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Universidad Arturo Michelena Facultad de Humanidades, Letras y Artes Escuela de Idiomas Modernos Perodo I-2014 Composicin y Estilo I (HLI503)

5 Semestre Prof. Noely Hernndez

What is Audience? The term audience is also a fairly loose term. Audience refers to any recipient of communication. Audiences can read, hear, see, or feel different kinds of communication through different kinds of media. Also like authors, audiences are human beings whose particular activities are also affected by their specific backgrounds. Audiences Background The same sorts of factors that affect authors backgrounds also affect audiences individual backgrounds. Most importantly, these factors affect how audiences receive different pieces of communication; what they assume about the author; and the context in which they hear, read, or otherwise appreciate what the author communicates. Purposes Authors and audiences both have a wide range of purposes for communicating. The importance of purpose in rhetorical situations cannot be overstated. It is the varied purposes of a rhetorical situation that determine how an author communicates a text and how audiences receive a text. Rhetorical situations rarely have only one purpose. Authors and audiences tend to bring their own purposes (and often multiple purposes each) to a rhetorical situation, and these purposes may conflict or complement each other depending on the efforts of both authors and audiences. Informative Persuasive to inform to persuade to describe to convince to define to influence to review to argue to notify to recommend to instruct to change to advise to advocate to announce to urge to explain to defend to demonstrate to justify to illustrate to support The Role of Purposes Authors and audiences purposes in communicating determine the basic rationale behind other decisions both authors and audiences make (such as what to write or speak about, or whom to listen to, or what medium to use, or what setting to read in, among others). An authors purpose in communicating could be to instruct, persuade, inform, entertain, educate, startle, excite, sadden, enlighten, punish, console, or many, many others. Like authors, audiences have varied purposes for reading, listening to, or otherwise appreciating pieces of communication. Audiences may seek to be instructed, persuaded, informed, entertained, educated, startled, excited, saddened, enlightened, punished, consoled, or many, many others. Authors and audiences purposes are only limi ted to what authors and audiences want Prof. Noely Hernndez

to accomplish in their moments of communication. There are as many purposes for communicating as there are words to describe those purposes. Source: Classification of texts There is a wide range of criteria to classify the texts as well as several authors with different opinions. However, Arcay and Coss (1996) presented a very pedagogical one classifing the texts according to their form, content and organization. Additionally, this classification was modified by Vazquez (2011) which is presented below.

Natural Paragraph Letter Novel Prose Biography Essay Content Religion Literature Current affairs

Legal Fiction



Scientific Non-prose Graph Diagram Dialogue Dialogic Literary Register Colloquial


Sonnet Poem Poetry Song Nursery rhymes Discourse


Narrative Definition






Comparison/ contrast

Prof. Noely Hernndez

Audience Purpose Kind of texts TEXT 1

"I wandered lonely as a cloud" I WANDERED lonely as a cloud That floats on high o'er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils; Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze. Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance. The waves beside them danced; but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay, In such a jocund company: I gazed--and gazed--but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils.


Prof. Noely Hernndez



Prof. Noely Hernndez

TEXT 5 An Englishman went to Spain on a fishing trip. He hired a Spanish guide to help him find the best fishing spots. Since the Englishman was learning Spanish, he asked the guide to speak to him in Spanish and to correct any mistakes of usage. They were hiking on a mountain trail when a very large, purple and blue fly crossed their path. The Englishmen pointed at the insect with his fishing rod, and said, "Mira el mosca!" The guide, sensing a teaching opportunity, replied, "No, senor, 'la mosca'... es femenina." The Englishman looked at him, then back at the fly, and then said, "Good heavens... you must have incredibly good eyesight." TEXT 6 The Bat and the Weasels A BAT who fell upon the ground and was caught by a Weasel pleaded to be spared his life. The Weasel refused, saying that he was by nature the enemy of all birds. The Bat assured him that he was not a bird, but a mouse, and thus was set free. Shortly afterwards the Bat again fell to the ground and was caught by another Weasel, whom he likewise entreated not to eat him. The Weasel said that he had a special hostility to mice. The Bat assured him that he was not a mouse, but a bat, and thus a second time escaped. It is wise to turn circumstances to good account. Aesops fable TEXT 7 Sexercise benefits People can increase their health and fitness by doing sexercise. It is a new way to exercise but using sex. It has many physical benefits. One of the most important is weight loss. A 30 minute sex session can burn about 150 to 250 calories, besides it is the perfect option for people who do not like to go to the gym. Another physical benefit is muscle toning. People can tone and increase their muscle mass through sexercise practices. Having a healthy diet while increasing the activity level can help people to tighten up and see more muscle definition. Sleep is another benefit. Sexercise helps the body to have adequate rest and increase energy helping people to relax and improve sleep quality. Moreover having sex brings psychological benefits. The practice of sexercise by couples can help them soothe tensions, increasing their emotional bonds which allows them to gain self-esteem, besides their libido is increased by the production of estrogen and testosterone. This makes couples more sexually confidents. Sexercise allows people to have fun while working out. It also has been linked to stress decrease. According to; couples who tend to engage in sexual activity more often tend to be less stress. To summarize, sexercise have many physical and psychological benefits which help people to improve their health. Carmen Prez and Daniel Agudelo, 2012 TEXT 7 Raising houseplants involves nearly as much care and knowledge as raising children. First, like children, plants are sensitive to their environment. A plant will grow faster and be much healthier if it is raised in an environment of tender, loving care, and it is the same to a child; if his parents love and nurture him. A child needs time and energy from his parents to play with him, to talk to him, and to care for him. Then, the owner of houseplants must be willing to provide the best possible care for his plants. The owner of the houseplants must know which of these needs direct sunlight and which needs to be kept in shady places. In like manner, parents must have a basic knowledge of their children's needs in order to provide what it is necessary for their best physical and mental development. Lastly, the owner of houseplants must know how much water each plant requires for the best growth and appearance.

Prof. Noely Hernndez

TEXT 8 Since democracy is government of the people, by the people, and for the people, a democratic form of government is not fixed or static. Democracy is dynamic; it adapts to the wishes and needs of the people. The term democracy derives from the Greek word demos, meaning the common people and kratia, meaning strength or power used to govern or rule. Democracy is based on the notion that majority of the people creates laws and then everyone agrees to abide by those rules in the interest of the common good. In a democracy, people are not ruled by a king, a dictator, or a small group of powerful individuals. Instead, people elect officials who use the power temporarily granted to them to govern the society. TEXT 9 Lowell Thomas in The Boys' Life of Colonel Lawrence On another of these desert journeys Lawrence was captured by a band of Kurd robbers. They took him to their secret refuge, high up on a mountain top. They put him in a hut and left two of their men to guard him, while the rest of the band went off on another expedition. One afternoon the Kurd sentries were separated, one remaining inside with him and the other sitting outside in the sun. It was a very hot day. The Kurds had had their lunch, and the man on the outside had fallen asleep. The other sentry happened to turn his back, and as he did so Lawrence jumped on him and overpowered him. He did this without making enough noise to arouse the second man. Then he went out and disposed of the sleeper. The only approach to this rocky mountain top was up a narrow, winding, precipitous path. Lawrence now had two rifles and plenty of ammunition. Hiding himself at a strategic point, he picked off the rest of the band of robbers as they came up that evening. TEXT 10

TEXT 11 There are thousands of types of snakes in North America, but there are four species that are poisonous. One of those is the Copperhead, a pit viper, widespread throughout the United States, is responsible for most of the venomous bites. They are usually a tan to copper color, but can vary widely based on region. The other type is the coral snake which is the most toxic of the four on this list. Its venom is a powerful neurotoxin, and unless you get prompt snake bite treatment, the bite will shut down your nervous system, your heart will stop beating, and you will likely die. The next one is the Cottonmouth, also called water moccasin, is an aggressively fast, nasty, cranky pit viper with large venom glands. And the last and probably the best known snake in the world, the Rattlesnake is a pit viper found almost everywhere in the United States, and is capable of a deadly bite. Its trademark rattles strikes fear into anyone who hears it.

Prof. Noely Hernndez

Prof. Noely Hernndez

Prof. Noely Hernndez

Prof. Noely Hernndez

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