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Software Requirements Analysis (Feasibility Study) Attendance Tracker System

The feasibility study is an evaluation and analysis of the potential of a proposed pro ect which is based on e!tensive investi"ation and research to support the process of decision makin"# The requirements$"atherin" process is intensified and focuses specifically on software# To understand the nature of the pro"ram(s) to be built% the System &n"ineer (developer) must understand the information area for the software% as well as required function% its behavior% performance and other systems it interfaces with# The purpose of feasibility study is not to solve the problem% but to determine whether the problem is worth solvin"# This helps to decide whether to proceed with the pro ect or not# The crucial purpose of this phase is to find the need and to define the problem that has to be solved# Types of Feasibility

Technical Feasibility

The technical feasibility study compares the level of technolo"y available in the software development firm and the level of technolo"y required for the development of the product# 'uman Factor (eople mi"ht not upload the data sheet every day# )et connection may not be available to students% for updates on app# Auto$sync for files and they need to be uploaded every day# *atabase updates cannot be done easily# Attendance for a particular day cannot be checked# Economic Feasibility

The purpose of the economic feasibility assessment is to determine the positive economic benefits to the or"ani+ation that the proposed system will provide# Assumin"% we implement the pro ect on a university scale% we need to rent servers which can cost money# (ro ect implementation can help save time for teachers and save files% folders or paper by keepin" a more permanent record of the attendance of the students and also keep a record for them# Legal feasibility

*etermines whether the proposed system conflicts with le"al requirements% e#"# a data processin" system must comply with the local *ata (rotection Acts# ,o"in and Si"nup details of the students and teachers will be secure# The site may be hacked easily to chan"e attendance for a student# Operational Feasibility

-perational feasibility is a measure of how well a proposed system solves the problems% and takes advanta"e of the opportunities identified durin" scope definition and how it satisfies the requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development# )o more paper or files or folders for storin" attendance data of students# *atabase will keep a more permanent record# Teachers will be able to easily update attendance on .ebkiosk% also "ivin" students to check their attendance throu"h the app% so that they know when to buckle up# Schedule Feasibility

A pro ect will fail if it takes too lon" to be completed before it is useful# Typically this means estimatin" how lon" the system will take to develop% and if it can be completed in a "iven time period usin" some methods like payback period# (ro ect will be completed easily% but sometimes teacher mi"ht not be updatin" a particular day/s attendance% thus creatin" problems# Attendance monitor for students mi"ht not show attendance for a particular date# Cultural feasibility

0n this sta"e% the pro ect1s alternatives are evaluated for their impact on the local and "eneral culture# Assumin"% academic area has complete .i$Fi% teacher can directly take the attendance online% and the file bein" updated automatically% instead of uploadin" the file daily#

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