that sea water is pressed through a semipermeable membrane" the so&called permeator" by using high pressure. The membrane retains most

of the salts" whereas the concentrated salty water with about 16&$+7 salt content is led back into the sea.

This method causes catastrophal damage as well as to the sea and int he atmosphere" since the concentrated salty water kills the living beings in the sea by changing the sea to 8ead 9ee. :nt he other hand" the high electric energy consumption causes high carbon&dio#ide emission in power stations.8ue to the lack of other procedures /ours in not yet at market1" this harmful process is spread more and more world&wide.

)y our method the situation is as follows:

)y desalination equipments operating by solar energy desalinated water can be produced in the cheapest and most environment&friendly way. These equipments produce distilled water of laboratory purity with + emission. They are fully automatic" they require only supervision" which can be carried out by a single person even for more equipments. It is important that the brinse is concentrated in our equipments to a degree that it can be dried in a concrete tank and the salt can be utili!ed in the industry. %ccording to calculations" by using an instrument of medium capacity /1++&$++ m* ;day1" the production cost of 1 m* desalinated water is +.66 <9 dollar. From these equipments we developed a product family" beginning

with a so&called 'touristic( equipment producing =&1$ liter;day of desalinated water" through the 'family( equipments of a capacity of 6m* ;day" the small 'community( equipment with $++ m* ;day" up to power stations with a capacity of >++&?++ m* ;day providing whole cities with desalinated water. These are not only very environment&friendly equipments" but produce desalinated water by 4&? times cheaper than the traditional reverse osmosis instruments. -e can hope for their elimination together with the end of traditional fuels. From the distilled water thus prepared" e#cellent drinking water can be prepared by adding some additives. Group III Solar power stations

These are the largest equipments utili!ing solar energy. The solar power stations developed and patented by us are elaborated in two si!es ready for reali!ation. The smaller ones with a diameter of $+ meter are intended to be on mainland /in deserts1. In this case it can be placed in a cavity with a ferro& concrete case of appropriate si!e" from where it is moved by hydraulic" telescopic holders which lift it out and move it in the direction of the sun. In case of a storm" the solar power station is pulled down into the cave and covered by a roofing. These electric current producing solar power plants the energy is produced needed for pumping of the medium in water& and oil& transporting tubes. -hen they are set at seaside" these concentrating mirror collectors can provide the

energy for desalination of the sea&water. The capacity of such a solar power plant is 1.6 2-. To the other si!e group belong concentrationg mirror& collectors of a diameter of *++ meter and a surface of >+ +++ m$ set on water surface. These are prepared with a double shell construction. )etween the two shells there is a very strong reinforcing framework representing the first stage of protection against storms. %t the sides of the parabolic collector cable drums are fi#ed onto which a rope is wound" the other end of these ropes is fi#ed to concrete blocks under the water. The drums are moved synchronously by a computer program. This is the second stage of protection against storm. The third stage is formed by wind&deflectors moved hydraulically and placed on the concrete walls of the plant. In case of strong storms e#ceeding the wind&speed of 1++ km;h" the inlet apertures on the bottom of the collectors are opened and the collectors sink under the water level" then when the storm ends" the hydraulics lifts the collectors above water" meanwhile water flows out via the inlet apertures" then they are closed. This is the fourth stage of protection against storm. %t the bottom of the collector surfaces hydraulic structures are fi#ed ensuring fi#ing and sun following. From these solar power stations plants consisting of 1+&*+ pieces can be developed. The energy transformer is placed usually in the focus" but it can be situated according to need. The power of one collector is 6+ 2-. Their investment cost is much lower than that of atom& and water power plants" about the same as that of those using fossil fuel" but after an operation time of half a year" they are the cheapest operating power plants.

Their field of use: electric current production" sea& water desalination by using heat energy" the cheapest possible preparation of hydrogen also by using heat energy" aluminium preparation from alumina" burning of the raw material in producing cement. I enclose a letter in which comparison is made with the desert power plant reali!ed by the <9% near %bu 8habi.

Group I Equipment for poisonous waste reutilization !y solar energy.

@eutrali!ation is made in the cheapest way with these equipments at the site of their formation. In this process by heating a dangerous waste containing some solvent" the solvent is evaporated in a closed system" and by condensing it" it can be led back into production" whereas the remaining dry material can be sold by reutili!ation. This is the cheapest" fully environment&friendly process for disposing wastes" which decreases the cost of production and at the same time" protects nature.

Group "ydrogen fuel

This fuel makes possible to reach highest power with highest safety. The essence of the equipment is that the reaction of hydrogen with the o#ygen of compressed air occurs in a ceramic combustion chamber. .ydrogen is stored in its molecular state" its liberation occurs continuously according to the control of the driver and it is used immediately. %s only such amount is liberated from the hydrogen which is burnt during o#idation" it can be considered the safest possible fuel in car engines. %ccording to calculations" total power of this type of engines is about =+ 7. This drive can be reali!ed in two types" one of which is operating with vapour turbine" the other one with gas turbine. This solution can be used not only for vehicles for transport and traffic" but also for those for operating working machines.

Group I Processing equipments for agricultural and food industrial products using solar energy

The processing of these products are at present e#traordinarily energy consuming and this means the burning of much fossil energy carriers. %t the same time" the majority of these products are prepared in countries very rich in sunshine. 9tarting from this advantageous circumstance" we elaborated and patented utili!able equipments for the following

purposes: 8rying instruments for rice and cereals" drying ensuring the germination capacity of seed& corns" drying of friuts used for making sweets" drying& roasting equipments by which coffee&beans" cocoa& beans" soy&beans" pistachio can be roasted. In another group of the similar equipments belong evacuating" distilling" condensing instruments" for preparing ketch&up" concentrates" alcohol distillation as well as beer&brewing can also be performed. Finished products can be prepared by these equipments by using only solar energy at the site of their production" and this way" the poor countries could obtain significant profit. Group II #tilization of the energy of water-falls

The utili!ation of the energy of water&falls is not reali!ed in any country" as there has been no technical solution born for this purpose. )y using our elaborated and patented method" the utili!ation of water&falls for power plants can be safely carried out. The essence of the method is that at the upper part of water&falls the necessary engineering structures can be built by a specific technical solution and by the intermittent closing up of the field. %t the same time" at the bottom part the area for the power plant is developed by setting the turbines and generators together with the other instruments belonging to them. The main channel of the energy producing upper part is connected with the inlet pipe end of the turbine at the bottom part" and when this is ready" the first stage of

current production can be started. )y using the same method" the other sections can be continuously involved. Total investment needed is one tenth of the barrage solution of similar water discharge" and the time for reali!ation is one fifth of that. %nother advantage of this solution is that whereas in case of barrage solutions huge areas have to be flooded by water /several tens of thousand km$ 1 " which becomes unusable for ever" our solution does not invelve any damage for nature.

Group III Protection of airplanes against terrorism

The procedure and equipments elaborated for this purpose provide full ptotection against terrorists equipped with any tools. The essence of the system is that in the whole passenger cabin hidden cameras and hidden catapults operating with compressed air are placed" which can be operated by a person being in a safe compartment together with a monitor in case of danger. The catapult also operates a tool shooting muscle&paralysing solution on the terrorist making him unable to action. In the baggage space of the airplane an e#plosive&sensing structure is situated movable in a rail" which after a thorough investigation" raises the baggage out containing e#plosive from among the others" and through a sluice throws out of the airplane. The baggage is then e#plosed int he air by an igniter placed on it.

Group I$ %irror system for deflecting atmospheric catastrophes and asteroids

This system is suitable for protection against atmospherical catastrophes and for deflecting asteroids and comets being in incidence to our arth. This mirror system is built on a geosynchronuous orbit" and consists of individual mirror groups above the quator. :ne mirror group consists of two collecting mirrors of 3 km$ surface area being perpendicular to 9un" and of an opposite" radiating mirror of changeable concentration" together with the belonging moving and navigation tools and structures. The power of one mirror group makes 1+ +++ 2-. These frame structures built of segments and the mirroring plates are taken to the geosynchronous orbit by rockets of appropriate load capacity " where the are mounted simply and easily by astronauts. 2irrors are controlled from arth from a control centrum provided with high&efficiency computers. The emitting mirror of the mirror group is directed to the eye&part and the cirrus arms of the cylone identified by satellites by the navigation tools" where the tropical cyclone looses its equilibrium due to the high heat energy radiated on it" and its clouds evaporate without causing any harm on arth. 9imilarly" all the tornados" hails" and big

cyclones causing floods can be dissoved without any harm.

The simulation of this process has been performed by the .ungarian Institute of 2eteorology" and this proved its 1++7 efficiency. 8uring another simulation it could be established that by operating this mirror system" rain can be brought about from the clouds of deserts.

This same mirror system can also be used for deflecting asteroids and comets nearing dangereously to arth" even almost so far as the Aove. The essence of this method consists of the effect of the very high temperature concentrated onto the asteroids or comet which burns a hole into them" and the gases and vapours shooting out of them cause the rocket principle to act /action&reaction principle1 and to deflect the asteroids from the nearness of arth. This was shown in television by an %merican scientist for illustrating the correctness of this theory. % further possibility would be to influence the climate of the whole arth by using a mirror group comprising four mirror groups.

Group $ & 'supertan() The significance of the supertank developed by us is that it contains 1* features making it better than the %brams %1 type tank considered to be the best tank at present. These features are the following: 1. stronger and impenetrable armour $. a rotable dome provided with laser gun substitutes the gun and gun tower *. a lug structure is applied to be shot out by a rocket and consisting of rockets in several rows at its nose part for climbing 3. in order to bridge broad ditches" telescopic climbing soles operated hydraulically 6. mine tracking structure =. telescopic ballon and propeller for swimming through even bigger distances >. 3&= pieces of these tanks can be transported in a , 1*+ airplane 4. at the covered rear even $3 pieces of rockets can be placed %t swimming" it can dive under water and with two torpedos at its both side can sink hostile ships

?. for fighting in cities" it is provided with trench mortar 1+. from one commanding position" =&4 tanks without manpower can be directed at the same time 11. it can go on highways with hydraulically liftable wheels" and with steel wheels also on rails 1$. it can be provided with hydrogen fuelled drive" in this case no smoke is produced which can reveal its presence.

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