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through Bertha Dudde 7881

Taking notice of Gods plan of

al!ation ....

The fact that " re!eal #$ plan of al!ation to $ou should %ake $ou realise the significance of the ti%e $ou li!e in. The kno&ledge " con!e$ to $ou in all clarit$ is intended to gi!e $ou an insight into #$ reign and acti!it$' it e(plains to $ou the purpose of $our earthl$ life' the %eaning and purpose of creation .... this kno&ledge is so %o%entous and e(tensi!e that it could not hu%anl$ )e offered to $ou .... such kno&ledge can onl$ )e i%parted to $ou through the &orking of #$ spirit. The light " trans%it to earth can shine e(ceedingl$ )rightl$ and dispel the darkness if $ou hu%ans are recepti!e to it' if $ou allo& $oursel!es to )e i%pressed )$ it as soon as " address $ou .... *nd the reason &h$ " trans%it this e(traordinar$ kno&ledge is )ecause $ou are approaching the end .... "f $ou ha!e )een infor%ed of #$ plan of al!ation $ou &ill also understand that one period of al!ation co%es and %ust co%e to an end' for then $ou &ill onl$ look at e!er$thing fro% the point of !ie& that the fallen spirits %ust )e gi!en e!er$ opportunit$ to start the path of return to #e .... )e it the hu%an )eing or the spiritual su)stances &hich are still )ound in the creations &hich' in their funda%ental su)stance' e%erged fro% #e as a )eing and shall also return to the Fathers house as a )eing again .... ince $ou kno& #$ eternal plan of al!ation $ou &ill also kno& a)out the infinitel$ long process of de!elop%ent &hich the fallen spirits ha!e to tra!el in order to ascend again .... "n that case $ou &ill also %ercifull$ consider those &ho ha!e not $et reached the stage of a hu%an )eing and &hich suffer in their constraints

)ecause the$ originall$ ca%e forth fro% #e as a free spirit .... *nd $ou &ill also kno& that it is due to the hu%an )eings free &ill if he fails during his earthl$ life' and that this free &ill therefore creates his o&n fate .... that his life on earth is un&arranted if he %akes no use of his e%)odi%ent as a hu%an )eing .... +ence $ou can understand that this spiritual )eing forfeits its o&n earthl$ life and that the ter%ination of one period of al!ation is %erel$ an act of lo!e on #$ part' Who also &ants to help the ad!ance%ent of those spirituals su)stances &ho long for their final for% so as to )e a)le to release the%sel!es for good )$ taking the final path across earth as a hu%an )eing .... *nd " infor% $ou hu%ans of #$ plan of al!ation in the last da$s as a special grace )ecause it &ill %ake it easier for $ou to )elie!e in an end once $ou ha!e correctl$ recognised the correlations .... For e!en if a thousand $ears are like a da$ )efore #e .... the last da$ &hich has )een deter%ined for eternit$ &ill ne!ertheless arri!e sooner or later .... *nd then " &ill separate the sheep fro% the goats .... and those &ho are and re%ain faithful to #e &ill )e sa!ed' none of those need )e afraid &hen the earth )egins to tre%)le' for their life &ill )e guaranteed for all eternit$ .... Therefore' understand #$ Words correctl$ and dont dou)t #e and #$ Word' &hich co%es to $ou fro% a)o!e announcing a near end to $ou and &hich &ill fulfil itself )ecause it is the truth .... Those &ho take notice of #$ re!elations should reall$ find it eas$ to )elie!e since $ou are a&are of all the correlations .... For " ha!e re!ealed #$ ,plan of al!ation to $ou' $ou ha!e recei!ed e(traordinar$ kno&ledge to enlighten $ou' so that $ou &ill )e a)le to )elie!e .... -ou cannot persuade #e not to carr$ out #$ plan of al!ation' $ou cannot dela$ the da$ of the end )ecause it has )een predeter%ined for eternit$ .... But e!er$ one of $ou can )elong to those to &ho% " ha!e pro%ised #$ protection if the$ re%ain faithful to #e .... $ou can )elong to the fe& righteous people &ho% #$ ar% &ill protect' &ho% " &ill lift a&a$ fro% earth &hen the hour has co%e &hich signifies the end for all creations on' in and a)o!e the earth ....

For #$ %ight is great' #$ lo!e is infinite and applies to all as $et unredee%ed spiritual )eings' and #$ &isdo% trul$ kno&s &hen the ti%e is right for a necessar$ change if the higher de!elop%ent is to continue in accordance &ith #$ eternal order .... *nd #$ lo!e' &isdo% and %ight &ill constantl$ )e at &ork &hen it concerns the return of all fallen spirits &ho shall co%e ho%e into #$ Fatherl$ house ....


.u)lished )$ friends of ne& re!elations of God / "nfor%ation' do&nload of all translated re!elations' the%e0)ooklets at1 http122&&&.)ertha0dudde.info2english2inde(.ht%l 3 http122en.)ertha0dudde.org2

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