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Fruits that sprout from the tree trunk!

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Plinia cauliflora (of Myrtaceae family) or Brazilian Grape tree is native to outh !merica" nota#ly $araguay" !rgentina an% mainly Brazil. Its fruits can easily #e mistaken with purple grapes an% therefore its name Brazilian Grape &ree. It is commonly calle% 'a#utica#a which have #een %erive% from ('a#uti) meaning tortoise in &upian language an% (*a#a) meaning place. Its height ranges from +, to -. feet.

Image source: /ni0ue thing a#out this tree is that instea% of growing new shoots it flowers %irectly from the woo%y trunk or stem i.e. it #ears flowers (white colore%) an% fruits (purple colore% an% a#out four centimetres in %iameter) on its trunk. Its fruits seem as if they have #een glue% %irectly to the trunk an% the #ig #ranches of the tree which gives an unusual an% %istinctive look to the tree. It has evolve% in this manner so that animals that cannot clim# very high can reach it" eat it an% then e1pel the see%s away from the parent tree so as to help in increasing the population of the tree #y scattering the see%s all over the forest.

Image source: 2aturally the tree may flower an% fruit only once or twice a year" #ut when continuously irrigate% it flowers fre0uently an% fruits can #e availa#le year roun% in tropical regions. $urple" grape like fruits of 'a#utica#a have a very sweet" slightly aromatic" pleasant grape flavour. &he whole fruit is consume% fresh. It is also a popular ingre%ient in 3ams an% 3ellies an% is also 3uice% to make a refreshing summer %rink which is of me%icinal importance as well. It is also use% to make wine an% strong li0uor. Its sun %rie% skins are use% for the treatment of various %iseases such as asthma" hemoptysis (#loo% in cough or mucus)" chronic inflammation of tonsils an% %iarrhea. It is also #elieve% to contain antio1i%ant an% anti4cancer properties. ources:"""" ""

6ructe care cresc %in trunchi %e copac 7 ,- ianuarie ,5+- +,:+5 *ategorie: eterogene 8as9 un comentariu ! : / ! 4

ursa imaginii : *auliflora $linia ( %in familia Myrtaceae ) sau ar#ore %e struguri #razilian este nativ %in !merica %e u% " ;n special ;n $araguay " !rgentina i ;n special Brazilia . 6ructele sale pot fi uor confun%ate cu struguri mov i " prin urmare" numele s9u #razilian %e struguri copac . !cesta este %enumit ;n mo% o#inuit 'a#utica#a care au fost %erivate %in < 'a#uti < ;nseamn9 #roasc9 estoas9 ;n lim#a &upian i < *a#a < ;nseamn9 loc . =n9limea sa variaz9 %e +, 4 -. %e metri . ursa imaginii : 8ucru unic %espre acest copac este c9 ;n loc %e cre tere nou impusca 4l flori %irect %e la port#aga3 woo%y sau stem a%ic9 poart9 flori ( %e culoare al#9 ) i fructe ( violet colorate i %e apro1imativ patru centimetri ;n %iametru )" %e pe trunchiul s9u . 6ructele sale par ca i ;n cazul ;n care acestea au fost lipite %irect la trunchi i ramuri mari %in pomul care %9 un aspect neo#i nuit i %istinctiv la copac . !cesta a evoluat ;n acest mo% " astfel ;nc>t animalele care nu pot urca foarte mare se poate a3unge " m>nca 4l i apoi e1pulza seminele %eparte %e copac 4mam9 " astfel ;nc>t s9 a3ute la cre terea populaiei %e copac %e ;mpr9tiere a seminelor peste tot ;n p9%ure . ursa imaginii : 6irete" copac mai flori i fructe %oar o %at9 sau %e %ou9 ori pe an " %ar atunci c>n% irigate continuu o flori frecvent i fructe pot fi %isponi#ile pe tot parcursul anului ;n regiunile tropicale . ?iolet " struguri " cum ar fi fructele %e 'a#utica#a au un gust foarte %ulce " u or aromat " pl9cut %e struguri . =ntregul fruct se consum9 ;n stare proasp9t9 . @ste " %e asemenea" un ingre%ient popular ;n gemuri i 3eleuri i este " %e asemenea" stoarse pentru a face o #9utur9 r9coritoare %e var9 " care este %e o importan9 me%icinal " %e asemenea . Ae asemenea" este folosit pentru a face vin i lichior tare . oare piei sale uscate sunt folosite pentrutratamentul %iferitelor #oli " cum ar fi astmul " hemoptizie ( s>nge ;n tuse sau mucus ) " inflamaia cronic9 a amig%alelor i %iaree . Ae asemenea" se cre%e c9 ar conine antio1i%ani i propriet9i anti4cancer . urse : " " " " " "

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