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APP NOTICE 042814.

wpd HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Notice of Committee Meeting

Committee on Appropriations Will meet at: 9:00 a.m. Date: Monday, April 28, 2014

Location: Committee Room 5 Remarks: HB 1 FANNIN APPROPRIATIONS Provides for the ordinary operating expenses of state government for Fiscal Year 2014-2015 RETI RE MENT/TEACHERS application of certain amounts of foundation program formula funds to unfunded accrued liability of the Retirement System of Louisiana Requires minimum the initial Teachers'

HB 37


HB 44


RETIREMENT/TEACHE RS Requires application of minimum foundation program formula funds to the unfunded accrued liability of the Teachers' Retirement System of Louisiana FUNDS/FUNDING Dedicates state sales tax revenues collected from the furnishing of hotel rooms in Rapides Parish located outside the city of Alexandria to the Rapides Parish Coliseum Fund FUNDS/FUNDING (Constitutional Amendment) Requires that monies received by the state from violations of certain federal and state laws associated with the Deepwater Horizon oil spill be deposited into the Coastal Protection and Restoration Fund TAX/ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE Dedicates a portion of the state excise tax levied on beverages of low alcoholic content to the La. Wounded Warriors Fund FUNDS/FUNDING Dedicates the proceeds of the state sales tax collected on hotel occupancy tax in Grant Parish to the Grant Parish Economic Development Fund PUBLIC CONTRACTS Creates the "Ban the Box for State Contracts Act" which prohibits certain contractors from inquiring about a job applicant's criminal history on a job application ELDERLY (Constitutional Amendment) Creates and provides for a Department of Elderly Affairs

HB 115


HB 148


HB 169


HB 176


HB 217


HB 343


HB 360


ELDERLY Provides for the allocation of appropriations to the office of elderly affairs for the voluntary parish councils on aging FUNDS/FUNDING Prohibits the use of state funds for certain assessments without legislative authority CAPITAL OUTLAY Requires line item appropriations for nongovernmental entities in the capital outlay bill to be listed in a separate schedule and requires the date the application was received to be included in the project title FUNDS/FUNDING Authorizes certain statutorily dedicated funds to be used for special law enforcement initiatives CRIMINAL/VICTIMS Provides relative to human trafficking, trafficking of children for sexual purposes, and commercial sexual exploitation FUNDS/FUNDING Provides for the transfer and deposit of monies among state funds

HB 380


HB 434


HB 726


HB 1025


HB 1026


James R. "Jim" Fannin CHAIRMAN

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