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Charles c! Luttrell, Mnister, 2l65 Tenth Avenue, Honolulu, Hax^raii 968I6 Ph 734 8954

Septenibeir 23, 197A

The 18 persons who x^ere present for the T.O.P. meeting a week ago were con cerned about the small number, and the persons who formerly attended but were absent. It was decided that if each per son present would seek to bring one other

Isn't it wonderful to have frineds

you can call on when you need help'

Such a friend is Brother Leo Douglass

who agreed to bring the sermon yesterday when your minister fell prey to the flu

person, our attendance could be doubled.

Phone calls were made, friends-were
contacted to invite them to come to the

Mr. Luttrell felt worse and worse

Saturday, and by mid-afternoon was quite

feverish. He contacted Bro. Douglass who made arrangements to have someone

T.O.P. meeting last night. The atten dance was not only doubled, it was almost tripled. Of course, we must admit that we reached our goal because of the excel lent help xire had from the J-Iaile Church of Christ. 25 youth and sponsors, including theirminlster, Bro. Joe Sholtia and fautily were also present, for a grand total
of 51.

else teach his class, so that he could

be with us.
Brother Leo.

Thanlc you for that message.

Vfa vjere'also pieaoexito haye his xtfife,

Mildred, and their granddaughter, Lisa,


Thanlcs Bev and Shirley for the song service, Mitchell for the lesson, and Leta and Philip for serxdng the refresh ments, and all those who helped. It was a good service, and great to see all the
seats in the auditorixjm taken.


By the time you read this our mis sionary visitors may have gon-s on to
Thailand. Mr. and Mrs. l/arren Exline,

ar.d their four children, Nancy, Karen,

Uarren, and Judy are due to arrive in


Honolulu today at noon, and xd.ll be leaving Thursday afternoon.

Palolo Valley Church was represented at the His Place wrk day Saturday b Julien Storms and our dump truck. V7e hope that more of us can help at a future date.

They are going to Chaingmai to join

in the xirork of establishing a Bible Col

lege there.

We v/ish them Godspeed.


But EVERYONE can pray. Let's do that, too. Then remember, that one-half of our misv^ion offering will be going to His Place, 30 put in an extra offering for them each

Floxvers add a note of beauty to oxir

Let us make it an EXTRA offering though because the church expenses keep going up, and your tithes are needed here,
wOO %

worship services and we appreciate so much those who bring them xvhen they
have them available.

We thank the Nalcamurasfor the lovely

roses for Friday, and the Munesatos for

the orchids on Sxmday.

The most miserable people we have known

have not been those who suffered from ca

tastrophes^which they coxild blame on fate or accident^but those who had everything they wanted, except the povrer to enjoy it. Sunshine Magazine

There are always two sides to a question if we are not involved.


September 30, 1974




FRIDAY, 7 P.M. Bible Study

SUNDAY, 9:30 A.M. Worship 10:30 A.M. Sunday School 7:00 P.M. Evening Service MONDAY, 7:30 P.M. Bible Study

Quite often we hear people say,"I*m .iuGt as good as those who attend church;

ro, why should I go?"

Let me visit with

you for a moment on this subject.

A stranger passing a large mine in Pennsylvania asked a boy why the field

was so full of mules.

"These mules are




worked in the mine during the week," he replied. Then they are brought up into the light on Sunday to keep them from going blind." Do you "come up" on Sunday out of the busy world, up from the struggles and hardsliips of the week to let the light of God*s Word shine into your heart? Or do you spend your Sundays dovm in the mine where you spend your Saturdays, your Mondays, and your Tuesdays?
After a week of failure and fumbling, of missing the mark, of sinning, there is not an experience moreglorious than going to church. After a week of trouble and trial, of worry and anxiety, of disappointment and disillusionment, there is no greater lift than the inti mate assurance strai^t from God*s Word.
After a week of stumbling and groping, there is nothing more refreshing than the time spent worshiping God on Sunday.

Worship Sunday School:


Beg./Pri Mid/Jr






Offering for missions

$21.85 6.75


With all the excitement Sunday ni^t, we for^got to choose the leader for the T.O.P. meeting next Sunday. So Itrs. Luttrell pulled a name out of the box. Guess the name of the honored person

If you are one who feels you can stay

away from church on Sunday (if you are physically able to go), and still go to
heaven, you had better come out of the "mine" for you are already going blind need the Son to give you light.

Do you recognize the name spelled back wards. Be sure to figure it out. It may
be you.
Be sure to be here for a GOOD TH-IE in

the Lord. We hope all those who came yesterday will be back next week. If YOU were unable to have your guest present yesterday, why not invite them for next
week instead.

1. If everyone in the early church had been like me, how far would Christianity
have spread?


Keith and Kent were present Sunday for their last Sunday. They will be moving to the Hilo area next Friday. Vie pray that God will be with them, and they will continue to learn to iove and serve Him. Vie

2. Do other people find in my life evi dence of a great Christian spirit; and seeing me, do they want for themselves the Christ-like qualities that they dis
cover in me?


Out of my own experience, if some-

one asked me how to grain a vital, per

V^ope they will get to come back to visit as, too.

sonal experience of Christ, could I tell


4. Have I found Christianity a way of life which to me seems supremely woirbhYOUTH CUSS

while, and am I doing anything to share

with others this way of life?

The youth class has been studying some of the teachings of world religions during
bho past few weeks. Next week Mark Luttrell will be presenting the lesson on

5. Even though a lot of things in life are very precious, in ny heart do I really think that my relationship i\rith God is the most precious?
Sometimes we think we are being good when we are only being neutral.

There are alvxays two sides to a question

if we are not involved.

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