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Teaching Learning Program Writing Thread: Spelling and Editing Student names 1st cluster TES1.1 RES1.5 RES1.

.6 2nd cluster TES1.1 RES1.5 RES1.6 RES1.7 3rd cluster RES1.5 RES1.6 RES1.7 4th cluster RES1.5 RES1.6 RES1.7 RES1.8

DirectionSkill Develo ment

!luster " !lear attem t to #rite name $ma% not &e correct s elling'. (rites at least one recognisa&le #ord $ma% not &e s elled correctl%' related to a stor% &ook that has &een read to them. Attempts to form some letters

!luster ) (rites *irst name correctl%. Begins to develop a simple writing voca ular! including some high fre"uenc! words and words of personal significance #ocalises words to appro$imate spelling%

!luster + (rites more than one recognisa&le sentence, some #ords s elled correctl%, most letters *ormed correctl% and some evidence o* sentence unctuation. Attempts to spell high fre"uenc! words that have een taught

!luster 5 &ereads own te$t to clarif! meaning and ma'e some changes to the te$t% Accuratel! writes simple ( compound sentences

Te-t .odelled Re*lection 0nde endent /uided

Teaching Learning Program Writing Thread: Spelling and Editing Student names TS1.1 )th cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7 *th cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7 +h cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7 ,h cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7

DirectionDevelo mentSkill

!luster 6 Accuratel! spells an increasing num er of high fre"uenc! and topic words% -emonstrates elementar! proof.reading and editing/ e%g% circles a word that does not loo' right%

!luster 7 Spells words with regular spelling patterns correctl! and ma'es plausi le attempts at words with irregular spelling patterns% Applies spelling generalisations when writing% 0ses contraction apostrophes and capitals for proper nouns as well as other simple punctuation%

!luster 8 -emonstrates a range of spelling strategies to spell unfamiliar words% 1riting shows evidence of revision/ editing and proof.reading%

!luster 1 0ses a variet! of spelling strategies to spell high fre"uenc! words% 0ses simple word processing functions such as spell chec' and grammar chec'% &ereads te$ts during and after writing to chec' accurac!/ consistenc! of meaning and fitness for purpose%



0nde endent



Teaching Learning Program Writing Thread: Spelling and Editing Student names TS1.1 2 cluster RS1.5 RS1.6


13th cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7

11h cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7

12th cluster RS1.5 RS1.6 RS1.7

Te-t .odelled


0nde endent


DirectionDevelo mentSkill

!luster 12 0ses morphemic/ visual/ phonic and 'nowledge of prefi$es and suffi$es to spell and edit words &ereads and revises te$t to chec' and improve meaning/ deleting unnecessar! information or adding new information%

!luster 11 Applies 'nowledge of spelling generalisations/ meanings of ase words and word parts 4prefi$es and suffi$es5 to spell new words% &efines writing in response to feed ac'% Shows awareness of accuratel! ac'nowledging sources in relevant te$ts%

!luster 1" 6ntegrates a range of spelling strategies and conventions to accuratel! spell most words/ including words of man! s!lla les% 7reates well.planned/ e$tended tea$ts that include more comple$ and detailed su 8ect matter ( language features such as nominali9ation% 7riticall! reflects on effectiveness of own:others; writing ( see's and responds to feed ac' from others%

!luster 1)

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