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IEEE Std C57.19.

(Revision of IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991)



IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Procedure for Power Apparatus Bushings

IEEE Power Engineering Society

Sponsored by the Transformers Committee

8 June 2005 3 Park Avenue, New York, NY 10016-5997, USA Print: SH95315 PDF: SS95315


IEEE Std C57.19.00-2004

(Revision of IEEE Std C57.19.00-1991)


IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Pr !edure " r P #er $%%aratus &us'in(s

Trans" rmers C mmittee of the IEEE P #er En(ineerin( S !iet)

Approved 8 Dece !er "00#

IEEE-S$ Standards & ard

$*stra!t+ $his st%nd%rd %pp&ies to po'er %pp%r%t(s !(shin)s th%t h%ve !%sic i p(&se ins(&%tion &eve&s of 110 *+ %nd %!ove for (se %s co ponents of oi&-fi&&ed tr%nsfor ers %nd oi&-fi&&ed re%ctors. ,e)# rds+ %pp%r%t(s !(shin)s, !(shin)s, oi&-fi&&ed re%ctors, oi&-fi&&ed tr%nsfor ers

$he Instit(te of E&ectric%& %nd E&ectronics En)ineers, Inc. - .%r* Aven(e, /e' 0or*, /0 10011-5997, 2SA Cop3ri)ht 4 "005 !3 the Instit(te of E&ectric%& %nd E&ectronics En)ineers, Inc. A&& ri)hts reserved. .(!&ished 8 5(ne "005. .rinted in the 2nited St%tes of A eric%. IEEE is % re)istered tr%de %r* in the 2.S. .%tent 6 $r%de %r* 7ffice, o'ned !3 the Instit(te of E&ectric%& %nd E&ectronics En)ineers, Incorpor%ted. .rint8 .D98 IS:/ 0-7-81-#155-" IS:/ 0-7-81-#151-0 SS95-15 SS95-15

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IEEE Standards documents are developed within the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Association (IEEE-SA) Standards Board. The IEEE develops its standards through a consensus development process approved !" the American #ational Standards Institute which !rings together volunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve the final product. $olunteers are not necessaril" mem!ers of the Institute and serve without compensation. %hile the IEEE administers the process and esta!lishes rules to promote fairness in the consensus development process the IEEE does not independentl" evaluate test or verif" the accurac" of an" of the information contained in its standards. &se of an IEEE Standard is wholl" voluntar". The IEEE disclaims lia!ilit" for an" personal in'ur" propert" or other damage of an" nature whatsoever whether special indirect conse(uential or compensator" directl" or indirectl" resulting from the pu!lication use of or reliance upon this or an" other IEEE Standard document. The IEEE does not warrant or represent the accurac" or content of the material contained herein and e)pressl" disclaims an" e)press or implied warrant" including an" implied warrant" of merchanta!ilit" or fitness for a specific purpose or that the use of the material contained herein is free from patent infringement. IEEE Standards documents are supplied * AS IS.+ The e)istence of an IEEE Standard does not impl" that there are no other wa"s to produce test measure purchase mar,et or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. -urthermore the viewpoint e)pressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is su!'ect to change !rought a!out through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Ever" IEEE Standard is su!'ected to review at least ever" five "ears for revision or reaffirmation. %hen a document is more than five "ears old and has not !een reaffirmed it is reasona!le to conclude that its contents although still of some value do not wholl" reflect the present state of the art. &sers are cautioned to chec, to determine that the" have the latest edition of an" IEEE Standard. In pu!lishing and ma,ing this document availa!le the IEEE is not suggesting or rendering professional or other services for or on !ehalf of an" person or entit". #or is the IEEE underta,ing to perform an" dut" owed !" an" other person or entit" to another. An" person this and an" other IEEE Standards document should rel" upon the advice of a competent professional in determining the e)ercise of reasona!le care in an" given circumstances. Interpretations/ 0ccasionall" (uestions ma" arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as the" relate to specific applications. %hen the need for interpretations is !rought to the attention of IEEE the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate responses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of concerned interests it is important to ensure that an" interpretation has also received the concurrence of a !alance of interests. -or this reason IEEE and the mem!ers of its societies and Standards Coordinating Committees are not a!le to provide an instant response to interpretation re(uests e)cept in those cases where the matter has previousl" received formal consideration. At lectures s"mposia seminars or educational courses an individual presenting information on IEEE standards shall ma,e it clear that his or her views should !e considered the personal views of that individual rather than the formal position e)planation or interpretation of the IEEE. Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from an" interested part" regardless of mem!ership affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should !e in the form of a proposed change of te)t together with appropriate supporting comments. Comments on standards and re(uests for interpretations should !e addressed to/ Secretar" IEEE-SA Standards Board 112 3oes 4ane 5iscatawa" #6 78822-9::9&SA #0TE Attention is called to the possi!ilit" that implementation of this standard ma" re(uire use of su!'ect matter covered !" patent rights. B" pu!lication of this standard no position is ta,en with respect to the e)istence or validit" of an" patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not !e responsi!le for identif"ing patents for which a license ma" !e re(uired !" an IEEE standard or for conducting in(uiries into the legal validit" or scope of those patents that are !rought to its attention. Authori.ation to photocop" portions of an" individual standard for internal or personal use is granted !" the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. provided that the appropriate fee is paid to Cop"right Clearance Center. 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Intr du!ti n
This introduction is not part of IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedure for 5ower Apparatus Bushings. This document is !ased on the standard practices in the &nited States for power apparatus !ushings. It is the result of 'oint efforts of professional engineers manufacturers and users wor,ing together in the Bushing Su!committee of the IEEE Transformers Committee. The related IEC standard is IEC-D79:B (9??2) Insulated bushings for alternating voltages above 100 V. This revision of the standard which supersedes IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-9??9 (<9??2) includes the following significant changes/ E E E E E E E E <eorgani.ation and rearrangement to meet the re(uirements of the IEEE Standards Board St"le >anual E)pansion of the scope to include indoor !ushings Addition of new definitions <edefinition and clarification of the thermal !asis of rating Addition of short-time current and thermal ratings and associated test re(uirements <evision of e)isting test re(uirements and test procedures Addition of a special front-of-wave lightning impulse test Elimination of !ushings for oil filled circuit !rea,ers which are listed in Anne) A of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79F-;777.

The original standard approved in 9?1; as AIEE Standard ;9 (which !ecame American #ational Standard for Apparatus Bushings A#SI CBD.9-9?1:) was prepared !" the 6oint Committee on Bushing Standardi.ation of the Electric >achiner" 5ower Transmission and =istri!ution and 5rotection =evices Committees of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (AIEE) Gnow the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)H and the #ational Electrical >anufacturers Association (#E>A). The American #ational Standards Institute (A#SI) Accredited Standards Committee CBD was the sponsor of the standard. A supplement and partial revision A#SI CBD.9a-9?28 Electrical and Dimensional Characteristics of Outdoor Apparatus Bushings used !ith "o!er Circuit Brea#ers and Outdoor $ransformers% was prepared !" the #E>A 6oint Sections Committee on 0utdoor Apparatus Bushings (composed of representatives of the 3igh $oltage Insulation Section 5ower Circuit Brea,ers Croup Switchgear Section and the Transformers Section). It resulted from wor, !" the regional associations of electrical utilities and filled the needs of the user for dimensional interchangea!ilit". At the time of this supplement Committee CBD foresaw the need for a general revision and updating of the standard and as,ed AIEE and #E>A to su!mit recommendations. In #E>A implementation of this re(uest was underta,en !" a Su!committee of the 6oint Sections Committee on 0utdoor Apparatus Bushings and resulted in a proposal which was approved in -e!ruar" 9?D7 !" the Codes and Standards Committee for su!mission to Committee CBD as the #E>A recommendation. In the AIEE a 6oint %or,ing Croup consisting of mem!ers of the Transformer and =ielectric Test Committee of the Transformers Committee and of the 5ower Circuit Brea,er Committee was esta!lished and developed a recommendation that was su!mitted to Committee CBD in 6ul" 9?D7. The %est Coast Su!committee of the AIEE Transformers Committee which developed additional recommendations and su!mitted them to Committee CBD in #ovem!er 9?D7 su!se(uentl" reviewed the AIEE proposal. Committee CBD appointed a special %or,ing Croup for <evision of A#SI CBD.9-9?1: to consolidate the several proposals and recommendations. This !ecame IEEE Std ;9F-9?D1 and was approved 6une ? 9?D1 as A#SI CBD.9-9?D1. It was reaffirmed in 9?B7.

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%or, on a revision was initiated in Committee CBD in August 9?D8. A decision was made to separate the standard into three parts/ the first (CBD.9) to cover the general re(uirements and test procedures the second (CBD.;) to cover e)plicit ratings and dimensions and the third to !e an application guide (IEEE Std C2B.9?.977F) pu!lished in 9??2. 0ther changes in this revision included test procedure updating adding :D; ,$ through 877 ,$ ma)imum s"stem voltage !ushing electrical ratings with wet switching impulse test values and coordination with switching surge spar,over values of arresters and esta!lishing dual current ratings for 992 ,$ through 9?D ,$ insulation class !ushings since circuit !rea,ers have a lower temperature rise than transformers permitting a larger current rating for a given ma)imum am!ient temperature when applied to circuit !rea,ers. The revised standard was approved as IEEE Std ;9-9?BD on 6une : 9?BD and as A#SI CBD.9-9?BD on 6ul" ;: 9?BD. %or, on the revision approved in 9??9 (reaffirmed in 9??D) was initiated in the then newl" formed Bushing Su!committee of the Transformers Committee in 0cto!er 9?B?. E)tensive changes to the standard included a new standard num!er IEEE Std C2B.9?.77F which is indicative of its new IEEE Sponsor Committee. 0ther ma'or changes were made to improve the test se(uence to allow apparent charge measurements to !e made in addition to radio influence voltage measurements during the low-fre(uenc" dr" withstand tests and to provide for special tests such as thermal sta!ilit" tests.This standard applies to s"stems used to communicate !etween intelligent electronic devices (IE=s) for su!station integrated protection control and data ac(uisition. The re(uirements of this standard are in addition to those contained in standards for individual devices (e.g. rela"s switchgear). This standard applies to a rapidl" changing technolog". It is anticipated that fre(uent revision ma" !e desira!le.

- ti!e t users
Attention is called to the possi!ilit" that implementation of this standard ma" re(uire use of su!'ect matter covered !" patent rights. B" pu!lication of this standard no position is ta,en with respect to the e)istence or validit" of an" patent rights in connection therewith. The IEEE shall not !e responsi!le for identif"ing patents or patent applications for which a license ma" !e re(uired !" to implement an IEEE standard or for conducting in(uiries into the legal validit" or scope of those patents that are !rought to its attention.

Errata if an" for this and all other standards can !e accessed at the following &<4/ http/II &sers are encouraged to chec, this &<4 for errata periodicall".

Inter%retati ns
Current interpretations can !e accessed at the following &<4/ http/ inde).html.

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At the time this standard was completed the Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings %or,ing Croup had the following mem!ership/ Keith P. Ellis, Chair Russ C. Nordman, Co&Chair and 'ecretar( 0scar Bello 5ierino Bertolotto Cene Blac,!urn Charles 5. Caruso =an de la Cru. -red E. Elliott 6ohn Craham <o!ert 3. 3artgrove <oger 3a"es Tim 3uff Chung-=uc, Jo <einer Jrump $an #hi #gu"en 6esse 5atton =on 5latts >ar, <ivers 3en, <ueve,amp 5ripal Singh Tomm" Craig Stiegemeier <ama Su!ran.!ian 4oren B. %agenaar -ran, %olf 5eter =. Khao

The following mem!ers of the individual !alloting committee voted on this standard. Balloters ma" have voted for approval disapproval or a!stention. Samuel Aguirre 5aul Ahrens 0scar Bello %. 6. Bergman Thomas E. Blac,!urn III %illiam Boettger Carl Bush =onald Cash Tomm" Cooper Alan =arwin <onald =au!ert =r. Curu =utt =hingra =r. =ieter =ohnal -red Elliott Jeith Ellis Car" Engmann 6orge -ernande.-=aher <eto -ausch =udle" Callowa" Eduardo Carcia Trilo, Carg 3arr" Ciana,ouros <andall Croves <o!ert Crunert Bal Cupta %a"ne 3ansen <o!ert 3artgrove Edward 3organ 6r. 6ames =. 3uddleston III 4ars-Eri, 6uhlin Cael Jenned" Chungduc, Jo 6ohn 4ac,e" Stephen <. 4am!ert %illiam 4ar.elere Bo"d 4euen!erger >aurice 4in,er =onald 4owe Cregor" 4uri Al >aguire Jeith >almedal 6. =ennis >arlow Tito >assouda 6ohn >atthews Jenneth >cClenahan #igel >cLuin Samuel >ichael Car" >ichel Jent >iller 6effre" #elson T. %. 0lsen Carlos 5ei)oto 5aulette 5a"ne 5aul 5illitteri 6eff <a" Charles <a"mond 6ohannes <ic,mann 6ohn <ossetti 6ames <uggieri 5ritpal Singh Tar,eshwar Singh Ewald Schweiger 6ordan Shi,os,i 3. 6in Sim 6ames Smith Craig Stiegemeier <onald Stoner Alan Traut Su!hash Tuli 6ohn Tuoh" 6oseph $ascha, 4oren %agenaar 6ames %ilson Shi!ao Khang 5eter =eMong Khao

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%hen the IEEE-SA Standards Board approved this standard on 8 =ecem!er ;771 it had the following mem!ership/ Don Wright, Chair Steve M. Mills, Vice Chair Judith orman, 'ecretar( Chuc, Adams >ar, S. 3alpin 5aul #i,olich T. %. 0lsen <a"mond 3apeman 3. Stephen Berger <onald C. 5etersen <ichard 6. 3olleman >ar, =. Bowman Car" S. <o!inson <ichard 3. 3ulett 6oseph A. Bruder -ran, Stone 4owell C. 6ohnson Bo! =avis >alcolm $. Thaden 6oseph 4. JoepfingerN <o!erto de >arca Boisson =oug Topping 3ermann Joch 6ulian -orsterN 6oe =. %atson Thomas 6. >cCean Arnold >. Creenspan =aleep C. >ohla

N>em!er Emeritus

Also included are the following nonvoting IEEE-SA Standards Board liaisons/ Satish J. Aggarwal )*C *epresentative <ichard =eBlasio DOE *epresentative Alan Coo,son )I'$ *epresentative =on >essina IEEE 'tandards "ro+ect Editor


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C.-TE-TS 9. 0verview .................................................................................................................................................... 9 9.9 Scope ................................................................................................................................................... 9 9.; 5urpose ................................................................................................................................................ 9 ;. <eferences .................................................................................................................................................. ; :. =efinitions .................................................................................................................................................. : 1. Service conditions ...................................................................................................................................... 2 1.9 &sual service conditions ...................................................................................................................... 2 1.; &nusual service conditions .................................................................................................................. D 2. <ating ......................................................................................................................................................... D 2.9 <ated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage .............................................................................................. B 2.; <ated fre(uenc"................................................................................................................................... B 2.: <ated dielectric strength ...................................................................................................................... B 2.1 <ated continuous current ..................................................................................................................... 8 D. Ceneral re(uirements.................................................................................................................................. 8 D.9 Electrical re(uirements ........................................................................................................................ 8 D.; 5h"sical re(uirements.......................................................................................................................... 8 D.: Thermal re(uirements.......................................................................................................................... ? D.1 #ameplate mar,ings ............................................................................................................................ ? B. Test procedure ............................................................................................................................................ ? B.9 Test conditions................................................................................................................................... 97 B.; =esign tests........................................................................................................................................ 9; B.: Special tests ....................................................................................................................................... 91 B.1 <outine tests ...................................................................................................................................... 9D


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IEEE Standard General Requirements and Test Pr !edure " r P #er $%%aratus &us'in(s

1. ./er/ie#
1.1 S! %e This standard applies to power apparatus !ushings that have !asic impulse insulation levels of 997 ,$ and a!ove for use as components of oil-filled transformers and oil-filled reactors. This standard does not appl" to the following/ 3igh-voltage ca!le terminations (potheads) Bushings for oil circuit !rea,ers Bushings for instrument transformers Bushings for test transformers Bushings in which the internal insulation is provided !" a gas Bushings applied with gaseous insulation (other than air at atmospheric pressure) e)ternal to the !ushing Bushings for distri!ution-class circuit !rea,ers and transformers Bushings for automatic circuit reclosers and line sectionali.ers Bushings for dc applications 1.2 Pur% se This standard defines the special terms used service conditions rating general re(uirements and test procedure for apparatus !ushings. See IEEE Std C2B.9?.79F for specific listings of values of electrical and mechanical characteristics dimensions and other related re(uirements that are defined or descri!ed in this standard.

Bushings for oil-less and oil-poor apparatus

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

2. - rmati/e re"eren!es
The following referenced documents are indispensa!le for the application of this document. -or dated references onl" the edition cited applies. -or undated references the latest edition of the referenced document (including an" amendments or corrigenda) applies. A#SI CD:.; American #ational Standard for Electromagnetic #oise and -ield Strength 97 ,3. to 17 C3. Specifications.9 AST> =:18B-77 Specification for >ineral Insulating 0il &sed in Electric Apparatus.; IEC D79:B Insulated !ushings for alternating voltages a!ove 9777 $.: IEC D7;B7 3igh voltage test techni(uesEpartial discharge measurements. IEEE Std C2B.9?.79F IEEE Standard 5erformance Characteristics and =imensions for 0utdoor Apparatus Bushings.1 2 IEEE Std C2B.9?.977F IEEE Cuide for Application of 5ower Apparatus Bushings. IEEE Std C2B.99:F IEEE Cuide for 5artial =ischarge >easurement in 4i(uid--illed 5ower Transformers and Shunt <eactors. IEEE Std 1F IEEE Standard Techni(ues for 3igh $oltage Testing. IEEE Std 121F IEEE <ecommended 5ractice for the =etection and >easurement of 5artial =ischarges (Corona) =uring =ielectric Tests.D IEEE Std D?:F IEEE <ecommended 5ractices for Seismic =esign of Su!stations #E>A 5u!lication 97B >ethods for >easurement for <adio Influence $oltage (<I$) of 3igh-$oltage Apparatus.B

9A#SI pu!lications are availa!le from the Sales =epartment American #ational Standards Institute ;2 %est 1:rd Street 1th -loor #ew Mor, #M 977:D &SA (http/IIwww.ansi.orgI). ;AST> pu!lications are availa!le from the American Societ" for Testing and >aterials 977 Barr 3ar!or =rive %est Conshohoc,en 5A 9?1;8-;?2? &SA (http/IIwww.astm.orgI).. :IEC pu!lications are availa!le from the Sales =epartment of the International Electrotechnical Commission Case 5ostale 9:9 : rue de $arem!P C3-9;99 CenQve ;7 Swit.erlandISuisse (http/IIwww.iec.chI). 1IEEE pu!lications are availa!le from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Service Center 112 3oes 4ane 5.0. Bo) 9::9 5iscatawa" #6 78822-9::9 &SA (http/ 2The IEEE standards or products referred to in this clause are trademar,s of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc. DIEEE Std 121-9?B: has !een withdrawn@ however copies can !e o!tained from the IEEE Standards =epartment IEEE Service Center 112 3oes 4ane 5.0. Bo) 9::9 5iscatawa" #6 78822-9::9 &SA (http/ B#E>A pu!lications are availa!le from Clo!al Engineering =ocuments 92 Inverness %a" East Englewood C0 8799; &SA (http/II glo!al.ihs.comI).

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

0. 1e"initi ns
-or the purposes of this standard the following terms and definitions appl". $he Authoritative Dictionar( of IEEE 'tandards $erms, 'eventh Edition, should !e referenced for terms not defined in this clause. !." am#ient tem$erature% The temperature of the surrounding air that comes in contact with the !ushing and device or e(uipment in which the !ushing is mounted. !.& a$$arent 'harge% The charge which if in'ected instantaneousl" !etween the terminals of the test o!'ect would momentaril" change the voltage !etween the terminals !" the same amount as the partial discharge inside the test o!'ect. Apparent charge is usuall" e)pressed in picocoulom!s. !.! ar'ing distan'e% The shortest e)ternal tight-string distance measured over the insulating envelope !etween the metal parts at line voltage and ground. 5reviousl" referred to as stri,ing distance or flashover distance. !.( #ottom 'onne'ted #ushing% A !ushing that will allow the connection of the transformer or reactor winding lead to a suita!le connector at the !ottom of the in!oard end of the !ushing. !.) #ushing% An insulating structure including a through conductor or providing a central passage for such a conductor with provision for mounting on a !arrier conducting or otherwise for the purpose of insulating the conductor from the !arrier and conducting current from one side of the !arrier to the other. !.* #ushing voltage ta$% A connection to one of the conducting la"ers of a capacitance-graded !ushing providing a capacitance voltage divider.
#0TEEAdditional e(uipment can !e designed connected to this tap and cali!rated to indicate the voltage applied to the !ushing. This tap can also !e used for measurement of partial discharge power factor and capacitance values. 8

!.+ #ushing test ta$% A connection to one of the conducting la"ers of a capacitance-graded !ushing for measurement of partial discharge power factor and capacitance values. !., 'a$a'itan'e -o. #ushing/% The capacitance C, of a !ushing without a voltage or test tap is the capacitance !etween the high-voltage conductor and the mounting flange (ground). !.0 'a$a'itan'e graded #ushing% A !ushing in which metallic or nonmetallic conducting la"ers are arranged within the insulating material for the purpose of controlling the distri!ution of the electric field of the !ushing !oth a)iall" and radiall". !."1 'ast insulation #ushing% A !ushing in which the internal insulation consists of a solid cast material with or without an inorganic filler. !."" 'om$osite #ushing% A !ushing with an insulating envelope consisting of a resin impregnated fi!er tu!e with or without a ru!!er compound covering. !."& 'om$ound2.illed #ushing% A !ushing in which the radial space !etween the internal insulation (or conductor where no internal insulation is used) and the inside surface of the insulating envelope is filled with an insulating compound. !."! 'ree$ distan'e% The distance measured along the e)ternal contour of the insulating envelope that separates the metal part operating at the high voltage and the grounded metal flange.

#otes in te)t ta!les and figures are given for information onl" and do not contain re(uirements needed to implement this standard.

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

!."( 'urrent trans.ormer $o'3et length% The ma)imum length as specified !" the manufacturerRs drawing suita!le for the mounting of current transformers on the in!oard-end as measured from the mounting flange gas,et surface. This area ma" have a visi!le metal or conductive surface or ma" !e protected !" an internal shield. !.") dra42lead #ushing% A !ushing that will allow the use of a draw-lead conductor. !."* dra42lead 'ondu'tor% A ca!le or solid conductor that has one end connected to the transformer or reactor winding and the other end drawn through the !ushing and connected to the top terminal of the !ushing. !."+ dra42rod #ushing% A !ushing that allows the use of a nonScurrent carr"ing rod drawn though the hollow tu!e of the !ushing ena!ling a connection !etween the !ushingRs in!oard end terminal and the transformer or reactor winding. !.", in#oard2end -oil2side end/% End of !ushing which is inserted into apparatus. !."0 in#oard2end ground la5er length% The in!oard-end portion of the ground la"er measured a)iall" along the !ushing from the gas,et surface of the mounting flange to the in!oard-end of the ground la"er. !.&1 in#oard2end metal sleeve length% The in!oard-end portion of the mounting flange measured a)iall" along the flange from the gas,et surface to the end of the flange. !.&" indoor #ushing% A !ushing which is intended for use where the air side is ph"sicall" protected from e)posure to weather and sunlight. !.&& insulating envelo$e% An envelope of inorganic or organic material such as a ceramic cast resin or silicone ru!!er placed around the energi.ed conductor and internal insulation material. !.&! internal insulation% Insulating material provided in a radial direction around the energi.ed conductor in order to insulate it from the ground potential. !.&( main 'a$a'itan'e -o. a 'a$a'itan'e graded #ushing/% Capacitance !etween the high-voltage conductor and the voltage tap or the test tap (if no voltage tap is present). !.&) ma6or insulation% The insulating material providing the dielectric which is necessar" to maintain proper isolation !etween the energi.ed conductor and the ground potential. It consists of the internal insulation and the insulating envelope(s). !.&* oil% A speciall" refined petroleum product for use as a insulating li(uid and coolant in transformers. Cenerall" conforms to AST> =:18B when new. !.&+ oil2.illed #ushing% A !ushing in which the radial space !etween the inside surface of the insulating envelope and the internal insulation (or the conductor where no internal insulation is used) is filled with oil. !.&, oil2im$regnated $a$er2insulated #ushing% A !ushing in which the internal insulation consists of a core wound from paper and su!se(uentl" impregnated with oil. The core is contained in an insulating envelope the space !etween the core and the insulating envelope !eing filled with oil. !.&0 o$en #ushing% A !ushing the internal parts of which are e)posed to the interior of the apparatus in which it is mounted. -or e)ample/ an oil-filled !ushing in which oil is free to circulate !etween the inside of the !ushing and the apparatus. !.!1 outdoor #ushing% A !ushing which is intended for use where the air side is e)posed to weather and sunlight without ph"sical protection. 1
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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

!.!" $artial dis'harge% %ithin the terms of this standard an electric discharge that onl" partiall" !ridges the internal insulation.
#0TEEThe term *corona+ is prefera!l" reserved for partial discharges in air around a conductor !ut not within the !ushing assem!l".

!.!& $o4er .a'tor -o. insulation/% The ratio of the power dissipated in the insulation in watts to the product of the effective voltage and current in volt-amperes when tested under a sinusoidal rms voltage and prescri!ed conditions.
#0TEEThe insulation power factor is e(ual to the cosine of the phase angle !etween the voltage and the resulting current when !oth the voltage and current are sinusoidal.

!.!! radio in.luen'e voltage -RI7/% A high-fre(uenc" voltage generated as a result of partial discharge or corona which ma" !e propagated !" conduction induction radiation or a com!ined effect of all three. <I$ is usuall" e)pressed in microvolts at a fre(uenc" of 9 >3.. !.!( resin2#onded $a$er2insulated #ushing% A !ushing in which the internal insulation consists of a core wound from resin-coated paper. =uring the winding process each paper la"er is !onded to the previous la"er !" its resin coating and the !onding is achieved !" curing the resin.
#0TEEA resin-!onded paper-insulated !ushing ma" !e provided with an insulating envelope in which case the intervening space ma" !e filled with another insulating medium.

!.!) resin2im$regnated $a$er2insulated #ushing% A !ushing in which the internal insulation consists of a core wound from untreated paper and su!se(uentl" impregnated under vacuum with a cura!le resin.
#0TEEA resin-impregnated paper-insulated !ushing ma" !e provided with an insulating envelope in which case the intervening space ma" !e filled with another insulating medium.

!.!* sealed #ushing% A !ushing which is self-contained. -or e)ample an oil-filled !ushing in which the !ushing oil is completel" separated from the apparatus oil and the atmosphere. !.!+ solid #ushing% A non-capacitance graded !ushing in which the ma'or insulation is provided !" a ceramic or analogous material placed around the energi.ed conductor. !.!, ta$ 'a$a'itan'e -o. a 'a$a'itan'e graded #ushing/% The capacitance !etween the voltage tap and mounting flange (ground).

4. Ser/i!e ! nditi ns
4.1 2sual ser/i!e ! nditi ns Apparatus !ushings conforming to this standard shall !e suita!le for operation at their ratings provided/ The temperature of the am!ient air does not e)ceed 17TC and the average temperature of the am!ient air for an" ;1 hour period does not e)ceed :7TC. The temperature of the am!ient air is not lower than S:7TC. The altitude does not e)ceed 9777 m. The temperature of the transformer insulating oil in which the in!oard end of the !ushing is immersed and the temperature of the !ushing mounting surface does not e)ceed ?2TC averaged over a ;1 h period. The e)ternal terminal and !us connections do not e)ceed a :7 J rise over am!ient. The !ushing is mounted at an angle of inclination to the vertical not e)ceeding ;7T. 2
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4.2 2nusual ser/i!e ! nditi ns Bushings compl"ing with this standard ma" !e applied in unusual service conditions !ut their performance ma" !e affected. 4.2.1 $%%li!ati ns at altitudes (reater t'an 1000 m The dielectric strength of !ushings that depend in whole or in part upon air for insulation decreases as the altitude increases due to the effect of decreased air densit". %hen specified !ushings shall !e designed with larger arcing distances using the correction factors from Ta!le 9 to o!tain ade(uate air dielectric strength at altitudes a!ove 9777 m. The minimum insulation necessar" at the re(uired altitude can !e o!tained !" dividing the standard insulation at 9777 m !" the appropriate correction factor from Ta!le 9. Altitude Altitude 'orre'tion .a'tor .or diele'tri' strength Ta*le 131iele!tri!-stren(t' ! rre!ti n "a!t rs " r altitudes (reater 9777 9.77 t'an 1000 m 9;77 7.?8 9277 7.?2 9877 7.?; ;977 7.8? ;177 7.8D ;B77 7.8: :777 7.87 :D77 7.B2 1;77 7.B7 1277 7.DB


#0TEEAn altitude of 1277 m is considered a ma)imum for !ushings conforming to this standard.

4.2.2 .t'er ! nditi ns t'at ma) a""e!t desi(n4 testin(4 and a%%li!ati n %here other unusual conditions e)ist the" must !e !rought to the attention of those responsi!le for the design testing and application of the e(uipment. E)amples of such conditions are/ =amaging fumes or vapors e)cessive a!rasive or conducting dust e)plosive mi)tures of dust or gases steam salt spra" wet conditions icing etc. Tilting in e)cess of ;7T from vertical A!normal vi!ration or shoc,s &nusual transportation or storage conditions &nusual space limitations &nusual temperature applications such as isolated phase !us duct applications 5ro)imit" of installation adapters and tan, walls

5. Ratin(
A designation of performance characteristics !ased upon definite conditions shall include the following where applica!le.

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

5.1 Rated ma5imum line-t -(r und / lta(e The rated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage is the highest rms rated fre(uenc" voltage !etween the conductor and the mounting flange at which the !ushing is designed to operate on a continuous !asis. 5.2 Rated "requen!) The rated fre(uenc" is the fre(uenc" at which the !ushing is designed to operate. 5.0 Rated diele!tri! stren(t' The rated dielectric strength of a !ushing is e)pressed in terms of specified values of voltage withstand tests (shown in Ta!le 9 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79).? 5.0.1 Rated "requen!) test / lta(e 1r) test The dr" test for a !ushing is the test voltage that a new !ushing shall !e capa!le of withstanding for 9 minute when tested under the conditions specified in B.1.:. 6et test The wet test for a !ushing is the test voltage that a new !ushing shall !e capa!le of withstanding for 97 seconds when tested under the conditions specified in B.;.9.9. %et tests are not re(uired for indoor !ushings or the indoor end of an air to air !ushing. 5.0.2 Rated "ull-#a/e li('tnin(-im%ulse / lta(e The rated full-wave lightning-impulse voltage is the crest value of a standard 9.; ; 27 s impulse voltage wave that a new !ushing shall !e capa!le of withstanding when tested under the conditions specified in B.;.9.;. 5.0.0 Rated !' %%ed-#a/e li('tnin(-im%ulse / lta(e The rated chopped-wave lightning-impulse voltage is the crest value of a standard 9.; ; 27 s impulse voltage that a new !ushing shall !e capa!le of withstanding for a specified time from the start of the wave at virtual time .ero until flashover of a rod gap or coordinating gap occurs when tested under the conditions specified in B.;.9.:. 5.0.4 Rated #et s#it!'in(-im%ulse / lta(e The rated wet switching-impulse voltage is the crest value of a ;27 ; ;277 s switching-impulse voltage wave that a new !ushing shall !e capa!le of withstanding when tested under the conditions specified in B.;.9.1.

Information on references can !e found in Clause ;.

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

5.4 Rated ! ntinu us !urrent The rated continuous current is the rms current at rated fre(uenc" that a !ushing shall !e re(uired to carr" continuousl" under specified conditions without e)ceeding the permissi!le temperature limitations when tested under the conditions specified in B.;.:. 5.4.1 T'ermal *asis " ratin( The hottest-spot temperature rise a!ove am!ient air of an" part of the !ushing in contact with temperature inde) 972 insulation shall not e)ceed B2 J when the in!oard end is immersed in oil within 27 mm of the mounting flange with the oil having a rise of D2 J a!ove the am!ient air and the !ushing is carr"ing rated current at rated fre(uenc". Bushings that pass the a!ove thermal !asis of rating test are suita!le for use in D2 J rise oil filled transformers. 0n the adoption of this standard the re-testing of e)isting accepta!le !ushing designs shall !e optional rather than re(uired. -or insulating materials with temperature inde) greater than 972 the hottest spot temperature rise should !e chosen accordingl" and agreed !etween the purchaser and the manufacturer. 5.4.2 1ra#-lead a%%li!ati ns %hen a draw-lead is used the central tu!e of the !ushing does not carr" current. The continuous current rating is limited !" the draw-lead terminal rating stated on the !ushing nameplate and !" the si.e of the draw-lead conductor applied to the !ushing.

7. General requirements
This standard includes a num!er of general re(uirements that are applica!le to certain ratings of power apparatus !ushings. Specific values for these re(uirements are listed elsewhere in this standard or in IEEE Std C2B.9?.79 under corresponding headings. 7.1 Ele!tri!al requirements =ielectric withstand voltages 5artial discharge 5ower factor Capacitance 7.2 P')si!al requirements =imensions. Cantilever strength. Internal pressure and vacuum. Sealed !ushings shall !e designed to withstand full vacuum when mounted in the apparatus to which the" are applied. 0pen !ushings shall !e designed to withstand !oth full vacuum and the same positive pressure as the apparatus to which the" are applied. =raw lead !ushing cap pressure. 8
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Bushing voltage tap. All !ushings a!ove :27 ,$ lightning-impulse insulation level (BI4) shall !e provided with a !ushing voltage tap. This tap shall !e the normall" grounded t"pe as shown in -igure 9 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. Bushing test tap. All capacitance-graded !ushings with BI4 up to and including :27 ,$ shall !e provided with a !ushing test tap. This tap is normall" grounded and is intended for measurement of power factor capacitance from conductor to tap and partial discharge. Since the capacitance from tap to ground is not controlled the tap is not intended for use as a voltage divider during normal operation.

7.0 T'ermal requirements Temperature rise tests shall !e considered done at D7 3. unless otherwise agreed !etween the purchaser and the manufacturer. 7.4 -ame%late mar8in(s The following information shall appear on all !ushing nameplates on !ushings rated a!ove 997 ,$ lightning-impulse level (BI4). #ame of the manufacturer identification num!er t"pe "ear of manufacture weight in pounds and serial num!er. <ated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage. <ated continuous current.
#0TEE%here !ushings have a dual continuous current rating the nameplate shall indicate the rating for draw-lead application and !ottom connected application

<ated full-wave lightning-impulse withstand voltage (BI4) Capacitance C9 and C; on all !ushings e(uipped with voltage taps and C9 on all !ushings e(uipped with test taps. 5ower factor measured from conductor to tap where applica!le at 97 ,$ and referred to ;7TC !" the &ngrounded Specimen Test (&ST) method. 4ength of in!oard (oil side) end (-). <ated fre(uenc".

7. Test %r !edure
This test procedure the various tests that are made on power apparatus !ushings descri!es accepted methods used in ma,ing the tests specifies the tests that will demonstrate ratings in this standard and lists the tests in the recommended se(uence for routine and design tests. It does not preclude the use of other e(uivalent or more effective methods of demonstrating ratings. These tests are divided into the following classifications as listed in Ta!le ; Ta!le : and Ta!le 1.

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Ta*le 231esi(n tests " r *us'in(s 8est Internal pressure and vacuum =raw-lead !ushing cap pressure Cantilever strength Capacitance measurement 5ower factor Tap withstand voltage -ull-wave lightning-impulse withstand voltage Chopped-wave lightning-impulse withstand voltage <ated fre(uenc" wet withstand voltage (;:7 ,$ and !elow) %et switching-impulse withstand voltage (:12 ,$ and a!ove) <ated fre(uenc" dr" withstand test Capacitance measurement 5ower factor Temperature <ise $erification of #ameplate >ar,ings Ta*le 03R utine tests " r *us'in(s 8est Internal pressure and vacuum Capacitance measurement 5ower factor Tap withstand voltage <ated fre(uenc" dr" withstand with partial discharge measurement Capacitance measurement 5ower factor $erification of #ameplate mar,ings Ta*le 43S%e!ial tests " r *us'in(s 8est Thermal Sta!ilit" -ront of wave lightning impulse Seismic Clause Num#er B.:.9 B.:.; B.:.: Clause Num#er B.1.2 B.1.9 B.1.; B.1.1 B.1.: B.1.9 B.1.; D.1 Clause Num#er B.1.2 B.;.;.9 B.;.;.; B.1.9 B.1.; B.1.1 B.;.9.; B.;.9.: B.;.9.9 B.;.9.1 B.;.9.2 B.1.9 B.1.; B.;.: D.1

Se(uence for special tests to !e agreed upon !etween the purchaser and the manufacturer. 7.1 Test ! nditi ns 7.1.1 General requirements Bushings shall !e prepared for dielectric tests and measurements and corrections for conditions shall !e made in accordance with appropriate clauses of this standard. The following shall !e in accordance with applica!le clauses in IEEE Std 1F/ =efinitions of tests Ceneral test procedures 97
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Characteristics and tolerance of wave shapes >ethod of measurement Standard atmospheric and precipitation conditions 7.1.2 Test s%e!imen requirements The test specimen shall compl" with the following re(uirements/ E)cept for mechanical tests !ushings shall !e mounted on a supporting structure and in the position appro)imating that for which the" were designed and with their ends in the media of the t"pe in which the" are intended to operate. Bushings shall !e completel" assem!led with all elements normall" considered essential parts of the !ushings. The !ushing shall !e dr" (e)cept for wet tests) and clean. $oltage withstand tests shall !e made with the following provisions/ It is recommended to mount the !ushing on a relativel" flat metallic grounded mounting plate that e)tends outward from the !ushing flange to a distance that would prevent an arc from stri,ing an" grounded o!'ect other than the grounded parts of the !ushing or the mounting plate. The test connection to the !ushing shall !e made such that it does not affect the test results. -or partial discharge tests suita!le e)ternal shielding ma" !e applied to eliminate e)ternal discharges. 7.1.0 Test ! nditi ns $ir tem%erature The am!ient temperature at the time of test shall !e !etween 97TC and 17TC. 9umidit) The a!solute humidit" at the time of test should prefera!l" !e !etween B.7 gIm: and 92.7 gIm:. <efer to -igure :2 of IEEE Std 1 for determination of a!solute humidit". 7.1.4 C rre!ti n "a!t rs %hen actual test conditions var" from standard test conditions as specified in IEEE Std 1 correction factors #1 for variation in relative air densit" and #. for variation in humidit" ma" !e applied to correct applied withstand voltages to withstand voltages at standard conditions. Correction factors shall !e determined in accordance with 9D.; of IEEE Std 1 and shall !e applied as follows/ =r" 9-min rated fre(uenc" withstands tests/ #o corrections. %et 97-second rated fre(uenc" withstand tests/ Correction factor #1 ma" !e applied. -ull-wave lightning-impulse withstand tests/ Correction factors #1 and #. ma" !e applied at either positive or negative polarit" !ut not at !oth. Chopped-wave lightning impulse test/ #o correction. %et switching-impulse withstand tests/ Correction factor #1 ma" !e applied.


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7.1.5 $tm s%'eri! ! nditi ns and ! rre!ti n "a!t rs used in %re/i us tests <etest of e)isting e(uipment designs that were previousl" tested in accordance with A#SI CD8.9-9?D8 or previous editions of IEEE Std C2B.9?.77 shall not !e re(uired as a result of minor changes in standard atmospheric conditions or correction factors now used in IEEE Std 1. 7.2 1esi(n tests =esign tests are those made to determine the ade(uac" of the design of a particular t"pe st"le or model of power apparatus !ushing to meet its assigned ratings@ to operate satisfactoril" under usual service conditions or under special conditions if specified@ and to demonstrate compliance with appropriate standards of the industr". =esign tests are made onl" on representative !ushings to su!stantiate the ratings assigned to all other !ushings of the same design. These tests are not intended to !e made as a part of normal production. The applica!le portions of these design tests ma" also !e used to evaluate modifications of a previous design and to assure that performance has not !een adversel" affected. Test data from previous designs ma" !e used for current designs where appropriate. 0nce made the tests need not !e repeated unless the design is changed so as to modif" performance. =uring these tests the !ushing will !e su!'ected to stresses higher than usuall" encountered in service and the !ushings must withstand these tests without evidence of partial or complete failure. 3idden damage that ma" occur during the dielectric withstand voltage tests can usuall" !e detected !" comparing values of certain electrical characteristics !efore and after the withstand voltage tests. The characteristics usuall" measured are capacitance power factor and <I$ andIor apparent charge. These diagnostic tests ma" !e associated with individual withstand tests or a group of withstand tests. The criteria for acceptance are given in Ta!le 2 and Ta!le D of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. =esign tests shall include the following plus all routine tests specified in B.1 e)cept that the rated fre(uenc" dr" withstand test with partial discharge measurements (B.1.:) shall !e made as modified according to B.;.9.2. 7.2.1 1iele!tri! #it'stand / lta(e tests Rated "requen!) #et #it'stand / lta(e %et withstand tests shall appl" onl" to outdoor !ushings rated ?77 ,$ BI4 and !elow and shall !e applied under wet conditions descri!ed in 91.; (conventional procedure-practice in &SA in Ta!le :) of IEEE Std 1. If the !ushing withstands the specified test voltage for 97 seconds it shall !e considered as having passed the test. If a flashover occurs on the outside of the insulating envelope the test ma" !e repeated. If the repeat test also results in flashover the !ushing shall !e considered to have failed. :ull-#a/e li('tnin(-im%ulse #it'stand / lta(e Both positive and negative standard 9.; ; 27 s waves as descri!ed in IEEE Std 1 shall !e used. 5rocedure shown under B.8.; (%ithstand voltage test-procedure B) of IEEE Std 1 shall !e used.

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings C' %%ed-#a/e li('tnin(-im%ulse #it'stand / lta(e A minimum of three chopped-wave impulses of each polarit" shall !e applied to the !ushing in accordance with IEEE Std 1 with a : microsecond minimum time to flashover per Ta!le 9 in IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. 6et s#it!'in(-im%ulse #it'stand / lta(e This test shall appl" onl" to outdoor !ushings rated a!ove ?77 ,$ BI4. A positive polarit" standard ;27 ; ;277 s impulse as descri!ed in IEEE Std 1 shall !e applied under wet conditions descri!ed in 91.; (conventional procedure-practice in &SA in Ta!le :). 5rocedures shown under B.8.;.; (withstand voltage test-procedure B) shall !e used. Rated "requen!) dr) #it'stand test #it' %artial dis!'ar(e measurements4 eit'er a%%arent !'ar(e r RI; This test shall !e performed as specified in item c) of B.1.: e)cept that the voltage at 9.2 times rated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage in item c) shall !e applied for 9 hour. 5artial discharge measurements either apparent charge or <I$ shall !e made at 2-minute intervals with limits specified in Ta!le 2 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. 7.2.2 P')si!al tests 1ra#-lead *us'in( !a% %ressure test The !ushing cap assem!l" and draw-lead central tu!e shall withstand an internal pressure test of 917 ,5a (gage) for 9 hour without lea,age.
--`,``,,,`,,,,`,,```,``,,,,,-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Cantile/er stren(t' test The !ushing shall !e rigidl" mounted with load applied normal to the longitudinal a)is of the !ushing and at the midpoint of the thread or threaded terminals and at the lower terminal plate on !ushings so e(uipped. Tests shall !e applied to the top and !ottom (where applica!le) terminals of the !ushing !ut not simultaneousl". =uring the cantilever test the !ushing internal pressure (gage) shall !e B7 ,5a. The temperature shall !e appro)imatel" ;7TC. The specified load shall (see Ta!le 1 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79) !e applied for a period of 9 minute. 5ermanent deformation measured at the !ottom end 9 minute after removal of the load shall not e)ceed the values stated in IEEE Std C2B.9?.79.There shall !e no lea,age at either end at an" time during the test or within 97 minutes after removal of the load. 7.2.0 Tem%erature rise test The temperature rise test shall appl" to !ottom end-connected !ushings where the current is carried !" the conductor tu!eIrod. The test shall !e carried out as per the following/ a) The !ushing shall !e prepared !" suita!l" attaching thermocouples on the current carr"ing conductor in sufficient num!er and at regular intervals so that the temperature of the hottest part of the conductor in contact with the insulating materials can !e detected. !) The temporar" e)ternal connections to the !ushing shall !e such that the" do not undul" affect the !ushing temperature rise. The cross section of the air end !us should !e such that at rated current the temperature rise at a location 9 m awa" from the !ushing should !e at least :7 J a!ove the am!ient air. c) The !ushing shall !e mounted so that the !ushing ends are immersed in the medium in which the" are intended to operate. 9:
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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

d) -or an oil-immersed !ushing the temperature of the oil !ath shall !e measured !" a thermocouple immersed appro)imatel" :7 mm !elow the oil surface and located :77 mm awa" from the !ushing. The oil level shall !e maintained within 27 mm of the flange mounting surface. The temperature rise of the oil !ath shall !e maintained as per the re(uirement outlined in 2.1.9. e) The surrounding air temperature shall !e determined !" ta,ing the average reading of three lagged thermocouples placed at heights corresponding to mounting flange mid-height and top end of the !ushing. The thermocouples shall !e located 9 to ; m awa" from the !ushing. The test shall !e made in a draft-free area with an am!ient air temperature !etween 97oC and 17oC. The test shall !e carried out with alternating current at the rated current and fre(uenc" and continued until thermal conditions !ecome constant. This can considered to !e the case when the measured temperatures do not increase !" more than 9oC in ; hours for !ushings up through ?77 ,$ BI4 and not more than 9oC in 1 hours for !ushings a!ove ?77 ,$ BI4. The thermocouple readings should !e ta,en at appropriate intervals.


g) The !ushing shall !e considered to have passed the test if the re(uirements outlined in 2.1.9 are fulfilled. -or draw lead !ushings a temperature rise test shall !e done when the !ushing manufacturer supplies the draw lead conductor. A test similar to the !ottom end connected !ushing shall !e carried out. 7.2.4 Ta% #it'stand / lta(e A rated fre(uenc" withstand test shall !e applied to or induced at the tap for 9 minute with the !ushing mounting flange grounded. $oltage tap shall !e tested at ;7 ,$. Test tap shall !e tested at ; ,$. 7.0 S%e!ial tests Special tests are not a part of routine or design tests. These tests shall !e done onl" when agreed upon !etween the purchaser and the manufacturer. 7.0.1 T'ermal sta*ilit) tests Availa!ilit" of comparative test data andIor successful field service e)perience on similar designs should !e considered when determining the need for a thermal sta!ilit" test. The test shall !e made using the following procedure/ The ends and parts of !ushings that are intended for immersion in oil shall !e immersed in oil. The temperature of the oil shall !e maintained at ?2TC U ;TC and shall !e measured !" means of a thermocouple immersed in oil appro)imatel" :7 mm !elow the surface and a!out :77 mm awa" from the !ushing. <ated continuous current at rated fre(uenc" shall !e applied throughout the test. Conductor losses corresponding to rated continuous current at rated fre(uenc" can !e generated !" appl"ing rated continuous current at rated fre(uenc" to the final conductor or simulated !" appropriate means. The test voltage shall !e e(ual to 9.; times the rated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage as specified !" Ta!le 9 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. $oltage shall not !e applied until thermal e(uili!rium !etween the oil and the !ushing has !een reached. =uring the test the power factor shall !e measured periodicall" and the am!ient air temperature shall !e recorded at each measurement. 91
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The !ushing has reached thermal sta!ilit" when its power factor rises no more than 7.7; when measured in percent over a period of 2 hours. $he bushing shall be considered to have successfull( passed the test if it has reached thermal stabilit( and if it has !ithstood a repetition of all dielectric routine tests !ithout significant change from the previous results. 7.0.2 :r nt " #a/e li('tnin( im%ulse test This special test is to !e performed on one !ushing of a particular design when agreed upon. The wave shapes shall meet the re(uirements of IEEE Std 1 and B.;.9 of this standard. The test shall !e done with negative polarit" using the following or an" agreed upon se(uence. 0ne reduced full wave Two front of waves Two : s chopped waves 0ne full wave The test level for chopped wave and full wave shall !e as specified in IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. The test level and the spar,over time for the front of wave shall !e as per Ta!le 2. Ta*le 53:r nt " #a/e li('tnin( im%ulse test le/els 9I: -37/ 997 927 ;77 ;27 :27 Minimum Crest 7oltage, MC7 -37/ 9?2 ;D7 :12 1:2 287 S$e'i.i' 8ime to S$ar3over, 8 -s/ 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.27 7.28

In order to provide some tolerance in practical testing a tolerance of S7.9 s to the ta!ulated spar,over time in Ta!le 2 shall !e permitted. Since the test is more severe with duration the ma)imum permissi!le positive tolerance shall !e 7.: s. If in ma,ing an" front of wave test the tolerance of S7.9 s is e)ceeded the test re(uirement ma" !e considered as having met provided the crest voltage attained during the test is e(ual to or more than the voltage determined !" E(uation (9) as follows/ Voltage V /CV G9 A W($ S 7.9) S $1X I (A $1)H where /CV $ $1 A V minimum crest voltage in ,$ from Ta!le 2. V specific time to spar,over in sec from Ta!le 2. V actual spar,over time measured in s. V : for BI4 up to ;27 ,$ and 1 for :27 ,$ BI4. (9)

7.0.0 Seismi! tests -or information on the seismic testing see IEEE Std D?: IEEE *ecommended "ractices for 'eismic Design of 'ubstations.

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IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

7.4 R utine tests <outine tests are those tests made to chec, the (ualit" and uniformit" of the wor,manship and the materials used in the manufacture of power apparatus !ushings. Insofar as the !ushing construction allows the tests in the following clauses shall !e made on each !ushing. 7.4.1 Ca%a!itan!e <C1 and C"= measurement Capacitance C9 !etween the !ushing high-voltage conductor and the voltage or test tap shall !e measured at 97 ,$ !efore and after the rated-fre(uenc" withstand tests. Tolerance for accepta!le change is specified in Ta!le D of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. Capacitance C; !etween the voltage tap and grounded flange shall !e measured at 97 ,$ after the rated fre(uenc" voltage withstand test. 7.4.2 P #er "a!t r The power factor !etween the !ushing conductor and the !ushing tap shall !e measured at 97 ,$ !" the &ngrounded Specimen Test (&ST) method !efore and after the rated fre(uenc" withstand voltage test. If specified solid !ushings not e(uipped with taps shall !e tested !" the Crounded Specimen Test (CST) method after the rated fre(uenc" withstand voltage test. 4imits and tolerance of accepta!le change are specified in Ta!le D of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. 7.4.0 Rated "requen!) dr) #it'stand test #it' %artial dis!'ar(e measurements The test shall !e made with the !ushing clean and dr". If the !ushing withstands the specified test voltage and meets the partial discharge limits as specified !elow it shall !e considered to have passed the test. 5artial discharges generated within the !ushing during test shall !e determined !" either <I$ or apparent charge measurement. Ceneral principles and circuits for <I$ measurement are descri!ed in #E>A 97B. A radio noise and fieldstrength meter conforming to A#SI CD:.; shall !e used to measure the <I$ generated !" an" internal partial discharges. The measurement shall !e made on a (uasi-pea, !asis at a nominal fre(uenc" of 9 >3. although an" fre(uenc" from 7.82 >3. to 9.92 >3. ma" !e used to discriminate against local radio station signal interference. <efer to IEEE Std 121F for general recommendations on !oth methods of partial discharge measurement. Ceneral principles and circuit for apparent charge measurement are descri!ed in IEC 5u! D7;B7 (;777-9;) and a particular t"pe of wide-!and measurement is descri!ed in IEEE Std C2B.99:F. >easurements ma" !e made !" using either the !ushing voltage tap or the coupling capacitor method. The following test procedures shall !e used/ >easure <I$ or apparent charge at 9.2 times the rated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage specified !" Ta!le 9 in IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. 5artial discharge limits are specified in Ta!le 2 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. 5erform a 9 minute dr" withstand test at the voltage specified in Ta!le 9 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79. If a flashover occurs outside the insulating envelope the test ma" !e repeated !" restarting the test. If the repeat test also results in a flashover the !ushing shall !e considered to have failed. #o partial discharge measurements are re(uired at this test level. 9D
Cop"right O ;772 IEEE. All rights reserved.

IEEE Std C2B.9?.77-;771 IEEE Standard Ceneral <e(uirements and Test 5rocedures for 5ower Apparatus Bushings

<epeat measurements of <I$ or apparent charge at 9.2 times rated ma)imum line-to-ground voltage. Ta!le 2 of IEEE Std C2B.9?.79 specifies partial discharge limits. At the time this document was revised there were efforts underwa" in IEEE Std C2B.9;.?7F $est Codes for $ransformers, to standardi.e in the use of apparent charge measurements (in picocoulom!s) for transformers. If this re(uirement !ecomes a standard users ma" re(uire that apparent charge measurements (pC) !e done on !ushings in stead of <I$ measurements. 7.4.4 Ta% #it'stand / lta(e A rated fre(uenc" withstand test shall !e applied to or induced at the tap for 9 min with the !ushing mounting flange grounded. $oltage tap shall !e tested at ;7 ,$. Test tap shall !e tested at ; ,$. 7.4.5 Internal %ressure and /a!uum tests An internal pressure test shall !e applied at 917 ,5a (gage) for a minimum of 9 hour and a full vacuum shall !e applied for 9 hour without resultant lea,age. If agreed !etween the purchaser and manufacturer an alternative internal pressure test ma" !e carried out where the !ushing without oil and under the re(uired pressure is su!merged in water for a minimum of 92 minutes. =uring this alternative procedure no evidence of lea,age shall !e visi!le.

Cop"right O ;772 IEEE. All rights reserved.

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